Newsletter 01.11.2010

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SITE of the WEEK

New Sales Manager

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JC’s Word is Out

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Travellers will play the roles of Palestinian and Israeli Leaders, attempting to understand the socio-political paradigm while proposing creative new peace options.

New Workshop: On-Tour Peace Talks Identity Travel has announced the addition of the new "Peace Talks" workshop to the recently launched "Into the Heart of Conflict", a politically-relevant tour of Israel. Into the Heart of Conflict is a 10-day guided tour that explores Israel's rich history and cultural diversity as a means to understanding current events. Visitors will tour heritage sites as well as politically significant locations and attend guided discussions with engaging Israeli and Palestinian intellectual figures. The new workshop aims to enable trav-

ellers to process and form their own educated opinions on the IsraeliPalestinian conflict utilizing role playing, debate and dramatization techniques. The visitors will play the role of Palestinian and Israeli leaders and will attempt to reach an agreement. Ilan Scolnik, Co-Founder of Identity Travel says "The Peace Talks are an opportunity to process and re-evaluate our opinions and that is definitely in line with the company's vision to promote understanding through travel."

SIGHT of the WEEK The rich variety of archeological excavations found in Beit Shean represents a millennia of diversity, from different cultures and peoples. Tel Beit Shean houses some of the most important archeological finds, with some of the best -preserved pieces from the Bronze Age. Today’s visitors can view the Roman amphitheater, a Byzantine street fully equipped with period columns, several Roman baths, a Byzantine basilica, a Roman temple and numerous mosaics.



“This is Jesus”: The Word Spreads This month we have announced the launch of "This is Jesus: Prophet of Nazareth" Tour of Israel. The site-packed 8-day itinerary of the tour is aimed to provide a complete portrait of Jesus in literature and life. We received coverage in many Christian Magazines as well as professional travel and financial media world wide (as seen bellow). Due to the interest this tour ignited, we received many calls from Christian community leaders. We began providing them with full support in leading their missions to the holy land. We believe that any person can become a tour leader and transform his travel experience into a social adventure of discovery and enlightenment

A Religious Jewish man standing in awe of the 2000 year old Herod’s wall that once surrounded the holy temple. This is the closest he can get to what was once believed to be the house of God and so he prays.


Letter From the Founders:


Sales Manager

Why are we so passionate about traveling in Israel?

There are many places in the world where you can find layers upon layers of history embedded in the soil . However, Israel is unique—the place where written history began and went on to tell a story that would span thousands of years. Here every stone tells a story. If we listen carefully, we can “hear” the voices of ancient Canaanites through the writing, they etched on the walls of their homes.

If we let faith lead we can sites and learn the story of find ourselves in the holy this land the echoes of hisland of the great patriarchs tory resonate with our own of Christianity and Judaheritage and identity and ism. We through to could chose to the echoes of history resothe current walk in their nate with our own heritage conflicts. footsteps and identity. through anThe timeless ERAN KOLRAN AND ILAN cient and experience modern cities. SCOLNIK of travel is at We may tread its best when on the battleit transcends grounds where Crusaders the physical realm and beand Jihadists fought to the comes an inner journey that death and marvel at the leads to self-discovery. greenery of centuries old Jewish settlements. For us, this is what traveling in Israel has to offer. As we travel through the

Barry A. Kaplan is a Veteran sales manager. His extensive international sales experience allowed him to develop an acute sense for what the customer wants and needs. Barry is originally from Kansas. During his military service he travel extensively and his love for travel continued until he eventually followed his Jewish roots to Jerusalem where he currently resides. His conversational skills and the varied places and events in his life enable him to connect with people of all backgrounds. He enjoys the diversity of opinions, is always happy to learn and integrate new ideas to his own perspective. In this sense Barry embodies the spirit of Identity Travel

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