1984-02, Dulcimer Players News Vol. 10 No. 2

Page 1

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Spring 198-1

1984 EVENTS CALENDAR Interview With Bob Wey Mark Biggs







Spring HIXI

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Ling ht· !)"Inun I.., Io.rr! (:l.K!ir, .. 1 \.b \\h~!',






Our special lhankll !Co


all who hl·lp thi' IlUIJ'IMEK

PI..A YER!=; /,;EW~ t'lI;iMt - omon .... th"m Jnlln /';aut'r, Sarah John8()n, Mil1.if' ('ollinll. Erk Blumlll.l>dl ,Ind our arti.ta Gf'rry /';um., Mlcha('ll.eK4rl'. Bill WI(·kman and Randy Mohr.

Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

Dear Re~dcrs: Yes, I know . You IUBedby your maIlbox, ~hl\'enn8 m lhe faJling illOW, TIle po$l pe1"SQIl brought ads. bills and perfumed icllers from your Aunt MIllie. BUI each day lhe famil. iar magatlrte failed to lUl'iw. You. at last. began to wonder If the DULCIMER PLAYERS NEWS had gone to Inc Grcat MBgaZlrte RlICk in the sky, or if someone m the post office didn't like you. Did we heK in Virginia ngun: the beSI waylocelebrtllc our annivcrsary WBS to have the first laIc ,ssue m len years'! No Our copy n:ached the prinler during the firsl few day~ of December... a d,ffcrenl prinlcr. Because the prinl ,hop was dosed fOf ChriSlrTlllli vocation and because of a communlClItion ml$-undcrstmding. I didn'l n:ali1.c our release was scl'Iedulcd for urly February. By the time Ihmgs wen: W1Iighlcrted out. the DPN wem in Il.Iemail January 27lh _ three weekJi lale. 8ul. I hope )OU lhoughl the issllC "a~ JlI'Inled as nicely liS I did .

I belic,'c ourcommunkatlon IlI\Cs an: III nghtthl) tlltlC , Your DPN should am"e as usual. WIth one e,\cepllon M} fnc:ndslnd I ha>'c n:un:d from labcl ,slic~1ng. and the DPN I~ being mailed by a rompany m Ann Arbor. MIchIgan. close: 10 the prinler, Thercfore, your DULCIMER PLA YERS NEWS willlUl'i,'c either laler or earher t~an befO芦' ... hen lhe magazine was mai led from northern V'rg,nia A brief remmdcr: If you have any feSIl\allnfonnalioo for the summer D!'N , please gel 11 10 LS no laterlhan May 15th I hope 10:iCC many of you III lhe ...undcrful fcsll\al~ planned for this year.



Madeline MacNeil, Edllor DULC IMER PLAYERS NEWS

two noICS should be a doned eIghth noIe and a SIX leenth I1(I(c , n:spt(Cti,-cly. The way the song n:ads now, thl're an: 100 mBny beats In each of lhcse IWOmeasures. Please (lICUse this error. I hope that thesoe oonttTions will mate the songea.~ier IQ play and understand. Janet Stromborg Bowie. 1\10 l)ear UI'N: I'd lIke 10 TIllIte a CQtTCCIIOIl in the SOIlG Nrl/y Bly that appeared in the: Winter i!i.SlIC of DPN. In the second mcllSUIl: of the chorus. the lirst noce shou ld br I sixteenth Il0l(. the second and thlnl OOIes should each be dotted eiGhth I1(I(CS. and the founh note should be a si xleemh 11(1((. L i ~ewise. in the thmll1lCasure Ortlle eh<rus. tlie last

Dear Editor: I publish a gmwlng magazlIlc n:'achlllg hundreds of establisilcd and budding musi_ cians and '" ~tJ\lmcnl blulders. I rece,ve many nicc kllers from my subscnbcrs. bUI they all: of a perWflal or subscnplloninquiry nature. I .... ant to have an act ,ve Leiters To The EdItOfoolumn in my maga路 zine. but I ran:ly get leiters 10 pont.

My rcaders play InlereSl1ng Instru ments. SOITlC Irllpezoidal '" shape with many strings, others often," an hourglass lihapc with three Of four Mnng>i. Howean I enlice readers 10 share wllh OIhers through a letters eolunm 7 Despondent , PleadmG & Nervou s

Dru,. 0 P &- N; / ,hill!: yo",. "",,,'rr fir. i" {J ,.uhllr fwu,", UM IIIm's "hul I'm Kil'i"K )'fIU hrrt' . If Ihis dots,,', "'01'.1:, ... rur 10 LA"dr"s or 1Jt'lIr )lbby. Good lucie! F.du(H'

1 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com


Cowboy Waltz arr. Bernie Slolls Jericho, NY f'la,-Inl NOles:


1lIr nllle Ii pJa)oo A If " If A B btu C'IIds 01'1 A.


Tbe ~'qulg&le·· undcr lOme nOlc~ means the bii.mmcl'J should be: bounced to gel a t~lTll'lo cffcci . Tb e accompa niment 'Acc.) can. of COUI"5e. be: used " 'I th all) ltad IMlnlment

The A pat! the accompaniment mould be played "'Ith I touch of S,'nropallOll. ic. somcUlins bc:1...een:

~~ •tJij 9

You'Ulind 10e melody " 'n llcn b.:lo..' TIM: harmony amngcmcnl 1)01'1 10e nnl pa~c

~~_~'~I.IM~~~~~}~.~~~7~b~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~P~~~~



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IF' IF' ll'trAA-& ttirV (




Wr Jffl JJ Ir [fI JJJIJ G-



Ir Jil l

Ir rr iF l>

~oob ~ ~tring!l 5906 ~'in Willows

Arlinl(l.on . TX 76017 (8 17) 478--6339

HAMM ER DULCIM ERS by Russell Cook



H. mm ....d Dulclmel1l

....... __ ........... '"

· ~-._t


Prepay your hammer dulcim.er order, mention this ad, and receive a "BOSS" CHROMATIC TUNER ($89.95) for only $39.951 . Limited OfTer


1J1 4

c:ro.t.t. er.. Dr~ _ _ , M,C, .11' I_

2 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com



Arnn~tmrfll ~J)











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IJr""r S",II~ low br,~ pIu",,~ 'N j >In .. , "''''11' for ..yl/ ,,,y, ." , ..."., ,..wi Ill, ~mrr d.. I.,_, for "bow 6 ""n II, /"".,,,1/,. ph ... IN.mmr, dll/, """ '" TN Min •..-. of f)~blm. u IJ'Qf<P ..-h,..h pl<l\,~ '" <lnd "",.. lid ,~, \,.,. )',..-(

em u..., /,/''''./ ".....

3 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

An lnterview With ...


by Bernadine Berock

Boston, Massachusetts I ' d I l y you , ,"t brr omt pnll y wt ll "oo",'n lmona hanllMrH d.k!1"MI' tnIhll'l1a.ru Ihrough your ",oR ,,-llh thr C ranherr y Iflmmrred Dulrlmtr

C i lberln" y(HIr feslh"a l workshops, your I"d..... , 'our IUOf"d album , a nd pttf"_anrtlI 0' I'r 1M ,asc x ' "rnl yean. 1Itn" s 1M Ine,"I..blt nr$l qu& lion: lI ow did you COIOC' K nli5 dulclmtr


pl. ,"lna! Wlul made ,'01110 10 tM him_ mtrrd du lelml'r! I'vt llten ,nteresled In folk musIC ~.rw;e I

was m colk'ge .n V'Il.n,a I I\'U \i5l1mg friends


M.ch.gln III 1973. and by

I hid IoOInC pumo lessons ",hen I was I h i . oot they ne\C'1' arroounted 10 Inythlng, I MIMed pllylnggullar In the SI~lJe!i But nearl)' evtt)1h.ng I know lbout mUSK l()oo till' I,\,t kuntd or! my 0,,'11 as I rntJlI of' my 1n0000~mcntwlth!he Iwnmcrcddukl-


I koow ,-our ~UClItioo Is In tltc1roo icl t nglnttrlnl, 1)0)011 think Ih.1 hu I ny

m)'Klf 10 pll.)' 11

Do 01'

"00 ha\ t .ny formal mu5k' Inlnlng other mll51nl bKkgroum?

No, I don'tthmk I can IWTIC Iny one .. 110'$ had I conSPIC'\lOUS .nnuence b«1USC', IS I sa.d, I'~ mal to collec:1 styles Ind be ablc 10 play .n ,U of lhem I've lcarnal as much fmm my sludcoIS'~ I h,we from other players, 100,

My eng,nccnng bent ma~cs ITll' ."ery IN.lylk.I, .nd r \'e b«n lUIal)1,cal.boul llammeml duklnleB and 100111 people play


lI ow " 'ould ,-00 dtscribe lou r st)1t fIf

I thonk II', ~Ind of diffICult to pul .."OrtIs ontO peopIe'$ pla)"mg $Illes Somt ... oms that l'\'c used forothcr playen' !i-\ykJ Ire; In lric, te. ~ggrcUlve. flOWing, sy ncopated. rhythmic, and pill'1lstd Hut I can' t Uc5('ribe my o".-n pla)"ong like that What I've lned 10 do .S plC~ up e,-ct') · body', !i-\yle • 5OrIIC'thmg fn:wn every pllyer I hJlCn to - and I10l allow thai 10 ITIIIJOSh

on ,-our pla,illl'!


m.tlon to your musk'!

reme:mbeml the thin! vay .",.Klly. the sight and sound of It I found OUt",IIaI,1 ""IS later, and then !ilar'led ISk.ng around. ched,lng ,n hbm"ItS and musIC StOfU Ind such. I oo.1d I

Then Itaughl


0011'1 Il'link tJIm, IS I single ~8ob Wey $oIyle" Ith'nk I can pllY ,n lloe ofdlffercnt $oI)'Ies, and I hlnk I do

II IIf IDyant In part5nllar had an In-

them. I' ve gotten 50 I Clll\ analyu ,n IR'II1 deWl 110 hal I'm doonr. llhen I pla) , and I durn.. !hat m».es me a bella" pb)W and glVC:I me: IoOnle qualtrocahon ali I IC..:-her




cllantt. llapprncd 10 be al Grctnfield VillaIC' 011 I ... eckend .."hen they had an old· urnt"y bind pia) '"I . The band had I Iwn· mcmI duku"I'ICf In II II JUS!: unit: Into m) subconscu. I didn't COfTIm.l m~lf 10 .... mme:mI dulc.1l'Ien on the spot, 001 I

erudconcdunng I

01\( style of my o,,'n. bul be able 10 do I vlnCly Ohl)lc:s_ I

together ,nto

Wllat kinds fIf music do )"011 play! I pI.y I klc of dlff~1 ~.nds. but mosIl) !he ITIdnlOlW Anglo.Amcnc:an thonp If you' .., playin, for l.ud'cflCn ",ho Ile in terested ,0 reTl.1n tradllionll InSlrumenu. wt'h IS 1M llammc:mI dulc,mer, and lherd'arc arc probably tntrreJ,\ed on mu~1C from the sa.mt Irid1110n, you can ' I &0 off on. lot of tangenlS. I don' l lhtn~ I rou ld .. alk onlO I folk eluborcoffec:houliC and do I .. hole tventng of Mlgume: or 1 Greek musIC on the: IIImmered dulc,mer Ind get aIQy wllh n . It', really ont~.ng : 10 do odds and ends of VIllOUS Iypes of music w,th'n the ronle :1II of Anllo -




BOOK II • 65 Song. In 78


Tr.dlllo_1 ...d A ddl e Tun.... H y,,",_ .nd

C hrlatma. Song. • Fo r 8eglnnfl... Int ermedllt'" • Tri e d It T".t" d by Hundred . o f S tud "n t. S 10.95 P_t Plld /'~ T~d

The Dflle. Boob

I Kup Comon9 Bad- To Youn '"

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Amencan t.-.d,uon, IlOl for lilt no~dty of II, but to II1uw.te the potential of the In' aRunent And .Iso, of COllI'§(, for lood 1I*",n! and fun p1a)lI\! What dulclmc'r5 do





thllli rcco&muble and iiOt.all) KCCpuble III JUst an hour If you ~h It righl ,

OM of tbe rounders or tilt Cranberry Ca thtrin& in Binghamton, Nrw Vork , 1I0w did that get stllr1rd? Vou

,"'m '

My rom dukllner , .f1('r ,"" one I billie fOf my5Clf. "'as bu Ill for me by Sunhe.nh In 1975_ 1(1 ~ull my (&\'OOle , a beauuful InW\lment Unul I had others, I e.med It evayoo.-he~ But it'isodam well -buIlt that II'S too he.vy to be COIIiKkred ponabk In 1980 I &ot • spttial one from Malcolm DaI!"~ lhat ~Ighl$ only I) pounds nils year I've beI:fI dom! so many QOnCeru that rw bct1I u~.nl the [);alg"~ almost e,,' cluslwly due 10 lIS portalnht) 1 .Iso hive an ,n~Nment b,ull by PhIl Mason m 1977 lhal1w)\lSIlilt right rlw.:1(nUICI for daoce,band pl'ylng . And I have I very old mSIrumc:nl, bIlllt m upslalc Ne'" York In maybe 1870, t hat the Sunhearth pwplc restored for me ,

That ~ .. ncd .~ • pan)' ik!n SlOne of Montrmc , I'l:nnsylvama had • sugg~tlOf1 ont year Ihat • bunch of people' ... ho wert IntereJled In hammered dulcuTll:rs gel IOJCther for. " 'eclend pany John KIn~c !IIIUes/cd "1: do 11 al lhe churd! .. hert he Nnl the Cnnberry CorrecOOu$C We 111vucd everyone ..-c: couLd Ihlnk of When pcopkshowed up, we pul~' .. WqI !iChcduk on the spot II rot. hule bu man: fOlTl'lalIl$ the years ""CDt along, bul II', alII nothllli hke a fC$llval 1'\1: done the ham~ dUKm'ICr prognlDlmng for ~ven yean in. row, liD ror 1 984 I 'lIIgl~lIIg II' rest BUI theGa/henng 11101nl on, lhough II's July 271h to 291h thiJ year ,

Any Idv," to SOIMOM ,"'110 ,"antf 10 pu~1aaM Instnunmt'

Which do you prefer'


For. rlnllllW\llrltnl, rd,.y don 'l be dIrap aboulll It's IIle genml' !1I11ar to learn on If you buy. chc:aporw:, illOUnd) lousy, h huns yOllr lingers, you don'I pnt'ticc, .nd you're "lICk "lth • cheap gUlw you can' I ~n If you get IIDOd In!.trumcntlhal R1Unds n..:e, $Uly5 m tune, Ioob good and pl.ys easIly, lhen you haw • rualoble lIem If you find }ou can'l or don't W/UlttO pI.y It

I kno ... )"ou leac:h hamllM'rH duldmtr,

aDd you Jusr mtnUoned ,'our SI~nlS, An! then! . ny probIetm: or situa lions that are common to bqinning 5t~nb' When 50mtb0dy II uartln! 10 pl.y the hammered duK.mer , the first IllIng I usually observe .s ItuII they're .fnid of it A hammemi dulcm-.er never hll.l back Yoo shouLdn'I be .fnld of mak,ng mlSlakes ... hen you Jlan, bIlt • 101 of people are taec:.u$C' " wrong lIOIe" docStl't go .w.y mstandy If you 're n&lll ,handed , IheR 'u 1('mptl11011 to fnor your nghl hand bcc,u$C thmp ~ eas~ for you that ..... y. 8uI don 't, You 've SOC 10 uart from the: very belln",nlto iCl 0111 ofINI "*>II and play equally WIth boIh hands I think the: hammered dukllt1er has a very w:cp k.rDlnl ClINe" hell )'011 fil1-l SII down \0 It You can leam 10 play 5Q1T1C-






5010 as

" 'c ll





Fllst -CIISS sl'lIIps


I prefer the group SUllltlOD bcausc I like the: 1)"!'ICf1)' , I h~ arnn"lIg pICtt!I 1111<> I


or 50( 10/ iIIutnted UIJlol

as In groups..

and &elling. variC"ly ofS1Y~

~ ~



PHONE [1031 916 -IOU



After l moved 10 Boston III I 980 and had 10 lene the Joyful NOIK Stnnpnd , I did • couple of dozen random appc:anoca IiOfflCtime, 11010 bul ITI()I'C Umtli than not WIth you backIng me on plano. I ,,'cn! fora yur or two OOlng a 101 of dance playmg SInce last SlImmer, I've been more acuve profCSSKlDally IS half of. par1nCNI1P "nth Pamr;la Roberts , " 'oo's • really CJ. . pen Autolwpcr . She'li been at It for thlny




.\ ..... ,.,..... J~~

" RPHAlE _. ..... w: ;ot("(...k~'


What 'I lUI HA ulohlrpcr'"'! Well , " 'c'rt definmg It IS sorneone ...ho plays folk Autoharp, .~ opposed 10 an Autoharpi" ...1\0 playsclpssical ororche~ lral AUloharp . Anyway , In the 198),84 Kuon .. e're doinl thlft 10 five concttIS e\'l'f)' month and u 's JOIng re.lly well , People really do 1«111 to hke lhe combmalJOI'I of the ham · 1t1emt dulcImer and the: AUloharp I don 'l thmk it' . been tned before We 'rt deJighttd " 'Ith the \cUllin we've been able \0 achie\1: _ One promoIC1" .. 1\o

wr:'FOIW c.u:ot. -""'N(I""D 0«-'::

-RlNAlf54NCIt: M"5IC ' JI:i5U,.JO\'

,,"""'!I ofDl[i5I~IM O( rn"'i~) F'ARlf ' 111;151-0 roLo..It., 6000 for"'" TON""" .. ",oJ (I.1d ",'''""'' Cf'




OA';:I:>eN ROSl!"i5 . ..


~.,.. "~, V. . .,..,J H....~id...-d &. 0. ..-.".. H,:n.. ....... ONI

""...,.. /...if, '" rfio "..-1............ 7O-min , 5tcrro Couc Hc .. , REAL · TII>'I! PUJ"LICATION , I'CC

$ fo,oO

[AC>l •

~t O'VI!r_

OIhr .. " ......-d"Y.A....~ \t.'r,!C'

R,P.trail! ' 3 c ...... nu Av, A-Z -C""cord NH o"OI

5 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

Why learn Dulcimer from Homespun Tapes?


pul II~ on Oescribed illS "1Ia~In' Ilyen of musIC ..~ over you - I OIIght to st~ that Pam pbys -k~ Autolwp . ~ e\·C"n plly$ C"lasslC~ n1U51C • not JUst backup Ii'1l1Inunlng 1lw gwes me a d\;ollCC" 10 play backup dukll1lC1". II ', grc-al fun I play dukuner acwmpafllment 10 her .mllnl, and we- liso do vocal ducts. IIIIH )·011 and I'llm made' II rerord!

No, bul we- C"~pcct 10 IIC"AI year I k«p !>!lying I" ve JOt 100 many copIeS of 808

WEY 'S HAMMERED DULCIMER AL8 UM kft 10 pUI .'iOfIlC"lhlng IIC"W 0111, bul lhe tunc "tomlnl. 1I0w _bout your rKVrd! You I'!'kllWd II last April , didn 't you! lIow did It l"OIM



ThiS UCI1Ing 1It'/ll Ilflts tovers all aspecls 01 Ihls !avoflle American

mountam Instlument Lorrame stalls at tile easiest level and


expertly gUldeslhe studenlln 11 Cfe3llve mUSical txperlence Ihat combll'le$ AlII _panlMl\l plttl", 11dInI1tlflL1MIry _lIIr_:,.;" "lVi'll. . and It¥If

Htle IS lilt CIII,'''' I11III dtfilliliwt CMU ill IIaIIIItf llultllller. taught by ooe 01 Ameflca s Ita<llllg pl'ytl$ on tl'liS Stflts 01 Sl~



cuulles John 'fllfoducts you to 1M Instrument aflel Ihtn leads you IIlf000gl! III' 1t(lIn.quts styles and tunes IIIaI Will make you an accomplished and vers .."le Instrumentalist The Itpeflollt tie

wl!ldtrlul .... and 11II1nI.... I.

- ... ..

•." I _ _ _ '.-.e ..., .. D ..... ,m .. 1MIOoIy"'" _ . . _

_ ....... ...,.r" ....... ,....

L.-.I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,

leachH Includes • • tIIln ,•• lIIy

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IIounOI ~ ... croorok

.............. ' ...lLao.....,.


"a.IIIII ..... Ma. ,'. ........ . . S-III _ _............

III" I RIPI""" _

no. ..... l't;...,

:'r''':''11'J::.':':... ..:.? , ~ .... ~

I 5G".. IlIaInIH ....



people . the \1Ir1Cly of lhmgs tlml C"an be done with lhe Iwnmered dul,,"ncr, lhe variety of styles, and then Ihr .. ay lhal thr

IIIImmered dukllnC"T can be uliCd .. nh othC"r .~"'mmts. I for one ... a.Her)' happ) '" llh the way It tuned OUt. and apparcmlyOlher people arc, 100. Do lOU mtn


Well , I" m kind of proud of ha~lnl won the- first carncstl eVC"TC"nlC"rC"d. ",hicli Wali lhe NallOlUlI Ham11lC"rW DloI"l11lC"r Cham· pionsh lp In 1977 .. Wmfield, Kansas I ~ally haven'l done any othen, bttlllSC I filured I oughl 10 qun .. hi Ie I ",·u ahrad

on "'r~ IIltltfl"<S twlni!S

. ..... . . ....... __ ...... _ tony. _-,.r. _ It ....... .....


1.&1'1""'-, ~


UI'f: --.."...- ''''''''!I • .., 01 0 I'IIIhng

.... cIIorlh 11'11 H...

r:.~= ~r"'


Jut r........ I........ .., 016 ........ "P, tIIfJ --..1hIIy f . . . I_~ . AI , .. """ l _




II .. as _ mailer or wanllnl 10 sho¥o·e~ and shan: my own playmg • whal I had iC"arrk.-d, boll! on my own and from OIlier


.. o_

u-. WIo. .....

a...-. - .... s-aIIt l_ ..._.............. .... l---. 1.,.. .......... ....,0....1'""0$.' , _ ,.,._ s.. Iry. ","_oc....--s ~;:.'f= =..,..:.=. ~ lor

kqQ ..... ~ I 31 . . illulrtllll ....

NY 12498

You'l'!' not pllnnlng on p,·lng up play, Ing the dlllc:imu, I n ,.0.:' They'll haYC to pry thr IIIImmen from my lifeless hands

II"JIQI/, .... lI,rod j, " "'-rtr/.JJ./(",.., p/o'"'''I-tfl",_u.lrolorjJl "·OI~ ~" fr_'~t Slut, U",,~w'yt>/N... y",ilM limit' /otun"lfI S~·J 00" ''' .•.., (II IIollllfl ftw ji\~


".." _

. ... ~rrr W·J

Gr",... I.. I"," "'"

/1TIdwoc,,,, anJ 4r>OW"r' '''1U1(" Krllr,

As ~ SO to~. II'S belen learned ~ Bob Weyand his ~ PlImela Robnu will be fealurtd Ilona ..·nh Nell Hellman I I th e Elg~ th Cnnberr) Dulclmu GalhenngJll1y 21-29 .n 81ngnamton, NY


6 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

REVIEWS Itt: NA ISSAi'lU ; UULCIM£K: Coo rl lind COLlniry 1}/lIIcei Amngcd by C!It· ric Crompcon f-kl Bay P\Jblicauons

TIlt; MM'; IC DULC IMEW Ltc Ydlow Moon J>noss


S,nce: the da ...·n of revie ...·s. c"tlC~ hale enJO)'cd us.ng the IItlt of. book or pia) or moVie 1lI'"00hcr creat,,'C ..."Qrl. as pan llI'".n ofthcmllqllC . (THE BOAT ~n~ ) Lornunc has gll'en thIS reyle ...·er IlIat opponu-

This IS II charmmg. u)t'ful collection of Rcnai ~ulK'c dance tUlleS arranged for mounlliln dulcHllCT. anracli\'cly wnncn and IUustrakd The Prdace bricny out· lines the origins aoo development of Rcnal~ dance music. The Introduc tion clearl) uplams playl~1! lechm<turll The: d;lnCCS In: categori zed by Orlgm (Coon or Country) and ltv..] of diffKulty (6 j)c,S'"IlIng. 10 intermediate. 5 ad· vanced). 8cginncn . fur noL .. llN: ud vanced ones are not technically dlfficu ll . Ju~1 11 bit It1(lI'e corllplcx. One ofthc book'~ mos t admi rable fC/I\I,lre s is thai the arrangements art' models of fingermoVCmml economy. cmllltfltly pla)'ablc Although !ie"era] tLinings~Llscd . • 50f the 2J M'\e(1J()11S are In the ]-5-8 r' M,,,oly· dian" ) IUm",. malnl! lhe boo&. II ,.,onh· ...·hlle In'~Slmcnt .. /!ether you belong to !he Easkmcr'~ ~hOOI of ..... h.atll1Olk wll " 'c tunc to now: or lhe: ~Iunt 1110 D·A-D alK! Ic~yt II thert" approadl favOrtd by most WC$! Coasl playcrs. (Whal do Mld weslemers do?) llIC tab is large. e~sy 10 read; but I .... ,sh mU)IC notDtlon and chords had betn IncllKlc:d llICn lhe labCQUld ha~c betn u!iCd as an aHJ only •.. ~n nccllem ...-ay to begin or Imprtl~e muslc-read"I! skIlls. Abo. siandard nollllOIl 1I'0uid ha~e helped others. ~h as)'QU1 fnclK!ly!oral reconItr playel. 10 JOIn In M s. Crompton IS obviously ... ell in formed and lremendously tllihusiastlt aboul her wbJCCt; ~ has gwtn us • lovely


I4'h""/n- Pm,-,sl",,,,,I. d"A,"". P",.u•• Rmul. [)QpIt1ft. llld' , MUK,fJlI. M, 1_'s Mu~K(}fI I ..·"~ ~"u." ",~lf>tIy!. lin' .ht Sqw",v' N"'nlJll,. I'ur_ ·. Fllr",-,I. Btu" fh,tOC"t . T_d_. I'IIS'" t 101':0. s.uklrrlw. BrlMlt Cr...rl/Jflt /.",A IIrwok do. V.I/liV. A Frrltl:A lIlt. Grat·. I .." CoD'_', MtNwl . G~w 8oM,rr.


Jocmy WIlson Burban!.:, CA


bose. I'd Itle to shart some of ...·h~1 I rormlier e~emplary about thiS boo'Thc nt ... orl and poelry add 10 Ihe gc:ntl1ll appearance: and tontofthc bool. It i~ alway, I treal 10 ~ Mory A/.anlln'. woodcuts. and TH E MAGIC DULCIMEII. contains many of them . 1..oIr.tlnc·~ clM)Ict of maltnal for frelled (lulmller I) Inler· esung and I·arled . Throughout the buol the reader/player IS g"'en her I.me and

Madtllnc M.-Ncll IhI1Mtoru. VA

TlMPAN DenIS Murph y Mule KMD3


KIcking Mule, over the la~1 euuple of years. has reka!iCd II number of lap dulcimer recordi .... lIh emphasIs 00 West COOSI lapdulclltltr Sf)ks , W,th Dc"" Murrhy') TIMJ>AN album ....·e gt"tl ... ondc:rful WCSf

Traditional Mountain Dulcimer taught bV

Jean Ritchie

w ~ III pnud IG InnlUlICl tilt r.lull II I IlnOIl·tllll IIUII br Jeln Rltcbil. 1lllii/IDir

IIng.rltlr, 1114 recording Iltill.IIIII nJIIIII. "_llr_r_1 . ith tilt _IIIlln dulclmtr He. musIC US IMPlIed I gtneIlll/NI 01 6u1c, ...... pllvers and hn!lad MllmPOlIAflI

''''IIKIOII QUI UOOerSlandlfllJ 01 Mot<IC''''' ~tt.ll I,,(hhon ,tits one hoof (H5Clle III i ... OIIIIttlul IIIl!oOucilOll to lhe mount"n dulc""t< SIII IS "I the vt<y beg ..fIIllQ and ,.11111111"...


... """'" .... ... ,.1 ....1IItI, YO\III also Itll" to ~_



SlIum MIll

1I(lIe the ,nsnuneni III lhe ".c!1111I/Y1 5tVit In

varIOus ~ey$ or nodes hen II ,ou we nevel ploilvtil a mUSl(l1 ,"SI.umen! bdort VII'J II bIl

aml/e!! at 110\11 e.Jsy IllS gUIded by Jt~ns clea. ane! tf>COUI ilql"ll apIH oiICh Son-gs laughl 1<1-C11I{!e ...... 111M, Till Cat c... Grtln IIraoft 11. TIll Crull SII• .meI alhers

't '...



many )·tan of t~ptl1ence The: boot has an acrompan)mg u s-.cue tape and the package I) rtCOnmlended for dulclmtl"" students and for pl~ym Ioo':lng (01" new malenal arid ntW ,den, THE MAGIC DULCIMER ') magIC

magIC.) 8U1 . being gcncr.ally mon: H'I-

rollecl lUll "rr.",emenh : ~,J". Hn'.

tate. ror LOlT1unt 15 a fint ltacher ","h

- . . . , _ LII . . . . . WIIIIIOdo . , I f .



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_""'ut, ·s...h"'*I~",,_ ')'f J"&:P "fO"Iou" OJ r.t. f . paa"





.. $l1lO At .. ,

lui ....... ot



'.COO' I"


._----------------------SoncI To _""" , _ . ... 1JoIO '11_ n I l .


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- .,.,---_0.-.' __ (_

We sp«Jalize in books. records of trotdltlon ... ' musk of the Us. C... nacbi. ... nd the British Isirs. We hOIIve kits for ""~red <lind mounuln dukJm~ <lind bodhr... m . We £ell autoh.lrps. P"~ plprs. concft"tlnas. bones.. tin whistles. OC<llrlnas. recorde", bouzoukI.

Co.sI hammer dulcimer player (and buil deT; In IU1 all Irish album . The Ihln) -I"'"O tUIllt5 on Ihlrteen cuts are all mstrumc:nlal. and all .... ,th up froot hammer duklmcr They provide: a marvelous UlInlplc: of lhe hammc:r dulclmer's nalurdl affinlly wllh Irish mu)lC . Denis Mu'llhy's "fec I"' forlhe "'... ~..: II nght .... the buuo<> and the ~p.r"ed bac~up of liddle. mandolin. glillar .... h.)tl.e. P'IlJlO.nd bodhran enhanl:e the: teJ.lull' and brong about a truly !oIlIsfymg 5QUnd MU'llhy'i pla}lng.s cle:;m and ckar.!iO Ihal those .... Dnllng to learn the tunes should noI have much trouble pickrng them out J.gs. reds. hornpipes. O'Carolan.. they're: all here If you're Into Insh ~ndI or hammcr dulcimer music. th.) IS an album you .... ill tum to again and again Denl) Murphy's solid and 5.JI.nttd IXrformanc!: shines throughout Ihl~ complttdy hstcnable rtrordrng

melodeons i'lnd more.


~lOI'I.)I. ~~o1bIe. ~ M>II r~ \oefVICt

Free ~ulog lailoIN 4 · 6 ~ or \otflCI SI for Int cl.n~ n\aIIl 0._

.. A.

V_"'" NY.


, 1:1 II n ll :C II C; " ' - " ' : " ' C ; l * : _ : '

Selec"un~ .

I'rtrr StruI/Blg Jolon M,,..Nrili M~Jon ' , Apron . Tilt P~Ol"O<"t' l Frulhr,,/ PuJJ)" Full)"1 Rrrl. C~ GII'r Mr YOOt, II~"".




Tobl~ '1

F~I"'''r ' Krlll J;eMorriMHr'~DrUMJl M{)~ · ~It. M~,,~O"NrillTrWNJ~rI M~~, ...


Wood. "'IJ,lIl) EINItM Plunull. f~, f"rotfI 11_ MOW/10m RwJ.BlJrlJllrt. UMIJ ofl.JXJf" R,gJo,. of /IIUfI. I'll/1m ...... •Ior R"''''·" wMu"wl PrrrSII"·,,,I"s Chul'. CoI~"'''fI ' . CroJJ< /lt'h",d IJor //u,,'IJ("AlClifj"1 of Mohl". Ilu_rs of TrJID!TOJI'''' FrulltrrllFrrmm u.uu. John R)"tuI ·s,Rulml .... " lood of /1m'

Davc Ik~ua Laull'l. MD

."UTURE DAYS Frctless JO I

!)am Moffat



AITURE DAYS. the album Jadel Inus. containS ~old IlIntS and dance m}lhm). love !iOIlgs and sound le\lum from Irt: tand. Europe and We~t Afn · ea" .. an apt descnphofl of a plcaSllntly CCcla:lic album thai highlight) thi: ham · mc:rdulc .mcr to good advantage m >cvcllIl d.vclW styles of music . S,de; one opens w.lh an utrtnlely )klw. harmonically IntereSling rendition of CaroIan's ElrlllwrPflUlkrrl , fotlo ...·oo by a h"dy IIn'l", fa]!iO by Carol:m but ).mply des.cnbtd hen: lIS an ~ I rish mc:lody") . Ms . Mofrac" s dtlrl!:htful variauons on S.~IIJ 'J Rul an: ample proof thaI It I) "fun 10 play", as she I1Olcs. A ocauhful Celtic hallad 1$ f(lilowed by a tk'licDle lullaby (01" psaltery and ~anlck form~


Side t...·o offcr"5 an cnllrt:ly d,ffcll'nt music.1 ...·or!d. mcludrng the hypnotiC G.,tll Chlln!. an onglnal "inSpired by heanng an A fnean lonr (a kind of harp) ; ~ a Wesl African dalJCC thai sho ....eases Ms Moffat's mythm ic lalenls; a samba for baJiphoncs: I bcauciful 10"e song from Seno:g.l: and thc: hl'e Cui . anothc:r ong'lIIl Ms . Moff. displays a mcllovo. lyoc.1 qualilyon !h'1 n:wnJrng. ehllllC1cnztd by genenJly slow temp!. complt~ mythms. and nice otTalncnlalion nther than the ·.....·h,l.·bang.. lIyle: .... ,th '" hreh the h:imlllCr dulcimer is orten as§OCi aled (a style she IS obviously ta:hmcally capabk of as "'ell). Able backIng is provided by Ph,' Thorne. Jcrry R oc~ .... tll. Ron RosE. and Mpry Ann Samuels on VOClll/) and a '-ariel) of In Slrumc:nts . EIIglncc:red by Charlc<i Eller. the album IS ",·tli mixed. alJo ... rnl! appr0priate prorlll1lCn« to the hammer dulci-



"" runtJr PI"ntrll. Ifr ...J1II Rrrl. /..uIo·I~rwh of Hoi/lind. 5_ ·lI'lIlIt SlJrlln( SI"pl. B/IJI'......


Mu:~tl.a .


GruN C""fli.


11_ BDllwkJl/llOftd Potu. . Crrdrll. A Yrffl.



F~,.." /)uu

Joemy Wilson Burhank. CA

CLASS I CA l. GUITAR M US I C Adapted and Arn n gr d ro r 01,1 1· timer Randy W.I~rnson Camp Vcn:lt. AZ ThI s "'ell-<oncel\"ed collecllon contains 13 selechons; 4 adapted from Fem~ndo So,.- (1778· 11139). 5 from Matteo Carra~)1 {1792 - 18531. and 4 from Ferdlnando Cilru lh (1770· 1841) . In hIS Introductory commc:nts. Randy nplalll$ thai '"Ihe purpose of Ihls proJI:CI IS co Inlroduce lhe arpeggio. or bruLen ehord. as used on the guitar." ~h: funher commc:nlS thai chert: can hardly be a beller mc:thod than by studying Ihe i~strucllonal pieces of the halian vinuoso g""tansts that fir..1 firsl fully utili:ted the tonal quah hltS of the 6-)COn, gUlllIr The plC~ ""en: culkd from rn_ structlon.l numbcn ntha than from tun cc:n .... orls ... k,ch are 100 rnvol,·td f~ the dukimc:r (i .e . ~ eyc:ru.nge5 and chromal":. Ism). It IS assumed by the autoo..thalthc reader is familiar with boIh staff noIll/on and sUindard dulc'mer lablalUIl'. (T1lc 'lab" I) ....rlllen f~ J·stnng duiclmc:r.) On ChI'


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basiS, the bool. appu~ beSI )lined for those who ha'e prt~iou)ly learned finger· picked tunes, wllh chords. fron t:dJlalUre: However, I ftCOffimend 1\\0 any dulcimer player eager to upand hl slltc:r under· standing of the dulcnna·s caplblhh~

The DULCIMER DISORGANIZATION OF GREATER WASH INGTON (DDGW, for short) is gelhng more organued-bul nol enough 10 hurt us much We don'l h3'e 3 prnldenl. S«ft'. taty or lrenurer, bul .someho.... .....e gel lognher Irregularly for g3lhcnngs, camp01.11$, and pocluct. dmners. E'·cI)OIIC is en· OOUniged 10 tnt hold and ~ something Morgam«dM That happens frequently enough to hold OI.Ir Interc:sl 'The mem· bC'nlup has gro ....-n to about 500 Since DOOW's beglnmng m 1980, Our biggest cvenl of 1983 ....'as a campOI.It at Ccdan-ille Slate Park In MlU)'land on the .....bor Day .....ecl:end . DOOW ....-as IWlgned • " Ioop" of cilmp5ncs. Wor\. . shops wcre: held all day for hammer and fre:ned dulcImers and aUlOharp. The campfire: entertainment for the ...·hole part was provided by DDGW E,·cryOllC had so much fun wc wanllorcpelltthl s c,"cnlncAt Lttbor Day. Check wnh us latcr losc:c if we gel it orgBn,ud.

DIet. I !"IC)' Woodstock , VT

GcnyGntly. along·IIIM DPN fnc:ndanl'"1:

in the Ind,anapohs, Indiana FoI~ MUSK: and Mountam Dulcllna Society. bas bcc'n bestov.ed the title: of Kcntuct.yCoIoncl by the Kentucky Patts and RCCl't'alion Dc· panment fOf herOUI)tandlng !lCI\'1tt Con· gnuUlatlonS, Gerry!

,'hI . flrllllll"ffflll !/IObr-rl.{f0ll-f, II ,hlfry/". (JA/{~ /n("JIf/.rYlrt"/'I""I(f/ "If(.llr. (/'n/", . I,im"f"b"",.

Hamme red Dulcimers and Kits Many C holcesl

U-do-more (lower 0051/ We-do-mote (eMieT 10 build)

2. More S:rings (more power) Leu sttngs (easier 10 tune ) 3. Two I»sic Models both with

Plano grade spruce sound· board. all· maple laminated plnblocb. hardwood trim (but· ternut, d!eny, WlIIlnutl. pIiIted tuners. anylng handle.lns\rut· tIon book, lunlO9 wrench . '$ 114

10011 4

11 Ibs,

181bs. Top tuni09 Optional cover

Side tuning

Optional cOlIer Keith Young. member DOOW 3815 Kendale R~ Annandale:, VA 22003


N ,4th SI . • ~ ~1 pl .. .. ~1N



A dulcimer case that really protects -yet weighs only 2 Yl pounds! • Tan. water repellllnt canvas with cont ra sting brown trim • Full "'" tulne~ paddlnl • Durable. solt, brown corduroy linlnl • Full length VKK polyester coil tipper with han8-uP loop • ~.~ Interior podce! with yelcro closure lor SlrifllS. picks, nolers • Identification card holder on OI.Itside • FIts duklmers up 10 ll1lo'1lnches Ionl and 10 1nc:M-s wide

Satisfaction Guaranteed Prk~:

$)0 + S2 shipping IVa.

~ry Puln.", 2140 N. Tho"'lI~ 51. Arnncton. VA 11107



add $1.20 taxi

Keflh Vounl 111 t 5 Kecndllle Rd . Annancble, VA 2100)

--... -_.-_.-.... .-.-_.,

9 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

The FoIkhfe CenleT of tho: I..J.brary of Con· gren announces , new publicallon, FOLKLIFEANNUAL. isdllC inthe f,1I of 1984, The ANNUAL will be, roIl«tlOll of"thc uwiillonat CJ,~IYI: life and cut· tun: of the Unllcd SUIteS. The cdnon. Alan Jabbour and James Hardin, hope lhe publication wtll promole M.KIy of Amo:~' kan Folkhre and will consitlcr articles on any Upttl of folklife in the US. Info: Edl' tors, FOLKLIFE ANNUAl., Pubhshmg O1Ttce, Ubrary ofCongn:ss, Wa.~hmgton, R

DC ""'" llinb for Songlelldcors

FoIlo"""1 an: Ideas from singer Da\'e Welnlardcn to help others be eff«hle 50Ilglclidcrs n" Ii n:pnnlC'd from THE BA RD CII ORD Songmakers Newsleuer (Sherman Oals. CAl and IS K'iCd "'llh per. ml~slon

Know Ihe SO"g you' re aboul 10 le~d · ... COLD LIJ.e lhe 50Ilg EnJOymo:nl is o:<"l1lglO\l) TaLc enough lime to leach the pan lhe audoc:nce ""ill Sing unul 1\ CAN be ~ng Even anCf the IiOIlg IS Slarled. " IS IIC\'Cf

gir.annlla \

tOO late to leach lhe chorus &&lin, ('S. pecially If ,11 of the audience is 10 sing [)on'1 ()\"er'lntroducc tho: 50Ilg or be ()\"Cf· talkame . Be In conlrol at all 11Il~. Keep a steady beat DOlt'1 change II or allow II 10 be chanecd by lhe audience Don'I be afr.ltd 10 SlOP lhe SOIIg If needed. If Ihen: 15 a di scT\'pancy of \'erslon~ of a parllcul:u- song. mne an effot110 learn lhe KIng u usually done. or leach the one you an: dOing If it IS diffeT\'nt A\OId song sheets. They ""II gel I'llOO' IlIenllOll than you '" III AdJuSl tho: J.ey 10 tho: grovp Use tho: capo. and don'l be afraid 10 change tho: J.ey If nccdcd. desplle the fXllhal " we Ilwll)') do Ihal In C. BenalurlIl PhomllCssshows, Don'1Iry10 be cule , unlns you lin: cute! M

Be wllh lhe audlCnce, no! agamsi lhem If you'n: tempted 10 say. "C'nlOll, ",halsa malla?". it 's probably you ",halsa maua 000'1 be hostile, be ni«. Comphmenl lhe audoc:nce on a job well done. Applaud them 100

The Hammers alld NOlers Dulcimer Society (HANDS). a suburban WIISh.ngton , OC based group of IhIkllTler fnench and plaY(I"$. seeks IJulcmcr People from all O\'er 10 JOm tho: HANDS famll)" llam· mcrcd and lap dukll11C'r enlhuslUb of all le\els arc tnvlted We J.«p In louch through a newsletter .Iut~'e InfOfTl\lI mu~1C plhmnp. and have T' Mlln) avadable h 's a lot 1)( fun w,lh RlCC people For mfonnaliol. pkasc conllCl FT\'d DIrt!. 41 9 Pa r k Road. Rockville , M D 208S0 (30 1)279·1928.

LOST: to,s tring hummel. Inside label - EI Pal Ciego. Contact Ma rk Nel80n , 7348 Adame Rd .• Talent, OR 97540 (503) 535-5138,

COSBY lllllc.nl1 £It

a~d;.tAItP CONVENT 10 1'1 ~ TU.l1E '1-10.1')'14nOLL' NO_klNO.s rna VA.l OU' DULCinea AND "UP roLl InnUI'IUTI, . _ ItG INNCI" ~ AOVAWCID LIVILI l'lCIAL ACTIVITI!I ro. CHILDAIH AFTC.woo. nl~I-CDMCClTl IVINI~





LI'I CIMTIJ 0' THI IMOKIII, I NC. \.e. ~UI"n9, Clh ... oo •• '.0 . . . . . II, HI9~ V.~ n

J ..




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rtl, '11.OU

.~nt-t: •• pl"'l








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1'_,14 . ... Uft~ . 11."" Malo . eltl.~n.' 1'I.lf_ •• IC4II


...... In h •• , freel



Lifo eon.o.


for G. oup., •••• , •••• and



10R.f. NO "T'

T". 'olk LII. Cen ••• of .". _kle •• ",'' .. II •

non_p. ofl •• 04ue •• lon.1 o . ,onl.a. lon p • ••••• I"" t'" t . odltlon. of ~.I ~. n lol k ~ul'u, ••


10 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

1984 EVENTS CALENDAR Organizing the Eve nls Calendar is fun . almost like receiving seed cata logues when there is 8~ o f snow o n the ground . We visualize the events. wis hing we could ane nd them a ll. If you live close to an even t . consider volun teering your he lp. especially if th is is the fi rst or second ycar fo r Ihe celebration. T o ou r knowledgc. we have listed all of th e dulc imer evcnts th rough mid-Jul y. The J uly DPN will have listings for late summer and fa ll . We've included other festivals in the clllcndar. Although they llren't specificall y dulc imer eve nts. you will proba bl y fi nd workshops and performances to your li ki ng. If yo u kno w o f nice fcslivllis in you r pan o f the country (or in your country!) which are gc nc mll y less-known. please


APRIL April 14-15

Natick, MA

For our dance fans. NE FFA offers a p~rtidp.atory dall(C. in.truclion. dalll;e pcrfonnaoct's. oonct'rt) . .... orl.:shops. and siorytelhn g. In fo: SU$an Ellx-rgt'r. 54 CSt .. Frammgham , MA 01701.

weck.end of

Aprit 27-29

1\.by 6

Birmingham. AI.

t lth SOUT HER N AI'PALAOIiAN DULCIMER FESTIVA L is D galhenng of dulcimer mak.ers and pla)'er.; fe3tunn~ jamming. sales booIh s. and 3 concen. In 路 fo: Ch3rles El hs. 600 Caha!);, V311t') Rd . Helena. AI. 350SO-(205)98t1-0-l78

Mountain Vk' ..... AR

7th SO UTHERN REGIN AL DULC IM ER CONVENTION held at Ihe Olmi; Fol ~ Cenler. Frcllcd ~nd hammerdukl1ncreon路

April 27-29, 1984

It'SIS. worl.:sllops UndCOfK'ertS . lofo: OZllrk Fol k Center. M1. View. AR 72560(SO I)2b9路38j l .

April 27-29 F~aturing:

6th GREAT BLACK SWA MP DULCI MER FESTIVAL held Indoor.; at OhiO State Un .. Lima Campus. Cooccns. won..shops of itt kinds. OJlCn S1age. jammmg. dealeN. In fo: ~hchaet Wildermuth. 3160 Zurmchly Rd .. Lim a. Oh 4 j806(419 )999-6461 or Su~an Porler. 4240 Cimpu s D r .. Li ma. 0 1-1 4:180" (419)228-2641. eR 254 .

Riliph l-tt Smith Ikmnl~


Maddir MIKNeil

Dkk and Anne Albin Just Frirnds RulT"'lIt~r String Rand K~Us ... aler Medallion K~\'ln

1.11011. 01-1


April 28-29

Boston. MA


I s.._, _ ....

" - ' 'I'



CAl .. O~ ~ '" TIIAO'T_" l " lAIC SOC,"", _'T'-"'O" T....... CAI'lIM !&1~

~ b~

II'< Ohio S .. lr V_horsily UId u.... Tomni<al CoIlottt. Uma. Ohio.



inrormation. ron taf1 :

Mkhael Wildermuth J I60 Zurmehly Rd . Lima, 011 "S806

3rt! aJlnual FLOWER C AROL DULC IMER fEST IVA L. Wurht>vp:. ~nd J~II ' sessions for nlln. and ham. dukuller tu,'ers or all skill lewis. Good mU~lc . (!ood food. $ales booIhs. and eH~nmg concen Info: (617)623-6748 e"cs and .... ~nd~

419-999-646 1



T,..tI_ ......1<

Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com



Roscoe Village's 10th Annua l

DULCIMER DAYS / May 19-20, 1984 "Ohio's largest Dulcimer Festival!"

contests/workshops/ exhibits/jam sessions Activities · will take place in the lake Park Recreational Area Pavilion , a

short walk from the shops , exhibits and restaurants of Ohio's restored canal town -- ROSCOE VILLAGE!

Camping and motels located close by.

located on Ohio State Route 16/83 near the junction of U.S. 36

in east-central Ohio. INFO :

* Eight categories of ccrnpetition for trophies. Last year's Grand Champion: Alan Freeman

of Grantsville, W.Va.

Roscoe Village , 381 Hill St .• Coshocton , Ohio 43812 (6 14 )622-9310

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May E"ents Continued,,,

Ma)' IO-IJ

C incinna ti , O Il

APPALACHIAN FESTIVAL hrld at the Conventl(lll C(nteT', fealull.'J C'(IIltlllUOU~ tradltlunal mu~.~, o:r"fI), c"h.b ... ()oo~, dl:monStrallons. and ...mshops The Cln· cuman DuklmeT Club " 'III perfonn and dl:mon5lme Info; Oak Mason, PO. 801 9')6, CIIIClnnlll, OH 4.5201 (.51J)62 1· 3032 or (.513)87 I-026J (lean mcssa!lcj .

2nd OLDE·TY ME MUS IC FEST. spoo· 50fUI by the OhIO Ikpanmem of Natural ROOIlI'ttS , fealUIl.'$ an open Stage. wor\ .

JUnt 15·· 17

'-!Kill. 0 11

Jun., 1·3

ihops. jim


sqlWC' dance. and dIsplays. Info: Malabilr Farm SllIle Part. Route I. L.ucas. O H 4434J f4 19}892-


Kansas Cily. KS

3n1 LONE STAR STATE OULCIMER C HAMPIONSHI PS ft~lum ronlfms for min and h:tm dulcuner pla)·(r'.\, an) and cnfts fair, " 'orkshops and cOlK:Cns. Info; Dana Ha!l1illoo, 9().1 ll oo)tOl1 , Arllnglon. TX 76012-{817)27.5·3872 , May 1'· 20

Junt 8· 10

Cos hoclon . O Il

10th DULCIMER DAYS ....ESTIVAL ",,11 be hrld!l1 hlSiooc


VIII'ge and fu· turu musICal tompcllUOI1, upm stille, Cl ' hib,l$, and worl.shopi . Info: Roscoe Vii · lalle Foundation, l i I HILI St" eo.J>oclurl, OH438 12

May 20

C()!;by. TN

81h COS BY DULCIMER AND HARP CONVENT ION. sponsored by Ihr Fo'~ LlfeCenterof thr Smoki<'s. feillull.'s ....00.. ihops and roncens for min . and ham dul · cinw:rs and harpsofal1 vancues. ln fo: Folk u fe CenleT' of lhe Smokld, P.O. 80" 8.

CO!iby. TN 37722. june ' · 10

Louis,·i1It. KY

t:.stflli Park. CO

3rd SPR ING fESTIVAL sporuomI by the louisville Dulc'meTSoclCtywill be hrkJ at Flrmlngton HI 5Iorlc Home Mu seum WoRshops for mIn and ham dulcImers. arts and crafts booths. Il.'freshmc:nb, and ooncen Info: louIsville DuklnlC1' Soci· ety. P O , 80a 4134. louuvllle, KY 40204, or J.orr;ua Carrier al (8121288·

2nd COLORADO STATE DULCIM ER FESTIVAL AND CONTEST futull.'s .... III alio:hlK)ll 10 C<Jn. arts and cnfts ceru and ronlCsts , Info: Aat Mountain Dulcimer Co .. P O. Bo~ 3988. Estes


3rd C HARLOTTE: FOLK FESTIVAL. al latta Pl antatIon Park. fUlures worUhopS and cona:ns of mIn. and ham . dulcimers

~bJ' 27· junt 2

Mldny. KY


PItt. CO 80517 (303)586--6721 jUII\!'

C harlottt. NC

lrd KENTUC KY SU MMER DANCE SCHOOL offen; worl:shops and classt3i In lhedance, music. and folklife t1lIdmonsof Kentuct~. Info: leslie Auxier , 144.58 Louisville Rd .. Frankfon, KY 4060 1(.502)223· 1700.

Ikoo)olI , AZ

SOUTHWEST DULCIM lR DAYS AND TRADITIONAL MUS IC FESTIVAL fea . tures works'ops Ind eoneens. Bnn! camplll! !lur. food. and ICC Info: South... esl Dulcimer Days. Route I. 80"

42·C, Benson, AZ 8.5602 f6(2)624·66-l6.

81h DULC IM ER DAYS FEST IVAL. spooson:d by Ihr PrIllnt' Du lc,mer Club. .... ,11 be hrld at II'Id,an CItt~ Pari. & Rtc· reatlOll C(nter III ()o,'erlaoo Par!.; , KS. F(a· lures works hops. coneens. and Olher eV1:nts fm: 10 the publIC. Info: Dortxhy May, 7324 Canterbury. Prairie Village. KS 66208,

G lt n Ro.w. TX

TOOl ' bal'ld~.

as .... ell as othcr foil

clogging and country Ilanelllg. and foil cnrts. Info: Manlyn 1'nC\'. ,5,301 Alua Road. MauM"'5, NC 2810.5 (7~~8-I74229

JUnt 2·3 May II · IJ


dOli.' ICOU'i-llC ensembles and



Junt 16-- 11



71h C LEAR\\IA T£RS GREAT II UDSON RiVER REVIVAL features ;lCh~nlCS for c hIld ren. crafls, envlronmen lal ... orl shops, pu ppcl~~, mU)IC and dancing. In. fo: Hudson R, ver Sloop Clearwaler, I II Markel SI. !>QughL.eepslC. NY 12601 (914)4.54·7673 JUne'12· 24

"I ut MI . l.at.,. NY

NO R T H EAS T DULC IM ER SYM· POS I UM fealuru workshops, duo CU"'OIIS, :and pnvak Ie""",, for min and dulcime~ . Info; 8 arb True~. 24 south St • Ikthcl. CT 06301 (203)744. 7166.


Ju lW 23-24




4th SU MMER SOLSTlCI:. DULCIMER AND TRADITIONAL MUS IC FESTI· VAL Will be held al Gll.'ystone PIn. WoO:shops In IMlrumental muSIC, SOIl!, md Ilaoce Concern and much more , IlIfo: Callforni . Tntdlloonal MUSIC SocIety. 44{)1 Trancas Place. Tanana. CA 913.56 (2 13)342-7664.


A ugul t 18 a nd 19, 198<i Midway Villa!le, Rockford Museum Cenl~ Rockford , IL Contael: Rock River Friendl of Folk MUlie P .O. Box 1585 R ockford. IL 61 11 0

I Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com


WaI",:"Valirr unctioNd


2ndAnfllJai Colorado State

FREE CONCERTS Among ....'"

Dulcimer festival

otht<. ,"",,0..,11 bt ~ .••


• Inl_. " To ... c..th M"cII E....... to. Can""I." • Old l..nioned II"", t.11i"ll OOtltHt. • Goopol iom _ion on SundoV mo<n,"II All h_ni"ll in downtown E'1*f Ptrk, 1It_.... 10 ..... iIi~nl R""kV MountaIn Nlli"",,' PI'''. Fn'nol l nl Of .... tion Wille .. OUlci .... ' ,~"

P.O. Of



Call toll-I,", ,·8OQ.62'·5888 In CoIOfoOo ; , ·1IO().650HlIM9 Ot ..." ,. P.O. 80. 3O!iO


(3031 586-6727

JUNE 9 & 10

Ac><oml'l>Odo,ionl 0<

,,_,ion Imoo....tion



JUNE 15,18 &17 featuring



.. . workshops ,~mounl"n and .hammered dulcm", I.echnlque . consl"~llOn and mOle gUilar wo,kshop . 1m whIStle WOlkshop







rca rtnmCII IlIr'OlIII,n ..


, AlWMeI T1CU1'S WIll n ;


<P' eft'.

!..p" DULCIMER DaYS ..."

11.1 hx42 -C 1II1S11. lliI0ll85602

1·loOl_U4._ AU

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U1i'T _

June [ve n ts Co nlinui:'d ... July J une 29-July I

Alban,.. NY

OLD SONGS FESTIVAL OF TRADITIONAL MUS IC AND DANCE. Info: Old Songs . Inc .. P 0 B o ~ 197, GUIlderland, NY 12()8.1

RooM . NC

7111 APPALAC HI AN DULC I MER PLAYING WORKSHOP al A~lxll,an SUIC UnIVersIlY_ Daily t"laslin f(ll" begmnm lO.dvanced pla}CIS Colkst' CtWlI lS anllabk Info: Dr. WIlham Sptnt'cr. MIjIlc Dept .. Appala.hlan Siale UI .. Boonc' . NC 28608 (7~)262-J02(). J uly 7·8

Bar lIarbo!-. ME

4th OOWNEAST DULCIMER FEST I· VAL fUlures ...·(II"kshops . opc:n stagc. saki booIhs. and an c"cmng COllin dance Info~ Song of the Sea, 47 Ww SI . B:ar H.rtlor, ME ().l609 (207)288· 5653


Ell;.i ns. WV

121h AUGUSTA H ER ITAGE ARTS WO RKS HOP is a fh·c wed procram In lhe music. dan«. foll;.lon: and CTIlfrs of Appalachip , Courses al'a,labl". In mlU , arid ham . dulcimcr Info: Augusta Worlshllf)) , Davi$ &. Elkins Collcgc, Elkins. WV 26241 (J().i)6J6.()006 July 19-22

JULY Jljly 2-6

I s..Au ~USC

E'·art . MI

Thc non·elcetrlficd M US ICAL FUN FEST sponsored by the Ongmal Duieullcr Pla)'e rs Club fcatures work shop<> . con· ecru. urld sh!ldc tm: plekln '. Info: iiCrId SASE to L..con Goodall . 3 15 Maple St. Comstock Par~ . M I49321 Jul)' 21 -22

Rio GranH . 0 1-1

Tile DULC IME R FESTIVAL al Bub Eyan~ Fann fcacu~ roncesh, ""orl~ , conccns, and open Slagc. In fo: Dulcml('r Festiyal, UO~ 330, R,o Cromie:, 01 1456701 (6 1")24j-jJ05 July 27. 29

Ilinjthamton. NV

Dr. Fealljl'C$ 11ft 1';orLs.hop:s. concm, and open Mage. Info: SUUllnc Kalcs. 56 Durfee Hill Rd .• IIhaca. NY 14850. Jul y 28-Augu~t"

l'1ymouth , MA

Pinewoods Camp features sevcn n:slden· tlal partlClpalory ... «k5 In danct:, mu)1C and folk Ion: "'oll MusIC Week ,s Jljly 28-AljguS! 4 Info; COUnlf) Dmce and Song SocI('I) of Amenu. 505 E'ghth A"c .• Ncw yoo . NY 10018.

AUGUST Augusl 2.5

G r tt'MOOro. NC

9thGU ILDOF AMER ICAN LlJTH1ERS CONVENTION IEX II IBITIOt.: " '111 be held at GUIl ford College. Domlli ory rooms and mtal s a~ a~ a , lablc _ Info ; David and PC:UY Sheppard, 708 S EI~m A,·c .. Gm:nsboro . NC 27403 (919)272. 5259.

Tllc 81h CRANBERRY D U LC I .... ER GATHERING ... ,11 be held II the: Un· ivcrs:.hM UU'lllfian Cilun'"h on R'l crsKlc:

~~~ FARM

Dulcimer Festival JULY 21 ·22, 1984


SEE YA'LL THERE IS Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

Augusl Ennis Continued ... August]"5

August tH· 19

R~krord ,


2nd ROC KfO R D TRAD IT IONAL FOLK MUS IC FESTIVA L w.1l be held at lhe Rockford Museum unler In Mid .... ) V,II. Info Rocl R,.'cr Fncnds of foil MUSIC , PO Bolt 158). RocHon! . IL

Louls\i1Ir, KY

9th KENTUCKY MUSIC WEEKEND al lroquo,s PaR; Dlyllll'lr "'oO<)hopS for musICians. lbnccn and Cllkn, smgrD and ~OI')'lclkn Evrnlnf ~"'II."'") IlIfu_ lroqools Amplmlll'aler AISOC,. eiO Meeru Parks. P.O DOl )7280. Loo.s~,IIc. KY

6 1110

Sfptrmbtr 28-30

Wlnsled , CT


2nd AUTU MN IiI W DULCIMER .. TIVAL w,lI be: held at Camp Sequlsscn

and ,,,,, lldcs eoneens, Ill·kvrl "or\.;' dIops, and danc'lng Fnl(' OII·SI\C eampml. food on premisn. bunl house spaces. leln·IO$, Info: Aulumn HIlls Dulc,mcr Fe!li".I.P.O, Bo). 807 , Winsted. CT

06098 (203))79-9857

40BJ (S02)459.()44(l_ August 11·1 8 Lan;.


Mr lMlodno. CA

TION frawm; losh. Amcncan. h"emh . Middle Eastcrn ~1Id OIller mu"e , Info: Lan;. In IIIl' Morning. 8Q). 1176. Mendoci· no. CA 9.s4W (707)964-556') AIIIlII~


SEPTEMBER Srplem/xr 1]..16

CIr"r lalMl, OI1

2nd NO RTIl COAST FOLK MUSIC fESTIVAL fealute~ In!olnlcllooal !>('lnl' nan. tlcmon)IIlIIIOfI~, atId a ConL~n Info_ Ferns Anthony, DI~lslOll of Conllnulng Educallon, CSU, Clndud. 011

44115-42 16)6S7-2IJ9


The futivllJ lis li ng below was received too late to c1B.88ify. Please don' t forget to Il ue nd.

the Morning MUSIC CELESRA·


WinOtld . KS

I3lh WALNUT VA I.LEY H oST IVA L ",,11 fcolUR: dally ront'cn,. l'IioO.shops. and tonl~IS. N3uonal nlln and ham dul· elll'lrr .;QrIleSlS arc 1""ludcd Inro Bob Redrord. W.lnul Valley A"o;oc: ., Bo;n 2JS. Winne/d . KS 67156 (JI 6)221 -)lj()


1'01.)' 11 Chapd llill, NC The FLATI.ANDS SPRIr>:G DULCIMER DAY featull's ... orLshops aod a tonccn ","h!..eo Kn-I/.ncr Info; Ann Landin. Rt I. 80'\ lO IS, MOM'ure. NC 27SS9(9 19)966-]]81 (\\vn.) or (919)542.5654



J)'DUgWitij ~ ,-• .-.--.----.---.__..- -_ ... _._-


. ...

. ,

• By larki n Bryant

,. . .








'! .. . ! -

For Beginning and IntermedIate Dulcimer Players

_,oca ___ .. _



, - < _.. ". _ .,. -~ "0'" ••""" "" _._ ......._ ""...,


...._-= ...=--_.

t~" '"

Larkin 's D",'clm~,. Book combines ove,. .lO of her whlms/callflLlSlrat/ortS with her arrange· ntellts of 23 tmdfl/onal h.m~ (InCluding 7 duets). stef>by·step Inst,\jctlons. eK:Jmples and charts.

A companion cassett e. Is ke.yed to the book and features Larkin pe.rformlngall the. songs up to tempo as well as playing all the songs and examples at a prac tice: tempo. 'This book Is the ned best thing to haulng an IIlstructor present, whether you are a pure nOt/Ice or lOOking for help In more aduanced techniques." - f:lllo U Hancock, Oz.ark rolk Center

16 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

Appalachian Dulcimers An Inlt niew With •.•

11.0<./., ... ,>1 h, ~ .... LoI.


~ ... , ~

) .....

\~ ...... "II ",-,

11-...1. "" " .....



; •. ,

;; fO


o by Mark Biggs Cape Fair. MO Good t o·t nlng, Mr. 81",. May I a ll you Mark1 Ccruin ly , by

an means


~ down 10 buslMSS IlIfn. Would you It II '" , lillie ,boul how you IOC started playi ng lilt mountain duklmtt1

I beheve Ibr first Imx I saw. dulcnner ..... bac:l "I 1974. dunn. my 1in;1 yor I I Ibr Umvcnny of Ch IeIlO. A fnend InIrOduced me 10 the Instrument . and IlIi1) years bier I finally bruin: dovnund boughl my first $6Odllicnner. It b«InIC my once: 01' IWice • month mcchtatlOll tool and Gfficial beneath -Ihe-bed -duSl -broll<1)ll«tor Beheve il 01'Il0l. In allig lime/had never met InOthcrdulennerpla),er,.nd I cemu nIy had no good Idea how lhe Instrumenl \\'U supposed 10' be tuned or !U)·td II took • map reiocatlOll Go·cntn and • dwM:c: mc:ctlllg With an aUlhor-gllllmSt 10 finally get me deeply 1II1at;~ m thedultimer. I was worlunl IS In ISSI",nt cdllor 011 • UTllII Pf6I hltrary quantrl )' OUt of Parili when I met and became fric:nds .... ,111. fellow named Tilus. He pllyed lunar and I WIS soon O'vercome w,lh lilt des ire 10' makc mllsic:. As it 50 lIappencd.the IWO O'f liS tnIvelcd south ..... ard 10' GItttt shortly after I hid my duk:imerscnltO' r-.c: from the U.S. II was thcr'c . on the _IMide of Crete. in the ,mal l ....·lIucwasht:d fish.", vililce O' r 10110 Gah", ( meanml HO'ly SertMy) that I bcgan 10 play the dulcimer in carne$I . For1l1n;1ldy Ibr Cn:uns had no man: idel O'r how the dlllcnncr was Slipposed 10 sound tban I. 50 !hey provided I cordill . If IlOl aJlOgCIhcr cnliMlliMlK', 111_ dience upon wh ICh 10' pcrfca my new <nit.

J l

o Almost from the Slart ......e began play ing in I small lreasy spoon CIIfe for dlnocr. drinks and Ihm- dollars a ni l hl apu:ce Playing In (rool Gf I li ve 3wilcnce \\'Hlhe bcSI tiling thai cou ld have happened 10' me. nellt 10 pllylnl with someot'Ie .... 110 knrw about mllSK' and was able to yc ll Ionl and Ioudenougll unlill began 10' liSlen lind hear the sounds I "'~ making . T illl§ taughl me IIIaI music ;s ., m~1I lhe: ~ brtwn"n the 1IOIC5 H lll1lhe sound of the notC5 _ Hc dIowtd me the ImportanCe of hSlcmn! . always h'llmlng 10 wllat you ' re pI'Yln! For the tonICS' lime 1 ......sCOllwmcd by the men: Itt of pI'y'lII; s"'~pt a"''II), by !he desire 10 perfect my'"'lccrnllquc- I set th,s Willi ~ many dulcimer pll)'ers llIt,r mam tooecm 15 not With mIlSK'. bul ..... Ith lc:unln, thiS lit'll or perfecting thai p&r11CUlat song ,nSlCad O'fl1)'lnlllO fcc:l .... hll!hey are playm,; IlISICad of I1)'mg 10' uprcss ..... hlllhcy are fcelln, through !he,r muSK'


' 'OM

Folkcrafl LAP HARP 2'h _ _ • ft) _ ...... .

1I<d. ..... .spna

.... ..... polOI .




C......... "'.... Wal ... >IIIId ...




' ..... ...-h

Would you say lhen. Mart. Illal your basic p lillosoplly .bou t mllsic i:!l thllt 11'1 nnal end I~ in stlf-c:xpru.slon'


Ab50l utely! I couldn't ha"e SIIod ,I any bettcr m)'self. Musk isnothlng bul a mathematlc.1 excrcise or an athletic evcnt iflhe emotion.~ .bsent. If )'ou aren 't IlllImalely playmg 10 uprcss your feelings. then you might 115 well JIIII 011 a IIIJlC .nd go ror a joa amund the block . Mllsic is • miracillous cncapslllatlOO of cmot>Oll. II can mue liS bounce w,th JOy and UpccWlon one m0ment Ind leave liS m lears the next . Cerlalnly the emotion mll5l be In lhe musIC 10 belm w,th. and IInfortunately 11 ,sn't alwayl pruenl But when it is. !he emotion

17 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com


Chmy Spnocr ...-.U ,,,,,,",,,,,,, IIOIC>

Bow ......n. ....

"'n... ...-h ,,,,,11IIIat

you use 10 Imlnge a p;c:ce--thcsc arc all pari ohhc: IntUit' ofa piece. TutuI\' is tIM:

must be released anew ('!It'll lime: by [hoc mUSICian ThaI's 'IIMI !;cept mu~ic rrc~h and intangibly evcr·preliCnt h 'S IM CIT\I)lion captured In • SOl'll! IhDI "('cps 11

means by ",-hieh you

mc:anlnaful and worth pre5Cntng _A £OOd song IS 11 JOod fnend. and you never It\'al good fnends WIth uxhffcn:llCt. F«hn, and lUluit'. these an: everything ulltll.l~ic

the sy~lIon . the acttnI5 ",hleh you place on a "Nln note or on I SpecifIC passage. the dlffclt'nI Wlnr: lechmqlll's

10 reach the emo-

And just how do you ch<loM



you p'.Y~

PnncipaUy by playing through atune 10 hn~r iI hoIdl OUlln cmolional hand 10 me . If.1 doesn 't m()\'(' me In some "'-:I) by the 5CCOI1d Of Ihml II)' I don ' . bother

.)CO: ..

I'm not .su~ I unMnlllnd lO'hlll you mcan by '"1ulurr",

To me the: rfIythm of a _I. the t~mpo .


tive end of. song




the pittC'. 1lIere's JUst 00 potnl


"estmg!he: energy and the counlksli boon In I !iOI1g .... hidl dlxsn'c touch you In I s.p«ial way. I' ve mack thai mistake 100 often In !he past


HAMMER. DULCIMER... STAND · Mj/J$mElc "~Igli t for playing l""lIfe ~ trmd'"9 ~ ~i ttl "9 'Compftlr4Y diNUM!Jfl6lu Wltlieur tDoI$ lit fe.y tI.:!.. .JO MCDtttI$ for compact ~~ · Oi_$.KM6feJ str:md mw 0 ""i...."'u tt1 0{~,PXI- (fi ts in :JW;tCD~)

· S"'n/y · L~t.tM'(Zief1t · Je.uG6cr butHf'U'l' ~ alA fCimcr ~u~ · Lo"!J'!- /moEn ~e uny !rip for $lCu""'g {w'5lit o"'us tJI1Ctl t SPECIFICATION S. · So(,,{ ODr.: constrl.JCti,," . 5tuf cIowe-' pm joints . ~(,~ han/ware. ' ·Size ' Upr;gM pMi riCHI 4 1'(/1) It 28"(w}x 24'(d) J S itri''!1·2J·(h} x 2S·(w) ,,24"(d) J D;3Q!J:KInl6fd· 27'Jl 7 Yz. ,. 3· . Pfoljltt(j (tlJ ~ofd..k jmcr)· ~#_ '4 ~1fl1>l . . proying ""!I(e ' '6 ~ " from lioriz...



info. cooltocr


""now.p I'


LARRY IIA.LL 976 W~,t Foothill 11400 Claremont, CA 9 I 111 ( 714) 625·8()()5

OtI, l lilc aU IOftsof music, though after five ~afSd5teady pla)'1Og I' ve found lhal origin.1 compositions , Iri s h mU SIC, ReNlIUIIOC'e tunn, JU.J;, and I certain ~ of thoughtful folk musIC conunue: 10 form my mam Intcrest

So do ) '01.1 wns~ yourvtrl rolk musician? No, not ~IJly , I shy away from labels 10 begin wllh , AIS(! my conccpl of ~foll mu ilie" Il radically different from that held by many folks Fo- meCCl1am Beatles' tu,," , along wllh hllndr~h of ocher contemj»TIl')' COlIlpoJCl'li and compos'lIOns qualify for lhe dubIOUS dlSIlnl:llon ofllemg labeled alllhcnllc "folk mllsic" Why dubious? Well. t,ulhfuliy there aren ' l mon) pliICu lefl whell' ~ou can cam a decem living plD~ing folk musIC , BUI lhe polnl I WII$ Irylnglo make IS thiS , Folk mus,c IS not $OIllClhlng thai happened a hundred 01" 110'0 hundred 01" 'lhousand)'CafS 19o II's not an arufacl which a few people are Iry1OglO prcscrve and pctnly and pass on 10 the rUlu~ It IS Ihat, but It'l far I1'IO!'C For me, folk music is • h~,ng, e\ergrow'ng body of music . It's Ihe constanl comment and Intell'hange of people liv10g the,r d.ady lives, Il'rofdmg their elpen ences and feelings musicall) II Illhe most dcmocnllC form of mu.sic: • musIC of the people, for Ihe people, and lIuly from the people I consKkr mosl of my orsmal compositions folk tunes, taln!Cd as they mlghl be b) Jazz and rock . Today 's top 40 IUIIC mly well be tomorrow', Wilth"OOd FI_'f'T , To me that's Ihe beluly and the flttdom of plaYing folk musIC



Whal I rt.lly meant WIlS "hert do you nod your malcrial? Wha t kind or m usk intrigues )'o u?

(PL US ' 7.00 SHiPP/fIo'C A1W IIAfIo'VUfIo'C)

P l!rfortrllU". mood alw (n'oHabl" Solid W' lIlnu', "35,00

l !>ft, You _ m to be ImpJylnglha l solll(' pcoplt or Insllt uUons don ' t shart your view , Ar e you rtftrlng to ... ·olk Purist" by I ny chllO(t? Only in the mosl round about manner.

81 nature I tend to be tcltttic, plCl.:mg up bil5 and piec:eli from hither and yond I prefer 10 n:mam open 10 lhe music I' m plly.n, I try 10 tOOl outlhe origllw com poser', intentKJns and lhen 10 re-mterpret and remvi,onue the music by insenlng my own fechnp 1010 Ihe _ I h ', Ih,s in vestment of cmoIlOI1 that makes the musIC wtII"th prcsm'ing and hemng repealedly



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far as I'm wnccmal I'm lull), not pla)'mg a Rcn..uuar1C'C tutIl' CJ.1Cl1)' as an Ehzabellun muslCWI might ha,'C played II I see the ""01111 In dom, thl5 I'm JUst not motlvan In thiS dlrec· tlon Now If ),ou ' re lalking aboul ..... nttng the mllSlt down . well that· s a d,ffcrtTll ali

mt~ta;I In

Folkcraft, n.~tnlm~nt~ AI OUI wood has been caletuuy dried and seasoned. All lops. backs, Iidea. WId ~s are sanded 10 .~act toIeI'anees end matched. We IIOpIItwII you find our ....pPiea supen::!r and our .....,;ee 10ISl and poo!f!lOn<li hems wtlhtn the SAME CATEGORY may be oombIrIed for quan~ty discounts EJ' ample 4 Walnut backs and 2 Cheny back$. use !he &11 pric:e lor each specIeS Ot'defs lor 50 8SSOI1ed pieces and up in the SAME CA TEGOAY recewe II t O'!I. cboounl trom the 12 and up price

story _ In .hat case: I u)' ptCSCr\'c the ongi· NIl .. "IOHly as poIsible


that futu ...

muslCianscan tntcrpret the pIeCe forlhe:m· $Clve!I .

I' m .rr.kI ma)'bC' ..·t·rt mo o'lnlloo r... rrom 1M Intf'l"tS15 or most rtlldtN


ofDUI£IM ER PI.A" EIlSNEWS. Vou lietm 10 app«llKh 1M nountain duki · mu in. mort Kadrmit .. ar than most pIa)tn I·. t lalk~ ..-illL .


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musIC In the past fi~c )'cm has been self· taught. And if thc:re 's one tiling I com· pletely bell,·c. it's that til( mounllunduld· mrr " an uClttng Instrument pra'"Iscl)' be· cause It "an Immed.ately lCCtS!libic one An)'Q'IC IImll the: des.re fall learn to pia)' the IMlrumc:nl Ai fa.- IS I'm wnccmal there arc no " -ronl or nglt "'~)'Ii 10 pia), lht

dulculIU , Do ....-nat feels riglLt. pia)' .... 1La1 comes from the heart . And 1fl)111In,,,,hdl cnabk1; lIS IOc~pressounclvcs. to free our cmotlOll$ and bnng beauty IIItO the world · l1l'i:11 ttw·, !nil)' CJ.Cl1l11g. Tluot ' s IKWS And that'l .... hat I ....-as trylllg to say abo,-c . Or lIS r ...rocc long ago:

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BOX 807-0 ' WINSTED. CT. · (203) 379-9857 I:? DPN Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

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\-~~~1 Send $1 .00 and SASE to: Rich Remaberg 1521 Kirk 51. evinston, IL 60202

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GUIW OF AMERICAN LUIHIERS ...... b fll[£ CATALOG ~ .. f_od OW ....... ~ . .. ..-....

K.o-. WJ.o-.IIo<h-. Boob.RK<>nIa. T_

am s-h r.n ........... I T _ ............. ge4OI!I

c - - . r". Hon>o.

21 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

PiOI1{'l'r America

The Elizabeth Garbutt Reed Dulcimer by Milzi('

Co llin~

1 «X' h('~It'r.

$97- 50 Full Size 12/ 11 Hammer Dulcimer Fully assembledneeds only to be sanded. finished and strung up. FREE BROCHURE Zither Shop 525 E. Ohio Denver. Colorado 80209

'The ~mmo:red dulc,mer so proIR'lICnll) dIsplayed m lhe local H,story Room oflhe ubmy In lhe Village of Sc'Ot:Il\'IIIc. New York. I' m,1c$ south of RochestCT, 's 1m· portantlS an artIfact of pIOneer days. BUI the: dulcImer's greater apflClJ is through '15 ccnltll POS'"01! in a fascinating talc. a Ulle whim reminds LIS of IhI: sp,nt, endunmcc and rcJ;OUrccfulncss of one of lhe: Ii~ flmllleS I() 50euk Ih,s a.n:a of upstllte Ne ... Yorl. Through lhe talc II rernilll\S ~ SUII · .ble memorial 10 ils ongmal O\\'ncr. Eli. 1.IIbclh Garbuu Reed , Tile dulcimcr I1:sides in a glass case:, liS 5Irings loo5e. Its sound board crad,cd , Its luammen miSSing. Its body is <'Omll'\lClfiI of cherT)' and Its luandcrarted tunmg pcp .re let in oak pmblocks II,s dc!;,gncd Wllh a c~fully conSUUClcd JOInl hct ..'ccn the pmblocks and sides that is tapered 10 • blu"t rose. i&III.I ill> """"oJ board is buttJc,,;... WIth I beveled molding. lIS IWO ~tnglc· ptece bridges are ShU intact 'ThcIC 15 a fnglllCfll of ..... haI may have been ..-oodc:n fillagnle remalDlllg In one of the t .. o round sound hoks, Hac " !tIC story of mil dulc,mer'$ fil'$! o.,.. ncr and lhe pan the duklmer played In Ihe earllC$! dJtys of 5I:nlcmenl


Eliubtth QariJuu was boO! Jamwy II. 1781. 'n WmbalOl!. Rytoo ParIsh. Durtwn County. EnSland She Cflllg~1Od to Amer· ICa m 1798 "',III her father . mother. tl"O SISlerl nd till« brothen. Her father. Zachanah Garbun, • shoc':nW.a by lrade. left En,llnd bcnu~ he .... as ostracized there f(W" 1115 polulCai Iympiull) .... nh me, FrellCh reVOIUIIGtIISIS. ''The plOnOer family stopped for t ....o yean. m lhe lIudson V.I· Icy in Ihe to ",n of Sparla, Ihere Ihe younge~1 daughter dIed 'The OIhert then joined a small group of English ,m' RlIsnnlS who h!ld 5Culed in the lown of Senecl. In OnIInO County. New Yor~ 1bc GlU'buu~ pur.:iIascd land south ...'est of the .... iII'je of Geneva . .... here lhey re · malllCd for five yean, J 'The mottICr died tl'lCrr. Mwn~cn unda Ihe pnvatlons and an;""eIlCS IIICidt'nt 10 a long voyage and a frontlCr hfc,M' A~"'UI\""I 10 EhLabclh's greal, pnI. great gnnd-daughICf. Flor· CllCC Field, MIhe heavily· forested roIInlY of Onllno .... u 100 Sloomy. and brothc:r Jonn Il0'\"l\1 We$! to ... hal was lhen me, tollln of South.ampton In ~ County . .. here he found land thai was more open ... 'The renwndaofthc flflllly followed In 1805, joume)ln, ,n mid ·wuttr .....a1k,lIJ hchlnd

Ftnesl chromatIC hammered dulcimers.


~ I l'" 11'1


tt. nditicn



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Tbe Elt.abeth o.bun Reed Dulcimer

22 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

a loaded o~ sled. Like all pion=" fami lies of their day. in that sled tile)' must have brought all their household good$ to stan their new life in an unsenled an:a . Among the household goods was I dul cimer. Ao:-cordi ng to Eliubeth's son. Shelby Reed. wriung in 1880. "'The dultimer was made in the town of ScI1«I. Ontario County. by a lucill ~~lI iu~ .. llO>C n~"1C I ha ve forgotten:'~ Eslllblishing a homestead i. the widerIle$$ of upstate New YOIt did not Otcupy the: father for long. Kentuc ky had been his original dcstlllation in Americl; in I 806 he trBveled alone to that state aoJ then jour_ neyed on toward the Louisiana Purchase. Zachariah Garbull is remembered by his descendents as a highly educated man. lils we$tem adventures included operating a primitive ··muscle.pmpelled·oo(I boat on the MississiPPI. He died of the fever in 1807. and his lUheS were scallered on the MISsissippi. "TheGarbut childrcn . now young adul ts. continued to live in the log cabin on the banks of the Oatk. Cru k where their father had 1eftthem . Eliubeth was housekeeper for her brothers. Fam ily tnKIition gives the young Elita~th and her dulcimer a special place during this period. As the StOl")" is recoumcd by her 501> Shelby in

We can never 1:00"" for sure whattullCS Elizabelh played in th at remarkable encounter. No doubt they "" erc popular airs arld songs that she knew from her childhood in En gland. and dances and marches she had learned upon arriving In America. She mu st ha ve recounted many ti mes 10 her children the 5tOry of playing lhe dukilllCTforlhe l ndian~ . The firM wri t· ten accou nt of the intident. qUO/ed above. is by Shelby Reed. her fifth child. for a Han.·e$t Horne Reun ion in I g80 of "The Western New York Farmer's Club in Garouttsvi lle . A copy of his prepared address is in the Scottsvi lle Free Library. 11M: story has been repeated in print numerous times. A most interesting recount ingof thc adven ture appeared in THE LAOIES HOME JOURNA L of November. 1905. This ven;ion is by the ",ell-known author and illustra.tor laura Miller ",ho was a residenl of SooItsville and who was no doubt very familiar with the story of the Garbutt dulcimer. Slie used the fr.lnlework of a young lady playing an inStrumenl for Indians in • lonely piooecr cabin . but she changed the gitl"s name to Dorothy and changed the dulci mer to an accord ian . Eliubeth !.IIugbt in the log school house in Scottsville du ring the summer of 1805

and married William Reed. a successful young fanner and a natiY1: of Englarld. in 1806. They fat"lTlCd the Ox Bow farm ofthe Wadsworth fam ily for a while in the town of Avon. New York . then bought larld of their own. Their farm adjoined tllosc of Elizabeth's broth e r s just sou t h of Scottsville in the village which was then murK:<! Garbul~ville. after her fam ily. Of El iubeth 's nine children . eight su",ived into adulthood . The log cabin which they originally inh~biu:d and their latcr farmhouse su", i\'ed into the scoond decade of the twentieth century . when they were de· stroyed by fire . Garbutt and Reed desce nd en ts .re still numerous in the 500ftsville area. "The little village. its name shortened 10 Garbtlu. enjoyed a bnef penod of growlh. but now eons.sts only of II few houses atId an abandoned store. The du lcimer remained In the family. though it .seems to MVe been played YeT)" littlc. In a leiter wrillen in 1880. Shelby Reed says " In 1824 mo\h('r's brother. John Garbutt. visited England. Returning the folloWing sprin g. he. brought out suitable wire for dulcimer strings. Mother asked Archibald McVean a distant cousin to help her Sln ng

1880: ·• ...ooc wnny spring moming . when her brothers were away II their ",m. she was startled by a shadow that fell within the open doorway . Turning for the cause. there &lood in mid-floor the tall majc&lic form of an Ind ian in native COStume. "flle moccasined feet gave no warning of approach . "The reticent tongue uttcred no greeti ng. But there in impesturable silcnce he Mood. Alanncd but 001 disconcened. the girl went to her dulcimer arld played 5evCTIllivclyainl. A funivc glance showed that the stoical rigid ity of beT" visitor's face was relaxi ng . ~oftening . Faster. swifter flew the nimble fingers. arld when at length she ceased playi nl. the dark countenance of the warrior bore a plcased arxl.lmost gent1eexpression. Hedeparted with as little ceremony as he tame . Days and weeb paoGed. and ag~ift came the Ind ian. not alone this lime but followed by six of his stealthy. red -skinned tribe . Pointing to the du lcimer. the leader asked in the uniY1:r5lIllanguage of signs. for mu sic. Again the brave girl played and sang her bc$t. arxl 50011 low gUlleral \'oiees and kindly gl~ proved the wild aud ieflCl:; not invulll(Tllble to music.~7

No Strings Attached presents their firs t album

Just Another Hammer Dulcimer Band Don 'l let the ririe fool you. Thij gT(MP mainUliru a {iT1l! balal1£e ~1I'eeII

,he traditional and Iris h stylings, OJ II\'II as their au:n original afTangemenu. The al~m centers ar(Mnd three hammer d14kuners lLlpplemenled by a menagerie of inJl ru menu; accordtan, guitar, bass. lenor OOI1JO. mandolin. penn,\,.. hiJt1c, al1d Ihe haLll1llng bm4'f!d psa!rery. No SlTIngs Aua.ched enJO::ts shaTll'lg their sly/e of "11lSt~ '15 ml~h <L! ...,a. aTe j14re 10 et\}Iry ,heir first oJlrnjm

,.-- - - - - - - ORDER 8 L-\NK I « .." SO.H i ....tU<k. ",<a'.'" & .hippin~


N .",~,


- ---, M. it .... du•• '" " .. C h'P\'C1i 114,) fl u,,'''''' 5..

Rool>D ~ ~. v •. HOt5 N o. of .Jb...... _ An". ~ ...<I.-d _ _ (7" J) 9119. 1~'Kl Type of "" vm~n" Ch«kOM,",<y orJe.O t'ln... p'" ..... on Y"'" .... Hin~ ti" 0

23 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com



and tune it. He brought along hi s violin, and jointly they a«ompl isl:ed t/M;: work .·... In 1940 the family took the instrument to The Eastman Sc hool of Mu sic in Roche$ter. hoping someooe there coold help them tune il and met with limi ted success. The rca:nt hiMOf)' of the dulci mer' s case:, also miKle of cherry, i ~ r.llhcr unfortunate. When the Iocll hi stOf}' room was established at the Seousvi lle Free Li· brary in 1970, M rs. Fie ld , an active member of t/M;: Scottsville Historical Society. wanted the dulcimer to be d isplayed. An asso:xiate work ing with her offered to have Scottsville resident and internationallyknown wood sculptor. Wendell Castle. make a display case for the instrument . Cutle c ut offthc top of tlicorigmal carrying ease o f the dulcimer and replaced it with plate glass. In the process he replaced the slots into wh ich the original case lid had titted. The carrying case. thus modified , made a very awl:wanl mounting for the d isplay ofthc dulcimer. because nothing eou ld be seen of the instrument btu ItS to p. In 1912 a large wood and glass d isplay unit waseOl1structed in wh ich the dulcimer currentl y is exhibited. The family has no portrail$ of El izabeth G arbutt Reed. who died in 1838. and none: ~ her music or lKMebooks has survived . Noother mention is made in the family hlSlOl)' of du lcimers or dulcimer playing. 'l11c maker o f El izabeth·s dulcimer re· mains anonymous. but the value that the family must have placed on the instrument 10 bring it with SlJch difficulty 10 an un· tamed region is clear. The tunes thaI wen: played to those anllZed IndiDns will never be known , but the 5101)' and the dulcimer remain as a valuable commen tary on piooecr li fe in New York State .

.. _

I. " Notes on El izabeth Ga rbutt Reed", by Shelby Reed. prepared for the Western New York Farmer's Club Harvcst Hoult Reunion. 1880. Garbunsville. Scottsvi lle

Technical Inronnation on the Garbull Dul clmu, Scottsville Fret LlbrllrY, Scottsville, New York.

Free Libnry.

9 treble eotlrses of four strings each.


S bass eourses o f four strings each .

WHEATLAND , MONROE COUNNEW YORK , A BRIEF SKETCH OF ITS HISTORY , by George E . SI()(:um. pub by Isaac Van Hooser, Scottsville. NY 1908.


3. 4.

Conversat ion with Florence Field. Jul y 30. L983




EliUlbeth Garbun Reed"

6. ibid 7.

ibid .

leiter wrilten in 1880 10 Florence M cVea n by he r un cle Shelby Reed . Scottsville Free Ubnuy



Soonest side: 21-V,·.

Sound b(n is 2V," deep , Bridges IlJe continuous with metal wire on lOp . They arc I W tall.

Tuning pins are square topped and fit into the plnblock with Itapercd. IKM threaded. fil. The hitch pins are 5mall nails . The hammers are missing. but the tuning wrench is still with the dulcimer . ~ DPN

F1~nce Field . 8reat, great, great grarKI-daughtCfof EliUlileth Garbutt Reed , holding the dulcimer.


--_ .... n ...... , ,, ... ,

"_,"_ '_10 ••. "'"


" Notes on Elizabeth G aroun Reed "

Longest side:

" , ..... ..,oe.o .., ... ,_" . _ "

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P lease send SI for broch ure

6\I-U GarfIeld Cu tolT Rd .


SandpoInt. Idalle) 83864

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1983 GREAT DI. ACK SWAMP DULC IM E R FESTIVAL A wann ligl1l cm~n~li ng

from rose-brick buildings among trees and grass.

NEW DULC iMER CI.U BS Tuscalossa Dulcimer Strommen Bill Aleundcr 4920 EaSt 10th Avenue T uscaloosa. AL 35405 Meets 1st Monday ni ghts . New Jersey Hammered Dulcimer Co·op Lucil le Reill y P.O . Box 7 12 Moorestown. Nl 08057 {6(9)234-5892 Meets 2nd SalUrdays of Feb .. May. Aug .. and Nov .

The ligllt srow brishter.

and began to rise

inlO II\(' sky. Rain poored. bul spirits inside were light and dancins to the musk

Berkeley Hammer Dulcimer Players Maggie Sansotl(' (4 15)845·2206 Meets once: a month .

Thoosands of Slnngs vibraling in Iune-coming to life blending into one great song embracing all who came in eOOl ael.

~ninsula MI n. Dulenncr Club P.O. Dox 104 Menlo Pari.:. CA 94026 (41 5)32 1-7471

Plea!oC add Ihe follo ..... ing clubs to Ihe Dul· cimer Organizations lisl in Ihe Wim~r 1984 DPN .


People-linking. Ideas born Frie nds made Hands held OUI and clasped. A circle around lhe Maypole of life . . ,

Rock y Mountain Duki<r>cr Society Ric k Hteh P.O. Box 39811 Estes P"Mk. CO 80517 (303)586-6727

Colorado Slate Dulcime r Sociely Coonie North 348 S. Logan Den ver. CO 80209 (303)744-0444

When .....e meet agai n. we ' lI know the dance. and take our places h~d

;, h~nd .

, ,,.....

Bays MI. Dulcimer Society Evelyn Miller. Pres. P.O . Box 3033 Kingsport. TN 37664

May I. 198) Nancy Dick Clart Cincinnati.OH

dulcimers. harps. banjOS. mandolins. kits & instruments. books


Books & Cassel1e Tapes


Writ. lor our broc:hu..

A ...

Members of the Bays Mountain Dulcimer Society In Kingsport. TN have been Instrume~tal In ini ti attllg and putting together an e~h ibn ion of mountain and hammered dulcimer.; at the Carroll Reece Museum al East T enncs!oCC State Um"ersity in JohnsonCiIY. TN May 15 _June: 24. 1984 . it will rc~tun: eumplcs of dulci 'ne~ made by .he Illan) '1u~rity bu,!..k,., uf the area. both l3r)!e scale {Robert Milel and small S<:ltle (Carl W CliI). Ralph Lee Smith of Reston. VA IS loam ng some of his h,storic dulcimer.; tu be used 10 Ir.ICe Ihe developmenl and h,~tory uf the App;! · lachiao dulcimer. We hal'e wnle!ioe n · amplcs of older dulc imcflI flUfll private eollcctOl"$. In addttlon . Carolyn White and Pal Mackn of Kin£,port Will teach a Ihwesessioo min i-course on moumain dulcimer playing. Then: w ill be pcrfonnanccs by loc al duletmer players four Sund ays during the exhibition. with a jam SC:Sston of all the work shop students on II\(' last Sunday. Fur infOlTllatioo. eonl3Ct II\(' Bays Mountain Dulctmer Soctety. 1'.0 Bo~ 3033. Kingsport. TN 37664.

MEADOWLARK PRESS Bol8172 Pra irie Village, KS 66208

(6 1 2~·2 1 79

~lIH. Mt'I, ,' IN "M... con ........ the ...oriel"

25 No 4th 5t


KOOKS tCH" MOUI'oTA IN OUI_e IM ER by TOM RAEHR • NEW TUNF.siOI. O FRn:N"OS .SUS 19 SnnV a nd Dan.a!l . Indudin& Old JM Clark . Soiditn' J oy. Wildwood 1'1""·,,,.

• A PL EASANT AOOI CfION .. S5.95 28 Oan«!i and Son8~. indlKlinx lI<uu kll", Wtddi,." o..,~ II/t WIUtr/oIl, N, ... Crill..".. • SPECIAI ••. 80 TIf ROO KS ..•S IO.OO ppd. rroRl II DGFI()OLE PRl:SS R.·O J . ~tft". VT onu

2S Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com


Fretted Dulcimer Technique


1"I'EIWl Ol ""E TO AOY'-"'C[O I'I.... V[ RS



_'_HoOPt _ _ r ... o...._

by Leo Krel,"er


Plymouth, MA

Atne<..:.n POPU'" Old ["""$I> and Ea,'~

"'me<'can l u.... C"hSlmu and Ea'le, Carols t ""'" ... Non- ,.o<loon .. T""""" Sonot lOt S"'9''''J f _ !o. OUIC, ...... Aecoodetl ' ''''e GU,la'




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ORDER FROM SOUNDINGS P 0 Be. 11114 Boone "Ie ~!l<607

so Pof;IPlod " U S ~ Ot MOte' A-..dIntI "-"'deI . ""SaIeI la. Pro« $1 2

1111.00 [acn ' Ot Otdetl o! "Ie

Qerl eclions on Lhe CarLer Family liON !'£NIX. CAnlY aAll:TON .... 11 .... 0 ... \[ P ...1lA "'1'10 JAY _OIJ)II)

Tn 01_ f o _ Can..- r~ ........... rM f... _...-.... _ Cana' lIjIo GoM_ """ ...",......,.. a...tw-or IIa~JoO . Ha...-,od 0uI0ma. f\o!.pdodo.-o-. """ __

Hammered Dulcimer Qeumon T _ionoI _

. - ....... and .... _

f....... I~ 000k'Imn . . .'" "" II)' 00" ham_ IIaftjo. ..... o/Iart>. I.<ad Guo., Mounlain 0uIdmn- . .... """ ",her .... ....-.

RfFLEC'TlONS Of' n il'. C...1I1f.1I fAM! l Y



Prica 1ncWr: ~ Mor)4Md l .......... . -

IdcIJ"'..a .... A ....bk ,""'"


ION L.ak.,...,.,.t ... _ _ _, MD ZlDl

1·'------------·· Fllltpickmg"' sunpl y means !f} play with I natpick . in contrast to fingerpi!;"l ing . In pracllce. u also Implies the plCkmg or tndl vidual st rings. as o pposed to lill\lmming every string on every ~at When I play. I usually cr)Il1bine strumUH ng and pi cking <:enain individual llDIes to bnng oot the melody. Prodocmg a dcar, artl!;"ulate melody line i5 the mam ~nc'fit of natpkk,ng A pure Mrumming Myle: can M,lIInd great on JomI' ,u,"""" bulOlhrrplC'lC1"JiCall r...... """"" deli!;"ate treatment wuh !he nght I!and WhIle: fingcl'pf'"lmg can alSQ aa:omplt~h thlli . " doesn·t al"'"llYS pCV'ildt the ,"()Iume one needs. especial ly ",11m playing ",,,I! odIC!" mMrumcnu; or ",hen periolTmng m an unamphrted. situallon . Aalp'!;"l lllg can be I solut1Ofl in these cases. E"cn I,,'cly rlddlc tUIlC!i can ha"e tltelr melodIes obscurtd by I cummon short cuml ng III many dukimer pla)ers· lech· "'ques: overplayIng !he dfQnl'5 . I becamc .wan: of this na'" '" my ollln pla}"'g ... hen ltstening IOllipes I had made . Tapes . by the way, Ire T«:OInmcndcd to proVldt feedback for your o ... n play"'g When yoo an:: invol"cd wIth play"'g a piece . u·s hard to Imen to yoors.elf with any objcc:llvity . Your allention is nalUrully dlll:ctcd to your Icft hand and the fingenngs of tile rrl('lody and/ or !;"hord s . As mucl! u you arc hsten illl, the melody probably SQunds fine to yoo because yoo know how it is ~S4lp­ posed.' to sound . A ISQ. )'00 arc right above the inslNJTlCnl. A hstcncror tape rttOrder five or ten feet alllay may be hearing I'IlO5t· opm drone: stnngs. I th",k thIS IS !he

It tDles a llUle: more p!'IC1lCC to 11m the pIc k at Illdl'ldual Stnngs I"Jlher than hu Ilng every slnnl on cvcry stru m. but the resulting c!eln::r melody I nd man:: tnter· csti ng 5OUrw! Ire well "'OI1h the e(fon Rather than jumpi ng into IU1 actual tunc ... ilh this Idea . I 5ugge5t yoo first try the follOW Ing CIcn:: ,se:5. all done on open stnngs. 'fhe§C "'111 allow you to rocus on lhe nght hand alone and bell I! to acqUln:: or n::finc the t«hntque of natp"kmg . If you don't !ole the ,~a of <lo,ng ucrci~. I S4lggC51 yoo thUll. of these .u Hmcdua.t1OflS for the nglll h:uw,l-! Mal:e sure yoo have . smooth, bacl and-forth stn.mmtnl ~ylc: bwcal ly under control. HoIdl~ gUItar pt("l (or an o"m;,~ pt(l ",hlCh II f.,"OrCd by many duk"llCl'" players Includmg m}selO between the th~mb and lIIdu ( not middle) fingers or 1M right I!lnd Ind try the followlllg l:Ja!it sII\Immm, m)·lhm~.


men by non-dukimcr pleycrs: 5O\lnd monotOt"lOlJs!-

2. Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

u Eiahth Note Pallem

i 1 1 lL


"r I&&.


Start with four picks in succeuion OIl each SIring • ba~. middle. melody. middle. back to the bass. and so on· jUSllO gtl lhe feel of picking individu al strings .

Once you hHve these basic strummi ng patterns under your belt. try the same back·and· fonh motion on si ngle slrings.


... " ...

Sixteenth Notes (Basicall y the SlIme as eighlh notes. bul Iwia as fast!)


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~Whe~ a';~~~~:'~1 ~hismo-

you lion. try picking each string just twice be· fore movi ng to lhe !leXI. and. finally. pick· ing each string once. wilh the sa me atlemalingdirections you wou ld usc: if you v.ere stn.lmm ing.


...... z. .. "'-

• Exe rcises can be practiced III any tuning . DAD sounds good. though .

• •

Standard "Hoedown" Strum ("Bum-diddy" Mrum)

In these' patterns your hand direction should always be ahemating: either "001in.out- in", or the opIX/Site but equivalem "in-Olu·in-out". Whether )'oo strum in or out fil"51 is purely a maner of personal style. The most important thing is to be cons;slcnc and 10 ha ve a s m<lDlh. flowing strum. EVlm the hoedown strum. which seems to have twO strums in a row in the same di rection. is really a CQI11inuously alternating pattern: Every OIher in-stroke (or out-stroke. depend ing on )our pe rwnal strumming direction) is liflCd over Ihe strings to main ta in the now and bring the pick back to ils starting' poiR! . ready for , another SCI of strums. Th is is indicated I above wi lh an arrow in parentheses. meaning lhallhe motion is made. but the pick is lifted o"cr the strings. I It's also good to get in the habit of strumming from the wrist. nOi from lhe elbow or shoulder. Watch your right hand and ann as you strum and avoid excess movement . While it is posSible to strum from the elbow. it will be very hard to pid e with any a«ul"ilCy if your motion comcs ffOlTl tt.ere . Finally. you will have a smoot her otrumming and riding 'Iyl" if you allow the pick to angle slightly wllh each "i n' and "out" mOlion. ralher Ihan staying rigidly perpendicular to the mings. I find the bollom or my pick angles bad in on the out·strum, and out on lhe in ·strum . thus reducing the resistaoce of tnc pick as i goes over the stri ngs.







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" Conllnued ..

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ODoizmrr }it.tringf(l .Jlltstrllltlfl1ls V

j/;)ammcrcb nnb jflollntnin jlhllcimcrg ){anacraft~a

in 'rraaitional SI?lcs

At . 1 Box 709 P, Accokeek, Md . 20607 283-6937 if no answer (301) 645-5785


11 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

Repeat each measure as nuny times as necessary to play it smoothly and llCcurate· Iy. Don·, be surprised iftlw: third pattern (one pick on each Wing) takes a bit of practice \0 masteT. Although the diredioo of motioo is the same as If you ..... ere ~ Irumming. Ihe amounl of motion is much snuller and has 10 be more preci!le . 11U5 i) ...·here lI;in8 your enllre ann for the mo'·emem will gel you mto ltollble. A small ",·rist fTIO'·cmem IS much more pre.:isc. You may also ..... anl 10 rest )·our right harM! in some way 10 give il more stability. How you do Ih is depends greatly on lhe cOOSltUCtiOl1 of your ducimer allhe bridge cnd. If there is a liule bit of space 10 the n ght of lhe $addle. you can rcstlhe edge of your ri ght hand. JUS! belo ..... your little fin· geT. there . I do thiS mysel f somellmes. Some pla)e.... locking room next 10 the saddle. resl their lillie finger lip 00 the soundboard (lOp) of the dulClineroothe far Side of the strings. Then agam . !iOffiC dul· cimer pla)er5 arc mnucncc:d by cl assical guilar lechnlque (MOl a bad Innuence. In general!). and .... oul" ~). l"I('. er rest lhe right hand . as it might inhlbu free mOllon. I thmk u 's III right to restthc right hand as loog as il is done lightly. not rig idl y.

Another suggestion: You ·1I gel beuer results in natpicking ..... ,th a medium or heavy guagc pick. rather than lhe vel)' light (Ihin ) OJleS ml ny people usc for strumm ing. These \tlln picks ··gh·e·· '00 much and don ' l product' much §OtJrM! on si ngle strings.


COMBINING STRUMS AND PICKS In mosl p1«"cs. picked MOles usually alternale ..... ith full 5U\Hl\$. H en: ilIl: some paUems 10 give you the feci for thiS motion . again all ..... ith open sirings. PracI1CC eao::h 0 1"1(' muny ti mes slowly for smoolh · ness. then tf)' increasi ng the lempo.


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Jean's Dulcimer Shop P .O. BOI II, HJClIWAt


COS BY, TENNESSEE 3772 2 Phone : (61S) 487 - 5543

SERVING THE NEEDS OF THE FOLK AND HOMEMADE MUSIC WORLDS lie , pedalh" in f . etted and ha.., r e<l dulel ... ., and ~ .. e .. ythln' for t lleoo __ Uts and finished lnst .......... ts by several .akeu. builders' supp] leo, accessories, ..... n... rly every lonl and pl.tlnt-Inst......,tlo" book an<! record al_ In prIn t (eatu.l", either kind of duld..... OUr uten.lve pla11I1,- .... I,o,h and sonl book_ l ist lo.cludes .. full line of tilin for Ot her IIlnd and 't r lnled fol k i n .. ru.en . . . aM "''' ... 1 .... . 1"".' ..,c: ... ,""lnl ~ of 01<1-11 ... and tradi t ional f ol k .. s Ic \, one o f t he brlen to be found an)"olhere. A ,DOdly ylt let y of roll-toya and II...." cra f ts for ,1ft or ~ "se Is an I~r t .n t plrt of OUr ... rehalO:lIs... h', all lined in OUr cau lo, __ J ust lend $1.00 ("h lcll " ,,'11 refund .. lth your I. n t ONe .. ) to cover the C• • '"'' of print 111, and pos t a,c.






b y Ralpll Lee SlIl th. Thl. T ud l t lo na l lIacord. ca ••• tt. I • • comp ilation of the 9 r eat old- tl .. e OIu . l e f r o .. thr ee of Ralph Lee S. lth ' • • I b~ .... In clude. e boo kl et o f the .on9. and the ir .o~ r e ••. 58 . 98 fr OIl ~. Or yo~ r local deale~ .


AN D PSALTERY INSTRU MENTAL S and by .Ieuy "ock .. ell .nd l'Ia.y Ann. s aOlu. I . . The •• ou t . tand l n9 T r .d lt lo na l Record. e •••• tte. b y t .. o pe .fo,..... . .. h o ... k. the v.ry dlrfleult .ound effonlea.l y e . .y ere co pied In • •• I- t l _ for .udiopllil • •ound qu.llty. Se.utiful, la i d _bac k, . eh x ln9 l u aicl 57. 98 .acll t r Oll UI o r you. local deale r. OULC U'~"

W" se .... th" re t all and .. holesale ... k


UR~A " S ,



Deliler in""lrlel ue InvIted.

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Remembe'r that the directions of your slrUms can be' re'1:~ in all of the$C examples. as long as your lTlOIioo is back and forth . Thi s moI ion has the most flowing ~




a simple tuoc .


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quts . .... hieh combiocs a fe w of these pattern s. It·s written st aning with an Instrum. but this. again. can be reversed . If


£ 11 0










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you play the tune as written below and then with full strums o n every melody OOIe. you' l1 hear t~at the combining of picks and strums creates a iliOn: delicate . interesting sound.




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FU RTHER VARIATIONS Once you get the ba,ic idea of the e~ ­ ereiscs. you can mak e up )'oor o .... n pat· terns. Another variation. rO!'u~mple. is to take a regu lar strumming rhythm and play it all on one string . Th is is more than an academic uereisc. Yoo can usc this tech· nique 10 bri~g out 8 melody lin<: during ~ lead ""break "'. The idea is to leave out the drones completely in such D passage to give ll1axim~m emphasis to the: melody tioc . Lorra ine Lee. to name one OOIable example. uses thi s technique along .... ith rhythmiC " ariations to great advantage when takin~ .wlos while playing musIC .... ith her husband Rick . Here are two s trum r hythms. the hoedown an~ jig-ti me strums. applied to si ngle strings.

4H Meet Andrea Jernigan. age S. hammered dulcimer student . That baldins pany with her is myselr. Ao)d Ellington. I',-e been giving hammered i!ulcimer lessons to Andrea once a "" eek si oce she cornered me at the annual Latta Plantation Folk Music Festival in Charlotte. NC in June 198) and wanted 10 have a SO Pt the ltammcred dulcimer. She amazed everyone. learning a tune in a matter of minutes and instinctively using BOrn hammers . We were woo ing OIIt the tunc when her mother Donna. a frce-laoce phoIographer. snapped this picture. Now Ar.drea has her own linle ~ammered dulcimer. a 9· ~ble . S-bass inSlrUmcnt only Ig" long . She's

learned a dozen



I~ 8,u"~,

so tunes . iocl ud ing and keeps me: on my

,~ .

Dad Alex Jernigan plays the banjo. but Andrei! is the only hammered dulcimer plaYeT in the family . That eap'S an Andrea trademark . I had to take it home toileronce

Itil WtiJUl:1

afu:r she: abandoned ilto wade in the lue and admire the ducks and geese at a local lakes ide folk musiejam. I build hammered dulcimers and stands in Charl(l(\C. NC. but it looks like Andrea will be the best thing out of my "'shop". !-l oyd Ellington Charlotte. NC

29 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

While the-c JNlrtlcu ll r uamplc5 are ",-nucn 01'1 the ~ and ITIIIklIe $lnnp. practICe cach pailI'm OIl alilhe IIl(hudual W1ng~. melody Included, Finally. )'QU t'&II combine pIC~cd not" lind Slrums m a '-anIIiOll I tall '1:lreuIIIg up" the hocdov;n strum 11111 IS baSICally a SlIIOO;ard hoedown !>trummmg pailI'm wnh lhe empha.~ls OIl the bau and treblc 5lnng~ shirting ("broken up") on dlffcrent parts of Ihe beal. nuheT than )t ru mming c~cry 5tring OIl cvcry beat .... hich ,ctS rrlOIlOIOO ' OIlS. I find thiS "broLcn up" ilIUm rn:ates ~ certam land of IiOUOO tCAIUll: , liere are a reweumpks

I f


Low. 2nd and 3rd uamples; Lov. - Ihgll Low · ll lgh,


If ill~ il. l

In an actual pie«, "'hid! wings are hit on ",lIl<:h be_s ... iII be deltrmlllCd by the melody . Try 10 emphaSIZe the metod) notes alone on the beau on "hleh they occur, filling III the other par1~ of the hc~t wllh drone u rmgs, rJ.thcr tllan m 'cr_ plaYi ng lhe drones throughout on c>cl)'


F.JOamplc 2




A mastcr of thislCChnique IS I D. SlIImpe r. u uampled by his June Api»'1 rccordlng RED WI NG (JA · OIO) Fo ll o",mg IS • somewhat )Implll'ied Il'1InscnpuOIl of his ,'Ct'S'OIl of OaT/in' COf'ry rrom Wt album liSten I() dIC rec· ord to get .11 dIC I,mlf'llnscri~bk nlWlCe~ of ills pI.y m!'

If U f~l~ 2.



EAamplc 3

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Thoug/l l'"c "'-nllen!he moddlc 51nng a) always COong wllh the bas!. $lTlnl on lhe-.c p. lt crns, don 'l lake Ih.1 too li tera lly. Somet nlld I' ll hit the middle and melody Slnngs together, The import ant Ihmg IS 10 empha>,~e the lreble and b~ "eoo~ ~ of yourduk,mer's soundondlfferent parbof thebe~1 Isteump!e: Hlgh · t.o... · Hlgh ·

. ..


Eumple I

i.nJ 1:"",," II' a Nrw C"x/woJ ·bwnf fI""",," rr und tI..ki..rr IroC'l.r,. Hu lallll "'"""', 801.0 OR 10 .... Is "" Iht IIrpmo~1(J(/ Rrrortls lubrl Orlw, "'bltwu Ilrt DULCIM ER FAIR

PNI P1GTOWN H.ING DUI,cIM ER FA IR IoaJ "'" i>«1l<rIpil"J'''t booo\ /Cryj"IICrtd I·~/). li(ariofuJ ~ DPN

DARLIN' COREY a rr. Leo Kretz,nu PI)'mOulh . MA



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TBI BUlellllB SBOPPI Hudnahd Mwsinl I" .. rume" .. 8y McSpalldon RECORDS FOLK CRAFTS BOOKS Or .... E · Hi,lh ....y.l'fotth


MOUNTArl'f VII!: W , AItKAI'fSAS 7UOO PI~"nd() I .211'J.&W'I

• Eig;'1 slolldo.d mod.ls olld four sp.dol mod.1s 10 choose f.om :

Eu., instrumen t ';lIned b, !h. mak .. ond guo,on,"d 10 !h. olillinol o ... nlliol Iile: ChOlln OS plins by l irs! ploc. winnll' al NOlionol Du lcimll Conlnl in 1978 ond 1979:

• ( .. "ying ca .. and ;1I,huclioll book includ.d ill p.iu : •

G.o~ ..

lun ing pigs wilh .os.wood bullons : • ScIoli , fll!bo<"d , bock on" ,idn of wolllul; foCi of S"IUC' 0' book_molch.d walnul;

• •

Wid. III.ction of duldlMl book., IItonh, and occ.ssoli., o¥oilabl. by moil :

Send 2Sc (101 pOllag.) 10llCl iu Oul Own Dulcimtl Shopp. N.... ,pop•••

s.nd 51.25 for our fully illustrated COTOIog.

Dust. OfT That Dll lel me[

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DUST OFF THAT DULCIMER AND DANCE! A Mountain Dulcimer Instruction Book

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s....t II'SO ........ __ .... """""",...d 11 ... "I' to f;''t """"'1_ ....... """""" ~ dukomm .. ..dI .. ..........- duIamcn. .....

Bonnie Carol





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Salina Star Route

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I'd ..."" ~ from ,....

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C_I_a_ss_ifi_le_d_A _ d_s _ _--'I 1What's New?

L - -_ _ _

Classified ad) in DULCIMER PLA YERS NEWS are an us)'. ineXpEnsive wDy to

T HE KITC HEN MUS IC IAN'S OCCAS IONAL FOR HAMMER DULC IMER . FIDDLE. ETC .: Booldet8 in S1andard nounion and Sa", Riuclla ·. dulcimer lab, No . I. Wall1:es and Airs ; No.2. Mounta in TullCS (no tab): No , 3. O'Carolan Tunes: No .6. Jigs: II pp . each. S2 .50 postpaid or all 4 for $9.00. No.4. Fine Tunes. hll!; 32 old S1Dndards in nounion and tab. 16 pp. S3.50 postpaid. Sar.I Johnson. 449 Hidden Valley. Cinci nnati. OH 45215 .

n:ach hundn::ds of dulcimer players and buihk~ . CU)I i. 3001 1"" "'"\lid with ~ $5 minimum. prepaid. Display ads $pcciricalions and prices are &l'Iilab lc upon request .

COTION PR INT PADDED DULCIMER BAG : 40" ~ I I" with shoulder strJp. book. IX'Ckel, and lippcred accessory pocket. $12 .95 includes Shipping Homemade from Jean 's Dulc imer Shop, P.O. 6 0\ 8. Cosby. TN 37722. HAMMER DULCIMER LESSONS: All

levels. M uny yeat1>l'~pcriclKC. Call Karen AShbrool: (30 I )270- 1030 Of c/o House of M uska1TrndillOn) (30 1)270.0222. Wa~ h · inglnn. DC an:a FOR SALE: Circa 20 hamJn('f dulcllners. Many foreign . wme prufes.lOf1al modd •. Includes Bob Bcc~'SI>'k psaltery (cher. ry). H. E. Matheny. 13550 Hill Ave .. NW. Unionl""n. OH 44685-(2 161699· 3983.

ARE VOU READY FOR MORE ON YO UR DULCYMQRE? by h ne Adam •. Tran sla te popu lar music Into dulcimer tabla1Ure . 44 !U IlCS , 59.50 ppd . Free RaJ(I;ntt' AIIII;t' and I/aslt' IQ Iht' M't'Jdillg " nh order. SAS E fOf brochure. Mc..oowlar1:. Press. Box 8172. Prninc Vill~ge . KS 66208.

CUSTOM CASES FOR HAMMER DU L· C IMER S: Insulated. waterproof. heavy dUly handles plus accessory pocke!. The best for S88. Free brochure from Main 51. Case Company. III N. Main. Tcton ia. ID 83452 or (208 ) 456·2233 . TH E C HRO MATIC HAMMER DU LCI MER BOOKLET contains info for easily and qu ic kly converting regular diatOniC lunings to in.corporalc chromatic capabilities. Includes a wide variety of other chromatic tunings and pertinent infonnalion. alun!: with an CAICn ~iYC ~hunJ dl~n listing 120 usc-fut 3 and 4 llOIe chords for h.d. pillyef$. $4 .95 plus SOe postage. Phillip M!iSOIl. R!. 2. Box 140. Williamsburg. KY 40769. Complete catalog of hammer dulcimer ~s and supplies S1.00.

God~ Carrie Crompton. Hepallca Music. 1901 E. College Ave .. Stale College. PA 16801

Th is CllSSCnt Japc features early musIc and tradit io nal tunes played on frelled and hammer du k:irnet'S. psaltery. and viols Don Pedi and f riends Don Pedl. Bad· Rec{)nl~. P.O. Box 8497. Ashville.


NC2 8~

This album features slnngband musIc with fretted dulC imer. fiddle . guitar. wooden nute and banjo. English and Scoulsh Dancn, Song.o; and Airs ror I)ulcimer Doug Berch (Salina Stor RI. . Wallstrc'Ct. Boulder. CO 80302) Kickmg Muk Re(ords

Th is album. Doug's first solovenlUrc. features frelled dulcimer. Doug. by tile way . won first pl oce in both tile (relied and ham · mer dulcimer contests al tile WalnuJ VaiI . KSin5cptember.


DPN I NDEX ~ 1975- 1983 CO"cr8 all songs. ankles. and reviews, O vcr 1.000 cmries! $4 .50 ppd. Erik R. BlomstcOt. III C Gael Drivc. Joliel. IL 6OJ35 .

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FOLK _'d~

FIN ELY DES IGNED HAND·CRAFrED FOLK TOYS: Limber Jock. Dog. Pony. Bcllr. Frog. Clown. and Lamb S 10.95 ea. includes shipping . Jean's Du lcimer Shoop. P.O . Box 8. Cosby. TN 37722.


w..u..""". sw... su, Roul•. 1Iou.IdtT,00 80302 (303) 44 2-3924 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

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DULCIMER PLA YERS NEWS ",0 Bo\. 2W-1 \\,il1dl(路~tcr,

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DULCIMER PLAYERS NEWS P.O. Box 2164 Winchester, VA 22601


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,\OnKESS CO KRU : I up, RtQl -t ,S I I'D


SUBSCRIBEJU,: If your llIa'hnK I.bcl i~ datC'd 2·8<1, thai mean~ Spring. 19114. and yuur .ublltrip' ion ~nd.!l .. ilh Ihi, l~lU~. Tim~ 10 "'n..... !

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