Research & Creative Achievement Week 2012

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East Carolina University : Research and Creative Achievement Week 2012

Graduate Distance Education Poster Abstracts


Benefits of Hepatic Resection for Noncolorectal Nonneuroendocrine Liver Metastases Based on Histology, Shannon Banks, Jason Brinkley, Timothy Fitzgerald, The Brody School of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Division of Surgical Oncology, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858 Introduction: The benefit of hepatic resection for colorectal liver metastases has been widely documented. However, there is little evidence supporting the benefits of hepatic resection for noncolorectal nonneuroendocrine liver metastases (NCNLM). This study aims to present the available research on the overall survival rates of various histological types of NCNLM. Methods: Articles were identified via Pubmed and Web of Knowledge using specific search terms. Articles were excluded if published prior to 1984, had less than 10 patients, the primary tumor was of colorectal neuroendocrine origin, or lacked data on hepatic resection of metastases. A manual search of the literature included in the analysis provided an additional source of articles. Results: There were 7857 articles identified as potentially relevant, after a full text review 66 were identified for inclusion. Thirty-three different histological primary tumors were identified from the 66 articles. When placed into one of ten main categories, genitourinary and breast cancer had the longest average overall median survival at 41.56 and 38.7 months respectively. Throat primary tumors had the shortest overall median survival at 16 months. Conclusions: Genitourinary and more specifically germ cell primary tumor types had prolonged overall median survival rates attributed to hepatic resection. The best results were seen when R0 curative resection was possible and there were no extra-hepatic metastases present.



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