1982-03, Dulcimer Players News Vol. 8 No. 3

Page 1

Summer 1982 Vol. 8, NO. 3


dfatlUonizin9 Cluf1£1. all d!anzlnE.lE.d


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clVe.W.1, cR£ !li£wJ., tunE..1 and motE.



four ti.e. eoch year , I,.uea are aailed to lubeeribeu during the Hrat week of J"nuary . April , July and Oc;:tober , Su bscriptions are $8 par year , $15 for two


Vol . 8 , Ho. 3


year. . For" liat of lIvailable back i,auel , contoct 1.11 . Witor:

Sumner 1982

All Rights Ruervecl



P. O. Box 2164

winchester . VA


(703) 667-2017

Special thank. go to the (ollowing people who authored article. and arranged tunel and 80nga (or this i'lue: Barbara Truex, Chria White, Tom Baeh r , Cathy Sabol, Erik Blamatedt , and Bob z'entt,

In addition:

Michel Legare , Cerry No r ia , and Randy Mohr , Artiat, Kasahlro Magam! , cover photograph of Ralph Lee Smith Joan Nauer, Typi.t Ruth Anne HacNeil, Office Aa.i.tant Mary Ratliff, Office Assi.tant Joan Walker and lUll Gardllt:r , Guardbn Angels Friend. who helped this i.lue beco.e I reality

Contents OULCUlER ORGANlZATIONS • • •••••• • •• • ••••••••• • •• • •• • • •• ••••• • • •• •.•••••• • • • 4


Barbara Truex , Chrl. White •..•..••....•• . •..•. . • . •••.. . . . .. . . . 5

BACH INVENT10N X •.•••• • •••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••• • •• 8 MOUNTAIN RANGER

To.. Baehr . •..•..••.•...............•..••.•..•...••....• 12




Madeline HacNeil ••...• 13

Stephen Foster .. . .•..•.... . ..... . .................... 15

EVENTS CALENDAR • ••• • ••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16 REVIEWS . •. . ...•.....•••••..•..•..•...•....•.•..•..•.........•••.•....... 19

RALPH LEE SMITH: KEEPER OF A TRADITION Csthy Ssbol .............•..... .. 20 WHAT'S NEW . .•...........•..••••..••...•..••.....••..••..•.••.•..•.•.•••• 23 JOHN JACOB NILES, DEAN OF AMERICAN BALLADEERS SWEET SONG FROM YESTERDAY

Erik Blo•• tedc • ....•.•..• 25

Bob Zentz . .. . .•. . •.... . .. . .. . •..• . ...... . .. . • 29

Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

late issue . Should we include an upside-down page , ... ils obv i ous typos , or have crooked co py , bear vtth us . Joy is runni ng ralapant in this off i ce l Possibly you ...ere su rprised to find DULCiMER PLAYERS NEWS In a new fOl"aat . I ' ve had this in .Ind for about t\OQ years and decided 1 vould .ake the plunge so_tiate in 1982 . There ls a cOlllfort with old fonoats , and some of you will be lorry not to be able to tuck DPN ' s In a pocket o r purse for reading 00 the bus. Others will be happy to toss away magnifying glslSea snd MOv they won ' t need strong l1ght8 to read saaall print an)'DOre. Planning , typing . and doing the layout for thll issue were rather difficult , but , expect such things to go .ore a.oothly In the future Working with the reduction in past DPN ' s presen t ed its own difficu lties. Some type and dravings \OQuld break down when reduced and I vouldn ' t get the quality of copy I hoped for. Advertisers had to envision their ads reduced by nlmost 50% and sometimes their final copy was llUller than they had hoped SQ . thole production situations vill change for the better. 1'111 excited about our new adventure lind hope you are pleased also. Dear haPIIIIC r dulcimer frtends. You lIIIIy notice thnt you are not highly represented. in thil Su-'!r issue. There'. a reason. You arc not sending _ Nteriai to print. Please share your bo.>llding and playing techniques and Interview interesting players and builders in your area. We will help you all we can with Ideas , suggestions . editing and encouragement Plense. keep in tOUCh .

Rather than begin by talking abou t business and editorial lIIatters , t want to share wonderrul news with you . Illy extended ÂŁalally. On Sunday , Kay 10th , Seth Austen and I married at selle Crove Estate in Middletown , Virginia. You ' ve probably seen Belle Grove mentioned in the DPN before , DS we've held dulcimer gatherings there. Seth nnd 1 have been a part or Belle Grove ' s work for a long time - and It felt ns though the wedding took place nt home . It rained for ten dnys In the Shennndoah Valley prior to the wedding , but the sun callie out to 8IIIlle on us that afternoon . friends, fallllly - even songbirds - sang with us and later dulcimer lIIusic ran", into the night Kany of you h.,ve atet seth or have heard his beautiful 1IIUsic . He is a sensitive , gifted lIuslcian who plays Hnger-style guitar In nddition to the fretted dulcimer lind ather Instrumeots Over the past two years our friendship has grawn and deepened and has led us to this IIIOment. I cannot begtn to relate Illy happiness to you I wish you could have been with us that Sunday . Seth nnd , leave for California Thuraday , June 3rd . Parts of the DPN lie 10 a box at II)' feel. friends arc COiling to help me so we \OQn ' t imve a

Madeline HacNeil , Editor DULCIMER PLAYERS NEWS


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Or8anizalions The Great Black Swamp Dulcimer Club in Lima, Ohio llleeta

on the [irst Saturday of .. ach _nth at rl,e Student

DPN readers planntng to attend the WDrld', Fair at KnDxville, TN this year . pl.aae ulke note: If you have a sleeping bag and would like free acco.odattona , please contact Jack Cassell , i417 LaPaloma Dr., Knoxvllle, TN 37923.

Activity Building at Ohio State University, Li.. Branch. The $5 due. include a newsletter.


Michael WU -

dermuth, 3160 Zurmehly Lima , 0" 45806.


An InfOrwll dulcu.er players

group 1. fonaing in the Ashland-Richland Counties

area of Ohio. DPN readers tn the area are invited to contsct the group and to attend the monthly gettogethera. Call Gaylord Abrams In Ashland, 289-7210 or the Mansfield nwaber 895-1783 for Lnfon.atlon.



INTERESTED your own dulci~ers?

We have the wood! This wood has been speclaily cut tD .ake dulctmers with excellent aound.

ara bog inning to actract

more new .embers and friends and promise a 80l1d bale for future growth. Tulsa Irea dulcl..er players pIe,lIe CDntact the organization at 3444 South 95th £aat A'/e • • Tulsa, OK 74145.



Hike Hall 4536 Black Cove Rd . Virginia Beach , VA 23455 or call 804 464 2317

The Indian Territory Dulc1laer

Celebration Is nov In Ita 2nd year. The monthly meetings

September 16, 17 , 18, 19,1982

Ztvf~ c.nc. " _ , _

.t.N "'laW." 00.... _ _ ".IOCII _ _ _

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..,SI.:IO_ . . . _ _ . , . ~ IIw4.. l ............ Ca, IIOOIllL


lEST I. HilUS fUi C"fTSIUUl~ I 2 nus U,ElIUC£

SUIS1.I1 fll UUlOU£


National Hammered Dulcimer Championship September 18th Workshops $3800 in Cash Prizes and Prize Instruments by Luthiers Harvey L. Prinz Lynn McSpadden Donald A , Round Mary Faith Rhoads &

John Pearse W rite fo r more information

II I iln

I IIL IEI U 11 111

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viev the rehearaal of aonga aa aufficient practice ia another atu.bling block. Aa a teacher of dulcimer and guit.r , 1 t ry to prepare .y .tudent. for any kind of . u s i c they .Ight vi.h to pl.y . Practice e~erciaea are a key me th od for acco.pliahing thia . By repeatedly playing a aet of Icalel o r o ther regular pattern of notea , information i a preaented to you r fingera and mind in an organized and o rd e rly .anne r . Baaic exerciaea ahould develop greater ag ilit y and control in both handa . Aa you continue to practice , apeed and accuracy ahould i_prove. Exerciaea ahould help you reach the point where your hand a viII do certain thinga " auto.at i eally " , freeing you to concent rat e on aub tletiea like ph r aaing and dynamics . While thia is not to aay that rehearaing . h ould be neglected , the fact that each aong i. unique Ii_ita ita effectivene.a a. practice


Practice is indiapenalble fo r Iny endeavor you wish to do we ll . Frequently , practice conl l aci of varioul exercises performed on 8 regular baai. . Athlete. do cal isthenic exercisea before and after workout. to 1008en .ulelea , control breathing and pro.ote coordinat i on . Specialized exerciaes can then fOCUB on auch are8. aa aUlcle -b uildin, o r development of co.plex aotor skill • . In all of this the key I, repeti tion. Any ta8k r epeated often enough becomes "s econd nature ". Thi, ta true with typina , 8ymnaA tica , or tying a ahoel.ce. People apeak of " inaelDerlvely" braking • car to avoid. Budden obltacle. Actually theae "to .tincta " are learned r eaponses. They rely pri.arlly an the intuitive , nonverbal right he.lsphere of the brain . The logical , verbal , " con acloua" left he.iaphere ia leaa actively involved when a taak la e~tenaively practiced. (The interaction of the brain ' a he~ia­ pherea and their relation to the performing and visual arta ia a faacinating area for additional .rudy . ) Practical applicationa of all [hla th,oretical nonaenae have been in uae for agea . Claaaical mualclana uae e~tenaive e~erciae progra •• to develop their akills . Exercisea that atrengthen .uaclea uaed in playing , exerciaea that train the ear enabling lnatant recognition of interval" e~erClaeB in acale patterns , and so on . The ao-called "primit i ve" , co~munal .uaical forma like Javaneae gamelan and African drum.ing enaemblea are no leaa reliant on intenae and rigoroua practice , although they do nOt view it aa auch. Unfortunately the area of exerciae haa been greatly neglected in cOIIL~mporary western talk and popular ~uaic. The dulcJ.iat ia particularly vulnerable due to the lack of readily available _aterial to encourage it . The tendency to


Below you will find. aeriea of pattern a to practice . Try the. allover the fingerboard and at varioul apeeda. Alao , apend time watching your left hand , then your right hand , then look away . The only way to really knov your way around the in.trument i. to play It without looking . Try aome of the exerciaea one day , and othera the next day . Some daya you .ay want to run through all of them. After .pendlng only five to ten minute. on them , try a aong you 'v e been working on for a while. It ahould feel a little eaaler to play. Are you tackling ,o_ethlng dirrlcult? Try aome of thele pattern. firat , then the tune. Keep going back and forth if need be; or take a mea.ure (or t wo) that ' a giving you trouble and repeat it many ti.es. Reme_ber , the key to all of chis i, repetition. When you feel co.Cortable with the.e and are looking for .ore of a challenge , you might be interelted 1n the Bach Invention belovo (Thi. doe.n ' t mean you .bould .tOP playing the othera). Bach va. a •• ater of patterns. The Inventiona were Intended a. exertlsea. I don ' t believe there II a player of 5

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any inatrument that wouldn ' t benef it from wo rki ng on s o me of the Inventions. I n tra nsc ribing this one fr om a guitar arrangement , I made a [o nR e io"a effnrt to bring out the pstternl in the left hand f i nge rin g . You will find lectionl in which o n e finge rin g p atte rn

movea g radually d o wn o r up th e fingerboard . As fsr as speed goes , I don ' t think you can play an Invent i on t oo faat , so keep pushing yo"raelf tn the limit. If you don 't feel limbered up after playing t his , you never will!

I~ r' (rOc' rr'(r r' (r)

Fo r ta blatu r e explanation , reCer to DULCIMER PLAYERS NEWS, Vol. 4, No. 1 Winter 1918.


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Continue up the fretboard , then reverse .


2.I T



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Left Hand Fingerings

Fol low instructions above for each of the remain i ng exercises .

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SA IURDAY OCTOBER 2 , 1982 • WOODSTOCK TOWN HA LL ' WOODSTOCK NY The NOS will focus on the contemporary dulcimer . Techniques, theories , tab lature, and philosophies will be denons tra t ed and discussed by DOUG BERCH, LEO KRETZNER , JERRY ROCKWELL , BARB TRUEX , and others . Vourself , perhaps? Morning workahops and an aftetnoon panel discussion will be topped off by an evening performance . ree , wi th pre-registration , is ~15 for all th ree eventa. r or more detailed information or t o register : "NOS" BARS TRUEX 24 SOOTH S1. BETI£L CT 06901



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Jean's Dulcimer Shop P . O. BOX It . IIiGHWAY lZ

COSBY, TENNESSEE 31122 Phone: (6IS) 487 - 5541


sp«iJl lul






dUlcl-ers and everythl nl for tt.e. __ HIS and finished i nu"...,nu by sevenl ..h."

builders' suppll"s, accessorle •• and nearly every $On, and playina_lnstructlon bool; and r~ord albu, In print f"aturin, either ~Ind of d!lld,"" Our e~t e"sln playln,'lIethods and son, book_list includes. full lin .. of titles for othe r vlnd and slri nled foLk inn ...... nts. and ..... r selection of reeonllll" of old_ti.e and traditional folk . . sic i. one of the laTlest to be round In)",here. A 1000ly nriety of foil_toys and ""n.d crafts (or 11ft Or hooR use is In iaporunt pIIn of .... r ..,...,handise. It's all listed In .... r cnalol -- jl,l5t slORd $1.00 ( .. h\(h we'll refund .. I th your r;rst orde r ) to COVer the cost of printlnl Ind po,llle.

THE OIl.CIMER FA IR TABUTlJItE AII D IftSTRUCTl(II MlOI: (How To Ph,)' The ItHIntafn [k,lc1l1tr -- Fro. SflllJllt To Adnnced ) , by L~ (ret:ner, Is ne .. (rw Cryl n, Cr H l Publi s hers ! Usln, the son,s and tunes on hh be$l_sellinl OIl.C IMER FAIR aillt. (Tradit io",,' Record. ), Leo lui ..... ittcn. (retteo "1"lel..,r in s truc ti on book coverinl al l level, of p'ayln, ~ .ill f...,. bellnner's to .dnnced. $S.95 at your loul . . sic dealer. The lonl·awalted K£EP 114 nt( SlJIIIY SIDE with Jon Ind lee Sc h illi ng Is ready r...,. TTadltlonal leconl. ! Playinlon rrettN .nd IuI_rN dulcl. . n. Autolulrp, "",..,nlcl, and recorder, Jan .nd Lee ,IuI,e ,..., ruorite tndltiC>1UlI Southe rn Mountain_sic In their 0 ..... very .peclal perrO".lnl style. 17 . 98 at your loxa1 record store, ()r

order f...,. us __ ..y you .... th.,.e t...:o titles advert




We serve the reuB and .. hole»le ..Jllc trades.

PLAYERS HEWS and ..c'll Ply thc polt'lol Dealer Inqulrie. ue Invited.

7 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

Bach Invention

.1.S. 6~ .arr. 1'>. Truu


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Earw'r'CF9f'-Jr' fr< IWtft@ I e?C£Jill"Imto"[b'IerffiID'I ;:;Ii I EEfar dJ' I(IA t· I >

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l'>ach Invention X 1"rt


, I

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)'<.Iu kn"wof IIny(tne who has e"pe rlmen ted wtth re.lllflvablt! !Wund ,md/or rretbollrds? 1.1111 using.1 25" fl""et pattern and six strinAI (doubled Into p"lrs fur ,] three Slrlojl; nfrect). 1'Iy fretooard Is scrt!wcd t(! 1I", .<lundbo.ud !.11th tiny I/!." brass ~'otl screwlI . Then the s"uodb<.lolro.l i8 1I"["e"",J til th" brl"lcas" s f de. with slm ll .11"" >;en'ws , I h:lve noticed nu not Icnhle l·h.1nl\e In 8'lund betw.,n Klu" or sc rews . 1 h;lve ... "p.,rlmented with dll,.,reOl lypell III brilclnlt .md '! tlck with 1.11,,:rcd bral'lnj( Ihll d""'11 n.. t t"urh the IIld ... s . Probll'lII number 1: Rlnct':hc lid (11 lid .. br·("'I,··.lfiII~ du"·I ..."r Is cnnlJII ... tely r ....I\I.lbl" . the 11<1 In!k' ufwd til ~t 'r" .uRlc , pt,-k" , strlnlls , .u· . wlthlll It Onl' _.1 .. y buddll's 11-1,. IlIk ... J ,.., to s,·~ II It Is p"s8Ibl" t<> p"t ,I sp .... lk"r .1n<l _1 -.111 b,llll'ry 'P' r.Il,'d .u!lpl ill"r within tlk· lid , s" th"t on~ ~.,,,Id h.''''l: ,1 C(1,.,pl.·tc .Impll l [cd s<>und Rysl"m 1)1,,8.1 ,lull' l lIICr "II I n "111' . And 1 "til III''' ,'ra7\" ... n<lug" ttl Sl'" If It Is p"ssih\,' ,llId pl,HI t., bull,l "nl' tl,.ll wo.y. D<' y'''1 kn,·w "I .HlY"',.. wi,,, h.15 ",,,pl'r l"',,nt,·d wllh .11l Irnplllhd d,,"-I""'r: Wl,,1t tYP,·.II t'1 ... ctr •• nl. ""1"111 [l'r? P_r.,'_~I~.III..num.~·r t.: 1 .111 Int. rUH,·d In I'r.1Curln~ "ny t)'P" "I mu,.h· I,'r J"I.lllIl·r... [h.lve ~h<'ut , .I"7<·n h,M.k .. Ilr~·.l<ly .mtl [ .111 [nlt'r,·,n ... 0.1 In 1..,.,01,." .~tyl,· •• ,,,1.. ,II" t~." hln,.: d.,I,·I",,·r (b.UI!t·!I .md Int"~'""tlI.H") t" '~IIYS .on th.· ship . [n~etl DII '''!.. th.H [ .In ..:Iv.' 'ut t,. tll>1'!I t'l pt.ly .1nU pr.l,·t l ,· ... tl .. lt ' II ,·Ith,·r I r"l' tlr ""esn ' l <"<'lit 1II\1,'h Ah... , -Iny IYI'" "I .Hus [r that "an be pI.IY"" by t",,-, . thr,·" nr m"r~ uu1c l nl' r S' . I n p.lrt , .,11 I P].II\ ,m lo r 1l".!n~ ., " f1 .....~1 inj;\ <1I1I"IIII"r h.1n" " ,11>.,.'1"",1 nur !lhip Illr ente rt.1i nlll£'nt . f'r.'b ..·• n,,",""r 5: I n..,,,d dulel"'l'r pl.ly"rll th.11 ""ulo.1 like tn ("llrrl'Spt1fld wilh 1111 , ..:Iv" liS i<l".,,, . Ik'ip . ... t, PI ... "s.· P,'SIIthl: ,,"'rd. ,\r... th ... r,· .Iny clubs tl,,1{ "",,,ld Ilk.· hc.-Ip SUm(' 8.'rvlre""n .... Y~rse.'R? Any hdp with lhe "b.,v ... pr"bk&s ""\lId Ix· !tn·.Hly .1ppru-l.1tetl by ,111,,1 till' d"I~'imt'r pl.ly,·r!l "I"'.,rd the USS Tl"'rn (00-988). All.., . 1"1 ... .11;... lit, i\dv ls~ d thllt 111.1 [I Sl'rvl.·,· til "ur IIh l l' and I n"l1 "ur Rhlll Is r"lIll'd thrt>uKh llll' lieN pnst .. I I il,' I n MI,III1I, th .. s III sluw. If y<,<, writ< . bear with inC I'" the r"ply ru; th ... &11 [ servh'e Is p,"'r overseas I)<)


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-[ th., ,..'rloJ ,,, ... six "",nths, ,I.. firM thr,·~· .. mth!'! Wo.' will be in th~' 10011.111 Ik~'111 _.r •. I . lu!';! .rlllsin~ .11" .. "n,J , ~Ilc l n~ "lIr pro .... ".·,· n,Hin'd . ,"'illl 1101 Ilb.,rt.,. [lun" 'I·r lhr",' ...nlhs I .Im h.lvlrljo; til

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II Y"" lII,k,' du\, !""'rs t" ~"II , ,,\.11.. lIend r:,.. p[,·t"r.·,. ...,. prl,·,·s ,Ir ., ,'.H.,I,,!!. 1';., lholl [ n pll!l!llbl\' ...·n.1 _ bmlI!W!lR Y"ur WH" o ,\iso . I .1" Int"n'All',1 tn Pll""t* • • 1t,ri Is , .lnd 8uppll.·" h,r dulcl""ri . Pwbl,.. n",.,ber 2; , all III lh~ pron'." ,;. ~;iT frlg -a- "-brl"I("l""" ,1,,":I'II('r. YU~ • . I brl ... fe.lI; ... th.1t hl ••l Ihl th,t ro~plctdy r,,,,,,v"'!1 .111<1 h111 a r,·,·('n 'uilr Shlp~,1 ~ul"i""r built I"t .. tlw Ik'II"TII h,,11 "I tho: brlel,·.16,· . Th ... 1Il(·-If.url.",~utli "I til\." c"mpl ... tc hrl,I'.I$l· .11',,: 11 " by 10" wid ... by $" d ...... p . Tlw .....'.1''''n 1"1"" lhis style , 8h"p... , .mtl si)':!: Is 8" th ... s ... rvkClI\.1n h.,8 " '·" .. p,1\"1 duleilll.·r th;,t I,'rllls It s (1W11 ,-.Irryio" ,·.lse .mtS ..,.10 bt: sturnl InsitS ... his !It.;ndup I , .... k ... r with .....1""- . I h.,v ... cOlllpl.·t .... d ,I]'l' IIlr,.1dy t"r ., ""JJy min e lind It pl"ys Ind ."unus great . I .1111 in l~ pr"cess ,t! bulill1njl; IIYll ... lf un ... . l1y Int ... ntlons ,1r... to ..,ke the s.lundOO4r-d and i["ll.. tboprd r.·..1V.lble . 110 th,lt I can experllk'nt with varlnull aateriall , thi ckness , conlltrUl'tlon te chll iques , etc " without having to build a wh<lle new dulcimer- each time .




Fmlll Il fellow clulchnl'r plnye r who.:! needs friends Ilnd help . Mal L. Brooks Baumer Hast('r-Al - AnlUl USS Thorn (00-988) F.P . O., Mlnlll , FL 34093 10

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AUGUST 5th - 8th

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(Thurs . )


JEAN RITCIliE (sat.)



(Sun . )

Malcolm Dalglish , Gray Larsen - Sam Rizzetta - Bonnie Carol , Larkin Bryant - Lotus Dickey - Dick and Anne Albin - Percy Danforth - Jan Henshaw - Easy Street String band - Shuffle Creek Cloggers - Nancy & Blake Barker Lily May Ledford - Bill Staines - Fred Meyer - Maddie MacNeil - Leo Kretzncr SOuthern Indiana Bluegrass Express - David Schnaufer - Neal Hellman - Seth Austen

* **. ••** **. :



*** * : ** * :

Daytime even ts are FREE ! Eveni ng concerts are S2 . 00 for adults , Sl . OO for children . Primative camping available .

: •

For free brochure with entire schedule , map , etc. , please contact Metro Parks, KY Music Weekend , Box 133)4, Louisville ,





Daytime activities include "close

up ~

concerts , workshops

in Dulcimer , Hammer Dulcimer , Yodeling , Jew ' s Harp, Rhythm Bones , Penny Whistle , Storytelling and Clogging. Dances , ~rts and crafts Show and much , much morcl

4 0213

(502) 4 59 - 044 0 .


••*• I• •• * :



••••••••••••••••• ******** •• *.****.** •••••• **** ••• *** II Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

Hornpipe .



V n I






/ii, lz












•• I


Toa Baehr (1982) Chester , VT 051~) used w-ith permission

12 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

from the 1st tone of the scale and is o ften called a I cho rd (refer to Dorothy Hay ' s Chart in the Spring 1982 OPN). Beginning with the 4th tone of the sca le (F) , skip to the 6th tone (A) and to the 8th t one (C). Put those t ones together and yo u have an F or IV chord .

cJIa vnoni.zati.on of 9u.ne (07. thE~ud :bufcimt:7.





Winchester , Virginia Begin with the 5th tone (CL skip to the 7th tone (B) and the 2nd tone (D) and yo u have a C or V chord . Reltemi>er when YOli halll3lered out your

first tune under the tutelage of a build er or fellow dulcimer player? To be honest , playing melodies on the dulcimer iR not thllt difficult , <>ven when one

lIIust decipher musical notation.


more than one person feels 111 at ease

when creat ing


In the key o f C, we therefore , have a C o r I chord which consists of C, E , and G. The notes can be 1n any o rd e r (E , C , C ; G, C, E , etc . ) and notes can be doubled (C E G C, C G E G, etc . ) o r left out (C , G; C, E).

- what notes to

use , where to find them and when to use

them. I'll assume YOu understand a little about musical notation. Chord formation

slmply entafla taking the notea used in a musical 8cale and o rganizing them . For example , the C scale:

Going back to the C scale , we ' ll form a c hord on each degree of the scale.

Scales can be ell tended 1n either

or both directions to give you more notes. In KagsLe Sansone ' s article in the Spring 1982 OPN , dul clllle r players were introduced to the C scale . Referring to that article may be helpful. Beginning with the first tone of the scale (C) , skip to the 3rd t one (E) and the 5th tone (C) .


Put tho se tones together and you ' ve (ormed a triad - a three-tone chord ca lled a C cho rd . It \l3S formed

C cho rd I chord

D minor cho r d II thord



E minor c hord III chord

F chord IV cho rd



G cho rd V cho rd

A minor cho rd B minor cho rd VI chord VII cho rd

C B 0


13 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

B 0 F

You say wonder why .ome are called s1mply by the letter (F chord , for exalllple) while othe ra ,are designated ,a. lIIinor (E lI;inor , Cor ex_pie). Intll!rv.la between _ oC the notll!a are _ller , but that ' ll an IIrtlcle ,all Ita own. For now I ' ll walk you through and II!xplain exall;ple ••• we go. Taking the chorda Ilated .bove . I ' ll now I ht the. In order oC imporunce r.thll!r than where they fall within the scale. 1. C or 1 chord 2. C or V chord ). F or IV chord 4. AnI or VI chord 5. re_inlng chorda. If you piny a tune In the key of C with gultllr chorda listed above the notea . you ' l l likely find .ore C chorda , followed in frequency by thc G chord , We ' ll c hange to the key of G. Following l a the G aCllle .

for. chord. In the same IIIInner aa with the key of C:

( C or I chord C • 0

C or IV chord C E C

14' J J j I D or V chord D



Study and compare the keys of C and C. See the chord. they hilve In COllllloOn II!ven though the orde r of Imp<)runce MS changed? The keys or C snd C are closely related because or shared chord •• Look at the key of D. Ti,e prlllllry chords Ire : D or chord D PI Ii

C or IV chord C .0

Ii o r V chord Ii CI E

The key of D Is .ore closely related to the key of C than the key of C. You can detel'1lline the prlllllry and lIecondary chorda of any key by ualng the methods noove - first dU ll OU( the .cale then write thll! notes in the VllrlOUII cho rda .

Before playing Beautiful Dreamer . you might find It helpful tll lIraw out the tu ning scheme of your lIulclmer on paper large enough to prop up In front of your {nstrumenl and bll! easily seen. Exallline the chord structure of Beaullful Dreamer . These cho r ds can help you create a har.any. When do you playa harmonl%ing note? Whenever your creative instlnc.ta tell YGU to. One guideline la when longer valued notes (such as half notea) give you extra t1me to fill In a nice hal'1M)ny. Conllider harlDDnhlng the first beal of each __ asure. n"'t of len atr",ngthen. the tune rhytb.1eally. For other suggestions . we'll take the _IOOy ond exolI;lne some of the .easurell. MEASURE I. The ftrlt note in the llelody is a C. The har.onl:r.lng chord Is a C chord. The nVIUable har.onlzlng notes 1n the C chord are E and C or you may prefer to double the C. Whatever note you playas harllOny will IUStain throughout the _asure . so to keep things " clean" consider harmonll.lng just the first note In the _alure. MEASURE~. Available notea In the D minor Chord to harlllOntu the D In the melody are F and A. YOu (lin a l so double the D. MEASURE 6 . l!ere's a new chord to understand. The C chord Is C H D. The C7 tells you to add onc tone - an F (same principle of skipping every other lone In the scale) . Why la the cho rd followed by a 71 If you cOunt the tones beginning with the C up to the f. you ' ll find seven tones. Especially In jazl. you ' ll find chords rGllcwed by a 9 or II or 1J - same prlndples as with the chorda followed by a 7. You ai.ply add IIIOre (ones . You'll sOlllCthlle. find cho rd s followed by !llI.ben you lIIIIy not understand. These are altered chord ••

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and chac ' s anoche r a rti cle. Now, back to the G7 cho r d . You playa G with , B melody. If you harmonize you have a plain G cho r d. To or a D, ~k, it a tr ue G7 cho r d , you should use 'h' F in your harmony . That F is the 00' note making the dUference between , G chord and a G7 cho r d. MEASURE 18. Measure 18 is tied <0 measure 19, meaning 6 beats to hold and harmonize . A C arpeggio (play the notes of a chord one after the other rather t han s i multaneoualy) would b, beauciful he r e. MEASURE 26. Beginning here. Y" modulate briefly to the key of C. Th,



notes in a 07 chord are 0 F' A C. Tho melody no t e in measu r e 26 is A. Yo, cou l d harmonh:e with an arpeggio. b r inging out the D FI and C. MEASURES 29 and 30 are interest i ng. One 1s harmonized with a plain G chord which then becomes a G7 in meaaure )0. In measure )0 you shou l d harmonize wilh an F to emphasize the ch<lnj::e. At t his point you ' re returning to the key of C. Afte r you get your feet wet with this song. I encourage you to try playing Bob Zentz ' s " Sweet Song From Yes t erday" in this issue . You ' ll find famil i ar chords and lots of longer-valued notes where you can be creative with chords and arpeggios.


cf8~ :!l)1'tXl/lle/' ,




' Dm


6 G1~

I$~ F r r I J I J. I J"j J IJ. I •~ 'c " " " " J. I r r F I J I J IJJ JI A- Ij "e " " " ~D," ' t ] J 1$ J. IJ.I • JIJ. I . IJ• J IJ.


13 DI"I


20 G'?




30 (;.'7

" C

1$ r I JI J IJ I ~


lij 'J J J I J 1J 1;.1 3B

39 C





,., I





J IJ •J JIJ JJ I ~ " " j JI) • JU JU I 25 AI'TI



I r r F1;;IEr l )6 G'1~



'~ F ~ v

. F I t=

'I e





" C

J J I J J ~ I ~. II v

j r"'I) (I" j j ~J" J /J J IJ¥J Jr IJ J( I I'" JJ I J 1 I c

D minor



A minor


1> Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com


It's dlff i ~ul t to come away from a dulcimer festival without another song in one 's heart and an extra spring tn one ' s etep. I' ve taken part tn several this Spring with several more yet to happen. 1 wish I could have attended more feativala - but perhape another year will enable me to go to Ht. View, Birminghsm snd o ther interesting plscee. Louisville, Kentu~ky had a first-time Spr ing gathering in the clo ister of s beautiful old school. It was wonderful: Lima , Ohio was the setting of the Creat Black Swamp Festival which has grown in depth and scope over the past four years. It was a definite succeas . Boston, Massachusetts celebrated May Day with flowers and festive mus i ~. This first - time festival left good feelings with everyone and brought fond wishes for another ga therin g next year . Dulcimer Daya in Coshocton, Ohio is rather like a fsmtly reunion now with friends grow ing close r each time we meet there. Belle Grove Estate In Middletown, Virginia was the site of s dul~imer gathe ri ng in late Ma y. Despite rain, unseasonable chill and hamme r dulcimers which resisted A-440 pitch with a passion. it was an event to be fondly remembered. Future issues of the DULCIMER PLAYERS NEWS will re ~ount ijpecific memorable moments in 1982 ' s dulcimer events. Please send us material and pictures for the Fall and Winter issues.

• • • • • •


The Fsil Folkllfe Festival of the Smokies was moved from Septe~be r to Auguat this year to enable more people to fit it into vacation schedules. It's a fun, laid-back gsthering of musicians and story-tellers. Try it this year. You'll probably want to return many times over to that beautiful spot in the Smokies. Events In Toledo , Ohio ' s Crosby Gardens have grown over the past five years to pr ovide good dulcimer and old-time ~us i c for people 1n the areH. This Summer ' s dates for meetings are July 22 , August 5 and 19. September 2 and 16. Rain or shine. For infonnation, call Gene at (419) 385-2478. In the Sp rin g DPN, The Old Ti..e Co untr y Music Co nte st snd Pioneer EXpollition 111 listed as harrentng September 2-5. The date has changed slightly as has the l oca ti on. Please take nOle so you won ' t arrive at the wrong pla~e at the wr ong time! This event has g r own In the laS l seven years and provides good activities for every member of the family.

• • • • • •

• •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • •


July 10-11 Sar Harbor, ME July 11-17 California, PA

OOWNEAST DULCIMER FESTIVAL. Info. Anne and Eddie Dall1Ql, Gr eat LBkes Dulcimers . 118 Ledge lawn , Sar Harbor. ME 04609 (207)288- 565) . MUSIC ARTS WORKSHOP. Info. Calliope House Music Arts Workahop , 5880 Darlington Rd., Pittsburgh. PA 15217.

July 11August 15 Elkins, \<tv

AUGUSTA HERITAGE ARTS WORKSHOP - five week program. AUGUSTA FESTIVAL Augullt 13-15 . lnfo. Margo Blevin. Davis (, Elkins College , Elkins, I.,\, 26241 (04)636-0006 .

July 14-17 Qusker City, 011

In addition to such events as a flea market, country store. art and photography show, craft show and a parade , a dulcimer contest will be held at 2 ,00 nn July 11th at t h.. OHiO HILLS FOLK FESTIVAL. Th .. contest Is f o r the fretted dulcimer, but if enough hammer du l c i me r players are intested. a contest [or that instruments w{II be o r ganized. Info. Nancy Carpenter (614)679-2232.

July 15-18 Evart, MI

The OrIg inal Dulcimer Players Club MUSICAL FUN FEST. Box 136 , Byron Center, MI 49315 (616)878-1128.

Info . E. A. Cox ,


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August 19-22 Puget Sound , WA

The 8th Annual (Octave) KINDRED GATHERING will be held on Lu~l Island , Puget Sound, Washington State . The setting is a 4o-acre fan. overlooking the Ilea . The Ki ndred Gathering il!l a players feStival , a free musica l camp-out encouraging sharing th r ough workshops and pe r (on.ances. EIlch year the event IaOves to a different West Coal!lt location to enab l e 1IIOre people to attend. Info. Robert Force , P . O. Box 931. Port TOlolOsend. lolA 98368.

July 23-25 Binghamton, NY

CRANBEIUtY HA.Io(MEREO DULCIMER GATHERISG. Info. Redcoat Lane, Rm 3, Plalnvllle, KA 02762.

July 24-25 Rio Grande, OM

BOB EVANS FARM DULCIMER FESTIVAL . Info. Bob Evans Fan. , P.O. !ox )30 , Rio Grande , 011 45674 (614)245-5305.

July, Augullt Ply.outh , MA

Two residential weeks for folk lIIusicians , singe r a and dan~era will be offered at PtneW()()ds CaIllP by the Country Dance and Song Society of America. They are American Dance and Huaic Week , July 24-31 and Folk Huaic Week July 31-August 7 . Each week will Include a full dally program of perfor.ances , wo r kshops , swaps and dances. $245 covers the program , roo. snd board for one week. Bob Wey w1l1 conduct workshops in hammer dulciller. Info. CDss . 505 8th Ave .• New York, NY 10018.

August 5-8 Louisville , KY

KENTUCKY MUSIC WEEKEND. Info. Iroquois Amphitheatre Association. Rox 13)34 , Loulsvll Ie . KY 4021 ) .

August 20-24 Cosby . TN

FO LK FESTIVAL OF THE SMOKI ES I nfo. Folk Life Center of the SDIOkles. P . O. Box 8 . Cosby , TN 37722 (6 15)487-554).

September 3-2 Avoca, lA

OLD-TIME COUNTRY MUSIC CONCERT and PI ONEER EXPOSITION. Info . Bob Everhart , 106 Navsjo . Council Bluffs , IA 51501 (712)366-1136.

September 10-11 Burlington , VT

The DULCIMER FAIR will be held at the College Street Congregational Church in Burlington , VenlJOnt. The event is sponsored by the WeicOtne Table Coffeehouse. Workshops lind concerts will be part of this gathering whlc:h began flve Septembers ago. Info. H<ary Ann Samuels . 115 1/2 Intervale Ave • • Burlington, VT 05401-

Septe.ber 16-19 Winfield . KS

WALNUT VALLEY FESTIVAL. Info. Walnut Valle)' Association , Box 245 , Winfield, KS 67156 (316}221-3250.

Septe.ber 20-24 Pineville , KY


Info. Dick Albin . P.O. Box 271,

Septelllber 23-25 Pineville , KY



October 2 Woodstock , NY

The NORTHEAST OULCIMER SYMPOSIUM will focus on conte.pora r y fretted dulciller playing styles inc:luding ensellble playing. improvisations snd new tablature. Jerry Rockwell , Leo Kretz:ner , Doug Berch and B.srbara Truex will perfon. and lead workahopa. A highlight of the day wBI be an afternoon group discussion with all the leaders and participants . Info. NOS Barb Truex . 24 South St •• Bethel. CT 06801.

I'IIIo- _ ... ,_



. •._.ott'

c. _ _ o••_, ~""Q"'~""_ I

Bob and Louise We)'. 21

See above .

RON EWI NG DULCIMERS Dulcimer capos in walnut , map l e , o r che rr y , $6 Dulcimettes from $60 Dulcimers frOft! $95

12/11 Hammer Dulcimers f r om $350

SEND STAMP FOR BROCHURE New Add r ess: Ron Ewing 23 4 E . Duncan St. 00lu~s , OH 43202 (614 ) 263 - 7246

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A dulcimer case that really protects -yet weighs only 2 y, pounds! • Tan. water repellant canvas wi th contrasting brown trlm • • • . • •

Full W' luflle" padding Durable. soft brown corduroy Unlng Full length YKK polyester coli dpper with hang..... p loop 5:1:5" InteriOr pocket with velcro closure for strings. picks. IlOters Identification card holder on outside FIts dulcImers up to ) 8 \1) Inches lonl! and 10 Inches wide

Satisfaction Guaranteed Price: $30 + $2 shlpp!n« (Va . residents add $1.20 tax) Car)' Putnam

21 II

Keith Young

N. Thomas St. , VA 22207

38 15 Kendale Rd . VA 2200]


HAVE MORE FUN PL"YING THE Dl!t..CIMER At (I fRETTED DULCIM E~ F'L."~ NG WORICSHOP canduc +lI:d by Lo,s HorrIbo'~ I, author of ~ ~ ~ fTctt<ld o..lc..rnw:; PUIs,mer Fl dd le TI!M~, ond,~, you "",n )






Classes for ~,nnII.". t o "l,dvo"" .. d Sptc.olty clo~ In Ir,v, M..o.t.oc, I=",ddle TUM., Dc_lopng Your Owl'\

Style, (lnd more


" 11,0


club, foil<. ",US'C soc".ty,


R&p",m.., En'hullnt.





PRODUCTS "o"fU 0lS1 . ,,


Coni oe t lo... ond d,5COVlU" how ner r.cw W'Ol!kSHOP ORGANiZING Pl'.C kA SE CO" mo~t: i t (0.)' 0"'" ,"cono ••"eol for- you io so:t <.If' ore or t>u - wl-c#le .. f""N of <> du k~r

J"'U 0



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W_I. P,,, •. 6"""" ...... R..,Ofdl


of Vlthu s,,:. s +,c

du le.' ",U· plaY'''9 fr ,.. n~. OW N


T"- In<luS1ty"1 mOl '

camPl_nl'" mill


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h.... tun. . . BOfl(tll . etc. - $5.95


Order f'l'Olll Loh at the above ad<l. ..",.. ite. and SOc for ••"h it.. theHarter .

orr... 1n till.

~H .

Shlppir'l« _ $1.00 on tint

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" , 1'5-:1005-1<41


REFLECTIONS ON THE CARTER FAMILY Ron Penix. Cathy Barton-Para. Dave Para , Jay Round. Take II Productlonl T2P-002 . 143 N. Lakewood. Balti.ore. liD 21224. REFLECTIONS ON THE CARTER FAMILY is a wonderful collection of instruIIH!ntal tunes Ilnd songs perfomed by Ron Penh. , Cathy Barton-Para, Dave Para and Jay Round. REFLECTIONS ON THE CARTER FAMILY II not an aueapt to duplicate the Carter sound, for although the traditional melodies have been adhered to. the alblllll boa8tl sOlIe new instru~entatlon including ha.-er dulcimer. string bass. and five and sb string banJoa. The sensitive musicality of the addition of these instruaents truly co.pli.enta the guitar and autoharp cha rac teristic of the Carter sound. Aa an Instrument enthuliast. it was interesting for ~ to learn that the guitar and autQharp uaed in the recQrdlng are original Carter f.ull11y instruments . The guitar Is a 1927 L- 5 Gibaon and the autoharp was custos .ade for Maybelle Carter in the mid-1930 ' s. In selecting the tunes snd 80nga fQr the recQrd, the perfonaers Iteered away from so.e Q( the .ore popular Carter ~slc and have chosen selectlona which are not ss well-known. Outstanding instrumentals are Victory Rag. Liberty Dance and

Chinese Breakdown . Jealous Hearted He , Wade Out in the Water and Gospel Ship feature particularly nice vocal arrange_nts. Ron Penix . Cathy BartQnPara . Dave Para and Jay Round have succeeded in their Tribute to music Qf the 1920's and 1930 ' s. RP.rLECTIONS ON THE CARTER P~~ILY not only IIIlrrQrs but I118gnifiea the rich traditional sound of the Carter legacy . Palmer Turnburke

MARY FAITH RHOADES AND JOHN PEARSE/ TOGETHER Underdog Records , RSR-I133 P.O . Box 295 , Centre Valley. PA 18034. The album title Is an accurate one . This is . indeed . a very together albUlll. fro. the first cut of Kitchen Girl , featuring Mary Faith on ha_re<! dulchler to the rather unusual sound of LaneSOllIe Valley, Mary Faith and John put together aoae high qualltyentertainment. One of the moSt pleasant surprisea 1s the exalllple of John's hu~r on three cuts. Moaning fQr You Is a parody of a 1920' s recording comp lete with a mouth tro.bone ; Side By Side huaorously portrays the .~r­ prises of a wedding night for an unfortunate young IIISn; Blues World illustrates how various countriea deal ~sically with the blues. These three cuts show John ' s superb stand-up comic tlllling. Ill, musicianship is equally fine. TOCt."TIIER is a live recording of the Phoades! Pearse concert at Godfrey Daniela CoffeehQuse in Bethlcl"'J , PA. It does prove a heartening contraSt to ~ry faith ' s

albUIII , TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. Rather than dQVO and blue , thi, is upbeat and fun , with a variety Qf _teru!. Mary Faith'a traditional mountain dulc imer can be hen rd Qn Single Life . Lane~ Valley and on an outstandIng Drink to me Only. A sing-along edition of The Old Account Was Settled Lang Ago i8 n bit out of place on this albu•. lnatruaentally the achieveMent Stars have to go to the hamaered dulciMer cut. Kit chen Girl and the twin .auntain dulcimer cut. DrInk tQ me Only. This albuill Is well worth a person's investment of time and IIKlney. Leota CoatS


__ .t I:D





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I,"y " ... lIu<>.d. 1111 II . . . . . ("OVtt LouI.v,ll., ~y tOlU

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Qalph Lee 6milh: Keeper o f a Traditi o n By CATHY SABOL Herndon, Virginia MeOousai Street . Creen wi ch Village , New York , 1956. The folk mUlic revival Y38 in full awing . and the Folklore Center WIS selling dulci.ers 'I .ported ' fro.

North Carolina (or $30 . 00 a piece. Ralph Lee Smith . freelance writer and player of [he harmonica , Rulta r . banjo , and bonel . decided to lnveal In this Itrange instrument. Fortunately it caae tuned. A good deal of Ralph'. tiae and energy WDS apent expertmentlng with hi.

new dulcimer before he fully understood It. When the strings broke , he replaced thea with guitar .trtn~s which caused all three pegl to break and to be replaced with viola pegl. Stnce the Instrument did not sound very good then , R'liph took it to n guitar maker who frelted It with short frets and hullowed out the finger board . with no I.prove.ent to the sound. Despite Ills tribulations with his new Instrument, Ralph developed a Simple playing style . using a popslcle stick as a noter. Since he was one of the few dulcl.er players In Mew York City at that ti.e. Rolph was otten called to fill in wIth his Instru.ent wilen tu.lnarle. such as Jean Ritchie were unavailsble. He perfor.ed as n studio .uslclnn on two or three cuta of "Old TI.e Banjo Kualc" and other rpcordlngs. such as Judy Colltna' 1970 albu. " Whales and Nightingales". Subsequently. Ralph has cut a few albums of his own Including "Dlllcl.er: Old Time and Traditional Kuslc". Over a decade aCter his Initiation to the dulcl.er . Ralph's budding interest In its history prompted hIm to research the backSruu"d of 1,Ia abuaed Instrument In an effort to restore It to Ita orlglnsl splendor. gager Abr.hams . a professor of English at the Univeralty of Texas , had brought the dulcimer


fro. North Caro l Ins but could not rem ember fro. where o r wh om . Ralph finally traced it to Frank Gle nn, s rar.er In Beech Creek . North Carolina , who wa s now dead. Ralph succeeded in secu rin g the pattern of the o rl 81 nal pegl from Frank's widow and took thi s to Leonard and Clifford Glenn (no relation to Frank) t o have replace.enta .ada . FrOM this tiMe on , Ralph beca~e fascinated by the quastion " Where did tl ll a instrUMent COMe frOM? " A colle~tor o[ ant i ques (hi. mother waa an antique dealer). Ralph was intrigued by the dulct.er 01 a handMade American artifact. The actual source of the dulcimer Is almost archaeological because of iL a absence In written recorda and 11u.an memory , but Ralph .alntalns it probably evolved fro. the scheltholt , Introduced Into Fennsylvania by the early German settlers . Their algration into the Appalachian Mountains nnd the SCotc11 -1rl sh settlement of the Shenandoah Valley establ hlhed the American origins of tbe dulcl.er. Yet research on the hlltory of the dulcimer has r eaained at about the sa.e stage as when settleme nt sc h oola . such as Pine Mountain In Kentucky , brought the instrument to tile attention of people outside Appalachia In the early 1900 ' s. Therefore , In the 1970 ' s , Ralph traveled In to the Southe rn mountains to photograph the Instruments , purchase II few (he owns abo ut 20 old dulclmera) , and talk to the locals about thea. The material gathered has resulted in a history or the Instrument ( in publication now) . Ralph advises . "When it comes to dlacovering the 1,{atoTy of ll,~ dulclaer, we can all play the game. We're atlll just finding physical evidence. Sometiaes a new dlsc.overy can change our entire v lew. II For this reason (as \oIell

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aa (or am u ae.~nc) h e al way s cs r r i es a dulcimer when he travels . During one tri p to New Yo rk C lt y on bu s in ess as a comm uni ca ti ons consultant , Ralph ahowed his dulc i mer to curious aeabera of an organltation whose president stroked h i s chin .. nd said , "That's sOllethlng like wh at we ' ve got in the closet at home . We alwaya wondered what it was ." The next day he brought t o Ralph three pieces wrapped In a t owe l which when asseabled resembled a transitianal instrument , having the Bcrol l. foot , and vertical tuning pegs a f a Bcheitholt but dulciaer features as well. Similarly . when traveling I n the aountalna . Ralph always keeps a dulcimer exposed ta view in the backseat af his ca r . On one occasion he had l ost h l a way nnd stopped t o seek direct i olls from tw o woodcuttera . Look i ng lnt o the car , one lIan exclaiaed, " There ' s soaething like chat back hoae !" This discovery led Ralph to the only child ' s dulciaer he had ever seen . Wh at are Ralpll ' s future plnns? His ambition is to o wn a large

number of old i ns[ ru lle nts , [0 show [hell in exhibitions , and to expla i n th e histo r y of the dul c i me r a a it relates to th e two g reat lI i gra ti ona into the Appa l achian frontier . Ralph insists on l eaving the develop.en t of 1I0dern playing techn iq ue. and adapt ion. to friend/pe r fo rmers like Jean Ri tc hi e un d Hadeline Ha cNe l1 (whoa he coerced lnt o (i r st playi n g the dulciller in 197J). Hia own aiaple chording s t yle (which he aweatS hasn ' t p r ogressed since the spring or 1968) will have to suffice In de~onat r at i ng how the dulcimer and the Ang l o-American ballads played on it huve cont ributed to A~erlcan tradit i on and cultu re. Note:

Ralph would appreciate any Infor~atl o n on ant iq ue instru~ents which DPN readers have diacov~red. - Snapshots o r lettera cun be sent to: Ralph Lee Smith 1662 Chimney House Road Rest on . VA 22090 (70) 4)5-5854


,. ,.

It . nlkrahcd M ulkall~!lIrvlMnls By McSpadden RECORDS fOLK CRAfTS BOOKS Dn..~ E · ltiplway9 North MOUNTA IN VIEW. ARKANSAS 72500

Phone SOI·2tJ9-MJ9

• Eign l standard models and four special ""odels 10 chaose frorn ; Carrying case and instruction book included in price : Graver tuninll pegs with . asewaad bull ans : Scroll, Iretboa.d , bock an>! sidn of wolaul; foce of soruce or book_motched wolnul: Send 2Sc (for pasI09.) 10IICe tv, Shoppe N.wspoper.

Eve.y inslrument si9ned by Ihe make. and guaranteed 10 the a. iginal ow ne r 10' life: • Choun 05 orins 0)' first ploce winners 01 NOl ionol Dulc imer Conlllsi in 1978 ond 1979: • Wide seiliciian of dulc ifM' books, records , and accenor ies availabl. by moil : OUf

own Dulcime.

Send Sl .2S for our fully illustraled catalog.

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I) Kentucky-style huurglass ~dde bv .lethr •• A~bur~~y. The prot('typ~ instruaents were aade by Edward rhoaas Df Kn.'tt C.'unty, KY, be"inninK about 1870. The Kentuckv pattern iq ~hara,·terl,.·d by s~.lll Sll~. narrow lines, "bro~d shoulders , " .Ind hl~h pJdle~~nt ,'f the upper pair of hearts. 2) West Virginia/North Caru11113 huurglass. rills lostruaeot was a.de by Frank Profitt of Bee~h Mouncain. NC abuut 1960. The prototype Inatru~en t was aode by Ell Presnell of Bee~h Creek, NC . about 1886. The Welt Vlrglnla/Nurth Carolina pattern is ~ha rn ~ terl~ed by s larger body thsn the Kentucky style. narrow "sl oping " shoulders , wider bulges and Ihsrply Incurvln~ wai st , and lower placement of the upper pair of hearta. This type probably nrigln,lt"d 1,1 West Vlrglnls In the mid-19th Centl,ry. J) " C,' lnx slyle" Vlrglnlu pntt~rn. This Is so ~arly sp~rlmen of the wlde-budy. elngle rurve VirgInia style . that la al i i I being made and pJayed In the Calax area of Southweetern Virginia. The hist ory uf this Inatruaeot I s unknown. ~) Virgin Is narrow-body pattern. This instrument was owned by W. H. " Un cle Bill" Robinson . a Confederate aoldier of Carroli County. VA. Uncl~ Bill was born In IB41 and died In 1931. The lnstruaent is a Rood apeclmen of the narrow-body "teardrop" atyle . Neither the hourRlass paltern nor heart soundholes are traditional to Virgin is.

S} Lozenge shape . 19th Century, Southwestern Virginia. Thl. handsoae folk-art c reation ta typical of the originality of design that ts so strongly aanirested In traditional dulclaer crafteasnship.

22 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com


New? THE OULCIMER FAIR 1(ret~n"r.


CrylnN Creek

Publishers , r . o.



Cosby . T:O: )7722 . A tllbl:Hure nnd Inalrtll'tl nn

book for play I n, the frelled dulcimer frum bcgtnnInM to advanced technique • . Songs lind tunes In c lude Slmple Gifts , Ower Thl! Wall"rfoll , sehlnd the IL'lYBUKk ,

Gr(>NIII]('~V('8 lind


Kevin !tnlh , Rc.'urda rTS

~"' lk""')' 11

)1087. 4' "''''lIt 6Jo1l Street . Nc ... York , NY 10021 . Tl.1. album is ;. <'IW "",n dulrll!l('r o r ches tra "f ",In II , nltl .... uah there nre

, ... ~"!lI"no11 nth", InSlrUllientll b£-sld.'", tlu> Iretted dulclZIICr. 50:1". li,'nll in,lude The "!lh Gr"y", . \.ell a.,rrll"lIdes ltYliler l"UII'Il'8 , A S.. n,. ror ~'r)' • ~AKE G~ry .

.10<1 G.><ldbl" Nt.,ln,




MeRan and

Dan MacArthur. .'r''Ill Hall Recorda FIIR-027. itO I , Box 9), V"'orhcellvllle , NY 12186. Marll:"rel MacArthur of MIIrlburo , VT Ja joined by three meDbers of ker l.aerliat e filllilly .1nglng Bnd playing IIlH;h InlltrulllCntl 1111 the fretted dulcImer . MacArthur h.up . guitar , fiddle rond mandolin . selectionll include Tke fllrmer and the Shllnty Boy . The Weeping Wtllow Tree . The lakes of Champlain and IllUghton !kIule/St, Anne ' s Reel . Seven of the IJ()ngl on the recordll are part of the ~' Ianders Collection of Middlebury College , Middlebury , VT .

MAGIC,\L STRIXGS - CLASS HORSE Philip Bouldlng . Pllm Wllllamll Magical Strings , 9052 S . E. Willock , Olalla . 10',\ 98)';9. This c"sSdt~ t.lp" [eoltures Duste for .. ..,Itlc h.lrp and h:J.aerl'd dulcllDer. ~oelections include O'Carolan ' s Conce rt ~ . l.ady '\t!l;,nry/fanny P~'"r , 81ind John Thr 1l1rp..,r . The Glass HorSO;! .

TilE REO IIAIRt:O ROY Russell Cook Wood S' Strlngll . 160 Tandy Tower One , Studio V. Worth , TX 76017 . A eas.l'tll' t.1Pl' featuring h;imncrl'd dulct!IK'r with lIuilar . autot\arp . fiddle • Llndulln lind VOcals. !)t,le.-tinns Indud" In The Garclen . PreclO1ls Memorl"" Dill Plcklt" Ralt . 8rlan B<lru ' s March lind Soli lor" Ilorl'pipe /Rlghu 01 ~bnl Solc;l..,rl J<ly .

.·t .

THE KlTCHE~ ~ItISlnA.'l · s

OCCASIOSAL fOR HA.~ER Dl'LCI:<iER . flDOll' . ETC, \'01. I .1I~s. Vol. 5 Waltzl's. alrll :Jnd millc. tunell. Slra I.. Johnll,'n . 1.1,9 LUdden Valley. Cindnnatl.OIl IoS:.?IS. These 12 paK" leallonll feature tun .. s such 1111 8ay of Fundy, lell RIKK, Smash the Windows, Tubln ' s favorite, and COler.linl'.

RtlJ ROSES , GRt:EN 8RIARS A."O MILK-WHITE STEEDS Dick and Anne Albin . Mr . Chocolllll' Mo.'IIS Music , P.O. II<JIt 271 , StIlnll"ln . KY GOlBO. This album of tradlllf'nlli mountain !allsle pre8(>ntb .""1-\11 and 11ISlruml'Olnis with "'ul<·lmer . 1>..1"jO . lIutoh.1rp , IlIwllo1rp lind Kuhllr. 54"lectl"'ns Include , Cindy . Lord Lov"ll . TI~ lAdy Gay . I'retty P<llly . Or... Morning In M,y lind The W.lter I. Wldl'


RECTORY 1982 Edition AlI:azar Pr ..duction", Inc. P.O. Rox '. !9 . Watl'rhury , VT 05676. Th*' ,,[r.·, '''flo' is a S<'urct"b<wk 01 folk . tradlth>nal . old-thoe . blue.,:rass and ethnl .. lIIu~lc tradlll~nal dance dnd story-telllnJ;: In lhe Sl'W England ref.!iun. The Informalion I. a cul.loat I nn of tw<, ,·"arlO .. 1 r .. st"arch ..


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HEARTS AND BUTTERFLIES J,ne Ad~. and E.ther Kreek , 123 Sprlnld,le, De rby, KS 67037. Th1. .lbu- feature. tr,ditlon'l au.lc played on ~red and .cuntaln dulcl.er •. DULCIKER SONGBAC CASSETrE TAPE Dorothy Kay, Headovlark Pre •• , P.O. Box 8172 . Prairie Viliale, KS 66208. A one-hour 1natruc tlonsl tap. for fretted dulciaer playera, !eaturlftJ all 35 tIOng. In OULCU1£R SONGBAG and concept. fra. the STUDY CUIDE. A PLEASANT ADDICTION


Baehr, Hogflddle Pre.a, Cheater, VT 05143. Thta book of dance tune. and song. In standard notatlon and tablature featurea arrangement. fo r the four equal-dlatance 'trlng fret led dulcimer. Selection. Include The Harvest Home, The Right. of ~n , BoY' in the Cap , and All In " (,.arden r.rpen .

.;: l



IIM.-ada PorC411ah MUG wtth the above design. lioids fralll 10 to 12 oz. $10 . 00 post paid (Va. residents add 4~~ tax)

M. C. Briggs clo Grey liouse Potters 5509 Wilson Blvd. Arlington . Va. 22205

We specialize In books. records 01 tr.-.dltlon.1ll musk: 01 the Us. calUda. <lind the 8rttbh Isles. WIt hav. kits b hIIrnnwred <lind mounhln dulQllefS <lind bodhnns.

We sell <IIUtoNIrps. pOlInpipes. concertinas. bones. tin whlsttes. ocarinas. recorders. bouzoukI.

melodeons <lind more. ~~abIe.~


rom $eJVU.

, .... c.t..1og (allow 4-6 v.ftIUj 0( sm:l SI. lot lirSt ClaSS mail.

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John Jacob Niles (1892- 1980) The D ea n o f Ame ri c an Ba Il adeers BV ERik R. Or.oMSTEOT Jol it't. II. For IIIlIny ,.ear. ,

John Jacob

Niles distinguished hl.self as II folksong collector . tellcher , author , craftslllan . slnler -- and II lover of the dulcimer. He vas born April 28 , 1892 In t o utsvtlle . ICY to II I.ousteal fallltly . His father.

John Thomas . vas II farmer/carpenter who WIIS a180 known for his abil ity 118 a folks i nger and sql.aredance caller .


Snruh ,

hi s

mother , WII8 II church organist a"d he lp ed

with hla plano


as he was culled , purchased II du l cimer for Ills 80n while he

To~my .

was stili younK and Niles recalled , " when



tn my

teens lind


and better dulcimer . my father told me t o gel busy a"d make one . I ' ve been lIIaklng Illy own ever Blnee, " While att.ndtn~ school . N11*s developed hil o wn system of musical notation and u.ed it in his son~ co lle ct ing whi le workin~ al a surveyor In Kentucky. In Wo rld War I. he enllBt(:d in the U.S. Army Air Corpl. lervlnR under Fiorell o LaCuardla . As a ferry pil ot he flew In mo"y areas uf the overseas war acene and continued collecting the longs he heard the soldiers sing. lie became Intereat cd In the songl of the black regiments snd in 1927 . published a book of t heir longs called ~t.~jt!..!!& ~Id~ . After Bu s tainin g serious injury In a 19 18 plane crallh he stayed on In France after his disc har ge . There he ~'ttended tl,e Unlverslte de I.yon nnd th e Schola Cantorum In Plir i s wh ere he studied music . languages and hist o ry. Returning to tl,e United States In 1919 he "ttended the Clnclnn8tl Conservatory of M"sie. Here he began t o o rgan ize his growing folk song co lle ct i on . Commenting o n his Conservatory slay he aald , " They wanted me to sing grand o pera and I dld ... but I laid 'Thla is not for me , ' and that was the end of It. There were tOO 1118ny ten o rs /J



around ; they either dried lIP or taught elementary sch~ol." lie held a number 01 jobs In New York C ity nnd gave so.e f o lk soog reel tala. While alnglng at u party at tIle PrInceton Club he met Marlon Kerby , a con tralto who also had lin Interest In folk lIIusic. Together tlley gave a a~rle8 o f concerts In the United States and Eurnpe. T he y pe rr o rmed the songs Nllea ha d col lected and arranged . D\,rlll~ summers he waa an as s lstallt and guide ror Dor is Ullman. Sometillea , thla Inv o lved having to carry ller and her p h o t o equipment a c r oss streams and up lIIo"n t aln8 . While she was photograph i ng " nativ~s" of the SOlll!, . he kept filling his nOl(:booka With tile songB he collected. 8y 1934 , Niles had the lArgest priv a te folk 80ng co lle c ti on In the coun try. In addition to co lle c tin g , he also com p ose d and arranged folk songs . Alllong his bes[ known are "Co ' Way Fro • • y Wind o w," the p op ular carol "I Wonder liS I

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Throughout hia long concert career , Nilea uaed the dulcimer aa his primary eccompaniment inatrullent. His dulciaers , which he cal led concert dulcimera , .... ere of hil own deaign and often mu ch larger than the trlditional mountain dulciller. He uaually cerried 4 of them on his toura and they had 8 atrings tuned in oc tavel snd fiftha. "In my lifetime I have made about )0 dulcimers. Only 5 of thele proved aucceaaful-- thet ia , playable." Salle of his dulcimers were lute shaped and one .... aa e cut do .... n cello .... ith a flattened , shallo .... er body end shorten ed neck. They were conat ructed froll Kentucky ..... lnut, cu rly maple , spruce , ebony and wild cherry . "They are put together with Fren ch rabbit akin glue . The atringa vary in length from 16 to 42 in chea and are made of ateel , steel covered .... ith bronze and nylon wrapped wi th bronze end silver." Niles "a ged" his dulcimers for 2 to 3 yee ra by henging thelll just like hia o .... n Kentucky hellla . He played the dulcimer by strumming and plucking rsther than uaing the treditional pick. He regerded the dulcimer as a descendant of the medieval

Wander , " and the best kno .... n lIIelody Cor the Britilllh ballllld , "Bla ck is the Color of Illy True Love ' a Heir." His friendshlp .... ith the Trappist 1II0n~ Thomaa Herton , result ed in the publication and recording of the Niles-Herton Song Cycle bssed on Herton ' a poema, There are many other cOlllpolitions and arrangelllents , including folk aong collections end o r chestra l piecea atill available from Carl Fia c her, Inc . and G. Schirme r , Inc . A real Nilel hallmark waa hia diltinctive vOice . It adda a valuable dimension to the often plaintive balladlll that he sang. Oscar Bra nd wrote , "the .... ierd, hoarle falaetto oC John Jacob Niles sdds s strange power to aOllle of hia renditions . . . listening to Nilea ia a faac inating experience." Nile ' s voice .... as not a falsetto , ho .... ever. Crstis Williama noted that Niles achieved a true 1II0untaineer ' s style of aingin~ pitching the song high and atriving Cor the high, pure notea. He could eaaily hit ebove lIIiddle C. You csn still enjoy his ainging ( .... ith duicilller accompaniment) on The Beat of John Jecob Niles (Tradition 5-2055) and John Jecoh Nilea ainga Folk Songa (Folk ..... ya FA 2373) .

Rosamond ' s Fency (Aeolian) $1 each . Please edd $1 postage on IIIIInual end 50¢ for single pieces. M. Blatter , 312 3ay St ., Katonah , Nr 10536 .

c Lo ssfp e D ODs The classified section of DULCIMER PLArERS NEWS is e low cost ....ey to reach hundreds of DPN readers . Clasaified ad rates: 30¢ per word, $10 ~ini.um . A flyer on larger ed rates and compositi~ ia available upon request.

HARD CASE becomes STAND - Custom made to fit your hammered dulcimer. SlOO. Write for details : Lin Perker, George School, Newtown, PA 18940.

TABLATURE FOR APPALACHIAN DULCIMER. Alao fiddle, claw-hamme r/bluegrass banjo , and flatpick/fingerplck guitar. Send SASE fo r single style liat or Sl for complete catalog plus sample tab (specify atyle) . 3ane Keefer, 1155 19th St ., NE, salem, OR 97301. AVAILABLE: Mountein Dulcime r Manual be<;! inner through advanced $4 . 50 . Individual pieces - Sarah , 3acqueline'a Delight (Elizabethan-Aeolienj, canterbu ry &ells (Lydian - inclu~ed in manual), Remembrancea (I~ian), Shrub oak Jig (lonien or Mixolydian), salterello (Renaissance - my arrangement), Lady

_ Second Prilltln(-

NEW T\lN£S/ OLD FRIENDS AG.u.uin( of 50"(' Uti Dao:u for MOWIWn Do..ltinler blj Toroo. Sukr W'lIoI....ad FIwa-~ no,£.od.l\ulc.ad JotClui· SoIdiers·.bj .A,~~rtmtJn.4o/!.:I tiaS&a6t:Bulq- ,tws tkfr tcA....uI'I! {1'OtII ~

flYoriU .u.sIC ~ /(11' JaId t 4.'tSc.r plJ~) fp,

HCGFIDDLE PR£SS.I.. ~V1nt; Ckster. 'kr-ott OJltJ


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Nilea alao co lle c t ed dul c i me r . and othe r inatrum en ta . Hra. Nil es haa inCormed me th.t hil notebookl , diaries , co rr eapondence , tapea , photos and othe r •• terlals have been given to the University o f Kentucky at Lexington , The John Jacob Niles Collection will be open ror research in th. Su •• er of 1 983 and a catalos will be publ i shed . Perhaps the rieh legacy oC this .an can be su •• ed up in these lines from hia poes "When I .m Just a Whisper in the Wind." When I am Just a whi sper in the wind And all the breath th.t o n ce d i d raise my vo i ce Ha. joined the breath that whispers in the wind , Even then my son, will never die

English rebec and the Celtic crwth , boch bowed , stringed inatrumenta. Hia numer o us publications include a collaboration on a book oC World War 1 aon,s cal led So ngs Hy Hother Never Taught He (1929) . In 1961 hia major work , The Ballad Bo o k oC John Jacob Nilea was published by Houghton Hifflin Co ., and ia acill available as a Dover paperback. Ita 110 songa , with extensive notes , are 6S oC the Child ballads and varianta . Still , this is only a [raction oC the ove r 1 , 000 Colk ao ng arrangementl Nilea haa to hia credit. He married Rena Lipec~ in 1936 and they lived on their Car. , Boot Hill , near l.exington , KY aince 1938. There he Carmed , painted , carved wood and continued giving concerts until his death on Harch I , 1980.

" In my colle c ting yeara I interviewed aa many aa 3 , 000 pe ople . On leveral occaaionl , my diaappointments were so keen that 1 almost gave up en[irely ••. but never in all my travels did I encounter a single person who waa impolite or inh os pitable . "

Even then my son, will awirl and ap in And Cind men ' a hearts to reat there i n . from Brick Dust and Butter.Uk poems (1977)


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AtPALACWIAN DU~ . ~a Bird .. , . . .pie, 'prvee, veln .. t. ~ ~nd Ie "TY loud, " l •• r, end ful l . j~' .. 1 (~y Ie 1 11 4- deep). Arc h@d 'In~r~rd, .. peret. b<ld~. violin fine tun •••• t.~rd. r.. r drop onLy.

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fhla _l low. good wolu-e vltk only 2 .tr l n". per eou .... and a c l ••• • r • .onent LOn. lnot • .urfl~ t~l. " V.b... 14 boo •• eou . .... PrI . . r y k.y. 1\ b G c: • t. I u_ " ... apendon " type brid.,.. or l/U b .... rOO pyl ...... t "00 " not ... """""any.nd _ph. bh~l< wltll dyed bl .~ 11 ply top. U " . 17 " • '" and .... 1,,10. I .... U 1Il00 .................................. : ........... . ......................................... $U5.00




TIIB Bl\ClC PIICllBllI_CUITAJI pat. pend. I In_tad U.h to be _bl. to bring. gultu 'I\~'. I went. I t """kal a'. 12" • ' " .-2 .nd ... 1,1oa j u t 2 lb •• 1l . .WId. unbe U .vably ~ ror Ita al •• ilt'a a~ot . . t Otill . . . ..-;Iular ••• qulhd. I t h urung .. l tb ..,.,•• IIg b t ".u.,. won •• atringo. a"" t""ad II" II G B II ( a _ u • U<lulu gult.'I. Avallabl . . . . , - u r lng 1$l1S1. U otdng 1$2151. , atrln; benJo i$U~j. and HuoleiOl ...... t IUlgl • • • _ "lnYlC." '10 • • "lppl"9 "0. Po r .... Il.!ng. b l kln" ....""lng. CiOr., dl ......

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to 101,,101 • • nd h fr.tt .... <llatonl"ally It'a a lot like _ tiny <lulcl. . . . but hel~ l ike. gultor HI . .""". II h • ero. . bet....... ~u l d . . . and a . . _Un l . Very en, to p h y. aoun<lo g ..... t. ~nd .. t._ly portoble. 27".)". 2" .... 1'110. ORlt • 0., 00... wl~k "hOed cll.~t. Ol.tonl c .adel $50. Cllro.otlc .odel

11\11 - ST1III1Gt11 PI'lIHI'WIII"U " 1,aI

(auteI. . . . . . 1., o.

170 • • k'ppln9

I t "". 1 .ttlng. tuned G D G 110..

c~tI"all)' \gultar

atrliO l .


m c DaLL;y fnstr<arne nt:s

oddre •• ,

MCMolly Inot~u.ant. 1011 ""In l u _ t

Boonton. NJ 0700~ !2011 lH-H"


.oneyordo •• VI •• o.

Ka.t.~ c ard



Hamme red Dulcime rs and kits ManyChoices!

v· ..-..

by MkkHl ~Iu.phl


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about wholesale prices.

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-.wrI.ul.".".., h_

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MN 55401 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

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Norfolk, Virginia


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Kold back the day ••• ( Echo)



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In which _ ' t.




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•.. (&<:ho) So fu froOl holl'le ••• ( Echo )



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. _ to t song frOIll


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U we should 1IIf!f!t • . • (Ecna) Like ships a-pasain ' • • • (Ecna) Some stOrMY night ••• (Ecna) Upon the blue .• • (Ecbo) We lllay not speak •• • (Echo) But for the .skin' ••• (Echo) I'd let. - Sweet song froDi yesterday , vatch ove r you .


teC- day



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(£<:ho )

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III. . . .


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Back up Chords

t: (.

SOld back t he days • •.

r When i.t Bet!ID.S you r dreams ••• ( Echo) Aren't WDTth the dTeamin' • • . (Echo And you can't find •• • (Ed}!)) You're way through •• • (Echo) When it set!ID.s your schemes • . • (Echo)


o. •



Aren 't worth the 8chem1ng . •• (~ho) Just l et a - sweet song froDi yesterday , wat ch ove r you.

SOld back the days • . •





back tit.


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by Keith K. You ng

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I't.US( lllOll us TO CUOf[ '011 S,tc III .[QIJ,.OOUTS ,,., SOVICU

Cffte Guild'lI i'l.fornlaliOfj. s/taring SY$tem jl/.tlud~ I¥ G.A. . L. Qu.lrtuly nllllluiftC. $C~r./c

".- lIed

lecJu> iclll IIrticJu

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"'I. .'I,Il..uIII Ccrtvcnl ionIEIl4jbi, ioII.

Cfiw tTItHe i'llrKmlI1iort wrilll'


Guild of AlJX'rtc.'1. l.ul~'"

8211 Soutlt h,"- Avequc nrom.. Wu"l","'on 98408

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In crJ1l1fJlJJ1C8m8J1t




Effe c tive July I. 1982 , the Blue Ridge Dulcimer Sh o p will nu longer handle mail orders except for re c ords and books produced by this office. We will contln\,e La take merchandise to feativals and have at oc k ror shop aalea here tn Winchester. TilE REASONS For II long tlae I have yearned to have More tl.e


devote to the Dulcimer Player Newl , .y tea c hing and perrormlng , and, 88 of Hay 30. my •• rrlage. Reat •• aured. the shop atill exists and we will see you at feat Ivai. or In Winchester. Meanwhile, I encourage you to buy frOM the flne ahopa who advertise In the DuLci.er Player Newa for your •• 11 order need • . To all of you who have been our wonderful .ail order cuatoaers over the years. thank you very auch. P.O.

Box 164

Winchester , VA 22601 (103) 667 2017


Madeline MacNeIl Ovne r Blue Ridge Oulctaer Shop

<&' s8th

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~ "~g~~~~~j~~~~~~'~~~~""""""""""""" '~~;~~:111111111 ~ · W mchester , ".JA 22601


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