4 minute read


by John Whitelock P.P., Recorder

March 8, 2023 • El Riad Temple • Sioux Falls, South Dakota

The meeting opened at 7:00 pm by Potentate Leo Baumgart. Chaplain George Hamilton gave the invocation. Potentate Baumgart then led the Nobles in the Shrine Pledge of Allegiance.

The minutes of the Stated Meeting held on February 8, 2023 were, upon proper motion and second, approved as printed and distributed.

Treasurer’s Report: High Priest & Prophet Scott Denney gave the Treasurer’s Report as of January 31, 2023. Upon a proper motion and second, this report was approved.

Building and Entertainment Committee Report: Chief Rabban Doug Kristensen announce the following matters address by the B&E Committee:

• The new AV equipment had an issue and a software update was downloaded. Download needs to be verified.

• The Groom Room has been cleaned and will proceed.

• Cold Storage is being cleaned out to increase storage capacity.

• A sub-committee has been formed to look at POS system for Shrine.

• We had some issues with our roof drains and some seams on the roof, causing some leaking. This will be looked at in the Spring when snow is off the roof.

• Kitchen floor pump was replaced by Lonnie.

• Fire alarm system is out of date. We will be getting this updated this year.

• CPR training will be provided to event coordinators, office staff, and Road Runners. Any Noble can also attend training at the cost of $25. An email from the Office will be coming out.

• We are updating the drink posters located at each end of the main bar.

• Bathroom remodel will be starting soon. Bathroom facilities will be available.

• We will start having Event Coordinators attend B&E meetings on a quarterly basis.

Upon proper motion and second, the Building and Entertainment Committee Report was approved.

Chief Rabban Kristensen also gave an update on the Cash Calendars. Please put your unit events in his mailbox so he can ensure they get added to the calendar. May 1 is the deadline for submitting pictures for this year’s Cash Calendar.

Committee Reports

Chief of Staff: Chief of Staff Todd Schmidt reminded the nobility that they need to get their parade forms turned in for approval by the Potentate prior to attending the parade. He also informed the nobility of the following events for 2023: Spring Ceremonial May 6; Board of Governors Meetings May 18; Potentate’s Parade in Dell Rapids June 26; Imperial Session Jul 1-6; Family Day (location TBD) July 23; MSA Summer Session Aug. 24-26; Fall Ceremonial Nov. 4.

Potentate Baumgart welcomed two nobles from Yelduz that attended the meeting. They are now living in Sioux Falls and are interested in becoming Associate Members at El Riad.

Membership: Co-Chairman Illustrious Sir John Archer, PP, informed the nobility that they have been extremely busy the last 6 weeks with increasing membership. They had a Cold Sands on Mar. 2 and created one new noble. He encouraged units to have their own Rush Parties and if they need assistance they can ask the Membership Committee to help. This is just a start, so please keep working hard on membership.

Masonic Relations: Chairman Jim Hoy provided to the nobility news of the Masonic Lodges, relating to the Masonic Festival March 31-April 1, still looking for conductors. All petitions must be turned in to the Shrine Office by 5 pm or the Masonic Office by 6 pm on Mar. 9. Mar. 9, Unity stated meeting, FC degree; Mar. 9, Worthing stated meeting; Mar. 11, Unity Sen. Warden Outing; Mar. 16, Minnehaha special meeting, MM degree; Mar. 23, Unity stated meeting, MM degree. Grand Lodge Senior Grand Warden Dane Bloch also spoke on continuing to improve Grand Lodge communication. The Annual SD Masonic Classic golf tournament is June 15 in Watertown. Register at sdmasonicclassic.org.

Circus Committee: Chairman Jeff Landborg covered dates of upcoming circuses: April 17-18, Chamberlain; April 20-23, Sioux Falls; April 24-26, Mitchell; June 22-23, Yankton; June 25, Winner. He also covered items pertaining to the Circus; we continue to need manpower, especially Ushers; concession policy, $1 tickets available will needed for all items; Circus Days is at Nyberg’s Ace on April 8, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., manpower needed to grill hot dogs and hand out coupons, wear your Shrine shirts and fez; Out-of-town circuses need manpower as well.

Hospital Report: Potentate Baumgart reported on the Board of Governors meeting hosted by El Riad on May 18. They will conduct a town-hall meeting, with Imperial Officers, Board of Governors, 18 Temples and all nobility being invited to attend. There will be a social hour, presentation, dinner, and then a question/answer time. Dinner will be $20 per person, more information to follow.

Public Relations: Potentate Baumgart reported that El Riad will host the Chamber of Commerce Mixer on Mar. 14 at 4:30 p.m.

Divan Reports: 1st Ceremonial Master Bill Thompson reported on the Director’s Staff, Classie Autos, and Legion of Honor; Captain of the Guard John Schuety reported on Brookings SC and the Hillbillies; High Priest and Prophet Denney reported on Clowns, Motor Corps and Sprint Cars; Assistant Rabban Mark Richard reported on Mitchel SC, Oriental Band and Fife and Drums.

El Riad Trip Reports: Marshall Tony Bachman reported on Marketing and Membership Conference that he and 1st Ceremonial Master Thompson attended in Grapevine, TX. Membership Committee will develop scripts to help those in talking with candidates. They learned about a lot of new ideas and overall we need to do better at conveying our message.

For the Good of the Order: Chief Rabban Kristensen informed nobility that we are planning a trip to Magnet, NE to thank them for Hot Dog Days. The establishment will be making a donation to El Riad, date to be announced. Noble Lonnie Albers reminded nobility to beware of email/text scams.

There being no further business before the body, Potentate Baumgart thanked the Provosts for tiling the doors and Assistant Rabban Richard for taking the minutes in place of John Whitelock, PP Recorder. A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:22 p.m. The motion was approved.

Respectfully submitted, Mark Richard, Assistant Rabban