Elmhurst College E-Book 2014-15

Page 27

Facilitating Academic Dishonesty Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to violate any provision of the Code. Comment 1. For example, one who provides another with a specific answer to a homework assignment while having reason to know that such assistance was either unauthorized or would not be acknowledged would be in violation of this section. Plagiarism3 Plagiarism consists of “the deliberate adoption or reproduction of ideas or words or statements of another person as one’s own without acknowledgment.”4 The College subscribes to the statement on plagiarism, which appears on page 9 of William Watt’s An American Rhetoric. A student must give due credit to the originality of others and honestly pay his/her literary debts. She/He should acknowledge indebtedness: 1. Whenever she/he quotes another person’s actual words; 2. Whenever she/he uses another person’s idea or opinion or theory; 3. Whenever she/he borrows facts, statistics or other illustrative material— unless the information is common knowledge. Examples of Plagiarism a. Direct Quotation Original Source: “The child’s surroundings, we are told, were devoid of artistic luxury...there was an absence of frivolity and a distaste for all that is paltry and superficial.” Student Paper: “The surroundings were devoid of artistic luxury and characterized by the absence of frivolity.” (no quotation marks or citation) Comments 1. All “direct quotations must be placed in quotation marks and the source immediately cited in a footnote.”5 2. Direct quotations must be placed in quotation marks even if a foot note is used to indicate the source and page from which the quotation was obtained. 3. Proper footnote form can be found in manuals on style and arrangement recommended by each academic department.


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