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the stakeholder section). One example of this might be to incorporate the experiment’s results into a future plan (i.e. the Peloncillo Programmatic Fire Plan) or in drafting a policy recommendation.

Recommendations for agency decision-makers Public agency leadership and/or involvement is essential if a CAM effort is designed to affect management of public resources. •

If an agency is interested in convening some kind of CAM process, getting the right parties to the table is critical for having effective discussions. A stakeholder assessment conducted by a neutral third party is one way to identify all key stakeholders and have some explain what it would mean to participate in the collaborative process, how to engage at the negotiation table, and how to engage with the constituents at the representative’s second table. A neutral can also provide assistance to all participating parties in their preparation for negotiations.

If a process is initiated by a public agency, then identifying an agency representative who will be a good fit for leading such a CAM effort includes: o The agency representative needs to have the ability to convene key stakeholders for the public process (get the right people to the first table) and have enough influence within his/her agency to influence changes in management decisions (make things happen at the second table). o The agency representative needs to be genuinely open to, and encouraging of, an inclusive process in which stakeholders deliberate over data and offer suggestions on subsequent decisions (in other words, the agency representative understands and wants to use a participatory process). o The agency representative needs to be able to make change happen in response to group discussions and not just talk and respond to a group of stakeholders (needs to have authority to institutionalize change).

Since CAM processes could last from several years to several decades, agencies need a plan to accommodate for changes in leadership and/or representation in a CAM process. o Institutional capacity in an agency could be built through training staff about CAM and effective strategies for how to do it well. To find qualified trainers, consider looking for help from individuals or a group of people whom have/are involved in a CAM process.


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