Virtual Education Journal

Page 95



DAUGHTER OF OCEANUS Alas, O Fate, I shudder to behold the plight that has befallen Io.



PROMETHEUS You lament and are full of fear all too soon. Wait until you have learned the rest as well.



3SHOT DAUGHTER OF OCEANUS Proceed; tell all. It is comforting for the sick to know clearly beforehand what pain still awaits them. MED

PROMETHEUS You gained your former request easily from me; for you first desired the story of her ordeal from her own lips. Hear now the sequel, the sufferings this maid is fated to endure at Hera's hand.

I then made appointments with each of my actors to meet me in SL. I did not need the entire cast at the same time, since the scenes mostly consisted of dialogues of one character with Prometheus—and I was always present, as I played Prometheus. (The one exception to this is the scene with Prometheus, Io and the Daughter of Oceanus.) Using Snapz Pro X to capture the audio and video of each shot, I quickly reviewed each piece of video to make sure there were no problems with it, and then resaved it with the scene number/letter designation. This organization allowed me, once I had completed all of the shots, to easily import them into iMovie and to add them to the timeline in numerical order. However, one problem I had earlier noticed during screen capture became more evident, and was, in fact, something I had noted even during our live performances. Due to the variability of the students’ laptops—in age, processors, and microphones—the audio was wildly inconsistent. One actor would be almost inaudible, while another sounded distorted from being too loud. To fix this problem, I once again borrowed a typical Hollywood convention: that of automated dialogue replacement (ADR). Again, I summoned each of the actors, this time to my RL office, rather than in SL. I set up a microphone, and ran the audio into Garageband. Each of the actors recorded their lines in order, pausing between lines so I could later cut and paste. Once I had all of the lines recorded, I assembled the audio track for the film, each voice on a separate track. This separation allowed me to add different effects to the voices, and so Prometheus and


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