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France, 4th June 1789.

Dear diary: I’m tired of fighting for my rights. I think this is going nowhere. I think we could choose who should govern in our nation, because I’ve not chosen who is ruling us. There are some rumours about a revolution which is going to explode in a few weeks. Those rumours are occurring because a few days ago I was in the Royal Palace when I heard the Coronel talking about some revolutionaries who were convincing people to think in a more liberal way. I’m scared. I don’t know what is going to happen, but I should continue fighting for my rights

1º DAY

France 8th June 1789

Estimat diari: Hui hem anat al poble per unirme al grup de revolucionaris que volen lluitar pels nostres drets. Estic d’aquesta part i espere que molta gent s’unixca, no es pot aguantar aquestes pésimes condicions de vida; tots som iguals. Estavem allí el grup de revolucionaris amb totes les armes que havíem pogut conseguir. Jo portava un gavinet de la carn i un xicotet fusil que haviem robat a l’exércit. Ens dirigiem a lluitar amb els superiors i a guanyar-nos més gent per a poder lluitar. Açó anava en seri. Molta gent del tot el país estava començant a unir-se. Finalment es rumoreja una data per ala revolta, peró mai es pot estar segur del tot. Es molt difícil que comencem tots el primer dia.

2º DIA

France, 10th June 1789.

Dear diary: Today, things have turned into a revolt, now we’re more people than in the beginning. I think if we continue fighting we’ll get an absolute victory. That’s what I thought yesterday, but today, a lot of people, my friends, some people in my family, have been shot down. They have been killed by the army. It has been horrible! You can’t imagine how I felt when I saw their bodies on the floor... Now, I’m trying to forget about it and continue fighting, because I’m stronger than them, or that’s what I think

3º DAY

12 de Juny de 1789

Estimat diari: Tinc molta por. Hui hem anat a una revolta al poble en la qual pensàvem que tot estava controlat... Teniem el poble en les nostres mans. Haviem acabat amb tots el soldats i amb el cap de la zona. Tot anava bé, fins que varem divisar uns mil cinc-cents soldats que s’aproximaven per el nord. Al veure tot el que ens venia damunt dos companys i jo varem començar a corre com bojos.Corríem per camp obert mentre alguns soldats ens disparaven amb les seus pistoles. Els dos que m’acompanyaven varen ser disparats fins la mort. Vaig aconseguir fugir. Vaig trobar una casa que semblava abandonada, crec que es una granja ja que vaig veure un estable en el qual hem vaig amagar i desde ací estic escrivint. Espere que això ixca bé, però tinc totes les de perdre.

4º DIA

France 17th June 1789

Dear diary: I’ve been five days hidden in this little farm. I feel like an immigrant. Why should I be hidden in this farm? It’s my country. If everything continues as before I don’t think I’ll have too many days left to live. Now, I can hear some solders marching. They are going to find me. This is the last time I can write. I’m Ishmael: I’m one of the revolutionaries that fought for France to be free. The army is looking for me. In a day, in an hour, in a minute, in a second, or right know, who knows? I’ll be captured by the solders and if that happens I’ll take my last breath, thinking and recalling the good things I’ve done. I want someone to fin this diary. I want this diary to be shown to the whole world, I want everybody to know that I’ve lived to fight for our nights and I want them to be proud of all the people that have given their own life for this cause.

5º DAY

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