VEJ June 2013

Page 59

Inside the theatre, visitors can order snacks, and if they wanted, visit the projection room that simulates a traditional set-up.

A virtual theatre was constructed so that FYC could simulcast the film festival, and include a much larger audience than those who attended physically. What started as a basic theatre expanded to include a lobby, a projection room, a marquee and incredible entrance into the theatre, as well as the ability to get popcorn (why not?). Create an Assignment Like This! Step 1: Student Release Form It is important to have students sign a waiver allowing you to publish or use their work after it’s completed. Student samples will be invaluable to you for the next time this is taught, or if you end up publishing the final product in some way. Step 2: Decide on the purpose and learning goals you want to accomplish. Perhaps it is: A. To inform on a topic/subject/concept relevant to the class B. To persuade/advocate for an action, change, and/or social purpose C. To apply research in a meaningful way D. To learn a new technology/communication skill. E. To demonstrate understanding of a process, task, problem (for Mathematics, for example, students can teach or show how to solve a specific problem or concept) There are symbols of UTEP interspersed throughout the theatre.


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