Dreams Unlimited Clubhouse - Summer 2014

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A Publication of Dreams Unlimited Clubhouse

Dream Weaver Volume 23 Number 2

Founded 1991

Summer 2014

Raising the Bar As told to Emily B. by Pepa H.

1222 Catalpa Drive Royal Oak, MI 48067 Phone: (248) 544-2034 Fax: (248) 544-2152

Inside this issue: Cover………...………..Raising the Bar Page 2……………..……..Employment Page 3…..…….Advocacy & Change Page 4….………….Accomplishments

Clubhouse is universal. Clubhouse Michigan’s 10th Clubhouse Conference, “Raising the Bar Together” really made this evident to the members and staff from Dreams who attended. From June 2nd to June 4th Pepa, Karl, Joyce and Toni went to Bay City to experience this great event. All the attendees from Dreams weighed in on their favorite part of the conference. Toni really enjoyed a workshop on video production in the Clubhouse. Many other Clubhouses have added videography to their work-ordered day (WOD). Some Clubhouses even do their daily bulletin in video form! The workshop noted how video production attracts more young adults to the Clubhouse community. Toni came back from the conference with a lot of enthusiasm to implement a Dreams Media Lab into our work-ordered day. Driven by this excitement, the Media Lab group has already begun production of their first film!

Karl and Pepa both really enjoyed a workshop focused on health and wellness. The workshop kicked off with an exercise dance to get everyone fired up. From there the Page 6……..….Health and Wellness presenters talked about ways to implement health and wellness into the WOD. Some of the ideas they brought back to Dreams include selling healthy snacks and drinks in Page 7………Recovery & Resources the Snack Shack, planning healthy meals, and taking regular walks. Page 5………..……Welcome Jayson!

Page 8…………September Activities Thank you to the Clubhouse Members and Staff who contributed to this edition of Dream Weaver: Emily B. Pepa H. Gregg S. Norman S. Nancy H. Teresa Karen B. Jennifer V. Toni D.

Pepa also really enjoyed the presentation our very own Joyce Rupp gave. Joyce talked about the importance of the WOD in Clubhouse. She shared how Clubhouses have different strategies to fill a meaningful day of work. However a Clubhouse does it, the important thing is that members can build skills and relationships and purpose in a safe and welcoming environment. After hearing Joyce present, Pepa had a revelation, “I have a purpose when I come to Dreams. I’m busy; I’m productive; I’m communicating with other members and staff. I feel like I’m part of a membership club. If I’m not here I’ll be missed.” She said that going to the conference really helped her understand the importance of Clubhouse. Besides the workshops, the Dreamers who attended the conference really enjoyed the delicious food and all the new people they met. Pepa stated that it was interesting talking to members and staff from other Clubhouses. In total there were 275 members, staff and administrators from 40 different Clubhouses in attendance at the conference. Even Robby Vorspan from Clubhouse International attended. She said, “I loved being at the conference and getting to experience the real sense of excitement about Clubhouse in your state. I thought the conference was excellent - well organized, great content, and such a mutual sense of support.”

EMPLOYMENT Clubhouse Employment by Emily Burnett

USA Today did a series of stories discussing how stigmas and discrimination keep individuals with mental illness from receiving services and support, including employment support. In one of these articles Lisa Szabo writes of a new study, “About 60% of people with mental illness want to work, and two-thirds can successfully hold down a job, if they’re given appropriate support”, the report says. “Yet fewer than 2% of people in the public mental health system receive this help, a cost-effective program called supported employment.” Dreams Unlimited Clubhouse hosts a supported employment program, as well as giving support in our Transitional Employment Program and to those with Independent Employment. Transitional Employment Positions (TEP) are jobs owned by the Clubhouse. They are entry level positions that are 15-20 hours a week and last from 6-9 months. Clubhouse staff train individuals on site, and give direct support to the member working the TEP. This includes, when necessary, covering for the member at the TEP. These jobs give members new work experience, and, after the 6-9 month period, the hope is that the Clubhouse will support that member in transitioning into a supported or independent position. Supported Employment Positions (SEP) are jobs owned by the member who works them, but the Clubhouse has a relationship with that employer. The Clubhouse can give direct support to the member on the job, or in the Clubhouse. However, staff does not fill in for members working SEP’s and the jobs have no time limit. Independent Employment Positions (IEP) are jobs that the member got on their own and the Clubhouse does not have a relationship with the employer. The Clubhouse can give support for these positions such as resume writing, interview prep, and problem solving for work related challenges. The Clubhouse Employment Program is designed to help members at different levels of their recovery find and maintain employment in the community. We believe that employment can be an avenue to recovery. Work gives individuals purpose, self-esteem, and a connection to their community. The Clubhouse wants to get as many people who want to work into jobs. If you are interested in working in any capacity, talk to the staff and your fellow members at Dreams to learn how to get the necessary support to help you be successful!

Employment Updates... Dreams Unlimited is pleased to announce that we will once again have a TEP at “My Place”, the former South Oakland Drop In Center. The new director, Jackie Bogg, contacted the Clubhouse to discuss this opportunity. DUC staff Nancy, Emily and Antonio did a site visit; the details have been worked out and we are hoping to place a member very soon in the new Kitchen Assistant/Maintenance position! Gregg S. is about to complete a successful TEP at Easter Seals in Southfield. He has been scanning documents and performing other clerical tasks (if time permits) for over the last 6 months. Great work, Gregg! And “congratulations” to the member who will be filling this position for the next 6-9 months. 2

ADVOCACY & CHANGE Dreams Unlimited Advocacy Efforts Fiscal Year 2015 Funding by Gregg S.

Recently, Sherry Gerbi shared communications from the Michigan Association of Community Mental Health Board. Due to the institution of Healthy Michigan, there were big changes regarding the proposed funding for mental health services in 2015. The implications of the passage of Healthy Michigan means the following services will no longer be funded by general fund dollars and will be unavailable for clients not eligible for Healthy Michigan: jail services, spend down for current Medicaid recipients, children’s services, Medicare only individuals, and injectable drugs. Together, Sherry and I worked on advocacy letters (emails) to the following legislators who voted on the General Fund 2015 Budget: Speaker of the House Jase Bolger Representative Joe Haveman Representative Matt Lori Representative Tim Greimel

Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville Senator Roger Kahn Senator John Moolenaar Senator Gretchen Whitmer

Sherry and I followed a template letter provided by the Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority (OCCMHA) explaining that despite Healthy Michigan, General Fund reductions could impact individuals who do not qualify for either Medicaid or the Healthy Michigan plan, including over 1,000 individuals in Oakland County alone. Two generic templates were used, one for individuals with Medicare only, and one for members with Medicaid and a spend down. The second paragraph of each letter was designed for each individual to explain how a reduction in General Fund dollars would personally affect the individual client’s health and well-being. A third template was created specifically for staff to voice their concerns as well. I am pleased to announce that, in addition to the Easter Seals commitment to the letter writing campaign, Dreams Unlimited members and staff generated between 25 and 30 letters to the appropriate legislators, advocating to keep the $140 million General Fund Budget intact for CMH. When the vote was taken, this proposal did not pass; mental health consumers in Michigan, including Clubhouse members, are already feeling the impact. However, each and every member of Dreams Unlimited Clubhouse, as well as other Easter Seals clients and staff who participated in the letter writing campaign, can be proud to know that they spoke up and advocated for themselves and others.

OCCMHA Leadership Panel by Nancy H.

Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority (OCCMHA) is hosting a question and answer session regarding their new Service Wait List, Healthy Michigan and the State of Michigan General Fund. “Audience members will be given an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about these key topics concerning the public mental health system and the people it serves.” This event will be held from 6:00—8:00 pm on Thursday, September 11, 2014 at the OCCMHA Administrative Offices, located at 2011 Executive Hills Blvd. in Auburn Hills. Call 248-858-0929 with questions or requests for special accommodations. 3


Dreams Unlimited celebrated with Bridgette on her big day! Left to right: Bridgette, Lyndsey, Norman

by Norman S.

On Wednesday, May 7, Bridgette L. graduated from Everest Institute as a massage therapist. It was a rainy day, but it turned out great. Lyndsey S. and I attended the ceremony. The graduation was held at the Filmore Theatre in downtown Detroit. The Filmore Theatre has been around for many years and is very nice inside. The ceremony was very interesting; it was great to see one of our members accomplish a dream. Bridgette attended Everest Institute’s Massage Therapy classes for nine months in order to earn her diploma as a Massage Therapist. Congratulations, Bridgette! I wish the very best for you; now you can attend the Clubhouse more often. I would like that very much, as you are a nice person and a hard worker. Good luck in whatever comes your way in the future. I am sure all Dreams Unlimited members and staff join me in saying “congratulations”! We also had a staff member who achieved a milestone. Last December, Antonio Dimovski obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from Madonna University. His identical twin brother, Alek, also graduated from the same university at the same time with the same degree! The Dimovski family celebrated their sons’ achievements and generously shared a delicious sheet cake with the Clubhouse in honor of the occasion. Congratulations to Antonio and Alek on your graduation! Thank you to the Dimovski family for your continued generosity (and for sharing Antonio with us!) 4


The proud parents: James and Kathi Wheeler with Jayson

Kathi with Jayson at 4 weeks and Kim with Mae at 5 weeks

...& Denise had fun reading the cards. Shirley B. giving Jayson some love... ...and here they are at 11 weeks and 12 weeks!

Bernie T. presented Kathi with a beautiful hand-crocheted afghan.

Kathi—We love you and miss you. Jayson is a very lucky baby to have you for his Mom! Thanks to all who helped!

Jayson at 4-months at DUC’s picnic Aug. 21.

God Bless Kathi, James and their beautiful baby Jayson! 5


Walk With Me 2014 by Karen B.

Six members of our Clubhouse along with three staff (and one toddler) attended the Easter Seals “Walk With Me” event on Sunday, August 3rd. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and Ron Savage from Fox 2 News was there to kick it off. We arrived around 8:00 am and were some of the first people to start the walk. Another member and I got to have our picture taken with “Paws”, the Tiger mascot who was also there. There were 959 registered walkers, and over $54,599 was raised for Easter Seals; $300 of that was raised by Dreams Unlimited Clubhouse! We toured the zoo and got to see the cute prairie dogs, bears, seals, and peacocks, many of whom were out and about along with the giraffes that we got to see close up. It was fun supporting Easter Seals and spending the day at the zoo with friends!

Health and Wellness Journey by Teresa


I started my health and wellness journey back in April of 2013. At first I started using a program online called MyFitnessPal.com. MyFitnessPal.com is a free smartphone app and website that tracks diet and exercise to determine ideal nutrients and caloric intake for the users' goals. When I first began using this program I did not exercise but I kept track of my calories. I now have incorporated exercising into my life and from this and help from MyFitnessPal.com, I have been successful at losing weight and I’m now living a healthier lifestyle.

When I first started exercising, I would walk my dog, Grizzle, for an hour in the morning. I started to notice that the more I exercised, the more weight I lost. As a result I decided to get a membership and join the YMCA, where I go to walk once or twice a day. Although I was able to lose a lot of weight on my own, I wanted to lose more, which would require professional help. Five months ago, I started working out with a trainer. The trainer has given me valuable information about exercising and ways to balance a nutritious diet. To this date, I am proud to say that I have lost 50 pounds. If I can do it, anyone can do it. Every week I keep staff and members informed on my health and weight loss. They encourage me and help keep me on the right path. I really enjoy educating and giving people advice on how to lose weight because it has made such a difference in my life. I am taking what I have learned about weight loss and applying it to Dreams Unlimited Clubhouse. I do this by leading our Health and Wellness group, researching and discussing different topics relevant to our well-being. When Mother Nature permits, I also coordinate the walking group after lunch. Members and staff alike can exercise and have fun together! 6

RECOVERY AND RESOURCES So Happy to be Back by Jennifer V.

After a near brush with death and even more physical health problems and some complicated guardianship arrangements, I’m finally back here at Dreams and loving every minute. My experience brought me closer to God, Jesus, and Mary. I am so thankful to have made it this far and I treasure every day. But most of all, it has given me a new appreciation of Dreams. To be back among my friends and have Joyce, Nancy, Lyndsey, and Tom and our new staff members to turn to help me learn and grow is everything; I never realized how lucky I was. I look forward to coming every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I’m happy to do any job. No job is too small. I love making new friends and recognize many old ones. If I forget your name please just gently remind me, for I’d really enjoy talking to you. One thing I like to do is to help other people. I’m available in the Education Room from 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm or anytime in the morning on Wednesday and Friday and now on Thursdays to tutor in just about anything except computers. I teach Math, English, Reading, Penmanship, Spelling, Science and French. I need your help, too, with computer basics. I’m trying to do the Mousercise Exercises myself but I find them difficult. I love teaching and I would love to teach you. Is there someone out there who is interested in helping me with computers? If so, please come see me; I am most likely to be found in DUC’s Education Room!

Media Lab Committee Left to Right: Stephanie L., Emily B., Rebecca H., Pepa H., and Toni D. Rebecca is an Easter Seals Volunteer

DUC Media Lab By Toni D.

The Media Lab is a very new project here at Dreams. The members and the staff have been working together, side by side, on the Media Lab Committee. The main point and focus of the committee is to create professional videos, movies and presentations to promote Dreams Unlimited Clubhouse. In other words, with the professional production of different projects, the members will have the ability to show their friends, family, our agency, employers, and the community what Dreams is all about. The Media Lab meets twice a week, Wednesday and Friday at 2:00 p.m. All members and staff are welcome to join and work on this exciting new project! 7

Phone: (248) 544-2034 Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 1222 Catalpa Drive

September 2014Activities Sun

Mon 1

Labor Day

Tue 2

Wed 3

Arts, Beats & Eats


9 Bake Sale and “Garage Sale” 4:00—6:30 pm




10 Career Club Meeting & Dinner 3:30—6:00 pm Spkr: Paul Landry




“After Hours” Open Late for selfdirected activities 21












27 NAMI Walk Fundraiser

Speechcraft 2:00—4:00 pm

Sign up in advance 7




Speechcraft 2:00—4:00 pm

Speechcraft Commencement 2:00—4:00 pm 25

Heritage Park Canton, MI Meet at DUC @ 9 am




Note: The Health and Wellness Committee meets every Thursday at 1:45 pm

The Video Lab meets every Wednesday and Friday at 2:00 pm

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