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I NSIDE Travel


I n terview K y ong Park

Interview Jan Konings

D esign for t h e real world

Design INSIDEfor theArchitect real world

INSIDE Architect

“…A strategy that I developed was the strategy of strangeness. That’s a feeling you’ve got when you travel. It’s a very exciting feeling. If you go to a new place, which is very different from the places you’ve been before, and it feels very strange. Suddenly you have a feeling of fear, because you don’t know how to get around, you don’t speak the language, you don’t know the customs.... At the same time you have this tremendous feeling of liberation. This is paradoxical: shrinking back, yet expanding outwards. A kind of fundamental ambiguity. To be free and yet afraid. To protect yourself and also open up. So travelling is something that invokes that feeling.”

From an interview with LEBBEUS WOODS by Jan Jongert (1994)


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