AGRA 2012 - Katalog razstavljavcev

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EURO GLOBTRADE, d.o.o. Z8/8015 Voklo 49, SI-4208 Šenčur Tel.: 041/208 568, Fax: 04/259 1520 Sorazstavljavec / Co-exhibitor Einböck & Co. KG, Dorf/Pram, Avstrija HB Brantner, Laa/Thaya, Avstrija MX, Acigne, Francija Traktorske prikolice Brantner, balirke Mchale, obračalni plugi Överum, traktorski nakladalci MX, česala Einbock, stroji za obdelavo tal Kongskilde Tractor trailers Brantner, balers Mchale, rotary ploughs Överum, tractor loaders MX, comb harrows Einbock, tillage machines Kongskilde

EVROPSkA kOMISIJA - PREDSTAVNIŠTVO V SLOVENIJI A/127 Breg 14, SI-1000 Ljubljana Tel.: 01/252 8800, Fax: 01/425 2085 Sorazstavljavec / Co-exhibitor Evropski parlament, Informacijska pisarna v Sloveniji, Ljubljana, Slovenija Razstava ob 50. obletnici SKP: kmetijstvo skozi čas, prikaz SKP skozi tematske sklope hrana, okolje, razvoj podeželja. Za radovedne: nagradni kvizi, info material in interaktivne vsebine. Za aktivne: zavrtite kolo in si zmešajte sadno-mlečni napitek. Za lačne: degustacije zaščitenih jedi. Za utrujene: kotički za oddih in osvežitev. Vodeni ogledi in svetovanja. Drevo želja za ideje o prihodnosti kmetijstva Exhibition on 50 years of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), presentation of CAP based on issues like food, environment and rural development. For those visitors who like mental activities there will be quizzes, interactive contents and information material. Those who want physical activity can cycle and mix themselves a fruit-milk drink. There will be tastings of protected food for those who are hungry and there will be pleasant corners for relaxing and refreshing for those who are tired. Guided visits and consulting. Wishtree for ideas for the future of agriculture.

EVROPSkI PARLAMENT, INFORMACIJSkA PISARNA V SLOVENIJI A/127 Breg 14, SI-1000 Ljubljana Tel.: 01/252 8830, Fax: 01/252 8840, Informacijska pisarna Evropskega parlamenta, edine neposredno izvoljene institucije EU, skrbi za informiranje javnosti o delu in vlogi Parlamenta. Na sejmu pripravlja državljanski forum in regionalno debato z evropskimi poslanci na temo prihodnosti Skupne kmetijske politike in konkurenčnosti slovenskega kmetijstva v EU. Vabljeni k udeležbi in sodelovanju v razpravi The Information Bureau of the EU-Parliament, the only directly elected EUinstitution, is charged of informing the public on the work and the role of the Parliament. On the occasion of the trade fair it will prepare a citizen’s forum and a regional debate with European MPs on the topics of the future of Common European Policy and the competitiveness of Slovenian agriculture in the EU. You are kindly invited to participate and cooperate in the debates 117

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