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CINOT (Children In Need Of Treatment) Does your child or teen need dental care, but you don’t have insurance or the money to pay? The Health Unit may be able to help. CINOT is a program that pays for dental care for children and teens 0-17 years with serious dental problems. 1. How do I know if we are eligible for CINOT? You do not have any dental benefits, Ontario Works (OW) coverage, or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) coverage. You cannot afford to take your child to the dentist (financial hardship). Example: “If I had to pay for a dental appointment on my own, I could not pay for groceries next week.” Your child is between 0 and 17 years. Your child has dental pain, infection, large cavities, bleeding gums or has hurt their mouth. 2. Is all dental care covered? No, only basic care to remove pain and infection is covered. Cosmetic dental is NOT covered (braces, orthodontics, space maintainers etc.) 3. How can I get my child or teen into this program? Call Elgin St. Thomas Public Health; Oral Health Services Department for an appointment. Your child or teen MUST be seen by a Registered Dental Hygienist from the Health Unit, either at school or at one of 3 clinic locations (Aylmer, St. Thomas, West Lorne) BEFORE their dental appointment.

CALL: 519-631-9900 extension 1236

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