4 minute read

Sunniland SuperSpotlight John Pustai


John Pustai – DTE Golf Facility Services – Highland Park Golf Course

Where were you born? I was born

in Fort Walton Beach, Florida where my father was stationed during and after the Vietnam Conflict. What was your major in school? I

majored in Turfgrass management at The Ohio State University/ Agricultural technical institute in Wooster Ohio. Do you play any sports? I try and

stay as active as possible with children competing in various sports throughout the year, I still play somewhat competitive beer league hockey and of course golf whenever I can. Also, fishing is a passion and I get out and fish whenever I can corral my 2 boys to come with. What got you interested in turf

grass? I grew up on a golf course from the time my family moved back to Ohio. My grandfather and father had a piece of a public course here in northeast Ohio. After high school I was uncertain what it was I wanted to do but with a little push from the course owner where I was working, he encouraged me to enroll in turf school and pursue this as a career. Guess it’s kind of in my blood! How did golf come into play? I have

been golfing since I was 5 when my Grandmother gave me my first set of Chi Chi Rodriguez model clubs to swing in the back yard. I happen to be working where I golfed my first real round of golf here at Highland Park. It will always be a part of my life! How did you get your first job on the

golf course? My first real paying golf job happened by chance, I was hitting balls on the Range at the old Parkview golf course in Mayfield Village Ohio and the super drove by and simply asked if I wanted a job on his crew. I said yes and the rest is history. What makes Highland Park

outstanding? Highland Park has a long and storied history here in Cleveland and it had fallen onto tough times with a lack of management; I took this job to bring it back into relevance in the public golf sector of this golf rich area. So far so good, the bones were here and it has been a joy to help them bear their teeth! Again, there’s a lot of my friends and colleagues that have played here growing up and its always great to hear that its back! What do you enjoy most about your job

here? Grooming this old course back to a playable and enjoyable golf course. When did you start working here? I was brought aboard in June of 2020, in the midst of the Covid pandemic. How has the experience here helped to develop your career? I have always

been a fixer of courses and this has been a gargantuan task amidst all the issues related to equipment, parts and course hardware supply chain issues. This has been a tough time, but I have found that it has strengthened my managerial skills immensely in regard to personnel and turfgrass management. Who are your mentors and how do you consider them to be your

mentors? First and foremost, my greatest mentor was my Grandfather who at an early age taught me my work ethic and attention to detail, second would be Pat LaConte the owner of Parkview, without his tutelage and push I may not be in the industry 30 years later. If you were to give advice to someone starting in the field what would that

advice be? I would have to say don’t stop learning, go to as many local and national GCSAA meetings and offerings as possible, also your local distributors offer educational seminars throughout the year. Also network as much as possible, we are all here to help one another! Get involved locally in your GCSAA chapter. How do you plan to pay it forward with others that work in golf course

maintenance? I will continue to answer the phone when colleagues call for advice, I am currently the President of the Northern Ohio Superintendents Association which is the oldest chapter in the country and the precursor of GCSAA. We are currently planning our 100th anniversary for 2023!