Spring 2016 newsletter

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Book of Acts - The Unfolding Story of Being Planted in God’s Love By Donna Milham Acts 2:2 “Suddenly they heard the sound of a violent blast of wind rushing into the house from out of the heavenly realm. The roar of the wind was so overpowering it was all anyone could bear! Then all at once a pillar of fire appeared before their eyes. It separated into tongues of fire that engulfed each one of them. They were all filled and equipped with the Holy Spirit and were inspired to speak in tongues – empowered by the Spirit to speak in languages they had never learned.” PT ! This was the promise of the Father !! ( vs. 33) ! I believe this infilling was not just the power for signs, wonders and miracles but the greatest infilling of all – the Love of God the Father poured into the hearts of men and women – empowering them to walk in the love of God even as Jesus His Son walked in His Love and showed us the way. He now pours out the ANSWER to His own prayer in John 17“I have given them the revelation of who You are. And I will continue to make You even more real to them, so that they may experience the same endless love that you have for Me. For Your love will now live in them even as I live in them.” PT ! He sends Holy Spirit and our hearts are filled with His Love so that His very prayer can be answered. This prayer was birthed in the Heart of the Father and the Son, and they agreed together in unified love, and sent the Third Person of the Trinity to fill our hearts with what we could not fill our own hearts with – the Love of God!! ! This is the power, this is the foundation – His Heart of Love and Compassion. ! It turned Peter, who was quick to cut off the ear of the servant of the high priest in the Garden of Gethsemane, into one who would stretch forth his hand and heal the sick and raise the dead. ! In the Garden he observed firsthand Jesus’ Hand of Mercy, extended from Father’s Heart to restore the ear that Peter had cut off - with the Father’s Love. Even though the Son knew he was being arrested to go and lay down His life in love, always He carried the Father’s Heart of Love and Restoration, even for those who would take him to trial and His eventual crucifixion! ! Peter was transformed in the upper room by the infilling of Holy Love and would open his mouth to speak and become an ambassador of the heart of Father to those he was sent to. 3,000 hearts were opened to hear and to see the revelation of salvation, only by God’s Spirit of wisdom and revelation could their hearts have been opened to see and to hear. It came from a heart of love. The gift of redemption and restoration! ! Think of it – that on that day of Holy Spirit visitation – Iranians, Elamites, Mesopotamians, Judeans, Turkey, Egyptians, Libyans, Jews, Cretans, Arabs, etc.…….all heard their own languages about the wonderful things GOD has done! ! Is not the heart of Father amazing that He would send His Spirit that all of these nations, tribes, and tongues would hear in their own language and stand in awe at the wonder of God their Father and Creator. ! God the Father always was and is about relationship with His children! The Blood of Jesus on the Cross broke the curse of the tower of Babel and brought again the ability for

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eyes to see and hearts to understand – God and each other……. Relational Government of God – Heart of God! Family! ! They were amazed and perplexed and some mocked……… but Peter did not respond in his normal anger and short tempered manner – Now by God’s Heart of love he became God’s trumpet and ambassador to share what was taking place. ! And their response – 3.000 joined with other believers and devoted themselves to apostles teaching and fellowship – sharing in the Lord’s supper and prayer Deep sense of awe came over all of them Many signs and wonders performed by apostles But what is the most amazing to me is that the believers met together constantly and shared everything they had. Sold their possessions and shared the proceeds with those in need Worshipped together at the Temple each day and met in homes for Lord’s Supper and shared meals with great joy and generosity all while praising God and good will of all the people and each DAY the Lord added to their group those who were being saved. ! WHY? ! Because these people were being planted in the SOIL OF GOD’S LOVE! ! This was not a movement – this was FAMILY – this was Heaven on earth – Relational Family – Father’s Love – Soil to be planted in. ! Self centeredness was consumed by His Love. Sacrifice was simple – because it was not sacrifice – it was the love of God pouring into their hearts and through their hearts and so it was the generosity of God’s Heart beating in theirs. The safety, the love, the generosity, the deep caring and sharing – this was the atmosphere they were saved in, became family in!! ! And because of this atmosphere the Love flowed in and through each of them and as they lived in their communities, it was not an outreach program but a lifestyle of the love of God – breathing in and out through them – and others came into the literal encounter and experience of God’s breath of Love and would go with them and want to become family! This is what the soil of God’s Love looks like! “We plant our lives in the soil of God’s love and we watch them grow and bloom...” (Kevin Prosch)

Photo © by Jen Brinton

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Waiting By Lupe King Jesus, Radiant Light and Giver of Life You who are Spring in Winter, draw me out of darkness and into the Chrysalis of new birth O’ Risen One, You who danced out of Your tomb and into golden light, Give me the patience to wait… to remain and battle the struggle of hurriedness as life cannot be rushed or forced! Grant me peace and courage to wait calmly for the unfolding process of Resurrection change

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Valley&of&Encounter By#Dyane#Beaudette

In#the#deep#valley#of#af2liction#you#are#there#with#me#my#King Even#though#the#waves#threaten#to#overwhelm#me You#are#an#Anchor#of#hope#that#holds#me#fast When#I#resisted#going#through#this#valley You#sought#me#there#and#gently#led#me#to#the#place Of#surrender#and#trust# There#I#found#rest#and#delight#in#the#shade#of#your#Presence In#this#place#the#storm#clouds#no#longer#held#my#gaze As#I#looked#in#your#eyes#you#quieted#me#with#your#love You#sang#over#me#and#washed#away#my#tears#and#made#me#smile Transported#by#love#to#heavenly#realms# I#see#before#me#a#crystal#bottle# This#is#where#your#tears#are#kept#says#my#Father Then#the#Spirit#Wind#touches#my#cheek And#I#hear#a#voice#like#the#sound#of#rustling#leaves Telling#me#that#I#have#not#lost#my#way That#this#is#not#a#barren#place#as#I#thought But#if#is#full#of#wild#2lowers#releasing#the#scent#of#grace#and#love# And#blossoming#vines#about#to#bear#fruit#

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Changing the Spiritual Atmosphere by Removing Mixture By Daniel Goddard (John 4:1-42): In this amazing story of the Samaritan woman’s encounter with Jesus; we find a blueprint for revival and awakening in the Land. The Samaritan People were foreign immigrants who replaced the Israelites when they were deported from the land. They worshiped false gods, and spread paganism in their belief and system of worship. At a point in time they began to incorporate the rituals of Hebrew worship into their culture including the feasts, temple worship etc. This developed into their own brand of worship that was a MIXTURE of Judaism and paganism. This is the culture which Jesus intentionally stepped into on that historic day. Jews did not associate with Samaritan’s and Rabbis did not talk to women, especially with a reputation such as hers….. BUT the One who IS Grace and Truth did not fear the opinions of man, nor did He eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil! When the Samaritan woman met Jesus that day, she met Grace and Truth expressed in Perfect Love. When Jesus met the Samaritan woman, he met a future revivalist who would change the atmosphere of her region. When Jesus confronted her sin and the mixture of her belief/worship; he was also addressing the atmosphere in the whole region. How did he do it? Jesus revealed who her true Father was and His heart for her. That “Truth expressed in love” opened her eyes, set her free from mixture and empowered her to become a pure expression of the Gospel to her region and beyond! Verse 10- Mixture puts a veil over our spiritual eyes. Verse 15- An encounter with The Truth, and Jesus who is the Tree of Life, creates a thirst for relationship with God. This same encounter exposes the false system of worship that comes from feeding from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the resulting religious activity that hinders intimacy with our Heavenly Father. Verse 23&24- Our Father longs for His Sons bride to be free from mixture, releasing worship that is pure, from our spirits and not our heads. He longs for a sound that will release His Kingdom on earth and set the captives free! *True worship can only occur to the extent that my life is free from mixture and compromise! *My life can only be free from mixture and compromise to the extent that I am eating from the “Tree of Life” and “loving the Truth”! May we have the same heart as the “Lady Revivalist from Samaria”, who embraced the truth, repented and passionately introduced her people to “The Tree of Life.” One heart that is free from mixture can impact the atmosphere and deliver a whole region. The whole of Creation is crying out for the Bride of Christ to release the sound of “worship in Spirit and Truth”! This is that Hour of which Jesus prophesied. (1ST John 1:5-7). Let us step into the light and invite Him to search our hearts, so that the Father’s dream comes true in our generation!

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Vessel By Jen Brinton Plug the holes in my heart Fill me to overflowing With tidal waves of Your endless love Open my eyes to see All that You are All that You’ve made me to be Reveal to me The depths, width, height, and length Of Your Boundless love Make me a vessel Not only to contain But to pour out

Artwork Š by Jen Brinton

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Like a Winter Tree By Lupe King Like a winter tree I stand barren and cold… soaking in the rays of winter sun. Cold, wintry, blustery days cause me to wrap myself up in its warmth, girded and strong… I face winter’s storms Like the winter tree I stand strong with great divine fortitude, my limbs are not shaken…raised upthey gaze into the Face of GodI cry out, “Holy!”

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Ministry Updates and Opportunities Judah’s Roar Church & Worship Center

Weekly Meetings • Every Saturday • 7-10pm Gloucester United Methodist Church 436 Washington St Gloucester, MA 01930 Directions: From Route 128 North to Gloucester - At rotary, take 3rd exit off the rotary towards Pigeon Cove/Annisquam. Drive one mile, and the Gloucester United Methodist Church is on the left. Parking is along Washington Street on either side of the street. Please note that the parking spaces at the church are for the worship team. Please do not park in these spaces. Thank you!

Monday Prayer Meeting - A Call to the Gate:

Mondays, 9:30am-12noon (Please feel free to join us for all or part of these meetings) Please call or email for location Contact: Donna Milham • 978-283-9111 • eagleanddove@comcast.net

Monthly Apostolic Training & Equipping Meetings:

Training & Equipping Meetings are held one Saturday a month. Please check our website for date and location. Call for more information: Donna Milham • 978-283-9111


We are calling for those who have a heart for this ministry to prayerfully consider becoming an intercessor for this work. If that is you, please call Karen Elliott at 978-621-6285 or Donna Milham at 978-283-9111

Financial Gifts:

If you would like to give to this ministry, we would greatly appreciate your support and prayers. Checks should be made payable to Eagle & Dove Ministries, PO Box 7094, Gloucester, MA 01930. You may also go to our website and use PayPal to make a donation online. Thank you!

Visit us on Facebook!

Eagle & Dove has a Facebook page! Feel free to “Like” us and check out our updates, videos, photos, special events, and more!

We are now on Cape Ann TV!

The times that the weekly program entitled – ‘Judah’s Roar’ will be shown are as follows: Channel 20 Sunday at Noon and Wednesday at 3pm Channel 12 Monday at 10pm We hope that you enjoy our TV program and will share with your friends!

Email/Mailing List:

To be added to our weekly email list, please send your email address to eagleanddove@comcast.net or sign up on our website at www.eagledove.com To be added to our mailing list, please send your address to the same email. For more information or directions, please contact Donna Milham: 978-283-9111 • www.eagledove.com • eagleanddove@comcast.net

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