Euro Weekly News - Costa Blanca South 2 - 8 January 2014 Issue 1487

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ISSUE NO. 1487


99 arrested NINETY-NINE people have been arrested as part of a network selling fake clothes made in Portugal. Ten ‘regional’ factories have been dismantled including in Alicante and Valencia.

Busy Benidorm BENIDORM hotels ended the year with an average of 95 per cent occupancy, according to the hoteliers association, Hosbec.

Fewer cruises ALICANTE PORT will receive fewer cruise ships in 2014. Forecasts by the Port Authority of Alicante predict Valencia will have over 200 cruise ship arrivals, Cartagena 110, with just 37 for Alicante.

2 - 8 JANUARY 2014


Costa Blanca shows its caring side... THE Costa Blanca community has rallied round to make 2013 a great year for charity. Expatriates and Spanish alike have shown their caring side by dipping into their wallets or giving their free time and hard work to help those less fortunate than themselves. Typical of the many hardworking charities and organisations is Maria Wilson (pictured) and the Pink Ladies, who raised nearly €90,000 for cancer charity AECC with a string of events supported by many in Torrevieja. Since Maria started her Pink Ladies fundraising group in June 2010, a total of €161,254 has been raised. Maria said: “In my capacity as President of AECC Torrevieja and Maria and the Pink Ladies, I

would like to thank all the bars, restaurants, clubs, associations and individuals who have held fundraising events throughout the year to raise much-needed funds for the AECC and its early detection programme. “I would also like to thank my Pink Ladies and Pink Panthers who, along with myself, are all unpaid

volunteers, and all of the performers who have given

up their time to support our cause. I wish them all a very happy and, above all, healthy, 2014.” Maria also wished to thank the following for their recent fundraising events: The Friendly Bar at the Citrus Centre held a special darts evening and raffle and raised €1,500; La Vista Bar in San Miguel raised €233 from their Christmas raffle; Maxx Gym’s spinnathon collected €312.90, and Evolution Bar raised €167 from a Christmas raffle.


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South

Common sense must prevail AN extraordinary meeting is being held tomorrow (Friday) in Orihuela Town Hall which could change the government team. The current ruling coalition of Greens and PSOE could be ousted if the censure motion, put forward by the PP and CLR party goes ahead. Bob Houliston from the CLARO party is the president of the plenary desk that will process the ‘Mocion de Censura’ against the Mayor. He previously said: “In view of the negative and destructive role played by the CLR party in relation to CLARO, during their time together in the government… CLARO considers that it would be a disservice to Orihuela and to Orihuela Costa if they were to become partners in a government with the PP.”


EWN News 1 - 22

Finance 23 - 28

Letters 29

Leapy Lee 39

Daily TV Thu 30 Fri 32 Sat 34

Sun 36 Mon 38 Tues 40

Wed 42

CENSURE MOTION: Bob Houliston is head of the plenary desk which will process the Censure Motion. Meanwhile, the secretary-general of the Regional PSOE in Valencia, Ximo Puig, said

the censure motion was unworkable and called upon “common sense” to prevail in Orihuela.

Human remains found in Torrevieja AN investigation is under way after the discovery of human remains in Torrevieja. Bones were discovered, half buried, by a neighbour walking in the area of Cala de los


Trabajos with police and forensic teams immediately sealing off the area to investigate and recover the findings. The remains are being analysed in

Alicante at the Forensic Institute as DNA traces are being searched for, but it is not yet known if the skeletal remains are from a single person or are from numerous bodies.

Health & Beauty 50 - 51

Time out 53 - 56

Classifieds 76 - 78

Sport 80

NEWS Extra lessons FREE extra tuition for students struggling in class increased 40 per cent last term in Alicante schools. EU funding THE University of Alicante is to apply for EU funding under the 2014-2020 European Programme ‘Horizon 2020’ for their scientific projects. Investment ALICANTE Provincial Council will spend €39.8 million - 14 per cent more than in 2013 for municipal works, energy saving measures, and maintenance of roads across the province.

2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South

El Gordo hands out millions THE Christmas El Gordo lottery saw prizes of over €25 million won in the Valencia Community. Valencia Province proved to be the luckiest with more than €12 million in winning tickets, followed by Alicante with more than €10 million. The ‘Gordo’ (which is the first prize, with €4 million to every ticket)

was the number 62,246 sold in Valencia and in Manises handing out €8 million. In Benidorm all tickets relating to the 160 series of the number 48,589 (one of the fifth prizes) were sold and gives €9.6 million to the lucky buyers. Other tickets of the fifth prizes, number 05,721, were sold in Elche handing out €780,000.

Alicante province was issued with more than €130 million worth of tickets to sell. Murcia picked up a total of €8.7 million worth of prizes from tickets sold through lottery offices throughout the region.

Expensive art MAZARRON Town Hall has spent just over €18,000 on a night time photograph of the San Jose mining complex. The piece may be included in a museum planned to be built in 2014.


ews watch

Concert time

A THREE KINGS and New Year concert takes place on Monday from 7pm in the new International Auditorium of Torrevieja by the Orquesta Sinfonica de Torrevieja. Tickets cost from €6.

GUARDAMAR has the highest price of resale property in the Vega Baja, costing an average €1,406 per square metre. Torrevieja’s resale prices are an average €1,204 per square metre with the cheapest in Pilar at €876.

Top 50 CATRAL will be represented in Strasbourg after its sustainable food and solidarity plan was selected as one of the 50 finalists by the European Commission’s Economic and Social Plan.

Tourist office ORIHUELA’S new tourist office has been inaugurated in the city’s Plaza de la Soledad and features a souvenir shop and will be the main meeting and reservation point for Orihuela’s guided tours.

Three Kings THE Three Kings Parade in Torrevieja is being held on Sunday evening with the arrival of the Kings at the port at 5.30pm before the parade.


Property prices

Blood drive TORREVIEJA saw 40 blood donations made during its last blood drive of the year. The blood donations were carried out at the CIAJ Centre for Information and Youth.

Payments agreed PAYMENT of invoices to suppliers amounting to €745,248 have been approved by Orihuela’s Governing Board. Grants and subsidies totalling 203,530 have also been agreed.


Go ahead

THREE KINGS: The ‘Roscon de Reyes’ (below) represents the kings’ jewelled crowns.

Seeing New Year in, Spanish style...


OUNG and old throughout Spain will flock to see the Three Kings parade on Sunday evening. This is the highlight of festive celebrations in Spain as the Three Kings, Melchior, Gaspar and Balthasar, better known as the Three Wise Men in UK Christian tradition, parade the streets on floats, accompanied by music, their pages and cartoon characters. The kings throw thousands of sweets to onlookers, with some youngsters even holding opened umbrellas to catch them as the floats pass. Spanish children believe that the kings deliver presents on January 5, leaving their shoes on window sills that night to be filled with gifts which they have asked for. Those who have not behaved might expect to find a sack of ‘coal’, represented by black, sugary sweets.

Quote of the Week 2014 will be the year of recovery’ Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, at a press conference to look back over the year. Socialist Secretary General Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba reproached him for saying this on the day the minimum wage was frozen and electricity prices rose.

On January 6, when the children receive their presents, many families enjoy the traditional ‘Roscon de Reyes,’ a ring-shaped cake, filled and covered with colourful candied fruit, representing the kings’ crowns and the jewels upon them. The Roscon traditionally has two items inside. One is a toy or trinket, which makes the finder ‘King for the Day’. He or she gets to wear the crown which is normally included with shopsold cakes of this variety. In some parts of Spain, money is also put in the Roscon. Meanwhile, the person who gets the other item, a bean, will be the one who pays for the Roscon the following year.

Number of the week


per cent is how much electricity prices will go up in the first three months of this year. The government pointed out that it was a ‘transitory mechanism.’ Families will notice an average rise in their bills of around 0.2 per cent in January.

WORK on lighting in Urbanisation El Oasis will go ahead according to San Fulgencio Town Hall after allegations made by the opposition the ruling party wanted to cancel the grant to start the work.

Welcome relief RECORD rainfall in Elche, which saw 10 litres of rain per square metre, will benefit crops. According to farmers, the rain was a welcome relief after a very dry autumn.

Gale force FIREFIGHTERS responded to 70 incidents across the Alicante Province caused by severe winds bringing down billboards, residential awnings and trees.

And finally... A WOMAN was arrested in Madrid for allegedly throwing her newborn baby out of the window of an apartment block. Her parents didn’t know she was pregnant and took her to hospital because she lost a lot of blood. Her grandmother found the baby alive.


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South

Look back on 2013


Carnival returns Schools safety check to Torrevieja as nine children hurt IT’S Carnival time in Torrevieja! The celebrations began with the presentation of Carnival Queen Laura Comparsa and Junior Queen Carolina Valero in the municipal theatre. It marks the start of the festivities that continue well into February. Tomorrow night (Friday) is the National Drag Queen Contest, an event which is attracting more and more visitors each year through its humorous, tongue-in-cheek exploits. The competition starts at 10pm at the municipal theatre with tickets, costing €5, available from the box office by the theatre. The first prize is €1,000 and the winner will join the carnival queens on a float during the main parade the following weekend. The afternoon parade on Sunday, February 3, starts at 4pm from the María Asunción Square, through Calle Ramón Gallud up to Calle Patricio Pérez. At the end of the parade, prizes will be presented at the theatre. The evening carnival on Saturday,

CARNIVAL 2013: Don’t miss the fun of the Rio-style celebrations in Torrevieja! February 9, starts at 10pm and follows the same route but in reverse, starting in Calle Patricio Pérez.

URGENT safety inspections of older schools are to be carried out after nine children were hurt when a classroom floor collapsed. The primary schoolchildren were sitting at their desks at the Colegio Publico Hispanidad in Santa Pola when the floor gave way. Four children who were injured and their teacher who was suffering from shock, were taken to hospital. The other five youngsters who were hurt were treated at a local health centre. It follows a similar incident at a Valencia City school last year when a classroom floor also gave way, but no one was hurt. Now all schools more than 40 years old in Alicante Province will be inspected. Regional Minister of


January 1 Issue 1437 Education, Maria Jose Catala has ordered the urgent approval of a plan to overhaul the education infrastructure to prevent further accidents. However, she insisted: “We had not received any

COLLAPSE: Pupils and teacher injured when floor gave way.

request for improvement or rehabilitation of the school.” The Valencian Government insists the department of Education spends €12 million on renovation and maintenance of schools every year. The news of action has been welcomed by parents at the Principe de España school in Rojales who have been fighting for improvements to their school.


Man is declared innocent after nine years in jail A FATHER’s long fight to win the freedom of his jailed son is finally over after nine years. Antonio Valdivielso, aged 62, of Torrevieja, has fought for years to clear his son’s name, determined to prove his innocence. José Antonio was sentenced in 2002 to 13 years in jail on charges of attempted murder, robbery with violence and use of weapons. But he was the victim of mistaken identity. The 33-year-old has continually protested his innocence during his nine years in prison. Now, the Supreme Court has declared void

the original judgement. José Antonio said that whilst he had given up hope, his father ‘never threw in the towel.’ His legal team are now looking at a compensation claim, but the family say they are more interested in getting back to a ‘normal life.’


February 4 Issue 14 43

Look back on 2013

2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South




E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South

Look back on 2013

Expats rally round to get sick baby home By Gemma Quinn BORN 13 weeks early, a tiny baby is facing the fight of her young life in Intensive Care as her parents struggle to raise the funds to get her home to the UK. The holidaymaking couple had

Zowie and Sam with baby Ellizeah.

medical cover through the EHIC card but no further insurance. But now expatriates in the local community, touched by the young family’s plight, are rallying round. On Saturday, when Ellizeah Rose Hilton-Lyons will be seven weeks old, a fundraising event is being held at Bobby’s Bar, Quesada, to help raise £12,000 (€14,000) for a medical team to fly her back to the UK. Parents Sam Hilton, 20, and Zowie Lyons, 26, were on holiday from Leeds visiting Sam’s parents in Quesada. The four-day trip was a surprise for Sam’s mum, Allison Treanor, who moved to Spain in July last year, but the surprise quickly turned into a nightmare. The day after their arrival, Zowie, who had been given the all-clear to travel by midwives, went into labour at just 27 weeks’ pregnant. Torrevieja Hospital rushed her to Elche where baby Ellizeah was born by Caesarean section, weighing just 930 grams.


March 1 Issue 1446 Ellizeah suffered complications after birth and was transferred to Alicante where she has already undergone surgery. She is currently fighting a blood infection, a valve in her heart is not working correctly and she may require a further operation on her brain. With Ellizeah being in Intensive Care, Sam and Zowie are not allowed to stay by their daughter’s bedside and have been living in a cheap hotel in Alicante to be close to the hospital. But now they have run out of money.


Earthquake plan swings into action! By Gemma Quinn SCHOOLS were evacuated, roads closed, alarms rang out and sirens blared as every possible emergency service was on hand for Torrevieja’s first earthquake drill. Although the Vega Baja and Torrevieja have had a plan in place for several years, this was the first time a full-scale simulation had taken place and was almost a year in planning. At 9.30am an ‘earthquake registering 5.5 on the Richter Scale’ was reported with volunteers making scripted calls to emergency services. Shortly afterwards the town hall declared the emergency as active and put into place the emergency plan, establishing a coordination centre at the CdT tourism building. From there a team followed proceedings and

ran the simulation, which saw a number of schools evacuated and mock emergencies set up throughout Torrevieja. At the Reina Sofia Park Red Cross crews set up medical tents and assisted ‘injuries,’ while another tent was set up across the road at the sports centre headed by the Military Emergency Unit (UME). Fire crews and ambulances were stationed in Avenida Paris for the drill awaiting instructions as they carried out practical exercises, including mock search and rescues and building collapse simulations. The earthquake drill was unique in that it used a number of local volunteers to help identify and assess the initial damage caused in various areas, reporting back to the coordinators at the CdT.


Look back on 2013

2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South



Fishermen saved in rescue drama EVICTION: Briton to lose his home of nine years.

Eviction reprieve as judge fails to show up By EWN Costa Blanca South reporter Gemma Quinn A BRITISH man has been given a temporary reprieve as his planned eviction did not happen. Ken Hughes, aged 68, received notice from the courts that he was to be evicted from his ground floor apartment in Calle Pablo Picasso, El Chaparral, for failure to pay his mortgage. As police and a judge were expected to arrive to take over the property and change

the locks, anti-eviction protesters took to the streets and waited for the authorities to arrive. But they never turned up. Ken bought the property nine years ago when he moved to Spain from Birmingham. Three years later he borrowed €54,000 against the property from Banco Guipuzcoano. “After four years I could no longer afford to pay and offered reduced payments. Shortly after, the bank closed.” With an eviction order served Ken said: “I feel very sad. It has been my home for nine years.” A new eviction date will now be set.





C/ San Luis 61 · 03181 Torrevieja · Tel. 96 679 98 15 · Móv. 687 23 45 02·

TWO officers of the Maritime Unit of the local police in Santa Pola have been praised for saving two men from drowning. The pair, aged 50 and 40 and residents of the town, were out fishing near the Santiago Bernabeu coves when they got into difficulty as their boat began to sink. The agents of the Maritime Unit quickly located the men, with one saying he could not swim and the other showing signs of hypothermia and panic. One officer jumped into the sea to rescue them and help them on board the boat. As agents proceeded to warm the men with their own clothing, medical crews were alerted on shore where they were transferred to Elche’s General Hospital.

IL APR SEA RESCUE: Fishermen saved by police maritime unit. The Maritime Unit returned to the scene at sea to recover the sunken vessel to avoid spills of pollutants into the bathing areas. The 3.5m boat with a small Yamaha motor had no registration or life jackets on board. The local police chief and

April 2 Iss ue 1450 councillor for Public Safety and Beaches praised the officers for their “flawless performance” which “undoubtedly saved the lives of these two people.”


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South

Look back on 2013

PLANS to turn the old Terminal 1 at El Altet Airport into a major outlet area with shops, restaurants and leisure facilities have been unveiled. Alicante company Aerovillage has presented the €40-million project to the Spanish Airports Authority (AENA). With the support of foreign investors, it aims to build a 40,000-squaremetre complex, with 109 shops and restaurants, a hotel, indoor karting track and an area for flight, skiing and racing simulators, which is expected to create 650 jobs. Since the arrival of the new terminal at El Altet, with capacity for 25 million passengers per year, the

old Terminal 1 is amongst the buildings for which AENA is seeking private investors. Aerovillage began talks with AENA back in 2011, but the project has still not been approved. The plan for the commercial centre


Terminal plan aired TERMINAL PLAN: From planes to shops and leisure. has been well received in the region, since many families travel as far as Madrid for similar shopping and leisure facilities.


May 1 Issue 1454


Fewer hospital beds during the summer ELCHE General Hospital plans to close around 60 in-patient beds during the summer months of July, August and September. The purpose of the closure is to ‘divert’ the staff assigned to these hospital wards to the rest of the health centre in order to avoid having to recruit to replace staff on holiday leave.

Hailstorms batter a wintry Alicante A SUDDEN storm took the Alicante province by surprise as within minutes sunshine gave way to black clouds as rain and hail stones battered Alicante city. Surrounding municipalities and towns also felt the full force of the elements. In the city, 26 litres of water per square metre fell in 15 minutes. According to Professor of Human Geography at the University of

Alicante, Jorge Olcina, the hail storm occurred as the result of the formation of a strong convective cell which happens when warm air rises and cool air sinks. If there is a sufficient amount of supercooled water, accumulation of ice can begin in the clouds forming hail. He said the cold pool in the atmosphere results in cooler temperatures than of late and

unstable weather in the province for several days. South of Alicante, rainfall was more evenly spread, with 13 litres per square metres falling in Torrevieja and 12 litres in Elche. Areas were affected with flash flooding as roads were brought to a standstill. Murcia region was also affected with the weather more resembling winter. Snow was reported on high ground and storms took out electricity supplies in Lorca.

The 60 beds which will no longer receive patients from July 1 will be from the General Surgery, Digestive and Respiratory departments. In addition, hospital activity will be lowered to the partial closure of the beds in the Short Stay Unit, where 10 of its 20 beds will be closed for the holiday period. The Outpatient Surgery Unit will also close in August. Hospital management justify the closures by saying that since the opening of the Vinalopo Hospital in 2010, it has significantly eased the burden of care from the General Hospital and the need for summer beds is greatly reduced due to the lower activity in the surgical departments.


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South

Look back on 2013


Tragedy at San Juan A NINE-YEAR-OLD boy was killed during the San Juan fiestas in Alicante. The annual celebrations were tinged with sadness as the youngster was killed when a firework exploded in the San Blas area of the city. He was taken to Alicante General Hospital with serious injuries and underwent surgery overnight, but doctors said that despite having done everything possible he died due to the severity of his injuries. Police are investigating whether it was a legal

E JUN AVE LAUNCH: Prince Felipe, second from right, and delegates arrive in Alicante.

SAD TIMES: Five minutes’ silence after boy’s death. firework and say it had been placed inside a can which acted like a bomb when it was set off, with a piece of shrapnel hitting the boy’s neck. They are looking for a 14-year-old boy, who they are hoping

to question in connection with the incident. Following the accident the planned ‘mascletà’ event the following day did go ahead as planned, but Alicante City Council held five minutes’ silence in

June 1 Is sue 1460 memory of the youngster. A black ribbon wreath was also placed on one of the bonfires. The boy’s funeral has already been held.

Train brings a €70m boost to the province THE AVE high-speed train has arrived in the province. The new service is predicted to generate €70 million annually and create 735 jobs. Prince Felipe and Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy inaugurated the new service and travelled on its maiden voyage between Madrid and Alicante, a journey which took two hours and 20 minutes. This time will later be reduced to just over two hours. Once in Alicante a full

opening ceremony was held. The prince commented: “We must persevere in the modernisation, maintenance and preservation of infrastructure which can act as levers for economic activity and job creation.” The 165 kilometre stretch of rail from Albacete to Alicante cost €1.92 billion. There is now 3,100 kilometres of high speed rail in Spain making it the country with the second biggest network after after China.


€65m network to bring jobs boost TELEFONICA plans to invest €65 million in Alicante and create 700 jobs as it brings fibre-optic cables to homes. The cables offer much higher quality phone connections and a much faster and higher capacity internet service. They use light to transmit data, bringing significant advantages over traditional copper cables. Regional director of the telecommunications company, Javier Castro, said the investment project will “make this city one of the first to be covered by fibre optics to the home.” He added: “Fibre-optic technology is one that requires a significant investment, but we believe it is the best thing we can do to offer our customers the best services.” Telefonica estimates the plan will create around 700 jobs through engineering work, construction, installation and network marketing. Mayor of Alicante, Sonia Castedo, said it will be a big economic boost for the city.

Rescue for a Santa Barbara resident A KESTREL had to be released from a balcony in Alicante city’s Calle Lepanto. The bird of prey was wedged in the narrow space between the window and the balcony railings of an empty house. It was probably hunting for food when it became trapped, said staff from the Santa Faz animal recovery centre who were called in after residents alerted the authorities. At least two pairs of kestrels are believed to be nesting at the top of nearby Santa Barbara castle. They could hear the cries of young as they freed the bird, the Santa Faz experts said later.

INVESTMENT: Fibreoptic technology.


July 1 Issue 1464

Look back on 2013

2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South



‘Cool hand look’ set for this summer SUMMER is officially here, but the temperatures are not. The State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) has said that overnight temperatures throughout June were the coolest recorded in 21 years. Last month there was just one day where temperatures at dawn were over 20 degrees Celsius, compared to 16

during the same period in 2012. This figure was only exceeded in 2003, when there were 17 days of early morning heat, with 18 in 2006. Aemet released their data for last year and the differences are striking. On June 28, 2012, the maximum temperature exceeded 40 degrees in Orihuela and Pego.

A year later and the two cities recorded highs of 26.8 and 28.5 degrees. Figures also show this has been the seventh wettest spring in Alicante in the last 43 years. Temperatures are rising this week, but meteorologist Eduardo Román said we can expect “a slightly cooler summer than normal.”


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South

Look back on 2013

Crumbling schools!

Urgent repairs carried out to safeguard children

REPAIR work on 16 schools is under way in Alicante Province. The repairs form part of the Educational Infrastructure Review (PRIE) which has been driven by local government after the collapse of a classroom floor at a school in Santa Pola in January. Nine children and a teacher were injured in the incident. The first part of the plan sees urgent repairs being carried out including replacement and upgrading of electrics and heating, replacement of exterior walls, and expansion of facilities like canteens. Phase two includes a review of 119 schools which are 40 years or older across the province. Rojales school is being repaired at a cost of €28,000, following protests against the poor state of the school, including crumbling concrete, which parents fear poses a threat to their children.


August 1 Issue 14 65

URGENT WORKS: Investment comes following collapse of floor at Hispanidad school in Santa Pola.


Massive clean-up after illegal party CLEANERS collected 55 tonnes of rubbish from La Glea ravine area in Campoamor, Orihuela after a street-party attended by 20,000 people. In order to collect the refuse of the illegal street party, reportedly advertised via social media, 50 workers were needed from both the urban cleaning brigade and coastal and infrastructure maintenance organisations. The council also needed to hire machinery and transport because the local

resources were not enough. The estimated cost for the clean-up operation, including personnel, materials and machinery is said to have been €8,500. Campoamor residents are said to be grateful to the council clean-up operators and have stated that the operation was effective compared to those of previous years. The council also issued an apology to residents in Orihuela whose daily street cleaning were affected.

Benidorm hits million mark BENIDORM is the fourth most popular city in Spain for overnight hotel stays. During July, more than 1.22 million stays were made. According to Hosbec, the Hotel Association of Benidorm and the Costa

Blanca, Benidorm’s activity is ‘very close’ to that of Madrid and comes behind the top ranking cities of Barcelona with 1.78 million overnight stays, followed by Calvia, Mallorca (1.64 million) and Madrid (1.23 million).

Benidorm accounts for half of all the overnight stays of foreign tourists throughout the Valencia Region. Hosbec also observed an overall drop of 3.4 per cent in terms of the average daily rate per room.


Look back on 2013

2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South

A helping hand! Cash grants for taking jobless off dole BUSINESSES that take on the long term unemployed could be in line for cash grants. Torrevieja is aiming to get more people working thanks to the Joint Employment Plan. The aim is to promote the hiring of unemployed people in the city by giving grants to companies who take on the long-term jobless. For the 2013 fiscal year, ₏312,750 has been set aside for the plan which will be used for a maximum of 278 contracts of a minimum 25 hours per week. Workers must be registered unemployed for at least six months. The promotion of the Joint Employment Plan by Mayor Eduardo Dolon comes as figures released show that 17 per cent of the city’s residents are workers. Proving its status as a retirement city, statistics show that 26 per cent of the population is over 65-years-old.

EMPLOYMENT PLAN: To help jobless. Of the 107,009 registered inhabitants, 18,538 of them work. This compares to the neighbouring municipality of Orihuela, which has a population of 92,087 people and 19,234 Social Security contributors.


September 1 Issue 1472




E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South

Look back on 2013


Hands off our land! Family fights to save garden from developers By Gemma Quinn A FAMILY which has been fighting a controversial land-grab order of their garden had to call the police after two builders started to demolish their perimeter wall. Thirteen years after being told developers were to take the majority of their land, and six years since they last heard anything, the Wesenauer family are once again facing the fight of their lives. April and Hans bought their finca on the Lomas de Don Juan urbanisation, Campoamor, in 1996, moving from Austria with their three daughters. “We wanted a peaceful, simple existence, a home to bring up our family,” they said. That peace was shattered in 2000 when


October 1 Issue 1476 April and Hans with their two youngest daughters Kimberley and Love. they received a letter stating they were to be the victims of the LRAU landgrab law, which allowed developers to take land for development if they could prove it was for the good of the community. Under the law, the constructor wanted to take a proportion of their 3,450square-metre plot.

They also demanded €44,000 from them for ‘infrastructure costs’. In 2001, the land was cleared to make way for construction. What ensued was years of legal battles and letters to every possible higher authority, including the prime minister and the European Union.

Since 2007 all had been quiet and the family thought they had won, until the two men arrived at their property last week. Police were called and confirmed the workers had no licence or permit to justify the action. “I just want answers” said April. “I have had enough.” April has a meeting with Orihuela’s Mayor on Friday to discuss the matter.


Look back on 2013

2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South



Right-wing Conned her friends teen hacker Woman jailed for €2million scam is arrested A TORREVIEJA teenager has been arrested for sending death threats to journalists. The right-wing 19year-old was detained by police within 48 hours after an investigation was launched into cyber attacks. During the last two weeks, various digital media have been subjected to constant attacks that have crippled their websites, affected their normal operations and resulted in the loss of an estimated €100,000. Agents from the Technological Research Unit of the National Police in Alicante were alerted to the hacker and

arrested him at his home in Torrevieja, where they seized two laptops, hard drives, Nazi flags and fascist material. Operating under the name of ‘Cyber Command Spanish Fascist Empire’ he sent emails to several media outlets making bomb threats and threatening to kill journalists. Reportedly self-taught, the hacker used a series of networks to carry out a ‘distributed denial of service’ attack (DDOS), by simultaneously hitting a website with multiple requests for information until the site was overloaded and no longer accessible.

By Gemma Quinn A FRAUDSTER has been jailed for five-and-a-half years after many of her Costa Blanca victims lost their life savings in a €2million scam. Caryn Bates, 41, (pictured) and her half brother, Matthew Sullivan, 53, who received seven years, were sentenced at Maidstone Crown Court, Kent, UK. The pair conned their friends in both the UK and the Costa Blanca into handing over thousands of pounds to their bogus company, World Trading, promising high returns on their investments. One such investor was Peter Harding. He met Caryn in 2005 when she was his neighbour in Aspe. A former bank manager, Bates spoke with Peter




November 1 Issue 1481

CARYN BATES: Scammed up to 40 people. about a ‘fantastic investment scheme’ using the currency market. Peter said: “I made an investment and got 2.5-3 per cent back as she said I would, so I never once thought it was a scam.” Bates later left Aspe and moved to Catral. In the course of the next five years, Peter believes he

invested around €140,000 including his mother’s inheritance. However, whilst on holiday in Canada and trying to release funds, concerns began to arise: “They left me high and dry and that is when I knew something was wrong.” Posting a simple message on a local web forum prompted a flood of

enquiries from other investors in the Costa Blanca and UK which led to a UK police enquiry by the serious fraud unit. It is thought they scammed up to 40 people. As Bates starts her prison sentence, Peter and other investors are unsure if they will ever see any of their money again: “I can’t believe how gullible I was. I classed her as friend,” he said.

E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South

Look back on 2013


The costly races A LEAKED document has revealed the true cost of the Valencia Grand Prix. The Generalitat (regional government) spent more than €300 million of taxpayers’ money after signing the 2008 agreement with Formula One (F1) supremo Bernie Ecclestone, revealed regional MP Ignacio Blanco. The contract was cancelled after last year’s race owing to the


€300m spend on Valencian Grand Prix EFECREATA PHOTOGRAPHY


EXPENSIVE: Hosting a Grand Prix. Generalitat’s precarious finances, but the F1 companies still earned more than €115 million net. To this must be added €90 million for building the Valencia City circuit and the €75 million cost of assembling and dismantling it each time the race was held. The contract stipulated secrecy and the

government spokesman and vice-president Jose Ciscar reminded Blanco that he had signed a confidentiality agreement before he was allowed to see the document. Blanco claimed that there had been no confidentiality agreement although he signed a dataprotection agreement and names were accordingly removed from the leaked

document. In any case, ethical principles have to take precedence where public money is concerned, the MP claimed. If Ecclestone were to demand accountability, the Generalitat would do the same with Blanco’s party, Esquerra Unida, the vicepresident warned.


December 3 Issue 1484

Pat on back for caring expats CARING expatriates have been given a pat on the back for their charitable activities. European residents are proving they are integrating and wanting to improve the society they chose to live in by supporting local causes, according to a local councillor.

Foreigners are digging deep and providing resources for the health service of Alicante Province, which has not gone unnoticed. “The foreign community is very generous. They know that the situation is very difficult and they want to help,” said Gunilla

Herrero, Councillor for Social Welfare in Alfaz del Pi. One of the most generous donations made was to the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) when the British community raised €400,000 in just six months, to buy a new mammogram machine.


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South


Stories making headlines in Europe

NORWAY - Hospital officials in Bergen said they plan on giving out heroin to addicts in an effort to reduce overdoses and health complications.

Mild winter NORWAY - A large part of Norway saw unusually mild weather this Christmas.

Icy Somalis SWEDEN - A Swedishbased team of Somalians are preparing to represent the African nation at the world championships of Bandy, similar to ice hockey.

Food aversion SWEDEN - A survey by Finnish communications corporation Nokia found that half of Swedes are irritated by pictures of food on Instagram and Facebook pages.

Taxing time

David Attenborough, 87, climbing trees, he revealed.

MORE than 1,500 people found time on Christmas Day to submit their online tax returns, HM Revenue and Customs said.

Clowning around BRITAIN’S clowning community fears its good name has been tarnished after police around the country revealed incidents of people in costume scaring members of the public.

Keep ban EIGHT out of 10 people believe foxhunting should remain illegal, an animal welfare charity has revealed, with support equally strong in both rural and urban areas.

A SANTA CLAUS was told to stop entertaining children in a town centre over fears they would be ‘traumatised’ by the sight of two Father Christmases in the same street.

FESTIVE BAN: One Santa too many.


Best politician A RUSSIAN opinion research centre has named Vladimir Putin the Best Politician of the Year. According to the VTSIOM survey, 44 per cent of the population supported Putin.

Under fire

Not bothered OLYMPICS: Obama will not attend.

THE organising committee for Russia’s Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics said it was

GERMANY is short of doctors with its lack of GPs increasing by 30 per cent in one year. Rural areas are the worst affected. A report suggests 4,600 more doctors are needed.

Investing country IN 2013 German companies spent €54 billion on research and development, strengthening the country as a business location in the international competition.

Pensioner charged

HAVING knee replacement surgery and a pacemaker fitted has not stopped veteran wildlife broadcaster Sir

A RUSSIAN cargo plane crashed into warehouses at a military facility in Siberia, killing all nine people on board. There were no casualties on the ground.

DENMARK - A far-right Danish party has withdrawn its anti-Muslim comments saying they were ‘not welcome’ following criticism.

Santa trauma

Forever young

NORWAY - Prime Minister Erna Solberg will make it easier for migrant workers with higher education to come to Norway and make it more attractive to them.

DENMARK - Nagging your partner could significantly increase the risk of them suffering angina, according to a study at the University of Copenhagen.

MARKS & SPENCER apologised after a Muslim member of staff refused to sell alcohol to a customer and asked her to wait until someone else was available to serve them.

MRS BROWN’S BOYS became this year’s mostwatched programme on Christmas Day. The show created by Irish comic Brendan O’Carroll had an average audience of 9.4 million.

Plane crash

Nagging alert

Religious grounds

Most watched

Staff wanted

GERMAN PRESS Doctors needed

BRITISH PRESS Heroin available


‘not really concerned’ that President Barack Obama would not be attending the event.

Natural causes YASSER ARAFAT died of natural causes, not radiation poisoning, Russian scientists said. Their findings were dismissed by Swiss experts as politically motivated.

Import restrictions RUSSIA plans to impose import restrictions on the dairy products from five Estonian companies and on products from six Estonian fishery industries.

Banned beef RUSSIAN authorities have advised that residues of a growth hormone were detected in several consignments of Australian beef.

Paid in full THE Russian crew of 20 on a Belize-flagged cargo ship ended their strike at a South Korean port after being paid their full salaries.

AN 87-year-old pensioner was sent to prison by a Wuppertal court after she was unable to pay a fine of €474 for persistent faredodging on public transport.

Strike continues WORKERS at Inc’s German operations plan to continue their strikes, in a dispute over pay that has been raging for several months.

Gold returns GERMANY’S Bundesbank plans to store half the national gold reserves in its own vaults by 2020. It will mean the return of 700 tons from the US and France.

Naked biker GERMAN police are looking for a motorcyclist who rode through Münster’s Christmas market wearing only gloves and a helmet.

Legal action AUSTRIA is considering legal action against Germany to prevent the country from introducing a charge on foreign drivers on its motorways.


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South


Search on POLICE are searching for three people who set fire to a Renault Laguna parked in Son Forteza, Palma, on Christmas Eve, totally destroying the vehicle.

News from our editions With six editions and read by more than half a million people, EWN is Spain’s largest free local English-language newspaper


Charity donation ALMERIA company Briseis has donated 10,000 hygiene products to the Red Cross and Caritas. Items include hand gel and deodorant.

Smoke inhalation

Junta grant

A MAN, 69, had to be treated for smoke inhalation after a fire broke out in his home in Palma. He was taken to a local clinic.

THE Hotel Almirez in Laujar Andarax has been given €14,000 by the Junta to create a library and photo exhibition to promote the Alpujarra-Sierra Nevada region.

Burning robe

Zumba display

A WOMAN was taken to Son Espases Hospital with severe burns to her back after her dressing gown accidentally caught fire when she was in the kitchen of her home in Palma.

MORE than 100 pupils from HuercalAlmeria took part in a display of Zumba, Batuka and aerobics in front of a large crowd at the town’s sport hall.

Master stroke

Strong winds STRONG winds tore off the railings of a top floor apartment of Coll d’en Rebassa, Palma, which fell on the pavement below. No-one was injured.

Tram running THE tram route between Soller and the port is once again operating after service was suspended for two weeks to carry out renovation works.


Man arrested A YOUNG man, aged 21, has been arrested in Motril for allegedly stealing from at least 15 cars. National Police have recovered a GPS unit, sunglasses, mobile phones and six passbooks.

Drugs found GUARDIA CIVIL found 200 kilograms of hashish hidden in two false compartments in a car coming from Al Hoceima (Morocco) at a checkpoint at Motril port.

Car crash FOUR people, three women and a man aged between 26 and 37, were taken to the Santa Ana Hospital in Motril after the two cars they were travelling in crashed on the N340 road in Salobreña.

Beach cleaning NEARLY 20 tonnes of waste were removed from Almuñecar and La Herradura beaches by the local cleaning services after they were affected by heavy rains and strong winds.

Not paying WORKERS from the Home Help service

ILLEGAL LIVING: The shacks and caravans were located in El Chaparral.

Shanty town is dismantled MIJAS Local Police have dismantled a shanty town in El Chaparral where 15 people, mostly Eastern Europeans, were living. There were shacks, caravans and illegal constructions in the area, where the inhabitants stored scrap metal and rubbish. The Coordinator for Safety and Emergencies from Mijas Town Hall, Francisco Montilla, said that the settlement, which was on private property, was “a huge worry” for the council. The council has taken action against the owner of the property, in an operation led by Local Police coordinator, Francisco Cabello, and he could face fines of up to €30,000 as well as criminal proceedings. The Mayor, Angel Nozal, created a service to detect and eradicate illegal housing which has led to this shanty town being dismantled, as well as the closure of illegal rural accommodation and the detection of apartments in which numerous people were living. for impaired people in Motril have accused the town council of not paying November wages as well as their Christmas bonuses.


Four injured FOUR people were injured after the vehicle in which they were travelling left the A-7 motorway at kilometre 214 in Mijas.

THIRTEEN-year-old Manuel Martos of the H2O swimming club in El Ejido has broken the Spanish record in the 200 metres backstroke. The record was broken at the Andalucian Swimming championships in Cadiz.

New signing UD ALMERIA have signed defender Mane from Maccabi de Tel Aviv of Israel.


Full house BENIDORM hotels had 95 per cent occupancy over the recent holidays. This demonstrated that good results do not depend on special offers, the Hosbec hoteliers’ association claimed.

Ghost town A 2,000-HOME development halted in 2008 will not restart in the near future, Pego Council predicted.

Popular again AN estimated 15,208 French tourists visited Alicante City last summer, the highest number for 20 years. Of those, 12,751 visited the tourist offices for information.

Billboard war

Coffee Queen

Mutual attack

A 21-YEAR-OLD woman from Cartama will represent Spain in the Coffee Queen International Beauty Competition which will be held in Colombia next weekend.

TWO people, aged 55 and 60, were injured in San Pedro Alcantara after stabbing each other. One of them has been remanded in prison.

SAN VICENTE Town Hall detected 54 illegal hoardings in the last two years, removing 34 illegal hoardings and ordering the removal of another 14. Only six owners legalised their hoardings.

Tree down


A LARGE tree fell onto the A-92 motorway in Antequera due to strong winds and rain, closing the road to traffic for 20 minutes until firemen removed it.

BARS and restaurants in Gandia Playa are translating their menus into five languages to attract customers. They will now appear in English, French, German, Italian and Russian.

Charity angels ON Christmas Eve, the Malaga Angels of the Night charity handed out almost 50,000 kilos of food to needy local residents.



2 - 8 January 2014/ Costa Blanca South

business & legal

SIXTY-FOUR per cent of Spaniards felt stressed by the expense of the Christmas holidays, compared with 69 per in 2012. They complained of insomnia, headaches, muscular pain and stomach aches.


Just 8 state-owned airports make money profitable airports were less so after paying amortisations or taxes. This was the case with Madrid-Barajas, which despite its €407.1m EBITDA, had an after-tax shortfall of €13.1m. Malaga and Alicante were also excluded from the money-makers after having met all their obligations, unlike Palma and El Prat, which both made a profit of almost €74m.

Is it too soon to declare victory? SPAIN could be declaring economic victory too soon. So believes Gilles Moec, Co-head of European Economics Research at Deutsche Bank. Gilles Moec has been studying Spain’s economy since 1993 and feels ‘moderately optimistic’ regarding its recovery, he recently told a Spanish national newspaper El Pais interviewer. There is certainly a flow of foreign money towards Spain, conceded Moec when asked if investors’ enthusiasm was justified. “But the message I try to transmit to my clients is that it was neither that bad before, nor is it that good now,” he explained.

“The private sector has carried out necessary adjustments. Spanish firms are now in a net lending position and that means they do not need to reduce employment to meet their financial commitments,” Moec said. In contrast, homework is pending for the public sector. Spain still had a high public debt with a deficit of 6.5 per cent of this year’s GDP, the economist pointed out. “My impression is that in 2014 the European Commission will give Spain some margin to adjust the deficit. But it will have to come up with some credible plans in the following years,” he warned.


usiness extra

Mini-job boost SPAIN’S government wants to increase parttime jobs. Only 14.6 per cent of Spanish employees work parttime, compared with 20.9 per cent in Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development countries.

Home birds FIFTY-FOUR per cent of Spanish women worked outside the home in 2012. This was the fourth lowest after Italy (50.5 per cent), Croatia (50.2 per cent) and Greece (45.2 per cent).

Copper-bottomed industry ATLANTIC COPPER is the biggest copper foundry in Spain and Europe’s second most important. The Huelva company was taken over in 1993 by the US-owned Freeport-McMoRan, the world’s largest producer of gold, molybdenum and copper. At the time of the takeover, Atlantic Copper had a turnover of

around €211m. By 2012 this had multiplied almost tenfold to €1.98bn. The Huelva plant now produces twice as much copper, three times as much gold and three times the amount of sulphuric acid as it did in the past. It has ridden out the economic crisis, said CEO Javier Targhetta, thanks to the emerging markets.



Airport profits dwindle JUST eight of state-owned AENA’s 47 airports made after-tax profits in 2012. This falls far short of the predicted 18 on the grounds of their earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA). The profit-makers were Palma de Mallorca, Barcelona-El Prat, Gran Canaria, Tenerife Sur, Ibiza, Lanzarote, Sevilla and Bilbao. Apparently


PALMA’S AIRPORT: One of few to make a profit.


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South


currencies direct


C O M PA N Y PRICE(P) Aberdeen Asset Mngmnt 467.75 Admiral Group PLC 1232.50 Aggreko PLC 1709.00 AMEC PLC 1052.00 Anglo American PLC 1292.50 Antofagasta PLC 817.50 ARM Holdings PLC 1091.50 Ashtead Group PLC 752.00 Associated British Foods 2362.50 AstraZeneca PLC 3585.00 Aviva PLC 427.00 Babcock Intrntnl Group... 1298.00 BAE Systems PLC 428.50 Barclays PLC 266.00 BG Group PLC 1295.50 BHP Billiton PLC 1836.00 BP PLC 485.00 British Amrcn Tobacco 3239.50 British Land Co PLC 617.00

C H A N G E ( P ) % C H G. 1.50 0.00 -2.00 0.00 34.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 34.00 0.00 25.50 0.00 11.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 32.00 0.00 -7.00 0.00 6.30 0.00 5.00 0.00 8.60 0.00 4.25 0.00 14.00 0.00 34.00 0.00 2.50 0.00 39.00 0.00 -2.50 0.00

NET VOLUME 1,992.79 187.91 527.38 674.89 2,289.11 844.74 1,682.95 745.77 322.86 1,230.49 4,131.15 339.01 4,457.98 25,768.65 2,349.29 2,947.29 10,626.71 964.80 1,370.17



1.18680 Units per €

United States $......................................................1.37540 Japan Yen ¥ ...........................................................141.767 Switzerland Francs................................................1.22140 Denmark Kroner ....................................................7.46128 Norway Kroner.......................................................8.44958 • Tel: +34 965 994 830 C O M PA N Y


British Sky Broadcasting BT Group PLC Bunzl PLC Burberry Group PLC Capita PLC Carnival PLC Centrica PLC

896.50 367.50 1277.50 1450.00 1030.50 2528.00 341.50

C H A N G E ( P ) % C H G.





C O M PA N Y MMM 3M Co AXP American Express Co T AT&T Inc BA Boeing Co CAT Caterpillar Inc CVX Chevron Corp CSCO Cisco Systems Inc DD Dupont E I De Nemours & Co XOM Exxon Mobil Corp GE General Electric Co GS Goldman Sachs Group Inc HD Home Depot Inc INTC Intel Corp IBM International Business Machine... JNJ Johnson & Johnson JPM JPMorgan Chase and Co MCD McDonald's Corp MRK Merck & Co Inc MSFT Microsoft Corp NKE Nike Inc PFE Pfizer Inc PG Procter & Gamble Co KO The Coca-Cola Co TRV Travelers Companies Inc UTX United Technologies Corp UNH UnitedHealth Group Inc VZ Verizon Communications Inc V Visa Inc WMT Wal-Mart Stores Inc DIS Walt Disney Co

PRICE CHANGE %CHANGE VOLUME 139.35 89.19 35.18 136.90 90.87 125.23 22.02 64.25 101.51 27.83 176.35 81.64 25.60 185.08 92.35 58.14 96.91 49.79 37.29 78.16 30.64 82.01 40.66 89.85 112.80 74.69 49.17 219.67 78.47 74.35

+1.06 +0.19 +0.02 -1.37 -0.28 +0.42 +0.22 0.00 +0.61 0.00 -0.10 +0.09 -0.10 -0.27 -0.19 -0.06 +0.07 +0.07 -0.15 -0.03 +0.09 +0.25 +0.17 -0.16 +0.11 -0.16 -0.01 -0.53 +0.08 -0.27

+0.77% +0.21% +0.06% -0.99% -0.31% +0.34% +1.01% 0.00% +0.60% 0.00% -0.06% +0.11% -0.39% -0.15% -0.21% -0.10% +0.07% +0.14% -0.40% -0.04% +0.29% +0.31% +0.42% -0.18% +0.10% -0.21% -0.02% -0.24% +0.10% -0.36%

1.9M 1.8M 14.1M 2.2M 3.4M 3.5M 24.1M 2.0M 10.2M 19.0M 1.7M 4.0M 13.0M 3.4M 3.5M 8.9M 2.0M 4.2M 14.6M 2.3M 12.0M 4.0M 6.8M 758.2K 1.6M 2.9M 5.4M 1.3M 3.1M 3.8M


11.50 2.20 12.00 30.00 5.00 42.00 2.20

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

NET VOLUME 2,958.12 5,030.84 211.89 586.53 596.89 565.49 5,823.00



VisionChina Media, Inc. $ 31.20 Kandi Technologies Group, Inc. $ 10.34 ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. $ 19.89 Amyris, Inc. $ 5.23 Integrated Electrical Services, Inc. $ 5.44 O2Micro International Limited $ 2.99 Sky-mobi Limited $ 3.62 Solazyme, Inc. $ 10.61 Supertel Hospitality, Inc. $ 15.25 UBIC, Inc. $ 5.21 Infinity Property and Casualty Corporation $ 72.14

6.90 / +28.40% 2.13 / +25.94% 2.77 / +16.18% 0.72 / +15.96% 0.47 / +9.46% 0.24 / +8.73% 0.28 / +8.38% 0.78 / +7.93% 0.96 / +6.72% 0.30 / +6.11% 3.86 / +5.65%

Most Advanced

Most Declined Willdan Group, Inc. $ 4.91 RetailMeNot, Inc. $ 28.51 Hyperion Therapeutics, Inc. $ 20.93 China Recycling Energy Corporation $ 3.57 Ambit Biosciences Corporation $ 9.51 Progenics Pharmaceuticals Inc. $ 5.36 Supertel Hospitality, Inc. $ 2.35 Camtek Ltd. $ 3.93 Idenix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. $ 6.55 United Community Bancorp $ 10.731 Global-Tech Advanced Innovations Inc. $ 6.16

0.42 / -7.88% 1.99 / -6.52% 1.44 / -6.44% 0.24 / -6.30% 0.60 / -5.93% 0.33 / -5.80% 0.14 / -5.62% 0.23 / -5.53% 0.38 / -5.48% 0.619 / -5.45% 0.3535 / -5.43%


C O M PA N Y PRICE(P) CHANGE Coca-Cola HBC AG 1675.00 17.00 Compass Group PLC 953.50 9.00 CRH PLC 1415.00 37.00 Diageo PLC 1975.50 37.50 easyJet PLC 1575.00 15.00 Experian PLC 1092.00 23.00 Fresnillo PLC 671.00 25.50 G4S PLC 248.50 4.90 GKN PLC 363.15 1.60 GlaxoSmithKline PLC 1605.00 14.50 Glencore Xstrata PLC 310.75 7.65 Hammerson PLC 524.50 -2.00 Hargreaves Lansdown 1301.00 44.00 HSBC Holdings PLC 663.50 1.20 IMI PLC 1591.50 21.00 Imperial Tobacco Group 2300.00 25.00 InterContinental Hotels 1983.00 25.00 International Consldtd ... 336.00 1.60 Intertek Group PLC 3092.50 40.00 ITV PLC 187.70 0.30 Johnson Matthey PLC 3150.00 13.00 Kingfisher PLC 375.00 -1.90 Land Securities Group 995.00 -7.00 Legal & General Group 213.95 2.10 Lloyds Banking Group 78.15 0.64 London Stock Exchange 1557.50 11.00 Marks & Spencer Group 455.00 4.70 Meggitt PLC 545.00 6.00 Melrose Industries PLC 297.00 3.00 Mondi PLC 1038.50 23.00 National Grid PLC 789.00 4.00 Next PLC 5390.00 35.00 Old Mutual PLC 205.00 -1.40 Pearson PLC 1312.00 19.00 Persimmon PLC 1136.00 0.00 Petrofac Ltd 1174.50 15.00 Prudential PLC 1327.50 6.00 Randgold Resources Ltd 3920.00 32.00 Reckitt Benckiser Group 4770.00 -13.00 Reed Elsevier PLC 893.75 1.50 Resolution Ltd 342.50 0.50 REXAM PLC 499.00 3.50 Rio Tinto PLC 3300.00 54.00 Rolls-Royce Holdings 1229.50 16.00 Royal Bank of Scotland 334.00 7.80 Royal Dutch Shell PLC 2207.50 9.00 Royal Mail PLC 585.00 1.50 RSA Insurance Group 92.00 -0.20 SABMiller PLC 3042.50 40.50 Sage Group (The) PLC 409.50 3.10 Sainsbury (J) PLC 375.90 6.60 Schroders PLC 2455.00 22.00 Severn Trent PLC 1860.00 22.00 Shire PLC 2839.00 26.00 Smith & Nephew PLC 865.00 -2.00 Smiths Group PLC 1486.00 14.00 Sports Direct Intrntnl... 735.00 2.00 SSE PLC 1374.00 6.00 Standard Chartered PLC 1352.50 10.50 Standard Life PLC 345.50 0.30 Tate & Lyle PLC 827.50 5.50 Tesco PLC 340.00 3.50 Travis Perkins PLC 1813.00 18.00 TUI Travel PLC 385.10 4.70 Tullow Oil PLC 847.50 12.50 Unilever PLC 2465.00 26.00 United Utilities Group 672.50 4.00 Vodafone Group PLC 237.25 1.55 Weir Group PLC 2245.00 12.00 Whitbread PLC 3530.00 31.00 William Hill PLC 379.00 3.00 Wm Morrison Sprmrkts 259.00 3.90 Wolseley PLC 3272.50 47.00 WPP PLC 1332.00 9.00

% C H G. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

VOLUME 233.26 1,371.62 751.26 2,105.87 333.74 848.12 524.32 2,858.26 1,148.87 3,185.32 13,510.33 1,000.92 262.83 10,387.19 278.04 778.38 632.21 4,045.97 182.78 3,525.80 212.61 3,217.13 754.10 3,099.53 50,181.66 179.85 1,474.87 397.65 675.68 699.66 3,828.98 141.04 4,881.09 542.36 463.47 787.00 1,364.87 251.97 636.04 1,105.24 1,084.57 494.58 2,324.30 1,359.33 5,907.25 2,414.21 829.44 11,041.92 742.88 1,225.48 3,167.54 118.94 310.79 741.76 919.97 274.08 251.57 1,340.90 2,315.86 2,033.81 429.59 7,793.50 230.41 859.56 879.69 1,009.67 1,058.06 27,214.42 291.29 182.73 1,188.06 3,869.59 391.36 1,377.40


2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South




MORE foreign tourists than ever holidayed in Spain last year. Their numbers increased by 5 per cent to 57.6 million between January and November 2013, the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism announced. This already overtook 2012’s total without including last December’s figures. Continuing unrest in the Middle East worked in Spain’s favour, with many preferring the safety of the Canary Islands. This was especially noticeable last November when the islands received 17.9 per cent more foreign tourists than in November 2012. All visitors, including the comparatively new Russian market and the traditional Northern European


Sun and sand tempt foreign A sad farewell tourists to Spanish beaches

TEMPTED: Beaches attracted foreigners. markets, were attracted by Spain’s sun and sand offer. Reductions in accommodation prices to offset the fall in Spanish visitors were a further draw.

The fastest-growing tourist markets were comparatively new Russia as well as the perennial Northern European countries but UK visitors were still the most numerous.

Staying on at work rather than retiring EARLY retirements in Spain fell by 40 per cent to fewer than 120,000 last year.

This enabled the central government to make savings in the region of €870 million.

EURO WEEKLY NEWS finance columnist Jim Collins has died. Many readers will remember his well-thought out and readable column that appeared weekly until early in 2013 when he returned to England for hospital treatment. His articles were always thought provoking and often controversial. Away from the world of finance he was well known in the Torrevieja (Costa Blanca) area, especially for his role in the Torrevieja Barbershop Harmonisers. In a statement the singers said: “We mourn the loss of one of our longest standing members. “He had been a member of the chorus for some 18 years and was one of the most committed members we had. “He was the bass section leader devoting his time to improving the quality of the section’s singing - his enthusiasm was an inspiration to us all.” Jim died peacefully in his sleep in hospital in England at the age of 83.

PIVE could be a possibility for 2014 THE PIVE plan could continue during 2014, the government has hinted. Car sales would rise 7.5 per cent if the €2,000 grants are retained for writing-off old cars and buying energy-efficient vehicles.


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South


Why 1960s babies losing the love RG-VC / SHUTTERSTOCK.COM

Loose change A look at finance for females

Jane Plunkett

OK, so you may have had Beatle mania, long hair, flower-power images and flared jeans, but a new fiscal report from the UK concludes that many people born in the 1960s and 1970s will be poorer overall than their parents, ending the post-war trend for each generation being richer than the last. A lack of a pay rise, insufficient pension savings, falling home ownership and no saving means that many may need to rely on inheritance from their parents to see them comfortably through the remainder of their lives. According to a report from the UK, those born in the 1960s and 70s have taken a serious hit over the past decade, as the average income has not risen significantly. Since 2002 incomes have only grown by 0.1 per cent, while the parents of 60s and 70s children enjoyed decent income growth throughout their 30s, 40s and 50s.


Foreign owners HONG KONG-based Shuanghui and Mexico’s Sigma reached agreement to take over Spain’s Campofrio Food Group. They will pay €6.9 per share, giving the Spanish company a value of €705 million.

Big buy

WORSE OFF: Flower power children losing out. It appears that those born in the 60s and 70s also suffer from an inability to save, preferring to spend money rather than put it away. In comparison, the consumer habits of the parents of these spendthrifts was quite the contrary - 60s’ and 70s’ mums and dads were more inclined to save money than splash the cash as young adults. A gleaming goal on the horizon for many young adults in

the 60s and 70s was to get on the property ladder and that was exactly what they did. Statistics show that 80 per cent of people at that time were homeowners by the age of 50. In contrast, while the report reveals that those born in the 60s have managed somewhat better to acquire a home, unfortunately for those born in the 70s, falling incomes, saving less and the boom in property

prices in the 1990s and up to the mid-2000s, has made it very difficult to buy a home. That’s not to say that all is lost in the world and you had better hope that an inheritance will see you through! No, it’s just a reminder of how important it is in this day and age to make correct financial decisions in order to make the most of your money and future.

AMANCIO ORTEGA, Inditex owner and founder of Zara, bought Devonshire House in London’s Mayfair. He acquired the office block from the estate of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc for €480 million.

Even-handed EIGHTY per cent of the Eroski cooperative’s 8,500 members backed the board’s proposal to assume 30 per cent of the group’s losses. This was coherent with past profitsharing, Eroski sources said.

Gas tapped

What goes up sometimes comes down ONE basic service in crisisweary Spain now costs less. Mobile telephone bills fell by 22 per cent in the period between the third quarter of 2012 and the third quarter of 2013.

This was the steepest year-on-year reduction in recent years, overtaking 2012’s 18 per cent reduction and the 9.6 per cent fall recorded in 2011, said Spain’s National Markets and Competition

Lower tax on way AN overhaul of the Spanish tax system is on the way with low earners set to be the winners and big business the losers. Treasury Minister Cristobal Montoro said in an interview with Spanish newspaper Expansion that income tax will be gradually lowered, with low earners getting the biggest cuts before higher income brackets between 2015 and 2017. The government will hope to pay for the reform by boosting corporate tax takes, which at the moment are around 8 per cent of company profits - one of the lowest rates in Europe. But no details have been finalised yet, and there is no indication of by how much income tax may be cut.

Commission (CNMC). Mobile companies’ tariffs based on average earnings per minute have fallen by half since 2005. In contrast Iberdrola, Endesa and Gas Natural Fenosa, which account for 90 per cent of the domestic power market, have increased their bills by 70 per cent since then. Competition amongst telecommunications companies and their pitched battles in the war to poach each others’ business have benefited clients. This has improved Spain’s EU rankings, as only two years ago the country’s mobile-to-mobile calls were amongst the most expensive in Europe. The three companies that originally dominated

REPSOL started production at Bolivia’s Margarita 6 field. This is the most productive in the country and the subAndean basin, producing 6 million cubic metres of gas each day.

Time out

GOOD NEWS: Mobile charges fall.

the mobile market - Telefonica, Vodafone and Orange - no longer have it in their clutches following the ascent of Yoigo as the country’s fourth-largest operator. Yoigo changed the mobile landscape and so did the Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO in English and OMV in

Spanish). These do not own networks but instead buy bulk access at wholesale rates which they then resell. Movistar, which once had 46.6 per cent of the market, now has 33.6 per cent; Vodafone has lost 6 per cent of its share while Yoigo and the MVNOs have 18.6 per cent more.

THERE were 1,141 strikes between January and November 2013, involving 553,836 workers. The 14 million lost working hours were 63 per cent fewer than during the same period in 2012.

Metro lay-offs A TOTAL of 587 Madrid Metro employees accepted a voluntary redundancy offer of 20 days’ pay for every year worked. Those aged between 58 and 63 will receive more.


Voters get what they deserve! I REFER to the letter from Bob Mitchell calling for a democratic Marxist state (Letters, Issue 1483) and the reply from Paul Whitfield last week in which he refers to the ever-increasing disparity between the rich and the poor. He then asks why can we not have a government with integrity acting in the best interests of the majority since this is what democracy should be all about. However, he then asks why can we not have the kind of government we deserve. I would remind him that in a democracy with one man one vote, you always get the government that you deserve, whether you like it or not! The Gil party that ran Marbella Town Hall between 1991 and 2005 is a very good example of this polarisation of public opinion. Peter Sanderson, Estepona (Malaga) Editor’s note: Many members of the Gil party that ran Marbella under Mayor Jesus Gil have been convicted of criminal offences related to their terms in office.

Open your eyes I WOULD like to suggest a New Year’s resolution for many expats living in Spain. Over the years, the Euro Weekly News has printed many letters about the importance of learning the language, and I totally agree. However, this is hard for some people, often through no fault of their own. What is also important and does not require great knowledge of the language, is getting to know places and going further than the shops, the post office, the bars and the beach. I know dozens of people who have lived here for years and have seen nothing of the country. Wherever you live in Spain, you will find that within just a few hours’ drive, there is a

2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South


Letters for Your Say should be emailed to, posted to Euro Weekly News, C/Moscatel 10, P-62, Polígono Industrial, Arroyo de la Miel, 29631 Benalmadena, Málaga, Spain or faxed to 0034 952 440 887

Photographs for possible publication should be sent by email with a full caption to:

This spider was fished out of the bottom of our swimming pool by a young boy who was staying with us. The fact that it had sunk indicates that it had been in water for quite some time. About an hour later despite appearing to be truly dead, surprise surprise it revived and set off across the table! Can anyone identify it?

Point missed WITH regard to the letter from Ken Bethell ‘Where is the loss?’ (Issue 1485). Mr Bethell misses the point completely when he states that buying fake goods, purportedly supposed to be designer brands, doesn’t hurt big companies like Gucci, Prada, et al. While obviously it does hurt these companies, the greater loss is to local traders who pay taxes, rents, lighting, staff, etc, while the purloiners of fake goods pay nothing.


our lack of commitment. Looking for good value places is legitimate, but there are more important things in this life than just saving some euros. Maybe if we had made a little effort and helped our local bars, many of them would have not closed because of the financial crisis. Pedro Rodriguez, Benalmadena (Malaga)

Party politics

By Sonia Longman (By email)

world completely different to what you have become accustomed to. Spain is full of both natural and manmade monuments from all eras, natural parks, mountains, reservoirs and much more; some are well-known, others less so, but all worth a visit. So even if you can only spare one day a month to do so, get in your car, on public transport or with an organised tour, and get out there! Joan Bainbridge (By email)


WHEN YOU WRITE All letters, whether by email or post, should carry the writer’s postal address, NIE and contact number though only the name and town will be published. Letters may also be edited. Readers who have missed earlier correspondence can see all letters posted on:

Does he not read the press or watch television news? Where does he think these goods come from? Much of the merchandise peddled by the fake goods sellers is funded by mafias who use the profits for illegal enterprises. How many people who buy from these illegal sellers realise that they are contributing to illegal activities? The loss, while probably minimal to the giant conglomerates, is felt much more by the legal traders in all towns and cities and it is from protests by these traders that the authorities have clamped down on the illegal sellers of

fake goods. And rightly so. R G Waugh, Fuengirola (Malaga)

Support your own A COUPLE of days ago, I went for a walk to Los Boliches, in Fuengirola, after literally years without visiting the neighbourhood. To my surprise, I found most of the restaurants and bars I used to go to some 20 years ago were closed. Well, not all of them. Oddly enough, I noticed that some of the places that are still open are managed by British people. I’ve always criticised the fact that most visitors and foreign residents go to these places, but now I see why they do so. Having the support of the local community is crucial to keeping your business open, and what these expatriates have been doing for so long was just supporting their people. I think we, Spanish people, could learn from that. Too many Spanish restaurants and pubs have closed simply because of

WITH news that another censure motion is trying to be pushed through by the PP party in Orihuela, it really does make you wonder why you bother voting. The PP lost the last election and the right to rule with it, in a fair and democratic vote, so what makes them think they can just jump into bed with various other political parties; the very same parties they were fighting against when they were in power, in a bid to get back in charge? The voting public do not want them in power otherwise they’d have voted for them. It makes a mockery of the election system and of Orihuela’s politics when the only ones to suffer are residents. A S Williams, Orihuela Costa (Alicante)

Big thanks I WOULD like to say thank you for my wonderful experience of the Spanish healthcare system. As a foreign resident of 75 years, I have recently had two stents fitted in my heart. This was after a road accident when a medical examination revealed a defect. This was followed by a consultation at Foietes, an MRI at Benidorm Clinic, and an operation at St Juan, all within seven weeks. Now I have a new lease of life. Viva España! I am sure that in the UK I would have been put on the scrapheap. Tony Nicholls, Benidorm (Alicante)

The views expressed and opinions given in Letters are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements, and reject claims arising out of any action that a company or individual may take on the basis of information contained therein.


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South







07 am

07 am

06 am

06 am

10 am

7:00am Breakfast 10:00am Match of the Day 11:30am The Pacifier 1:00pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm The Sorcerer's Apprentice 4:25pm Escape to the Country 5:10pm Flog It! 6:10pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm Celebrity Mastermind 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm Dolphins: Spy in the Pod 10:00pm Silent Witness 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm Pretty Woman 1:30am The Rebound 3:00am Skiing Weatherview 3:05am BBC News

7:00am This is BBC Two 7:30am Natural World 8:30am Tudor Monastery Farm 9:30am Britain's Empty Homes 10:00am Africa 11:00am Earthflight 12:00pm The Great British Bake Off 1:00pm The Great British Bake Off 2:00pm Antiques Road Trip 3:00pm The Heroes of Telemark 5:05pm The Queen's Palaces 6:05pm Antiques Roadshow 7:00pm Celebrity Eggheads 7:30pm Glasgow Big Night Out 8:30pm University Challenge 9:00pm Top Gear 10:00pm PQ 17: An Arctic Convoy Disaster 11:00pm Rab C. Nesbitt 11:45pm John Sergeant Meets Rab C Nesbitt 12:30am Idris Elba: King of Speed 1:30am Idris Elba: King of Speed 2:30am World's Busiest Maternity Ward 3:30am Two Doors Down 4:30am This is BBC Two

6:00am ITV Nightscreen 6:05am The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00am Daybreak 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 12:25pm ITV News 12:30pm This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV News and Weather 3:00pm All Star Mr and Mrs 4:00pm Secrets From the Workhouse 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV News and Weather 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Tonight 9:00pm Emmerdale 9:30pm Birds of a Feather 10:00pm Benidorm 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:35pm The Americans 12:55am The Unforgettable... 1:20am Jackpot247 4:00am Tonight 4:25am ITV Nightscreen

6:00am Countdown 6:40am Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard 7:05am According to Jim 7:30am Will and Grace 7:55am Will and Grace 8:25am Flicka 10:05am How I Met Your Mother 10:40am How I Met Your Mother 11:10am The Big Bang Theory 11:35am The Big Bang Theory 12:05pm The Simpsons 12:35pm Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe 2:50pm The Jewel of the Nile 5:00pm Deal or No Deal 6:00pm Celebrity Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm The Restoration Man 10:00pm My Big Fat Gypsy Holiday 11:00pm Secrets of the Scammers 11:55pm Aliens 2:50am Coming Up 3:15am Emily's Song 3:30am Food Unwrapped's Christmas Dinner 4:30am A Place in the Sun 5:25am Deal or No Deal


10:20am Britain's Got More Talent 11:20am I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here Now! Crown Jewels 12:20pm I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! Coming Out 1:25pm Emmerdale 1:55pm Coronation Street 2:25pm You've Been Framed! 2:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:00pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:00pm You've Been Framed Rides Again! 6:00pm Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:30pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Tricked 11:00pm Fake Reaction 11:50pm Utterly Outrageous Reality TV Moments 2013 12:50am Two and a Half Men 1:20am Two and a Half Men 1:45am Tricked 2:35am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records



SATELLITE CHANNELS/ Sky1/ 10:00am The Simpsons 10:30am Little Crackers 10:45am Little Crackers 11:00am Glee 12:00pm Glee 1:00pm The Simpsons 1:30pm Modern Family 2:00pm Modern Family 2:30pm Yonderland 3:00pm David Attenborough's Natural History History Museum Alive 4:30pm The Simpsons 5:00pm Sinbad 6:00pm The Simpsons

6:30pm Modern Family 7:00pm Modern Family 7:30pm The Simpsons 8:00pm The Simpsons 8:30pm The Simpsons 9:00pm Modern Family 9:30pm A League of Their Own 10:00pm A League of Their Own 11:00pm Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life 12:00am Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life 1:00am Spartacus: Blood and Sand 2:15am A League of Their Own 2:45am Nothing to Declare

3:15am Road Wars 4:10am Stella 5:00am Little Crackers 5:15am Little Crackers 5:30am Little Crackers

SkyMoviesComedy/ 7:00am Ernest Saves Christmas 8:40am Elf 10:30am The Full Monty 12:15pm National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation 2:05pm Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted 3:45pm Elf 5:30pm American Pie 7:10pm American Pie 2

The Bodyguard (Film, 1992)

•Kevin Costner •Whitney Houston •Gary Kemp •Bill Cobbs

9:00pm American Pie 11:00pm The Full Monty 12:35am Bad Santa 2:15am A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas 3:45am Caddyshack 5:25am Zeus and Roxanne

SkyMoviesChristmas/ 5:10am Hello, Dolly! 7:40am Monte Carlo 9:35am Ruby Sparks 11:20am Notting Hill 1:25pm Cruel Intentions 3:10pm Les Miserables 5:50pm The Bodyguard 8:00pm Les Miserables

Old-fashioned, melodramatic love story in which a singing superstar takes on a bodyguard to defend her against someone who is trying to kill her. Sparks fly when the feisty singer and her uncompromising protector cannot see eye to eye about anything, but the friction also kindles romance. Whitney Houston's debut film role. With a clutch of hits including I Will Always Love You.

10:40pm Cruel Intentions 12:25am The Bodyguard 2:40am Awakenings 4:45am The Secret Life of Walter Mitty: Special 5:15am Monte Carlo

SkyMoviesAction/ 7:20am Jumanji 9:10am The Scorpion King 10:50am The Dark Knight Rises 1:35pm Taken 2 3:10pm Jumanji 5:00pm Battleship 7:15pm The Dark Knight Rises 10:00pm Taken 2 11:35pm Gladiator

BBC3/ 8:00pm Winter Wipeout 9:00pm Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 11:00pm Russell Howard's Good News 11:30pm EastEnders 12:00am Family Guy 12:25am Family Guy 12:45am American Dad! 1:10am American Dad! 1:30am Snow, Sex and Suspicious Parents 2:30am Russell Howard's Good News 3:00am Impractical Jokers 3:30am Impractical Jokers 4:00am Snow, Sex and Suspicious Parents

Impractical Jokers (Comedy, 2012) BBC 3 from 3:00am to 3:30am Hidden camera show where four friends - Joel Dommet, Roisin Conaty, Paul McCaffrey and Marek Larwood - compete to embarrass each another in everyday situations. Pushing each other to the limit, they take it in turns to complete embarrassing challenges. They have got to do or say everything the other jokers tell them via a hidden earpiece, but if they refuse they lose and face a humiliating forfeit. It's a ruthless fight to finish where there are no winners, just a loser. This time, the jokers convince complete strangers into taking a ridiculous amount of photos of them, force each other to offer unhelpful advice at a garden centre and risk total embarrassment carrying out bizarre instructions during a CPR demonstration.


TCM/ 6:00am The Mouse on the Moon 7:35am Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N. 9:50am Ben-Hur 1:50pm Gunsmoke 2:55pm Gunsmoke 4:00pm Apache Territory 5:20pm Monte Walsh 7:10pm The Gun Hawk 8:55pm The Night Riders 10:00pm Wyatt Earp 1:40am Ned Kelly 3:30am The Brotherhood 5:05am Off Set

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm Mary Poppins 10:45pm Michael Grade's Stars of the Musical Theatre 11:45pm Secret Voices of Hollywood 12:45am Old Jews Telling Jokes 1:15am Old Jews Telling Jokes 1:45am The Many Faces of Les Dawson 2:45am Michael Grade's Stars of the Musical Theatre 3:45am The Bridge


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South







07 am

07 am

06 am

06 am

07 am

7:00am Breakfast 10:10am The Cat in the Hat 11:25am Race to Witch Mountain 1:00pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm The Shaggy Dog 4:15pm Escape to the Country 5:15pm Flog It! 6:10pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm Celebrity Mastermind 8:30pm A Question of Sport 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm Miranda 10:00pm Silent Witness 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm The Graham Norton Show 12:25am EastEnders Omnibus 3:15am BBC News

7:00am This is BBC Two 7:30am Britain's Natural World 8:30am A Culture Show Special 9:30am Britain's Empty Homes 10:00am Africa 11:00am Earthflight 12:00pm The Great British Bake Off 1:00pm The Great British Bake Off 2:00pm Antiques Road Trip 3:00pm Rebecca 5:05pm The Queen's Palaces 6:05pm Antiques Roadshow 7:00pm Celebrity Eggheads 7:30pm Coast 8:00pm Nature's Weirdest Events 9:00pm Kangaroo Dundee 9:30pm University Challenge 10:00pm James May's Toy Stories 11:00pm Drive 12:35am Top Gear 1:35am Top Gear 2:35am A Culture Show Special 3:35am This is BBC Two


6:05am The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00am Daybreak 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 12:25pm ITV News 12:30pm This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV News and Weather 3:00pm All Star Mr and Mrs 4:00pm Secrets From the Workhouse 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV News and Weather 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm The Martin Lewis Money Show 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm Piers Morgan's Life Stories 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:35pm The Americans 12:35am Benidorm 1:30am Jackpot247 4:00am Hearts in Atlantis 5:40am ITV Nightscreen


6:25am Countdown 7:10am According to Jim 7:35am Will and Grace 8:00am Candleshoe 9:50am How I Met Your Mother 10:20am How I Met Your Mother 10:50am The Big Bang Theory 11:15am The Big Bang Theory 11:45am King Kong 2:15pm Zulu 5:00pm Deal or No Deal 6:00pm Celebrity Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm Gordon Ramsay's Home Cooking 10:00pm 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 11:00pm Rude Tube 1:05am Alien 3 3:05am The Ricky Gervais Show 3:35am The Big C 4:30am Don't Trust the B---- In Apartment 23 4:50am Suburgatory 5:10am Four Rooms

7:00am The Hot Desk 7:10am Emmerdale 7:35am Emmerdale 8:00am Holiday Airport 9:00am The Cube 9:55am You've Been Framed! 10:25am Britain's Got More Talent 11:25am Britain's Got More Talent 12:25pm Britain's Got More Talent 1:30pm Emmerdale 2:00pm Emmerdale 2:30pm You've Been Framed! 3:00pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:05pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:10pm You've Been Framed! 5:45pm Junior 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:30pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm GoldenEye 12:40am Two and a Half Men 1:10am Two and a Half Men 1:40am MC Hammer's Big Shot Academy



SATELLITE CHANNELS/ Sky1/ 10:00am The Simpsons 10:30am Little Crackers 10:45am Little Crackers 11:00am Glee 12:00pm Glee 1:00pm The Simpsons 1:30pm Modern Family 2:00pm Modern Family 2:30pm The Middle 3:00pm Football's Funniest Moments 4:00pm Sinbad

5:00pm Sinbad 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Modern Family 7:00pm Modern Family 7:30pm The Simpsons 8:00pm The Simpsons 8:30pm The Simpsons 9:00pm Elf 10:50pm Moonfleet 11:50pm Moonfleet 12:50am Spartacus: Blood and Sand 2:05am A League of Their Own 3:05am Road Wars

4:05am Stella 5:00am Little Crackers 5:15am Little Crackers 5:30am Dog the Bounty Hunter

SkyMoviesComedy/ 5:25am Zeus and Roxanne 7:05am Ghostbusters II 9:05am The Campaign 10:45am The Secret Life of Walter Mitty: Special 11:15am Identity Thief 1:15pm Cool Runnings 3:05pm As Good as It Gets

•Tommy Lee Jones •Will Smith •Linda Fiorentino •Vincent D'Onofrio

5:25pm Ghostbusters II 7:15pm Cool Runnings 9:00pm Identity Thief 11:00pm The Campaign 12:30am As Good as It Gets 2:50am Scary Movie 3 4:20am Vamps

SkyMoviesChristmas/ 7:15am Moonlight Mile 9:15am The Magic of Belle Isle 11:10am My Best Friend's Wedding 1:00pm Sleepless in Seattle

Men in Black (Film, 1997) Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith (pictured) star as the titular characters with a mission to protect the Earth from the scum of the universe in this hilarious sci-fi comedy adventure, based on the cult comic book series. The MIB is a top-secret agency set up to monitor and police alien activity on Earth, which has been designated an apolitical "neutral zone" - the galactic equivalent of Switzerland. Agents who work for the MIB have no identity and there is no record of their existence, while funding for the agency comes from patents it owns on technology confiscated from aliens: Velcro, microwave ovens and liposuction are just a handful of luxuries unthinkable without a little help from extraterrestrials.

2:50pm Silver Linings Playbook 5:00pm New Year's Eve 7:05pm Forces of Nature 9:00pm Silver Linings Playbook 11:10pm New Year's Eve 1:10am Sleepless in Seattle 3:00am Medicine Man 4:50am Giant

SkyMoviesAction/ 4:10am Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle 6:05am Butch and Sundance: The Early Days

8:00am Speed 2: Cruise Control 10:10am Volcano 12:00pm Men in Black 1:45pm This Means War 3:30pm The Bourne Legacy: Premiere Special 3:50pm The Bourne Legacy 6:10pm Stealth 8:15pm Men in Black 10:00pm The Bourne Legacy 12:20am Mad Max 2:00am Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior

BBC3/ 8:00pm Great Movie Mistakes V: Revenge of the Fifth 8:30pm The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper 8:40pm Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa 10:00pm Sherlock 11:30pm EastEnders 12:00am Family Guy 12:25am Family Guy 12:45am American Dad! 1:10am Starship Troopers 3:05am Impractical Jokers 3:35am Snow, Sex and Suspicious Parents 4:35am Going Native

Starship Troopers (Film, 1997) BBC 3 from 1:10am to 3:05am Science fiction adventure in which a futuristic, militarised Earth is threatened by regiments of giant insects from outer space. When an idealistic teenager enlists in the army in order to become a citizen, he is put through a brutal training programme to prepare him for the horrors of war. Sent to the distant planet Klendathu, he and his fellow troopers fight the deadly enemy force.

BBC4/ 8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm Diamonds are Forever: The Don Black Songbook 10:00pm Top of the Pops 11:00pm Top of the Pops 12:00am The Old Grey Whistle Test

1:30am Top of the Pops 2:30am Top of the Pops 3:30am Diamonds are Forever: The Don Black Songbook


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South







07 am

12 pm

08 am

06 am

06 am

7:00am Breakfast 11:00am Saturday Kitchen 12:30pm Food and Drink 1:00pm Football Focus 1:45pm Saturday Sportsday 2:00pm BBC News 2:10pm BBC London News 2:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:45pm Escape to the Country 3:30pm Darts 5:30pm Final Score 6:10pm Frozen Planet 7:10pm BBC News 7:20pm BBC London News 7:30pm Celebrity Mastermind 8:00pm Pointless 8:50pm The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins 9:40pm Casualty 10:30pm Catherine Tate's Nan 11:05pm BBC News 11:25pm Little Fockers 12:55am Romance and Cigarettes 2:35am Weatherview 2:40am BBC News

12:00pm Fred Dibnah's Made in Britain 12:30pm Great British Railway Journeys 1:00pm Paul Hollywood's Pies and Puds 1:45pm Paul Hollywood's Pies and Puds 2:30pm The Horse Whisperer 5:10pm Coast 5:30pm Darts 6:30pm James May's Toy Stories 7:30pm Flog It! 8:30pm Dad's Army 9:00pm Morecambe and Wise in Pieces 10:00pm Dave Allen: God's Own Comedian 11:00pm Dave Allen: the Immaculate Selection 12:00am Dave Allen in Search of the Great English Eccentric 12:55am Darts 1:45am Darts 3:45am This is BBC Two


8:40am Almost Naked Animals 8:50am Almost Naked Animals 9:05am Horrid Henry 9:15am Horrid Henry 9:30am Victorious 10:00am Deadtime Stories 10:25am ITV News 10:30am Dinner Date 11:25am Murder, She Wrote 12:25pm ITV News and Weather 12:35pm The Chase 1:40pm Midsomer Murders 3:45pm Show Me the Telly 4:45pm You've Been Framed! 5:15pm ITV News London 5:30pm ITV News and Weather 5:45pm F.A. Cup Live 8:20pm Splash! 9:50pm Take Me Out 10:50pm The Jonathan Ross Show 11:50pm ITV News and Weather 12:05am FA Cup Highlights 1:35am Jackpot247


6:05am Deal or No Deal 7:00am The Treacle People 7:10am Little Wolf's Book of Badness 7:35am Arctic Tale 9:00am The Morning Line 10:00am The American Football Show 11:00am How I Met Your Mother 11:30am How I Met Your Mother 12:00pm The Big Bang Theory 12:30pm The Big Bang Theory 1:00pm The Simpsons 1:30pm Jamie's Festive Feast 2:30pm Channel 4 Racing 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 5:30pm Come Dine with Me 6:00pm Come Dine with Me 6:35pm Come Dine with Me 7:05pm Come Dine with Me 7:35pm Channel 4 News 8:00pm Speed with Guy Martin 9:00pm Secrets of the Terracotta Warriors - Secret History 10:00pm Robin Hood 12:45am Charlie Brooker's How Videogames Changed the World


6:55am ITV2 Nightscreen 7:00am Beauty and the Geek 7:45am Coronation Street Omnibus 10:10am Emmerdale Omnibus 1:05pm You've Been Framed! Funniest 100 2:10pm Dragonheart 4:20pm Junior 6:30pm Beethoven's 2nd 8:15pm Mr Bean's Holiday 10:00pm The 40 Year Old Virgin 12:20am Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason 2:35am Utterly Outrageous Celebrity Frock Ups 3:25am You've Been Framed! 3:50am Teleshopping



SATELLITE CHANNELS/ Sky1/ 6:00am Airline 6:30am Airline 7:00am Kingdom of Plants 8:00am Football's Funniest Moments 9:00am The Fantasy Football Club 10:00am Sky Sports Game Changers 11:00am Soccer A.M. 1:00pm World Wrestling

Entertainment Superstars 2:00pm Modern Family 2:30pm Modern Family 3:00pm Neverland 4:45pm Elf 6:35pm The Simpsons 7:05pm David Attenborough's Natural History History Museum Alive 8:35pm The Making of David Attenborough's Galapagos 3D 9:35pm Godzilla 12:15am All Aboard: East Coast

Trains 1:15am Spartacus: Blood and Sand 2:30am Glee 3:20am Road Wars 4:10am Road Wars 5:00am Nothing to Declare 5:30am Nothing to Declare

SkyMoviesComedy/ 6:05am Good Burger 7:55am Liar Liar 9:35am The Mask

•Daniel Craig •Judi Dench •Javier Bardem •Ralph Fiennes

11:30am Paul Rudd/Judd Apatow Face 2 Face 11:50am The Guilt Trip 1:40pm Ted 3:40pm Runaway Bride 5:40pm Liar Liar 7:15pm The Mask 9:00pm The Guilt Trip 10:40pm Ted 12:30am A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas 2:00am Project X 3:30am Think Like a Man

Skyfall (Film, 2012) Veteran MI6 agent James Bond (Daniel Craig) is off the map. After dropping seemingly to his death on a failed mission, his presumed demise leaves the job of boss M (Judi Dench) on the line. Back in London, her tenure is scrutinised further when a bomb decimates the MI6 building, forcing their operation underground. Chillingly eloquent villain Raoul Silva (Javier Bardem) claims responsibility, before holding M to ransom with stolen top-secret information.

SkyMoviesChristmas/ 10:10am When Harry Tries to Marry 11:50am Sparkle 1:50pm City of Angels 3:50pm Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom Special 4:10pm As Cool as I Am 5:45pm City Slacker 7:20pm 13 Going on 30 9:00pm The Vow 10:45pm Trouble with the Curve

BBC3/ 8:00pm Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide 9:00pm Top Gear 10:00pm Die Hard with a Vengeance 12:00am Family Guy 12:25am Family Guy 12:45am Family Guy 1:10am Family Guy 1:30am Family Guy 1:50am Family Guy 2:15am Family Guy 2:40am Snow, Sex and Suspicious Parents 3:40am Edinburgh Comedy Festival Live 4:40am Bamboo

Edinburgh Comedy Festival Live (Comedy) BBC 3 from 3:40am to 4:40am Recorded live at the Festival Theatre during the Edinburgh Fringe, this show is hosted by Kevin Bridges and features the best comedy talent from around the world including John Bishop, Andi Osho, Stephen K Amos, Mark Watson, Tom Stade and many more.

BBC4/ 8:00pm NASA: Triumph and Tragedy

9:00pm A Very British Murder with Lucy Worsley

SkyMoviesAction/ 7:40am Journey 2: The Mysterious Island 9:20am Remember the Titans 11:15am Men in Black II 12:45pm Skyfall 3:15pm The Avengers Special 3:45pm Iron Man 3 6:00pm Men in Black II 7:30pm Skyfall 10:00pm Iron Man 3 12:15am Commando

10:00pm The Bridge 11:00pm The Bridge 12:00am Rock 'n' Roll Britannia 1:00am Totally British 2:00am The Ballad of Mott the Hoople 3:00am NASA: Triumph and Tragedy 4:00am A Very British Murder with Lucy Worsley


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South







07 am

07 am

07 am

06 am

06 am

7:00am Breakfast 10:00am The Andrew Marr Show 11:00am The Big Questions 12:00pm Homes Under the Hammer 1:00pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:15pm Moving On 3:00pm Escape to the Country 3:45pm Helicopter Heroes 4:15pm That Puppet Game Show 5:00pm Songs of Praise 5:35pm Dolphins: Spy in the Pod 6:35pm BBC News 6:50pm BBC London News 7:00pm Countryfile 8:00pm Celebrity Mastermind 8:30pm Antiques Roadshow 9:30pm Sherlock 11:00pm BBC News 11:15pm BBC London News 11:25pm Mrs. Brown's Boys 12:05am Good Will Hunting 2:05am Weatherview 2:10am BBC News

7:00am This is BBC Two 7:10am Odette 9:05am Monty Don's French Gardens 10:05am Countryfile 11:00am Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:30pm Paul Hollywood's Pies and Puds 1:15pm Paul Hollywood's Pies and Puds 2:00pm Darts 6:00pm Ski Sunday 6:45pm Catch Me If You Can 9:00pm Nature's Weirdest Events 10:00pm Operation Grand Canyon with Dan Snow 11:00pm Charlie Brooker's 2013 Wipe 12:00am Darts 12:50am Darts 2:50am Countryfile 3:45am Holby City 4:45am This is BBC Two

7:00am Pat and Stan 7:10am Pat and Stan 7:15am Pat and Stan 7:25am Dino Dan 7:40am Dino Dan 7:50am Canimals 7:55am Canimals 8:05am Canimals 8:15am Sooty 8:25am Sooty 8:40am Almost Naked Animals 8:50am Almost Naked Animals 9:05am Horrid Henry 9:15am Horrid Henry 9:30am Victorious 10:00am Deadtime Stories 10:25am FA Cup Highlights 11:55am The Unforgettable... 12:25pm ITV News and Weather 12:30pm F.A. Cup Live 3:15pm The Cube 4:15pm Splash! 5:45pm Celebrity Chase 6:45pm ITV News London 7:00pm ITV News and Weather 7:15pm Dancing on Ice 8:45pm All Star Family Fortunes 9:30pm Dancing on Ice 10:00pm All New It'll be Alright on the Night 11:00pm ITV News and Weather 11:15pm Birds of a Feather 11:45pm FA Cup Highlights 12:45am Rugby Highlights 1:40am The Store


6:35am Deal or No Deal 7:30am Barnyard 9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30am Frasier 10:00am Frasier 10:30am Sunday Brunch 1:30pm How I Met Your Mother 2:00pm How I Met Your Mother 2:30pm The Big Bang Theory 3:00pm The Big Bang Theory 3:30pm The Simpsons 4:00pm The Simpsons 4:30pm Edward Scissorhands 6:35pm Channel 4 News 7:05pm Deal or No Deal 8:00pm Shipping Wars 9:00pm Speed with Guy Martin 10:00pm Bad Teacher 11:50pm Rude Tube 1:50am Waltz with Bashir 3:20am Coming Up 3:50am How Not to Get Old 4:45am Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 5:40am Deal or No Deal


6:50am ITV2 Nightscreen 7:00am Beauty and the Geek 7:45am Emmerdale Omnibus 10:30am Coronation Street Omnibus 1:00pm Boyzone at 20: No Matter What 2:00pm Take Me Out 3:00pm The Mighty Ducks 5:10pm Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed 7:05pm Evan Almighty 9:00pm You've Been Framed! 10:00pm The Magaluf Weekender 11:00pm I Am Britney Jean: Britney Spears' Road to Las Vegas 12:50am Forgetting Sarah Marshall 3:00am MC Hammer's Big Shot Academy 3:50am Teleshopping



SATELLITE CHANNELS/ Sky1/ 11:00am World Wrestling Entertainment Superstars 12:00pm WWE Experience 1:00pm The Simpsons 1:30pm The Simpsons 2:00pm The Simpsons 2:30pm The Simpsons 3:00pm The Simpsons 3:30pm Godzilla

6:15pm Little Crackers 6:30pm The Simpsons 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm The Simpsons 8:00pm The Simpsons 8:30pm The Simpsons 9:00pm David Attenborough's Natural History History Museum Alive 10:30pm The Making of David

Attenborough's... 11:30pm Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy: The Legend Continues...

SkyMoviesComedy/ 9:05am Ernest Saves Christmas 10:45am Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo 12:25pm Elf

•Keira Knightley •Matthew Macfadyen •Aaron TaylorJohnson •Jude Law

2:10pm The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 4:10pm Garfield 5:35pm National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation 7:20pm Elf 9:00pm Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo 10:30pm The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Anna Karenina (Film, 2012) St Petersburg beauty Anna Karenina (Keira Knightley) is married to government official Alexei Karenin (Jude Law), but despite their enviable standing in late-19th century society, she feels no passion for her stuffy, older husband. When Anna travels to Moscow to persuade the wife (Kelly Macdonald) of her cheating brother (Matthew Macfadyen) to forgive him, she catches the eye of dashing young Count Alexei Vronsky (Aaron Taylor-Johnson). Sharing a fiery chemistry, the pair begin a passionate love affair, but one that is doomed to tragedy.

SkyMoviesChristmas/ 6:20am Gandhi 9:30am Awakenings 11:35am The Decoy Bride 1:10pm Anna Karenina 3:20pm Return 5:00pm Let's Make Love 7:00pm Under the Tuscan Sun 9:00pm Beautiful Creatures 11:05pm Crazy, Stupid, Love

BBC3/ 8:00pm The Gruffalo 8:30pm The Gruffalo's Child 8:55pm 101 Dalmatians 10:30pm Russell Howard's Good News 11:00pm Starship Troopers 1:00am Family Guy 1:25am Family Guy 1:45am American Dad! 2:10am American Dad! 2:30am American Dad! 2:50am Edinburgh Comedy Festival Live 3:50am Russell Howard's Good News 4:20am Impractical Jokers

101 Dalmatians (Film, 1996) BBC 3 from 8:55pm to 10:30pm Live-action version of the Disney classic, featuring the dastardly fashion designer Cruella De Vil who, having chanced upon a litter of cute dalmation puppies, decides that their skins will complete her exotic new coat. After she sends two hapless heavies to steal the dogs, it is up to Pongo and Perdy - the pups' parents - to stage a daring rescue.

BBC4/ 8:00pm Britain by Bike 8:30pm Return of Colmcille 9:30pm Apples, Pears and Paint: How to Make a Still Life Painting

SkyMoviesAction/ 11:20am Men in Black 3 1:10pm A Good Day to Die Hard 2:50pm The Poseidon Adventure 4:50pm The Mask of Zorro 7:10pm Men in Black 3 9:00pm A Good Day to Die Hard

11:00pm Nigel Slater's Great British Biscuit 12:00am Elena 1:45am Top of the Pops 2:45am Top of the Pops 3:45am New York Rock at the BBC


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South







07 am

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06 am

05 am

06 am

7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Wanted Down Under 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Rip Off Britain 12:45pm Real Lives Reunited 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm Father Brown 4:00pm Perfection 4:45pm Escape to the Country 5:30pm Antiques Road Trip 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm Inside Out 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm A Question of Sport 10:00pm The 7.39 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm Secrets of the Sales 12:35am The Graham Norton Show 1:20am Weatherview 1:25am BBC News

7:00am This is BBC Two 7:20am Homes Under the Hammer 8:20am Bargain Hunt 9:20am Paul Hollywood's Pies and Puds 10:05am Britain and the Sea 11:05am Britain's Empty Homes 11:35am Click 12:00pm BBC News 12:30pm BBC World News 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm Darts 5:15pm The Great British Winter 6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Great British Railway Journeys 8:00pm Great British Garden Revival 9:00pm University Challenge 9:30pm Sacred Wonders of Britain 10:30pm PQ 17: An Arctic Convoy Disaster 11:30pm Newsnight 12:20am Darts 1:10am Darts 3:10am Idris Elba: King of Speed 4:10am This is BBC Two 5:00am The Science of Space Dive - Learning Zone 5:30am The Code


6:05am The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00am Daybreak 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 12:25pm ITV News 12:30pm This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV News and Weather 3:00pm All Star Mr and Mrs 4:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal 5:00pm Britain's Best Bakery 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV News and Weather 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm A Great Welsh Adventure with Griff Rhys Jones 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm The Bletchley Circle 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:35pm I Shot 2013 12:20am Hellboy II: The Golden Army 2:15am Jackpot247 4:00am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 4:45am ITV Nightscreen


5:40am Deal or No Deal 6:35am Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard 7:00am The Treacle People 7:10am According to Jim 7:35am According to Jim 8:00am Will and Grace 8:25am Will and Grace 8:55am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:25am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30am Frasier 11:00am Frasier 11:30am Frasier 12:00pm Building the Dream 1:00pm Channel 4 News 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 1:35pm Come Dine with Me 2:05pm Come Dine with Me 2:40pm Come Dine with Me 3:10pm A Place in the Sun 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Deal or No Deal 6:00pm Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm Food Unwrapped Diet Special 10:00pm Benefits Street 11:00pm Secrets of the Living Dolls 12:00am American Football Playoff Highlights 1:00am Speed with Guy Martin


6:55am ITV2 Nightscreen 7:00am Emmerdale 7:25am Coronation Street 7:55am Coronation Street 8:25am You've Been Framed! 8:55am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 9:30am Dinner Date 10:30am The Real Housewives of DC 11:30am You've Been Framed! 12:30pm You've Been Framed Rides Again! 1:30pm Emmerdale 2:00pm Coronation Street 2:30pm Coronation Street 3:00pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:05pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:10pm The Real Housewives of Orange County 6:05pm The Millionaire Matchmaker 7:00pm Dinner Date 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:30pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason 12:15am Fake Reaction 1:00am Two and a Half Men


This is 40 (Film, 2012)


SATELLITE CHANNELS/ Sky1/ 10:30am Futurama 11:00am Hawaii Five-0 12:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 1:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 2:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 3:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 4:00pm Greggs: More Than Meats the Pie 5:00pm Harrow: A Very British

School 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm A League of Their Own 7:30pm The Simpsons 8:00pm The Simpsons 8:30pm The Simpsons 9:00pm Football's Funniest Moments 10:00pm A League of Their Own

11:00pm Banshee 12:10am Spartacus: Vengeance 1:25am Spartacus: Vengeance 2:40am Nothing to Declare 3:10am Ross Kemp: Extreme World 4:05am Stella 5:00am Dog the Bounty Hunter

•Paul Rudd •Leslie Mann •Maude Apatow •Iris Apatow •Jason Segel

SkyMoviesComedy/ 9:30am The Secret Life of Walter Mitty: Special 10:00am Wanderlust 11:45am Jingle All the Way 1:20pm The Longest Yard 3:20pm This is 40 5:40pm Wanderlust 7:25pm Jingle All the Way 9:00pm The Longest Yard

Comedy king Judd Apatow continues his winning streak with this 'kind of ' sequel to Knocked Up. It has been five years since married couple Pete (Paul Rudd) and Debbie (Leslie Mann) watched her sister go through a pregnancy crisis. Half a decade on, and the lively couple are facing a crisis of their own.

SkyMoviesChristmas/ 9:40am The Lucky One 11:25am Permanent Record 1:00pm Medicine Man 2:50pm Philadelphia 5:00pm Captain Corelli's Mandolin 7:15pm Darling Companion 9:00pm The Lucky One 10:45pm Now is Good

BBC3/ 8:00pm Snog, Marry, Avoid? 8:30pm Snog, Marry, Avoid? 9:00pm Don't Tell the Bride 10:00pm Knight Club 11:00pm Russell Howard's Good News 11:30pm EastEnders 12:00am Family Guy 12:25am Family Guy 12:45am American Dad! 1:10am American Dad! 1:30am Knight Club 2:30am Russell Howard's Good News 3:00am Russell Howard's Good News 3:30am Snog, Marry, Avoid? 4:00am Knight Club

Snog, Marry, Avoid? (Entertainment) BBC 3 from 8:00pm to 8:30pm Comic Ellie Taylor and her caustic sidekick POD go on tour, ready to do battle with the nation's fashion fakers. This time they have back up, as the mums and dads of Britain want to free their children of fakery and stand by POD in her mission to restore natural beauty. In Bromley, Ellie is transformed into a walking, talking, living doll, as she takes on a look popular with the locals. POD performs two jawdropping transformations - queen of the jungle Vikki is convinced that there's no natural beauty under the fake tan and extensions but her partner Candice is desperate for her to see the truth; and Lady Gagaobsessed Eli wants to find out if she can be confident just being herself. Can POD turn them both into natural beauties? And will they stick to it?


SkyMoviesAction/ 7:55am The Darkest Hour 9:30am The Last Samurai 12:05pm Gladiator 2:40pm The Bridge on the River Kwai 5:25pm Speed 7:25pm The Last Samurai 10:00pm Gladiator

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm Orangutan Diary 9:00pm The Bermuda Triangle: Beneath the Waves 10:00pm The Ipcress File 11:45pm The Many Faces of Michael Caine 12:45am Endeavour 1:40am The Bermuda Triangle: Beneath the Waves 2:40am Michael Grade's Stars of the Musical Theatre 3:40am Secret Voices of Hollywood


2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South

A perfect gift to bring in the New Year LEAPY LEE SAYS IT OTHERS THINK IT


ELL, that’s it for another year. Just when I thought Santa had forgotten me (again) my lovely daughter Charlene presented me with the greatest gift you can have, the two week premature birth of my beautiful grandson Julian. Heaven knows what kind of a world this brand new little manifestation will have to contend with, but rest assured he will be strengthened by the love of many. Welcome my little one and a very happy new life to you. I think this year the TV programmers finally managed to top all previous festive programming by turning out the biggest load of garbage ever. White Christmas. At least three times. South Pacific. Twice. The Wizard of Oz. The Dirty Dozen. Hogan’s Heroes. The Great

EARLY ARRIVAL: Leapy’s new grandson. Escape. Ben Hur. Spartacus. They were all in there. I see Lawrence of Arabia managed to elbow its way in this year, but only because dear old Peter O’Toole kicked the bucket. What I did enjoy, however, was the revival of such wonderful comedies as Steptoe and Son and Dad’s Army. Wonderful comedy offerings and not an ‘F’ word, or indeed anything stronger than a ‘bloody’ in sight. How must these so-called comics of today feel when they

compare their pathetic offerings to these marvellous classics of old. How would anyone feel when they realise that the only way they can get a laugh is to use the ‘F’ word, or now, in an even new low, the ‘C’ word. You’re all an arrogant bunch of untalented, extremely lucky, inadequates and shame on the BBC, as usual, the main culprit for giving airspace to this bunch of ‘plonkers’. The Comic Relief BBC hypocrisy has also done a U-turn and decided to drop its

FLASHMOB: Unsuspecting shoppers were surprised with sudden dancing

Dancing in the streets A FLASHMOB festive dance livened up the street market in La Marina. The weather may have been dull and dreary but Cindy van Asperen and her Zumba girls brought some festive cheer as they

surprised shoppers with their spontaneous dancing in the middle of the market. The Zumba instructor had previously organised a flashmob back in April 2013 in Iceland, La Marina.

Manhattan Ball ticket launch TICKETS are now on sale for the Manhattan Ball, taking place on May 30 at La Finca Golf and Spa Resort, Algorfa. Spanish Life Properties are sponsoring the event, held in aid of Elche Children’s Home.

There will be Manhattan cocktails on the terrace served by fashion models and a magician, as well as a tombola and entertainment. Tickets cost €19. Email for more information and to reserve.

investments in arms and tobacco. ’Course they would still be continuing arrogantly on had they not been caught out. I don’t know why we put up with this insufferable bunch of traitorous lefties. I’d sack the lot of ’em and start again from scratch. And that’s about it. Apart from the crucifixion of Nigella, but I think there’s been enough writer’s cramp connected to that particular subject! I’m still having to endure all this darn sunshine on the Canary Islands! Ah, well, someone has to do it! I wish you all a prosperous happy and healthy and as PCfree a New Year as possible. Many thanks for all your wonderful correspondence and comments. I know I can’t reply to them all, but I assure you every one is read and noted. Keep ’em coming. Stay positive. Spring is just around the corner. So, whatever ya do, always keep the faith. Love Leapy




Not literate LEAPY Lee says it. Others think it. Really? Over the past seven years, I have read at least a dozen of his contributions and have found nothing he has written that has not been been discussed intelligently somewhere in the media. The difference is that the general media will have presented their arguments in a more mature, literate manner than the ranting and raving of ‘yer Leapy’. David R Worboys, Nerja (Malaga)

Keep ranting RANT away, Leapy. Someone who tells it as he sees it is a rare commodity in the media these days. Don’t let anyone ever stop you. Happy New Year! Andrew Steele, Palma (Mallorca)


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South







07 am

06 am

09 am

07 am

06 am

7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Wanted Down Under 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Rip Off Britain 12:45pm Real Lives Reunited 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm Father Brown 4:00pm Perfection 4:45pm Escape to the Country 5:30pm Antiques Road Trip 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm Holby City 10:00pm The 7.39 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm Secrets of the Body Clock with Terry Wogan 12:15am Insomnia 2:10am Weatherview 2:15am BBC News


6:30am Curious Cat 7:00am This is BBC Two 7:05am Homes Under the Hammer 8:05am Rip Off Britain 8:50am Real Lives Reunited 9:20am Paul Hollywood's Pies and Puds 10:05am Antiques Roadshow 11:05am Britain's Empty Homes 11:35am HARDtalk 12:00pm BBC News 12:30pm BBC World News 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm Darts 5:15pm The Great British Winter 6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Great British Railway Journeys 8:00pm Great British Garden Revival 9:00pm Stargazing Live 10:00pm Stargazing Live 10:30pm The Truth About Immigration 11:30pm Newsnight 12:20am Darts 1:10am Darts 3:10am The Midwives 4:10am This is BBC Two 5:00am Wonders of the Universe


9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 12:25pm ITV News 12:30pm This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV News and Weather 3:00pm All Star Mr and Mrs 4:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal 5:00pm Britain's Best Bakery 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV News and Weather 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm River Monsters 9:00pm Weight Loss Ward 10:00pm The Lying Game: Crimes That Fooled Britain 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:35pm Keane and Vieira: The Best of Enemies 12:50am Brian Lara: Sports Life Stories 1:40am Jackpot247 4:00am Loose Women 4:45am ITV Nightscreen


7:10am According to Jim 7:35am According to Jim 8:00am Will and Grace 8:25am Will and Grace 8:50am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:25am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:55am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:25am Frasier 11:00am Frasier 11:30am Frasier 12:00pm Building the Dream 1:00pm Channel 4 News 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 1:35pm Come Dine with Me 2:05pm Come Dine with Me 2:40pm Come Dine with Me 3:10pm A Place in the Sun 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Deal or No Deal 6:00pm Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm Location, Location, Location 10:00pm The Taste 11:00pm Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00am Secrets of the Scammers 1:00am Pokerstars.Com Ept Barcelona 1:55am KOTV Boxing Weekly 2:25am KOTV Boxing Weekly


6:50am ITV2 Nightscreen 7:00am Emmerdale 7:25am Coronation Street 7:55am Coronation Street 8:25am You've Been Framed! 8:55am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 9:30am Dinner Date10:30am The Real Housewives of DC 11:30am The Real Housewives of Orange County 12:30pm The Millionaire Matchmaker 1:30pm Emmerdale 2:00pm Coronation Street 2:30pm Coronation Street 3:00pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:05pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:10pm The Real Housewives of Orange County 6:05pm The Millionaire Matchmaker 7:00pm Dinner Date 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:30pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm GoldenEye 12:40am Two and a Half Men 1:10am Two and a Half Men 1:40am No Reservations 3:30am Teleshopping



SATELLITE CHANNELS/ Sky1/ 11:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 12:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 1:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 2:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 3:00pm Hawaii Five-0 4:00pm Greggs: More Than Meats the Pie 5:00pm Harrow: A Very British School 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm A League of Their Own 7:00pm A League of Their Own 7:30pm The Simpsons 8:00pm The Simpsons 8:30pm The Simpsons

9:00pm All Aboard: East Coast Trains 10:00pm Cop Squad 11:00pm Road Wars 12:00am A League of Their Own 1:00am A League of Their Own 2:00am An Idiot Abroad 3:00am Ross Kemp: Extreme World 4:00am Stella 5:00am Dog the Bounty Hunter 5:30am Dog the Bounty Hunter

SkyMoviesComedy/ 5:45am Big Top Pee-Wee 7:15am Grumpy Old Men

9:00am National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation 10:40am Liar Liar 12:10pm Cool Runnings 1:55pm Dark Shadows 3:50pm Identity Thief 5:45pm Liar Liar 7:15pm Cool Runnings 9:00pm Dark Shadows 11:00pm Identity Thief 12:55am National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

SkyMoviesChristmas/ 4:35am Hello, Dolly! 7:00am The Space Between 8:30am City Slacker

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Film, 2001)

•Elijah Wood •Sean Astin •Billy Boyd •Viggo Mortensen

10:00am The Oranges 11:40am Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom Special 12:00pm Go for It! 1:35pm Tootsie 3:35pm City of Angels 5:35pm The First Time 7:15pm Step Up 4: Miami Heat 9:00pm Best Man Down 10:40pm Jersey Girl 12:30am Burning Man 2:30am Oka!

SkyMoviesAction/ 4:25am Murphy's Law 6:15am Total Recall: Special (Generic)

Evil forces threaten the peace of Middle-earth. Dark riders from Sauron search for the ring which will give him absolute power. And Frodo Baggins, nephew of dragon-hunting Bilbo, must take the ring on a quest to destroy it in the fires of Mount Doom.

6:30am Stephen Fry/Andy Serkis: Face 2 Face... 7:00am Speed 2: Cruise Control 9:10am Lockout 10:55am The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 1:55pm The Dark Knight Rises 4:40pm xXx2: The Next Level 6:25pm Anaconda 8:00pm The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 11:00pm The Dark Knight Rises 1:50am K-19: The Widowmaker 4:20am Turbulence

TCM/ 6:00am Face of a Fugitive 7:25am Gunsmoke 8:25am Gunsmoke 9:30am Domino Kid 10:55am Return of the Frontiersman 12:20pm Buchanan Rides Alone 1:50pm Gunsmoke 2:55pm Gunsmoke 4:00pm Decision at Sundown 5:30pm The China Syndrome 7:50pm Harper 10:00pm Ocean's Eleven 12:15am Timecode

BBC3/ 8:00pm Top Gear 9:05pm Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 11:00pm Bad Education 11:30pm EastEnders 12:00am Family Guy 12:25am Family Guy 12:45am American Dad! 1:10am American Dad! 1:30am Russell Howard's Good News 2:00am Russell Howard's Good News 2:30am Bad Education 3:00am Knight Club 4:00am Bluestone 42 4:30am Bluestone 42

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Film, 2008) BBC 3 from 9:05pm to 11:00pm Action adventure. In 1957, at the height of the Cold War, intrepid archaeologist Indiana Jones is called back into action when an old colleague is kidnapped. The news of his friend's plight is brought to Dr Jones by a young rebel named Mutt. Soon the two find themselves entangled in a Soviet plot to unleash the power of a set of mysterious crystal skulls. With danger, deception and secrets from the past being uncovered, this could be Indy's toughest quest yet.

BBC4/ 8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm Orangutan Diary

9:00pm Stories From the Dark Earth: Meet the Ancestors Revisited 10:00pm God's Cadets: Joining the Salvation Army 11:30pm The Many Faces of Les Dawson 12:30am Endeavour 1:20am The Code of Life: Great Scientists in Their Own Words 2:20am Stories From the Dark Earth: Meet the Ancestors Revisited 3:20am God's Cadets: Joining the Salvation Army


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South







07 am

06 am

06 am

06 am

07 am

7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Wanted Down Under 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Rip Off Britain 12:45pm Real Lives Reunited 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm Father Brown 4:00pm Perfection 4:45pm Escape to the Country 5:30pm Antiques Road Trip 6:15pm Pointlessmore) 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm Waterloo Road 10:30pm Live at the Apollo 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm A Question of Sport 12:05am The League Cup Show 12:50am Mimic 2:25am Weatherview 2:30am BBC News


6:30am Stargazing Challenges 7:00am Homes Under the Hammer 8:00am Rip Off Britain 8:45am Real Lives Reunited 9:15am Paul Hollywood's Pies and Puds 10:00am Great Continental Railway Journeys 11:00am Kangaroo Dundee 11:30am See Hear 12:00pm BBC News 12:30pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm Darts 5:15pm The Great British Winter 6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Great British Railway Journeys 8:00pm Great British Garden Revival 9:00pm Stargazing Live 10:00pm Stargazing Live 10:30pm The Hidden World of Britain's Immigrants 11:30pm Newsnight 12:20am Darts 1:10am Darts 3:10am See Hear 3:40am This is BBC Two 5:00am Orbit: Earth's Extraordinary Journey


6:05am The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00am Daybreak 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 12:25pm ITV News 12:30pm This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV News and Weather 3:00pm All Star Mr and Mrs 4:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal 5:00pm Britain's Best Bakery 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV News and Weather 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Midsomer Murders 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:35pm The Jonathan Ross Show 12:40am Corfu: A Tale of Two Islands 1:05am Jackpot247 3:55am Space Cowboys


6:10am Kirstie's Vintage Gems 6:15am Deal or No Deal 7:10am According to Jim 7:35am According to Jim 8:00am Will and Grace 8:25am Will and Grace 8:50am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:25am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:55am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:25am Frasier 10:55am Frasier 11:30am Frasier 12:00pm Building the Dream 1:00pm Channel 4 News 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 1:35pm Come Dine with Me 2:05pm Come Dine with Me 2:40pm Come Dine with Me 3:10pm A Place in the Sun 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Deal or No Deal 6:00pm Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm The Restoration Man 10:00pm 24 Hours in A and E 11:00pm Benefits Street 12:05am Secrets of the Living Dolls

7:00am Emmerdale 7:25am Holiday Airport 8:25am You've Been Framed! 8:55am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 9:30am Dinner Date 10:30am The Real Housewives of DC 11:30am The Real Housewives of Orange County 12:30pm The Millionaire Matchmaker 1:30pm Emmerdale 2:00pm The Cube 3:00pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:05pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:10pm The Real Housewives of Orange County 6:05pm The Millionaire Matchmaker 7:00pm Dinner Date 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:30pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Benidorm 11:00pm The Magaluf Weekender 12:00am Fake Reaction 12:50am Two and a Half Men 1:20am Two and a Half Men 1:45am The Magaluf Weekender 2:45am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 3:30am Teleshopping



SATELLITE CHANNELS/ Sky1/ 11:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 12:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 1:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 2:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 3:00pm Hawaii Five-0 4:00pm Greggs: More Than Meats the Pie 5:00pm Harrow: A Very British School 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm A League of Their Own 7:00pm A League of Their Own 7:30pm The Simpsons 8:00pm The Simpsons 8:30pm The Simpsons

9:00pm Ashley Banjo's Big Town Dance 10:00pm Mad Dogs 11:00pm Mad Dogs 12:00am A League of Their Own 1:00am A League of Their Own 2:00am An Idiot Abroad 3:00am Ross Kemp: Extreme World 4:00am Stella 5:00am Dog the Bounty Hunter 5:30am Dog the Bounty Hunter

SkyMoviesComedy/ 4:25am Grumpier Old Men 6:15am Ernest Saves Christmas

7:55am The Big Year 9:40am The Secret Life of Walter Mitty: Special 10:10am Runaway Bride 12:10pm Nutty Professor II: The Klumps 2:00pm The Three Stooges 3:35pm Ted 5:25pm Mr Woodcock 7:00pm Runaway Bride 9:00pm The Three Stooges 10:35pm Ted 12:35am Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo 2:05am Nutty Professor II: The Klumps

•Owen Wilson •Rachel McAdams •Kurt Fuller

3:55am The Big Year 5:40am The Fighting Temptations

SkyMoviesChristmas/ 4:20am The Remains of the Day 6:40am Lincoln: Sky Movies Special 7:00am Paradise, Hawaiian Style 8:35am King Creole 10:35am G.I.Blues 12:20pm Blue Hawaii 2:05pm Girls! Girls! Girls! 3:50pm Fun in Acapulco 5:35pm Roustabout

Midnight in Paris (Film, 2011) When bored Hollywood screenwriter Gil (Owen Wilson) visits Paris with his fiancée Inez (Rachel McAdams) and her parents, he is dismayed to bump into Paul (Michael Sheen), a pompous culture vulture with whom Inez once had a fling. While Inez is readily prepared to be civil and join Paul and his wife on their cultural outings, Gil soon becomes bored and frustrated with their company. Late one evening, after more schmoozing, a few glasses of wine and continued boredom for Gil, he jumps at an opportunity to break off from the group.

7:20pm Paradise, Hawaiian Style 9:00pm Midnight in Paris 10:40pm Ruby Sparks 12:30am Walk the Line 2:50am Struck by Lightning

SkyMoviesAction/ 6:10am Speed 2: Cruise Control 8:25am Kingdom of Heaven 11:00am The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 2:00pm The Scorpion King 3:35pm The Mummy 5:45pm The Mummy Returns 8:00pm The Lord of the Rings:

BBC3/ 8:00pm World's Craziest Fools 8:30pm Top Gear 9:30pm Would I Lie to You? 10:00pm Die Hard with a Vengeance 12:00am EastEnders 12:30am Family Guy 12:55am Family Guy 1:15am American Dad! 1:40am American Dad! 2:00am World's Craziest Fools 2:30am Knight Club 3:30am Would I Lie to You? 4:00am Bluestone 42 4:30am Bluestone 42

World's Craziest Fools (Comedy, 2011) BBC 3 from 2:00am to 2:30am Comedy series in which the A-Team's Mr T tracks down the world's craziest fools, from dumb drivers to stupid soldiers, brainless builders to silly sportsmen and bungling burglars to crazy cops. The show is a mix of clips, animation and funny phone calls... and is not for sissies.

BBC4/ 8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm Orangutan Diary 9:00pm Rome's Lost Empire 10:30pm Hurricanes and Heatwaves: The Highs and Lows of British Weather 11:30pm Horizon

12:30am Endeavour 1:15am Krakatoa Revealed

The Two Towers 11:00pm The Grey

TCM/ 6:00am Harper 8:00am Gunsmoke 9:00am Gunsmoke 10:05am Decision at Sundown 11:35am The China Syndrome 1:50pm Gunsmoke 2:55pm Gunsmoke 4:00pm The Stranger Wore a Gun 5:40pm Island in the Sun 7:55pm Heaven Can Wait 10:00pm Bait 12:20am In Cold Blood

2:05am Rome's Lost Empire

3:35am Hurricanes and Heatwaves: The Highs and Lows of British Weather


2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South



Loose Women adds Ruth Langsford to regular panel, Myleene Klass to guest Richard Shanley



UTH LANGSFORD has joined the Loose Women panel as a regular anchor. The This Morning presenter will join the existing team of anchors - Kaye Adams, Carol Vorderman and Andrea McLean - on the ITV daytime show when it returns in January. Her first show will be on Wednesday, January 8 and will continue to the end of the series. She will also continue to present ITV’s This Morning with husband Eamonn Holmes on Fridays, half-terms and holidays. Langsford said: “Loose Women has always been close to my heart. I have a long history with the show having done the very first series back in

RUTH LANGSFORD: Has a long history with ‘Loose Women.’ 1999. I am thrilled to be back with the girls on a more regular basis, here’s to being Loose in 2014!” Myleene Klass will also join the show as a new guest panellist from January 9. She said: “I’m really excited to be part of a team of strong, feisty, fearless women. I look forward to joining

a conversation that usually happens in my kitchen!” ITV’s Director of Daytime Helen Warner added: “Loose Women for 2014 will see our fantastic existing panellists joined by some new faces along the way. “We look forward to more in the way of fresh topical discussion; and to welcoming

Ruth and Myleene in January.” Thierry Henry has signed for the BBC’s World Cup coverage in Brazil next summer. The former Arsenal star, who now plays for MLS side New York Red Bulls, will join the broadcaster’s presentation team of Gary Lineker, Rio Ferdinand, Clarence Seedorf, Alan Shearer, Phil Neville and Alan Hansen. Lineker said: “Thierry is one of the best strikers to have graced the game and really resonates with the British audience after such a successful time at Arsenal. “He is full of charisma and brings with him tremendous insight from his career in France, Italy, Spain, England and the USA.” Henry, who scored 51 goals in 123 appearances for France, said: “I am delighted to be joining Gary Lineker and the rest of the BBC team for the tournament in Brazil. “I’ve enjoyed playing in World Cups, but to experience it as a

fan and studio analyst will be a new, exciting challenge. I’ve been fortunate enough to play with and against many of the players taking part, so will look forward to watching their performances this summer.” Henry has played at four World Cups, winning the competition in France in 1998, followed by a European Championship win two years later. If you would like me to answer any questions you may have on satellite TV or to expand on anything I have written about please call me on 678 332 815 or email I look forward to your comments and questions. Don’t forget to listen to my radio show every weekday from 10am on Spectrum Radio (90.8FM Coastal & 96.1FM Inland), now covering over 2000sq kms of Costa Almeria or listen online at costaalmeria. for the latest news and views.


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South


The biggest bank heist in history Mike Walsh Mike Walsh. Based in Mediterranean Spain, is an international journalist, author and professional writer.


ESTERN economies have been hijacked by fraudulent banking cartels aided by corrupt political accomplices. The downturn is neither a cyclical blip nor a global downturn. It is a bank raid in reverse. The wealth of many Western nations has been vacuumed up by harsh interest rates and billions in tax funded government bailouts. Accumulative bank interest adds 40 per cent to the cost of everything we and the government buy. A rebellious Greek PM decided on a referendum to choose between Icelandic financial independence or Federal Reserve Bank slavery. He was immediately ousted by a Goldman Sachs director who

was parachuted in. That bank was largely responsible for the Greek and Italian collapse. Latvia was near bankrupted when its government plundered tax revenue to bail out a bank. It did so to access IMF, ECB and EBRD loans which robbed taxpayers who are now paying interest on it. Eager to access Ukraine’s mineral wealth the EU invited the government to sign a trade deal. Offering nothing in return the agreement would bring dreadful penury similar to that experienced by Greece. American threats of sanctions and EU backed demonstrations failed to topple the mutinous President and his Prime Minister. The EU thought it had Ukraine over a barrel when its credit rating was slashed by the banks. EU Foreign Affairs Minister Baroness Catherine Ashton was grinning from ear to ear. Without a single concession made she declared the President was to do a u-turn. Her smirk disappeared when the craftier Russian

WESTERN WEALTH: Affected by harsh interest rates. President Vladimir Putin stepped in and offered Europe’s largest country a lifeline. Similarly intimidated by the IMF and European Central Bank (ECB) the Icelandic government held its ground. In early December four former bosses of Icelandic bank Kaupthing were sentenced to between three

and five years in jail. These crooks had operated a Ponzi scheme in which Qatar was given credit by the bank to buy shares in the same bank and so artificially bloat share values. The Russian Federation, Iran and others operating independent banking services prosecute such frauds. Western govern-

ments approve and are complicit in banking swindles. Today, Icelanders are on their way to becoming among the richest people in the world just five years after experiencing one of the most dramatic financial meltdowns in history. It now enjoys Europe’s highest standard of living. Iceland’s President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson says: “The government bailed out the people and imprisoned the banksters, the opposite of what America and the rest of Europe did.” The Hungarians expelled the IMF and ECB. Costa Rica’s four public owned banks resisted IMF threats. The Costa Rican economy is by far the richest in Latin America. Poverty has been abolished, there are no shanty towns. Rodney Shakespeare, Professor of Binary Economics says: “Global finance capitalism is a fraud and its time is up. And it is also time that we recognise that and start to go for a new system.”


2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South



Take a trip abroad and deal with it Cassandra Nash

A weekly look and not entirely impartial reaction - to the Spanish political scene


AY hallo to your friendly back-street abortionist. She or he, thanks to Justice minister Alberto RuizGallardon, is back in town. RuizGallardon has given Spain or, rather, Spanish women, a law even more restrictive than the 1985 legislation and light years away from 2010’s. A woman will have to be raped or find two doctors willing to certify that her health or sanity are at risk before she will be allowed a termination. Religious beliefs have been made law in a country without a state religion. A woman who does not want a baby will always find a way to get rid of it, regardless of the law. Those with enough money will take a trip to France or Britain and abort in non-judgemental surroundings.

ABORTION: Alberto Ruiz Gallardon’s new law. That was once a favourite solution for the pregnant but unmarried daughters of ministers, leading politicians and pious churchgoers. Doubtless it will be again. At least the airlines will do well out of it.

Free-for-all EVERY autonomous region complains about the way it is

financed by the central government. There are the predictable grumbles not only from go-italone Cataluña and socialist Andalucia but also the Valencian Community and Murcia, which both have PP governments. Not long ago Angel de la Fuente, an investigator at the Institute of Economic Analysis (CSIC) was asked why.

“Communities are not complaining about the system,” De la Fuente said. “What they want is more free money.” When they needed cash in the past they went to Madrid and got it, forgetting that spending more should be paid for with higher taxes, he continued. What De la Fuente omitted to say was that many wanted that free money for Pharaonic undertakings to the greater glory not of voters or the community but the politicians themselves. Perfect opportunities for pocket-lining.

Watch it! WOMEN might be reduced by this government to baby-incubators, but the public of all genders are now regarded as potentially criminal.

Those foolhardy enough to demonstrate when and where they shouldn’t, risk enormous fines thanks to Jorge Fernandez Diaz’s new law. He’s thought up a new one too: the Ley de Seguridad Privada. This allows security guards to frisk, question and detain the public before calling in the police although Fernandez Diaz insists this will occur only in ‘exceptional circumstances.’ If Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana threatens to make Spain a controlled democracy, the minister’s latest novelty will turn it into a cut-price police state.

On the ball OUTSIDE Cataluña, the Spanish tend not to understand the philosophy behind the region’s need for independence. But what about Barcelona FC? The proindependence faction rebuts any suggestion of a problem, as Barça will remain in Spain’s football league. A classic case of having their cake and eating it too.


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South


Made any New Year’s resolutions yet? Me neither and I’m not going to! Nora Johnson

Breaking Views A Costa del Sol resident for a number of years, Nora is the author of psychological suspense and crime thrillers. To comment on any of the issues raised in her column, go to norajohnson

PAY-OUTS: It’s a surprise anyone still wants to join the police, NHS or become a teacher.


OW long did your last New Year’s resolutions last? Three months? A month? A week? Well, all right then, just a few days like mine. (Those three terrible alcohol-free days now just a hazy blur.) Chances are they’ll be even briefer this year if the ’elf ‘n’ safety police still have their way. Remember that brandnew Nintendo Wii Fit U you set your heart on as just the ticket to help you melt away that extra mince pie or second helping of Christmas pudding and bring out your inner siren? Well, before you get too excited, take a look at the safety instructions. Doubtless you’ll be advised that a gadget like this is dangerous, can cause

serious injury if used inappropriately and may contain nuts. I made the last bit up but you get the drift. But it’s the world we live in now, isn’t it? The world of the bureaucratic PC brigade: the unions, the BBC, helicopter mums. Not forgetting here, of course, the world of compensation culture. Last year, for instance, millions in taxpayers’ money was paid

out in compensation to teachers as claims for injury and employment disputes reached record levels. Teachers were awarded amounts worth thousands of pounds for slipping on food in a school hall, tripping on a loose carpet, coming a cropper on a wet floor and keeling over on a mossy path. Other successful claims - arising from

attacks by pupils in a playground, and even on a minibus - ran into six figures. In fact, ’elf ‘n’ safety bureaucracy has reached such a peak it’s surprising anyone would still want to join the police, the NHS, become a lawyer or a banker or a teacher or a firefighter or a carer or go to university. You wouldn’t also want to be a woman or a young person or an old person or have a family, or be a woman and be young and have a family or own your own negative-equity house, or live anywhere but London. And, yes, I could go on and on if it weren’t for the very real risk of developing RSI… Oh, and my New Year’s resolution? Well, that’s really simple. There won’t be one. Because that’s something I know I can keep. Happy New Year!

Nora Johnson’s thrillers Retribution, Soul Stealer, The De Clerambault Code ( available from Amazon in paperback/eBook (€0.89; £0.77) and iBookstore. Profits to Cudeca.

Putting best feet forward to support three charities THREE fundraisers are aiming to raise money for three different charities by walking the Camino Ingles Pilgrims Walk. Members of HELP Murcia Mar Menor, Bernard Ash, Lynda Fleming and Janneke Chambers, are now in training for the challenge which will see them walk the 120-kilometre route over five days from April 15, raising money for HELP MMM, Caritas and DEBRA the Butterfly Children Charity.

IN TRAINING: Janneke, Bernard and Lynda. Bernard said the trio are walking around eight to 10

Residents unite to help poor MORE than 70 families in the San Fulgencio municipality received food, gifts and toys for Christmas. Thanks to the generosity of residents, around 2,000 kilos of food was distributed to those most in need by Civil Protection volunteers along with dozens of toys for children. It is the second year that San Fulgencio has run such a campaign.

kilometres a day in preparation but are building up to a 20-kilometre walk later this month. Already they have raised €1,100 but are looking for further individual or business sponsorship. To make a pledge or to request further details contact Bernard by emailing bernardhelp or call 659 751 611.


2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South



Rafael Nadal - Spain’s greatest sportsman of all-time R

Tony Matthews talks to the Spanish superstar

AFAEL NADAL was voted the greatest Spanish sports person of all-time. The winner of 13 Grand Slam titles and the current number one in the ATP world rankings, he received the award at the Gala for the 75th anniversary of the Spanish sports paper Diario Marca.

NADAL: Voted the greatest Spanish sports person of all-time.

Chosen by readers of the aforementioned newspaper, ‘Rafa’ finished a clear first, ahead of fivetime Tour de France winner, Miguel Indurain with Pau Gasol, without doubt, the greatest Spanish basketball player of all time, third. This is some achievement for ‘Rafa,’ considering how many other famous Spaniards have graced the sporting world over the last 60 years, men like fellow tennis Open champions Manuel Orantes and Manuel Santana, top golfers Severiano (Seve) Ballasteros, Miguel Ángel Jiménez, Sergio Garcia and José Maria Olazábal, Formula 1 stars Fernando Alonso and Pedro de la Rosa, rally driver Carlos Sainz, former captain of the Spanish women’s national team Amaya Valdemoro, road cyclist Alberto Contador, Spain’s national football team coach, Vicente del Bosque, Real Madrid players Iker Casillas, Ricardo Zamora, Antoni Ramallets, Francisco Gento, Alfredo Di Stefano (a naturalised Spaniard), Sergio Ramos, Fernando Hierro and Raul Gonzales, the Barcelona midfield trio of Xabi Alonso, Xavi and Andreas Iniesta, plus Fernando Torres, David Silva, Telmo Zarra and Emilio Butragueño. ‘Rafa’ enjoyed a fantastic 2013 season, coming back from a career threatening knee injury to win both the French and US Opens as well as claiming his 25th and 26th ATP Masters 1000 titles in Montreal and Cincinnati. And ending the year as the world’s number one male tennis player, again! He had already claimed the French Grand Slam title seven times, in 2005-06-07-08 and 2010-11-12; lifted the US Open prize in 2010, won in Australia in 2009, was twice ‘king’ at Wimbledon, winning in 2008 (against Roger Federer) and 2010 (beating Tomäs Berdych, IN and gained a tennis gold D RA LEV medal at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

My records show that to date ‘Rafa’ has played in 658 matches during his professional tennis career. He has won 60 titles overall, and no doubt whatsoever there are still a few more to be collected by the imperious Spaniard. Born on 3 June 1986 in Mallorca, ‘Rafa’ is now considered by many as one of the greatest male tennis players of all time, and that is quite an accolade, especially knowing how many super stars have graced the courts all round the world since the 1950s, namely Roger Federer, Björn Borg, Boris Becker, Rod Laver, ‘Pistol’ Pete Sampras, John McEnroe, Jimmy Connors, André Agassi, Ivan Lendl, Ilie Nastase, Stefan Edberg,

Ranked among top five male tennis players for last 12 years Roy Emerson and John Newcombe. ‘Rafa’s success on clay has earned him the nickname ‘King of Clay’ and now many sports journalists and commentators all over the globe, as well as several former and current players, regard him as the greatest clay court player in the history of tennis. Also a decisive and key member of Spain’s winning Davis Cup teams of 2004, 2008, 2009 and 2011, four years ago ‘Rafa’ became the seventh player in tennis history and youngest of four in the Open Era, to achieve the Career Grand Slam. And he is only the second male - the other is Agassi - to complete the Career Golden Slam. Indeed, he and the Swede Mats Wilander, are the only male tennis players to have won at least two Grand Slam titles on three different surfaces - hard court, grass and clay. And by winning last year’s French Open at Roland Garros,

‘Rafa’ became the first and only man to win the same Grand Slam tournament eight times. He also became the first to win at least one Grand Slam title nine years in succession, breaking the record of eight previously shared by Borg, Sampras and Federer. The much-liked and appreciated Spaniard also holds the record for most consecutive titles at one particular tournament - eighth in a row in the Monte Carlo Masters. And he’s the first player from Spain, male or female, to rank No. 1 in the world for more than 100 weeks. Ranked among the world’s top five male tennis stars for the last 12 years, ‘Rafa’ was the first Spaniard to win the Australian Open, the first to claim seven French Open titles (four on the bounce) and the last to win Wimbledon, beating Federer in 2010, the epic final the longest-ever at that venue. Rafa told me: “Always I sincerely believe that I can play better every time I go on court. But I am exceptionally happy with what I have achieved so far. I know I have been injured quite a lot, but with the right advice and treatment, I can always overcome such difficulties. “In 2010, I came back as strong as ever to win at Wimbledon for a second time and I also gained my first victory in America. Great times.” Starting 2011 as the world’s number one male tennis player, ‘Rafa’ eventually lost the top spot, as well as his Wimbledon crown to Serbian Novak Djokovic. But then, over the next two years, he won his sixth and seventh French Open titles, lost in the 2012 Wimbledon semi-finals to Czech star Lukas Rosol before winning his eighth French Open title against fellow countryman David Ferrer. Next week join me as I talk to Rafa about his tennis career.


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South


Advertising feature

Foreign travel is not such a distant dream thanks to Falken Tours CHRISTMAS has been and gone, the New Year celebrations are over and there is now only one thing left to do; book your 2014 holiday. Dreaming of foreign lands and browsing through dozens of glossy brochures as you choose your next break or holiday of a lifetime is the perfect postChristmas remedy to beat the January blues and Falken Tours are ready and waiting to help and advise you every step of the way. Established on the Costa Blanca in 1997, they have continued to serve holidaymakers and tourists looking for a personal touch and a friendly face when booking their travel plans. Owner, Olaf Falkinowski is originally from Berlin, Germany. He has lived in Spain for 20 years, previously working in hotel marketing in Mallorca before moving to the mainland and working at Alicante airport for a

PERSONALISED HOLIDAYS: Olaf and Simone Elster can arrange all your travel requirements. year. Surrounded by the tourism industry his whole working life he decided to set up Falken Tours, which now has offices in La Marina, close to the Lidl supermarket just off the N-332 and in La Zenia, next to the

Deutsche Bank. From here he can accommodate your every travel wish whether you are simply wanting a flight to be booked and boarding passes printed off, or a family holiday of a lifetime and,

despite the growing trend for cheap internet bookings, Olaf says a lot of people still prefer to deal in person: “There are people who do not feel comfortable buying over the internet, they do not have that personal contact or someone to ask and advise. “We also have people that come in, find what they like and then look for it online but come back saying we are actually cheaper, so the internet is not always the cheapest option.” As members of IATA, the trade association representing and serving the airline industry worldwide, Falken Tours has access to a wide range of flights and packages. As well as Spanish clients, they have a lot of international customers from Scandinavia, Germany and Britain and the travel agency is pleased to be able to offer trips and tours with guides in your own language.

Falken Tours are cruise specialists and have everything from high end around the world cruises, to week long Mediterranean experiences. Already, there are limited places available on the 15 day Mediterranean cruise with Grand Celebration, departing from Valencia on October 25, 2014. A seven day Med cruise in October 2014 is also available, costing from €360 per person. However, if you want to stay closer to home, Falken Tours also do tickets for Benidorm theme parks and the Benidorm Palace and offer travel insurance.

Both the La Marina and La Zenia shops are open Monday to Friday from 9.30am-2pm and from 4-6pm and on Saturdays 10am-1pm. Call 966 790 004 (La Marina) or 966 730 151 (La Zenia) or visit the website


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South



Cancer death rate falls

DEATHS from cancer in the UK have dropped by more than 20 per cent in the last 20 years. According to new figures from the charity Cancer Research UK, death rates have dropped by more than a fifth since the 1990s. In 1990, the disease killed 220 out of every 100,000 people, but by 2011 the figure had fallen by 22 per cent to 170 people per 100,000. Improvements in surgical techniques and drug treatments are believed to have played a part in reducing the number of deaths.

An apple a day keeps heart attacks at bay

AN apple a day may not just help keep the doctor away, but could also prevent people from having a heart attack. Researchers said healthy over-50s who added a daily apple to their diet could benefit as much as those who started taking a tablet. They believe the health benefits are similar to giving statins to everyone over 50 who is not already taking cholesterol-lowering drugs. Researchers said people should not replace prescribed statins with apples but could benefit by eating more fruit.

Put an extra spring in your step WALKING 2,000 extra steps a day could help people at risk of heart attack and stroke cut their risk factors by 8 per cent. Researchers at University of Leicester (UK) looked at 9,306 adults from 40 countries for the study. They said the exercise required is equivalent to walking 20 minutes a day at a moderate pace.

DIET BOOST: A daily apple is beneficial for healthy over-50s.

Just five minutes for perfect skin WE know the theory: we must remove our make-up each night and cleanse in the morning, but many of us skip the morning cleanse. So why is it so important to spend five minutes on this simple beauty regime? Overnight skin secretes more oil, so it is advisable to cleanse every morning to remove it, returning freshness and youthfulness to the skin, as this routine is not a question of age but of skin quality. Without clean skin, even the best treatments may be in vain. If the pores are clogged, the active ingredients in creams will hardly be absorbed in the surface in order to reach the deeper layers of the skin. Therefore, facial cleansing is essential for radiant skin without impurities.

HEALTH & BEAUTY ACTRESS Linda Lusardi reveals all about the tiny berry that soothed her gritty, streaming eyes. While starring in Emmerdale or captivating audiences in panto, it wasn’t always easy for Linda Lusardi to maintain her seductive sparkle. She battled a condition which left her eyelids and sockets inflamed, causing a constant stream of tears and a gritty sensation. “My eyes would be red and sore most days. On set, I’d often have to be shot from different angles to disguise my streaming right eye, which was worse than the left,” Linda revealed. As a model and actress, Linda travels a lot for work and to support good causes. She visited the Costa del Sol in June 2012 with her husband Sam Kane to support the Rhys Daniels Trust alongside Max Clifford and other well known faces. “Whenever I made public appearances people often thought I’d been crying. It was very embarrassing.” Dry eye syndrome occurs when the eye can’t lubricate itself effectively, leading to inflammation, soreness, blurred vision, gritty sensation and the feeling of a foreign object in the eye. Allergies are often blamed for itching eyes, but it is often dryness, especially at the corners. Hot, windy environments, hormonal changes and age can cause the condition, with up to one in three over 65s suffering. Linda also found the problem got worse after having had her

2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South

Lusardi: How I beat the misery of dry eyes

LIFE-CHANGING: Actress Linda Lusardi recommends Omega 7 Sea Buckthorn Oil. children Jack, 13, and Lucy, 16. “It definitely got worse as I got older. I would wear sunglasses and use eye drops, but this was messy and inconvenient.

“Discovering Omega 7 was like a miracle.” A friend introduced Linda to Omega 7 Sea Buckthorn Oil, a natural berry extract, which has been shown to support the

Five tips to detox your body after the holidays THE liver is the organ that contributes the most to detoxing the body. It operates best between 1-3am, but after heavy meals and alcohol at night it will not be at its most efficient, so more toxins are released into our bodies in the party season. The New Year is the perfect time to think about detoxing and to help restore your natural wellness after overindulging over the Christmas period. Try these few top tips to get you started: 1. Think about what you eat: look at your daily diet and raise awareness in your health and well-being every time you eat. 2. Check your cupboards and refrigerator and

throw away all food loaded with sugar and fat to reduce temptation. Reduce fried and processed foods. Store natural products, small portions of lean meats and organic products. 3. Eat daily at least five portions of fruit and vegetables which have not been industrially produced. 4. Decrease your meat intake. Men should eat no more than 100g daily and women 90g. 5. Fasting may help to clean the body’s toxins collected over the holidays. There is no need to starve, but having a day of drinking just fruit and vegetable juices may help the body recover.

mucous membranes that protect the eyes and other parts of the body. Within a few weeks of taking two capsules three times a day, Linda was impressed with the improvement. “I didn’t think it would work so well. I forgot my eye drops one day and noticed that the discomfort never came. My eyes weren’t watering.” Originally part of traditional Asian medicine, sea buckthorn oil has been used by many as a source of essential fatty acids, such as the rare omega-7, which has become popular with women going through the menopause, as well as with sufferers of dry eyes, dry mouth and Sjogren’s disease. “When I’m in panto as the wicked queen, I no longer worry about my make-up running down my face. Not a good look for a villain! Omega 7 has been life-changing.”

Visit for more information.




2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South

Time Out






Famous quote

Intelligence is the wife, imagination is the mistress, memory is the servant.’ Victor Hugo (1802 –1885) French poet, novelist, and dramatist of the Romantic movement.

in history

Women’s wit

The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid.’ Jane Austen (1775 –1817) English novelist whose works of romantic fiction earned her a place as one of the most widely read writers in English literature.

World of English In a cemetery: Persons are prohibited from picking flowers from any but their own graves.

K a k u ro

Costa Blanca weather for next 7 days TOMORROW












Alicante TODAY:



Fri Sat Sun -

19 11 C 20 16 C 16 11 S


Mon - 16 11 S Tues - 16 11 S Wed - 17 12 S


Fri Sat Sun -

20 14 Cl 22 17 C 17 14 S

Mon - 18 12 C Tues - 18 11 S Wed - 20 14 Cl

15 8 C 16 13 Sh 13 9 Sh S Sun,

Fri Sat Sun -


Mon - 13 8 C Tues - 13 9 Cl Wed - 14 10 C Cl Clear,

Fri Sat Sun -

19 15 C 21 15 C 17 12 C


Mon - 17 11 C Tues - 18 12 S Wed - 20 13 C

16 6 C 15 10 Sh 12 8 Sh



Fri Sat Sun -

15 19 C 18 15 Cl 15 12 S


Mon - 13 7 Sh Tues - 13 9 Sh Wed - 15 9 Sh



Mon - 15 12 Cl Tues - 15 12 S Wed - 15 13 Cl




Fri Sat Sun -

11 1 Cl 12 5 C 7 0 C








Fri Sat Sun -

Mon - 15 11 Cl Tues - 14 11 S Wed - 16 12 Cl




Barcelona TODAY:

17 14 C 19 16 C 14 11 Cl





Almeria TODAY:


Fri Sat Sun -




C Cloudy,



Mon - 8 0 Sh Tues - 8 2 C Wed - 10 2 C Sh Showers,


Fri Sat Sun -

20 6 Cl 20 14 C 15 9 Cl

Sn Snow,


Mon - 16 9 Cl Tues - 16 10 S Wed - 18 11 Cl Th Thunder

Fill all the empty squares using the numbers 1 to 9, so that the sum of each horizontal block equals the ‘clue’ on its left, and the sum of each vertical block equals the clue on its top. No number may be used in the same block more than once.


This week 1492: The kingdom of Granada falls to the forces of the Catholic Monarchs, Fernando and Isabel. 1643: The first legal divorce takes place in the American colonies. 1789: The first US presidential election takes place. 1838: Samuel Morse's telegraph system is demonstrated in public for the first time in New Jersey. 1880: Building of Panama Canal, begins. 1933: Construction of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco begins. 1959: Alaska becomes the 49th state of the United States. 1971: Sixty-six football supporters die after crush barriers collapse at the Ibrox Park stadium in Glasgow during a match between Old Firm rivals Celtic and Rangers. 1977: Music publisher EMI ends its contract with punk rock band Sex Pistols following their behaviour in public. 1980: British steel workers stage their first nationwide strike in more than 50 years asking for a pay rise. 1990: The Leaning Tower of Pisa is closed to the public after fears it could topple over. 1993: The Start II nuclear arms reduction treaty is signed in Moscow by US President George Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin. 1996: General Motors announces the building of its first electric car, the EV1. 2000: Catherine Hartley and Fiona Thornewill become the first two British women to walk to the South Pole.

Lottery deadlines Due to early deadlines over the holiday period the Euro Weekly News Time Out pages went to press before the lottery draws. Next week we will be back to normal (Issue 1488). Good luck and have a prosperous New Year!


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South



Starring Liam James, Steve Carell, Toni Collette and Allison Janney. Directed by Nat Faxon and Jim Rash. Runtime 103 minutes. Rated 12.

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20) The enthusiasm of your bright Capricorn mind is also capable of making you restless. There are mixed feelings about being at or near home this week, with thoughts of more progress being possible elsewhere. Your need to make things better for those round you may not make you money but it can bring great joy. Give of your time and talents generously. AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19) When you are at home this week I would like you to consider how you view your surroundings. This is a good week to make changes and have discussions about future directions. It is assumed that those close are happy with the status quo, but this may not be the case. The things which you find irksome may also irritate them. Ask in a tactful and gentle way and you will be surprised at the outcome. PISCES (February 20 - March 20) Pat yourself on the back for all of your efforts of recent weeks. Looking back just a few months, would you have thought so much progress could be made? Because of your efforts, home life is enhanced and you are more appreciated. Give yourself a break at the weekend and do something with a loved one that you have not done together for some time. Think of the great times you had and relive them to warm your heart. ARIES (March 21 - April 20) Rarely has your mind been as sharp as it is at the moment. There have been some awkward and downright bad periods in the recent past, but this week everything falls into place. Why, you wonder, have you worried so much about things which could not be changed? With this clarity of vision, the future seems so much brighter. Use your talents and advantages to the full in this sparkling seven days and beyond.

H ex a g r a m

FOURTEEN-year-old Duncan spends his summer vacation with his mother, Pam, her overbearing boyfriend, Trent, and his daughter, Steph. Having a rough time fitting in, the introverted Duncan finds an unexpected friend in Owen, the gregarious manager of the Water Wizz Water Park. Through his friendship with Owen, Duncan opens up and begins to find his place in the world.



















LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION 1 Tangle, 2 Neatly, 3 Estate, 4 Tramps, 5 Astute, 6 Scared, 7 Rather, 8 Enters, 9 Darted, 10 Hunter, 11 Adorns, 12 Luster, 13 Tended, 14 Resort, 15 Titled, 16 Dreams, 17 Shouts, 18 Tested, 19 Siding

IF ITʼS YOUR BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK: Expecting too much help from others has held you back in the recent past. It makes sense to be part of a team only when everyone is pulling their weight. Some things are best done alone for real progress.

Your Stars

January 2: Cuba Gooding Jr, 46. Academy Awardwinning American actor. January 3: Mel Gibson, 58. American actor, director and film producer. January 5: January Jones, 36. American actress and model. January 6: Rowan Atkinson, 59 . English actor, comedian and screenwriter. money or delay a payment to your advantage. We all have set ideas, whatever our age or circumstances.

TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) For all of the things that you want to do, there are three others that you wish to do. Maybe they are waiting for their own time to come. During the course of this week you will be thinking of what the future could hold, even though dealing with practical issues. While you are doing the ordinary tasks of the day, or thinking of how you can save money, also think about how to save your dreams.

CANCER (June 22 - July 23) When we have long-standing friendships, these are often taken for granted and yet often we could make so much more of them. How long is it since you had a really deep conversation with your closest friends? What has changed in their attitudes and fortunes over the years? How could you help each other to make better progress? Working together brings so much more forward movement and satisfaction.

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) When it isn't possible to change something, often it is just as effective to rearrange it. That is the solution which comes to you this week. Instead of being frustrated at a delay, try changing the conditions or times. This may mean that you save

LEO (July 24 - August 23) Consider what is the most important thing to you at the moment? Is it wealth or social position? Your work, or how it may be possible to afford that new conservatory are minor considerations compared with your greatest asset

Alexandra Jimenez, born January 4, 1980. Jimenez is a Spanish actress who gained fame with her portrayal of Africa Sanz on Spanish soap opera Los Serrano. As a young girl she started studying ballet, and became a professional dancer aged 15. An injury took her away from the dancing stages, and she started pursuing her career as an actress.

The names of which products complete these famous advertising slogans? 1. Have a break. Have a --- --2. A ---- a day helps you work, rest and play 3. Lipsmackin’ thirstquenchin’ acetastin’ motivatin’ goodbuzzin’ cooltalkin’ highwalkin’ fastlivin’ evergivin’ coolfizzin’ ---4. You can be sure of ----5. The car in front is a -----6. You’re never alone with a -----7. Don’t just book it, ------ ---- it 8. Hello tosh, got a -------? 9. Eveninks and morninks I drink -------10. What we want is -------

Nonagram How many English words of four letters or more can you make from the nine letters in our Nonagram puzzle? Each letter may be used only once (unless the letter appears twice). Each word MUST CONTAIN THE CENTRE LETTER (in this case C) and there must be AT LEAST ONE NINE LETTER WORD. Plurals, vulgarities or proper nouns are not allowed.


which is your health. This week, then, is all about boosting this valuable commodity and building its future. Worry, stress, overwork should be words not in your vocabulary. VIRGO (August 24 - September 23) As the saying goes, ʻno one ever said it would be easyʼ. In the past few months you have found this to be true. Hard work is not alien to you, but there is a point where you want to shout ʻenoughʼ. It may be that business or home life needs some rearranging, or that someone is moving job and the routine is severely disrupted. LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) As a home-loving Libran, you are torn between making changes to your surroundings and getting some cash in on the business side. Apparently, it is not possible to do both because energy levels fluctuate. I have a proposition for

January 7: Lewis Hamilton, 29. British Formula One racing driver. January 8: David Bowie, 67. English musician, singersongwriter, producer and actor. you. Get business out of the way during the week and plan home activities for the weekend. . SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22) There is so much in you that is determined and looking forward to a fresh start, but something that you are trying to get rid of, or give up, may be giving you more trouble than anticipated. Some things have to be done alone, or so you think, but others have gone through this before you so they are able to give support. SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21) Is playing the waiting game really to your advantage? Your Sagittarian character naturally leads you to be optimistic, and why not? Even so, it won't hurt to hurry someone along rather than having them go at their own pace. Bear in mind that, in letting someone get away with sloppiness, you are doing them no favours at all.

TARGET: Average: 16

Very good: 30

Good: 21

Excellent: 37

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION dame, dram, kame, made, make, mare, mark, mart, mate, mead, meat, ream, tame, team, term, tram, armed, derma, drama, dream, karma, maker, mated, mater, rearm, tamed, tamer, demark, dreamt, marked, marker, market, marred, remark, earmark, TRADEMARK

Word Ladder LEFT


Move from the start word (LEFT) to the end word (BANK) in the same number of steps as there are rungs on the Word Ladder. You must only change one letter at a time.


The Way, Way Back


10-Star Quiz … PART TWO


The purpose of the Hexagram puzzle is to place the 19 six-letter words into the 19 cells. The letters at the edges of interlocking cells MUST BE THE SAME. The letters in the words must be written CLOCKWISE. The word in cell 10 (BESTED) and one letter in four other cells are given as clues.




2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South




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Unscramble the name of a famous England cricketer: INSPIRE KEEN VET

Across 1 A girl from the Channel Islands taking everything back (5) 4 Flowers Lisa had arranged (7) 7 Clergymen dance so awkwardly (7) 8 Sheʼs just the cup of tea for a Cockney (5) 10 Version of amen, I state (5) 11 Denies judge place back after unpopular initiation (7) 12 A bird regrets losing its wings (5) 14 Phosphorus is put on many bits of land (5) 19 Keep, to look at (7) 21 Bother! Itʼs Henry in the snack bar (5) 22 Some careless language (5) 23 Sea-lord arranging trials (7) 24 Got better after the morning was over (7) 25 Essential to claw back capital only (5)

Unscramble the name of a large city in the US (three words): ATTACK SLY LIE FUNAGRAM SOLUTION: KEVIN PIETERSEN, SALT LAKE CITY

Play on Words


7 Panto character made to change (4) 9 Part of her striptease act is simplicity itself (4) 13 Angered? Awfully! (7) 15 Laborious effort of a few inside track (7)

16 Reasons not to take a bite from a bacon sandwich (4) 17 Soldiers with rope and log (6) 18 Aircraft for Black Sabbath (4) 20 Builder nears trap (5) 21 Trainee soldier from America detained (5)

Code Breaker


Each number in the Code Breaker grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this week’s puzzle, 16 represents R and 14 represents J, so fill in R every time the figure 16 appears and J every time the figure 14 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid.

Across 1 Scratch (6) 4 Tears with the teeth (5) 9 Weather conditions (7) 10 Garden gastropod (5) 11 Pitcher (4) 12 Certain (8) 14 Announced (6) 16 Happening lately (6) 19 One of the Great Lakes (8) 20 Cab (4) 23 Ascend (5) 24 Malady (7) 25 Alternate (5) 26 Expensive (6)

Down 1 Confidences (7) 2 Lift up (5) 3 Summit (4) 5 Motivated (8) 6 Look at closely (7) 7 Flat (5) 8 Adhesive (4) 13 Awful (8) 15 Assign to a role (7) 17 In need of a drink (7) 18 Film (5) 19 Religious order (4) 21 Attentive (5) 22 As well (4)

English - Spanish The clues are mixed, some clues are in Spanish and some are in English.


Answers: A pig in a poke, Quite right

Down 2 Badly aligned in front (7) 3 An advance, we hear, on its own (5) 4 Run away from pudding, say (6) 5 A half rum can be injurious (7) 6 Picture at home with the television on (5)


LAST WEEK’S SOLUTIONS CRYPTIC Across: 1 Rumba, 4 Arctic, 9 Sultana, 10 Donor, 11 Ring, 12 Assuage, 13 Can, 14 Ball, 16 Esau, 18 Sis, 20 Abreast, 21 Tsar, 24 Merge, 25 Airsick, 26 Newest, 27 Elton. Down: 1 Resort, 2 Melon, 3 Away, 5 Radishes, 6 Tantara, 7 Carmel, 8 Pagan, 13 Cleavers, 15 Aircrew, 17 Carmen, 18 Straw, 19 Broken, 22 Saint, 23 Erse. QUICK Across: 1 Easy, 3 Consider, 9 Elegant, 10 Linen, 11 Crept, 12 Indian, 14 Secret, 16 Cuckoo, 19 Beasts, 21 Later, 24 Alike, 25 Insults, 26 Estimate, 27 Asks. Down: 1 Exercise, 2 Scene, 4 Obtain, 5 Solid, 6 Denmark, 7 Rent, 8 Battle, 13 Tourists, 15 Chemist, 17 Unless, 18 Assist, 20 Steam, 22 Tales, 23 Bare.

Across 1 Puppies (of dog) (9) 6 Sour (f) (5) 7 Near (in place) (5) 13 Carreteras (5) 14 Acordar (5) 15 Pulseras (9) Down 1 Which (in questions and reported speech) (4)

2 Match (for lighting) (7) 3 Buttonhole (of garment) (4) 4 Carrera (competición) (4) 5 Abbot (4) 8 Árbitro (boxeo, fútbol) (7) 9 Cross (sign, decoration) (4) 10 Island (4) 11 Puerta (de jardín, ciudad) (4) 12 Camas (muebles) (4)

ENGLISH-SPANISH Across: 1 Racha, 4 Scabs, 7 Dandelion, 8 All, 10 Boo, 15 Demasiado, 17 Owner, 18 Etapa. Down: 1 Rabo, 2 Cod, 3 Asno, 4 Seed, 5 Aviso, 6 Send, 9 Lemon, 11 Odio, 12 Asar, 13 Gale, 14 Luna, 16 Ola.


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South

TOP 10 NEW YEAR CELEBRATIONS AROUND THE WORLD NOW that 2014 has started, it’s time to take a look at the way people welcome the New Year throughout the world. 1. Japan Oshogatsu or New Year celebrations in Japan begin at midnight on December 31, when temples ring their bells 108 times, each symbolising a sin in Buddhist belief. On January 1 people visit shrines often wearing kimonos. New Year’s Day postcards, similar to Christmas cards, are also sent to friends and relatives.

1 2. China Chinese follow the Lunar Calendar, so their New Year may occur any day between mid-January and mid-February. It usually lasts 15 days, making it the longest festival in the Chinese calendar. Red envelopes containing money are passed out from adults to young people. The amount of money given is of even numbers, as odd ones are related to the cash given during funerals. 3. Denmark People throw breakable dishes at their neighbours’ front doors. The family with the most broken plates is considered to be the luckiest one as it means they will have more friends in the New Year. 4. Germany In some areas of Germany people take part in Bleigiessen during New Year’s Eve. In this form of fortune-telling, small quantities of lead are melted in a silver spoon over a candle. The shape that the lead takes when tipped into a bowl of cold water is a symbol for the fortunes of the coming year. 5. Netherlands New Year’s Dives are organised in many towns and villages on January 1, with participants swimming a small distance in the North Sea, lakes or canals. People often eat sweet dough pastries, including

App of the Week iMadeFace Make your own selfportrait with iMadeFace. You can also make greeting cards by adding foreground and background themes. Available for iOS and Android devices.


SPONSORED BY For solutions:

Inside look at Paul Auster BOOKS

AFTER recalling his life through the story of his physical self in ‘Winter Journal,’ American novelist Paul Auster remembers the experience of his development from within in ‘Report from the Interior.’ From his baby’s-eye view of the man in the moon, to the composition of his first poem at the age of nine or his dawning awareness of the injustices of American life, the book charts

Auster’s moral, political and intellectual journey as he inches his way towards adulthood through the post-war 1950s and into the turbulent 1960s. Newark-born Auster evokes the sounds, smells and tactile sensations that marked his early life, as well as the many images that came at him. In fact, the final section of ‘Report from the Interior’ is told in an

‘oliebollen’ (made with raisins and served with icing sugar) or ‘duivenkater’ (a loaf of bread flavoured with butter and lemon rind). 6. Spain On New Year’s Eve families gather for a meal and when the clock strikes 12 times at midnight, it is traditional to eat 12 grapes for good luck. Many Spaniards also don new red underwear on New Year’s Eve, which they later burn for good luck. 7. Philippines Filipinos welcome the New Year wearing polka-dotted clothes to attract fortune and money. Before the clock strikes midnight, all doors are wide open to allow good luck to enter. They also make sure they put in their wallets the money they received on Christmas as they believe whatever condition their wallet is in when the New Year arrives, so it will be the rest of the year.

Sudoku Fill the grid so that every row, every column and every 3X3 box contains the digits 1-9. There’s no maths involved. You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic.

album of pictures. This four-part autobiography is at once a story of the times and the story of an emerging consciousness of a renowned literary artist.

8. Sri Lanka New Year celebrations in Sri Lanka take place in mid-April and also mark the end of the harvest. Rituals include cleaning the house and lighting the hearth, as well as making auspicious dishes to enter into the first business transactions of the year. 9. Brazil Brazilians welcome both a new year and summer, and they do so dressed in white to bring good luck. Lentils are the essential meal in the Brazilian New Year, eaten to ensure health. By midnight on New Year’s

Eve they eat seven raisins, keeping their seeds in their wallets to have money that year. 10. Puerto Rico Puerto Ricans spend the day cleaning their houses before the New Year’s Eve celebrations in the belief that whatever the condition their houses are at the beginning of the year, they will stay that way for 365 days. Following their Spanish roots, they also eat 12 grapes for good luck before midnight.

Boggled How many English words can you find in the Boggled grid, according to the following rules? The letters must be adjoining in a ‘chain’. They can be adjacent horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Words must contain at least four letters and may include singular and plural or other derived forms. No letter may be used more than once within a single word, unless it appears twice. No vulgarities or proper nouns are permitted.



Average: 25

Just Joking People should not worry about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year. It is what they eat between New Year and Christmas that is the problem. An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year’s over.

Good: 32 Very good: 46 Excellent: 57

SCORING: 4 letters: 1 point • 5 letters: 2 points 6 letters: 3 points • 7 letters: 4 points 8 or more letters: 11 points

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION irides, ides, rids, ride, rides, rider, riders, reds, sled, sere, serer, seer, leer, leers, leery, dire, direr, deer, deers, dues, duel, duels, errs, eery, reel, reels, reed, reeds, airs, aired, aids, aide, aides, rude, ruder, rues, rued, eels, erred, your


2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South



Time for a fresh start in 2014? As we enter the New Year it is the traditional time to make a fresh start with resolutions to improve your life. We asked what pledges people were making to themselves, if any, for 2014.

CLEANER Karen McKenna from Lo Crispin (Alicante) has no plans or intentions to make a New Year’s resolution: “I haven’t even thought about it this year, it is a bit of a pointless exercise really. “The only time I kept one was around 20 years ago when my resolution was to stop HOME: Carolina smoking and I lasted until the Garcia wants to April.” be closer to her Student Craig Johnston, aged 23, on holiday in the family and Alicante area from friends London to visit next family, said he year. intends to make a resolution he can keep this year: “Eat more, drink more,

STREET TALK exercise less! I should be able to do that I think!” Carolina Garcia, aged 32, from Pego, has made a New Year resolution: “I want to exceed last year’s expectations and to make true all my new projects.” She added: “I also want to spend next Christmas with my family and friends, because I have been far away from them this year.” She explained that this is the second time she has made a resolution and last year it was achieved successfully so she expects to succeed this New Year. POINTLESS: Karen McKenna has no plans for any resolutions.

Francisco Cabrera from Teulada, aged 61, said he has not made any New Year’s resolutions. He did one a few years ago when he stopped smoking and he is still not smoking, but this year he has “nothing to change” about his life. Deborah Eagland a market stall holder who lives in Arboleas (Almeria) is looking forward to a healthy New Year. “My resolution is to eat more healthily, no more churros at the market. I hope to last all year.” But Leigh Hill, 48 on holiday in Almeria from Sheffield does not do resolutions. The lorry driver said: “I stopped making New Year’s resolutions years ago but, like a lot of people I could do with losing a bit of weight. With my job I spend a lot of time behind the CHURROS: Deborah has wheel and need to knocked the Spanish exercise more.” breakfast treat off the menu.


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South


ood F

Enjoy a glass of wine. To read more turn to Page 60

Costa Blanca’s best guide for local restaurants


Food of the week: Pomegranates ORIGINALLY from Persia, pomegranates are now grown throughout the Mediterranean and also in California and Arizona (USA) after being introduced to the area by Spanish settlers in the 1760s. Currently in season, there are plenty of reasons why people should be stocking up on this seasonal fruit for its health benefits.



The fruit is full of vitamin C and potassium and rich in antioxidants which some people say can help to prevent free radicals and bad cholesterol from hardening the arteries in your body. Research has also shown that eating organic pomegranate seeds and drinking pomegranate juice can increase

oxygen levels to the heart. The small, juicy seeds may not be the easiest fruit to get at or eat, but the effort is worth it. Try sprinkling the seeds over salads for an added health boost, and they can be used in most recipes that call for fruit or seeds.


POMEGRANATES: The small juicy seeds are worth the effort to eat.


Leftover pie STRUGGLED to use up your leftovers? Next year why not put them all together and make a big Christmas dinner pie. That’s what Bray’s Cottage Pork Pies in North Norfolk (UK) has done. Founder Sarah Pettergee has created the giant pie which includes turkey, potatoes, brussel sprouts, chipolatas, cranberry sauce and even a small Christmas pudding in the centre. She said the creation was a oneoff, but would consider doing more next Christmas if there was a customer demand for the pies.

2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South



Traditional Danish pastries are under threat from the EU TRADITIONAL Danish pastries are under threat in Denmark. Their ‘kanelsnegler,’ or cinnamon rolls, could be banned after the EU proposed limiting the use of the spice in an effort to limit the amount of coumarin consumed. Coumarin is a naturally occurring toxic chemical found in cassia, the most common type of cinnamon. Denmark’s food safety agency plans to implement the EU regulations which limit the amount of coumarin used to 15mg a kilo on everyday baked goods. However, in Sweden, the Government has got around the ruling by calling the cinnamon pastries a ‘traditional and seasonal dish’ as they are mainly enjoyed around Christmas and New Year. This allows them to use up to 50mg per kilo. Ceylon cinnamon contains lower levels of coumarin than

CINNAMON ROLLS: A traditional and seasonal dish. cassia cinnamon. Previous studies have linked high coumarin intake to liver

damage in a small number of sensitive people, although some people have argued you

would have to eat a considerable amount of cinnamon rolls to be affected.


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South


Another good reason to enjoy a glass of wine MAYBE people shouldn’t feel so guilty about having that extra glass of wine during New Year celebrations, as scientists in America believe that alcohol could boost your immune system and help make vaccines more effective. The study, conducted by an immunologist at the University of California (USA) and published in the journal Vaccine, could also lead to a better understanding of how humans’ immune systems work. The lead author of the study said research found that voluntary moderate alcohol consumptions boosted the immune system.

GLASS OF WINE: Could boost your immune system. Researchers are now planning on using the findings to look at how they can improve immune responses to vaccinations and infections, particu-

larly in the elderly. The findings add to those of previous studies that show a daily small glass of wine can improve cardiovascular health.


2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South



Takeaway service puts festive spin on favourite dishes FOR those who were looking for something different to traditional Christmas fayre, a takeaway service created a festive twist on customers’ favourite dishes. Just Eat asked 2,000 British customers to name the Christmas takeaway dish they would most like to see and, as a result, they created four special meals including a mince pie pizza, pork and stuffing sushi, turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce kebab and even a brussel sprout curry. They say more than 8,500 takeaway orders were made on Christmas Day in 2012, with over 500,000 orders made between December 23 and 31. All four festive takeaway dishes are available in limited quantities from Just Eat on special request.

MEDIUM PRAWNS: The most requested seafood at this time of year.

Seasonal seafood prices remain largely unchanged SEASONAL seafood prices remained largely unchanged with prices similar to any other day of the year. In Santa Pola’s fish markets, Alicante Province, the highest category of seafood did not see much of a price increase during the festive period as it previously would have before the crisis. The decline in consumption as a result of lower purchasing power has allowed quality seafood to be sold at auction for

‘only’ €80 a kilo this year, while a few years ago large prawns and Norwegian lobster reached up to €300 a kilo. Medium sized prawns become the most requested at this time of the year because they are more affordable for consumers; the price rose to €60 a kilo (the rest of the year it costs about €35 a kilo). The most requested fish at Christmas, like bream or flounder, increased in price by around 15 per cent.


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South


omes& gardens



F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N A B O U T T H E S P O N S O R G O T O W W W . L I N E A D I R E C T A . C O M

New Year gardening resolutions

Dick Handscombe

Gardening Corner By Dick Handscombe Spain’s best known expat gardening author about to start his 26th winter cut back.


OW it’s already now 2014 and time for setting some New Year gardening resolutions to ensure that your garden

enables you to enjoy; • the sunny open air life style that you expected when you came to Spain • daily harvests of fresh chemically free herbs, vegetables and fruit • a great garden that needs little maintenance for most of the year. Naturally we all have different visions of how we want to develop or redevelop

ENJOY: The sunny open air life style that you came to Spain for. our gardens but how about the following for starters. Whatever your final ambitions

for 2014 ensure that they are realistic for the microclimate and soil of your garden and

the time you will have for gardening. Turn to page 64


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South

From page 62. 1. Make the garden into a chemical free zone to the benefit of the family, visitors, pets and wildlife without increasing the exposure to the possibility of major insect and fungal attacks. Luckily the growth of the organic vegetable and fruit industries has led to the availability of products for the amateur gardener as well as the major growers. If you have trouble finding them in your local garden centres, horticultural shops and agricultural cooperatives contact Trabe situated near St. Javier airport in Murcia and buy by mail order via or tel 968-572004 asking for Fransisco Ibanez who speaks excellent English. 2. Since most of the autumn rains were not gathered and stored, invest in guttering and storage tanks. Why not do so next year and also make more use of the TerraCottem soil enhancer that can reduce watering requirements by 50 to 75 per cent to make your collected water go further. 3. Start or extend the home growing of ecological or organic vegetables in order to


Enjoy your garden and life in Spain to the full in 2014 be able to harvest seasonal varieties 365 days a year. Our comprehensive books ‘Growing Healthy Vegetables in Spain’ and ‘Living well from our garden - Mediterranean style’ were written to help you do this whether you have a garden or merely a small town house patio or apartment terrace. Much can be grown in an area even as small as one square metre. With the abandonment of orchards in many areas and the practice of harvesting and selling unripe fruits, more and more expatriates are planning to grow a wider variety of fruit and to do so organically as already mentioned. Our book ‘Growing Healthy Fruit in Spain’ is written to help you with this. It includes advice on some 70 varieties from citrus fruits to grape vines. 4. Reduce the cost of plants by only planting those appropriate for the microclimate of your garden at this

stage. Recognise that the microclimates of neighbouring gardens can even vary depending on the height of hedges and fences, the extent of natural shade and the orientation of the house and the exposure of the garden to hot summer winds and cold winter winds. There are descriptions of some 400 plants most likely to be successful in coastal or inland gardens in ‘Your Garden in Spain.’ Photographs are included for most. 5. Reduce maintenance needs by decreasing the size of lawns, increasing the area covered by terraces and paths and planting non obtrusive plants. 6. Eat outdoors more frequently by establishing a variety of ways of cooking al fresco and cosy colourful perfumed situations for al fresco sundowners, breakfast, lunch and dinners. 7. Reducing pool cleaning

WATER STORAGE: Invest in guttering and gather rainwater. times by only planting clean plants around the pool terrace. See section 3.3 of ‘Your Garden in Spain’ for practical ideas. 8. Stimulate the presence of more wildlife by installing nesting boxes, thick shrubberies as well as changing over from manufactured chemical insecticides, fungicides, weed killers and fertilisers to natural alternatives. 9. Do shred and compost as much as possible from the January/February winter cutback and clean-up.

10. Plant some more trees or plant covered gazebos for summer shade. Such New Year resolutions can help you enjoy your garden and life in Spain to the full and improve the local environment at the same time. If you are retired there are special sections re retirement gardens in ‘Having a great retirement’ available from Amazon Books as are my other books. © Dick Handscombe January 2014

HOUSE PLANTS: In winter they need to gain as much daylight as possible.

Move inside for your winter gardening IT may be a little cold to spend hours in the garden in January, but indoor house plants need just as much attention. The care and attention needed starts from the minute they are bought. People should be sure to wrap them up well for the trip home to prevent them

from the cold and foliage damage. During winter months, daylight is limited so people should give house plants as much light as possible and consider moving existing plants for them to benefit from optimum light. Radiators and air conditioning heating can

dry out plants so people should ‘mist’ them with a water spray or place them over a moist pebble tray. As growth slows during the winter, they need to be watered less often. Plants should be inspected regularly for insect pests and treated immediately if any are found.


2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South

roperty P




Has rock bottom been reached at last? OPTIMISTS who predicted a rise in property prices were proved right, but only by the narrowest margin. For the first time since 2010 there was a year-on-year increase, albeit of just 0.7 per cent, according to Spain’s National Institute of Statistics (INE). The time has not yet come to rejoice, warned Carlos Ferrer-Bonsoms, of Jones Lang LaSalle, an international real estate firm specialising in commercial property management, leasing and investment management. It is still necessary to tread carefully although he was ‘confident’ that prices would stabilise in 2014, Ferrer-Bonsoms said. But buyers will only carry through deals if they can be sure that prices will not continue to fall, he warned. Bankinter’s Jesus Amador was also confident that prices would level out. “Spain’s residential property sector

has hit rock bottom and is at the start of a stabilisation phase,” Amador declared. This, he predicted will produce a recovery that will be rather slower than during previous cycles. Once they have bottomed out, prices are likely to remain stable for several reasons, principally the high unemployment rate, families’ reduced purchasing power and the continuing lack of credit extended by Spain’s banks, said Ferrer-Bonsoms. Postcodes will also play a part, added Julio Rodriguez, former president of the Banco Hipotecario. Recovery will be selective, starting in tourist zones and areas where economic activity is most developed. There are areas where real estate supply outstrips demand but in others with more demand and less housing prices could even begin to rise, he foresaw.

LEVELLING OUT: Property prices.


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South

A complex problem for Real Madrid CF EVEN Real Madrid has property problems. Club President Florentino Perez wanted to turn the stadium complex into a ‘Madrid icon’ incorporating a hotel and a shopping centre. The project was announced two years ago and tenders invited. As is his wont, Perez has attempted to impose his views on board members by awarding the contract to the German group, GMP Architekten working with Catalan architects, L-35 and Josep Ribas. Others on the board would rather see the project handed to a recognised name like Moneo, Foster or Herzog. Discontent increased amongst the dissenters after US consultants Bovis were brought in to analyse the four projects submitted. The Lamela and Populous’s studio predicted it could design the most profitable complex, bringing in another €82 million on top of the €40 million earned from the stadium itself. Moneo’s design provided an additional €45 million and Foster’s a further €76 million. The GMP studio’s plans would earn an extra €52 million.

Real Madrid President Florentino Perez Despite these differences the survey concluded that there was little to choose between the four set of plans, club sources revealed. Yet other sources claimed that the definitive assessments were carried out by club officials.


Foreign investors return to Spanish property market THERE is an upside to every disaster and that holds good for the burst property bubble, too. Prices have fallen and foreign money began to pour in last year. “There has been investment fever since the end of the summer,” said Jose Luis Ruiz, an independent consultant. “Dozens of mutual funds from the world’s biggest countries now have Spanish property in their sights,” Ruiz explained. Such was foreign interest in Spain’s property market last year that investment

in the property sector has returned to the pre-crisis levels of 2008, agreed real estate consultancy CBRE. “Many investors, most of them foreign, are either returning to this market or entering it for the first time. This has produced a slight adjustment in prices,” explained CBRE’s Director for Foreign Investment, Mikel Marco-Gardoque. As well as investors, many private citizens particularly those from the UK, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and

Russia - are buying property here either for retirement or as a second residence. Last year also saw the introduction of legislation that grants a residence permit when a non-EU purchaser buys a property worth more than €500,000. Coupled with the fall in property prices and Spain’s generally benign climate, this, too, has encouraged sales. Sales to non-EU buyers rose by 43 per cent to 14,593 during the second quarter of last year, MarcoGardoque revealed.


2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South

The real estate investment market in Spain takes off

CALLE LARIOS: Malaga street has maintained high rents. optimistic. The last bulletin of the Bank of Spain stated that the country had left behind the recession. Overall the report’s authors say that in Spain commercial property vacancy will continue to increase, and rents fall. But that will be counterbalanced in prime city centre sites which have a shortage of quality office space. There the decline in rents has slowed considerably.

And the report authors expect opportunistic funds to be the most active in the investment market as they snap up bargain basement commercial properties with an eye to a future property recovery. Until now investment activity has been dominated by national private investors, but improving economic prospects, the decreasing perception of risk and the adjustment of prices are encouraging foreign investors.


New rules for communities PHOTO: nito /

A LEADING real estate valuation company, TINSA, is looking forward to 2014 with optimism, for the commercial property investment market. Despite office vacancy figures staying at around 13.5 per cent and rents continuing to fall, the company in its report for 2013 predicts a stabilisation of the market for prime developments, and welcomes back core fund investors to the Spanish property market. The twice yearly report gives an overview of the real estate investment market, the behaviour and strategy of the investors in Spain for the coming months based on the forecast of 15 main market analysts from Ahorro Corporación, Bankia Inmobiliario FII, CBRE Global Investors, Corio, Generali Real Estate, GMP, Iberdrola Inmobiliaria, Inverseguros, Invesco Real Estate, Metrovacesa, Mutua Inmobiliaria, Realia, Reyal Urbis, Santander Banif and Testa. Six months after the release of the last ‘Barometer,’ the outlook on the economic situation is relatively more


URBANISATION communities now have to declare to the Hacienda any payments made of over €3,005.60 to a third party such as cleaning companies, gardeners and plumbers. The new regulation came in to force yesterday (Wednesday) and requires all communities of owners to declare the payments. The General Council of Colleges of Property Administrators (CGCAFE) clarifies that communities are not required to declare fuel purchases and supply of electric energy or water for community use, nor insurance to protect areas or common elements. The CGCAFE said the new rules are contributing to the fight against tax fraud and transparency in the administration of communities.


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SECOND home owners on the Costas got a Christmas boost this season with a boom in demand for holiday rentals. The holiday rentals over the Christmas festive period grew by 59 per cent on the Costa del Sol and 57 per cent on the Valencian Costa Blanca, according to holiday rental website The company said that more and more Spanish are choosing to rent properties at this time of year for a mid-winter break. Its data, collected from its site, showed the Costas as a top destination as Spaniards sought the milder coastal temperatures. Overall there was a 1 per cent rise in enquiries, but the coasts saw big increases in firm bookings. The Canary Islands were also a top destination for those looking for breaks further afield without losing the comforts of home. Fuerteventura saw rental accommodation demand grow by 41 per cent, Gran Canaria by 31 per cent, and

credit Jarp2 /

Christmas cheer for holiday landlords MARBELLA: Popular destination.

Tenerife by 13 per cent. But milder temperatures were not the only factor in choosing a Christmas destination. Those seeking a white Christmas gave a boost to property owners in the country’s ski resorts. Enquiries for accommodation in and around Granada - home of the Sierra Nevada ski station - rose by 49 per cent compared to 2012, while Lerida saw a 5 per

SIERRA NEVADA: Big rise in enquiries. cent rise in enquiries. But Spaniards did not restrict themselves to their home

country. Visits over the festive period to Paris rose 8 per cent, and New York was also high on

the list with an increase of 26 per cent, reported the Kyero property website.


Reach Out thanks public for their support and donations REACH OUT TORREVIEJA said it was “absolutely overwhelmed by the generosity of people” in the run up to Christmas. Karolina Leonard, President of Reach Out Torrevieja said: “Donations came rolling in left, right and centre and sorting it all was a mammoth task for our volunteers.” She added: “Many clubs and groups put on fundraising events plus an incredible number of individuals were just giving; food, money, goods, Christmas presents. “The number is too great to mention them all individually and all we

can do is say ‘Thank You’ to all and every one who has given so very generously throughout this past year.” The charity handed out food hampers to the homeless in Torrevieja and families in most need before holding a Christmas party on Christmas Eve. They also opened up on Christmas morning to cook breakfast and served a Christmas dinner at their premises in Calle Bella Antonia 1 in Torrevieja. The culmination of Christmas at Reach Out is for the third year running the Three Kings party for the children.

2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South

Challenge of lifetime in honour of sister ONE man has taken on the challenge of a lifetime spending the last few weeks cycling from Liverpool to Benidorm. Paul Renshaw, aged 32, left Liverpool on December 4, cycling the 2,200km journey before arriving at Camping Villasol in Benidorm in time to spend Christmas with his family and friends. The charity cycle was to raise money for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research in memory of his younger sister Joanne, who passed away in January 2007 after losing a twoyear-battle with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: “Jo was my little sister, the bravest little sister ever” said Paul as he spoke to the Euro Weekly News on arriving at his destination where his parents were waiting.

COMPLETED: Paul ends his journey in Benidorm, greeted by parents Frank and Ann. Recalling his adventure Paul said: “When I was very close to Teruel, I had an incident with wild dogs; it was pitch black and I could hear a deep growl. I was scared but during my ride I had experienced lots of luck and in the end, everything that happened became an

Feeding directions for dogs ALL pet foods are required to provide feeding directions on the label. Unfortunately, feeding directions can be misleading. They are guidelines and should only be used as such. Dogs generally eat enough food to meet their energy needs. If the food is nutrient dense, providing a high number of kilocalories (KC) per cup, the dog will need to eat less. One of the main problems is that most dogs’ feeding directions are calculated based on an average dog or puppy. Since these are average figures, and since no two dogs are the same, it is apparent why feeding directions can be so misleading. Your dog is unlikely to fit the average. The best method of determining the proper feeding amount for your dog is to start with the recommended level on the package. Increase or decrease the amount by the way the dog should look. As an example if you have a 20lb dog, eating one-and-a-half cups per day of a new food, and he starts gaining weight, decrease the feeding level to one cup. Conversely, if the dog begins to lose weight you should

SPONSORED BY For all dog treats please email:

David THE Dogman Listen to David on TRE every Saturday 10am to 11am Costa del Sol (Gibraltar/Sotogrande) 98.7fm (San Roque to Calahonda) 91.9fm (Calahonda to Motril) 88.9, Costa Calida 92.7fm Costa Blanca (Torrevieja to Elche) 105.1fm (Elche to Calpe) 88.2fm, (Calpe to Gandia & Ibiza) 104.6fm, (Denia to Valencia) 95.3fm Mallorca 103.9fm

increase his daily intake to two cups. All puppies and young dogs up to the age of 12 months should be fed three meals a day. Adult dogs from 12 months to eight DINNER TIME: Adjust amount accordingly. years should be fed two meals a day. Dogs from the age what your dog’s ideal weight should of eight years should be fed three be, ask your vet to help you. small meals a day. For your local radio frequency log onto If you have any problem as to

unforgettable adventure.” You can make a donation via renshaw1.



Children’s Christmas presents MEMBERS of the congregation of the Torrevieja-based church International Christian Assembly brought Christmas presents to almost 40 children in the Torrevieja area. Pastor Raphael Restrepo said: “It never ceases to amaze me how generous the people in our church are, every year the amount raised increases and we can provide presents to children who would otherwise have a very sad Christmas time.”

Neighbourhood Watch supports local charities FOR the fourth consecutive year, Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) in Campoverde has collected food, clothes and toys for Caritas in Pilar de la Horadada and the San Jose Orphanage in Orihuela. NHW presented Caritas with around 300 kilos of dried and tinned food items as well as sweets and toys for the children, several bags of clothes and a monetary donation of €322. Later they gave the charity €755 on behalf of the Happy Days Golf Association in Cabo Roig. The Parish Priest, Padre Jose Antonio, was also given a large donation for the orphanage of toys for infants and young children, small items of jewellery for older children, clothes and school items. NHW in Campoverde will continue to collect clothes, household items, toys and food for Caritas throughout 2014. A box is available in GAMA supermarket for donations.


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ervices S










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2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South



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E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South




2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South



Advertising feature

Spanish Number Plates; professionally putting you on the right side of the road GRAHAM SHELTON is now in his seventh year of vehicle re-registration and over that time has dealt with more than 1,400 vehicles as diverse as 125 cc motorbikes, motor homes, vintage cars as well as the more regular family cars. His legally registered business is Spanish Number Plates which continues going from strength to strength as the amount of referred customers, those responding to adverts in the Euro Weekly News and its well received website, keeps him more than busy. To keep up with the workload whilst maintaining a high level of customer service, Graham invited Leigh Blann, a fellow cricketer with Torrevieja CC, to join him a few years ago and the two have become a formidable team with a reputation of doing whatever it takes to complete a job at no extra cost. Graham said: “Re-registration is not simple and requires a significant understanding of the system. One of the biggest issues faced is countering the misinformation put out by the notorious ‘bar-room lawyers’ who know

GRAHAM SHELTON: A specialist in vehicle re-registration. everything and nothing. A general guideline is that virtually any vehicle owned by someone before they registered in Spain via the Padron or Residency can be put onto Spanish plates.”

More troublesome situations are where a vehicle was purchased after the owner moved here, so before buying a car outside Spain seek advice. Graham constantly writes in the press about motoring law and has become a

WIBC thanks its supporters AT the end of another year, Women In Business Club Spain (WIBC) wish to thank everyone who has supported them in 2013. President Maria Verrecchia-Norman said: “Although basically a networking organisation for women involved with local businesses, we also help to support various refuges for victims of domestic violence in the Marina Alta area and women and children in need.” She added: “To raise money we organise events to celebrate White Ribbon Day in November and International Women’s Day in March. Thanks to all who attended, the stallholders, entertainers and others who make these events so popular. WIBC-Spain has helped many people in 2013.”

‘go to’ source of information given freely and free of charge. Why re-register? European law demands that a vehicle is registered in the country in which it is normally kept. A vehicle can only remain in Spain for six months before it is required to leave the country for six months on a rolling basis; hardly practical. Taking a vehicle back to the UK for its annual MOT does not make it legal, nor does the voluntary ITV inspection. Re-registration is a team effort. Graham and Leigh both speak Spanish and work in harness with a specialist motoring lawyer. Daily they call upon the help and advice of other specialist professionals to ensure that a seamless service is provided to the customer So for a legal, honest service that is completely professionally and quick with no hidden charges or surprises, then call Spanish Number Plates on 966 753 375 or 605 319 889. Visit or email

Make volunteering for K9 your New Year’s resolution

RAFFLE: Hopeful ticket holders waiting for the draw in San Fulgencio.

Campaign to boost Christmas trade SAN FULGENCIO’S annual Christmas raffle draw took place just before Christmas, with one lucky ticket holder winning vouchers totalling €600. The event ‘Christmas in San Fulgencio, closer to you’ was organised by the town hall in collaboration with the Association of

Merchants and Entrepreneurs in San Fulgencio, in a bid to support and boost local trade. During the festive period shoppers were issued with raffle tickets giving them the chance to win the top prize plus numerous other vouchers to be spent in the municipality and at the

25 stores taking part. A total of €2,650 worth of prizes and vouchers were able to be won. The draw took place in the Plaza de la Constitucion as the Christmas market was being held before a magic show for children by Mago J.

THE K9 animal charity’s Christmas raffle raised €566. All 17 winners have been notified and the La Marina charity shop reopens today (Thursday) from 10am-5pm. A store is now also open in Almoradi. Any unwanted household items, games, clothes, electrical goods, white goods, furniture and bric-a-brac are always needed and wanted for the stores to continue funding the work the charity does in caring for abandoned cats and dogs. Call 965 077 208 or 661 350 963 for item collections. Volunteers are also always wanted to help with the animals so if you can spare a few hours a week call 600

JACK: Looking for a new home.

845 420. Or maybe you can give a new home to one of their animals? Jack is the latest dog looking for his forever home. He loves affection and is very affectionate also. Jack is good with children and other dogs and because of his size needs only a small space to live. Phone 600 845 420 for more information.


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South


lassifieds C




ALARMS: All types, quality systems, very reasonable, guaranteed. Tel: 966 797 370 / 600 237 223 (206434) KEEP BURGLARS OUTSIDE YOUR HOUSE WITH A GRILL ALARM. REJAGARD THE ORIGINAL GRILL ALARM 645 495 484 (207577)


WANT TO WRITE for profit? Established author available to help. At-home courses, total support. Guaranteed formatting for Kindle. 689 742 289




IT IS ILLEGAL TO SKIPPER BOATS WITHOUT A VALID LICENCE. If you are caught skippering a power boat without a licence, you WILL BE FINED. Possessing an (internationally recognised) RYA licence saves money. Contact us now with NO OBLIGATION. Richard Plaster 638 056 224 / en / erboating-level-2 (207534)

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS IS ALCOHOL COSTING YOU MORE THAN MONEY? Drinking to excess not only affects your health it can spill over into every other aspect of your life – damaging everything that is important to you. Englishspeaking AA meetings are held throughout the Costa Blanca from Valencia City to Murcia. Anyone wishing to attend a meeting or discuss a possible drinking problem contact Costa Blanca North: *648 169 045* or Costa Blanca South: *625 912 078* or Costa Calida *679 385 105*. All calls are treated in the strictest confidence. AA in German: 645 456 075; Spanish: 679 212 535; Flemish: 635 047 053; and Scandinavian: 659 779 222. FULL GOSPEL Business Men’s Fellowship International. We are a Christian organisation with a difference. Breakfast meetings for men each month including a testimony time, & time to ask questions for those who seek answers. Info: Stuart 968 575 417 or 664 673 863


ROUNDABOUT CHARITY SHOP. We are now into summer and very soon we will be feeling the heat! It is time therefore for another visit to the shop where you might find a bargain or two. Choose from the clothing selection, jewellery, household goods, books or bric a brac. There is usually something there for everyone —- but not always. Charitable donations have recently been made to The Alzheimers Centre, Cancer Research and The Amigos Ambulance Service. We still need your help with donations etc. Please keep them coming in! During July and August the shop will only be open Wednesday to Saturday from 09.30 until 13.00. We are situated on Avenida Del Furs close to the Fountain Roundabout and immediate left by Don Colchon bed shop. (93325) THE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF QUESADA, meets at new premises, Hamiltons Bakehouse, Calle Vicente 62, Blasco Ibañez, Benijofar. Sunday Service at 11.30am. A Tuesday evening of Mediumship at 7.30pm and every Thursday there is an opportunity to develop your skills at the Open Circle at 7.30pm. Spiritual Healing is available Sunday and Tuesday. Contact Wendy on 965 323 028. (95454) THE ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION, Torrevieja Branch, meet at 17.00 on the first Wednesday of each month at the Restaurante El Paraiso, Urb. Jardin del Mar 3 (behind Carrefour), Torrevieja. Contact Mike Wright, Chairman 966 722 895 or Margaret Forshaw, Secretary 966 921 996. (95455) HELP VEGA BAJA. We help anyone, any age and any nationality, 24hr helpline. Offices based in San Miguel at Calle Lope de Vega and in Torrevieja on Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia 4. You can contact us on 966 723 733 between 10am and 1:30pm or online at For emergencies 24hr helpline 965 704 282 (95456)

THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Orihuela Costa - covering from Punta Prima to San Javier. The branch meets at Olympia restaurant, Mil Palmeras on 3rd Thursday of each month at 19.00 19.30pm. More info can be found on branch website (95457) THE BAKER FOUNDATION for SPIRITUAL AWARENESS. 16 Nicolas De Bussi Ave, Playa Flamenca. Sunday Service every week 11am to 12 noon, everyone welcome. For further details please phone/fax 966 760 665 (95458) THE PHILIP SCOTT LODGE No 10671 of the RAOB meets every Friday in the Bar Catorce, Benijofar. Please call the secretary, Colin Bird on 653 066 919 for further information. (95459) CHARITY BOOK STALL PEGO THURSDAY MARKET. Selection of over 500 books, all proceeds given to the elderly/disabled of Pego and local Animal Rescue. More stock always required please contact Chrissie 965 977 228/617 647 395 (95460) THE ANGLICAN CHURCH, La Fustera. For more info: contact Frank Bentley on 966 495 188 (95461) CANCER SUPPORT GROUP (MABS) MURCIA/MAR MENOR Help and support is just a phone call away, Avda Rio Nalón, Tel: 693 275 779 (95462)

speaking church now located on Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas 68, Torrevieja. The Sunday Service, including Communion and Creche/Sunday School, commences at 10.30am with a Bible Study/Prayer Meeting on Wednesday evenings at 6.00pm. Telephone 966 700 391 or call in to the Church any day between 9.00am until 1.00pm. Monday to Friday to find out more about Church activities. (95464) THE AIRCREW ASSOCIATION COSTA BLANCA BRANCH. Former & serving aircrews of the UK or Allied Armed Forces are welcome to join this convivial & friendly organisation, now in its 21st year. www.acacostablan or call the Secretary on: 966 495 042 (95465) HELP MMM CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Appointments for cervical, breast and prostate screening in the Murcia area, please ring 680 393 257 (95466) THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION JAVEA BRANCH meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month @ Scallops Rest on the Arenal at 11.00am. Everyone is welcome to attend as a visitor and join the branch if they wish. Anyone needing any help or advice on welfare, or any information regarding the branch can contact either Sheila on 965 791 270 or Roger on 965 790 123 (95472)

PILAR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH, Calle Canalejas, 3. Pilar de la Horadada. Sunday Service at 11am & Thursday at 5pm for Prayer and Praise and Worship. Home groups meet during the week. All welcome from any church background or none. For further information, contact PilarChristian.Community / 968 575 417 / 966 848 806 Reg No: 2009-SG/A (95463)

TORREVIEJA STROKE SUPPORT GROUP meets each Friday 3pm to 5pm in The Annex, (behind Age Concern Centre), Calle Paganini, Urb. La Siesta. Our aim is to support stroke survivors and their carers by a range of facilities from speech therapy, rehabilitation exercise, group discussion etc. For info: Louie 96 671 8964 or Carol, Secretary: 966 765 488, e-mail: strokesupportgroup@hotmail .com Donations and further voluntary helpers are needed and guest speakers with relevant knowledge or experience are very welcome. (95473)

TCF is a multi-national English



Gran Alacant Branch meets 1st Tuesday of every month at The Norwegian Club on Sierra Mar Urbanisation at 7pm for 7.30pm prompt. For further info contact Barbara Turnbull, Branch Secretary on 608 994 456 or e-mail b_dmt1966@ (95474) CAMPELLO CONTRA CANCER in conjunction with AECC Association Español Contra Cancer has opened a charity shop at C/Virgen de los Desamparados No 13 (next door to Mas y mas) El Campello. The shop is open Mon-Fri 10 - 2pm and is run by unpaid volunteers and all monies raised goes to the AECC. We urgently need donations of clothes, books, large and small furniture etc, and we will arrange collection of large items. We need volunteers to help out in the shop and also clothes rails, shelves etc. for display. Please support your local Cancer charity and if you wish to obtain literature or simply talk to someone. Please stop by at the shop. Contact Mina or Trisha. Tel 650 071 278 or 610 921 413 e-mail (95475) International Christian Assembly Calle Pilar de Horadada 5, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational Sunday services 11am Children’s church 11am House groups in Torrevieja, Los Balcones, San Javier Ladies meeting Thursdays 11am. Pastor, Rafael Restrepo All nationalities welcome 966 799 273 / 660 127 276. (95476)

CHIMNEY SWEEP PROFESSIONAL CHIMNEY SWEEP. Family business established over 60 years. 660 478 881 (217460)

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2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South PERGOLA COVERS TAILOR made, durable canvas, sails, umbrella, spa and BBQ covers. Mazarron based, and at Procomobel Market, Guardamar Saturday mornings. 667 879 399 kruger (219740)

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INTERNET SCRAP YOUR CAR LEGALLY. Cash paid for newer cars, but all cars taken and legally disposed of for free and Baja Final issued. Call 667 711 380 (216565)

GOLD WANTED GOLD WANTED. English jeweller will buy broken, unwanted jewellery and coins. 664 890 990 (217530)

INSURANCE SOS INSURANCE. www.sosinsurancein Best prices available. CALL US FIRST for all your insurance needs, including best deals on funeral plans. Buildings and contents cover from just 98 euros per year. Tel 966 787 123 / 686 116 297. If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us and why not like our facebook page at www.facebook .com/sosinsurancein to help promote our services to other expatriates. (207808)

GATAMI ORGANISATION, to help kittens and cats, looking for good homes, also spaying wild cats in the community. Kittens require adoption, fully vaccinated, de-wormed, defleed. We also need volunteers to help Car boot sale in Polop on Sundays Tel Anna: 966 806 976 / 654 729 977 (95709)


GARDENER, 25 years working in Spain. English/Spanish spoken. Private gardens and communities. Free quotes, billthe Tel 699 682 630 (217645)

QUALIFIED TRADESMAN Electrical, plumbing, fencing, painting, balustrades, satellite TV installation and general maintenance. Tel 965 328 361 or 680 934 549

P.E.P.A. VOLUNTEERS & FOSTER HOMES URGENTLY NEEDED. By fostering an abandoned dog, or spending a few hours each week on our telephone helpline, you could help save the lives of many animals. Please call: 650 304 746. For more information browse our website: EURO WEEKLY NEWS CLASSIFAX AGENT (95708)


MOTOR INSURANCE. For the most competitive quotes in English call Linea Directa on 902 123 153, you could save as much as 30% and you can transfer your existing no claims bonus. Call Linea Directa on 902 123 153 for motor insurance with a human voice in English from Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm and save money now! (95302)

WANTED WANTED Cars, vans, caravans, 4 X 4’s British Spanish 600 781 873 (215783) WE BUY, Sell, Remove all types of Mobile Homes. We pay CASH and cover all of Spain. More details call Suzi Caley 616 250 727 / 951 063 059 or email (207499)

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FOR SALE CAMPER VAN, British reg, 1996. Peugeot chassis, Turbo diesel, 2.5 only 36,000 miles, 6 metres. Tax and MOT for 11 months. Includes safari room. Bike rack, many extras. Ready to go. Lady owner. View at Caravanning la Manga. 15,000€. Telephone 639 537 666 Pictures available (206394)

NURSERY HIRE KIDEASE NURSERY HIRE. Wide range of Children’s Equipment FOR HIRE. FREE DELIVERY 7 DAYS A WEEK. Family business. Telephone: 966 764 267 / 665 124 448 www.kideasenursery (215842)

PET-COURIERS.COM – If you love your pet try us first – we are the best. Door to door service throughout Europe. Specialised vehicles – bespoke service. Full legal service including documentation if required. For further information call or e-mail us: Tel: (0034) 651 033 670 or (0034) 637 066 227. Email: or (200622)

YES YOU CAN HAVE A POOL We design & install Wooden Above-Ground Pools. Pools installed from 1,185€. With above ground pools there is “No Planning Permission Required”. You can also pay in Sterling. Phone or email for a FREE BROCHURE NOW. Tel: 965 050 064 / 634 322 672


PET TRANSPORT INTERPAWS: 20 years’ licensed pet transportation. Competitive rates. Difficult dog? Effective behavioural training in your home. Telephone: 689 742 289 (204958) PET TRAVEL UK family pet transporters Spain/UK. Travel with your pets for free. All air conditioned vehicles (no vans) / UK 0800 612 4922 or Spain 960 130 537 (201747)

PET CHARITIES EASYHORSE CARE RESCUE CENTRE We aim to rescue HORSES. If you would like to DONATE please call 965 967 033 or sales@easy www.easy or call Sue 652 021 980 (95706) SPAMA GANDIA SHELTER. Dog and cat rescue registered charity, La Safor area. 500 animals awaiting rehoming. Shelter open 7 days a week 12noon - 2.00pm & 3.30pm - 7.00pm. (Spanish speaking staff) or phone Gail 962 896 118. Visit our website for directions. and view our new blog at www.spama-sa PLEASE HELP US TO HELP THEM (95707)

SM203 - 2 bedroom, first floor apartment in Pinada Golf, Villamartin, bathroom, lounge/diner, kitchen, utility room, terrace, balcony, communal swimming pool and 3 air con units. For long term rent, 350€ pcm - 965 720 766 (89468)




SM65 - San Miguel - Unfurnished 3 bed det villa in Torrestrella. Villa has stunning views across the valley of San Miguel and mountains. 2.5 baths, utility room & garage, private pool, summer kitchen with bbq. Plot size 675 sqm, build size 136 sqm. For long term let 750€ pcm - 965 720 766 (89468) SM106 - El Galan - Spacious part furnished 3 bed detached villa in El Galan, San Miguel. 2 bathrooms, dining room, private swimming pool, patio area. For long term let 695€ pcm - 965 720 766 (89468) SM147 - Large 5 bedroom detached villa in El Galan, San Miguel. 4 large bedrooms & small occasional bedroom, 3 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, 2 lounges, dining room, sun room, terrace, garage and private swimming pool. For long term let 995€ pcm - 965 720 766 (89468) VILLA for rent situated amongst amongst fruit trees in 31,000m2 plot, Catral / San Isidro, pool, garages, stunning mountain views. €550pcm. 0044 7797 862 874 / 0044 1534 490 901 (200466)



E W N 2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South

REMOVALS EUROPEAN removals and transport with scheduled UK routes. UK Company, fully legal, taking loads from 5kg to 24,000kg. Lowest prices and the best service. 952 816 582 or (201300) INTERNATIONAL and European Removals. Expert removals worldwide. www.universalremovals.c om. Tel: 951 247 834 (206460)


SPANISH lady - classic. Playa Flamenca, private house, 35 years, attractive. All erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie. From €40. Ana 680 735 412 (206482)


QUALIFIED SEAMSTRESS 40 years experience, turn-ups to tailoring patterns taken from your favourite cloths, reasonable prices. Torrevieja, Sandra: 966 799 188 / 680 486 336 (216564)

GORGEOUS ENGLISH BLONDE 45 years, gives discreet massage, 1 hour or overnight stay. 15 mins Alicante airport. Tel Karen 662 049 021 (218999)


GENERIC Viagra extra strength 120mgs. Also Kamagra 100mgs and Weekenders (Cialis). or phone Colin 680 878 735 (218839)


UK-SPAIN-IRELAND. Removals with the personal touch. Pets transported 965 696 750 / 0044 (0) 7447 918 589 e-mail chrisy (217041) SPANISH MOVES. Small removals and deliveries. Spain/UK Budget prices. Last minute jobs undertaken. Telephone UK 0800 612 4922 or Spain 960 130 537 (201747)


MAN AND VAN UK - Spain. 2 vans travelling twice a month, Murcia - North / South UK. Tel 610 846 260 or 0044 751 918 6355 email (215762) UK - SPAIN Removals. Masses of experience. New clean vehicles. Insured with AXA. Genuinely CARING service. FULL and part moves. ONLINE QUOTES!! UK 08456 443 784 / ES 634 344 787 (207584)





MAN and van. Leaving Spain 17th January to U.K. Have ¾ of large transit available if interested. 622 569 138 (201749)


JACUZZI, SPAS, HOT TUBS WANTED. Working or not 650 722 905 (217479) WANTED Quad Bike and Jet Ski. Call 650 722 905 (217038)

XXX RELAXATION Readers of a sensitive disposition may find some of the advertisements in this section offensive.

For daily news visit

SWINGERS + SINGLES EVENTS. Meet like minded people in purpose built club – www.swingersbenidorm .com (207427) SOPHIE, elegant, slim, sexy, naughty lady. Home, hotel, services 693 357 526 (217416) THAI LADY. For massage and lots of pleasure. Cabo Roig. 605 292 304 (218781)

CLASSIFIEDS BEAUTIFUL caring lady. Enjoys giving and receiving pleasure. Discreet location. 9am to 9pm. Campoamor. Liddy 677 865 831 (217628) Guys, transvestites, complacent, feisty. We are eager and hot. DARE!!! 616 804 411 (217953) ASHLEY - 29 ENGLISH. Mixed race. Absolutely stunning. Near Torrevieja Hospital. 665 883 576 (218845) BEAUTIFUL Dutch girl, 32, slim, blonde hair, big breasts, all fantasies. Campoamor, 676 067 381 (217139)


2 - 8 January 2014 / Costa Blanca South




SPONSORED BY For best rates in motor insurance call: 952 89 33 80

DESIGN: Pure in its lines featuring sharp edges.

Lamborghini Huracan with redefined luxury QOROSCLOUD: Eight-inch touchscreen infotainment system.

Second member of the Qoros family for 2014 THE second production model from the Chinese car brand Qoros will be launched at the 84th Geneva Motor Show in March. With elegance and simplicity as the key design language, the debutant will echo the high specification and European quality standards of the Qoros 3 Sedan. The car has been designed to appeal to the young, modern, ‘always connected’ metropolitan customer, with state-ofthe-art features including the QorosCloud infotainment system accessed via an eightinch touchscreen. The second member of

the Qoros family is based on the same modular platform as the Qoros 3 Sedan, which made its world premiere at the 2013 Geneva and Shanghai Motor Shows. In September, the Qoros 3 Sedan became the first car developed in China to be awarded five stars in Euro NCAP crash tests. Following Qoros’s commitment to introduce a new model every sixto-12 months, its second model will go on sale in China in 2014. The rapid sequence of model introductions is possible thanks to an innovative modular platform and flexible product development processes.


UTOMOBILI Lamborghini aims at redefining the benchmark for luxury super sports cars with the brand new Huracan Lamborghini. A successor to the iconic Gallardo, the Huracan combines absolute performance with easy-todrive road behaviour. The new Huracan is pure in its lines, featuring sharp edges, monolithic and sculptured panels and precise surfaces, the Italian manufacturer says. The silhouette of the vehicle is defined by only one line that merges the front with the cockpit and the rear of the car. The lateral windows come together to create a hexagonal form inserted in the car’s profile. The headlamps and other light functions are equipped with full LED illumination, setting this technology as a standard feature for the first time in the segment.

RE-PLATE MATE Don’t take a chance! Don’t break the law! Take the hassle out of re-registering your vehicle onto Spanish plates We endeavour to better any genuine quotation 490 Euro + Road Tax + CO2 emission tax if applicable

Alan 662 249 159

HURACAN: Successor to the iconic Gallardo. The interior of the Huracan, to be launched in spring 2014 at an estimated starting price of

€180,000, is dominated by a 12.3-inch, full-colour TFT instrument panel which delivers all car information

to the driver. Nappa leather and Alcantara distinguish the interior, with several colour combinations offered. The new Huracan’s hybrid chassis is made of carbon and aluminium elements. With a dry weight of 1,422kg, it enables a power-to-weight ratio of 2.33kg per horse power, while guaranteeing racecar precision. The new 5.2 litre V10 engine delivers a maximum power of 448 kW/610 HP at 8,250 rpm, and a maximum torque of 560 Nm at 6,500 rpm.


E W N 2 - 8 January 2014/ Costa Blanca South



Leigh Halfpenny

Tennis ace Andy Murray was named BBC Sports Personality of the Year, receiving 51 per cent of the vote. Welsh Rugby Union star Leigh Halfpenny came second and jockey Tony McCoy third. TO READ MORE VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.EUROWEEKLYNEWS.COM

Costa Blanca’s best guide to local sport

€100m Bale stole the headlines as Tendulkar retired and Aussies triumphed Tony Matthews

International Sports A former football player and the world’s most prolific author of football books (more than 100 published), Tony is also the sports reporter for Spectrum Radio and lives in the Cabrera mountains.

Costa de Almeria

Tony Matthews concludes his review of the sporting year... SEPTEMBER Gareth Bale became the world’s most expensive footballer by joining Real Madrid from Tottenham for £85.3m (€100m). Sunderland sacked manager Paolo Di Canio. Lorenzo won the British and San Marino MotoGPs while Marquez triumphed on his home track in Spain.

Oracle Team USA with the world’s greatest sailor, Sir Ben Ainslie, on board, came back from 8-1 down to beat New Zealand 9-8 and so complete one of the greatest comebacks of all-time to win the oldest trophy in world sport, The Americas Cup. German F1 star Vettel triumphed in the Singapore Grand Prix. Durham clinched cricket’s County Championship for the second time. In football, Liverpool Ladies won the WSL Premier League. GB’s Liam Phillips was confirmed as the World BMX champion. Swansea-born Non Stanford won the women’s World triathlon title.

BALE: Joined Real Madrid. OCTOBER Wigan Warriors won Rugby League’s Grand final. Vettel came first in the Indian, Japanese and Korean Grand Prix. Djokovic won the Shanghai Masters tennis title and Serena Williams won her 11th singles title of 2013. Motor cyclist Lorenzo was victorious in the Australian and Japanese GPs while Pedrosa won in Malaysia. The FA celebrated its 150th anniversary (formed on October 26, 1863). NOVEMBER The world’s third greatest batsman, India’s Sachin Tendulkar, retired after scoring 81,742 runs in 1,524 matches - 15,921 in

200 Tests. Four-time F1 world champion Vettel won in Abu Dhabi, Brazil and USA to make it nine victories in succession and 13 in 2013. Red Bull colleague Mark Webber retired from F1. Djokovic added the ATP World title to his CV while the Czech Republic won the Davis Cup. Fulham dismissed Dutch manager Martin Jol as Martin O’Neill took charge of the Republic of Ireland. A record crowd of almost 75,000 saw Australia demolish New Zealand 342 to win Rugby League’s World Cup at Old Trafford. Lorenzo took the Valencian MotoGP but it was his fellow countryman Marquez who was subsequently crowned the

youngest-ever world champion. Eighteen-time National Hunt champion jockey Tony McCoy rode his 4,000th winner. The Irishman has had 15,000 rides, 1,000 falls and suffered 40 breaks/fractures. GB cyclists Laura Trott, Jo Rowsell, Dani King and Elinor Barker broke the women’s world pursuit record TWICE in a week. Trott also won the Omnium gold while Becky James took the World sprint and keirin titles. GB boxer Carl Froch stopped George Groves at Manchester’s O2 Arena to retain his IBF and WBA super-middleweight titles. Scot Stewart Anderson won the World Indoor Bowls tournament. Kawasaki rider Tom Sykes (England) was crowned World Superbike Champion. DECEMBER Australia’s cricketers won the third Test in Perth to regain The Ashes. The draw for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil saw England being matched with Italy, Costa Rica and Uruguay. Spain drew

Holland. Blackpool had five players sent off in four days; Manchester City thrashed Arsenal 6-3 and after losing 5-0 at home to Arsenal, Spurs sacked manager Andre Villas-Boas. WBA also fired their boss Steve Clarke. The Champions League draw paired Barcelona with Manchester City, Arsenal with holders Bayern Munich, Manchester United with Olympiacos and Chelsea with Galatasaray. And Manchester fans learned they could be attending a City-United League Cup final when the clubs were kept apart after reaching the semi-finals. Aussie Neil Robertson won the UK Snooker tournament. GB’s London 2012 gold medal winner Charlotte Dujardin added three separate world dressage titles to her collection. The British and Irish Lions won the Team of the Year award; Lions’ boss Warren Gatland was voted Coach of the Year; female shooter Amber Hill (15) was Young Sports Personality of the Year, Sebastian Vettel claimed the ‘overseas’ prize and Sir Alex Ferguson received a Lifetime Achievement award. This was the 60th anniversary of the programme.

A sad farewell for the sports world THE following sports people also passed away in 2013: England cricketers Mike Denness, Tony Greig and Reg Simpson; racehorse trainer Sir Henry Cecil (25 Classic winners including Frankel); rugby

stars Cliff Morgan and Steve Prescott; athletes McDonald Bailey, Todd Bennett and Stan Vickers; golfers Bernard Hunt and Ken Venturi; boxer Ken Norton; wrestler Mick McManus; super-biker Andrea

Simoncelli; darts champion Phil Nixon; sailor Andrew Simpson; US grid-iron stars Joe Black Hayes and Ace Parker; basketball legend Vivian Kellogg and Spanish F1 test driver Maria de Villota.

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