La Spiga - Modern 2012-2013 ENG catalogue

Page 34


easy readers a2 – B1 pre-intermediate • activity books These books have a vocabulary of approximately 600/1000 words. They are structured in order to encourage active reading, with the story on the left-hand page and activities on the right-hand ­­­ page.

• 32 pages • size 11,5 x 19

A1 > A2 Breakthrough > Waystage User KET Trinity Grades 4-6

Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell

Fun with crosswords play with crosswords • vocabulary 3 play with english grammar 3 play with english words 3 play with the internet

9788846822772 9788846817815 9788846813961 9788846815828 9788846815835


Alcott Barrie Baum Brontë Burnett Carroll Cooper Coverley Coverley Defoe Demeter Demeter Dickens Dickens Dolman Dolman Dolman Dolman Dolman Dolman Grahame Haggard Hetherington James Jerome Kingsley Kipling Leroux London London Melville Poe Raspe Scott Scott Scott Shakespeare Shakespeare Shelley Spencer Stevenson Stevenson Stoker Stowe Swift Twain Twain Twain Wallace Whelan Whelan Wrenn Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright

LITTLE WOMEN 9788871004730 PETER PAN 9788871004747 THE WIZARD OF OZ 9788871006666 WUTHERING HEIGHTS 9788871006673 THE SECRET GARDEN 9788871006680 ALICE IN WONDERLAND 9788871002835 THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS 9788871004754 THE CHUNNEL 9788871006697 THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY 9788871006703 ROBINSON CRUSOE 9788871002194 ATTACK ON FORT KNOX 9788846813978 JOHNNY THE GODFATHER 9788846813985 A CHRISTMAS CAROL 9788871000992 OLIVER TWIST 9788871006710 KING ARTHUR 9788871002842 ROBIN HOOD STORIES 9788871002187 STOLEN GENERATIONS 9788846822321 THE LOCH NESS MONSTER 9788871002859 THE SINKING OF THE TITANIC 9788871006727 THE STORY OF ANNE FRANK 9788846810618 THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS 9788871004761 KING SOLOMON’S MINES 9788871006734 THE BATTLE OF STALINGRAD 9788846815811 GHOST STORIES 9788871002156 THREE MEN IN A BOAT 9788871002866 THE WATER BABIES 9788871004778 JUNGLE BOOK STORIES 9788871002170 THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA 9788846821409 THE CALL OF THE WILD 9788871001005 WHITE FANG 9788871004785 MOBY DICK 9788871002873 BLACK TALES 9788871004792 BARON MÜNCHHAUSEN 9788871004808 AMERICAN INDIAN TALES 9788871006741 FOLK TALES 9788871004822 IVANHOE 9788871002880 MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM 9788871006758 ROMEO AND JULIET 9788871002897 FRANKENSTEIN 9788871002903 THE GIRL FROM BEVERLY HILLS 9788846815781 DR JEKYLL AND MR HYDE 9788871002163 TREASURE ISLAND 9788871002910 DRACULA 9788871004815 UNCLE TOM’S CABIN 9788871002828 GULLIVER’S TRAVELS 9788871002200 HUCKLEBERRY FINN 9788871004839 THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER 9788871002927 TOM SAWYER 9788871002217 KING KONG 9788871004846 A STATUE OF LIBERTY 9788846817808 DRACULA’S WIFE 9788846819789 PEARL HARBOR 9788846815804 DRACULA’S TEETH 9788846813992 THE ALIEN 9788846810625 THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE 9788871006772 THE NINJA WARRIORS 9788846810632 THE WOLF 9788846814029 YETI THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN 9788871006765

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