1980-01, Dulcimer Players News Vol. 6 No. 1

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wfnt:eR 1990 vol. 6 nO.1


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Vol\!_ 6 Nuaber I, Winter 1960 .



All right. relerved.

Madeline MacNeil


Wlnchelter, Virginia 22601

(703) 667-3704 The OOLCIMER PlAYERS NEWS 18 publ18hed four times each year . 188ue&: are _iled to lublcrlbera dur1ng the rlrlL veok or January, April, July and October. Sub.crlptiona ant $6 per year. Individual current and beck 118uel Ire $1.50 .ach. Available back 1I1U.I are listed In the OOLCIMER PlAYERS NlWS .

Advertiling in the DULCtKCR PLAYERS NlWS i . good bUllne •• , for the DPN reaches leveral thousand hallllle r ed and .auntain dulcl_r ron.- - bul1deu, jllayers and enlhuslut• . Detail. and rates are available llapl)' by VTiUna and ••lr.ing for thell!. AD ctoslJfCj DATZS Ire six veeks prior to p.lbllcaUon date .. of the DULClMIR PLAYERS NtVS. PLEAS! lEI' OUR ADVERTISERS KNOW THAT YOU FOUND THD! THROtXiH THE DULClMER PlAYERS NEWS .

lllOVed to Winchelter, Virginia (17 allel north or Front Ro)'ftl) in February, 1979. I didn ' t. know it the IIIOve vould be te.porary or per.enent, 110 continued w1t.b the Front Royal addrell8. WinChell tel' IIH11S to be the right place for _ nov - I love t.hI! city - 110 I a1&ht as vell have everythq business - wise happen here. You ' ll hear the neW' addn!1I over and over, lIb1ply because _11 sent to the DVLCD<&R PlAYERS NEWS and the Blue Ridge Du.lct.er Shop at the Front Royal addreal rlll be ret.urned to the lender ~ked "addreuee unknown" after 8ove~r I, 1980 . Mow, who could forget me or the IlULCIMXR PlAYERS NE'IIS? But that ' I how forvardiI18 _11 workll W'ith the POlt office . The Dewaddreu : P.O. Box 2l.61., Winchester, Virginia 22601. The tele phone nWllber is the llaae: (703) 667- 3704 . Spread the word . All of us have lituationl W'hich confront UII in today ' . wrld . Right nov the OP!f is cop1ne; with inflation alone with everyone eille . Printina COlts have soared recentl,y, al.-oat l~ increue over the Winter 1979 isllue. Poltage and UPS inereues haven ' t. helped. I have only a nodding acquaintance with econoaics, but it. aee.a to .eo there 111 a politive • "3y of dealing with risin8 ORt coati: railine the IftJ(BI!R of lublcrib(ora rather than the wbleription RATE. lfew lubllcription blanks have been printed with the nell" addl'esa and L'll be lIending the. out to dulcimer teachers and builders. You ea.n help vith thl! IUOtc ription "eampll1gn" by requesting sub blankl i f you ' d 11ke to pass some alons;. It'l been Aid over and over that individuals can help in 5IIIIll ways vith energy a nd inflation proble... . For SOlIe tiDe the om has been plagued vith returned illues. :kIv, I'ID the firlt. to a~it I ' ve _de lIIistakes with adelrell changes, and for that reason have recently reviled II)' _iling lIyst... SoIIIetilllel I've inadvertently typed a label incorrectl,y, and I realiZe I wst bell' the consequences. Each ORt lD&11er has "3rd Claaa Polltap" and "Add ",III Correction Requested" printed on it. I lIend out a Dm to Ic:.eone in Mallllachusettl, for example . Cost of the postage 11 8.4¢. Two weeks lster it «aes back becaule the subscriber has IIIOved to Ifell Jersey . Even if the lIubscriber .ovea next door the illllue Itill ~. back. The nell addre .. 11 given to _ and the info~t1on costs 25¢. I add rellll a nell OPN (the old one hal been too tra..pled to rellend) and _11 it to t.he newaddreas . 'nih U .. the poltage is 20;,. Total ~It office charge is 53.4; . Multiply that by the 30 DPN ' I which usuallY return each quarter, and that ' l a post office charge of $16.02 rather t.han $2.52. 'nlis is an extra $13 . 50 per illue. not countin8 the COlt of 30 extra DRt's. For that $13.50 there could be 2 or 3 extra photographs printed In the DPN. For a yearly POllt44e .. vingl of *54, royaltiel could be J*.id for a "lIOdern" song or two in the OFN. Or the $54 could be divided bIOng the contributorl of 1I0ngil and articlel. Or, to be selfish, I could trelt IIlYle1f to a fell concerti at the Kerme<1y Center : What. 1'. trying to lay in many WOrdl il that a Iilllple POIt.card sent to me ..,ill change you r Iddrell 1mIDediately and Ave me time and IIIOney. A nev year see. . to generate reflection and anticipat.ion. Perbapa the beginning o r a new decade intensifies r eactionl. Aa you t.urn t.he pagel of th i s i Sllue , r eflect on t.he friendlhips and *laic of gatber1ne;s past and anticipat.e tbe aldc a nd' 1t.r1ne; to eo.e durin.& 1960 . I vilh you insight and peace. love and joy. May your IIlIdc brin8 you eJ: prenion of the deep, lI1lent thoughts wit bin you . Keep in touch. The big nevI 18 • DeY addre.. .

~4.o('a:"""L.<J'· _ Madeline Maden, Edi tor DULCIMER PlAYERS NEWS Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

good good


, _ ••• ,e,


_ _ "'A',',, ••••..•••• , ',','uOW\i A

There ' . a ea... raderie -.:Inc dulc1wr P"Ople that .pant dhtance and ts... It ' . !nt-ere.ting that. Nev York dulc:1_r player CIIn -eel. an In-

diana dulci.er player at a fe.t.1val in May in Ohio, greet each other apln at a June rut,l - . val in Virginia, a Colorado felt.ival in July, a Kentucky feltival in Augult an1 at. a Ven.ont. feltival in September. By then the t'riendship haa cement.ed, and parting leems diffic;.;l t .

Top Phot.o : Kennet.h WaN and h1ll grand daught.er Kendra :turing ~lci.er DIy. at.

hist.orl c: Ro.coe- Village near Co.hoc:ton. Ohl0 . Kennet.h War.1 hili bun playing the Julc:bcr for over 50 yeara and built the courting dulci.or he and 'CenJra ph.y. 1f1dUe Photo : Duld_r builder/player Salll Rlnetta or Valley Head, WV and dul-

ct.er builde r/player Chuck Warnick of Nt. Airy. MD at the Belli Grove Gathering. Botte. Photo : Bob Wey of Horlehe_is , NY and Doug Be r ch of Brooklyn, NY perror Ded .nj conducted vorkahopa at t.he 8ell~ Grove Gather ing after t.raveWnc _1\1 .Ue. to get there . In thll photo they are Joined by one of God ' , critt.er •.

Here at. the DPff office I oft.en receive letter s saying t.hings like, .. I sa.., Bonnie yesterday when she gave a vorklhop here and Ihe alked about you. Have you heard fro. Fred! Hall ill hil new record doinct..... The people mentioned in auch letter. often live hundredl of miles apart, yet the cOUll!unlcat.lon ia re inforced by dulc_r feativa18 ..,hich are a~.t awaya de.cribed a . ....,ar. . ealy- goins and .haring". ~re are 1i.11ar WOrdl found in t.he featival reporLl on folloving pagel, but. t.he ....orda are appUcable to 1D01t. gat.herings. Thole of us who have attended leveral dulci mer feltivall feel t.he e.cit.... nt. and sharing each time. We're .illing pictu r el anJ Itories about several gat.heringl - Lima , Ohio and Burlington , Vel'WlOnt a.ong t.hell. That only .. ana t.he fun and muaic va. 10 good folk. forgot. t.o gel everything dO\ll') on paper in t._ for the DPN deadlines. We hope the picture. anJ at.o r iu pr ovide you vith a liltle nostalgia or t.he rina Int.ention to st.tend at least one gathe r ing thla yea r.

3 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

GUIlD OF AMERICAN LlJTHrERS CONVENTION Bolton, Mallachusetts All you Itrina: inltrullent playerl and _kerl, and appreciatorl or fine craft ar. -oat probably avan by now that. the CuiL! of Aaeriean Luthierl COnvention/Exhibition h the fore.alt regul.arly acheduled event of itl Itind on thll continent. The rea-nt 6th. Annual edition of th1l unique lhow proved to ba by far the iargnt yet attempted, and WI surely a aucce .. by .oat any ltandar-d. . The GAL COrrventio:l!bt.1bition, it lhould be rJOt.eiS, rotatea 1.0 a different region of the USA Nch year and. 11 free and open to the public. The 1979 aite w.a Bo.to~, Mallachulettl and San Francilco il co~ ­ tellipated tor 1960. Ii GAL conventio:l eoaaiatl . . inl¥ of lecturel by OI.Itltand.1na luthiera in their fielda, anJ of an exhibition of hanct.aie .udc:al in.trumentl by luthlerl in attendance al vell al concertI, de.onatratlonl ani Guild buainus. Thb year 66 luthlen d1apla~ 146 fine inatl'"\laentl. anel 183 CuiL! ~rl attended in all. let _ prelent a brief c:aPIU1e ot the topici covered by OW" 1979 lecturerl . Tanlcrlptlonl ot the lecturea can be fOl.lnd In the GAL'a QUARTZRLY.peine. Willi. . Dowd dhcu ..ed the effect that the l.&at fev Jec:adea of harpaichord reatoratlon have hII:! on our idea of vhat an authenUc harpeichord IbouU be. AI a luthier at the center ot such work for t.hirty year. with John Cha1l1l, Frank tbbbard, anel in hh own lhop. in Bolton and l'a.rb, Mr . Dowd pointedly included hiaaelf . . he delcri~ the errora .de by early IC!K)lara ot the harpaichord . Ju.y D'Aquhto then took the ltase f or h1l lecture 10thich delcribed the control of variables in archtop ,uitar awnd. Jt..;y cc-nted that Hr. Dov:1 ' I grac101.11 an:! enterte.ininl atyie _1", a tough act to tollov . Ke proved equa1 to the tallt, bovever, al he deacribed hil theoriel 0:' archtop guitar body vidth and depth. :!epth of arch, brac1na, aouml.hole lhape and place~nt, bridge height and width, tailpiece length, and other tone and plAyability fac tori. Richard Scheider'l guitar liatenina tell. ran for three daya and. involved hundredl of votea by do&eni of' people. Participantl called 'it grueling, but ed.uc:ational. The point of th1l teet val not to find the kina of guitarl (a questionable and whjective feat at beat), but tr&1n the eara of' partlc1Janta to hear one trait ot tone at a tm, an:l thua relult in ..ore lcientitic Ultenins . Mr . Scheider hal proahed to vrite up hia oblervationl ot thb year'l teat aa a QUAR'I'ERLY article , atter he t.1 cc.pleted the tallt ot countins the tt".ousands of lecret ballou. T1.a Shaw described the varioua atylel of .gnetic pickups in ua. today. With the aid ot IUdea, projected on the auditoriua' a ...-oth acreen. he ran down . .gnat co-polltionl. atrength and iron loading characLerbticI; wire puge; coil Clt-nalon and con-


flsurl.tiona. Hil pre.entation _ $ concluded wlth a aeriea of recordings vhich de.onltnlted the typical acunda produ~ by the IIK)lt popular pickup typea. R. E. Brune told UI of t.h. develOp:Dent ot the cll .. ic !Uitar, trac1n& the ellergence of "'riOl.la conltructlon detalla, and recounLlng vhich Spanish luth1er Itudied vith lhea, wt..n and whY. Bolton University facult.y ..-bel' Donald Wlrnock lpoke at length on the IM!:rltl of hot hide glue in the conatrucUon of hlatorical Inlt.ruaentl, and cont.ellporary tnltn..entl al vell. Mr. Warnock 11 a well-known _ker of archaic inatn.mentl. and conventioneerl enjoyed seeing a fine Baroque guitar and Viola da paba in h1l exhibition dhplay. Carleen Hutchinl then took the It.aae (and control) to praaent a keenly anti~ clpa ted lectun. for which lhe eIIployed Ilidel, inat.ruMntl, teat equis-ent, and a s1gantic Iprlna to trace the decadu of relea rch concIucted by heraelt and other 'I _ben of the catgut Aeoultic:al Society . At the eon.clusion of her prelentation. Mrl . tbtc1na received the only atand!n& o.,.Uon yet slven by a CAL lecture audience . At that, lhe laIDed1ately launched into e deeonltrstlon of bel' method ot tunina vio11n platel with 10l.ld nobe and slitter. Wood deeler Michael Ourtan lpolte on the ava.1.lab1llty of "'rioua lutherie ¥COda and described the saving _tt~1 lolled. by h1l revaaped ai_ill alnce the disalteroul fire of lalt 'ebruary. Our final lecture W.I preaented by Matt lbanou, "ho described the basic prlncipala of Bluegra .. guitar conltruction and lnund buaine.. attitude' tor the one- _n ahop. Du1ct.er. _de a good ahovin& at thla year ' l uhibition. Mountain du1c1lllerl vere dilplayed by OJy Biechele (Walthu. MA), Ai Carruth (Ded.hU, MA), Rod Driscoll (Platts, 1fT). Dicit Langford (If. Kanaal City, MO), Dick Manley (Supr Loat, 1fT). Bob Mcllal.ly (Bontoon . l'JJ), Don Palina (Rapldan, VA) and Jeremiah Skarie ('l'rOl.ltdale, VA) . ~red dulcimers were lbovn by Ai Carruth, Doug Jekel" (BrookliM, MA), Bob Mclial..Uy and David Sheppard (Greenaboro. Ife). • So 'there you have it. OUr next convention will be in the San P'l'"anc1lco area in the Surm.er ot 1960. Write for .ore Inforu.tion: GAL, B222 South Pa.rk, Ta~, WA 96408..,




Tiel Ollen Ta~, WA .eunUl.. . ...


• . . . . . . -..... UTOM ....... • MAJIOCllU'TtO IK.II.C I"'" "



~ ~ ~~ ." 355

28th St .• BE

Crand Rapid., Michtcan

(616) 243-7534 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com


about a .ile fn:-! the shore. Alaest everyone camped together and freely roamed about the area playing lots of apromptu music and making friends. There were fewer and less of a variety of wo rks hops (and playing styles) than at Rabbit Junction, but they were good and wdl attended. Ther e was a major gathering one evening about a campfire and two evenings

Ana Creen of Oregon and David Beede of Florida at the ~bbit Junctio:'! featival. Photo : Bo~ie Carol


KINDRED GATHERING V Point Arena, California This SWllller I was finally able to attend sa.e dulc!.er festivals, the Rabbit JuncUon Dulcwr FelUval in Boulder. Colorado and the North Pacific Rill Ilindred Gathering V (KGV) in Point Arena, California. Both vere alJDoat p.a.rely .cuntain dulcimer gatheringa (there were allo a fe" excellent haarler dulcu.er people and one hurdy gurdy player) vithout any conteltl or competitions attracting many fine playerl. Rabbit JuncUon _I centered around the Boulder Public Library and offered a niee stage "ith a good sound IYltem through "hich lome 100 houri of recordlD&1 vere _de. There yere _ny good vorkshopa covering .ost every subject relating t.o the dulcu.er (and IIIOre), reflecting the great variety of styles and techniques of the players vho we re attracted to the festival. It was • real a1x of Eut and West Coast players who played any and everyt hing , including traditional folk, Irish jig, and reels, bluegrass , ragtime, and cont.elllporary and original songs and instrumental.. I never saw and/or heard so many good dulc~er players in one place . There were at least four hours of scheduled concer t.! each day, as Yell as one t'ull eve ning of open stage perfonlllnce s . The Kindred Gathering changes location fOvery year nnd is pretty loosely structured (in keeping IIlth the intent of its founders) . This SunDer it happened on a SIllllU rona

of open stage perfol"'lQ8.flces. This year the concerts ¥ere in an old boathouse vith a good sound sy.telll. It waa a niee place to listen 8.lId perfoTIII with the ocean in the background and a great place for a Iquare dance. Whl.le both feativa~ were different, . they ....ere both great experiencel. I came away from both with _rm feelings for III&ny nev friends - an important. aspect of sny festival. I only wil h there had been IDOre time . Gatherings of thil nature al..... yl SHill too .hort vith so IIIIlny ne .... follts to Sleet and so III.Ich nev " Ituff" to learn . To mention aU of the folks involved w1t.h both festivals youid necessitate another article, but special thanks should go to Bonnie Carol for sponlOriD& Rabbit Junction and to David Schnaufer for the help and aupport he gave her. Albert d'Ossche put the Kindred Gathering together W'lth lots of help from TOIl Moore and his fl'iends in Point Arena. • Willie Jaeger Denver , Colorado

GREAT AMERICAN DULCD!ER COffVEH'I'ION Pine Mountain State Park , Kentucky The 3rd Great Allerican Dulcialler Conv~ntion, held at Pine Mountain State Pl.rk, 1181 once again a great ,uccess. The 3rd Great America:'! Dulciller Convention, held at Pine Mountain State Park, WI once again a great success. TIle concerta on Friday and saturday eveninas ver~ outstanding. Perfor.ers were: Dick and Anne Albin, Jean RitChie, !dna Ritchie, John McCutcheon, Ptlu1 Van Arsdale, 1. 0 . Stamper, Nancy Johnson, Blake Barker, Fred Meyer, Peter Cooney and Wa rren May. Evenh on Saturday included a ct.1U ren ' s conce rt, lovely craft displays, dulc1lDeT bulld1na, dulcimer Ie. sons for ber-inners to a:!vanceu an:! conce rts by Jesn Rlt .. ni,', LO . Stalllper and Paul Van Arsdale. There V"lS also s quare ::Iancine with E:! I!f>nson calling. TIle event .... ill be heU s8"11n this year du ring the last weekcnd in Stopte:llber. Su!tie fetersen Louin-tHe, Y.Y

5 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com




Colby, Tennealee

The firlt. dulcaer pt.heorLnc; hcold in VlrclnLa (In It.self.n hlat.orle tlvent.) v. . held on June 9t-h at hbt.orle Belle GI"OYIl! plant.at.lon nee.r MIddletown In the Shenandoah Valley. Ttl. gatherina , . Joint effort of Belle Grove and the ruLCIXEA PlAYERS KlVS . The 18th centu.rl plantation grounda -.re • be&ut,if\ll aettinc for the aeveral hun:1re,j dulc1aer enthuaLast. and t.he Mrel¥ curioul (aeveral of Vhc8 HC&MI enth.ili• atie) v1aitorl to enJOl the ....lie . The &Un val hot cr.t the . . dOW'I and fieldl of the h.,.., but the larle fen~ lAwn U"OUnd the atone houe a cool anJ eoat'ortabl.e bec:.U&e or the -fI¥ tr.. a. There ltere -.D7 plMsant shar1ni; lelliona: of IlU.lle an.! wtn.ent buWq 14e.. a t the three vor:uhop arda (the Ice boule, t.he pnlen fence an,j the ltaSI) . ~red dulcimer palerl and bullderl .uch as Sua Rizzetta, Rick "OIa1 , Bob We1, and Ron Penix lpent IlOIlo of lohe dS1 talking and. lhari",. breaking their activity on17 t.o fol.lov tbe IMd. al i t !lOVed !'roll the iee hou .. to the fenee. Mountain dulc~


plaTer. Alan Fred Me,-er' Dou& Bereh, Diek Ba.rm.rt, Mar)' Bri&IP, L1nda , IIacht.r1eb. Maddie Ml.dktU. the Mill Run Dulclaer Band and othera conducted vorluiboJII and perforad: . l'erforwlr. and 111teMra aUke ~nted h.vonb17 on the lack or . .pl.1ric:.tlon ror t.he It&&e. A il'eat treat _ . the pnerall¥ unupected arrival or Marpnt MacArthur all the _y rr-o. Verwont. - PI lhortas:e not vlth,t.and.inc. Her IIlUlic and It.orles dellghted

Co.bl, Tennel ..e At. t.he hc»e or Je&n and Lee eoaby, See )'0.1 there With )"OUr dllleWe r . Br1nc a duleWer Brine a friend Li.ten to the walc Oh, what a blend. H1ll.a aU around ua • Trees to _ke ahade We'll linc and play w.lle Till _ fade. Clo to a voruhop See • new


Sit. in the aunsh1ne, SlOW' down )'OUr pace. WaUt down to Bla Fred' I. Or 80 to lohe C\lb When you _nt to eel. aOM arub. - Mary MIl saau.h

Burl.1nst.on, Verwont.



Ralph Lee s.1th 1.nrolW'd (and ••"or ........ ~

a &roUP vit.h hb dbplal ot po.tera. photos and old dulc~ra 1n pnMnt1D& "The Dulc:l-

Mr 1n Vir,inLe . A l1wly ehanp in t.he uwel tare at


cJ.er testi_la _. lobe JY&&l1nc vorkahop led

by Bob Hoft'llan. Po.,ibl¥ no expert Juglua _rsed. from t.MI se .. ion, but child ren and adultl alie had a boiateroua tiM livina it a try (.0Ie with SOOd reault. aa BOb . .de it Ie. . easy). Ma.n.T children and leveral doS' were at the day lons feltival. In addition to the jUIIl1ng. the children also enjoyed t.heir own worhhop ot ao",1 and ..-a ad by JUt Conna_7 and MaddIe Mac:Jle11. The dop tw,d no pl.anoed vorksbop. Hownr. one exhuberant e&nine on the edee or t.he crowd added hla voice predael¥ at the point when Bob We7 pertorw.1nc on at.qe tiniaht-d the last. line ot -All God ' . critter. cot a plAce In the ehoir-. t.o the alrt.h ot tho'e .itt1n& DMr h1a~

The Sw.er ato,.., which had been bu1ldup In t.he welt dur1n& the evenina broke jUlt. aa Baa and carrie R1zutt.a r1niahed their aet to end the day'. eventl. V.. then &Ill .iplf1eanee in the taCt. t.hat. t.he rdn tell in tbe t'1eld. and ...dow. aurround1n& Belle Grove but not on the boule &nd yard .a t.he tead_l coera .lert tor t.heir c:.r. or the CUpp'oundt

-.Jane Jonea Black.burl, VA

Eleanor Gf'Hnl1er ot rra.ru.tort, Kentucky led interest.inc ~rec:I duIc1atr vorhhop at. the Kenl.ucky Nuale Weekend. Photo: John Brovn


6 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

East met. Weat. - not. only at. th~ library in Boulder during t.he Robbit. Junction festival, but. in t.he &treu . Kevin Roth and Albert d ' Ouche - t.ubin '! Aleto : Bonnie Carol

10t.h ANNUAL FOLK fESTIVAL OF THE 1Jot0KIES eosby, Tennessee It. ' s been three yearl nov that. I ' ve want.ed to 80 to a f.ati".,1 _ any fQat.i".,l

at th~ Folk Life Center of the SlDOkles. The lure of t.he Smokey Mountains in t.he late Su.ler and the opport.unity to get sWlly f'rouI lIlY work WIlS st.rong enough finall,y t.o t.urn t.1.t dreslll into a reallt.1 t.his Sept.elllber

6th - 8th . Jean and Lee Schilling, ho~ t.a of t.he featival ami dlrect.or~ of t.~ FLCS were not the only ones st.lll awake to greet IDe when I arrived lat.e Friday n18M. Aft.er finJing a campsite at. t.he top of t.he- hill and setting up lIlY tent. by lan te rn l1Sht., I wltnJered over to the fire and music at a nearby cupsite, to be greeted by a joyous hug f'rom AInn Freeman . That. set. the tonE' tor tile remainder of t.t~ weekend. Alan, Fred Meyers, >:1) _ ';£Olf IU j a fey other riddl£Ol"S, guit.arists, and singers played , talked and laugr.eJ t.oget.her until I crawled otf t.o sleep at. 1. : 4-; AM "I'\("n they broke out the bacon, eggs snJ ho..hbroo.m~. Saturday VIi vonJcrf\l .. _ a perfect. htE' ~UDler dny in t.1lt" ~kies. BesidE'd tI;e 10 wor~.• I.oJ a for hllm\('red anJ JIOuntain Julcimer offt'N'd on FrUay anJ Sat.urday by Alan, Fred, Sue lind Andy Kardos, Audr.:-y Hint'll nni III,Yself, t.h"'re were lo'Qrkshops on puppet.!, aut.oharp. IllUI' Jer 1xl1la Is, :rongs for chllJren, MnDOnin1 bhu j~ultll.r to flUme only a fey.

The FLCS does not adVertise itl fel t.ivals to drtllol lare;e crowds . Jean 8nd Lee strive for an intimate, appreciative 18· ther.lne. Curb", t.he 101m.. I ltD. ... t.here, I rte;ure I as" only 250 or so faces, BIO.t of thelll at Saturday evening ' s concert . Stage performance. at the FLCS are unampllfied in all at.telilpt to preserve the cultural herit.ae;e of pre - electric music . As at any fen.tival, it v. . the camaraderie and the sharing t.hat _de the festival lpeCial. Performers and attendees contributed to a pot- luck supper before t he concert and after the concert ended people ve r e s till arriving at the festival to spend onl¥ one night.. The mU5ic began again at. the campsites and , all usual, for SOllIe of us the night. never ended. Sunday WII filled with BIOrning IIIIlsic, -Us in t.he Smokiell and pleallant biddings of "Sec ya later ! " wit.h frien:!s ne"ly ..de. The fest.ival proved t o be a IICst plea· sallt. adventure, every bit of vhat I ' .:! hoped for. 1 I,ope _ny IDOre gatherings of t.his na t.ure continue to t.ake place in CQsby 8ml e1sevbere so that. performers and ot.her lovers of music lMy sather together in slll8.11, infOl"llll:l1 situat.ions t.o share and grow- t.Qfl:ether in music an<.1 good t.imell'.

Jay I,(oibovit;t LanJ Bet"E't'n TIle t...'lkes , Kentucky

Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com



.. / dulca.er playera vere the resul.t of the Du~c1mer Work.hop held at Appalachian State UniverBity in June, 1979 . M&ny nell

Hicks of Vilas, North Carolina.


MOONTAIrf DUlCIMER WORKBtIlP Boone. lforth carolina

noon tripa ver'e taken to the nearby home.

The 2nd dulcimer work_hop held at Appa-

and work ahopa of dulcimer Illll.Url Leona rd Glenn ancl Stanley Hick,. An ... enlfl8 con-

lachian State University In Boone, North

cert va. given by Madeline MacNeil (Joined

Carolina gave approJtiately 30 people

by Rick Fogel and Ron Penix for Salle

fIve day. of intenae Itudy under the


guidance of Dr . Wll.lu. Spencer . member of the ASU Music Depart-nt faculty . Guest teachers vere Madeline MacNeil of Winchester, Virginia, Bob Harman of


Blowing Rock, North Carolina and Stanley

THIRD AND HOPEFULLY !fIJT LAST NORTHEASTERlf CRANBERRY HA/>MEREI) DULCDtER GATHERING Binghamton, Rev York Juq 27-29, 1979 One word can SWle up this entir e Yeekend : super ! It \of8.S well planned , well organized and Yell attended. A total of 132 people registered, more than double last year ' s attendance . The hard - working team who pH. together thi. sucee .. were Bob and Louise Wey of Horsehead •• NY. Bob Kleske of 8inghallt.on , and Ben Stone or Montr<lse , PA . 'nle scene of the e vent .. the Firat Unitarian Church in Binghamton . It vas definiteq a weekend f o r devotees of both hammered and mountain dulct.er music. There were precious fev spectators attending; ever yone I _t vas intenseq inte r ested in one o r both instruments . "nle playing level and IllUsical ability ot the participants vas relDllrkably high. The Gatheri ng is not a festival o£ active perf ormers and passive audience, but .o~e a setting which


dulcimer tunes) and Bob 29th a class " r e_

On SeptelRber

union" val held at a caliP in the .owlta1nl outside of Boone. The day va __ pent playing music and .lnglng t08ether and plana yeTe made to mlte such reunions an alUlual event.

enables everyone to share skills, information and enthul1alli. Whi le there vere designated vorkshop leaders , every worklhop I attended br<lught forth a lot of back and torth discussion between "aUdience" and "leader~; workshop leaders usually called on several others to help thelll demonstrate points they vere making. Coed Jam sessions were in abunda nce during the weekend. One especially remarkable session took place arter the coffee boule Friday nisht, vith about a dozen hammered d\llc1mers playing , held t,osetber rt\ythmlcally by piano and ban . The r e vas so D.lch r esonance that it vas like being in the lIIiddle of a gigantic I1L1l1c box . Whlle such tunes as "Staten Island Hornpipe" ... WIIed a sort of elephantine gre.ce \then played by tha t many dulcime r s, it vas fun and not the kind of thing you can dOeasily back hale. One of the leadera of that Jam vae Cecelia Korodko , one of a number of Michigan dulc1lller playerl who travelled all the vay to New York for the festival.

8 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com





The Cathering got. orr t.o an official .tart. on "rid,,. wit h YOrk,hop. on tunina and lntroductor;r playing. Both vere led by Bob Wey vith able I .. istance t'roa Ron Penix or


The Frllhy


cottee hou,u in-

for.all1 showcased a nuabeT ot the pertor.erl who were attending the Gathering and gave the sood - Il~ed audience a chance to hear loti ot variety In .t-yle. and pruentationll . Some ot thole tak1ng l*rt vere Donna and Bob Ruuell

or Roebut.er, 1fY, J1a Couu ot Philadelphia,

John Cuyler ot Princeton, Michael CUrrent ot Ithaca, 1fY. tobe Joyf'ul lfo18e Strins Band ot Ifor.ahead., NY and Mltde Collin. or Roche.ter. ~ Saturday there ver-e l1cultaneoUi work.hop. on ha. . red and .ountain dulc:1.er topics. WhUe there ~re about equal nu.beu ot people at the Gatber1ng interelt.ed in each kind or

dulcwr. I ' U have to ccnflne ., reportll18 to the vol"luhopl I attended. The YOrkshop on hanDered dulcbler building v... led by Fred

Montague ot Mall.c.hus.ttl, Mike Martin or Pennsylvania and Ben Stale. I val imprelled with the ..aunt at upumentation that ta now &CIins on in buUding dulct.erl. I _I leader at the next vorklhop. When Uking . . to parti cipate, Bob Wey .aid leaden vere free to pick their OlIn topic or area at intereat . I chose "Sina:ing v1.th the haaDered dulcmer", and I tound tbat -.ny people are interested in Uling the dulct.er ettectively a. an acoo.panyinl instnaent. "nlen Andy Spence at Andy ' s 'ront Hall led a session on "HaIr to acquire a haltmered dulcimer" . Among.any topics d i scussed vere the . . rit. of tryina t.o reatore antique dulciaer. and build1ng dulc1aerl t!'OlD the .an)' kits available . Dur1nc the lunch break SaIl MoN'att at VelWCllt led a rasc1nat1ng work.hop on "Uling d.~ atyle' vith the ___ red clulc1ae.r" . It _I c:ompelllng enough to the lilteners t.t.-t they spent the reat at the veekend try1nc out her technique. . Early Saturday atternoon brought a vorkshop ct.-ired by the uaz1nc lllck Itrukovsky. While Nick can play jUlt about any tiddle tune worth knowing and 11 ta.ous tor h1l lightning- ralt notation ot tunes U they are being played, he really ocelli in "other ... sic" tor the dulciller . He played a lort ot " ItUIIP the band" sawith the audience and c:a.e up vith aa.e good. inat&J:it renditions ot "Sutera ' Waltz" and "!tever on Sunday". Mary Paith Rhodel and Bob Wey vere a.onc other .uddanl lbaring their a.rrangeMnta at this vorkshop. 'nle htshl1sht and f1naJ.e of the hour val "ick ' . playinc at " The Star. and Str ipel Por ever" . W1th deft avUch1nc at octavel, lUck played the tune vith jUlt about aU the notel intact , and when he j Ult did not have an absolut.ely ellential note, be ung it. . You Ihould have been there. !fick ' i work.hop VII followed by one given by Jay Round. Jay 11 a r.,..rkably attractive JOWlI an and a auper dulc:1ae.r player. Hi. worklhop sot otf' to a 81011 and tedioul atart. when he inltated arter eYer)" other aen"noe t.hat. he "didn't. really know what to talk about becau.e (be ) really hadn ' t attended any of' the other vorkshop.." I kept thinkins, " .. . and why haven ' t you attended the other vork.hopar" Actual.ly, J ay .ee.d to k'!ep hi.selt

a1ght.y lcarce except. when he val "on" . He va. the: only perforwer-t.ype penon who didn ' t .il'll18 vith the ent1re Gather1n&. Once Jay d.1cl set his vork.lhop atart.ecl, however, he proved. to have lot. of val.uabla experlllnce to .hare and va. able to demonlirate very clearly h1l own .tyl.e of .-belli.hinl: a tWle. Bill Spence and Pennie ' . All Stars ended Saturday ' . workshops with an hour at "Ibv to play h&aaered dulcb.cr 1n a d.ance band". They dHlOl'lltratecl thill8l 11ke keepins; t.he IIIoelodic line clean and unclut.terecl~ swit.ching off leadl, and puttina tunea together that otter contra.t and intere.t . The concert Saturday evenil'll fHtured three leta . '!be fir.t vas br Jay Round, and be began by pla)"i.n& a nWDbu at danlln& tiddle tunea in a very elaborate an4 aynco}:8ted .tyle. He ...,itched to suitA.r a couple of tiMa in his let; hit vocal atyle baa a very "pop" qua.llty and hit SUit.ar t.echnique reflect.. a lot. of Jazz infiuence. Madeline MacJleU waf next and .be began her .et. diaplay1ng her f'o1"lll1dable IIOUntain d.ulc1lDer technique and cryatalline voice on "StraWerry 'air" . Maddie ab.olutely Slowl when .he perfOral and. involvel ber audience with her .s .he .alle. -.asic . The reLl .pirit at the Ge.thering .hone forth U Ja:y Round joined. her tor a rendition of "I'U Fly Avay". and an unexpected "ac hoc" band tOl"lled around her al .he .ang "My &.e ' . Aero.. the Blue Rid.ge Mountain... . Arter inter.l .. ion, Bill. Spence .hoved why he 11 rishtl'lll.l,y considered "the _Iter" or at lea.t "one of the master'" of the tw.ered dulciMr . !eddel exc:ellentlyplayed fid.dle tunea, Bill and 'ennig ' a AUStar. inclUded .uc:h variety in their .et at George Wil.on (Fennig " t1ddle and banjo . player) girlna a rendition of an lIncl.e Dave Macon lOng and aonol.ocue. Li.tening to 'enn1g ' . I va. iaprelled with the vitallty and interest Tab)' Stover ' . piano play1ns . give. to their ll.llic . The country dance that followed the conc:ert featured - you guelled it • lIeveral ~red dulc-*n, plus a few f14d.lel, piano and ball . The players. aU -.adc1an., ahould have knovn better than to rehear.e loudl,y, carryon animated d1aeullionll of tune' , and in sener al be very distracting all caller ~ Bohrer ot Rocheater wu trying to annOI,lI'Ice or teach the dance.. When ore. va. ready to .tart a dance, oat.urall,y the band wun ' t ready . Once they cl1cl .tart pl.&yins;, the)' were &reat. HoweVer, an able caller deserve. bet.ter co· operation rro. ...dc1a ns, e.pecu.lly expert· enced onea. SUnday .arning brought a worklhop ad.ded at the last dnut.e . It vall on "Hlylici and the ~red duld..er" and va. led by Rick P06el, who has authored a book with ju.t about the 1&!IIe title . He demonltrated natu ral and tempered scale. in the cleare.t vay, and vas patient beyond. beliet throu&h the II&Jl¥ que. · Uon. the t. vere uked ot hla. Sill Spence fol.l.oved rlth a work. hop an his own 'PArticular .t)'le. He dwelled, easent1al.l.J, on "how to _ke a tune come alive" and in the procell he dislected and r econ.t.ruct.ed "Sort of Silver Belli- in ('rant of our very ear •• 9lll va. generau. in sbar!n& his ob.ervationa and intoraation vit h e veryone durins the entire weekend, not Just at the work.hoPi.

Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com



Other notes about the Gathering: the roo4 wu really excellent. It vas provided !nOre or leu continually, at reasonable prices, by the Unitarian Chllrch lllelllbers. Organizerl are already planning the "Fourth and Hopef'ull,y ... Gat.hering for next. year, to be held July 25th- 27th, again in Bingha.ton . It you want to be sure to be on the _U1ng 1111., write to Bob WeT, Breed Hol.l.Olf' Road, RD 1, Horseheads, NY 14835. See you there. Mitz1e Collins Rochester, NY ~,

_ _ _ _ . '.'i'i'",Vi i'i i'


DOrothy Carter delighted folis attending lobe Dulc~r Convention in eosby vith her gentleness and _sieal artistry. Photo: Barbellgers


..... ,,- .......




'nM!: Ozark FoD Ce.nter at Mountain View, Arkansas sponsored a second BoMie Carol dulcimer YOrkshop in May, 1979. Bonnie teamed Yith Mark Jfet.on for two intensive daYI or instruction covering rhythaa, chord construction, Ityles • .odel, arral18in&. techniquel, tlexible tunings and constnlction . Twenty-one students attended . Next year's Bonnie Carol workshop is scheduled tor June . For intoru.t i on, contact the Ozark Folk Center, Mountain View. Arkans.. 72560.

-Sharon Chisholm Mt . Viev, Arkansas ¥NI'~""_.A

••• ,.'A""'i·"""·'

ALABAMA JUBIID The grounds of the Indian Spril18' School south ot Birmingham, Alabama vera invadecl by dulc1=er lovers on May 6th , col'I&regating tor the Sixth Annual. Southern Appalachian Dulc1=er Alsociation Festival. Laat year ' s 1088Y veather wa. torgotten by feltival-goers enjoyil18 the open:-air music and booth.. Enthusiastl vere hu'd PJ.t to decide vhere to spend time; "bather one listened to players at the indoor stage or walked by tbe lake to find intoru.l groups, Ic..ethina; interesting was alwaYI happening someplace you. ~n ' t ! DulciJller _kerB (1DOUOtain and hamlerecl) from throughout the Southeast exhibited their wrea. Many a dulc1=er ne"COIIIer lett "ith a new instnuoent tucked under an ana . The variety in form and aou.nd wal mndbogUng. lfovices and e.xper1en~ pl.a)'era alike c:ou.ld alwaya fitld help. advice or playIna: partnerl Oil the grounds . Ooraey Williams launched a vho1e nev crop of pla)'erl (aa usual), and informal vorks hops and avap lesaiona popped up in II variety of Ityles. As if this weren't enough, an ongoing ltage concert lpotl1&hted the tull ranae of dulcimer styles, with the eeptw.ds on tradItional pick-and-noter tunel. Besidea Bolo players, duets, trios and SO.pel harmonies could be heard. It'. seldGS that 10 -rt¥ dulcimerl and dulcimer pla)'ers can be found in one lpot (both lpede. tend to be .cattered). So , i t :you 're a!read)' an established tan or JUlt curiOUI, thia feltival is a areal. place to viii t. People are friendly snd eager to share vhat they knoW about their inltruments. The festival 11 held at the acbool annuallT on the first Sunday in May, 1 : 00-6:00 1M .

- D0u8 Murray Villa Rica, CiA. The 3rd Mountain Me.ories Weekend was held in P>entucky on March 9th and loth. On Friday night a aquare dance set the mood tor BOIIIe fine .usic and song. ~rfor.e.rs included Hubert Rogers, Didl: and Anne Albin and LillT May Ledford (one of the Coon Creek Girls) . On Saturday Fort Boonelboro Crana_ !lien displayed their lovely NncI york of quilts, l"UBS, leather, wood carvingll a nd basket "eaving. Other tolka displayed dulc1.ulers and handmade dulcimer bass. The Y8ekend 1181 lponsored by Carter Cove State Park in Kenwc.q in assodation vith Dick and Anne Albin.

- Sally George 4th Annual Dulcimer ConventioD June 13-15, 1980 Colby, Tennealee 11th Annual FoU. Festival or the Smokiea Sept.ember 4-6, 1960 Cosby, Tennelaee Kent.ucky MUlic Weekend July 31-AU8Ult 3. 1960

10 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

Louisville, KY

J.B . Keith of Clinton , ~l.~l •• i~pi at the Southern Aps-lachlan Dulc1lDer A lIOd.ation Fe.tival in Bin.ingham. Alabama. Photo: Megan W 113

:i<al't.h1111 ror children t.oo, unjer the iSU1dance pf Kit. ConnaVlloy, Vienna. ViralnLa dudna tne Ieolle Grove DulcWer Gatherin&.

Photo: HacJtell

Jay Lelbovit.r: rewe. on the Sc:hUllnc ' . front porch durlna the Folk 'eatlval of the 5a;lUea. Photo: !krbf!l Suer.

SoI.Ithern Apl*l.ac~lan :Nld.r Anodatlon rut.l .... l. Bll'1111nsham . Alablll • . Mliy . 1979· Phot.o: C. M. Well. Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com


Word has drifted down about the run and good lIalaic enjoyed by thole attendil'l6 the Sum.er Fun Fest of the Original Dulciller Puyers Club ot Michipn and the 9th Annual Convention of the MCHJntaLneer D.11cUler Club in Mannil'l6ton, Welt Virginia. Ru .. Pluharty tell. UI that IlellbeU fro. six ltates and England attended the Manninaton gatherina · Statistics frOll the ODPe Fun F~.t include an estimated 10,000 people through the pte and 4 ,000 in the grand stand for the Saturday evening concert. Thla year 'ot'Orklhopl ....ere held for the firet ti«le . KopefUll.,y next ;year ve'll have pict\U'el and IDOre lnforaltion about the happenil'l61 at these two feativab.

KENTUCKY MUSIC WEEK!lfD Louisville, Kentucky

The fourth annual Kentucky Music Weekend val held at Iroquois .... phitheater in Louisville, August 4th - 6th. Performers at the three evening concerti vere Jean Ritchie, Trapezoid, Lll..ly May Ledford, Dick and Anne Albin , John Hartford, Nancy Johnson and Blake Barker, MAlcolm Dalglish and (iray Larsen, Maddie MacNeil, Sparky Rucker, John McCUtcheon, Bob Lucas, Fred Heyer, Nancy Niles Sexton, Hike Seeger and Allce Grrrard. Regretably, thb vas also the last _jor performance of Asa Martin (yith his Cumberland Rangers) who pal8ed avay at age 79 a fe'll veeks after the festival. Aea ~s an unpretentious country gentle.m who wrote, recorded and broadcast Kentucky rural music for half a century. D.1rlng the afternoons there vere vorkshop. on autobarp, fiddle, banjo, storytelling, SIOWltain and tw.ered dulc1lller and O.:.d 1'1IIe dance in Yhich .ost of the performeu took part . John Jacob Niles sat under the treu by the uphit.heater Saturday afternoon tell1l'16 tales and ligning autographe . A unique upect of this festival is that all event. are free to the pJbllc. Major runding comes from the Iroquois Amphit.heeter Association and the Hetro Parks and Recreation Boe.n1 of Louisville. !tovever, the veekend vould have to be produced on a IlUch .ore llaited scale vere it not for generous contributions troD dozens of buaines.~s in the Loulaville area . Also invaluable vere the _ny hours of a .. launce volunteered by • •beTS of the Louisville DulcUiler Soeiety. The prime mover of the festival b Nnncy Johnson who conct"ived the idea al a part of Kentucky ' s BicenteMlal Celebration in 1976 . Hancy and her partner Blake Barker have coordinated the rapidly growing event aince then. Plana for next year (July 31Ausuat 3) include an additional evening o f performancee, expanded workshope and more dancing. An estimated attendance of 15,000 lOUIe _!tea thb one of the largut dulcilller ori ented events (more than half of the perfor-en are dulcWsts) in the eountry.

uVoticeThere ",ill be a Three State Dulclller Fe~­ tlval on P'ebruary 29th and Harch lit at Natural Bridge State Park, Slade, Kentucky snd dulcimer enthusiaats everywhere are invited to attend. The lodge at the park and all of the cabins have been reserved for those attending the fe.tival. Should you contact the p6rk for reservatione, be aure to tnention you are comil'l6 to t~ dulcimer festival. The lponsoring organi~tion i. the Louisville Dulcimer Society and you should contact thea for further inforll8tion. LDS .ecretary 11 Betty Stuedle, 206 Ash Avenue, ~yee Velley, Kentucky 1.0056. Thla Ylll tM! a fint' opportunity to chase awuy the festival inactivity of Winter snd welcome the first hints of Spring. Toledo, Ohio dulci~r a ctivities continUe, no IIIItter yhat the aeason. Eveningl f!lled ylth Appalachian and halllllered dulcimer and old-t1ae II1UaiC viU be held on Thur.~ay. fro. 7:00 to 10: 30 PM at the Pirst English Lutheran Church, 141~ Broad~y at Walbridge Avenue, Toledo, Ohio . Dates are: January 10, 24. P'ebruary 7, 21 . Harch 6 , 20 . April 10. 24 . Kay 22 . Activities will be cancelled should the weather be bad. Contact Gene L,yon. for further info,...tion. (419) 385- 2476.

2Joc 2:>u1'cinuu

208 A5h Avmue Pewee VaDey, Kentucky 40056 502·241-4443

A/of t "Paj"ltr! J.l d~WS of

Two origin&l. dulc1llers by BE'ITY STtlEDIE. Printed on beige paper in brokTl ink .

5 Notes! 5 Envelopes , $1.50 Write l Betty Stuedle 208 Ash Ave . Pewee Valley. Ky • •

- Blake Barker


2jtlUciL & 'Wood C!...ft

Bardltovn, K'f Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com


I- Til BILe


Handcrafted Musical Instruments By McSpadden RECORDS FOLK CRAFTS BOOKS Drawer E 路 Highway 9 North MOUNTAIN VIEW, ARKANSAS 12560

Phone 501 路269路8639

13 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

Senra.l tolk _,nine, ud oewll.et.t.erl are read and .DJ~ b7 the entire DfW IUN' (one perIOD) and .~ witb -.q d\llcJaer people atopp1nc by our Wincbeater ·office-, Ve'U br1Dc; .-c:.e of this to )'OUr attention ~ tiae to ta.. U )"0'1 are unaware: ot OOUlEHSZAL, you. lbould beCCM acqualnWd. vith tnt. dellcht.t'I.Il qutU't.erlJ' _pdne dOCUllent1nc t.he t.raditional. l.:1te or "ut Vir.in1a. "n\e _ . . &ine 11 p,ablllhed by the State or Welt Virlinla t.hrough it. Depart.lDent or C'u.ltur. and History . A racent luue

protiled Woody Su.ona, • Randolph County fiddler vho h. . reeent.ly toured vith ~red duleWer player Sam Rizzetta. OOUIJ:N3IAL h dbtrlbuted ..,1t.hou.t. CM.rse. All corre.pondenee ahould be .dc1relled t.o The 141t.or, OOLDI!JmEAL, DeJ*rt.ent or CllltW'e aIId HhtorJ'. The CUltlU"al Center, capitol Cc..plu. Charleston. Welt Vira;1n1a 25305 (3~) )48-0220. You'll fiDel • lot of th!a&. in t.he CEln'IB FOR S01rH!RIf POLIlIJRI MAGAZDIB tl».t J'OI,I voa't, fiDeI ill TlMI or JI)~ S'!OKI. !h1nca 1.1ke panthers l"CIUI1.q the atate of Mi. . lulpp1; bolt to tHee J'OW' f'aa1..l,J trH; atorie. t.lat. explain bow . . . l . . . . . rk bu1.ld1ng. faU to fait rooct rtataW1lnt.ll and bow ot.hers 1Nl"ri'ft; plul 1.nte~t1on&l nent.. in -..de, reM4lrcb and tolk ca.lt.l.lre. Special ed1tiolla, wch .1 the au-&e.r au~nt. on folJtl1te felt1val.a, feet.ure everrthin& t"r<:. traditional -..do Juboreel and eov-chlp t)lroW'lll6 CQnte.~. to ~fXlrd pr0duction, archiving eollect1on. and Mile tradinl. Tbe _paine 11 publllhed in the Sprinl and Winter of each year, vUh occa.1onal .pecial Iuuea . Sublcription. are per )"ear (*7 foreign). Center for Southern rolUore Mqazine, P.O . Box 100105, Hemphil, 'I'H 38104.


'l'hI John XdlflU'dl ~r1al rou.nda.t1on 11 aD archive .nd re .... rch eente.r located in the POlklore aod N;rtbol.OCJ Center of the University of CaJ..1tornia at to. Ansel.. . '!be ~PO" of t.be JDUP 11 to f'Urtbu t.t. HriOUl Itwt,' and p.lbUc reCOF-itlOD of those foraa of "-.rican tolk _lie UllaliM.ted b1 ~re.1al .ecl1a aueh . . print, .ound reoord1D,ga, t'Uaa, radio aod t.elerlI1on . "rbese to,.. inc.lude tbe .uic referred to . . covboJ'. _Item, oou.otl'J and "'.. tern, 014 tt..e. h1l.lbll.l~, blue&"4I, .:amtaia. COI,lnt.ry, C&JWl, sacred, IOIpe.l, _ee, bluel, rb)'tla and blllel. aoul and tolll rock . MMberl of t.he J'r1end1 of t.he JDGI' reeeI.. the J1HP c;aJAR'I'IRLY as part. nf t.heir $10 (or .ore) aomaal .-barlhip cluea. John Idvardl Moor1al rou.ndat.1on. rol.k.l.oN! and N,rtholoQ' Center, Univerlit.y of caUfornia, Lol Anplel, CA. 9CXl24.

'l'ht Archive of FoUt Sons lal recently us;aDded itl inYftnt.o.ry of reference and finclina aid. an.1t.ble to the: public. Tho followIng aid • •1ah~ be of interelt. to reade r . of tho DPR . •


Dulct.er and Related In.truJWmt.l:



7 pp.

Evan Stein .

A B1bl1o&ra~ of t.he Plucked (Appalachian or Mount.&in) OUlct.er and. Related rn.lt.ruMnts . .10 pp. Bet.t.ny Arc_. Autobarp: A Select. Lht.Iq of Inat.ruet1on Boob and Art.icle.. 4 pp. Mul. Map.1re . Pift St.r1o& BanJo: A Liltlnc of Conte.PQJ"U'7 Inlt.ructloa looks. 7 pp. Richard Irhlln . !ruh 1'10 Vh1at.le lnItruct.1on Boob. A Bibl1OCN~. 1 p. SUae.n Ra1oatord. Rltqu.eIU for 1ndlrl4ua.l Unl and for tbe a.pl.et.e inYent.ar')' of the Archives 170 jalbU.bed

aid., all. of vtdeh are offend tree of charp. - 7 be addre ..ed to Joaepb C. Hickeraon, Head. Areh1'N of rou. Sonc. Library of Congre ... Washington, D. C. ~ . 'I'hI: rall 1 9 -Winter 1960 Woodcraft Tool Cl.t.al.og and nev ProJect Supply Cata10c of woodvork1nc hand tools. books and .uppl101 are nov available. A1tbou&h Woodc.r.ft SUpply nor_lly a.k.1 $1 for their ct.taloi and 50¢ tor the project. wpply catalog . they v1l.l be plelled to aend theil , at no charle, to DULCIMER PLAlERS NWB readerl it )"OU _ntion )"OU read about t.he ct.ta.l.o&. in the DPft'.



/(;r ~~

1.J .. "uit) ~~) K~.J F~ ISi/~J

PLUS aI/,,,


).:Is ...1 fMt,,,,,,,,,G. Fr.. broc/''',t @.,.ifq ""t.~)

11£1«. Le. #PPH 1"1,,71f 11.9 SF

ST. I'1PL S") ,.,,1/. o~1't¥

Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com


AI1rHOR: To. Baehr fUB LISHER: Hogtiddle Preu



NEW 'l'lJNES/OID FRIENDS 11 a SQngbook _ant to follow any beg1nn1oi: ..ount.aln dule_,. aethod. It. is • gathering of nineteen playable, lomelUle8 challenging 10ngi and dances weh . . "The Bunch or Currant.~. "Pairy Dance~. "Wind That Shake. the Barley" , "AU Good Times", "Blow Away t.he Morning De"," and "sally in the Garden". Wh1l.t' thia collection 11 not R&nt to be

• t.eaching met.hod, there are suggestion. ror playing before each tlll'le. Tune. are Wl'ltt.en in IN.leal notation with tablat.ure beneath. The author, Tall Baehr, 18 • teacher/pertonler and caU1gnt.pber (the IlUdc and text 11 done In hit own hand) redding In Cheater, Ver"llOnt.. JUBru:& ARTIST : J.\BEL,

Ouy earawan J~.


JA - 029

"Guy caravan taught. ' We Shall Overcome ' to Southern students when he participated In lunchcounter lit- ins In 1960. He ' . still in the thIck or things , collecting old folklore , bringing it back to the people , reaching out , as musicians should, to bring people tosethe r ." (Fete Seeger). Singer , instrumentalist, perfo~ r , recording artist, collector , author , festiw1 organizer and Music Dir ector of the Highlander Research and Education Center in New Market , Tennessee - • long interest in the roots of folk .uic and the people and com~nities from which songs have come has resulted in a diversity of accomp1ishdents for Guy Carawan . JUBILEE featu.res Ciu¥ Carawan dnginf; and playing the ha_erec!. dulcwr , tinwhhtle , banjo and guitar. Selections include "Long SWIDer Day" , "Weat FOTk GIlls " , "Acron the Blue Mountain. .. . " Haste to the Wedding", "Margaret ' s Waltz", "I ' ll Sad and 1 ' 111 Lonely" , and "O' Keefe ' s Silde" . He 11 joined by Dan ~n , Rupert Oysler , Bob Jordan , Sonny Houston, Larry Olson, Jack Wright , CIlndie Carawan and Heather Carawan . FROSTY MORNIlfC: ARTISTS : Holly TaMen, hte Cooper


Plant Life Reconia, Ltd.

Albu.. notel about Holly Tannen include , " In 1963 I lert home to enter the Univeraity of California. Berkeley in the 1960' s wal alive with street IllUdc; bandl would panhandle on t he caap.ls during the day. and. ait around the living 1'001II all n!&ht playing tunes . I picked up -.ny fiddle tunea such as "Muddy Road8" by sitting in on thele lenions, learning first . t he ahapel of the tunes, then the melodies. " FROSTY MORHIlfG bringl together tunes and SOngl l earned by HoUy (.auntain dulciller and vocals) and Fete Cooper (f1.ddle) frOll! travela in t he United Statel and in EnBland, where they nOW'redde. Selectiona include : " The Soldier and the tedy" , "Prince Willi. ." /"Pant Corlan Yr Wyn" . "Conversation With Death" (Dock Boggs) , " Little Rabbit", "Roll1n& ot the Stones" and " Y0UJ\8 Collins". Pete and Holly a r e joined by MaTtin SlIIpaon on guitar. Add r ess for Holly Tannen is 10 Ben Royd Terrace, Holywell Green, Ka l i fax , Weat Yor kshi Te, England . TH! DULCIMER HYMN BOOK AUTOORS: Bud a nd Donna Foni


Mel Bay MB93622

Thh book containl general hymns in musical notation and LablatuTe for the Appalachian dulcr-r . Selection. include: "For the Beauty of the Earth", "On Jordln ' l Sto~ Bank, ", "Shall We Gather at the Rive r ?" , "Wondrous Love " and 32 other s. THE IZAVES 0'1 LIFE ARTIST: Mitde Collinl WEt: Saa!pler Record.

MFM 7902

The tree ot lif'e is an t.ge which recurs throughout folklore and Uten.tur e. The: albua cover ltat.e. that the songs and tunes contained the r ein reflect leavel on a IDUdcal tree of life. Ther e a r e songs for children: "Who Killed Cocky Robin" Ind "ChoIt' Willie", tor UAIIIple . and 10"81 about being and not being in love: " Pretty Sylvia" and "Hi Rinky flu_". The r e a r e Ir ish and Ame r ican air s and dance tunes such as "Sheebeg and She~ re" and " Dix i e ' s Land" , and longa of' fait.h: "Hold My Hand, Lerd Jesus" and "Under the Leaves of Lire". Mitde 11 joined by several .... Iicians in the Rochester, New York area playil\8 lIiriad inItnlllentl , 11.110"8 thell the haJIDeored and IllCUntain dulcimers which ar~ fea t ur ed on several cuts.

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Jean Baptiste Besard arr. Randy Wilkinson


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II bl"8nle is a lively count.ry dance, oft.en

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c:harac:t.erhe.:l by 11 :frone ba8l.

Jean Sap-

tht.e (c. 1.567- c. l62<) VIl8. highly res~cte.:l FrenCh lutenllt., physician . c~llt. anj composer. "Branle Gay" is t'r00l h18 large collection publ1shed tn Cologne In


..J -

A faIt 1104 .


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tempo is luggelt.ed. about

- Randy Wilkinson 9612 ttalekulanl Or .


Ga rden Crove, CA 92641

Good Books Good

qrrss eataZogus

R scords

& 1)ots JOors!

"R. G. BOx.



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00 YOU SAVE STAMPS? Recently I began to vonder if OPN reader. vould like to have lane of t.he colorrul , int-..@rellting domestic: and foreign .1t.ampS 'l(hlch cc.e to lIlY desk. I've saved II few ItulpS hOlD other countries, and they are youra for the alking plus .. It.nIped envelope. I ' ll be glad to lave c~ratlve United Statel lu..pS for anyone wishing the1l. Just let. lie knOll what you're look1ng for. THE DPN SUBSCRIBERS rItE BY STATE IS JUST ABOtIl' READY .

NoW' 1'1l be able to ansver your

requelU for name. of puyerl, builders and teacher. In your area. But I have one iaport.anL requelt o f you : PLEASE CALL! The IUIIOWlt of corr espondence landi ng on ~ d('lk 18 .~e rl ng ,

and I find it difficult .imply to keep behind (catching up Is practically out.

of t.he question). You are welcOCDe t.o call after 7 AM or between 11 FM and midn16ht. when the rates a r e lower (that 11, i f you live in the East. ! ). Belidel , if we chat, you ' ll be able to tell me what are.. are nea r your hoIDe. IF YOU ARE Dfl'ER.ESTED IN BEING IN THE FILE, ~end !lie • card tell1ns II(! your name, address snd telephone nuabe r (if W'e ... y releau them). "hether your interest 1a the mountain or haamered dulc~r or both, and ..mether you are a player , builder and/or teacher . I hope the file il helpt'Ul to DHi readers. So _ny people have helped with the WLCIMER PV.YXRS NEWS in so lI&IIy vays . I've had nice talks with people who've had o.perience in photography and printing, and their ideaa have helped. . It is amazing t.hat there is so Dolch talent evidenced allOng DHi lubscribera. SOIIet1JDes the talent is in writing or draving. Sometimes the talent is stapl1ns an iuue togethe r without including one ' s fingers . SoIIIet1llles the talent is simply caring . My thanks go to the following people for their help: Car y Westfall. Vickie MacFarland, Neal Walters , • Colleen Walters, Chrll Walters, Ulrich BUSB, Mary Briggs, Shirley Bitting, Mary Youll8, Keith Young, Liz Youll6 , Woody Padsett , Carolyn Padgett, Jelene Helton, Chris Loupy, Jane Jones , Michel Legare, Bill Wicblan, Betty Stuedl.e and to all of the contributors to the Winter 1980 DULCDa:R PlAYERS NEWS.

NEW ADDRESS for the DPN: P.O. Box 2164 ~

Wi nchester, VA . 22601 (703) 667-3704

Chinese Dulcimers MADE IN CHINA

eBeautifully handcrafted eOlatonlc fifth interv I tuning e1 treble &. 10 bo,ss courses

el pair bamboo h.,.,."er. el tuning wrench eWITH STRONO CASE *Lessons avaUabJe


v.;REE G B Details 0 ,,;:--._/ E


For Appalachian dulei.er.aI5o Clavh..-rjblueAra .. banj o , Platp1ek/tlngerpiek guita r. Lots of fiddle tunear Send SASE for alngle style I ilt or S1.00 for co.plate eau log and .a"P le tab(spedfy at, le.) to Jane Kede.r 1155 19th 5t ., NB S~I.III . OR 97)01


P. O. lox 26382 s'n Fr.nciKO, ulif. 94126 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

I '























TU\.lG OIL Flt-J ISH .












i=OL\(. t

PA .


(814) 224 - 2890

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Arranged for Two !fa_red Dulcimers by Madeline MacNeil


-~EEj-6J~&l~?9-aJ J Jd : ~+F' IF' tf I-t=~~ •

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"The Alh Grove" il one ot .y favorite lIonga. I've played the lOng on every lnlltl'\lllent 1 play - the piano, guitar and IIIOUntain dulcimer - at one t1ae or another. In Aprll., 1979 I began playing the ~red dulcimer. In June I hear Carrie and: SU Rinetta pl..ay1.ng the tun. beaut1f'ully on two du.lc1alerl at the Belle Grove Dulc1aer c:.tbering. In October, Chuck Warnick and 1 tried the tune together and harlllOnlel began running in .y aiM. Th1l u-rana;e_nt 11 the relult. U reading .. lie 11 difficult for :fOU, don' t delpair. You ' re balt- way there if the tune 11 faail1ar, and there a.re no tricky rh,ytblllic problellla . Please notice: that you play in both the treble and bala clet. . BadeaUy, all ot the note. in the bUll clef' will be plaJ'ed on the ball courau of' the haa'lDered du~c1mer . At the end of measure 8, you IIwitch to the treble clef' and at mealure 13 you switch back to the baal clef'. The ~It trouble lo.e apot w1ll. probably be ,,&lures 9 - 16 because of the runn1n& tbirds. My lIugseltion there 11 to work out your technique and play it dovly until it f'eela natural . I like the lound of' d1aaonance, and the d1l10nance found in l!e«lurea 7 and 23 pleasea lIlY ear. U the h1l"11Ony d1apleasel you, change it. In any event, don ' t think you ' ", pla:y1.ng it wrona !

HARMONY ARRA1fGDm:!f1' TO PIAY WITH AJIfOTHItR fWIo[ERXl) OOLCIMKR: The numbered _aaurel correl pond in the melody and banlOn,y arrangementll. Tvo fllggeltionl: Try playing "The Alh Grove" with .au.ntain dulc1lle.r on the .. ledy and ~red dulc1»er (witb lOft baalerl or played lightly with wooden ~rl) on the hanlOny part. 'fOIl alght alao enjoy taping the _lody and then play it back while you play the h1r.ony with yourllell'.

Second Kammered Oulc1mer Part for "The Alh Grove"

({flO )A «u rIr JUJ 4uJR-J;P Ptr r I $)t) r rif\; (f WE



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how to 11nc . and too otten ttat sitl.lation



~ atld

CBltatlcheg A eolUlUl tor t.he bealnnine: lIudc:1an by Madeline MacKdl


b:y being told to .ave hil/her .out.h dur1nc a Clall concert. . Or perhapa the ehild 11 "eholen" to open t.he curtain rather than ain8 in the ehoMJa. Do you know, not too 1118.ny' years sgo you.na ehi1.dren vere a~t1ae1 clasl1fied or JTOI.Iped as eanarle •• bll.lebirds or crowl ! I don't think a designation aa a crow vould be loat on too _ny children. RIther tohan delve deeply int.o t.he whys and wherefores of aueh situations, let's be hopet'U1 of today. ot new \lIlderstandings in the teach1nc ot -.!odc to ch1l4ren. I have certainl,:y heard &ood thinp about understanding teaehers gently and joyfU~ helplna children learn to I.Ile their voice ••


I a. a clo.et. _incer. Or, at le•• t I _. . I naively lana once in a folk.Olll contelt and va_ told I vouldn ' t have a chance becaule I lana "opera" . Lolillg the conte.t didn't bot.her _. be1nc told one .hou.ldn't. 'ine rou. lonca 1t lbe h. . t.alten voice lea10M did. One turn1nc point. in -:I attitude va. attendlna • I1ng1nc vorkahop at tba Rabbit Junction Oulct-r Peatival 1n Boulder thb p. . t 8ulaer . Not only vas the vorkahop leader, Bela, encourag1ng UI to 11ng, lhe enCO\l.r8.ged UI to work at 11n&1n& well. It felt sood to do breathing exercise. and not apoLosbe. Good dnglna; .till Ran. you can dna: vhat you vant . Voice lelaon. don ' t necel-.rilJ' _an one want. to audition tor the Met. 'nlue 11 -.ach -.y.tique &lid orten ailundent.an41ns; about '1n&1n&. I really don't .ee bow one could quarrel vith _kine word.

understandable throush ,004 diction and -UtI& one'. voice .trona and .are COIIt'or-

table through breath control. But before d1lcu .. 1nc ,cod '1n&1nc. let ' . return t.o .quare me and talk about '1n&1ng, period. Wou.l.4 you ehau.,nee thll stat.e.ent: Moat. people in t.he world have one brown eye and one blue eye. Probably. How about. t.his It.at~ nt: A IIIlljorit:y of the people in the world are basically tone deaf. Po .. ibly. Think ot ten people you know who don't line, uru.. .. coerced to participat.e in a roul1nc ehorul ot "Happy Birt.hda:y to :you". Do thele people to .. ott their I1lent ltatUI wit.h. "I'. tone dear" or "Oh. I jult like to UIten" or attelt to their kinlhip with rroga when it c:oeel to 11ngin&. Well, I ltand on record for aa:ying t.here 11 no sueh thing as tone dearn.e ... a ..wa1.nc. of course that. there are no at:rioul hear1nc or vocal probleu. I'. not alone with ~ ltand . Yet. here are all t.hea. people ..y1ng theyar. tone deaf. I contend that they never learned to coordinate voice and .ar. Let. ' 1 It.vay "'" unlortunat.el:y too otten true exa.ple. A chil.d 11 rdled. in I ~ ..,here there 11 lit.tle or no linging. ",,11 11 • eyclie thing . Parenti believe t.he:y ean't ling and thll 11 pa ..ed along to the ehild the parent.I theretore don't 11"&. goel to Ichool , unlure of

Let ' a exaa1ne a grown I.Ip "crow", hiding behind the "I ' . tone deaf" Iyndrc:ee. In the deep recell" of h1l/her be1n&. vould thll w.11-MIIecI crow like to aina. perha~ as aveetly as the n1&htlnple' I sbou.ld hope 10 . This expresaive instru.ent called a voice 11 alva:ya with you. On wind-swept .auntain tOPtl or in the coves biding wa terfalls one can sing to expreas a te.ling of ave. That upre .. ion of -.!ode 11 possible even i f one forget.a to tuelr. a hanaonica in a pocket betore leav1n& on a hike. 11' )'OI.I''Ye decided to work on n1ght1npIe st..at.I.Is, bow do you proceed! One poaltive .t.eP would. be a teacher. Reall,yt.here sre ao.e fine teseMr' Il'CIUtId who speclal1:te 10 vorking with people vho think they're tone deet . I '. not a speeialiat, but. I ' . certaW:y enthl.l.1astic. If you live cloat: to Winchelter, Virginia. I'll be glad to help you. I ' . hoping to conduct ao.e YOrklhops 10 .1ng1ng for the non-s1nger at s~ featiwu th1l Sua.er. I kDov ot at leest one veIl thought of t.eaebln' of nondnger. in Washington, D. C. Fosalbly alkine the -.!ode department of a univeralty o r college v111 sive :y0l.l .a.e contacts. I really feel that sa.one shol.ll.d leek a .. 1Itance in trying to eQl.la.l..1:te voice and ear - • peTIOlI who'll gI.Iide the atudent's voice in _tchin& tones. B:y the way. did you ever t.hink that good .1ns1n& 11 _inl.y good Ustening' T'ru.e: When two people york together. the leader a tone and the .tl.ldent triea to sing the I .... tone. The leader t.hen helpa, if neeelaar:y, by gI.Ilding the stl.ldent ' s voice h1&her or lover. eventually equal1:ting the tonea. It's a repetitive procel •• working rro. one tone to a rew to a song. I! you'd preter t.o york on . . tching tonel alone. try a pitch pipe. Go for a walk or wait I.IntU you ' re alone at helle (SOlIe plaee vhere you teel totall:y at ease, not. lhtened to). Blow a tone on the pitch pipe ~ C, for en-pIe. AI you ' re austaining the PitCh listen . Blav it spin (a long, even tone and lilten intently. And apin. Lt.ten. Turn the tone around in )'OW' .ind.



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Now, try to sing the pitch on "la" or another comrortable syllable. Blow the pitch again and sing "la" again . Does your ear tell you anything- that )'QU're too high or too low? Try another note - E, perhaps. Sustain the pit.ch and listen . Sing it over and over. Work slowly. Think in te~s of weeks and months, not instant success. Go for a walk, blow tones on the pitch pipe snd listen. Blow two or three tones in a kind of tune (E, D and C for example). Listen and repeat . Listen to hymns in chur ch . Are the tones high o r low? Listen to songs on a re cord or on the radio. Is the person singing lII&io1y high or low or both? If you ' re a jogger, remember the days and weeks it took for mUl ~les to respond, to build your strength and endurance. Coordinating ear and voice takes that lillie careful attention. But the rewards are many. Even if the world is never treated to your dulcet tones through lOlos , you can sin8 a_y with SOllIe assurance that you're in tune : Training your ear and voice. by the _y, will facilitate tuning your dulcimer.

... .. and the leaves are sweetly turning ..... Final vocal moments frOlll the Kentucky Music Weekend - Louievil.le, 1rt August, 1979 Suppose you already sing and would like SOllIe ways to improve the quality of your voice. Let ' s begin with the founda tion o f gpod sin8ing - breath control. You need a strong baBe to support your voice . Do you seem to gasp for air 2 or 3 twa in one line of IllUdc? Try takil'l8 a slow, deep breath . Stand tall. Put your hands firmly (but relaxed) at your waist thumbs at your sides, finger tips touching in front. Try to breathe "from your sto\lID.ch". thereby separating your finger tips. When you get your breath, hold it. Exhale and relax. Try it again, and this time sing a tone. Sustain it and try not to let too IllUch extra air escape along with the tone. Stand in tront of a mirro r and b r eathe as if beginning a song . Do your shoulders rise appreciably? Then your breath 1s too shallow. Consciously breathe deeper (from your stomach) and see the difference in the movement of you r shoulders. By the way, this is probably the time for a tip which helps me immeasUrably when

dnging. Anticipate . While playing or hearing the introduction I want for a song, I begin breatbing slowly (use SOGle good judgement if the introduction is five minutes lona:!) . When the time comes to sing , all I must do is open my mouth ! That possibly sounds very simplistic . But, pay attention when you ' re beginning to sing . You ' d be 1n the majority if you wait until you want to sta rt singing , gulp a breath o f air, open your mouth - and lose most of your air before you sin8 three Or four notes. Everythin8 i s too quick and shallow . DEEP BREATHING EXERCISE: (breathing deeply can sometimes cause light headedness, so be careful). Sit in a straight chair . Bend over so your head i s close to your knees. Dangle your arms loosely at your s ides. Raise slowly , breathing deeply until you ' re sitting tall and your hands are resting on your knees . You should have a deep breath . Now the trick is to get that same f eeling while standing up. Exhale the firmly held breath through a sustained tone (maybe on the s yllable "oh")' trying not to let too lIIUcb "hiss " accanpan;y it. Again, don ' t p,1sh it i f you fee l Ught headed.

In the next DRf we ' ll explore sane exercises for better diction and tone, plus try to put some of your good. s inging vith s ane dulcillaer playing . Be sure to see Dou8 Berch ' s notes on singing with the hBmDered dulcimer in this i ssue. Again, let me emphasiZe that s1nging better means simply that - you can still sing ~ ~ ~ with great joy - a french Art Song, an operatic aria, II. ~, a rousing folk song - anythill8. By the way , do you feel that voice work or espe cially learning a new instrument is for a young person in hiS/her teens or ~O ' s or 30 ' s or 40' s .. . You should read NEVER TOO lATE My Musical Life Story by John Holt. He ' s the author of HeM CHILDREN FAIL, HOW CHILDREN LEARN and other books. Publisher: Delacorte Press ISBN: 0-440-06641- 7 . I found it in the Winchester library , so I ' m not sure if it ' s available in paperback. Read it and think about learning to play the tuba when you're 65 !




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Shandon EeZZs arr. ron TUNE:


(Do Sol Do ' )

I learned thia be8ut1f\11 jig from Donna Maglin o f Concord, New Hampshire. She playa it. tl 5- string banjo. It sounds best if eros!! or finger-p1ckt!d at a tooderate telllJXl.


- Ron Ewing 2318 East Rahn Road

Kettering , Ohio 45440


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Who's Who


COVER: eL) Fred Meyer, Indiana dulet..er player, 1a featurl!d on toM album ROCKDtG CAADl . CR) Draus Berch 1& the nclplent. or .... ny dulc1_r cont.elt trophiu and currently builds dule_". 1n Philadelphia. ROlf EW'DfG ( "Shandon Belli"), II duleUier buIlder, 11 conddered one of the IIGlt knowledgeable playera of Irish IllUslc on t.be dule_f'. LOIS It)RHBOSTEL ( "'nit' 1fuIDor. of Whiskey") 1a an accOIIIplhhed puyer of Irillh t.une, on t.he dulcimer and 11 the author of t.he soon -t.o-be-releaaed book, THE IRISH DULC IMER . WILLIE JAECER (fe.tlv_l review) 11 • I1nser/longwrlt.er/duldmcr player from Denver, Colorado. MITZn: COLLINS (renhal review) has two al.bua. to her c redit: A SAMPLER OF FOLK MUSIC and THE Il:AVES or LIFE . LEO KRETZNER ( "51 Shea,. 51 Mhor") and JAY IAIBOVm (felt.lnI review) allo have two albuu, OOLCIMER FAIR and PIGTOWN FLING . RAlmY WILKINSON ("Bnnle Gey") plaeed r1.rst. in t.he Nat10nal Mountain Dulcs.-r Cont.elt. at. the Wlnrh!l.d, Kan"l reatival in Septealber, 1978 . lEOTA COATS (reCOrd review) , 0101'18 with her hlol.b"nd Art. , b. . worked wit.h the Walnut Valley Flat- Picking Champion.hipa at. Winrield, Kana.. ror unral years. TIM OLSElf (GAL Convention reView) 11 one of the guiding spirits of t.he GuUd of .... rican Lut.hlen, heedquartued in 'J'a~, Wu hingt.on. SAM MOf'FA'IT (ttDrulllll1ng on t.he Ha.lered Dulc1_r·) perfo,... and Ihl.ru her mu..red dulcimer pI-.y1ng knowledge through feltival workshop..

I ule ror atru-in& • pick _de of a n;ylon guitar "G" atr ing bent double and taped wit.h M,yat.ik cloth tape. The lengt.h and t.hlckne .. dependa on what. reels right. . Anne MacKay Orient, Long Island, NY

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• •

Appalachian Dulcimers §- Nil(reY"KJ

~ a{fcrtllltllllf"fj ,kj"-;

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it.im..i.Ib maJi.vg t.w~


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------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -....,


Bilcuit City 1325 Side one Hovi.ns on Dowll lolt" River; Mllraduke ' li Hornplpe/Oonna Go Hunt,in ' t'or "he Âťurrd.o/&olt.y River Reel; Warfare Ended; Tomb1gbee River; Ae Fond K18Sj Chlldgrove; Kos,eye/Old Mother Fl.&napn/ Bill Chea tu.aI

Side t wo Roll On, Wear River; Devlliah Mary; Goin8 Home; SollIe Hath fathen Gone to Glory/Satan Your K1n,sda. Must Come Dovn; Green Willia/Forked Deer; Hude Alone Shall Live Perlonnel: Cath,y B&rt.on: Rume red dulc1_r, banJo, guitar, vocala De. WI Para: (lui ta r. voca.1a

Ra.ona Jonel: Fiddle John Murdoclr.: Fiddle Jay Round: B. . . A perronler ' s firat alb\ml is important., not only to the performer h1alaelt , bu,y. abo to the PJ.blle all a tangible record of that performer ' s talents. MOVING ON IXJWI'f THE RIVER, cathy Barton' , firat albUlll , clearly enlllpies her vide rane;ine; talent , not only aa an excellent huDered dulcimer player, but alao.a II. superb banjo player (trailed ). guitar ist and dnger. CIlthy Barton has beCOlle relatively vell known, In the MUhtelt at least, as a whit.-bang _ _ red dulc1.aer player, one of the belt anywhere. If t.hl8 alb\mi is indicative, however , lhe vants to go behond that catesorhation. 0nJ.y half of the cuts on the a.lbUII feature the taa.Drered dulciJlerj Cathy doel outstanding JUIt1ce to this unique inltrWDent. The u.1nder of t.he cuta feature Cathy on either banjo (four cutl) or a _llav guitar (three cuts). J ust as pleaaure4ble as anything ehe on th1l album, though , are the vocals. Guitar player /hu.band Dave Para provides voe:el haraoniel that are lOIIIet1me1 exquisite, at tilDel unulual, but nice. Ii bJ.a pIlla of thb albua b the variety and lCOpe of the IIIlterill selected for it. ror t he IIIOSt pe r t, it ' s mterial not previoully reccrded. or only infrequently r ecorded ebewher e a r efre.hing change . The Uner notel are well done, documentaUng the origin ot the t unea . The he.talDe r ed dul.c1mer pieces are both frantic and gentle. "Going HolDe" is uncharact erbtie:eUy mellow - and hUDered dulcimers aren ' t very mellow instruments , &enera~ lpeaking - but. Cathy IllUeS this tune one ot the highHghtl ot the album , a gentle , delicate piece. The bI.a.ler ed dulc1Der can abo eJ:eite an audience . Cath.y lhowl how on, tor elt&llple, a three - tune lledley vith "Maraduke ' . Hornpipe" and "Salty River Reel-, two tunel t~t bracket a .1nor key obscurity, "Gonna Go tllntin ' For the Burr-lo". The ease at transition in this .ed1ey apeaks well ot the Cathy and CoJr,pan.y arrangement. Ii part1l..oulArlÂĽ vell done KD piece 18 "Chlldgrove" which ta. lome nitty iaproviaation. The last tune on the albUil il double- recorded by Cathy on hllaaered dul.c1ller, a round, "Music Al.one Shall Live". It ' . a n int.riguing piece. The title lOng , "Moving on Down the River", is a brJ.aht, toe - tappIn ' lOng , both instruIDentally and TOcally solid . Cathy solces the verses and is backed by leveral voices on the charue . A particularly notable vocal number 11 ''Warfare Ended " which Cathy and Dave introduce accapella and then both aecoapany on guitars. 'lbe guitar, on this cut are nice al the vocal. On another duet with Dave , Cathy playa banjo and Dave, guitar. "&.e Kave Fat.Mrs Gone to Glory"/"Sat&n, Your Kingdca Mu.t COIle Oovn" are tve hyllns that lend themselves vell to the unusual harwony of tM IU"rangement . Anothe.r plus of thil tour- star albu. 11 the clASlY ball by Jay Round. He add. a solid, but unobtrul1ve baa. line. to five cuts. A "hoe-down d1men'i~m " re.ult. fro. some good f1ddllni; by Ramona Jone. on tbe "Hogeye"/"Old Mother Flanagan"/"Bill CbeatUil" ~ley . John Murdock fiddle, on three other cutl . This i. In enthusialtically recallllended album, not only to baaaered dul.cialer ranI, but alao to .. l1e tans or all genre . It ' , JUBt plain good IllUl1e with enough scope that e ve ryone should enjoy it. - Leota Coats




Wellington , Kansll.8 67152 Ed . Note: At the requ.,t or .any people, the om will run review. in additi o n to the caplule notel ghen about books and records in the What " New colUlln . The What ' s Nev column can tell you what has been releued alalolt betore the ink is dry on the albUll cover or book jacket. The reviews will be .are eOllprehenl1ve. Since the DPW is a quarterly p.1bl1cation (rather than .. IIOnthly) , there von ' t be enough lpace to review everything , but there will be a good .u ot IKIUntain dulc1Der albuml, KD album.s and book,. Leota Coat. will be in c.harge at the review., and you a r e e.ncouraged to lend her review .. te r iall. 27 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

DrummIng on The fj[:lmmered DulcImer ... 5[:lm mOff [:lTT At. t.he t.iIIe I nartoed playl", . , hIla. . red dulc1ater , about. I )'Mor and I hair ago, I alia audit.ed • Jln blprovi.. t.lon

«>une U ... nearby collqe. At. lobe u-Icbtor', .uggelt.lon, I Joined. 'Ie." Arrican 1~1nc en.lHDU, .~ have been Iplit.tLna ~Ch or -.y .lnce t.hen bet.v en ~rln& aDd 1ru..lnc. 'nl4! -.aile: v .. LHm rra. our A.tTica" Lf'acher in t.he en....tIle 11 played on -Ill t,yp.. or druu an<J pe r ('U.l1on 1.nlltru.ent.. , and t.he t.echniquea an,} approe.ctt I have harned t.here lee. to have had • .t.rong inrluence on ~ ha.-ere:t dulc1JDer playlns. So I have alway. t.hou&ht or th4> ha_r.d dulcimer .. • peTcu .. 1ve and rhytta1c in.truMnt.. a • .ueh .. a _lodl<! (lola. In the Co.by. Tenne .._ Du.lc1aer Conftnt.lon an ~r. I dilplayed .~ ot trw • • •:j~ " Idea. 1n a work.hop, and haft dOfW' .everal vork.hoPi ,1nee, vhere -:/ U ... have developed, putJ.:r due to tbe ,.rtlci~t1on ot othera. I don ' t k.now it I C8.a vrlte about it. a. vldl .. t could 11aply :le.onltrate it, but. I vill try here ~ live you .a.e Uea or a dru_1ng appro.('t, Tollow1na 'reeltercbe. to try )'tNr duleu.er:


2. fb!yrh¥Lhu : Try pla:y1n& t.vo I n t.erlocklill rbTthu .u.ultaneoudy. Apin, ltart on • pl.~ or wooJ, or v hllt.ever, udD« )"OUT _-.en, anl en_bIhb the JlIIttern beton t.rylq it. on t.he dl,llclAtr . SUrt. Ii.ply anl YOrk trc. thera. A, vit.1:!. t.he first. .:urdu, t.ry udq JUIL ant

eourM a .. rir.t., or OCtAve lnt.enala, t.hen experIMnr. vh.b other Int.ervall. In t.t~ tollov1nc eu.pleo. or polyrh.TtM. , the


r i ght. hand t.he IlUlIe, anJ t.he lert. hand incr..... a 11tt.le 1n coaplex1t.y. Ttlele could be fu r t.her va r ied b~ alt.e r -

nat.ely playing. I.Y. (a ) and (c) 11'1 repeat.ed .... tern ••

All are in 3: 4 tu.e .

(.) Right Ha.nJ



Dn. a repet1tl" rhytha on a

uble top or the> M&.relt. llarJ .urrace with • pir ot ~ra. Att.er a tev a1lNte. ot t.t 11. ~r t.be . . . patt.ern on your dul-

c1_r. Pla:r alternate hIlnd. GO one course ot atrirll' to .t.art. Vit.lI, tt.n try pla:rlng t.ve .t.rirll', ,uch •• D al\ll G, or A ,n1 I . ExPt'ru.ent with t.wo hanJ. 1n uniaon and "irregular" hand p&tt.ern' (1n.t.ead ot lert , r18~.t. It'rt. , right) . .so.. IU86e.ted r hyt.~... are:

(.) (b)



m v

, I:..J..J













,8 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

Both of these exercizes can lead into some interesting improvisations , especially if you can play v1th another IllUsic1an who is interested. Even playing alone, I find drUllllling repeated patterns often develops into playing little tunes which are sugges ted by the patterns thelllselves . Playing drum patterns also helps ~ general skills . The repetition allavs !lie to think about technique, speed , dynamics, etc. without also wondering if I ' m playing the melody correctly. In more structured music (as when playing with a dance band), the drumlIIing approe.ch has helped !lie to develop a chording technique by tuning lIIe into pos sible rhythJns I can playas the accompanying instrument . ~en playing solo lIIusic, I ' ll often vary a tune by playing a verse of chords which are brOken into varioull rhythills.

One of ~ as - yet untried experiments with the dulcime r drulllll1ng is to gather an ens emble of 5 or 6 hammered dulcimers (with players!) and invite each person to play one part (one rhythm) of a polyrhythmi c piece as is done 1n drtllllllling enselllbles. We would choose a "keY" or a cer tain series of notes 1n advance, thereby keeping the sound SOll1ewhat hanaonious. Players lfOuld, in turn, vary their avn rhythms , and the strings they hit , as the piece progressed. 1 believe a wondrous kind of music would result. Want to try

it? - Sam Moffatt Box 262

Thetford Center. VerlllQnt 05075

.t Vossel ; Vossel .t (VlddlSn d~nce TUne)

fC J rJ ~ -, ~ JJ J d-,"1 J J:l 4j '1


-1) d''1) n n, jJ J J ; i路1

I found the basic tupe in a book called YIDDISH POFVIAR SONGS . It ' s fun to play fast and is open to many Variations of rhythillic accents. On the two- note figures, I usually play the melody note (the higher - pitched one, in this song) with ~ right hand. You can also experiment wit h playing trelllelos at the end of every second measure on the dotted quarter and half- notes .


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DPN readers might find the following r ecord interesting . MHS 3094 THE RQUoW'ITAlf CIMBAUJoI featuring Gheorghe Radulesco on the cimbalom backed by Gypsy violins. Cuts : "The Bucharest Sleigh ", "The Gypsies of Felentari " , "Stopover in Transylvania" and 1'* others. MHS records are available only f~ the Musical He r itage Society, 1'* Park Road, Tinton Falls, New Jersey 07724 ($3 .95 to lIIembers of the Society, and ~mbership is basically free).

George Osner 1617 Idalou Modesto, CA


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Recent.ly I've expert.ented with the haflll:u:red dulcilller a. an accospan1llent for linging. The first probl~ wal, "What do I doT". ~ leCOflj was, "Kov do I avoid drovning out III)' voice'''. I began by playing the melody and linging in unison with vhat I val playing . A~ I bectllle IftOre co:a.fortable with two thinsa happening at. once, I found III)'sel.f playing harmony 11nes vith lIlY .inging . It. seemed t.o be a nat.ural t.hing. ste_ing fra. ~il1arity vit.h bot.h inst.rumenta. In t.he beginning , a fledgl1ng singer can .haply drone a note to aCCOllpany • • ung _lOOy. Chorda provide Iu.ple and beaut.ifUl .cCOllpe..n1aent.s, particularly vi th l10w .Ongl. Th1l technique can be elaborat.ej upon by adding a deacending or a.cendine balll Hne.

Bet.ween verses I 11ke t.. pb.y i ns lru_ntal. . 1 oft.en use two-dJed mumlt"ra (felt. on one lide. bare on t. lle o t. h~r) and t.h,ue can be used to advantafe fQr melodic intere.t.. I acca.pany lIlY voi ct' wit. h the felt.-padded side (Therefo re not. drowning out the words) and t.hen svitch t.o the wooden .ida for inllt.rumentals. The hammered dulcimer is a nice de~ part.ure fra. the regul.ar, steady rhyt.hlIical sCCOllpanlllent of !DOst othf.r It.ringed inst.rulllllnll. It is slso nice to end a mournf\ll or s&4 IOns with a Uvely tune on thf. dulc:t.er. The pouibil1tie. are enda.s. ~ Doug Berch 759 Sout.h 4th St.. Philadelphia, PI. 19147

HasDered Dulcimer Group telllons University of Washington Expert.ental Collige Six Week Course in playing the ~red dul.c1aer

TVa less ions every Ichool quarter Clallea _et once a week for 1 1/2 houn Colt : $15 Teacber: Ray Mooers Experblental College catalogue available through t.his Iddresl: Expert.ental College 103 Hub FK- IO University of Wl.lbingt.on Seattle , WashJ..Dcton 96195

(206) 543-'375 Mountain Dulc1mer Group Leuons Friends of Handley Library Winchester, Virginia Six veek courlle in playing the IIOUnt.ain dulciller Clalles held on Monday evenings for 1 1/2 hours Cost.: $26 Teacher: Madeline MacHeil For infonaation, contact : Madeline MacNeil P.O. Box 2164 Wincheater, VA 22601

(703) 667-370/. Classes begin in .id-.January

Mountain Dulcilller:


I enJ~d David Schnauter ' . valuable article and dulciller tab describing t.he finger picking .tyle he learned rro. Rodge r Harril . (FaU DPN : Vol. ') , No.4) It's based on a good principle uled by players of _flY .trine inlltrument.B - t.hat. note. ring out. IIOre clearly lind true when played on alternat.ing .trings. Variation. of this technique have been developed by several other dulct.er playera 1 have hear - vhich is « nat.ural occurr ence as the in.tru.ent. ' s potenttala are discovered. Each player, in turn, addl a bit. or hialelf to it., as Rodger and David have done vit.h their clallY _y. or playing. The "locale run" technique I u.e vas adapted. ~ a Ityle 1 heard Kevin Roth delcribe st. one of his workshops. He ules it. on 4-equidistant-string.Mixolydian (do ~ 80l- do.do) tunings . 1 found it alao worked well in 3- ltr1n& Ionian (do~ sol- sol) t.unings because in bot.h t.unings the rir.t t.wo .tringl are tuned in unison. If you listen to Kevin ' s recording of "Pl&nxty George Brabazon" you ' u hear S~ be«utirul exIlIIplel or t.hia technique. I've found th1l t.echnique elpecially goo.1 for "O'Carolan's Receipt. for DrinKing", anot.her harp t.une II'ht're t.hoi!o _lexly line na..... :Sown t.he scale. Following 11 a tablat.ure that u.e. varioul techniquea for playing the _ledy notes on all three IItrings, using 3- string Ionian t.unins. The t.echnique. lIIIke for econo.y or .otion for your left hand, and you don't have to work too hard to get. the not.es. It. ' s t.he Irish t.une "The Humou r s of Whi ~ key", and it ' ~ f\ln to play. ~ Lois


115 Mark Tvain Or . River Ridge, LA

30 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com




This tune Is otten played as :l Jig, but the melody is 80 pretty I like to flngerpick II at II sl ower, lIItin; tem po. It'a fun to play! srrsneed by LOIS HORNBOSTEL

Key :O Tune: AAD I onian F1nl:erplcked



: rnrn

J))J)J o


: rnrn


















Copyrigrt. Mel Bay Product-i o ns _ Used by pennis.::ion . FrOlll THE IRISH OUlCIMER.

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3000 Tools Woodworking and Musical Instrument Making Books, Pinishing Products a nd

Tools of the highest quality Cata l og $1 . 00 Woodcraft Supply Corporation Dept .


313 Montvale Avenue Woburn, Massachusetts


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C>.I.r Day Tr. . ~nt. FTocru 11 for ellOUonali.)' 111 InJiviJl,la,.1 ~ yearl and ...:Ier who difficulty in (:Opine v1t.h probuu or everydll)' livine. Mud.:: can be Uled to help ~ir lit.ultlonl by 1) .ncourasine .xprellion or r •• 11nal, 2) helptns client' be~ In· 'fOl~ In the here and alJII, 3) In,Illd1rlc ,elt· e'tef.'_ t.hrou&h I unle or acoc.plh~nt., 'lp1rlLnc in.iCht., 5} ~t.ill& VOUP cohulvena .. t.hrou&t. 'Lnc1nc and ~ t.opt.her, 6 .int.ainil1l client. intereat t.hrougr. a run .ct.hlt.y. We -.:et ror an hour, tva to t.hree t.t..ea a IIOnth plu. ve encourace .pontaneou. pt.her1ncl dllr1J\a; tree t . . . Mike Rhkin, M.S. "' . an1 profe .. iC/rJll.l gvitarht.. Bruee V11kin, B.S , in ~ychol.ogy atd .tudy!nc *-Ja1c the",P7 at. S~.enandQII.h Colle~ and Conaern.toQ or Mualc in Winche.ter, Virl1nia, a rlddler and guitarbt and I, an R. If., dulclMr antl iJUitar p1a~r are the ,roup t.herlphta. We plan t.he grouP' to include nev experience', encouraae part.icipat.ion and aol1cit t.hought.. Ind reelIng. rrom t.he client. • . Our ..-ben are eocouraged to brll11 In ,ons' to b. included in our 10111 book, vhich now hAl aver 40 10ngl . One or u. uluall¥ ean .coc.paO¥ a 10"1; 11 not., ve do the IOC\I aCClipella. Mike. Bruce, I cllent. and I do 10101 ir t.he toone of the group leeu right., or we talk about a ala1eal event at.tended o r hea.rd recent.ly. The grOU}lC give UI I chance to Ih. polhive teedNck to everfone : Even t.he quiet. withdNIm individual can be prd.ed tor aeUft ll.tenins. not. to -.:nt on t.hole who '1na:, play or act.ivate t.he rolk dancll1l ~ll. (llaber. j.cka, leo.9I!r doll.). W. don ' t. tw.Y'e t.o be perrect. "'. laugh at Ncb ot.her and ourl.lve. vhen we IOOr~ Mo.t. or t.he cl1ent.1 have never leen a dlllclMr and are curiou. about ita origin, how to play it, atd how lort. it. aounde. BeCliu'e .t.ple tunu can be learned quickly. the dul_ e.lM.r p-orldel inatant. podt.1ve lucee .. , a reel1nl or acoc.pl1lt.ent. Bruce bdS- 1ndl. v1d~ experience 'f1lrlou. _deal toola ualnc b1l riddle, bella, dance. and . . . . . Mike can ICC<*pany anyone and b. . taken a .pectal lnt.ereat in teaching t.he guitar to individual• . BeClluU Dldc 11 a~th1na tMt. everyone haa exper ienced .o.et.lM in t.heir Uvel, it 11 • ~n ele.nt in our group. We caplO)' it to help ot-hera to help t.be..ehel and to t..ve t\I.n. Space doel not peralt me to .hare the _ny experJenca. we've had, but. one, I r ... l, br1rlc' the t.port.a.nce or ... de in OUr procram. to light.. A _te, "ltbdrawn client. ,,110 had beet! in our prog:ra. ror three YMrI and leemecl lvare or ber.elf only, re.pooded .poo· taneoul17 atter bee..r1nt; t.ba group dng Chrlltal caroll acC<*panled by t.he dulct..er vith, "That val niee". Nude t.ouched her. An10ne de. iring .ore lntorMt.ion on our II.ldc group . y vrit.e to.. . Converaely, I ' d 11ka to bell' fro. otbera vbo ua. ala1c in their Mental flealth or vork a1tuatlon. Wi

Shirley B1t.t.inc 896 Kolborn Court. Sterllna;, VA 221'(0

(703) 430-2267

P.O. BOX 8 , COSBY. TENNESSEE 37722 PH ONE: (6 15 ) 487- 5543

Reuil (auto,

Specillitin, in .aunt,in and ha... red dulci.crs -- finished or in kit for. .- by several aakers and in every thin, for thea. In addition to • I co.plete line of builders' supp lies and accessories, ve carry nearly every book and record albua in print featurin, either kind of dulei.cr.

.0. Refundable With Order


10\ discount on book and rt'lcord a,lIx.l. purchases totailln, .are thin $36.00. JtalWllu

Sdtdt..Utg Announcina The Relel,e, Throulh CRYING CREEl PUBLISHERS Of The Second Edition, Revised And Expanded, Of: ' ''OtORDAL EXPlORATJo..s FOR 3-STRINC DOLCIHER IONI","i TUNING -- C-G-C', by Jerry Rockwell '

$4.95 Plus Postlae, Direct.

Or At Your Music Store.

Ou.lci-.:r People Serving The Needs Of Ou.lci.er People Dealer Inquiri es Invited .

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sheag sf rnhoR


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t:DRlogb ca Rola n aRR. leo kRet:zneR


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1 I}


I IU I .--



I -


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ilER£" r't<:

#J)PN 029 SE 1'111/# &, ,.wS'1 ;11#';-~¥

Back issaes

P.O. BOx 2164 Winchester, VA


Back issues of the DULCIMER PLAYERS NEWS are $1 . 50 each, postage paid . For more information concerning the contents of these issues, send a stamped, self- addressed envelope .

o Vol. o Vol. oVol. Vol. Vol. Vol. o Vol. Vol.

1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3,

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6 (Sept -Oct 1975) 7 (Nov- Dec 1975) 1 (Winter 1976) 3 (Summer 1976) 4 (Fall 1976) 1 (Winter 1977) 2 (Spring 1977) 3 (Summer 1977)

Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol.

3, No . 4 (Fall 1977) No . No . No . No . No. No . No . 5, No .

4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5,

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

(Winter 1978) (Spring 1978) (Summer 1978) (Fall 1978) (Winter 1979) (Spring 1979) (Summer 1979) (Fall, 1979 )

o Short Supply J6

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c.A qptl ·profi,

Ikdl(:.'r:d 10 lite .1/ IJ'~' or


tdr.Ip%IIIf!'t' or,1IP .rt or '~"'llIrlC'nf conslll..:flOlt


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Home of Front Hall Records We specialize in books and records of traditIOnal music of the US. Canada and the British Isles Hammered & mountain dulcimers.kits.bodhrans. concertinas, Danfonh bones. lin whistles. bagpIpeS. folk IOYS, ocarinas. and above all

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Free 24 page catalog. Andy's Front Hall RD I Voorheesville. NY. 121B6

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ArtSJlTION: Itev Jene), D.llc_r ~er. The lev Je r R)' Oulct-r &OC1et, t.. JUlt ~n crpnbed. ltw fint. Ret,inc was belJ OcWber 23rd at eM Sa1th ,.. .117 ' . P1nt>lanils Du.ld..er Sho~ Mar Medford I..tn, kv J.,uey . We ~ 11ke to lei! our Society SJ"CN. All it. taU. is people and their 10.... ror the Jul. ct.er aDd It.a beaut,1M .... le . Our..,la an -.ny, nnc1nc rro. into,...l J... to .e.lMra ar\J vorUho~ ror bot.h fretted Lnd ~red duleI.n. Anyone vtah.1na info,....,lon 11 aneourage;! t.o contAct. Sylvia Ml"llon, Act,1n& SecretAry. Jerce)' Dulc_r Society , 141 Halt1.horne Dr ive , Mt.. Holl,)', s.-v Jene)' 06060.


OrHon Mount.aln Oulct.er Co-op, ""ry Ann &-...ell , 33 Buell St. .• Burl1nston , VT 0')401 Create" Wuh1naton Oulc1lller Db-Qr pnlution . Ke i t.b You.nc . 3815 Kendale ftf •• Annandale, VA


Bdts..or e, Maryland OuleiRr Club , s.. Ann PUtone_ , 1219 Nort.hrlev Rd •• Baltaore , MD 21218 Or_tel' Dayton Area OuJ.c:1Rr Soc:1et.y , Harold. and Jte,t.hr> rl~ "'r1. , 4405 E S~t. . bu•• 40, Tlpp Ci t.y, Ohio 4~371 h.ir1e Duld_r Club, ikl"ft1 L. Print, 9SI.o Wa.r , Ovel'laad ~,.a. !tlftUl 66212 Or~1nal Oulct.er Pl.alter. ClLl., Box 136. Ityrco Center , Mlo!htcao 1.9)15 McWl.taln Dulciller Aaaoclauon, P. O. Bcui: 1072. tllnUvUJ.. , Ala. . 35807 Lcuinoil.le Dulc1.-r Sodet.)', &I .t.y Bt.uedle. 208 Aah A'll! . J ~ V&ll.ey , ~ntuek7 1.00')6

I a • .aki na: a collection or ato r iea r elatina: t.o t he dulc1lM! r - 1\Inny or othervhe 1ntenaLina: exper iencea in the oourlle of playing, trav.Una: v it.h , or othenrhe dee na: with t.he .:.untA.in dulc1.-r . You know . 11ke a:01n& throu.&h airport ..cur1t), and convincil'll the relk. thllt )"OU ere not c:arl'71ne .~ lort of gun in that lone • • U.II.lI¥ ca .. - th1n&a t.hat cou.ld onl), beJlPf!:n t.O"i Jlllc1.-r player . Arqooe vtll1nrc to their experiencee vitt: _, pl .... vr1te to t.he: aJd"u belov o I'd abo be intereat.d in hM.r1nc rn:. II:IJ'OIW int.e"ated 1n Jl.Ilc:w.r , playins tosether, e"c . in tbe SQuthern calitornia area , lie bdnc a oev~r to theae bere par ta. Jon)' W1uon 3011. Ar1&ona Ave. Santa Monica , CA 9Ql.04


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Books aDD R.ecoRDS Books and recoN ' and other dulc1mer- relat.ed _terials are IIIIde available through the

DULCDKER PLAYERS NEWS in an effort to be a service and resource for you the reader. Because of apace limitation!!, these lIIII.t.eriala will be list.ed once or tvlee a year. However, limply write and ask fOr a listins: whenever deBired and you ' ll receive a free catalogue QUtllnlng everyt.hing in sOG:le detail. Ne ... 1tellls and their prices ....ill be listed 1n each OPN. ORDERING INFOfa.tATION

Moat. itellls are sent via United Parcel Service or U. S . lMil, firat. clan. A street. address 11 needed for UPS service . It your address is a rural route, a phone number is helpful infOf'1ll8.tion. rosTAGE RATES


$1.10 for the first. 2 book • • 2';' for

DULCDIER PlAYERS 1f!;WS Blue Ridge Dulcicler Shop

each additional 2 books. $1 .20 for the first 2 albums (or

P. O. Box 2164 Winchester, VA

double album), 15¢ for each additional

albuDI. TAX:

Virginia residenta, please add



salel tall: to your order.


(fIlua:::qered DulciMer)

HAMmRED DULCIMER. (an instruction/tunea book) Peter Pickov ~ 'l'HE HAM<mRED DUlCIMER Norlll8n Hughes ~ EASY COORD PIA UNC; METHOD FOR HAMMERED ootclMER Lilah Gillett


(Mountain Oulcilaer)



(HaJrmered DulcUler) Patty t..oc-n


Malcolm DalSl1sh, Grey Larsen THREE FORKS OF CHEAT Trapezoid ~ THE FIRST OF Al1I'UMN


WAILLEE, WAILIJ:E Dorothy Carter~ MOVlJ( ' ON DOWN THE RIVER Cathy Barton ~ F~ EARTH '1Q HEAVEI'I Wry Stray (John McCutcheon, Rich Kirby. TOIII Bledsoe) ~ JUBILEE Guy Cara.... an ~ "mE LEAVES OF LIFE Mitzie Collins ~ RECORDS

(Mountain Dulcimer)

BlACK MOlINTAUI DULCIMER Alan Freeman, Frank Beall ~ Slt6.DY GMVE Peggy Donaldson Smith ~ DULCDU:R AIJ..IANCE IN CONCERT The IN.lc:lmer Alliance ~ DULCIKER INSTRUCTION ALBI.J4 (book, 2 albUJlls) Kevin Roth - ~ PIG'I'O'WN FLINO Leo Krett.ner, Jay Leibovitz ~

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