Edisi 30 Desember 2011 | International Bali post

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Fo Foodstuff supplies ascertained to be as secure se












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Friday, December 30, 2011


M Movie crowds di dip to 16-year low as apathy lingers PAGE 12 IBP/Doc

People applying to job vacancy at Job Market Fair in Bali Island recently. Bali’s economic growth being in the range of 6.54 percent or above the range of national economic growth of 6.5 percent in 2011 has been incapable of coping with the soaring unemployment.




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Bali’s economy rises, unemployment shoots up Bali Post

DENPASAR - Bali’s economic growth being in the range of 6.54 percent or above the range of national economic growth of 6.5 percent in 2011 has been incapable of coping with the soaring unemployment.

Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded the unemployment rate in Bali reached 52.380 people. Of that number, 75 percent was found in urban areas namely 40,790, while in rural areas only reached 11,600 people. Head of the Central Statis-

tics Agency (BPS) of Bali, I Gede Suarsa, stated that Bali globally occupied the lowest unemployment rate or was equal to 2.32 percent. It was far below the national rate reaching 6.56 percent, even lower than the previous year reaching 68,790 people.

He explained that people who had been working through August reached 2,204,870, or 97.68 percent of the total labor force. From 2,952,550 people belonging to working age population, those including in labor force came to 2,257,260 people. Continued on page 6

Bali Tourism Year End’s Note

Grow unequally; people scramble to get their share BALI Tourism experienced significant growth in 2011. Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Bali recorded that foreign tourist visit to Bali up to October 2011 reached 2,351,515 people. Such an amount proved if the number of tourists increased from the previous year only reaching 2,149,030 people. Unfortunately, the tourist arrivals

predicted to surpass the target of 2.7 million could not have been enjoyed by people becoming the exploitation object of tourists. As a result, the tourism growth has now become a seizure of the community as happened in Tanah tourist object, Beraban, Tabanan. Rector of the Undiknas Denpasar, Prof. Dr. Gede Sri Darma, assessed

the emergence of people’s desire to fully control the potential was the aftermath of regional autonomy. Besides, it also resulted in an economic inequality in society. Many tourist areas would emulate the measures taken by Beraban community so they could entirely enjoy the pie of every potential at hand. “With regional autonomy, they will think how to

harness the potential for the welfare of local people,” he said. Prof. Sri Darma indicated the wishes of people to dominate the wealth owned by the region were triggered by economic disparities kindled by the lack of attention from local government in advancing the regional economy. Continued on page 6


Friday, December 30, 2011


Bali News Coming New Year, meat demand increase 30% Tabanan (Bali Post) –


The situation during the declaration of Sadaksara Petition

KMPKPH support press freedom Based on the threat on the freedom of press, the components of the society created AsVRFLDWLRQ RI WKH 3UHVV )UHHGRP DQG +XPDQ 5LJKWV .03.3+ 7KH SUHVV IUHHGRP ÂżJKWHU is declaring the Sadaksara on Tuesday, December 27, 2011 in Renon. One of the content is to urge Bali Governor to evoke his lawsuit against the press and use the press law to solve the case. A member of the KMPKPH, Ida Bagus Jelantik, said that the treat on the freedom of press make all component of press in Bali sad. For that reason, they declared the KMPKPH and Sadaksara petition. “The purpose of the association is to avoid face to face conĂ€LFW EHWZHHQ WKH SUHVV ZLWK WKH

ruler of Bali. We hope that the FRQĂ€LFW ZLOO HQG LPPHGLDWHO\ ´ he added. Other member, Wayan Gendo Suardana, said that in the dispute between Bali Post and the governor, there is an irony because the governor as the ofÂżFHU RI WKH VWDWH PXVW SURWHFW WKH human rights. “The lawsuit by the governor to Bali Post by ignoring the recomPHQGDWLRQ RI WKH 3UHVV &RXQFLO WR use the right to answer is showing

the inconsistency of the protection of human right. Like it or not, the governor must obey the press rules,� he explained. Meanwhile, Agung Wardana, also a member of KMPKPH, said that the money ask by the governor up to 150 billion rupiah is another way to lead the company into bankruptcy. If the case is won by the governor, it will give bad image on the law and human right protection. (wid)

Strong wind at Bali Strait but still safe Negara (Bali Post) –

The past two days the wind above Bali Strait have gone strong even so Gilimanuk Harbor stated it is still normal and around 30 ships may cross to Ketapang. A number of passengers met last Wednesday (28/12) stated the Gilimanuk sea current have gone high since Tuesday (27/12). Moreover a lot of vehicles parking near to each other, trucks and cars, are worried will hit each other and causing fatal incidents.

“Passengers have to get off from the vehicles and go to the dock for safety,� Yuliarti from Yogyakarta explained. Head of Gilimanuk Head Harbour, Made Rai Ardana, when contacted stated with this situation ship captains have been suggested to be always be aware of the sea current and wind. Vehicles crossing are still dominated by busses and private cars and predicted will increase in this holiday. Operational

Manager of Gilimanuk River, /DNH DQG &URVVLQJ 7UDQVSRUW (ASDP), Ospar Silaban, stated ODVW \HDUÂśV &KULVWPDV DQG 1HZ Year holiday total of people crossing were 105,475 people and it is predicted there will be a 12 percent increase also with the cars. This condition was due to school holiday is on the same time as these holidays also a large current of crossers will happen after New Year towards Ketapang Harbour. (kmb26)

A high meat demand has been happening in Tabanan as New Year is approaching. The highest demand goes to broiler chickens especially from super markets and fast food restaurants. The demand has been happening for the past few days and it is predicted to keep on increasing until the end of the year yet even so the commodity price is still normal. nyoman Sugiarta, one of the house cut chicken managers (RPA) at By Pass Pesiapan Street, last Wednesday (28/12) stated the demand reached up to 20,000 kg per day from the usual 12,000 kg per day. To Sugiarta the stock still can be IXOÂżOOHG E\ ORFDO EUHHGHU DQG EHLQJ LW D yearly phenomenon, it made the products D ÂżUVW FODVV FRPPRGLW\ Âł7KH FKLFNHQV are consumed for supermarkets and fast food restaurants and so its supervision

from breeding to processes needs tighter supervision,â€? Sugiarta explained. A high demand also happened for pork meat yet not as much as chicken meat. What’s interesting this high demand did not cause a shock to any retailers such as the meat sellers at traditional markets. “There hasn’t been any increase, the price is still normal,â€? one seller at Tabanan Market explained, with chicken IDR 26,000 per kg which a day 20 kg sold while IDR 40,000 per kg for pork where a day 50 kg sold. Meanwhile, Head of Tabanan Animal Husbandry, Ni Nyoman Rusmini, FRQÂżUPHG WKH KLJK GHPDQG VLWXDWLRQ and made sure that the stock is on safe level which most chicken breeders are in Penebel. “The stocks being sent to sellers are also found fresh,â€? Rusmini stated during supervision to a traditional market. (udi)

Presecutor demand six months For alleged theft of 20,000 rupiah what she had put into it without her having spent any part of the money. Denpasar - A former cashier She suspected somebody had been of the Ramayana Robinson depart- stealing from her and that the thief ment store, arraigned in court on the was Yayuk. To obtain proof of her suspicion, charge of stealing Rp20,000 (about US$2.5), heard the prosecution Putu and another employee, Sumerta, demand a six-month jail sentence carried out a scheme to trap the thief. They made four photocopies of a for her. Public Prosecutor Wayan Empu Rp20,000 banknote and put them in Guana Pura in his statement at a Den- WKH VWRUHÂśV ÂłRIÂżFH FDVD´ D GUDZHU WR SDVDU 'LVWULFW &RXUW VHVVLRQ KHUH RQ safekeep employees’ purses. After the store had closed, Yayuk Tuesday, said the defendant, Yayuk Winarsih (34), had been convinc- and two other cashiers made purchasingly proven guilty of theft, and that, es in the store and made their cash in accordance with relevant articles payments at a counter served by Putu. LQ WKH &ULPLQDO &RGH VKH VKRXOG EH The latter made it a point to separate sentenced to six months in jail minus the bills used by Yayuk to pay for the time she had spent in preventive her purchase from those used by the other cashiers. Later, Putu compared custody. In previous court sessions, Yayuk the banknote used by Yayuk to pay had persistently denied the charge her bill with the genuine Rp20,000 of having stolen Rp20,000 from a banknote of which she had made co-worker at Ramayana Robinson photocopies and found that the serial department store where she had number on the banknote Yayuk had worked for more than 10 years. She handed in was the same as that on the genuine Rp20,000 banknote, namely claimed she had been framed. Yayuk ended up in court after ODL727822. Putu then reported her the co-worker whose money she ÂżQGLQJ WR WKH VWRUH PDQDJHPHQW DQG was accused of having stolen, Putu <D\XN ZDV VXPPDULO\ ÂżUHG :KHQ Ayu Febri Franthini, reported her to Yayuk tried to dispute her discharge, Putu reported the case to the police. the police. In the court trials, Yayuk was Putu told the court in her testimony that in January 2010 she defended by a team of nine lawyers often found the amount of money in from the Peradi legal aid institute her purse to have become less than in Denpasar. Antara

z Founder : K.Nadha, z General Manager :Palgunadi Chief Editor: Diah Dewi Juniarti z Editors: Gugiek Savindra,Alit Susrini, Alit Sumertha, Daniel Fajry, Mawa, Sri Hartini, Suana, Sueca, Sugiartha, Wirya, Yudi Winanto zDenpasar: Dira Arsana, Giriana Saputra, Subagiadnya, Subrata, Suentra, Sumatika, Asmara Putra. Bangli: Pujawan, Buleleng: Adnyana, Gianyar: Agung Dharmada, Karangasem: Budana, Klungkung: Bali Putra Ariawan. Jakarta: Nikson, Hardianto, Ade Irawan. NTB: Agus Talino, Syamsudin Karim, Izzul Khairi, Raka Akriyani. Surabaya: Bambang Wilianto. z Development: Alit Purnata, Mas Ruscitadewi. z 2IÂżFH: Jalan Kepundung 67 A Denpasar 80232. Telephone (0361)225764, )DFVLPLOH: 227418, P.O.Box: 3010 Denpasar 80001. Bali Post Jakarta, Advertizing: Jl.Palmerah Barat 21F. Telp 021-5357602, Facsimile: 0215357605 Jakarta Pusat. NTB: Jalam Bangau No. 15 Cakranegara Telp. (0370) 639543, )DFVLPLOH: (0370) 628257. Publisher: PT Bali Post

Bali News


Friday, December 30, 2011


Criminality rate in 2011

TrafďŹ c accident in 2011:

Dominated by stealing by force, 58 percent of cases unresolved

820 cases occurred, 124 people killed

CRIMINALITY cases continue to draw public attention because safety of a region is viewed IURP WKH H[LVWLQJ FULPLQDOLW\ UDWH 2YHUDOO WKH FULPLQDO FDVHV VKRZ D GHFOLQH 'HVSLWH D GHFOLQH LQ FULPLQDO FDVHV LQ %DOL PDQ\ FDVHV DUH XQUHVROYHG OLNH VWHDOLQJ E\ IRUFH $W OHDVW FDVHV RU SHUFHQW KDYH QRW EHHQ UHVROYHG E\ SROLFH LQYHVWLJDWRU VR IDU From the data collected in Bali Police, compared to 2010, the case of stealing by force FXUDW LQ KDG GHFUHDVHG as much as 3 percent. For 2010, the stealing by force amounted WR FDVHV DQG FDVHV RU SHUFHQW FRXOG EH UHVROYHG Meanwhile, in 2011 the stealing E\ IRUFH FDPH WR FDVHV DQG 306 cases or 42.03 percent could be resolved. For the case of stealing and motor stealing, 304 cases ocFXUUHG LQ $PRQJ WKHP cases or 26.32 percent could be resolved. Compared to 2010, it showed the decline in 45 cases. In details, there were 517 cases DQG FDVHV RU SHUFHQW could be resolved. The unresolved cases were still under process.

Aside from stealing by force and motor stealing, there was also other criminal case showing a decline. It was the stealing ZLWK YLROHQFH FXUDV DQG PXUGHU For the case of stealing with violence, there were at least 73 cases in 2011 and 29 cases or 39.73 percent could be resolved. MeanZKLOH LQ WKHUH ZHUH cases of stealing with violence and 31 cases or 26.27 percent could be resolved. Meanwhile, in 2010 occurred PXUGHU FDVHV LQ %DOL 2I WKH FDVHV WKH LQYHVWLJDWRUV PDQDJHG WR UHVROYH FDVHV RU percent. Compared to the number of case in 2011, it showed a decrease. The case happened in QXPEHUHG ZKLOH FDVHV RI WKHP RU SHUFHQW FRXOG be resolved.

Last case apparently showing a significant increase was severe persecution. From the existing data, there was an increase at least 77 percent in 2011. Previously in 2010, there were 9 cases of severe persecution where 4 cases or 44.44 percent of them could be resolved. Meanwhile, in 2011 there were 16 cases and FDVHV RU SHUFHQW FRXOG be resolved. Chief of Bali Police, Totoy Herawan, said there were decline and some increase in cases during 2011. He stated the unrevealed and unresolved cases would still be processed. “We still have commitment to reveal the cases. Of course, we will attempt to reveal and resolve the remaining cases,� said Bali Police Chief recently. MD\

Denpasar still has 106 km of damaged road condition in Denpasar was actuAs the capital of Bali Prov- ally not too severe when comince, Denpasar is in fact in- pared to that of other regions separable from the existence of because the good road condition damaged roads. Even, the con- in Denpasar reached 293.651 dition of heavily damaged road km. It excluded the road with is long enough. Of the 555.076 moderate conditions reaching km of road length owned by 154.901 km. “When calculated Denpasar, 106.524 km suffers in percentage, the damaged road heavily damaged. Such condi- in Denpasar is not too much,â€? tion requires adequately large he said. Regarding the road repair, amount of budget to fix it. Head of Denpasar Public Dirgayasa said that in the reWorks Agency, I Ketut Winarta, gional budget 2012 had been accompanied by Division Head allocated over IDR 39 bilof Highways, Wayan Dirgayasa, lion for the maintenance and met in his office on Wednesday improvement of those roads. 'HF DGPLWWHG WKDW KLV SDUW\ However, it could not cover still had hundreds of kilometers the entire existing damaged of damaged roads. However, roads in the city. As planned, in 2012 his party had allocated the road improvement in 2012 funds to reduce the existence of would only cover along 40.526 damaged roads in the culture- km. As for the maintenance, it ZRXOG UHDFK NP Âł7KLV based city. Dirgayasa added that road means there are still damaged Denpasar (Bali Post)—

roads that cannot be repaired next year,� he explained. When asked about the main causes of road damage in Denpasar, Dirgayasa said it was caused by tonnage surpassing the road capacity. As a result, it turned damaged more quickly. Additionally, the old roads also required regular maintenance. “Besides, the weather condition also poses a major cause of road damage in Denpasar,� he said. He added that many other agencies doing excavation on the roads also resulted in damage to the road conditions. When restored, the road condition was not as good as before being excavated. “We should handle this again because the repair made by the agencies carrying out the excavation is not comparable to the previous condition,� he observed. NPE

Denpasar (Bali Post)—

Chief Unit of Traffic Affairs of Denpasar Metro Police, Bima Arya Viyasa, said the number of accidents in Denpasar area showed an increase compared to last year. In 2011, the traffic DFFLGHQWV DPRXQWHG WR FDVHV DQG SHRSOH ZHUH NLOOHG “Compared to last year’s amount, it shows an increase both in terms of qualitative and quantitative aspect,� said Chief Bima GXULQJ WKH \HDU HQG SUHVV FRQIHUHQFH RQ :HGQHVGD\ 'HF This former Chief Unit of Traffic Affairs of Gianyar Police also explained that other than fatalities, the accidents also caused serious injury to 104 people and light injury to 725 people, while the total material losses reached over IDR 1 billion. “So far, the accidents occurred were preceded with violation by the riders or drivers. Such violations related to road markings, high speed or negligence,� he explained before reporters. Meanwhile, the violations committed by drivers or riders also increased sharply. Within the past year, the ranks of Traffic Affairs of Denpasar Metro Police had issued traffic ticket for motorists FRPLQJ WR SLHFHV 2Q WKDW DFFRXQW YLHZHG IURP WKH WUDIILF tickets, most motorists did not have driving license, then without registration document and standard equipment as well as other violations. “We still found many violations this year,� he said. In response to that fact, he said, his party would consistently seek to suppress the number of traffic accidents. Some of the ways to be applied consisted of creating conditions, sweeping or any stationary operation. The operation was primarily focused on vulnerable points to prevent the accident. “Last year, the dominant accidents occurred among students. But now, it has moved to employees of private sector,� he said. Viewed from the factors causing the accident, this officer from Singaraja explained three causes. They comprised the human factor, weather factor and vehicle factor. Especially for road factor, it was very closely associated with condition of black spot or prone points to accident. For example, the first rank of black spot was on Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai, while the others were Jalan Gatot Subroto and Jalan Mahendradatta, Denpasar. NPE

Disciplined, 13 illegal money changers in Kuta Mangupura (Bali Post)—

Judicial team of Badung Regency held a policing operation against the unlicensed money changers in Kuta tourist area. From these operations, the team found 13 unlicensed money changers. Those unlicensed money changers were immediately imposed with sanctions. 7KH +HDG RI 3XEOLF 2UGHU 2IILFHU 6DWSRO 33 RI %DGXQJ Regency, I Ketut Martha, accompanied by the Head of Operations and Supervision, IGAK Surya Negara, Wednesday 'HF VDLG WKH SROLFLQJ RSHUDWLRQ ZDV FDUULHG RXW DORQJ the area of Jalan Kuta Square, Jalan Pantai Kuta, Jalan Popies II, Jalan Benesari, Jalan Legian, Jalan Padma and Jalan Padma Utara. According to him, among the 13 illegal money changers ensnared, some had no license at all, while some others had expired license. As a follow-up, said Martha, his party immediately confiscated the evidence in the form rate board of the unlicensed money changers. The authority of Bank Indonesia participating in the operation also instantly issued a reprimand to the entrepreneur of money changers. Martha ascertained that policing operation against the illegal money changers would continue to all areas of Badung. Aside from infringing provisions, those illegal money changers were also often complained by tourists and the community as a few of them committed a fraud. Furthermore, Martha hoped that employers should respect and comply with the applicable provisions prior to running their business. NPE


Friday, December 30, 2011



Putin rejects calls to talk with protest leaders

A military personnel works on a map at a naval ship during the Velayat-90 war game on Sea of Oman near the Strait of Hormuz in southern Iran December 28, 2011.

Associated Press Writer

MOSCOW — Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Wednesday rejected calls to hold talks with opposition leaders who have brought tens of thousands of Russians into the streets to demand an end to his 12-year rule, saying he doesn’t know what the demonstrators want or who he would talk to. Putin has belittled the opposition even as his government has rolled out a set of proposed reforms in response to outrage over the Dec. 4 election for parliament, in which only Kremlin-approved parties were allowed to run and observers reported widespread vote-rigging. Putin hopes to return to the presidency in a March vote. The opposition leaders “should formulate some kind of common platform and common position, so that it’s possible to understand what people want,” a smiling Putin told a group of Russian reporters. “Is there a common platform? No. Who is there to talk to?” The organizers of the two vast Moscow rallies this month included many prominent public figures and opposition leaders. Although some differ widely in their political views, they have passed joint resolutions with a list of concrete demands, including a rerun of the parliamentary election, the resignation of the Central Election Commission chief and the removal of barriers that have prevented opposition parties from taking part in elections. The protests, unprecedented in post-Soviet Russia, have undermined Putin’s image as the inevitable winner of the March vote. He previously served as president in 2000-2008. Putin has promised to ease rules for opposition candidates and make the voting process more transparent, but he has firmly rejected the demand that the parliamentary election be rerun. Putin’s former finance minister, Alexei AP Photo/RIA Novosti, Alexei Nikolsky, Pool Kudrin, has offered to Russia’s Prime Minister Vladimir Putin walks help mediate between in the government headquarters to meet his the opposition and the staff in Moscow, Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2011. government.

REUTERS/Fars News/Hamed Jafarnejad

U.S. Fifth Fleet says won’t allow Hormuz disruption Reuters

TEHRAN/DUBAI - The U.S. Fifth Fleet said on Wednesday it would not allow any disruption of traffic in the Strait of Hormuz, after Iran threatened to stop ships moving through the world’s most important oil route. “Anyone who threatens to disrupt freedom of navigation in an international strait is clearly outside the community of nations; any disruption will not be tolerated,” the Bahrain-based fleet said in an e-mail. Iran, at loggerheads with the West over its nuclear program, said on Tuesday it would stop the flow of oil through the Strait of Hormuz in the Gulf if sanctions were imposed on its crude exports. “Closing the Strait of Hormuz for Iran’s armed forces is really easy ... or as Iranians say, it will be easier

than drinking a glass of water,” Iran’s navy chief Habibollah Sayyari told Iran’s English-language Press TV on Wednesday. “But right now, we don’t need to shut it ...,” said Sayyari, who is leading 10 days of exercises in the Strait. Analysts say that Iran could potentially cause havoc in the Strait of Hormuz, a strip of water separating Oman and Iran, which connects the biggest Gulf oil producers, including Saudi Arabia, with the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea. At

its narrowest point, it is 21 miles across. But its navy would be no match for the firepower of the Fifth Fleet which consists of 20-plus ships supported by combat aircraft, with 15,000 people afloat and another 1,000 ashore. A spokesperson for the Fifth Fleet said in response to queries from Reuters that, it “maintains a robust presence in the region to deter or counter destabilizing activities,” without providing further details. A British Foreign Office spokesman called the Iranian threat “rhetoric,” saying: “Iranian politicians regularly use this type of rhetoric to distract attention from the real issue, which is the nature of their nuclear program.”

Juan Carlos earns $382,000 to reign in Spain Associated Press Writer

MADRID — What’s it worth to reign in Spain? Spain’s royal palace released a breakdown of the royal family’s finances for the first time Wednesday, saying King Juan Carlos earns euro292,552 ($382,597) a year and his son, crown Prince Felipe, roughly half that amount. The palace said that of the monarch’s gross income, just under half was personal salary and the rest was designated for expenses. The king pays 40 percent in tax on the total sum. Queen Sofia and the princesses Cristina, Elena and Letizia receive euro370,000 ($483,553) between them, while Felipe earns euro146,375 ($191,297). The palace is assigned an annual

budget by Parliament. It totaled euro8.4 million ($11 million) in 2011. The royal family promised recently to release the information as part of the king’s commitment to making his household’s accounts transparent. The figures were posted on the palace website http://www.casareal.com. The release comes as the king’s son-in-law Inaki Urdangarin, husband of Cristina, is reportedly suspected of siphoning funds from public contracts awarded from 2004 to 2006 to a nonprofit foundation he then headed. Although Urdangarin has not been charged, the allegations have put the royal family in the spotlight at a time of hardship and economic crisis for many people in Spain, where unemployment stands at 21.5

percent. In his yearly Christmas speech, the king expressed concern over what he described as the declining confidence among Spaniards in public institutions, a remark seen as a reference to the scandal. The palace had its budget cut this year by around 5 percent and palace employees, including the king, had their salaries cut by up to 15 percent last year as part of a government austerity plan.

Spain’s King Juan Carlos, front left, and Queen Sofia, front right, leave followed by Spain’s Crown Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia after the official opening of Parliament, in Madrid, Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2011.

AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza



Friday, December 30, 2011


Gold again for Bali Dynasty Resort IBP

IBP/Courtesy of Dynasty Resort

KUTA - The Bali Dynasty Resort is delighted to announce that it had the honor to receive a Gold Medal for the second time in a row, a high distinction in Bali’s prestigious Tri Hita Karana Awards. This accreditation certificate was presented on 26 November 2011 at the Bali Theatre at the Bali Safari Marine Park. Tri Hita Karana (THK) denotes an indigenous life concept of the Balinese community to attain secular and spiritual bliss through a harmonious relationship between humans and God (parhyangan), humans and fellow humans (pawongan) as well as humans and the environment (palemahan) into integral oneness. This presentation of awards has been held annually since 2000 to acknowledge the efforts of local hotels, resorts and villas that choose to adhere to the spiritual and social principles of this unique Balinese Hindu concept. This award is indeed a great privilege for Bali Dynasty Resort.

Temple Ceremony Calendar Event for December 3 through 28, 2011 3 Dec Tumpek Landep Pasek Gelgel Temple Pedungan Denpasar Selatan Agung Pasek Temple Tangun Titi kaler Tabanan Agung Pasek Temple Silamadeg Tabanan Pasek Tangkas Temple Kediri Tabanan Kerta Temple Banyuning Barat Buleleng Dalem Tenggaling Temple Sengguan Singapadu Kawitan Arya Wang Bang Pinatih Peguyangan Singaraja Bhujangga Weisnawa Tegalcangkring Jembrana Taman Desa Temple Bubunan Seririt Buleleng Penataran Pande Batur Jati Banjar Pandean Mengwi Dalem Pingit Temple Taro Kaje Tegalalang dadia Pasek Gelgel Gobleg Desa Selat Sukasada Buleleng Batur Arya Warih Kepaon Cengolo Sudimara Tabanan Ida ratu Pande Temple Besakih Mr. Pasek Temple Toh Jiwa Tangungtiti Penataran Pande Temple Kusamba Klungkung Penataran Agung Pinatih Tulikup Gianyar 4 Dec Redite Umanis Ukir Sangah Gede Dukuh Segening Tegal Tugu Gianyar 7 Dec Buda Wage Uki Pasar Agung Temple Besakih Pasek Bendesa Pasar Badung Legian Kuta Gede Gunung Agung Dukuh Munggu Badung Hyang Agung Ibuwanasari Tegal Puseh/ Desa Temple Bebalang Bangli Dalem Temple Perancak Badung Pasek Bendesa Hyang Selat Kerobokan Badung Kekeran Langit Sading Mengwi 10 Dec Purnama Kenam Kiduling Kereteg Besakih Lingsar Temple Lombok Bebengan Tanjung Lombok Pasek Gelgel Kekeran Mengwi Dalem Putra Belingkang Benawah Gianyar Prajapati Temple Balikpapan

13 Dec Anggar Kasih Kulantir Penataran Tangkas Sukawati Dalem Lagan Temple Bebalang Bangli Puseh Lembeng Ketewel Sukawati Pasek Gelgel Penulisan Kerambitan Tabanan Gaduh Temple Sanding Dalem Gandamayu Klungkung Sanghyang Tegal Banjar Taro Kaja Tegalalang 14 Dec Buda Umanis Kulantir Pasek Tangkas Temple kaler Tabanan Gaduh Benoh Temple Ubung Denpasar 18 Dec Redite Keliwon Tolu Dalem Alas Harum Kaba-kaba Kediri Tabanan. 19 Dec Soma Umanis Tolu Puseh/Balai Agung Ubung Kupang Penebel Tabanan Kawitan Sakula Gotra Tegal Kepuh Kaba-kaba Kediri Tabanan Bhujangga Rsi-Tambak Bayuh Paibon Tangkas Kori Agung Lembongan Nusa Penida Batu Madeg Temple Besakih Penataran Agung Penatih Banjar Saba Penatih 21 Dec Buda Pon Tolu Catur, Buwana Sanding Tampaksiring 22 Dec Wraspati Wage Tolu Peninjoan Temple Besakih 28 Dec Buda Keliwon Gumbreg Pasek Gelgel Kukuh Marga Tabanan Pasek Gelgel Dukuh Selemadeg Tabanan Puseh/ Desa Guwang Sukawati Merajan Pasek Ketewel Ketewel Merajan Pangeran Tangkas Kuro Agung Jeroan Sading Dalem Setra Batu Nunggul Swana Nusa Penida

Balinese Temple Ceremony EVERY Temple and Shrine has a special date for it annual Ceremony, or “ Odalan “, every 210 days according to Balinese calendar, including the smaller ancestral shrine which each family possesses. Because of this practically every few days a ceremony of festival of some kind takes place in some Village in Bali. There are also times when the entire island celebrated the same Holiday, such as at Galungan, Kuningan, Nyepi day, Saraswati day, Tumpek Landep day, Pagerwesi day, Tumpek Wayang day etc. The dedication or inauguration day of a Temple is considered its birth day and celebration always takes place on the same day if the wuku or 210 day calendar is used. When new moon is used then the celebration always happens on new moon or full moon. The day of course can differ the religious celebration of a temple lasts at least one full day with some temple celebrating for three days while the celebration of Besakih temple, the Mother Temple, is never less than 7 days and most of the time it lasts for 11 days, depending on the importance of the occasion. The celebration is very colorful. The shrine are dressed with pieces of cloths and sometimes with brocade, sailings, decorations of carved wood and sometimes painted with gold and Chinese coins, very beautifully arranged, are hung in the four corners of the shrine. In front of shrine are placed red, white or black umbrellas depending which Gods are worshipped in the shrines. In front of important shrine one sees, besides these umbrellas soars, tridents and other weapons, the “umbulumbul”, long flags, all these are prerogatives or attributes of Holiness. In front of the Temple gate put up “Penjor”, long bamboo poles, decorated beautifully ornaments of young coconut leaves, rice and other products of the land. Most beautiful to see are the girls in their colorful attire, carrying offerings, arrangements of all kinds fruits and colored cakes, to the Temple. Every visitor admires the grace with which the carry their load on their heads.


Friday, December 30, 2011



Bali’s economy rises... From page 1 Meanwhile, the remaining 695,290 people belonged to non-labor force or still attended school, handled domestic work and so forth. An economic observer of Bali, Prof. Dr. Wayan Ramantha, advised that government should prioritize the alleviation of poverty and reduction of unemployment rather than indirect expenditures such as salaries and allowances of civil servants. Government should design in such a way that development spending led to investment that later on could absorb labor force and reduce poverty. “Government should be pro-people and proportional in designing the budget. Dominant expenditure for employee means there will be restricted budget to overcome unemployment and poverty,� he said. According to the Regional Chief Economist of BNI, the spending policy of government should be focused on three elements, namely progrowth, pro-job and pro-poor. The economic development was not limited to the matter of equity and economic stability, but referred to the target of economic development of Bali namely absorption of employment and poverty alleviation. Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics Business, Undiknas, Prof. Dr. IB Raka Suardana, said that more regional budget should be allocated to serve people, such as poverty and unemployment alleviation. So far, most regional budget was allocated for indirect spending, while direct expenditure only got smaller portion. “The portion of direct spending whose absorption is directly enjoyed by the community should be larger, while those of indirect one should be minimized. If well implemented, it will bring in better development results for people,� he said. Government should implement the labor-intensive concept to reduce the unemployment because so far the unemployed people were even getting more impoverished as they did not get a job. par

Grow unequally... AP/Khin Maung Win

Smoke and blaze rise from a warehouse in Pazundaung township, eastern Yangon suburb, Myanmar early Thursday, Dec. 29, 2011. OfďŹ cials said the warehouse ďŹ re quickly spread to neighboring homes and buildings, killing at least more than a dozen.

Fire kills 16 in 0\DQPDU¡V PDLQ FLW\ RI <DQJRQ Agence France Presse

<$1*21 0\DQPDU ² $ ÂżUH IROORZHG E\ VHYHUDO H[SORVLRQV HQJXOIHG PDQ\ VWDWH ZDUHKRXVHV DQG QHLJKERULQJ KRPHV NLOOLQJ DW OHDVW SHRSOH DQG LQMXULQJ LQ 0\DQPDUÂśV PDLQ FLW\ RI <DQJRQ RQ 7KXUVGD\ 7KH EODVWV RFFXUUHG DV ÂżUHÂżJKWHUV ZHUH SXWWLQJ RXW WKH ÂżUH WKDW had started in a state-owned warehouse before spreading to other warehouses and nearby homes and buildings before dawn. The Yangon General Hospital’s emergency ward was in commotion as dozens of injured people and dead bodies were brought in by ambulances and pickup trucks. A total of 10 injured people were brought in and more were continuing to arrive, said a senior nurse. She confirmed that 16 people had died. She said the dead include at least WKUHH ÂżUHÂżJKWHUV ZKR ZHUH FDXJKW

LQ DQ H[SORVLRQ GXULQJ WKH FRQĂ€Dgration in Mingalar Tahung Nyunt township in eastern Yangon. The nurse did not want to be identified because she is not authorized to speak to the media. “Many of the dead were hit by flying debris of broken walls and stone slabs that were flung on to the streets due to the explosion,â€? Maung Win, a 45-year-old resident, told the Associated Press. The explosions knocked down buildings including a Buddhist monastery near the warehouse. Windows from the nearby buildings were shattered due to powerful explosions, witnesses said. The explosions rocked the

entire city, jolting residents from sleep. A 20-foot 6-meter -wide and 15-foot 4.5-meter -deep crater was visible at the site. Black smoke was seen billowing from the rubble Thursday morning. Firefighters were searching for bodies from among the debris. It was not immediately clear what caused the fire and the explosion. Residents said the fire started in a warehouse that stored electronic goods and spread to another warehouse that stored some kind of chemicals. Officials did not immediately given any details.

From page 1 “Just as happened in Kuta, the rapid growth of tourism sector is only enjoyed by certain circles, while the local community only serves as spectator. In response to that condition, today the people no longer wait and see, but see and do as performed by Beraban community,â€? he explained. Ascertained, the seizure against the potential would occur in other tourist destinations which had similar potential. To prevent the domino HIIHFW JRYHUQPHQW VKRXOG FRQÂżUP WKH VWDWXWRU\ SURYLVLRQV RU UHJXODtions. “Are the tourist attractions existing in the region managed by local community or government as policy holder If they have to be managed by government, the community should be found a solution to avoid the inequality of income,â€? he said. Nevertheless, Prof. Sri Darma confessed to worry when the tourist attraction was managed by society that lacked of capability in management. It was feared the tourist attraction having had a positive image in the eyes of tourists would turn negative because of such mismanagement. “Many tourist resorts turn damaged due to mismanagement and ZHUH ÂżQDOO\ DEDQGRQHG E\ WRXULVWV 7KHUHIRUH WKH FRPPXQLW\ VKRXOG not only see the results, but also think of the professional management,â€? he said. Deputy of Bank Indonesia Denpasar, Gde Made Sadguna, also acknowledged that developers or capital owners investing in hotel, restaurant and travel services enjoyed the splashing of dollars, while the local community only got the drops. “Meanwhile, the producer is the society. By and large, small communities can only obtain the drops. They can only get a small fraction RI WKH EHQHÂżWV RI WRXULVP ´ KH H[SODLQHG On that account, he hoped all parties had the same perception, conception and commitment to realize the Bali tourism development as wished together. “Whatever the form of tourism, it should be developed without deviating from the concept of tourism, namely tourism for the community, not community for tourism,â€? he said. Similar opinion was revealed by Chairman of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Kadin of Bali Chapter, Gde Sumarjaya Linggih. Economic growth of Bali in 2011 could make proud but could not be enjoyed by Balinese people. Economic growth was more enjoyed by entrepreneurs from outside Bali. On that account, the economic growth that grew above the national economic growth as if giving an impression to get rid of the Balinese. “Indeed, the economic growth boasts. However, it is merely based on global calculation. Who are the perpetrators of the economy They are investors. Who are the investors They are from Jakarta and some others are foreigners,â€? he said. par

Indonesia Today


Friday, December 30, 2011


Foreign minister meets Suu Kyi in Myanmar Agence France-Presse

RANGOON - Indonesia’s foreign minister said Wednesday that Myanmar was ending 2011 with “less democratic deficit” but cautioned there was more work to be done after meeting with democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi. Marty Natalegawa, whose country held the rotating chair of the 10-nation Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) this year, expressed “strong support” for Myanmar’s recent reformist moves during a one-day visit to Yangon. “2011 has been a very, very important year for Myanmar and therefore, as a result, a very important year for ASEAN,” Natalegawa told reporters after holding talks with Suu Kyi and attending a bilateral meeting with his Myanmar counterpart. “I think there is less democratic deficit at the end of 2011 but it’s still a work in progress. It is not a done thing,” he said. Natalegawa, who last visited the army-dominated country in October, praised its new nominally civilian government for releasing some political prisoners and opening dialogue with opposition leader Suu Kyi and ethnic minority groups. Myanmar was last month re-

warded for its conciliatory gestures with the ASEAN chair in 2014, despite rights groups saying the move was premature. But Natalegawa said the responsibility of the chairmanship could “create further motivation for Myanmar to continue along its democratisation path” and said he had told Suu Kyi about the possibilities the regional bloc can offer. Turning to his bilateral talks with government officials, Natalegawa said they had discussed ways to boost economic cooperation to see the trade volume between the two nations rise to $500 million by 2015, up from around $300 million this year. The country also known as Burma relinquished the chance to head ASEAN five years ago due to international pressure for democratic reforms. Myanmar has been a source of embarrassment for ASEAN’s more democratic states, overshadowing other problem members such

AFP PHOTO / Soe Than Win

Myanmar democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi (R) meets with the press following her meeting with Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa at her house in Yangon on December 28, 2011.

as communist Vietnam and Laos, which have significant human rights issues of their own. ASEAN also includes Brunei,

2YHU SROLFH RI‫ۋ‬FHUV questioned on Sape violence Antara

JAKARTA - The number of police officers who have been questioned over the violence in last Saturday`s clash at the Sape ferry port in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara reached 52, a police spokesman said. Head of the National Police`s public relations division Inspector General Saud Usman Nasution made the statement here on Wednesday, adding that the violence left two people dead. “A total of 20 officers out of the 52 were Mobile Brigade, 17 Sabhara riot police officers, six Lambu police precinct officers and two police field controllers,” Nasution said. The two dead victims were identified as Arief Rachman,18 and Syaiful,17, he cited. The question was conducted by the general supervision inspectorate, internal affairs and professional divisions of the National Police Headquarters, he said, informing that six persons were also questioned over the case. According to him, police carried out a law enforcement action at 8 am against demonstrators who had occupied a ferry bridge in Sape led by West Nusa Tenggara regional police chief and arrested provocateurs while those who held out were taken to the Bima resort police station.

People had set fire to the Lambu police sector station and other government offices. An inventory of the burned buildings was still being made. The police spokesman also said, the law enforcement action was taken because demonstrators from the Anti-Mining People`s Front had occupied and blocked activities at the Sape ferry port since December 19. The action was part of the Operation Candle 2011 and was also taken because the demonstrators had disrupted public order and the ferry port`s operations. The demonstrators had demanded the revocation of the district head`s decision number 188 of 2010 that allowed PT Sumber Mineral Nusantara to conduct mineral explorations in the region. Nasution also said, nine guns used by police in Saturday`s incident were confiscated and sent to the National Police `s forensic laboratory. “We are handling this case in a transparent and accountable way. The situation in Bima, meanwhile, is now conducive again,” he added. In addition, the demonstrators had also asked suspect AS who had been handed over to the prosecutor`s office to be released. AS was suspected of having provoked the torching of the Lambu sub-district head`s residence on March 10, 2011.

Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand. As chair of ASEAN, Myanmar would be required to speak on be-

half of the bloc and host scores of meetings including the East Asia Summit which includes the United States.

Lion Air to start private jet service Agence France-Presse

JAKARTA - The Indonesian budget carrier Lion Air, which announced the world’s biggestever commercial aircraft order last month, plans to launch a private jet service by mid-2012, the company said Thursday. Lion Air is negotiating a deal for four, nine-seater jets with US-based Hawker Beechcraft, which builds special-mission, business and trainer aircraft, Lion Air spokesman Edward Sirait told AFP. “We will order four airplanes and we hope that two will be delivered between May and June next year. We will start operating a month after that,” Sirait said. “The deal will be signed and made official in January.” The service will be available to individuals, but will likely serve clients from the private sector, particularly the country’s booming mining industry.

“CEOs of mining companies for example are usually based in Jakarta, but they would need to travel from one island to another to visit mines,” Sirait said. “The demand is there. We just need to work out how to meet it.” Lion Air, which had just one plane a dozen years ago, signed a world-record commercial contract worth $21 billion for 230 Boeing 737s with the US manufacturer in November. The firm has become the biggest private airline in Indonesia and said it plans to expand across the AsiaPacific region. Sirait declined to disclose the value of the private jet deal. The airline is looking to serve international and domestic routes across the sprawling archipelago of more than 17,000 islands. Indonesia is already serviced by several other chartered plane companies, such as Susi Air and Jet Royal.



Friday, December 30, 2011

Bali Today Foodstuff supplies ascertained to be secure Bali Post

D NPASAR - oodstuff supply for otels and restaurants especially for foreign and do estic tourists w o were spending olidays in ali w ile welco ing t e New Year was recogni ed by t e Division ead of Do estic Trade ali Industry and Trade Agency agus etut i aya did not live t roug any interference so far According to i restaurant and otel would certainly increase t eir food supplies considering t e surge of tourists visiting ali during t e C rist as and New Year celebrations “To maintain the quality of basic food supplies, we always improve the control against the distribution of food supply. Even, amidst the bad weather lately, delivery of basic food supplies from outside Bali remained relatively smooth, so the stock for restaurant business can be said to be safe,� he said. According to him, based on experience in the previous year, there was no surge in undeserved demand for basic food. This situation was predicted to be the same on holidays and ahead of New Year. If there was a price hike, it was more closely associated with the law of business behind the people’s high demand. The price hike of basic commodities was not caused by decline in stock, but purely caused by

WKH ODZ RI EXVLQHVV WR ORRN IRU SURÂżWV Such acts could not be banned in the midst of holidays. Bagus Wijaya added that price monitoring was only valid for food commodities. Meanwhile, the agricultural products such as peppers, tomatoes, vegetables and fruits were GLIÂżFXOW WR EH SUHGLFWHG DV GHSHQGLQJ on the crop yields at the farm level. Based on observation of Bali Post in Badung Market, a number of commodities showed a price hike. It was triggered by the recent rainy season making the agricultural production not optimal and high demand. “In addition to rice, kitchen herbs like large red chili and tomatoes also showed a price hike but not too high,â€? said Wayan, a kitchen herb seller. She said,

the large red chili was currently sold for around IDR 23,000 per kilogram rising from previous price at IDR 22,000 per kilogram cayenne for IDR 20,000 per kilogram and tomatoes for IDR 10,000 per kilogram.As for rice, Made Rimbun, one of the suppliers, said that the increase only happened to the rice of super quality. “Market demand for rice in this year-end indeed shows an increase, EXW WKH FRQGLWLRQ LV QRW VLJQLÂżFDQW ´ Rimbun said. Market demand for rice still dominantly happened to types of good quality that were indeed well responded by the market. They consisted of IR 64 of Putri Sejati brand IDR 9,500 per kg , IR 64 of Kereta brand IDR ,700 per kg and IR 64 of Ratu brand IDR ,700 per kg . bit


Foodstuff supply for hotels and restaurants, especially for foreign and domestic tourists who were spending holidays in Bali while welcoming the New Year was recognized by the Division Head of Domestic Trade, Bali Industry and Trade Agency, Bagus Ketut Wijaya, did not live through any interference so far.

Spiritual Farming:

From One Green to Some other Greens Advancement of science of technology does not answer all problems encountered by human life. In agriculture, for instance, modern farmers can now have boosted the quantity of production, even in multiple amounts. On the one hand, it’s a great success but

on the other hand it still leaves a problem on the decline of environmental and human health quality. Green revolution occurred between 1943 and 1970s through the implementation of chemical fertilizer and good irrigation system has conjured up the rice


Advancement of science of technology does not answer all problems encountered by human life. In agriculture, for instance, modern farmers can now have boosted the quantity of production, even in multiple amounts.

production. In short term, it EHFDPH DQ HIÂżFDFLRXV PHGLFLQH to resolve the famine in tropical countries. Few decades later, it had an impact on the reduction of environmental quality, like pollution in water, land and others. Apart from the impact on the environment, it was also had an impact on human health like the rise of some new cancers. Realizing these facts, now Bali has an initiative to become a green province and implement the integrated farming system Simantri . Hopefully, implementation of the system could realize the Bali Organic plan and consequently minimize the environmental destruction. Green province campaign includes some aspects, namely green culture, green economy and Bali green and clean. Green culture is intended to change the societal behavior in managing their waste management and environment. Green economy hints that all eco-

nomic activities should be in the eco-friendly orientation. These two aspects will empty out into the initiative of Bali Organic. One of the aspects is applied in WKH DJULFXOWXUDO ÂżHOG 6RFLDOL]DWLRQ KDV EHHQ LQWHQVLÂżHG ZKLOH HVWDElishing farmer groups. Through breeding local cows, for instance, farmers are expected to get maxiPDO EHQHÂżWV 2WKHU WKDQ LQFUHDVLQJ the number of cows, they will be able to take advantage the cow dung and urine for organic fertilizers. In the long run, it will reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Of course, this endeavor will reduce the production cost that should be spent by farmers and at the same time increase the quality of rice as well as improve the environmental quality. As a matter of fact, simple practice of this concept could have been seen around 1970s. Farmers using cows to cultivate their land could also take advantage of

their cow dung. It was spread out RQWR WKH ULFH ÂżHOG DQG LWV HIÂżFDF\ could last for at least for two plantLQJ VHDVRQV ,Q WHUUDFHG ULFH ÂżHOG it could uniquely be managed by establishing a cowshed in the upper stream. Later on, the collected dry cow dung was channeled to rice ÂżHOG WKURXJK WKH ZDWHU JXWWHU However, since being urged by the demand to multiple the rice production, farmers left the method. Introduction of hand tractor and chemical fertilizers gradually replaced the role of cows. The new method was expected to accelerate the land cultivation process. As consequence, cows were only serving as family saving’ for farmers. Simple eco-friendly pest control actually has been proposed in the palm-leaf manuscript entitled “Shri Tattwa or Darmaning Pemaculan.â€? It has been applied by subak community in Bali from generation to generation until today. TN punia


Friday, December 30, 2011

Balinese Culture Sabda Palon Naya genggong shrine inaugurated inauguration of the sanctum located at Kerajan Hamlet, Kandangan The Majapahit temple named Village, Senduro, Lumajang, East Sabda Palon Naya Genggong with Java. Other than high priests from the height of approximately 2.5 %DOL WKH ULWXDO DOVR LQYROYHG ¿YH meters was inaugurated coinciding sanctified people from Senduro with the auspicious day falling on Lumajang, namely Romo Argotai, the full moon of the sixth month in Romo Atim, Romo Mistari, Romo Balinese calendar, Saturday Dec Sai and Romo Suparman. They 10 . In the history, Sabda Palon led the procession of the inauguand Naya Genggong were spiritual ration by using a simple ritual in accordance with local tradition. advisers to the King Brawijaya. They both practicing the Shaiv- Strangely, they were not prepared ism and Buddhism had agreed not with a special place, but still sitting to follow their king who converted calmly on the ground next to pavilto Islam in accordance with the ion of the three high priests. Location of the Sejati Lingga invitation of Raden Patah. It is believed the two people had a high Bhuana Ashram is about 3 kilospiritual power and immediately at- meters after the Sumeru Agung tained moksha liberation without Temple. Atmosphere in the ashram leaving any traces as soon as the is very cool and remains to preserve king had religious conversion. Their some large trees with diameter of 70 famous saying was that they would cm to 2.5 m in the middle of the ashcome back to this archipelago with ram covering an area of 0.6 hectare. the same culture and substance 500 To keep the natural impression, the years later since it happened in 1511. ashram is not fenced by compound 'XUDWLRQ RI WKH ¿YH FHQWXULHV ZDV wall forever. It simply uses nut trees as the wall. Location on the height believed to fall in 2011. A total of three high priests con- of Mount Semeru’s slope also supsisting of Ida Pandita Mpu Nabe ports the temperatures to remain Sri Rasta Jaya Kerti from Griya cool. The ritual was attended by Antasari, Selemadeg Ida Pandita hundreds of devotees from KeranMpu Nabe Acharya Prami from dan, Senduro, Lumajang, as well Griya Agung Padang Tegal, Ubud as devotees from all over Bali, the and Ida Pandita Sri Biksuni Ari host Romo Dukuh Hardjo Wardoyo Chairman of Committee , Didik Wijati from Puncak Giri Kusuma Ashram Luwus, Baturiti chaired the Supono Secretary , founder of the IBP

Dharma Santi Foundation, Ketut Nedeng, including Satria Naradha DV ZHOO DV RWKHU ÂżJXUHV DQG GHYRtees. As expected, the procession of inauguration and implantation of pedagingan could take place solemnly and sacredly. Aside from the Majapahit Temple to venerate Sabda Palon and Naya Genggong, there are also other shrines such as the Padmasana, Panca Tirta, Mpu Hyang Gni Jaya, Mpu Semeru, Mpu Gana, Mpu Kuturan, Mpu Beradah, Hyang Pasupati, Goddess Danu, Buddha, Ganesha, stone inscriptions, and also three sets of lingam-yoni. The three sets of lingam-yoni located near the temple entrance are believed to be very magical. According to Ketut Nedeng, when people took some pictures there, each would have different aura. After the inaugural procession, Ngenteg Linggih ceremony will be held around July 2012. Meanwhile, piodalan or temple anniversary was decided to fall on the day before full moon of the first month in Balinese calendar around July or one day before the piodalan in the Semeru Agung Temple. In the future, a small wantilan hall will be built here to organize Dharma Tula sermon , discussion and learn spirituality and various cultures. TN b

Stuffed Pancake Roll (Dadar Gulung) Ingredients * StufďŹ ng 2 cups fresh-grated coconut * 10 Tbs. grated Java dark brown sugar * 1 Tbs. granulated sugar * 1 3-inch cinnamon stick, broken in half * Âź tsp. salt Directions StufďŹ ng: Mix the grated coconut, grated Java dark brown sugar and granulated sugar, cinnamon and ½ tsp salt together. Fry the mixture in a dry pan over medium/low heat, constantly stirred for approximately 5 minutes, or until the mixture is dry. Remove the cinnamon stick, and set it aside. Ingredients * Pancake 1 cup rice our * ½ cup cornstarch * 1ž cups coconut milk * ½ tsp. salt * 1 egg, beaten * 3 drops green food coloring (optional) * Vegetable oil Directions Pancake: Mix the rice our, cornstarch, coconut milk, ½ tsp. salt, green food coloring and egg into a smooth batter. Lightly oil an 8-inch frying pan, and pour 3 tablespoon of the batter into the pan. Make sure the pan is equally covered with the batter so it becomes a thin layer pancake. Fry for one minute, turn the pancake over and fry for another minute. Remove and set aside. Place 2 Tbs. of the coconut mixture on the near edge of the pancake. Fold over once, then tuck in the left and the right sides and fold over once more. Press gently to distribute the ďŹ lling evenly. (http://asiarecipe.com)



Friday, December 30, 2011



Rambut Siwi Temple IBP


Rambut Siwi Temple is one of the biggest Hindu Temples in Bali located in Negara regency, west part of Bali. It is a beautiful Hindu shrine set in the cliff bank with wide Indian Ocean just in front of the temple. This temple has been renovated and moved to the top of hill for better location of worshiping to the god. Rambut Siwi Temple or local people call Pura Rambut Siwi is supported by the local resident including the maintenance, ceremony and other activities. The local believe that every temple in Bali keep secret of holy including Rambut Siwi Temple. This temple owns the representative temple building which is set beside of main road from Denpasar to Gilimanuk. We can see all cars driven by local Hindu people will stop for a while in this temple for worshiping to get the god bless of securing during the journey. It is the same local people do at other temples in Bali like Gua Lawah and Pulaki Temple. The main temple located in cliff bank and blessed by the breathtaking view of the Indian Ocean.

From the top of the cliff, we can see the old temple building on the ground and just in front of the ocean. Meanwhile the beautiful panorama of the blue Indian Ocean will add the impression of your experience. It is opened for tourist destination in west part of Bali and the right place to visit during your vacation in this island. Rambut Siwi Temple is one of big temple in Bali located in Yeh Embang Kangin countryside, Mendoyo district and Jembrana regency. It is about 2.5 hours drives from Denpasar town go to the west part of Bali or 45 minutes drive from Negara town. This temple is daily taken care by a group of community which is called ‘Pangempon’ come from Pekutatan district. It is simple way to reach this temple from Denpasar and just follow the main road to Gilimanuk. On the way to Gilimanuk, in particular of entering the regency of Jembrana area, you will find out a temple in the left side where most of the cars stop. Rambut Siwi Temple is visited by many tourists and it is one of the tourist destinations in Bali or Places of Interest in Bali.

LAND FOR SALE Land for sale 2 loc Beach Fr 2,7ha & 4,5ha,lngkarSlatan Mtram SHM, avail fr mall/htl/wteboomCall 08176632114


Friday, December 30, 2011


BUSINESS Retail sales resilient in ‍ۋ‏QDO KROLGD\ VWUHWFK Reuters


Sales in the week ending December 24 soared 14. percent from a year ago to about 44 billion, helped by Christmas Eve falling on a Saturday, according to ShopperTrak, which monitors traffic at shopping malls. Good weather also helped as snowstorms had blanketed some areas at the same time last year. Sales on December 26, a public holiday this year, soared 25.5 percent to 7.1 billion, ShopperTrak said. Steep discounts were prevalent throughout the season and drove the sales growth, but could crimp retailers’ profits. “The real issue is, what margins were those sales generated at because it was a very heavily promotional season,� said Al Ferrara, director of BDO USA’s national retail practice. “The retailers, to capture market share, were obviously marking down very heavily.� Amid concerns about profit margins, the latest data had little impact on retail stocks with the S P Retail index ending down 1.05 percent, only slightly better than the 1.25 percent drop in the broader S P 500 index. Sales at stores in the week ending December 24 soared 37. percent from sales in the week ending December 17, ShopperTrak said, suggesting procrastinators were

drawn in by offers. “Consumers are willing to get up and go out there if they feel like they’re going to get some value for their dollars,� ShopperTrak Founder Bill Martin told Reuters. Besides ShopperTrak, two other sets of data indicated solid sales last week. The ICSC Goldman Sachs weekly chain store sales index rose 4.5 percent during the week ending December 24, versus a holiday-shortened pre-Christmas Day week in 2010. Redbook Research put the year-over-year gain at 4.3 percent. Adjusted for the calendar mismatch, the ICSC Goldman index rose 0.9 percent for the week ending December 24, compared with the prior week. “The finish is solid and the season itself was good,� said ICSC Chief Economist Michael Niemira. “November was on the soft side but December will be better.� December sales so far are up 4.7 percent, while November sales rose 4.1 percent, ShopperTrak’s Martin said. ShopperTrak predicted in mid-December that sales for the two months combined would rise 3.7 percent, while the National Retail Federation expects a rise of 3. percent and the International Council of Shopping Centers is looking for a 3.5 percent increase.

Shoppers look at a shoe shop front in Ermou street, Athens’ main shopping district, Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2011. Greek tax ofďŹ cials have walked off the job at the start of a 48-hour strike to protest austerity measures that have included salary cuts, as the government struggles to meet revenue targets demanded by the country’s international creditors.

*UHHN WD[ RI‍ۋ‏FLDOV RQ VWULNH Associated Press

AT NS Greek tax officials have walked off the job at the start of a 4 -hour strike to protest austerity measures that have included salary cuts, as the government struggles to meet revenue targets

demanded by the country’s international creditors. 7D[ RI¿FHV VKXW GRZQ 7KXUVGD\ IRU the last two working days of the year. On Wednesday, hundreds of Greeks rushed to settle last-minute issues at tax offices ahead of the strike. Many surrendered their car

license plates, preferring to take their vehicles off the road rather than pay the increased road tax. Greece has been struggling economically since May 2010 on multibillion euro rescue loans from other eurozone countries and the International Monetary Fund.


SHANGHAI - Alibaba Group has opened its group-buying platform, Juhuasuan.com, to other industry players such as Groupon’s Chinese joint venture firm Gaopeng and the country’s leading group-buying website Meituan. Juhuasuan, which was launched in March last year, is a platform on which users can browse through hundreds of group-buying deals. “The open platform will not only allow large group shopping websites such as Gaopeng and Meituan to offer their deals to, and tap into the buying power of,

Juhuasuan’s tens of millions of active users, but will also offer a platform for smaller deal providers to thrive and propel their reach into the consumer market,� an Alibaba spokeswoman said in a statement on Thursday. In September, Taobao Mall, a unit of Alibaba Group, also opened its platform to other ecommerce players, inviting them to set up storefronts on China’s top business-to-consumer website. A government official was quoted by local media as saying in September that regulators were investigating whether Taobao Mall was a monopoly. The official later retracted his

statement. China has almost 6,000 groupbuying websites, most of them backed by venture capital firms. Faced with accusations of selling fake goods and competition from thousands of copycats, the groupbuying sector has been sobering up, with dozens of websites reportedly shut and venture capital shunning the industry. Alibaba’s financing unit will provide 600 million yuan 94.9 million in loans to small and medium group-buying operators, while venture capital firms will put another 600 million yuan to invest in companies on the platform that show potential, the firm said in the statement.


Friday, December 30, 2011



Movie crowds dip to 16-year low as apathy lingers Associated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES — Hollywood has more tricks in its bag than ever with digital 3-D and other new film tools. Yet as the images on screen get bigger and better, movie crowds keep shrinking — down to a 16-year low as 2011’s film lineup fell well short of studios’ record expectations. Through New Year’s Eve on Saturday, projected domestic revenues for the year stand at $10.2 billion, down 3.5 percent from 2010’s, according to box-office tracker Hollywood.com. Taking higher ticket prices into account, movie attendance is off even more, with an estimated 1.28 billion tickets sold, a 4.4 percent decline and the smallest movie audience since 1995, when admissions totaled 1.26 billion. Just what has put the movie business in the dumps is anyone’s guess — though safe bets include the tight economy, rising ticket prices, backlash against parades of sequels or remakes, and an almost-limitless inventory of portable and at-home gadgetry to occupy people’s time. The year got off to a dismal start with what could be called an “Avatar” hangover, when revenues lagged far behind 2010 receipts that had been inflated by the huge success of James Cameron’s sci-fi sensation. A solid summer lineup helped studios catch up to 2010, but ticket sales flattened again in the fall and have remained sluggish right into what was expected to be a terrific holiday season.

“There were a lot of high-profile movies that just ended up being a little less than were hoped for,” said Chris Aronson, head of distribution for 20th Century Fox, whose sequel “Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked” has been part of an under-achieving lineup of family films for the holidays. “The fall was pretty dismal. There just weren’t any real breakaway, wide-appeal films.” Big franchises still are knocking it out of the park. “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2,” the finale to J.K. Rowling’s fantasy epic, was the year’s biggest earner and the top-grossing film in the series at $381 million domestically and $1.3 billion worldwide. “Transformers: Dark of the Moon” pulled in $352 million domestically and $1.1 billion worldwide, while “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 1” has climbed to $271 million domestically and $650 million worldwide. Other franchises did well in 2011 but came up short of their predecessors on the domestic front, among them “Pirates of AP Photo/Warner Bros. Pictures, Jaap Buitendijk, File the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides,” ‘’The FILE- In this file film publicity image released by Warner Bros. Pictures, from left, Emma Hangover Part II,” ‘’Kung Fu Panda 2,” Watson, Rupert Grint and Daniel Radcliffe are shown in a scene from “Harry Potter and the ‘’Cars 2” and “X-Men: First Class.” Deathly Hallows: Part 2.”

Cheetah the chimp from ‘Forrest Gump’ to be preserved V 7DU]DQ ‫ی‬LFNV GLHV LQ 86 ‫ۋ‬OP UHJLVWU\ Associated Press Writer

AP Photo/ho, File

FILE - A file photo shows Johnny Weissmuller, right, as Tarzan, Maureen O’Sullivan as Jane, and Cheetah the chimpanzee, in a scene from the 1932 movie Tarzan the Ape Man.

PALM HARBOR, Florida — A Florida animal sanctuary says Cheetah the chimpanzee sidekick in the Tarzan movies of the early 1930s has died at age 80. The Suncoast Primate Sanctuary in Palm Harbor announced that Cheetah died Dec. 24 of kidney failure. Sanctuary outreach director Debbie Cobb on Wednesday told The Tampa Tribune newspaper that Cheetah was outgoing, loved finger painting and liked to see people laugh. She says he seemed to be tuned into human feelings. Based on the works of author Edgar Rice Burroughs, the Tarzan stories, which have spawned scores of books and films over the years, chronicle the adventures of a man who was raised by apes in Africa. Cheetah was the comic relief in the Tarzan films that starred American Olympic gold medal swimmer Johnny Weissmuller. Cobb says Cheetah came to the sanctuary from Weissmuller’s estate sometime around 1960. Cobb says Cheetah wasn’t a troublemaker. Still, sanctuary volunteer Ron Priest says that when the chimp didn’t like what was going on, he would throw feces.

Associated Press Writer

seamless incorporation of the title character into historical footage. WASHINGTON — Bambi, Forrest Gump and More than 2,200 films were nominated for the Hannibal Lecter have at least one thing in common: registry this year. The National Film PreservaTheir cinematic adventures were chosen by the tion Board pares them down before Librarian of Library of Congress to be preserved in the world’s Congress James H. Billington makes the final largest archive of film, TV and sound recordings. selections. “The Silence of the Lambs” (1991), a disturbing “Each year, we do try to pick one of the titles that psychological thriller about the cannibalistic serial the public nominated the most, and ‘Forrest Gump’ killer Lecter, and “Forrest Gump” (1994), starring was way up there on that list,” said Stephen Leggett, Tom Hanks as the simple-minded hero who thinks program coordinator for the National Film Preser“life is like a box of chocolates,” were critical and vation Board. “Everything on the list is subject to commercial successes that won the Academy Award dissenting opinion.” for Best Picture. The animated Disney classic “Bambi” is among the most beloved movies ever made. A majority of the titles chosen this year for inclusion in the National Film Registry are lesser-known — including silent films, documentaries, avantgarde cinema and even home movies. The Library of Congress announced the selections Tuesday. The registry began in 1989 under the terms of the National Film Preservation Act and includes 575 films. Its aim is not to identify the best movies ever made but to preserve films with artistic, cultural or historical significance. “Forrest Gump” has its critiAP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File cal detractors but was praised for its FILE- In this Thursday, March 5, 2009 file photo the Library of technical achievements, including the Congress is seen on Capitol Hill in Washington.



Friday, December 30, 2011


Bugs may be resistant to JHQHWLFDOO\ PRGL‫ۋ‬HG FRUQ Associated Press Writer

One of the nation’s most widely planted crops — a genetically engineered corn plant that makes its own insecticide — may be losing its effectiveness because a major pest appears to be developing resistance more quickly than scientists expected. The U.S. food supply is not in any immediate danger because the problem remains isolated. But scientists fear potentially risky farming practices could be blunting the hybrid’s sophisticated weaponry. When it was introduced in 2003, socalled Bt corn seemed like the answer to farmers’ dreams: It would allow growers to bring in bountiful harvests using fewer chemicals because the corn naturally produces a toxin that poisons western corn rootworms. The hybrid was such a swift success that it and similar varieties now account for 65 percent of all U.S. corn acres — grain that ends up in thousands of everyday foods such as cereal, sweeteners and cooking oil. AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli, File But over the last few summers, rootFILE - In this Oct. 31, 2005, file photo, a harvester works through a field of genetically modified corn near Santa worms have feasted on the roots of Bt Rosa, Calif. corn in parts of four Midwestern states,

suggesting that some of the insects are becoming resistant to the crop’s pestfighting powers. Scientists say the problem could be partly the result of farmers who’ve planted Bt corn year after year in the same fields. Most farmers rotate corn with other crops in a practice long used to curb the spread of pests, but some have abandoned rotation because they need extra grain for livestock or because they have grain contracts with ethanol producers. Other farmers have eschewed the practice to cash in on high corn prices, which hit a record in June.

“Right now, quite frankly, it’s very profitable to grow corn,” said Michael Gray, a University of Illinois crop sciences professor who’s tracking Bt corn damage in that state. A scientist recently sounded an alarm throughout the biotech industry when he published findings concluding that rootworms in a handful of Bt cornfields in Iowa had evolved an ability to survive the corn’s formidable defenses. Similar crop damage has been seen in parts of Illinois, Minnesota and Nebraska, but researchers are still investigating whether rootworms capable of surviving the Bt toxin were the cause. University of Minnesota entomologist Kenneth Ostlie said the severity of rootworm damage to Bt fields in Minnesota has eased since the problem surfaced in 2009. Yet reports of damage have become more widespread, and he fears resistance could be spreading undetected because the damage rootworms inflict often isn’t apparent.

Japan scientists hope slime holds intelligence key Agence France Presse

mise” the route along which the mold grows to reach food while avoiding stresses -- like light -- that may damage them. “Humans are not the only living things with information-processing abilities,” said Nakagaki in his laboratory in Hakodate on Japan’s northernmost island of Hokkaido. “Simple creatures can solve certain kinds of difficult puzzles,” Nakagaki said. “If you want to spotlight the essence of life or intelligence, it’s easier to use these simple creatures.” And it doesn’t get much simpler than slime mold, an organism that inhabits decaying leaves and logs and eats bacteria. Physarum polycephalum, or grape-cluster slime, grows large enough to be seen without a microscope and has the appearance of mayonnaise. Nakagaki’s work with this slime has been recognised with “Ig Nobel” awards in 2008 and 2010. An irreverent take on the Nobel prizes, Ig Nobel prizes are given to scientists who can “first make people laugh, and then make them think.” And, say his contemporaries, slime may sound like an odd place to go looking for the key to intelligence, but it is exactly the right place to start. Atsushi Tero at Kyushu University in western Japan, said slime mold studies are not a “funny but quite orthodox approach” to figuring out the mechanism of human intelligence. He says slime AFP Photo/Shingo Ito molds can create much more Japanese scientists are studying amoeboid yellow slime effective networks than even mold to better understand the mechanism of human the most advanced technolintelligence. ogy that currently exists. A brainless, primeval organism able to navigate a maze might help Japanese scientists devise the ideal transport network design. Not bad for a mono-cellular being that lives on rotting leaves. Amoeboid yellow slime mold has been on Earth for thousands of years, living a distinctly un-hi-tech life, but, say scientists, it could provide the key to designing bio-computers capable of solving complex problems. Toshiyuki Nakagaki, a professor at Future University Hakodate says the organism, which he cultivates in petri dishes, “organises” its cells to create the most direct root through a maze to a source of food. He says the cells appear to have a kind of informationprocessing ability that allows them to “opti-

Samsung Galaxy Note sells 1 million SAMSUNG launched its unusual tablet/ smartphone crossover device, the Galaxy Note, back at the beginning of September. Now, the company has reported a total of 1 million shipped units. The news was shared via an image on Samsung’s official Flickr page, spotted by The Verge, which said that sales around the world were “rapidly rising”, and that the magic 1 million shipped figure was reached today, December 29. Currently on sale in the UK, Germany, France, Taiwan, Hong Kong and several other countries, it’s worth remembering this is a shipped device figure rather than a devices sold figure, which is likely to be slightly lower. Still, thanks to the Note’s over-sized proportions, it was never clear how well it would be received. The pocket-busting

5.3-inch screen and the inclusion of a stylus makes the Note rather quirky, but obviously not so much that it puts people off. The Note has always been slated for release in the USA, but Samsung has never provided any details. Although it’s still keeping fairly quiet on the subject, it has at least now confirmed the device will be coming out in 2012, saying “The speed of the global sales is expected to accelerate further next year when it will be available in the US.” Previous rumors regarding the USlaunch of the Galaxy Note include it featuring a revised front panel with the traditional Galaxy home button removed, and the usual four-button Android layout instead, plus the potential for a 4G LTE model too. AT&T has been linked as the supporting network.


Friday, December 30, 2011



Liverpool’s Suarez back in WURXEOH ZLWK ‍ۋ‏QH DQG EDQ Reuters

LONDON - Uruguayan striker Luis Suarez was banned for one PDWFK DQG ÂżQHG SRXQGV E\ WKH (QJOLVK )$ RQ Wednesday for making an offensive gesture to Fulham fans after Liverpool lost a Premier League match at Craven Cottage earlier this month. /LYHUSRRO ZHUH DOVR ÂżQHG SRXQGV DQG ZDUQHG DV WR WKHLU future conduct by the FA after their players surrounded referee Kevin Friend who had sent off Jay Spearing in the second half of the match On Dec.5 which Fulham won 1-0. /DVW ZHHN 6XDUH] ZDV EDQQHG IRU HLJKW PDWFKHV DQG ÂżQHG pounds by the FA for racially abusing Manchester United defender Patrice Evra in October. He intends to appeal against that decision so was eligible to play in Liverpool’s Premier League match against Newcastle United on Friday, but will now miss the game. ,Q D VWDWHPHQW RQ WKHLU RIÂżFLDO ZHEVLWH ZZZ WKHID FRP WKH )$ VDLG /LYHUSRRO ZHUH EHLQJ ÂżQHG DQG ZDUQHG DV WR WKHLU IXWXUH FRQGXFW “for failing to ensure their players conducted themselves in an orderly fashionâ€? during the game at Fulham. The club admitted the charge, which was in relation to the dismissal of Spearing, but did not accept the standard 20,000 pounds penalty for the offence. However, an Independent Regulatory Commission found Liverpool JXLOW\ DQG WKH )$ LPSRVHG WKH ÂżQH RQ :HGQHVGD\ ZKHQ 6XDUH] ZDV also banned after admitting the offence. AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez, File

FILE - In this Oct. 26, 2011, ďŹ le photo, New York Red Bulls forward Thierry Henry, right, makes a pass to center as FC Dallas defender Zach Loyd, left, pursues in the second half of an MLS Cup soccer match in Frisco, Texas.

Henry and Podolski would boost Arsenal, says Mertesacker

Ancelotti spotted in Paris prior to expected PSG deal Reuters

PARIS - Italian Carlo Ancelotti was spotted at a Paris hospital on Thursday amid press reports he could sign as coach of Paris St Germain in the coming hours. A Reuters photographer saw the former AC Milan and Chelsea coach spend an hour at the Pitie Salpetriere hospital, which is used by PSG for staff medicals. PSG are top of the French league but reports have persisted that WKHLU ELJ VSHQGLQJ 4DWDUL RZQHUV ZDQW D KLJKHU SURÂżOH FRDFK WKDQ Antoine Kombouare, in place before May’s takeover. The club said last week that “serene discussionsâ€? were taking place with Kombouare but stopped short of saying he had been removed.


/21'21 7KLHUU\ +HQU\ WUDLQLQJ ZLWK KLV IRUPHU FOXE $UVHQDO ZRXOG ¿W ULJKW EDFN LQWR WKH WHDP DFFRUGLQJ WR *HUPDQ GHIHQGHU 3HU 0HUWHVDFNHU ZKR VD\V WKH FOXE VKRXOG DOVR FRQVLGHU VLJQLQJ FRPSDWULRW /XNDV 3RGROVNL There were widespread reports in the British media on Thursday that Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has decided to re-sign Henry, the club’s record goalscorer and former skipper, on a two-month loan deal from New York Red Bulls when the transfer window opens on Sunday. Henry, 34, played for Arsenal from 1999 until 2007 and made a total of 369 appearances scoring 226 goals. He then spent three seasons at Barcelona before joining New York Red Bulls last year. France’s all-time record scorer is eligible to play for Arsenal on loan until the new Major League Soccer season kicks off in March and was at the Emirates Stadium on Tuesday to see their 1-1 draw with Wolverhampton

Wanderers. Mertesacker, who has been impressed with Henry in training over the last two weeks, told reporters: “Henry has a lot of experience and he is a great opportunity for us, but I am not the manager and I do not know what is possible, for him or for us. “He has been playing very, very well in training. He still has the same attitude he has when he played for Arsenal. He has shown his class and it has been good to have him with us.� Arsenal have recovered well after a poor start to the season and are currently fifth in the Premier League after just one defeat in their last 11 matches. However, they have been heavily reliant on Robin van Persie

for goals this season and Henry and Podolski would, in theory at least, add some firepower to their attack. Henry scored 15 goals in 29 appearances for the Red Bulls last season while Podolski, 26, has struck 14 league goals for Cologne so far this season. As well as supporting a move for Henry, Mertesacker said he would like to see fellow Germany international Podolski in London. “He is a powerful, great player, especially for the national team. He has scored a lot of goals, is a good striker with a very good finish. His left foot is unbelievable and I am a fan of his. “The Premier League is a little different to the Bundesliga but you get used to everything.�

REUTERS/Benoit Tessier

Italian Carlo Ancelotti, former AC Milan and Chelsea coach, leaves the Pitie-Salpetriere hospital in Paris December 29, 2011.



Friday, December 30, 2011


Spurs dampen Clippers buzz with big win Reuters

San Antonio s uas ed so e of t e ype surrounding t e reva ped Los Angeles Clippers on ednesday wit a - victory t at lifted t e Spurs to - in t e new season A bloc buster trade for point guard C ris Paul and t e ac uisition of starters C auncey illups and Caron utler created a bu about t e Clippers t at only grew after t eir season-opening victory over olden State on Sunday However, San Antonio brought them crashing back to Earth on Wednesday with Manu Ginobili scoring 24 points and DeJuan Blair adding 20. The Spurs shot 56 percent for the game. San Antonio padded a four-point half-time lead into a 25-point advantage in the third, making 16-of-21 shots to add 38 to their tally. Tony Parker added 10 of his 14 points in the decisive quarter to go with his nine assists. At the other end, San Antonio

smothered Los Angeles during the second half where they held them to just 36 points. “Tonight the best part of our game was our defense,â€? Spurs coach Gregg Popovich told reporters. “Shots went in tonight. Some nights they don’t drop but the one thing you can control is your defensive intensity.â€? %ODNH *ULIÂżQ OHG WKH &OLSSHUV (1-1) with 28 points and nine reERXQGV DQG IRXU RWKHU &OLSSHUV ÂżQLVKHG LQ GRXEOH GLJLWV LQFOXGLQJ

Paul with 10. But Los Angeles had trouble defending the wily Spurs who drained 10 three-pointers on the night, including five from Ginobili. Richard Jefferson also made three and finished with 19 points. “They shot 52 percent from three, it’s tough to win like that,� Griffin said. “They hit some tough shots, you have to give it to them. We have to make sure we come out on our game after halftime.�

AP Photo/Bahram Mark Sobhani

San Antonio Spurs guard Danny Green attempts a shot between Los Angeles Clippers’ Brian Cook, left, and Trey Thompkins (33) during the second half of an NBA basketball game in San Antonio, Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2011.

Djokovic steps up to dominate men’s tennis in 2011 Associated Press Writer

AP Photo/Alastair Grant, File

FILE - In this July 3, 2011 ďŹ le photo, Serbia’s Novak Djokovic lifts the trophy after defeating Spain’s Rafael Nadal in the men’s singles ďŹ nal at the All England Lawn Tennis Championships at Wimbledon, England.

LONDON Novak Djokovic is about to find out what it takes to follow up on a nearly unbeatable season. The 24-year-old Serb won three of the four Grand Slams titles, lifted seven other trophies and wrested the No. 1 ranking from Rafael Nadal. His 70-6 record included a staggering 41-match winning streak to begin the season. “It was incredible,� Djokovic said. “I made so many wins in a row that I really didn’t count any more. I was just trying to play one match at the time and trying to think how long the streak will go on, not when it will end.� Djokovic eventually fell one short of matching John McEnroe’s record of 42 straight wins to begin the 19 5 season. Despite that, the American great said the tougher competition and greater athleticism in today’s game made the Serb’s feat “more impressive.� The run also included four wins over Nadal, all in finals. Two of them came on the Spaniard’s favorite clay surface. Djokovic, who won the Australian Open early in the season, finally lost in June when Roger Federer prevailed in the French Open semifinals. But the Serb quickly picked himself up and

swept the Wimbledon and U.S. Open titles. In New York, Federer seemed certain to repeat his Roland Garros success. He held two match points on serve in the fifth set of their semifinal match, but Djokovic saved both the first with a blistering forehand return winner that was one of the year’s most memorable moments. It was also the perfect demonstration of the belief that Djokovic says was the key to his dramatic improvement in 2011 after a threeyear gap since his first Grand Slam title in 200 . “The truth is that this year, mentally I am more mature and a stronger player,â€? he said. “I believe on the court more in my qualities, more that I can win against Federer and Nadal and all the top players.â€? While Djokovic’s confidence soared, Nadal’s seemed to drain away a little more with each loss. His three titles for the season was his worst haul since 2004, and after months of complaining about the hectic calendar, Nadal left the season-ending ATP World Tour Finals stating that he had a “little bit less passion for the game.â€? 6SDLQÂśV 'DYLV &XS ZLQ ² WKHLU fifth since 2000 at least provided a silver lining to a difficult season, but Nadal said dropping the team competition from his schedule in

2012 would be part of his mission to turn around his fortunes. “My goal is always the same, be a better player in 2012 than I was in 2011,â€? Nadal said. When Djokovic’s phenomenal VHDVRQ ÂżQDOO\ WRRN LWV WROO RQ KLV body four of his six losses for the year came after the U.S. Open it wasn’t Nadal who took advantage but Federer and Andy Murray. Murray, who spent the whole season in the top four but still ended it without a first Grand Slam, won three straight titles in Asia while Federer ended the season with a 17-match winning streak which culminated in a record sixth title at the year-end championships in London.“To win Grand Slams would be nice,â€? Federer said of his aim for 2012. “I feel like it might be around the corner.â€? The 16-time Grand Slam champion went through a season without a major for the first time since 2002. The failure of women’s No. &DUROLQH :R]QLDFNL WR FDSWXUH one of the big four tournaments was another of the season’s talking points. The 21-year-old Dane, whose boyfriend Rory McIlroy won his first golf major in 2011, finished the year as the top-ranked player thanks to six WTA Tour titles even though she didn’t even reach a single Grand Slam final.




Friday, December 30, 2011

Newey : Red Bull can still improve in 2012

Formula One world champion Sebastian Vettel of Germany drives down Midsummer Boulevard during a parade in Milton Keynes, England, Saturday, Dec. 10, 2011.

AP Photo/PA, Steve Parsons

Red Bull Racing’s technical chief Adrian Newey believes the team can still improve in some areas in 2012, despite a dominant showing during 2011 season. Sebastian Vettel secured his second title in a row after 12 victories and 15 pole positions, with team-mate Mark Webber adding one more win to Red Bull’s tally during the season as the team clinched the constructors’ title again. Although rivals expect Red Bull to have a harder time to make progress given its strong form in 2011, Newey is adamant the team can still take another step forward. Newey also believes that the team that manages to cope better with the new exhaust restrictions to be introduced next year is likely to be strongest. “All we can do is try and look at our own weaknesses from this year, and try and improve on them,” Newey told AUTOSPORT. “We still had

some areas that could be improved upon, but as always it is going to be the development race through the winter. “We have got some regulation changes - primarily the restriction of exhaust exit position and mapping – which means that the exhaust effect is almost zero now. “So, everybody will be working to try and recover that lost downforce, and whoever comes up with the best solutions will probably be the winners next year.” Newey reckons Red Bull’s

rivals will probably feel hurt by the way the team dominated the 2011 season, and will be eager to fight back next year. “I don’t know. Possibly,” he said when asked if his rivals were hurt by Red Bull’s form in 2011. “I cannot comment on how anyone else is thinking or working. “All I can say is that from our own point of view, it is to try and do as we always advocate – which is to get our heads down and worry about own business and do the best

job we can over the winter er and see where it gets to.” And he conceded he never expected his team to have such an outstanding season following a winter-testing period during which Ferrari seemed to be very strong. “No, you never do,” he said. “All through pre-season testing you are never really quite sure, and it certainly seemed that Ferrari were going to be our main rivals, McLaren were struggling with their exhaust system. “But they did a painfully good and quick job of copying ours between the last test and the first race, so their performance in Melbourne was unexpected.

Trulli hits out at ‘pay drivers’ JARNO Trulli has hit out at the influence of pay drivers on the F1 grid as the rumour mill suggests his drive with Caterham could be at risk. Despite being announced with the team for a third straight season, and with a contract in place for 2013, speculation has suggested that Trulli’s role with Caterham could be at risk – with Vitaly Petrov one driver having been linked to his seat in recent weeks. Speaking in La Repubblica. Trulli hit out at the trend of teams bringing in pay drivers to help with budgets, arguing that they lacked commitment and didn’t provide a team with the best chance of results on track, citing former team Renault

as an example. “Robert Kubica is a great driver who can get the very best from the car,” Trulli told La Repubblica. “Because of that they [Renault] were a dark horse. When Robert was out, that was the end. Petrov was not in a position to lead the team, and Senna showed that he was not good enough. “With his experience, Nick [Heidfeld] scored almost as many points as Petrov even though he did only half the season. There is no rule, but it is true that those who pay are less accustomed to suffering. They are less committed. “Hiring them is a business decision but in my opinion it’s not worth it.”

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