Piet Zwart Timeline

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PIET ZWART 1885-1977



EUJIN LEE Eliza Fitzhugh RISD 2011

COLOPHON typography DIN: released by D Stempel AG foundry Helvetica: designed by Max Miedinger Printed in RISD


Adobe InDesign Timeline: designed by EUJIN LEE Section Teacher: Eliza Fitzhugh RISD 2011

CREDITS Broos, Kees. Piet Zwart 1885-1977. Amsterdam: 1973/1982. Print. Zwart, Piet. Piet Zwart en Het boek van PTT/ van een commentaar voorzien door Paul Hefting. Uitgave Staatsuitgeverij: 1985. Print Zwart, Piet. Piet Zwart: typotekt. New York: 1981. Print. http://www.google.com http://www.iconofgraphics.com/Piet-Zwart/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piet_Zwart http://www.gemeentemuseum.nl/index.php?id=35578&langId=en http://www.designishistory.com/1920/piet-zwart/


After World War I, designers took advantage of the emergence of new man-made materials and production techniques to create furniture. Chairs were created as it is called the “machine age” of Germany.


Piet Zwart produced his first typographical designs for Lagafabriek in Vickershouse through the introduction of Berlage.

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The National Socialist German Worker’s Party’s symbol is the swastika from 1920. Adolf Hitler rose up to power and used the swastika as German army’s symbol of the Nazi Pary.


The Games of the XI Olympiad is 1936 Summer Olympics. The Olympics held international multisport events in Berlin.


German Expressionism was influencing German artists before the First World War. Architecture, painting and cinema are examples of developments in Germany’s large Expressionist movements.

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Modrian is one of the famous artists that defines what “De Stijl” is in his work. De Stijl is ‘the style’ in german is an artmovement that influenced artist on the idea of neoplasticism.

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German Film industry boomed with 1920s German inflations. Expressionist movies were created based on symbolism and artistic imagery rather than realism to tell their stories.

Piet began taking photographs. These influence his typographic skills and his reconception on typography itself. He worked for the NKF and completed his master book for the NKF. In the book photomontage, typographic experimentation, and color printing took a big role.

Film “Metropolis” is produced. Directed by Fritz Lang, Metropolis is a German expressionist film in the science-fiction. The background sets in a futuristic urban dystopia that deals with the usage of context to explore the social crisis between workers and owners in capitalism.



World War I also known as the Great War is the second deadliest war in the Western world. The great powers assembled in two opposing alliances: the Allies and the Central Powers. During World War I the American government used “Uncle Sam” as a common national personification of their government to make people participate in the war.


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He designed the Bruynzeel kitchen which he is most known for. The Kitchen gave enormous impact of modernization in domestic space. People recognized his fuctional design and typography and was noted in Der Sturm and considered bourgeois in the Soviet Union. His typographic works were displayed throughout the world and even in MOMA in NYC.


World War II was the global military conflict among countries. The world split into Allies and Axis and fought leaving tremendous distruction. World War II was a “total war” and brought influence to the world economically, socially, and scientifically. The Holocaust and the use of nuclear weapons in warfare led to the involvement of massive death of civilians.


The Berlin Wall which cut off West Berlin from East Germany and Berlin was built by the German Democratic Republic on August 13,1961.



1885 Piet Zwart was born in Zaandjk, Holland on May 28, 1885.

1911 He designed furniture and interior design for the first time.


He was influenced by Berlage, Lion Cachet, Wiener Werkstatte and De Stijl.

De Stijl. Modrian is one of the famous artists that defines what “De Stijl” is in his work. De Stijl is ‘the style’ in german is an artmovement that influenced artist on the idea of neoplasticism. Golden Era for Furniture Industry.

1914 World War I begins. World War I also known as the Great War is the second deadliest war in the Western world. The great powers assembled in two opposing alliances: the Allies and the Central Powers.



1920 German Expressionism refers to a number of related creative movements beginning in Germany before the First World War during the 1920s. These developments in Germany took part in architecture, painting and cinema.



World War I ends.

German Film industry booms. Germany use the Swastika as a badge. It was adopted as a symbol of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party (the Nazi Party)


1921 Piet Zwart produced his first typographical designs for Lagafabriek in Vickershouse through the introduction of Berlage.


1923 Lissitzky’s attitude towards architecture was convincing and similar to Piet’s as well. His architecture work resembles Lissitzky’s even though Piet never seen his work. Proun series is an example.

1925 Hitler publishes “Mein Kampf.” Film “Metropolis” is produced. Many films were created which followed the design of movie posters.


1925 Germany joins League of Nations.




1926 Piet began taking photographs. These influence his typographic skills and his reconception on typography itself. He worked for the NKF (Nederlandse Kabelfabriek Delft) and completed his master book for the NKF. In the book photomontage, typographic experimentation, and color printing took a big role.



1928 Became a designer for PTT, which is the Dutch post, telephone, and telegraph company. He designed postage stamps, publicity, advertising, franking machine indicias, exhibition stands etc.


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1936 Summer Olympics is held in Germany. The Games of the XI Olympiad is 1936 Summer Olympics. The Olympics held international multisport events in Berlin.

1930 Election is held in Germany. Hitler was part of the election. 17

1937 He designed the Bruynzeel kitchen which he is most known for. The Kitchen gave enormous impact of modernization in domestic space. People recognized his fuctional design and typography and was noted in Der Sturm and considered bourgeois in the Soviet Union. His typographic works were displayed throughout the world and even in MOMA in NYC.


1939 World War II starts.

1942 World War II ends. World War II was the global military conflict among countries. The world split into Allies and Axis and fought leaving tremendous distruction. World War II was a “total war� and brought influence to the world economically, socially, and scientifically. The Holocaust and the use of nuclear weapons in warfare led to the involvement of massive death of civilians.




Piet Zwart dies in Leidschendam on September 24, 1977.






Berlin Wall is built. The Berlin Wall which cut off West Berlin from East Germany and Berlin was built by the German Democratic Republic on August 13,1961.

National Democratic Party of Germany is formed.

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