eLIFE 242 Magazine Vol. 3 | Issue. 3

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Music, Fashion, Culture, The 242 ...

<<<ON THE COVER Eight months after suffering what he calls the biggest disappointment of his life at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, Leevan says his recovery process is indeed his life line; a physical process that brings with it a lot of mental stress. PHOTOGRAPHED BY FARRENO F LOCATION - ELIFE242 STUDIOS

The Beauty of The Spoken Word

Jazz is in






Sands See more on Page 8

Jazz Vocalist Anuschka Wright leads us into the world of Jazz here in the 242 & prepares us for JIB ! See more on Page 6

If you have been outside lately you MUST know that summer is fast approaching as the heat in the islands has increased drasticly. Now during these warmer months people usually get lazy and lethargic and only want to stay indoors and do nothing. We here at eLIFE 242 want to encourage you that while the HEAT IS ON (no reference to the NBA team) you start to push your hardest. When you feel like giving up or just like it is not worth it anymore, is usually the point where you are at your peak performance. Like the subject of our cover story Leevan Sands, even when you feel like you let an entire country down, you have to keep going and going harder than before. We all have great talents that the world should be taking notice of, but it is not going to just fall in our laps. We have to use the heat as motivation to push to new levels and showecase The Bahamas and the Caribbean to the world.










- eLIFE 242 Magazine | Managing Editor



Stephen Hanna - Managing Editor Ianthia Smith - Staff Writer | James Weech - Staff Writer Minasje - Contributing Writer | Makailan Ferron - Contributing Writer Lamon Bethel - Photographer


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Spoken Word is an art form that is budding in the 242. Local artist Tanicia Pratt tells all on the local scene! See more on Page 4

Dahar Butler - Graphic Artist Willisa Armstrong -Marketing/Sales (242.467.1664) Donald Knowles - CEO To join the team email info@islandikonz.net FOR MORE INFO 242.467.1664 Copyright Š 2013 iKonz Media All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher,nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published. The beliefs and opinions of contributors do not necessarily reflect those of eLIFE 242 Magazine or any of its affiliates.




eLIFE 242 Event Writer Patrick Robinson | www.patricktrobinson.com



The Bahamas was once again honored with the opportunity to host the CARIFTA games right here in the capital city of Nassau. The games would be an historic one in the country as it would be the first official track and field meet to be held in the Thomas A. Robinson National Stadium. The country was primed for this cultural explosion in the form of track and field, and thousands filled the stadium to cheer on the local crowd favorites and the athletes from all over the caribbean. Every day over the Easter holiday weekend the roar of the excited crowds could be heard all around the stadium as breathtaking races kept attendees on the edge of their seat. The excitement was not only only contained to the stadium but the live broadcast

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had many glued to their screens all over the country. History making performances by Bahamian 400m specialist Shaunae Miller were the highlight of the weekend and rightfully so she was awarded the Austin Seally Award ( MVP). The meet was not without hitches as the Bahamian Government and Local Organizing Committee ran into obstacles as they got use to the new stadium and the logistics required to hold a fully successful games. All and all the camaraderie and feeling of one nation that the games created were well worth every dime the government spent to have the games in the country. Look forward to more major events at the national stadium, especially those that promote culture and nation building.


The performing arts here in the country is something that is normally taken for granted and not looked upon as a solid career path. Artist are always hearing comments such as “Is that all you do full time” or “How are you gonna make money doing that”, and those comments are directed more toward the singers, dancers, painters. Now just imagine the commentary a young Bahamian girl who has taken up the craft of Poetry and Spoken Word performance must hear on a daily. When we at eLIFE 242 were first introduced to Tanicia Pratt at a Spoken Word Jam Session “SPEAK” at the Golden Club, we were blown away by the passion in her words and the emotion brought across by her voice. Tanicia’s petite frame and shy demeanor off stage is a stark contrast to the powerful spoken word pieces that she puts on paper and then memorizes to perform in front of crowds weekly. So when the eLIFE 242 team decided to feature her in this issue our biggest hope was that it would inspire other young poets to step up and display this art form that has great potential. We caught up with Tanicia at a spot that we thought was a great location to get inspired to write great poetry. W O R D S : M A K A I L A N F E R R O N | P H O T O G R A P H Y : F A R R E N O F E R G U S O N | L O C AT I O N : S E A S I D E

So Nicci ,how did you get your start as a spoken word artist? A: Wellll! Poetry was always my hobby! Since primary school, I preferred traditional written pieces. To be real, I was never really fond of Spoken Word until after I graduated high school. Eventually, Spoken Word grew on me until, one day, I was like “Hey, I wanna speak like that!”, so I did; I watched countless poets, most from BNV (Brave New Voices) and Def Poetry, to study their content, flow, voice pitch and body movements. When I finally wrote (and memorized) my first few performance pieces, I started performing at open mics [with my group, Just Cause]. The more we wrote, the better we got, and the better we got, the more we were asked to perform at events and radio shows. Now here I am, two years later, sharing my talent off of what was just a hobby. Who would you say your work speaks to? A: Everyone. I have many poems that are diverse

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in terms of content but recently, I’ve gotten a bit ‘soft’ so I’m most known for my heart-break poems that speak to women. But I also have poems about war, violence and homosexuality. I don’t have a specific set of audience in mind when I’m writing though. I just write to let out how I feel and since I am a woman, I guess that side shows more! I want to start writing some more poems that speak to the men though; give them time to feel less guilty about breaking a girl’s heart, haha! Does it surprise you who is attracted to your work? A: Yes! Every single time! I’m such a dork - I would act calm and pleasant in front of the person but once I’m home, I’m prancing with a goofy smile on my face. Feedback, especially if it’s positive, is always surprising for poets because we put so much pressure on ourselves


to always write a better piece than our last piece. For me, I don’t realize how good my performance is until I hear some snapping and a woman shouting “Yesssssss!” while I’m on stage.

“OVERALL, I’M LOO FORWARD TO BRIN AWARENESS OF SP AND POETRY IN GE Your spoken word pieces talk a lot about love and relationships, which one of your pieces has been inspired most by a real life event? A: I would have to say, “Distant Pain, Long Faces”. I have more recent ones that can come to par, but for some reason this one never gets old. It was about a man I dated overseas and we know how that ends. I woke up one morning, and the first line came to my head. Once I started typing, I didn’t stop until the poem was over. Just how it’s performed, was how it was written that day. It’s the most raw, deep and naturally emotive without all of the ‘poetic fluff’ that my other poems have. What do you want people to get from your art? A: I want people to feel. That’s all. I want, when they hear my poem, whether they’ve been through the situation or not, to empathize with someone who probably has. My art is all about

LAST SEEN<<< emotion; because it’s always good ‘what you say’, but ‘how you say’ it makes it even more special.


Upcoming 242 fashion designer’s fresh approach!


How do you feel the spoken word movement is progressing in The Bahamas? A: Definitely. It’s not progressing at the rate we would want it to, but every other day we discover literary talent from seniors that come to

In our previous edition fashion designer Phylicia Ellis walks us through what it takes to be an independant fashion designer in The Bahamas. Her ready to wear creations are saught after by the 242 fashion elite who are knocking at her door every day to create fashions for upcoming exclusive parties and balls!

See more from this story at www.elife242.com the open mics, to college students.


Spoken Word poetry is, still, very much an underground community that not many people know about. Despite that, we’re still grateful for every new visitor that we can inspire because in the end, our goal is not to develop at least an appreciation for the craft. What are you looking forward to in your spoken word/art career ? A: Overall, I’m looking forward to bringing more awareness of Spoken Word, and poetry in general, as an art form to the Bahamas and not just a hobby. That includes more workshops, poetry events, and performance gigs. Personally, I believe publishing books is every writer’s dream... and I would love my talent to work for me and allow me to branch off in different forms of writing (like books, songwriting, advertisements, scriptwriting etc). Regardless, a girl can only dream; the opportunities are endless, but it all starts with exposure. And how do you expect to be exposed, if you’re not even around to perform, right? So in order to get there, I’m focusing on writing more and more pieces, that way, I’ll have more pieces to perform. Where can people come out and see you perform? A: You can come and see me perform [with the other members of Just Cause] at SPEAK! @ Blue Reef Sports Bar every Monday night. So if you’re looking for something more fulfilling than a regular night of dancing, come to relax and be entertained by countless of Bahamian poets that will make you laugh, cry, smile and most importantly, feel at home.

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ured Featcktail Co CIPE RE

All of us at Square One are big foodies, whether we’re out dining with friends or entertaining at home. When we’re at home, we’ll often seek out unusual ingredients that make a dish more memorable and tasty. So we thought: why not do the same with our cocktails? The recipes you’ll see here are deliciously complex, yet fun to make. And we can just about guarantee that your friends will think you’re a bona fide mixologist once they taste these!

Watermelon Refresher • 2 oz Square One Cucumber • 5 springs of mint • .25 oz simple syrup • 1.5 oz watermelon juice • .5 oz fresh lemon juice • Club soda

Muddle mint leaves (save one spring) and sweetener. Add the rest (except soda) with ice and shake. Strain into a tall rock glass filled with ice and top with soda. Stir and garnish with mint.

Tour of Italy

• 1.5 oz Square One Organic Vodka • .5 oz Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice • .25 oz Campari • .5 oz agave nectar or simple syrup • Half of a lemon, juiced • 2 springs of thyme • Club Soda Slap thyme to release oils and put in mixing cup. Add ingredients (except soda) and ice. Shake and double strain into a Collins glass with fresh ice. Top with soda and garnish with thyme spring.

Pine Basil Collins

• 2 oz Square One Basil • 1 oz pineapple juice • 5 oz fresh lemon juice • 5 oz agave nectar or simple syrup • Club soda Combine all ingredients (except soda) in a mixing cup with ice. Shake and pour over fresh ice in a Collins glass. Top with soda and garnish with pineapple leaf standing tall inside the glass.

At Liquid Courage Limited – We like the way you drink! www.liquidcourageltd.com | Phone: 242-322-2202 www.elife242.com 5


is in




The lights were set and the musical stylings of Dean Martin and Ella Fitzgerald filled the air as the natural haired, shy character of Anuschka Wright entered the studio for her photo session with noted photographer Farreno Ferguson. I decided to interview her on set, so that I could capture her vibe in a natural element and get to really know her. Immediately...she instinctively tuned into the jazz music playing in the background and she began singing every word of the jazz classics that filled the air. This 23 year old jazz vocalist has been performing for 5+ years and has sung with a variety of bands. Her vocal styling has a wide range and can cover the classics to the modern r&b hits. She is preparing to host her first full concert ‘Jazz in Bloom,’ where she along with an all star band will serenade patrons in a night of jazz classics coupled with a VIP experience at the British Colonial Hilton. I sat down with her to find out more about her career to this point coupled with the Jazz in Bloom project. Words by Minasje | Photography by thefdotlife.com So tell me Anuschka who are your musical inspirations? Life is my musical inspiration. I have people that I admire and respect, but there isn’t any one in music who I idolize or anything of that nature or would like to base my career after. Singers like Sarah Vaughn and Shirley Horne are some of my favourite singers, Sarah being my biggest influence at this point. Have you written your own music and/or lyrics? I have written a lot of songs melodically and lyrically, but I don’t know enough music to put the chords to it. Or rather, I wouldn’t want to attempt doing that now, not at the level I am in my music. But yes, I do write a little.

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Over the years which bands have you performed with? My main band today is the same one I started my career with, Jazz Etc., led by Adrian D’Aguilar (bassist). Outside of that, I’ve sat in with a couple Jazz bands during a trip to Toronto and I also got a chance to perform one night as a featured artist in London, Ontario at Maggie’s Supper Club with the house band lead by John Noubarian (pianist). Unfortunately Maggie’s is closed now. When you are performing, what do you think about? A lot of things. I’m very critical of myself so I’m always trying to smooth out different aspects of my voice. Also I try my best to listen to what’s happening around me musically.

Every time I perform I use it as a learning experience. Where would you like most to perform? At one of those hip spots in New York, like Smalls or The Village Vanguard. I’m new to the music scene from an industry standpoint so I can’t shoot out the names of any of those large stadiums all over the world that (I’m guessing) most musicians dream about. But from what I know of the quality at those Jazz spots in New York, you have to be somewhere special in your music in order to grace their stages. So if I ever find myself given the opportunity to perform at one of those places it would speak volumes about the level I would have reached in my art and career.

What was the song that made you choose a career in jazz? My decision to pursue Jazz solidified gradually. There was no one song that stood out to me. I do have a lot of favorites though like, Lush Life, Willow Weep For Me and Just You, Just Me (and I can go on). Jazz music on the whole, I guess, was my career inspiration and the feeling of performing and working with other musicians. What jazz artist would you most like to collaborate with? Wow… another hard question, there are a lot! Out of the living Jazz artists, I’d like to work with Brandford Marsalis. I love his playing and his music and as a person, of the interviews I’ve watched, he really seems like a cool and down to earth guy, well read and well spoken. So today, my choice would be Brandford. What is the inspiration behind Jazz in Bloom? The inspiration behind it is life and music. Jazz In Bloom started out simply as an idea. I will be leaving for music school

this year for the fall semester and instead of looking for hand out or fighting for the few scholarships and grants available I thought, “I’m in music… Why not do something musical?” So I decided to have a concert. The message I want to get out is one of living life to its fullest expression. It took a lot for me to finally make the decision to get serious about music and really centre my life around it. I initially wanted to be a reconstructive surgeon! Even went to school for a year to start my BA, but I just couldn’t say no to music. I want Jazz In Bloom to represent that point of clarity, of following your heart’s pull, and of finding the strength to do what’s best for one’s self. What else can we expect from Anuschka in the future? Right now I’m simply focused on being a better musician, so my hope is that my career will attest to that focus with a show of great musical works. So in my future, you can look to mind music, lots and lots of music.





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Ianthia Smith


Farreno Ferguson

Recovery is a slow, emotional and painful process. But for injured athletes wanting to get back in the game, recovery has to be done. For injured athletes wanting to be champions, recovery is life or death. Champions eat, sleep and breathe recovery when success is the only thing in sight. Leevan “Superman” Sands is a champion. Eight months after suffering what he calls the biggest disappointment of his life at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, Leevan says his recovery process is indeed his life line; a physical process that brings with it a lot of mental stress. “I just try to fight through the pain, daily,” he told eLife 242 during a phone interview from his Alabama home.

continues on next page>>>


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Here’s a question that’s for sure on many Bahamians’ minds; “What exactly happened in London?” “I think my first jump would have won a medal anyway,” he said. “But I fouled and the next jump was decent. On the third jump I actually felt my knee and I didn’t even say anything to my coach. But I said to myself, ‘This is the Olympics and my leg will just have to break in order for me to stop jumping today.’” The 31-year-old triple jump star says he pushed himself beyond his limits, all for the thrill of the crowd and for The Bahamas, the country he wanted to make proud once more. “I felt so much pain after that third jump and I still promised to give it my all in the fourth jump,” he adds. “That was the biggest hop, step and jump I ever took in my whole life and when I put my foot down to jump, that was it, I felt my knee move. I heard my tendon pop. The next thing I knew I was just laying in the sand. I was so upset. I felt as if I let the whole country down.” The night of August 9, 2012, thousands around the world would watch in horror, as one of the last Bahamians to compete in the 2012 Summer Olympics would suffer a debilitating ruptured patella tendon. The image of Leevan’s swollen, ruptured right knee protruding from his leg still fresh in many minds. It was replayed in newscast after newscast. Newspapers carried the heartbreaking photos that painted the picture of pure disappointment and pain; physical and mental. At the time of his jump, The Bahamas had not yet medaled in the 2012 Olympic games, so Leevan knew the pressure was on. It was all up to the veteran triple jumper to bring home The Bahamas’ first medal, preferable a gold, but that wouldn’t happen.

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And this Olympic showing was a personal challenge for Leevan to overcome after winning a bronze medal four years earlier at the 2008 Beijing games. He says since then he just knew he would get the gold in the 2012 games. It was a personal challenge that quickly turned into a personal disappointment. “I know people try to blame (my injury) on my age and say I’m getting old,” he adds. “But age doesn’t mean anything to me. Age has nothing to do with it. Actually in 2012 I was in the best shape of my life, I was in gold medal form. “I get a little emotional talking about it. When I start to talk about it I see myself running down the runway and seeing the injury happening again. Just hearing what some people have been saying, they don’t really understand what you go through as an athlete, the pressures we face. What made me upset was hearing people saying that we were in London not doing anything and that we didn’t get any medals at the time.” Leevan gets choked up recalling the events of that painful injury day, but it’s a story he has no doubt had to tell over and over again. But the story Leevan is really focusing on now is his story of recovery, bouncing back and not giving up.

“ I was so

upset. I felt as if I let the whole country down.

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COVER STORY “I had my surgery on August 10 and I try not to think about it,” he says.” It’s just devastating but I’m still trying to recover. I’m jogging and running a little bit but not jumping as yet. I was in the hospital in London until August 15, the day before my birthday. You could tell what type of birthday I had.”

of Leevan as he says his physical therapist advised him that all his hard work has him well ahead of that schedule. “I’ve been staying strong through it all,” he adds. “I do have days when I get disappointed and then I have to realize that I have an injury and I just need to relax.”

Despite it all Leevan says the recovery process is going smoothly, getting better day-by-day, month-by-month. “I was walking after about four months, my leg was weak and I felt like I would fall down just by the wind blowing,” he says. “I hardly ever miss rehab and I’ve been going for the past seven months. My physical therapist told me that we’re ahead of time so that’s a good thing.” Doctors tell the triple jumper that it would be about nine to twelve months before he could jump again but that champion spirit is seemingly seeping out

While medication, therapists, daily workouts and rehabilitation are playing a big part in helping him bounce back, Leevan says behind the scenes its his family that’s really repairing his wounds. “Besides being the Superman it’s all about my family,” he says laughing. “There’s my wife and my two sons Lion, 1, and Leevan III, 5, we call him Trey. We all live here in Alabama. Besides all of my injuries and work stuff I still have to take care of my family. I have to be daddy, I have to be a professional athlete, and I have to be big brother. It’s

hard to juggle it all but I have to do it. “I have good people backing me 100 per cent they never once doubted my ability and my comeback. They never tell me maybe I should retire even though there are people in The Bahamas who think I should retire after that injury but I will not let that injury stop me from pursuing my goals. I know I could get the gold so why stop without getting it?” When we asked Leevan if we could expect him back in the Olympics in 2016 in he replied with a real Bahamian, “Wat chu mean? How you mean? All day!” He says that will probably will be his last Olympic showing. Until then Leevan says it’s all about his recovery and finessing the champion within. “Superman” will be back, complete with the “S” on his chest.

I have good people “backing me 100 per

cent they never once doubted my ability and my comeback.

islandTidbits If you missed the last few months of events here in the 242, here are a few small bites to keep you in “The Know”. From fashion to music to art our eLIFE 242 street team was out and about at all the major events! WORDS BY


Alicia Keys lights the Island On Fire

On Saturday April 20, 2013, American R&B singer-songwriter and musician Alicia Keys graced the stage at Atlantis for her first concert in the Bahamas. The buzz was created and tickets were SOLD OUT more than a week in advance of the concert date. The Grammy-award winning singer delivered a breathtaking performance that left the audience begging for more. One concert goer

said, “I could not contain my excitement, she performed like the Alicia that I fell in love with that rocked her braids and sang from her soul...I was so moved that tears filled my eyes.” Aside from her music career, Keys is the co-founder of Keep a Child Alive, which provides AIDS treatment, food and other support to children and families affected by HIV and AIDS in Africa and India. This girl is indeed ON FIRE!

National Youth Choir 23rd Annual Concert Season The National Youth Choir has been dazzling crowds for over 30 years. This year boasted of their 23rd annual season concert, which was held at the College of the Bahamas Performing Arts Centre. Songs by popular Bahamian artists KB and Geno D as well as historical pieces by Clement Bethel and the late Timothy Gibson were performed. The choir has created an international platform with performances in places such as Beijing, Canada, Mexico, Atlanta, the United Kingdom and Washington DC and has won several medals in the World Choir Games.

2013 Kennel Association Dog Show Dog Lovers of all ages came out to participate in and observe the festivities and competitions of the Bahamas Kennel Club Dog show, which was held on the Bahamas Food Service grounds. The show featured dogs from Canada, the Untied States and the Bahamas and featured classes in obedience, rally and agility. The Bahamas Kennel Club is the official breed registry for the Bahamas and support the neutering and spaying initiatives of the Bahamas Humane Society and BAARK. 14 www.elife242.com

eLIFE 242 p r e s e n t s

Pretty Girl Cooks

w/ Jasmine Forbes


INGREDIENTS > 12 oz Bittersweet Chocolate > 1 ½ cups Butter > 3 Tablespoons Cake Flour > 6 Whole Eggs > 6 Egg Yolks > ¾ cup Sugar

Preheat your oven to 400°F. First you will need a dry stainless steel bowl and a pot of boiling water. Nest the stainless bowl on top of the pot but do not allow the bottom of the bowl to touch the water. This is called a double-boiler. We do this because it is the easiest way to melt chocolate without burning it. Place the chocolate and butter into the dry bowl and allow the steam to slowly melt the mixture. (Be sure not to get water into the chocolate) Stir until all of the chocolate and butter is melted. Allow to cool slightly. In a separate bowl, blend the eggs and sugar together until frothy/foamy. Next add the flour by stirring with a spatula. Pour the chocolate mixture into the egg mixture and stir until evenly combined. Coat ramekins with cooking spray and pour the mixture about ¾ of the way up into the ramekin. Bake for about 4 minutes at 400°F. Do not over-bake the cakes. When you break into it, the inside should pour out like chocolate lava, hence the name. Serve with your favorite fresh berries (Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, etc.) and top with whipped cream. Makes 20 – 24 servings depending on the size of the ramekin.


If you tried any our recipes email photos along with your contact info to info@elife242.com with the subject line “I Tried Pretty Girl Cooks”

If you don’t have ramekins you can use cupcake pans and line them with cupcake liners. Coat it with cooking spray. When the cakes are done allow to cool slightly and carefully peel off the cupcake liner, then serve. It’s best to make this right before service because it only takes about 4 minutes to bake and you want the inside to remain warm.

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DIGITAL GIRL As always in our Digital Girl segment we feature some of the most beautiful women in The Bahamas, who are aspiring to take their modeling/ acting career to the world. This month is no different, we present to you Gabrielle Farquharson a down to earth, cool calm and collected young lady who is focused on her goals and knows what she wants !

Gabrielle Simonne’ AGE: 20 HEIGHT: 5’4 SIGN: Gemini MEASUREMENT: 34 - 26 - 40

If you could change 2 things about yourself what would it be? If its two things about me that I would change, it would definitely be the fact that I over analyze everything(I cant help it I’m a Gemini) & this rebellious streak that I have in me. I just love the thrill of being bad by my standards, making the rules as I go & just doing me. Don’t ever tell me what to do or even worst that I can’t do something because I’ll live to show you different. If eLIFE 242 Magazine gave you a $1 million and told you, you had to spend it all today what would it be? If I had $1 million big ones I would pay down on a house for my parents, pay my school tuition in full, buy a brand new pair of wheels(Audi R8 preferably), give back to the community && take my favorite hobby(Shopping of course!) to a whole new level . What’s your take on reality shows (Love & Hip Hop Etc)? My schedule doesn’t allow me to watch tv everyday but when I do get the chance to watch my favorite shows I just get in my zone, I kick back with my favorite ice cream & just tune in to the jokes, the various characters and personalities & of course the drama! So we might/might not see you locking lips with Stevie J on the VH1? No thanks! He’s definitely NOT my type 16 www.elife242.com

of guy, I like a more settled, responsible, faithful type; Loyalty is key! So eLIFE 242 wants to know the best way to approach a woman like you? Its the simple things that get me, so just be polite, interesting & most importantly a gentleman & you’ll stand a really good chance of getting my attention! What do you look for in a dude? As for me, I like a guy that i’m attracted to, a good listener, someone that I can click and connect with, hardworking & ambitious, Just someone who’s down for me, Loyalty is key! - So light skin or dark skin when it come to dudes and why ? In my honest opinion, when it comes to guys that peak my interest, I don’t see skin color, its all about sex appeal & attraction for me, But if I had to choose I would definitely have to say brown skin for sure. If you had to compare your life to underwear what would it be A) B) C) D)


I would have to say (A) boy shorts for sure, There’s definitely nothing wrong with a little excitement. A classy female in public & your best fantasy behind closed doors What’s the nicest thing a guy ever did for you? The nicest thing a guy has ever done for me I would have to say was holding me down even when I was at my lowest point with all the little things that made a biggest difference; taking care of my essentials when I couldn’t, sending me flowers just cause, picking up all my favorite things at the grocery store, sending texts just to let me know I was on his mind and just allowing me to experience certain things I never have before

Photo by DONALD KNOWLES | Call 242- 425-9577 for Bookings

So tell us about Gabrielle and some of your ambitions in life? With me, what you see is what you get, I’m a very straight forward, honest, loyal and passionate person. I believe in working hard for the things you want in this life & I do just that. I aspire to become an entrepreneur and own my own business some day but for now I just want to be a successful business woman in whichever path that my career might lead me to.

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