Your right is our duty - Passbook

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Select services in accordance with my particular needs and their availability, as well as receive unconditional initial emergency care.

Receive or refuse spiritual support.

Receive timely assessment and treatment fo my pain.

Receive information about my health condition at all times in a clear, timely and sufficient way. Have my clinical record treated as confidential and made known to others only with my permission. Participate freely in scientific research studies.

Receive education on how to take care of myself.

Make the decision to accept or refuse treatment.

Be treated with dignity and no discrimination.

Receive the best quality, humanized and safe care available.

Receive information about paperwork (including processes, costs and requirements).

Agree or refuse to donate organs for transplantation.

Have my wish for a quiet and dignified end of life respected.

Be accompanied by my loved ones during my care.

To the respect for my decisions and preferences as stated in my Advanced Directives.

As a patient I must:

Read and understand Informed Consents before signing.

Provide truthful information regarding my health condition.

Care for my health by following treatment instructions responsibly.

Take good care of the facilities and elements available for my own care.

Treat the members of the health team and other patients with dignity and respect.

Take responsibility for not following medical recommendations.

Have knowledge of the services covered by my insurer and use them rationally.

Pay for those services not covered by my insurance and which I or my family request.

Your right

is our duty Your duty

As a patient I have the right:

is our right

To receive health care when I am ill and to be hospitalized only if I cannot receive care at home.

To receive a clear explanation about my condition and the treatment I will be given.

To be heard and my opinions taken into account so that my parents can authorize treatment.

To be treated kindly, with understanding and respect.

To have my clinical record made known only to the healthcare team, my parents and whoever they authorize.

To receive care suited to my needs and not conditioned to my parents’ beliefs.

To enjoy places where I can play, spend leisure time and receive education during my care.

To participate or refuse to do so in scientific research with my parents’ permission.

To have my physical and emotional pain kept under control from the moment I am born.

To die quietly surrounded by my family, my favorite toys, at home or in the hospital should I prefer it.

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