Annual report 2014

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David Patton President & CEO Grey Group EMEA

"Until I became President of EACA in 2013, I hadn't appreciated that around 70% of national laws in the EU originate in Brussels. The EACA plays a hugely important role in helping to ensure that agencies are not disadvantaged by the legislative process. It is literally the voice of agencies in Europe."

“Within the commercial communication sector,

agencies play a critical role as the principal link between the advertisers and the media. As

in the vanguard of developments in technology and how such,



these translate into creative advertising campaigns.

positive engagement through the EACA at European level in the many Their




commercial communications is a


major factor in ensuring that responsible advertising, supported by effective selfregulation, can lead to less, rather than more, legal restraints." Robert Madelin, Director General, DG CNECT (European Commission)

In 2014 EACA defended the interests of agencies at the European Commission

2 2 1 2 2

Plenary meetings of the EU Platform for Diet, Physical Activity & Health Plenary Alcohol & Health Forum meetings

Round Table on OBA self-regulation

Plenary meetings of the European Community of Practice

Consultations on the future revision of the Audio Visual Media Services Directive

EU Advocacy

In 2014 EACA represented agencies at

4 4 3 6 2

Meetings of the Responsible Advertising & Children alliance Meetings of the Advertising Information Group

Meetings of the EU High Level Group on Business Services

Workshops on Data Protection

Meetings of the International Chambers of Commerce

EU Advocacy

In 2014,


EACA attended meetings at the

European Parliament covering Data Protection Gender stereotyping Do Not Track Alcohol Marketing Copyright infringement online HFSS Foods

EU Advocacy

EACA holds the

Vice Chair of EASA, the European Advertising Standards Alliance We actively support EASA’s work to

broaden and improve the selfregulatory system across Europe

Supporting self-regulation

EACA is the treasurer of the EDAA, which licenses the OBA AdChoices icon A consumer

awareness campaign developed by students in EACA’s Ad Venture competition is running across Europe

Supporting self-regulation

EACA supported

national members through

targeted correspondence

local politicians to

National lobbying support

EACA provided national support at The City

of Moscow

conference on advertising and the economy

EuropCom, the annual conference of the Committee of the Regions

Media Summit in Istanbul Turkish

The French Prix

du Campagne Citoyen

The launch of the GWA’s Need


Brains project in Germany The DeltaPlan conference on Effectiveness for 200 clients in Yekaterinberg

Supporting national events

EACA kept its members informed through

11 monthly newsletters

4 quarterly lobbying reports and launched a new

legal experts network Informing members

Through the

EACA Academy we offer

education and training for students, young professionals, senior agency management and academics

Training tomorrow’s talent

In 2014, the EACA International School delivered:

24 training courses 8 countries to 650 young professionals in

Professional training

In 2014:



professionals from


EMEA countries studied for the EAC

225 candidates received a certificate Since 2012, over


young professionals have qualified We launched new ‘Commercial’ & 'Search’ Certificates

European Advertising Certificate

In 2014, the EACA Summer School in Rome hosted:

48 young professionals on the Advanced Course

35 students on the Foundation course

Summer School

“I was fascinated by the teachers’ ideas about advertising. It was an amazing week!” “What I found most interesting was the chance to work with people from other countries.”

“The Summer School is brilliant…’s the ideal occasion to network.”

Summer School

Our education institute Was supported by


universities from



Created a thesis competition for bachelor & masters students

Held its annual

conference in Barcelona Hosted


Webinars featuring

leading industry figures Developed a European Certification project for Universities and colleges



400 students

competed in our annual Ad Venture competition

60 international judges picked the top 3 campaigns The winning team from

Bournemouth spent


days on the student programme at Cannes



The Euro Effies

welcomed 260 guests

Agency of the Year Thjnk!

from 26 countries

19 agencies won

26 awards Euro Effies

In 2014/15 the Care Awards Will reward over


social marketing campaigns from more than

140 entries

Jury Chair Dita Charanzova MEP, ALDE

from Europe, Asia, Australia and Latin America

EACA Care Awards

In 2014

60+ international judges awarded 58 of the best integrated marketing campaigns across Europe

IMC European Awards

EACA’s 5 Councils give strategic direction to our work and focus on

specific issues

The Media Agencies’ Council focused on IP infringement and viewable impressions Chair: Jon Chase (Velvet Rock)

The National Associations’ Council worked on sharing best practice and developing an agency census for Europe Chair: Tania Banotti (IAPI) The International Agencies’ Council worked on gender stereotyping and a European business confidence index Chair: Anthony Gibson (Leo Burnett) The Integrated Marketing Communications Council focused on education and the IMC European Awards Chair: Ondrej Gottwald (iBTL)

The Healthcare Council worked on creativity, client relationships and procurement Chair: Gloria Gibbons (Ogilvy Healthworld)

Our Autumn seminar “Beyond big data The new DNA of creativity� featured expert speakers from the digital world

Member events

The EACA Euro Effies were covered in major trade press across Europe Media Coverage

EACA promoted the appointment of new officers Media Coverage

We contributed to features and articles in trade press Media Coverage


EACA contributed to major initiatives to promote commercial communications to business and political audiences 1. A report issued by DG Enterprise on policy recommendations to help European Business 2. A report by EY on the contribution of the creative industries to EU growth 3. Guidelines on audio visual audience measurement by egta 4. A creative industries alliance initiative to brief new MEPs

Promoting the industry

In 2014, EACA participated in industry alliances on

Internet fraud

Creative Industries Self-regulation

Intellectual Property Data Protection

“EACA plays a key role in defending the interests of the ad industry and improving the perception of the advertising industry by European regulators.� Stephan Loerke, Managing Director, World Federation of Advertisers (WFA)

Connected TV


In 2014, EACA membership comprised

13 international creative networks

9 major media agencies 30 national agency associations

10 Healthcare Networks

8 national integrated marketing agency associations

EACA Membership

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