OCT 2012 - Covenanter

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The testimony below testifies to our amazing God, who gives us life as we share it in return! Dakota attended our church for two years and was brought by a friend. She was confirmed this past June.

Why i will live my life for jesus christ A confirmation paper by dakota petzold | Covenant chuRCH of thomaston Dakota Petzold is in the front row center of the picture

I will live my life for Jesus because he has saved me, along with so many others. He died for us without expecting us to do the same. God loved us enough to have him do that. It’s something that can never be repaid. Because his blood washed away our sins, we have been forgiven. It was the ultimate sacrifice, and because of it we all have spots in Heaven when we die. Paradise doesn’t have to be a rumor for us. I will live my life for Jesus Christ because he is the light, the kin, and the way. He will lead me through the hard times. And through the hardest of times he will carry me. Because I am his. Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a girl. Let’s call her Jane. Jane like to sing and dance and was always in her own little world because she found that the one she truly belonged to was cruel - so she preferred her made up ones. One day, Jane’s mom took her to a picnic and she

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met a girl who was her age. The other girl we’ll call Molly. Jane and Molly got along so well that they eventually became the very best of friends. They could talk about absolutely anything. They were also quite alike. They both loved the color blue and Harry Potter and country and classical music. There was, however, one very large difference between the two. Molly was raised to worship the Lord – this Jesus Christ guy – and his Father, God, too. Jane had been raised to appreciate the ways of nature. One day, Jane stayed at Molly’s house for the weekend and was brought to their church. She found herself in love with the stories in the book they read from, the Bible. From Esther’s to Cain’s, they all fascinated her. She came more often and asked questions. Jane felt accepted in this new community, this church. She could relate to the other children in the youth group and began to view all of the people there

as family – brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, and many, many cousins. Jane grew in her faith as she spent more time at the church. God was all around, for better or worse, carrying his children through the hardest of times and watching them enjoy the best of times. She learned of Esther’s selflessness and of many other stories. During this time she met another almost-sister named Maria. When Jane decided to stay in the confirmation class for another year, Maria was one of the reasons she could go through with it. Without her, Jane would never have tried. And now Jane is standing in front of you and if you know me at all, you know exactly who Molly and Maria are. Hi, my name is Dakota, and I will live my life for Jesus because, over time, Jesus has become my life. Dakota Petzold

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