New Student Record 1990

Page 25

ROBIN MODZELEWSKI Danbur y, CT Tennis, Field Hockey KRISTA MONTEFUSCO Lak e Grove, NY Skiing, Horses MICHELLE MOON Nort h Ada ms, MA Soft ball, Ice Skating CONAN MOORE Sout hport , CT Music, Skiing WENDY MORIN Blackstone , MA Aer obics, Music MELISSA MORRIS Summit, NJ Poet ry, Volleyball ANTHONY MORRO Branf ord, CT Baseball , Hockey GRETCHEN MOUNT Somerset , NJ Soccer , Softball KELLY MULLEN Rye , NH Bicycling, T ra vel LINUS MURPHY Dan ver s, MA Soccer, Tr ack PAM MURRAY Belle Mea d, NJ People, Poet ry JOSEPH NOLE Wat er bury, CT Baske tball, Soft ba ll KA THLEEN O'BRIEN Sout h East on, MA Skiing, Sa iling KEVIN O'BRIEN Glastonbu ry, CT Golf, Volleyba ll MAUREEN O'CONNELL Say ville, NY Skiing, Swimming MICHELLE O'CONNOR South Orange, NJ Art , Tennis GREGORY O'DONNEL Upp er Saddl e River , NJ Bowling, Golf KAREN OEN Mam ar oneck , NY Skiing, Sa iling PATRICIA OLSEN Essex Fells, NJ Art, Peop le MARK O'MARA William stown, MA Footba ll, Wrestling JANET ORLANDO New Haven, CT Anima ls, Yearbook CHRISTINA PALERMO Douglas, MA Art, Yearb ook ALISON PALLADINA Manm outh Bea ch, NJ Chee rleading, Photography SCOTT PALMER Stoneha m, MA Basketb all, We ightlifting

Immaculat e H.S. Business St . Athony's H.S. Undecid ed Drur y H.S. Educat ion Fairfield H.S . Cr iminal J ustice

Black stone Millville H.S . Edu cati on Summit H.S. Education Branford H.S . Math ematics Immaculata H.S. Nursing

Berw ick Academ y Ma nagem ent Bishop Fenw ick Libera l Art s Imma culat a Psychology Holy Cr oss H.S. History

Oliver Ames H.S. Nurs ing Watk inson Adm inistration of Justice Acad em y Of St . J osep h Business Academy Of St. Elizabeth Education

St . J oseph 's Regional Busines s Rye Neck Nursing West Esse x Regional Educ ati on Mt. Greylock H.S. Business

St . Mar y's H.S. Educa tion Douglas H.S. Communica tion Des ign Shore Regional H.S. Educat ion Stoneham High Pre-Law


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