Lumpen Magazine issue 101

Page 36

Movie Licker by Mike Finch

So I was asked to come up with 13 films that in one way or another influenced me. Or helped me. I find this to be impossible! Seriously. There’s just no way. This list could easily be in the 100s. So what I’ve done is make a list of movies that hit me at the right moments and stayed with me. How’s that? In no particular order: Out of Sight (1998) If I think about it, Steven Soderbergh hasn’t made a “bad” movie. He’s careful. But at the same time he’s always taking risks and experimenting. Amazing. Anyways, I love this movie because its a fun, sophisticated, action-packed, big budget movie without Hollywood ‘tude. Not to mention the best adaptation of Elmore Leonard’s work to date. The characters jump off the screen!

Hana-Bi (1997) Takeshi “Beat” Kitano is a glorious smart-ass that loves to push people’s buttons and have fun. But he also has a serious penchant for tempestuous melancholy. Hana-Bi (Fireworks) showed me that cutting your movie out of sequence is the shit, but also that sensitive thugs could be badass as well. (You’ll note Soderbergh does the same). Takeshi is my hero. Plain and simple.

Chungking Express (1994) I am big fan of directors that take on tough subjects. Kar Wai Wong really made me happy when I saw this for the first time. I was so happy that someone took the time to deliver well-crafted, love-burdened characters. He didn’t just come out and say, “love is hell”; he methodically showed that the pain of love is real and that, even though it’s pain, it’s the best pain ever.

Jacques Audiard provides a brilliant story of revenge with Emmanuelle Devos providing us with one of the best disgruntled employees I’ve seen. And I just love it when actors transform themselves into some offbeat psycho character like Vincent Cassel does here. I will say it again and again, the French have filmmaking nailed.

Red Beard This epic tale of a hard working doctor teaching a young intern the horrors of life is really beautiful. And I chose this Kurosawa movie over the many others I love because I have a penchant for movies about the working-class struggling with bureaucratic horseshit. Doctors just want to save lives. Is that so much to ask? Plus, this movie is actually pretty funny! 36 lumpen

L U M P E N 10 1


Read My Lips (2001)

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