Clypian Issue 2 - October 31, 2022

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TTHE HE CLYPIAN CLYPIAN Halloween HIssue alloween Issue SouthSalemHighSchool October31st,2022 IssueNo.2 VolumeLXIX

In This Issue

Table of Contents:

Page 1: Homecoming Returns to South by Mailley Pierson

Page 2: New Staff at South Salem by Audrey Willmschen

Page 3 4: Ukraine: Eight Months of Conflict by Jordan Savin

Page 5: Ways to Prevent Student Debt by Jazmyne Yost

Page 6: Student Parking at South by Mailley Pierson

Page 7: Link to Rosecast S2 E1

Page 8: Halloween Crossword by Jazmyne Yost

Editors: Jordan Savin, Mailley Pierson, Jazmyne Yost

Social Media

Silvia Ruiz Blanco, Tristan Fanning, Maya Larson, Ava Musick, Lily Squires, Elena Rakotonirina, Ale Marin Aspichueta

Photographers: Samantha Osmus, Mason Torcato, Mac Childers, Billy Fox, Gavin Boyles

Toilet Paper: Jaylicia Ventura

Podcasting: Kep Barram, Daschel Smith, Brady Greer, Ethan Lassahn

Saon Media: Nova Cook, Owen John, Jordan Savin

Saxon Radio: Ethan Savin

Reporters: Benjamin Delage, Connor Stewart, Audrey Willmschen



Homecoming Returns to South

Homecoming at South Salem High School is a traditional multi day event entailing an assembly, parade, football game, and an official dance in celebration of the 2022 2023 school year. This year's assembly, on Friday, October 21st at 2:20 pm, introduced South’s Homecoming court nominations, with Galen Hise and Emma Freisen crowned as Homecoming king and queen Unfortunately this year, due to hazardous air conditions, the Homecoming parade, which was scheduled directly after the assembly, was canceled.

Despite the cancellation of the parade, South Salem High School’s Homecoming football game still occurred on Friday, October 21st at 7:15 pm. This entailed a game against one of South’s rivals, Sprague High School in which the Saxons gained the upper hand against Sprague with a final score of 42 12. The theme for this year was ”red out” for the Saxons and “orange out” for the Olympians.

On Saturday, October 22nd 2022 from 8 10pm, South Salem High School reintroduced the official Homecoming dance. Homecoming has been absent for a total of two school years due to the uprising of Covid 19, which impaired the ability for large social gatherings. A substantial number of people attended this year's dance, with a record of approximately 1400 students, making it one of the largest attendance rates South Salem High School has had. The dance was hosted in the gymnasium,illuminated with bright neon lights and the stance of a dj booth in the center of the gym of which many used to group around and dance.

Many who partook in Homecoming had a great time dancing and spending time with their significant others or friends. Homecoming is a great opportunity to celebrate and welcome the upcoming school year and new peers. This year was one for the books.

Homecoming King, Galen Hise waving to student body

New Staff at South Salem

Over 25 new staff have started working at South Salem High School for the 2022 2023 school year. This year has had the biggest additions in the staff than any other year. Not only have there been numerous incorporations to the staff, but this is also the first year that it has had a relatively normal start.

The staff at South care about the student body more than they know. One of the new counselors Ms. Greer expressed her opinion on the matter, saying,

“I just want to be someone that students can trust whether it be with life, issues, or what you should do after high school, whatever they need, I want to be there for them.”

A significant amount of the staff are moving up to new positions, such as South’s new principal, Mrs. Romine, who moved from assistant principal of curriculum to the principal of South Salem High School.

“The team has been amazing so I feel blessed to have an amazing team that I can learn from and ask questions.” Said Mrs. Buckingham, the new assistant principal at South.

Not only do the staff support the student body, but they also help and care for others they work with.

“When I first started at South 7 years ago I heard a lot about how South was one of the most accepting and welcoming schools in the district, that our students feel like they can be themselves here,” said Mrs. Romine

South Salem High School has always been an inclusive school, and as South adds on more staff, the more we welcome people into the Saxon community.

An all staff photo of the employees at South Salem High School. By Owen John

Ukraine: Eight Months of Conflict

The first thing that comes to most people’s minds when war is brought up is typically images from video games or movies. Scenes of jets tearing through the skies with grueling combined arms (soldiers and tanks working in unison) combat. This however, is not what is happening now in Ukraine. From urban guerrilla warfare, to drone warfare, to tanks’ effectiveness being questioned on a mass scale for one of the first times since their creation

While Ukraine has managed to get the upper hand through major offensives to retake vast amounts of territory, Russia is still fighting hard to keep control of the territory they are occupying despite substantial equipment and personnel losses.

But what does that mean for people in the United States?

With billions of dollars in weapons and aid going to Ukraine, rising energy concerns and prices and still no end in sight to the conflict, many are left wondering why we should even be helping Ukraine when we have no formal obligation to do so. However, the shadow of Russia is not as distant as some would think. In the early 1990s when the Soviet Union fell apart, many people came to the United States from the different post soviet nations, but many had to leave family members behind and are now worried about their family back east.

Stefan Rozov (‘23) is one of many people in Salem with familial ties to Ukraine and/or Russia. Stefan, like many others, has been following the conflict since it started in February of this year

“Honestly I just feel disappointed.” stated Stefan when asked how he felt about the current situation.

“We saw already the tensions rising so it wasn’t a big shock / surprise, it was mostly that [Russia] went that low which is kind of disappointing.”

Photo of the "I Love Sumy" sign and surroundings By Pavel Rozov Photo of a train station in Ukraine By Stefan Rozov

Since February, the Russian military has been repeatedly shown to be nowhere near as effective as most people believed. Whether it be complete collapses of defensive positions or outdated equipment being sent to the front lines, it is clear that Russia is not the same threat it once was, but poor infantry performance is not a barrier for Russian missiles and artillery.

“Hearing some of the places i’ve been and seeing them in this sort of bad shape, its just surprising” stated Stefan, who has been to Ukraine in the past to visit family living there.

While the actual fighting might be in Ukraine’s favor, Russia’s bombings, missile attacks and targetting of civilian infrastructure such as apartment buildings and houses has forced many to get as far from the fighting as they can.

“A few of my cousins and uncles and great aunts are still in north eastern Ukraine where the war is basically taking place.” said Stefan

“They go into those bunkers like every time there’s an air raid siren happening so its kind of tough to live”

While the war may be going well for Ukraine from a military standpoint, millions of people have been affected by the conflict and the destruction is only going to continue if Russia does not back down. While it may not be ideal, western funding and aid has given Ukraine a real fighting chance against the supposed military superpower that is Russia, but the idea that this war would be a short one is fading more and more with each passing day.

Photo by Vadim Ghirda

Ways to prevent student debt StudentLoanRelief

While debt can be something that drives people away from seeking higher education, there are methods to prevent or relieve it.

The Biden Administration has announced a one time student loan relief provided by the US department of education.

Applying through allows Federal Pell Grant recipients up to $20,000 and non Pell Grant receivers up to $10,000 in student loan relief.

Qualifiers must be individuals who made less than $125,000 or families who made less than $250,000 in 2021 or 2020.

This relief will help many individuals who are in debt from education costs. Many Americans who are or were in college find themselves in debt from student loans. According to Federal Student Aid statistics, there are about 43 million borrowers owing more than $1.6 trillion in federal debt.

As the fall season starts rolling around, opportunities for federal financial aid are starting to pop up. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for 2023 2024 has been open since October 1st, 2022 and is available until June 30th 2024. Any current seniors are encouraged to apply for the first year of college sooner rather than later. FAFSA is on a first come first serve basis, so eligible students should apply as soon as possible to receive the most aid.

Most students are eligible for FAFSA. The only requirement is to have or be on track to receive a high school diploma, GED, state approved homeschooling program or be enrolled into a career pathway program. Qualifying individuals can apply to see eligibility for grants, loans and scholarships in desired colleges.

Graphic by Jazmyne Yost

Student Parking at South


Parking for students is available in Pthe arking for students is available in the student parking lot only. These spaces sare tudent parking lot only. These spaces are located in the lower lot next to lSouth’s ocated in the lower lot next to South’s softball fields on Howard Street. sParking oftball fields on Howard Street. Parking outside of the student lot may result in oa utside of the student lot may result in a ticket. These tickets can be given if tparked icket. These tickets can be given if parked in the teacher lot when registered as ia n the teacher lot when registered as a student or being parked in a 90 sminute tudent or being parked in a 90 minute parking zone. If parked in the 90 pminute arking zone. If parked in the 90 minute zones, the vehicle must be moved in zthat ones, the vehicle must be moved in that amount of time to avoid a ticket and awill mount of time to avoid a ticket and will not be allowed reentry into that nzone ot be allowed reentry into that zone during that dday. uring that day.

Photo by Samantha Osmus
Scan to see the New ROseCast season! TheRoseCast! 7


Across Down 2 8. 10 The month of Halloween The candy collecting activity Not for baseball! 1. Synonym for scary 3. Traditional Halloween treat 4. What do witches fly on? 5. The creator of Halloween (don't cheat) 6. Traditionally used for carving 7. Black cat, big pointy hat, cauldron owner, potion enjoyer 9. Paranormal entity 1 8 6 2 3 7 5 4 10 9 Created using the Crossword Maker on TheTeachersCorner net
Photos by: Billy Fox, Mason Torcato, and Mac Childers
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