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I NSIDE Travel


I n terview K y ong Park

Interview Jan Konings

D esign for t h e real world

Design INSIDEfor theArchitect real world

INSIDE Architect

Through observing, research, conceptualization and spatial design, sustainable, humane solutions for real world problems are developed and presented. INSIDE aims to penetrate the interior of interior architecture and extending that to the range of public spaces that surround us. In an ever-growing awareness of a world in which multiple and contradictory visions are present, we will challenge and see the world from inside-out and become INSIDE architects. The INSIDE programme consists of five parts. The heart features three studios — Inter, Urban and Space — that make up almost half of the total study load. In Studio Space this year Anne Holtrop took the unpredictable, chance and intuition as starting points and ended with the design of a house for the French writer Georges Perec that was scattered all over town.


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