Euro Weekly News - Costa Blanca South 17 - 23 December 2015 Issue 1589

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ISSUE NO. 1589

17 - 23 December 2015



Rajoy rallies thirst for real change ELECTION fever grips Orihuela By Gemma Quinn Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has been in Orihuela at a rally ahead of the elections on December 20. He is standing for re-election and has declared he wants to “win and govern and not for a tripartite.” The Euro Weekly News was present as Rajoy arrived in Orihuela to a welcome fit for royalty or any A-list celebrity. More than 2,000 supporters and members of his Partido Popular (PP) party gathered in the Glorieta de Gabriel Miro as the prime minister arrived, almost an hour later than scheduled, to rapturous applause. Following speeches by the mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, Foreign Minister and candidate for Congress, José Manuel García-Margallo, Provincial President of the PP, José Ciscart, and Regional President Isabel Bonig, Rajoy took to the stage and highlighted the party’s vast history and his own experience to garner support and votes, compared to

those who “have been around for 15 minutes.” He recalled the difficult situation the country faced in 2011 and the changes he had brought about that have seen new jobs created and the economy start to grow again. Turn to Page 5


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South

NEWS Photo by Fife, Flickr



Fraud pair held A MARRIED couple have been arrested in the Murcia hamlet of Sangonera la Seca accused of crimes of fraud. They are alleged to have used the identities of others and bank accounts from

charities to obtain phone lines and electronic products purchased online. After receiving the goods they were then put up for sale on secondhand selling sites.

TB tests at uni STUDENTS from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Murcia (UMU) are being tested for tuberculosis. It comes after a third-year student was diagnosed with the disease and fellow students are now being informed and tested. The Director General of Public Health assured students there was no cause for alarm and that they were simply following the usual protocols.

Minute’s silence NATIONAL Police agents in Murcia, along with politicians and citizens representatives, held a minute’s silence in honour of the two officers killed in Kabul in a Taliban attack on the Spanish Embassy in the Afghan capital. The ceremony was held at the police station in Murcia and attended by Regional President Pedro Antonio Sanchez.

Reminder WE would just like to remind our advertisers of our upcoming 2015 festive deadlines: Kindly ensure you send us the necessary material for the January 7 edition (1592) no later than Monday December 21.

agency Cv-m-700A

TABARCA: The island is now back to its pre-1999 appearance.

Illegal Tabarca homes finally demolished OWNERS claiming compensation of €2.5 million By Linda Hall WHAT remained of the terrace of six illegal homes on Tabarca Island has been reduced to rubble. The properties were demolished after the Valencia Region’s Upper Court of Justice (TSJ) ruled that they were illegal. The rubble will now be taken to

Santa Pola on the mainland and then to a landfill site inland. The owners first applied for planning permission to Alicante City Hall in 1999 and were subsequently given the go-ahead by the regional government. The TSJ ruled that the properties infringed the Coastal Law and declared Book online or call us direct on (0034) 966 785 910

them illegal in 2003. This was upheld by the Supreme Court in 2009 and the owners now want €2.5 million in compensation, arguing that the TSJ decision was against the Generalitat, not themselves. They had purchased the properties with planning permission and certificates of occupancy, they pointed out.

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17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South


Universal women’s suffrage ANOTHER breakthrough means women can stand for election in Saudi Arabia



Merry Christmas NEXT week all our readers will be getting an early Christmas present - the Euro Weekly News is hitting the streets a day early. It will be out on Wednesday, December 23.

Prostitute rise More reported A REPORT by Doctors of the World charity reveals the economic crisis has exacerbated the situation of prostitution. They reported there are around 10,000 women in prostitution in Valencia Region.

Postal votes For national elections OVER 30,000 applications for postal votes have been registered in the Valencia Region ahead of the national elections on Sunday December 20, with 22,951 of those in Alicante Province.

Top toys More demanded

ELECTION: Afghan women stand in line to place their vote. By John Smith THE news that women were to be allowed to stand for election and to vote in the Saudi Arabian municipal elections saw yet another breakthrough for women’s rights, even though they were required to address audiences from behind a screen, or employ a man to make the speech on their behalf. Although the Isle of Man granted limited voting rights to women in 1881, New Zealand was the first ‘country’ to grant rights to women in 1893 and today, the only country in the world which does not allow women to vote is the Vatican City, although that is explained by the fact that only Cardinals can vote there and they are all men.

978 is the number of women who stood in the Saudi Arabia municipal elections held on December 12

Despite the well publicised release of the film Suffragette this year and the well documented history of the fight for votes by women in the UK, it was only in 1928 that full emancipation was

First female PM granted to women, although this was earlier than Spain where the vote was given in 1931. A number of leftist women were oppos e d to gra nting w ome n the vote as they argued that Spanish women were insufficiently well educated to understand politics, and therefore would be influenced by the church to vote for parties of the right. To some extent, their fears may have been reasonable as in 1933, the first year in which women could vote, a right wing party was indeed returned. Amazingly, women in Switzerland were not allowed to vote in national elections until 1971 and in Liechtenstein they were only granted the vote in 1984.

Perhaps even in Spain

Hit man case

THE first-ever female Prime Minister was Sirimavo Bandaranaike of Sri Lanka party in 1960. Since then there have been a number of female heads of state in many countries, although not as yet in Spain where rumours suggest Soraya Saenz de Santamaria might be more acceptable to coalition partners than Rajoy.

Woman owns up

Quote of the Week I have just voted for the first time in my life! It feels amazing to know that I have a voice and it matters. Amal Faisal, a woman tweeting after voting for the first time in the Saudi Arabian election

Mediterranean corridor vital for revitalisation PRESIDENT of the Popular Party of Valencia, Isabel Bonig, has said that the Mediterranean Corridor is a project of state and all efforts are needed to make it happen. She said it is about “giving back to the future

and the interests of all Spaniards.” Bonig has been in Alicante in an act of support for the Mediterranean Corridor project which also involved the president of the PP in the Province

of Alicante, Jose Ciscar, President of the Region of Murcia, Pedro Sanchez, and the President of the PP in Andalucia, Juanma Moreno. “Only the PP has believed in this project, because only we

TOY makers in Alicante Province said good performance in the domestic market and exports has seen turnover of the toy companies increase from 6-7 per cent this year.

understood from the unity and solidarity of Spain. In this infrastructure the PP has invested €5 billion; €1.2 billion in the region, and we cannot risk having others want to stop as they did in the past,” said Bonig.

The regional party president said the Corridor “is vital for revitalisation of the various economic and industrial sectors of three of the largest urban areas of our country, Barcelona, Valencia and Malaga.”

A WOMAN has admitted in court that she had two police officers in Benidorm followed, who participated in the removal of her children from her care, and even offered €15,000 to a hit man to have them killed.

Visit off Due to attack KING Felipe cancelled his visit to Murcia this week to attend the funeral service in honour of the two Spanish police officers killed in Kabul in a terrorist attack.

Train death Beetles responsible MORE than 15,000 pine trees have disappeared from the Sierra de Redován in the last month; trees that have succumbed to the plague of Tomicus destruens pine beetle bug. All dead species have now been removed.


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South

News Desk 40

Industrial drug lab is uncovered

Russian Press 43

COORDINATED arrests in Spain, UK and Dubai

INDEX News 1 - 39

Featured News 3

Finance 45 - 50

Stocks 46

Leapy Lee 51

Our View 53

Colin Bird 53

Daily TV 54, 56, 58, 60,

62, 64, 66 COCAINE SEIZED: Drug arrived in Valencia disguised as sacks of charcoal.

Letters 55 By Gemma Quinn

Time Out 67 - 70

Cassandra Nash 71

Legally Speaking 72

Health & Beauty 74 - 77

Social Scene 78 - 83

Property 84 - 87

Homes & Gardens 88 - 89

Pets 90

Services 91 - 97

Classifieds 98 - 100

Motoring 101 - 102

Sport 103

AN international multi-agency operation has led to 11 arrests, the seizure of 1.5 tonnes of cocaine and the shut down of an industrial-sized drug production lab. Acting on intelligence from the National Crime Agency (NCA), officers from the Spanish National Police searched a shipping container from Colombia which

arrived in the Port of Valencia. The container appeared to be loaded with sacks of charcoal on wooden pallets, but forensic examination found the pallets were made of compressed cocaine powder made to look like wood, and some of the sacks contained cocaine disguised as charcoal. Coordinated strikes led to arrests being made in the UK and Dubai. Another five

men, two Colombians, two Peruvians and a Spaniard, were detained at an industrial unit in Chiva, Valencia, following the delivery of a dummy consignment of charcoal. Greg McKenna, NCA Regional Head of Investigations, said: “This seizure of cocaine, the shutting down of the lab and the 11 arrests will have disrupted criminal activity across the whole of Europe.�



17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South

Rajoy in Orihuela From Front Page

Addressing the crowd in one of the areas of Spain which suffers most from the lack of water, Rajoy said he knew the problems and pledged to work to resolve this situation: “I assure you that I will do everything I possibly can to finally resolve an issue that has for years remained unsolved,” he said. Rajoy also expressed his commitment to infrastructure in Southern Alicante, including the AVE high-speed train link to Murcia, which will be completed soon, and the Mediterranean Corridor. The prime minister concluded by saying the PP offered Spain “certainty, security, serenity and solvency.” Rajoy was due to walk along Calle Calderón de la Barca to Hotel Thudemir but this was cancelled, as was a later rally in Murcia, following the deaths of two Spanish policemen during an attack on the Spanish embassy in Kabul.

Asking price to go up for film studios GOVERNMENT wants more money from auction

CUIDAD DE LA LUZ: Valencian Government wants price to rise to €40-50 million. THE Valencian Government has asked the European Commission to raise the asking price of the Ciudad de la Luz film studios in Alicante from €19 million to €40-50 million. An auction is due to take place in the coming months for the complex and in a draft statement about the auction, Valencian President, Ximo Puig, said he “wants to increase

the figure to recover investment.” As well as the cost, the government said essentially they want to ensure a future for the Ciudad de la Luz. He stressed when he took office it was to be sold for €19 million but wants to increase the price as it originally cost almost €400 million, of which around €200 million is to be paid back in loans.




E W N 17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South


Emergency services on Orihuela Costa lacking PROTEST over the abandoned emergency services centre By Gemma Quinn OVER 120 people turned out to protest the non-completion of the Emergency Services Centre in Orihuela Costa. The rally took place in front of the skeleton of the building where the foundation stone was laid in 2010 and the partly completed building has stood for years neglected and abandoned. CLARO political party organised the protest and many other political parties and representatives of associations and social groups attended, including councillor Sofia Alvarez. The protesters were told of several regrettable recent instances where ambulances have either not arrived at all or after delays of 40 minutes. The consequences of these delays have been traumatic for those involved and even fatal, with ambulances coming from Orihuela City. In principle, there should be an ambulance stationed in Cabo Roig, but it is very often not there and the night service was withdrawn years ago. The fire brigade serving Orihuela Costa

PROTEST RALLY: Calls for the emergency services centre to be completed. is based in Torrevieja and it too is subject to delays since the fire crews are not familiar with the sprawling geography of ever expanding Orihuela Costa and cannot find their destination. There is no 24-hour Local Police station in Orihuela Costa and after 3pm when the Playa Flamenca office of the

town hall closes its doors, the police service is provided by a patrol car with a mobile telephone number. CLARO President Paul Piccio said if the ratio of Local Police to population was respected in Orihuela Costa, the number of Local Police should be doubled in number.


Murcia records its highest rate of organ donation THIS year has seen more donations and transplants By Gemma Quinn THE Murcia Region has achieved the highest rate of organ donation in its history. Since January this year, 310 transplants have been performed, compared to the 299 carried out last year. This year there have been 61 multi-organ donors, 11 donors more than in 2014. This increase has occurred mainly as a result of the implementation of the donation programme after cardiac death, saving lives with the bodies of people who die in intensive care units: “The heart-beating donation programme is behind the increase registered in the region, and also in the rest of Spain,” emphasised Paul Ramirez, regional transplant coordinator. Donation after cardiac death is carried out, in most cases, in people with severe brain damage who are being maintained

on life support. If the family decides to withdraw mechanical ventilation, transplant coordinators raise the possibility of organ donation. In the Murcia Region, the Arrixaca Hospital coordinates heart transplants and has carried out 11 this year, compared to nine last year. There has also been an increase in liver transplants. The record number of donations (61 so far this year) has allowed 55 liver transplants, 16 more than last year. There has also been a notable increase in kidney transplants, from 54 to 64 interventions. The Director General of Public Health, Manuel Molina Boix, notes there have been “key tasks to continue to raise awareness about the importance of donation and the implementation of different programmes.” Furthermore, the Murcia Health Service has also joined the national kidney crossover transplant programme.

17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South




E W N 17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South


Former mayor gets 17 months in jail San Fulgencio’s Trinidad Martinez guilty of planning infringements

SPORTS RESORT: Development has landed former mayor, councillors and technicians with jail sentences. By Gemma Quinn FORMER Mayor of San Fulgencio Trinidad Martinez has been found guilty of allowing construction of properties on a plot earmarked for sports. Two other councillors and three technicians have also been found guilty. Martinez (PSOE) has been sentenced to 17 months in prison for a crime against

planning with Jose Mora sentenced to 16 months. Mariano Martin has been given eight months, with Jose Angel Varo and Jose Antonio Bernabeu also receiving eight months and Francisco Ballester four. The case dates back to 2000 when Johannes Lodewijk Niessen presented a project to the town hall for the construction of sports accommodation on Calle Lisboa and Justo Antonio Quesada in Urbanisation La

Marina. It had earlier been declared that the land must have a predominant use “for private installations and sports facilities.” However, despite the General Plan stating that so-called sports accommodation was to be a “complementary activity next to the proper use of sports,” town hall officials later signed off the plans, which included the construction of the 110 apartment units over two floors.


17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South

Tram in dummy run for to assess bomb-on-board procedures PROTECTION plan systems put into practice and evaluated

EMERGENCY procedures were rolled out after a backpack was found on an Alicante City tram. The driver pulled into the La Marina station and informed the command post that a passenger had warned him of the existence of a suspicious backpack under a seat inside the tram. From that moment, all protocols were activated to report the incident and act accordingly and in co-ordination with other organisations providing aid and assistance in such situations. However, there was no mass panic and the situation was less serious than it appeared because this was a dry run for what would happen if the worst were ever to occur and the abandoned backpack had contained a bomb.

Photo by Pixelat.

By Linda Hall

TRAM BOMB: Alicante ran a simulation to assess its emergency protocols.

The training exercise was organised by the Valencia Region’s rail operator Ferrocarriles de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) and was devised to check the tram’s Protection Plan procedures and evaluate their efficiency in coordinating the groups involved in an emergency situation, said an FGV spokesman. As well as FGV personnel, firemen took part in the drill, together with the Generalitat’s Emergency Co-ordination Centre and the Emergency Information and Emergency Co-ordination Centre as well as the local, autonomous and national police forces. Security guards, the Emergency Health Centre, Protection Civil’s Technical Department and City Hall’s Emergency Management service played a part in the fictional emergency.

More than 100 people participated in the exercise, which included the National Police’s canine unit and bomb disposal experts. Security headquarters organise regular visits to facilities and simulation practices of various incidents in different parts of the FGV network, to ensure everyone is familiar with the procedures should an emergency situation ever occur.




E W N 17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South

Valencia may set up a working group on the Volkswagen fraud THE Valencian Government is considering setting up a working group on the Volkswagen fraud relating to greenhouse gas emissions. The Department of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sector, Trade and Labour will consider forming the group to guarantee the rights of consumers. The government has contacted Trade and Consumer Affairs and said it is looking at measures ‘depending on developments.’ It would also work to advise and inform consumers, so they can check

if their vehicle is affected and ensure consumer information and care services to citizens of the Region. Back in September it was revealed that Volkswagen was cheating emissions tests in the USA. Volkswagen later admitted that it was a worldwide situation and around eight million cars in Europe were also fitted with the so-called ‘defeat device’ in diesel engines that could detect when they were being tested and change the performance to improve results.


Record-breaking month ALICANTE-ELCHE airport has its busiest November ever By Gemma Quinn THE Alicante-Elche airport registered the best November in its history with 645,521 passengers, up 9.3 per cent over the same month last year. The Spanish Airports and Air Navigation (Aena), which manages the airport, said: “This figure exceeds pre-crisis records,” with the previous strong November being reported to have taken place in 2007. So far this year, until the end of November, the airport has seen 9,966,241 travellers, just short of the 10 million it is expected to exceed by the end of the year. I n t e r n a t i o n a l t r a ff i c o f commercial flights also posted the best November since the inauguration of the airport, up 11 per cent compared to 2014, with 557,785 passengers, while

SUCCESS: Alicante-Elche airport continues to attract passengers, with those form the UK being more prevalent. domestic travellers accounted for 87,236, a decrease compared to last year with 0.9 per cent. Passengers visiting from the UK were the most prevalent in November with 264,169, followed by Ger-

many, with 49,579. Alicante-Elche airport handled 4,882 flights, 7.6 per cent more than in the same month last year. So far this year there have been 69,238 flights, 2.6 per cent more than in

the same months of 2014. In the area of cargo, the airport recorded 436 tonnes of goods transported through its facilities last N o v e m b e r, d o u b l e t h e amount compared to the same month last year.


17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South



Warning Ahead Of Common Reporting Standard Starting in January 2016, more than 90 jurisdictions will begin to collect the financial details of investments and assets owned by non-residents. The data will then be shared with the owner’s country of residence. This new automatic global exchange of information, under the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), will provide information that the tax authorities in participating countries, including Spain and the UK, can use to catch tax evaders. In the UK, the Chancellor announced in his Autumn Statement that HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) will receive £800m to fund additional work to tackle evasion and non-compliance by 2020-21. David Gauke, Financial Secretary to the Treasury, then launched a press campaign warning those hiding assets offshore that “the net is closing in on offshore tax evaders” and “come to us before we come to you.” Those who evade tax in the UK face tougher financial and criminal sanctions. The government has committed to raising an additional

By Gerald Turner, Partner, Blevins Franks £5bn a year by 2019-20 from cracking down on tax evasion, noncompliance, aggressive tax planning and imbalances in the system. This affects everyone who has financial assets outside their country of residence, such as bank accounts and investments, property, trusts, etc, including those who have received an offshore account as an inheritance. Harsher UK penalties The 2015 UK Finance Act introduced a penalty of 100% of

the tax due for non-compliance involving a jurisdiction that has signed up to the CRS; this is expected to apply from April 2016. For non-transparent jurisdictions the penalty remains 200%. There is also an aggravated penalty – “Offshore Assets Moves Penalty” – for moving hidden funds to circumvent exchange of information. The Autumn Statement confirmed that the government will introduce a new “strict liability” criminal offence for offshore tax evasion - it will not need to prove that the taxpayer intended to evade tax, simply that they had undeclared offshore assets. There will also be tougher civil penalties for offshore tax evasion. End of Liechtenstein Disclosure Facility The Liechtenstein Disclosure Facility opened in 2009 and allows UK residents to disclose unpaid tax liabilities under favourable conditions, such as reduced

penalties and immunity from prosecution for tax-related offences. It is closing at the end of 2015, earlier than previously planned, ahead of the start of the Common Reporting Standard. Technological advances To help process the vast amounts of information that will be exchanged between countries under the CRS, the UK government has invested £4m in new technology. Part of the money has gone towards HMRC’s Connect programme that captures and connects billions of items of data around taxpayers. It allows the taxman to uncover hidden relationships between people, organisations and data. It allows HMRC access to files held by banks and other financial institutions in British overseas territories, exposing undeclared income and gains arising from overseas assets and investments. From 2017, it gains access to data in a further 90 countries. HMRC has also reportedly

increased the number of staff working in its Affluent Unit by 54% in the past two years. The unit investigates taxpayers with income of over £150,000 and is alerted by a number of factors, including possession of offshore property and/or bank accounts. Cross-border asset management and tax planning can be a minefield. You could be failing in your tax obligations, or paying more tax than necessary. Everyone needs to ensure their tax planning is legal and compliant. Note that although the first reporting under the Common Reporting Standard takes place in 2017, it reports on calendar year 2016. There are effective, compliant arrangements available in both Spain and the UK, but you should take personalised specialist advice to ensure you get it right. To keep in touch with the latest developments in the offshore world, check out the latest news on our website

E W N 17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South


Path danger RESIDENTS have denounced a sunken part of the pavement in Alicante’s Florida Portazgo. They said people are continually tripping up over the uneven path and fear a more serious accident could happen.

No posters THE Ciudadanos political party has denounced the appearance of election posters stuck on lamp posts and litter bins in Alicante. According to Ciudadanos, the ordinance prohibits gluing posters in these areas.

Park repairs CREVILLENT has responded to neighbour’s requests and is repairing the children's play park in Ronda Sur that was damaged by rain. More than 30 trees will also be planted and an irrigation system installed.

Alicante town hall set to buy homes for social rents HOUSES will be evenly distributed amongst the districts By Gemma Quinn FIVE banks and financial institutions (Sabadell, BBVA, Liberbank, Credit Union Real Estate and Abanca) aim to sell 41 homes to Alicante Town Hall for the local administration to destine them to social rents. The Housing Board is now looking at the properties with a view to purchasing 35 of them, for a total amount of €750,000 with the average price of each property not exceeding €30,000. The Housing Board, as well as assessing the conditions of the homes, is also looking at the location to ensure that there is a balanced distribution amongst the districts. The process must end before December 31, as the destined money must be used before the New Year.

SOCIAL RENTS: Alicante town hall to purchase homes across the city.


Urgent cash for lifts

Photo by Francisco Martins, Flickr.


MONEY has been assigned to fix broken lifts in Alicante’s General Hospital. The Department of Health has approved an urgent consignment of €470,000 to fix the lifts. Five remained broken for months affecting the functioning of the hospital, with delays in operations and problems getting patients to their rooms when porters needed to use lifts. The work is due to be tendered shortly and the Ministry of Health has not ruled out more funding may be forthcoming “since we are receiving and considering requests for urgent needs of all health departments,” said Carmen Monton from the Ministry of Health. The money to fix the lifts comes after recent flooding from broken pipes that caused parts of the intensive care unit to be evacuated.


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South


CASINO CHANGE: Out with the old facade and in with the new.

A makeover for Alicante Port NEW signs for casino and carousel to be moved By Gemma Quinn THE Casino Mediterraneo in Alicante has presented the plans for its new facade. It comes after the casino was ordered to remove its bright and colourful signs and lightings. Mayor Gabriel Echavarri said the plans are now “more in line with the environment.” Work would take around six weeks on the casi-

no once the licence is issued. The mayor also announced his intention to install a new tourist office in the port area, which would require the removal of the carousel. The town hall is now studying the contract to see when renewal is due and to look at where else it could be moved to. The tourist office would be a project for 2016 and include a grant of €350,000 from the Consell.


17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South

The key to a happy life in Spain INTEGRATION is an important aspect

GOING NATIVE: Speaking Spanish and enjoying the local cuisine. By Gemma Quinn SOME of the secrets to living happily in Spain have been revealed in a new survey by the British Embassy on how expatriates adjust to a life in the sun. Integration into the Spanish way of life is the key, the survey revealed. More than half of the British residents who responded to the survey, said they speak Spanish regularly with friends and neighbours, enjoy Spanish food, use the Spanish healthcare system and employ Spanish tradespeople. The adjective ‘happy’ is the word that they most commonly use to describe their lives in Spain, followed by ‘relaxed’ and ‘content’. But some Brits admitted to getting by without learning Spanish or registering on the padron, and fail to make Span-

ish friends or keep up with Spanish news and politics, all things that appear to help others get more out of living in Spain. Almost 1,600 people responded to the British Embassy’s ‘Integrometer’ online survey into levels of resident integration. Two-thirds live in Andalucia or the Valencia Region, where there are some high concentrations of British residents and integration is often low. Commenting on the survey, British ambassador Simon Manley said: “It’s great to see so many Brits saying they are happy and content in Spain as a result of their efforts to integrate into local life. I would definitely urge others to follow their example. If you are settling here, the first and most important thing to do is to register on the padron. That way you

can access the health and social services you may need now or in future. If you fail to register, then you can’t expect support from the Spanish system later. Some of the most tragic cases that we see in our Consulates are the consequences of people having moved to Spain, often years earlier, but not signing up on the padron or integrating into their local Spanish communities.”



E W N 17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South


Knock out A MAN was taken to hospital after an accidental fall on the Paseo de Garay, near Murcia’s Palace of Justice. The man, i n h i s 3 0 ’s, w as knocked unconscious.

Xmas flights VUELING has launched 45,000 seats available from Alicante-Elche airport to Ibiza, Santander, Tenerife, Milan and Nantes with prices from just €49.99 for flights between December 18-January 11.

Well done ALICANTE’S Vectalia group has been awarded ‘Company of the Year ’ for Urban Transport for excellence in tr ansp o rt a t i o n b y th e Subu s C a c e re s ma g a zine.


More children are being treated for anxiety and depression CASES have risen 40 per cent in the province of Alicante since 2009 By Gemma Quinn

Photo Credit kawanet wikimedia.


CASES of depression and anxiety in youngsters under the age of 18 is continuing to increase in the province of Alicante.

415 minors were treated specifically for depression The Children’s Mental Health Units have attended in the past year 40 per cent more cases of anxiety than in 2009. Around 3,400 children received assistance last year in any of the 11 units of Child Mental Health that are scattered throughout the province of Alicante, as reported by the Department of Universal Health, with 415 minors being treated specifically for depression; an increase of 26 per cent compared to 2009.

CHILDHOOD DEPRESSION: Cases have risen in Alicante province. In the case of anxiety, children as young as six are being treated, with 85 children receiving help and treatment last year in the province.

This increase coincides with the years of the greatest impact of the economic crisis, with psychologists and psychiatrists saying this is a fac-

tor in leading to anxiety and distress in youngsters, picking up on their parent’s concerns or going from having everything to potentially losing everything and radically changing their way of life. However, Elvira Vicente, head of the Psychiatry Department at the Hospital de Sant Joan in Alicante, said the problem is “not due to a single cause.” One of these factors, Elvira believes, “is the total absence of limits,” so children do not know what to do with frustration. Clinical psychologist at a Children’s Mental Health Unit, Jose Joaquin Nogueroles, believes children can be over-protected now which later leads to depression and anxiety: “For example, the theme of death has almost completely disappeared from the lives of children to the point that there are adolescents over 15 years who are convinced that their parents will never die. They have expectations about life which are completely distorted.”


17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South



Local hospitals in transplant chain NINE hospitals from across Spain are involved in the kidney transplant chain ALICANTE General Hospital and Valencia’s La Fe have taken part in three cross kidney transplants in the last two weeks. The chain of transplants has involved a total of nine hospitals throughout Spain. La Fe has participated in two of the three transplants and Alicante General in one. This donation model arises when a patient requires a kidney transplant and a family donor is incompatible with them but is suitable to donate the kidney to another patient who needs a transplant in another hospital in Spain. In that case, a donor exchange between two partners occurs. This situation has occurred three times between the Alicante and Valencia hospitals in the last few weeks. In each case extraction of the kidney from the donors was carried out simultaneously in


By Gemma Quinn

TRANSPLANTS: 242 kidney transplants have been carried out in Valencia so far this year. all the hospitals involved. All donors and recipients have now been discharged from

hospital and are reported to be recovering well. The number of kidney dona-

tions from living donors is growing in Spain, particularly when there is a shortage of or-

gans. Kidney transplantation is the best option for patients with advanced chronic renal failure,

a disease that currently affects about 5,000 patients in the Valencia Region, and around 40,000 in Spain. “Living donation is a technique that is becoming increasingly more important in kidney transplantation,” said Doctor Juan Galan, Transplant Coordinator at Hospital La Fe: “Usually, if the patient is compliant as a candidate to be a donor, it is removed and implanted in the receiver at the same time. However, “in some cases, patient and family are incompatible but the donor could be compatible with another donor whose family is also not compatible and is in the same situation and we can make the crossing of donors.” In Valencia, since 1979, 5,411 kidney transplants have been carried out, of which 156 were from living donors. During 2015, up to November there have been 242 kidney transplants, with 22 living donors.


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South

Man on hunger strike for justice A MAN from Santa Pola has gone on hunger strike to bring attention to failures in the justice system and to highlight the slowness of the system. He has been camped out at the door of the courts with a handwritten sign, a collection of medication he takes daily and the documents he wants reviewing. The man was left in a wheelchair following a car accident and wants his case relating to unfair dismissal from his job reviewed as well as his need to receive a disability pension. Currently he receives a pension of €393 a month, but spends €250 on rent and €40 on medication before water and electricity bills.


Ecologists call Linea Directa explain for river to be - What is public cleaned up liability in regard to Advertising feature

LANDFILL waste building up By Gemma Quinn A COMPLAINT has been issued to SEPRONA, the environmental department of the Guardia Civil, against the ‘continuous and repeated dumping of rubbish’ in the meander of the riverbed of the Segura River by the Marjal camp-site, Guardamar. The Association of Friends of the Wetlands South of Alicante (SAHA) presented their complaint to SEPRONA, saying the waste comes into this area of the river through several irrigation ditches that discharge their waters there, collecting landfill waste of such magnitude that for years the Segura basin installed a screen to collect it. SAHA adds that this spill affects the public water supply and according to the regulations governing water health, it specifically prohibits “making direct or indirect discharges that pollute the waters” or “accumulates solid waste, debris or substances.” The association is calling on the town council and government to take action to clean up the riverbed of the residues and rubbish that are being deposited in the protected natural area.

home insurance? If someone slips or falls and suffers an injury whilst on your property, they could make a claim against you for damages. Public liability insurance will cover you against these types of potential third party claims. Here are some examples so you can better understand the risks involved if you fail to protect yourself against third party liability, also known as public liability.

TYPES OF THIRD PARTY OR PUBLIC LIABILITY If you own a swimming pool, paddle court or if you are renting out your property as a holiday home, anyone visiting your property could potentially make a claim against you for injury if they hurt themselves. You could be held liable even if it was their fault entirely. This also includes tradesmen entering your property in order to maintain it, such as gardeners, electricians, and swimming pool or boiler maintenance. Public liability insurance will cover you against any potential third party claim resulting from an injury happening on your property. You will need to check which types of third party cover you require for your property and take out a specific policy to cover, for example, medical claims or negligence. COVER YOURSELF AGAINST DAMAGE CAUSED TO THIRD PARTY PROPERTY Should the structure of your property

cause any material damage to another property (through explosion, water, or fire damage), you will be held responsible for any costly repairs. To avoid having to foot the repair bill you must take out a home insurance with public liability. WHAT DOES PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE COVER? Should a third party injure themselves on your property, they could make a claim against you for medical costs to cover their treatment. This can be expensive, especially if they have private medical insurance. You may also have to pay for any legal costs incurred should the claim require legal representation or court settlement. Linea Directa can provide you with advice on how to check how much public liability insurance you currently have and provide you with options on how to adequately cover yourself and your family. We hope the information provided in this article is of interest.

If you would like to contact Línea Directa please call 902 123 309 More information on Línea Directa online at


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South


Toy story A CAMPAIGN has been launched in Santa Pola to collect new and used toys that will go to children in need in the town to ensure no child is left without gifts this Christmas. Donations can be made at the Ciudadanos office in the town.

Fair result DAYA VIEJA’S Christmas Fair saw about 10,000 visitors during the long bank holiday weekend, resulting in a positive economic impact of €60,000 for the town.

More spaces NEW street parking has been installed in Calle Balseta, Alicante, after residents denounced the lack of parking in the area. Fifty new spaces have been created in the area of the old school San Roque.


Civil protection thanked and awarded their certificates GROUP marks 20 years of operations in Torrevieja By Gemma Quinn VOLUNTEERS and officials from Torrevieja’s Civil Protection unit have been presented with their accreditations. Mayor of Torrevieja, Jose Manuel Dolon, presented the certificates to 12 candidates who must pass a period of time in practice to be considered as volunteers, eight volunteers who have already exceeded this requirement as well as to the heads of groups, team leaders and the chief of Civil Protection, Enrique Pizana Egea. In presenting the awards, the mayor highlighted the selfless work of the Civil Protection team and expressed his “appreciation for the effort and time they generously dedicate to help their fellow citizens and the excellent support made to

CIVIL PROTECTION: Volunteers praised for their work in Torrevieja. the security forces with whom they co-operate.” The group celebrates 20 years of service this year in Torrevieja and the mayor remarked that they are often seen

at events organised by the municipality and at others where solidarity is demanded. He commented on the importance of volunteers in disaster management: “A phenomenon that

we witness more and more often, as climate change is increasing, and this role is fundamental.” Councillor Javier Manzanares, who oversees the ser-

vice, said this group of people was doing a great job without which it would be very difficult to put on events like cycling races, marathons, football games, parades and carnivals.


Two killed TWO people were killed in s ep a r a t e r o a d a c c idents i n Al i c a n t e a n d Albatera. In Albatera a motorcyclist was killed after coming off the CV873 and in Alicante an accident occurred when a car hit a pedestrian.

No approval THE opposition PP party in Torrevieja has claimed that at least five of the 10 activities carried out over the December bank holiday weekend went ahead without any formal approval or awarding.

Ripped off VANDALS have ripped down electoral posters of the PP in Lorca. The party claims it is an act of sa b o t a g e a g a i n s t their campaign.

17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South

Sick leave increases in the province of Alicante FOLLOWS years of decline since start of the crisis By Gemma Quinn THE number of people on sick leave in Alicante Province has risen over 7 per cent in the last year. Data published by the Social Security shows that the number of workers taking sick leave by the end of September stood at 6,671; a figure that already exceeds the whole of last year which totalled 6,228, representing an increase of 7.1 per cent. This year ’s increase comes following years of falls in the number of people taking sick leave since the start of the crisis, with figures dropping around 49 per cent since 2007. The CCOO union in Alicante said the fewer cases of sick leave during the crisis is accountable to the unstable work place: “Many people went to work sick to avoid downtime and to avoid the risk of dismissal or nonrenewal of their contract.”

SICK LEAVE: More people have been getting their doctor to sign them off than in 2014.



€100,000 given for social rent Photo by Shady L, Flickr.


THE Planning Department in Alicante has given €100,000 from its budget to the Housing Board to increase social aid in 2016, increasing from the initial €50,000 budget to €150,000. This amount, according to Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Urbanism, Miguel Angel Pavon, guarantees “no evictions for nonpayment of rent.” The proposal to increase support for social rents came from the councillor of Finance, Socialist Sofia Morales, in response to calls from the Stop Evictions association. The €100,000 from the Department of Urbanism was reserved for aid to families who cannot afford the expense of rehabilitating their properties. Pavon had asked initially to be endowed with €400,000, but budgetary restrictions reduced it to €150,000 and will now be €50,000 with the €100,000 given to the Housing Board to ensure that people can afford to keep a roof over their heads.


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South


VALENCIA was the fourth autonomous region with the greatest number of separation and divorce cases in the third quarter of 2015, with a rate of 0.74 per 1,000 inhabitants. However, despite its high rankings in the country, the number of divorces has fallen. In Spain, the number of requests for marital dissolution submitted in the third quarter of this year was 26,705, 7.4 per cent less than in the same period last year, according to data

0.74 divorces or separations per 1,000 inhabitants in Valencia Region

from the General Council of the Judiciary. There were 25,276 divorces recorded between July 1 and September 30, representing a reduction of 7.3 per cent compared to the same period a year earlier. Of these, 15,249 were by mutual agreement and the other 10,027, contentious.

The number of separations filed, at 1,382, was 10.3 per cent lower than in the third quarter of 2014 and 47 lawsuits were filed to annul a marriage. By region, the highest number of legal applications for marital dissolution per 1,000 inhabitants was in the Canary Islands, with 0.79. This was followed by the Balearic Islands, Catalonia and Valencia. Castilla y Leon and Navarra had the lowest rate of marriage dissolutions, with 0.49.


Region fourth highest for divorce and separation

TORREVIEJA VISIT: Students learned about tourism offerings.

Students check out Torrevieja TOWN chosen for its wide range of facilities By Gemma Quinn TOURISM students from the University of Alicante (UA) have visited Torrevieja to access the tourism offerings of the city. Councillor for Tourism, Fanny Serrano, welcomed the second-year students and their teachers as they visited the Interpretation Centre of the

Natural Park and the Real Club Nautico as part of their university education. The curriculum includes a subject called ‘typology of tourist areas’ that includes a trip to a tourist destination in order to look at various tourism products, with Torrevieja chosen due to its wide range of facilities and activities for tourists, from nature to nautical.

2016 Tourism budget approved A BUDGET of €2.5 million has been unanimously approved for the Tourist Board for 2016 in Alicante. The amount is €800,000 more than last year as the main investments include plans for the wooden boardwalk and expansion of areas for people with disabilities along the beaches. Councillor for Tourism, Eva Montesinos, also said the first dog beach will be available next summer in the area of Agua Amarga. “It will have all kinds of services for citizens and their pets,” she remarked. The government team said it was the “first time that all political representatives of the board voted in favour of the accounts submitted.”


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South


Fighting against energy poverty FAMILIES in need are to get help By Gemma Quinn TORREVIEJA is to join the network of energy poverty municipalities of Valencia in an agreement that will help families in social difficulty. Mayor Jose Manuel Dolon said: “We joined because we understand that there is a state of social emergency in many families and individuals, re-

sulting in hundreds of petitions received by Social Services, the Red Cross, Caritas and other associations in the municipality, for help.” Dolon said it is important to meet the needs of these people and “understand that the gesture of the Valencian Government to allocate more than a million euros as an initial basis for the 2016 budget to

meet this social need, enters into a commitment to ease the situations for residents in the municipalities that have joined.” The town hall signed the Department of Housing and Public Works’ convention against energy poverty plan, which has been called the ‘network of municipalities against energy poverty’. It hopes that as many municipalities as possible will also join. The procedure will be managed through Social Services, which will have to detect vulnerabilities, and ensure that families adjust to the conditions and economic requirements, as well as advise them how they can apply for grants. These can be up to €300 for gas and electricity and €60 in the case of water.

THE VELVETONES: Audiences enjoyed new harmonies and Christmas carols and songs.

Sell-out concert raises €600 for two charities THE Velvetones Ladies Harmony Chorus has raised €600, which will be split between the AFA and ALPE charities in Torrevieja. The money was raised from their sell-out Christmas Concert held at Restaurant El Paraiso, Torrevieja, where audiences enjoyed new harmonies, Christmas carols and songs, plus Caroline Hughes (aka Dodgy Diva) had the audience enthralled and in the Christmas spirit.

It was the last event of the year before the Velvetones welcome new recruits in January; both singers and social members. For more information on how you can join and make new friends, call Ena on 965 707 598 or visit www.velvetonesharmonytorre The group meets every Wednesday morning 10am-12.30pm at El Paraiso, behind Carrefour Torrevieja.

E W N 17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South

Terrorist threat prevention AN increased number of preventive controls by the National Police have been introduced in Alicante to ensure the safety of citizens. The move comes following the country’s terror alert being increased to Level

Four following the terror attacks in Paris last month. Train and tram stations are some of the areas where an increased police presence can be seen with additional checkpoints and security in place.


Call for more diving in Islas Hormigas COMES as tourism institute announces plans to encourage more UK divers By Gemma Quinn DIVERS are calling for improved time-slots in the Islas Hormigas reserve, Murcia. The area is classed as a marine fishing reserve which means it is an area which uses traditional fishing techniques. This offers certain protection which aims to create conditions allowing the reproduction of species of commercial interest, creating a healthier eco-system and better fish stocks. Whilst the federation of diving schools welcomed the measures, which ultimately attract more people, they have asked the ministry to once again review the allotted diving schedules within Islas Hormigas in Cabo de Palos to permit diving for a longer period of the year. The call came as the federation met with Carmen Teodora

Mark Flickr: Yokoyama, Maciek Lulko Flickr


MORE DIVING: Calls for longer diving in Islas Hormigas. Morales, Regional Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock. During the meeting the sector reiterated its request for a wider network of low impact moorings to help protect the environment. These have already started to be installed in Cala

Cerrada in Cabo TiĂąosa. It comes after the Murcian Institute of Tourism announced it was aiming to promote the area as an underwater paradise to boost nautical tourism, launching a campaign in collaboration with the Nautical Mar

Menor-Cabo de Palos and the Association of Diving to promote the Costa Calida in major exhibitions in the UK. As reported in Euro Weekly News last week, the campaign aims to boost tourism from the UK.


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South


Hotel visit PP councillors have visited Arenales to look at progr e ss o n t h e h o t el work s, a r e a l i t y t h ey claim was thanks to the efforts of the previous local executive.

Sweet win A BL O G G E R f ro m Mutx a m e l , ha s wo n th e a wa r d f o r ‘ B e s t Chri st m a s De sse rt 2015.’ Carlos Saez won th e p r i z e wi t h a pro pos a l f o r a de sse r t whic h c o nsi st e d o f stu ffe d m a nda r in liqueur truffles.

First hand A M UNI C I PAL wa t e r company from Poland has been in Alicante to see fi r st h a n d t h e a d vanced management that the Al i c a n t e c o m p a n y develops in the municipalities it manages.

A little known tourist place PLAN created to boost tourism figures By Gemma Quinn ELCHE is known nationally as a leader in footwear and for its Palmeral palm tree grove, but it seems it is still little known as a tourist destination. VisitElche tourism board has detected that the main problems of tourism in the city are a shortage of leisure in general and in particular at night, the lack of training in the sector and the low level of languages. In response, the municipal body has approved a new plan in order to address these deficiencies and promote the tourism model. The tripartite ruling council has given the green light to this new programme with specific strategies to address the weaknesses of the city in terms of tourism. “The aim is to establish annual operational plans with a tracking sheet so that the objectives are carried out in that plan,” said Fernando Dura,

councillor of Tourism. Aims include strengthening the brand ‘Elche Oasis Mediterranean’ and to extend the period of stay of tourists into more overnight stays, improve knowledge as a tourist destination and increase average daily spending of visitors. Among the strategies of the city also is that of increasing the satisfaction and loyalty of tourists to value the untapped tourism resources and to encourage more return visitors making the most of the stunning city and the municipality’s beaches. There are also plans to turn the city into a place of reference in national medical congresses and as a priority for 2016, the Council also aims to invite tenders to plan more tourist signs to highlight tourist spots and exploit the sporting events as a resource. VisitElche has been allocated a budget of €1,947,090 in the next budget year.

PALMERAL: One of the most visited sights in Elche.



17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South

Street robbery in Benijofar can you help? ONE man is calling on shoppers to be extra vigilant this Christmas as he was mugged unsuspectingly in the street in Benijofar. The 58-year-old, who has asked not to be named, had gone to his usual Spanish lesson and then to the butchers when he had his gold bracelet stolen as he returned to his car. He said there was a strange series of events leading up to the incident and he believes a gang was in operation: “I was stopped at the corner of the butchers by two young men in an old BMW car asking the time. I remember thinking they looked like dodgy characters and I carried on walking up the hill back to my car.” As he did so he heard two girls running and shouting ‘señor, señor.’ Being streetwise, he ignored the calls but they caught up to him. He described them as being in their mid-20’s and of

Chinese origin. He said they were very full on and were offering sexual acts: “They were right in my face and I just couldn’t get them out of the way.” It was at this point he thinks he was being distracted as they removed his gold bracelet. As he went round to the driver ’s seat he saw the same two men that had earlier asked him the time say hi to the females and hug them: “I got in the car and straight away checked everything, I had my wallet, keys and a silver bracelet, but my gold one was gone. I think the girls had taken it and handed it straight to the other two men.” The bracelet had a lot of sentimental value. It was a gold s-link chain bracelet. If anyone has any information on it, they should contact police or email gemma.quinn@ and we can reunite it with its owner.



A two hour wait to see Santa Claus in Alicante CITY is still worth a visit to make the most of the festive offerings

FESTIVE FUN: Enjoy ice skating, tobogganing or a visit to Santa in Alicante. By Gemma Quinn TH ER E w e re que ue s of up to tw o hours to see Santa Claus in the Christmas house in the park of La Ereta in Alicante. The great interest of youngsters to see Santa and deliver their letters overflowed the park, with visitors reporting queues of up to two hours at the weekend, with the queues dying down slightly in the afternoon. The crowds took over the park so

much that Local Police officers had to be stationed at the start of the path up to the green areas of the Santa Barbara Castle and access to the La Ereta park was closed to visitors. As a result, the only way to access Santa’s house was on foot from the old town, and through the gateway to the park down the street of San Rafael. Last year the installation was located in Plaza de Seneca, but this year has returned to its original site in La Ereta. Queues are also expected this

weekend, but no incidents were reported with visitors soaking up the atmosphere. The city is still worth a visit to make the most of the festive offerings. An ice rink has been installed for the fifth consecutive year, situated by the town hall square by the Christmas tree and the children’s attraction, the La Montañeta 35m toboggan slide has also returned in Plaza Montañeta. The nat i vi t y scene i s i n Pl aza de Calvo Sotelo.


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South


Humanists of Murcia take last walk of the year NEW leader welcomed to the group By Gemma Quinn THE Humanists of Murcia’s last walk of the year took the group from Jarravia, through the countryside just above the railway line from Aguilas, to Lorca.

They passed an old ruin, which had been used by the stationmaster. The railway had been a British project built in the 19th century and the line has not long been reopened after major repairs following the ‘gota fria’ of 2013.

Walkers waved as the 10.30am express from Lorca passed through but there did not seem to be any passengers on board. The walkers followed the path around a hill with interesting sights along the way, in-

DECEMBER WALK: Humanists of Murcia had last outing of the year. cluding an electricity sub-station, lots of pylons, many not connected, and a sewerage works (complete with bad smell). A 303 bullet was found and the military people amongst the group believed it dated back to a Civil War massacre when the Nationalists shot 15 Republican soldiers who had been captured. It was in retaliation for the bombing of Aguilas by Italian planes when 200 people were killed.

The return path passed by some impressive villas before FINAL FAREWELL: Paul and lunch was served at Rose are leaving to go back to Meson Pepa. the UK. The next walk will be in January, to the the UK. Trevor Jordan was Blue Lagoon. welcomed as the new leader of The Humanists of Murcia the group as Paul and Rose Discussion Group Meeting has drove off into the sunset with also been held at Bar El Puente tears in their eyes. in La Majada. It was also a For more information about farewell party for its leader the Humanists of Murcia visit Paul Jauregui, who with his wife Rose, is heading back to


17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South

Charity race in support of refugees TWO events will take place on December 21 By Gemma Quinn ORIHUELA has announced its charity race which will help raise funds for those fleeing war zones. Councillor for Education, Begoña Cuartero, presented the solidarity run which takes place on December 21 from 9am.

The event will consist of two runs, one aimed at students at 9am and another from 11am for everyone to participate in. Registration can be made until December 18 at the town hall and will cost €3, which will go towards helping refugees. The Councillor for Education said: “This is a great soli-

darity initiative in which we hope to have a large number of participants, and therefore together we can contribute to this cause.” The event has been organised in collaboration with the Department of Education and Sports and the Diocesan school Oratorio Festivo de San Miguel.

In memory of a British costalero THE International Cofradia of Torrevieja that carries the Paso of Jesus in the Garden of Olives in the Easter processions lost one of its members last month. Keith Wightman died from a heart attack as he was playing walking football on the Orihuela Costa. Keith had been a member of the International Cofradia and a costalero since 2012. His wife,

Barbara, is also a member of the cofradia and has taken part in the Easter parades as a Nazarena also since 2012. Keith’s funeral took place at the Cristo Resuscitado Church in La Regia. A collection was held afterwards and a magnificent total of €690 was achieved. The money is destined to be a donation to the local branch of the Spanish charity Caritas.



E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South

CHRISTMAS is a time for family, friends and festivities, but all too often it can cover up a dark and violent time of year as alcohol abuse, depression and domestic strain unfold. It’s times like these that we must step in and step up. By raising awareness and creating a culture of neighbourly love and openness we can give sufferers the strength to seek help. Let’s create an environment where people not only speak out, but actively look for the signs of domestic violence. People subconsciously avoid the ugly and vicious, it’s easier to keep your head down and yourself to yourself. Well we say no more. Not when it comes to a woman’s life, her mental health, her children and her dreams. One good Samaritan can make a world of difference, but a community where every member will stand up for one another, can change the world. Christmas can be a lonely time of year, and, because it’s supposed to mean something, and you’re supposed to be happy, you can feel at your emptiest. When you look around and realise that you’re alone in a foreign country, it’s tempting just to pour an extra large drink and look the other way. Well you’re not alone, because this Christmas you can be a leader, a friend, a shoulder to cry on. So instead of locking the door and drawing the blinds, we ask that you offer your support to your community because someone somewhere out there needs it. If you have seen domestic violence among your family, friends or community, we implore you today to take action. You don’t have to call the police, or get angry. Sometimes all you have to do is let it be known that you are there. Pop round with some food to check in, have a quiet word in someone’s ear, be a presence in their life. It might not make a difference straight away, but whether it’s in one week or one year, that person might ask for your help. And you may have saved their life. It could be a man who is too embarrassed to admit that his partner is abusing him. It could be elderly parents who silently hope that their child will turn it all around. It might be a woman you’ve seen frightened by her own shadow. Or those children across the road who utterly dread Christmas time and wish it would all just go away. Remember that the spirit of Christmas is about giving. This Christmas we ask that you consider giving a little bit of your time, a little bit of your heart, and the love that you have within you, to help someone close to home. You may never know if you made a difference, but good people don’t need gratitude. Deep inside you know it is the right thing to do. If, however, you see serious violence, or if children are involved, then pick up the phone now and call the police. Their life is in your hands.


Good people THIS Christmas we ask that you consider giving a little bit

Case study 1 GUARDIAN ANGELS is a single-parent support group based in the Costa Blanca where each member is allocated a mentor who can provide confidential support. Their website is and they are always happy to hear from anyone interested in joining. F o u n d e r Tr i c i a B a r r s p o k e w i t h E u ro Weekly News: “We have supported two expat Guardian Angels’ members through severe cases of domestic violence during the past five years. “In the worst case, the member had to flee the village where she lived after her Spanish husband attempted to harm her and their 11month-old son. “Even though she had obtained a restraining order against him, she felt that her inlaws and the villagers, as well as the social worker and Local Police, were unsympathetic to her as the only English woman. She packed all her belongings into her car one day and drove back to the UK, where she now lives, unfortunately still looking over her shoulder. “The Spanish culture is more macho than in the UK, where men have in recent years played a more equal role in the home and as a result show their partners more respect. “Women who have moved to Spain and particularly those who have Spanish partners also lack family support.”

Case study 2 “IT was five years ago but even today, when I wake up, before I even realise who I am, I remember that moment. And then I reflect because... you know you have this idea of yourself, this image that, sure you’ve made mistakes, but we all have and that’s life, and, when it really comes down to it, you’re a good person. “Because what happens if you’re not? What does it mean if the mirror starts to crack? When my parents moved to Spain I was doing alright for myself, she... my girlfriend... was the light of my life. And for the first time in my life I was properly independent, we were going to really make it

Aleksandro Palombo (artist)


DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: We implore you today to take action. Sometimes all you have to do is let it be known that you are there.

you know? I still try to piece together what happened next, the way you’d try and work out what happened after a big night out. All I can say is that she left, and I wasn’t strong enough. “Spain seemed like an easy fix, time out in the sun, my mother’s comfort while I regained my strength and maybe even started a new life out here. “But I wasn’t ok, I wasn’t ready, I couldn’t do it. And when she asked me why not, it just all came out and I snapped. I hit her. My own mother.”

But I wasn’t ok, I wasn’t ready, I couldn’t do it. And when she asked me why not, it just all came out and I snapped. I hit her. My own mother.


17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South


take action of your time and a little bit of your heart to help someone close to home

Case study 3 “I THINK it was because he never really hit me that I stayed for so long. That, and he was very charming, a real alpha male, but with this doe-eyed tenderness the whole world could see. Forty was coming and I wanted children, normally it would scare men off but he painted a picture for me so vivid I was drunk. “We would go to Spain, he had contacts you see, and we would live in a country villa by the Med and raise bilingual children. Alba and Sebastian they’d be named. What can I say? Maybe it was the hormones, his charm, my blindness or just plain old love, but I lost myself. “As soon as we arrived I realised I had no one but him. My phone went missing and when I mentioned it he accused me of being paranoid. Soon he’d insist on taking me to the bathroom, doors were locked, he’d go out and come back in a fury, I never knew what happened or what he was doing. I didn’t want to ask, there was such malice in his eyes. I didn’t really have any family back in the UK, and when I finally returned I discovered my friends had assumed I’d forgotten them in my selfish joy. I was in that empty villa for three years.”

lifestyle so I thought ‘I should be grateful. There are a lot of people struggling and we have this great life, I should be thankful,’ but I was constantly on edge.” Signs were there from day one. “He was fighting against the world. I thought it would get better, that I could change h im, an d I w o u ld ma ke e xc us e s for him.” She says the violence would always follow a heavy drinking session, he would then sleep it off and be nice the next day, but Sarah knew his next episode would never be far away: “I began to know the triggers that would set him off, I knew when to stay quiet, I learnt survival strategies.”

“There were times when I questioned my ow n s a nity but it ha s ta ught me everything I need to know and when the divorce is finalised I have a few plans up my sleeve for a fresh start.”

Although names have been changed, these people have shown great bravery coming forward with their stories. We ask that you stand up and provide the strength for others to do the same. It is in your power to make a real difference.

Numbers IN 2015, so far 51 women have been killed in Spain in domestic violence incidents. A survey among Spanish men shockingly showed roughly half would NOT interfere if they witnessed a friend abusing their partner. One third of expat arrests dealt with by the British Consulate are related to domestic violence.

Expat challenges WHILE Spanish women suffering violence continue to struggle against a culture of machismo, expatriate women face a different set of challenges. Often isolated from their family or close friends, they might also be unaware of Spanish support mechanisms through language or cultural barriers. In many scenarios they may have actually been manipulated into moving abroad as an abusive partner extends his control over finances and friendships and creates further dependency.

Resources Case study 4 FEW people would survive a rocky relationship involving violence, but Sarah V has not just survived, it’s possible this woman is actually stronger and better for it: “I won't be called a victim,” she says. “I stayed. I chose to stay. I’m responsible for my actions.” The couple had also built up a good life for themselves; a nice house, flash cars and five star holidays abroad: “A lot of people were quite envious of our

STAND UP: Provide the strength for others to do the same. joe bellanger, shutterstock

Everyone deserves a peaceful Christmas, so why not let us all try to give this gift to others. It might just be the Christmas that changes everything. In case you want to get help for yourself or someone else, you can call the National Domestic Violence hotline on 016 for professional advice in different languages. You can also get advice from Women’s centres available 24 hours on 900 58 08 88 or to file a report call 062 for the Civil Police, 091 for the National Police. If you feel you are in danger, the emergency services helpline is 112.



E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South


Feria Blanca MURCIA’S Feria Blanca is now open every day until January 6, from 10am-2pm and 4-10pm, with an iceskating rink and 45m downhill toboggan slide taking centre stage at the festive fair in Plaza del Cuartel de Artilleria.

Tapas route TWENTY local bars and restaurants in Mazarron are participating in the town’s current Tapas Route. Tapas are offered at €2 or €2.50 and a route map can be obtained from the tourist office.

Top resort THE La Manga Club has been named amongst the world’s top tennis resorts, according to a new poll. It was voted second best in Europe by American website Tennis Resorts Online.


Rowing for cancer team to finish challenge this week AROUND €2,500 already raised with Specsavers still collecting in store By Gemma Quinn SPECSAVERS in Torrevieja and Guardamar have been supporting Dave and Mitch Bull’s Rowing for Cancer Challenge by providing glasses and polo shirts for the team, fundraising in store and holding a homemade cake sale. The support given to the team by Sunshine FM, who broadcast live from the event, the Pink Ladies and all the local residents who donated, baked cakes and came along on the fundraising day in aid of the kayak challenge, has enabled Specsavers Opticas to raise €775.15 to date, and they are still collecting in store. Father and son team Dave and Mitch attempted to kayak the 52kilometre journey from Murcia City to Guardamar to raise funds for the AECC cancer charity and awareness for Samaritans in Spain, of which

SPECSAVERS SUPPORT: Pink Ladies participated in fundraising efforts for Rowing for Cancer at the store.

Dave is a patron. After weeks of gruelling training, on the day of the challenge circumstances beyond their control meant they had a late start and despite their best efforts the pair were stopped at Algorfa by their health and safety team as night fell and it was too dangerous to continue. However, this is not the end of the challenge and they will be completing the remaining 18 kilometres from Algorfa to Guardamar this week. Totals have yet to be calculated, but organisers estimate that around €2,500 has been raised so far for AECC and the fundraising is still continuing. If you wish to donate, Specsavers in Torrevieja and Guardamar are still collecting donations in store. To find out more about Dave and Mitch’s Rowing for Cancer challenge visit their Facebook page ‘Rowing for Cancer’.


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South



Denia now a ‘Creative City’ Lisa Risager

IMPECCABLE gastronomic credentials finally recognised

DENIA SPECIALITY: Authentic dish Arroz a Banda.




DENIA has achieved its ambition of becoming a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy. The international body revealed the 47 municipalities worldwide that now belong to the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) in the fields of Gastronomy, Literature, Crafts and Folk Art, Design, Cinema, Media Arts and Music. Denia’s mayor Vicent Grimalt congratulated all those involved in the project since 2011, when the organisers made preparations to put forward the town as a candidate in 2014. The bid was unsuccessful, despite Denia’s impeccable gastronomic credentials that include Arroz a Banda, saffron rice cooked in a rich stock made from local fish, which is served as a separate course.


Fast work

Driver injured

Container shipping

Hello campers

TELEFONICA has completed installing fibre-optic internet in practically all of Alcoy City. Jazztel is also rolling out its own system there in addition to Ono’s existing fibre-optic network.

A MAN was injured on Saturday night when his car overturned on the motorway near Binissalem. Although he was able to stand, he was taken to hospital due to a heavy blow to his head.

THE shipping company Tamaran is to launch a new route that will provide service to Motril Port. The container ship Johanna Schepers will stop in Motril once a week.

THE Almerimar area of El Ejido now has a parking area for caravans and mobile homes. Local councillor Luisa Barranco explained it was needed and has services for campers in the area.

Bank robbery

Safety campaign

Winning tickets

SON SERVERA was the scene of a bank robbery last weekend when a man stole more than €1,000. Police suspect it was the same man who robbed a pharmacy in Sa Coma the previous week.

A GROUP of students from the Rio Verde primary school in Almuñecar participated in a new safety campaign. All of the students and teachers participated in a fire and evacuation drill.

THE first prize of the Spanish National Lottery was won in El Ejido. Number 71,770 had a prize of €600,000 for the lucky ticket holder.

Baby on board

Port changes

A FATHER was arrested for crimes of robbery and dangerous driving. Police had pursued the car he was driving with his baby inside, and stopped him before any serious damage could be done.

THE proposed improvements to Caleta de Velez Port have been given a budget of €650,000. The main change anticipated is the knocking down of a large part of the port wall.

Mallorca honey

Cleaning Salobreña

CERTIFIED organic honey can at last be enjoyed in Mallorca thanks to beekeeper Marti Mascaro’s hard work. For 12 years Marti has been producing honey and started with just three beehives and approximately 100,000 bees.

A NEW cleaning system launched in Salobreña last month has had good results so far. The cleaning plan works on a rotating schedule to clean up a different part of the town each week.

Tight squeeze NOT only is Denia’s remodelled Las Marinas narrower but chevron parking has been introduced. This is best suited to one-way streets with little traffic, but Las Marinas is neither, residents complained.

Sweet music UNIO MUSICAL DE TORRENT (Valencia) took first prize and €6,000 in the 42nd edition of the Villa de Altea international competition for brass bands. The ensemble obtained 572.90 points out of a possible 600.

Roy Heaton, RIP JAVEA U3A is mourning the loss of popular member Roy Heaton. Roy and his wife Jackie were founder members of the group 10 years ago. At his funeral service and celebration of his life at Javea Crematorium on Tuesday December 8, family and friends packed the room, demonstrating the high regard in which Roy was held.

Short film show ON the evening of December 17, Ocimax hosts the International Short Film Festival of Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy starting at 8pm. There will also be a preview of the new Star Wars film.


City crash TWO women aged 25, and two men aged 57 and 26, were injured in Almeria when the two vehicles they were travelling in crashed. They were all taken to Torrecardenas Hospital.

Immigration crime A MAN who was in charge of a boat carrying nine illegal Algerian immigrants, who were rescued off the coast near Cabo de Gata, has been remanded in prison. Each of the occupants paid €1,500 for the trip.

Criminal history

Farmers’ fears

JUDICIAL authorities have ruled that the public has the right to know about the mayor of Benamocarra Abdeslam Lucena’s criminal history. The judge ruled that details of Lucena’s criminal past had to be published.

FARMERS’ associations in Almeria say the number of robberies in rural areas has not fallen by 28 per cent as claimed by the government sub-delegation, but that farmers can’t afford the time or risks of reporting them.

For more local news from our five other regions see

Fuengirola shock A FUENGIROLA worker was seriously injured after being badly burned as the result of electric shocks. The incident took place on Calle España. Emergency medical services were sent to the scene, along with officers from the Local and National Police forces.

Marathon death A DANISH man died a few hours after running the Malaga Marathon. The 53year-old man, who was an experienced runner, was staying in an apartment in Plaza de la Merced. He had run the race and reportedly felt ill afterwards.

Benalmadena stabbing TWO Spanish men have been arrested for their presumed involvement in a fight in Benalmadena that ended in a third man’s death.

New casino THE Admiral San Roque Casino is aiming to have its doors open to the public by next July. The project has several phases, and is expected to create 70 new jobs in its first phase alone.

Brit arrested A BRITISH man has been arrested by the Local Police in Malaga for allegedly pouring alcohol over a police car and throwing the bottle at officers, who had reprimanded him.

Cat rescue TORREMOLINOS firefighters saved the lives of four cats after a fire broke out in a home. The cats needed artificial respiration after inhaling smoke, but thanks to the efforts of the firefighters, they survived.

EWN top for all the news from Spain.


17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South


Committed to cooperation CAMERON and Putin agree to work together

AGREEMENT: To work together. PRIME MINISTER David Cameron and Russian President Vladimir Putin have agreed to work together to defeat Daesh, Downing Street has said. Cameron and Putin have committed to cooperate in the war against the terrorist group after a telephone conversation last week in which the PM updated the Russian leader on British airstrikes in Syria.

Technology boost RUSSIA is to increase its budget for research by 135bn roubles (€1.8 billion) in 2016. According to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev: “It is impossible to support strong and efficient economy without achievements in the field of science and technology.”

Science Parks CHINA has said it will build two science parks in Moscow in 2016. The head of the

PUPPY: Presented to French police. construction of two platforms in Russia’s capital.”

Puppy for France RUSSIAN policemen presented a German shepherd puppy to their French colleagues to replace the police dog named Diesel killed in the anti-terror raid in Paris. The puppy presented to the French police by Russian counterparts will serve in an elite police department, the French ambassador in Moscow said last week. Moscow science and industry department Oleg Bocharov told TASS on Wednesday: “Moscow authorities and representatives of Beijing’s leading science parks have discussed

Uni education HIGHER education in Russia is almost ‘universal’, or at least available to anyone who can afford it, but ‘quality in many cases leaves much to be desired,’ analysts say. According to official figures, 54 per cent of Russians aged over 24 have higher education (the highest rate in the world). But half of employers say the skills and competence of current employees falls short of expectations.

Missile Cruiser to Syria THE Russian news agency TASS reports that Russia is to dispatch the Pacific Fleet’s missile cruiser ‘Varyag’ to Syria. The Varyag’s mission in the area would presumably last til September.




Costa Blanca South

17 - 23 December 2015


business & legal LONDON - FTSE 100 C LOSING P RICES D ECEMBER 14







Savoy hotel sold to French company FRHI has sold its entire portfolio to AccorHotels for €2.6 billion By John Smith FRHI, the owner of 155 hotels in 34 countries, including many famous names such as the Savoy in London, Raffles in Singapore and the Plaza in New York, has sold its entire portfolio to French company

is the number of new shares worth €1.8 billion which Accor will issue to allow for the sale to go through.

ZARA: One of the shops under Inditex ownership.

Inditex change size of mannequins By John Smith SOMETIMES people power exists and works, as has been proven by the fact that more than 111,000 people signed a petition demanding that Inditex, owner of Lefties, Zara and many other fashion brands aimed at young women, change the size of the mannequins they

AccorHotels, which owns a number of chains including Novotel and Ibis, for a total of €2.6 billion. The owners of FRHI include the Qatari Investment Authority and the Kingdom Holding Company of Saudi Arabia. They are taking their payment in shares which will give

Banks need to be able to go wrong and have the resources to deal with that.’ Sir Jon Cunliffe, deputy governor of the Bank of England on the future of banks

Photo Credit Tonyv3112 Shutterstock

Quote of the Week


use in some of their windows as they promote the wrong body image to young girls in particular. The result has been that Inditex, whilst suggesting that the bulk of its mannequins are not too thin, will be removing certain older models and will ensure that new models are in keeping with expectations.


Santander and F1 SANTANDER bank has renewed its Formula 1 sponsorship deal with McLaren until 2020, and will also be continuing to feature Jensen Button as part of its recently introduced sponsoring of rebranded ‘Boris Bikes’ in London.

Shares fall SHARES in major mining firm Anglo American have fallen by more than 8 per cent, after the company announced it would be forced to sell large parts of its business and reduce its workforce by nearly two-thirds. The changes will see the number of employees drop by 85,000, from 135,000 to 50,000. The group has been forced to restructure following ongoing drops in commodity prices which have drastically reduced profits.

Number of Paris visitors falls AIR FRANCE-KLM has said that the Paris attacks led to a €50 million drop in revenues as trips were cancelled. The group said the attacks ‘significantly impacted’ traffic to and from Paris. Ryanair said it had cut fares in response to a dip


2 million is the estimated number of vinyl records to be sold in the UK in 2015 which is part of a growing trend whereby people download albums and then buy their favourites on vinyl or cd.




in demand, but did not expect the lower prices to have a material impact on its financial results. Scandinavian carrier SAS also said it had seen a drop in travel to Paris and Brussels but that traffic was returning to normal.

the former 10.5 per cent and the latter 5.8 per cent of the shares in Accor. This is the second major hotel merger in the past month, although the previous deal between Marriott International and Starwood Hotels created a much larger group.




Tobin tax introduction SPAIN along with nine other countries has indicated it intends to draw up guidelines to introduce the ‘Tobin tax’, which would levy a charge on any financial transaction undertaken with shares or derivatives. The concept was put forward by James Tobin in 1972 as a tax on all spot conversions of one currency into another, with the intention of stopping speculation in currencies.


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South



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PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) COMPANY 3i Group 467.15 4.15 Aberdeen Asset Management 289.55 3.25 Admiral Group 1,629.00 16.00 Anglo American 301.45 8.50 Antofagasta 427.25 -1.65 ARM Holdings 1,054.50 -19.50 Ashtead Group 1,088.00 0.00 Associated British Foods 3,420.50 17.50 AstraZeneca 4,353.75 23.75 Aviva 495.10 4.50 Babcock International Group 996.00 6.50 BAE Systems 494.20 3.70 Barclays 213.73 2.53 Barratt Developments 605.50 13.00 Berkeley Group Holdings 3,501.50 3.50 BG Group 936.45 10.65 BHP Billiton 690.35 -3.85 BP 336.68 -1.32 British American Tobacco 3,649.00 50.00 British Land Co 784.25 10.25 BT Group 464.63 4.08 Bunzl 1,841.50 10.50 Burberry Group 1,145.00 5.00 Capita Group (The) 1,166.50 12.50 Carnival 3,467.50 20.50 Centrica 213.65 2.75 Coca-Cola HBC 1,443.00 5.00 Compass Group 1,121.50 7.50 CRH 1,896.50 16.50 Diageo 1,825.50 19.00 Direct Line Insurance Group 402.25 3.25 Dixons Carphone 471.90 1.30 easyJet 1,678.00 20.00 Experian 1,153.50 -1.50 Fresnillo 669.00 -6.00 G4S 214.50 0.50 GKN 287.10 2.80 GlaxoSmithKline 1,300.75 3.25 Glencore 84.82 -0.55 Hammerson 593.75 7.25 Hargreaves Lansdown 1,426.00 19.00 Hikma Pharmaceuticals 2,054.00 -8.00 HSBC Holdings 504.85 6.85 Imperial Tobacco Group 3,435.00 32.00 Inmarsat 1,103.50 3.50 InterContinental Hotels Grp 2,521.00 26.00 International Consolidated Air 574.75 8.25 Intertek Group 2,687.00 11.00 Intu Properties 309.40 5.70 ITV 265.85 3.55

% CHG. 0.90 1.14 0.99 2.90 -0.38 -1.82 0.00 0.51 0.55 0.92 0.66 0.75 1.20 2.19 0.10 1.15 -0.55 -0.39 1.39 1.32 0.89 0.57 0.44 1.08 0.59 1.30 0.35 0.67 0.88 1.05 0.81 0.28 1.21 -0.13 -0.89 0.23 0.98 0.25 -0.64 1.24 1.35 -0.39 1.38 0.94 0.32 1.04 1.46 0.41 1.88 1.35

NET VOL 4,628.92 3,881.58 4,488.06 4,466.95 4,396.92 15,300.64 5,541.82 27,201.93 55,341.18 20,115.46 5,041.97 15,778.87 36,566.00 5,962.76 4,860.90 33,318.58 15,485.71 64,170.65 68,862.97 8,129.74 39,115.83 6,232.43 5,222.34 7,856.25 7,515.65 10,521.14 5,356.58 18,679.90 15,752.54 46,065.49 6,075.00 5,487.87 6,748.57 11,604.13 4,959.29 3,351.44 4,861.76 63,941.97 12,967.13 4,662.73 6,853.90 4,152.61 99,673.50 32,943.07 4,999.27 5,950.16 11,685.39 4,369.68 4,079.18 10,635.13

COMPANY PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) Johnson Matthey 2,562.00 21.00 Kingfisher 326.60 3.30 Land Securities Group 1,176.50 19.50 Legal & General Group 259.80 1.50 Lloyds Banking Group ORD 70.61 0.60 London Stock Exchange Grp 2,538.00 45.00 Marks & Spencer Group 465.60 0.50 Meggitt 363.70 2.30 Merlin Entertainments 438.10 2.10 Mondi 1,315.00 40.00 Morrison (Wm) Supermarkets 141.80 2.80 National Grid 906.10 1.80 Next 7,460.00 75.00 Old Mutual 168.90 13.20 Pearson 708.00 -6.00 Persimmon 1,929.50 22.50 Prudential 1,482.75 13.75 Randgold Resources 4,052.00 -76.00 Reckitt Benckiser Group 6,159.00 35.00 Reed Elsevier 1,150.50 11.50 Rio Tinto 1,892.50 7.00 Rolls-Royce Group 559.75 7.75 Royal Bank of Scotland Group 285.25 -0.25 Royal Dutch Shell 1,457.50 4.00 Royal Dutch Shell 1,463.00 3.00 Royal Mail 447.35 1.65 RSA Insurance Group 421.90 2.20 SABMiller 4,028.25 20.75 Sage Group (The) 589.75 0.75 Sainsbury (J) 243.30 8.30 Schroders 2,748.00 48.00 Severn Trent 2,131.00 23.00 Shire 4,249.00 -50.00 Sky 1,069.00 13.00 Smith & Nephew 1,076.00 3.00 Smiths Group 943.00 2.00 Sports Direct International 587.50 1.50 SSE 1,441.50 6.50 St James's Place 955.50 8.50 Standard Chartered 492.10 -3.25 Standard Life 380.50 3.20 Taylor Wimpey 195.45 1.45 Tesco 149.15 4.80 Travis Perkins 1,965.00 14.00 TUI AG 1,164.00 10.00 Unilever 2,776.00 29.00 United Utilities Group 934.00 13.00 Vodafone Group 209.90 1.75 Whitbread 4,426.50 26.50 Wolseley 3,746.50 28.50 WPP Group 1,496.00 13.00

% CHG. 0.83 1.02 1.69 0.58 0.86 1.81 0.11 0.64 0.48 3.14 2.01 0.20 1.02 8.48 -0.84 1.18 0.94 -1.84 0.57 1.01 0.37 1.40 -0.09 0.28 0.21 0.37 0.52 0.52 0.13 3.53 1.78 1.09 -1.16 1.23 0.28 0.21 0.26 0.45 0.90 -0.66 0.85 0.75 3.33 0.72 0.87 1.06 1.41 0.84 0.60 0.77 0.88

NET VOL 5,344.26 7,693.25 9,375.85 15,640.90 51,417.64 8,939.00 7,825.95 2,855.87 4,393.58 6,389.89 3,290.14 34,082.47 11,465.52 8,581.36 6,045.52 5,940.78 38,256.27 3,876.06 44,205.34 13,001.64 27,726.60 10,424.83 18,831.90 59,275.58 37,423.70 4,524.00 4,331.39 65,220.97 6,378.19 4,639.03 6,333.15 5,061.65 25,600.77 18,496.63 9,730.98 3,750.39 3,545.90 14,399.46 5,077.05 12,964.01 7,658.17 6,389.80 12,249.50 4,954.24 6,880.86 35,834.19 6,382.48 56,379.26 8,116.47 9,921.17 19,591.57

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COMPANY MMM 3M AXP American Express AAPL Apple BA Boeing CAT Caterpillar CVX Chevron CSCO Cisco KO Coca-Cola DIS Disney DD E I du Pont de Nemours and Co XOM Exxon Mobil GE General Electric GS Goldman Sachs HD Home Depot IBM IBM INTC Intel JNJ Johnson & Johnson JPM JPMorgan Chase MCD McDonald's MRK Merck MSFT Microsoft NKE Nike PFE Pfizer PG Procter & Gamble TRV Travelers Companies Inc UTX United Technologies UNH UnitedHealth VZ Verizon V Visa WMT Wal-Mart

PRICE CHANGE %CHANGE VOLUME 154.83 -2.69 -1.71% 2.5M 68.86 -1.25 -1.78% 9.1M 113.18 -2.99 -2.57% 46.9M 144.62 -1.79 -1.22% 3.7M 65.43 -0.95 -1.43% 7.6M 86.44 -2.86 -3.20% 13.2M 26.16 -0.61 -2.28% 34.3M 42.27 -0.49 -1.15% 17.3M 108.04 -2.72 -2.46% 12.3M 70.44 -4.11 -5.51% 19.3M 74.34 -1.35 -1.78% 20.5M 30.26 -0.39 -1.27% 62.9M 176.56 -5.55 -3.05% 3.8M 130.44 -2.10 -1.58% 5.3M 134.57 -2.21 -1.62% 5.3M 34.27 -0.50 -1.44% 20.8M 101.68 -0.96 -0.94% 7.8M 64.07 -1.54 -2.35% 17.9M 116.08 -1.12 -0.96% 5.7M 52.15 -1.54 -2.87% 10.4M 54.06 -1.21 -2.19% 39.4M 126.29 -2.35 -1.83% 4.1M 32.06 -0.30 -0.93% 40.3M 77.78 -0.01 -0.01% 12.3M 109.76 -1.23 -1.11% 1.8M 93.30 -0.57 -0.61% 9.9M 115.98 -0.23 -0.20% 3.8M 44.82 -0.50 -1.10% 16.5M 76.11 -2.01 -2.57% 15.6M 59.36 -0.20 -0.34% 9.7M





Most Advanced Daily 2X VIX ST ETN Velocityshares Finisar Corporation AccuShares Spot CBOE VIX Up Shares VIX Short-Term ETN Velocityshares Fate Therapeutics, Inc. RCM Technologies, Inc. Escalade, Incorporated Whole Foods Market, Inc. ProShares UltraPro Short NASDAQ Biotech Mirna Therapeutics, Inc. Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc.

$ 8.73 $ 14.25 $ 23.75 $ 31.48 $ 3.79 $ 5.40 $ 12.03 $ 34.02 $ 24.61 $ 7.10 $ 23.43

2 ▲ 29.72% 2.61 ▲ 22.42% 3.99 ▲ 20.19% 4.09 ▲ 14.93% 0.41 ▲ 12.13% 0.51 ▲ 10.43% 1.03 ▲ 9.36% 2.69 ▲ 8.59% 1.86 ▲ 8.18% 0.50 ▲ 7.58% 1.54 ▲ 7.04%

$ 8.55 $ 3.24 $ 17 $ 4.54 $ 23.12 $ 7.40 $ 12.16 $ 47.16 $ 2.56 $ 2.04 $ 3.52

2.4633 ▼ 22.37% 0.82 ▼ 20.20% 3.88 ▼ 18.58% 1.02 ▼ 18.35% 4 ▼ 14.75% 1.13 ▼ 13.25% 1.78 ▼ 12.77% 6.59 ▼ 12.26% 0.35 ▼ 12.03% 0.26 ▼ 11.30% 0.42 ▼ 10.66%

Most Declined United Development Funding IV Lantheus Holdings, Inc. AccuShares Spot CBOE VIX Down Shares Raptor Pharmaceutical Corp. Daily Inverse VIX ST ETN Velocityshares ProQR Therapeutics N.V. Star Bulk Carriers Corp. Ingles Markets, Incorporated Vanguard Natural Resources LLC Erickson Incorporated Connecture, Inc.


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South


RAC: Petrol could fall to £1 a litre

PETROL PRICES: Could drop by Christmas if retailers pass on savings from lower crude oil prices.

Photo Credit gkuna shutterstock

THE price of petrol in the UK should drop to £1 a litre by Christmas if retailers ‘do the right thing’ by passing on savings from the lower crude oil prices, the RAC predicts. RAC spokesman Simon Williams said: “All we need is for the supermarkets to do the right thing and embrace the season of goodwill by passing on those savings at the pump to make Christmas that much cheaper for everyone.” Just recently, the price of Brent crude oil dropped to its lowest rate since 2009, and now stands at around $40 a barrel. The RAC believe that this should equate to a 3p per litre drop in petrol prices at the pump, bringing the average price

Photo Credit Suranga SL Shutterstock

By Steve Walsh

down to £1.03. However, many forecourts may choose to be more competitive. “We are still some way off the average price of unleaded reaching the £1 a litre mark but this will be a big step in the right direction,” he added. According to reports from the BBC, supermarkets Tesco and Asda ran a three-day 99.7p a litre petrol campaign last month, and have currently cut petrol prices by 2p per litre, while Sainsbury’s said it would cut prices by ‘up to 2p’. Mr Williams also said: “If retailers don’t pass on the savings quickly, they will be giving themselves an unpopular Christmas boost to profits by pocketing the extra margin when they should really be passing this on to their customers instead.”

Former British PM to advise on investments

TOLL ROADS: Normally managed by commercial companies.

Spanish policy not in line with EU By John Smith IT has been remarked on by the European Commission that Spanish economic policy, with regards to investment into the Alta Velocidad Española (high speed trains) and toll motorways, is not in accordance with EU policy or expectation. The European Commission requires that the state should not make unrecoverable investments in any major infrastructure developments, and in particular it does not believe that the AVE will ever generate sufficient income to recover the investment that the government has placed in it. Toll motorways, although generally owned by the government, are normally managed by commercial companies who charge an agreed amount which may increase during busy periods such as Christmas, although the cost of building of the 16,583 kilometres of motorways may eventually be covered.

FORMER British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has taken up a role on an advisory panel at global investment management firm Pimco, as part of a five person group described by the company as ‘worldrenowned experts on economic and political issues’. The other members include a former US Federal Reserve chairman, retired former president of the European Central Bank and a former member of the Singapore Investment Corporation, who clearly have a pedigree that Mr Brown who earned a degree in history cannot emulate, although he was Chancellor of the Exchequer. A spokesman for Mr Brown said he was taking on ‘a minor advisory role’, and would not financially benefit and added: “Any money goes to the office of Gordon and Sarah Brown to support their charitable and public service work.” Many will remember that Mr Brown sold the majority of Britain’s gold reserves to raise funds at around £250 (€350) per ounce and then watched the price of gold soar to more than £1,000 (€1,400) an ounce before becoming Prime Minister and leading Labour to election defeat. Pimco, which is owned by German asset manager Allianz, administers about $1.47 trillion (€1.34 trillion) of assets for its clients.

Photo Credit H.M. Government

By John Smith

GORDON BROWN: Will take on a ‘minor advisory role’.


17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South



Berlin-based company to offer new smartphone bank in Spain THERE is a new concept in banking which was launched in Germany in January of 2015 and is now to be offered in Spain by Berlin-based company Number26, which operates through smartphones and without any need for a customer to visit a bank even to open the account. According to Number26, it is able to offer a more convenient option in European countries where the technology and infrastructures are outdated and hidebound by bureaucracy. New customers can sign up for an account within eight minutes, using a video chat function to verify their identity, there is no need to go to a physical bank and there aren’t even any forms to complete. As a Spanish customer, your account will be held in Germany by what is effectively a German bank and accounts are protected by the German Deposit Protection Fund, so

Photo Credit Ditty about summer Shutterstock

By John Smith

SMARTPHONE BANKING: A new and innovative, if somewhat ‘tekkie’ concept.

unless enormous amounts of money are invested with Number26, customer funds will be safe. Account holders will receive a physical MasterCard and any transactions can be checked through an app which is suitable for Android and iOS mobile phones, although the account can also be accessed through a pc. There are no charges for opening the account nor are there fees to make a foreign transaction. The concept was created by young people who feel that because banks are generally run by those in their 50s and above, they do not understand the needs and expectations of younger generations. Their target market is in the 18 to 35 age group and they already have 80,000 users in Germany and Austria. For those who are interested in this innovative, if somewhat ‘tekkie’ new banking option, more information can be obtained from


17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South


A woman’s place is in the home THE PILL has totally confused the female of our species LEAPY LEE SAYS IT

OTHERS THINK IT HI girls, you’re really going to hate Leapy this week. Omitting his views on homosexuals, I actually believe many of the somewhat odious Tyson Fury’s views are quite correct. The latest world heavyweight boxing champion took the opportunity of his new status to release a whole tirade of his opinions on our lifestyle and traditions. I thought his views on free speech were particularly articulate. After all, if without retribution, you can praise women for being successful in the world of previously male-dominated professions, then you should be able to state that in your opinion a woman’s place is in the home. Why not? As I stated recently, I think the advent of the pill has totally confused the female of our species. Almost overnight it gave women the opportunity to pick and choose their sexual ad-

UPSETTING THE EQUILIBRIUM: The pill has a lot to answer for. ventures. Suddenly penis envy went out of the window and they all had the same freedom to come and go as the male sex; and boy has that upset the equilibrium. (Far too many examples to include here!)

Well of course it has. It’s completely against nature, that’s why. Since the age of the cave-dweller it is generally the male who, far better equipped physically, has been the hunter.

The female, also well equipped for her calling, has been the homemaker and nurturer of the offspring. It is actually the perfect recipe for a successful relationship. There’s nothing detrimental in being a housewife. It is the most taxing of professions, demanding a whole range of practical and emotional expertise. The two sides complement themselves perfectly. Show me a marriage that has happily endured for years and nine out of 10 will be a par t ner shi p based on t r adi t i onal values. To my mind the female ‘liberation’ instigated by the pill has been an unmitigated disaster for the ladies. Egged on by the women’s libbers it has destroyed all previous boundaries and sent the female of the species careering off i nt o so m any di ff er ent aspect s of physical and emotional turmoil they may find it impossible to ever recover. Keep the faith Love Leapy


17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South

The simple idiom ‘live and let live’ would ensure survival



BUT the self-destructive side of humans means this would never happen Lukasz Z /

Colin Bird A weekly look Each week, Colin brings his slightly off-thewall view of the world to the pages of EWN in his own irreverent style.

WE live in a world of absolutes, a world of certainties. David Cameron knows that he is absolutely right and Jeremy Corbyn is certain of his stance. Equally, Putin versus Obama, et al. Dedicated Christians are rock solid in their beliefs and Muslims know without a doubt that Islam is the one true religion. The same can be said about the countless other religions of the world. Only their own faith represents truth and light and therefore the followers of all other doctrines are infidels, heretics and Godless heathens. Atheists are equally adamant in their non-belief of

DEDICATION: There are still people who help others, regardless of their colour or creed. a supreme being or beings, and can be as vitriolic and intolerant as the best of them. Some of the angriest people I have ever met are committed atheists. This intolerance, aka bigotry, shows itself in a variety

of ways, through wars and the domination of nations by force of arms, brutal beheadings, mutilations and the many ingenious and inhuman ways of torture devised by the Holy Inquisition, and its counterparts in other European coun-

tries in the Middle Ages. There are also more subtle ways of persuasion. When the Mormons and Witnesses come calling, the smiles and friendly manner do nothing to detract from their core message that failure to convert or

the acceptance of a blood transfusion will mean a oneway ticket to the fiery pit. It is simply intolerance in another guise. The vast majority of humanity wants nothing more than to live in peace and security and coexist with their fellow men and women, indeed there are still those of all nationalities who dedicate themselves to helping others without conditions, regardless of colour or creed. If the combined resources of the human race were utilised and used for the good of all, disease would be wiped out, wars would be a thing of the past and famine become an out-of-date concept. The simple idiom ‘live and let live’ is the tenet that would ensure our survival, but the self-destructive side of human nature ensures this will never happen.

Effects of Schengen breakdown STRENGTH of the Euro could be hurt and may even be rejected by some member states

WITH the problems of migrants and refugees rushing to Europe and the recent Paris atrocities, six of the 26 members of Schengen, which allows free movement across member’s borders, have reintroduced some form of new border control. Austria, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia and Sweden are the only countries so far to officially restrict movement across their borders, but if the flood of migrants continues then others including Belgium, Greece and Italy could well follow suit. France has also decided for different and understandable reasons to impose sporadic checks on those entering the country. The decisions seem to be quite reasonable considering what has happened in the past year, but there are ramifications which need to be considered as they could have a serious impact upon the economy of every member of the EU, and the actual strength of the Euro. Inter-European trade has grown phenomenally since the introduction of Schengen, and as most of the cross-border movement of goods is by road, then

Credit Diego Menna Wikimedia

By John Smith

BORDER CONTROLS: Six members of Schengen have tightened security.


Photo Credit Aleksei Posov Shutterstock


PRESENTS: Donations.

Thinking of others AS we approach Christmas, it is very interesting to see the wealth of stories that come in concerning the number of Christmas lunches and fundraisers that are taking place, and where the funds raised are being directed. During the past year there has been a great deal of activity with regards to animals, and cancer, but it is interesting that as we get closer to Christmas there have been a number of activities across all regions we cover raising funds for children. A large number of our readers have been involved in assisting the underprivileged to ensure they and especially their children enjoy Christmas Day with gifts and food. At this time of year, children receive so many gifts they often can’t cope with them all. A number of organisations have collection points for new and good quality used toys, many suggesting they be pre-wrapped with an indication of whether they are for a boy or girl, with an approximation of the appropriate age range. There has been a great deal of activity to obtain food for food banks with volunteers collecting food at supermarkets to ensure they are well stocked for Christmas. Others are organising meals, not just for the poor, but also those who have no family to share the day with. If anyone wants to offer their services to help cook food or is looking for somewhere to go and spend the day, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find an option through one of the many local charities and religious groups.

every time a driver has to stop and present documents and perhaps have his vehicle searched, it is going to take time and increase the costs, as well as the risk of perishable goods being ruined. That is just one example and there are more. With free movement across borders, there has been a large (several million) number of cross-border commuters and in Luxembourg which has become an important financial centre, many of the staff working there actually live in Belgium, France or Germany. The attraction of working there could disappear if queues become onerous. An additional problem would be the building of border posts on new roads, and the hiring and training of additional customs and immigration staff to man those posts, as well as those on old roads too. All of this comes at a financial cost but there is also the fact that Europe would once again be divided, which Now we goes wholly against the spirit of the want to Union and with division, one could see hear your views. that the strength of the Euro could be hurt, and may even be rejectYOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE ed by some member states if it - YOUR OPINION falls dramatically against the dollar, the pound and other currencies.


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South

7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Operation Meet the Street 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Oxford Street Revealed 12:45pm Family Finders 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm The Doctor Blake Mysteries 4:10pm Escape to the Country 4:40pm Home Comforts at Christmas 5:25pm Flog It! 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm Eat Well for Less at Christmas 10:00pm DIY SOS The Big Build 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm Question Time 12:35am This Week

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm 1000 Heartbeats 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Tonight 9:00pm Emmerdale 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm The Nation's Favourite Bond Song 11:30pm ITV News 12:15am The World According to Kenny Everett 1:15am Jackpot247 Join the presenters live and play roulette on your telly. 4:00am Tonight 4:25am ITV Nightscreen

7:45am Family Finders 8:15am Flog it! Trade Secrets 9:15am MasterChef: The Professionals 10:15am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pm BBC News 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm Cash in the Attic 2:45pm Pressure Pad 3:30pm The Great British Bake Off 4:30pm The Great Antiques Map of Britain 5:00pm The World's Most Photographed 5:30pm Wogan: The Best of 6:15pm Bargain Hunt 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 8:00pm Ronnie Barker: The Many Faces of... 9:00pm MasterChef: The Professionals 10:00pm The Great British Bake Off Christmas Masterclass 11:00pm Russell Howard's Good News 11:30pm Newsnight 12:15am Journey Down the Yukon: A Soldier's Challenge

7:00am 7:25am 8:10am 8:40am 9:10am 9:40am 10:40am 11:35am 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:40pm 4:50pm 5:55pm 7:00pm

8:00pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am 1:50am 2:15am

2:40am 3:05am

You've Been Framed! Psych Emmerdale Coronation Street You've Been Framed! The Cube Psych Holiday Engagement Emmerdale Coronation Street You've Been Framed! Catchphrase The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Judge Rinder Studio courtroom show in which criminal barrister Robert Rinder rules on real life cases. You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Scorpion Celebrity Juice Keith Lemon: The Film Two and a Half Men Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records Crazy Beaches Animal Practice

8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am 12:25am 12:45am 1:10am 1:30am 2:00am 2:30am 3:30am 4:00am 4:30am 5:00am

Top Gear Don't Tell the Bride Live at the Apollo Live at the Apollo EastEnders Rent a Cop Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! Family Guy Rent a Cop Josh Reggie Yates' Extreme UK Cuckoo Cuckoo Asian Provocateur This is BBC Three

9:00pm The Secret Life of Rockpools 10:00pm What a Performance! Pioneers of Popular Entertainment 11:00pm Best Possible Taste: The Kenny Everett Story 12:30am Jeff Lynne's ELO in Concert

7:00am 7:20am 7:50am 8:50am 9:45am 10:45am 11:10am 11:40am 12:05pm 2:05pm 3:10pm 4:20pm 5:25pm 5:55pm 6:25pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 11:00pm

1:00am 3:00am

3:20am 3:30am

Judge Judy George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Where the Heart is Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy A Touch of Frost Heartbeat Wild at Heart Where the Heart is Rising Damp On the Buses George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Lewis If I Had You A thriller set against the landscape of the Peak District. A Touch of Frost Judge Judy The Emmy nominated reality courtroom series, presided over by outspoken family court judge. ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping Shopping from home.

7:00am Countdown 7:45am 3rd Rock from the Sun 8:35am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am Frasier 10:30am Frasier 11:00am Undercover Boss USA 12:00pm Jamie's Christmas with Bells On 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Kirstie's Homemade Christmas 2:05pm Come Dine with Me 3:10pm Deal or No Deal 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Posh Pawnbrokers 6:00pm Couples Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm The Secret Life of Children at Christmas 10:00pm First Dates 11:00pm Very British Problems at Christmas 12:05am Gogglebox 1:10am 24 Hours in A and E

7:00am The Big Match Revisited 7:50am The Professionals 8:45am Minder 9:50am Alias Smith and Jones 10:55am Pawn Stars 11:25am Pawn Stars 11:50am The Professionals 12:55pm Kojak 2:00pm Minder 3:00pm Pawn Stars 3:30pm Pawn Stars 3:55pm Pawn Stars 4:30pm Pawn Stars 4:55pm Alias Smith and Jones 6:00pm The Professionals 7:00pm Kojak 8:00pm Pawn Stars 8:30pm Pawn Stars 9:00pm The Car Chasers 9:30pm The Car Chasers 10:00pm Fifth Gear 11:00pm Rambo: First Blood Part II 1:05am Red Sonja 2:55am Ax Men 3:40am ITV4 Nightscreen Text-based information service. 4:00am Teleshopping Shopping from home.

8:20am 8:35am 8:50am 9:00am 9:15am 9:35am 9:50am 10:00am 10:15am 12:45pm 2:30pm 2:35pm 3:05pm 4:45pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am

7:00am 9:00am 10:45am 12:45pm 3:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm 9:00pm 11:15pm 1:20am 3:20am 5:20am

Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat Christmas with the Wright Stuff Twelve Trees of Christmas 5 News Lunchtime Neighbours The Wishing Tree I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus 5 News at 5 Neighbours 5 News Tonight Crazy Christmas Compulsives Alex Polizzi's Italian Islands Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Snow Christmas on the Poverty Line Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away at Christmas

Rooster Cogburn Broken Lance Twister Jupiter Ascending Lethal Weapon Lethal Weapon 2 Twister Jupiter Ascending Lethal Weapon Lethal Weapon 2 Species Broken Lance

7:15am I Want Candy 8:50am The Pink Panther Strikes Again 10:40am The Simpsons Movie 12:10pm Last Vegas 2:00pm The Cable Guy 3:40pm You've Got Mail 5:45pm The Waterboy 7:25pm Balls of Fury 9:00pm The Simpsons Movie 10:30pm Last Vegas 12:30am Pretty Woman 2:45am The Top Ten Show 2015 3:00am Risky Business 4:45am The Good Dinosaur: Special

7:00am 7:20am 7:45am 8:30am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 12:05am

Rude(Ish) Tube Rude(Ish) Tube Charmed Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks A to Z The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Paul The Big Bang Theory

7:00am Ghosthunters: On Icy Trails 8:45am The Top Ten Show 2015 9:00am Extraterrestrial 10:45am Kill the Messenger 12:45pm The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water 2:30pm Avengers: Age of Ultron Special 3:00pm Ghosthunters: On Icy Trails 4:45pm Focus An experienced con artist gets thrown for a loop when a former flame walks back into his life. 6:45pm In the Heart of the Sea: Special 7:15pm The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water 9:00pm Kill the Messenger 11:00pm Focus 1:00am Bad Asses on the Bayou 2:30am Extraterrestrial 4:15am Bad Asses on the Bayou 5:45am The Top Ten Show 2015


7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 8:00am 9:00am 9:30am 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:15pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:15pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE SmackDown! Cricket's Greatest Big Bash League Cricket Specials Cricket Specials Cricket Specials Cricket's Greatest Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Premier League 100 Club Fantasy Football Club Highlights Premier League 100 Club Premier League Football Gold Football Gold Barclays Premier League World Premier League Fantasy Football Club Highlights Barclays Premier League World Football Barclays Premier League World La Liga Show 2015 Football Gold

7:00am Graham Taylor Interviews Denis Law 8:00am Sporting Rivalries 8:30am Time of Our Lives 9:30am Time of Our Lives 10:30am Gary Newbon Interviewing Tanni Grey-Thompson 11:30am Sporting Rivalries 12:00pm Racing News 12:30pm How the 2015 ICC World Cup Was Won 2:30pm Sky Sports Originals 3:30pm Cricket's Greatest 4:00pm Cricket's Greatest 4:30pm Cricket's Greatest 5:00pm Cricket's Greatest 6:00pm Sky Sports Originals 7:00pm Sporting Greats 7:30pm World Darts Champ's Preview 8:00pm World Darts Championship 12:00am Darts Gold 12:15am Darts Gold 12:30am World Pool Masters 1:30am Barclays Premier League World 2:00am Sporting Rivalries 2:30am Time of Our Lives 3:30am Time of Our Lives



17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South




Letters for Your Say should be emailed to or make your comments straight on our website:

Ambulance drivers can’t find their way to emergencies OVER recent weeks there have been various pieces in the local papers about the slow response rates for ambulances in Orihuela Costa. There are similar problems experienced by people living on the San Miguel urbanisation, El Galan. On Sunday November 29, the 112 emergency number was used to summons an ambulance to Calle Huelva, El Galan, to attend Mrs Joyce Byne. The ambulance was called at quarter past 10 but didn’t arrive until nearly 11am. The ambulance drivers had no idea where El Galan was and had spent over 15 minutes trying to find the road in the town of San Miguel. They then admitted that it was only after they couldn’t find the street in the town that they used their sat nav! Even with this aid they failed to find the street and called for instructions. When they eventually arrived they told us that we should have given the address as being in Blue Lagoon or Las Filipinas. We did tell them that the area was El Galan on maps and on our padrons! It is indefensible that ambulance drivers do not have adequate maps, sat navs or a central control station that can give them appropriate and correct directions. Unfortunately, Joyce was pronounced dead. However, any one of our neighbours may need an ambulance in an emergency and you do not expect the ambulance drivers to have no idea of the geography of the area they serve. Barry Buckingham, El Galan

Wise words Re: ‘Only way is to fight for our ideals’ I AM an ex-serviceman and alas I don’t have time to express all of my feelings on this subject. I do feel sure that Leapy is NOT anti-Muslim. He is for sure anti-stupidity, racism and murder. If I may just quote Muhammed Ali, a world-class boxer whose wit was and is as fast as his punch. Ali’s wise words on this subject…”True Muslims know that the ruthless violence of so-called Islamic Jihadists goes against the very tenets of our religion,” he said. “These misguided murderers have

Photographs for possible publication should be sent by email with a full caption to:

Non-existent fire service

have interpreters on hand if needed, but so many Spanish people speak English so we never have a problem. Jenny H, by email

Nice surprise THIS morning as I was making my way to Malaga airport, I picked up a copy of EWN outside Cudeca in Fuengirola. On the train I flipped through the paper and was stopped in my tracks when I came to page 100. The headline ‘Art at the Golfer Sports Bar’ by John Smith had a really nice article that featured one of my paintings from a new exhibition in Marbella. I was not expecting such exposure and wish to thank EWN for the really fabulous exposure. Thank you and John Smith in particular. Best regards and a Happy Christmas to you and all your a staff. Roger Cummiskey, by email

I HAVE been reading in the papers about the poor ambulance service in Orihuela Costa. What I want to ask is what about the non-existent fire service? There has been a spate of fires in rubbish bins all over the area. You phone 112 and wait and wait, while flames and smoke shoot up to the sky, and most times the fire engine doesn’t even bother to come and have a look. The other day there was a big blaze and many of my neighbours also called the fire brigade but no fire engine turned up. The same has happened when cars go up in flames. What happens if it is one of our houses on fire? We would be dead before any fire engine got anywhere near us. It is scary. I think people ought to be told how bad the fire and ambulance service is before they decide to live out here. Mrs K Dodds, Orihuela

perverted people’s views on what Islam really is. “I am a Muslim and there is nothing Islamic about killing innocent people in Paris, San Bernardino, or anywhere else in the world. "Muslims have to stand up to those who use Islam to advance their own personal agenda.” That says a lot to me. I hope that decent Muslims are hearing him. Leo, by email

Good care Re: letter from Cliff & Desiree, Mallorca, EWN 1584 IT IS so bad that Desiree has had to wait six months for treatment for

breast cancer in England. I hope she makes a good recovery and soon. In July 1988, I had a mammogram and got a perfect, clear report. November 1, I felt a lump and on December 14 had a 4.5 cm lump removed. That was followed by 15 doses of radiation and five years on Tamoxifen. On August 26 and again on October 7 this year, my doctor said I didn’t have a problem (although it was very obvious I did) as last year’s mammogram was clear. She did finally refer me for another mammogram. After not hearing anything for two weeks, I went to the local hospital in Benalmadena, where there was no record on the screen and the receptionist said it was probably “still going round the system.” So on Thursday October 22, I

went to the Emergency Department. The Triage nurse said I should go to my doctor; he got me in to see a wonderful doctor, who organised a mammogram and echography for the next morning. After extensive tests, on November 12, I saw the surgeon, had an x-ray, blood test, and ECG, and the following week I went to Malaga Clinic to have the lump frozen, with radiation to follow. This is public, not private treatment! I’ve had 27 good years and at 82 I won’t get that long again, but I’ll have a damn good try! What I can’t understand is why do so many people go back to England when they need help? More than half the doctors there are from different countries and too many don’t speak English. Here at least we

Just deserts I AM an avid reader of Leapy Lee’s column and agree most times with his ‘advice’ to the various organisations which are not quite on our wavelength. On Page 20 of Issue 1588: ‘Trucker puts raw pork on outide of his lorry to keep the immigrants away’! What a good idea, nearly as good as mine, which I sent to the editor of the Daily Mail a few weeks ago. When a suicide bomber had done his dastardly work, collect up his remnants and feed them to the pigs. We should then give it worldwide coverage, sit back and see what transpires. Norman, via email

WHEN YOU WRITE All letters, whether by email or post, should carry the writer’s postal address, NIE and contact number though only the name and town will be published. Letters may also be edited. Readers who have missed earlier correspondence can see all letters posted on:

The views expressed and opinions given in Letters are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements, and reject claims arising out of any action that a company or individual may take on the basis of information contained therein.


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South

11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Oxford Street Revealed 12:45pm Family Finders 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm The Doctor Blake Mysteries 4:10pm Escape to the Country 4:40pm Home Comforts at Christmas 5:25pm Flog It! 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm A Question of Sport 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm Citizen Khan 10:00pm Have I Got News for You 10:30pm Peter Kay's Car Share 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm The Graham Norton Show 12:20am Josh

9:45am 10:15am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm

9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:05am

Great British Menu Victoria Derbyshire BBC News The Daily Politics Britain's First Photo Album The Great British Bake Off The Great Antiques Map of Britain The World's Most Photographed Wogan: The Best of Bargain Hunt Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two Tom Kerridge Cooks Christmas Mary Berry's Absolute Christmas Favourites Mastermind An Island Parish: Falklands Alex Polizzi: Hire Our Heroes The Clare Balding Show Newsnight Artificial Intelligence: AI

8:00pm World's Craziest Fools 8:30pm Don't Tell the Bride 9:30pm Sherlock 11:00pm EastEnders 11:30pm Russell Howard's Good News Extra 12:15am American Dad! 12:40am American Dad! 1:00am Family Guy 1:25am Family Guy 1:45am Rent a Cop 2:15am Josh 2:45am Russell Howard's Good News Extra 3:30am Cuckoo

8:30pm Andrea Chenier From the Royal Opera House 10:35pm Sounds of the Eighties 11:00pm Queen: From Rags to Rhapsody 12:00am Queen: The Legendary 1975 Concert

7:00am Countdown 7:45am 3rd Rock from the Sun 8:35am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am Frasier 11:00am Undercover Boss USA 12:00pm Jamie's Best Ever Christmas 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Kirstie's Homemade Christmas 2:05pm Celebrity Come Dine with Me Christmas Special 3:10pm Deal or No Deal 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Posh Pawnbrokers 6:00pm Couples Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 8:30pm TFI Friday 10:00pm Gogglebox 11:00pm Alan Carr: Chatty Man 12:05am First Dates 1:05am Rude Tube

8:05am 8:25am 8:40am 8:55am 9:10am 9:20am 9:30am 9:50am 10:00am 10:15am 12:40pm 2:30pm 2:35pm 3:05pm

4:50pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm

9:00pm 10:00pm 12:15am 1:15am 4:10am

Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat Christmas with the Wright Stuff The Perfect Holiday 5 News Lunchtime Neighbours Mrs Miracle 2: Miracle in Manhattan Help for the Holidays 5 News at 5 Neighbours 5 News Tonight Ultimate Strongman Masters World Championships 2015 Ice Road Truckers Con Air Caught on Camera Super Casino The Dog Rescuers at Christmas

7:00am 7:45am 8:30am 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:50pm 12:20am 12:50am

Rude(Ish) Tube Charmed Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey The Big Bang Theory How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks A to Z The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Taken The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Bodyshockers


7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 7:45am 8:00am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:15am 11:30am 11:45am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 1:45pm 2:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show with Text Santa 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 3:00pm Judge Rinder for Text Santa 4:00pm 1000 Heartbeats for Text Santa 5:00pm Tipping Point for Text Santa 6:00pm The Chase for Text Santa 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Text Santa Christmas Jumper Day 12:05am ITV News 12:55am The Best Bits 2:10am Jackpot247 4:00am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA

7:00am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 7:25am Psych 8:10am Emmerdale 8:40am Emmerdale 9:10am Coronation Street 9:40am The Cube 10:40am Psych 11:35am Catchphrase 12:15pm Take Me Out 1:30pm Emmerdale 2:00pm Emmerdale 2:30pm Coronation Street 3:00pm Catchphrase 3:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:50pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00pm Judge Rinder 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:30pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm The Bourne Identity 12:25am The Nutty Professor 2:20am The Vampire Diaries 3:10am Teleshopping

7:00am 7:10am 7:35am 8:40am 9:25am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am

11:55am 2:00pm 3:05pm 4:10pm 5:15pm 5:50pm 6:20pm 6:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 2:40am 3:35am 3:55am

Movies Now George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Where the Heart is Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy The Emmy nominated reality courtroom series, presided over by outspoken family court judge. A Touch of Frost Heartbeat Wycliffe Where the Heart is In Loving Memory On the Buses George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Midsomer Murders Wycliffe Poirot: Murder on the Orient Express Where the Heart is Judge Judy Judge Judy

7:00am The Big Match Revisited 7:50am The Professionals 8:45am Minder 9:50am Alias Smith and Jones 10:55am Pawn Stars 11:25am Pawn Stars 11:50am The Professionals 12:50pm Kojak 1:55pm Minder 3:00pm Pawn Stars 3:30pm Pawn Stars 3:55pm Pawn Stars 4:25pm Pawn Stars 4:50pm Alias Smith and Jones 6:00pm The Professionals 7:00pm Kojak 8:00pm Pawn Stars 8:30pm Pawn Stars 9:00pm Storage Wars Texas 9:30pm Storage Wars Texas 10:00pm Police Academy 12:05am 6 Bullets 2:25am Minder 3:15am Nitro Circus 3:40am ITV4 Nightscreen 4:00am Teleshopping

9:00am Predator 11:00am Captain America: The Winter Soldier 1:20pm Taken 3 3:20pm The Matrix 5:40pm Captain America: The Winter Soldier 8:00pm Taken 3 10:00pm The Matrix 12:30am RoboCop 2:30am The Top Ten Show 2015

8:40am Monkey Business 10:20am Romy and Michele's High School Reunion 11:55am Elf 1:40pm A Million Ways to Die in the West 3:40pm My Big Fat Greek Wedding 5:20pm Stir Crazy 7:15pm Be Kind Rewind 9:00pm A Million Ways to Die in the West 11:00pm Elf 12:45am The Opposite Sex

7:00am The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water 8:45am Bad Asses on the Bayou 10:15am The Marine 4: Moving Target 12:00pm Dino Time 1:30pm The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water 3:15pm Chappie 5:30pm Cinderella 7:30pm Dino Time 9:00pm Cinderella Lavish, live-action retelling of the classic fairytale. Fantasy drama. 11:00pm Chappie 1:15am The Marine 4: Moving Target 3:00am Bad Asses on the Bayou 4:30am Avengers: Age of Ultron Special 5:00am Dino Time Three kids travel back in time to the age of the dinosaurs.

7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 8:30am 9:30am 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:15pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 12:00am 12:15am 1:15am 2:15am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE Main Event Barclays Premier League World Premier League 100 Club Premier League Barclays Premier League World Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Premier League 100 Club Premier League La Liga Show 2015 Football Gold Football Gold World Darts Championship La Liga Show 2015 Game Changers The Fantasy Football Club Football The Fantasy Football Club Football Gold

Cricket's Greatest Cricket's Greatest Cricket's Greatest Cricket Big Bash League Cricket Premier League 100 Club Premier League Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Premier League 100 Club La Liga Show 2015 Premier League 100 Club Premier League Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Sporting Rivalries Sporting Rivalries World Darts Championship Darts Gold Sporting Heroes Sporting Heroes Michael Holding Interviewing Sir Michael Stoute


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South

7:00am Breakfast 11:00am Saturday Kitchen 12:30pm Home Comforts at Christmas 1:00pm BBC News 1:10pm Football Focus 1:55pm Sports Personality The Final 12 2:55pm The Muppets 4:30pm The Hunt 5:30pm Final Score 6:25pm BBC News 6:35pm BBC London News 7:35pm Strictly Come Dancing 9:00pm Casualty 9:50pm The National Lottery Live 10:00pm Strictly Come Dancing Tess Daly and Claudia Winkleman present the second half of the Strictly Come Dancing 2015 final. 11:10pm BBC News 11:30pm Match of the Day 12:55am The Apprentice

7:00am Race to Super Bowl 50 7:50am Homes Under the Hammer 8:45am Natural World 9:45am Underdog 11:00am Bridge to Terabithia 12:30pm Escape to the Country 1:00pm Best Christmas Bakes Ever 1:45pm The Bishop's Wife 3:30pm Splash 5:10pm Flog It! 6:00pm Dad's Army 7:35pm The Perfect Morecambe and Wise Christmas Special 8:05pm Japan: Earth's Enchanted Island 9:05pm Porridge 9:50pm Rudolf Nureyev Dance to Freedom 11:20pm QI XL 12:05am James Brown: Mr Dynamite 1:45am Soulboy 3:05am This is BBC Two

9:00am The Aquabats! Super Show! 9:30am Thunderbirds are Go 10:00am Jessie 10:25am Murder, She Wrote 11:20am The Jeremy Kyle Show 12:20pm ITV News and Weather 12:30pm The Mirror Crack'd 2:35pm Celebrity Squares 3:15pm Doc Martin 4:15pm Midsomer Murders 6:10pm ITV News London 6:20pm ITV News and Weather 6:35pm Keep it in the Family Christmas Special 7:35pm The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 10:45pm The Jonathan Ross Show 11:50pm ITV News and Weather 12:05am Notting Hill

7:10am Emmerdale Omnibus 9:55am Coronation Street Omnibus 12:20pm Scorpion 1:15pm You've Been Framed! 2:15pm Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium 4:10pm Santa Baby 6:00pm Merry Christmas Mr Bean 6:35pm Ella Enchanted 8:25pm The Nightmare Before Christmas 10:00pm The Bourne Supremacy 12:10am Celebrity Juice 1:10am Through the Keyhole 2:15am Tricked The hilarious hidden camera magic show returns for a brand new third series. 3:10am Viral Tap 3:45am Baby Mama 5:25am The Almost Impossible Gameshow

8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 12:05am 12:50am 1:10am 1:30am 1:55am 2:20am 2:45am 3:15am 3:45am 4:15am

Don't Tell the Bride Top Gear Enemy of the State Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy The Mighty Boosh The Mighty Boosh The Mighty Boosh The Mighty Boosh Great Movie Mistakes V: Revenge of the Fifth

8:00pm Empire of the Seas: How the Navy Forged the Modern World 9:00pm The Golden Age of Steam Railways 10:00pm The Bridge 11:00pm The Bridge 12:00am 10 Things You Didn't Know About Earthquakes

7:00am Movies Now 7:10am George and Mildred 7:35am Where the Heart is 8:30am Where the Heart is 9:25am A Touch of Frost 11:35am Wycliffe 12:50pm Swallows and Amazons 2:40pm By Royal Appointment 3:50pm The Queen 5:55pm Columbo 7:55pm Rosemary and Thyme 9:00pm Housewife 49 11:00pm Lewis 1:05am A Touch of Frost 3:10am Poirot: Murder on the Orient Express All-star adaptation of Agatha Christie's novel set on the Orient Express. 5:20am Wycliffe

7:15am Great Ethiopian Run 2015 8:10am Survival of the Fittest Powered by the AllNew Renault Kadjar 8:35am Snowman Triathlon 9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am The Morning Line 11:00am The Big Bang Theory 11:30am The Big Bang Theory 12:00pm The Big Bang Theory 12:30pm The Big Bang Theory 1:00pm The Simpsons 1:30pm The Simpsons 2:00pm The Simpsons 2:30pm Channel 4 Racing 5:00pm Channel 4 News 5:10pm The Simpsons 5:40pm The Simpsons 6:10pm Arthur Christmas 8:00pm The World's Weirdest Weather 9:00pm Star Trek 11:30pm Watchmen 2:30am TFI Friday

8:10am 8:25am 8:35am 8:50am 9:10am 9:30am 9:45am 9:55am 10:30am 12:30pm 2:20pm 4:30pm 6:10pm 7:55pm 8:55pm 9:55pm 10:00pm 11:30pm 12:55am

7:00am 7:45am 8:40am 9:40am 10:15am 10:45am 11:15am 11:40am 12:05pm 12:35pm 1:05pm 1:35pm 2:05pm 2:35pm 3:05pm 5:20pm 6:20pm 7:00pm 9:30pm 11:15pm

Ax Men Motorsport UK Bundesliga World Rugby 7s Series Highlights Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Storage Wars New York Storage Wars New York Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Jeremiah Johnson Fifth Gear Formula E: Sound of the Future FIA Formula E Championship Live Jackie Chan's First Strike Rambo III

9:15am 11:30am 1:00pm 3:00pm 5:15pm 7:30pm 10:00pm 12:00am 1:40am 3:30am 5:15am

10:30am 12:05pm 1:50pm 3:45pm 5:35pm 7:20pm 9:00pm 10:45pm 12:40am


Paw Patrol Little Princess Pip Ahoy! Blaze and the Monster Machines Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Wanda and the Alien Toby's Travelling Circus Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Saturday Show A Country Christmas Story This Christmas Christmas Angel A Boyfriend for Christmas Crackers About Christmas Michael Buble's Christmas Songbook 5 News Weekend Football League Tonight Britain's Favourite Abba Songs ABBA

7:00am Melissa and Joey 7:25am How I Met Your Mother 7:45am How I Met Your Mother 8:05am Baby Daddy 8:35am Baby Daddy 9:00am The Goldbergs 9:30am The Goldbergs 10:00am Made in Chelsea 11:00am Couples Come Dine with Me 12:00pm Couples Come Dine with Me 1:00pm The Goldbergs 1:30pm The Goldbergs 2:00pm The Big Bang Theory 2:30pm The Big Bang Theory 3:00pm The Big Bang Theory 3:30pm The Big Bang Theory 4:00pm Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events 6:00pm The Big Bang Theory 10:00pm The Inbetweeners Movie 12:00am The Inbetweeners Top Ten Moments 1:00am The Inbetweeners

7:00am Football Gold 7:30am Football Gold 8:00am Premier League 100 Club 8:30am Barclays Premier League Review 9:00am Game Changers 9:30am Barclays Premier League Review 10:00am The Fantasy Football Club 11:00am Soccer A.M. 1:00pm Football 3:45pm Sky Sports Boxing Gold 2013 4:00pm Sky Sports Boxing Gold 2013 6:00pm Ford Saturday Night Football 9:00pm SNF: Game of the Day 11:00pm SNF: Match Choice 12:30am SNF: Match Choice 2:00am NFL New York Jets visit the Dallas Cowboys at the AT&T Stadium in week 15 of the NFL. 5:30am Bpl Legends

Spider-Man 2 Cloverfield The Terminator Spider-Man Spider-Man 2 Spider-Man 3 The Terminator Cloverfield Commando Ride Along Volcano: Fire on the Mountain

7:00am The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water 8:45am Bad Asses on the Bayou 10:15am The Marine 4: Moving Target 12:00pm Dino Time 1:30pm The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water 3:15pm Chappie 5:30pm Cinderella 7:30pm Dino Time 9:00pm Cinderella 11:00pm Chappie 1:15am The Marine 4: Moving Target 3:00am Bad Asses on the Bayou 4:30am Transformers: Age of Extinction Special Alex Zane chats to the cast of the latest instalment in the hit action franchise.

7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 9:00am 12:30pm 1:30pm 2:00pm

Doctor Dolittle 2 The Wedding Ringer The Interview Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason Three Amigos! Big Daddy The Wedding Ringer The Interview Bridget Jones

6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 12:00am 12:30am 1:00am 4:30am 5:00am


Cricket's Greatest Cricket's Greatest Cricket Big Bash League Cricket Cricket's Greatest World Darts Championship Cricket Sporting Greats Sporting Greats World Darts Championship Cricket's Greatest Cricket's Greatest Big Bash League Cricket's Greatest Cricket's Greatest Series profiling some of the greatest cricketers of all time. Cricket's Greatest


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South

7:00am Breakfast 8:35am Match of the Day 10:00am The Andrew Marr Show 11:00am Fern Britton Meets... 12:00pm Homes Under the Hammer 1:00pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:15pm Rise of the Guardians 3:40pm Merry Madagascar 4:05pm Toy Story 3 5:45pm Christmas Big Sing 6:25pm BBC News 6:40pm BBC London News 6:50pm Countryfile 7:50pm Sports Personality of the Year 2015 10:00pm The Apprentice 12:00am BBC News 12:20am BBC London News 12:30am Have I Got a Bit More News for You 1:10am Weather for the Week Ahead Detailed weather forecast. 1:15am BBC News

7:15am Big Dreams Small Spaces 8:15am Countryfile 9:15am An Island Parish: Falklands 9:45am Beavers Behaving Badly 10:45am Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:15pm Simply Nigella 1:15pm MOTD2 Extra 2:00pm Hi-De-Hi! 2:45pm Equestrian 5:30pm Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em 6:20pm Flog It! 7:25pm The Good Life 7:50pm University Challenge 8:20pm To the Manor Born 9:20pm Safe Haven 11:10pm Live at the Apollo 11:55pm Family Guy 12:15am The Javone Prince Show 12:45am Country Strife 1:15am Special Forces Ultimate Hell Week 2:15am Special Forces Ultimate Hell Week 3:15am Countryfile 4:15am Holby City

9:00am The Aquabats! Super Show! 9:30am Dc Comics: Batman Beleaguered 10:00am Jessie 10:25am FIA Formula e Championship Highlights 11:20am The Jeremy Kyle Show 12:20pm ITV News and Weather 12:25pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 1:30pm The Unforgettable Dick Emery 2:00pm Doc Martin 4:00pm Midsomer Murders 6:00pm Tipping Point for Text Santa 7:00pm ITV News London 7:15pm Regional News and Weather 7:30pm Jekyll and Hyde 8:30pm The Sound of Music Live 11:05pm ITV News and Weather 11:20pm Love Actually 1:45am Jackpot247

7:00am The Hot Desk 7:10am Christmas Bonkers Guinness World Records 7:35am Emmerdale Omnibus 10:20am Coronation Street Omnibus 12:45pm Keep it in the Family Christmas Special 1:50pm You've Been Framed! 2:20pm Peter Pan 4:30pm Beethoven's Christmas Adventure 6:20pm Catchphrase 7:25pm The X Factor Winner's Story 2015 8:30pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm You've Been Framed! 10:00pm The Bourne Ultimatum 12:15am Celebrity Juice 1:00am Release the Hounds 2:05am Tricked 3:00am Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant 4:50am Educating Joey Essex 5:40am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

8:00pm 8:10pm 9:30pm 10:30pm 11:35pm 12:15am 1:00am 1:25am 1:45am 2:15am 2:40am 3:10am 3:40am 4:10am

First Flight G-Force Don't Tell the Bride Top Gear Russell Howard's Good News Extra Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Josh The Mighty Boosh The Mighty Boosh The Mighty Boosh The Mighty Boosh Great Movie Mistakes V

7:20am 7:45am 8:10am 8:35am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 1:30pm 1:55pm 2:25pm 4:15pm 6:10pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 9:00pm

8:00pm Blood and Gold: The Making of Spain with Simon Sebag Montefiore 9:00pm Westminster Abbey 10:00pm Nat King Cole: Afraid of the Dark 11:30pm Nina Simone and Me with Laura Mvula 12:00am Bruce Springsteen 12:55am Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band

7:00am Swallows and Amazons 8:35am Heartbeat 9:35am Heartbeat 10:40am Foyle's War 12:50pm Columbo 2:50pm Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory 4:55pm Clash of the Santas 6:55pm Michael BublĂŠ: Home for Christmas 8:30pm Lewis 10:30pm Inspector Morse 12:45am A Touch of Frost 2:50am Wycliffe 3:45am On the Buses Sitcom about a chirpy bus driver and his conductor pal. 4:10am ITV3 Nightscreen Text-based information service. 4:40am Emmerdale Omnibus Diane sees a familiar face at the hospital. A terrified Kerry prepares for surgery.

10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am 1:40am 3:10am 4:05am 4:55am 5:20am 5:50am

7:00am 7:45am 8:30am 9:15am 10:15am 11:15am 12:20pm 12:50pm 1:15pm 1:40pm 2:10pm 2:35pm 4:15pm 6:20pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 12:40am 3:25am 5:00am



King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Sunday Brunch The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hachi: A Dog's Tale The Addams Family Channel 4 News Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas Home Alone Bear Goes Wild with Barack Obama Homeland Gogglebox Four Christmases Airplane! Alan Carr: Chatty Man The Undateables Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed

7:45am Tickety Toc 7:55am Zack and Quack 8:05am Roobarb and Custard Too 8:15am Make Way for Noddy 8:25am Paw Patrol 8:40am Little Princess 8:50am Pip Ahoy! 9:05am Blaze and the Monster Machines 9:30am Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 9:45am Wanda and the Alien 9:55am Toby's Travelling Circus 10:10am Jelly Jamm 10:30am LazyTown 10:55am Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:30am Football League Tonight 1:00pm Surf's Up 2:35pm The Christmas Switch 4:20pm Christmas in the City 6:05pm Pinocchio 7:45pm 5 News Weekend 7:50pm Hellboy II: The Golden Army 10:00pm War of the Worlds 12:10am Britain's Favourite Christmas Songs

7:00am Melissa and Joey 7:20am How I Met Your Mother 7:40am How I Met Your Mother 8:05am Baby Daddy 8:35am Baby Daddy 9:00am Melissa and Joey 9:30am Melissa and Joey 9:55am Made in Chelsea 11:00am Hollyoaks Omnibus 1:30pm Couples Come Dine with Me 2:35pm Couples Come Dine with Me 3:35pm The Big Bang Theory 4:00pm The Big Bang Theory 4:30pm The Big Bang Theory 5:00pm The Big Bang Theory 5:30pm The Big Bang Theory 5:55pm The Big Bang Theory 6:25pm The Big Bang Theory 6:55pm The Big Bang Theory 7:25pm The Twilight Saga: New Moon 10:00pm The Inbetweeners 2 12:00am The Inbetweeners Go Global 1:05am The Inbetweeners 1:40am The Inbetweeners

7:00am SNF: Match Choice 8:30am SNF: Match Choice 10:00am The Sunday Supplement 11:30am Goals on Sunday 1:30pm Ford Super Sunday 4:30pm Ford Super Sunday 7:30pm World Darts Championship 12:00am Big Bash League 12:30am Big Bash League 1:00am Premier League 1:30am Premier League 100 Club 2:00am Ford Football Special 3:30am Premier League 100 Club 4:00am Premier League 4:30am Cricket's Greatest 5:00am Cricket's Greatest Series profiling some of the greatest cricketers of all time. 5:30am Cricket's Greatest Series profiling some of the greatest cricketers of all time.

Ax Men Ax Men Ax Men Fifth Gear Shed and Buried Shed and Buried The Car Chasers Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars No Name on the Bullet The Appaloosa Ice Cold in Alex The Chase: Celebrity Special The Interpreter Thriller. Tin Cup Spider ITV4 Nightscreen Text-based information service. Minder Drama series about the shady dealings of a loveable rogue and his reluctant sidekick.

7:00am 9:15am 12:00pm 2:30pm 4:45pm 6:55pm 9:00pm 11:30pm 2:15am 4:25am

7:00am The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water 8:45am Bad Asses on the Bayou 10:15am The Marine 4: Moving Target 12:00pm The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water 1:45pm Dino Time 3:15pm Chappie 5:30pm Cinderella 7:30pm Dino Time 9:00pm Cinderella 11:00pm Chappie 1:15am The Marine 4: Moving Target 3:00am Bad Asses on the Bayou Two ageing vigilantes team up and head to Louisiana to track down a kidnapped friend. 4:30am Avengers: Age of Ultron Special 5:00am Dino Time

7:00am 9:20am 11:00am 11:15am 11:25am 12:55pm 3:15pm

6:05am 7:50am 9:50am 11:25am 1:15pm 3:20pm 5:20pm 7:20pm 9:00pm 11:00pm 1:05am 2:45am 4:15am

Batman Superman Returns Batman Begins Batman Batman Returns Batman Forever Batman Begins Superman Returns Batman Returns Batman Forever

Three Amigos! The Pink Panther The Waterboy Dumb and Dumber To There's Something About Mary City Slickers Me, Myself and Irene The Cable Guy Dumb and Dumber To There's Something About Mary Caddyshack Idiocracy The Castle


3:40pm 3:55pm

6:05pm 6:30pm


2:00am 5:30am

Big Bash League Big Bash League Football Gold Football Gold Cricket's Greatest Football Spanish Football Gold Sky Scholars A profile of Sky Academy Sports Scholar Jess Judd. Spanish Football Gold Football Football action from Spain's La Liga. NFL: Dwight Freeney Interview NFL Action from week 15 of the NFL. NFL Action from week 15 of the NFL. NFL Football Gold


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South

7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Oxford Street Revealed 12:45pm Close Calls: On Camera 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Raiders of the Lost Ark 4:35pm The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper 4:50pm Shrek 2 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm Cue the Queen: Celebrating the Christmas Speech 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm Miranda 10:00pm The John Bishop Christmas Show 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:30pm BBC London News 11:40pm Match of the Day 2

9:05am Family Finders 9:35am This Wild Life 10:35am Flight of the Navigator 12:00pm The Hairy Bikers' Northern Exposure 1:00pm The Great Pottery Throw Down 2:00pm Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em 2:45pm The Polar Bear Family and Me 3:45pm Coast 4:45pm Perry and Croft: Made in Britain 5:15pm Alaska: Earth's Frozen Kingdom 6:15pm The Great British Bake Off Christmas Masterclass 7:15pm Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger! 9:00pm University Challenge 9:30pm Only Connect 10:00pm Gorilla Family and Me 11:00pm Mock the Week 11:35pm Russell Howard's Good News 12:05am The Javone Prince Show 12:35am Country Strife

7:00am 7:25am 7:40am 8:00am

7:00am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 7:20am You've Been Framed! 7:50am Emmerdale 8:20am Coronation Street 8:50am The Corrie Years 9:20am The Cube 10:20am The X Factor Winner's Story 2015 11:20am Beethoven 1:10pm Emmerdale 1:40pm Coronation Street 2:10pm You've Been Framed! 2:40pm All Star Family Fortunes 3:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:50pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00pm Judge Rinder for Text Santa 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:30pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm The Holiday 12:45am Celebrity Juice

9:30am 10:25am 11:20am 12:20pm 1:25pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:40pm 1:40am 4:00am

Dino Dan Sooty Super 4 Good Morning Britain Lorraine Rebound Pick Me! Big Star's Little Star Tipping Point ITV Lunchtime News 1000 Heartbeats for Text Santa Midsomer Murders The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street The Making of the Sound of Music Live Coronation Street BAFTA Celebrates Downton Abbey ITV News at Ten and Weather Music and Lyrics Jackpot247 The Jeremy Kyle Show

8:00pm Top Gear 9:00pm Don't Tell the Bride 10:00pm Reggie Yates' Extreme UK 11:00pm EastEnders 12:00am American Dad! 12:25am American Dad! 12:45am Family Guy 1:10am Family Guy 1:30am Reggie Yates' Extreme UK 2:30am Bad Education 3:00am Josh 3:30am Josh 4:00am Reggie Yates' Extreme UK

9:00pm John Craven's Newsround 9:10pm Blue Peter 9:35pm Grange Hill 10:00pm From Andy Pandy to Zebedee: The Golden Age of Children's Television 11:00pm Top of the Pops 12:00am Mumbai High: The Musical

7:00am On the Buses 7:25am Wycliffe 8:20am The Baby and the Battleship 10:20am Clash of the Santas 12:05pm Inspector Morse 2:25pm Heidi 4:45pm Death Becomes Her 6:40pm Inspector Morse 9:00pm Foyle's War 11:00pm Endeavour Crime drama series about the young Detective Constable Endeavour Morse. 1:05am Death Becomes Her Black comedy. When a novelist loses her man to a former friend, she ends up in a psychiatric hospital. 3:05am If I Had You A thriller set against the landscape of the Peak District. 4:45am Inspector Morse

7:10am How I Met Your Mother 7:35am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:25am Frasier 8:50am Frasier 9:20am Frasier 9:50am The Big Bang Theory 10:20am The Big Bang Theory 10:50am Magic in the Water 12:50pm White Christmas 3:10pm Deal or No Deal 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Posh Pawnbrokers 6:00pm Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm Food Unwrapped at Christmas 10:00pm The Rich Kids of Instagram 11:00pm Fargo 12:10am Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance 1:55am Airplane II: The Sequel 3:25am Josh Widdicombe: And Another Thing

7:00am The Big Match Revisited 7:50am The Professionals 8:40am Minder 9:45am Alias Smith and Jones 10:50am Pawn Stars 11:20am Pawn Stars 11:50am Goodwood Classic Cars 12:50pm Kojak 1:55pm Minder 3:00pm Pawn Stars 3:30pm Pawn Stars 3:55pm The Professionals 4:55pm Alias Smith and Jones 5:55pm The 'Burbs 8:00pm Pawn Stars 8:30pm Pawn Stars 9:00pm Storage Wars New York 9:30pm Storage Wars New York 10:00pm Dirty Harry 12:05am Bundesliga 1:10am The Big Lebowski 3:30am TT 2015 4:20am TT 2015 5:15am Minder

8:20am 8:35am 8:45am 9:00am 9:15am 9:25am 9:35am 9:50am 10:05am 10:20am 10:35am 11:35am 1:05pm 2:50pm 4:30pm 7:00pm 7:55pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 1:00am

6:30am 7:00am 8:45am 10:30am 1:30pm 3:50pm 6:00pm 9:00pm 11:20pm 1:30am

Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat The Mr. Men Show Abominable Christmas James and the Giant Peach Jack and the Beanstalk The Borrowers The Family Man Kids' Hospital at Christmas Revisited World's Strongest Man 2015 Chris Tarrant on the Polar Express All New Shocking Moments in Pop 2 Autopsy: The Last Hours of Amy Winehouse

Spectre: Special Aftermath Cellular Saving Private Ryan Fury Guardians of the Galaxy Saving Private Ryan Fury Guardians of the Galaxy Training Day

1:10pm Sex Tape 2:55pm Balls of Fury 4:30pm The Good Dinosaur: Special 5:00pm Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby 7:05pm The Devil Wears Prada 9:00pm Sex Tape 10:40pm The Longest Yard 12:35am Ali G Indahouse 2:05am Better Living Through Chemistry

7:00am 7:20am 7:50am 8:40am 9:30am 10:00am 10:35am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am 1:00am 2:05am 2:35am

The Mindy Project The Bear Charmed Charmed Hollyoaks Little Wolf's Book of Badness How I Met Your Mother Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks The Big Bang Theory Made in Chelsea Scream Queens Gogglebox Gogglebox The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory

7:00am The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water 8:45am The Marine 4: Moving Target 10:30am Bad Asses on the Bayou Two ageing vigilantes team up and head to Louisiana to track down a kidnapped friend. 12:00pm Dino Time 1:30pm The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water 3:15pm Cinderella 5:15pm Chappie 7:30pm Dino Time 9:00pm Cinderella 11:00pm Chappie 1:15am The Marine 4: Moving Target 3:00am Bad Asses on the Bayou 4:30am A Million Ways to Die in the West Special 5:00am Dino Time


7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 7:45am 8:00am 9:00am 12:30pm 1:30pm 1:45pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 12:00am 12:30am 1:30am 2:00am 5:00am

7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 9:00am 9:30am 10:30am 11:30am 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm

8:00pm 12:00am 1:00am 3:30am 4:30am 5:00am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Cricket Big Bash League Cricket Football Gold Football Gold Football League Goals Goals on Sunday Ford Football Special Fantasy Football Club Highlights Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits To be Announced Ford Monday Night Football SPFL Round Up Football League Goals SPFL Round Up NFL NFL This week, a tribute to the late Steve McNair.

Sporting Rivalries Sporting Rivalries Goals on Sunday Premier League NFL Highlights NFL Highlights NFL Highlights NFL Highlights NFL Highlights NFL Highlights Cricket Cricket's Greatest Cricket's Greatest Cricket Action from day four of the second Test between New Zealand and Sri Lanka at Seddon Park. World Darts Championship Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Ford Monday Night Football Football League Goals SPFL Round Up Football's Greatest II


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South

7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Oxford Street Revealed 12:45pm Close Calls: On Camera 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 4:35pm Puss in Boots: The Three Diablos 4:50pm Shrek The Third 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm Celebrity Mastermind 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm Holby City 10:00pm Luther 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm Take That on Tour 12:35am Mrs. Brown's Boys 1:05am Weather for the Week Ahead 1:10am BBC News

7:00am 7:15am 7:25am 7:40am 8:00am 9:30am 10:25am 11:25am 12:30pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:20pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 11:00pm 11:40pm

12:45am 2:30am

Dino Dan Dino Dan Sooty Super 4 Good Morning Britain Lorraine Rebound Pick Me! Big Star's Little Star Off Their Rockers Celebrity Squares ITV Lunchtime News Judge Rinder Liar Liar The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Tonight Midsomer Murders ITV News at Ten and Weather The Jonathan Ross Show Jonathan welcomes Star Wars and Indiana Jones star Harrison Ford to the studio. Mickey Blue Eyes Jackpot247

8:35am Home Comforts at Christmas 9:20am This Wild Life 9:50am Simply Nigella 10:20am Tintin and the Golden Fleece 12:00pm The Hairy Bikers' Northern Exposure 1:00pm The Great Pottery Throw Down 2:00pm Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em 2:45pm The Polar Bear Family and Me 3:45pm Coast 4:45pm Perry and Croft: Made in Britain 5:15pm Alaska: Earth's Frozen Kingdom 6:15pm Money for Nothing 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Back in Time for Christmas 8:30pm University Challenge 9:00pm MasterChef: The Professionals 10:00pm We're Doomed! The Dad's Army Story 11:00pm QI 11:30pm Alpha Papa 12:55am The Javone Prince Show 1:25am Race to Super Bowl 50

7:10am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 7:30am You've Been Framed! 7:55am Emmerdale 8:20am Coronation Street 8:50am Coronation Street 9:20am The Cube 10:15am 1000 Heartbeats for Text Santa 11:20am Beethoven's 2nd 1:10pm Emmerdale 1:40pm Coronation Street 2:10pm Coronation Street 2:40pm All Star Family Fortunes 3:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:50pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00pm You've Been Framed! 7:30pm You've Been Framed! 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:50pm Take Me Out 10:00pm Love Actually 12:45am Celebrity Juice 1:45am Two and a Half Men 2:15am The Vampire Diaries 3:05am Tricked 4:00am The Office Xmas Party

8:00pm Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon 8:15pm Kung Fu Panda Holiday 8:35pm Kung Fu Panda 10:00pm Don't Tell the Bride 11:00pm EastEnders 11:30pm Rent a Cop 12:00am Family Guy 12:45am Family Guy 1:05am Family Guy 1:30am Rent a Cop 2:00am Don't Tell the Bride 3:00am Reggie Yates' Extreme UK 4:00am Don't Tell the Bride 5:00am This is BBC Three

8:30pm The Fir Tree 9:00pm Swarm: Nature's Incredible Invasions 10:00pm Blood and Gold: The Making of Spain with Simon Sebag Montefiore 11:00pm 10 Things You Didn't Know About Avalanches 12:00am The Third Man

7:00am Movies Now 7:10am In Loving Memory 7:35am The Secret of My Succe$s 9:30am Clash of the Santas 11:30am The Best of Benny Hill 1:15pm The Royal 2:20pm Heidi 4:20pm Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles 6:40pm Inspector Morse 9:00pm Paul O'Grady: For The Love of Dogs 9:30pm Paul O'Grady: For The Love of Dogs 10:00pm Paul O'Grady: For The Love of Dogs 10:30pm Vicious 11:00pm Endeavour Crime drama series about the young Detective Constable Endeavour Morse. 1:00am Wycliffe 2:45am Lewis Feature-length drama following on from the Inspector Morse series. 4:30am Poirot: Murder on the Orient Express

7:20am How I Met Your Mother 7:45am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:35am Frasier 9:55am The Big Bang Theory 10:25am The Big Bang Theory 10:55am The Big Bang Theory 11:20am Space Chimps 12:55pm The Simpsons 1:25pm Five Children and It 3:10pm Deal or No Deal Double Trouble: Christmas Leftovers 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Posh Pawnbrokers 6:00pm Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm How the Rich Live Longer 10:00pm The Supervet at Christmas 11:00pm That's So Last Century 12:00am The Children Who Beat Ebola 1:00am Rewind the Christmas Hits 2:30am Shakespeare in Love 4:35am Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners

7:00am Football's Greatest: George Best 7:15am The Big Match Revisited 8:05am The Professionals 8:55am Minder 10:00am Alias Smith and Jones 11:05am TT 2015 12:05pm TT 2015 1:05pm The Professionals 2:10pm Minder 3:15pm Pawn Stars 3:40pm Pawn Stars 4:10pm The Appaloosa 6:15pm Gunsmoke 8:00pm Pawn Stars 8:25pm Pawn Stars 9:00pm The Chase: Celebrity Special 10:00pm Coogan's Bluff 12:05am First Blood 2:10am Death Wish 5: The Face of Death 3:55am Nitro Circus 4:15am ITV4 Nightscreen 4:25am TT 2015 5:15am TT 2015

8:20am 8:35am 8:50am 9:00am 9:15am 9:35am 9:50am 10:00am 10:15am 11:15am 12:20pm 1:55pm 3:25pm

5:10pm 7:00pm 7:55pm 9:00pm

10:00pm 11:00pm 1:50am

7:00am 8:40am 11:15am 1:00pm 3:00pm 5:45pm 7:25pm 10:00pm 1:00am

Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat World's Strongest Man 2015 Ice Road Truckers The Flight Before Christmas The Elf That Rescued Christmas The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey The Secret Garden A Primary School Nativity World's Strongest Man 2015 The Dog Rescuers Christmas Special with Alan Davies Michael Buble's Christmas 2015 Greatest Ever Christmas Movies Crackers About Christmas

7:00am The Mindy Project 7:20am Little Wolf's Book of Badness 7:50am Charmed 8:35am Charmed 9:30am Hollyoaks 10:00am Famous Fred 10:35am How I Met Your Mother 11:00am Melissa and Joey 11:35am Melissa and Joey 12:00pm Charmed 1:00pm Charmed 2:00pm How I Met Your Mother 3:00pm The Big Bang Theory 4:00pm Melissa and Joey 5:00pm Brooklyn Nine-Nine 5:30pm Brooklyn Nine-Nine 6:00pm How I Met Your Mother 6:30pm How I Met Your Mother 7:00pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm Hollyoaks 8:30pm The Big Bang Theory 9:00pm The Big Bang Theory 9:30pm The Big Bang Theory 10:00pm Tattoo Fixers 11:00pm Tripped 11:55pm The Big Bang Theory 12:55am Rude Tube Christmas Cracker 2014

The Anomaly Armageddon Charlie's Angels Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle Transformers: Age of Extinction Rush Hour 2 Armageddon Transformers: Age of Extinction Rush Hour 2

7:00am The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water 8:45am Bad Asses on the Bayou 10:15am The Marine 4: Moving Target 12:00pm Dino Time Three kids travel back in time to the age of the dinosaurs. 1:30pm Chappie 3:45pm The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water SpongeBob and the gang leap into action when a pirate steals the secret recipe for Krabby Patties. 5:30pm Cinderella 7:30pm Dino Time 9:00pm Cinderella 11:00pm Chappie 1:15am The Marine 4: Moving Target 3:00am Bad Asses on the Bayou 4:30am Avengers: Age of Ultron Special 5:00am Dino Time

7:05am Curse of the Pink Panther 9:00am Johnny English 10:40am A Million Ways to Die in the West 1:00pm Anger Management 2:50pm Doctor Dolittle 4:20pm Doctor Dolittle 2 5:50pm Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me 7:30pm Johnny English 9:00pm A Million Ways to Die in the West 11:20pm About Last Night 1:10am Anger Management 3:05am Lake Placid


7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 7:45am 8:00am 9:00am 12:30pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 12:00am 12:30am 1:00am 2:00am 2:30am

3:30am 4:30am

7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 8:00pm 11:30pm 12:30am 1:00am 4:30am 5:00am 5:30am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Cricket Big Bash League Cricket SPFL Round Up Ford Monday Night Football Fantasy Football Club Highlights Barclays Premier League Review Fantasy Football Club Highlights SPFL Round Up Premier League 100 Club Fantasy Football Club Highlights World Darts Championship Premier League 100 Club Fantasy Football Club Highlights Football Gold La Liga World 2015 Glenn McCrory Interviews Malcolm Macdonald Time of Our Lives Football Gold

Sporting Rivalries Sporting Rivalries WWE SmackDown! Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Sporting Rivalries Sporting Rivalries Time of Our Lives Challenge Bahrain Killarney Adventure Race Itera Expedition Race Cricket WWE SmackDown! Big Bash League Cricket Cricket's Greatest Big Bash League Cricket's Greatest Cricket's Greatest Cricket's Greatest Series profiling some of the greatest cricketers of all time.


17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South



Enjoy drinking at Christmas time By Marcus Hopkins CHEAP drink in Spain together with holidays and the fun of the festive season really is the time to be merry. To stay happy though, it might be worth taking a few steps to ensure that you and the ones you love keep healthy and safe. Be aware of how much you’re drinking. How many does it take to enjoy yourself? Probably less than you think. Being merry is much more fun than crawling around the toile t f l o o r. Ha v e a few mo re an d y o u might become a burden on the Spanish health system or your family. Be a wa r e o f y o u r b eh av io u r to o . If friends say you’ve had too many, believe them! Yes, drink to enjoy, but don’t drink to destroy. It can be far easier being fun and festive when you’re relatively sober than it can when you’re smashed. Let’s face it, most of us have probably said never again at some time in the past. But we are only human after all. Do be more aware of the need for personal safety at this time of year. Drinking

SIMPLE STEPS: To keep you and your loved ones happy, healthy and safe.

far too much is all too easy and cheap, but that ease and fun can be a trap that leads

Photo by Carsten Schertzer, wikipedia

THE festive season is a time to be merry but make sure you look after yourself and the people around you

to personal harm, physical attack or worse. Look out for each other, you and your

friends. Don’t let too much alcohol make you more vulnerable to someone spiking your drink. On a different point, don’t forget that for many, alcohol can be a depressant. For some, this is an emotional time of year. If a friend wants only an orange juice then buy them just an orange juice. Don’t force your wishes to get drunk onto them. You don’t know what may be going on in their mind. You know not to drink and drive. Yet every year at this time peoples’ careers are shattered because they thought they could drive home just the once. Until of course, they’re stopped and charged, or worse still, they kill someone. Make sure none of this happens to you or anyone you’re out with. If you’re a real friend, you’ll never let anyone do anything so stupid. Party safely and have fun. Have a great time and create a Christmas you’ll treasure forever. Gauge your drinking. Judge the situation. Keep a sober eye open to look after the people you are with. Have a great, safe and happy Christmas.


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South

11:15am Cue the Queen: Celebrating the Christmas Speech 12:15pm Eat Well for Less at Christmas 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 4:40pm Donkey's Caroling Christmas-Tacular 4:50pm Shrek Forever After 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm Celebrity Mastermind 8:30pm A Question of Sport 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm Snow Chick 10:30pm Boomers 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm Peter Kay's Car Share 12:05am Mrs. Brown's Boys 12:35am Meet the Fockers 2:25am Weather for the Week Ahead

8:40am Home Comforts at Christmas 9:25am This Wild Life 9:55am Terry and Mason's Great Food Trip 10:25am Short Circuit 12:00pm Equestrian 1:00pm The Great Pottery Throw Down 2:00pm Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? 2:45pm The Polar Bear Family and Me 3:45pm Coast 4:45pm Perry and Croft: Made in Britain 5:15pm Alaska: Earth's Frozen Kingdom 6:15pm Money for Nothing 7:00pm Back in Time for Christmas 8:00pm Gorilla Family and Me 9:00pm University Challenge 9:30pm MasterChef: The Professionals 10:30pm Christmas Shopping Fever: John Lewis and the Retail Race 11:30pm Goodness Gracious Me - India Special 2015 12:00am Top of the Pops 2

7:00am 7:25am 7:40am 8:00am

7:00am Christmas Bonkers Guinness World Records 7:20am You've Been Framed! 7:50am Emmerdale 8:20am The X Factor Winner's Story 2015 9:20am The Cube 10:20am I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! Coming Out 11:20am The Flintstones 1:10pm Emmerdale 1:40pm You've Been Framed! 2:40pm All Star Family Fortunes 3:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:50pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00pm Catchphrase 8:00pm Uncle Buck 10:00pm Pampered Pooches: Hollywood 11:00pm Celebrity Juice 12:05am The Bourne Identity 2:20am Release the Hounds 3:15am Tricked

9:30am 10:25am 11:25am 12:25pm 1:10pm 1:45pm 3:25pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:45pm 1:30am 4:00am 4:50am

Dino Dan Sooty Super 4 Good Morning Britain Lorraine Rebound Pick Me! Catchphrase ITV Lunchtime News Bean The Sound of Music Live The Chase for Text Santa ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street All Star Mr and Mrs Prey ITV News at Ten and Weather Bridget Jones's Diary Jackpot247 Ejector Seat ITV Nightscreen

8:00pm The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper 8:10pm The Gruffalo 8:35pm Madagascar 10:00pm Live at the Apollo 10:30pm Live at the Apollo 11:00pm EastEnders 11:30pm Cuckoo 12:00am Family Guy 12:45am American Dad! 1:05am Family Guy 1:30am Live at the Apollo 2:00am Live at the Apollo 2:30am Cuckoo 3:00am Rent a Cop

8:00pm 8:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Children Talking The Lady Vanishes Rome's Invisible City Detectorists Christmas Special 11:30pm Queen: From Rags to Rhapsody 12:30am BBC: The Secret Files 1:30am Bright Lights, Brilliant Minds: A Tale of Three Cities

7:00am Movies Now 7:10am George and Mildred 7:35am Wycliffe 8:40am Inspector Morse 11:00am Where the Heart is 12:35pm Rising Damp Classic sitcom about 1:05pm a miserly landlord. A Christmas Carol A modern take on Charles Dickens's classic novel. 2:40pm Goodnight Mister Tom 4:50pm A Touch of Frost 6:55pm Goodbye, Mr. Chips 9:00pm Mamma Mia! Exuberant musical based on the hit stage show featuring the music of ABBA. 11:05pm Endeavour Crime drama series about the young Detective Constable Endeavour Morse. 1:05am Goodnight Mister Tom 3:10am A Touch of Frost

7:25am Small Animal Hospital 8:10am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:35am Rugrats the Movie 10:00am The Big Bang Theory 10:30am The Big Bang Theory 11:00am The Big Bang Theory 11:30am Space Chimps 2: Zartog Strikes Back 1:00pm The Simpsons 1:30pm Aliens in the Attic 3:10pm Deal or No Deal 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Posh Pawnbrokers 6:00pm Celebrity Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 8:30pm Toy Story of Terror 9:00pm Posh Pawn at Christmas 10:00pm 24 Hours in A and E 11:00pm Toast of London 11:30pm Father Ted 12:35am Father Ted 1:05am Father Ted 1:35am Best Before 2:00am The IT Crowd 2:55am The IT Crowd

8:05am 8:20am 8:35am 8:45am 8:55am

7:00am 7:20am 8:10am 9:05am

4:30am Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle 6:30am Spectre: Special 7:00am Eragon 9:00am Noah 11:20am Gladiator 2:00pm Taken 3 4:00pm Noah 6:20pm Gladiator 9:00pm Taken 3 11:00pm Rage 12:45am Constantine


12:05pm 1:10pm 2:15pm 2:40pm 3:10pm 4:55pm 7:00pm

9:00pm 10:00pm 11:45pm 1:35am 3:40am 5:10am


Football's Greatest The Professionals Minder Alias Smith and Jones British Touring Car Championship 2015 Review The Professionals Minder Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Rawhide Years Death of a Gunfighter British Superbike Championship Review Show Fifth Gear Jackie Chan's First Strike Rumble in the Bronx Rambo: First Blood Part II The Fog ITV4 Nightscreen Text-based information service. Alias Smith and Jones

9:15am 9:35am 9:50am 10:00am 10:15am 10:30am 10:40am 12:20pm 2:30pm 3:30pm 5:50pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm


8:35am 10:20am 12:05pm 2:05pm 4:10pm 5:45pm 7:20pm 9:00pm 10:45pm 12:50am

Little Princess Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat The Mr. Men Show Toby's Travelling Circus Christmas Angel Fly Away Home World's Strongest Man 2015 The Glenn Miller Story Clash of the Titans World's Strongest Man 2015 GPs: Behind Closed Doors Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! Christmas with Britain's Biggest Family On Benefits: Cashing in for Christmas

King Ralph The Wedding Ringer Wedding Crashers Pretty Woman The Waterboy Nacho Libre King Ralph The Wedding Ringer Wedding Crashers Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa .5 Christmas

7:00am 7:20am 7:45am 9:30am 10:00am 10:35am 11:05am 11:35am 12:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 11:25pm 12:25am


The Mindy Project Famous Fred Charmed Hollyoaks Ivor the Invisible How I Met Your Mother Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Baby Daddy Baby Daddy How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Supernatural The Big Bang Theory

7:00am The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water 8:45am Bad Asses on the Bayou 10:15am The Marine 4: Moving Target 12:00pm Dino Time 1:30pm The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water 3:15pm Chappie 5:30pm Cinderella 7:30pm Dino Time 9:00pm Cinderella Lavish, live-action retelling of the classic fairytale. Fantasy drama. 11:00pm Chappie 1:15am The Marine 4: Moving Target 3:00am Bad Asses on the Bayou รง4:30am A Million Ways to Die in the West Special

7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 8:00am 9:00am 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:15pm 2:30pm 2:45pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:15pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 12:00am 12:15am 12:30am

Football Gold Football Gold Game Changers WWE Experience Big Bash League Shane Warne: Living the Dream La Liga World 2015 Fantasy Football Club Highlights Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold La Liga World 2015 Fantasy Football Club Highlights Premier League La Liga World 2015 Football Gold Football Gold Fantasy Football Club Highlights Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs World Darts Championship Darts Gold - Legends Darts Gold - Legends Darts Gold - Legends

7:00am Sporting Rivalries 7:30am Sporting Rivalries 8:00am Sporting Heroes 9:00am Time of Our Lives 10:00am Sporting Greats 10:30am Sporting Greats 11:00am Sporting Greats 11:30am Sporting Greats 12:00pm Time of Our Lives 1:00pm Sporting Rivalries 1:30pm Sporting Rivalries 2:00pm Time of Our Lives 3:00pm BAGS/SIS Track Championship 6:30pm Cricket's Greatest 7:00pm Cricket's Greatest 7:30pm Cricket's Greatest 8:00pm Big Bash League 11:30pm Cricket's Greatest 12:00am Cricket's Greatest 12:30am Cricket's Greatest 1:00am Big Bash League 4:30am Cricket's Greatest 5:00am Cricket's Greatest 5:30am Cricket's Greatest Series profiling some of the greatest cricketers of all time.


17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South

Famous quote

This week


Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck. Dalai Lama

in history 218 BC - Punic War: Hannibal’s Carthaginian forces defeat those of the Roman Republic 283 - St Gaius begins his reign as Catholic Pope 1154 - King Henry II of England is crowned 1192 - Richard the Lionheart is captured in Vienna 1538 - Pope Paul II excommunicates King Henry VIII of England 1620 - 103 Mayflower pilgrims from England land at Plymouth Rock 1799 - America’s first president George Washington’s body interred at Mount Vernon 1843 - ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens is published and 6,000 copies are sold 1882 - First string of Christmas tree lights created by Thomas Edison 1888 - Vincent van Gogh cuts off his left ear with a razor, and sends it to a prostitute 1892 - Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s ballet ‘Nutcracker Suite’ premieres 1903 - Orville Wright achieves the first sustained motorised aircraft flight 1917 - Soviet security force (forerunner to the KGB,) ‘Cheka’ is formed after decree by Lenin 1941 - Adolf Hitler takes complete command of German Army 1956 - Martin Luther King and others sit in the new integrated bus 1957 - Elvis Presley given draft notice to join US Army for National Service 1960 - Frank Sinatra’s first session with Reprise Records (Ring-A-DingDing) 1965 - ‘Doctor Zhivago’ starring Omar Sharif and Julie Christie premieres in NYC 1965 - Great Britain sets national maximum road speed at 70 miles per hour 1966 - Britain’s favourite rock n roll TV show ‘Ready Steady Go’ airs last programme 1972 - US begins its heaviest bombing of North Vietnam

Women’s wit

We’ve begun to long for the pitter-patter of little feet - so we bought a dog. Well, it’s cheaper, and you get more feet.” Rita Rudner

World of English

The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert. Since there is no time like present, he thought it was time to present the present.


Costa Blanca



for next 7 days


Fill all the empty squares using the numbers 1 to 9, so that the sum of each horizontal block equals the ‘clue’ on its left, and the sum of each vertical block equals the clue on its top. No number may be used in the same block more than once.












Fri Sat Sun -



21 12 C 19 12 S 19 11 S

Mon - 19 12 S Tues - 18 11 S Wed - 19 11 C


Fri Sat Sun -

23 13 S 22 13 S 22 12 S

Mon - 21 13 S Tues - 21 12 S Wed - 21 12 Cl

Fri Sat Sun -

17 9 C 18 11 S 17 11 C S Sun,

21 12 C 22 13 Cl 19 11 Cl


Mon - 18 8 Sh Tues - 18 9 Cl Wed - 18 9 Cl




Mon - 17 9 C Tues - 18 8 S Wed - 18 9 S Cl Clear,



24 13 Cl 21 12 S 20 11 S



Fri Sat Sun -

20 8 C 19 8 S 19 7 Cl


17 5 C 18 6 S 17 6 S C Cloudy,



Mon - 17 6 S Tues - 17 5 S Wed - 16 5 Cl


Mon - 19 7 S Tues - 19 8 Cl Wed - 19 8 C

Sh Showers,


Fri Sat Sun -

26 9 S 24 9 S 22 9 C Sn Snow,




Saturday December 12

Saturday December 12

Saturday December 12





Mon - 21 12 S Tues - 19 12 Cl Wed - 19 11 C



Fri Sat Sun -


Fri Sat Sun -



Fri Sat Sun -




Mon - 19 12 S Tues - 18 12 Cl Wed - 19 12 C




Barcelona TODAY:

21 13 Cl 20 12 S 19 12 C


Almeria TODAY:


Fri Sat Sun -






Mon - 22 9 C Tues - 21 10 Cl Wed - 22 9 C Th Thunder


Alicante TODAY:











Friday December 11


5 25






Saturday December 12

Sunday December 13










5 13

























E W N 17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South


From BAFTA award-winning director Asif Kapadia (SENNA), AMY tells the incredible story of six-time Grammy winner Amy Winehouse in her own words. Featuring extensive unseen archive footage and previously unheard tracks, this strikingly modern, moving and vital film shines a light on the world we live in, in a way that very few can. A once-in-a-generation talent, Amy Winehouse was a musician that captured the world’s attention. A pure jazz artist in the most authentic sense, she wrote and sung from the heart using her musical gifts to analyse her own problems.

Alejandro Sanz, December 18, Singer Alejandro Sanchez Pizarro, better known by his stage name Alejandro Sanz is a Spanish singer, songwriter and musician who has sold over 25 million albums worldwide.


Pope Francis I, December 17, Religious Leader, 79 Argentinian religious leader who became Pope when he took over from Benedict XVI in March 2013 and has become well known for his lack of pomp, walking and talking with people in the street. Richard Hammond, December 19, TV Presenter, 46 Broadcast journalist, writer, and entertainer who co-hosted Top Gear with James May and Jeremy Clarkson on the BBC before the show was taken off the air. Is now filming a new series based on the same concept for Amazon. Uri Geller, December 20, Magician, 69 Psychic and magician known for his trademark mental spoon-bending feats as well as stopping clocks and watches by thought alone. Chris Evert, December 21, Tennis Player, 61 Chris Evert is a former World No 1 professional tennis player from the United States who won 18 Grand Slam singles championships and three doubles titles. Known for her rivalry with Martina Navratilova. Noel Edmonds, December 22, DJ and TV Host, 67 Former Radio 1 DJ and television presenter who hosted Deal or No Deal and Are You Smarter Than a Ten Year Old as well as Noel’s House Party and numerous other entertainment shows. Carla Bruni, December 23, Former Supermodel, 48 Italian born singer and supermodel who found additional fame by marrying ex-French president Nicolas Sarkozy in 2008.

Just Joking

Unscramble the name of a famous film (three words): FACE A REAL RAINBOW


The purpose of the Hexagram puzzle is to place the 19 six-letter words into the 19 cells. The letters at the edges of interlocking cells MUST BE THE SAME. The letters in the words must be written CLOCKWISE. The word in cell 10 (CENTRE) and one letter in four other cells are given as clues.



LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION 1 Thirst 2 Mortal 3 Gorgon 4 Lambda 5 Reason 6 Frenzy 7 Feeble 8 Cringe 9 Derail 10 Friend 11 Screen 12 Redial 13 Versus 14 Walrus 15 Violin 16 Around 17 Herald 18 Prison 19 Adores

YOUR STARS CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20) Contact with a less than ideal situation makes you realise just how lucky you are. It has been clear that the weeks are changeable and your situation at the moment far from settled. Pity those whose day-to-day life is completely predictable. AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19) This being a family oriented month, much of it may be spent getting together with relatives and going over old times. Perhaps you are compiling a photo album for older members of the family or vice versa. PISCES (February 20 - March 20) An exciting invitation may set tongues wagging and make a loved one jealous. You, meanwhile, are quite bemused by the whole thing. What comes out of this week is that you are of considerable value to others. The mere thought of you not being around sends ripples through your social circle. ARIES (March 21 - April 20) Being asked to take on a new and demanding task this week may see you wishing that you had been less visible. TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) An interest in technology is not


(November 23 - December 21)

Sometimes, you find it hard to do things just for the pure enjoyment of it. Realise that not everything has to have a purpose or a profit. Look round this week and seek out something that will please your senses and bring a smile to your lips. something new to you. What is great, though, is that the penny has suddenly dropped. This week sees you understanding more and wanting to know more. GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) An urge to get moving must mean that the new year is round the corner. Certainly, you are questioning where you want to be in the months ahead. A house move or work placement may be on your mind. CANCER (June 22 - July 23) Be aware that not everyone is willing to work as hard as you. When approached by someone wanting you to trust them, be sure of their motives. Do what you feel is right but remain firmly in control, especially financially. It may not be the time to make a particular move, although others think that it is. There’s no problem with discussing things and talking them through.


9-Star Quiz

When I was young, I used to eat a lot because my parents told me that fat kids are harder to kidnap.

Unscramble the name of a British journalist, newsreader and television presenter: OUR CAB FINE


CALL ME A CAB All the answers begin with the letters CAB 1. In the UK, Canada and other Commonwealth countries, what name is given to the committee of senior government ministers responsible for controlling government policy? 2. In the US, what name is given to a car on a freight train, usually the last car on the train, for use of the train crew? 3. The 1972 film version of which musical, starring Liza Minnelli as Sally Bowles, Michael York as Brian Roberts and Joel Grey as the Emcee, featured the songs Wilkommen and The Money Song? 4. What name is often applied to an, often secret, clique that seeks power usually through intrigue? 5. What was the name of the Italian explorer who led the English expedition in 1497 that discovered the mainland of North America and explored the coast from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland? 6. Which British politician was the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills from 2010 to 2015 and the MP for Twickenham from 1997 until losing his seat in the 2015 election? 7. Which esoteric theosophy of rabbinical origin based on the Hebrew Scriptures was developed between the seventh and 18th centuries? 8. Which line of copyrighted soft sculpture dolls was created by 21-year-old American art student Xavier Roberts in 1978? They were originally called Little People and were ‘adopted’ rather than ‘sold’ and each came with its own adoption paper and birth certificate. 9. Which small two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage had two seats and a folding hood? Not a lot of people know that… the real name of the American jazz singer and bandleader Cab Calloway was Cabell Calloway III 1. CABINET, 2. CABOOSE, 3. CABARET, 4. CABAL, 5. John CABOT (Giovanni CABOTO), 6. Vince CABLE, 7. CABBALAH, CABALA or CABBALA (can also be spelt KABBALAH and QABBALAH), 8. CABBAGE PATCH KIDS, 9. CABRIOLET

The Amy Winehouse story





LEO (July 24 - August 23) Social demands are made, but try to shuffle them to the weekend. Be diplomatic or someone close could become irritated. Keep an eye on the small print because something fundamental may have changed in a long-standing arrangement. Suddenly, at the weekend, you are thrust into the limelight.

Nonagram How many English words of four letters or more can you make from the nine letters in our Nonagram puzzle? Each letter may be used only once (unless the letter appears twice). Each word MUST CONTAIN THE CENTRE LETTER (in this case T) and there must be AT LEAST ONE NINE LETTER WORD. Plurals, vulgarities or proper nouns are not allowed.


VIRGO (August 24 - September 23) Be aware that leopards do not change their spots, they merely hide them. Those who demand your trust need a cool checking out and don't be afraid to say ‘no’ as and when necessary. LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) Career and home are in disharmony but a bit of compromise soon sorts things out. You don’t like playing the ‘bad guy,’ but honesty is also important to you. Speaking your mind can be liberating although, initially, you may see it as a nuisance and embarrassing. SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22) Someone with a larger-than-life imagination makes you smile but that was not their intention. Try to be diplomatic and steer them in a different direction. Some feelings of loneliness will not be assuaged by working more. Perhaps it is time to consider taking on a pet or giving a current pet more attention.

Average: 5 Good: 7 Very good: 10 Excellent: 12

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION abed abet abut bade band bane bate batt baud bead bean beat beau been beet bend bene bent beta bunt butt daub debt tabu tuba tube bated beaut butte debut tubed batted batten beaten betted bunted butane butene butted debate abetted abutted battened DEBUTANTE

A HEAD FULL OF DREAMS Coldplay NOT many albums in recent memory have suffered from more saddening advance publicity than Coldplay’s A Head Full of Dreams. It’s the seventh studio album by the slick British rock band, and was released on December 4, 2015 by Parlophone. Frontman Chris Martin hinted at the style of the album by saying the band was trying to make something colourful and uplifting, He also stated that it would something to “shuffle your feet2 to. Buy it, try it, fly it! You won’t be disappointed.



Enjoy filling in the following puzzles and check the answers in next week’s edition






Across: 1 Chelsea, 5 Smile, 8 Phone, 9 Sellers, 10 Demitasse, 12 Ran, 13 Paltry, 14 Strafe, 17 Rod, 18 Prevalent, 20 Travail, 21 Swain, 23 Scale, 24 Setters.

Across 1 Long John gets medal for second place (6) 4 Non-believers keeping a grand in cooking pots (6) 9 Hates having to change in a hurry (5) 10 I am sane, suffering loss of memory (7) 11 Mice and fish at sea are trouble (8) 12 Temptation found in Cuba, Italy and France (4) 14 Points to Rene being calm (6) 16 Prevents the desert crumbling (6) 19 Spots rook next to tree (4) 20 Unbelievers present at robberies (8) 23 Pull a face, seeing depressing card (7) 24 Have the same opinion as eager drunk (5) 25 Bears damaged lid? Yes (6) 26 Dislike of French examination (6)

Down: 1 Coped, 2 Ego, 3 Sweater, 4 Assess, 5 Solve, 6 Inebriate, 7 Essence, 11 Melodrama, 13 Pirates, 15 Transit, 16 Realms, 18 Place, 19 Tunis, 22 Aye.

QUICK Across:

Down 1 Plots get revolutionary leader in a terrible mess (7) 2 Registers mediaeval tournaments (5) 3 The plane might be a Jumbo (8) 5 Nora Batty, flower of Italy! (4) 6 Quiet, it’s made from sausage (7) 7 Tin found in street is barely sufficient (5) 8 Broken heads in the underworld (5) 13 Damaged ears need the evening air (8)

Code Breaker






17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South

15 Delay concerning impish chap right away (7) 17 Have doubts about American political leader in religious order (7) 18 It’s metal crime, reportedly (5) 19 Stone outside good school (5) 21 Start court proceedings (5) 22 African money from Brandenburg (4)

Each number in the Code Breaker grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this week’s puzzle, 19 represents P and 26 represents Z, so fill in P every time the figure 19 appears and Z every time the figure 26 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid.

Across 1 Flexible water pipe (4) 3 Very unpleasant (8) 9 Contracts (7) 10 Gets healthy again (5) 11 Changes for the better (12) 13 Modulation of the voice (6) 15 Free from harm or evil (6) 17 In spite of that (12) 20 Similar (5) 21 Gambling money on (7) 22 Qualified for by right according to law (8) 23 Requests information about (4)

Down 1 Infirmary (8) 2 Small fragment (5) 4 Not tired (6) 5 Accomplishments (12) 6 Excessively agitated (7) 7 Most recent (4) 8 Formal public statement (12) 12 Communications (8) 14 Pharmacy (7) 16 Firm and dependable (6) 18 Departs (5) 19 Create (4)

1 Designs, 5 Tales, 8 Examine, 9 Stars, 10 Steep, 11 Dislike, 12 Tested, 14 Ragged, 17 Arrange, 19 Tanks, 22 Tease, 23 Scatter, 24 Rests, 25 Satisfy. Down: 1 Dress, 2 Spare, 3 Glimpse, 4 Steady, 5 Tasks, 6 Leaving, 7 Suspend, 12 Tractor, 13 Screams, 15 Attract, 16 Messes, 18 Needs, 20 Notes, 21 Sorry.


English - Spanish The clues are mixed, some clues are in Spanish and some are in English.

1 Sharks, 4 Arma, 8 Enemy, 9 Rinse, 10 Bee, 11 Trato, 12 Sacks, 15 Ace, 16 Traer, 18 Nurse, 19 Apio, 20 Espejo. Down: 1 Sheet, 2 Arena, 3 Keyboard, 5 Ron, 6 Axe, 7 Presents, 13 Carne, 14 Suelo, 16 Tia, 17 Ahi.


Across 1 Tiendas (5) 3 Strawberry (fruit, plant) (5) 7 Pink (colour) (6) 9 Water (4) 10 Courgette (9) 13 Classroom (4) 14 Anchovy (salted, tinned) (6) 16 To open (5) 17 Goodbye (5)

Down 1 Seguro (convencido) (4) 2 Guisante (3) 4 Inglés (7) 5 Abbot (4) 6 To change (7) 8 Más pequeño (7) 11 Straw (agriculture) (4) 12 Orejas (4) 15 Bacalao (3)

E W N 17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South


PRESIDENT Jack Ryan and his allies face a treacherous foe threatening to unleash chaos around the globe. . . When Russian President Valeri Volodin’s ambitions are foiled in Dagestan, he faces a difficult choice. The oligarchs who support him expect a constant flow of graft, but with energy prices cratering, the Russian economy sputters to a virtual halt. Unable to grow the Russian market at home, his hold on power relies on expansion abroad - a plan that has been thwarted by the United States in the past.

WITH the launch of the new Star Wars film The Force Awakens, tomorrow, there is bound to be a brand new villain or two we will love to hate. However, before the new ‘Evil Ones’ take over the mantle of ‘Nastiest people in the Universe,’ we decided to take a look back over the last three decades of Star Wars wickedness to see if the new generation will be able to match up. They will have to go a long way to ‘Out Baddie’ some of these guys: 1 Darth Vader THE baddest of the bad, the evilest of the evil, Darth Vader was not only the first villain introduced in Star Wars, he is also the most dangerous in the universe. Just the sound of his breath makes his enemies quake. Anybody who would try to kill his own son, commands the powers of the dark side, can crush your windpipe with a flick of his fingers, and speaks like James Earl Jones makes him Number One for us. 2 Emperor Palpatine Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, is a Sith Lord of extraordinary power with great patience and cunning. Sidious is the evil that is right in front of you that you somehow can’t see. The man you think is a mentor, but is actually trying to destroy you. Not only was he responsible for the deaths of the majority of Jedi Knights, but he is also the man who turned a sweet little blonde haired boy into the darkest and most evil villain in the Universe. 3 Boba Fett There is no Star Wars villain cooler than Boba Fett. The Mandalorian warrior is known as one of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy. His cold blooded killing skills and total indifference to life and death make him a perfect tool for the likes of Jabba the Hutt and Darth Vader. 4 Grand Moff Tarkin Peter Cushing starred alongside Darth Vader as Tarkin in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope. He was responsible for commanding the Empires forces and its most destructive weapon: the Death Star. It is Tarkin who killed millions of people without blinking an eye as he destroys Princess Leia’s homeland of Alderaan, and forces her to watch, as a means to pry the location of the rebel base from her. 5 Count Dooku Count Dooku, (played by Christopher Lee) also known as Darth Tyranus, is another


Asphalt 8: Airborne Free for Android Asphalt 8: Airborne is a great free racing game on mobile right now. It skips all pretensions of realism and provides an over-the-top, highoctane game with all the fixings. Players can work their way through the career mode, unlock new rides, upgrade the ones they have, or take the competition online in staggered or live multiplayer.

Play on Words STONE

T T +T 3T


Darth Vader. Sith Lord under the direction of Darth Sidious, and a talented Jedi Knight who was seduced by the dark side of the force. Dooku is a master of manipulation and a brutal warrior. He murdered his old friend SifoDyas in order to control the clone army. 6 General Grievous General Grievous is an ominous Star Wars villain. Part human (or in this case, Kaleesh) and part machine. As a Kaleesh warrior, Grievous was the epitome of a soldier until his transformation into a cyborg warrior made him a whole lot more. Throughout the Clone Wars, Grievous commands the droid army and is not only a cunning military strategist; he is also a dangerous warrior. Aided by his metal body, Grievous uses four lightsabers at once to ferociously and mercilessly attack his foes in battle. 7 Darth Maul The red skinned, red eyed and horned Darth Maul is a Sith Lord trained by none other than Darth Sidious. Maul is a master in the ways of the dark side and a talented assassin. He is also a master in the martial arts, (as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Ginn found out.) As if Maul’s scary physical appearance and ferocious fighting style isn’t enough, the proof of his pure evil is in the fact he killed children simply to get the

attention of the man he sought to kill. 8 Jabba The Hutt Jabba the Hutt is one giant slug you do not want to cross. Jabba is the gangster that put Han Solo (who was in carbonite at the time) up on his wall after he failed to repay a debt. The big, greasy loan shark runs a crime syndicate on Tatooine, and enjoys keeping slaves as pets… before feeding them to his giant Rancor for entertainment. 9 The Sand People Not so much an obvious evil but more like a cancerous plague, the sand people are scavengers with the combined traits of a pack of hyenas and the morals of a vulture. The natural cowards will prey on and kill anything they come across to either; eat it, sell it or destroy it. That’s evil! 10 Saarlac Maybe not classified as a ‘Bad Guy’ but certainly an evil entity, Sarlacc the pit monster possesses massive tendrils and teeth that spread out over the area of a huge pit. Lying in wait to drag in anything that moves, once captured, the victim is dragged into the sarlacc’s stomach to be digested. As Jabba tells us, “In his belly, you will find a new definition of pain and suffering as you are slowly digested over a… thousand years.”

Boggled How many English words can you find in the Boggled grid, according to the following rules? The letters must be adjoining in a ‘chain’. They can be adjacent horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Words must contain at least four letters and may include singular and plural or other derived forms. No letter may be used more than once within a single word, unless it appears twice. No vulgarities or proper nouns are permitted.

TARGET: Average: 33 Good: 43 Very good: 62 Excellent: 77

SCORING: 4 letters: 1 point • 5 letters: 2 points 6 letters: 3 points • 7 letters: 4 points 8 or more letters: 11 points

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION feet fore fores foes teen tier tiers brook brooks noes ores fief field feel felt roes reef reel rose role rook rooks errs elks jeer jeers prof prone pros prose pose poser poor pool spree spore spool spook sore sole sold slop left leer leers lees lore lores lose loser loop loose loosen looser look tees lops vole volt

Word Ladder WORK


Fill the grid so that every row, every column and every 3X3 box contains the digits 1-9. There’s no maths involved. You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic.

App of the Week

Answers:Cornerstones, Teetotal.

Commander in chief

Star Wars Villains



Move from the start word (WORK) to the end word (DAYS) in the same number of steps as there are rungs on the Word Ladder. You must only change one letter at a time.


TOP 10







17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South



Advertising feature

Christmas gifting overseas: 20.7 million have a relative living abroad THE rise of the multi-country family sees loved ones spread across the globe • POST OFFICE analysis of money transfers reveals December 16 1 is expected to be the busiest day of the year for international payments. • Rise of the ‘Multi-Country family’ (MCF) is driving international Christmas money transfers, as 41 per cent of UK adults 2 currently have at least one relative living abroad. • The number of people with more than five relatives abroad has doubled in the past five years. New analysis from Post Office International Payments reveals December 16 is expected to be the busiest day of the year for international payment transactions as people rush to send last-minute gifts abroad. The study highlights the internationalisation of British families where parents, siblings and even partners live in different countries. On average people living in the UK have

four relatives residing overseas. Gifting money (57 per cent) is top of the list of reasons for sending money to loved ones abroad. Other reasons for sending money to relatives overseas include supporting general living and housing costs.

1 2 3 4 5

Reasons for sending money Presents Day to day living costs Housing Education So they can purchase overseas to send back to the UK

minute to send gifts to family members abroad at Christmas, which causes a spike in demand for international payments. The rise of the multi-country families sees loved ones spread across the globe, so international money transfers are a convenient way to send a present this festive season.”

% 57% 33% 26% 15% 10%

Source: Post Office International Payments, 2015

OVERSEAS: On average UK citizens have four relatives living abroad.

Commenting on the findings, Rob Scott Head of International Payments at Post Office Money said: “People often leave it to the last

Post Office International Payments is an easy and secure way to transfer money from UK to overseas bank accounts. People can cost effectively transfer any amount from £50 upwards, with fee free transfers over £250. For more information please visit: tional-payments

1. Date based on transactions. 2. Research conducted by Atomik Research in August 2015 among a representative sample of 2,004 UK adults (50,502,000 - ONS UK adult population figure). Post Office Ltd. Registered in England and Wales no: 2154540. Registered Office: Finsbury Dials, 20 Finsbury Street, London, EC2Y 9AQ. The Post Office and the Post Office symbol are registered trademarks of Post Office Ltd. Post Office Limited is an appointed representative of Bank of Ireland (UK) plc which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Bank of Ireland UK is a trading name of Bank of Ireland (UK) plc which is registered in England & Wales (No. 7022885), Bow Bells House, 1 Bread Street, London EC4M 9BE.

Carlos Delgado on Wikimedia Commons

Outsiders sometimes romp home Cassandra Nash A weekly look - and not entirely impartial reaction to the Spanish political scene

HE’S got the whole world in his hands, Albert Rivera that is. He has an outside chance of getting more votes than Rajoy, Sanchez or Iglesias and outsiders sometimes romp home, even in the Grand National. But even if he and the Citizens party come second, third or fourth he will be the one wielding much of the power after next Sunday night’s countup.

Star turn PABLO IGLESIAS, Secretary General of the Podemos party, wants a law obliging Spain’s president to take part in television debates. He also wants him, or possibly one day her, to make an obligatory number of public appearances each year. He would, wouldn’t he? Iglesias

ALBERT RIVERA: Has an outside chance in the election.

Supping with the devil ARTUR MAS, would-be regional president of Cataluña, needs the votes of radical separatists Popular Unity Candidacy (CUP) party to fulfil this ambition. CUP, which has made almost frivolous demands, will decide on December 27 if it will back Mas. That should give him time to eat and digest the cannelloni that Catalans traditionally eat on December 26, a thrifty way of using up Christmas leftovers. He might as well enjoy them because whether CUP backs or rejects him, either way Mas will be force-fed humble pie the following day.

first became known to the voting public as a television pundit. He might cite the need for presidential accountability but he knows that he is a pretty convincing speaker. Had Mariano Rajoy agreed to a four-way debate Iglesias would still have had the chance of impressing his critics, while Rajoy would only have confirmed the reservations of his.

Walk the walk THE PSOE presidential candidate Pedro Sanchez can walk the walk. Surprisingly, he can’t talk the talk and frequently gives the impression that he would rather be saying something else. What he comes out with will not inflame voters and persuade them to rush out and vote for him on Sunday. Perhaps the party should have chosen Eduardo Madina, whom Sanchez saw off in the leadership tussle, after all.


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South

It’s Christmas time... Bah humbug! Mike Senker

In my opinion Views of a Grumpy Old Man WELL it’s that time of year again, goodwill to all men, ho ho ho, or in my case, bah humbug. Don’t get me wrong Christmas is OK, or should I say it was OK. I used to love Christmas, it was just a nice holiday. Who remembers how we used to look forward to the TV shows, the Morecambe and Wise special, then it was Only Fools and Horses? It’s now just a commercial event that starts way too early. I’ve seen stuff in stores since October. October? People haven’t even finished paying for their summer holidays. And big store TV adverts get more obscure. There is one on TV with some geezer on the moon who wants a telescope! Please tell me what that has to do with Christmas. All too deep for me. Their marketing department needs to get off the silly stuff and get back to Earth. Idiots! And did you know it was supposedly Coca Cola that

put Santa in a red suit? Tell me how annoying it is to go and buy a load of presents, especially clothing, only to see it two weeks later at half price. Electrical goods that are superseded by a newer model by the time you have finished unwrapping it. Everything is more expensive. Most of the time Christmas finishes up being a stressful time. Now there is Black Friday and Cyber Monday. As my very good Chinese friend would say ‘what a road of borrocks.’ ‘We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like’ (nicked quote). The thing I really don’t understand is the food shopping. It’s a couple of days off. Why do some people buy as if it’s Armageddon? Like there is going to be a siege for a month. And they need to have enough food in the house to feed a regiment of starving soldiers. One of the other things that ticks me off is that everything stops. Try and get something done after the first week of December. You get ‘let’s leave it until after Christmas’. And when is after Christmas? Around the 8th of January!! Oh well only seven more moaning days till Christmas.



Speeding fines have increased this year AS part of a new series, we answer some common driving questions, kindly provided by members of the Guardia Civil based in Torrevieja, Costa Blanca, who set up the N332 website and Facebook page to help break down barriers.

DGT: Say rise is partly caused by the increase in the number of vehicles on the road. IN the first three quarters of 2015, €127.4 million has been collected from drivers caught by fixed and mobile radars. In 2014, the total was €129.6 million, increasing from €124 million in 2013 and €120 million in 2012. If the current trend continues, the end of year figure will be almost €170 million for 2015. The DGT believe that the increase is not caused entirely by an increase in speed by individuals, but by an increase in the number of vehicles using the roads. Similarly, the DGT also say that despite the figures for speeding fines increasing, other sanctions show a downward trend. Another possibility is that traffic studies influenced the decision to drastically modify speed control on the roads. In February, following a 40 per cent increase in speed related deaths in January, it was announced that more focus would be given to secondary roads, which account for 80 per cent of all

related fatalities, a figure which compares directly with the 81 per cent increase in speeding motorists caught on this type of road. Speeding fines have something of a unique character, in so much as many people who get caught speeding fail to acknowledge or accept their own failings and many believe that the fines are nothing more than a way for the government to increase taxation. In fact, a recent survey states that 90 per cent of speeding driver believe that their fine is nothing more than a hidden tax. However, the DGT point out that the taxable element of fines has reduced, despite the increase in revenue, dropping from €392 million in 2011 to €458 million in 2014. Former Director General of the DGT, Pere Navarro said: “Traffic law remains the law most violated in our country with nearly 13 million penalty proceedings a year between all administrations, which indicates that fines are necessary.”

For more news and articles visit or search N332 on Facebook.

Are over-65s free of capital? The law on capital gains tax seems to be clear. When you are over 65, and have owned your house as a principle residence for more than three years, and are an official resident of more than three years, you are free of Spanish capital gains tax when you sell your home. The question I have is about tax resiYour Spanish gestor is quite right. Only copies of your Spanish tax returns for the past three years will justify your exemption from capital gains tax. The word ‘resident’

dency. In your book ‘You & the Law in Spain’, you refer to ‘Spanish resident or the EU Certificate of Residency’. This EU Certficate is the issue. Does this not establish tax residency? My Spanish gestor said: ‘no way!’ Only tax residency for three years counts.

David Searl You and the Law in Spain

means you pay your taxes in Spain.

P.H. (Costa del Sol) If you are an EU citizen, you hold the Certificate of Residency. If you are not an EU citizen, you hold a residence permit. Either way, you must pay your taxes in Spain.

Send your questions for David Searl through lawyers Ubeda-Retana & Associates in Fuengirola at, or call 952 667 090.


E W N Costa Blanca South

17 - 23 December 2015





The five biggest indicators that a child might have autism AN expert has revealed the main things to look out for in youngsters EARLY diagnosis of autism is crucial to allow a child to receive as much help and support as possible, and now a professor of Human Development and Psychology at UCLA in America has revealed the five biggest indicators that a child may have autism: Does your child respond to his or her name? Developing infants will respond to their own name by turning their attention toward the person who called out to them, but those who are later diagnosed with autism often don’t react to hearing their name called. Only about 20 per cent of the time do babies later diagnosed with autism turn and look at the person who called to them. Does the young child engage in ‘joint attention’? Joint attention refers to an action when a child joins with another person to look at the same object or watch EARLY DIAGNOSIS: Is crucial to allow a child to receive help and support. the same activity.

For example, a baby might point to a kitten and look to their parent as if to say, ‘Look at that!’ However, a child with autism will often not look in the direction pointed to by someone or look to point out an object.

Autism is reported to be the fastest growing development disability worldwide Does the child imitate others? Babies will mimic others, whether through facial movements, making a particular sound or waving, clapping or making other similar gestures. Babies with autism, however, are less likely to copy others. Does the child respond emotionally to others? Babies are responsive to others, they smile when someone smiles at them, and initiate smiles or laughs when playing with toys or others. A child with autism may not respond to a smile and they may seem un-

aware of the distress or concerns of others, being emotionally unresponsive. Does the baby engage in pretend play? Youngsters love to ‘pretend play’, playing mummies and daddies or princesses, etc, using their imagination to play. A child with autism may not connect with objects at all, or in playing with certain toys, will focus exclusively on one toy over others. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects 1 per cent of the global population, according to figures from the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. It is a developmental disability and affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people. Autism is reported as being the fastest-growing developmental disability worldwide with one in every 68 children now having some form of the disorder. Concerns in any of the five areas listed as being indicators of autism should prompt a parent to investigate screening their child for the condition.


Ask The Doctor

17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South E W N


Brought to you by Helicopteros Sanitarios.

What is psoriasis? MINISTRY OF HEALTH: Advised that HIV tests are available for free.

SPECIALIST: Doctor Luis Perez Belmonte. DEAR Doctor, Some strange red patches have appeared on my elbows and a friend who has psoriasis said it looks like that could be what they are. What is psoriasis and why does it appear? Psoriasis is a condition which mainly affects the skin characterised by the appearance of red scaly patches which can be itchy or painful. They often appear on elbows, knees, legs, back, scalp and hands and feet. The causes of psoriasis are still unknown although alterations in the immune system are believed to be behind it. Is it contagious? Can you catch it in a swimming pool? No it isn’t contagious, you won't catch it at a swimming pool or anywhere else. My friend says her doctor has given her some injections. Are there any effective treatments? Nowadays there are many options to keep psoriasis under control including creams, ultra-

violet light, tablets and even intravenous medications for extreme cases. Do I need to see a dermatologist? Will I need tests? Dermatologists are skin experts and therefore are qualified to diagnose and treat this condition. Usually a simple examination is sufficient for diagnosis although sometimes a biopsy of an affected area may be ordered. Sometimes psoriasis can also affect joints. This requires joint evaluation and control by a Specialist in Internal Medicine and a Dermatologist. Is there a cure? So far no cure has been found but we have many different treatments to improve the condition. Sunlight and seawater are also very effective. Will my children get it too? Genetics are behind many medical conditions including psoriasis. There is a chance that sufferers’ children will inherit it.

The Coast’s Home GP service - wherever you are - at home - in the office - in the car - on the golf course your GP will get to see you any time, anywhere. A priceless service at an affordable price.

HIV mortality in Spain has fallen in the last 10 years DEATH rate fell by 54 per cent between 2003 and 2013 THE number of patients dying from HIV in Spain has fallen by 54 per cent between 2003 and 2013. That’s according to the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality in a statement to mark World AIDS Day. They highlighted the importance of early diagnosis in preventing new infections and starting treatment. In Spain it is estimated that there are currently between 130,000 and 160,000 people infected with HIV, of which between 25 and 30 per cent are undiagnosed. The Ministry of Health advises that those worried can have a HIV test for free and in confidential surroundings. In 2014, 3,366 new cases of the disease were reported, representing a rate of 7.25 per 100,000 population. Most newly diagnosed are male (84.7 per cent) and the median age at diagnosis is 35 years. The most common route of transmission is sexual with 80 per cent of all cases being transmitted this way. Transmission through needles remained low at 3.4 per cent. Last year, the age group that presented the highest proportion of new diagnoses was between 25 and 34 years, although 13.4 per cent of new cases reported in 2014 were in those aged 50 or older.

Despite the improvements in treatment and fewer people dying from the disease, the Ministry of Health said there still exists situations of

discrimination. According to a study, 11.4 per cent of respondents are uncomfortable with living around people with HIV in

their neighbourhood, and 11.3 per cent do not want to share their office or work space with someone with the infection.


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015/ Costa Blanca South


Have a healthy holiday FitFoxy

Looking Good, Staying Trim

THE festive season is upon us once more, and we are generally going to eat and drink as much as we want. After all, isn’t that what Christmas is all about? The answer is yes, but is there a way of getting through the parties, mince pies and alcohol without completely sabotaging your body and all the hard work you have put into staying in shape? The answer once more is yes, but you will still have to be smart and apply more discipline to your choices when it comes to food and alcohol consumption. Food: Eat a nutritious Christmas meal complete with all trimmings rather than waste your calories on a tin of Roses. In my book there is nothing unhealthy in a Christmas dinner, you have meat, a mixed array of delicious vegetables, roast potatoes, stuffing and gravy. The body can utilise this healthy fuel and if you have a bigger portion than nor-

NUTRITION: Avoid sabotaging your health over the Christmas period. mal, you can walk it off later if need be. The hidden dangers are the chocolate gifts, rich desserts, and festive pastries. Most have no nutritional value whatsoever and are full of unhealthy calories. Alcohol: Not to be the party pooper, but we know there is going to be a fair amount circulating your system. Be kind to your liver by making sensible choices. Spirits are probably the healthiest choice, providing you pay attention to the measures. Most spirits on their own tend to be a purer form of alcohol and lower in calories (average 98 per serving) compared to other drinks such as beer and

cider (average 160-200). Obviously a mixer would need to be a diet form. Wine: Try substituting your 125ml glass of white wine (average 85 cals) for a wine spritzer and half the alcohol and calories over the evening. Beer: Is the one that will give you the classic belly due to its high calorie content (average 225) so take your time with your pint, you have been warned. It is good for you to let yourself go a little, but just remember that the New Year will be here before you know it and the more lbs you have accumulated the more you are going to have to burn off.

Sprints as beneficial as long jogs SPRINTING for just a few minutes can be just as beneficial as regular jogging. Researchers claim that experiments showed intense running for less than five minutes was just as beneficial for the heart and metab-

olism as 45 minutes of slower, longer, jogging sessions. It le d to a los s of fa t around the waist, improveme nts in ps yc hologic a l well-being and increased sensitivity to insulin, the hormone that breaks down

the sugar in our blood. Researchers, who divided a group of 90 people into two groups with one doing a moderate-intensity programme, and the other a high-intensity regime, also found that people carrying

out a high-intensity exercise regime were more likely to stick to it than people doing a moderate-intensity regime, as they could often fit in shorter more intense bursts of exercise than find time for a 45-minute jog.


E W N Costa Blanca South

17 - 23 December 2015



Club raise money in memory of teacher THE DANCE RANCH have raised money for AECC throughout the year TH E Da n c e R a n c h l in e dancing club from Quesada recently raised €230 for the AECC cancer charity in memor y o f t h e i r t e a ch er John Briffa who died after a short illness earlier in the year. His wife Sue still holds the popular classes at The Club in Quesada but John is s ore l y m i sse d b y th e class as he was particularly good with the beginners. The money was raised via a raffle plus Sue sold a few copies of her book ‘Mary’s Journey’ which is the story of her life from 16-yearsold, meeting John on a ship travelling from Australia to her life in Spain. This was the third time

JOHN BRIFFA: Money raised for the AECC in his memory. T h e D a n ce Ra n ch h ave rais e d mo n e y fo r the

AECC in John’s memory a s the y dona te d ove r a

€1,000 in May and €225 in October.



The owl and the pussycat panto IT is that time of year again when all the theatre groups are putting on their annual winter pantomime. Throughout the UK theatres will be staging their fun filled winter spectacle, the highlight of the year for many families and for many children their first introduction to live theatre. Here on the Costa Blanca this typically British tradition continues and the Campoverde Theatre Group is no exception. After a year’s break the group is pleased to bring audiences another original pantomime, this time it is a new retelling of that well known story between the Owl and the Pussycat who went to sea in a beautiful pea green boat. However in true panto tradition the story has been played around with a bit with the Dame and her silly son, the unschooled crew of the Green

Pea and her Captain, plus the usual baddies. In fact The Owl and the Pussycat has everything you would expect from traditional British pantomime. Go along and join Campoverde Theatre Group in the colourful and laughter filled evening and enjoy the presentation of the love affair between the Owl and the Pussycat. The Owl and the Pussycat will be staged at the Casa de Cultura, San Miguel de Salinas on February 5-7, 2016. Reserve your tickets at Bargain Books in San Miguel or contact the ticket Line by emailing ctgticketline@ or call Graham on 629 258 697 or drop into the Blue Lagoon Community Centre (Monday and Wednesday 24pm). This production will sell out fast, so book soon to avoid disappointment.


Photography exhibition in Torrevieja A NEW photography exhibition has opened in Torrevieja. The exhibition ‘What gives us the sea, so the sea returns’ was officially inaugurated at the Exhibition Hall of the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Centre, by photographer Luz Martínez. It will be open until January 24, 2016.

17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South E W N



E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South


ESAMD forthcoming events ESAMD, the Ex-Servicemen’s Association Mazarron District has announced forthcoming events for 2016. On January 13 at Hotel La Cumbre, Puerto De Mazarron, there is the Winter Dance and Grand Raffle from 7.30pm. On February 10, the evening meal and meet

is at Restaurant Sienna in Mazarron with entertainment from 7.30pm. The mothering Sunday lunch is at Trevi Restaurant, Camposol B, from 1.30pm on March 10. For more information, call Ian on 629 818 611 or email

CONCERTS: Taking place at the International Auditorium.

Christmas concert by the town band NEW YEAR concert has become a tradition in Torrevieja By Gemma Quinn TORREVIEJA’S town band the Torrevejense Musical Union, are performing their Christmas Concert on December 27 at 7pm. The performance will take place at the International Auditorium by the Quiron Hospital. Tickets are free on a first

come, first served basis and are available from the Palacio de la Musica Monday to Friday from 6-8pm. Tickets may be available on the night of the show at the International Auditorium. The Auditorium is also hosting the Orquesta Sinfónica of Torrevieja who are performing their New Year and Kings concert, directed by Jose Francisco

Sanchez, on January 6 and again on January 9. Both performances are at 7pm. The New Year concert has become a tradition in Torrevieja where the audience can hear the emotions from the likes of Strauss and Tchaikovsky. Tickets cost from €10-20 available at Calle Blasco Ibanez 23 from 10am-1pm


Light of the nativity is a unique creation STORY of the birth of Jesus is brought to life in Orihuela By Gemma Quinn ‘LIGHT OF THE NATIVITY’ is a new exhibition that is bein g p r e se n t e d a t th e Santo Sepulcro in Orihuela. Councillor for Culture, Begoña Cuartero, presented the exhibition which will remain open until January 7. The councillor explained it is a special representation of the traditional Bethlehem story through a new form of contemporary reproduction. Through a bright picture, which creates a highly communica t i v e a n d sc e n ic stained g l a ss i m a g e it “involves us in a magical atmos p h e r e i n wh ic h the wa l l s o f t h e Sa n to Sepulcro absorb the images projected in this creation,” said th e c o u n c i l l o r w h o was accompanied by artists

LIGHT OF NATIVITY: Councillor Cuartero attended. M ª J o s é M arc o s a nd Javier Peña. Cuartero also said: “This is a work never seen in Orih u ela , w ith in flu en ce s of M an g a a rt, in th e u s e of bright graphics.”

Both the councillor and the creators of the exhibition invite all residents to “enjoy this unique and magical reconstruction of the traditional Bethlehem we all know.”

17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South




E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South


Star Wars to screen at T cinema in December WHITE CHRISTMAS will be showing on Christmas Eve By Gemma Quinn STAR WARS is showing at Cines IMF in Torrevieja from tomorrow (Friday). It will be in Sala Four every night at 6pm. It is expected to be showing in the cinema throughout the New Year and will be the only VOSE English language film showing over Christmas. Pre-booking is available via www.cine. Tonight (Thursday December 17) the VOSE films in English are Hunger Games part two in Sala One at 6.30pm and Bridge of Spies at 6pm in Sala Three. Film fans can also still join the Admit One film club. Reflections Bar in San Luis Lakeside, Torrevieja is a membership point and more venues in La Marina, Guardamar and Orihuela Costa will soon be available for people to sign up and pay. Membership costs €20 or €30 for a couple. By being a member, admission tickets for films are €5 Monday to Thursday and €7 Friday to Sunday. See 10 films and your

CINES IMF: Will be showing several films in Engish during December. 11th is free for a midweek screening and there is free admission on your birthday. The Admit One club does not make any commission from sales of tickets to English language films and is a non-profit association that has worked with Cines IMF to bring original version films back to Torrevie-

ja for the expat population. For more information email: or search Admit One Torrevieja Cultural and Cinema Club on Facebook. Also this week at the cinema in Pilar de la Horadada, ‘Big Game’ is showing tonight (Thursday) at 7pm and on Saturday Decem-


Torrevieja ENGLISH FILMS: Big Game will be on at Cines IMF in Torrevieja.

ber 19 at 5pm. The film is set in the rugged countryside of Finland, where a young 13-year-old (Onni Tommila) embarks on a traditional quest to prove himself by spending 24 hours alone in the wild, armed with only a bow and arrow. After witnessing a spectacular crash, he discovers the escape

pod from Air Force One, containing the President of the United States (Samuel L Jackson). When they realise a group of kidnappers is hot on their trail with the intention of taking the president, this unlikely duo must escape their hunters as they search for the American Special Forces team sent to find them. On December 24 at 7pm the festive showing is ‘White Christmas’ which shows again on Saturday December 26 at 5pm. There will be no films in English December 31 or January 2. Tickets cost €5 and the cinema is located in the Duplex Espacio Cultural in Calle Canalejas, 4, Pilar de la Horadada. To keep updated search Cinemapilar on Facebook or visit s/

17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South

Presenting That’s Entertainment’ NIGEL HOPKINS presents ‘That’s Entertainment’ featuring ‘Melody Makers International’ in a concert on January 30 at Orihuela Costa Resort, La Zenia. There are two concerts at 2pm and 8pm and all money raised will go to the DEBRA Butterfly Children’s Charity. Accompanied by a professional band from the UK and conducted by Nigel Hopkins this popular concert will include many long-time favourite songs specially arranged for the 70 strong chorus of Melody Makers. These will include songs such as Bridge Over

Troubled Water, Wind Beneath My Wings, Rock Around The Clock, Fix You, Phantom of the Opera Medley, Fields of Gold, and many many more. The show features some of the best soloists on the Costa, and will include several special appearances and featured performances by special guests. Tickets cost €10 for the afternoon matinee and €12 for the evening performance from La Ponderosa Gift Shop in La Zenia as well as The Card Place in Benimar and Punta Prima and the DEBRA charity shops in Urbanisation La Marina and Doña Pepa.




E W N Costa Blanca South

17 - 23 December 2015

V I S I T O U R W E B S I T E W W W . E U R O W E E K LY N E W S . C O M



Advertising feature

List your property with Spain Homes OWNERS have over 20 years of selling experience in the worldwide industry SPAIN HOMES and America Homes are part of the International Homes Group, launched in 2011 with offices in Orlando, F lori d a a n d L o n d o n G a tw ick a n d n o w most recently, with offices on the Costa Blanca. The owners have over 20 years of experience in the industry, selling a combined $4 billion in real estate to 18,000 clients worldwide over the last 20 years. Very few companies or agents can compare and this sets the company apart from the many others selling homes abroad. As the team solely consists of seasoned overseas real estate professionals, they have come to understand the mistakes made by all the larger agents during the last 10 years. It spurred them on to create a company that is founded on professionalism, trust, customer service and above all, security. Spain Homes promotes its properties through numerous and varied channels and exhibit their properties at private exhibitions throughout the UK, along with taking prime positions at all the major public

PROPERTY: Promoted worldwide. property expositions throughout the world. Properties can be seen on all the main property portals as well as by numerous mailing campaigns to millions of subscribers. They are confident there is no other company that promotes its properties to as

many potential clients as Spain Homes, making it the number one choice for people looking to sell and list their home. At Spain Homes their business model is selling overseas property, specifically holiday homes and retirement property to a large number of international clients. I t i s what t he com pany knows, what they have done for over 20 years and understand better than anyone else within the industry. They have thousands of clients on their books looking to purchase property on the Costa Blanca. If you are thinking of selling, contact the Resales Manager Michael Murphy on 635 026 630, email or visit the website at www.spainhomessl. com. Spain Homes Calle Ramon Campoamor Orihuela Costa Call: 635 026 630


17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South

Hotels in Spain and Latin America sign with HotelREZ HOTELREZ HOTELS & RESORT has announced the hotels in Spain and Latin America that are to be represented by the company, following recent partnership with Barcelona-based Qualis Hospitality Group. The most recent property to be added to their growing portfolio is the five-star Sant Pere del Bosc Hotel and Spa in Spain. Boasting historic and artistic pedigree, the Sant Pere del Bosc offers 19 individually designed rooms, first class service, and is, according to TripAdvisor reviewers, the top rated hotel in Lloret del Mar. HotelRez will provide the boutique hotel with sales and marketing services alongside GDS representation, under its HO chain code. Other hotels to be signed include Hotel Ambit Barcelona, in Barcelona’s city centre and Vega De Cazalla, in Andalucia. Mark Lewis, Founder and CEO of HotelREZ Hotels & Resorts, said: “Our partnership with Qualis Hospitality was

born out of the need to provide Spanish and Latin American hoteliers with an unparalleled product. With us, independent hotels in Spain and Latin America will profit not only from our

ability to generate global demand from thousands of travel agents and corporate clients, but will also benefit from the local market knowledge that the Qualis team provides.”




E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South

Social housing work set to begin in Barcelona THE Patronato Municipal de la Vivienda de Barcelona is set to begin work on 47 social housing units and a family accommodation centre. According to Barcelona Town Hall, each of the social housing units will have a floor area of between 42 and 58 square metres, and 39 of the units will include two bedrooms. It is estimated it will cost



NEW and innovative

around €6.6 million. The residents are expected to pay rent depending on t hei r di sposabl e i ncom e, and t enancy of al l t hese properties will be for periods of appr oxi m at el y si x months. This development aims to pr ovi de r espi t e f or t he homeless and those in need of hel p, i n t he hopes t hat they can build a more prosperous future.

EARTHSHIP: The centre in Brigh ORGANIC waste will fuel an eco-friendly farmhouse just north of Navarra that will be the first in the world to be entirely self-sufficient on its own waste products. An American woman behind innovative start-up ‘PlanetEnergy’ has worked on the project with her Spanish husband and ex-


17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South

powered property Photo by Dominic Alves Wikipedia

e project will fuel an eco-friendly farmhouse

hton is another example of an eco-friendly property. pects their new home to be energy independent by spring 2016. Bathroom and kitchen waste will be converted into biogas which will subsequently heat the home and provide hot water and power the stove. To help meet their energy demands, the

couple have acquired four horses and will provide plenty of grass to ensure a ready supply of product. The property also has solar panels on the roof and a miniturbine to produce electricity. They have invested €500,000 (£361,000) in the project and

hope to recoup a sizeable amount from energy savings in the near future. Meghan Sapp also expects the initiative to inspire similar models across the world and is proposing plans for an eco-village that follows the same poop-powered principles.

What does the future hold for Spanish property? HAVE you noticed that every time you pick up a property paper or magazine these days, everything you read is ‘good news about buying in Spain’… Well is it any wonder? Since 2007, every estate agent and expert in the land (and the UK come to that) has been waiting patiently for the drought inflicting recession to end, now after eight long years they want to shout it from the rooftops. And rightly so! Prices and demand for property in Spain have begun to rise again throughout 2015. Taking Engel & Volkers as an example, we see that this stalwart of an estate agent reportedly sold over 1,000 properties in Spain last year, which is a 77 per cent increase on 2014. However the big question is, where do we go from here, what will happen next? While it’s obvious that nobody can predict the future, we can get a good idea using key factors in the market as a guide. One way to answer the questions is to look at the UK property market which is closely related to the Spanish one. They share a strong link, due to the fact that it is British property equity and mortgages that continue to pay for home purchases in many parts of the Costa del Sol, Murcia, Costa Blanca, Almeria, Costa Brava and the Balearic islands.

Combining several general surveys, this year ’s figures show that 17 per cent of all properties purchased in these areas by foreigners, were paid with British mortgages or funds. Subsequently, we can deduce that there is a strong connection. Take a look at the house prices from the UK’s Land Registry and compare them with Spain’s equivalent (the National Statistics Institute), and you will find that the two paths are very similar. Although UK house prices dipped for a while in 2008 the property downturn was much shorter and less agonising than in Spain. For the UK, big drops lasted for only a few years, but here in Spain they dragged on for eight years and were more severe. In conclusion, prices in Spain have yet to regain their pre-2008 financial crisis levels, although regional results vary. But it’s here that the British connection with the robust sterling comes in again. The areas in Spain where house prices are catching up the fastest are those where Brits like to buy. Couple this with fact that the Scandinavian economies are strong and there is a new heavy-duty interest from far eastern investors, the future looks bright, so bright that you may need a new pair of sunglasses!




E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South






How to ensure your Christmas plants last beyond New Year Photo credit: Scott Bauer

SOME species become stressed on their long journey from nursery to home Dick Handscombe

Gardening Corner By Spain’s best known expatriate gardening author living in Spain for 25 years.

YEAR by year there are probably more plants purchased in the run-up to Christmas than the previous year. Plants to brighten up front porches, covered terraces or the interior of the house. Typical purchases include poinsettias, azaleas, cyclamens, hydrangeas, orchids, anthuriums (flamingo flower), miniature roses, miniature holly seedlings, mock peppers, heathers, Christmas cacti and bowls of flowering bulbs. However, many will not survive much beyond the New Year. We look at some of the typical problems and the practical actions that can be taken during the festive season. 1. Inevitably plants become stressed by the changes in climate involved in being transported from the growers to the wholesale market then to garden centres, weekly markets,

FESTIVE FAVOURITE: Poinsettias are often difficult to keep after the holiday season. florists, supermarkets, and then finally to a house. 2. Even when apparently healthy and in full flower, some plants can start to shrivel, drop leaves or yellow even when in ideal conditions. Keep such plants in a cool place and just damp, bringing them into the dining room or lounge for the minimum number of hours necessary to create a major display,

and fit water humidifiers to the backs of radiators. 3. Many nurseries water plants with non-chlorinated water so do the same using rain water from a butt or water from a local spring or fountain. 4. Most plants don’t like chilly draughts. It is better to locate plants in a sheltered corner or nook, but where they will receive natural light.

5. But lack of light is often a problem! Forced plants often come from a hot house that has been floodlit to provide the equivalent of direct sunlight 24 hours a day. Many Spanish houses do not have wide internal window sills so place plants on furniture near windows where they will be in the light, but not directly in sunlight. 6. Change of feed! Many

Christmas plants will have been grown unnaturally fast. They will have been fed profusely to stimulate fast growth and early flowering. So feed your new plants as soon as purchased, or received as a gift, and then start to wean them down to once a week or a fortnightly feed. In this way you can reduce the growth rate of the plant and prolong its flowering.

7. Azaleas and poinsettias are often not one plant but a pot of closely planted small cuttings. They are often difficult to keep beyond the festive season and if the cuttings are planted up separately they don’t always take. 8. Frost! Some plants are frost tender so do not leave out overnight or in a window if living in the mountains above the frost line. Fortunately, cyclamens, heathers and azaleas are all very frost resistant. 9. Drying out! The humidity inside your house is likely to be significantly lower than that of the greenhouses. 10. Be careful to not place plants near to a log fire, closed wood stove, central heating radiator or air-conditioning unit. Water to just keep the soil damp, and spray the flowers and leaves daily. A very happy Christmas and rest from the garden to all our readers. We hope you have luck with this year’s plants. © Dick Handscombe December 2015


17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South



Advertising feature

More solar solutions with Sunlife SOLCRAFTE STYLE is manufactured in Austria and now available in Spain WITH energy prices rising yet again, Sunlife Solar Solutions has a great money saving idea, available for almost every household here in Spain. The Austrian manufactured ‘Solcrafte Style’ is an ultra compact water heating system, now available for a January 2016 installation. This system is an attractive alternative to the water systems you may see around your neighbourhood. The water tank is built into the system, offering the same efficiency, but is smaller. It requires less space for installation and is available in 100, 150 and 200 litre options. It has a proven track record with installations across the rest of Europe and is now ready to be installed at your property where you can benefit from year-round hot water without huge bills. Sunlife Solar Solutions opened their new offices at Punta Prima and is now in its third successful year of trading, specialising in photovoltaic solar systems, solar domestic water heating and pool heating systems. With a combined experience of over 20 years in the UK and Spanish solar sector, and an upto-date knowledge of Spanish legislation, you can be totally assured of unbiased information

SOLAR SYSTEMS: Save money and do your bit for the environment. and a 100 per cent legal installation. Their team consists of trained energy surveyors, accredited technical surveyors and solar registered electrical engineers, so from your initial contact with Sunlife Solar Solutions to the completion, you will be in very capable hands. Whether you want to save money on the rising electricity costs, do your bit for the environ-

Herbal remedies for your home and garden HERBS are essential and can be used in many ways

HERBS are an attractive and essential part of any good garden and will also help brighten up the home and kitchen. Not only can they spice up home-made cooking, they can also attract new wildlife to the garden and lend an air of knowhow and skill to a property, whilst being a valuable teaching tool for blooming gardeners. Herbs which aren’t eaten can be put to excellent use in fending off pests and creating an eco-system that encourages other herbs to thrive. Mint, for example, can deter ants and flies whilst borage flowers attract bees. The size and shape of the garden isn’t important with herbs, which take up less space and aren’t as climate dependent as plants. Herbs can also be used for medicinal purposes for

Photo by Danielle Walquist Lynch via Flickr

By Matthew Elliott

USEFUL: Mint can deter ants and flies. a wide variety of issues and growing them can be a firm part of a healthy lifestyle. Caution is urged when it comes to consuming any herbs, as many are purely for decorative purposes and are dangerous to the human body, others, such as chamomile, are broadly safe but may be harmful to pregnant women and infants, so always exercise due care.

SOLCRAFTE: New system is now available and ready for January installation. ment, or just a bit of both, Sunlife Solar Solutions will help you achieve just that! With over 180 local installations, including

on-grid photovoltaic systems, hybrid systems, off-grid systems, pool heating, domestic and under floor solar water heating and many upgrades and repairs, Sunlife will have a solution for you. With national suppliers and a large network of registered installers, giving a 25-year performance warranty and a 12-year product guarantee on the latest Photovoltaic Solar Panels, you can have total peace of mind in your investment. Sunlife also offer a repair and upgrade service for previously installed systems, to comply with current legislation. To find out if solar is for you contact Sunlife Solar Solutions and start saving now. See our advert on page 9.

Sunlife Solar Solutions Call: 965 271 717 Visit: Email. Search Sunlife Solar Solutions on Facebook.


E W N Costa Blanca South

17 - 23 December 2015



The legend of the black dog and other canine folklore DOGS can sense things which are invisible to human eyes

Joe has met dogs, cats and donkeys on a housesit in Loja To find a pet-sitter go to or call Lamia on +44 (0)1865 521508

JOE is an active retired professional from Derry in Northern Ireland. He still works as an outdoor workshop leader in the summer, and in the winter prefers to escape to the sun. This year he decided Spain was the place to spend November. By finding a housesit assignment in Loja, Granada through he realised he could afford to spend the whole month away in the sun, because he would be caring for a family of pets while staying in someone’s home for free. Meet the fur family that Joe cared for while he was in Loja. There are three dogs, Mowgli, Tintin and Cesca, the cats Minou and Leyla, and his personal favourites Maisy and Daisy the donkeys. Years ago Joe used to have a

donkey so he told us he was delighted when on greeting them they called back! Their owner had listed the housesitting opportunity on with a little trepidation because it was a new idea for them, and they didn’t know Joe. However, the cost of kennelling three dogs, two cats and finding help for the donkeys for a month was too costly. On returning home they were delighted to find that Joe had not only looked after their home and pets with great care, but he had also organised the wood pile, fixed some outdoor furniture and mended the fences to prevent any chance of the donkeys escaping. And all this for the cost of an annual membership registration. Bravo Joe!

David THE Dogman Listen to David on TRE every Saturday 10am to 11am Costa del Sol (Gibraltar/Sotogrande) 98.7fm (San Roque to Calahonda) 91.9fm (Calahonda to Motril) 88.9, Costa Calida 92.7fm Costa Blanca (Torrevieja to Elche) 105.1fm (Elche to Calpe) 88.2fm, (Calpe to Gandia & Ibiza) 104.6fm, (Denia to Valencia) 95.3fm Mallorca 103.9fm

The Barguest of northern England could also appear as a pig or a goat, but was most commonly a huge black dog with large eyes and feet which left no prints. Tales of packs of ghostly hounds have also been recorded all over Britain, often said to be heard howling as they pass by on

DOGS have always been credited with the power of sensing supernatural influences which are invisible to human eyes. In Wales only dogs could see the death-bringing hounds of Annwn, and in ancient Greece the dogs were aware when Hecate was at a crossroads foretelling a death. Dogs are believed to be aware of the presence of ghosts, and their barking, whimpering or howling is said to be the first warning of supernatural occurrences. In England, there are many instances of black dog ghosts which are said to haunt lanes, bridges, crossroads, footpaths and gates, particularly in Suffolk, Norfolk and the Isle of Man. Some black dogs are said to be unquiet ghosts of wicked souls, but others are friendly guides and protectors to travellers.

stormy nights rather than actually seen. These hounds generally foretell death (or at least disaster) if they are seen, and the proper action is to drop face-down on the ground to avoid spotting them. When a dog howls in an otherwise silent night, it is said to be an omen of death, or at least of misfortune. A howling dog outside the house of a sick person was once thought to be an omen that they would die, especially if the dog was driven away and returned to howl again. A dog which gives a single howl, or three howls, and then falls silent is said to be marking a death that has just occurred nearby. Dogs were feared as carriers of rabies, sometimes even a healthy dog was killed if it had bitten someone, because of the belief that if the dog developed rabies (even many years later), the bitten person would be afflicted.

AWARENESS: Dogs can sense ghosts.

Micro pets are proving to be popular and quite trendy WHILST micro pets have become quite trendy over the past few years and tiny pigs are without any doubt very cute, there have been a number of horror s torie s in w hic h the adorable pet suddenly put on weight and developed into a full blown pig, and the seller had disappeared. Pygmy goats are generally a different kettle of fish if you will excuse the mixed metaphor. They can make great pets, but they shouldn’t really be kept in the house. There is no question that they can

be taught not to urinate of defecate within the house, but housebreaking can actually refer to what they can get up to if they are allowed to live in a house. At the end of the day, they are powerful little animals with hooves and horns that are curious and they just love to climb! If you really want to keep a goat inside the house, you need to consider removing the horns when the animal is young, and also in the case of males, they have a habit to smell and can be aggressive at time, so

they need to be neutered. You also need to consider their feeding as apart from pellets, they also need to have access to good quality grass or hay which is also not too conducive to household living. They can make good pets but unless you want to cut major bits off of them, it is without question best to keep them safely outside in a secure pen, perhaps allowing occasional access if it is very hot or very cold.




17 - 23 December 2015














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17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South




E W N Costa Blanca South

17 - 23 December 2015

SPONSORED BY ALARMS ALARMS & CCTV: All types, quality systems, very reasonable, guaranteed. Tel: 966 797 370 / 662 243 099 (239453)

BUILDING SERVICES J & J PAINTERS. Inside outside - clean - fast - low cost. Torrevieja - Orihuela Costa and surrounding areas. Tel: 650 363 159 (225782)

BUSINESS OPP. SELLING businesses in Spain for 15 years. Free valuation. m. Tel: 902 906 016 (231182) LOTTERY Get paid weekly with no winning numbers. Find out how. www. (235566)


held throughout the Costa Blanca from Valencia City to Murcia. Anyone wishing to attend a meeting or discuss a possible drinking problem contact Costa Blanca North: *648 169 045* or Costa Blanca South: *625 912 078* or Costa Calida *679 385 105*. All calls are treated in the strictest confidence. AA in German: 645 456 075; Spanish: 679 212 535; Flemish: 635 047 053; and Scandinavian: 659 779 222. (93323) ROUNDABOUT CHARITY SHOP. We are now into summer and very soon we will be feeling the heat! It is time therefore for another visit to the shop where you might find a bargain or two. Choose from the clothing selection, jewellery, household goods, books or bric a brac. There is usually something there for everyone —- but not always. Charitable donations have recently been made to The Alzheimers Centre, Cancer Research and The Amigos Ambulance Service. We still need your help with donations etc. Please keep them coming in! We are situated on Avenida Del Furs close to the Fountain Roundabout and immediate left by Don Colchon bed shop. (93325) THE ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION, Torrevieja Branch, meet at 17.00 on the first Wednesday of each month at the Restaurante El Paraiso, Urb. Jardin del Mar 3 (behind Carrefour), Torrevieja. Contact Mike Wright, Chairman 966 722 895 or Margaret Forshaw, Secretary 966 921 996. (95455)

CARAVAN FOR SALE SWIFT CONQUEROR 645 Lux Caravan 2005, Good Condition 12,995€ La Manga 0044 792 083 806. (232684)

CAVITY WALL INSULATION INSULATE YOUR HOME and save on your energy bills. Keep your home warm in winter, cooler in the summer. Approx 90% of properties built in the last 40 years have cavity walls that are ideal to insulate. We also do floors & ceilings. To arrange a survey and no obligation quote call 626 997 748. www.ecocon (243780)

CHARITIES/CHURCHES ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS IS ALCOHOL COSTING YOU MORE THAN MONEY? Drinking to excess not only affects your health it can spill over into every other aspect of your life – damaging everything that is important to you. Englishspeaking AA meetings are

HELP Vega Baja. We help people of all ages with all sorts of problems, particularly at times of crisis and emergencies. Offices based in San Miguel at Calle Lope de Vega 46 (Tel 966 723 733), Torrevieja at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia 4 (Tel 965 704 282). La Marina Helpdesk Calle Madrid 5 (Tel: 673 109 096). Our offices are open Monday to Friday 10am -1.30pm and the Helpdesk at La Marina is open every Friday 10 am - 1.30 pm. We are online at www.helpve or email Remember we also have a 24 hour Emergency help-line on 966 723 733 (95456)

THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Orihuela Costa - covering from Punta Prima to San Javier. The branch meets at Olympia restaurant, Mil Palmeras on 3rd Thursday of each month at 19.00 - 19.30pm. More info can be found on branch website www.orihuelacostarbl (95457) THE BAKER FOUNDATION for SPIRITUAL AWARENESS. 16 Nicolas De Bussi Ave, Playa Flamenca. Sunday Service every week 11am to 12 noon, everyone welcome. For further details please phone/fax 966 760 665 (95458) THE PHILIP SCOTT LODGE No 10671 of the RAOB meets every Friday in the Bar Catorce, Benijofar. Please call the secretary, Colin Bird on 693 287 614 for further information. (95459) CHARITY BOOK STALL PEGO THURSDAY MARKET. Selection of over 500 books, all proceeds given to the elderly/disabled of Pego and local Animal Rescue. More stock always required please contact Chrissie 965 977 228/617 647 395 (95460) THE ANGLICAN CHURCH, La Fustera. For more info: contact Frank Bentley on 966 495 188 (95461) ROYAL MARINES ASSOCIATION (Costa Blanca). The aim of the Association is to bring together not just ex Royal Marines, but ex Service personnel with an affinity to the Royal Marines. We meet on the last Tuesday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis Urbanisation, at 6.30pm. For further details Hon Sec 965 724 652 CANCER SUPPORT GROUP (MABS) MURCIA/MAR MENOR Help and support is just a phone call away, Avda Rio Nalón, Tel: 693 275 779 (95462) PILAR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH, Calle Canalejas, 3. Pilar de la Horadada. Sunday Service at 11am & Thursday at 5pm for Prayer and Praise and Worship. Home groups meet during the week. All welcome from any church background or none. For further information, contact PilarChristian.Community / 966 849 448 / 966 848 806. Reg No: 2009-SG/A (95463) TORREVIEJA Christian Fellowship (TCF) is an English speaking lively church located


at Avenida de las Valencianas 68, Torrevieja 03183. Residents and holidaymakers are welcome to attend our services with communion and ‘kids church’ each Sunday at 10.30am. We have a Fellowship Meeting (Bible Study) each Wednesday at 6.00pm. For further information see our website or tel 966 700 391. (95464) THE AIRCREW ASSOCIATION COSTA BLANCA BRANCH. Former & serving aircrews of the UK or Allied Armed Forces are welcome to join this convivial & friendly organisation, now in its 21st year. www.aca or call the Secretary on: 966 495 042 (95465) THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION JAVEA BRANCH meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month @ Scallops Rest on the Arenal at 11.00am. Everyone is welcome to attend as a visitor and join the branch if they wish. Anyone needing any help or advice on welfare, or any information regarding the branch can contact either Sheila on 965 791 270 or Roger on 965 790 123 (95472) TORREVIEJA STROKE SUPPORT GROUP meets each Friday 2.45pm to 5pm in The Annex, (behind Age Concern Centre), Calle Paganini, Urb. La Siesta. Our aim is to support stroke survivors and their carers by a range of facilities from speech therapy, rehabilitation exercise, group discussion etc. For info: Louie 966 718 964 or 965 071 920, email: strokesupportgroup Donations and further voluntary helpers are needed and guest speakers with relevant knowledge or experience are very welcome. (95473) THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Gran Alacant & La Marina Branch meets 1st Monday of every month (except July and August) at Bar Sioux , Avda Escandinavia GA at 7pm for 7.30pm prompt. For further info contact Brian, Branch Secretary on 639 917 971 / email secretarybr3606@g (95474) CAMPELLO CONTRA CANCER in conjunction with AECC Association Español Contra Cancer has opened a charity shop at C/Virgen de los Desamparados No 13 (next door to Mas y mas) El Campello. The shop is



open Mon-Fri 10 - 2pm and is run by unpaid volunteers and all monies raised goes to the AECC. We urgently need donations of clothes, books, large and small furniture etc, and we will arrange collection of large items. We need volunteers to help out in the shop and also clothes rails, shelves etc. for display. Please support your local Cancer charity and if you wish to obtain literature or simply talk to someone. Please stop by at the shop. Contact Mina or Trisha. Tel 650 071 278 or 610 921 413 e-mail (95475) International Christian Assembly Calle Pilar de Horadada 5, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational Sunday services 11am Children’s church 11am House groups in Torrevieja, Los Balcones, San Javier Ladies meeting Thursdays 11am. Pastor, Rafael Restrepo All nationalities welcome 966 799 273 / 660 127 276. FREEMASONRY Are you aware that Freemasonry is thriving on the Costa Blanca? There are various lodges meeting up throughout the Valencia region. If you already are a Mason or simply wish to know more about Freemasonry in Spain please contact Harry Palmer Membership Committee Tel: 966 712 326 or email: (95477)

CHIMNEY SWEEP PROFESSIONAL CHIMNEY SWEEP. Family Business established over 60 years. 660 478 881 (236418)

DAMP - We are the longest established Damp Proofing company in Spain. We can cure Rising Damp, leaking Flat Roof or Terrace problems quickly & safely. We can make your Underbuild Dry. Villa Paint Due! We can protect your villa & stop PENETRATING DAMP with a Protective Coating. Call us for a survey now; Tel: 634 322 672 (237179)

ELECTRICIAN MR FIXIT. For all your electrical, plumbing, general & appliance & boiler repairs. No call out charge. 698 320 434 (233062)



CLASSIFIEDS INSURANCE SOS <http://www.sosin> Insurance in Spain. Best prices available. CALL US FIRST for all your insurance needs, including best deals on Funeral plans. Buildings and contents cover from just 82 euros per year and cars from 120 euros. Tel 966 787 123 / 622 275 561 / 686 116 297 / email info@sosinsur (238734)

INTERNET GET YOUR business noticed online! Make sure that expats in Spain can find your product, service, restaurant, bar or shop. Contact Spain’s newest and brightest online directory TODAY. Call 952 561 245 or email serena@euroweek for more details.

METAL WORK HOME SECURITY WE COME TO YOU. Costa Calida. 636 050 008. (231100)

MOBILE HOMES WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our philosophy has always been to offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 902 123 309. (200726)

WANTED WANTED Cars, vans, caravans, 4 X 4’s British Spanish 600 781 873 ibuyany (239455)

MUSIC TUITION PIANO, Keyboard, Organ, Qualified Teacher. Please call 606 984 535 (238468)

PERGOLA COVERS TAILOR made, durable canvas, sails, umbrella, spa and BBQ covers. Mazarron based, and at Procomobel Market, Guardamar Saturday mornings. 667 879 399 kruger (238737)


WE BUY, Sell, Store, Remove all types of Mobile Homes. We pay CASH and cover all of Spain. More details call Suzi Caley 616 250 727 / 951 063 059 or email suzicaley@ (237117)


PET-COURIERS.COM – If you love your pet try us first – we are the best. Door to door service throughout Europe. Specialised vehicles – bespoke service. Full legal service including documentation if required. For further information call or e-mail us: Tel: (0034) 651 033 670 or (0034) 637 066 227. Email: or (231443)

PET TRANSPORT THE DOG MOVER. Licensed transporters. Two handlers, so never alone. 651 581 067 / 0044 (0) 7875 947230. www.thedog (228731)

For daily news visit

17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South

PET TRAVEL UK Family pet transporters Spain/UK. Travel with your pets for free. All air conditioned vehicles (no vans) Removals also arranged in other vehicles. Tel UK 0800 612 4922 or Spain 960130537 (237026)


PET CHARITIES EASYHORSE CARE RESCUE CENTRE We aim to rescue HORSES. If you would like to DONATE please call 965 967 033 or sales@easyhorsecare .net or call Sue 652 021 980 (95706) SPAMA GANDIA SHELTER. Dog and cat rescue registered charity, La Safor area. 500 animals awaiting re-homing. Shelter open 7 days a week 12noon - 2.00pm & 3.30pm 7.00pm. (Spanish speaking staff) or phone Gail 962 896 118. Visit our website for directions. and view our new blog at PLEASE HELP US TO HELP THEM (95707) P.E.P.A. VOLUNTEERS & FOSTER HOMES URGENTLY NEEDED. By fostering an abandoned dog, or spending a few hours each week on our telephone helpline, you could help save the lives of many animals. Please call: 650 304 746. For more information browse our website: EURO WEEKLY NEWS CLASSIFAX AGENT (95708) GATAMI ORGANISATION, to help kittens and cats, looking for good homes, also spaying wild cats in the community. Kittens require adoption, fully vaccinated, de-wormed, defleed. We also need volunteers to help Car boot sale in Polop on Sundays Tel Anna: 966 806 976 / 654 729 977 (95709)

PLUMBING MR FIXIT. For all your electrical, plumbing, general & appliance & boiler repairs. No call out charge. 698 320 434 (233062)

POOLS POOL MAINTENANCE Repairs, Spares and Leak Testing. Call 965 725 565 / 676 945 360 (243962)



For daily news visit

HEADLINES, Los Montesinos have a Nail & Beauty room for rent. Call Adrian 966 721 175. (232669)

REMOVALS/STORAGE UK - SPAIN - Anywhere Europe! Masses of experience. New clean vehicles. Insured with Royal Sun Alliance. Genuinely CARING service. FULL and part moves. ONLINE QUOTES!! UK 08456 443 784 / ES 634 344 787 FIND US ON FACEBOOK! (239719) SPANISH MOVES Small removals and deliveries. Spain/UK Budget prices. Last minute jobs undertaken. Pet transport also arranged in our air conditioned pet/people carriers. Telephone UK 0800 612 4922 or Spain 960130537 (237026) MAN AND VAN UK - Spain. 2 vans travelling twice a month, Murcia - North / South UK. Storage in Spain. Tel 610 846 260 or 0044 751 918 6355 email (237750)

FIELD SALES positions available. Must have own transport, English and Spanish preferred, but not essential, must have local knowledge of the area and be smart and presentable. Applications by email with full CV should be sent to recruitment@euroweek

BEAUTICIAN required at Head to Toe Salon, La Zenia. Fully qualified and experienced. Call 966 773 216. (232671)

INTERNATIONAL and European Removals. Expert removals worldwide. www.uni Tel: 951 247 834 / +44 (0)203 128 7007 (239495)

SOLAR LOWEST PRICES IN SPAIN. www.solarmegas (236769)




DUE TO RECORD SALES Vista Casas have the following vacancies in our busy Villamartin Plaza Office, SALES TEAM – English & French speaking essential, Spanish & other languages a bonus, Property sales experience required & good knowledge of local area, Computer literate, Basic salary plus competitive commissions, AFTER SALES – Verbal & written English & Spanish essential, French & other languages a bonus, Good customer service skills, Excellent communication & administration skills, Computer literate, Previous experience in either estate agents or lawyers office preferred. If you want to join an expanding, professional company please contact Mark by email mark@vista or mobile 603 107 696.Confidentiality assured to all applicants. (237563)


QUALIFIED SEAMSTRESS 40 years experience, turn-ups to tailoring patterns taken from your favourite cloths, reasonable prices. Torrevieja, Sandra: 966 799 188 / 680 486 336 (228946)



E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South


SWIMMING POOLS WOODEN POOLS LIMITED. Manufacturers & installers of wooden above ground pools. Take the plunge with one of the above ground pools. Best of all “No Planning Permission Required” Tel: 634 322 672. Phone or email for a FREE COLOUR BROCHURE & PRICE LIST NOW. www.woodenpo info@woodenpo (237179)


TILING PLUMBER/CERAMIC WALL & FLOOR TILER. 30 years’ experience. No job too small, free quote. Tel Shane on 645 664 298 / 965 075 190 (237242free) JACUZZI, SPAS, HOT TUBS WANTED. Working or not 650 722 905 (237573) WANTED Quad Bike and Jet Ski. Call 650 722 905 (237575) RECORDS & CDs WANTED. Pop, Rock, Jazz, Blues. Top cash paid. Henry 630 665 363 (237222)

XXX RELAXATION Readers of a sensitive disposition may find some of the advertisements in this section offensive.


I CAN TRANSLATE in Dutch, Spanish, English, French & German. Translation of official documents, accompany to Spanish speaking businesses, doctors, etc. Contact Gregory 602 240 301. (243773)


SOPHIE. Escort, sexy, slim, elegant, naughty lady, home or hotel. 693 357 526 (237649) BEAUTIFUL Dutch girl, 36, slim, blonde hair, big breasts, all fantasies. Campoamor, 676 067 381 (232657) Guys, transvestites, complacent, feisty. We are eager and hot. DARE!!! 616 804 411 (233059)

For daily news visit

TORREVIEJA. Bianca. Massage, sexy-relax. Very beautiful, spectacular brown hair. C/la Loma, N74. 610 680 778 (231087)


EXPERIENCE a great 1 hour massage with Veronica. Qualified. Call 679 292 678 for appointment. (232559)

BENIDORM 2 sexy pretty affectionate girls, massage, kisses, hotel/private apartment. Tel 671 431 214 (232564)

SPANISH lady - classic. Playa Flamenca, private house, 35 years, attractive. All erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie. From €40. Ana 865 646 437 (232687)

NAUGHTY sexy Bi Lady, discreet, out calls only. Orihuela Costa. Email lush.lips99@ya (239338)

ALMORADI - 2 sexy hot blonde bombshells waiting for you with many kisses. 645 323 546/604 104 757 (232645)

SEXY MATURE ENGLISH BLONDE, gives discreet massage, 1 hour or overnight stay. 15 mins Alicante airport. Tel Karen 662 049 021 (238538)


Motoring shorts

Two Porsche models getting a new turbo PORSCHE has confirmed something that most fans already suspected. Just like their big brother the 911 Carrera, the Boxster and Cayman models are getting a turbo. At the same time, they’re having a bit of a wider readjustment, drawing the two of them closer together than ever. As well as looking more like identical twins, they’ll be renamed ‘718’. But just so we know the difference, they’ll be called 718 Boxster and 718 Cayman, though for the first time, the Boxster soft-top will cost more than the Cayman coupe. Regarding the power-plant, the 718 uses a flat-four engine, which, with the addition of turbocharging, is what Porsche’s modern day midengine sports cars will be getting.

Costa Blanca South

17 - 23 December 2015


Clarkson Quote of theWeek




When you reach the limits of grip, the Jaguar XJ220 demands a special technique. You put your foot on the clutch, and repeat after me: Our Father, who art in heaven, I'll be there in a minute.

Some might say...

Looks like the desert caught the Bug ICONIC coupe will surely be a hit By Steve Walsh IT’S been a long time since the beetle changed its clothes, even longer since it stripped off and went to the beach. Up until now, the famous Dune Buggies of the 70s were about the last time the beetle put its shorts and flip flops on and took a dip! But while unmistakably a Beetle, the new Beetle Dune brings a new edge to a heritage-inspired icon. Obviously taking design inspiration from the dune buggy and desert spirit, the new Dune brings a roughty-toughty attitude to the Beetle family, but also the modern technologies and creature comforts of its bigger cousins. Unwittingly destined to become the latest crossover for

the brand at some stage in the future, the wider track and a raised suspension of the Beetle Dune gives it a sporty and aggressive stance. And with a unique exterior Sandstorm Yellow colour option, new LED tail lights, a black honeycomb front grille, and a new wheel design, this Beetle shows that it’s not afraid to hide. Unique design cues don’t only apply to the outside of the Dune. Features like the special sport seats, an instrument panel with yellow accents, and a flatbottomed steering wheel, lend a feeling of spaciousness to this Beetle’ s interior. But as well as being an in-

BEETLE DUNE: Brings a new edge to a heritage-inspired icon. stant favourite with those old hippies amongst us, the young techies will feel at home as well with toys such as a multimedia touchscreen display allowing music, apps and more to be run from your smartphone, a rear-

view camera, park distance control and a built-in ski rack. A well-equipped iconic coupe that will surely be a hit.


E W N 17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South


Volkswagen find a Boris Johnson shows his green credentials in magical solution Paris and not just his tie CO2 problems disappear in a puff of smoke USED Nissan’s zero emission shuttle service AS the first week of 21st Climate Change Conference (COP21) came to a close, Mayor of London, Boris Johnson MP, took advantage of Nissan’s zero emission shuttle service as he departed Paris on December 4. Opting for environmentally-friendly transport, Mr Johnson took the opportunity to experience the new 30kWh battery version of the world’s best-selling all electric vehicle the Nissan LEAF. He was driven in the Nissan LEAF from his hotel to Gare du Nord train

RE-PLATE MATE Don’t take a chance! Don’t break the law! Take the hassle out of re-registering your vehicle onto Spanish plates We endeavour to better any genuine quotation 490 Euro + Road Tax + CO2 emission tax if applicable

Alan 662 249 159

station, bringing his time at the annual UN climate change conference to an end. The London mayor and British politician, who is paving the way for low emission transport in his home city, is the first politician around the world to experience the new, longer range model of the Nissan LEAF. Mr Johnson joined events in Paris to speak in the Climate Summit for Local Leaders earlier in the day. As he said farewell to Paris, the car provided zero emission, 100 per cent

electric transport so he could commence his journey home. Speaking about his experience in the new Nissan LEAF 30 kWh, Mr Johnson said: “It’s a good feeling to see a British built export driving around the streets of Paris as the official shuttle car of a major UN conference. “I’m delighted I got to experience the new, longer range Nissan LEAF whilst at COP21. Zero emission cars like this will play a real part in improving the air quality in our cities and tackling climate change.”

FIX: A quick software update and a wad of plastic mesh was needed. A MAGICAL solution that would make Houdini proud. Volkswagen tells us that the internal testing of CO2 emissions issues on their European range has come to an end, the conclusion being that… there really isn’t a problem! Volkswagen announced a few weeks ago that they had discovered a fix for the fiddled NOx emissions on their cars in Europe, which basically boiled down to being a quick software update and a wad of plastic mesh to adjust the air flow, a total cost of about 15 cents. The question that immedi-

ately jumps to the fore is, if the VW emissions fix can be so simply done, why did VW ever employ a defeat device in the first place? However, if the magic fix is accepted by EU regulators, VW will have escaped by the skin of their teeth. Well at least in terms of the cost of putting their cars right. It would now appear that VW have pulled another rabbit out of the hat as they declare that the CO2 emissions on the 800,000 European cars, which they claimed were wrongly stated, actually aren’t. Well, not the vast majority anyway.

In reality, if there is such a thing anymore, just 36,000 cars have been found by VW to have wrongly stated emissions (not even 5 per cent of the original number). Moreover, VW say the errors are so small that they are too insignificant to worry about and wouldn’t need adapting. The real conjuring trick is that, as a result, VW are now palming the €2 billion they’d set aside to deal with it back into their top hat. Et Voilà, NOx emissions solved for 15 cents and a software flash, and CO2 problems disappearing into thin air. Genius.


17 - 23 December 2015 / Costa Blanca South



Villaricos play a stableford event VILLARICOS held their penultimate stableford competition of 2015 on a near perfect Aguilon golf course on December 8. In such conditions we make a special mention to Ken Lee who found trees to be magnets and was in 16 bunkers in 18 holes, his return of 14 points being his lowest in 11 years of golf in Spain! Nearest the pin prizes went to Chris Tyler on the third, and Ron Drewe on the 14th. Chris also managed to take the Division one award with 32 points from runner up Tom DONATING FUNDS: A raffle raised €205 for Help at Home Costa Blanca.

Pueblo Bravo Petanca club

Tannant. Division Two, went to Jim Laing on 31, from Penny Craig on 30. The final of the season long Matchplay singles was between Mick Gardner, and Chris Tyler. Mick started very well winning three of the first four holes. Chris played the middle of the course well, however dropping just two shots to the course between holes six and 13, this proved to be decisive, as despite a birdie on 14, Mick could not find his best golf, Chris finally winning five and three.

Bingo, Bango, Bongo!

HAH help those who are finding it difficult to manage PUEBLO BRAVO Petanca club held its Christmas Ball at the The Club Quesada on Friday night with over 70 members and guests enjoying an excellent Christmas meal provided by The Club. After dinner the entertainment was provided by Richie C and the dance floor was full, with many of the diners up dancing to use up some of

their turkey and Christmas pudding. During the evening a raffle was held for Help at Home Costa Blanca (Quesada group) and Jacky Jones was there with two of the helpers Hazel and Diane to accept the €205 raised by the petanca club. Help at Home are a group of caring members of the local community whose sole

aim is to help those people who are finding it difficult to manage. The Quesada group like other charities are always in need of funds, and another important need is for helpers so if anyone feels they can give some of their time to help please contact Help at Home Costa Blanca (Quesada group) on 693 027 026 to speak to Joan or Jacky.

El Raso Golf at Alenda EUROGOLF MEMBERS: Enjoyed a welcome interruption after the ninth green.

EL RASO GOLF SOCIETY: There were 17 members and 2 guests took part. ON Friday December 11, El Raso GS travelled to the popular course of Alenda, for the monthly Stableford competition. With several members suffering with ailments and injuries they had a reduced field of 17 members and two guests. The course was in good condition, however, the greens proved rather tricky and hence several players

misjudging the speed, resulting in lower than usual scores coming in. Nevertheless, there were some players who managed to achieve a respectable score: Congratulations to the winner Dave Nicholls with 32 points, in second place Paul Burletson 31 points, and third Stan Low 30 points. Best front nine Tony

Wilson 14 points, and best back nine Robin Richards 17 points. N.T.P’s 3rd Robin Richards, 5th Paul Burletson, 13th Malcolm Foskett, 16th Craig Lambert. Well done to guest, Preston Ives coming in with an impressive score of 36 points. The next game is on Friday January 29 on the home course, La Marquesa.

GETTING into the seasonal festivities, on Thursday December 10, Eurogolf Society played a game of Bingo, Bango, Bongo. For those who are not familiar with this format (and not ma ny a re !), you ha ve normal Stableford scoring, plus first ball on the green (bingo) scores one pt. Closest to the pin once everyone is on the green (bongo) one pt. Firs t ba ll in the hole (bongo) one pt. With confusion over scoring amongst some players, a welcome interruption on the ba c k of the ninth gre e n, were mulled wine, sausage rolls, mince pies and delicious Christmas cake made by Colin Day-Gretton and s e rve d up by the love ly ladies, Claire and the Sue’s, was much appreciated.

The final results were: Gold Division: 1st, David Gr egson 60 pt s. 2nd, George McCullum 54 pts. 3rd, David Blanchette 53 pts. Silver Division: 1st, Ken Enever 58 pt s. 2nd, Ray Por t er 52 pt s. 3r d, Col i n Hobden 49 pts. Bronze Division: 1st , Connie Parker 54 pts. 2nd, Jan Shorley 53 pts. 3rd, Gill Britten 50 pts. N.T.P’s 5t h Bob Buckeridge, 11th Morag Turner, 15t h Kei t h Wr i ght , 17t h David Gregson. Toffs The results of the Toffs weekly Stableford competition played on Tuesday 8, were: Overall winner with an

impressive score of 40 points Debbie Weedon. Gold Division: 1st Bill Martin 35 pts, 2nd Sue Gi l l et t 34 pt s, 3r d Davi d Gregson 32 pts. Silver Division: 1st Debbie Weedon 40 pts, 2nd Colin Hobden 35 pts, 3rd Gloria Manning 32 pts c/b. Bronze Division: 1st Joy Gr ay 35 pt s, 2nd Sandy Holland 35 pts c/b, 3rd Bev Fairhurst 35 pts c/b. Best front nine: Ian Pegg, and best back ni ne Angelique Berndt. N.T.P’s 5th Bill Martin, 11th Jean Jackson, 15th Ian Pegg and 17th Phyllis Venables. More information about the friendly society can be found on their website

104 E W N

Costa Blanca South

17 - 23 December 2015

A frustrated Cristiano Ronaldo after Real Madrid’s 1-0 defeat to Villarreal. The club is now five points behind leaders Barcelona and Atletico Madrid in La Liga.



Costa Blanca’s best guide to local sport

Mazarron end 2015 with an excellent performance MAZARRON football club ended their fixtures for 2015 with another excellent performance at CD Bullense, which cemented their third place position in the league. Mazarron who took the

lead on 12 minutes, earned a corner on the left and alth o u g h th e fla g k ic k wa s c le a re d , th e b all w a s crossed in again for Juan Andreo to head powerfully into the net. Palote was proving a

handful up front for M a z a rron w ho ha d now gained complete control of the ga me . Willy w a s a ls o causing problems, and on the s troke of ha lf time a sliced effort enabled Silverio to force the ball over the line to increase Mazarron’s lead. B ulle ns e ha d the ir be s t spell of the game immediately after half time as they tried to pull a goal back but de s pe ra te de fe nding pre vented them doing that, and the visitors gradually got back in control of the game.

VICTORY: Mazarron won 4 - 0 against CD Bullense. Willy and Palote were still proving troublesome and 20 minutes into the second half Mazarron scored for the third time, when a pass from Silverio saw

Palote racing past several players before smashing a st r ong shot past t he Bul lense keeper. Substitute Juanma entered t he f r ay and wi t hi n t wo

minutes his perfect pass allowed Willy to fire a strong shot into the net for his first goal for the club, completing an emphatic victory for Mazarron.

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