The Marian Library Newsletter February 1945

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~ Re;; &dmaacl J. BauiiMiilw, S.IL. EtJiltw Vel •. I


~ U~tJ ol ~ c.,_ t. Ohio

:re bruai"'J' 19<i5




. the llariea Library hes

.No. 3


Priori ties del§. This ia tbe first time tbet occasion to ooraplain th t its L"'llodiate ·wOI"k .aa& been,.,het by tltc war. ··.ie had hoped by this tL'Ile tci. be f.ble 11o anno~nce 1t.e ?Ublic ation. of . Qlr, b:oklist, b'-lt d'.le to priorities end lack ot manpo"-:r in different quarters ·. the printer wes not able ·to get the !!lllteriels he needed to- carry on t'h!s l'P.:)rk as rapidlJ as he md hoped. It . ·urs especia~ly the Ull~'.lal characters required for t · e .foreign titles, 3UC..'l as i'rench · ::>nd 3pe.nish, t:::.Zt. caused t.'le delay. l:e E:rll! glad, "however, to sa:·· .that tbe. boklist is really ·.mc.~r way. · "Je ~ave examined t'"'.e. -;>r:>ots for t "ce ~ f-irst srart ·and are · c.onfident t~et 1he finished copy ~vill ~neet our expe.ct.etions, and·.. that :uith its "'~'l...blication .o•.;.r •ridely scattered anny of branch d irectora ·,1ill be able to get· into ·act ion a.n~ ·pr0dace ri ch results With a ~ir..i.m1.m ex.;:Jenji t~ ?t energy md tine. We- · feel ·certain that nex-<; time we shell be able to· gil'e evidence real progress · thr)ugh t:te ··..;.se :Jf·tli.~b~oklist, \lflic:: sh·.;ulcl be oi"f t!'l.e press in another::vnth. A re!Jly to our last Ne"'ssletter brought ·a canpla1nt that "ln· 't:l e enumeratiCJn ' ot the cities included i:1 :~ur netionfl :>rgsnization of '!lre.nch directors t" e city 11'hich 'lad perhaps d~ne more .fo ; our pwject then an:r o:t~~er v:as not ~ive:n 'a 'mention. )fe . . • regret very m'.lc:l this aver~if.:ht • .J•tr il:vestigation s:towed that t<e bla::1e lies primarily ·~t~ our "tygi3t-publisner" whc inadvertently skipped an entire line: "Broo~yn' Chic ago' c :.::c ir..neti r Cleveland, C-:-.viugton I Detroit. Galesoil::.e; nac.ilton." All these cities h!d already volunteered the services :li' t:raneh di.recto rs before the ?Ublicati:::n 1': Clil' ne·~ember Newsletter. 3ince the. t time t. e tollot;inv. cities have been added t:J o-ur list: .Anscnia (C.Jnn.),Canon City (Cclo.), ~erdinand-(Ind. )·, Lba (Per.l), Ne~·iburgh (:·r .Y. ) , ?cnce ('?~...erto iti~o), .:ii!!l, .ionolul·.l"' end ioiailuku {.:ian11}, and Sherrill (l' . Y'. } . ~iiththese additi:m.3 "i1e b.ave at the . )~ent ti.:1e forty-two br!! dil''9ctors toget~r ~.-i th a list :f ~i:lirty a.s.si3tants. · 'lhese branct. directors include. t;vent:;-nine :triests and Brothers of the Societ:r u.f Mary and thirteen O'illers, aDOng.. the.::.. 9riests, isligious· Sisters an. 5rothers 1 and ~Y .:ne n and 'KJI1en. . 'l'heJ '1flll hear from us aa soon as tt.e booklist i.s r~ady for di::.t~i'bution. · .


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Periodicals.!!!,~ VLIU"i an Library. 'JntU now we have b6en cc:ncentraUng .our ~rineipel et:forts .on our book collection. but 'VJe irit en'd .evemually .to .build Up' also as e~,l ~te 8 e olleet&.on of Men an !l er i :::>d ic al s as well. ' 'ie ere y to se:r thet ~ our requast f:lr back S.unbe:-s .or· tre A•e ~·.:arla ha.s l:!et v:lta t!'.e l'inw;~t coopere.tiar., so t'! no·:' ~1e lack ':tlil.y three f: r t: ~e cc!!lplet ion ot our set, viz •• VII



( 18?1). VIII (1872), and XVIII (1882). ·.ie shall a_p·;reciete inf .Jl'!:lBtion as to ·.nere these .:1ay be h ad. T"....ey a.:e no l·;~~r snilc:ble at t~:e A~e ·!.Iaria Press. ·,;e 3i ide .J·.rt h;::re fJr S)ecial !Ue::. ti:n ~t . :.-~a:-y'::; G:. llege, Ke:".:ses, ';hiCh besi:!es do.r:ating a S'.:.bsta:t:..el n:.lrlber o1' V(.;l:Jr.:es cf t"e .AvP. ::aria, 9d:ieG. forty-fi ve vol·.x:1es =~ the ~wsar-1 :.:e.?-cZine incl:..:.-ding Volu:-:95 2-46, 1291-).915. .,.Te 81'".1 anxio~s to .:n.,plete that set · am sh~ll be :-,lad to :.ear fro::: a:-.y :-i cu.;.· frieri.5 ·no can .hel.:J 1ls locE:te t:1e :-eoainino:· ·r.:)l· At this t ~ ~:e als.:.: a-:- )eal to ell ~'ihc .have back nunbers, eS')eciall~~ hc1.:.n:i V)Lnes )f ~Ill ot·"Er~.ilri t.!l _?.;)ri'JC.icals, thet · are :1ot dci!lf an~;: :;~articu­ lar service ·i·lhere t ··ay are, b·it ·ai{ht d'S a s:reet se-fTice rn· ar r.ati.mal research library. :;e s::al:i. :e ~ratefcl f~r ~:-· r.e·:s abc.-.;.t s;ich iieri..:x:ficsls. :~:e-- ·:e sU@'£est t!".at interest~d "" .-;:::-ite us bef::- re ~~ding in such ,; in :) to avcid too ::uc!:. d·.1pli '!Stion a.1d useless e~~:~·nse in trans,Ortat~.Jn.

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· Gener~'.ls R.esnor•.:;~'· ·.e are ver:;c :r9.t~f'.l.l fo:::- t· :e :-.any ~fts to t..'le ~~ian Library in respJI"'.se tc -. ur plea for a Chri.3t:las re."leobrance. Lt. ·J,.llie ";laser has t~ disti!lcti:·n c:f be in€ the I'irst . pers:.!l in tb.e service t.) , join t~.:e ranks of our .donors. · Special tl"~<i...,_W:s ~r-9 · 1·18 to .:.ister 1:. l."terese , . ·J •.;;.5., fer he-r gi:'t of ten dollars ant !ler still :t.:re f.e:.erJus JI'r.'er cf se:-'7ice ::.::. :f•.lrti"'.erin:_· the ::>:reject. · There t~ve ~ls~· beer..;.s :: :n t>ibutians in t:1~ fJ:"!:l ·Jf bo.:>ks ani p:r.:pr.lets • ~:e are 7ery grateful t~ :Senja :i:. :.~::er 1']r his eutc::;ra;hed co;;::r :lf his lat3st ·.;crk , Kyrie El~is:.:-. ;-ublis~ed by tje :.:af::ir'icat ?ress, ~ia::c~ester, t· .~:. The b.Jok is extre,:el y :.:::tere~ti::-..f., C::llltai!lin~ as i-; dce.s 200 diff~re:.t lit an ies , 25 oi' ~.rhich zre

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11 tallies or the "Life :)f .l.!ary, If WBoly Ns,e ot Kery," and •IDnaculete Sean or J.le17" (by From tl~e Very Rev. Welter c. Tredtin, s.a. we received a valuable copy of' C&rl Sonnenschein's Madozmen. Mary Leahy of' Anso:1ia.., Conn., sent 11s an old copy of' e. oontemporary report on tba e.ppari tiona ot Knock. Fl"S Purcell :11gb School, Cinci•a1i , - we r~ei ved several ruuable additions in bobka end pamphlets. W. thallk Miss J.liee Dol&:~. of freer, · 'l'axas, for her man'.lHtipt po•, -wary Jq Beatitul llctberw" which we hope to publish _ ~ some of our later ;ark. We ue also gn.tetul tor an emnymous gift of 15.00 trcm ... St. wuis e.s well as 'a copy ot Lyneh' s ! Wot!1an 'lr3pped J!. Silence. To all these kind floiends our si nearest· thanks. . _ · ·

Services I'Jf the !frian Library. A. req_•J.eet t'ran the aajor ssin&i'y in Mcntreel, service we*bope to be able to give on a large scale, attar the Marian Library h88 advanced t•Jrther toWM'd its goal, A student at that seminary asked us to locate three books on t-he Blessed Virgin that he needed for certain research we rk. 11' our Union Catalo«Ue had been su:ttie iently developed, we might have indicated libraries iil Caaade to whicll he eould have had recourse. 1Je were, however, able to tell him that he could get two cf the books fran t~ L~brery of Con.:iress 1 but for the third he would have to go toAlibra.ry in "Beacon, N•.Y. Eventu&lly we shall be able to tell people the nearest library to their hcmes that contains e particular book. This is the P1l11>ose of a Union Catalogue. ktother request of a different kind has come from a group of seminarians, who are anxious to know of all t:ile :Marian organizations enriched with spiritual privileges of any kind. If any of' our readers knows such a list we shall be gl:Jd to act as illtennediary L'l rendering the seniee. · We were favored with another letter fl'Or'l l"ether Cacella d.url:..g the past month. (See Dece.'!lber Newsletter). lather Cace.lle. hes his headquarters in Brooklyn, where he is trying to spread 'W:&e devotion urged by Our 3lessed )!ether. He has asked us to be a Promoter of the Sodality ot Reparation to the lmnaculate Heart of Mary, tor 'ldlich :PU11lose he has sent us h·.mdreds of application blanks and booklets for those interested in joining his erusade or rather the crusade of Our Blesaed Mother. 'l'be only condition for ma-.e.rsliip is . tlle daily recitation :>t the Rosary. Married people a?e to promise that t!tey will say_ it with t':le qtber manbers o-r their :famil:r· Membe.rahip en.t.itles ane to a ~~_in \he ~ail.y Ma:3s . ottered.....a1- h&a~ra and to one's name inscribed in the GOUlEN B:JOK at the original of' Our Lady of latima 1n Portugal. . 'f Ye accept vitb pleasUl"e this privilege c:f being a Pr~ter ot tllis beautiful de"Ytltion .. .We shall: .be c·d -to forward to all inquirers ~ IISly application blariks and booklets on Jatim&, a tbey desire, and supply them with certificates ot membership as soon as we ~ive be follnal applicabion. - llay 118 add bare that ' Father Cacella' s headquarters a~tsi. sl_i .Anthony•a !lel:f'are Center, ol-431. l:!Sth-St._,_New York 54, N.Y. He does a · great Ileal f!tt charity there through hia brea4linfS.., etc.-jny co~tJ>ibution ~ hia cause 1f!llr~ ~pl'eeia~d. ~.-. · -._: · _ · _ · ·. · ill~strates the-type o

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· · . Bat ional K~iol,.,~ C~ission. · At a recent eonWfntio. . in rietroit. 'we had tbe :i)leasu.r<J of meetiDS :0:. s Regwa Daley, the ~haiman of the lfat iona: Mario logy CO!IIIlisston and of hearing the mteresting program carried out by its members. The eommission is l•~ated at the College of St. Rcse, Albany. 'Ne wefe edified to hear of their wenderful CO'.>peration with the :r~ily Rosery Crusade and ~ Scaoular Militia. 1'heir ~crepbooka on Marian musie and art as well as contempcr~·news en the Blessed Mother mtrigucd ·..:.s. We were pleased to note that t!ra Marian Librery fcund a significant placo in their scrapbook. What interested 'J.S most was the thc•..:ght of the encnnct:.s possibilities in such a project, if introduced into all our high schools thrcughout the co:.mtrJ. lhy not establish a local ccr:mission i.:l each high school as a part of the Marian Sodality or th$ Mission Crusade in honor of ths Queen of the ~ostles? Before leaving tetl'Oit we made a call on Sister lisry Ursula, I.B.M., our volunteer branch director ot that region. 'We ·Nere most anxious to meet her and acquaint her thoroughly with the purpose and methods of the Marian Library project, because we f'eel that tm Detroit region is &n important 'field for the work. Cur visit was lllf"St encc•.lraging. Sister A• Ursula has a CCIJIIli ttee all set to go, as soon as we give the wcrd, i.e., as soon as t:he bocklist is issued as their tocl. Sister has enth,.,siastic Pl9lls for gi us t lle most generous cocperction. Sh·e plans to interest all tm Sisters in the project at the next annual retreat end feels sure that the entire district cf Detroit and Toledo will be 'tTell taken care ot·. We are just as certain of the greatest s•J.ccess after she tr~nsmits scme ·Jf her enthusi5.5m to the tho-.:send Sisters at the retre~t next s·.mner. We still ncad more Sister "Jrsula's especially in those cit:las not _mentioned in tho aerlier part of this letter and in tho Decenber issue. We shall be ?lad to ar.list other vol:..:.nteers, who ere willing t o direct tb.eir students ir. ~hack­ ing the libraries tJf their d istr:!.cts for :Marian bocks. ., :


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