Db 15(4)1993

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Dutch Birding Een internationaa l tijdschrift over Palearctische vogels Hoofdredacteur Arnoud van den Berg (023-37802 4) Adjunct-hoofdredacteuren Enno Ebels (030-96 1335) en Gerald Oreel (025 18-70992)

Redactie: Dutch Birding, Postbus 116, 2080 AC Santpoort-Zuid, Nederland (fax 023-376749)

Uitvoerend redacteur André van Loon (020-6997585)

Fotoredactie: Dutch Birding, p/a René Pop, Floris Burgwal 54, 2907 PH Capelle aan den Ijssel, Nederland

Fotografisch redacteur René Pop (010-4508879) Redactieraad Marc Arge loo, Ferdy H ieselaar, Graham Holloway, Peter Meininger en Frank Rozemjaal Redactie-adviesraad Chri stine Bart he l (Duitsl~nd), Peter Barthel (Du itsland), Gera ld Driessens (Be lgië), Klaas Eigenhu is (Nederl and ), D ick Forsman (F inl and), Ted Hoogendoorn (Nederl and), Lars Jonsson (Zweden), Ki lli an Mu ll arn ey (Ier l and), H an s Sc hekkerman (Nederl and), H adoram Shirih ai (Israël) en Peter Symens (Saud iarab ië) .

Abonnementenadministratie: Dutch Birding Association, p/a Anja Nusse, Symfoniestraat 21, 1312 ET Almere, Nederland Bestuur: Dutch Birding Association, Postbus 75611, 1070 AP Am sterdam, Nederland Commissie Dwaalgasten Nederlandse Avifauna: CDNA, Postbus 45, 2080 AA Sant poort-Zuid, Nederland

Redactiemedewerkers Ruud van Dongen, Gerald Driessens, H ans Gebuis, Hans va n der Meu len en Peter de Rouw Productie en lay-out André van Loon en René va n RosSum Advertenties Peter Meijer (03480-31905, fax 03480-20394) Abonnementen 1993: NLG 52 .50 (Nederland ) of BEF 1000 (Be lgië); NLG 60.00 (overi ge landen b innen Europa) en NLG 65.00 (l anden bu iten Europa). Girorekening (Nederland) 0'1 50 697; girorekening (België) 000 1592468 19; bankrekening 54 93 30 348 va n ABN. AMRO (B ilthoven). All e rekeningen zij n ten name van de Dutch Birding Association. Dutch Birding is een tweemaandelijks tijdschrift met numm ers in februari, apri l, juni , augustus, oktober en december. Het publiceert origine le artikelen en mededelingen over morfologie, systematiek, voorkomen en verspreid ing van voge ls in de Benelux, Europa en elders in het Palearctische geb ied. Het pub li ceert tevens bijdragen over vogels in het Az iatisch-Pac ifi sche geb ied. De Nederl andse, Engelse en wetensc happe li jke voge ln amen vo lgen: de Lijst van Nederlandse vogelsoorten 1993 door A B va n den Berg (1993, Santpoort-Zuid); The 'British Birds' list of English nan\es of Western Palearctic birds door Briti sh Birds (1993, Blunham); de door C S Roselaar samengeste lde lij st in de' Geïllustreerde encyclopedie van 'de vogels door C M Perrin s (199 1, Weert); en Distribution and taxonomy of birds of the world door C G Sibl ey & B L Moroe Jr (1990, New Haven). Manuscripten behoren te worden uitgevoerd in' machineschrift met een dubbele regelafstand en een ruim e marge aa n beide zijden. Manuscripten kunnen ook op dis kette worden in ge leverd (in Macintosh of in MS-DOS format). Meer informat ie hi erover is verkri jgbaar bij de redactie. Een lijst met tarieven voor de betaling va n auteurs, fotografe,n en tekenaars is verkrij gbaar bi j de redactie,




_D_u_t_c_h_B_ir_d_in---,g=---A_s_s_o.;-c_ ,ia_t_io_n_ . --':-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NU~,:~~9N Bestuur Gi jsbert va n der Bent (voorzitter, 01718-13606), Chr is Quispel (secreta ri s, 071-124825), Arn old Veen (penn ingmeester), Arnoud van den Berg, Roy de H aas en Peter Meijer

Nuts-Aegon Ziektekosten NV is hoofdspo nsor

van de Dutch Birding Association

Bestuursmedewerkers Theo Adm iraa l, Gerald Driessens, Ron van den Enden, H ans Geb ui s, Pau l Knol ie, Ger Meesters, Anj a Nusse, Gerald Oreel, Ferry Ossendorp, Wim van der Schot en Kees Tiemstra Travel-reports service Dirk de Moes, Postbus 94, 3956 ZS Leersum, Nederl and (03434-57501)

Telefoonlijnen Nederland: 06-320 32 1 28 (vogellijn 50 cpm); 078-180935 (inspreeklijn) Belgie: 03-4880194 (vogel- en inspreeklijn)

Commissie Dwaalgasten Nederlandse Avifauna leden Edward va n Ijzen doo rn (voorz itter, 023-391446), Karel Mauer, Cock Rei jnd ers, Kees Rose laa r, l eli e Scha rringa, Han s Schekkerman, Gerard Stei nhaus en Wim W iegant (arc hi varis) Een commissie va n de Dutch Birding Assoc iation en de Nederl andse O rnith ologische Unie

© 1993 St ichting Dutch Birding Assoc iation . Het copyright van de foto's en tekeningen blij ft bij de fotografen en tekenaars. ISSN 0167-2878. Drukkerij Albédo n/Klop BV, Postbus 32 11 ,2220 CE Katwijk, Nederl and


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Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1991 Arnoud B van den Berg, Ro/f A de By & CONA


hi s is the 12th annual report on rare birds in th e Netherlands to be published in Dutch Birding (a Dutch-I anguage version of this repo rt appea rs in Limosa). It compri ses record s datin g from 199 1 (some into 1992 for lo ng-stay in g individuals) as weil as belated and reconsidered record s, mainl y from 1980-90, w hi ch have been eva lu ated by th e Dutch rarities committee, th e Comm iss ie Dwaalgasten Nederlandse Avifauna CDNA. Several records for 199 1 and ea rl ier years are still under consideration for various reasons. A compl ete review of all rarity record s from 1800- 1980 has been compil ed and will be published in due course (cf va n den Berg 1993). Details in c luded (if ava il ab le) for eac h accepted record are: province and loca lity; date(s); number of birds if more than one, plumage and sex; if trapped, photographed, sound-recorded or coll ected (a nd w here speci men is stored) ; names of up to three observers (usuall y the di scove rer' s name first) and releva nt references in the literature (whi ch normall y includes (inter) national, not reg ion al, j ourn ais). Numbers after eac h (sub)spec ies' name refer to the tota l numbers of individuais 7 si nce 1 January 1980 but excl uding 2 th e current yea r. Species marked w ith an asterisk * are new to the Dutch li st. Thi s was th e last year in w hi ch Red-throated Pipit A nthus cervinus and Com mo n Rosefin c h Ca rpodacus erythrinus were cons idered by th e CDNA (va n den Berg & CDNA 1992a). Th e number of accepted records of both spec ies had increased in recent years. Besides, th ey had become so common th at many observers did not take the troubl e to submit th ese spec ies' records to th e CDNA. Th e sa me is true fo r Greater Fl amingo Phoenicopterus ruber roseus, Long-tail ed Skua Stercorarius /ongicaudus and Gull-billed Tern Ge/oche /idon ni/otica which, th erefore, are no lo nger considered from 1 Jan uary 1993 onward s (va n den Berg & CDNA 1992b). In addition, five other species already mentioned by van den Berg & CDNA (1992b) were recorded more than 75 times during 1980-9 1 and, consequently, th ey are no longer co nsidered, with effect from 1 Janu ary 1993 (Edward va n Ijzendoorn in litt). Th ese are Marsh Sandpiper Tringa [Dutch Birding 75: 745路759, augustus 7993[

stagnati/is (at least 76 indi v idu als during 198091), European Bee-eater Merops apiaster (101 ), Aquatic Warbier Acrocepha/us pa/udico/a (99), Barred Warbier Sy/via nisoria (82) and Parrot Crossb ill Loxia pytyopsittacus (576). Th ere are 14 (sub)species o n the Dutch committee's li st with an annu al average of more than two indi v idu als during 1980-9 1 but less th an four (except G reat Bustard Otis tarda w hi ch has an annu al ave rage of nea rly five). These are, in ord er of abundance, G reat Bustard (58 but non e sin ce 1988), Black Brant Branta bernicla nigricans (47), Broad-billed Sandpiper Limico /a fa/cinellus (46), Whiskered Tern Chlidonias h ybridus (45), Pallas's Leaf Warbier Ph ylloscopus proregu/us (40), Eu ropea n Storm-petrel Hydrobates pe/agicus (39 of w hi ch 27 on 2 1-23 September 1990), Pectora l Sandpiper Ca /idris me/anotos (39), Cetti 's Warbier Cettia cetti (39 but only six since 1984), Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla (34), Ice land Gull Larus g/aucoides (33), Eurasian Treec reeper Certhia familiaris (33), Cattle Egret Bubu/cus ibis (3 1), Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator (27) and Medite rranea n Shearwater Puffinus ye/ko uan (26). The fo llow ing CDNA members voted on some or all of th e records in thi s report: Arnoud B va n den Berg, Pieter W Bison, Rolf A de By, Klaas J Eigenhuis, Cock Reijnders, C S (Kees) Roselaar, Hans Schekkerman and Ge rard H Steinhaus. On 1 January 1993, the CDNA consi sted of Edward J va n IJzendoorn (c hairm an/secretary), Karel A Mauer, Cock Reijnders, C S (Kees) Roselaar, Jell e Scharringa, H ans Schekkerman, Gerard H Steinhaus and Wim Wi egant (a rchi v ist). Records should be sent to CDNA, Postbus 45, 2080 AA Santpoort-Zuid, Netherl and s, preferably using standard record form s, which ca n be obtained free of c harge from CDNA. More information o n th e procedures of th e CDNA ca n be found in Dutch Birding 9: 141-143, 1987; 11: 83-85, 1989; 12: 201,1990; 13: 41,1991; 14: 73, 85, 198, 1992; and van den Berg (1990). Th e year 199 1 produced three new spec ies for th e Netherlands: Sandhill Cra ne Grus canadensis, Great Knot C tenuirostris and Pallas' s G rasshopper Warbier Locustella certhio/a. Moreover, th ere was a good number of other rariti es: Lesser 145

Rare b irds in the Netherlands in 199 1 Ye ll ow legs T flavipes (second record ), C itrin e W agta il Motacilla citreola (second), Sa rdini an W arbi e r S melanocephala (third ) and Red-eyed Vireo Vireo o /ivaceus (third and fo urth). O f peculi ar inte rest we re mid-winter record s of tw o m ale King Ei ders Som ateria spectabi/is, two Whi skered Tern s and two O li ve- bac ked Pi p its A hodgsoni. O th e r rare reco rd s included two Roseate Te rn s Sterna douga llii rin ged as nestlin gs in Ire land al m ost tw o yea rs earl ier, the sixth Blac k-ea red W heatea r Oenanthe hispanica whi c h w as th e first to be d ocumented by ph o tograph s and th e si xth to e ighth A rcti c W a rbl e rs Pborea lis. D em o ise ll e C rane Anthropoides virgo was rem oved from the Dutc h li st as it w as shown th at th e o nl y accepted record in vo lved two bird s escaped fro m ca pt iv ity. It sho uld be stres sed th at th e co mmittee's reaso ns fo r rev iew and rej ecti o n are ava il able to th e publi c. During 1989 -92 (but not sin ce), inte rested observe rs have rece ived a ph o tocopy of each co mmittee m e m ber's hand-w ritte n (a nd ho pefull y legibl e) co mme nts o n th eir record .

Systematic list of accepted records Cory's Shearwater Ca /onectris diomedea 3, 1 NOORDHO LLAND Camperduin , 18 May (N F va n der Ham, K Wo utersen et al). 1990 NOORDH OL LAN D Camperduin , 17 September (N F va n der Ham). For a short peri od, the 199 1 bird was swimming off th e renowned seab ird-watching post at the southern end of the Hondsbossche Zeewe ri ng, Noordh oll and. It was the sixth record and the first in spring. Pre-1 990 record s we re in October 1947 and 1986 and in November 1966 and 198 1. Great Shearwater Puffinus gravis 3,0 1989 NOORD HOL LAND Ca mperduin, 20 October (N F va n der Ham). Th ere are now 11 records but some old record s are still under review. Apa rt from one in April and two in Jul y, all records we re in October (th ree) and November (fi ve). Mediterranean Shearwater Puffinus ye /kouan 24,2 NOORD HO LLAND Camperduin, 9 August (N F va n der Ham); Camperduin , 31 August (N F va n der Ham). 199 0 NOORDH OL LAND Camperdui n, 20 Jul y (N F va n der Ham); Camperduin, 17 August (B W inters, N F va n der Ham); Camperduin, 20 September (N F va n der Ham, K J Eigenhui s, M Platteeuw et al); Camperduin , 24 September (M Platteeuw, N F van der Ham et al); Camperduin, 6 October (F M ajoor, K J Eigenhui s, D Groenendijk). 1989 NOORDHO LLAND Egmond aa n Zee, 8 Au gust (N F va n der Ham); Camperduin, 15 August (N F va n der


Ham, J Ac hter de Mo len et al). 1988 ZEELAND W estkape lle, 2 September (A van G il st) . All record s referred to Balea ri c Shea rwater P y ma uretanicus. Th e 26 record s since 1980 we re in Jul y (two), August (12), September (eight), October (two) and November (two). European Storm-petrel H ydrobates p e/agicus 37,2 FRIES LAND Te rn aard , 24 December, two (J de Vri es). Apa rt fro m the influ x of (at least) 27 on 21-23 September 1990, there we re onl y 12 other record s since 1983. In co ntrast w ith 1990, the two birds in 199 1 we re on th e Fri sian mainland, not along the North Sea coast. Cattle Egret Bub u/cus ib is 29,2 ZEE LAND Biervliet, 9-2 4 November, two, ad ul t w in ter, ph otograph ed (J M Wa lhout, M va n Di j l et al). 1989 ZU ID HO LLAND O ud-AIbias, 22 October, adul t w inte r, photographed (T 0 V M uu sse, M M uusse). Th ere are now 62 record s, the first dating from 1964. A few might have been free-ranging feral ind ividuals ori ginatin g from introduced breeding co lonies in Germany and north-eastern France (cf va n den Berg 1992a). However, a bird found dead near Stockholm, Sweden, on 19 Jul y 1987 was ringed as a nestlin g on 17 May 1986 near Cad ĂŽz, Andalucia, Spain (Stolt 1988), indicating th at most of the records may refer to genuine vag rants. Glossy Ibis P/egadis fa /cine/lus 8,1 GELDER LAND O ldebroek, begi nning of December, adult w inter, male, found dead, photograp hed (A Lios i). 1990 NOORDH O LLAND Ca mperduin, 3 November, two (A Vink, N F va n der Ham, S Lagerve ld et al). Since 1980, except one staying from May to August, all birds were in October-Decem ber, w ith two lingering on into January. Lu tt ik (1980) showed that 82 indi viduals we re recorded during 1800-1 949 (the first two were shot in 1812) and 31 during 1950-79, w ith most of the records in September-Nove mber. Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber roseus 25, 13 ZEE LAN D Ri tthem, 10 Febru ary, adul t (A H Ovaal; Phi -

lipsdam, 27 August- 3 September, 17 November, fi ve, adult (M Berlijn , T J C Luijendijk, P Rousset, P L Meininger, W C M ulliĂŠ et al). FLEVOLAN D Knardij k, 13 Ap ril , two, adul t (P Rousset); Knard ij k/Oostvaa rdersdij k, 30 August, adult (T Bakke r, K va n Dijken, H Neuteboom). GRON ING EN Lauwe rsmeer, 7-1 0 June, six (M P O lthoff et al). 198 1 FLEVOLAND Knardij k, 26 June, adult (J va n der Laan, F Ossendorp). Two of the fi ve birds at Phili psdam are rega rded to be the same as those previously reported for the same locality in 1989. It is not (yet) known w heth er two adults w ith a begging ju venile, all unringed, at Philipsdam in Jul y 1992 may have ori ginated from Zwillbrocker Venn, Nord rh ei n-Westfa len, Germany, w here a small but thri ving fera l populati on of Chil ea n

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7997 Fl amin gos P chilensis is usuall y acco mpani ed by a few Greater Fl amingos (Treep 199 1). A large number of sightings was not submitted to th e CD NA. Pres um abl y, many obse rve rs di srega rd ed th ese bird s as esca pes . Besid es, th e ass umpti o n in rece nt reports that many record s refer to th e sa me lo ng-stay ing individu als may be w rong (va n den Berg & CDNA 1992b). Therefo re, it seems c1 ear th at the actual number is even hi gher than suggested by th e total of accepted reco rd s. From 1 Janu ary 1993, th e species is no lo nger co nsidered by th e C DN A . The C D NA is of the o pini o n th at thi s spec ies' occ urrence and statu s are mo re o r less simil ar to those of, fo r in stance, Whi te Sto rk Ciconia cicon ia, Sn ow Goose Anser caerulescens, Rudd y Shelldu ck Tadorna ferruginea and Raven Corvus corax. These regul arl y record ed spec ies have in comm on that it is generall y imposs ibl e to jud ge w hether indi vidu als are of ca pti ve or feral o ri gin o r genuine vagrants. Fo r a di sc ussion about a poss ibl e w ild o ri gin of Grea ter Fl amin go, see va n den Berg (1987), va n den Berg et al (1992) and Chri stensen (1992). Ross's Goose Anser rossii 3, 0 FRI ES LAN D W o rkum erwa ard, 25-2 7 Janu ary, adult (K H Scholten, R E Brou we r, J va n der Laa n). ZUIDHO LLAN D Stad aa n 't Haringv li et and Stell end am, 29 O ctober to 31 December, adult (M Ma nnaa rt, M Verkade, N Verkade; van der Burg et al 199 1). It is ass umed that one of tw o bird s prese nt durin g th e winters of 198 7/88 and 1988/89 di sa ppeared in 1990 and th at the surv iv in g bird return ed aga in to Stell endam w here it stayed from 1 December 199 0 to 23 M arch 199 1 (va n den Berg et al 1992) . Apparentl y, thi s individu al fl ew to Fri es land for a Janu ary brea k in 1991. The adult stay in g (aga in) w ith Barn acl e Geese Branta leucopsis in Zuidh o ll and from 29 O cto ber 199 1 is rega rd ed as th e sa me indi v idu al, returnin g for the fifth con sec uti ve w inter; pres um ab ly, thi s bird was later again reported from Fri es land, in Febru ary 1992 (Enn o Ebels pers co mm). O n 6 November 1992, it ca me bac k for th e si xth w inter to Stell end am. An adult stay in g fo r two days w ith Pink-footed Geese A brachyrhynchus and a White-fronted Goose A albifrons at Santpoo rtNoo rd and Assendelft, Noordho ll and, in NovemberDecember 1985 (va n den Berg & Cottaa r 1986), is regard ed as a different indi v idu al. There we re no record s in 1986 and 1987 . Black Brant Branta bernicla nigrica ns 45,2 ZU IDH O LLAN D/ZEELAN D O ude To nge/G reve l ingend am,

15 Dece mber to 9 Febru ary 1992, adult, photograph ed (C M Berrevoets, A B va n den Berg et al; va n den Berg 1992a, Berrevoets & Erkman 1993) . NOORDH O LLAN D Texel, 6-2 0 M arch, adult (K J Eigenhuis; van der Burg et al 199 1). Th e bird at O ude Tonge and G reve lin gend am was paired with a Dark-belli ed Brent Goose 8 b bernicla and accompani ed by two ' hybrid' ju ve nil es (Be rrevoets & Erkm an 1993) . Including 199 1, th ere are now 55 reco rd s of thi s North Am eri ca n and eastern Si beri an

subspec ies, co mpared w ith 54 fo r Britain (Rogers & Rariti es Co mmittee 1992). However, some indi vidu als may return eve ry w inter visiting different areas and mi ght have bee n co unted tw ice o r mo re. American Wigeon A nas america na 9, 2 GEL DE RLAND/U TRECHT Ingen/ El st, 24-3 1 M arch, male, ph otograph ed (A V in k, M Berlijn , L Stegeman; va n der Burg et al 199 1). NOOR DHO LLAND Texe l, 16-22 October, male (P H Barth el, A W ass ink, M Berlijn et al). A ll 17 reco rds co ncerned males in O ctober-June, with seven in M arch-April. Th e fir st was recorded in December 1922 and the second in A pril 1977. Green-winged Teal A nas crecca ca rolinens is x Common Teal A c crecca 1,1 NOORDH OL LAN D Ijmuiden, 23 April , adult, male (K J Ei genhui s, C Crommelin, DJ M oe rbee k). Thi s was th e seco nd reco rd of such a hybrid. The first was an adul t male ph otog raphed o n 9 April 1989 at Ca mperduin , Noo rdholland (Eigenhuis 199 0). Th ere are now nin e reco rd s of ' pure' G reen-w inged Tea ls of w hi ch seven in M arch-M ay. Ring-necked Duck A yth ya collaris 7, 1 UTR EC HT M aa rtensdijk, 5-8 M ay, adult summer, male (E B Ebels, KJ Ei genhui s) . A ll 13 reco rd s con ce rn ed males in November-Ma y, w ith 10 in Febru ary-April. Th e first was reco rded in M arch 1959 . King Eider Somateria spectabilis 3, 1 FRI ES LAND Harlin gen, 24 Janu ary to 2 Febru ary, tw o, o ne sin ce 27 January, adult and third-yea r, males, ph otographed (M Berlijn , P Keyse r et al). ZU IDH O LLAN D Hoe k va n Ho ll and, 10-1 7 Febru ary, 2831 M arch, 14-15 A pril , adult, male, ph otographed (F Drรถge; va n der Burg et al 199 1). Th e adult male at H arlingen is now con sid ered by the CD NA to be th e sa me bird as th e imm ature at nea rby Ko rn we rderza nd, Fri es land, o n 7-9 Octo ber 1989, the third-yea r o r o lder male at Harlingen o n 4-30 April 199 0, the adult male fl yin g past Schi ermonnikoog, Fri es land, on 21 O cto ber 199 0 and th e adult male at Harlin gen on 24 December 1990 (contra va n den Berg et al 199 2). Moreove r, it is thought th at th e adult male at H oe k va n Ho ll and also co ncern s thi s sa me indi viduai. The reco rd at Harlin gen in 199 1 is the first of two bird s seen togeth er. Before the two males we re recorded in Fri es land (poss ibl y co ncerning up to six different indi v idu alsl, there w ere three reco rd s in Noordholland, of an imm atu re male in M ay 19 75, a long-stay ing immature mal e from December 1981 to M arch 1982 and a female in April 1989 . White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala 4,1 Z EELAN D Philipsdam, 10-24 November, female, pho-

tographed (M va n Dijl , S Tas, M Berlijn et al ). All nin e reco rd s con ce rned female-type bird s in November-March. Th e first w as coll ected in M arch


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1991 'Sandhill Crane Grus canadensis 0, 1 FRIES LAND Paesens-Moddergat, 28-30 September, first-

summer, photographed (F Douma, D Kuiken; van der Burg et al 1991, van den Berg et al 1993). This bird is considered to be the same individual as the one staving at Exnaboe, Sumbu rgh, Shetland, Scotland, on 17-27 September 1991 (van den Berg et al 1993). Before 1991, there were three records in Europe: on 11-14 September 1905 in Cork, Ireland, on 14 October 1980 on Suduroy, Faeroes, and on 26-27 Apr il 1981 on Fair Isle, Shetland. One bird was present at Tasersuit, Avanersuaq/Thule, Green land, from 29 Jul y to 1 August 1985 (O lsen 1991, 1993).

87 Great Knot / Grote Kanoet Ca/idris tenu irostris, Oostvaardersdijk, Flevoland, 21 September 1991 (Hans


1851, the second in November 1874, the third was a long-stayin g individual from November 1955 to March 1956 and the fourth in January-March 1965 (cf Eykman et al 1941, Voous 1957). (One co ll ected in November 1913 cou ld not be traced during review.) The pattern of reco rd s in centra I European countr ies shows that these birds orig in ated from so uth -eastern rather than south-western Europe (E igenhuis & Menkveld 1985). Some of the five birds recorded in 1985-91 might involve escapes. Apparently for the first time, a large number (24) was successfu ll y ra ised in 1984 in captivity in the Netherl ands at 't Zand, Noord ho ll and, destined for re-introduction programmes elsewhere in Europe (Eigen hui s & Menkveld 1985). At least one bird stavin g with Ruddy Ducks 0 jamaicensis at Abtskolk, Petten, Noord holl and, in November-December 1987 is regarded as an escape from 't Zand (w here Ruddy Duck is also bred) and was rejected (B lankert et al 1988, va n der Burg et al 1988). The latter bird was possibly th e same as the one at the same loca lity in Janua ry-Marc h 1989 (cf van den Burg et al 1989). Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus 2,1 ZEELAND V li ssingen, 5 September, third-year, male,

photograp hed (R Sponselee, P A Wolf). There are six previous records: in April 1866, August 1935 (two), May 1939, October 1984 and Ap ril-May 1985. Little Crake Porzana parva 4,0 1966 UTRECHT Veenend aa l, 30 A ugust-8 October, firstyea r, female, photographed (A V ink, W V ink). From 25 August to 17 September 1968, another individual was seen at the same spot by the same observers. However, th at record was rejected because no description and no photograph we re subm itted. Since 1980, there was on ly one autumn record, from 24 August to 6 September 1990 at Eemshaven, G ron in gen.


Demoiselle Crane Anthropoides virgo 0,0 1989 NOORDBRABANT Schayk and Heusden, 25 Jul y to 12 September 1989, two, adu lts, reconsidered and now regarded as escapes (R G Bouwman; cf van den Berg et al 1991, cf Berlijn 1991). A sing le bird was seen aga in in the same area on, for instance, 7-10 May 1991 at Strabrech tse Heid e, Noordbrabant, and 6 June 1992 at Heusden. Because of this co incidence and the fact th at the bird could be approached with in a few metres, Rob Bouwman (in litt) further in vestigated a possible orig in from capt ivity. He discovered th at two unringed birds escaped from an open avia ry of the zoo An im ali at Eindh oven, Noordbrabant, in the spri ng of 1989. The CDNA concluded th at place and timing of latter incident render a wi ld or igin of the Noordbrabant birds extreme ly unlikely. Consequently, the species is removed from the Dutch li st as there are no other accepted records. Stone-curlew Burhinus oedicnemus 12,0 1990 NOORDHOLLAND Castricum, 13-14 May, adult (G van Duin, W van der Waal). Thi s 21st record since 1969 and the third since 1984 again concerned a briefly staving bird. The last breedin g occurred in 1957 in Zu idho ll and but there are rumours of w ithheld breeding records during th e 1980s. Collared Pratincole G/areo/a pratinco/a 3,0 1990 GRON INGEN Eemshaven, 5 May (J W Wierda, WJ Hoo ijm ans). This was the seventh record and the first in May. Previous records were in August (one), OctoberNovember (th ree) and March (two). There were three records of unidentified pratincoles and 21 of Blackw inged Pratincole G nordmanni. Pacific Golden Plover P/uvia/is fu/va 1,1 NOORDHOLLAND Texel, 18-29 September, adu lt summer, photographed (H Spindel, M Berlijn, A Wassink et al; van der Burg et al 1991). This was the 11 th record, the second since 1940 and the first in September. A ll previous records concerned trapped birds w hi ch we re either co llected or ringed, in October-December (seven) and February-March (th ree). The identification of an adul t in summer plumage photographed near Middelburg, Zee land, on 13-

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1991 15 September 199 1 is under reconsideration (cf van der Burg et al 199 1).

*Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris 0,1 FLEVOLAND Oostvaarde rsdijk, 19-25 September, juvenil e, photographed (K J Ei genhui s et al; Ei genhui s 1992) . NOORD HOLLAND Camperduin, 29 September to 6 Octobe r, ju venil e, photographed (H va n der Meulen, K J Eigenhuis; A non ymu s 1991ab, Barthel 1991, va n der Burg et al 1991, A nony mu s 1992, Eigenhuis 1992). Both observati ons co nce rn ed the sa me indi v idu al w hich co uld be seen for a week at th e pl ace of di scove ry and even longer at the site w here it was redi scovered four days later, at a distance of c 54 km. Thi s was the seventh reco rd for the W estern Pal ea rcti c and apparentl y the first of a juveni le. It was also th e first Western Palearctic b ird to be seen on more than a single dav. Pectoral Sandpiper Ca lidris melanotos 33,6 GRON INGEN Lau we rsmeer, 24 -27 May, adu lt (E Koops, K H Scholten et al) . FLEVOLAN D Lage Vaart, 13 Jul y (D Sandee, N Drost). FRIESLAND Lauwe rsmeer, 20-25 August, adult (P W Bison, G J ter H aar, E J va n Ijze nd oo rn ); Mokkebank, 10 September, adult (K H Scholten) . NOORDHOLLAND Spaa rn wo ude, 21-26 September, ju venil e (F Dorèl, M Berlijn, E B Ebels, J Jansen et al); Hillegom, 2 1-22 September, juve nile (M Berlijn et al). 1990 NOORDH OLLAND Andijk, 4 September, ju venile (J Endt, J Buysma n). 1989 LI MBURG Buggenum, 21 May, adu lt (J G C Zwaneveld, H va n der Geest) . GRON INGEN Beerta, 18-1 9 A ugust, ad ult, male (K H Scho lten, S Luin enburg et al) . Th ere are now 48 records, in May (seve n), June (two), Jul y (e ight), August (10), September (20) and November (o ne). Th e number of reco rd s is cl ea rl y increas ing from three in 196 1-70, six in 1971-80, 13 in 198 1-85 to 26 in 1986-9 1. Th e bird see n with the Great Knot C tenuirostris at Oostvaa rd ersdijk, Fl evoland, has not vet been submitted to the CD NA. Broad-billed Sandpiper Limicola {a lcinellus 40,6 GRON INGEN Garrelsweer, 23 May, adult summer (E Klunder, A de Bruin et al); Lauwe rsmeer, 24-28 May, two, ad ult summer (E Koops, A de Bruin, K H Scho lten et al); Eemshaven, 25-26 May, adult summer (A de Bru in , B Ba lten, E B Ebels); Eemshaven, 1 June, adu lt summer (K Kraayeveld, R Kraayeve ld). FRIESLAND Ameland, 26 May, adult summer (M Verslu ys et al). Th is spec ies has been recorded annuall y since 198 1 and th ere are 27 records since 1987. Du ring 1987-9 1, 23 were present between 1 May and 2 June and four between 18 August and 4 September. long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus 6,1 FRIESLAND Oudega, Sma llingerl and, 14 August-5 October, adult, mou lting summer to w inter, photographed (va n der Bu rg et al 199 1, de Groot 1993) .

Thi s was the seventh reco rd and th e first to remain at one loca lity for a peri od of seve n weeks . The moult into w inter p lum age was largely co mpl eted by 14 September.

Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis 66, 10 FLEVOLAND Oostvaa rdersdijk, 18 May, first-yea r (D C Uit de Weerd, M Ke izer, R Keize r et al). GRON INGEN Lauwersm eer, 22 -23 June, adult summer (A de Bruin, M P O lthoff); Lauwersmeer, 2- 11 August, ad ult and two ju ve nil es (K H Scholten, S Luinenburg) . FRIESLAND Workumerwaa rd , 14 August, ad ult and juvenil e (R E Brouwe r, J Endt, H Groot). ZE ELAND Sa s va n Gent, 1 September, adult w in ter (Tombeur 1992); Philipsd am, 3 September, two, w inter (P L M eininger, H Schekkerman, WC Mull ié). 1989 Goudri aan, 5-6 May, ad ult, photographed (J va n Wingerden, E va n Boheemen et al). There are now 126 reco rd s of which 23 during 1980-85 and 53 during 1986-9 1. Records w ill still be co nsidered for 1992 but no longer for 1993 . The annu al numbers of thi s spec ies increased in recent yea rs. Th e same hold s fo r France w here this spec ies is no longer co nsidered by the French rariti es co mmittee since 1990 (w hen 69 indi vidua ls we re reported, among w hich a group of 21) (Dubois & Comité d' Homologation Na ti ona l 199 1). In co ntrast, there we re 61 reco rd s during 1958-9 1 fo r Britain and Ireland (Rogers & Rariti es Committee 1992). lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes 1,1 ZE ELAND Fl aauwe rs Inlagen, 7- 11 October, ad ult w inter, photograph ed (A va n der Spek, V va n der Spek, E B Ebels; van der Burg et al 199 1, va n der Spek & va n der Spek 1992). Thi s was th e second record . Th e first was a first-year bird only c 15 km east from Fl aauwe rs Inl agen near Oosterland, Zee land, on 18 November 1979 (Harmsen 1989) . Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus 7, 1 UTRECHT Honswijk, 17 May, adult summer (P va n Scheepen). There are now nine reco rd s of w hich the first dates back to June 1979 . Al l f ive records in 1986-91 we re in May and previous reco rds we re in June (2), Jul y (1) and September (1). long-tailed Skua Stercorarius longica udus 76,8 FRIESLAND Schiermonnikoog, 2 September, ju ven il e, found dead (L Hooge nstein, N G ili ssen); Griend, 16- 19 September, ju venile (H Schekkerman et al); Tersc hellin g, 29 September, adu lt, photographed (A Ouwerkerk ; va n der Burg et al 199 1). GRON ING EN Eemshaven, 8 September, adu lt (M P O lthoff, B-J Ark ies, I Pen). NOORDHOLLAND Ijmuiden, 8 September, adu lt (J H Beijer, J F Beijer-Nijnberg); Den Oever, 20 September, ju veni le, found dead (R E Brouwer). ZU IDHOLLAND Katw ijk aan Zee, 2 October, two, juve nile (T J C Luij endijk, R va n Rossum).


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 799 7 1978 NOORDHOLLAND Ca mperduin , 16 October, j uve nil e, found dead (G 0 Keijl et al). 1988 FRIESLAN D 18 September, adult summer (R Ke izer, F Bleumink, J va n der G iessen). 199 0 ZEE LAND Westkapell e, 10 A ugust, ad ult summer (A va n G il st, T Koppejan, E Parree). NOORDHOLLAND Enkhu izen, 15 September, ju venil e, captured and released (W Wi egant, A Leendertse et al). ZUIDHOLLAND Maasvlakte, 24 September, fo ur, adults (T 0 V M uu sse). 1988 and 1990 remain the best yea rs w ith 15 and 21 records, respecti ve ly . Since 1980, th e average is seven records a yea r. In autumn 199 1, 28 indi v idu als we re reported along the coast w ith a peak during the thi rd October week (va n der Burg et al 199 1). However, less than a third was submi tted to the CD NA. Records w ill sti ll be co nsidered fo r 1992 bu t no longer fo r 1993 (va n den Berg & CD NA 1992b) . Jceland Gull Larus glaucoides 30,3 ZEELAND Ri tthem, 10 Febru ary, fi rst-w inter (A H Ovaal. NOORDHOLLAND Texel, 17 October, first-w inter (L J R Boon, M Berlijn et al). GELDERLAND W eurt, 29 November to 25 December, first-w inter, photog raphed (A H Ovaa, E va n Bo heemen; va n der Burg et al 1992) . The Gelderland bird was one of onl y three reco rds far inl and since 1980. The previous two were at Bu del, Noordbrabant, on 5- 11 May 1982 and at En sc hede, Overij sse l, fro m 12 Febru ary to 9 M arch 1984 . A ll other records we re at or close to ports. Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica ZU IDHOLLAND Katw ijk, 7 May, adult summer (K J Ei genhui s, A Noord am). NOORDHOLLAND Texel, 20 May, adul t summer (M Mannaa rt, M Verkade); Ba lgzand, 17 Jul y, five, 24 Jul y, th ree, 31 Jul y, three, 4 August, 10, 12 A ugust, three, adults (R E Brouwer, H G root); Texel, 22 September, adul t (A Wass ink, C Q ui spel). GRON INGEN La uwersmeer, 1-8 June (A va n Kleunen, M P O lthoff, K Kraayeve ld, J va n V ianen et al). FRIESLAND Tersc hellin g, 8 September, adult (J M W alhout). 1990 NOORD HOLLAND Lu tjebroek, 2 May, adult (J Endt, J Buysman); Huize n, 31 Jul y, th ree, adult and two ju venil es (R F J va n Beuse kom). FR IESLAND Te rn aa rd, 19 May, ad ult summer (M Versluys, T Ma nk). The max imum num ber of 10 at the traditional latesummer roostin g-site at Balgza nd is low co mpa red w ith the annu al ave rage of 18 in 1986-90. Th e CD NA sti ll awa its in formati on on the fo ll ow ing 16 (1) indi vidu als mentioned by va n der Burg et al (199 1): one at Knardijk, Fl evoland, on 9 May; sin gles at Bres kens, Zeeland, on 9 and 12 May; one at Jaap Deensgat, G roningen, on 1-8 June; one at Camperduin , Noordho ll and, on 2 June; one at Ijmuiden, Noo rdho ll and, on 1-29 July; one at Katwijk, Zuidho ll and, on 23 Jul y; up to fi ve at Campe rduin on 6- 14 A ugust; two at M okkebank, Friesland, on 7 A ugust; one at Schagerbrug, Noord-


holl and, on 19 A ugust; and one at Lelystadhaven, Fl evo land, on 27 August. Reco rds w ill still be co nsidered for 1992 bu t no longer for 1993 (va n den Berg & CD NA 1992 b). Roseate Tern Sterna douga llii 9,3 ZU IDHOLLAND H aringvlietsluizen, 14 June, two, adult (J M va n Muiswinkel) . ZE ELAND Wi sseke rke, 28-29 Jul y, adul t summer (A va n G il st, T Koppejan, M Berlijn et al). Both Zuidho ll and birds wo re a ring w hich co uld be read th ro ugh a te lescope. They turned out to have been rin ged as chi cks at Rockab ilI , Ba lbriggen, near D ublin, Ireland, on 12 Jul y and 26 Jul y 1989 . Th ere are now 15 reco rd s, all in April -October, w ith 11 in June-Jul y. Th e first dates back to Jul y 1977 (o ne on 24 November 1938 on Terschelling, Friesland, is still under rev iew). Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus 38,7 ZEELAND Breskens, 22 May, ad ult summer (R Lensink). GRON INGEN Lauwersmeer, 1 June, adul t summer (J va n Vianen, M Budding et al). FLEVOLAND Oostvaardersdij k, 2 June, two, adul t sum mer (L va n der Veen et al); Oostvaa rdersdijk, 14 December to 12 January 1992, up to two, first-winter, photogra ph ed (va n den Berg 1992b, va n der Burg et al 1992). NOORDHOLLAND Egmond aan Zee, 4 Jul y (S Lage rveld). 1990 FLEVOLAND Oostvaa rdersdij k, 3 Jul y, first-summer (A V ink, J J Bakhui ze n, C ten Bรถhmer). Thi s was the best yea r since 198 1 w hen nine bird s we re reco rded during M ay. O n ave rage, th ere were nea rl y five records a yea r in 1987-9 1. The two b ird s fro m 14 December were th e first to w inter in th e North Sea region. 81ack Guillemot Cepphus grylle 17,0 1990 NOORDHOLLAN D Ijmuiden, 7 October (L Hoogenstein et al). There are now 46 reco rd s. Th e post- 1979 reco rd s we re during Febru ary-May (four) and A ugust-December (13), w ith most in October- November (e ight). Great Spotted Cuckoo Clamator glandarius 5, 1 FLEVOLAN D Weste rdreef, Lelystad, 4 April , secondyea r, found dea d as road-kill, photograph ed (A Li os i, A B va n den Berg; va n der Burg et al 199 1). Thi s was the 11 th reco rd and the first for Fl evoland . O nl y one on 18 March 1982 in Overij sse l was recorded ea rl ier in the seaso n. Eagle Owl Bubo bubo 2, 1 FRIESLAN D Beetsterzwaag, 9 February (R N ui ver). When loca l newspapers reported the rumoured presence of thi s bird, onl y one lucky observe r co uld trace it, despite long sea rching by several other birders. Thi s was th e third record and th e first for Friesland . Th e first was a long-stayin g indi v idu al in a coasta l pine fo rest at Den Helder, Noordholl and, during 1973 -81 and the second a ca lling bird frequenting a quarry in Zuid-Lim -

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1991

88 Pa llid Harri er / Steppekiekendief Circus macrouros, third-year male, Vli ss in gen, Zeeland, 5 September 199 1 (Rob Sponselee) 89 Ousky Warb ier / Bruin e Bosza nger Phylloscopus fuscatus, Terschelling, Fri esland, 9 November 1990 (Lammert van der Veen) 90 Great Spotted Cuckoo / Kuifkoekoek Clama tor g landa rius, second-year, Lelystad, Fl evo land , 4 April 199 1 (Allan Liosi) 91 Blackea red W heatear / Blonde Tapuit Oenanthe hispanica, female, Rottumeroog, Gronin gen, 6 June 199 1 (Wim Steenge) 92 Lesser Yellow legs / Kl eine Geelpootruiter Tringa flavipes, ad ult w inter, Flaauwers Inl agen, Zeelan d, 9 October 199 1 (Hans Cebuis) 93 King Eider I Koningseider 50materia spectabilis, Hoek van Holl and, Zu idholl and, 16 February 199 1 (RenĂŠ van Rossum)


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1991 burg on 4-14 February 1988. The first breeding record in a pine tree in Zu id -Limbu rg in 1983 has not been subm itted to the CDNA (Gee & Weiss 1987, Wim Ve rgoossen in litt). There are rumours of other breeding records si nce 1983 w hi ch remain, however, un substantiated. In Belgiu m and adjoi ning regions, 26 territories we re known in 1987 (Gee & Weiss 1987) and the numbers have sign if icantly increased sin ce (D idi er Vangeluwe pers comm). For a discussion about the origin of the Belgian birds, see Doucet (1989) w ho suggested th at the species possibly never comp letely disappeared from Belgium. He gave info rmati o n on reintrodu ction programmes in Europe, show in g th at in 1968 and, especial ly, in 1974 birds were released in German areas bordering the Benelux. Alpine Swift Apus me/ba 10,1 NOORDHOLLAND Texel, 29 September (H Groot, R E Brouwer). Th is was the 17th record and the fi rst si nce October 1987 (cf A rgeloo & van Ijzend oo rn 1988). European Bee-eater Merops apiaster 81 ,20 ZEELAND Breskens, 22 May, f ive, ad ult (R Lensink). NOORDHOLLAND Kreileroord, 23 -30 May, nine, ad ult, photographed (L van der Vaart, M Berlijn et al; Anonymus 1991 a). GRON INGEN Rottumeroog, 21 June, five, adu lt, photographed (K van Dijken, W Steenge; va n der Burg et al 1991 ). OVERIJSSEL Engbertsd ijksvenen, 17 August, adu lt (M Zekhu is, P Steffens). This was the best year since 1987 when 34 birds were recorded. Records wi ll sti ll be cons id ered for 1992 but no longer for 1993. With effect of 199 1, the spec ies was also dropped from the British rarities committee's li st (Roge rs & Rarities Comm ittee 1992). Red-rumped Swallow Hirundo daurica 14,2 ZEELAND Breskens, 11 Ap ril , ad ult (J M Walhout et al). FRIESLAND V li eland, 17 May, adu lt (W van der Waal, H Boerboom, A Rรถmer). 18 birds were recorded of wh ich 10 in April-May and eight (including a flock of five) in SeptemberOctober. Only two records date back to before 1982. Olive-backed Pipit Anthus hodgsoni 4,3 ZU IDHOLLAND Noordwijk, 12 Jan uary to 8 February, up to two, photographed (W-J Hooijmans, A Steenvoorden, M Berlijn; Anonymus 1991 a, van der Burg et al 1991, Hooi jm ans 1993). NOORDHOLLAND Texel, 20 October (M C Combridge, P Combrid ge, S M Comb ridge). Appa rently, the two birds at Noordwijk succumbed to a sudden seve re co ld spe ll w ith snow and ice in February. They const ituted the fourth w inter record for Europe and the first of two birds together. The o nl y other w i nter record of a lo ng-stayi ng bi rd was from 19 February to 15 April 1984 at Bracknell, Berkshire, England, which was seen by c 3000 birders (Parker & Parker 1984).


Red-throated Pipit Anthus cervinus 45,4 GRON INGEN Eemshaven, 6-7 May, two (L Heemskerk, L Steyn, J van der Laan et al). NOORDHOLLAND Texel, 27 September (A Wassink); Texe l, 12-13 October (A van Egmond, H van der Berg, M Berlijn et al). 1988 GRON INGEN Eemshaven, 13-15 May, up to six, adu lt summer, photographed, sound- reco rded (T Bakker, A de Bruin, H Z iedses des Plantes et al). The 1988 record was previously repo rted for two birds (van den Berg et al 1989). Van der Burg et al (1991) mentioned 20 indi v idu als noticed on migration between 21 September and 12 October of which on ly two we re received by the CDNA. Documentation of suc h records is often difficult. One is usually too late to tape-record the flight ca ll of a passing bird. This was the last yea r for w hi ch this species was cons idered by the CD NA (van den Berg & CDNA 1992a) . Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreo/a 1,1 ZEELAND Breskens, 29 April, adu lt summer, male, photographed (P A Wolf, J M Wal hout; Meininger et al 1991). This was the second reco rd and the first in spr in g. The bird was flying north past the renowned springmigration observation post at Breskens, Zee land, and landed for just 30 s on the dike. The first record was a first-year bird at Castri cum, Noordholland, from 24 August to 8 September 1984. Thrush Nightingale Luscinia /uscinia 14,1 GRONINGEN Groni ngen, 29 May-17 June, singing, photographed, sound-recorded (B Bezema, A de Bruin et al). The bird was singi ng in a c ity park. It constituted the 22nd record and the first of as ingin g bird since 1988 w hen two birds held territory in May. Red-spotted Bluethroat Luscinia svecica svecica 17,0 1989 ZU IDHOLLAND Maasvlakte, 10 May, adu lt summer, male, singing, photographed (T 0 V Muusse); Goudriaan, 20 May, adu lt summe r, male (M P Teeuw). A photograph of the Maasvlakte bird has been publi shed in the report for 1989 (van den Berg et al 1991). Siberian Stonechat Saxico/a torquata maura 5,1 NOORDHOLLAND Texel, 14-15 October, first-winter, male, photographed (W Steenge, T Bakker, K van Dijken et al). The CDNA still awa its info rm ation on a seco nd bird on Texel on 15 October. There are now 1 5 records of which 12 in October, two in November and one (not photographed) in March. Black-eared Wheatear Oenanthe hispanica 1,1 GRON INGEN Rottumeroog, 6 June, fema le, photographed (K van Dijken, W Steenge) . Hadoram Shirihai (in litt), Magnus UIIman (in litt) and others kindly confirmed the bird 's identification on the base of photographs. The five previous records were also in sp rin g (none documented by photographs) and the first dates back to May 1937.

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7997 Cetti's Warbier Cettia cetti 39,0 1990 NOORDHOLLAND Amsterdamse Waterleidingdu i nen, Zandvoo rt, 13 October, trapped, photographed (H Vader v ia A B va n den Berg) . During 8-15 October 1990, two more birds were trapped on V li eland, Friesland, and at Kamperhoek, Flevoland (van den Berg et al 1992). The CDNA still awa its in formation on a second b ird trapped nea r Zandvoort during the same per iod, marking an unusual influ x of at least four birds in one week. There is o nl y one other record in 1986-91 , at Dordtse Biesbosch, Noordbrabant, on 2-13 May 1989. After the w inter of 1978/79, numbers of thi s former breed in g bird gradua lIy decreased from 10 in 1980 and nine in 1983 to ju st one in 1984 and 1985 and none during 1986-8 8. Zitting Cisticola Cistico /a juncidis 23,0 1990 FLEVOLAND Almere, 8 September (R F J va n Beusekom, C J Breek, KA Mauer et al). This was the first record for Flevoland. As in Cetti's Warbier Cettia cetti, this spec ies was not recorded during 1986-89. In 1990, it bred successfu ll y at a tradition al site in Zeeuwsv laa nd eren, Zee land, w here it was also nesting in the 1970s and ea rl y 1980s but no information was rece ived from this area fo r 1991. *Pallas's Grasshopper Warbier Locustella certhio/a 0,1 NOORDHOLLAND Castricum, 5 October, first-year, trapped, photographed (Vrs Castricum). A paper by H-J Udd in g and Q L Slin gs on this first record wi ll be published in Dutch Birding. A previously accepted sight record on 29 August 1963 at Wassenaar, Zuid ho ll and, has been reviewed and rejected (Wa ldeck 1964, van Ijze nd oorn & de Heer 1985). River Warbier Locustella f/uviatilis 9,2 GRONINGEN Zu idbroek, 1-15 June, up to two, adu lt, sing in g, photographed (E Klunder, J Loots, A de Bruin et al; Anonymus 1991 b, van der Burg et al 1991 ). After asin gin g bird was first noted on 1 June, another turned up on 5 June at a distance of on ly a few 100 m from the first. A simil ar situation occurred in June 1990 when three sin gin g birds turned up in Flevoland. Aquatic Warbier Acrocepha /us pa/udico/a 98,1 FLEVOLAND Oostvaardersd ij k, 6 September, ju ve nil e (K J Eigenhuis). 1990 ZU IDH OLLAND Maasvlakte, 1 August, two (T 0 V Muusse, M Muusse); Maasvlakte, 6 August (T 0 V Muusse, M Muusse); Maasvlakte, 27 August, two (T 0 V Muusse, M Muusse, E Ouwendijk). A lth ough ringing records have not vet been subm itted, 1991 might turn out to be the worst year for this spec ies sin ce 1985 when there was o nl y one record. There are now 11 records for 1990 wh ich is close to the 1986-89 an nu al average of 12-13 records. Records w ill st ill be considered for 1992 but no longer for 1993. Melodious Warbier Hippo/ais po/yg/otta 9, 1 FLEVOLAND Oostvaardersdijk, 5 June, trapped (C M Liebregts-Haaker, H Liebregts).

94 Pallas's Grasshopper Warbier / Siberische Snor Locustella certhio/a, first-year, Castri cum, Noordho ll and, 5 October 1991 (Henk-Jan Udding)

1990 FLEVOLAND Knarweg/Vogelweg, 24 May to 26 June, four, two ad ults and two ju veni les, photographed, sound-recorded (J Boshui zen, M Berlijn, A de Bruin, P Rousset et al; van Beusekom 1992). The 1990 breeding record was previously reported for 24 May into June (van den Berg et al 1992). The CDNA still awa its the sound-record in g of one bird singin g on Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, from 31 May to 3 June (A non ymus 1991 a). Sardinian Warbier Sy/via me/anocepha/a 2, 1 GRONINGEN Rottumeroog, 20 Apr il , trapped, photo-

graphed (W G Gerritse, B G N ij eboer, J Tiemens et al, de Bruin 1993). Previous records also concerned males, one w interin g in Amsterdam from 14 December 1980 to 22 February 1981 and one at Eemshaven, Groningen, on 13 May 1983. 8arred Warbier Sy/via nisoria 76,6 FRIESLAND Vlieland, 31 August, first-year, trapped (K

Terpstra); Vlieland, 1 September, first-year, trapped (K Terpstra); Vlieland, 2 September, first-year, trapped (K Terpstra); Kornwerderzand, 5 October, firstyear, trapped, photographed (R E Brouwer, J Endt et al). ZU IDHOLLAND Oegstgeest, 8 September, first-year (T J C Luij endi jk).


Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7997 NOORDHOLLAND Texel, 7 October, first-year (A Wassink). 1990 ZU IDHOLLAND Maasvlakte, 13 September, f irstyear (T 0 V Muusse, M Mu usse, T App leton et al). The CDNA st ill awa its information on other rin gin g records suc h as nin e (!) birds trapped in Zu id -Ken nemerl and, Noord ho ll and, during August-September (cf van der Burg et al 199 1). Records w ill sti ll be considered for 1992 but no longer for 1993.

Arctic Warbier Phylloscopus borea lis 3,3 NOORDHOLLAND Bloemendaa l, Kennemerduinen, 9 September, first-yea r, male, trapped, photographed (Vrs van Lennep; van der Burg et al 1991). FR IESLAND Ameland, 3 Octobe r, trapped, photographed (J T Hendriksma, H Schreu r); Terschelling, 5 October, first-year, trapped, photographed (J Jukema). There are now eight reco rd s. There is no sight record. The first was co ll ected on 2 November 1935 at H aamstede, Zee land. The second to fourth were trapped on Schi ermon nikoog, Friesland, on 13 September 1976, on 10 October 1980 and on 11 October 1982. The f ifth was trapped on V I ieland, Fri es land, o n 19 September 1989.

Pallas's leaf Warbier Phylloscopus proregulus 38,2 FLEVOLAND Oostvaa rdersd ijk, 25 November, first-year, trapped (C M Liebregts-Haaker). ZUID HOLLAND V laa rdingen, 7-8 December, photographed (K Hoogteyling, M Berlijn). 1989 NOORDHOLLAND Texel, 15 October (E Sanders, J M Walhout et al); Texel, 20 October (M Muusse, T 0 V M uu sse, B Fey, E Ouwend ijk et al) . The total of records for 1989 stands now at 13 of w hi ch 10 in October and seve n o n Texel. This is in contrast with the poo r numbers of one in 1990 and two in 199 1. The V laard in gen record was the first for December. There are now 49 records of w hi ch 35 in October and 11 in November. Moreover, there is one record of a w in ter in g bird during Janu ary-March 1975 and one sp ring record from Apri l 1988. Hume's Yellow-browed Warbier Phylloscopus humei 6,1 NOORDHOLLAND Texel, first-yea r, 12- 14 October (A Wassink et al). The Texel record was the first for October. Previous records were in November (th ree), December (four) and January (one). Four of these reco rd s concerned w interin g b irds staving into mid-winter o r ea rl y spr in g. Likewise, the bird at Meyendel, Zu idh o lland, rema in ed from 11 December 1990 to 4 Jan uary 1991 and the bird at de Blocq va n Kuffeler, A lm ere, Flevoland, from 24 December 1990 to 22 Janua ry 1991 (van den Berg et al 1992).

Radde's Warbier Phylloscopus schwarzi 2,2 FRIESLAND Terschelling, 10 October, photographed (A O uwerkerk, T 0 V Muusse; A non ymus 1991 b, van der Burg et al 1991, Ouwe rkerk 1993). ZU IDHOLLAND Meyendel, 12 October, trapped (J G Sevenster, M Wanders).


1990 ZU IDHOLLAND Maasvlakte, 6-8 November, reco nsid ered and now accepted as Dusky Warbier P fuscatus (cf Dutch Bird in g 14: 81, plate 75; Killi an Mu ll arney in li tt). A ll six records were in October, in 1974, 1977, 1981 (two) and 199 1 (two). The photograph of the alleged bird at Maasvlakte on 6-8 November 1990 publi shed in va n den Berg et al (1992) was not prev iously stud ied by the CD NA and shows that the bird's characters app ly to Dusky Wa rbi er. Up to 1985, the extreme dates of al l 50 records of Radde's Warb ier for Britain were 26 September and 1 November, a period ea rl ier than for Dusky Warbier (Dymond et al 1989); du ring 1986-91, there was only o ne record later than 1 Novembe r: on 10 November 1991 in Devon (Rogers & Rarities Comm ittee 1992).

Dusky Warbier Phylloscopus fuscatus 13,0 1990 ZU IDHOLLAND Maasvlakte, 6-8 November, photographed (H Gebuis, K Mu ll arney in li tt; van den Berg et al 1992) . FR IESLAND Terschelling, 7-9 November, photographed (E Nieuwstraten et al) . There are now 14 records of wh ich 13 in 1986-90 and four in 1990 . The Maasvlakte bird was first identified as Radde's Warb ier P schwarzi (van den Berg et al 1992, see above). Leader (1992) recently described the plumage va ri ab ility of this species wh ich is more difficult to distinguish from Radde's Wa rbier than genera ll y rea li zed.

Bonelli's Warbier Phylloscopus bonelli 10,1 FRIESLAND Kornwe rderzand, 14 October (R F J van Beusekom). The bird wo re a ring and, reportedly, it was trapped at the same loca lity in mid-September (deta il s not vet submitted to the CDNA) . The total of 19 records includes both subspec ies, the western Pb bonelli and the eastern Pb orientalis. Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria 1,0 NOORDHOLLAND Amsterdam, 27 November 1990 to 5 Apri l 1991, female, photographed (van de Staaij & Fokker 199 1, van den Berg et al 1992). This was the second consecutive w inter that this b ird was present on the prem ises of the Vrije Un iversiteit in Amsterdam, foraging on the high wa ll s of the university buildings. O n 29-31 March, it was seen and photographed o n a church at 1.4 km distance. A report th at this (or another) bird was seen in Utrecht on 19 Apri l 1990 remains unsubstantiated. The bird did not return in the w inter of 1991/92.

Eurasian Treecreeper Certhia familiaris 33,0 1990 FLEVOLAND Oostvaardersdi j k, 17 September, juvenil e, trapped (C M Liebregts-Haaker, H Li ebregts, C J Breek); Oostvaardersd ijk, 2 October, ju venile, trapped (C M Liebregts-Haaker, H Liebregts, C J Breek). 1991 was the first year since 1981 w ithout any record. However, there may still be a number of pending ringin g records. Likew ise, after a year delay, the

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7997 number increased to two in 1989 and three in 1990. A ll records refer to Cf familiaris from northern Europe, despite a number of claims of singin g Cf ma crodactyla not supported by so und-recordin gs. lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor 8,1 Strandgaperweg, 4 Jul y, adult, photographed (K A Mauer; van der Bu rg et al 199 1). Thi s record brought the tota l to 31. The last three were in Fl evo land.

ber 1967, Apr il 1977 and June 1989), a Dark-eyed Junco Junco hyemalis(Feb ru ary l 962).an lndi go Buntin g Passerina cyanea (June-Jul y 1983, one in M arch 1989 is still under co nsideration) and a Northern Orio le Icterus ga lbula (October 1987). There is still no New World warb ier Parulidae record.


Woodchat Shrike Lan ius senator 24,3 OVER IJSSEL Haaksbergen, 2 June, adu lt, male (R Wester,

A Visser, H Wa lh of). GRON INGEN Rottume roog, 6 June, adu lt, male, photo-

graphed (K va n D ij ken, W Steenge; va n der Burg et al 199 1); Rottume roog, 8 Jul y, female (K van Dijken, W Steenge). 1988 ZEELAND Schouwen-Du ive land, 5 May, adu lt (A van Bergen, G Jansse via J M Wa l hout). Thi s former (not since 1963) breed in g bird remain s mu ch more common in sprin g than in late su mm er and autumn. Most post-1979 record s were in May-J une (22) with two in Jul y and on ly one in April, in September and in October. Rosy Starling Sturnus roseus 14,1 NOORDHOLLAND Ij muiden, 15 September, ju venile (L

va n der Veen, L H eemskerk et al). 1990 FRIESLAND Griend, 25 August, juvenile (P A Wo lf). Th ere are now 35 records of w hich seven durin g 1800-99 and 14 during 1900-79 . Th e best period was Jul y-October w ith 25 reco rd s. Three records occurred in May, in June and in November and one in Apri l (in 1874) . Red-eyed Vireo Vireo o livaceus 2,2 FRIESLAND Vl ieland, 24 September, first-yea r, male,

trapped (K Terpstra, M Roos); V lieland, 2 October, firstyear, trapped (K Terpstra). Like 1985, thi s was another yea r w ith two reco rd s of thi s Nearctic vag rant. This time both birds we re trapped at the same site a week apart. They we re rin ged (A rnh em B833248 an d B833381, respective ly). Biometr ics of the September bird: w in g 85 mm ; tail 52 mm ; bill 15 mm ; ta rsus 19 mm; weig ht 17 g. Biometrics of the October bird: w ing 79 mm ; ta il 47 mm; bi ll 15 mm; tarsus 19.5 mm ; we ight 18.5 g. The September bird was sexed as a male because of the w in g length. Acco rding to Pyle et al (1987), wing length is 75-85 mm (n=100) in mal es and 73-81 (n= 100) in fema les. The previous records we re first-year b ird s, one found dead on 13 October 1985 at Wo rmerveer, Noordholl an d, and one trapped on Rottumerp laat, Groningen, on 19 October 1985. Nearctic landbird vagrants reco rd ed in the Netherlands include a Belted Kingfisher Ceryle alcyon (December 1899), a Northern Mockin gbird M imus pol yglottos (October 1988), a Wh ite-crowned Spa rrow Zonotrichia leucophrys (December 1981 to February 1982), four Wh itethroated Sparrows Z albicollis (September 1967, Octo-

Two-barred Crossbill Loxia leucoptera 15, 1 GE LDERLAN D Beekbergen, 21 Apri l, female, photographed (M Berlijn , E B Ebels, E Ernens et al). Thi s fema le was accompanied by a ma le of w hich the identificati on remain s unce rtain despite p hotographs showin g pa le w in g-bars. The Beekbergen record was the last of the invas ion of at least 13 birds wh ich started in late August 1990, with max imum numbers in November 1990. Several bi rd s di scovered in November 1990 stayed until late Jan uary or February 1991 (va n den Berg et al 1992). A paper by E B Ebels on this in vas ion w ill be publi shed in Dutch Bird ing. The on ly previous in vas ion was in September 1889 w ith 32 bird s. Intriguin ly, there we re on ly seven records between both invas ions. Par rot Crossbill Loxia pytyops ittacus 508,68 FRIESLAND Bakkeveen, 11 Janu ary, adu lt, male (K H Scho lten); Beetsterzwaag, 22 January, two, male and fema le (A de Bru in). DRENTHE G ieten, 12-21 Janua ry, up to 15, adu lt (A de Bru in et al). NOORDHOLLAND Aerdenhout/Overveen, 15-20 January, up to 40, photograph ed (A B va n den Berg; Anonymu s 1991 a). GELDERLAND Tongeren , 3 March, adult, male, trapped (K Terpstra); Ton geren, 4 March, two, adult, ma le, trapped (K Terpstra); Loenen, 10 November, th ree, mal e and two females (R Keizer, H Keizer, P Vos). GRONINGEN Sellingen, 16-17 March, two, male and female, photographed, so und-reco rded (A va n Dijk, A de Bruin et al) . NOORDBRABANT O irsc hot, 30 March, two, adult, ma le (P M A van der W ielen). 1990 NOORD HO LLAND Robbenoordbos, 16 October to 18 March 1991, up to 25, photographed, soundrecord ed (0 de Vries, R E Brouwer); Bloemendaa l, Kennemerduinen, October, up to seven, photographed (P Munsterman; Anonym us 1990) . NOORDBRABANT Bladel, 24 October, ad ult, male (P M A va n der W ielen); Hooge Mierde, 21 November to 4 December, 10, adu lt, four mal e and six fema le (P M A va n der W ielen); Bladel, 28 November to 7 March 1991 , up to 27 of w hi ch 12 mal e and seven fema le (P M A va n der W ielen); Hooge Mierde, 1 December, two, male and female (P M A va n der Wie len); Hooge Mierde, 4 December to 13 January 199 1, up to 32 (P M A va n der Wi elen); Esbeek, 14 December (P M A van der Wi elen); Hooge M ierd e, 14 December, firstyear (P M A va n der Wi elen) . UTRECHT Baarn, 2-10 November, up to 25 (R F J van Beusekom). ZU IDHOLLAND Meyendel, 11-23 December, 12 (A Remeeus et al).


Rare birds in th e Netherlands in 7997 Th e 199 0 reco rd of 25 at Robbenoordbos was previously re ported fo r 16 October to 4 Janu ary. Th e Zuidho ll and reco rd of 12 bird s was ea rl ier reported for 2 Decembe r at W assenaa r, Zu idh oll and. The CD NA still awa its th e submi ss ion of a number of oth er reco rd s during 199 0-9 1. Th e spec ies' in vas ion in 1990-91 was th e largest ever w ith at least 33 0 bird s. Th e onl y other recent invas ion was in 1982 -83, w ith 23 0 bird s reco rded. Between both in vas ion s, in 1984-89, 10 bird s we re reco rd ed (none in 1989) . Th e 199 0-9 1 in vas ion differed fro m the one in 1982 -83 not onl y because of its larger dimension and di spe rsion (further so uth and more inl and) but also because of the co incidence of simultaneous in vas ion s of large numbers of Common Crossbill s L curvirostra and a small number of Twoba rred Crossbill s L /eucoptera. Th ere are no kn own invas ions during th e 80-yea r period before 1982 w hen onl y eight reco rd s were accepted. O f these, three record s we re in 1963 and tw o in 1966, suggestin g th at in vas ions in th e 1960s mi ght have gone unn oti ced. Eykman et al (193 7) mentio n invas ion s fo r 1867-68, 1877-79, 1887 -8 9 and 1901 ; 18 spec imens we re co llected during the large in vas ion of 1887-88 . It is noteworth y th at th e onl y post-1 95 8 in vasions in Britain we re in 1962, 1982 and 199 0 (Dymond et al 1989) . Reco rd s w ill still be con sidered fo r 1992 but no longer for 199 3. Common Rosefinch Ca rpodacus erythrinus 8 1,28 FLEVOLAND Kn ardijk, 19-24 M ay, adult, male, singin g (B Gax io la, M Berlijn); Kn ardijk, 20 M ay to 26 June, two, sin ging male and female (P Rousset); Oostvaardersdijk, 28 May to 1 June, adult, male, sin ging (M Berlijn); Kn ardijk, 30 M ay, adul t, male, singin g (E va n Boheemen, M P Teeuw); de Bl ocq van Kuffeler, 8 June, second -year, male, sin ging (K J Ei genhui s, J va n 't Hof); Oostvaa rd ersdijk, 17 June, second-yea r, male, trapped (C M Li ebregts-Haa ker); Oostvaa rd ersdijk, 17 June to 11 Jul y, second-yea r, male, trapped (C M Li ebregtsHaaker); Oostvaa rd ersdijk, 21 June, adult, male, trapped (C M Li ebregts-H aa ker); Knardijk, 22 June to 6 Jul y, two, adult, male, singin g (S Deuzeman, M M annaa rt et al); Oostvaardersdijk, 23 June, second-yea r, ma le, trapped (C M Li ebregts-Haaker); Oostvaa rdersd ij k, 11 Jul y, adult, female, trapped (C M Li ebregtsHaa ker); Oostvaa rdersdij k, 11-22 Jul y, adult, male, trapped (C M Li ebregts- Haaker); O ostvaardersdijk, 14 Jul y, adult, female, trapped (C M Li ebregts-H aa ker); Knardijk, 20 Jul y, ju venil e, ph otog raph ed (va n der Burg et al 199 1); Oostvaa rd ersdijk, 27 Jul y, adult, male, tra pped (C M Li ebregts-H aaker); Oostvaa rdersdijk, 28 Jul y, imm ature, male, trapped (retrapped Castri cum, Noordholl and, 2 Au gust) (C M Li ebregts- Haaker, Vrs Castri cum); Oostvaa rd ersdijk, 30 Jul y, two, adult female and immature, trapped (C M Li ebregts-H aaker); O ostvaa rd ersdijk, 13 August, imm ature, trapped (C M Li ebregts-H aaker); O ostvaa rd ersdijk, 16 Au gust, immature, trapped (C M Li ebregts-H aaker); Oostvaa rd ersdij k, 19-26 A ugust, imm ature, trapped (C M Li ebregtsHaaker).


GRON INGEN Rottum eroog, 28 M ay, second -yea r, male, sin gin g (K va n Dij ke n, W Steenge); Rottumeroog, 1 June, male, sin ging (W Steenge); Rottum eroog, 2 June, adult, male, singin g, photog raphed (W Steenge, K va n D ijken); Rottumeroog, 3 June, male, singin g (K va n D ij ken, W Steenge). NOORDH OLLAN D Castri cum, 22 Jul y, second-yea r, trapped (V rs Castri cum); Castri cum, 2 A ugust, imm ature, re-trapped (first trapped at Oostvaa rdersdi j k, Fl evo land, on 28 Jul y) (V rs Castri cum). FRIESLAND Vlieland, 2 Oc tober, first-year, trapped (K Terpstra, M Roos). 199 0 ZEE LAND Mi ddelburg, 18 June, second-yea r, male, so und -reco rded (T Koppejan). Th e adult male trapped at Oostvaa rd ersdij k on 27 Jul y had been ringed nea r Lelystad , Fl evoland, on 20 June 1990. Th e imm ature ma le tra pped at Oostvaa rdersdijk on 28 Jul y was retrapped at Castri cum, Noordho ll and, on 2 A ugust. It is remarkabl e th at, between 17 June and 26 A ugust, 14 b ird s we re trapped at one rin gin g loca lity alon g the Oostvaa rdersdijk. Thi s spec ies' increase in recent yea rs is larger th an suggested by th e number of accepted reco rd s. M any of th e territor ies di scovered du rin g 1989-9 1 we re not reported to th e CDNA (cf Bakke r 1993). For in stance, va n der Burg et al (199 1) mentioned c 10 te rritori es in Fl evoland and c l Oon the W adden island s and several sin gin g bird s we re reported from Noordho lland and Zuidho ll and. Thi s was th e last yea r fo r w hi ch record s of thi s spec ies we re co nsidered by th e CD NA (va n den Berg & CD NA 1992a) . Little Bunting Em beriza pusilla 32,2 FRI ESLAN D Terschelling, 23 -30 September, first-yea r, trapped (J Jukema); V lieland, 3 October, first-yea r, trapped (K Terpstra, H va n Gasteren). 1990 ZEE LAN D W estkapell e, 27 September to 2 October (H Schekkerm an, P L Meininger, J Tra mper et al). The 1990 reco rd was previou sly reported fo r 27 September (va n den Berg et al 1992) . Th ere are now 61 reco rd s of w hi ch fo ur in 1800-99, th ree in 1900-59 and 20 in 196 0-79. Yellow-breasted Bunting Emberiza aureo /a 3, 1 ZE ELAN D W estensc houwe n, 29 A ugust, first-yea r, trapped, photographed (V rs Nebul ari a; A nonymu s 199 1b, va n der Burg et al 199 1). Thi s was the seventh reco rd and the second at th e sa me ringin g stati on w here one was trapped on 5 September 198 1. Th e first record was a bird found dead on a li ghtship at sea on 11 September 1963 . There we re two sightin gs on Tersc hellin g, Fries land, on 1 September 1987 and on 27-29 September 1989 . Th e other reco rd s we re of trapped bird s on 27 October 197 1 near Den Haag, Zuidho ll and, and on 15 Jul y 1977 on Rottum erpl aa t, G ronin gen.

Systematic list of records not accepted Thi s li st contain s all records not accepted by th e CDNA. Records marked with @ w ere rejected by all committee membe rs in th e first or second vot-

Rare birds in th e Netherlands in 799 7 i ng, those with @-1 by all except one, and th e remaining by two o r mo re (with at least two votes aga inst rejection). Most records were rejected if the identifi cation was not fully established (often beca use of a lack of documentation) or wh en th e indi vidu al showed signs of captivity, such as dubious rin gs, excess ive wear or aberrant behaviour. Spec ies for which the (DNA unanimously dec ided that all records refe r to birds of captive origin are usually omitted from this list. These inc/ude spec ies of which all ancestors are of captive origin (introduced species of British category Cl. Species for which a majority vote dec ided th at all records refer to birds of captive origin, are inc/uded in this list. Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis Bathmen (Ove rij sse l) 2 September @ (poor description of small w hite egret w ith b lack bill and black legs seen from a fast driving car), Texel (Noo rdholl and) 30 November @ (poo r description of sma ll w hite egret in fli ght). Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinel/us V lieland (Friesland) 17 Janu ary @ (poo r desc ription with little more informati on than th at it appeared a large blacki sh 'curlew' w ith greenish gloss). Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber roseus Oesterdam (Zee land) 28 May @ (inco mpl ete descripti on). Greenland White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons flavirostris Goedereede (Zuidholl and) 2 Janu ary @-1 (juveni le; bill orange but no other differences w ith accom panyin g A a albifrons apparent, p lum age not darker and bill not longer). Falcated Duck Anas fa lcata Emmeloord (F levoland) 1 June @ (adult male; identification accepted but co nsidered escape because of waterfowl co llection co ntainin g several birds of this spec ies at 4 km di stance and th e bird 's behaviour and environment). Bufflehead Bucepha la albeola Gennep (Limburg) 19 Febru ary @ (ad ult male, photographed; identifi cation accepted but it was not ascertained w hether it wore no rings indicating captive origin). White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala Stellendam (Z uidholl and) 14-29 December @ (see n by several observers but desc ripti on inco mpl ete). Pallid Harrier Circus ma crouros Vierlingsbeek (Noordbrabant) 16 Febru ary @ (male; w ing pattern not described but it presum ably was a Hen Harrier C cya neus appearin g w hiter than usual beca use of snow and li ght reflection ). Long-Iegged Buzzard Buteo rufinus Gron in gen (G roningen) 28 Jul y @ (photograp hs not co nvincing and in so me re spe cts more indicati ve of Common Buzzard B buteo) . Saker Falcon Falco cherrug Texel (Noordholland) 27 October @ (l arge fa lcon hybrids we re not exc/uded). White-rumped Sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis De Peel (Noordbrabant) 13 November @ (descripti on incompl ete and partly wrong for thi s species). Dunlin C alpina arctica Ijmuiden (Noordho ll and) 21 October @ (s ighting of a bird in winter plum age and thu s not identifiabl e) . Great Snipe Ga l/inago media W asse naa r (Zuidh oll and) 13 October (flu shed on ly once, not seen on th e ground, and several features not

see n). Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis Hippol ytu shoef (Noo rdh oll and) 28 Jul y (poo r description), Ve lp (Gelderl and) 5 September @ (most characte rs not described). Solitary Sandpiper T solitaria Engbertsd ij ksvenen (Overij ssel) 10 and 18 A ugust @ (inco mpl ete descripti on). Ring-billed Gull Larus delawarensis Broekhuizenvorst (Limburg) 9 Febru ary @ (no good description of bill stru cture, pattern of terti als and w ing-tip and co lour of manti e, iri s and leg). Yellowlegged Gull L cachinnans omissus Nijkerk (Gelderl and) 19 Jul y to 21 September (photograp hed adult; rejected by two beca use of failin g know ledge about thi s subspec ies' statu s and identificat ion). Gull-billed Tern Ge/ochelidon nilotica Barsingerhorn (Noord holl and) 16 August (no description). Snowy Owl Nyctea scandiaca Drachten (Fri es land) 29 December @ (two; identificati o n accepted but co nsidered obv ious escapes since both birds were hand-tame and found nearby the site w here in the same period action was taken aga in st illega l activiti es of a b ird-trader; both birds we re released in Sweden in 1993 (Vogels 13 (4): 7, 1993)) . Redrumped Swallow Hirundo daurica Schoondijke (Zeeland) 13 September @ (description incomp lete). Redthroated Pipit Anthus cervinus Texel (Noo rdho lland) 14 October @. Citrine Wagtail Motacil/a citreo la Texel (Noo rd holl and) 1 September (good description but short observati on period and no so und hea rd ). Siberian Stonechat Saxicola torquata maura Katwijk (Z uidholl and) 17 March (male; probably an aberrantl y pale 5 t rubicola), De Hamert (Limburg) 14 May @, De H amert (Limburg) 9 Jul y @ . Grey-backed Thrush Turdus hortulorum Hoofdd orp (Noord holl and) 16-1 8 May @-1 (ad ult male, singin g; identificati on accepted but vagrancy in th is spec ies co nsidered unlikely; the bird presum ably or igin ated from an aviary at Zaandam, Noordholland, w here one escaped before bei ng ringed ; another indi v idu al found dead at Dronten, Fl evoland, on 19 March 1992 wore a meta l ring w hi ch showed th at it had been ringed as a cage bird in 1986 and escaped in 1990 from an aviary at Assen, Drenthe (va n den Berg 1992a)) . River Warbier Locustel/a fluviatilis Roggebotza nd (Fl evo land), 17 June @ (no so und-recording and poor descripti on). Pallas's Leaf Warbier Phylloscopus proregulus Zierikzee (Zee land) 28 December @. Eurasian Treecreeper Certhia familiaris Harderw ij k (Ge lderland) 6 Janu ary @ (trapped; no measurements and plum age description incomplete), Keke rd om (Gelderl and) 14-2 1 October @ (poor description of plumage and ca ll), W asp ik (Noord brabant) 29 December @ (poor description of plumage and ca ll). Parrot Crossbill Lox ia pytyopsittacus Tongeren (Gelderl and) 9 January @ (trapped; no description given except that, in co mpari so n with Crossb ill L curvirostra, it was bigger w ith heavier bill and 'd ifferent ca ll'), Broekhuizervorst (Limburg) 6 April @ . 1990 Great Shearwater Puffinus gravis Camperd uin (Noordholl and) 9 October @ (di stance c 1500 m and description incomplete, although in so me respects curi ously detail ed). European Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus

15 7

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 7997 Amstelmeer (Noord holl and) 11 September @. Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos Ijmuiden (Noord holl and) 9 September @ (description inco mpl ete an d, despite large size, still suggesting Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus). Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis Oostvaardersdijk (F levo land) 12 August @ (poor description). Long-tailed Skua Stercorarius longicaudus Maasvlakte (Zu idholl and) 24 September (two, immature; in complete description). Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica Maasvlakte (Z uidholl and) 27-30 August @-1 (up to 11 ; no description). Booted Warbier Hippolais ca liga ta Texel (Noo rdholl and) 18 October (good description but no genu in e field sketc hes made during the very short obse rvation periods). Eurasian Treecreeper Certh ia fami liaris Westkapelle (Zee land) 21 Jul y @ (incom pl ete description and no sound hea rd). 1988 Bonelli's Warbier Phylloscopus bonelli Valkenburg (L imburg) 7 June @ (sing in g; no sound-reco rdin g and no plumage description). Eurasian Treecreeper Certhia fami liaris Oppenhui zen (F ri es land) 23 November @ (trapped; it was not clear how bill length was measured and photographs did not exc lud e Short-toed Treecreeper C brachydactyla). 1986 Pallas's Leaf Warbier Phylloscopus proregulus Amsterd am (Noord holl and) 6 October @-1 (incomp lete description w ith out w in g pattern or rump co lour). Eurasian Treecreeper Certhia familiaris Schiermonnikoog (Fries land) 16 October (trapped; most biometrics appeared good but the bill length was measured incorrectly and neither plumage description nor photograph we re submitted) . 1985 Thrush Nightingale Luscinia luscinia Broekhuizervorst (Limburg) 21-28 Apri l @ (no sound heard and description incomplete). 1984 Red-throated Pipit Anthus cervinus Can isv li et (Zeeland) 15 October @ (two; seen and hea rd in flight but no sound-recording made and tail was described as longer than in Meadow Pi pit Apratensis). 1983 Little Crake Porzana parva Grote Peel (Limburg) 3 Jul y @ (descr ipti on incorrect). Redwing Turdus ilia cus coburn i Schiermonnikoog (Fr iesland) 2 October @ (trapped; no photographs subm itted and w ing length of 11 9 mm did not exclude Ti iliacus). 1981 Redwing Turdus iliacus coburni Schiermonnikoog (Fries land) 25 October @ (trapped and photographed; aberrant pattern of black spots on underparts and measurements did not exclude Ti iliacus) .


1976 Mediterranean Shearwater Puffinus yelkouan Camperduin (Noordho ll and) 8 October @ (desc ripti on in comp lete) . 1968 Little Crake Porzana parva Veenendaal (Utrecht) 25 August to 17 September (no documentation). Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla Kornwerderzand (F ri es land) 9 November (in comp lete description).

Acknowledgements We thank the Vogeltrekstation Arnhem at Heteren, Gelderland, for supplying add ition al data on ringin g records. We are gratefu l for the help and advice of a ll consulted experts. Jan van Tussenbroek provided some of the literature. References Anonymus 1990-91a. DB Actueel. Dutch Birding 12: 273-276, 13: 38-40,78-80, 196. A nonymus 1991 b. Western Palearctic news. Birding World 4: 193-194, 307-308, 360-362. Anonymus 1992. European news . Br Birds 85: 443463. A rgeloo, M & va n Ijzendoorn, E J 1988. Alpengierzwaluw te Zaa nstad in oktober 1987. Dutch Birding 10: 142-143. Bakker, T 1993. Ervaringen met het inventariseren va n Roodmussen Ca rpodacus erythrinus in 1992 op Schiermonnikoog. Limosa 66: 67-69. Barthel, P H 199 1. Bemerkungswerte Beobachtungen: August und September 1991. Limicola 5 : 322 -330. van den Berg, A B 1987. Voorkomen, herkenn in g en status van flamingo's in Nederland. Dutch Birding 9: 2-7. van den Berg, A B 1990. De oorsprong va n dwaalgasten. In: Dutch Birding, Vogels nieuw in Nederland, Ede, pp 8-1 3. van den Berg, A B 1992a. Recent WP reports. Dutch Birding 14 : 62-65,1 10-113 . van den Berg, A B 1992b. Twee Witwangsterns in Flevo land in w inter van 1991/92. Dutch Birding 14: 214-218. van den Berg, A B 1993. Lijst van Nederlandse voge lsoo rten 1993. Santpoort-Zuid. van den Berg, A B, de By, R A & CDNA 1989, 199 192. Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1988-90. Dutch Birding 11: 151-164, 13:41-57, 14: 73-90. van den Berg, A B & CDNA 1992a. Roodkeelpieper en Roodmus niet langer beoordeeld door CD NA. Dutch Birding 14: 109-1 10. va n den Berg, A B & CD NA 1992b. Flamingo, Kleinste Jager en Lac hstern niet langer beoordeeld door CDNA. Dutch Birding 14: 198. van den Berg, A B & Coltaar, F 1986. Ross' Gans in Noordholland in november-december 1985. Dutch Birding 8: 57-59. va n den Berg, A B, Douma, F & Kuiken, D 1993. Ca na-

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 199 1 dese Kraanvogel te Paesens-Moddergat in september 199 1. Dutch Birding 15 : 1-6. Berlijn, M 1991. Juffe rkraanvogels bij Asten in augustus-september 1989. Dutch Birding 13: 81-82 . Berrevoets, C & Erkman, A 1993. Gemengd paartje Rotgans en Zwarte Rotgans met twee ' hybride' jongen bij O ude Tonge in winter va n 1991/92 . Dutch Birding 15: 61-63 . van Beusekom, R 1992. Orph eusspotvogel broedend in Knarbos: ni euwe broedvogel voo r Nederland. Vogels Flevoland 1: 86-89. Blankert, J L de By, R A & CDNA 1988. Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1987. Dutch Birding 10: 167-

177. de Bruin, B 1993. Kleine Zwartkop op Rottumeroog in april 199 1. Dutch Birding 15: 170-171 . va n der Burg, E, van Dongen, R M, Driessens, G & de Ro uw, P W W 1988 . Recente meldingen. Dutch Birding 10: 36-44. va n der Burg, E, van Dongen, R M & de Rouw, P W W 1989, 199 1-92 . Recente meldingen. Dutch Birding

11 : 100-104, 13: 74-78, 115-11 9, 156-159, 191195, 226-232, 14: 30-35. Christensen, R 1992. Fl ami ngoernes fo rekomst i Danmark. Dansk Orn ithol Foren Tid sskr 86: 123-127. Doucet, J 1989. Réapparition de la nidification du Hibou grand-duc (Bubo bubo) en Wallonie. Sa réintroduction en Europe occi dentale. Aves 26: 137-

158. Dubois, P J & Ie Com ité d'Homologation National 199 1. Les observations d'espèces soumises à homologation nationa le en France en 1990. Alauda 59:

225-247. Dymond, J N, Fraser, PA & Gantlett, SJ M 1989. Rare birds in Britain and Ireland. Ca lton. Eigenhuis, K J 1990. Amerikaanse Wintertaling in Putten bij Camperduin in april 1989 . Dutch Birding 12:

25. Eigenhuis, KJ 1992. Grote Kanoet in Oostvaa rderspIassen en bij Camperduin in september-oktober 1991. Dutch Birding 14: 126-131. Eigenhuis, KJ & Menkveld, E 1985. Voorkomen en ruien leeftijdskenmerken va n de Witkopeend Oxyura /eucocepha/a. Wielewaal 51: 300-304. Eykman, C, Hens, P A, van Heurn, F C, ten Kate, C G B, va n Marle, J G, va n der Meer, G, Tekke, M J & de Vri es, TG 1937. De Nederlandsche vogels 1. Wageningen. Eykman, C, Hens, P A, va n Heurn, F C, ten Kate, C G B, van Marle, J G, Tekke, M J & de Vries, T G 1941. De Nederlandsche voge ls 2. Wageningen. Gee, L H & Weiss, J 1987. Situation actuelle du Hibou

grand-duc (B ubo bubo) en Belgique, au GrandDuché de Lu xembo urg et dans les régions limitrophes. Aves 24: 49-63. de Groot, T 1993. Grote Grijze Snip bij O udega in augustus-oktober 1991. Dutch Birding 15: 63-66. Harmsen, H 1989. Kleine Geelpootruiter bij Oosterland in november 19 79. Dutch Birding 11 : 1-4. Hooi jmans, W-J 1993 . Twee Siberi sche Boompiepers te Noordwijk in januari-februari 1991. Dutch Birding 15: 166-169. va n Ijzendoorn, E J & de Heer, P 1985. Herziening van de Nederlandse Avifaunistische Lij st. Limosa 58 : 65-

72. Leader, P J 1992. Variability of Dusky Warbier. Dutch Birdin g 14 : 137-140 . Luttik, R 1980. Voorkomen van Zwarte Ibi s in Nederland. Dutch Birding 2: 50-5 1. Meininger, P L, Walhout, J M & Wolf, P A 1991. Citroenkw ikstaart te Breskens in april 1991. Dutch Birding 13 : 180- 181. O lsen, K M 199 1. SjiX'ldne fugle in Danmark og Gr0nland i 1989. Dansk Ornithol Foren Tidsskr 85: 20-

34. O lsen, K M 1993. Greenland record of Sandhill Crane. Dutch Birding 15: 67 . O uwerkerk, A 1993 . Raddes Boszanger op Terschelling in oktober 1991 . Dutch Birding 15: 171-172. Parker, D & Parker M 1984. Experiences at the site of a national twitch. Br Birds 77: 430-431. Pyle, P, Howell , S N G, Yunick, R P & DeSante, D F 1987 . Identificat ion guide to North American passerines. Bolinas. Rogers, M J & Rarities Committee 1992. Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1991. Br Birds 85: 507-554. van der Spek, A & van der Spek, V 1992. Kleine Geelpootruiter bij Flaauwersinlaag in oktober 199 1. Dutch Birding 14 : 50-52. va n de Staaij, J W M & Fokker, F 199 1. Rotskruiper in Amsterdam in w inters van 1989/90 en 1990/91. Dutch Birding 13: 135-139. Stolt, B-O 1988. Kohäger Bubu/cus ibis fran Spanien funnen i Sverige. Var Fägelvä rld 47: 374-377. Tombeur, F 1992. Opnieuw een Poel ruiter (Tringa stagna ti/is) in Zeeuws-Vlaa nderen . Steltkluut 22 (1) : 17-

20. Treep, J 199 1. Zomerverblij f van in Nederland gesignaleerde flamingo's. Dutch Birding 13: 17. Voous, K H 1957. Witkopeenden (Oxyura /eucocepha/a) in Nederland in 1956. Limosa 30: 11 8-1 20. Waldeck, K 1964 . Waarneming va n een Siberische Snor, Locustella certhio/a (Pallas). Limosa 37: 304-


Arnoud B van den Berg, Ouinlustpa rkweg 98, 2082 EG, Santpoort-Zuid, Netherlands Rolf A de By, Ankrot 19, 7523 LH Enschede, Netherlands


Seabirding in Japan Mark A Brazi/


apan, compri sing of fo ur main island s and innumerab le sma ller islands, extends for more t an 3500 km, between 20 and 45:30 N, from Hokkaido in the north to the tiny island of Yonaguni-jima, the south-westernmost outpost of the Nansei Shoto close to Taiwan, ROe. In add ition to th e main islands of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, other lesse r but very long island chain s extend into th e Pacific. Stretching south more than 1100 km from central Ho nshu are th e Izu, Ogasawa ra (Bon in ) and Iwo (Vo lcano) Island s while the islands of th e Nansei Shoto extend in a curvi ng arc more than 1000 km south-west from Kyushu almost to Ta iwan. j apa n's island nature, its great extent from north to south and the fact that it li es in the prolifi c Pacific mean th at a rema rkab le number and diversity of seab ird s breed or winter in its wa ters o r pass through o n mi gratio n. An abundance of ocea n-go in g ferries plying regul arl y between a large number of the islands brings a large proportion of these seab ird s within easy reac h of th e travelling birder (Braz iI1 988a). Another featu re affects th e distri bution of seabirds w ithin the north-western Pacific adj ace nt to j apan and that is th e presence of important ocean currents. Two main currents, the Black Current and th e Kurile Current, affect j apa n. The wa rm Black Cu rrent is a continu atio n of the North Equatorial Cu rrent pass ing westwards across the Pacific, then no rth past the Phi lippines before sweep in g no rth-east alo ng the southern part of the j apanese arc hipelago. Part of it passes between the islands of th e Nansei Shoto, penetrates the East Chin a Sea and flows between Kyushu and South Korea passing into the j apa n Sea as the Tsushima Current, while the main body of water flows along the Pacific coast heading o ut into the North Pac ifi c between 35 and 40 N. The co ld Kurile Current flows south from the A rctic Ocea n down past Kamchatka and th e Kurile Islands along the Pacific coast of j apa n before it dissipates into th e Pacific (Bartholomew 197 4, Noh & Kimura 1983). Th e region where these two cu rrents meet is ri ch in plankton and o ne of the best fishing grounds in the world and , as a conseq uence, it supports abundant seab ird life. Two further factors affect the seaso nal distribution of seab ird s: typhoons and sea-ice. 160

During autumn, typhoons repeated ly reac h the southern half of j apa n from the Pacific; th ei r tracks frequ entl y bring them west towa rd s the Philippines or Taiwan before they veer north, th en north-east. Some do reach further north to Honshu and exceptiona ll y to Hokkaido. They frequently bring with them rare or acc identa l seab irds, suc h as frigatebirds, Pterodroma petreis and ce rtain shearwaters, with some of them reaching the main island s and even inlan~ loca lities. In winter, the Ok hotsk Se a, to th e no rth of Hokkaido, freezes over. Sea-ice may drift onshore along th e Okhotsk coast of Hokkaido from late December o nward s and some drifts round the eastern shore of th at island too. The presence of exte nsive sea-i ce i nev itably pushes sea bi rds furth er south and has led to the arri va l of rariti es, such as Ross's Rhodostethia rosea and Ivo ry Gull s Pagophi/a eburnea, the fo rm er even in flocks. j apa n's diversity of climate and habitat, va rying from virtu all y subarctic in winter in the north, to subtropi ca l in th e south, exp lain s the occurrence in a si ngle country of both northern spec ies, such as Red-faced Cormo rant Pha/acrocorax uri/e, Marbied Murrelet Brachyramphus m armo ratus and Tufted Puffin Lunda c irrhata, and southern o nes, such as Black-naped Tern Sterna sumatra na, Bridled Tern S anaethetus and Brown Noddy Anous stolidus. Especially during the autumn typhoon season, exc itin g o ut-ofrange shearwaters and petreis are likely to appea r in japanese wate rs. During winter, th e subtrop ica l breeding spec ies disappear entirely from th e south, leavin g the southern seas almost devo id of birdlife while at the same tim e, at th e other end of j apan, sea-ice drifting down the Okhotsk Sea brings with it the more northerl y breeding species. This is the season to look out for sead ucks and the rarer auks, murrelets, gull s and 50 on. Crested Aethia cristatella and Least Auklets A pusilla are the most abunda nt w ith Guillemot Uria aa /ge and Brunni c h's Gu ill emot U /omvia both common. Smaller numbers of several other species occ ur, occasionally including a rarity, suc h as Whiskered A pygmaea or Parakeet Auklet A psittacu/a, or Horn ed Puffin Fratercu/a cornicu/ata. Furthermore, th ere are exc iting seabirds w hi ch are endemi c to j apa n [Ou/ eh Birding 75: 760- 766, augustus 7993[

Seabirding in japan and the Far East, such as Sho rt-tai led Albatross Oiomedea a/batrus, Matsudaira's Petrel Oceanodroma m atsudairae, Black-tailed Gu ll Larus crassirostris, Spectacled Guillemot Cepphus carbo and japanese Murrelet Synth/iboramphus wumi-

z usume. At least 40 species of seab ird breed regul arl y or have bred, and all together mo re than 120 species have been recorded from j apan, contributing one-fifth of the country's avifauna (B razi l 199 1). Ferry routes A remarkabl e number of the lo ng list of j apa nese seabirds can be seen from the relative shelter of th e many ferri es th at con nect virtually all th e isl ands on a nea r-d ai ly basis. Ferries range down both the j apa n Sea coast and the Pacific coast virtually all the way from Ho kkaido to Taiwan and pass throu gh exce llent seab ird areas. I have travelled most of these routes and several of th em frequently. Four routes sta nd o ut. Top of th e li st at any seaso n comes the route between Tokyo and Hokkaido, either to To makomai in the west or Kushiro in th e east. In second pl ace, because of its conveni ence for visitors to j apan with littl e free time, is th e trip to the Izu Shichito, particularly Miyake-jima and H achijo-jima. This trip provides a taster of what can be seen on the much longer journey, and third-best route, to th e Ogasawara Shoto or Bonin Island s 1000 km south of Tokyo, out into the Pacific. The fo urth choi ce, which o nly comes last because of the additio nal time req uired to do it ju stice, is the island hopping route from Kyushu to Okinawa and eventually to Irio mote-jima, providing a very different vari ety of species from the prev ious three trips.

Tokyo-Hokkaido The Tokyo- Hokka ido fe rri es pass thro ugh th e regio n of convergence of the co ld and warm currents, an area of ri ch fishing, and thi s is the main reason why th is ferry route is 50 consistently good throughout the yea r. The sc hedul es of th e northbound boats are perfect, leav ing late in th e evening from Tokyo, 50 that two ni ghts are spent on board with th e whole of th e intervening day and th e final ea rl y morning before docking ava ilabl e fo r seabirding in good waters. The southbound ships are less conve nient since they depa rt in the aftern oon, on ly o ne ni ght is spent on board and Tokyo is reached the following evening, mea ning that, while the first afternoon is spent crossin g the interesting Tsuga ru Strait,

much of the second day is spent steam ing through the dull waters of Tokyo Bay. Where time is of th e essence, I always take the ferry no rth and fly south. The best areas are off the coast of Chiba Prefectu re and the Riku chu coast of Iwate Prefecture throu gh which the baat passes on the first mo rning and late in the first afternoo n, respectively, o n th e northbo und route, then off the coast of Hokkaido o n the second morning. Even tho ugh I have travelled these no rth ern routes sa many tim es, I have found no two boat trips to be the sa me, and in eac h mo nth a d ifferent spec ies seems to predominate. In late sprin g and ea rl y summer, there are 10005 of Red-necked Phalaropes Pha/aropus /obatus. Throu ghout the summer, two spec ies of albatross, Black-footed 0 nigripes and Laysan Albatrosses 0 immutabilis, are common and , very rarely, the enda ngered Short-tailed A lbatross ca n be seen. Ba nd-rumped Petreis 0 castro are commo n and th ere are also sma l I numbers of Tristram' s 0 tristrami and Sw inh oe's Petreis o monorhis. Leac h' s Petreis 0 /eucorhoa are abundant off Kushiro in late summer. In all seasons, except mid-wi nter, there are 10 0005 of Streaked Shearwaters Ca /onectris /eucome/as and from sprin g to autumn other spec ies join them. Sooty Puffinus griseus and parti cul arl y Short-tailed Shearwaters P tenuirostris occ ur in huge numbers and amo ngst them are usuall y smaller numbers of Flesh-footed Shea rwater P carneipes. Very small numbers of these spec ies can also be found throughout the winter up to the latitude of Chiba and occas iona ll y beyond . At most times of yea r, Laysan Albatross, gull s and Fulmar Fu/marus g/acia/is are present. Forktailed Petrel Oceanodroma furcata are reasonably regular in late su mmer and autu mn and in winter it is th e kittiwakes, guii s, auks, auklets and murrelets that are most abundant. At any season, th ere is always th e chance of an unu sual spec ies, perhaps a Pterodroma petrel in late summer, or a White-billed Diver Cavia adamsii, Red-Iegged Kittiwake Rissa brevirostris, Pa rakeet Auklet or Ho rn ed Puffin in w inter. Blakiston's Line, which passes thro ugh th e Tsuga ru Strait sepa rating Hokkaido from Honshu, delimits the distribution of many pla nts and an imals includin g land birds. Many seabirds, partic ul arl y seaducks and alc ids, althou gh not 50 stri ctly limited by it, are com mo ner on o ne side of the line th an o n the oth er. The Fu lmar is a good exa mpl e. In winter, it is much commoner around Hokka ido than off northern Ho nshu al161

Seabirding in Japan

95 Streaked Shea rwaters / Gestreepte Pijl storm voge ls Ca lonectris leucomelas, off southern Iz u Island s, j apa n, March 1990 (Mark Brazil / Images of j apa n) 96 Short-tail ed Shearwater / Dunbekpijl storm voge l Puffinus tenuirostris, off fe rry Tokyo-Kush iro, j apan, 28 May 1989 (Tom Kompier) 97 Laysan A lbatross / Laysanalbatros Oiomedea immutabilis, off fe rry Tokyo-Ku shiro, japan, 28 May 1989 (Tom Kompier)


Seabirding in Japan though, as if to underlin e that few generali zations about birds are safe, o n o ne autumn trip I found it common even as far south as Ch iba. The Streaked Shearwater shows the opposite pattern, being very uncommon arou nd Hokka ido but abunda nt off Hons hu . Seadu cks, espec iall y scoters and Long-tailed Ducks Clangula hyema lis, are to be seen onl y as o ne approaches Hokkaido in winter, and in summer Spectacled Guillemot and Rhinoceros Auklet Cerorhinca monocerata occur there. O n this northern route, a number of spec ies are likely to be encountered in any season, although in seasona ll y vari ab ie numbers, such as Laysa n Albatross, Fulmar, Streaked Shearwater, Temminck's P capillatus and Pelagic Cormorants P pelagicus, Red-necked Phalarope, Pomarine Skuas Stercorarius pomarinus, Black-tail ed, Herrin g L argentatus and Slaty-backed Gulls L schistisagus, and j apa nese Murrelet. From May to October, there are also likely to be Black-footed Albatross, Flesh-footed, Sooty and Short-ta il ed Shearwaters, Leach's, Swin hoe's, Band-rumped and Tri stram's Petreis, Long-tailed Skua S longica udus, Cam man Tern S hirundo and Rhinoceros Auklet. During wi nter and sprin g, ie November-April/May, Red-throated Cavia steIIata, Pacific C pacifica and Black-throated Divers C arctica, Harl eq uin Histrionicus histrionicus and Long-tai led Ducks, Cam man Melanitta nigra and Velvet Scoters M . fusca, Grey Phalarope P fulicarius, Common L canus, G laucous-win ged L glaucescens and G laucous Gull s L. hyperboreus, Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla, Guill emot and Brunnich's Gu ill emot, Marbied and Ancient Murrelets Synthliboramphus antiquus, Crested and Least Auk lets may all be encountered. Rarities are ve ry unlikely to be see n by anyone mak in g just a single voyage but the likelihood of something unusual is greater between November and May on this route. Short-tailed Albatross, Bonin Petrel P hypoleuca, Stejneger's .Petrel P longirostris, Wedge-tailed Shea rwater P pacificus, Fork-tailed Petrel, Red-Iegged Kittiwake, Pigeon Gu ill emot C columba, Pa rakeet Auklet and Ho rn ed Puffin should all be looked for. When travelling no rth, it is weil worth getti ng up at dawn on the third day for an hour or two of birding before docking. You w ill noti ce a marked cha nge in the species from the previous day.

Tokyo- Iz u Sh ichito If Hokka ido seems eith er toa distant or toa far north , I ca n recommend the Izu Shichito or Seven Islands of Izu. A visit to these islands

makes an excell ent side trip from Tokyo for the ardent seab irder with limi ted time and provides a tantalizing taster of wh at can be found o n route to the Bon in Island s. A late- ni ght ferry goes first to Miyake-jima, arrivin g there at dawn when the seas are teeming w ith 100 0005 of Streaked Shea rwaters from the severa l-milli on -strong co lony on Mikura-jima a littl e further south . From Miyake-jima the baat carries o n, pass ing Mikurajima, to H achijo-jima, then back to Miyake-jima by about mid-day. This return section to Hachijo-jima and the first th ree hours out from Miyake-jima on the journey back to Tokyo are best for seab ird ing, espec iall y fo r japanese Murrelet w hi ch breeds on Sanbondake, a gro up of islets to the south-west of Miyake-jima, and Tristram's Petrel, w hich sometimes occurs in quite large numbers. In spring there are skuas: Pomarine is the commonest, as elsewhere in j apa nese waters, but South Polar S maccormicki, Arctic S parasiticus and Long-ta il ed Skuas also occ ur. There are phalaropes, Black-footed and Laysa n Albatrosses and Sooty and Short-tail ed Shearwaters in sprin g and summer. In winter, Great Crested Podiceps cristatus and Red-necked Grebes P grisegena, va ri ous gu ll s and murrelets are all present at sea here. The Iz u Islands themse lves should also not be missed as they are home to the endemic Izu Islands Thrush Turdus celaenops and Ijima's Warbier Phylloscopus ijimae (B razi l 1987a, in press).

Tokyo-Ogasawara Shoto The small group of subtrop ical islands, the Ogasawa ra Shoto, 1000 km south of Tokyo, farm part of a long chain of island s which stretches in a line throu gh th e Izu Islands ri ght down to the Iwo Island s. For th ase w ith more time to spare - a week is essenti al - this trip toa shou ld not be missed . Being sa far south and sa far o ut in the Pacific, tropical seabirds are common. In fact, the surroundin g seas have an abundance of seabird s to ' be found nowhere else in j apan, except around same of the uninhabited islands in th e sou th ern Nansei Shoto. Probably the most difficult to see of all the j apanese breeding seab ird s is the Short-tailed Albatross but there is a slight cha nce of see ing it from th e baat to Ogasawara Shoto in late winter. By the morning after departure from Tokyo, the Ogasawara Maru is already south of Torishima where the spec ies' main breeding ground s are. Sa, for a cha nce of see ing one, get up early to start seabirding at first light. Bath Laysa n and Black-footed Albatrosses breed on Muko-jima in


Seabirding in Japan winter and many can be seen from the ferry during this season. In summer, Wedge-tailed Shearwater and Bulwer's Petrel Bulweria bulwerii are common around the islands, Matsudaira's Petreis follow the boat north of Chichi-jima, and between Chichi-jima and Haha-jima both Audubon's Shearwater P Iherminieri and Bonin Petrel are relatively easy to see along with more Bulwer's and Matsudaira's Petreis. The resident Brown Booby Sula leucogaster is common around Haha-jima, where there is a breeding colony just oft the southern cape, and visitors should also find Brown Noddy and, with luck, perhaps a Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda, Red-footed 5 sula or Masked Booby 5 dactylatra, Sooty Tern 5 fuscata or aLesser Frigatebird Fregata ariel. Initially, the seabirds are the same as on the voyage to Miyake-jima, with chances of japanese Murrelet again near the Izu Islands, but gradually the Streaked Shearwaters and Tristram's Petreis are replaced by Wedgetailed Shearwaters and Matsudaira's Petreis as one moves south from the Izu Islands towards the Ogasawara Shoto. It is in this southern region that there is the greatest potential for finding rarer seabirds, particularly shearwaters and Pterodroma petreis. On my first visit to the islands, I found both Black Noddy A tenuirostris and White-necked Petrel P externa, both of which were first records for the islands (Brazil 1987b, 1988b). The Ogasawara Shoto are also worth visiting at any time of the year for its endemic land bird, the Bonin Islands Honeyeater Apalapteron familiare on Haha-jima. july, however, is particularly good for seabirds. The Ogasawara Maru departs for Ogasawara at 22:00 and takes 30 h to reach Chichi-jima, the main island of the group, most popular with tourists and least interesting from a birding point of view. From Chichi-jima, the Haha-jima Maru takes 2 hand 20 min to Haha-jima. If you have plenty of time, there is a slower and cheaper cargo boat, the Kyosho Maru, which takes 50 h to Chichi-jima and 4 h to Haha-jima (Brazil 1987a). Amami-oshima - Ishigaki-jima and Iriomote-jima The Nansei Shoto, or south-western islands of japan, 'japan's finger in the tropical pie', have several tropical seabird colonies although most are on inaccessible offshore islets. The commercial ferries that connect the major islands thus provide the best opportunity to see a wide variety of these species, including petreis, shearwaters, boobies, terns and noddies, that cannot be seen elsewhere in the country, except from


the ferry to Ogasawara. For these birds, the boat from Okinawa to Ishigaki-jima via Miyako-jima, and the slow boat between Ishigaki-jima and Iriomote-jima are best. As with the route to Ogasawara, this journey is most productive in summer when, the further south one travels, the chances of seeing Bridled Tern, Sooty Tern and Brown Noddy, Masked Booby and Red-tailed Tropicbird are greater. Short-tailed Albatrosses are now known to have re-colonized the Senkaku Islands to the southwest of Okinawa, 50 there is a possibility of seeing one of these birds too. The weekly boat from Okinawa via Ishigaki-jima to Keelung in northeastern Taiwan is also interesting for seabirds. The ferry from Amami-oshima to Okinawa leaves at night, giving you early morning seabirding from just north of Okinawa. The ferry from Okinawa north to Amami-oshima leaves early in the morning and goes via Yoron-jima and Okinoerabu-jima arriving at Amami-oshima after dark. The ferry from Okinawa to Ishigakijima leaves in the evening and cal Is in at Miyako-jima early in the morning, the section from Miyako-jima to Ishigaki-jima takes 5 hand is all in daylight. From Ishigaki-jima, several boats run regularly to Iriomote-jima and this is the best section for the southern terns. Care should be taken to catch the slowest of these, which takes 2 h, since passengers are allowed out on deck and have time to watch birds, as opposed to catching a speedy hydrofoil with no outside access. Terns and Bulwer's Petreis are most abundant during summer; both Roseate 5 dougallii and Blacknaped Terns can be seen commonly close to shore while the petreis are commoner out to sea . The shearwater and skua migrations occur between March and june, and from September to November. From spring to autumn, Streaked, Short-tailed, Wedge-tailed and Flesh-footed Shearwaters, Bulwer's and Swinhoe's Petreis, Long-tailed and Pomarine Skuas, Brown Booby, Eastern Reef Heron Egretta sacra, Greater Crested 5 bergii, Roseate, Black-naped, Little 5 albifrons, Bridled and Sooty Terns, and Brown Noddy may all be seen on these routes while rT)uch rarer species are also possible near the Yaeyama Islands, such as Red-tailed Tropicbird, Masked Booby and Audubon's Shearwater. Since ferry time-tables vary annually and seasonally, it is essential to check with a travel agent for exact schedules. Except for the Okinawa-Taiwan ferry, most operate on a daily or near-daily basis.

Seabirding in Japan

98 Short-tailed A lbatross / Stellers Albatros Oiomedea albatrus, off Tori shima, Japan, March 1990 (Mark Brazil / Images of j apan) 99 Spectacled Gu illemot / Bri lzeekoet Cepphus ca rba, Teuri-jima Island, Hokkaido, Japan, June 1985 (Mark Brazil / Images of j apan) 100 Black-ta iled Gulls / Sakhalinm eeuwe n Larus crassirostris w ith Slaty-backed Gull / Kamtsjatkameeuw Larus sch istisagus, Nemuro, Hokkaido, Japan, March 1984 (Mark Brazil / Images of j apan)


Seabirding in Japan Sea mammals

The sea mammals of japanese waters also deserve attention during a seab irdin g trip and indeed it is hard to avo id watching the northern fur sea ls Ca llorhinus ursinus lolling at the su rface in groups of up to a dozen alo ng the main northern ferry routes from late autumn to late spring and ea rl y summer, and the harbour Phoca vitu lina, Kuri le P largha and ribbon sea ls P fasciata closer to Hokkaido's shores in w inter. Furthermore, the w inter sea-i ce usually brings fairly large numbers of the huge Steller's sea li on Eumetopias jubatus. Cetaceans, once abundant off j apan, are rarely sighted from the fer ri es alth ough . Pacific whitesid ed dol ph in s Lagenorhynchus obliquidens and Dall's porpoises Phocoenoides dalli at least are common, short-finned pilot wha les Globicephala macrorhynchus and killer w hales Orcinus orca are possible, and from the Bonin Islands the great whales such as humpbacks Megaptera novaeanglia e are more likely. Conclusion

The position of japan is unique; it stradd les cli-

matic regions ranging from subarctic to subtrop ic and it comprises a long series of islands, th e majority of which are connected by commerc ial ferries. The var iety of seabirds to be seen as a result is enorm ous and yet at the same time seab ird ing at sea requires no special arrangements. Consequently, japan can boa st some of the easiest and f inest seab irdin g in the world. References Bartholomew, J C 1974 . The world atlas. Edinburgh. Brazil, M A 1987a. A birdwatcher's guide to Japan. Tokyo. Brazil, M A 1987b. A record of Black Noddy Anous tenuirostris from the Ogasawara Islands. Jpn J O rni tho l 36: 99 . Brazil, M A 1988a. Seabird watch ing in Japanese wate rs. Sea Swallow 37: 11-19. Brazil, M A 1988b. The second record of Whitenecked Petrel Pterodroma externa cervica lis from Japan. J Yamash in a Inst Orn ith o l 20: 52-53. Braz il , M A 1991. The birds of Japan. London. Brazil, M A in press. Birding in Japan. Dutch Bi rd in g. Noh, T & Kimura, J C 1983. Japan. A regional geography of an island nation. Tokyo.

Mark A Brazil, 27 Calville Raad, Melton Constabie, Norfolk NR24 200, UK

Twee Siberische Boompiepers te Noordwijk in januari-februari 1991 Willem-Jan Hooijmans


p zaterdagochtend 12 jan uari 1991 maakte ik een wande lin g in Hollands Duin-Boswac hterij Noordwijk, ingang Duindamse Slag, ten noorden van Noordwijk, Z uid holland. Het was ee n overwegend zwaarbewo lkte en regenachtige ochtend met een temperatuur van c 6째C en weinig wind . Terwijl ik op zoek was naar Kruisbekken Loxia curvirostra en Grote Kruisbekken L pytyopsittacus, d ie al enige maanden in het gebied aanwezig waren, werd mijn aandac ht getrokken door een Grote Bonte Specht Oendrocopos major in een naaldboom. Toen ik mijn kijker op de specht geri cht had, zag ik li nks in mijn kijkerbeeld een pieper Anthus met een sterk gev lekte borst en een opva llende wenkbrauw166

streep op een tak van een andere boom aa n de rand van het naaldbos zitten. De vogel vloog uit de boom en daalde op c 15 m afsta nd neer in een kaal kreupelhoutbosje in een open terreingedeelte. Nu wa ren de opva ll ende witte wenkbrauwstreep (vooral achter het oog), de slechts zwakgestreepte bru in achtig groene bovendelen, de witachtige onderdelen met sterk donker gevlekte borst, de w itte buitenste staartpennen en de roze poten goed te zien. Ook was er een zwa rt vlekje op de achteroorstreek zichtbaa r. Ik besefte dat het een Siberisc he Boompieper Anthus hodgsoni moest zijn, een soort die ik ooit eenmaal eerd er gezien had op Texel, Noordholland, in oktober 1987. Ik kon nu echter niet een IDutch Birding 15 : 166-169, augustus 19931

Twee Siberische Boompiepers te Noordwijk in j anuari-februari 7997 duidelijk w it v lekje op de ac hteroorstreek on tdekken maa r mogelijk had het natte verenkleed hi erm ee te maken of was d it kenmerk (aan een kant) minder goed ontwikkeld. Aangezien de vogel met de kop gedee ltelijk ac hter een takje zat kon ik het voo rste gedee lte va n de wenkbrauwstreep niet goed z ien en derhalve de kleur hierva n niet vaststellen. De voge l maakte voortdurend een zee r opva ll ende, bijna overdreven aa ndoende, op- en neergaande beweging met de staart. Korte tijd later v loog de voge l uit het kreupe lhoutbosj e richting grond waa r ik hem helaas niet meer terug kon vinden. Pas geruime tijd later vloog er enkele la-tal len meters verderop in het open terreingedeelte plotseling een pieper over me heen die enkele keren ee n en igszi ns hees tsiet liet horen. Dit was de eerste keer dat ik de vogel hoo rde roepen. Helaas vloog deze weer terug naa r het naa ldho ut en had ik geen tijd om er nog achteraa n te gaa n. Vrijwel direct na thuiskomst bracht ik Jelle va n Dijk en René van Rossum telefonisch van de waarnemi ng op de hoogte en om 13:00 sprak ik de waa rn em ing in op de Dutch Birding-Vogellijn. Helaas kon de voge l die middag en de dagen daarna, onda nks intensief zoeken door meerdere voge laars, ni et meer worden teruggevonden. Wie schetst mijn verbazi ng toen ik op woensdagavond 30 januari door Ab Steenvoorden werd opgebeld met de mededeling dat hij 's middags twee Siberische Boompiepers had waargenomen en gefotografeerd i n precies dezelfde omgeving als waar ik op 12 janua ri één Siberische Boompieper had gezien! Op donderdagochtend 31 j anua ri ging ik al vroeg op zoek; ik had maar gedee ltelijk succes toen ik één exemplaar even hoorde roepen maar niet zag, enkele la-tall en meters ten noorden van de plek waar AS beide voge ls gez ien had. Toen ik op vrijdag 1 februari aa n het ei nd va n de middag wederom het gebied bezocht, kreeg ik beide vogels op c 7 m afstand o ngeveer 10 min lang prachtig te z ien, onder andere naast elkaa r foe ragerend in gras en winterpostelein Claytonia perfo/iata . De voge ls li eten zich in detail bekijken en nu waren bi j beide ook de tweekleurige wenkbrauwstreep en de aa nwez igheid van zowe l een w it als een zwa rt vlekje op de oorstreek goed te z ien. Op zaterd ag 2 februari werd de aa nwezigheid van de twee Siberische Boompiepers op de DBAVogel dag en via de Dutch Birding-Vogellijn bekend gemaakt. Tot groot genoegen van vele la-tallen vogelaars, uit bin nen- en buitenland, bleken de vogels tame lijk plaatstrouw te zijn en

lieten ze zich meestal zeer goed bekijken in een stuk halfopen naa ldbos bestaande uit Oostenrijkse dennen Pin us nigra var nigra, doorsneden met voet- en ruiterpaden waarlangs winterpostelein groeide. Zeker één va n de vogels is ook ges ignaleerd in het naaldbos ten noo rd en van het parkeerterrein, ook daar weer langs een pad waarlangs w interposte lein groe ide (Johan Goudzwaard pers meded). De laatste waa rn em ing was op 8 februari. De matige tot strenge vorst en sneeuwval tijdens de laatste dagen va n het verb lijf van de Siberische Boompiepers hebben waarschijnlijk het foerageren op de grond ern stig bemoeilijkt en dientengevolge de li chamelijke cond itie va n de vogels flink aa ngetast. Op 8 februari werd bi jvoorbeeld waargenomen dat de nog en ig overgebleven voge l niet meer va n de grond wegvloog bij dichte benadering (Arnoud va n den Berg pers meded).

Beschrijving Onderstaande beschrijving is gemaakt aan de hand van aa nteken ingen van Jo han Goudzwaard, Willem-Jan Hooijmans en Ab Steenvoorden en van foto's door René van Rossum. GROOTIE & BOUW Ongeveer even groot als Boompie-

per A trivia lis. Snavel stevig. Nagel van achterteen kort en sterk gekromd. Twee handpennen voorb ij langste terti al uitstekend. KOP Kruin bruinachtig groen met fijne zwarte lengtestreepjes en zwa rte bovenste wenkbrauwbegrenz in g. Korte maar brede wenkbrauwstreep, wit va n boven tot achter oog en geelachtig bruin vóór oog. Oogstreep fijn en zwa rtachti g, kort vóór oog, langer achter oog waar doorlopend tot einde van of iets verder dan wenkbrauwstreep. Geïso leerd wit vlekje onder en achter wenkbrauwstreep en oogstreep en daaronder weer zwa rt vlekje. Oorstreek bruinachtig groen, begrensd door fijne donkere snorstreep, beg innend enkele millimeters va n snavel af en doorlopend tot zwart v lekje in achteroorstreek. Duidelijke zwarte baardstreep ook enkele millimeters van snave l af beginnend en doorlopend tot en co ntact makend met zwarte v lekkin g op borst. Kin w itachti g, keel en mondstreep oranjeachtig geel. BOVENDELEN Mantel, sc houder, rug en st uit bruinachtig groen; mantel en schouder zwak donker gestreept; stu it en bovenstaartdekveren ongestreept. ONDERDELEN Bu ik witac htig en nagenoeg ongev lekt maar flanken en borst oranjeachtig geel en duidelijk zwart gevlekt. Borst zwaa r gevlekt, flank fijn gestreept. VLEUGEL Handpennen, armpennen en tertials zwa rtac htig met bruinachtig groene rand. Grote dekveren zwa rtac htig met bruinachtig groene ra nd en brui nachtig gele toppen. Middelste dekveren zwartacht ig met eveneens bruinachtig gele toppen. Toppen va n grote en middelste dekveren twee lichte v leugelstrepen


Twee Siberische Boompiepers te Noordwijk in januari-februari 1991 vo rmend, bovenste meest contrastrijk. Staartpennen zwartach ti g met bruinachtig groene rand. Buitenvlag van buitenste staartpen wit. NAAKTE DELEN Oog donker. Bovensnavel donker grij sbruin, ondersnavel roze met donkere punt. Poot li chtroze. GELUID Enkelvoudig tsiet in vlucht, hoger en zwakker dan bekende vi uchtroep van Boompieper maar korter en meer afgebeten dan die van Roodkeelpieper A cerSTAART

vinus. GEDRAG Niet bepaald schuw mits voorzichtig benaderd maar indien gea larmeerd we l alert en geregeld naaldbomen in vliegend. Vrijwel voortdurend 'staartpompend', zowe l op grond tijdens foerageren als zittend in boom. VOEDSEL Frequent foeragerend in wi nterpostelein, zich te goed doend aan groene en bru i ne rupsen en andere insectelarven.

Determinatie De determinatie van de Siberische Boompiepers was eenvoudig. De unieke combi nati e van de vri jwel egaa l bruinachtig groene bovendelen, de tweekleurige wenkbrauwstreep, het witte en zwarte vlekje in de oorstreek en de zwaar getekende oranjeachtig ge le borst en fijngestreepte flanken sluiten verwarri ng met elke andere pie-

persoort uit. Ook de beschreven roep past goed op deze soort. Op grond van de slechts zwak gestreepte bovendelen en de (vrijwel) o ngestreepte buik behoorden de Siberische Boompiepers van Noordwijk waarschijnlijk tot de ondersoort A h yunnanensis (Cramp 1988). Winterwaarnemingen in Europa De Siberische Boompieper is een dwaalgast uit Siberië en is in de meeste Westeuropese landen vastgesteld, voornamelijk in het najaar (cf Lewington et al 1991). Het najaar van 1990 bracht een bijzonder groot aantal Siberische Boompiepers naar Westeuropa. Op de Britse Eilanden werden gedurende eind september en oktober tenminste 46 gevallen bekend. Dit betekende in éé n najaar meer dan de helft van het totaal in Groot-Brittannië en Ierland vastgeste lde aa ntal Siberische Boompiepers tot 1990 (Rogers & Rarities Committee 1991-92). In Nederland werd in het najaar van 1990 slechts één geval bekend: een vangst in de Kennemerduinen te Bloemendaal, Noordholland, op 25 oktober; deze vogel bleef in het gebied aanwez ig tot 29 oktober (Eggenhuizen & de Meijer 1991).

101-102 Siberische Boompieper / Olive-backed Pipit Anthus hodgsoni, Noordwijk, Zu idho ll and, 6 februari 199 1

(Arnoud B van den Berg)


Twee Siberische Boomp iepers te Noordw ijk in j anuari-februari 199 1 De vo lgende w interwaa rn emingen in Europa z ijn tot nu toe bekend: 1 Bracknell , Berkshire, Engeland, 19 febru ari - 15 april 1984 (in een voorstedelijke tuin met c 1000 waa rn emers !) (Dymo nd et al 1989); 2 Exnaboe, M ainl and , Schotl and, 3 j anu ari 1988 (Rogers & Rariti es Committee 1989); 3 Rewa, Puckbaa i, Po len, 24 fe bruari 1990 (An onymu s 199 1); 4 Noord w ijk, Z uidho ll and , Nederl and, 12 janu ari -8 februari 199 1; en 5 Cobh , Cork, Ierl and, 23 -24 j anu ari 199 1 (v ijfde voor Ierl and) (Roge rs & Ra riti es Committee 1992). Het geva l va n Noo rd w ijk is extra bijzonder omdat het in tege nstelling tot de ove ri ge w intergeva llen twee voge ls betrof. Bove nd ien bl even de voge ls wekenl ang in het geb ied aa nwez ig in tege nstellin g tot de andere geva ll en, met uitzo nderin g va n de beroemde va n Berkshire. Het is moge lijk dat de voge ls al sinds het naj aa r va n 1990 in het gebied aa nwez ig wa ren. Voorj aa rsgeva ll en z ijn in Euro pa ze ldzaa m maar ko men toc h iets vaker voor da n w intergeva ll en. Het enige Nederl and se voorj aa rsgeva l was te A lph en aa n den Rijn, Zuidho ll and, op 20 april 1988 (va n der Burg & de Knijff 1989) . De waa rn emin g van de Siberi sche Boompiepers in Noord w ijk betekende het vijfde geva l voor Nederl and . Eerdere geva ll en wa ren die va n Texe l va n 20-28 o ktober 1987 (Bouwm an et al 1989), A lphen aa n den Rijn op 20 april 1988, Dintelhaven, Zuidh o ll and, op 30 septembe r 1988 (va n den Berg et al 199 1) en Bloe mend aa l va n 25-29 oktober 1990.

Dankzegging Ik wil Arn oud va n den Be rg, Jo han Goudzwaa rd en Ab Steenvoorden bedanken voor het besc hikbaa r stell en va n gegevens. Verd er w il ik RenĂŠ va n Ross um bedanken voo r het toezenden va n kleurenfoto's va n be ide Siberi sc he Boompiepers welke va n groot be lang wa ren bij het maken van een nauw keuri ge beschrij ving. Een bij zonder woo rd va n dank is ve rsc huldi gd aa n Ab Steen-

voo rd en die op 30 janu ari twee Siberi sc he Boompiepers in het gebi ed te ru gvond waa rdoor ve len in de ge legenheid werde n gesteld ze goed te bekijken.

Summary Two O LIVE-BACKED PIPlTS AT NOORDWIJK IN JANUARYFEBRUARY 1991 O n 12 Janu ary 1991 , an O li ve-bac ked Pi p it Anthus hodgsoni was observed at Noordwijk, Zui d ho ll and . The bird was identified by its obv io us bico loured supercilium, bl ac k-a nd-white spot on earcoverts, wea kl y stri ped brow ni sh-green uppe rpa rts and w hi tish underpa rts w ith heav il y spotted breast and fineIy streaked f lanks, and fli ght ca ll. Des pite t he effort of several b ird ers, the pi p it co ul d not be relocated d uring th e fo ll owi ng days . O n 30 Janu ary, two b irds were fo und to be present, stav in g un til 8 Febru ary w h en they pro babl y succumbed due to severe w inter weather. Thi s sight ing co nsti tuted the fifth reco rd of O li vebac ked Pi p it for th e Netherl ands . Inc lu d in g a record at Cob h, Cork, Ireland, o n 23-2 4 Janu ary 199 1, th ere have now been five w inter records in Europe.

Verwijzingen A no nymu s 199 1. Europea n news. Br Birds 84: 1-12. va n den Berg, A B, de By, R A & CDNA 199 1. Rare b ird s in the Neth erl ands in 1989. D utch Bird in g13 : 4 1-57 . Bo uw man, R G, Hendriks, H M A & Schenk, H R 1989. Siberi sc he Boom pieper op Texe l in oktober 1987 . Dutch Birdin g 11: 61-65. va n der Burg, E & de Knij ff, P 1989. Siberisc he Boompi eper te A lph en aa n den Rijn in april 1988. D utc h Birdin g 11 : 74-76. Cramp, S 1988 . The bird s of the Western Palea rcti c 5. Oxfo rd. Dymo nd, J N, Fraser, P A & Ga ntl ett, S J M 1989. Rare b ird s in Britain and Ireland . Ca lto n. Eggenhui ze n, A H V & de Meij er, F AN 199 1. Sibe ri sc he Boompi eper te Bl oemendaa l in oktobe r 1990 . Du tc h Birdin g 13 : 177- 179. Lew in gto n, I, A istrĂśm, P, & Co lsto n, P 199 1. A field guide to the rare birds of Brita in and Europe . Londen. Rogers, M J & th e Rari t ies Co mmittee 1989-92 . Report o n rare b ird s in G reat Britain in 1988 -9 1. Br Birds 82 : 505-563; 84 : 449-505; 85 : 507-554 .

Willem-Jan Hoo ijmans, Tilbury 146, 2 17 1 NE Sassenheim, Nederland

Corrigendum In the letter on 'A Iuia co lo ur of Blyth 's Reed W arbi er in sprin g' (D utc h Birding 15: 71- 72, 1993, the first name of the autho r was un fo rtun ate ly mi sspe lt. Th e letter was co ntri b uted by Petri Hotto la. We apo log ize for thi s mi stake. ED ITORS


Mededelingen _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Kleine Zwartkop op Rottumeroog in april 1991 In het weeke inde van 19 tot 21 april 1991 waren W il Gerr itse, Ben Nijeboer, Lex Tervelde en JooP Tiemens vogels aa n het va nge n en rin gen op Rottumeroog, Groningen. De nette n waren opgesteld in de 'Tuin va n Toxopeus' en bij 'De Kaap'. Er werden in totaal 43 exemplaren gevangen van 12 soorten. De beste resultaten werden geboe kt op 20 april met 20 vogels waarond er een Heggemus Prunella modu/aris, Graspiepers Anthus pratensis, Roodborsten Erithacus rubec u/a, twee Tapuiten Oenanthe oenanthe, een Tjiftj af Phyllo scopus collybita en een Fitis P trochi/us. Toen WG op die dag om 10:00 weer een ronde door de 'Tuin' li ep, trof hij in een va n de netten een mannetje Kl eine Zwartkop Sy/via me/anocepha/a aan. De voge l werd geri ngd (Arnhem F136132), gemeten, gefotografee rd en weer losge laten. Om 16:15 werd de Kleine Zwartkop opn ieuw geva ngen in een van de netten bij De Kaap. Nadat de voge l weer was losge laten, is hij niet meer aa ngetroffen. De beschrijving is gemaakt aan de hand van de foto's. 103 Kleine Zwa rtkop / Sardin ian Wa rbi er Sy/via me/anocepha/a, Rottumeroog, G ro nin gen, 20 april 199 1 (Wi/ Gerritse)

Bouw van grasmu s Sy/via, ongeveer even groot als Braams luiper S curru ca. KOP Kopkap zwa rt, tot onder oog reikend . Kin en kee l w it, duide lij k gescheiden va n kopkap, geleidelijk overgaa nd in vuil w it va n borst. BOVENDE LEN Vanaf achterhoofd donkergrij s, sc herp afgescheiden va n kopkap . ONDERDELEN Vuil w it. Flank grij s. VLEUGEL Donker bruingrijs met grijze randen aan tertials, binnenste armpennen en vleuge ldekveren. STAART Donker zwa rtgrij s met w itte staa rtz ijden en w itte top aan enkele staartpennen. NAAKTE DELEN Iri s bruinrood. Oogran d fe lrood . Bovensnavel donkergrijs met aan basis lichte hoornk leurige snijrand en met lichte punt. O ndersnavel aan basis hoornk leuri g en met co ntrasterende zeer donkere punt.


De determinatie leverde we ini g probl emen op. De combin atie van grootte, snave lvorm en overwegend grij s verenk leed w ij st op een grasmu s Sy/via. De zwa rte kopkap, de bruinrode iri s en fe lrode oogrand, de grij ze bovendel en en de witte o nderde len passen op een (adu lt) mannetje Kl eine Zwartkop en sluiten andere soorten uit. Een mannetj e MĂŠnĂŠtries' Grasmus S mystacea heeft ee n ste rk ge l ijkend kl eed maa r heeft altijd een oranjerood waas op de o nderd elen en een blekere oranje oogrand. De Kleine Zwartkop broedt in de landen rondom de M iddell andse Zee en op de Canarische Eil anden. Het is overwegend een standvoge l, hoewe l voge ls van sommige (deel)popul aties zuidwaa rts tot in oases in de Sahara trekken (cf Cramp 1992). In landen rond de Noordzee is het een dwaa lgast in voor- en naj aar. De vangst op Rottumeroog betreft het derd e aanvaarde geva l voor Nederland; het eerste betrof ee n overw interend mannetj e va n 14 december 1980 tot en met 22 februar i 198 1 te Amsterdam, Noordholland (te r Haa r & Kramer 1981), en het tweede een mannetj e in de Eemshaven, Gron ingen, op 13 mei 1983 (van Ommen 1984).

Summary 199 1 O n 20 April 199 1, a male Sa rdini an Warb ier Sy/via


m e/anocepha/a was trapped on Rottumeroog, Groningen. Th e bird was ringed and photographed . Thi s co nce rned th e third record of th is spec ies for the Netherland s. The first was a w in tering male in Amsterd am, Noordhol land, in the w inter of 1980/8 1 and the second was a ma le at Eemshaven, Gron ingen, on 13 May



[Ou/eh Birding 15: 170-172, augustus 19931

Mededelingen Verwijzingen Cramp, S 1992. The birds of the Western Palearctic 6. Oxford. ter Haar, G J & Kramer, T 1981. Kleine Zwartkop in

Amste rdam in w inter van 1980/81. Dutch Birding 3: 102-103. van Ommen, E 1984. Kleine Zwartkop te Eemshaven in mei 1983. Dutch Birding 6 : 17-18.

Bert de Bruin, Albertine Agnesplein 8a, 9777 EV Groningen, Nederland

Raddes Boszanger Op Terschelling in oktober 1991 Op 10 oktober 1991 was Terschelling, Friesland, gehuld in dikke mist. Een voorgenomen bezoek aa n West-Terschelling, waar we de voorgaande dagen Bladkoningen Phylloscopus inornatus en een Pallas' Boszanger P proregulus hadden gevonden, werd vanwege de slechte weersomsta ndigheden afgelast. Ter compensatie werd onze thuisbasis Oosterend afgezocht. AI sne l werd duidelijk dat ondanks, of dankzij, de mist de vogelbevolking was veranderd; overa l zaten nu groepjes zangvogels, voornamelijk Goudhanen Regulus regulus. Toen we om 09:00 van het fietspad de Badweg van Oosterend op li epen hoorden we een hard prrrrt. Vrijwel direct zage n we een voge l zitten in een kleine vlierstruik. Gedurende 5 min liet deze zich op korte afsta nd prima bekijken en fotograferen (cf Dutch Bird in g 13: plaat 228, 1991). Opva ll end waren een donkere oogstreep, een brede en ver naar achteren doorlopende wenkbrauwstreep die aan de bovenkant donker begrensd was, stevige li chte poten en tenen, relatief korte v leuge ls en een lange staart en zeemk leurige onderstaartdekveren. Na al deze kenmerken te hebben gezien, waren we er van overtuigd dat we naar een Raddes Boszanger P schwarzi keken. De voge l verdween op een gegeven moment achter een schutting en kon niet worden gevolgd. Na een uur verscheen de vogel op vrijwel dezelfde plaats en kon tot 15 :15 vrijwe l ononderbroken worden bekeken door c 20 voge laars. De beschrijv in g werd gemaakt aan de hand van ve ldnotities en foto's . GROOTTE & BOUW Grote loofzanger met relatief korte v leugels en lange staart; staart afgerond lijkend met inkeping . Vr ij grote kop met opva ll end oog. Snavel stev ig en breed. Poot dik, tenen lang en krachtig. KOP Voo rhoofd en kru in grijsachtig groenbruin, onder bepaalde lichtva l vaag gestreept. Nek groenbru in. Opva ll ende roomkleurige wenkbrauwstreep, tot in nek doorlopend, soms aan eind omhoogbuigend, aan bovenzijde met donkere lijnbegrenz in g; wenkbrauw-

streep voor oog breedst, meer oranjebru in dan ac hter oog, minder sc herp afgetekend. Oogst reep en teugel zwartac hti g, ver naar ac hteren doorlopend en vaag begrensd voor oog, naar snave l toe bleker wordend. Mondhoekborstels donker en goed z ichtbaar. Witac hti ge oogring, all een onder oog. Oorstreek roomkleurig en grijsbru in gevlekt. Kin en keel vu il wit. BOVENDE LE N Mantel, sc houd er en rug egaa l groenbruin. Stuit en bovenstaartdekveren bruiner. ONDERDELEN Borst en buik beige tot roomkleurig met zwakke vlekkerige borstband. Flank donkerder. Onderstaartdekveren zeemk leurig met zwak-oranje tint, soms contrasterend met rest van onderde len . VLEUGEL Donkerbruin. Handpennen met groenachtige randen aan buitenvlaggen. Tertials o lijfbruin, als rug. Toppen van grote vleuge ld ekveren iets li chter dan rest va n dekveren. Vleugelboeg geli g. STAART Donkerbruin. NAAKTE DELEN Iris donkerbruin. Bovensnavel donkerbruin met li chte sni jrand en punt; basale helft ondersnave l rozig, rest donkerbruin met li chte punt. Tarsus v leesk leuri g, tenen geler; nagels grijsbru in. GE LU ID Bij ontdekking hard prrrrt. Verder zw ijgzaam. Na vangen van prooi soms vr ij zacht tja k-tja k. Tevens enke le keer herh aa ld Merel Turdus merula-achtig kjoek te horen. GEDRAG Tijdens verblijf in ligusterhaag met wat vli er en hul st rustig foeragerend, vaak op of net boven grond. Ook foe ragerend waargenomen in kronen van 4.5 m hoge appelboom en esdoorns. Zeer acrobatisch; niet ze ld en hangend aan één poot. Ook 'biddend' in secten vangend . Prooidieren enke le maal geïdentificeerd als bladluis en langpootmug.

Bruine Boszangers P fuscatus kunnen erg variabel zijn; zelfs een brede ver naar achter doorlopende wenkbrauwstreep en oranje of zeemkleurige onderstaartdekveren werden bij deze soort vastgesteld (Leader 1992). De combinatie van de groenachtige tint op de bovenzijde, de ver naar achteren lopende duidelijk donker begrensde brede wenkbrauwstreep (het breedst, meer oranje en vaag voor het oog), de vaag begrensd e teugelstreep die naar de snavel toe bleker werd, de stevige dikke snavel met li chte punt en ondersnavelbasis, de forse li chte poten en de zachte tak-roep sloten Bruine Boszanger uit (cf Lewington et al 1991). In Nederland zij n nu zes aanvaarde geva ll en 171

Mededel ingen

104-105 Radd es Boszanger / Radde' s Warbi er Phylloscopus schwarzi, Oosterend, Tersc heIl ing, Fri es land, 10 oktober 199 1 (A rie Ouwerkerkj

va n Raddes Boszanger bekend waarvan dit de v ijfde was: 9 oktober 1974, Texe l, Noordholland (va ngst) (Voous 1975); 8 o ktober 1977, Castricum , Noordholland (va ngst) (S lings 1979); 5 oktober 198 1, Vlieland, Friesland (vangst) (va n Ij ze ndoorn 1981); 18 oktober 198 1, Maasvlakte, Zuidho ll and (de Knijff & Schenk 1981 ); 10 oktober 199 1, Tersc helling; 12 oktober 199 1, Meij endel, Zuidholl and (va ngst) (va n den Berg et al 1993). Een geva l op de Maasvlakte, Z uidho lland , op 6-8 november 199 0, dat aa nva nkei ijk doo r de CDNA w as aa nvaa rd (va n den Berg et al 1992), is alsnog afgewezen (va n den Berg et al 199 3). De foto 's va n deze voge l too nd en bij nader in zien een Bruine Boszanger. In West- en Noordeuropa is Raddes Boszanger een dwaalgast met tot en met 1988 geva ll en in België (v ier), Denemarken (zeven), Duitsland (v ier), Finland (ac ht), Frankrijk (twee), Groot-Brittanni ë en Ierl and (9 2) , Kanaaleilanden (één), Noorwegen (twee) en Zweden (15) (Lew ington et al 1991).

Summary 1991 On 10 October 1991 , a Radde's Warbier Phylloscopus schwarzi was observed and photographed at OosterRAD DE'S W ARBLER ON TER SCHELLI NG IN OCTOBER

end, Tersch elling, Fri es land. It was identified by the green-brown co lour of the upperparts, the long broad superc ilium bordered by a darki sh lin e, the stron g bill and strong pale legs an d th e ca ll. This obse rvati on co nsti tuted the fifth reco rd for th e Netherl and s. Up to 1992, six records have been accepted. A reco rd in November 1990 has been rejected after rev iew.

Verwijzingen va n den Berg, A B, de By, RA & CDNA 1992 -93 . Rare b ird s in th e Netherl and s in 1990-91. Du tc h Birding 14: 73-90; 15 : 145-159. van Ij ze nd oo rn , E J 198 1. Differences between two Radde's W arblers in Neth erl and s in October 1981. Dutch Birdin g 3: 1l3 . de Knijff, P & Sc henk, R 1981. Raddes Boszanger op de M aasv lakte in october 198 1. Dutch Birding 3: 109-

11 2. Leader, P J 1992 . Variab ility of Dusky Wa rbi er. Dutch Birdin g 14: l37-140. Lewin gton, I, A iström, P, & Co lston, P 199 1. A field guide to th e rare birds of Britain and Europe. Londen. Slin gs, Q L 1979. Een va ngst va n de Raddes Boszanger Phylloscopus schwarzi in Nederl and. Lim osa 52: 155-160. Voou s, K H 1975. Raddes Bosza nger Phylloscopus schwarzi een nieuwe dwaa lgast in Nederl and. Limosa 48: 171 - 173 .

Arie Ouwerkerk, Willem Marisstraat 3,2957 SX Alblasserdam, Nederland 172


- -- ---------------- - - -- -- -----------------------------

Post-juvenile moult and western limit in winter of Brown-headed

Gull Quite often birds occurring out at sea have to be identified by a few salient characters as they pass rapidly by in th e distance. It is therefore surprising often to find features included in published descriptions of rarities th at would normally be difficult to see in the field. In consequence, owing to the application of criteria used for the identification of landbirds, national lists often give a misleading impression of the variety of birds that occur offshore. Since Hoogendoorn (1991 a) dismisses reports of the occurrence of Brown-headed Gulls Larus brunnicephalus off eastern Arabia (Bourne & Bundy 1990) because they 'Iack convincing detail and confusion with first-winter Grey-headed Gull L cirrocephalus can not be excluded ', it may be useful to elaborate on these reports. Three of the four immature Brown-headed Gulls reported by Bourne & Bundy (1990), and other birds noted by W R PBourne at 25 :47N, 56:54 E in the approaches to the Strait of Hormuz on 16 November 1990 (when the heavy, long, pale, dark-tipped bill was noticeable) and in a large flock of Black-headed Gulls L ridibundus off Dubai on 5 january 1991, were seen at distances of 1005 of metres. At these distances they differed from adjacent Black-headed Gulls mainly in their sli ghtly larger size and unmistakeable wing pattern , as shown in photographs in Bourne & Bundy (1990) and van den Berg et al (1991) . This wing pattern is also mentioned in an independent report to the (British) Royal Naval Bird-watching Society of another bird seen by CPatrick at jebel Ali on 16 February 1989 (Cheshire 1991). Although we discussed the possibility of confusion with Grey-headed Gulls (Bourne & Bundy 1990), WRPB hesitated to compare the Brownheaded Gulls seen with that species because he had never seen live birds. WRPB has since seen a film featuring Grey-headed Gull, however, and the birds seen in the Gulf lacked its duskier upperwing as weil as underwing. Peter Ryan (in litt), commenting on the identity of the bird seen at Qatif, eastern Saudi Arabia, reports th at it 'does not really fit Grey-headed Gull - eg, very dark, seemingly black bill, also variation in the [Duteh Bird ing 75: 773路7 76. augustus 7993[

intensity of head colour, black on more than primary tips' WRPB feit confident of these records because he also sawanother bird closelyon 6 january 1988 at 24:44N, 57:07E off eastern Oman which agreed with plate 566 in Harrison (1987) of an immature which had not vet started to moult in February. Other small hooded gulls usually moult much earl ier, replacing all feathers except flight-feathers and carpal bar before migration and then suspending moult until the following year. Young Brown-headed Gulls may sometimes have an anomalous moult because th ey breed at high altitudes in central Asia (Hazevoet 1987), where they presumably have to complete the breeding cycle during a short summer. A5 a consequence, some late-hatched birds may have difficulties finishing the moult of the juvenile plumage before the onset of autumn migration . A5 they encounter better feeding conditions in their winter quarters they tend to resume the postjuvenile moult there. A similar moult strategy is found in Mediterranean L melanocephalus, Sabine's L sabini and Franklin's Gulls L pipixcan (Bourne 1970, Grant 1986). The normal western limit of the range of Brownheaded Gull may be indicated by a report by Smith (1970) that he saw Brown-headed Gulls in the Arabian Gulf off the south coast of Iran as far west as Lavan (Shaikh Sho'ayb) Id, some 250 km east of Bahrain, on 9 March 1970. It does not realIy seem very unlikely th at a few should wander further west into the Gulf. We deduce that they occur there regularly during winter in a proportion of one to several 10005 Black-headed Guiis. The old record by Barnes (1893) from Ad en also deserves some credit because, firstly, he presumably belonged to the Indian Army and would know them weil; secondly, he collected the birds with Black-headed Guiis; and, thirdly, while it was then unusual to publish even as much detail as his comment on their large size, contemporaries doubtlessly knew both him and the species weil and accepted the report. This is much more than can be said for Meinertzhagen (1954), who regularly questioned perfectly reasonable records by other people while putting forward preposterous ones himself. Still, it would be useful to rediscover Barnes' specimens, if anyone should come across them. In view of the records of Grey-headed Gull at 173

Brieven Ei lat, Israe l, in March-April 1989, April-M ay 1989 and August-September 1989 (cf Shi rih ai 1992), it seems quite poss ibl e th at th is spec ies maya lso wander north for an eve n greater distance along both coasts of Africa but this should not take it to the Gu lf. It is notabi e that the firstyear bi rd in plate 3 in Shiriha i (1992) shows a much narrowe r white patch in the tip of a much less heav il y marked wing than the photographs of young Brown-headed Gu ll s in van den Berg et al (199 1). The first-w inter birds seen by WRPB in the Gulf (see sketch in Bourne & Bundy 1990) resembi ed th e Brown-headed Gu ii s. References Barnes, H E 1893 . On the birds of Aden. Ibis 6(5): 5783, 1 65- 1 81 . van den Berg, A B, Hoogendoorn, W & Mu ll arney, K 199 1. Wing and tail moult in first-year Brownheaded G ull s w in ter in g in Th ail and. Dutch Birdin g 13: 58-63.

Bourne, W R P 1970. Field characters an d British statu s of Mediterranean Guiis . Br Birds 63: 91-93. Bourne, W R P & Bund y, G 1990. Records of Brownheaded Gu ll Larus brunnicephalus and Grey-headed Gul l L. cirrocephalus arou nd Arabia. Sandgrouse 12: 37-42. Cheshi re, N 1991. Notes o n seab ird repo rts received in 1990. Sea Swa ll ow 40: 2 1-37 . Grant, P J 1986 . G ull s: a guid e to identificat io n. Second edition. Calton. Harrison , P 1987. Seabird s of the world: a photographic guide. London. Hazevoet, C J 1987. Breeding range of Brow n-hea ded Gu ll . Dutch Birding9: 176-177. Hoogendoorn, W 199 1a. Western border of non breeding range of Brown-headed Gu ll . Dutch Birding 13: 102-103. Meinertzhagen, R 1954. Birds of Arab ia. Ed in burgh. Shirih ai, H 1992. Grey-headed Gul ls in Israe l and th eir id entificatio n. Dutch Birding 14: 1-6. Smith, R A 1970. Sea-report - Feb to Mar 1970 . Gu lf Bird watch Newsl 9/37 .

W R PBourne, Oepartment of Zo%gy, University of Aberdeen, UK Craham Bundy, 7 Cu /ver, Ing/eside, Net/ey Abbey, Southampton 503 SC}, UK

Ted Hoogend oorn, Ki lli an Mu ll arney and Arno ud va n den Berg (in li tt) have commented as fo ll ows : ' It mi ght surpr ise some readers of Dutch Birding th at obse rvers w ho have been arou nd as long as WRPB and GB have such a poor apprec iati o n of the most fundamenta l princip les in the recording of rare bi rd s and the purpose of ra ri ties comm ittees. Claims of spec ies outside the ir known no rmal range should be supported by reli ab le and concl usive evid ence of identificatio n. It is the respons ibili ty of nati ona l rarities com mittees to ensure th at o nl y those reco rds w hi ch meet thi s req uirement are admitted to the ir nation al li sts . Many reade rs, however, w ill not be too surpri sed by WRPB 's appa rent d isrega rd fo r such pr in cipl es sin ce this is by no mea ns the f irst time he has exposed hi s shortcom ings on matters relati ng to bird identificat ion in the pages of w idely read' jou rn aIs. We qu ite agree w ith th e opening statement of WRPB's and GB's letter th at birds occurr in g at sea ofte n have to be identifi ed by a 'few sa l ient characters' but in the case of many rar iti es th ese may not be di agnostic and identifi cati on is then open to doubt. Thu s, an observer positioned on the western European seaboa rd may confidentl y id entify a di sta nt, heavylook in g, short-ta il ed sk ua w ith co nsp icuo us w ingflashes as a Great Skua Stercorarius skua. Howeve r, he sho uld not expect a cla im of South Po lar Skua 5 maccorm icki to be taken seriousl y unl ess it is supported by evidence of much more cr iti ca I observation. Of co urse, the degree of difficu lty in identify in g seab irds depend s o n the spec ies co nce rned and th e circum stan ces of the


observation but th e suggesti o n by WRPB and GB th at some rariti es comm ittees see m to require seab ird record s to be supported by 'criteria used for id entification of landbird s' so und s more li ke a sour reaction to WRPB hav ing had hi s ow n sty le of superficial obse rvation deemed inadeq uate. There ca n be little do ubt th at identifi cati o n of seab ird s at sea prov ides so me of the most chall enging, sometimes imposs ib le, identifi cation tests. Surely suc h d ifficulti es do not ju stify any lowerin g of the standard of evid ence req uired to substa ntiate cl aim s of difficultto-identify spec ies? The main prob lem w ith identifyin g many spec ies of seab ird is usuall y the d ifficulty in obtainin g adequ ate v iews . In poo r o r margin al view ing co ndition s, when criti ca l observation m ay not be possible, there is a natural tendency to suggest co nj ectural identification s based on un avo id ab ly subjective impress ions of size, stru cture, mode of fli ght and possib ly inacc urately obse rved plu mage features. Neverth eless, even poor views may be adequ ate for identifi catio n, especiall y w hen an observer is ve ry familiar w ith the spec ies co nce rn ed and others w hi c h mi ght be mi sta ken for it. Claim s of rare sea bird s wh ich are based on incompl ete views, o r w hi ch come from observers w ho displ ay li ttle app reciation of the releva nt identificati o n pitfall s, w ill often not meet a rariti es co mmittee's min imum req uirement for acceptance. In ou r op ini on, WRPB 's and GB's cla im s of Brow n-h eaded Gulls off eastern Arabia (Bo urn e & Bundy 1990) are seri o usly in adeq uate in this respect. Furthermore, th eir analys is of th e identifi cati o n problem, together w ith th e letter

Brieven above, revea ls a profound lack of understandin g of even the most basic aspects of plumage topograph y, moult strateg ies in gulls and, co nseq uentl y, the id entificat ion pitfall s w hi ch mu st be cons id ered w ith any claims of Brown-headed G ull s away from their normal range. Accord ing to Hoogend oo rn (1991 a), it see ms poss ibl e that Brown-headed Gu ll could occur in the reg ion but, since co nfu sio n w ith other spec ies, particularl y in first-year plum ages, eg, G rey- headed Gu ll is not unlikely (cf Shirih ai 1992), convin cing documentation is abso lutel y necessa ry. Even w hen docum entation is extensive, as in the Ei lat case (S hirihai et al 1987), claim s ma y be open to co nsiderab le doubt (Hoogendoorn 199 1 b). Poss ibl y, th e description of the bird observed by CPatrick at Jebel A li mention ed by Cheshire (1991 ) is convin c ing. Kennerley (1990) stressed that Brown-headed Gu ll ca n be exceptionall y difficult to loca te in a flock of rest ing Black-headed Gu ll s. In fli ght, separation of Brow n-h eaded Gu ll from Bla ckheaded Gul l is eas ier but parti cularl y the darkestmarked first-w inter Black- headed Gu ll ca n be mi staken for Brown-headed Gull (WH pers obs), or the still darker Grey-headed Gull (cf G rant 1986, p 195) . If WRPB states havin g observed a Brown-headed Gu ll at close range o n 6 January 1988 off eastern Oman, he appea rs to ha ve m issed a chance to doc ument the reco rd properl y . Th e unu sual moult in first-year Brown-h eaded Gu ll s w in ter ing in Thail and (va n den Berg et al 1991) was not give n a name because we fe it its true character was st ill unclear. WRPB and GB refer to it as a post-ju ven il e moult, w hi ch it clearly is not. The brown ish head and body-feathers characteri sti c of ju ve ni Ie Brown-h eaded Gu ll and close ly related spec ies (D w ight 1925, lI ' ichev & Z ubakin 1988), w ill have already bee n rep laced around August and September, lon g before the w inter mo ult comm ences, rough ly aro und January . WRPB and GB indi cate that th e post-juveni le moult of other sma ll hooded gull s includes many w in g-coverts and th e who le tai l by stating that th ey rep lace 'a ll feath ers except fl ight-feathers and carpal-bar before migration' . This is cl ea rl y am istake, sin ce in Western Pal ea rct ic sma ll hood ed gull s no more than a few, if any, w in gcoverts are rep laced in the post-ju venil e moult (C ramp & Simmons 1983, Grant 1986) and usuall y no tailfeathers. Furthermore, th e w inter moult w hi ch so me Brown-headed Gu ll s und ergo, often includes a number of second ari es . Contra ry to the sta tement by WRPB and GB, no ne of th e other gull spec ies mention ed have a simil ar moult strategy to th at w hi ch we described for so me Brown-headed Gu ii s. W e d iscussed the possibi lity of th e anomalous moult in first-yea r Brown-headed Gu ll being rel ated to the short breedin g season at hi gh alti tudes in ce ntraI As ia but decided not to include it in the paper sin ce we fai led to find a co nvin cing ex plan ation. Obvious ly, WRPB and GB fail ed as we il but we note w ith in credulity th e mann er in wh ich they forwa rd thi s theory as that it we re fact. Evidence, it seems, is not all that important to WRPB and GB.

Without do ubt th e most revea li ng statement in WRPB and GB's letter is th e ca reless reference to Brown-headed, Mediterranean, Sabine's and Franklin 's Gu ll s all hav in g a simil ar moult strategy and citing Bourne (1970) and Grant (1986) as references. Th e error in thi s statement ha s already bee n pointed out and we ca n on ly co nclude th at WRPB and GB have not actua ll y studi ed th e authoritative wo rk th ey refer to. Bourne (1970) is in fact the third part of a pol emi c between WRPB and the late P J G rant over the id enti ficati o n of Med iterranean G ull s, fo ll ow in g a pioneer in g articl e on the subj ect by Grant & Scott (1967). WRPB's sarcastic and perso nali zed attack o n the wo rk of Grant and Scott appears to have been prompted by hi s di sgust at hav in g had a c laim of a bri efly see n Mediterranea n Gul l (at the time a British rarity) queried, and then rejected, by th e Briti sh rarities committee (Bo urn e 196 8), and was more successful in revea ling hi s own shortco min gs as an observer th an in scorin g po in ts over hi s v ictim s. So stron g and unju st ifi ed we re hi s words th at Grant (1968) had no choi ce but to denounce WRPB's poor leve l of und ersta nding of plum age topograph y and field characters of Med iterranean Gu ll and other species w ith w hi c h it ca n be co nfu sed. The third part of the exchange (Bourne 1970) was even more irrelevant as fa r as identification matters are concerned. Fortun ate ly, the di spute end ed there but the w hol e ep isode sho uld be an embarrassment to WRPB, especiall y over 20 yea rs later w hen the mi sco nception s on w hi ch hi s arguments we re based are so o bvio us to us all. Makin g deli berate reference to Bourne (1970), in co mb in atio n w ith Grant (1986), is abso lutely d isgraceful an d we fee I obli ged to protest in the stron gest term s.' EDITORS

Additional references Bourn e, W R P 1968. Th e w in g-tip patterns of gull s. Br Bird s 61: 138-141. Cramp, S & Simm ons, K E L (ed ito rs) 1983 . The bird s of the W estern Palea rcti c 3. Oxford. Dwight, J 1925. The gull s (Larid ae) of the wo rld; their plumages, moults, variation s, re lationsh ips and di stribution . Bull Am Mus Nat Hi st 52 : 63-408. Grant, P J 1968 . The w in g-tip patterns of gull s (co mments on Bourne 1968). Br Birds 61: 141-143. Grant, P J & Scott, R E 1967. Identifi cati o n of imm ature Med iterranean Gu ll s. Br Birds 60 : 365-368. Hoogendoorn, W 1991b . Record of Brown-headed Gu ll in Israe l in May 1985. Dutch Birdin g 13: 104106. lI'i chev, V 0 & Z ubakin , V A (editors) 1988. Ptitsy SSSR : chaikovye. Moscow. Kenne rl ey, P R 1990. Reli ct G ull at Ma i Po: th e first reco rd fo r Hong Ko ng. Ho ng Kong Bird Rep 1989: 80-9 1. Shi rih ai, H , Jon sso n, A & Sebba, N 1987. Brownheaded Gu ll in Israe l in May 1985 . Dutch Birding 9: 120- 122 .



Whiskered Terns wintering in France In his paper on the wintering of two Whiskered Terns Chlidonias hybridus in Flevoland, the Netherlands, in the winter of 1991/92, van den Berg (1992) mentioned only one winter record of this species for France (one to four in the winter of 1972/73 in the Camargue, Bouches-duRhöne) . In fact, more winter records are reported in the literature for the southern part of France. For the Camargue, Blondel & Isenmann (1981) mention records in january 1973, December 1976, December 1977 and january 1978. The maximum seems to be 10 birds on 27 December 1977 near Arles, Bouches-du-Rhöne. More recently, Walmsley (1991) quotes the following observations: at Étang de Marette, Lunel, Hérault, one bird was seen on 16 December 1980, seven on 29 january 1981 and five on 7 February. The next winter, eight birds were present at the same site on 18 january 1982 and three on 16 February. At Étang de l'Or, Hérault, nine birds were seen on 8 December 1984. Even more interest-

ing was the wintering of 26 birds, again at Étang de l'Or, during the mild winter of 1991/92 (Dubois & Rouge 1992). At this locality, 85 birds were seen as early as 29 March 1992. Lastly, during the winter of 1992/93, dozens of Whiskered Terns wintered at Étang de l'Or again: 20 birds on 14 November 1992, 80 in january 1993 and 120-130 on 8 February 1993 (V Ruffray in litt), some birds probably coming from the Petite Camargue, Gard. One bird was at Étang de Campignol, Aude, on 10 january 1993. Because of the many ponds and lagoons along the French Mediterranean coast and the low number of birders in this area, the wintering of this species in southern France may be partly overlooked. References van den Berg, A B 1992. Twee Witwangsterns in Flevoland in winter van 1991/92. Dutch Birding 14: 214218. Blondel & Isenmann, P 1981. Guide des oiseaux de Camargue. Neuchätel. Dubois, P J & Rouge, R 1992. Kobez, guifettes et Cie. Oiseau Mag 28: 50-51. Walmsley, J G 1991. In: D Yeatman-Berthelot, Atlas des oiseaux de France en hiver, Paris.

Philippe J Oubois, 2 rue Mozart, 92000 Nanterre, France

Mystery photographs _ _ _ _ __ 52

The rufous and sandy-brown colours of the last mystery bird (Dutch Birding 15: 74, 1993) offer a variety of possibilities, three of which can be eliminated after closer inspection: Isabelline Shrike Lanius isabellinus (which has a stouter bili), Rufous-tailed Scrub-robin Cercotrichas ga/actotes (which has a characteristically marked tail with a white tip and a black subterminal bar) and female Common Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus (which has the centra I rectrices dark and only the outer rectrices rusty-red). But with the last two guesses we would at least be in the right family, the th rushes, to which the bird obviously belongs. There is one member for which the uniform reddish-brown tail and the whole structure look perfect and, of course, the first idea should be Rufous Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos. Nevertheless, there are two European sibling species with such a striking tail. The second 176

possibility is Thrush Nightingale L /uscinia. However, compared with Rufous, Thrush Nightingale usually shows darker, olive- to earth-brown upperparts and a slightly darker, less reddish tail which contrasts more with the darker brown uppertail-coverts (concolorous in the mystery bird). One other minor difference between both species is visible: seven equally spaced primary tips instead of the usual eight in Thrush Nightingaie. 50, the mystery photograph shows a Rufous Nightingale. Before we start pondering on aberrant pIumages, let us have a look at the different subspecies. L m megarhynchos occurs in the western part of the species' range . The Caucasus and Iran are inhabited by L m africana. The latter averages slightly longer-tailed and less rufous than L m megarhynchos. The central Asian L m hafizi, however, is very distinct. Compared with L m megarhynchos, the tertials, greater coverts and [Dutch Birding 15: 176·177, augustus 19931

Mystery photographs

106 Rufous Nightingale / Nachtegaa l Luscinia megarhynchos hafizi, Ju bayl, North-Eastern Province, Saudi Ara bi a, 27 Apr il 1991 (Arnoud B van den Berg)

Mystery photograph 53. Solution in next iss ue.

even the primaries of L m hafiz i show an obv iou s whitish fringe, it has paler whitish underparts and a distinctive pale supercilium. It also has longer wings (84-99 in stead of 76-91 mm) and, espec ially, tail (74-90 instead of 58-76 mm). In fact, it is often eas ier to teil L m hafiz i from L m megarhynchos th an to identify Thrush Nightingale! For more info rm ation on the identifi cation of Rufous

and Thrush Nightingales, see Limi cola 7: 57-76 (field characters); 77-86 (vo ice), 1993 . Th e mystery photograph shows a migrant L m hafiz i trapped durin g sprin g migration in Saudi Arabia. This subspecies of Rufous Nightingale has been recorded in Britain (30 Octobe r 1971) and Sweden (18 October 1964).

Peter H Barthel, Thiep latz 6A, OT Hollenstedt, 37 154 Northeim, Cermany

RecensĂŽes ________________________ L JONssON 1992. Birds of furope with North Africa and the Middle fast. Chri stopher Helm, A & C Bl ack, London. 559 pp. ISBN 0-7136-8096-2. CBP 25 .00. In the late 705, Lars Jonsson ca used so mething of a stir among birders w ith f ive books about birds in their hab itats. From Birds of garden and park to the so ughtafter Birds of the Alps and the Mediterranean a gradua l evolution in hi s style took place from 'sketchy' to

IOuteh Birding 15 : 177- 17 9, augustus 19931

detailed pe rfection . This se ri es proved to be an exce llent gu ide to identi ficat ion and a comb ined publicati on was long awa ited for. Some 10 years have passed since but the final res ult is a treasure trove . Birds of furope cove rs all but a few of the Western Palearctic breed ing spec ies and includes informati on on all regularl y enco un tered vagra nts. 40 entire ly new plates are ad ded to 40 revised and 160 origin al ones . A lthough the English title suggests a classic field


Recensies guide and the geographi ca l scope and the numbe r of spec ies treated could va lidate t h is, the se ri es was never inte nded as such. The ori gin al boo ks aimed to illu strate bird s in their natura l surro undin gs, not in sta ndard pos itions in a steril e background. Thi s di stincti on between a cl ass ic f ield guide and a boo k about b ird s in their natura l habitats is important to understand l ars Jonsso n's message ri ghtly. Bird s co nstantl y change in their appearance depending on the t ime of the day, background, li ght co nditions, age and moult, simpl y beca use they are cove red w ith feat hers w hich shape their body . Few illu strators ca n ri va l l ars Jonsso n's feeling fo r feathers, co lour and li ght. During many close encounters in the field, I have found again and aga in co lours, habi tat settin gs, li ght, plum age va ri ati on and fli ght action prec ise ly ca ptured in hi s pi ctures . Th erefore, I wo uld have preferred a translation of th e ori gin al Swedi sh titl e as Lars j onsson's birds w hi ch gives more credi t to hi s uni que style (a nd I hope th e Dutch publi sher w ill take up thi s suggesti on). The aim to prod uce a concise field gui de sets limits to its size and ca used so me min or shortcomin gs. Th e ori ginal id ea of illu stratin g bird s in t heir habitats has suffered so mewhat and res ulted in a few ' sty li stic cl as hes'. For example, on p 379 a W axwing Bombycil/a ga rru/us on a treetop is shown together w ith D ipper Cin c/us cinc/us in a w hite background. Even wo rse is p 503 w here Snowfinches M ontifringilla niva/is on a mounta in slope are fo rced togeth er on one page w ith three Afri ca n exoti cs! Some readers w ithout th e ori ginal books mi ght be surpri sed to find some of th e ea rl y, smooth illu strations among the detail ed feathery deli ghts of late. Birds of Europe co ntain s many new plates w ith diffj cult and fa r-away species, w hi ch w ill be hi ghl y appreciated by tw itchers, but suffer fro m the aforementioned 'fi eld -guide sterility'. I hope th e next ed ition w ill be more co nsistent in sty le and w ith less comp romi ses to the class ic field guide approac h. But thi s does not refrain me from say in g: ru sh to the nea rest bookshop and buy it! TOM M VAN DER HAVE

For in sta nce, onl y o ne O ri ental Pl over Charadrius veredus and not a single little Curlew N umenius minutus (two much so ught-after spec ies) we re observed in Hong Kong in 199 1 and Spoon-bi lied Sandpi pers Eurynorh ynchus p ygmeus we re seen on va ri ous dates between 4 and 11 A pril and between 2 and 12 May. Short pa pers deal w ith va ri ous surveys and bird ringin g. 12 papers document record s of bird s new to Hong Kong in 199 1, incl udin g 10 Category A spec ies and three Category 0 spec ies ('spec ies w hi ch have occ urred in an apparentl y w ild state but fo r w hich the poss ibility of escape or release fro m ca ptivity ca n not be satisfactoril y excluded'). Due to the very extensive bird trade in Hong Kong, many species have to be pl aced in Category 0 although some ca n later be transferred to Category A. Th e prob lems fac in g the Hong Kong Rari ti es Committee in thi s respect are even wo rse th an the probl ems experi enced by European ra riti es committees ! A ll articl es pay extensive attention to th e identificati on of th e species in vo lved and of poss ibl e co nfu sion species. Highli ght of thi s yea r's report, however, is the impress ive paper by Peter Kennerl ey and Paul l eader on the identi ficati on of small Acro cepha/us wa rbl ers, illu strated by A lan Harri s and by numerous (in-th e-hand) photograph s. All Eastern Palearcti c spec ies receive th orough treatm ent, includin g detail s on taxonomy, plumage, bare parts, stru ctu re, mou It, range and statu s. Th e paper end s w ith a summary of useful identificati on criteri a and two di stributi on maps. A short paper on the Russet Bu sh-wa rb ler Bradypterus seebohmi in Chin a and three short notes co mpl ete the 199 1 report. Thi s report co mbin es a wea lth of inform ation w ith a very hi gh standard of produ ct ion (for in stance, I could not find a single typin g error or oth er fl aw) . It is a mu st for every birder w ho pl ans to visit Hong Kong or w ho has already v isited thi s magic birdin g pl ace. It is also hi ghl y recommended to anyone w ith a special interest in Palearcti c and As ian bird s. ENNO B EBEl S

V B PieKEN (EDITOR) 1992 . The Hong Kong bird report 199 1. The Hong Kong Birdwatc hing Society, G PO Box 12460, Hong Kong. 208 pp. ISSN 1017-111 8. Ava il abl e from: SAnstruther, Barl avington Estate 3, Petworth, W est Sussex GU28 Ol G, UK. GB P 11.45 (p & pl.

R SANDBERG 199 2. Europea n bird names in fifteen /anguages. An se r Suppl ement 28 . lund. 212 pp. ISBN 9 186 572 -1 5-6. SEK 95 .00.

Th e 199 1 Hong Kong bird report represents a new mil estone fo r thi s very interestin g annu al publi cati on. Compa red w ith th e 1990 report, the number of pages is almost the sa me but th e numbe r of co lour photog raph s has in creased from 20 to 45. To underline thi s development, the bi rd report now shows a new full-co lour cover. Thi s achievement is even more impress ive if one co nsiders that the first co lour photograph s we re pu b li shed as recently as the 1989 report. Li ke last yea r's report, it sta rts w ith monthl y sum maries, fo ll owed by a systemati c li st of all spec ies recorded in Hong Ko ng in 1991. Thi s li st enabl es the reader to so rt out all kind s of interestin g in fo rm ation.


Dit hand za me boe kj e va n Skanes O rni to log iska Fรถrenin g levert va n all e 832 W estpa learctisc he soorten de Deense, D ui tse, En gelse, Fin se, Franse, Ho ngaarse, Itali aanse, Nederl and se, Noorse, Pool se, Portu gese, Spaanse, Ijsland se en Zweedse voge l namen. A ll e namen staa n per soort onder de wetensc happelijke naam gerangschikt waa rbij de systemati ek va n de Voous' lij st is gevo lgd. V ia een doo rd acht nummeringsysteem en een aparte alfabetisc he index voo r iedere taa l z ijn va n alle soorten de ve rsc hillende namen snel op te zoeke n. Men lijkt erin geslaagd voor ieder taalgebi ed perso nen te v inden di e met de meest recente inz ichten over naamgevin g op de hoogte wa ren (voor het Nederl and se taalgebi ed Ruurd Jorritsma) . Dit boe k is een uitkomst voor iedereen die regelm ati g met voge-

!Dutch Birding 75: 745-000, augustus 7993!

Recensies laars uit versch ill ende landen op stap is en daarbij lijdt onder Babylonisc he spraakverwa rrin gen. Het is direct te bestellen bij de auteur of bij SkOF, Ekologi hu set, 223 62 Lund, Zweden. ARNOUD B VAN DEN BERG

BIRDWATC H. Solo Publishing, London. ISSN 09671870. Monthl y journ al, 76 fUIl co lour A4 pages . An nual subscription UK GBP 23 .50, other European co untries GBP 34.00. BIRDWATC H is one of th e yo ungest bird magaz ines in Britain and su rely the most upwardl y mobi le. In the harsh climate of a severe recession, the sma ll ed itorial staff fou nd a fertil e market for its many good ideas w hich deserves the hi ghest respect. Starting with six iss ues in 1992, it now monthly hits the mailbox w ith 76 fu ll -co lour pages. BIRDWATCH co ntain s a bew ilderin g variety of regulars and features, w hich seem to increase with every issue, but all revea ling a clear touch of profess ional journalism. A lthough primarily aimed at a Bri tis h and Irish readership, the scope and var iety of subjects is very readable stuff for co ntinen tal

birders too. In my op ini on, BIRDWATC H gives the best overview of the current state of birding in th e British Isles and I wou ld not be su rprised if it wou ld set out so me new future directions too. Every iss ue contains thorough papers on identification, photography and birding related equipment, together w ith co nservation news, rarity news, popular abstracts from scientific literature, several competiti ons w ith glitterin g pri zes (not on ly fo r feather frea ks) and reports on good birdwatc hing sites in the Western Palearctic. A BIRDWATCH spec iality is the regu lar 'My Local Patch ' in w hic h various authors give a personal accou nt of a frequently visited area c lose to their homes. Birders who li ke to put their fascination in a w ider perspective w ill va lue A nthony McGeehan's co lumn as b ig fun. His sometimes typically Irish views are now comp lemented by the new co lumn 'Bill Odd ie looks back' by Bi ll Odd ie, an author w ho needs no further introd uction. To co nc lude, BIRDWATCH is an excellent, professionall Y made jou rn aI and currently one of the best to keep yo u updated w ith mainstream birdwatching in Brita in. TOM M VAN DER HAVE

DBA-nieuws __________ DBA-vogelweek op Texel in oktober 1993 Hoewe l de roep van de andere Waddeneil anden momenteel luider lijkt te klinken dan oo it, wordt de enige echte DBAvoge lweek dit jaar toch op Texe l, Noordho ll and, gehouden, en wel va n zate rdag 16 oktober tot en met zo nd ag 24 oktober 1993. A ll e voge laars kunn en aan deze week deelnemen. Voor onderd ak moet men ze lf zo rgen . Aan de keuze voo r Texel li gt een aantal redenen ten grond slag. De twee belangrijkste: het is de gemeente waa r de meeste nieuwe soorten voo r Nederland z ijn ontdekt, en aa nkomen op en ve rtrekken van het eiland is vergeleken met de andere Waddeneil anden een fluitje van een cent. Het is de bedoeling dat overdag het ei land intensief uitgekamd wordt op bijzondere soorten. De aanwez igheid daarvan za l zo snel mogelijk bekend worden gemaakt op het informati ebord bui ten bij cafĂŠ- restaurant 'De Toren', tegenover de vuurto ren va n De Cocksdorp. Voor een drietal avonden is het Eierlandse Huis, Klimopstraat 33, De Cocksdorp, voo r de DBA gereserveerd . Het programm a voor de lez in g op zaterdag 16 oktober is nog niet bekend. Op maandag 18 oktober za l een 'mystery-bird competitie', gepresenteerd door Arnoud va n den Berg, de aa nwez ige geesten wat opfrissen en voorzien van informatie die de rest va n de

[Ou/eh Birding 15: 179, augustus 1993[

wee k hard nod ig kan zi jn . Voor woensdag 20 oktober staat een heuse 'big day' op het programma. Deelnemende teams (va n twee of drie perso nen) kun nen zic h vooraf telefonisch opgeven bij G ij sbert van der Bent (01718-13606) of kunnen dat tot dinsdag 19 oktober nog op Texel doen. Voor een deelnameformuli er met spelregels wo rdt gezorgd. De bedoeling is, naast het wedstrijdelement, dat het ei land op die dag nog intensiever wo rdt uitgeplozen . 's Avonds worden de resultaten besproken en de w innaars bekend gemaakt. Voor de beste teams z it er zeer waarsc hijnlijk we l een prijsje in het vat. Arnoud va n den Berg za l daarna aan de hand van dia's wat verte llen over 'big days' eld ers in de wereld, met name die in New Jersey, VS. Aan dit giganti sc he evenement, waa rva n de w in sten ten goede komen aan vogelbesc herming, heeft Arnoud dit jaar meegedaan. De avon den beginnen alle om 20:00. Gezien de ' incidenten' b ij de Kleine Zwartkop in de Texelse tuintjes dit voorj aar, die door Staatsbosbeheer op Texe l hoog z ijn opgenomen, wo rdt iedereen verzoc ht de op het eil and geldende regels en voorsc hri ften te eerbied igen en de eil andbewoners niet on nodig tegen zich in het harn as te jagen door bijvoorbeeld zonder toestemm ing privĂŠ-grondgebied te betreden.


WP reports This review of recent reports of rare and interesting birds in the Western Palaearctic refers mainly to MayJune 1993 and focuses on north-western Europe. Additional inform ati on about not-so- recent repo rts is in cluded as we il. Some reports of spec ies outside the WP are also mentioned. The reports are large ly unchecked and their pub li cation here does not impl y future acceptance by the records comm ittee of the relevant country. A White-billed Diver Gavia adamsii was seen at Loc h of Harray, Orkney, Scotland, on 15 june. The Piedbilled Grebe Podilymbus podiceps at Stithians reservoir, Co rn wa ll , England, stayed into jul y. Another individu al, at Druridge Pools, Northumberl and, England, remained until at least 31 jul y (cf Dutch Birding 15: 82, 136, 1993) . The traditional Black-browed Albatross Oiomedea melanophris w hi ch arri ved o n 7 April at Hermaness, Unst, Shetland, Scotl an d, was still present in late jun e. Possibly, this bird was first seen in a gannetry on Vestmannaeyjar, Ice land, in Jul y 1966 and the n summering in the gannetry at Bass Rock, Lothian, Scotland, in 1967-69 before transferring to summerin g at Herm aness from 1972. A 19th centu ry female returnin g an nu all y to Mykineshólmi, Faeroe Islands, su rvived eve n lo nger in the Western Palearctic, from at least 1860 to 11 May 1894, w hen it was shot (D Bloch & S S0rensen, 1984, Check li st of Faroese birds, Tórshav n). A Streaked Shearwater Ca lonectris leucomelas was seen on every pelagic trip off Eilat, Israe l, sin ce 1 May. During March, at least two pairs of Magnificent Frigatebirds Fregata magnificens were see n at the so uthern end of Boa Vista, Cape Verdes. The fifth Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus fo r Norway was a male trapped at T0nsberg, Vestfold, on 11 jun e. In Bayern, Great White Egrets Egretta alba bred for th e first time in Germany, close to th e loca lity where Littl e Egrets E garzetta we re breeding in 1992. At Neusiedlersee, Burgenland, Austria, a record 453 pairs of Great White Egrets we re breeding in 1993. In Turkey, a new co lony of c 750 Greater Flamingos Phoenicopterus ruber w ith some nests was found aro und an island at Acigöl on 3 jun e. One Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus at Kizilirmak delta on 30 May was the latest eve r recorded in Turkey. On 13 April , a male Baikal Teal Anas formosa was reported from Berg, Dal arn a, Sweden. From 11 April , a male Garganey A querquedu/a was present at Ca mpbe ll River, Vancouver Island, British Co lumbi a, Ca nada. The first one for O ntari o, Canada, was a male near Ottawa on 20-23 April and the seco nd record invo lved anoth er male o n Pelee Island on 10-15 May. Th e species' first co nfirmed breeding for Northern Ireland invo lved a brood of five chi cks found on 10 jul y. During March-April, up to 10 Marbied Ducks Marmaronetta angustirostris we re present at Embalse de Los Molinos, Fu erteventura, Ca nary Island s. At Dungeness, Kent, England, one 'of unknown origin' was seen on 3


May. Th e first Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis for Shetland was a male at Loc h of Spiggie on 9-13 May. In MarchApril, 42 King Eiders Somateria spectabilis and at least eight Stelle r's Eiders Polysticta stelleri were reported from so uthern Swed en. An adult male King Eider stayed from 16 j anua ry until at least 14 February at Sassnitz on Rügen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany . On 9 April, one was seen on Christians0, Denmark. In the Netherland s, the female discovered o n 24 March on Texe l, Noordholland, was seen until 20 May. During jun e, at least two males were staving in Gra mpian, Scotland . At Varangerfjord, Finnmark, Norway, two Spectacled Eiders 5 fischeri were rumoured to have passed by on 8 june. Fo ur White-headed Ducks Oxyura leucocepha la at Nartes, so uthern A lbani a, o n 23 February we re the first known to w inter in this co untry since 1935 . In Bulgari a, 130 w intered o n the Bourgas Lakes. For the first time sin ce c 120 years, a Red Kite Milvus milvus hatched in Highland in mid-july 1992 surv ived its first w inter, representin g a resu lt of the spec ies' reintrodu ctio n project in Scotland. Since 1989, 69 w in gtagged individu als taken from Sweden as chi cks have been released, the majori ty of w hich survived; the final 24 birds are sc hed ul ed for release during 1993. Two records of Pallas's Fish Eagles Haliaeetus leucoryphus in Poland on 30 March and in April -May 1992 have now been rejected (cf Dutch Birding 14: 110, 149, 1992). A ce nsus of White-tailed Eagles H albicilla in Pol and durin g 1992 showed a slow in crease to 210240 pairs. In Sweden, 150 pairs raisin g c 95 yo un g we re counted in 1992. In May, one flew over a group of 20 astoni shed birders near Derby Hili , New Vork, USA, cl ose-enough to be photographed. During 1-1 2 May, an ad ult Steller's Sea Eagle H pelagicus was seen at several pi aces in Värm land and Skane, Sweden. It was repo rted from Finland at Kuusamo o n 12 and 17 june, at Mietoinen (800 km so uth-west of Kuusamo) on 19 june and at Pernaja (300 km east of Mietoinen) o n 2 jul y. During 199 1-92, there we re several reports from Germany (cf Limi co la 5: 229, 1991) and Finland (cf Dutch Birding 13 : 154, 189, 199 1, 14: 149, 1992), poss ibl y all co nce rnin g the same bird . In 199 1, 53 territories of Lammergeier Gypaetus barbatus we re co unted in the Spa ni sh Pyrenees. The second Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus for Denmark was a third ca lend ar-year bird turning up at Skagen, Nordjylland, on the afternoon of 22 May and flying north-east towards Sweden th e next morn ing. The fifth for Sweden was see n at Hoburgen, Gotland, on 27 May. O n 3 june, five Monk Vultures Aegypius monachus were present at th e Studen Kladenec feeding station, BuIgari a, together with 12 Egyptian Vultures and c 40 G riffon Vultures Gyps fulvus. On 16 May, a Short-toed Eagle Circaetus ga llicus was discovered at Harchi es, Hain aut, Belgium; the bird was see n aga in on 22 May. On 31

[Outch Birding 15: 180-185, augustus /9931

WP reports M ay, one was seen at Yläm aa, Finl and, and from 15 June, one stayed on M on, Denm ark. A second-summer male Pallid Harrier Circ us macrouros was di spl ay ing at W orpswede, N iedersac hse n, Germ any, from mid-April into Jul y . A lso in N iedersac hsen, a female on 11 April at Northeim and a ma le on 12 April at W eddel were seen passin g through. In Sweden, a male was seen at Mun kedal, Bohu slän, on 18- 19 M ay, a fe male at Skanörsljung, Ska ne, on 23 M ay and a female at Eketorp, Ö land, on 26 M ay. In Denm ark, at least eight we re reported on passage in the first half of M ay. An adult male was reported from W arszawa, Poland, on 20 June. Th e first breeding of long-Iegged Buzzard Buteo rufinus fo r Hunga ry and centraI Europe occurred in April -Jul y 1992 nea r Debrecen on the Hortobágy; one ju venile fledged on 22 Jul y (Limi co la 7: 141-1 46, 1993). In Sweden, about fi ve lesser Spotted Eagles Aquila pomarina we re reported from Skane and Gotland during 20-29 M ay and, in Denm ark, seven fro m Sja= lI and from late May to mid -June. Th e pale-morph Booted Eagle Hie raaetus pennatus di scovered at Hakel, Sachse n-A nh alt, Germ any, on 18 April stayed until 25 April (cf Dutch Birding 15 : 136, 1993) . The second thi s sprin g fo r Denm ark invo lved a dark morph fly in g past Skagen on 12 M ay. In 1992, a pa ir of Ospreys Pandion haliaetus was breeding in an o ld nest of Raven Corvus corax in southern Bul gari a, constitutin g thi s co untry's first breeding record. Th e sixth Eleonora's Falcon Falco eleonorae for Sweden v isited Gotl and on 28 M ay and Ö land on 29 May. In th e Neth erl and s, sin gle Demoiselle Cranes Anthropoides virgo were seen at N ijkerk, Gelderl and, on 9 May and on Tersc hellin g, Fries land, on 10 M ay; the presumed escape in eastern Noordbrabant was again reported on 14 and 17 May. The fifth Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus fo r Norway in vol ved a second-year bird at Finn oy, Roga land, from 8 May to at least 10 June. O ne in Borreby M ose, Sja= lland, on 2829 May was th e first tw itchabl e bird for Denm ark in many years . Th e first long-stayin g Stone-curlew Burhinus oedicnemus fo r Denm ark since c 10 yea rs was prese nt on A ls, Sonderj yll and, from 25 June. Last yea r's male stayin g at Zwa nenwater, Noo rdh oll and, from 4 June to 4 October 1992, w hich was the first holding territo ry in th e Neth erl and s since last breeding in 1957, returned to thi s loca li ty in April and remained throu gh Jul y . The third Oriental Pratincole Glareo/a ma/divarum fo r En gland stayin g in Norfo lk at Gimmin gham from 17 M ay to 3 June, at Bl akeney on 4 June and at Burnham Norton on 5- 19 June was seen again in Norfo lk during Jul y; thi s bird was preceded by two oth er W estern Pa lea rcti c reco rd s durin g 1993, on 2 April in Egypt and on 23 Ap ril in Cypru s (Birding World 6 : 192193, 1993). Prev ious Briti sh record s have also been on the Engli sh east coast, in Suffo lk (later mov ing to Essex) in June 198 1 and in Kent in June 1988 . It is noteworth y that the last Coll ared Pratin co le G pratinco la for Norfolk occ urred in 1868 (two Bl ack-w inged Pratin col es G no rdmanni have bee n recorded in recent times) . On 14 Jul y, a Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii

was di scovered at Zeebru gge, W estvlaanderen, Belgium. On 13-1 5 June, an ad ult Pacific Golden Plover Plu vialis ful va was photog raph ed on Helgoland, Sc hi eswig-H o istein, Germ any. O n 5 Jul y, one stayed at Lehrte, Hannover, Niedersac hsen. In Norway, one on 11 -12 June and two adults on 13-14 June we re present at Na=rl and ssa nden, Roga land . O n South U ist, W estern Isles, Scotland, an American Golden Plover P dominica was present on 3- 16 M ay and one was reported from Li sta, Vest-Agder, in mid-Jun e. Adult Sociable lapwings Chettusia grega ria we re reported fro m W olve rtem, Brabant, Belgium, on 18 April and Kirkby, Linco lnshire, En gland, on 1-1 2 June. The second Semipalmated Sandpiper Ca lidris pusilla for Scotl and was present on Stro nsay, O rkney, on 7-8 June. In Denmark, a White-rumped Sandpiper C fu scicollis stayed on 4-9 M ay on A mager near Kobenhavn, Sja= ll and, roostin g in a military area in accessible to th e publi c. In Scotl and, one was stayin g at Starn afin Farm RSPB ce ntre, G rampi an, on 4-5 Jul y. Th e third Baird' s Sandpiper C baird ii for th e Netherl and s was an adult in summer plumage nea r Julianadorp, Noordh oll and, on 31 Jul y and 1 A ugust. The first 'Cox' s Sandpiper C paramelano tos' for Hong Kong was see n at Tsim Bei Tsui on 30 Ap ril. The second Stilt Sandpiper Micropalama himantopus fo r Norway was ph otograph ed at G rud avann, Ja=ren, on 26-3 0 M ay. The eighth Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis for the Netherl ands was stayin g at Lauwe rsmeer, Fri es land, on 12- 16 June representing one of the very few June records fo r Europe. The first Greater Yellowlegs Tringa melano le uca for Norway was an adult in summer plum age ph otographed at Stj ord al, Nord-Trondelag, on 8-9 May . The Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularia ove rw interin g at th e Bru e estu ary, Somerset, England, remained until at least 11 M ay. A female Wilson's Phalarope Phalaropus tricolor at Andoya, Nordl and, on 13- 16 June was onl y th e fourth fo r Norway . If accepted, single ArctÎc Skuas Stercorarius parasiticus in Mirs Bay and at Ping Chau on 12 and 17 Apri I w i 11 be fi rst record s for Hong Kong. Hong Kong's third long-tailed Skua 5 longica udus was see n over Peng Chau on 12 April ; seven unidentified skuas we re seen during mi d-April (th ere we re onl y four previous skua record s). In Britain, the tota l of Great Black-headed Gull Larus ichthyaetus reco rd s has been reduced from fi ve to ju st one after review: an adult in summer p lum age shot off Exmouth, Devon, in ea rl y June 1859 . In Bul gari a, at Lake Shabl a, three bird s includin g one in summer plumage we re seen on 9-1 2 Janu ary. Th e second to fifth reco rd s for Hungary were adults in Febru ary, in April , on 21 M ay and on 18 June. An adult in summer plum age near Krakow on 11 M arch w as the seventh for Po land. The largest-ever co lon y for the Neth erl and s of Mediterranean Gulls L melanocephalus (more th an 100 nests) was di scovered, by surpri se, on a tin y isl and at Krammer-Volkerak, Zee land, in ea rl y June. A first-summer Franklin's Gull L pipixcan see n at Bl ack Roc k Strand, Ball yheige, Kerry, on 7-11 M ay was th e long-awa ited first for Ireland. The first for Hunga ry was an adult in w inter plumage nea r Körös ladány on 19 September 1992 . Two


WP reports

107 Pacific Swift / Siberi sc he Gierzwaluw Apus pacificus, Cley, Norfolk, England, 30 May 1993 (Rob Wilson) 108 Orienta l Pratincole / Oosterse Vorkstaartpl evier Glareola maldivarum, Norfolk, England, May 1993 (Robin Ch ittenden RBPF) 109 Rin g-billed Gu ll / Rin gsnavelmeeuw Larus delawarensis, Halm stad, Hall and, Sweden, 29 May 1993 (Mikael Nord) 110 Balearic Woodchat Shrike / Balearische Roodkopklauwier Lanius senator badius, Voorhout, Zuidholl and, 6 June 1993 (A rnold Meijer)

adu lt Slender-billed Gulls L genei seen an d photographed on 20 (o ne) and 21 May (two) in Rheindelta, Vora rlberg, constituted the second record for Austria. The first for Finland in vo lved an ad ult stavin g at Pori from 23 May until at least 22 June. The fifth and the fi rst twitchable Ring-billed Gull L delawarensis for Sweden concerned an adu lt present at Halm stad, Halland, from 2 1 May until at least mid-June. The first for Austria, an adult staving since 7 Apr il in Rheindelta, Vora rlberg, was st ill present on 22 May. The Yellowlegged Gull L cach innans stavin g for the fourth w inter at Washington , DC, USA, was last reported on 26 March. The third Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla for Hong Ko ng was a first-w inter bird at Mai Po on 3 Ap ril. In Ireland, a Gull-billed Tern Ge /ochelidon nilotica was seen at Ba ll ycotton, Cark, on 28-29 April. O n 3 May, the fema le lesser Crested Tern Sterna bengalensis


w hi ch was first see n in 1983 had returned to th e Farne Island s, Northum berl and, England, w here it failed to settle (so, no hyb rid juvenile th is year). Since then, it was seen erraticly at other loca liti es, for in stance, at Beacon Ponds, Humbersid e, on 15-20 June and on Scolt Head Island, Norfo lk, on 8- 15 Jul y . The Roseate Tern S dougallii co lony on RockabilI, Dublin, Ireland, has doubled in size during 1989 -93; in late June, a record 426 pa irs we re counted, beating last year's 378 pairs, and breeding success was at record levels with each pair averag ing 1.72 chi cks (B irdwatc h 2 (8): 7, 1993; cf Dutch Birdin g 14: 187-188, 1992). ApparentIy, Ireland's second largest co lony, at Lady's Island Lake, Wexford , also did we il. On 17 Ap ril , 13 Aleutian Terns S aleutica we re counted in Mirs Bay co nstitut ing the second record for Hong Kong. Sin gle b irds were seen on 2 May and in ea rl y June (a n adu lt in summer

WP reports plumage). The first Hong Kong record was in A ugustSeptember 1992 w hen up to 190 we re counted (cf Dutch Birding 14: 232, 1992). On 2 May, the Iri sh Forster's Tern 5 forsteri was sti ll seen in Wexford. At Rye Harbour, East Sussex, England, a Bridled Tern 5 anaethetus was roost in g on 16-17 May. O ne was seen at Earls Barton Gravel-pi t, Northamptonshire, England, on 29 May. The least Tern 5 antillarum w hich frequented Rye Harbour from 1983 to 1992 has not been see n this summer (cf Dutch Birding 14: 151, 1992). The fifth Whiskered Tern Ch lidon ias hybridus for Norway flew past Lista, Vest-Agder, on 5 May. In Britain, a record of a first-year male Mourning Dove Zena ida macroura trapped at Ca lf of Man, Isle of Man, on 31 October and fo und dead on 1 November 1989 has been accepted and added to category A. A secondyear Great Spotted Cuckoo Clamator glandarius on Utsira, Rogaland, on 25 -26 Apr il was the fifth for Norway. The eighth Scops Owl Otus scops for Sweden was stayin g nea r Ljungbyhed, Skane, from mid-May into June. Male Snowy Owls Nyctea scandiaca were seen near A ltnaharra, High land, on 9 June, on North Uist, Western Isles, on 16-21 June, at Baie de Seine, SeineMaritime, France, on 20 June and on Aranmo re, western Donegal, Ireland, from 21 June. O ne staying from 2 June at Lieto, south-western Finland, died on 5 June. In June, a White-throated Needletail Swift Hirundapus caudacutus was reported from Finnmark, Norway. On 30 May, the second Pacific Swift Apus pacificus for the Western Palearctic was flying around for nearly six hours at Cley, Norfolk; the first was caug ht exhausted on a rig 45 km off Happisburgh, Norfo lk, on 19 June 1981. On 4 Jul y, a pair of White-rumped Swifts A caffer was seen in su itable breeding hab itat in eastern Portugal. Three Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters Merops persicus were stayin g on Kárpathos, Greece, from 30 Ap ril to 3 May. O ne was seen by a sin gle observer on 19 June in Hamburg w hich, if accepted, wo uld be th e first for Germany. The second for Denmark roosted for 2 h nea r Tipperne, Jyll and, on 29 June. At Mandal, Vest-Agder, 13 European Bee-eaters Mapiaster formed the largest fl ock ever recorded in Norway. In the northern forests of Turkey, severa l new loca liti es for Greyheaded Woodpecker Picus canus we re found (cf Zoo l Middle East 2 : 12-15, 1988). After a final 3-month sea rch by several orn itholog ists in eastern Cuba in 1993, it is concl uded that the Ivory-billed Woodpecker Campeph ilu s principalis is now extinct. The last indiv idu al of th is fo rmerl y w ide-spread species of Cuba and the south-eastern USA was seen in Cuba in March 1987 (Dutc h Birding 14: 170-173, 1992). In England, a sight record of Eastern Phoebe Sayorn is phoebe at Lund y, Devon, on 24-25 April 1987 has recently been accepted and the spec ies is li sted in category A. Three Dunn's larks Eremalauda dunni north of Gha nl ya on 16 March consti tuted the first record for Qatar. The first nest of Bimaculated lark Melanocorypha bimaculata for Saudi A rabia was found on Karan this spr in g. Two male White-winged larks M leucoptera at Sedz iszow near Rzeszów on 12 May constituted the fifth reco rd

for Poland. The first Black lark M ye ltoniensis for Sweden was a male singin g at Karlstad, Vä rml and, Sweden, on 6-7 May. The first two long-billed Pi pits Anthus similis fo r Qatar we re seen at Mukainas Lake and at Ras Abro uk on 21-26 March. O n 2 May, the fourth Olive-backed Pipit A hodgsoni for Sweden was trapped at Land sort, Söderm an land. In Finland, one singin g near Oulu from 12 June to at least 7 Jul y was ringed on 24 June. An in flu x of Citrine Wagtails Motacilla citreola was noted along the Polish Baltic coast at Gdansk Bay between 24 April and 23 May. In Sweden, at least five indi vidua ls we re seen from late April to 14 May. In Germany, at least nine birds were reported from 28 Ap ril to mid-May, includin g an adu lt male show in g cha racters of M c werae (yet unrecorded in western Europa) near Northeim on 5 May. A male at W il p, Gelderland, on 4-5 May co ncerned the third and the first tw itchab le for the Neth erlands (cf Dutch Birding 15: 136, 141, 143-144, 1993). A fema le was seen at Lier, Antwerp, Belgium, on 9 May . A first-summer male at Fleet Pond, H ampshire, on 14-17 May was the third sp ring record for Britain (the previous two we re in 1991). The second breeding record for Finland was at Pori. During February, a Grey Wagtail M cinerea has been a star attraction at Birthday Creek Falls near Paluma, Q ueensland, Australia. In Qatar, 14 Grey Hypocolius Hypocolius ampelinus were seen at Traina Gardens on 27 March. On 8 May, an Alpine Accentor Prunella collaris was photographed at Lundy, Devon, England. In Finland, seven Red-flanked Bluetails Tarsiger cyanurus we re reported in June at Kuhmo, Ou lanka (two), Pudasjärvi, Utsjoki and Va ltavaa ra (two). Moussier's Redstarts Phoenicurus moussieri were claimed on Ouessant, Finistère, France, on 14 May (fema le) and at Brugge, Westvlaanderen, on 29 May (ma le). If accepted, a male Finsch's Wheatear Oenanthe finschii singi ng at Emona on 26 May w ill be the first reco rd fo r Bulgaria. Up to four Siberian Stonechats Saxicola torquata maura we re reported from Britain on 10- 15 May, a female at Lidhemssjön, Sweden, on 29 May and a female at Kaliakra, Bulgaria, on 29 May. On 4 June, a male Rock Thrush Monticola saxatilis was photographed at Oberelsbach, Bayern, Germ any. In Britain, Blue Rock Thrush M so litarius was recently 'upgraded from category D to category A' and two records have been accepted, a first-summer male at Skerryvore Li ghthouse, Strathcl yde, Scotland, on 4-7 June 1985 found dead on 8 June and a male sighted at Moel-y-gest, Gwynedd, Wales, on 4 June 1987. Remarkably, two previous sight records, from North Ronaldsay, O rkn ey, during 29 A ugust to 6 September 1966 and from Rye, East Sussex, on 10 A ugust 1977 were not accepted because 'both occurred at a time w hen the likelihood of escape was much higher' (Ibis 135: 221, 1993). In England, a first-year male Darkthroated Thrush Turdus ruficollis was briefly seen at Denge Marsh, Kent, on 2 May. In June-July, at least five sin ging lanceolated Warblers Locustella lanceolata we re discovered in Finland, at Pyhäselkä, H ankasa lmi


WP reports

111 Pal lid H arri er / Steppek iekendief Circus m acro uros, male, Worpswede, N iedersac hsen, German y, May 1993 (Axe/ Hal/ey)

(two), Saa rij ärvi and Orives i. O n 25 M ay, a River Warbier L fluviati/is was trapped on Fair Isle, Shetl and, and was last seen on 27 May. In Belgium, one was singin g at Sc hulen, Limburg, on 30-3 1 May. In south-eastern Norway, three sin ging bird s we re found from 31 May to mid -June. The second Paddyfield Warbier Acrocepha/us agrico/a for Hong Ko ng was see n at Nam San g

112 Black Lark / Zwarte Leeuwe ri k Me/anocorypha ye /ton iensis, male, Karl stad, Värml and, Sweden, M ay 1993 (D an Zetterström)


Wa i on 4 March. In Turkey, indi vidua ls we re recorded at çe nge Gölü on 20 and 23 May, Van marshes (two) on 21 May and Bul anik (two) on 29 May. Asing in g bird on 23 May at Atanasovska lake was we il so uth of the norma l breeding range in Bu lga ri a. In June, two years after the fir st breeding record for Finl and, one was trapped at Porvoo. A Blyth's Reed Warbier A dumetorum was trapped on North Rona ld say on 19 May. In western Norway, three sin ging birds were photograp hed in Roga land: on Utsira on 6 June, at Jée ren from 31 May to 5 June and on Karmoy from 3 June. Th e fewer than 15 prev ious records for Norway we re alm ost exc lu sive ly from the eastern part of th e co untry . O n 6-26 June, one singing at H ase ldorf, Sch leswigHo lstein, co nce rned th e fourth German record. In Israel, a Basra Reed Warbier A grise/dis was trapped at Eil at on 24 May. In Finl and, Booted Warblers Hippo/ais ca /iga ta we re sin ging at Vä rtsil ä from 11 June to 4 Jul y and at Lägskär on 16 June. The first for Poland was a singin g mal e from 9 June to at least 5 Jul y at Krutyn, Mragowo. Melodious Warblers H po /yg /otta co ntinue to be on th e increase in northern Eu rope . Three bird s were sin gin g in th e Netherl and s durin g May-Jun e. O ne singin g bird photograph ed on Uts ira on 7 June was the second record for Norway (the on ly previous record was in August 1992); possibly another bird was singin g on Utsira on 11 June. Britain's third and Scotland's first Marmora's Warbier Sy/via sa rda was a singing ma le photographed at St Abb's Head, Borders, on 23 -27 May. In Paris, France, a male Sardinian Warbier S me/anocepha/a was see n (but not we il doc umented)

WP reports at th e Sacré-Coeur on 1 May. In Belgium, as in gin g male was reported from Menen, Westvlaanderen, on 9 May and a female was reported ly found dead at Ethe, Lu xembourg, in late May. A male stayin g on Texel on 26-29 May was the fo urth fo r the Netherl ands. In England, a male was trapped on 28 May and stayi ng until 29 May at Dungeness, Kent, a female was reco rded at Portland Bill , Dorset, on 2 June and a first-summer male stayed at Filey, North Yorkshire, from 27 June to 30 Jul y. The first Rüppell's Warbier 5 rueppellii fo r Denmark was an adu lt female on Mon, Storstrom, on 7-8 May. The first Desert Warbier 5 na na for the Ca nary Islands was discovered along the road to Taca, Fuerteven tu ra, on 19 Ap ri I; it showed characters of North Africa n 5 n deserti. The first sp rin g record for Britain was a sin ging male of eastern 5 n nana building a nest at Blakeney Point, Norfo lk, from 27 May to 1 June. In England, two male Greenish Warblers Phylloscopus trochiloides we re sin ging below the cliff-top café at Capel-Ie-Fern e near Folkestone, Kent, from 15 June until at least 27 June. Singles we re see n in June at Verne, Portland, Dorset, on Helgoland, at St Margarets Bay, Kent, and at Ca lf of Man, Isle of Man. As ingin g Arctic Warbier Pborealis ar Biebrza Marshes on 14 May was the second for Poland. The first Balearic Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator badius for the Netherland s was photographed at Voo rh out, Zuidh oll and, on 6 June. On 5 April 1992, the first Magpie Pica pica nest for Corsica, France, was discovered near Bastia; nearly 2-month s later six juveniles fledged. A male Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis was see n at Martin's Haven, Dyfed, Wales, on 18 May. In the Netherlands, a Red-fronted Serin Serinus pusillus was found in a flock of Linnets Carduelis cannabina at Maasvlakte, Zu idho ll and, on 29 April. In England, one was reported from North Foreland, Kent, on 15 May. Previous records of Twite C flavirostris fo r Switzerland have now been rejected and the species is removed from the Swiss li st. In Denmark, a male Two-barred Crossbill Loxia leucoptera was seen at Rorvig, Sj<:elland, on 2 1 June. In Upper Aras, Turkey, six Mongolian Trumpeter Finehes Bucanetes mongolicus were reported from Ishak Pasa Sarayi, Dogubayazit, on 24 May, a pair at Tendüruk Geç idi on 24 May, two at Dogubayazit on 26 May and three 9 km north-east from Özalp on 30 May. On 17 April and 7 May, a mal e Trumpeter Finch B githagineus was seen at Digue-de-Ia-Mer, Camargue, Bouches-du-Rh6ne, France. Two were reported from Cap Corse, Corsica, France, on 12 May. Presumably escaped male Long-tailed Rosefinches Uragus sibiricus were observed on Mon on 29 April, at St Abb's Head from 10 May, on Tersc hellin g on 29 May and at Tayside, Scotland, on 30-3 1 May. A lso in late May, lOOs we re found in the cages of a bird-trader in the Netherlands, together w ith lOOs of Pallas's Rosefinches C roseus and numerous other eastern Siberian mi grant species shipped from China. The Lark Sparrow Chondestes grammacus at Landguard Point, Suffolk, from 30

June to 4 July 198 1 has now been upgraded from catego ry D to catego ry A. Since then there was a second record at Waxham, Norfolk, on 15-17 May 1991 (D utch Birding 13: 190, 1991). The first Cinereous Bunting Emberiza cineracea fo r Qatar was seen at Ras Abrouk on 24 March. In Belgium, Brita in and the Netherlands, several Rustic Buntings E rustica we re present during March-May, includ in g sing les near Maidstone, Kent, on 19-28 March, at Stanpit Marsh, Dorset, on 20 March, at Filey Dams NR, North Yorkshire, on 11 -12 Apr il and at St Hubert, Luxembourg, Belgium, on 29 Apr il. In May, nine birds we re reported in Britain; in Denmark, one was trapped on 7 May on Chri st ianso, in the Netherl and s, one was stayin g from 15 May on Terschelling and on Helgoland one was recorded on 3 June. On 31 May, a male Yellow-breasted Bunting E aureola was seen on Helgoland. A second-year male briefly roostin g at Skagen on 11 June was (on ly) the fo urth for Denmark . If accepted, a ma le Pallas's Reed Bunting E pa llasi claimed at Tana, Finnmark, on 2 1 May would be the first for Norway. Four Red-headed Buntings E bruniceps were reported during May in Britain. Five Black-headed Buntings E melanocephala were repo rted for Britain in the last week of May and three in the first half of June, includ ing a longstayin g male at Bruichladdick, Islay, Strathclyde, on 921 June. On 6 May, one was reported from Finland and the 19th for Sweden in vo lved a male at Paviken, Gotland, on 20 May. For a number of reports in this and the previous review, recent publications in Ala ud a, Amer ican Birds, Bangkok Bird Club Bu lletin, Birdin g World, Birdwatch, Bird Watching, British Birds, Ibis, Limicola, Scottish Bi rd News, Var Fagelvärld, Var Fuglefauna, W inging It and Wingspan were cons ul ted. News from Britain was kindly suppli ed by Rare Bird News. I wish to thank Mashuq Ahmad, Peter A rctander, Christine Barthel, Peter Barthel, Roelof de Beer, Peter Becker, Max Berlijn, A lan Bone, Leo Boon, Ruud Brouwer, Tony Clarke, Koen va n Dijken, Gerald Driessens, Enno Ebels, Oscar Endtz, Ann ika Forsten, Hans Gebu is, Fulvio Genero, Paul G nodde, Rob Goldbach, Tom van der Have, Ward Hagemeijer, Ben Hallmann, Peter lankov, Guy Kirwan/OSME, Paul Kno lI e, Thorsten Krüger, Jan va n der Laa n, Lasse Lain e, Paul Leader, Klaus Ma iling O lsen, Sid Massey, Anthony McGeehan, Peter Meininger, Richard Millington, Co lin Moore, Killian Mu ll arney, Dieter Oelkers, Jari Peltomäki, Stefan pfützke, Aa ldrik Pot, Cock Reijnders, Martin Renne r, Kees Roselaar, René va n Rossum, John Ryan, Frans Sc hepers, Wim van der Schot, Bob Scott, Hadoram Shirih ai, Tadeusz Stawarczyk, Johan Stu ut, Peter Symens, Tom Tarrant, A rnold Veen, Jan Vege lin, Filip Verbeien, Keith Vinicombe, Ruud Vlek, Roland van der V liet, Graham Wal bridge, Jaco Wa l hout, Arend Wass ink, Jack Wi ll mott and Dan Zetterström for their help in comp ilin g this review.

Arnoud B van den Berg, Duinlustparkweg 98, 2082 EG, Santpoort-Zuid, Netherlands 185

Recente meldingen _ _ _ _ _ __ D it ove rzicht va n recente meldin gen va n ze ld za me en interessa nte voge ls in Nederl and en BelgiĂŤ beslaa t voo rn amelijk de maanden mei en juni 1993. De ve rme ide geva ll en zijn merend eels niet geverifi ee rd en het ove rz icht is ni et vo lledig. A ll e vogelaa rs die de moe ite namen om hun waa rn emingen aa n ons doo r te geven wo rd en hartelijk bedankt. W aa rn emers va n soorten in Nederl and die wo rden beoo rd eeld doo r de Commi ss ie Dwaa lgasten Nederland se Av ifa un a wo rdt verzoc ht hun waa rnemin gen zo spoedig moge lij k toe te ze nden aan: CDNA, Postbu s 45, 2080 AA Sa ntpoo rt-Zuid, Nederland . Hiertoe geli eve men gebruik te maken va n CD NA-waa rn emin gsfor-

muli eren di e eveneens ve rkrij gbaar zijn b ij bovenstaand adres .

Nederland PIjLSTO RMVOGELS TOT VALKEN Noordse Pijlstormvogels Puffinus puffinus we rd en all een bij Sc hevenin gen, Zuidh o ll and, gemeld, en we l op 4 en 15 mei. Kuifaalscholvers Phalacrocorax aristote /is verbl even tot 8 mei bij Schevenin gen en op 18 juni bij Tern euzen, Zee land. W aa rn emingen va n Wouwapen Ixobrychus minutus bereikten ons va n de Oostvaa rdersdijk, Fl evoland, op 15 mei, va n Bergeyk, Noordbraba nt, va naf 24

113 114 115 116

Gestreepte Strandl oper / Pectoral Sandpiper Ca lidris melanotos, Oesterd am, Zee land, mei 1993 (Hans Cebuis) Bosgo rs / Ru sti c Buntin g Emberiza rustica, mannetje, Tersc helling, Fri es land, 15 mei 1993 (Th eo Bakker) Kl eine Zwa rtkop / Sardini an W arbi er Sy/via me/anocepha/a, De Cocksdorp, Texel, 29 mei 1993 (M arc C uyt) Roodsterbl auwbo rst / Red-spotted Blueth roa t Luscinia svecica svecica, De Cocksdorp, Texel, 29 mei 1993 (Hans Cebuis)


[Ou/eh Birding 15: 186- 192, augustus 19931

Recente meldingen mei (twee mannetjes) en va n Budel-Dorplein, Noordbrabant, op 27 juni. Kwakken Nycticorax nycticorax we rd en op 9 mei in het Robbenoordbos, Noordholland, en op 31 mei in de Dordtse Biesbosch, Zu idh olland, waargenomen. Er was een melding van een Ralreiger Ardeo/a ra//oides op 3 juni bij Cad za nd, Zee land. Koereigers Bubu/cus ibis werden gez ien op 10 mei bij Ga rrelsweer, Gron in gen, op 1 juni twee over de Noorderplassen, Flevoland, op 15 juni in De Braakman, Zee land, en op 29 juni en 4 juli bij Rhenen, Utrecht. Kleine Zilverreigers Egretta garzetta werden geme ld op 1 mei in 't Zw in, Zee land, op 11 mei (twee) en 5 juni langs de Oostvaardersdijk, op 11 mei langs Breskens, Zee land, op 15 mei bij Capelle aan den Ijsse l, Zu idho ll and, op 4 juni over de Noorderplassen en in de Sloekreek bij Nieuwdorp, Zee land, en op 10 en 13 juni twee b ij Woerden, Utrecht. Grote Zilverreigers E a/ba verbl even op 3 mei bij Voorst, Gelderland, en op 21 juni bij het Muiderzand, Flevoland. Uiteraard verb leven er de gehele periode maximaal vier in de Oostvaardersp lassen, Flevoland, en er zou weer een paartje in het Naardermeer, Noordholland, hebben genesteld . Zwarte Ooievaars Ciconia nigra werden waargenomen op 1 mei over Gron in gen, Gron in gen, op 9 mei over Enschede, Overijssel, op 18 mei over de Hooge Platen, Zee land, op 20 mei twee bij Velp, Gelderland, op 23 mei bij Oost-Souburg, Zee land, en bij Renkum, Gelderl and, op 4 juni b ij Blijham, Gron in gen, en op 5 juni drie bij A lkmaar, Noordholl and. In totaal werden 67 Ooievaars C cicon ia doorgegeven. Er was sp rake van twee pieken: de eerste dagen van mei en tussen 14 en 18 mei. De grootste groep op 1 mei bij Aduard, Groningen, telde 12 exemplaren. Een Zwarte Ibis P/egadis fa/cine//us was van 4 tot 13 juni aanwez ig bij de Mokkebank, Friesland. Ook de Heilige Ibis Threskiomis aethiopicus is niet uit het ve ld te slaan en zat ditmaal op 8 en 18 mei bij de Phi lipsdam, Zee land . Flamingo's Phoenicopterus ruber roseus werden waa rgenomen bij de Philipsdam tot 9 mei (twee) en op 17 juni twee bij Hoophuizen, Gelderl and. Een Zwarte Rotgans Branta bemicla nigricans was op 1 mei nog aanwez ig op Texel, Noord holl and. Acht Casarca's Tadorna ferruginea vlogen op 22 juni langs Diemen, Noordholland. Tot 20 mei werd het vrouwtje Koningseider Somateria spectabi/is van Texel nog waa rgenomen nabij De Cocksdorp. Nadat op 2 mei een Wespendief Pemis apivorus werd gezien bij Waterland, Noordholland, was er een sterke doortrekpiek op 10 en 11 mei, met in totaal c 900 gemelde exemplaren, voornamelijk in Limburg. Zwarte Wouwen Mi/vus migrans we rden voorname lijk gez ien voo r 17 mei. In mei en juni werden respectievel ijk 4 1 en drie exemp laren gemeld . Opva llend was de aanwez igheid van een tot dri e Zwarte Wouwen in het Lauwersmeergebied, Groningen, van 23 mei tot 19 juni. Ook werden nog 1S Rode Wouwen M mi/vus gezien, waa rva n slechts drie in juni. Ten ove rv loede melden we dat de Vale Gier Gyps fu/vus van Durgerdam en Ransdorp, Noord ho lland, daar nog gezien is tot 3 mei. Er was een claim van een Slangearend Circaetus ga /ficus op 20 mei bij Amsterdam, Noordholl and. Tot ver in mei werden nog

c 35 doortrekkende Grauwe Kiekendieven Circus pyga rgus gez ien; 1 en 11 mei wa ren p iekdagen met respectievelijk 12 en acht exemp laren. De gehele periode waren enkele exemp laren aanwezig in de broedgeb ieden. Een ongedeterm ineerde arend Aqui/a vloog op 2 juni over Rottumeroog, Groningen . Visarenden Pandion ha/iaetus zette n goed door met c 90 exemplaren, voorname i ijk in de eerste helft van mei, met pieken op 1 mei (negen) en tussen 8 en 16 mei (54). Van de Roodpootvalk Fa/co vespertinus werden er c 30 in mei en zes in juni doorgegeven. M idden mei werden nog 10 doortrekkende Slechtvalken F peregrinus gemeld en op 5 juni was er een aanwez ig bij de V linderbalg in de Lauwersmeer, Gron in gen. RAL LE N TOT STERNS Een Kleinst Waterhoen P pusilla werd op 20 juni gemeld in Amste lveen, Noordho ll and. Op een 10-ta l plaatsen werden Kwartelkoningen Crex crex gehoord . Grapp ig was de waarnem ing van een in alle vroegte rondbanjerend exemplaar in een straat te Katwijk, Zu idholl and. Verlate Kraanvogels Grus grus we rden gez ien op 3 mei bij Middelburg, Zee land, op 12 mei zes in het Fochtelooërveen, Drenthe, op 14 mei aan de westkan t van de Lauwersmeer, op 17 mei op de Landschotse Heide, Noordbrabant en op 21 mei bij Velp. Wederom waren er waarnem in gen van Jufferkraanvogels Anthropoides virgo, en wel op 9 mei over het Ve luwemeer bij Nijkerk, Gelderl and, op 10 mei over Terschelling, Friesland, en op 14 mei ter plaatse bij het Beuven op de Strabrechtse Heide, Noordbrabant. Op het Rammegors, Zee land, verbleven de gehele periode maximaal 11 Steltkluten Himantopus himantopus. Overigens waren er meldingen op 8 en 16 mei bij de Ventjagersplaten, Zuidho ll and, op 12 mei en 3 juni bij Woerden, op 20 en 22 mei bij de Vlinderba lg en op 2 en 21 juni bij de Lepelaarsplassen, Flevoland. Voor het tweede jaar in successie was er in juni een Griel Burhinus oedicnemus aanwez ig bij het Zwa nen wate r, Noord ho ll and . Een Renvogel Cursorius cursor vloog op 21 juni over Rottumeroog naar het oosten. Morinelplevieren Charadrius morine//us werden gezien op 4 mei twee bij Helw ijk, Noordbrabant, op 5 mei twee bij Wissen kerke, Zee land, op 6 mei één bi j de Eemshaven, Gron ingen, tussen 10 en 22 mei op drie plaatsen in het Lauwersmeergebied met op 15 mei tenminste 38 exemplaren, op 11 mei vier bi j Kootwijk, Gelderland, op 17 mei twee langs Breskens, op 18 mei lOop het Noorderleeg bij Nieuwe Bildtzijl, Friesland en op 28 mei één op Terschelling. De oogst aan Gestreepte Strandlopers Ca /idris me/anotos omvatte exemplaren van 18 tot 22 mei bij de Oesterdam bij het Zoommeer, Zee land, op 21 en 22 mei twee bij Achter de Zwarten in de Lauwersmeer, op 23 mei bij het Va lkenburgse Meer, Zu idho ll and, op 6 juni in het Zoute Kwelgebied bij de Lauwersmeer en op 8 juni op Schiermonnikoog, Friesland. Een Breedbekstrandloper Limico/a fa/cine//us werd gemeld op 20 mei op het wad bij Terschelling. De Blonde Ruiter Tryngites subrufico//is die van 12 tot 17 juni in de Bandpo lder, Friesland, verb leef was de eerste sinds zeven jaar die door ve len bekeken kon worden. Een Grote Grijze Snip


Recente meldingen

117 Orpheusspotvogel / M elod ious Wa rb ier Hippolais po lyglotta, Rottumeroog, Groningen, 22 mei 1993 (Koen van Dijken) 118 Citroen kwikstaart / Citrin e Wagta il Motacilla citreo la, mannetje, Wi lp, Gelderland, 5 mei 1993 (A rnoud B van den Berg) 119 Roodpootva lk / Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus, Sombreffe, Namen, 15 juni 1993 (Luc Verroken)


Recente meldingen Limnodromus sco lopaceus we rd op 16 mei waa rgenomen bij O udega (S mallin gerl and), Fri esland. Di t is het derde jaar da t de soort hier wordt vastgeste ld. Poel ruiters Tringa stagnatilis bl even sc haa rs, met exempl aren op 23 mei bij Bres kens, op 27 en 28 juni b ij W ageningen, Gelderl and, en op 28 juni bij Sirj ansland, Zeeland. Grauwe Franjepoten Phalaropus lobatus werden waarge nomen op 15 en 16 mei in de W orkum erwaa rd , Fri es land, op 20 mei op Texe l, op 28 mei twee bij Woerden, op 4 juni langs de Oesterdam, va n 4 tot 19 juni bij het Jaap-Deensga t, Groni ngen en op 23 en 24 juni b ij Julianadorp, Noordh oll and . Een Kleinste Jager Stercora rius longica udus v loog op 28 mei langs Camperduin, Noordho ll and. Zwartkopmeeuwen Larus m elanocephalus we rd en voo rn amelijk ro nd het KrammerVo lkerak gez ien, waa r di t jaa r meer dan 100 broed paren z ijn vastgesteld . Overal in westelij k Noordbrabant we rden, tijdens voge l in ve ntari sati es, foe ragerende Zwa rtkop meeuwe n vastgesteld, waa rbij co nce ntrati es va n enke le 10-tallen exempl aren voo rkwa men. Op 8 mei stond een Grote Burgemeester L hyperbore us op een stre kdam bij Ca mperduin. De eni ge Geelpootmeeuwen L cachinna ns die doo rgegeven werden, bevonden z ich op 11 mei op Rottumeroog (eerstezome rkl eed) en op 13 juni langs de Goo ise W eg, Fl evo land. Lachsterns Celochelidon nilotica werden gez ien op 1 mei bi j de Eemshaven, op 5 mei twee te Termunten, Groningen, die zich daar tegoed deden aa n don sjongen va n Ki eviten Vanel/us vanel/us, op 9 mei één en 10 mei zes langs Breskens, op 10 mei bij 't Zw in, op 12 mei langs de W assenaarse Sl ag, Zuidh olland en op 15 juni bij Sc hagen, Noordho ll and. Va n 4 tot 9 mei we rden in de omgev in g va n Hoophui ze n maxim aa l drie Reuzensterns Sterna caspia gez ien; enkelin gen wa ren er op 7 mei bij Elburg, Gelderl and, op 10 mei bij Bres kens, op 16 mei bij Opheusden, Gelderl and, op 30 mei bij Ca mperduin en op 31 mei bij de Blauwe Ka mer, Gelderl and. Dougalls Sterns S do uga l/ii werden geobserveerd op 3 juni b ij Vatrop-Oosterland, Noordh o ll and, op 13 juni bij het Hellegatsscho r ten westen va n Kl ooste rza nd e, Zeeland, en va n 25 tot 28 juni een gerin gd exemplaar b ij de Putten va n Ca mperduin. Een ve rwaa ide Noordse Stern S paradisaea v loog op 9 mei langs M aastricht, Limburg. Witwangsterns Chlido nias hybridus werden gemeld op 5 mei (twee) en 6 mei bij Huizen, Noordh oll and, op 6 mei bij de N ieuw koo pse Pl assen, Zuidho ll and, op 19 en 20 mei op de Strabrechtse Heide, op 22 en 24 mei bij het Soerend onks Goor, Noordbrabant, en op 25 en 29 mei (één) en 30 juni (twee) bij W oe rden en op 5 juni in de Eemshaven. Witvleugelsterns C le ucopte rus werd en gemeld op 8 en 19 mei op de Strabrec htse Heid e, op 12 mei bij W arder, Noordho ll and, op 19 mei bij Am eide, Zuidholl and, op 22 mei langs de Oostvaa rdersdijk, op 24 en 25 mei bij W oe rd en, va n 26 tot 29 mei bij het Soerendonks Goor en op 29 en 30 juni bij Den O ever, Noordh oll and . BIJ ENETERS TOT GORZEN Bijeneters Me rops apiaster werd en gez ien op 11 mei in Den Helder, Noord holl and, op 23 mei in de AW-duinen, Noordh o ll and en

twee bij Bres kens en op 29 mei nab ij Lexmond, Zuid ho ll and. Een Scharrelaar Coracias garrulus we rd op 25 mei gemeld b ij het Noordl aa rd erbos, G ronin gen. Hoppen Upupa epops ve rtoo nden zich op 5 mei op het Kootw ijkse Ve ld bij Stroe, Gelderl and, op 11 mei bij Bres kens, op 12 mei op Tersc helling, op 15 mei op de Loe nerm ark, Ge lderl and, op 16 mei bij Grijpskerke, Zee land, en op 19 juni b ij W este rl and, Noordh oll and. Een Kortteenleeuwerik Ca landrel/a brachydactyla was kort ter pl aatse bij Breskens op 10 mei. Een Roodstuitzwaluw Hirundo daurica vloog op 1 mei langs Rottumeroog. De Grote Pieper Anthus richardi va n Den Oever zat daar nog op 1 mei. M eldingen va n andere exempl aren wa ren op 9 mei bij Son, Noord brabant, en op 10 mei bij de Kil va n Hurwenen, Ge lderl and. Tot 10 mei we rd en er nog enkele doortrekkende Duinpiepers A ca m pestris opgemerkt. Tot 29 mei werd en nog c 40 doo rtrekkende Roodkeelpiepers Acervinus waa rgenomen. O p twee, bijn a traditioneel te noe men, voorj aa rspl eisterpl aatsen konden dagenl ang exempl aren bekeken wo rd en: va n 5 tot 13 mei dri e op de Bolwerksweide bij Deventer, Overij sse l, en va n 10 tot 16 mei vier bij Itteren, Limbu rg. Een vee l bezochte voge l was de Citroenkwikstaart Mo tacil/a citreola die op 4 en 5 mei ve rbl eef b ij W il p, Gelderl and. Va naf begin mei we rden in de omgeving va n Epen, Limburg, Roodbuikwaterspreeuwen Cinc/us cinc/us aquatic us waa rgenomen, die ald aar tot broeden kwa men. Een Noordse Nachtegaal Luscinia luscinia zo ng va n 22 me i tot 6 juni ten noo rden va n Ruigoord , Noordh oll and, en op 25 mei op Tersc hellin g. Roodsterblauwborsten L svecica svecica we rd en waa rgenomen op 12 mei op Rottumeroog en op 29 mei bij De Cocksdo rp op Texel. Er was een melding va n een Cetti' s Zanger Cettia cetti op 5 juni Dokkumer N ieuwe Zi jlen, Fri es land . Bij het dorpj e Paa l, Zee land, verbl eef va naf 29 juni wee r een Graszanger Cisticola juncidis. AI op 22 mei we rd op Rottum eroog een z ingende Orpheusspotvogel HippoIais po lyglotta waa rgenomen. A ndere exemplaren ve rbl even va n 13 tot 21 juni langs de Fl ed iteweg, Fl evoland, en va n 14 tot 27 juni bij Holl and s A nkevee n, Noordho ll and. Er was een opva ll end hoog aa ntal waa rnemin gen va n de Baardgrasmus Sylvia ca ntil/ans: op 1 mei bij Oosterend op Tersc helling en in de Slufter op Texel, op 3 en 4 mei op V lieland, Fri es land, va n 28 tot 30 mei op Rottumerpl aat, G ronin gen, en op 2 juni bij De Cocksdorp op Texel. De eerste haa lbare Kleine Zwartkop S melanocephala va n Nederl and sind s 10 jaa r za t va n 26 tot 29 mei in 'de tuintjes' bij De Cocksdorp. Een Bergfluiter Ph yl/oscopus bonel/i werd op 20 mei gemeld va n de M aasvlakte en op 22 mei va n V lieland . Een z ingende Kleine Vliegenvanger Ficedula parva werd op 24 mei niet gez ien maar we l gehoo rd (en opgenomen) in Amste rdam. Overi gens waren er meldin gen op 8 juni op Schi ermonnikoog en op 11 juni in V ierlingsbeek, Noordbrabant. O p 2 juni za t een Kleine Klapekster Lanius minor op Tersc hellin g. Roodkopklauwieren L senator we rden gez ien op 9 mei bij de Kil va n Hurwenen, op 20 mei bij Paterswolde, Drenthe, op 5 juni bij Katw ijk, op 6 juni b ij Voo rhout, Zuidho ll and (de Balearisc he ondersoort L s badius), en


Recente meldingen op 9 juni in de AW-duinen . Vanaf half juni we rd en ove ral in het land flinke aantallen Kruisbekken Loxia curvirostra gez ien, hetgeen op een invas ie duidt. Zoa ls gewoonlijk zaten er in de duinen, op de eil anden, bij de Lauwe rsmeer en in de Fl evopold ers Roodmussen Carpodacus erythrinus te z ingen. Overi ge in teressante waarnem ingen van deze soo rt waren b ij Hoek van Holl and, Zuidholl and, in de Dordtse Bi esbosc h, bi j

Ru igoord, bij Koudekerke, Zee lan d, en V li ss ingen, Zeeland. Een Langstaartroodmus Uragus sib iricus verbl eef op 29 mei te M id sland aan Zee, Tersc hellin g. Tot 16 mei we rden nog c 90 doortrekkende Ortolanen Emberiza hortu/ana geteld. Va n 15 mei tot 1 jun i verb leef een man netje Bosgors E rustica op Terschelling. Een Dwerggors E pusi//a was op 22 mei kort aa nwez ig op Rottumeroog.

Ruud M van Dongen, Albertusstraat 4, 526 7 AD Vught, Nederland Hans Gebuis, Boogschutter 30, 3328 KB Dordrecht, Nederland Peter W W de Rouw, Wara nde 23, 3705 ZB Zeist, Nederland

België DUIKERS TOT VA LKEN Een adulte IJsduiker Cavia immer in zomerk leed zwom op 31 mei en 1 juni slechts laat in de avond en vroeg in de morgen in een kanaa l te Mo l-Rauw, Antwerpen. Adu lte Roodhalsfuten Podiceps grisegena in zome rkl eed verbl even b ij Zon hoven, Li mburg, op 2 mei; b ij Péronnes, Henegouwen, op 3 mei; op Blokkersd ijk, A ntwerpen, op 24 juni en te Duffel-Rumst, A ntwe rpen, va n 14 mei tot 28 juni. Op 13 juni v logen 46 Jan-van-genten Morus bassanus langs Oostende, Westv laanderen . Hierva n ve rtoonde er één de kenme rken va n Kaapse Gent M capensis. Op 9 mei v loog een onvo lwassen Kuifaalscholver Pha /acrocorax aristote/is langs Oosten de. Ook dit jaar wa ren er wee r meerdere broed(ve rd achte) paren Wouwaap Ixobrychus minutus. 31 Kwakken Nycticorax nycticorax werden gez ien waaro nder max im aa l v ier van 9 mei tot ten min ste 19 juni te Dud ze le, Westv laa nderen en 10 op 9 mei te Sint-Michiels-B ru gge, W estvlaa nderen. Ten minste één w ild broedpaar is ons dit jaa r bekend. Op 13 juni verbl eef een Ralreiger Ardeo/a ra//oides op De Gavers te Harelbeke, Westv laa nderen. Er wa ren Kleine Zilverreigers Egretta garzetta op 1 mei in Het Zw in, Westv laan deren; op 2 mei te V ierse l, Antwerpen; op 5 mei te Emblem, A ntwerpen; op 8 mei te Zand hove n, Antwe rpen (waa rschijnlijk driemaa l hetze lfde exemplaar); op 15 mei langs Oostende; op 16 mei over Longchamps, Namen, en Schulen, Limburg, (telkens twee); op 18 mei over Li er; op 19 mei en 6 juni te Ka ll o-Me lse le, Oostvlaanderen; en op 6 juni te Zeebrugge-Achterhaven, W estvlaanderen. Waarnemingen van Purperreigers Ardea purpurea kwa men va n Antwerpe n-Linkeroeve r, A ntwe rpen; Bredene, Westv laanderen (v ij f); Harch ies; Li er (v ier); Oostende (twee); SintPieters-Kapell e, Westv laanderen, en Zandvoorde, Westvlaanderen (twee). Er werden behoorli jk wat Zwarte Ooievaars Ciconia nigra opgeme rkt; zo vlogen er ove r Sint-Pieters-Kapel le en over Antwerpen-L inkeroever op 15 mei; over Zevergem, Oostvlaanderen, op 17 en ron d 30 mei (te lkens drie); over Eeklo, Oostvlaanderen, op 24 mei; ove r Waasmunster, Oostv laanderen, op 25 juni en over Fras nes-Iez-Buisse nal, Henegouwen, op 27 juni . Er we rden in totaa l 32 Ooievaars C ciconia doorgegeven. Ook nu weer waarnem in gen va n Zwarte Ibis P/egadis fa /cine//us; op 3 mei trok er


een over Doornze le, Oostvlaanderen, en op 8 mei vloog er één over Bredene. Interessa nt is een overtrekkend groepj e va n vij f w itte Sneeuwganzen Anser caeru /escens te Li er op 10 mei . Krooneenden Netta rufina werden nog gez ien te Zon hoven (v rouwtje) van 2 tot 9 mei en bij Za ndvoorde (ma nnetj e) op 10 en 22 mei. Bovend ien vo nd het eerste ges laagde broedgeva l voo r België plaats te Schulen. Het traditione le mannetje Ringsnaveleend Aythya col/aris za t op 5 mei, en voor het laatst va n 12 tot 16 mei op Blokkersd ijk. Mannetjes Witoogeend A nyroca waren aa nwez ig b ij Za ndh oven va n 4 tot ten m in ste 13 mei, te Weche lderzande, A ntwerpe n, op 14 en 1 5 mei en te Mechelen, Antwe rpen, op 20 mei. Zwarte Wouwen Mi/vus migrans werden dit voorjaar ve rdee ld over Antoing, Henegouwe n; Blokkersdijk; Bredene; Elsene, Brabant; Escanaffles, Henegouwe n; Ham, Limburg; Harelbeke-Gavers (twee); Hensies (drie); Li er (twee); Longchamps (twee); Meetkerke, Westvlaanderen; Mechelen; Munte, Oostvlaanderen; Oostkamp, Westv laa nderen; Schoten, Antwerpen; Schu len en Zandvoorde (zeven) . Rode Wouwen M mi/vus konden weer uitbollen met waarnemingen te Zan dvoo rd e op 11 en 12 mei; Sint-Pi etersBrugge, Westv laa nderen, op 15 mei; Escanaffles op 12 mei en Ke rsbeek, Brabant, op 25 mei. Naar bijna jaa rlij kse traditie we rd er weer een Slangearend Circaetus ga /ficus waa rgenomen in de onoverz ichteli jke streek va n Harchies- Hensies-Pommereo ul ; deze keer gebeurden de (so ms zeer goede) waarnem in gen op 16, 21 en 22 mei. De in totaa l 12 Grauwe Kiekendieven Circus pygargus werden gez ien te Brecht, Antwerpen; Bredene; Harelbeke-Gavers; Ka ll o; Knokke (drie); Kont ich, Antwerpen; Lokeren; Sint-Pieters-Kape lle; U itkerke, W estvlaanderen, en Zandvoorde . België kende dit j aa r ten minste dri e broedgeva ll en. Het is weer moeilijk om de waarnem ingen van Roodpootvalken Fa /co vespertinus sa men te vatten maar hier vo lgt toc h een pogin g; trekkers waren er ove r Aartse laar op 1 mei (twee); Brecht op 9 mei; Bredene op 11 (één), 23 (drie) en 24 mei; Eke, Oostvlaanderen, op 4 mei; Genk op 1 mei; Knokke op 11 en 23 mei; Li er op 1, 13 en 20 mei; Luingne op 22 mei; Montreou l-su r-H aine, Henegouwen, op 14 mei; Sin t-Kruis-Winke l, Oostvlaanderen, op 27 mei, Zan dvoorde op 23 mei en Zeebrugge op 26 mei . Over Harchi es trok er één op 1 mei, daarna waren er een pleisterend onvo lwassen vrouwtj e va n 1

Recente meldingen tot 9 mei, een mann etj e op 12 en 15 mei en terug een vrouwtje van 20 tot 24 mei. Verder pl eisterden er te Brecht op 5 en van 14 tot 16 mei, te Kalmthout op 11 mei en te Sombreffe, Namen, op 14 juni. De laatste Slechtvalken F peregrinus trokken op 11 mei over Knokke, op 15 mei over Mechelen en op 21 juni over De Gavers te Harelbeke. RALLEN TOT ALKEN Op 20 en 21 apri l zat er een Klein Waterhoen Porzana parva bij Menen, W estvlaanderen. De laatste Kraanvogels Grus grus dit voorjaar vlogen over Geel, Antwerpen, op 2 (acht) en 9 mei en over Sint-Andri es-Brugge, Westvlaanderen , op 6 mei .(v ijf). Er zaten drie Steltkluten Himantopus himantopus te Lokeren op 5 mei (waarvan één tot 6 mei), twee te Knokke op 9 mei, drie te Kallo-Melsel e van 13 tot 24 mei, twee te Genappe, Brabant, op 22 mei en twee te Roksem, Westvlaanderen, op 13 juni. Temmincks Strandlopers Ca/idris temminckii werden opgemerkt te Gaurain-Ramecroix, Henegouwen (twee); Genappe (v ijf); Hensies; Kallo-Doel (11); Lier (drie); Lon gc hamps (v ier); Oostende (twee) ; Semmerzake, Oostvlaanderen (twee); Tienen, Brabant (vier); Zeebrugge (vier) en Ze lzate, Oostvlaa nderen (zes). Een Breedbekstrandloper Limico/a fa/cinel/us liet zich uitvoerig bekijken te Longchamps van 16 tot 19 mei. Er werden nog enkele Poelruiters Tringa stagnati/is opgemerkt; de twee exemplaren van Genk waren nog tot 1 mei aanwez ig, daarna vo lgden er waarnemingen te Oostende op 9 mei en te Harchies op 15 mei. Een mannetj e Grauwe Franjepoot Pha/aropus /obatus deed te Libramont op 28 en 29 mei voo r een keer de provincie Luxemburg aan! Wat iedereen een zwa re misser kon noemen, was een langsvliegende Reuzenzwartkopmeeuw Larus ichthyaetus in eerste zomerkl eed tussen Raversijde en Middelkerke, Westvlaanderen, op 10 mei. Buiten de broedkolonies of -paartjes waren er Zwartkopmeeuwen L me/anocepha/us te Blokkersdijk (minimaa l twee) ; Bredene (zes); Longchamps; Oostende (16); Wenduine, Westvlaanderen (twee) en Wuustwezel, Antwerpen (twee). Leuk maar kort was de goede waarneming van een eerste zomer Kleine Burgemeester L g/aucoides te Oostende op 17 mei. Er wordt de la atste jaren duidelijk meer op Lachsterns Ce /oche/idon ni/otica gekeken, op 8 mei v logen er twee en op 9 mei één langs Oostende. Langs Sint-Kruis-Winkel v loog er één op 8 mei, langs Mariakerke op 12 mei en te KalloVerrebroek pleisterde er kortstondig één op 23 mei. Adu lte Dougalls Sterns Sterna douga l/ii werden herkend te Oostende op 15 en 21 mei. De gebru ikelijke golf Witwangsterns Ch /idonias hybridus liet z ich voelen; op Blokkersdijk op 3 en 30 mei (respectievelijk één en twee); te Doornik, Henegouwen, op 10 mei; te Gent van 1 tot 3 juni; te Harelbeke op 21 mei (twee); te Knokke-Zwin op 10 mei; te Melsele op 5 juni; te Oostende op 9 mei; te Péronnes op 3 mei; te Pommereoul op 18 mei (vier); te Ti enen op 29 mei (twee); te Waasmunster-Lokeren op 15 mei; te Zeebrugge-Achterhaven op 1 en 2 mei en te Zeebrugge-Voorhaven op 2 mei. Op 5 mei zat er een Witvleugelstern C /eucopterus te Lokeren, op 8 mei waren er drie en op 9 mei

één te Oostende, op 11 mei één te Tienen, op 18 mei twee te Longchamps en op 21 juni drie op De Gavers te Harelbeke. UILEN TOT GO RZE N U it de zes geroofde legsels va n Ruigpootuilen Aego/ius funereus (v ier met eieren en twee met jon gen) moeten we weer afleiden dat de co nnecties van verzame laa rs en handelaa rs op z ijn min st gezegd sc herp staan (oo k vier Bontbekplev ier- Charadrius hiaticu/a, meer dan twee Zwa rtkopmee uw- en versc hillende Dwergstern Sterna a/bifrons- Iegse ls moesten eraan geloven; namen c irculeren). O p 4 mei v loog er laag een Alpengierzwaluw Apus me/ba over Péronnes. Op 22 mei vloog er één over Za nd voo rd e en op 24 mei werden er twee gez ien boven de Spuikom van Oostende. De in totaal negen Bijeneters Merops apiaster v logen op 2 mei over Ronse (v ier); op 22 en 23 mei (respecti evelijk één en twee) over Bredene; op 31 mei boven Grüfflin gen, Lu xemb urg, en op 9 juni over Vance, Lu xemburg. De eni ge Hop Upupa epops voo r deze periode zat op 24 mei kortstondig te Bredene. In de Voorhaven van Zeebrugge bl even tot ten minste 9 mei drie Strandleeuweriken Eremophi/a a/pestris aa nwezig. Een pl eisterende Grote Pieper Anthus richardi zat op 16 mei in de Zeebru gse-Achterha ven. Over Bredene vloog er één op 24 mei. Duinpiepers A campestris werden nog gez ien te Ronse op 4 en 12 mei, te Bredene op 10 mei en te Schulen op 16 mei. Er werden vrij vee l Roodkeelpiepers A cervinus gez ien; te Bredene twee op 11 mei; te Genappe op 7 en 8 mei; bij Gent op 8 mei; te Heist, Westvlaanderen, op 1 mei; te Kall o-Me lsele twee op 5 mei en één op 9 mei; te Neerharen, Limburg, vijf op 11 mei en bij Wenduine op 7 en 10 mei. Een mann etje Balkankwikstaart M ffe/degg zat op 10 mei te Orroir, Henegouwe n. Een vrou wtje Citroen kwikstaart M citreo/a liet zich op 9 mei slechts door een handvol waa rnemers bekijken te Li er. Het nieuws va n een plei sterende Roodstuitzwaluw Hirundo daurica te Virelles, Henegouwen, op 4 mei werd alweer geheimgehouden. Dé soort va n de periode werd spijtig genoeg drie da gen te laat doorgebeld. Zouden we een ki ck gekregen hebben van het mannetj e Diadeemroodstaart Phoenicurus moussieri dat op 29 mei te Sint-Andries-Brugge pleisterde .. . ? We zullen het niet snel weten. Ten min ste één zingende Cetti 's Zanger Cettia cetti was nog aanwez ig te Harchi es op 4 juni. Bij Zeebrugge zong er één in mei en juni. Te Heist zong op 22 mei een Orpheusspotvogel Hippo/ais po/yg/otta. Vanaf 29 mei we rden bij Brecht twee exemplaren waargenomen, Vlaanderens eerste broedgeval? Op 9 of 10 juni vo lgde er een va ngst te De Haan en op 10 juni zong er kortstondi g één te Boechout, Antwerpen. Ringers aan de Belgische ku st slaagden er toch in om dit voorjaar drie Baardgrasmussen Sy/via cantil/ans en één Kleine Zwartkop S me/anocepha/a te vangen . Een zingend mannetje Kl eine Zwa rtkop te M enen werd op 9 mei we l doorgebeld, maar met een net iets te onduidelijke plaatsbeschrijving. Tu ssen 22 en 25 mei was er te Eth e, Luxemburg, een vondst va n een dood vrouwtje. De lijsthouders moesten met lede ogen toez ien... De Iberische Tjiftjaf Phyl/oscopus col/ybita


Recente m eldingen brehmi bl eef z in gen te W achtebeke, O ostv laanderen, tot ten min ste 7 juni. Bij Ploegsteert, Henegouwen, zat er één op 29 mei. Ook dit jaar geen doorbra ak va n Buidelmezen Remiz pendulinus met sc haa rse waa rnemin gen te Blokkersdijk op 12 en 16 mei, te Kall o (ten min ste één nestbouwe nd mannetje) en te Zonhoven op 15 mei. Een mannetj e en een vrou wtj e Grauwe Klauwier Lanius col/urio zaten op 9 mei te Schulen, enkele latere waa rnemin gen deden de hoop op een broed geva l stij gen. Te Zeebru gge-Achterh aven zat er één op 10 me i, bij Meetkerke op 16 mei en op Blokkersdijk op 23 me i. Een ongedetermineerde klapekster Lanius vloog op 31 mei ove r Hensies. Wat doet een Notekraker Nucifraga ca ryocatactes te Li er op 2 juni ? Een Roodmus Carpodacus erythrinus te Bastogne, Lu xemburg, liet z ich op 2 ju ni enke l horen en op 6 juni zo ng er een onvo lwassen mannetj e bij Zeve rgem. Langs de Belgisc he ku st wa ren er voor langere tijd meerdere z in gende exempl aren aanwez ig. Va naf 18 juni tekende z ich p lots een wa re in vas ie va n Kruisbekken Loxia curviros-

tra af, met het gros va n de waa rn emin gen in de prov incie A ntwe rpen. Er wa ren nog Ortolanen Emberiza hortulana te Assenede beg in mei; te Bredene-De Haa n va n 5 tot 8 mei (v ier) en op 16 mei; te Genappe op 5 mei; te Gent op 27 juni ; te Heist op 22 mei; te Longchamps op 9 mei; te Ro nse va n 1 tot 3 mei en te Zw ijn aa rde op 9 mei (twee) . De typi sc h Belgische les voo r deze fru strerende periode; ze wa ren er we l, maa r we zagen ze niet. .. Deze waa rn emin gslij st kwa m tot stand met medewerkin g va n Yves Bapti ste (Harelbe ke), Hu gues Dufourny (Henegouwe n), Koe n Leysen (Sc hul en), Philippe Smets (Ti enen), Dirk Symens (VLA VICO), Erik Va nl oo (Trektellin gen in het Oostend se), Will y Versc hueren (Linkeroever) en Frederik W ill emyns (M ergus) . Ook de hulp va n al diegenen di e (hun) waa rn emingen meedeelden op de Belgisc he Du tc h Bird ing-vogellijn (03-4880194) was hier onontbeerlij k.

Cerald Driessens, Bosstraa t 44, 2500 Lier, België

DB Actueel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Bairds Strandloper bij Julianadorp O p zaterd ag 31 juli 1993 ontdekte Dirk Moerbeek een Baird s Strandl oper Ca lidris ba irdii op een onder wate r gezet bloemboll enve ld langs de M iddenvli et b ij Julianadorp, Noo rdh olland . De voge l liet z ich langdurig zien maa r bl eef op vr ij grote afstand. Tot en met zo nd agavond 1 augustu s kon hij doo r een groot aantal voge laars wo rd en bekeken. Het betrof het derd e geva l voo r Nederl and en het eerste va n een adult i n zomerk leed. De twee eerste geva llen wa ren j uveniele exempl aren op 21-28 september 1980 op de Maasvlakte, Zuidho ll and, en op 23 28 augustu s 198 1 naast de Sti c htse Bru g bij Hui ze n, Noordho ll and. ARNOUD B VAN DEN BERG led Parker O n 3 August 1993, Ted Parker died in a plane cras h w hile survey ing clo ud-forest in coastal mountain s of Ecuador. His death at th e age of 40 is an immense loss to neotropi ca l ornith ology. He was arguabl y the wo rld 's leading author ity on tropi ca l bird bi ology despite 'being always too bu sy pursuin g bird s to pursue adva nced uni versity degrees' . Since 1973, he pa rti cipated in many Loui siana State Uni ve rsity Mu seum expeditions to Peru during w hi ch several new species were di scovered . Hi s memory fo r bird so und s was unm atched. It is comforting to kn ow th at more than 10 000 of hi s so und-recordings we re donated to th e Library of Natural Sound s at the Co rn ell Laboratory of O rnith ology. Ted Parker w ill also be remembered as a very kind and helpful perso n w ho encouraged numerous birders in their efforts to identi fy bird s of neotropi ca l forests and to understand bird behaviour and ecology. ARNOU D B VAN DEN BERG


Birding in Hong Kong Wo rld Wide Fun d for Natu re (WWF) Hong Kong w ishes to in form b irders plannin g a visit to Hong Kong and the famo us M ai Po Ma rshes N R th at a permit is needed to visit M ai Po . To appl y for the 'M ai Po Entry Permit', pl ease w rite to : Di recto r of M ai Po M arshes NR, Ag ri culture and Fi sheri es Department, 393 Ca nton Road, Kowloon, Ho ng Kong. The app li cati on should co ntain perso nal detail s such as name, address, passport number, da tes and p urpose of visit and membership of any bird(watch)ing societies o r co nservati on organi zati ons. It takes c 4 weeks to iss ue a permit. For v isit in g th e coasta l mud -fl at at M ai Po M arshes, a 'Fronti er Closed A rea Permit' is needed since thi s area li es on the border w ith Chin a. App lica ti on for thi s permit should be done in person at th e Fanlin g Police Stati on, Hong Kong, brin ging along a support ing letter fro m WWF Hong Kong and the M ai Po Entry Permit. For further information on birding in Hong Kong and oth er useful addresses pl ease co ntact: WWF Hong Kong, GPO Box 1272 1, Central, Hong Kong, telepho ne +852 -526 10 11-6, fa x +852-845273 4 ; or th e Hong Kong Birdwatching Society, GPO Box 12460, Central, Hong Kong. Birds of Ecuador Gu y Kirwa n is co ll ecting inform ati on on th e bird s of Mindo, Ecuador, fo r a paper on the area's b ird s. Th e in fo rm ation co ll ected w ill also be used by a tea m of fi eld wo rkers co nductin g a survey of the region next summer. A ll co ntri buti ons w ill be full y ackn ow ledged. Pl ease se nd yo ur observa ti ons to: Guy Kirwa n, 6 Conn aught Road, Norw ich N R2 3BP, U K.

!Duteh Birding 15: 192, augustus 1993J

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Britain's top birders, including Bill Oddie, Eric Simms, Anthony McGeehan and eolin Bradshaw

Chief editor Arnoud va n den Berg (+3 1-23378024) Editors: Dutch Bi rding, Postbus 11 6, 2080 AC Santpoort-Zuid, Netherlands (fax +31-2337(749)

Deputy chief editors Enno Ebels (+31-30961335) and Gera ld Oreel (+31-25 1870992) Executive editor André va n Loon (+3 1-20699 7585) Photographic editor René Pop (+31-104508879) Editorial board Marc A rge loo , Ferdy Hi ese l aa r,

Photographic editor: Dutch Birding, c/ o René Pop, Floris Burgwal 54, 2907 PH Capelle aan den Ijssel, Netherlands Subscription administration: Dutch Birding Assooiation, c/o Anja Nusse, Symfo niestraat 21, 1312 ET Almere, Netherlands

Graham Ho l lo way, Peter Meininger and Fr an k Rozendaa l

Editorial advisory board Chri stine Barthel (German y), Peter Barthel (Germ any), Gera ld Driessens (Be lgium), Kla as Eigenhu is (Netherl ands), Dick Forsman (Fin land ), Ted Hoogendoo rn (Netherlands), Lars Jon sson (Sweden ), Killi an Mullarney (Ireland), H ans Schekkerman (Netherl and s), H adoram Shirihai (Israel ) and Peter Symens (Saudi Arabia)

Board: Dutch Birding Association, Postbus 756 11, 1070 AP Amsterdam, Netherlands Dutch Rari ties CornmiUee: CDNA, Postbus 45, 2080 AA Sant poort-Zuid, Netherlands

Editorial assistants Ruud va n Dongen, Gerald Driessens, H ans Gebuis, H ans va n der Meulen and Peter de Rouw Production and lay-out An dré va n Loo n and René van Rossum Advertising Peter Meijer (+31 -34803 1905, fa x +31-348020394) Subscriptions 1993: NLG 52 .50 (Netherl ands) or BEF 1000 (Belgium); N LG 60.00 (other countries in side Europe) and NLG 65.00 (co untri es outside Europe). Giro account (Netherlands) 01 50 697; gi ro account (Be lgium ) 000 1592468 19; bank accou nt 54 93 30 348 of ABN.AMRO (B il thoven). All accounts are in the name of the Dutch Birding Assoc iation. Payment maya lso be made by credit ca rd (Access, Eurocard, MasterCard or Visa). Pl ease indi ca te the account number and expiry date and append a signature. Note: Thi s method of payment is not appl ica bl e to subscribers res ident in the Netherlands and Belgium. Dutch Birding is a bimonth ly journ al w ith issues in February, April , June, August, October and December. It publishes ori gina l articles and notes on morphology, systematics, occurrence and di stribution of birds in the Benelu x, Europe and elsewhere in the Pa learctic region. It also publishes contributio ns on birds in the Asian-Pacific region. The Dutch, English and scientifi c bird names follow: the List of Dutch bird species 1993 by A B va n den Berg (1993, SantpoortZuid); The 'British Birds ' list of English names of Western Palearctic birds by British Birds (1993, Bl unham); the list comp iled by C S Roselaar in the Dutch edition of The illustrated encyclopedia of birds of the world by C M Perrins (199 1, Weert); and Distribution and taxonomy of birds of the world by C G Sibley & B L Moroe Jr (1990, New H aven). Manuscripts should be typewritten with double line-spac ing and wide margins on both sides. Word-processed manuscripts can also be submitted on diskette (e ither in Macintosh or MS-DOS format). More information is ava ilab le from the editors. A sched ule of payment rates for authors, photographers and artists is ava il able from the editors.


_D_u_t_c_h_B_ir_d_i_n-=g_A_ss_o_c_i_a_ti_o_n_______ _ _ _ NU~,~~~9N Board Gi jsbert van der Bent (pres ident, +31-171813606), Chris Qu ispel (secretary, +31-71124825 ), Arno ld Veen (treasurer), Arn oud va n den Berg, Roy de H aas and Peter Meijer

Dutch Birding Association is sponsored by Nuts-Aegon Ziektekosten NV

Board assistants Theo Admi ra al, Gerald Driessens, Ron van den Enden, Hans Gebuis, Pau l KnolIe, Ger Meesters, An ja Nusse, Gera ld O reel, Ferry Ossendorp, Wim van der Schot and Kees Tiemstra Travel-reports service Dirk de Moes, Postbus 94, 3956 ZS Leersum , Netherl and s (+3 1-343457501)

Dutch Rarities Committee Members Edward van IJzendoorn (chairman, +31-23391446), Karel Mauer, Coc k Reijnders, Kees Roselaar, Jell e Scharringa, Hans Schekkerman, Gerard Steinhaus and Wim Wiegant (archivist) A committee of the Dutch Bi rding Association and the Netherlands Ornithological Union © 1993 Stichting Dutch Birding Association. The copyright of the photographs and draw ings rema ins wi th the photographers and artists. ISSN 0167-2878. Printed by Albédon! Klop BV, Postbus 321 1,2220 CE Katwijk, Netherlands



jaargan g 15 nummer 4 augustus 1993 Volume 15 number 4 August 1993 Artikelen 145 Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1991 Arnoud B van den Berg, Rolf A de By & CDNA 160 Seabirdin g in japa n Mark A Brazil 166 Twee ove rw interende Siberische Boompi epers te Noord w ijk in januari-februa ri 1991 Willem-Jan Hooijmans

169 Corrigendum Mededelingen 170 Kleine Zwartkop op Rottumeroog in april 1991 Bert de Bruin 171 Raddes Bosza nger op Tersc hellin g in oktober 1991 Arie Ouwerkerk Brieven 173 Post-juveni le mou lt and western limit in winter of Brown-headed Gu ll W R PBourne & Graham Bundy 176 Whiskered Terns winterin g in France Philippe J Dubo is Mystery photographs 176 Mystery photograph 52: Rufous Nightinga le Peter H Barth el

177 178 178 179

Recensies Birds of Europe with North Africa and the Middle East by L jonsso n Tom M van der Have The Hong Kong bird report 1991 by V B Pi cke n (editor) Enno B Ebels European bird names in fifteen languages by R Sandberg Arnoud B van den Berg BIRDWATCH by So lo Publishing Tom M van der Have

DBA-nieuws 179 DBA-voge lweek op Texe l in oktober 1993 WP reports 180 WP reports: May-june 1993 Arnoud B van den Berg Recente meldingen 186 Nederl and: mei en juni 1993 Ruud M va n Dongen, Hans Gebuis & Peter W W de Rouw 190 België: mei en juni 1993 Gera ld Driessens DB Actueel 192 Baird s Strandloper bij julianadorp; Ted Parker; Birdin g in Hong Kong; Birds of Ecuador

Voorplaat: Wenkbrauwa lbatros / Diomedea melanophris, New Is land, Falkl and eil anden, januari 199 1 (René Pop) Front cove r: Bl ack-browed A lbatros Diomedea melanophris, New Island, Falkland Islands, january 1991 (René Pop)

Abstracted/indexed in: Auk, Ecolog ica l Abstracts, Emu, GEOBASE (Geo Abstracts Database), Ibis, Wildlife Rev iew, Zoo logica l Record

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