February 2011 Essential Wellness

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exploring pathways to inner peace, health & healing

wellness pages Annual Holistic Directory

Also inside: Energy Medicine


february 2011



wellness pages february 2011

ANNUAL HOLISTIC DIRECTORY 4 Acupuncture — Detoxification 8 Education — Energy Healing 9 Essential Oils — Feng Shui 10 Fibromyalgia — Natural Foods 11 Psychic Development — Psychotherapy 12 Shamanism — Weight Loss 13 Yoga

ENERGY MEDICINE 6 Working with energy fields healed my life by JOANNE WAKEFIELD 7 Experience the healing power of Reconnective Therapy by ERIN DEWITT ALSO INSIDE 3 Dear Grace by JANET HOVDE Dear Grace continues on www.janethovde.com 14 CALENDAR 15 Upcoming Events: Edge Life Psychic & Healing Symposium

Our last month as a print edition! Essential Wellness is GOING DIGITAL ONLY beginning with the March issue. Continue to receive Essential Wellness information in 2 free and easy ways: 1) Find our flip-page edition online at www.esswellness.com! 2) Get the Celebrate Wellness e-newsletters! Just send your email address to info@esswellness.com to get notice of each new online issue as well as our Celebrate Wellness e-newsletters. You can also find us on Facebook!

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staff OUR DEEPEST APPRECIATION TO OUR STAFF Publishers Dee & Lynn LaFroth want to express deep appreciation for the many years of service our independent contractors have provided to us over the past 16 years. Yes, they will remain with us as we move to all-digital Mar. 1. We personally thank Melissa May and Sunshine Sevigny for their top-notch graphic design. Both of them always go the extra mile to make our publication beautiful. Many thanks go to the behindscenes persons: Linda Frost for bookkeeping and Meister & Meister for our tax work. We thank Webaloo, our website host, who’ll be designing a new look for us hopefully to be rolled out in March or this spring sometime. Appreciation also goes to ECM Publishers for quality printing each and every month and to Metro Distribution for dependable delivery. Visit www.esswellness.com for more info. To g e t ou r ne w i nt ro duc tor y d i g it a l a d p a c k a g e w it h m a ny p e rk s: D e e , 715. 259.3 0 47 or sales@esswellness.com To write: Lynn, info@esswellness.com

Dear Grace Dear Grace column by Janet Hovde will continue each month at www.janethovde.com. Write her at deargrace@janethovde.com for advice.

Dear Grace, I have a history of needing to feel in control of my life. My behaviors, that have assisted me to feel in control of my own feelings and of situations in general, have been at the expense of developing sustaining, nurturing relationships with others as well as with myself. I am trying to recognize and change my behaviors. I am having a difficult time though, letting go of behaviors and relationships that no longer serve me because I am afraid and often feel vulnerable. —Hannah Dear Hannah, Spend less time trying to disentan gle from unhelpful relationships. Instead, identify your nourishing relationships and express gratitude for them. Sometimes as you move toward your Highest Good, people with whom you’ve had unhealthy connections decide they don’t want to have anything more to do with you. The people who leave you may express things about you that feel awful to you. Know that it might not have any basis in the truth, but it’s the best way they can make sense out of their need to move away from you. So try

not to take it personally. Ask for blessings for them.   Rather than focusing on changing your old behaviors, the recommended approach for you is to imagine the sweetest, most nourishing scenarios for yourself. Put on a play in your mind, and give yourself the most pleasing role you can imagine. If you feel afraid in your play, give yourself a magnificently colored force-field that attracts love. Notice how that feels. If you feel too vulnerable in your play, experiment with the power of invisibility. “Less work and more play,” say your guides. “How about it?”—Grace Dear Grace, When relationships fall apart, it can be so hard to forgive and move on. What do you suggest?—Beth Dear Beth, Each relationship has a unique energetic pattern, and will call for its own approach. Generally, it is helpful to clear your energy field, releasing any energies that belong to the other person. The other person may also be holding some of your energies in his/her body and/or energy field. Because these are yours, you may call them home. You might do these steps through prayer, visualization, or through working with a healer to assist you. Relationship loss naturally brings

BY JANET HOVDE up past losses. Create the softest landing possible for yourself to release feelings and memories. Journaling, warm baths, and time with a supportive friend may be parts of your self-care plan. Experiment with programming your imaginary TV remote control. Think about a favorite area of your life, such as a woodworking project. When you are in an unhelpful cycle of ruminating on the old relationship, use your remote control to turn to the Woodworking station. Think about your project, and walk through next steps—which wood, which tools, which stain, how to solve a particular problem, etc. Strengthening your ability to shift your thinking and your emotional state is a gift to yourself . . . and something for which you might be grateful. Which brings us to gratitude: There will be a time to determine the gifts of this relationship, and to be grateful for them, even if the first “gifts” you can think of are small or silly.—Grace Janet Hovde, MA, OTL, CHTP, is celebrating the 13th year of her healing practice, with appointments available in Roseville, MN & Hudson, WI. She enjoys watching her clients learn to care for their energy system and access their own inner wisdom. See website for her classes and fiber art: www.janethovde. com. Email your Dear Grace question to deargrace@janethovde.com. 651-487-2744.

february 2011


wellness pages a directory of holistic resources for the upper midwest Welcome to our annual Wellness Pages, featuring complementary and alternative medicine, spirituality, and related healing resources for the whole person. To be included in future editions, contact Dee: 715.259.3047 or sales@esswellness.com

ACUPUNCTURE Gerst Acupuncture Paul Gerst, L.Ac. 715-790-3219 1200 Hosford St., Ste 101 Hudson, WI www.gerstacupuncture.com Acupuncture, Neurolink, herbs/supplements, detoxification, diet and other body, mind, spirit treatments. Successfully treating a variety of chronic health issues such as: Asthma/allergies, anxiety and depression, inflammatory problems, digestive disease, fibromyalgia and other pain syndromes, weight-loss, smoking-cessation and more! Gerst Acupuncture: Effective natural health options for your chronic health needs.

ANIMAL COMMUNICATION Lena Swanson 651-206-0644 www.lenaswanson.com Animal communication, psychic readings, holistic healing. Lena’s full-time professional practice focuses on achieving and maintaining wellness for both people and animals. She is a professional animal communicator, psychic, shamanic healer, past life regression facilitator and Reiki Master. Lena also teaches a variety of classes.

AURA PHOTOGRAPHY Helping You Heal Center Annette Bruchu 651-247-9719 helpingyouheal.msn.com Stillwater, MN 55082 www.UnemployedAngelForHigher.com Annette captures and teaches the essence of what

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it is really like in the world of a “colorstrologist” in a manner that is surprising, practical, and down-to-earth. Annette is nationally known as a healer and is best known for providing her vast understanding of aura fields, color representation, as well as the chakra system through aura photography. Annette teaches courses such as “Learn It, Trust It, and Live With It,” “Intuitive Development,” and “Live Your Life in Color.”

accomplish the changes you choose in your life. Energy medicine (flower essences, homeopathy), energy psychology (Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT)®, Dynamind), sound healing, and more. Master of Transpersonal Psychology. 35+ years experience; in-person and phone sessions. Are you ready to make some changes in your life? Call or email now and get started!


Lucille Crow

Sacro Wedgy® 1-800-737-9295 www.sacrowedgy.com Sciatica? Back pain? Knee pain? Hip pain? These symptoms have been helped by relaxing daily on the Sacro Wedgy® “sacral stabilizer” and neck support. Let gravity do the work and relax into alignment. Correct the problems not just treat the symptom. Cost: $29.95.

COACHING/COUNSELING The Meta Institute 952-831-6382 Meta@metainstitute.com http://www.Metainstiture.com The Meta Institute is a MN Licensed Adult Career School. Provides services and certification courses in the area of Therapeutic Life Coaching, Reiki, NLP, & Hypnosis. Our Therapeutic Coaching® Program is a 500-hour, comprehensive, hands-on certification course that will give students a multitude of tools for working with others. The course provides five certifications.

Judy Steele, MTP Life Coaching, Counseling, Healing 612-590-3193 judysteele@earthlink.net 6311 Wayzata Blvd (SSI Bldg) #310 St Louis Park MN 55416 www.schoolforliving.org http://judysteelemtp.wordpress.com Helping you to clear stress from old traumas, old beliefs, old patterns, old fears; assisting you to

DEPRESSION THERAPY F o u n d e r a n d M a s t e r Te a c h e r o f MetAlign™ Therapy 952-470-0244 www.MetAlignTherapy.com MetAlign Therapy™ treats the mind-body link. MetAlign Therapy™ treats depressive disorders via energy therapy in 2-3 appointments. It is painless, highly effective, and permanent therapy.

DETOXIFICATION: COLON HYDROTHERAPY Carol Edel, C.C.T 952-474-2627 caroledel@gmail.com 2409 Lyndale Ave. S. Uptown Minneapolis, MN 55408 (Ecopolitan Raw Food Restaurant Bldg.) DETOXIFY and CLEANSE: Colon Hydrotherapy and Ion Cleanse Foot Bath are a dynamic detox duo for effectively cleansing and neutralizing toxins from your body. Reduce or eliminate: constipation, gas, bloating, poor digestion, candida-yeast, allergies, skin problems, headaches, fatigue, low energy, congestion, concentration problems, etc. NEW! Rapid inch loss+ Detoxification using Herbal Body Wrap. Lose inches and detoxify during your treatments ! Packages available upon request. Relaxed environment. Over 31 years experience.

Wellness continued on page 8

february 2011


energy medicine by joanne wakefield

Working with energy fields healed my life


S A young woman in pursuit of realizing a greater meaning to my life, I looked to alternative resources and healing methods. This was accomplished through reading and taking college course work. Healing Touch courses were my gateway to study the human energy field. These courses are pretty easy to find and a great beginning base to work with to enhance awareness of the energy field that surrounds each of us and all life forms.   Understand energy fields A mantra-based meditation technique and study enhanced my understanding of the largely unseen energy fields that are a part of our being. The understanding came that creation comes from higher vibration, from light and sound, and translates into the physical field of the third dimension where we exist in form. With practice and through study one can sense these energy fields and begin to understand the greater connectedness of each one of us to all things.   The stream of light (life) energy moves from the higher vibration into the field of form and so if there is a disturbance (illness as an example) observed in the physical form it can be worked with or addressed on the energetic non-physical level. Clearing the energy field of the misaligned energy can create a change within the physical form. This is true for spiritual enlightenment and also physical or emotional healing.    We each are living within a human body but we are much more than that—we are Spirit and we have many aspects of

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Self that are not recognized by the human self. This is because we chose to come to the earth plane into a veiled illusionary existence. At this time the veils are being lifted one by one so we will be able to realize the greater fullness of who we really are and our greatest potential. We are actually moving beyond the third dimension into a higher vibration of consciousness where we will be able to move beyond the limitations we have experienced up to this point. “Energy Healing” or working with the human energy field allows a smoother path and an accelerated transition into this consciousness shift.   frequencies of brilliance I work with many different techniques within the field of energy work. It is through study and life experiences that I have refined my ability to work in this state of higher consciousness with others. Since 2002 I have studied the course work of Frequencies of Brilliance. This energy technique has many unique specific processes that enhance the vibration and consciousness in the cellular structure of the physical body. The work uses fourth, fifth, sixth, and higher dimensional techniques to bring balance and health into the physical emotional and spiritual self.   shamanic energy techniques I have studied shamanic energy techniques as well. These processes work in conjunction with the natural forces and the unseen world of guides and helper spirits. As one immerses themselves in what could be called the web of life where it can be observed that everything is woven together within an interconnecting web,

life intuitive healing skills become selfevident. We all have the capacity to heal ourselves. When you work with a practitioner of energy work there is a mutual connection that is formed between you and the practitioner. The practitioner holds the space for healing, opening the doorways within the energetic and physical fields of the client, guiding the way. The client, from the highest aspect of self, remembers and lets go and brings the higher vibration into the self. It is always the soul journey of the client that chooses balance and/or healing. It can be no other way. The practitioner is the guide to the higher vibration of healing and balance; they stand in a place of unconditional love and acceptance, holding the doorway open, allowing the client access to that place of remembrance and balance. The client chooses whether to go through the doorway. light of the self  It is not from the lower ego that they chose this but from beyond the conscious level, in the unconscious level, and from the “Light of the Self” space that this is set. It is a beautiful dance of grace and love. If you have not worked with the energy fields, consider it as it will expand your awareness of the unseen realms that surround us and possibly brighten your world.  Joanne Wakefield is a Frequencies of Brilliance practitioner, an intuitive and shamanic h e a l e r. S h e i s c e r t i f i e d i n H e a l ing Touch, and Reiki and is an event p l a n n e r. Sh e h a s a M A i n Hu m a n Development. She can be reached at wakefieldjfob@gmail.com and wayshowerj.com

energy medicine by erin dewitt

Experience the healing power of Reconnective Therapy “If you’re lucky, your healing will come in the form you anticipate. If you’re really lucky, your healing will come in a form you have not even dreamed of—one that the Universe specifically has in mind for you.” —Dr. Eric Pearl


O WHO is Eric Pearl and what is he talking about? Eric Pearl is the founder of The Reconnection®. He ran a successful chiropractic practice for 12 years until one day when patients began reporting that they felt his hands on them, even though he hadn’t physically touched them. For the first couple of months his palms blistered and bled. Patients soon reported seeing angels and receiving miraculous healing from cancers, AIDS-related diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, birth disfigurements, cerebral palsy, and other serious afflictions. After 50 of his clients started channeling the same six phrases (check out his book: The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself ), Pearl sold his chiropractic practice and traveled the world, sharing The Reconnection® philosophies and attuning people’s hands to the frequencies. I have trained with Eric Pearl and I am here to tell you that my palms didn’t bleed and not ALL of my clients report seeing angels (phew, I heard a big sigh of relief from some of you!). But, I can say that this work is powerful, transensory, multidimensional, and awe-inspiring! There are two components to this work: Reconnective Healing Sessions and The Reconnection®. The difference between the two is in the intention. Reconnective Healing sessions hold the

intention of healing whether it be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or any other level. Each healing session is unique, based upon an energetic communication between the client, practitioner, and spirit. Clients often seek one to three healing sessions for things that come up in their lives. The Reconnection® is really about evolution of consciousness with healing as the added bonus. The approach and fee are the same throughout the world. It is shared in two consecutive days, 45 minutes each day, once in your lifetime. The process involves reconnecting meridians and lines that create the energetic grid of the body to the energetic grid of the planet. Many people report being thrust onto their life path or that their relationship with spirit is strengthened after their Reconnection®. There are no techniques with Reconnective Healing. The practitioner simply brings the frequencies into their awareness, feeling, finding, stretching, and playing while observing the client. It is about being in a state of expectancy without expectation. There is no diagnosis, no sending of energy. Just getting out of the way and allowing the client to receive what they need in that moment. Somehow, the act of being present or being in a state of observation with the client helps to create the catalyst for change.

Clients have reported seeing images, people, colors, or smells they have never experienced before. It is not uncommon to have a client say they felt someone touch them but when they looked nobody was there or to struggle with finding words to express their experiences like “I felt giant hands on my feet, but they weren’t hands at all” or “I saw someone holding my arm, but it wasn’t a person; weird.” And sometimes clients don’t report having experienced anything at all; it is all good and it is all right for that moment. Detachment from outcome is important. What has this work taught me? To listen, be present, observe, be the witness of our experiences and marvel at the infinite possibilities available to us in each moment and say YES to it all! Erin DeWitt is a Reiki Master Teacher, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, sound healer, and lover of life. Erin teaches workshops on the New Science on Healing and various wellness topics. She co-facilitates free monthly healing sessions every 3rd Saturday at the Copper Top Church and screens spiritual thought-provoking films in her studio. Erin lives and practices in Duluth, MN. For more information, visit her website at www.deeppeaceduluth.com or contact her at 218-341-3411 february 2011


wellness pages EDUCATION Wind and Water School of Feng Shui 612-823-5093 www.windwaterschool.com Since 1998, the Wind and Water School has graduated over 300 people, some who pursued the study of Feng Shui as a new career, others as an adjunct to another career, and others purely for themselves. Learn what your space is saying about your life. Discover for yourself how your space may be supporting your goals or challenging you. Policy manual available on request.

ELECTRODERMAL SCREENING The Right Touch, BioSET® Nancy Freaner, PT 612-720-2993 Lovingkindness33@gmail.com www.bioset.net Have your meridians tested and find out how your organs are functioning and what is blocking the flow of chi in your meridians. Nancy uses a state-of-the-art technology that includes full frequency of the allergen/ substance, thereby she is able to strengthen your meridians and relieve sensitivities. She also uses BioSET® (Bioenergetic Sensitivity and Enzyme Therapy) which is an innovative healing system founded by Dr. Ellen Cutler, D.C., that incorporates organ-specific detoxification, acupressure, energy medicine, immunology, enzyme therapy, and nutrition to assist the body’s natural healing process and eliminate food and environmental sensitivities.

ENERGY HEALING Dr. Steven Hiebert Intuitive Chiropractor/Healer 651-777-9156 drstevenh@aol.com 570 Asbury St., Suite 304, Saint Paul, MN 55104 www.drstevenhiebert.com Laying-on-of-hands and shamanic-like healings integrated with intuitivelyguided chiropractic treatment.

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Carol Swan 651-690-3991

healingswan@gmail.com www.healingswan.com Energy healing and balancing is done respectfully and lovingly by hands on and/or hands off to restore the body to its natural state of well being, balance, and health. It has been useful before and after surgery, during chemotherapy, and to help with depression. My paintings are an extension of my energy work and are intuitively painted with the intent to have a healing effect. 

ESSENTIAL OILS Young Living Essential Oils Janet Becker, Independent Distributor 612.247.1198 jbc@cerzan.net www.youngliving.com/janetbecker There are many different quality grades of essential oils. Young Living essential oils are of the highest quality, therapeutic grade. They help to balance our immune systems and are effective in combating viruses and bacterial infections. Achieve outstanding results in enhancing your quality of life beyond your expectations, naturally and organically! Call for a private consultation or visit the website.

FENG SHUI Debbie Miller Domicile Design, Inc 612-414-7181 Debbie@domicilefengshui.com http://www.DomicileFengShui.com Allied Member of ASID. Certified Member of FSIM. Greater Minneapolis/St. Paul Area. Debbie is an Intuitive Feng Shui practitioner and interior designer. With over 29 years of design experience, she can also help with staging, de-cluttering, energy clearing and rebalancing, and ghost/spirit assistance. By fusing the creativity and disciplines of both, she can help you achieve harmonious, inviting spaces that are an expression of your own unique style and enhance your well being.

Wellness continued on page 10

february 2011


wellness pages FIBROMYALGIA & AUTOIMMUNE SPECIALISTS Healing Crucible™ Wellness Center 612-805-5478 www.HealingCrucible.com Take control of your autoimmune condition! Are you sick of having bad days? Have you tried traditional medical treatments with little or no success? Are you frustrated with the limited options available? There is a new, integrative energy healing program called Cleansing Flow™ that naturally relieves your symptoms from fibromyalgia, lupus, MS, and other chronic conditions in as little as six weekly sessions. You don’t need to suffer anymore…call for an appointment today!

GIFTS & SPECIALTY SHOPS Mind Body and Spirit Merri Weis and Joan Stokes, Co-Owners 320-203-9630 mbs@mindbodyspirit-online.com 915 West St. Germain St. Cloud, MN 56303 www.mindbodyspirit-online.com At Mind Body and Spirit, seekers and shoppers become pleasantly lost or creatively found

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amidst an eclectic mix of books, gifts, jewelry, and much more. Visit our website to sign up for email updates and learn more about upcoming classes, workshops, and practitioner sessions.

HEALING THERAPIES Brigid’s House Center of Peace for Body, Mind and Spirit 218-732-5347 brigidshouse@hotmail.com 500 Park Ave. So. Park Rapids, MN 56470 www.brigidshouse.com

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Minnesota Natural Medicine 651-484-5567 3640 Talmage Circle #208 Vadnais Heights, MN 55110 www.minnesotanaturalmedicine.com We are a consultative medical clinic providing a combination of conventional and integrative approaches to health, aging, and disease. We combine the conventional approaches of mainstream medicine (a thorough history, pertinent exam, and customary lab testing) with genetic testing, functional laboratory diagnostics, and the application of an array of tools and therapies that range from standard medications to therapeutic nutritional supplements, botanicals, and natural hormones.

MEDITATION Institute of the Himalayan Tradition 651-645-1291 info@ihtyoga.org 1317 Summit Av. St. Paul, MN 55105 www.ihtyoga.org Meditation is at the core of our teachings. We envision life as a journey to fulfillment in body, mind, and spirit by using meditation. Faculty members have studied and taught meditation for 35+ years.

NATURAL FOODS Seward Co-op Grocery & Deli 612.338.2465 2823 E Franklin Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55406 www.seward.coop Our personal care section includes everything from soaps and lotions to bath products, cosmetics and essential oils. We also have a children’s health section. Our supplement section features homeopathic remedies, flower essences, Chinese patent formulas, herbs, essential fatty acids, probiotics, vitamins, minerals, protein powders and our Seward Co-op-brand supplements. We carry selections for the vegetarian, vegan and the gluten-free shopper. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff is committed to holistic health and environmental

responsibility. We’re available to answer questions, explain ingredients, or direct you to informational resources.

PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENTCLASSES/ SOULREADINGS Cindy Lehman 612.669.1861 cindy@cindylehman.com www.cindylehman.com I offer private, respectful Soul Readings to connect with your soul’s wisdom for guidance, clarity, and healing. Explore relationship issues, current life situations; reconnect with your loved ones who have passed on. Psychic Development classes teach how to more fully access your own intuitive/psychic/soul gifts, to illuminate your own sacred path, and live your life from your highest self.

PSYCHOTHERAPY Rebecca Connor, LMFT 612-877-1081 Rebecca@rebeccaconnor.com 3507 Lyndale Ave S. Minneapolis 55408 www.Rebeccaconnor.com Licensed psychotherapist, specialize in Individuals, couples, attachment, anxiety and communication. Trained and experienced w/trance, trauma, mindfulness, Jungian, dream work, hypnotherapy and experiential. Women’s and couples retreats at Christine Center. Regular Saturday morning couples communication skills workshops. Most insurance accepted.

Wellness continued on page 12

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wellness pages Safe Place Safe Passages Providing a safe place to explore life’s challenges

Beth Ann Schumacher 651-491-3377 bethann@safeplacesafepassages.com www.safeplacesafepassages.com Beth Ann specializes in personal growth and empowerment, partnering and relationship development, inner conflict resolution, parenting, spirituality, life transitions, religious and spiritual reconciliation, sexuality, gender identity concerns and women’s issues. She is experienced in helping clients find the confidence needed for discovering their own inner wisdom. Beth Ann believes that a client’s needs are best attended to by recognizing that the client and therapist are both teacher and student as they develop relational mutuality within a non-judgmental therapeutic process.

SHAMANISM/SHAMANIC HEALING Mary Stoffel 763-444-8146 mlstoffel@innovatord.com www.humanimal.com The wounded spirit can feel overwhelmed by life in general and problems can seem insurmountable. Mary Stoffel works with both people and their animal companions to help restore spiritual balance and personal

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power. With training through the International Foundation for Shamanic Studies, she uses telepathy, energy interference patterning, essential oils and shamanic healing methods to help people and animals deal with holistic health issues. Author of The Practical Power of Shamanism: Heal Your Life, Loves and Losses.

SLEEP & TMJ DISORDERS Minnesota Craniofacial Center Midway, P.A. Roy Hakala D.D.S.  Kim Ledermann D.D.S. 651-642-1013 info@mncranio.com 1690 University Ave. W., Suite 390 St Paul, MN 55104  www.mncranio.com Minnesota Craniofacial Center Midway is dedicated to effective nonsurgical treatment of TMJ disorders, including treatment of snoring and sleep apnea. Most treatment is done with FDA-approved oral appliances that fit entirely inside the mouth and which replace CPAP. If you suffer from tension headaches, migraine, facial pain, jaw pain or TMJ clicking or grinding; or if you are troubled by snoring, restless sleep, chronic fatigue, or have been unsuccessful with CPAP, call us today.

WEIGHT LOSS EnergyHealingWeightLoss www.EnergyHealingWeightLoss.com It’s not about food. Sure, food counts. We all have to eat healthy. But if

you’d tried so many times and it just hasn’t worked it could be your extra weight is emotionally based. If it were just about food, you’d be skinny by now. This is a unique self-healing system. Low cost, no drugs, no diets, no gym, no meetings and no supplements. Just you—creating a better you.

YOGA Institute of the Himalayan Tradition 651-645-1291 info@ihtyoga.org 1317 Summit Av. St. Paul, MN 55105 www.ihtyoga.org Hatha yoga, meditation, teacher certification, wellness, spirituality, retreats, spiritual consultations, residential programs. Over 20 hours classes per week. Begun by Swami Rama of the Himalayas; his disciples guiding IHT have been teaching over 35+ years.

Yoga Prairie 952-944-6096 Eden Prairie, MN www.yogaprairie.com Yoga Prairie offers yoga classes for all levels from Beginner to Advanced. Our teachers each bring their own unique style. We are the first studio in Twin Cities to offer affordable unlimited yoga—to encourage you to practice regularly. We offer several sessions of 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training with Karen Kinnard, E-RYT and Muselan. In Fall 2011: 500hour program with Laura Erdman-Luntz, ERYT-500. Come visit our yoga community!

To be included in future editions of Wellness Pages: Dee: 715.259.3047 or sales@esswellness.com

Laughing Cobra Yoga Mary Morrow 651-480-2529 Minneapolis and Hastings www.laughingcobrayoga.com Take the yoga cure for what ails you! Heal chronic conditions in your body and uplift your spirit with the elegant alignment principles and celebration of the heart in Anusara™ yoga. In her 14th year of teaching, Mary leads inspiring classes, workshops, and afternoon, weekend, or full week retreats. Certified in Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, Mary guides individuals to internal wisdom for healing physical, emotional, spiritual issues.

february 2011


calendar FEBRUARY Feb. 12

Massage Basics Workshop Learn a variety of basic massage techniques for the head, neck, back, & legs. Great for stress reduction & relaxation. Take this workshop if you are considering a career in massage or enjoy working on family & friends. 10 am–5 pm. Register at 952-562-5200. Visit www.CenterPointMN.com.

Feb. 12 & 26

CenterPoint Massage & Shiatsu Career Info Sessions Every Monday & Tuesday at 6 pm. Sat, Feb. 12 & 26 at 9 am. Discover how you can have a rewarding career. CenterPoint Massage & Shiatsu Therapy School offers several programs for you to become a professional bodywork therapist. Call 952-562-5200. Visit www.CenterPointMN.com.

Feb. 18

Superconscious Meditation I Expand your awareness & calm your mind! Learn the basics of the science of meditation, the finest tool for physical, mental, & spiritual growth. Taught by Swami Jaidev. $40 or $35 pre-registered. 10 am. Call IHT: 651-645-1291, www.ihtyoga.org

Feb. 19

Peace is Possible, It Needs To Be Felt Video event featuring, Prem Rawatt, who speaks about the possibility of finding peace within. Free. 2 pm. Washburn Library, 5244 Lyndale Ave S., Mpls. www.minnesotaconnect.net

Feb. 19

The Making of a Disciple Learn to experience a deeper connection with the Divine & with the Himalayan Tradition while developing a solid foundation within yoga. Taught by Ma Devi. Cost: $20; with preregistration $15. 10 am–noon. Call IHT: 651645-1291, www.ihtyoga.org

Beginning Feb. 23

Psychic Development Class Learn to consciously access & work with your soul’s guidance, clarity & wisdom. Practical

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tools/information to help you manage your energy effectively & reclaim who you are with compassion. Wednesday evenings, February-November. Cindy Lehman – 612.669.1861, cindy@cindylehman.com or www.cindylehman.com for more information.

Feb. 26

Twin Cities Psychic & Healing Symposium At the Earle Brown Heritage Center, Brooklyn Center. 9:30–6. Over 80 vendors: intuitive readers, holistic healers, aura photos, unique gifts & more! Keynote speakers. Free Parking. Exhibitor information: Dee, dee@ edgelife.net, 715-259-3047. Tickets & FFI: www.edgelife.net

Feb. 26-27

The Journey Expo 2011: Natural Living Expo Holistic & Spiritual Arts. Hutchinson, MN. Free admission & free seminars. Vendor space available. www.thejourneyexpo.com

MARCH Mar. 1

Hatha Yoga New classes in pure, classical hatha yoga for physical, psychological, & spiritual health begin this week. Gentle, Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced. Eight weeks, $80 or $75 preregistered. Call IHT: 651-645-1291, www. ihtyoga.org

Mar. 5

Yoga & The Environment This seminar will discuss ways in which yoga principles can be applied to decisions we make that affect our environment. Taught by Ken Pearson. Cost: $25; with pre-registration $20. 10 am–12:30 pm. Call IHT: 651-645-1291, www.ihtyoga.org

Mar. 5 & 6

Des Moines Holistic Expo Downtown Marriott, 700 Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA. 80+ vendors, ongoing workshops, keynote speakers. Holistic practitioners, intuitive readers, unique gifts & more! To exhibit: Dee, dee@edgelife.net, 715-259-3047. For tickets: www.edgelife.net.

Mar. 6

CenterPoint Massage & Shiatsu School & Clinic Open House Celebrate our new location & 10 Year Anniversary! 1–4 pm. CenterPoint invites you to our Open House to celebrate our new location & 10 years as CenterPoint! Enjoy free samples of massage & shiatsu. Participate in free mini courses on massage, spa treatments, selfshiatsu, qigong, & much more. Call for info: 952-562-5200. Visit www.CeterPointMN.com.

Mar. 12

Shiatsu Basics Workshop Discover how simple & effective Shiatsu Therapy is for relieving headaches, backaches, & stiff necks. Learn the basics to share with family & friends, or to explore a new career. 10 am–5 pm. Register at 952-562-5200. Visit www. CenterPointMN.com .

Mar. 29

Pleiadian Transmission of Light Personal invitation from Christine Day to attend a Pleiadian Transmission of Light that further opens your heart to your Divine Essence & unlimited possibilities. 7 pm. $20. Unity Church-Unitarian, Portland Ave at Grotto St. N., St. Paul, MN 55104. 651-779-0852. www.wayshowerj.com; amanaefobmidwestheartland@yahoo.com.


Apr. 16 & 17

Fargo Holistic Expo Fargo Civic Center, 207 4th St N, Fargo, ND. 85+ vendors, ongoing workshops, keynote speakers. Holistic practitioners, intuitive readers, unique gifts & more! To exhibit: Dee, dee@edgelife.net, 715-259-3047. For tickets: www.edgelife.net.

Apr. 30

Healthy Life Expo Midtown Global Market, 10 am–5pm.12929 Chicago Ave, Mpls. Hundreds of exhibitors, ongoing free seminars, demonstrations & entertainment. Don’t miss the opportunity to exhibit or attend! To exhibit or FFI: www. ExpoGuys.com, 952-238-1700.

upcoming event Edge Life Expo and Events presents Annual Psychic Symposium 2011 Feb. 26

Echo & Michael Bodine

THE PSYCHIC Symposium at the Earle Brown Heritage Center in Brooklyn Center features a broad spectrum of opportunities for visitors to learn about the world of spiritual and psychic phenomena. Exhibitors include intuitive readers, animal communicators, aura photographers, healers, and ven-

dors of metaphysical-related consultations and merchandise. Keynote speaker Mas Sajady offers the opening presentation at 9:15 a.m. entitled “Design Your Life for 2011.” Each individual attending will also receive a free 1-2 minute personal session with Sajady. Special guest speakers, siblings Echo and Michael Bodine, will also lead a 90-minute interactive lecture—“It’s Time To Recognize Your Spiritual Gifts”—and gallery reading from 2:30 to 4 p.m. In this 90-minute lecture, Echo and Michael, will define what these gifts are and how you can recognize them in yourself. They will share how the brother and sister team developed their abilities and will expand on how these special gifts can assist you in your day-to-day life and living. They will

also instruct and give you guidance on developing your abilities. Hours of the event are 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Cost: Individual: $7 advance, $9 at the door. Groups of two or more: $5 each advance, $7 each at the door. Speakers (all speaker prices include admission to the Symposium) Mas Sajady: $10 advance, $15 at the door. Echo and Michael Bodine: VIP seating (includes free Meditation CD—a $14.95 value): $29 advance, $37 at the door: General Admission: $20 advance, $29 at the door. Advance tickets available at www.edgelife.net. Earle Brown Center is located at 6155 Earle Brown Drive, Brooklyn Center, MN with free parking. FFI: www.edgelife.net or call 1.877.776.5244.

NEW IN MARCH! Ask us about Essential Wellness Expanded Calendar Options. Call Dee! 715.259.3047 or email sales@esswellness.com

february 2011


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