Welcoming Booklet of BRight - 2nd Digital Session of EYP Bulgaria

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"Rights: Equality for everyone"
e l c o m e B R i g h Second
Table of contents Page 1 - Welcoming words from the Head Organizer Page 2 - Welcoming words from the President Page 3 - Welcoming words from the Editress Page 4 - Welcoming words from the Head of Jury 10 Page 6 - General information about digital platforms Page 10 - Session's Committees and their topics Page 13 - Session's Schedule Page 14- Contact information

s from the Head Organizer

Martin Lozanov (BG)

Dear Participants,

It is my outmost pleasure to welcome you on board the Second Bulgarian Digital Session BRight 2022.

Every Session is different because of the different people, different mindsets, and different visions. But there is one aspect that unites all EYP sessions: Your voice will be heard and respected.

Whether you are a first-timer or a “regular”, I hope the Session will help you feel comfortable and confident. Over these last few months, the organizing team has been working hard to design this extraordinary session, but the final touch is still missing; you!

I cannot wait to see this session come to life thanks to your input and I sincerely hope that you will enjoy your time at BRight, to perhaps take on a different role, or fine-tune and sharpen previous skills.

Whatever the case may be, I wish you the absolute best.

Martin Lozanov
Head Organizer of BRight - 2nd Digital Session of EYP Bulgaria.

ords from the President

Dear Delegates,


Park (DE)

It is my greatest pleasure to welcome you to the BRight – the second digital session of EYP Bulgaria and I truly hope that this session will be the perfect beginning or continuation of your path in the European Youth Parliament.

During this session you will meet individuals who will be eager to share their experience, ideas, and knowledge as well as strive to learn from you. My piece of advice is to try to leave your comfort zone and to be open to new experiences as your involvement will make the session even more unique. As this will probably be your first experience with EYP, you will certainly encounter questions regarding the organization, the format of the event, and its participants. Just know that you are always welcome to approach any of the officials as we are here for sharing our experience and knowledge.

As the President of the session, I will be guiding the Academic Team which together with all of you will explore challenging social issues and find possible solutions. We will all get the opportunity to build friendships and overcome distance, to build understanding and overcome differences and to build an environment for us to be able to express ourselves without fear of being judged. I encourage you to actively participate in all the activities and contribute as much as you can. Let’s slay this session together!

Best wishes, Seoyoung Park

President of of BRight - 2nd Digital Session of EYP Bulgaria.


words from the Editress

Eva Kafourou (GR)

My dearests all,

It is my greatest pleasure to welcome you all to BRight, the second digital session of EYP Bulgaria.

On behalf of the Media Team, I want to wish you two little, but important things. Firstly, to learn, expand your horizons and express yourselves during the session. I truly believe that BRight will be a great opportunity for you to become active citizens of Europe, overcome your fears and break down the stereotypes society has unfortunately put on us. You should always remember that if you just sit still and wait for your surroundings to change, you will not see this result. The ones changing the world are us and our actions.

Secondly and for me, the most important, is to create memories. Happy, sad, filled with laughter or some anxiety, memories are these particular thoughts that always pop up in our minds. They might be trillions in our lifetime but we can always count the ones that made a difference. A fun fact is that when people ask me the reason I chose to expand my EYP Journey in Media, I always reply as such: “Because I want participants to remember their every step in EYP through the Media’s output”.

So, create memories. Have fun. Make friendships that might last for your whole life. And please… never forget to be you, that you are unique in your own way and you always deserve the best and nothing more.

I am waiting for you and your smiley faces on November 24th.

Sincerely yours, Eva Kafourou - Editress of BRight - 2nd Digital Session of EYP Bulgaria,


ds from the Head of Jury

Gent Gjylbegu (AL)

Dearest Participants of BRight,

First and foremost, let me tell you that I am thrilled to have YOU join this event. The Officials teams have been working restlessly for the last couple of months to ensure that you can enjoy BRight to the maximum, be it your first or fifth EYP session. I hope that you will be richer in terms of friendships, knowledge and precious memories after this event.I am more than happy and honored to be the Head of Jury for this session, taking on this role and the responsibilities it comes with. A few years ago when I first started I was cluelessly sitting in front of my laptop, still wondering why I joined ‘this whole EYP thing’ after all. Everything seemed much bigger, scarier and more serious to me back then, than it was. For those reasons, my ultimate goal as the Head of Jury for the session is to make sure that you find yourself in a stress-free, non-overwhelming environment.

To me, EYP has always been the place where I could express myself candidly, and have fun while learning from others. I hope this will be the case for all of you during BRight as well. In alignment with the session’s theme “Rights: Equality for Everyone”, we hope to provide a platform for you to speak your minds without angst, and become active citizens of your communities. Although you might not see me or my jury members often during the session, as we will be mainly behind cameras, hoping in and out of your committees, I can promise you the entire Jury Team will do their best to keep an eye on everyone and everything, to stay approachable and open to any energisers you invite us to.


your comfort zones, try out new things and ng BRight. On behalf of the Jury Team, I would like to 2nd Digital Session of EYP Bulgaria!

Gent Gjylbegu

Head of Jury of BRight - 2nd Digital Session of EYP Bulgaria.


mation about digital platforms


In real life sessions, delegates mostly work on sticky notes and boards. However, switching to a digital format during the pandemic required a modern alternative to physical items. Here came the Miro Board - an online platform which allows you to create flowcharts, sticky notes, brainstorm and anything that an EYPer might need during the session.

Step 1: Signing up!

If you have not used Miro before, please make sure that you create an account. This will be the primary way of communication between you and your chair.


Step 2: Gettng around

As mentioned earlier, each chair will create a board for their own committee. This will be your workspace for the entire duration of the session.

Step 3: Using the Miro Board

You can find the stick notes and other utilities on the left corner of your screen.

Tip: Before the session, make sure that you familiarize yourself with digital platforms, so that you do not spend extra time only understanding applications!



Discord will be one of our main communication platforms, where all officials will share important information on various channels. Please stay alert for updates so that you do not miss the joy of the session! Step

1: Download Discord and Sign-Up
download Discord
2: Change your username to "Name Surname (Country Code) Role"
Gulchin Aliyeva (AZ) Organiser
You can
from any browser you like. Step
First go to BRight - 2nd Digital Session
EYP Bulgaria channel and click on the upper-right triangle.

2. Next click on the "Edit server profile" and change your nickname

Now you are free to browse the channels. Please pay specific attention to the “Announcement” channel to stay informed about the conference. Do not forget to follow the rules provided by the Head Organiser on Discord. Moreover, there are fun channels where you can chill with your friends and spice up the session even more: make memes, interact with other people, ask questions to bots!


Please upload Zoom before the session starts from a browser and sign up if you have not done so yet. All of our meetings will be held on Zoom, so please check Discord for session links

Keep in mind that not all of the session elements will have the same link, so you will have to join a different link each time.

Also make sure to change your name to the above mentioned format.


Committees and their topics

DROI I - Climate refugees: In 2020, 30,7 million people were displaced from their homes due to environmental catastrophes. Taking into consideration the increasing rate of climate catastrophes, how can the EU support existing climate refugees while preventing the situation from further worsening?

DROI II - My new home: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has resulted in the largest refugee migration in Europe since World War II, estimated by UNHCR at 6,3 million persons. What measures should the EU take to handle the growing wave of refugees whilst reducing gaps in acceptance and treatment of all asylum seekers?

FEMM I - #NotForSale: Sex trafficking is the most commonly reported form of human trafficking in the European Union and a form of gender based violence that disproportionately affects women. According to a 2018 European Commission publication, 95% of EU registered sex trafficking victims are women or girls. How can European countries fight this form of violence against women?

FEMM II - Period poverty: Many EU nations still charge the same value added tax on menstrual products as they do on luxury items, forcing one in ten of those in need to face "period poverty”. Keeping in mind the essentiality of menstrual products, what can the EU do to address this issue?


Committees and their topics

CRIM - Dirty Money: A recent Eurobarometer poll has shown that corruption remains a serious concern for EU citizens, 68% believing that corruption is still widespread in their country and only 31% thinking their national government’s efforts to combat corruption are effective. Keeping in mind the necessity of transparency and trust in national governments to sustain the integrity of our democratic systems, what should the EU do in order to fight rising corruption rates in the EU, whilst simultaneously regaining its citizens’ trust?

ECON - Living from wage to wage: The European Parliament recently approved an EU Directive on minimum wage aimed at guaranteeing “decent” minimum wages for workers. While facing heavy criticism from Denmark and Sweden, and the directive leaving space for Member States to calculate their own minimum wage, what else can the EU do to ensure adequate salaries?

ENVI - Living in a big, fat, plastic world: Bearing in mind that microplastic pollution of waterways and oceans can be incredibly harmful to the environment and animal health, how should the EU address the problem of microplastic pollution in order to safeguard the health of its citizens and species?

JURI - Dancing on the fine line: The distinction between civil union and marriage is not just religious, but comes with legal and functional disparities. With the Slovenian Supreme Court recognising the right to same sex marriages and Montenegro permitting life partnerships, how can the EU ensure full legal protection for same sex couples?


Committees and their topics

CULT - Facing all 50 shades of our past: Many European countries focus on promoting the positive aspects of their history whilst neglecting their most critical legacies. What concrete steps can be taken at both European and national level to improve public recognition of those who have suffered from oppression, colonisation and crimes against humanity

IMCO - Invisible money: The extremely volatile markets of cryptocurrencies have attracted investors who treat them as a commodity, hoping to take advantage of the sometimes exponential increases in value that some popular cryptocurrencies experience. However, as a new field which is mostly unlegislated for, market manipulation tactics, investment scams and theft have become common. What policy should the EU adopt to protect consumers and investors in this emerging market?


ontact information

Martin Lozanov - Head Organizer

Email: m.lozanov23@acsbg.org Phone number: (+35) 9895525859

Seoyoung Park - President Eva Kafourou - Editress

Email: s0430park@gmail.com Phone number: (+49) 15205313077

Email: evakafourou23@gmail.com Phone number: (+30) 6972517474

Gent Gjylbegu

- Head of Jury

Email: gentxgjylbegu@gmail.com Phone number: (+35) 5685157480

Maria Nikolova Kushleva - NC

Email: mimikushleva@gmail.com


Phone number: (+35) 9878783639

t forget to follow us EYP Bulgaria's Facebook & Instagram Page BRight's Instagram Page 15 See you soon!
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