3 minute read


For the first 22 years of my life I grew up on a farm in west central Iowa and Paul Harvey’s “So God Made A Farmer” has always rung true to me. If you are not familiar with it, God made the farmer on the 8th day. On the 9th day, God made a Dog according to the writings by Lorna Olitch, “So God Made A Dog”. As I sat and thought about Paul and Lorna’s writings, I wondered what was made on the 10th day...

So God Made a Clown

On the tenth day, God looked down on his newly created world and said, “I need someone who will spread cheer through all of mankind.”

So God made a clown.

God said, “I need someone who will shave his beloved beard, don a wig,oversized shoes, clothes that don’t fit or match, cover his face with paint, then go out into the public without a care in the world.”

So God made a clown.

God said, “I need someone who will teach himself how to juggle, do magic, tie balloon animals and ride a unicycle, then go out and perform these crafts in front of complete strangers.”

So God made a clown.

God said, “I need a character who will entertain at many circus shows to add excitement and childhood wonderment, bringing laughter and smiles to both the young and the old.

So God made a clown.

God said, “ I need someone who will rise with the sun on a weekend morning, drive to the meeting place, load heavy and awkward contraptions, travel to a town they have never been, unload the contraptions, and wait patiently for an hour in any and all weather conditions, only to re-load those same contraptions a short time later, travel back home to their families 8-10 hours later, just for the sake of entertaining unfamiliar faces of all ages along the streets, for a mere 30 minutes.”

So God made a clown.

God said, “I need someone who will visit my sick children in hospitals, and my elderly in nursing homes, in an effort to help them forget all the pain and loneliness they are experiencing, atleast for a short time.”

So God made a clown.

God said, “Lastly, I need someone who will do this without complaint, with a smile on his face, and joy in his heart, so he can spread that joy to people he would have never known.”

So God made a clown.

Article and Poem written by Brian "Sticky" Schultz

Article and Poem written by Brian "Sticky" Schultz

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Second opinions are welcome. All care is provided regardless of the families’ ability to pay.