I'm an employer and I need assistance regarding Illinois Workers Comp Insurance?

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I'm an employer and I need assistance regarding Illinois Workers Comp Insurance? I have owned my business for little over a year. I had to file a work comp claim last year for an injured employee. Now my insurance company is dropping me. I have called a number of insurance companies/brokers, no one wants to provide coverage. It is legally required for me to have it. What am I supposed to do at this point? Who can I call for assistance? Related

"I am trying to find dental insurance that will pay for braces, Does anyone know of an insurance that will cove" I am trying to find dental insurance that will pay for braces, Does anyone know of any insurance companies that pay for insurance and dont have a waiting period? If theres a waiting period then how long? I have delta dental and they only cover up to 1000.00" Whats the cheapest car insurance company in ireland for young drivers ? whats the cheapest car insurance company in ireland for young drivers ? How can I get cheaper motorbike insurance? I know postcode makes it cheaper/dearer, but can anyone Please tell me what else puts the price up? Thanks" Can I qualify for medical insurance now? I was non insurable as of last year due to pancreas problems. I went in the hospital 2 months ago and it turns out my problems were caused from my gallbladder. Had my gallbladder removed so now is it possible for me to be insured? National insurance Number? is it possible to get a job without requiring National insurance Number? "Would insurance be high for a 1999 VW Jetta? My first car, 16y/o girl?" I'm looking at a 99 VW Jetta on Craigslist for $2000. Here's the exact listing: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/3371425857.html Obviously this would be added on to my parents car insurance since I'm still a minor. I have to pay my insurance though, so how much do you think it would be?" I was a passenger in a car accident. The car was not at fault. Will my insurance go up?

Also, just to know, assuming that the car I was in had been at fault, would MY insurance go up?. Again, I was not driving." Do you pay car insurance every month or every six months? Need it for the class I'm in now. Help quick! My cousin wants to go on my insurance? i have my own third party insurance for my own car, my cousin owns a van but cant seem to get insurance because he has 5 convictions so he wants me to take out insurance on his van and go on my insurance, does anyone have any ideas on insurance companies for him or can anyone tell me if i agree to do what he wants will anything he do affect my insurance costs in the future?" Hi all.......car insurance!!!.? hi all.......car insurance!!!. is it legal and possible for a person who lives in england to look anywhere in the world for car insurance. so to put it clearly can i insure my car from any insurance company anywhere in the world - could make payments cheaper cheers How much would insurance cost (estimate) for a person my age? Im a teen I live in Texas and I want a dodge challenger but insurance is the only thing my parents are thinking about so could someone give Me a estimate if how much it would be please and thank you If you drive with no license or insurance are you automatically at fault? A friend of my got into a car accident, his car was totaled and at the time he had a suspended licenese and no car insurance. Although the police report shows that he was not at fault the insurance company of the other party is now persuing him for $14,000 in damages. Unfortunatly he is having economic hardships and cannot make the payment they are requesting. They are clearly making threats to suspend his license if he doesnt pay $250 a month. Because he had no insurance or license is he automatically at fault? Is there anything he can do? Does anyone have any info on a good lawyer? Any Information would be helpful. Thank you :-)" Car insurance and speeding points? Hey, when I was 18 I got 3 points for speeding. It is coming up to 5 years since I got them and when doing insurance quotes it always says 'any speeding convictions within 5 years' I was just wondering, dees that mean once it has been 5 years, that I won't have to declare them anymore? and will they completely disappear from my driving record/license? Also, please no replies saying 'grow up, dont speed etc. I know, which is why I grew up and haven't for 5 years. Thanks." How much would it cost for a 17 year old to insure a Mazda Rx 8?

Mazda RX 8 2006 1.3L i THINK its insurance group 16 but im not sure any price estimates? dont worry about telling me thats its too much money and you should get a ford ka and all that bollocks haha i simply wish to know how much it will cost when i pass my test to insure my new Mazda How do insurance companies verify the adress you use for your car insurance is your actual adress? I want to get my car insurance in a different state see how do car insurance companies know that the address and provide is where I live. And if I get caught what is the penalty Motorcycle insurance question? I will be 18 in two months and i want a bike. I am planning to go to the classes which i assume lowers insurance. I also thought by having a smaller bike would cut insurance costs. I only plan to ride around town and not on the highway. If i bought a 250cc bike like a GZ250 or a Honda Rebel, how much would seasonal insurance be roughly? I only want the types of insurance that are mandatory in order of me being on a budget." Can insurance rates go up if...? If you have a provisional license issued and you get a citation for carrying passengers in your car before your 5 months is up, can your insurance rates go up? If so, how much?" Car insurance 17 year old? I just passed my test afew days ago and have been looking at insurance. Most insurers won't give me a quote and if they do it's 19k. But i was looking into classic car insurance for a mini and got a quote from adrianflux for 3500 but i was i told i was to young for classic car insurance. I tryed a 1000cc yaris and they would not even quote me. I checked my details twice and there all right. I asked over the phone why there is such a change im price when they have the same size engine and he just said there cheaper to repair n that . and just so it's clear the minii quote was not classic car insurance. So any one know the logic behind this? + any other suggestions about insurance will help. What does it mean Going of your parents car insurance? ? I heard that you can register the car to my parents car insurance and it will be loads cheaper for myself, but its apparently fraud? What could happen? If I crash my car should I just leave it and run?" Are you required to first get an estimate from your insurance for car repairs? I recently got into a car accident and I'm trying to get repairs done. Do I have to get an estimate of damages from my insurance company first or should I go ahead and get estimates from an auto shop? I've heard that if you get your car estimated by the insurance company first, they tend to overlook problems and try to write you a quick

check and normally won't give you more money if more damages are found by the repair shops. But I don't know if I'm supposed to get my own estimates first? What should I do? Thanks!!" Looking for health insurance for my parents who were deemed 'high risk' and have been rejected several times. My dad is self-employed, so no company insurance plan, and my mom does not work. They are both considered 'high risk' because of health problems and having to take several prescription medications. They have been rejected a few times, one was Blue Cross Blue Shield and I don't know the others. I'm very concerned for their health and want to find something to help them. My dad makes enough money to not qualify him for anything for low income families. Does anyone know about any affordable health insurance companies that accept 'high risk' people? Or insurance for the self employed? Thanks!" Pimped car insurance? I've always wondered how people get car insurance after their car has been pimped. I mean the cars are changed so dramatically and all these gadgets added - how on earth do you explain it to an insurance company?!! "If my car was severely keyed, and i want insurance to pay for some of it, will my geico insurance rate go up?" psycho ex bf keyed every single panel of my jeep, including F^&* you and cya boo and a couple of X s. fml. there's no way in hell i can pay for it on my own but it is so embarassing. if i try to get insurance to pay for it, will my rate go up?" Good Driver Insurance Discount? Okay, so this is the deal. I have a 3.3 G.P.A. Not bad, right? Well, for one of my classes I actually have an F in for ONE of my Spring 2011 classes. Although I can get the discount, my parents keep hounding me for my transcript and I don't want them to see that F or I'm screwed. Can I still get the discount if I send the car insurance company my trancript from the previous semesters and not my most recent one?" I am buying my first car and I want a 2005 scion tc how much would insurance be ? I am 18 years old so I'll probably have my parents co sign if that will help me have lower insurance. I'm an employer and I need assistance regarding Illinois Workers Comp Insurance? I have owned my business for little over a year. I had to file a work comp claim last year for an injured employee. Now my insurance company is dropping me. I have called a number of insurance companies/brokers, no one wants to provide coverage. It is legally required for me to have it. What am I supposed to do at this point? Who can I call for assistance? Are there any specialized insurance company's that deal with young drivers?

I find it extremely annoying to type in all my details every single time I want to check the quote for a different car... ideally, I want a website where I can type in my details but NOT select the car and then it show me the quotes for each car so I can then CHOOSE from the list which car it is that I want... I'm 17, nearly 18 and have a full UK license and I'm looking at buying my first car. All the insurance quotes I've looked at are for over 1,700. Most of them are around 2,500. It's not like I'm choosing Ferrari's or anything either lol I'm looking at small run abouts, 106's, Saxo's, Polo's... I don't really CARE what the car is but I want a car. Any advice?" What kind of car insurance can i obtain? I am 20 years old and i live in California. I have a driver's license but no car. I have heard that there is a type of insurance policy that can cover any car that I drive that is not of my own. Does anyone know which policy that is and from which agency is it from. Also if its an expensive one. Does anyone know names /links for affordable dental insurance for someone who's 66 yrs old under medicare...? my mom is having tooth ache and she's 66, no job, poor. anyone knows of good dental insurance plan i can help her with?" Health Insurance/Student emergency card help!? I'm currently filling out a Student Emergency Information Card and I'm stuck on the Health Insurance portion... For the portion, it only says Insurance #, I have HealthNet but I don't know whether to write the group number or the subscriber number.. I'm kind of sure it's the subscriber one, but I need some assurance. Also, it asks for Medi-Cal straight after that with Yes/No.. How do I know if it's medi-cal or not?" False car insurance report? Me and my boyfriend were in an accident on New Year's Eve in his father's car. Our car was totaled, and since the accident was entirely the other party's fault and their insurance had to cover everything. My family made me go to the emergency room to make sure nothing was wrong with me, and I was told that if I sent the bill to the other lady's insurance they would have to cover it. Well the bill came and when we sent it to his father to send it to the other insurance company he said that he claimed only his son was in the car. Now I'm stuck with a huge bill that I'm trying to find a way out of, but since he lied to the insurance I don't think I can send it to them. There were witnesses and the lady knew I was in the car. Is him lying on the report considered fraud?" What's the cheapest motorcycle insurance for a 17 year old owning a motorcycle and holding a Motorcycle L....? Learner's permit and no DL in viriginia? Serious answers only please. I want to be the only person on the insurance. Cheap car insurance?

i am trying to find car insurance that is cheap. i have tried geico and progressive and all the major ones. does anyone know of some off the wall cheapies? How much does a chest X-Ray cost with no health insurance? i've been experiencing pain in my chest, and i think i need a chest X-Ray. the only problem is, my insurance papers haven't gone through yet, and they won't for about a ...show more" How hard is it to start your own insurance company? how much capital do you need or are there companysthat will front the money Does speeding tickets raise your insurance? I've gotten 2 speeding tickets this month so I'm worried. Does this raise your insurance rates? How much do you pay a month in auto insurance? ok i am 23 years old..i live in the city. i was interested in getting a dodge charger r/t.. hemi included..anyhow, i called to get an insurance quote and they told me that i'd have to put 1000 down and pay 800 a month in auto insurance alone. i think that is so crazy. but if i move 20 minutes away i'd pay 550. i am so frustrated because i know that my age is working against me. my brother is financing a 2000 bonneville ssei and he is only paying 340 a month and he is 21. do you think the year and model of the car is what made the quote so high? what kinda car do you have and what is your monthly ins cost?" "What are the best cars that are cheap to insure, low on tax (highest band D), and quite fast? This is for my first car 17 year old. Thanks Can i get my MOT done without insurance? My car needs an MOT and right now its on a SORN because im waiting for my paycheck so I can get insurance, my question is as follows: i know that you need an MOT before you can insure your car but to get my car to its MOT I would have to have it insured? How does this work? can i drive to the garage without insurance and get away with it or is there some special policy I need to take out? Please help." What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance in the uk? What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance in the uk? What is the difference between permanent life insurance and whole life insurance?

I'm taking a class on finance, and I'm really confused about this concept. If it helps, here's what my textbook says: Permanent life insurance continues until the premiums are stopped or the death benefits are paid out. The cash value of the insurance increases as the premiums accumulate. With whole life insurance, the premiums, death benefits, and cash value of the insurance remain fixed. At the time of the insured's death, the cash value of the insurance becomes the insurance company's and the death benefits are paid to the beneficiaries." "Where can I find good, inexpensive Life Insurance?" Where can I find good, inexpensive Life Insurance?" I be 17 in April and i just got my learners and i want to know how much it cost for car insurance? if my grand mom add me under her how much it cost Why is car insurance so high? I am just at a loss as a new driver. Passed my test recently and just cannot find affordable car insurance it's madness. The cheapest quotes that I am getting are 4000 and I think it's disgusting. And its annoying because they add all this criteria which just shouldn't matter. The system is ageist as well as sexist as young male, new driver just seems to be impossible to get insured for. I only have an old Renault Clio P reg and I paid a very small amount for it and I'm just disgusted at the cost of it. I wanted to know if theres anything that can be done about it? I find it annoying as you can't change your age or your postcode or all this stuff that doesn't matter. I've got home insurance that I pay waaaay less for a month is madness." What is the purpose of uninsured motors insurance ? What is the purpose of uninsured motors insurance ? How much a month for loan and insurance for a 350z? Ok so I'm gonna be 20 in a couple months and I'm tired of driving my crappy integra. I've been saving up and I'm set on getting a 350z. My price range is about 12,000 tops. If I put a down payment of about 5 or 6 grand how much would I pay per month for the loan. And how much would I pay a month for the loan along with the insurance. I'm on my parents plan. I don't know much about interest rates. Can you give me estimates on different lengths of loans and interest rates Thanks ily" Cheapest motorcycle insurance? Im 16 and Im thinking about buying a small sports bike. like a Kawasaki Ninja 250 or Honda CBR250R. I have a my license and a clean driving record. If i just wanted to be covered for Bodily Liability and Property Liability, what company do you think would offer the cheapest insurance? I know that under my circumstances insurance will be disgustingly high, but i want a bike that bad."

How does turning 25 affect your car insurance premium? I turn 25 at the end of the year and am planning on buying a brand new car this summer and am wondering how it will be affected. Thanks! Which motorcycle insurance is an better choice Geico or Allstate? Which motorcycle insurance is an better choice Geico or Allstate? State Farm Car insurance payment question? I have to make a payment on my car insurance 3 days late (it comes due 3 days before pay day, since they changed the due date on me). However, I don't want my coverage to be dropped. I called my agent's office and the girl told me she would suspend my payment, but that they might send me a cancellation notification. She said I should ignore it. Does this mean I will loose coverage for those 3 days, or do I have a small grace period ?" Can anyone recommend good a rental Insurance for California? I'm new to this country and trying to find rental insurance is proving to be a bit difficult. Along with the standard earthquake cover everyone seems to offer, I need it to cover expensive jewellery / 2 bikes and accidental damage to lap top or a pc if possible. I have tracked down one potential AAA Insurance, does anyone know if they are any good? Any help much appreciated." I'm an employer and I need assistance regarding Illinois Workers Comp Insurance? I have owned my business for little over a year. I had to file a work comp claim last year for an injured employee. Now my insurance company is dropping me. I have called a number of insurance companies/brokers, no one wants to provide coverage. It is legally required for me to have it. What am I supposed to do at this point? Who can I call for assistance? What is the best and cheap health insurance? I came form a different country so i dont have any insurance when i came to california. What is the best that i dont have to pay anything when emergency and cheap like $30 per month. Where is the best online insurance in california without broker and billing fees? i was wondering where i could find auto insurance online that i dont have to pay broker fees and billing fees in california, my insurance was $197.00 , but ended up paying $298.00 with the billing fees" My 70 year old grandmother's car insurance a rip off? My grandmother is 70 years of age, drives a 2004 (54) 1.2l Vauxhall Corsa for personal reasons only - no commuting, work etc. Tesco car insurance have quoted 350 for fully comprehensive cover for 12 months. This seems a little steep as my father's 2004 RX8 which is classed as a 2.3l, or thereabouts, costs less than 300 &

he's considerably younger. Each have full no claims bonuses. Please don't refer me to comparison sites because I'm sick of entering the necessary details only to receive ridiculously high quotes from them all. Thanks!" What does no-fault auto insurance mean? I live in California which, I think, is a no-fault state. What ramifications does that have if I'm in an accident? Does it matter, in any way, whether the accident is my fault or the other driver's fault? Thanks you." My Car Insurance Company Is Telling Us To Add My Two Sons Into My Policy.? My sons had their license for a while now. Few months if I'm correct. They are 18 and one is 16 turning 17 in a month. Ever since they got their license, they haven't drove because they didn't have insurance. I refused when they asked because the cost was about $250 a month for each. We live in California and have State Farm. Recently, I've been getting mails and calls that I NEED to add them to my policy. I was wondering is it was really necessary because they never drive and they don't have access to my car. I only have two keys to my car and I keep it with me all the time and I'm a house mom. So the point is, they never drove the car and never will until they get insurance. So my question is, do I really have to add both of them to my policy? and if I do, do I have to pay? and if so, how much? Would it be the same as what I was told when I first asked about the cost of insurance? Which is $500 dollars a month for both." Cheap car insurance companies? I just turned 17, and im gonna be learning to drive soon, but once I have learnt to drive, I can't afford the insurance" Car insurance needed to fix car? I got a scratch on my car and I think I just need a paint job and for them to sand it. Do I need to inform my car insurance or anything to get it fixed and will they inform my car insurance if i went to get it fixed? The problem is my car is under my mom's name as well as the insurance if she found out i scratched the car she might flip. How much would my insurance cost? I am 16, i have a 4.0 gpa, and i have taken drivers ed. I live in Florida, and i will be driving a 2003 honda civic. Thanks!" How would obamacare affect our family? We are a middle class family, smack dab in the middle... Hubby's job provides health insurance, but for a family of 3, which we are, it would cost $200 a week for coverage, with high deductible, so! Since hubby is in exceptional health and hasnt had any medical problems (knock on wood!) he continues without health insurance; I remain on my parents plan as I'm 25 (aka under 26yrs old), and we pay for child health plus for my daughter, for a small fee a month, which depends on our income We simply couldn't afford to pay $800 a month for family coverage, so doing it this way saves us,

like $600+! So since we don't make enough to pay for hubbys $800 family plan through work, is obamacare basically going to force hubby to get health insurance through his work, even though it's complete garbage? Or will his employer have more affordable family plan that we could afford? Just trying to understand it all better! Thanks in advance! :-)" Does anyone know anything about Life Insurance? I heard on the news that some life insurances might be in trouble..especially if they dealt with AIG. I have life insurance with AARP...Please tell me if I am in danger of losing it....What is the matter with people...Why are they so evil and greedy??? How would I find out if my Life Insurance si still good?? Is insurance more expensive on a Two door car or a Extended cab truck? Cant deside between a 99 Chevy silverado or a 2002 Celica. which insurance will most likely be cheaper? Need cheapest car insurance company in Alberta? I'm 16 and I just bought a car. It's a 1998 Chevrolet tracker and I'm trying to find the cheapest insurance company. I just need liability and nothing else. Anyone have any suggestions? How does car insurance work? I'm a 17 year old girl and I recently got my license. Yesterday my dad bought car insurance for me, but I don't have a car. So i'm assuming that this insurance is for his car, but can that same insurance be transferred if I get my own car? Or did my dad just put my name on his insurance? I don't really understand." Will this have high insurance? i was thinking about buying a 2010 vw gti coupe or sedan. manual or automatic. is insurance on this high for a younger guy? it has a turbo on it. but it only adds i think 25hp coming out to about 200. would a sedan and automatic be cheaper insurance than a coupe/manual? Cheapest car insurance for 18 year old in NYC.? I'm 18, I had my license since I turned 18 in december, I have a clean record and my mom wants me to register my car on my name so it can be cheaper for me in a few years.. I don't wanna pay 200$ a month though, when she only pays like 90$ right now.. but I know since i'm young it will be alot. She has a clean driving record also and she's been driving for a long time, so she will also be under my policy.. I know that kinda helps me out a bit. If you know any cheap/good companies, please let me know!!" To restart car insurance they want money down?

I was paying $140 a month for 6 months of car insurance. Around the 6 month mark or a little before i said i want to cancel and they said if i cancel today i wouldnt owe anything and my policy be good until 6-22-2011 (i called in may). I tried to restart the policy today and they want $290.04 down,which includes $143.68 for any previous balance and/or any state-mandated fees or charges* If there was a previous balance why did i not owe anything???" Insurance rates for 2004 Pontiac GTO? I am almost 18 and looking for a new vehicle. Currently I am driving a Mitsubishi Eclipse Gt (5 speed) and am paying $200 a month! They messed it up so I need to call them back it should only be $120 a month. Anyhow, I am looking to upgrade. I have been looking at Srt-4's which are quite high on insurance, Ion Redline's aka Cobalt SS which is cheaper than the Srt-4, and have currently spotted a 2004 Pontiac GTO (6 speed) , sticker price $12,000 I will try to talk them down to 9 or 10k which might be pushing it even though the car is almost 8 years old. Anyway for the minimum amount for full coverage I only want to be paying no more than $250 a month. Do you think this can be achieved? I have the good student discount and have taken driver's ed. Thanks Guys" How long does it take for a traffic ticket to affect insurance rates? How long does it take for a traffic ticket to affect insurance rates? How much would a car insurance agent in alberta be expected to make? How much would a car insurance agent in alberta be expected to make? Can my parents add me to their car insurance for a shot period of time? I'm planning to go on a road trip and I was wondering if it's possible for my parents to add me to their insurance so I can use their car for a week, and whether it will be cheaper that way than to rent a car (I'm 24). They have American Family Insurance." How much would car insurance be per annum for a 17 year old girl (new driver) with a car worth around 500? ? How much would car insurance be per annum for a 17 year old girl (new driver) with a car worth around 500? ? How do I get free insurance until I can get my health back so I can work again to pay for insurance? How do I get free insurance until I can get my health back so I can work again to pay for insurance? How much wil Car Insurance be when i get my temps in Columbus Ohio? How much wil Car Insurance be when i get my temps in Columbus Ohio. im going to be under my moms insurance. how much will i have to pay. or will i have to pay. my

mom dosent kno, neither do i. can she put me on her car insurance for free or do i have to pay or what. whats the rules so to say" Life Insurance? I am about to meet with a Insurance Broker and I wanted to be aware so that I am not sold what he wants to sell me instead of what I need. Does anyone have any good tips or resources? Cheapest Auto Insurance Online?!? Im trying to find cheap liability coverage. My contract ends this Friday and Im trying to find a cheaper rate, has anyone had any luck with sites like Esurance.com, etc? Thanks for any advice!" I'm an employer and I need assistance regarding Illinois Workers Comp Insurance? I have owned my business for little over a year. I had to file a work comp claim last year for an injured employee. Now my insurance company is dropping me. I have called a number of insurance companies/brokers, no one wants to provide coverage. It is legally required for me to have it. What am I supposed to do at this point? Who can I call for assistance? Which insurance company is the cheapest for a young female? This is for a car, and i was thinking about sharing with my mum on her vehicle ( a rav 4, 1400cc, 4x4 ) Don't know if that will help/make a difference, but any help from you would be greatly appreciated, Thanks [=" Cheapest Car Insurance - Canada? Need a cheap car insurance... Don't spout off answers if you have no idea... I've researched: TD, RBC, CAA, AllState and Statefarm Living in Ontario!" Cheapest Auto Insurance Online?!? Im trying to find cheap liability coverage. My contract ends this Friday and Im trying to find a cheaper rate, has anyone had any luck with sites like Esurance.com, etc? Thanks for any advice!" How soon does actors get their health insurance? How soon does production company offer health insurance for their workers? And, what other insurance does the production company offer their workers; and, how soon?" Florida car insurance hike? I used to have Florida auto insurance about 6 months ago. Since then I moved but wanted to return to FL. Recent inquiry for an auto quote I notice the premium has increased doubled in FL. When did this happen? And what actually happened? Just

curious. Thanks. What kind of insurance do I need as a teen? I am looking for quotes and anchor insurance asks which insurance I want I have the choices of Liability only, Comprehension and collision and Comprehensive only" Speeding tickets and insurance? If I just got a ticket for speeding today and would like to take it to court, will it appear on my insurance statements right away or do I actually have to be found guilty and THEN it will appear on the statements?" Question about Health Insurance in the USA? If you are not insured will you not receive emergency treatment in A and E? Do you have to pay for this? HOw do they make you pay? What about if you have cancer or need long term care for a degenerative illness? Do many people die in the USA because they are unable to afford treatment? Also I heard that the incedence of TB and pneumonia among the poor in the USA was on the increase because they have no access to healthcare is this true? Sorry I know this is a lot of questions maybe i should split them up next time. :-) Why do we have to pay car insurance? Unless you are a really bad driver car insurance is a total joke. I mean how many reckss does a person get into in his life time. im saying on average about 2 or 3. and if your paying 600 bucks or more every 6 months thats one thousand plus dollars a year. in 30 years you could buy your self a new mustang. It really makes no sense that its a law to have car insurance when you could just put 600 bucks in a savings account if you ever need it. I think the insurance companies should give us our money back every 10 years or so if we are good drivers Suggest me best insurance child plan in india for newborn? i have newborn baby. Cheaper auto insurance. Paying like 1500 a year for insurance right now for 2007 civic? I have amica and not the lowest rate possible by them I know but interested in looking around. I'm 25. Just graduated from college not long ago. live in ny. have a 2007 lx civic. Any insurance companies you recommend for a cheap rate. Have a clean driving history. thanks Looks Like my Insurance wont want to pay out for my damaged car? I got hit by a car recently and my car was taken away for repairs. I have just been told by my insurance that my car should not have been on the road reason being that its half and half . I did my due diligence before buying this car in 2011, HPI checks and all

and it came out clean. The insurance company also confirmed this as well to me. Now it looks like my insurance company does not want to pay out for my car and they want to cancel my insurance and leave me without a car. WHAT DO I DO. PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME. I AM A SINGLE MUM WITH 3 KIDS." About how much will auto insurance cost me? For an 18 year old male, about how much will car insurance be for a pre owned certified toyota corolla?" What things increase the cost of car insurance? im 21 and the quotes are huge!! help! About how much will my car insurance go up after new car purchace? I currently have full coverage on my used car, and will be trading it in. Will my insurance jump up? I currently own a 2002 alero and will be buying a 2010 vw gti." Will my insurance go up if we get another car? Ok, so im 16 and I want to know if my mom buys herself a new car and gives me her old one, will my insurance go from a part time driver to a full-time driver, EVEN if BOTH cars are in HER name. So in total, there will be 3 cars, 1 my dad's(his name) and 2 my mom's(her name) I've heard many different answers, some of which say no, and some yes. If it helps, I live near Philadelphia PA. Thanks!" Accept $140K insurance buyout from Ford or keep insurance policy? Hi, I'm wondering whether anyone can help me decide whether it is a better idea to accept a $140K insurance buyout from Ford or keep health insurance. Assume the person in question is 50 years old and in good health. This is a timely question for many auto workers. Any links to more in-depth analysis would be great." About how much is car insurance in Japan? Wondering for future reference when I work there as an ALT in 2 years. I already have a drivers license here in the US and I know its good for 1 year in Japan then must be switched before the year is up (not sure if it'll cost anything to switch)... So about how much is insurance and is it necessary to have by law? I'll be 22, drove for 4 years. Thanks!!!" Mustang Car Insurance? I am wondering what cost more to insure, a 2000 Ford Mustang Red v6 or a 2003 Chevy Silverado 2500HD reg cab. V8 For a 16 year old driver?" Car Insurance went up when I removed a car?

I am insuring 2 cars. If I remove one, my insurance rate will go up. Why is that?" Women drivers to pay more on car insurance? Women could face considerable hikes in their car insurance premiums after the European Court of Justice ruled that insurance companies must stop charging different rates for men and women despite the fact female drivers are statistically less likely to be involved in an accident. What do you think about the verdict? Personally i agree. I don't think insurers should be able to discriminate against anyone because of things they have no control over like gender, race, religion etc." License/Insurance question? I have my permit and will be getting my license soon but I wanted to know after getting your driver's license do you automatically have to get insurance, or do you only need to get insurance if you have are driving someone's car." Best health insurance for bariatric surgery? I live in Florida and am trying to have bariatric surgery. What company's will pay for the surgery in Florida? How much will insurance cost me? I'm 20 years old. clean driving record. the vehicle is a 1993 civic hatchback CX. also i would like to put full coverage on the car. i live in south east wisconsin and i will be the only one driving the car. if anyone can give me a rough estimate or a website that can give me an estimate but i don't have to fill out personal info that would be great thanks. What is the best car insurance company? I need to know what the cheapest car insurance is and is also reliable and still covers almost anything...(if such a thing exists) can someone help me? I'm an employer and I need assistance regarding Illinois Workers Comp Insurance? I have owned my business for little over a year. I had to file a work comp claim last year for an injured employee. Now my insurance company is dropping me. I have called a number of insurance companies/brokers, no one wants to provide coverage. It is legally required for me to have it. What am I supposed to do at this point? Who can I call for assistance?

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