March 2013 "Spring Fashion Issue"

Page 41

The goal to be tackled for you is most likely fat loss, and you will be happy to know that there are quick and efficient ways to accomplish this seemingly impossible goal. Some people love that burning, sweaty feeling of a two hour self-inflicted ass kicking on multiple cardio machines, at the same time, with one hand lifting a weight and the other hand holding a small child above your head with a heart rate monitor telling you that you’re “in the zone”. I assume that this is not you (at least I hope not) so we are going to resort to the more sensible technique of burning MORE calories with LESS time in the gym through the use of Tabatas. First things first, no Tabatas are not the new Twinkie and they can not be eaten, rather they are a form of high intensity intervals designed to burn calories during your exercise and even MORE calories in the days to follow! How long do these Tabatas last you may ask? The answer to this question is four minutes…yes FOUR minutes and I promise you that they will knock your blubber back a notch and have you ready for your bikini in no time (I mean girls, no guys in bikinis). Although very intense, in my training experiences most all of my clients would agree that this four minutes of fury trumps the long


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