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Famous painters and their works of art -Sławni polscy malarze oraz ich znane dzieła sztuki.

Stanisław Wyspiański He was a Polish poet, painter and architect .

He successfully joined trends of modernism with some themes of Polish folk tradition and Romantic history.

-Był on polskim poetą, malarzem, architektem. Należał on do twórców okresu Modernizmu, Romantyzmu.

Jan Matejko He was a Polish painter known for paintings of notable historical Polish political and military events. He is counted among the most famous Polish painters.

- Malarz ten jest jednym z najsłynniejszych malarzy Polskich. Jego dzieła głównie przedstawiają działania wojenne.

‘Battle of Grunwald’ by Matejko (in 1878):

‘A Boy with a Flower’ by Wyspiański (in 1893):

Józef Marian Chełmoński He was a Polish painter. He represented the trend of art, which was called: ‘Polish Patriotic Panitings’.

- Był on polskim malarzem. Był on reprezentantem trendu o nazwie: „Obrazy Polskiego Patriotyzmu”.

‘Babie Lato’ by Chełmoński (in 1875):

Ignacy Aleksander Gierymski Polish painter of the late 19th century. He was the younger brother of Maksymilian Gierymski, equally renown Polish watercolour painter.

- Polski malarz, brat Maksymiliana Gierymskiego

„Dama rokokowa” by Gierymski (in 1881):

Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz He was a Polish writer, novelist, playwright, photographer, philosopher and painter.

- Był on polskim pisarzem, nowelistą, fotografem, filozofem oraz malarzem.

„Autoportret” by Witkiewicz (in 1913):

In this presentation we have presented the most famous painters and their works of art. However, there are many other painters who drew beautiful paintings.


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