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Anglq kalbos gramatikos lentel6s Parenge


dr Emil



2OO7 2006 2004 2OO1 2OOO

TURINYS Puslapis


Zymimasis artikelis ......................

The Definite Article.......... The Indefinite Article........

2. Ndymimasis artike1is..........,,......................... 3. Daiktavardis......... 4. Bildvardis 5. Prieveiksmis 6. Skaitvardis........... 7. Asmeniniai, savybiniai ir sangrqiinia,

Nouns......................,.......... Adjectives......... Adverbs................ Numera|s.............................. Personal, Possessive, Rellexive Pronouns....................................................... Demonstrative Pronouns............................. lnterrogative Pronouns................................ Relative Pronouns.... Indetinite Pronouns..

ivardziai..,,................. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

2 3

6 6 7 7 8






ll 11


The Moods of the Verb..............................,


Expression of Habit..................................... Passive Voice........................................ Infinitive without to....................................... lnfinitive with fo............................................ Special Use oI the Infinitive........................ Accusative with Infinitive............................. Nominative with Iniinitive .,.....,,................... The .............. The Particip|es................................,.......,..... Transitive, Intransitive Verbs ............,.......... Prepositions.............................................,.... Conjunctions.............................................,... lrregular Verbs...........................................,,.




21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.


Bendratis su to ................................ Aprasomoji bendratis................... Papildinys + bendratis.............. Vardininkas + bendratis,............................... Gerundijus......... Dalyvis Veiksma-:qdZiq va1dymas......................,.........


29. Jungtukai...........


Netaisyklingieji veiksma:odZiai




12 12 12 12 13

13 13 13 14 14 15 15 15

1. Zymimasis artikelis the the the

[4.] [aj]

prieS:od:ius, prasidedandius priebalsiu: the book, the univercity,

prie6:odZius, prasidedandius balsiu: the Arnerican, piei neia amq h: houf, heir, honour, honesti pfieS h todliuose su nekirdiuotu pirmuoju skiemeniul the horizon. Su iymimuoiu artikeliu pasaulio Saliq pavadinimai: towards tle North, bet from norih to souih, frorn easi to west, 6aliq ir salq daugiskaitiniai pavadinimai: !h€ Easl'lndies, tbe Netherlands, tie Hebrides, upirl, iarq, kalnynq pavaclinimai: !h9 Thanres, Utc Atlanllc, 1!te Alps. a lsldemekite. Zymirhasis artikelis the eina po all, both, half, double, quite: visas pasaulis - al thC world, dviguba suma - double thc sum. . Posakiai su Zymimuoju artikeliu: toks paprotys lt is lltg custom tokia mada - lt is 1!19 lashion iSskyrus (kq) dalwau|anl (kam) padedant (kam)

wth lhc exception of in th€ presence ol

wih t[e help of

Be iymlmolo artlkello: vardai (taip pat su poor, old, young, little, good, saint)i poor Peter, iltle Johnl titulai ir giminysies nuoroclos: Admiral Nelson, King Richard, Que€n E izabelh, Uncle Sam, Dr [4ller, bel

thg Oueen of England;


lsldamekle. Ne ang]q kilmes titulai emperof, czar, archduke, e ector varlojami su artikeliu: thg Emperor Wiliam, !X9 Czar Peter I Sallq ir miestq pavadlnlmal: Swilzerland, Turkey, London, bet thc London of todayi mouni - cape - lake - harbour - bay + likriniai daiktavardziai: N4ount Everest, Cape Trafalgar, Lake Geneva, New York Harbolrr, Hudson Bay, bet Utq Cape of Good Hope; gatvCs, aik6t6s, pastalai, tiltai + tikriniai daiktavard:iai: Oxlord Street Trafalgar Square, Windsor Castle, Lon don Bridge; abslrak6ios sqvokos: lfe, death, ovet Ea(h, Heaven, Hel i He was weary of life, bet ibe lfe oi lhe whole nauoni church - school - college - prison - bed, kalbant apskritai: Church is over (lvlisios), school begins (pamokos), He was seni 10 prison (suimtas), go to bed (eiti miegoti), bet, kalbant konkrediai, artikelis vartojamas: Ihe school is near thg church (pastatai); med:iagq pavadinimai: coa, lron, wood, gold: Coal important for export, bet lhq coal of Walesi bendriniq daiklavard:iq daugiskaila: cais, mice, dogs,'s birdsr Swallows are pretty birds, bei thg swal ows of this metq lalkq, mdnesiq, savalt6s dlenq, valgymo meto pavadlnlmal: summer, I\rarch, Sunday, dinner; on Monday, bet thg lirst [,4onday in July. a lsld6mAklte. Jei po daiktavardZio eina papildinys (dainiausiai su o0, visada vartojamas adikelis. . Posakiai be arlikelio: i5 pirmo :vilgsnio - at lirst sight issigqsti io ose courage oasoausti rankas - io shake hands va:iuoti traukiniu ir t.l. to go by train elc. pakeisti spalvE - to change colour

biti po ranka

to be at hand

2. Neiymimasis artikelis a (an)


pries iodiius, prasidedandius priebalsiu: a book, a European, an pfie6 iod:ius, prasidedandius balsiu: an English book, pried neiariama h: an hour an heir, an honour, pries l, :odiiuose su nekirdiuotu pirmuoju skiemeniu: an hislor an. Su nezymlmuoiu artlkelio: matai, svoris, laiko tarpai: Jour sh llinqs a yard, sixpence q pound, twice q year (per metus), prolesiia, lautybA, religiia: I\,{y brolher is a painteri He is atr Englishnran, She became a Proiestani, bel be ndymimojo artikelio por ihe utle ol (doctor), the rank of (generai), the dignitv oi (senator). Posakiai su artikeliu: gaila to be in a it is a garsiai to have an in aioud voce to have a tureti on an vidutiniskai skauddti to have a headache to be al an end baigtis l6lddm6klte: a eina po half, such, quite, many, rather, what: hai a dozen, such a good story, po bldvard:io su as, so, too, how, howevel as good e swimmer as I am, too heavy a w€ight.



hurry - skuboti appelite luretiapetitq fever temperatiros galvq -

pity averag€ -

3. Daiktavardis l. Gimine 2mon6s ir daiktai VyriSkosios lyties bltybes nurodomos vyriskosios gimines jvardzLai< he him - his: H9 met [i9 friend. Nloieriskosios l!.ties bttybes nurodomos moleriskosios gimines ivard:,-:! she her: Sie met hq friend. Daiktai ir abstrakaios sqvokos nlrodomi niekalrosios gimines ivardziais: lt its: The book is in i1! place.

Gyvinq pavadinimai nurodomi niekatrosios gimines ivardziu: The lion icked it9 paw, bet naminiai ir pasakq gyvinai dainai iasmeninami (anglams bidinga meile gyvlnams): WriSkieji (stipr0s) gyv0nai (vyr. g.): the dog, [r9 name,


moteriskieji {silpni) gyvilnai (mot. g.): the cat, qbg is dead. lsldAmaklle. Laivq bei Saliq pavadinimai nurodomi moteriskosios gimines ivard:iais: The Atlanlic lost crew, England and hel dominions.

ll. Daugiskaitos sudarymas: vienaskaita + s


(dogs, friends)

Netaisyk ingai sudaromos dgs. formos:

Vns. Dqs.

lman I worar I| cn,to lo^ ltoor I| tootr i| | | lmen I women I childrenl oxen Iteet I leeth I


rel l ouse mice I lic€ I 'nouse


Daiktavard:iai, kuriq dgs. ir vns. formos sutarnpa: sheep, deer (elnias), swin€, fish, fruit, har, pair, dozen ir dauguma:uvrt risiq: trout (upetakis), salmon (la3i6a), carp (karpis), pike (lydska), bet herr ng, ! (sjlkes), eel, :s (unguriai). Jei daiktavardis baigiasi s, x, z, ch, sh -r es: ass - asscg, box bo)(cg, church churcheg priebalse + y ) ies: baby babils, penny pennieg (bel pence), fe, f + vesr wfe (wile !v VCS), life, knifei calf, haii sell, shelf; thief, leaf: wolf bet chiefs, rools.

o -J es: hero herocg, potalo -

potalocg bet tarptautiniuose iod:iuoser photAg, piana!.


lsld6m6klle. Sudurtiniai daiktavard:iai su manr gentleman gentlernqn, Frenchman Frenchmcn, bet German, :q, Roman,


Norman, :q

Tik visnaskaita vartojami abslraktieji ir kuopiniai daiklavardiiai: advice - patarimas {-ai) know edge bus ness verslas merchandise

lurniture -


patarimas a piece of advce, baldas



progress -

a piece ol furniture

,inios prek6s


Tik daugiskaila vartojami id dviejq daliq susidedandiq daiklq pavadinimai:

scissors 2iftles longs - tepl6s spectacles - akiniai vienerios :irkles a palr oJ scissors. Sie akiniai

yra stiprls




ungs lrouserc scales -


kelnes svarctyklds The6e spectacles ale strong.

Bendrasis (The Common Case) ir savybinis (The Possessive Case) Savybinis linksnis reiskiamas:1) prielinksnio of junginiu ir 2) pridedant apostrcfq (vienaskaitojo - 's, daugiskaitoie s'). Sa\,ybinio linksnio formq lurir a) daiktavard:iai, pavadinantys asmeni: Jackb blue book, lhe boyql books, b) laikq ir atstumq reiskiantys daiktavard:iai: a weeklg holiday, a monthb stay, a mieb walk, at armb lenqth, a slonels throw, c) sustaba lje posakiai: to my heartb content (ki€k $irdis geid:ia), for Heavenb sake (d6l Dievo meiles). Piklausymas anglq kalboje reiBkiamas ir prielinksniu ot + daiktavardis. Si lorma vartojama dainai, nes reiSkia priklausyn4 n asme,rrur, ir daiklu bei reis\in.ur:

. a

the back of the chair a oicture ol Tom the co our of the dress the light oi the sun


k6des atlosas Tomo nuotralka suknelds spalva saulds Sviesa

lslddmeklte. Kai kuriuose vietos aplinkybe einandiuose daiktavardiiq junginiuose pa:ymimieii iodiiai (house, shop. church. praclice) paprastai pfaleidZiamr: I am at my uncle's (house), at the doctor's (practice), St. Paul's (church)-

4. Bodvardis Btdvafd:io forma nesikeidia: ihe grea! poets of England.







Aukstesnysis l.






skiemeniai biidvardZiai, kuriq antrasis skiemuo .e





kirCiuotas arba kurie baigiasi le, er, ow,


dviskiemeniai, kuriq pirmasis skiemuo kirdiuotas,

ir daugiaskiemeniai vard:iai

more {negu


good bad, il









laipsniuojami b0dvard:iai:

srnal smaler

happier happiest, simple sinrpler simplest, clever handsome handsomer handsomest.




poliie' poiter

poliiesr, happy

everer cleverest, narrow nafroweT narrowest,

Analitiniu badu laipsniuojami bldvard:iai ir dalyviai: carelul, diff cu t p eased, charrning. lsid6m6klle. Dabartindje anglq kalboje tarp siq laipsniavimo bodq grieZtos ribos nera. Daugelis dviskiemeniq bodvard:iq gali blti laipsniuojami ir sinteliniu, k analitiniu budu, pvz.: common, qu et, p easani. Dvi laiosniu formas tu : far


z.-"'/ -\



,-'/ -=\-






nearest (nusakant atstumq): next (nusakanl taikq, eitiskumq):


. near (arlimas)- nearer



fadhest (nusakant atstumq): the farthest way iurthest (nusakant laikq): wthout fufiher delay

- smallest (nusakant dydi): ihe smatest room least (nusakant kiekj)r he drinks less wine than



alet _ latest (nusakant laikq): <=/ -_--\- atter last (nusakanl eili6kumq):



-..---\ -----l

the nearest !!ay nexl montn, lrre nexr way l'll see you later, thâ‚Ź latesi paper the latter sentencâ‚Ź, (the) asi time

older - oldest: he is older than elder - eldesr (lyginani Seimos vaikq amZiq; eina

Laiosniskas laiosniavimas: vis ma:esnis

m lk

I, the oldest tree

pa:yminiu) rny elder brolher, his eldesi


smaller and smaler vis graZesnis rnore and more beautifu

ll, Lyginimas Lygiaverlis: as... as: lvly sister ls a9 big aq lam. Lygiaveraio lyginimo neigimas: not so ... as {arba not as ... as)t ... nol so big aC... arba aukstesnysis laipsnis + than: ... bigger than ...; iuo (daugiau) ... juo - the ... the: lhe soonâ‚Źr, the better; juo (maZiau) ,., juo - the less ... the less: the ess you work, the ess you wil earn.


lsldemeklto.the forrner - plmasis (i5 dviejq) the same as - toks pal kaip ihe iatier - antrasis (i5 dviejq) other than kitoks ncgU

lll. Sudaiktavardeiimas Sudaikiavarddje bidvardZiai apibendrintai pavadina tam nesiskiria nuo vienaskaitos:


kategoritq ar grupe. Jq daugiskaiios lorma

good geris I the blind aklieji I vienarn asmeniui apibidinti bttinas aiskinamasis Zodis: the poor the lree - laisvieji , the




Kalbedami apie tautos ar dalies, kurios pavadinimas baigiasi -sh k -ch, pil e6iq visumq, sakome: the Eng ish, the French. the British. the Dutch. the scotch. Kalbedami apio atskirus laulos ar Salies piie6ius, pddedame -man, - ady: an Englsh!!q!, a French !C!M two Scotchmc!, some Dutchmelt.

lV. One one, ones pakoidia anksaiaLr mindtq daiktavardi: The pen is too blg, g ve me a sma ler e!e. a lsidAm6kile. one praleid:iamas: 1. po skaidiLt: three pounds or iye, 2. palyginirnuose po:ymimojo ariikelio: The younger boys piayed better than the qbEJ, 3. po auks6iausiojo laipsnio bildvard:iqi His son was the bravesi 4. po own: Thal is my book, lake your atry!, 5. nusakant priedybes: the righl hand and the lqt!.

prieveiksmis sakinyje aiskina

L Daryba.


veiksmar".r,r:'r:t"t"",.";5,Tlf,rieveir<smius roi

+ ly =





Basybos ypatumai: dviskiemeniq k daugiaskiemeniq btdvard:iq galine y po priebalsds keidiama i i: happy happily, easy eas!y, b) vienskiemeniq btdvardiiq galin6 -y rasoma dvejopai: dryly ir drily, bet gay gaiLy, c) galin6 -€ iskrenta :odiiuose irue iruy, whole wholly, due duy, noble nobly, d) fu I iully.


a lsid6m6kite. Konstrukcijoje in a... manner way rasomi btdvard:lai sugaline-y: in a fr end y manner. Venodos badvardzio ir prieveiksmio formos: laiko priev€lksmiai su -ly: eary, daly, weekly, monthly yeary bet bidvardis ir prieveiksmis gali biiti !€rcrbsjolrc, tadiau tur6ti ski{inoq reik6me.

. a a

Bldvardis preity - gra:us only - vienintelis slll - tylus, ramus very - tikras

Prieveiksmis gana; beveik

tik dar, vis dar labai

lsldemdklte. Very ,, aba " reikSme eina ir p eS bldvardi, ir pries prieveiksmi: vqy good, vqy badly, o veiksmazodis nusakomas prieveiksmiu very much: I thank you verv much. lsidemekite. Bldvardrs, o ne prieveiksmis, vartoiamas posakiuose: to work hard, to go slow, to talk loud (low), to spel right (wrong), to fee happy, lo stop short. lsid6m6kito. Dainai lietuviq kalbos priovsiksmius anglq kalboje atitinka veiksma:odiniai posakiai: alsitiktinai - io happen to toliau - to go on lo

turbit - | suppose - io be lkely to gaila I am sorry tikrai to be sure to prefer veraiau - to like belter lo, lo to pvz.: I happened to meet him. As atsitiktinai sutikau ji. tikriausiai



a) Alaljlailbqdaq, b)


Visi prieveiksmiai su

.nore b

rgtrrly no:l

Sintelinis budas. Pdeveiksmiai



laipsni!ojami analitiniu btdu:


be ly laipsniuojami

sintetiniu bidu:

soon soonef soonest often oltener ottenesl eany €arlier c) Netaisvk ingas laiosniavimas: gerai well beiter best blogai badly - worse - worst mazai little less - least daug much more most vdlai late iater - last arti near nearer - nearest (next) toli far farther (fufther) - farthest (iurthest). lll. Vieta sakinyie


Pagrindine taisvkle: prieveiksmiai niekada neina tarp veiksma:od:io ir papildinio. Kitos taisvkles: a) Kir6iLroti prieveiksnriai (vietos, apibreilo laiko ir bido) eina sakinio prad:ioje arba pabaigoje, pvz.: n 1960 we went to London. (vietos); I met h m vesterdav. (apibre:to laiko); We thanked hinr heartilv. (biido); b) Ne kirdiuoti pr eveiksmiai (neapibrdtto laiko ir bEdo) pagasluosilose veiksma:od:io laikuose eina prieS veiks maiodi, c!.dillCsc-vellslnazedzi.a-lailglgrnase - po pirmojo pagalbinio veiksmazod:io, pvz.: she has a! WelS heard the child cry. I have q[9! been in America. (neapibr6:to laiko); I d d nol qqltC undersland you. The pupils have orompilv obey€d their teacher (bildo).

6. Skaitvardis

l. Kiekiniai Skaitvardiiai nuo 21 ki 29, nuo 31 iki 39

irt. l.

rasomi su braksneliu: iortvlhree.

Tarp Simtq ir takstandiq pries desimtis ir vienetus rasomas jungtukas aleL: three hundred arc! lwenty



100 e hundred (p-[e hundred),




q thousand (q!q ihousand).

ll. Kelintiniai Kiekinis + th = kelintnis: the hundredlh. lSmtvsr first, second, thrd (lst,2nd,3rd). Atkreipkile demesi ikai kuriq skaitvard:it1 rasybos pakilimus: fitth, erght eghth, nine ninth, twelve twelfth. twentv twentieth etc. Datos: He was born O! July l4th arba Qlt the 23rd of Ju y. Valdovq vardair Elzabeth ll (skaityk: Elizabelh lhe



lll. Kiekiniai prieveiksmiai - firsi ... then: Ei6t he lived

Eies: phmiausia ... paskui


Kontrasto: i5 pradziq... veliau, galiausiai distrustful.

Vardijimo: pima lirsty

arba in the


antra secondy arba in the

Pasikartoiimo: kartq


at home, thg! he went to England. ast, at length:At firsi lbelieved him, but at last lbecame






dukart - lwice triskart - three tmes keturis kartljs - four iimes etc. Simtqkart a hundred t mes

Dauginimo: dvigubai trigubai



thifdly arba in ihe third place, arba in the iourth place,

place, ketvirta lourthly

nuo penkiq sakoma tik in the fifth place, etc. kiek kartq? - how many tirnes? kartais somet mes (ihrice) dar kartq - once more



treble, threelold



iourfold, etc.

Simtedopai a (one) hundredfo



7. Asmeniniai, savybiniai ir sangrE:iniai ivardZiai (veiksnio funkcija)

Savyb. jv (oina pa:yminiu)

Asm. iv (papildinio funkcija)

Savyb. iv.


mygcll (kirtis anl self)


you he she







her it








ils (own)

itself ourgglygs

your their

the rs


yourse ves

lslaldmekite. Asmeniniai jvard:ai, einantys netresioginiu pap ldiniu, pries tiesiogini papild nj vartoiami bC_& (Give me the book.), o po tiesioginio papildinio s! to (Glve ihe book _tp-lu-e.). lvardis t vartojamasl 1. kaipformalus veiksnys beasmeniuose sak niuose: Lyja. - lt is ra ning. Dabar septinta valanda, - ll s seven


rodomojo ivard:io ,,tai" reiksme: Who is knocking? - !! is the postman. anksdiau pasakylai mindiai nurodyti: What about going 1o the cinema? lls not a bad idea. lsiddmdkiie. Sangrqiiniq ivard:iq nereiketq painioti su saviiarpiniais ivafd:iais. sangrEZiniair The children look at themselves in ihe rnirror - Vaikai :iori isave veidrodyje. savitarpiniai: The children look at eAO[dheI (kai kalbama apie du asmenis), one another (kai kalbama apie daugiau negu du asmenis). Vaikai apziirineja vienas kitq.


8. Rodomieii ivardZiai Vienaskaita


Artimi objektai

Nutole objektai

this these

that those

Vienaskaita. Daiktavardi6kai th s ir thai vartoiami nurodant asmenis ne:ymimuoiu ivardiiu onei I know this one. rnar one. Daugiskaita. DaiktavardiSkai ir bldvardidkai - nurodant asmenis k daiktus: Wh ch girls play better, UheSC or thpsC?

9. Klausiamieii ivard:iai 2. b[dvardiskas vartoiimas

1. daiktavard i6kas variojimas Daiklai

linksnj what?



Asmenys ir daiktai (isskyrimas, ruSiavimas)

which? - kuris? Which of you is

il ?

of which? N.

Whose book is this? to whom? - kam? To whom did you



what (which) boy?

To what do you ascribe your success?

There are two ieams, to which do you belong?

Of what did you speak?

There were iwo accidents. Of which did you hear?

whom? - kE? Whom did you call? ot whom - apie kq? Ol whom do you speak? ln.

betler, lea or collee? of which?


to whom? su kuo? To whom d d you speak? telet?

. lsldamOklte. Klausimuose su klausiamaisiais ivardziais prlelinksniai daZniausiai eina po veiksma:od;iq: Whom are you speaking ql? yyhqt is he laughing a!? l{hq! are yo! talking abau!? o Posakiai: Whal do you ca | (lhls game)? (Kaip vadinasi ...?); Whal is the malter wjth him? (Kas jam nutiko?) 10. santykiniai ivard:iai Atitinka liet. k. linksni


Asmenys ir daiktai thal

K. N,

to whom





of which (whose)


10 which


that ln.


My friend ydp made a trip to London. The girl y4bAse lalher I know (Whose visada eina prie6 juo nusakomq daiktavardi.) The house whose walls are grey. (lvardiiu whose neretai nurodomi ir asmenys, ir daiktai; prielinksninis junginys of which ne toks populiarus.) N, to whom The pupil tq]4hg!! he gave the book. The man whom I asked. !!haro oI wnom The boy ol whorn we spoke. whom The girl to whom Tom is ta king. ln. lo The train which (thatl affived. wniph (. of whlch The house the windows of wh ch ... (visada €ina pazymimojo Zodzio). N. to which The c ub to which we be ong. The things which (lhau we found. w!q! ln. to which The address 10 which you wrote. in which The house in which I lived as a child. a lsld6mdklte. Prielinksniai, vartojami su saniykiniais ivardZiais, dazniausiai eina po veiksmaiodiio: the man yahala was waiting lq, ihe house thq! I ived L!. lvardis lhat! vartojahas 1. vietoj who, which: Who was the man !ha! you were ta king of? This is the bird lthau he caught. 2. po apibendrinamqjq, ne2yrnimqjq ir kiekybiniq ivardziq all, everything, somelh ng, any.lhing, much, itlle, nothing, the samei All that you do. That is everything fXaU I know. 3. po il is ..., it was ... ka nors pabre:iant: lt was the storm tia! destroved ihe hoLrse. 4. kai ivardiiu nurodomi asmenys ar daiktai: They talk€d aboul the nalivils and p ants (lhat) they had found interesting. a lsidemekite, Prielinksnis niekada neina pries that, o nLrkeliamas po veiksmazod:io: The train that I waited ial arrived. . Atkreipkite d€mesi. Santykjniai ivard:iai who (whom), which ir that gali blti praleidZiami, jei Salutinis pa:yminio sakinys turi atskirq veiksnir This is the boy (whom) | like best. The house (1ha1) we ive in.




11. Neiymimieii ivardUiai -

kai kas, kai kuris, Siek tiek, mazdaug (vartojamas su skaitvardZiais) 1. Zymi neapibreZtq kieki ar skaidiq. 2. Vartojamas teigiamuosiuose sakiniuose pasakojant: n the evening we had 9-9]Ic tea. kaZkas, bet kuris, Siek tiek ADibendrinamori reikSmd.


any I

2. Nurodo liksliai ne:inomq, neapibre:tq daiktq, asmeni ar ypatybe: You may come at e!.y time. Do you see 4!y m stakes? 3, Vartojamas a) klauslamuosiuose sakiniuose: b) neigiamuosiLrose sakiniuose: No, I do nol see alI rnisiakes. lf you see any misiakes . . c) sqlygos sakiniuoser 4. Teigiamuosiuose sakiniuose vartojamas reiksme ,,bet koks", ,,bet kuris": Give me any book. Su ivardziais so!!e ir aly sudaromi sudurtiniai ivardtiai:

someone J someoooy




kas nors. ka:kas

anvone -, I


bet kas, viskas anywhere bet kur, visur

I anything

oer Kuns

somewhere kazkut kiekvisnas(atskirai) a) bildvardiSkai: Egq[ player did his besl. b) daiktavardiSkai: Each ol lherr drd l_is besl. every ki€kvienas(visi) Vartojamas tik b0dvardiskai: Elely house has a rool. Sudurtiniai ivardiiai su glcry: everyone, everybody - kiekvienas, visi; everything - viskasa Posakiai: every day kas dvi savaitds kiekvienq dienq every forlnighl every other day kas antrq dienE every now and th€n - retkardiais visas, visi, viskas a) bodvardiskai all men, b) daiktavardiikai all ol them, c) prieveiksmiskaj He was qLl dirty. whole - visas (rei$kia nedalomq visumq, siipresnis u: a l)r the whole town, the ytqE of Europe. a Posakiai; al the betler - luo geriau lirsl ol all kartq (visiems laikams) at al - iS viso; apskritai once lor all not at al all of us - visai ne: nd kiek - mss visi ihe th€ whole day all at once - staiga all day, - vise dienq alier all on the whole - pagaliau - apskrilai either - neither a) bldvardiskai: either - vienas ir kitas, abu: On qilhq side of ihe river, nether - n6 vienas: Neither way is righl. b) daiktavardiskai: either - arba vienas, arba kitas: Ellltgl one or the olher must eave. neither - ne vienas: Neiiher of us could he p him.








iher or nor nor - either J




arca ... aroa net ... nel

I cannoL swim. nor mv brolher either. lcd,lror he calrcl swim Cilhe. 'wim, ?AS!AoA. lvarclZiai each, every, all, whole it eithet kai kuiose gramatikose vadinami apibend namaisiais, neithel ptiskjiamas neigiamqjq ivadtq grupei. othet a) bldvardiskai (kitas, -a): the alber girl,

noi - eilher


' taro oat


b) daiktavardiskai {kiti): The qthgrg stayed at home. Posakiai: the other day - pries kelias disnas some day or olher the other morning kitq rytq some time or other every other day kas antrq dienq on the other hand one after another vienas paskui kitq anolher (cup of lea) E?Sbb?. lvadliai other ir another kai ku ose gamatikose vadinami skiiamaisiais. Vienaskaita Daugiskaita much - oaug many daug, daugelis ll takes loo mlgh time. Many iamilles live there. Vienaskaita Daugiskaita lltlle - ma:ai few nedaug I have ItUg hope. I saw only tc!! boys. per daug. a Posaklai: one too much a gfeat deal of per mazal one too 1ew a gooo many very much, a great deal of labai many a very many, a greai many - daugybd n J€w words


kada nors kada nors antra vertus dar vjenq (puodeti arbatos)

. .



lsid6m6kitel many a



lsidemdkite- truputi a few - keletas

a little



gana oaug daugybe trumpai, keliais :odiiais

lvadiiai many, much, few ir liftle kai kuriose ghmatikose vadinami kiekybiniais.

12. VeiksmaZodis Pagrindiniai taisyklingojo veiksmaZod:io to open (atidaMi) laikai: Teigiamasis sakrnys


do I open? I am not opening

anr lopening?

do I not open? does he not open? am I not opening?

I did not opâ‚Źn

did I open?

did I nol open?

i was not opening

was lopening?

was I not opening?


r arn openrng


papr. l.


I was openrng

I have not opened



I had not opened

had I opened?

had I not opened?

shall lopen?

shall I noi open?

should lopen?

should I not open?

should (would) you op-"n?

should (would)you not open?


I shall open, you will oper lshould open,

I shall nol open, you will not open I shou d not open, you would not open let me open! openl do not let me open! do nol open! opening

Tariam. Liepiam.

nuos. Esam. L dalyvis


have I not opened?



a ikt.


neiqiamasis sakinvs








Atkreipkile ddmesi i bisimojo laiko k tariamosios nuosakos vartojime po iungnikq when, I shal go out when Lq[ ready. He woud do it if he coL]td.


white, as soon as:

13. Pagalbiniai veiksmaiod2iai to have


a) padeda sudaMi sudetinrus laikus: He has come b) + papildinys + bltojo laiko dalyvis: I blve my hair qut c) + objektinis linksnis + bendratis: The ieacher wtt hAve the d) + bendâ‚Źlis su dalelyte to (prjvaleti): He hqs much to_!h.



by hearl.

e) vieloj

have daznai vartojama torma have got: Have you (got) a new house? Ktausiamojj ir neigiamoji formos kartais gali b[tisudaromos su pagalbiniais veiksma:od:iais do/does: Do you have a new house?

to be



vartojamas neveikiamajai rtsiai sudaryti: The story wec totd by Faiher b) vartojamas sudarant lestinius laikus: lt !s raining. c) + bendratis su ie (turdti) (kieno nors noru arddl lemties): He was to d e in Air ca. d) + neveikiamosios r[Sies bendralis (pivaldti): The tesson is tq be finished. e) savarankiskas veiksmatodis: To be or not to be lhat is the quesiion."


Posakiai: I am warm. - Man silta. I am right. - AS teisus. How are yoL? - Kaip gyvuoiate? I am cold. Illan salta. I arn wrong. AS ktystu_ Let me be. - Palik mane ramybdje. lo do (daryti) vartojamas a) klausimarns sudaMi, kai tarinys - savarankiakas veiksmaZodis: qA you ike it? Dtd he come? Klausimas be to do sudaromas: 1) kai jis pradedamas kitu pagalbiniu veiksmazod:iu: Wil he come? 2) kai klausiama apie veiksni: Who (which bov) knows thai? Bet jei toks klausimas neigiamas, vartojamas to do: who (wh ch boy) lbes not know that? b) neigiamajai formai sudaMi: We do not torget it Neigiamoji forma sudaroma be to do: 1) kai vartojamas kiias pagalbinis velksma:odis: She cannol swim. a kaivartojamas ne not, o kitas neiginys (never, nothing, etc.): You ItElqt can ie t. We saw nothing. 3) kai not paneigia ne veiksma:odi, o visq sakini: ts she it? No, I suppose !q!.


lsidemekite. Neigiama liepiamoji forma visada sudaroma su to do, Dq! be soryl

to have ir to be: Do noi have a ook at ill

net jei vartojamas pagatbin;s veiksmazodis

c) pried tai einandiam veiksma:odziui sustiprinti: 1) lyginant: He knows rnore than i !h. 2) pabre:iant yes ir no: Do you |sten to the music? Yes, we dg. No, we do no:t. 3) verdiant ,,(aS) taip pat" -,,(a5) taip pat ne": He reads much. - So dq l. She does not road much. Nor dO we. 4) verdiant ,,ar n€?' Kai sakinys teigiamas, pagatbinio klausimo veiksma:odis noigiamas: you leel beiief, lbtrl you? Kai sakinys neigiamas, pagalbinio ktausimo veiksma:odis ieigiamas: He didn't say so, Cljd he? (bet jei prieg tai einan6iame sakinyje jau yra pagatbinis veiksma:odis, jis pakartojamas: You ale noi glad, aIC you?) d) kaip savarankiikas veiksmaiodis (su to do klausjant k neigiant): He elid his best. How 4q you do?

14. Modaliniai veiksmaiod:iai Vartojimas 1. fizinis oeb6i'mas:

I shal



2. qebeiimas. mok6iimas: He cou d translale. 3. galimvbe: Can I heip you? shal ti€sioginis lieoimas: You shal not siea I should 1. netiesiogindie kalboje: The ieacher said we should work. 2. tafiamaiai nuosakai rciksti, pAlgiga: You should te I th€ truth.

will valia, noras: I will gei on in my life. 1. stiorus noras (da:nai nsigiamas):

He would not go abroad. 2. su tariamaia nuosaka: I wou d I were ai home. 3. lgO|js.:taisykle (da:niausiai, Paprastai): Boys will be boys. She would play every day.

to be able to {neig.) to be unable lo (tik 2.):

to be to 1. atsilieoimas

ikilo asmens liepima: What arr] | io do? 2. lcnotlg: His death was to decide her fate. 3. pdelaida: to b€ said lo be supposed to: He is_s-aid (slppase4 to be ilt. 1. noras to want, to wish, to likel | ryq!! to see him. He wishes to be a salor. Do as you Li!e. 2. ketinimas ir netolima ateitis: going to, to mean to, to intend to, ro propose ro 3. paslaugumas to be willing to: He is willing to do al . 4. sunkiai iwkdomas noras to wish - would + tariamoji nuosakal | !4ish I W€rg dead. | !.!p!b! the oay wctg over 5. klaidinoas tvirtinimas to pretend: He



may 1. galjEybe: This may be true.

2. lgiClima!: You may come. 3. avelnus draudimas (may not): You may not Lrse ihis book. 4- neigiamas noras (may not)l Ivlay you never be unhappyl

lo know (how to)

getcrds to be


to be allowed to I _ r.,.ti-"" to be permifled to J I hqVg not been a lowed to smoke. They will not Le_pe{qittcd to p ay.

il is possible




mighl vartojamas sqlygos sakiniuose galihybei reik6ti: fe mighl have missed ihe lrain


(l must)

I ought lo


musl 1, b[llinumas. neisv€noiamumas: All nren must die. 2, draudimas (must not, need nol): You must not tell a lie 3. bitinumo nebuvimas (need not)l I need noi te I you thls story. moralinis lsipareigoiimas (l ought to): I ouqht 10 oo to church.

to have to: I halll9 stay at home. to be forced lo: He was forced to leave his couniry. to be obliged tor She was oblioqd lo earn her living. to be compelled to: They were qo._[pql]g!L

lo work hard.

lsldAmekile, Veiksma:odiiai (1o) need (reikdri) n (to) dare (dristi) gati boti ir modatiniai, ir savarankiskj: He deCs not need 1q come. k He !€ed not come. He lkL nol dare t9 go out. ir He lbrqd noi go out.


15. Laikai Anglq, kajp ir lietuviq kalboje, esamasis paprastasis laikas (Present Simp e) rei$kia nuolat pasikartojanti veiksmq. Esamasis tqstinis laikas (Present Cont nuous) reiskia besitesianti nebaigtq veiksmq, kuris vyksla kalbejimo momenlu, Vartojamas su now, at preseni, at the momenta The children are sleeping now lam reading now Esamasis atliktinis laikas (Present Perfect) rei6kia pra€ityje prasid6jusj h tebevykstantj veiksmq. Vartojamas su today, just, now, since, this morning, etc. ... these..i I have been waitng for you tigs€ 10 m nules. He bas bcq! dead Jor 2 years (... jau mnes). Bttasis paprastasis laikas (Past Sinrple) rei$kia praeiiyje pasibaigusi veiksmq. Vartojamas su yesterday, lasl, once, ago, formerly, in (the year): Yestefday lt rained. He digd 2 years qgq. Bitasis lestinis laikas (Past Coniinuous) reiskia besitesianii veiksmq, vykusi praeityje. Varlojamas su then, at lhat time, at (six), on (Sunday), when {you come): When Torn came we were olavina. lt was rainino ihen. Batasis atliktinis laikas (Past Perfect) nurodo visiskq veiksmo baigti praeityje: He had learned so much that ... Busimasis laikas (Fulure Simp e) vartojamas ateilyje numanom ems arba spdlam ems veiksmams reikSt. At€itis nurodoma aplinkybemis tomorfow, soon, etc.: He !{ill come loetr. (Jis greitaialqis.) ir veiksmaiod:iais to hope, to suppose, to sxpect, etc.: I h!!g that we shall meet again. (... kad mes vel susitiksime.) Artimiausiq ateiti nurodo to be going to, to be about io + bendratis: He is qoj[q (about) 10 sing. (Jis rengiasi dainuoti.) Sqlygos sakiniai rei3kia nerealq arba su iam tikra sqlyga vyksianti veiksmq. lsldamdklte. Sqlygos sakiniuose po if eina bitasis papraslasis arba bitasis atliktinis laikas: He would have earned more money, f he had worked hard. Palyginkite su 17.3,


16. Laiku derinimas a)

netiesiogineje kalboje:

Pagrindinis sakinys

Salutinis sakinys

Esamasis papraslasis /!e L'lo$rs hrsLo'y we Esamasis teslinis (He is waiting tor Ann.) Esamasis atliktinis (He has just gone oul.) Bltasis paprastasis (He knew history well.) Eutasis teslinis (The sun was rislng.) Bltasis atliktinis (He had lost his key.) Btsimasis paprastasis (He wil wrile a letler

-r Bltasis paraslasis (l said he knew h story we l.) -r Bilasis teslinis (l said he was waiiing for Ann.) + B[tasis atliktinis (l sad he had gone out.) -r Botasis atliktinis (l said he had known hislory well.) + Butasis atliktinis testinis (l said the sun had been rising.) + Bltasis atliklinis (l said he had osl his key.) -J Praeities busimasis (l said he wou d write a lettef the next

tomorrow) Bisimasis testinis (He'll be working


after elghi.) Bisimasis atliktinis (8y tonrorfow he will have wr tten his essay.)


a b)




Praeities blsimasis t9slinis (l said he would be work ng after eiqht.) Praeities biisimasis alliklinis {l sad he would have writlen h s essay by the nexi day.)

Bet kai nusakomas veiksmas, roiskiantis b€ndras liesas bsi d6snius, arba kai tiesiogineje kalboie aprasyli ivykiai tesiasi kalbos metu, Salutinio sakinio laikas nekinta: He to d us that Stratford llq! on the Avon. He slated that the earth iq round. sakiniuose, prasidedandiuose if (sqlygos sakiniuose) (ir 17.3).

lsiddm6kit€. Kei6iant tiesiogine kalbq netiesiogine, keidiasi: Jihai the day atter tomorrow J in two clays time -+ihose -r the Jollowing week/year these this

today yesterday



-+the next


-+the day before a year ago the day betore yesterday -+two days belore now




previous week/year year belore/lhe previous year


lollowlng day

17. Nuosakos

1. TlesloglnA

2. 3.

Liepiamoii Tariamoii


1, Senosios:

galines -s nukritimas nuo esam. l. 3-io asmensr he have - jis turi, he live - jis gyv€na, b) l, you, he, etc. bgr il that bg true, L yoL, he. elc, were: I w:sl- we'p yoL. 2. Atsargines may mighl: lwsh(ed) he may (!n&n9 win the gamei should (neatsi:volgiant i laikq derinimo taisykl€s): lt ls mposslble thal he should know t. 1. Spdiimas. spdliolimas. pritarimas. neprilarimas su should, may, might po posakiq il is righl, wrong, natural, necessary, good (betler), impossible, time: li is nalural ihat she should marry him. su may (might) po it is possible, ii is probablo: li is possible that he may (mighu come. a)



2. 3.

Besqlvgj6kumas su (al)though, whatever, whoever, however: Whoever h€ !0qy be, we shall help him. SElvga sakinyje su ii Esam. L Bit. papr. l. 8il. atl. l. o pagrindiniame sakinyje B0s. L Esam. L sqlygos tafiam. nuos. Bat. L sqlygos tariam. nuos. a) Jei sqlyga tikra ir igyvendinarna, vartojama liesiogind nuosaka: li you ask me, I shall answer. b) Jei sqlyga nereali arba neigyvendinama, vaftojama tariamoji nuosaka.



L place, Tariam. nuos. bit. ail. l. ll I had been in your place Tariam, nuos, birt. lJ I u€le in your



pagrindiniame sakinyje Esam. l. sqlygos tariam. nuos. (Present Conditional) I shou d go hom€. But. L sqlygos tarlam. nuos. (Past Conditional) I should have gone home.

lSgvvenimas, susiiaudinimas:

a) b) c)


Baime. Basimasis laikas ir sqlygos tariamoji nuosaka, kai btgBlavimai nukreipti i ateitit We are airaid thal we qhall lose our money Kitais atvejais veiksmaiod:io tariamoii nuosaka vartojama su may (might): She feared that she !!,iq[t be gravely ill. D:iauosmas. skausmas. apqaileslavimas, nuoslaba. oyktis. Tanamoji nuosaka su should: 10 be glad d:iaugtis, it is a pity - gaila; lt is a piry thar ihey should be so lazy. llalaq. Jei noras nerealus, lariamoji nuosaka vartoiama b0tuojs paprastuoju arba bltuoju atliktiniu laiku: lwish I Wqg in England now. Jei nolas realus, vartojami may (might)r t\,4ay you be rightl I wish€d that he dglt be righi. Ketinimas. Ketinimo sakiniuose su that ir in order to vartojami may (might)r Speak loud !h4! | loeY hear You

18. lprotis, pasikartoiimas will + bendratis be to vartojama iprodiui arba iprastiniam pasikartojandiam veiksmui reiksti esamuoiu laiku: In April ihe weather dll often change. (... kei6iasi oras, linkes keistis.) Praeitis su would + bendratis be to: I would go there. (AS ten eidavau.) used to + bendratis: I Lrsed to lake a bus. (Vaiiuodavau autobusu.)

19. Neveikiamoii rUsis to be + biltojo laiko dalyvis {$nekamojoje kalboje vietoj io be paprastai vartojamas to ger.l Esamasis l.: The master punishes John. - John is punished by ihe master. yra baudziamas

master? buvo nubaustas Bosimasis l.: The master wil not punish John. - John will not be punished by the master. nebus nubaustas Esamasis tqstinis l.: They are looking al John. John is being looked al by them. yra apiilrinejamas Dviguba konstrukcija: l/other giv€s John a book. John is given a book by tr/other. Bttasis paprastasis l.: Did the master punish John? - Was John punished by the


lsldem€kite. Neveikiamoji r[6is i lietuvir.l kalbq ver6iama ivairiai: Englsh (is) spoken here. {Cia kalbama angli$kai.) The lown is seen lrom ihe hill. (Nuo kalvos malyti miestas.)

20. Bendratis be to vartojama: 1. 2. 3. 4.

po modaliniq veiksma:od:iq ir to do: I qhall go home. We rlg not -c|Ij]][. po to make, io let, to bid veikiam4a rtsimi: llct hirn qanc. po jutimq reiskiandiq veiksma:odziqr I hear him sing (arba singing). po posakiq: I had rather, I had better, lcannot but, lhad as good.

21. Bendratis su to vartojama,

kaiji eina


a) pries veiksma.:odi: Always to help is not easy. b) prie6 beasmenios posakius: lt is better to stav here. 2. vardine tarinio dalimi: He seemed io be angry. 3. tiesioginiu papildiniu: tlg pfomised to corne. 4. pa:yminiu a) po veiksma:od:io: We heloed him to translate lhe letter. b) po bndvardzior Be slow 10 oromise. c) po daiktavard:io: I have the oleasure to know him. d) po kelintiniq skaitvard:iq: He was the firsi lo sw m. 5. aplinkybe a) tikslo ar pridaslies: I huffied to letch a doctor. b) passkmds: He was ioo tired to learn.


22. Aprasomoii bendratis su


a) how to (kaip) po mokymo, mokymosi ir supratimo veiksmaiod:iq: He learns how to ride

a b ke (kaip vaziuoti dviradiu). b)what to (kq), where to (kur): He did not know what io sav. I showed hirn where to buv the oooKs.

c) as to sutrumpiniuose pasekmds sakiniuose po SO ir F.lSlt (pag ndinio ir Salutinio sakinio veik6jas tas pats): You were s!q!t a foolas to be ieve him. (fu buvaitoks kvailas, kadjuo palikejai.) d) in order to (kadJ: He nrade h m comâ‚Ź in order io punish him (..., kad ji nubaustq).

lsldemekite, Verdiant sakinius su bendratimi i lietuviq kalbq labiau pais-oma sakinio prasmds, o ne jo formos: a) N4any inleresting th ngs are to be seen n this lown. (Siame mieste yra daug idomiq dalykq.) b)lt was 10 be exoecied ihat he was late lhat night. (Buvo gatima tikdtis/tikdtagi, ... .) Nepaisant to, iog roiksmd neveikiamosios rusies, veikiamoii rtiis vartoiama: 1) po badvardZiq, kai galima suprasti dviprasmiskai: Th s apple is goocl to eal. 2) po there is, there are: There is nothing 10 sav. 3) su to Jet, 10 blamet Rooms


You are to blame.


23. Papildinys belo



1. po fizini suvokimq reigkiandiq veiksmaiod:iq to see, to hear, to feel, to watch, to observe: I saw nrTa comq. 2. po iirt ieidimq bei isakymq rsiskiandiU veiksma:od:iq: a) to make, to have (to bid): You make me lauoh. b) 10 let: Let lhe bov returnl 1. po noro, ketinimo vejksmaiodiiq: to want, to wish, to like: I wish her to learr 2. po daugumos leidimo ir jsakymo veiksmatodiirl: a) 10 cause, tO order, to command: We caused hirn to send ior a doclor, b) to al ow, to permit, to suffer: We a lowed the girls to come ln 3. po kai kuril.l kalbejimq bei mqslymq rei6kian6iq vsiksma:odiiq to declare, to deny, to expect, to believe, to think, to suppose, to remember: England expecis everv man io do his duiy. (Nelson)

. .

lsiddm6klte. Snekamojoje kalboje da:niau vartojami Salutiniai sakiniai su that. lsld6maklte. Po to say, to tell, to answer, to reply, to hope, to fear eina Saluiinis sakinys su that: He hooed


she would come.

24. Vardininkas



Sakiniai su konstrukcija ,,papildinys + bendratis" h veikiafiosios rlsies veiksmarod:iu gali biti pavercti sakiniais su konstrukcija ,,veiksnys + bendratis" be! neveikiamosios rosies veiksma:odiiu (ir atvirk6aiai): l've never known him io tel a Lle has never been known !qt!q!l a lie. a Prie bodvardzio jungiama bendratis su for: The town is too distani for me to be seen.


25. Gerundiius Gerundijus


veiksma:odiio fo.ma, turinli ir daiktavard2io, ir veiksmaZodzio savybiq. Sakinyje eina: 1. veiksniu: Swimming s healthy. (Plaukti sveika.) 2. vardine tarinio dalimi: That is runnino a great rlsk (t.y. rizikuoti, pastatyti ant kortos). 3. tiesioginiu papildiniu, ypad po laiko aplinkybiq alba simpatijq ff anlipatija reiikiandiq veiksmaiodiirl.

Gerundijus variojamas po:

Gerundijus gali bIh varlojamas po:

ro go on

to like to enjoy to excuse to mind lo slarl

to grve up to put olf to slop io linlsh

I do not mind

Go on reading. 4. po prielinksniq, einan6iq po: a) verksrra2od:rq lo co-plain o' to depend on to delight in to despalr of to insist (up)on


to preier ro regrer

llike WelLilq. - llihe lo


ro objed to lo prevent irom to quarre aboui to succeed in

to think


He succeeded in escaoing.


daiktavardiiu to be in the habil


to be on the point ol to be in danger of c)


the way of a plan ior fond of proud oi capable ol d sappointed at keen on far from accustomed to

He was in danger of qettincl drowned.

She was fond of

bqilg admired.

5. Salutiniais aplinkyb6s sakiniais: a)lailq, po before, atler, on, upon:

O! eaving America ... (lsvykqs i5 Amedkos ...) b)plezagties, po for, tor the sake of, on account of (d6l): He was punished lqt having stolen. (...nes pavogd, uZ vagyste.)


c)bUds, po by, wiih, without, inslead of (vietoiko): By trying again and agaln you wil succeed. d)nuolaidos, po in spile of (nepaisant to, kad): In soite of beiog late you can hear the speechlsid6makite. Vi€toj sLrdlrtiniq laiko formq dainai vartojamos paprastosios (ypaa po atler): after having finished - atter finishing for havino sio en for stealing

26. Dalyvis Dalyvis - veiksmazod:io forma, tuinli ir b[dvardiio, ir veiksma:odiio savybiq. Dalyvio formosi esamojo laiko dalyvis (Fres€nt Participle) h bntojo laiko dallvis (Past Participle). I saw a boy beattq a dog. (Madiau berniukq, musanti Suni.) He was away helping his father. (... isvykqs padeti tevui.) There lived a ittle gir callqd Bed Riding Hood. (... vardu Raudonkepurail6.)

L Preseni Participle ir Past Participle sakinyje atlieka Sias funkcijas: 1 . paZym inio: The American, visitilg our town, was very





2. aplinkybes laiko: Having done their work, they went home. b)prio:asti€s: (Being) tjled of wailing, I went olf. c) bodo: He entered the room carrving some books. d)sqlygos: This poem, ii careluly declaimed, will be impressive. Prasm€i paaiSkinti gali btti pavartoti jungtukai (while, though, etc.). a)

ll. Rasytineie kalboie vartojama absoliuti dalyvind konslrukcija, kuri sakinyje atlieka Sias funkciias:

d!!9, we weni home. b)prioraslies aplinkybas: The task bqilg too hard, he gave up all hope a) laiko aplinkybds: If-iq.


lsiddmAklto. Kai kuri6 esamojo laiko dalyviai vartojami kaip posakiai: defing - atsi:velgiant i supposing


excepting - isskyrus

including -


strictly speaking generally speaking




tiksliau sakant apskrilai kalbant

27. Veiksma:od:iq valdymas


Galininkiniai (tranzityviniai) veiksma:odziai reikalau,a ties'oginio papildinio: to We en oved the plav very much. She lrusts her parenis.


Negalininkiniai (intranziiyviniai) veiksmaZodriai nevartojami su tiesioginiu papildiniu ir gali sudaryti sakini, jungdamiesi tik su veiksniu: His heart aches. The girl is crying. Kai kurie v€iksmarodiiai gali

blti k


He thanked hjs father.

kanzityviniai, ir intranzilyviniai, priklausomai nuo konteksto:

intranzityviniai kristi sk sti augti gritti b6gti skesti stoveti


drop to fly to grow to return to run to sink to stand to



skraidinti auginti

grq:inti tuarkyti;valdyti skandinti


28. Prielinksniai ant; daugiau negu

pett po;




po, paskul

againsl aso along

pries; pried


arti, Salia

nuo lnuodant piezaqt n n. Salin; uZ; nuo ant; priei apiei i iE (apie medZiagA);

olf on (upon)


past since

through t

ll, until

tarp (dviejq)


u2 lribtt) virs; po; per; apie poi pro; uz nuo; nuo to laiko per; pro iki; ligi l; pasi pfle iki

link; j; api6

ui; vir6; po

taaiau, bet, tik; jeigu ne

but by



ii nuo

i5ilgai, palej tarp tarp (daugelio), iS apie, aplink prie; pas; i; p e lapie viet4 laikE, krypti it LL) pnes, prrma l]Z; po; paskui iemiau, po salia, prie, arti


i lapie vietq,

bnd4 bnsenA, tiksle ir t.L)

po; zemiau aki


su; nuo viduje; per (metus)

metu, per per; i; szi ddl idi nuo




29. Jungtukai


Sujungiamieii lrolh... and as



lner ... nor


nor on y ,.. oul aso elther... or

tiek ... tiek, ir .. h taip pat, lygiai taip ne lik ... bot ir atDa ,., aroa nepaisanl lo

ll. Priiungiamieli when, afler, before, whie lil, unii whenever, as soon as, since, no sooneT... ihan, scarcely.., when asj because, since (kadangi) if, lnless, n case, on conditon (ihal) provided (thai)

laiko prieZasties

sqlygos nuolaidos tikslo pasekmes lyginimo prie6ybes netiesioginio klausimo



a tholrgh

that, in order thai, esl tl'rat, so that

as, than, as if (lhough) whereas, whilst if, whethâ‚Źr

30. Netaisyklingieii veiksma:odiiai awake, awoke awoke, awaked

pasirodyti, iskilti pabusti

build buit, built burn, burnl, brrnt

De, was/were oeen


bursl, bursl, burst

bear, bore, borne/born

nedti; pakehi; gimli

buy, bought, bought

pirkti mestl

caich, caught, caughl cnoose, cnose, cnosen clng, clung, ciung comâ‚Źj camej come

gaudyti, pagauli pasirinkli laikytis, kabintis ateili, alvykti


Decome, oecame, Decome begin, began, beg!n

tapti, pavirsti

bid, bade, bidden bind, bound, bound

liepti, isakyli

bte, bii bitten

bleed, bled, bled

pra(sDd6ti lenkti(s)


ng broughl,


degti sprogti

kainuoti Sliau2ti; selinti


kqsti kraujuoti

cut, cut, cut deal, dea t, deall org, oug oug

pisti break, broke, broken


lauiyti voisti(s), dauginti(s) (at)nelti

pjauti; kirsli tur6ti rsikalq kasti

darlti, veildi traukti; piesti


dream, dfeaml/dfeamed, dreamt/dfeamed drink, drank, drunk drve, drove, driven dwell, dwelt, dwe t

keltis; (pa)kilti sapnuoti; svajoti gorti

say, said, said

vaziuoti;vaMi (apsi)gyventi valgyti (nu)kristi maitinti, Serti jausli(s) kovoti

iall, fell, iallen feel, felt, Ielt

fight, fought, lought find, found, found

seek, sought, sought sell, sold, sold

sei, set, sel sew, sewed, sewn/sewed shake, shook, shaken shrne, shone, shone shool, shol, shol show, showed, shown shrink, shrank, shrunk shut, shut, shui sing, sang, sung sink, sank, sunk sil, sat, sat sleep, slepi, slept smell, sme t, smelt speaK, spoKe, spoxen


skristi, l6kti Jorbid, forbade, lorbidden (u:)drausti forgel, forgoi, forgoiten uZmhSti iorglve, lorgave, iorgiven atleisti lteeze,lroze,lrczen (ui)Salti get, go1, got gauti; pasiekti give, gave g ven duoti go, went, gone eili; vaiiuoti grow, grew, grown augti nang, nung, nung kabeti; kabinti have, had, had tureti hear, heard, heard gird6ti h de, hid, hidden sl6pti(s) hrt, hit, hit karsti, suduoti hold, held, held laiMi(s) hLrn, hurt, hurt suieisti; iieisti keep, kept, kept (i5)laikyti; saugoli kneel, knelt, knelt kl0poti

Know Knewj Known

iinoti; paiinti

lay, laid, la d lead, led led

(pa)deti vadovauti; vesti palinkti; remtis

leap, leapt/leaped, leapvleaped learn, learnl/learned learnVlearned

mokytis palikti paskolinli

lei, let, let


paduoti (pa)sir.lsti pastatyti

(su)siili kraMi(s) Sviesti (nu)Sauti

(pa)rodyti sumat6ti, susitraukti uZdaMi dainuoti (nu)skesti sedeti miegoti (u:)uosti kalbdti

saMi ar rasyti paraid:iui speno, spenr, speni spin, spun, spun sp

rj sparj spar


verpti; sukti spjau(dy)ti

spoi , spo lt/spoiled, spreao, spreao, spreao spring, sprang, sprung stand, stood, stood steal, stole, slolen stick, stuck, stuck sting, stung, stung slrike, struck, struck swearj sworej sworn sweep, sweplj swepr swim, swam, swum swing, swang, swltng

sokti, Sokinetj

leave, leli, ieft lend, lent, lent

begti sakyli matyti ieskoti

teach, taught, iaught tear, tore, lorn tell, io d, told th nk, thought, thought throw, threw, thrown understand, !nderstood

guldti lie, lay, lain light, lit/lighied, lil/lighied uZ(si)degti Pamesti, prarasti make, made, made daMi, gaminti mean, meanl, meant reiksti rneet, mel, met su(sDtikti misiake, mistook, mistak,an suklysti (su)mok6ti PaY, Paid, Paid pur, pur, pul (pa)deti

gadinti sklisti {pa)50kti stoveti vogrl smeigti; klijuoti igelti mu6ti, suduoti prisiekti; koiktis Sluoti; l6kti plaukti supti(s) (pri)imti

moMi pldSyti

pasakoti; liepti galvoti, manyti mesti suprasti

wake, woke/waked pabusti; zadinti nesioti, deveti verKi

ride, rode, rldden

skaiMi joti; vaziuoti

wr ng, wrung, wrung

grehi; gr+yti

ring, rang, rung

skambintii skambdti

wate, wrote, written


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