Project 2 meifei

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visualization project Teen Pregnancy Mei Fei Huang

Teen Pregnancy

Statement Background: A lot of young people do not know how to protect themselves, often getting pregnant due to a lack of contraception. According to the statistics, less than half of teens that become mothers before age 18 graduate from high school . College students who become pregnant and give birth are also much less likely to complete their education than their peers. There are also lots of young people who decide to do abortion. Young people also have higher risk for STDs. No matter what the reason, young people becoming pregnant is a big problem for society. In my data visualization project I will show the statistics of young peoples drop out of school rate (graduation rate), and how it corrolates with pregnancy and teen STD rates in the USA.

Company: My client will be Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest (PPGNW). PPGNW is a not-for-profit family planning agency that provides high-quality, affordable reproductive health care for women, men and teens. Many of their patients have no other health care available to them.

Goal: The goal of this data visualization will be to educate young people about the risks of having sex and the importance of using protection when engaging in sex.

Target Audience: My target audiences are any young people and their families.

The Message/Tone: Serious

Media: Poster

Teen Pregnancy


Teen Pregnancy


Teen Pregnancy


Teen Pregnancy

Style Guide

Teenage Pregnancy The adverse effects of teen Pregnancy Rate


The adverse effects of

750 ,000 American teenagers

Teenager Pregnancy

Become pregnant each year


9,STDs 100,000 New each year are among young people aged 15–24 years

8 300

An estimated , young people aged 13–24 years in the 40 states reporting to CDC had

The children of teenage mothers are more likely to have lower school achievement and drop out of school, have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as a teenager, and face unemployment as a young adult.

HIV infection in 2009

Stats show, among those teenagers having teen sex, about 1:4 will contract an STD prior to adulthood


= 10,000

The adverse effects of teen Pregnancy Rate

Many women and teens are living in a state of denial thinking that they will get lucky and won't get pregnant. However this is not the case.


About 82 percent of teen pregnancies are unplanned.


of % 0 8 teens that bout

A tion nd en a ontracep et m o w g c use l will don't th contro hin a r t or bi gnant wi e . pr year


59 percent of teens ended in a live birth. More than 400,000 teen girls aged 15–19 years


About 61percent of Unplanned pregnancy and childbearing of young women who have children in community college don’t finish their degree.

Almost one in five 18 percent births to 15to19 year-olds were to females who already had one or more babies.

Teen Pregnancy


Teen Pregnancy


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