ECR News - 23rd edition

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and solidarity” between European people in fighting the COVID 19 pandemic. In an online meeting on Friday, 8 May, with the European Committee of the Regions President, Apostolos Tzitzikostas, Mr Bi-

anchi emphasised the need for European cooperation and solidarity in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. Mr Bianchi expressed gratitude at Mr Ortyl’s gesture of solidarity and friendship.

Mr Ortyl’s actions are but a small example of this greater cooperation and mutual support that must occur so that all Europeans can emerge from this crisis as healthy, safe, and prosperous as possible.

EVENTS ECR Panel at the European week of Regions and Cities The 18th European week of Regions and Cities will be held from 12-15 October at the European Committee of the Regions. The EWRC remains is the largest Brussels-based event dedicated to regional and local policies. In the context of 2020’s coronavirus pandemic, this year’s event is all the more vital. Every year local and regional policymakers, politicians and advisors congregate to share ideas and solutions. This year, the ECR Group will organise a workshop focusing on reducing air pollution in Europe. Climate Change remains one of the most pressing policy issues of our time. This matter is a vital concern for not only national leaders, but also local politicians. Tackling air pollution is both an environmental and a public health concern that regional governments can work to mitigate. Despite an increased issue prominence and European investments in green technologies, air pollution has not decreased substantially in recent years and according to the World Health Organization, 90% of Europeans living in urban areas are regularly exposed to levels of pollution above WHO standards. The ECR has invited a panel of experts, and regional as well as European level politicians. The panel is expected to include Tjisse Stelpstra, ECR member and a regional minister in the Drenthe

province in the Netherlands, Jakub Chełstowski, ECR member and President of the Silesia region, ECR MEP and member of the ITRE committee at the European Parliament, Lucie Žáčková, the deputy head of unit at DG REGIO and Roberto Ciambetti, ECR member and President of the Veneto Regional Council.

what the role of the European Union should be in reducing air pollution. The ECR Group traditionally organises an annual workshop as part of the EWRC, as this forum is the key event in European regional policy. An excellent debate is anticipated and all those interested are cordially invited to attend.

Our panel, representing diverse regions and perspectives, will evaluate air quality and environmental policy from the perspective of local and regional governments. The discussion will seek to ascertain how local and regional authorities are currently involved in forwarding the goals of the European climate and energy policies. Our panellists will deliberate in what manner local and regional governments have succeeded, where they have fallen short and

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