1 attitude

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IHBD, Chennai Measurement Techniques on


Pl note: It is easy to measure Production, QC, Marketing, Purchase, Projects, etc. results and performance, but it is very difficult to measure one’s Attitude. Attitude can be felt and experienced but how to measure it, because only the evidential data can support any rewards or monetary benefits. Almost all HR managers find difficult to measure or quantify the Attitude of an employee. I also made a lot of research and thinking. Something I can guide you on quantification of Attitude. This is only a start-up and simple format, only you will have to re-design and enlarge as per your vision. Rules: -First-of-all, you must bring what are all Attributes come under Attitude Column. - How to quantify it with Performance? - How to classify whether it is Positive and Constructive or Negative and Destructive? - How to take Corrective Action and thus Preventive Action? - What are all the factors to be trained on Attitude thro Preventive/ Predictive/Brake-down Maintenance Training/Counseling Schedules? ATTRIBUTES/TRAITS TO BE TAKEN UNDER ATTITUDE 1. Punctuality/Leave Plan 2. Personal Cleanliness/Hygiene Practices/Good Manners 3. House-keeping /Follow Safety norms strictly 4. Learning/Good Listening Skills 5. Sharing Knowledge 6. Participative Approach 7. Total Involvement and Commitment 8. Develop and Practice Hygiene Motivational Factors 9. Innovation/Continuous Improvement on Attitude/Knowledge/Skill/Performance 10. Money alone is not the Motivational Factor – This kind of approach 11. Fit-in Organisation/Corporate Culture Practices 12. No deviation from Quality Standards Practices 13. Organisation/Duty is my first Priority 14. No compromise Approach 15. Presentation of Papers/files/data (Select this kind of micro level Attitudinal factors and put in a nutshell/heading) Bring all micro level attitudinal factors and classify it under crisp and separate subheadings under Attitude. Define and supplement explanations on the expected level on each sub-heading. Do not leave the explanations to HODs/Line Managers because each one should not have their own approach and interpretations. Only the HR Manager is to explain and put it in the Corporate Culture fit-in Mould.. He is to make a correct link between the Corporate Culture and Attitudinal Explanations……2

‌‌.2 Measurement: Spread the Measuring Scale on Attitude as follows: Positive/Constructive to

Static/Reached Maximum level

Excellent to



Total Rating: Maximum 5

Good to

to Negative/Destructive

to Satisfactory to Poor 0




-5 (Co-relate with Results)

Sample Format: S.No. Traits wrt Attitude 1. Punctuality 2. Attendance & Leave Plan 3. House-keeping 4. Personal Cleanliness 5. Good Manners 6. Learning 7. Participative Approach 8. Total Involvement 9. Sharing Knowledge 10. Adhere to Quality Standards

Data Available


Total Comments by HOD: To: HR Manager for Action Plan: (For Training/Counseling/Monitoring

Data Available can be compared and jotted on a Graph sheet with Corporate culture Expectations on Attitude. Remember Attitude is very important. Because, Attitude is the starting point for all Results. Even a smallest deviation in Attitude will bring aggravation in Team Morale and quality deterioration in Product or Service. Management/HR Manager must give a special thought on measuring the Attitudinal Skills of their employees.

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