Elyte Magazine #Issue 1.

Page 11

MAHOYO. DJ’S, EXCLUSIVE FASHION WEBSHOP & SO MUCH MORE. Mahoyo are a creative trio that dj, sell unique fashion accessories and clothing and have “lotsa lotsa fun!” A while ago i had the privilege of meeting these fun awesome people and thaught they were cool enough for an interview...

Do you like beans? :: Yes, you can make a lot of different dishes out of beans, and it taste good too. The only negative thing about beans is that it makes you gassy.

I completely understand, eggs taste good too but they always get me going off. There’s a song we used to sing about beans when i was little, it goes “Beans, beans there good for your heart, the more you eat the more you fart, the more you fart the more you eat, the more you eat on a toilet seat.” Im not much of a beans person though, but i don’t mind them. I eat everything edible. I love food too much to be picky. :: If you lived in a world where there were no limitations at all and you could do absolutely anything you want how would you spend a day in it? :: Wow this is a very hard question to answer, but we would definitely gather all our beloved ones, fly off to a secret spot where nobody has ever been before, eat food from all over the world, listen to great music performed live by our favorite musicians, forget about everything outside our little bubble and just enjoy each others company.

So tell me about Mahoyo... :: Mahoyo started as a blog, became a webshop and now-a-days we are also a DJ-crew. We sell street fashion both new and vintage and our ambition is to offer our customers the feeling of being unique. All our garments are carefully selected. When we DJ we play a unique mixture of House, Hip hop, R&B, Dancehall, Dubstep and Kuduro, we aim to make our crowd go bananas on the dance floor. We want to do more than spin tracks, when we are behind the decks we go all out to win the hearts of our crowd and we do so by giving them a real show. It’s all for the love of music and dance.

How did you guys all meet eachother? do you believe that destiny brought u together? ::P We are childhood friends, so we met each other in primary school when we were 11 years old. We’ve become more like sisters. We definitely believe that destiny brought us together, and we will forever be present in each others lives.

If you could describe Mahoyo in three words what would they be? ::

How long have you been dj’ing and selling clothes for? :: We started the webshop in 2008, and we’ve been Dj’ing since 2010.

Creative, independent and fun.

What song best describes your life? :: Do you believe in the existence of aliens and UFOs? ::

J Dilla - Nothing Like This.

Yes, there’s no way earth is the only place with living creatures...we just haven’t found the other ones yet.

What fashion advice would you give to people? :: Be yourself!

Who or what are your inspirations? :: We are fortunate to be surrounded by amazing friends and family that inspires us on a daily basis.



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