1979-02, Dulcimer Players News Vol. 5 No. 2

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no 2

spRIng 1979




Dana vlsseut:s

• Yu, you counted correctly . There are DOre pages 1n the Spring 1979 DPrf than you ' ve found In .. long time - or ever . There are leveral reasons, one beins the acqule1t1on of .. bulk 1II&1l1.ns penait. When the Dm' is mailed without the permit, the cost is 2<¥ per t ..ue. provided: t~ weight is under two ounce'. With the peradt, the weight allowance gou up to three ounce! and the coat. 18 B.4¢ per hsue . Of course. at least 200 co pies 1DU1t. be mailed at once aTd they IllUst be sepa rated and bundled accor ding to ".lp 00<1 •• , but tM '.Vinal I, con _ siderable . The BIG TOUCH c»!De1 whe n individual copies a r e _1led or when copie. are returned because we Mffln ' t been notified ot an addnl .. change . Those copies will coat 40¢ nch . But II.Y all11 18 to 'live you good iuues, rlthln the lu.ltatlonl of OOlleY. talent and


Tour lluagestlon. are al.va.ys VClCOIIIe , as are articles aM drawings . The hlI.aIIered. dulcimer coverage 18 fUller in this isaue, and ve wnt the coverage to grow . The DPrf is as much yours IU it h mine, and I can only beat the bushes so much. So I118n.y ot you have excellent ideas, and I encourage you to share thelll. Don ' t worry about aublll1tting articles typed, double- spaced . Oh , of course typing certainl¥ he1pa, but I . . quite good at dec iphering and -r dictia:tary is al_ya close at ham!. Speaking of the dictionsry, did lIIBriy of you catch the use of the word "restive" 1n the editor ' s letter, Wbt.er 1979 issue? One bright subscriber brought it. to rrq attention . Restive _ans, "refUdng to go fonrard, hard to contr ol, nervous or impatient" . Maybe I felt those things, but I really meant to say "res tful". Moral: open that dictionary IDOre orten ! I bave IIOVed - rtt. F'ront Royal to Winchelter, Virginia . Winchester is 17 miles nortb ot Fro:'it Royal, very close to the West Virginia border . This city of approxiwiltely 35 ,000 people is known tor apples and their p:'ooucts (applesauce, 'rlnegsr, etc.). Each May there is a vorld-faIIOus Apple 81osl 0lll Festival, colllplete with psgeantry and a b4!; parade. Not being a :1evotee of crowd a and boopla, I have usuall,y kept away t'roIII the major testival activities in the paat. Now everything ltill be happening a fev blocks fl'0III my apartment. Please continue to send corres pondence , articles , pi ctures , etc . to Front Royal, as that h III,)' pe.rlD8nent sdduu. But, please note the nev phone number: (703) 667-3704. It you get rrustrated because you receive no answe r, you can try (703) 635-7983 and leave a message nr discover ~ to reach me . Many people have contributed to the Dm, and I'd 11ke to recognize sOllIe folks vhose I'I8lIIeS VO!l't be round on articles and sonas throughout this iuue. The folloWing people helped to put the Winter isaue together, came by and loaned tYPin8 ski1l8 aod .beer brawn by carryi.n,s heavy bozea filled vith Dffi' . or shared deUghtfUl drawings and lettering for this haue : Doua: Berth, Michel Legare, John Bende.r , Betty Stuecl.le, lteitb Young, Mary Young, Mrs . Albert Moomaw "cary Young ' , lovely .other fl'om Lincoln, Ifebnuka who spent one evening of her Chrhtlll3.s vacation 1n Washingto:'l, D.C. stapling your last DPft together), Phillip YOUIl8, David Young, Gary Westfall, Gail Freiberger, Robin Gaiser, Kit Connaway, Pat Appino , Woody Padgett, Scott YOUIl8, Sam Ann Putonen, Paul Putonen , Ron Penix, Jennifer Schultz, and Denise Mowery. M,y grateful thanks go to Ulelll and to thoae of you who continually .ho.... your support in .any tangible - and intancible - ways. Escb iuue of the DFtf shovs a Uttle growth. ScmIe of that growth iln't evident to the reader, such as the waxer acquired in January. The waxer place. a thin teat ot wax an an article to be mounted for the photo-offset proceu. The article. can be ahUted and reused IIIOre ealily. NoW' I no longer have rubber ce!llent stuck in III,)' hair for t vo ....eek. arter the DPIf goes to the printer. The sa:1dle stapler acquired in November is IDOre noticeable, since your issues sre now ataple.1 . The aadd..le stapler lD8lr.el the Job. tittl.e 81!Dpler than using the long, flat staplee vhich always seemed to fall apart at the: vronc IIlO!IIent . I keep thinking how nice it wo1.lld be to have a d.ecent typewriter . Gue .. I ' ll Just have to keep think.1.ng •... I hope. to meet you at one of the many fine festivals scheduled for thh Spring and SWllller. If you ' re in the Winchester, Virginia area, pleue call and atop by it you can. Dulciaerrily,

~.e~<,--Madeline McNeU Dm Editor


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Feedhach Dear Maddie :

Huaer c1ule1lller tllns .ay want the r ecord "The Per lan S8.ntur - Music ot Iran" (lloneauch Explorer Series H-72039) . I t features Ra Iser aaltepr- lfejad, s1n&er and santUl' player. end v1ol1n and dalback (dnua) aeCO:llpsnu.ent in Ic.t Iranian lIIu1e . 'nle jacket., inc:1deatall.y, tell. UI that the ellntur _. invented by Persian pb1l.olopher Abu Sane FllU'8.bl in the 9th century, .0 llUof we knov who to credit tor the o r161nal halllDf!r dulcimer. Or do


The lIortcover edition ot "How to Make and Play the Dulcimore" by Chet Kines is ava1l.able tor $6.95 froaa Stacltp;)la Booka , ea-ron and. Kelker Str eeta, Rarr1llburg. PA 17105. Floyd El.l.1na;ton

1708 Redcoat Drive Charlotte,

He 28211

Dear Mad.d1e: I'd like to kno" i t any of the DP!I reader. have experleoce giving 'oi'Orklbopa fOr kids and senior cithen. UI1ng the baaaered dulcia1!!r . I,.. lpeak1nc or people who Ilpprec.1.ate but do not play the inltnu.e!1t . I have .tOIle r ough 1deaa vhich involve ~n.t.rat.1na: and diacu8sin& rhyttau . but would love IOIlle tnp!t. t'!'OIII other. who aight bave done a1.Ja.ll.&.r workshops . Ma. Saa Mottatt Box


Thetford Center, VT


Dear Maddie: I 1lI1nted to Ilentlon to you the Museull of Appalachia which i s located Jllst ott Interstate 75 in lforris, Ten:tessee . It you haven ' t alread.,.v heard of t.h1s place, U's _11 worth a visit. especially to see the collection of I'm- _de" stringed lIllalcal instrullents . There are =any mountain dulcimers , i ncluding a !re tles. one and a good s ize dulcimer made fro. a gourd ! Print.e4 infol"\llCLtion on each of tbe instl'Ullll!!nts 11 available at the BJseWII. Randall tta.r.:ln 32- C Jefferson Street Manchester, Connecticut


Dear Mad:tia: I appreciate Dick Tracy ' s note about. the Dulcimer Fair (Winter 1979 DAf) . But I ' d Uke to add that our Green Mountain Dulct..er Co-op, which sponlOred. the event , hu about ten active .embers who contribu ted a sreat deal to makll t.he Du1c:L.er Fair a .ucee.. . We are already 1ook1n& forvsrd to the SeCODd Annual nuc1aer Pa1.r in September. The Du.lcimer Co- op viII sponsor a woruhop and concert wi th Lorraine Lee aru1 Jake Walton on April 27th . Ir any readera would like IIIOre detalls on these events or other activities of the Green Mountain l>.llcWer Co-op, please contact • • Mary Ann SUIlels 33 Buell Str eet Burl.1naton, Vermont. 05401 Three nell'


organizat.ions have


to our at.tent.ion .

The Huntsville, Alabelll3 Mountain Dulct.er Aaaoc1atiO!l _ets on the 3rd Saturday of each IIDnth . Du.es are *5 per t'aail.y . For int'ol'llltion , contact Mrs. J.R. Maulsby , 416 Gr een Acres Drive, N.W., Ifwtt.sville, AlabaJal 35805. The Greater Dayton Area Dulc1alore Society of Deyton, Ohio will co- sponsor the lat Tra dit.ional Music festival at. Pioneer Village in Warren County, Ohio June 22- 24, 1979. For lnfot'IE.tion O!'l the society, contact Harold and Katherine SIroart . 4405 E Street JbJte 40, Tipp City, Ohio 45371 . The new Ba1timal'e, Maryland Dulcimer Club haa quickly grow to 14.15 people:. Meetings are beld each IIOnth lI'here , as I un::!erstaru1 i t , good -.sde and good food abounda . For fi.\lnt'oration , contact SuI Ann Putoneat. 1219 Korthviev Road , Ba1tiaore. Maryland 21218. r..:"6~,



Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

DULCIMER At.I'I'HOR: Pel.er Pickov PUBLISHER: Oek Publl~tioru ISBN: 0- 8256- 0174-6 1Wfo(ER E!)

wb at : 's ne wf

ecl dulca er to r t.he besinn ing and This velC08le new book b s comple te guide to t.he hamlller cont.ra dance tunes, claaai cal, and dance aquare 25 over s advanc ed player . It in~ude Ther e t~ U. S . and Cireat Britai n. count.r y and rast.i. e pieces , plul tradit1 0nlll tunea froand rhytt. ry, t.h~ cbnrd t.a, ahDen e.bel.l1 . b • apecia l sectio n on tun..in&, badc akiili l ootati on and tablat. ure . accoep enillen t. techni que. . Tune. are writ.ta n in wdca VAI:LU:E, WAILl U ARTIST: Dorot.hy Carter LABEL: Celen e and unique sounds , The MaDere<! dulDorott-.,. Carter ' . lecond albUil provid ea _ny deligh t.s piano, taec.U 'II, log dr1.lU, barp', nute, 1'Oice, ry, pnlte ct..er is teaWr ed alone with la. Select ions are "The Squirr el mando bella, ahaker s, bov ch1Jae, steel cello, dl'\lll.8 and r Rhapso dy", 'OWaiUe e Waille e" , "Sua.e , " r Rive The "Alons , ia a Funny Thins" , "Robin M' a1ae " Doroth y Carter 11 45 Cherr y for .. a Ce1t.ic Medley , "AUt.UM SoI1&" and "'rree of Life " . Addre St.reet , Ca.t)ri dge, Ma . .achuse t.U 02139 BLACl MOUNTAIN DULCl)(!R ARTIST'S: Alan Tr~n, Prank Beall LABEL: Sidetr ack faat. - plCk1n c. unique dulct. er lound Fest.iv al goerl in t.he Ealt. have been entran eed with the been aprell ed with h1l lIOunta in lly obviou produc ed by Alan 're~n . Conte lt juqu have . The flavor of Alan ' s playin g, credit bb to awarda enral . . . b be dalc1 _r playin g, for throug h on t.he alblla wit.b Iluch elona: with the rine guitar playin g of Jl'rank Beall, co.s Sa1t River" , "BlaCk berr y t.,f"/" "Uber , " e Jubile tunel a. "Black Mount ain Raa", "Alaba.. is P. O. Box 273, C:rant .n·1lle , Blo. . , * - and "u...eh ou.e Illuea- . Addres a tor Alan Pr eeMn West. Virgin ia 26147 . SKADY GROVE


Peggy Donald son Seith

tr Anod ation in Bira1n&baaI, Peggy, an active IIIt!lIIber of the Sout.he rn Appala chian Dulcie :r. Includ ed on thi. album dulciM ain IIOUnt the b)' anied accoap b k~ for her lovely voice eastern atatea for _ny aout.h t.he are aongs vt.ich have ~n sung andlor played throug hout in Englis h and in t.he lUng are h" Jehova Me year. Tv? t,yan. - ""-dn a C:naCt! and "Ouide Mr. G. Ge-orge, a full- bloode d CheroC:.eroke-e Indian langua ge . Peg&)' 1e~ Cberok e. !'rca orth Caroli na . Ot.he r IOns. includ e kee wt~ lives in Hoot. Owl Cove out.sid e of Cherok ee , N .. the> SIIoky Mount aW" and "Poor Old Aero . ' ao.e "My "Jhady Grove" , "Thfo Mornin& TrwIPI !t" . No. 7, R1v~r and Ski Mounta in Roadl Maid" . Addre .. for Peu;:r Donald son Sait.h b Alrk Plua Gatlln bur" Tenne slee 31738.


n.e DulciM :r Allian ee

are good singer s and lIIJaid ana Thil is the second albua tor t.he Ohio- baaed group. They - and it. ahow • . The albua a.llie: g playin enjoy who ) guitar (IIOUntaln dulcilD t!r, banjo aM rie ", "Kat.y Dear" , "Banka "Marjo e l"Aa 16 songs, -oat. ot thai "--ric an . Seleet .ions includ Mine". Add,..1 1 tor the of -Pal and Mary" of Joya of t.he OHo", "Farth er A1ong ". "Seven ly Road, Lima , Ohio 45B06 . Dulcle er Allian ce il c/o Micha el Wilder.u t.h , 3160 Zurmeh OOUCI AK!RE : BI'M'ER SWEET ARTIST: John Moline ux lABEL: AM RlOl centur y dance to 18th ce:ntur y '!'be ~aic on t.hia aUNIl b • Illxt.ur e rane:1na trca 17th irutrua omU sue:h .. the lute, for ed COGIpoa all,y clalli cal to t.radit ioDiI and val origln er and a branch of it. dulci. c1an Apl*la the on is g playin The Irilh harp and orpn . tonal r ange. Melod1.e. vide a aDd s hally , the duldc hord - an tnatna ent with 4 octave uln-, "Lowla nda of Inchiq "Lord , laneury ".Rose . on" includ e "Mer pn Magan" , "Mr •• Halilit rue Montc aa, 13 ia ux Mol1ne Bollan d· and "lArk in the Clear Air". Add.re u for John . do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com a'\ 29200 Bre. t., P'raneePlease

nil ,uc1DT CIlPKIC MYS't'ZRy !WI) ARl'IBr: 'rbe Ancient. Orpblc M7atery Band lAllEL: Troubadour TR-9

Orpn1aed 1n 1976. the VUhinaton, D.C.-baaed Ancient Orphic Myatery Band b.. been del.lchtins .ud1eneea throughout. the Eaatern .eaboard. Inatl'Ullllnt.1 on t.he albUII .re .....nta1n dulchler, belli. reeo~er. boclhran. whhUe. guitar, _ndolin. apoon •• bonzouki .Dd YOice. Selections include '!'be &gpr", "All Thine. Are ~u.e: Silent" "Roae-ry Lane", "Stailll11 Morr!.", "'nM Bartle<! Knigbt." and "Who'l The Fool /tow". ' DUCI LID A WAVE r. TKI SEA ARTISTS: Walt M1ctad, ~ MeCr_.h lABKL: hont. Hall Rec:orda rHR - 011

Walt Michael .nd oro. McCree.h, play1na: tJuM,red dulc1aer, plUra, fiddle • • nd _ndolin, t.reat their .udiencea to. vid. v.r1et:r of tnditional and .:lodern ate:r1al. Togett-er. tbe two play traditional -.ntdn ballada to air. rro. t.he Britiah Idea t.o hu.oroua country-veltern *<m«a . Selectiona include "Prince W'i~" /"S.lt Cr.ek" /"THPI!ranee Reel", "The Kentucky W.lta", "The Black ",,". "'Brealdn ' Up Chrh~.", "Spring in t.he V.lley" and "fU.t.Un ' on Top of t.he Wo rld".

1l1LC_ ARTIST : Pat.ty.t.oo.n lABIL: Fage SLP 6G? 'l'here v1ll. be .are into,..t.ion about thl. albwa in t.he Su..er 1979 DPN . . . '1. pre .. til. the .!bUII v... at.ill on ita _y to _ . I can tell )'01.1 thlt. it. 1a • record iCC of tJuM,red dulct.a.r &laic. Mor-e next ts... Ilf 'l'HI PDmS ARTIST: IIIlnc::y Johnlon

Ikne:r 18 an active -.bel' of the Loui ....11..le. Xentuc1f,y Dulclaer Societ.y, play. KlUnt.l1n duicillllr aDd dna. · The albu. ia nov .vailable, but I haven't. leen • copy, There will be .are tntorat.ion 10 t.he ~r 1979 oPtr. WAm BAlm ARTISTS: Lou Mandicb, Bob Bector, WeDdy Rector LABZL: Beat of Dellnre Delaware-baled VOUP 11 play-ins' lot of ~a1c::, t.e&cblng duicillllr eou.r.e. f\m. The Wute Band b1l.l.l t.be..dvII " eoll.ctorl ot t.rad1t.ional. i In .d(11t10n to t.he IIOUntiin dulct.er, III!lIbera of t.he &roup or1cinal and irrational ~n: c •• poona .nd uzoo. Recent.l¥ Land Voice Pro:Suctionl reoorded i plI.:r 8III tlr, banjo, t.:ir "Belt of Delaware" .eriel. The 1" record 11 .vai.lable ;~~~ <::t.!:e~~) ~ Bob Rector, 'n 8eottfield Drive, !fevI,rk, Dele_r-e 19713 .

'lb1. Ife_rk and

nent.4. hlnCC Ie



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Hom e of Front Hall Records We specialize in books and records of tradilK:lnal music of the US. Canada and the BnttSh IsJes Hammered & mountaIn dulcimers. kils.bodhrans. concertinas. Danforth bones. tin whistles. bagpipes. folk toys. ocarinas. and above all knowledgeable. personal servICe. All orders m ailed the day they are recelUed


Free 24 page catalog. Andy's Front Hall RD 1 Voorheesville . NY 12186

r DULCIMER MAKER'S WORKSHOP An 8 112" by 13" pnnt

from a drawing by Greg Bums.

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Hotes On Dutcimer M.ijnl A book I", dutcimer bUltd.... by Rodge< Hams

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Both lrom: Bois D'Arc P.O. Box 20778

Oklahoma City, O~a. 73120

® Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com


Laat. Nay, while _1t.1ng in Ooat.ende, Bel«iu. for a boat. t.o ~ rry me badl to London , I _t an EnsUah riddle player na.ed hte Cooper, who va. particularly int.eruted in A.e r ic:an fiddle WJlic . He had been playing in Ce~ny in order t.o _ke enough .oney t.o visit the U. S . and. .tucl,y wit.h SOllIe of the old.-tt.tors. This rall, when he returned to England. we got into playing together and started working aa Ii duo. Having t.hree weeka until our firat gig, we decided to do a bit of atreet. WJsic, or "bUlking" , as it. is knovn here . It felt. like ec.pl.eting a cycle, .. t.he first. old - tiM WJdc I'd evu heard v. . t.he Rev TranquUity Str.in,g Bend, pa.nhaDdl1ZJ8 on the University of californu. ~IIIPUI itt Berkele)'. We set up in the pedeatrian precinct of HIIUf'ax, Yorkllhire, ouuide the old covered IDII.rket where people ahop. 1 have an ethnic-looking three-legged l11lking stool that. 1 lit on to p14),. and l\!te PIt out his violin case for people to drop coinl in . We played there for tw afternoons - old folks lI'Iailing at us, t.een- agera bopping to the Dlllic, IUda eo.1ng up to ue wbat t.he dulcbaer all about. On the third day, up ea_ tva dllars1ng~ polit.e ED&llah policemen, who noted dovn the allOUnt of aIOney in the fiddle cas. and Wl4e us atop - t.hough one of t~ said he ' d "quite enjoyed it, h illllleU" . Three week" later, returning frca. a tour of Walu, we found in the 1DII.11 a pair of sUlDDOns . . , cha rging us under a section of an 1824 Vagrnncy Act , "being in a public place for the purpoae of collecting almll ". Pete wa ll particu1erly outraged by the pellc... n ' s atatement, " •. . 1 aav Miaa Tannen playing a dulcimer, and Mr. Cooper playing a violin- type lnatn.lll!nt . .... My lawyer advlled. ua to plead guilty : lIince the polic\! had not noticed that I wu an "--rican, they a1g,ht not report the offense to Brithh r-16l'ation . A conviction for vagrancy would go hard against me in ID)' errort. to stay in the country. But Pete and I felt the charge vaa absurd : nobody had complained, and people were \!njoyina the alaic . The lB24 law was p...ed to prevent ret.urning veteranll of the lfnpoleonic vars, who came ~ to find no jobl available, fl"Oa exhibiting their val' wounda and begging .1M . It • • beec:.e one of the atatutes used to hara. . street lIIuaiciana. So we decided to plead 1'Iot. Gullt)' . When the pollce found out that ve int.ended to fight, they dropped the chargea, to t.be great rejoie1na of our friends vho _ke their living buskins; in London. Str eet Blaiciana can still be proaecuted fOr "obstruction", vhich carrie. a Ll5 - 1.20 flne. 1'h1.n6. hive improved. bit since Elizabethan H .... when , accordins to A. L. Lloyd in POLl: SONG IN ENOtAftD. a fint offense of singing Or playing in the street without. a licenae carried. tbe penalty of "being vhip~ bloody, and burned through the griatle of the right e&r with. bot iron" . For a third conviction , the Pt!nalty vaa death . On thia note of hlltorical opt1JDislll, I'll leave you for nov.


Holly TaMen 10 Ben Royd Terrace Holyvell Green Halifax, Weal. Yorkshire England. KlCt. 9DA

Bf"t"teRRoot "OaLcfrneRS Hl!Jllrnc~cd rutd Mount"m DulCImers - hl>n(lcr"ftec/. Of Jlne AmenclU\ ~nd e xot,c ha,.-dwoods -

R.,cK h-e.muth and DavId Young

B,tterroot Dulc.mers

P.O. Box 40 VIOl .. , Idn.ho B387Z

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Jean Ritchie Plays Our Dulcimers Handcrafted Solid Wood Construction Dulcimers from ' 98. to $200. Kits from $45. Free Price Book Dealer Welcomed

~~.iiii •


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Sevenl people have IUS8elt.e1 and requeated a .::oluan ODnC!erned witb questionÂŤ and antnl'erl, problesa, lourcel, etc. about the bumered and muntaln dulct.er l . We invite anlvers (questionl , too) and vtil p,ibll ih th_ in the DPff.

can I set. low Itr1ns action on






I can play _lod1e. rather nicely on ~ ~red du.lc1aer - but that ' s it.. I don ' t 1I0WUl a~re close to the folla who play loLl or fancy thingl . Where 40 I st.artT



.amtaUl dulc1aer vi tbou.t setting b\lnes

~red dulc*r In the p>'Iotograph is owned. by the Gnellsboro H1.torical MUleuII. I t _I part of a collection belong1n& to E. R. Plunkett. . M. D. Dr. Plunbt.t. lived in

Cllnto .... Ohio and. Br1dtJeport.. Connecticut, an:! we do not knov vhere be fou.nd th1l dulc_r . We hope you or your readerl can tell UI who made it., or lomet.hina. The overall Ihe 11 38 3/4" vide x 15" hish x 3 1/2" deep and r ectan;ular lhaped. The llght. colored lDt.erial 0:'1 the face 11 thin inlay . The top sound boIlrd is _ple and approx1.-tely 3/16" thick vith two heart lhaped sound holel . The bette. 11 pine. The perialcter fl-ue 11 3/4 x 3 1/2". There are eleven COUTles or 4 It.riDsa , with t.he top courl. beinS 16 1/2" between lide brictsel a nd. t.he bot.~ COUr se being 32" between the side brids;e. . The hitch pins which are paced 0"1 t.he left. side or the trapezoid a.r e round head bra .. scre ws . The tuning pina on the rls;ht aide a r e rectangular lhaped and appr oxiMtely 1/8" x 1/4" at vrench point. There 11 a alll&ll cloaur e t rilll at the top a nd bot.toII or the sound board that cannot be seen clear ly in the photo . Garland. P. Stout. l209 H1ll Street Greellsboro , 1ft 27406

DRI : My lharp-eye:l friend Doua Berch diacovered a dulct.l!r very .Wl.a.r to t.he one delcrlbed by Mr . Stout in Paul Gifford ' . article " Develo~nt. of t.he Huaer Dulc1ale.T" rrc. MOOW\J4PS (found in THE fWMER DULCIMER CQ(PZIIDItM). Accordlll8 to the arUcle , Le.,.l1 S . Il'\d HarrhOl'l Wade built. suc.h dulciBlers in Ste~I'\ , Jfe .. York dur in4$ the aid 1800' 1 . "n-ey efIIployed lalesmen who vent all over the country and into canadA, especia.l.l,y to ~nnsylvan1a, Ohio and as tar &II Xentucky and Missouri, c!elDOnatratina and ael.l.1na tbetl (or $12 an:!. upnrda to $50 apiece, t.he IIIOre expendve one. hav1na WI. Orten they vould be paid in cattle; and when they had aold all their inatf'UM:ntl , voul.d so to Chicago, lell the cattle , and ~turn houIe . " People having IIOr e inform 011 t.he pictur ed dulet--r are invited to contact Hr. Stout and are r equeated to .end a copy of the intol'llll.t1on to the DPff, whi ch we In t.u rn will aha r e wit h our readerl.

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'or I couple of yen. t'w ~n playill6 thb BAch ~elude on the ~red du1c1eer. It w. . origindJ.y written 11'1 C. and I trana· POled it to D. I have one of Sell Rh~ett.a's ea.rlier ha.-ered du1ciJlera atruna vith 19 br.. s wire. My 10weat note 1s two D'I below .1ddle C on the ba . . br1dge a.nd • low AP on the treble br1dge. I tnnspoled t.he plece to D in order t.o set the Maxi· __ notea in the ~y. The ~lude can be played coapletel)' 11'1 D on a 15/14 ha_red dulct.r or adapted alightly tor the a.ller range 1nltrument (12/11). Wlth the e.cep. tion of a fev 1ol'l8 relchea 11'1 the latter part of the ~elude. 1t 11 • fa1rly elly piece to play ar.d ....rbe and even beSinnerl abould not. have too -.Jch trouble 1earnins it. The:re Ire I fev t.rouble spots 1n the -.Jilc. For eu.ple, Where the ori8inal !BUile dropl below the rln,s;e ot ay instruINnt 11'1 . .I lure 21, I &i.mp1y .ove up and play everyt.h1na one octave h1ghe.r . There Ire a couple of A'- 's which I chanae to B. MeIlUn! 22 narts with I C" on the batte:.. It posit10n 11 1If1nta1ned, you can invert the tint and leeond notea, creating I D, C.... B. D, YIf run. Play the final chord I I an arpeggio. Every player .hould be eneourased to 'co!k their own In.!Wers in adaptins thb piece Ind other cla .. icel -.Jaie to thr ha.-ered dulct.er. Jt. COuP 259 Welt Johnaon St. Apt. C·2 Phlladelphia, FA 19144

- -= 1=-



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p '-' r


GROVER DULCIMER PEGS As good as all Grover products.

See your music dealer, or write for information and prices.


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1218 W~ 9Ih SI,. CIiweIIoncl, 0I'l00 •• , 13

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';'« 12,00 /'loon, _

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FOr any que.dONl, contact. Michael Wilden.Jth, or.chnic:al Coll~. 4100 C_PUI Orive, LiJM. Ohio (419) 227-5111




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":' "

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up-front hrunflleTed dulcimer plus s miting OOnjOJ

9utta.r, autoha.rp, mounta.jll dulcimer

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8RIIi' THIS /fD SY ouR SlioP FoR

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Or JjI.l.{ci/'l1. ~'td, CZin.ico'tnd rOUtE" Jan.ci£6 0J =?~e'ti ~d"i'i...u.ez. Then I, • Ierro. Iff t. at IrelAnd, frca a.,lny to be exact., v~lcb tell. how OM night. Mr n:. VIlli _kina hi. va,. ~ fro. • local tavern, v~n M: wdderUy heard t.~~ dhtant IIOUM of ... de: and L~ Y'Oleea ot _n chllnt1ng. Jtnovlnc; bit .houl.d Ita)' tc:I LN ea-r and Itr_1gb\. ro.d, he nol!'vert.hele •• l .. t CI.Irlo11t.y take protced.otnc:. over prudence, and, follovlnc tho fl>Und., ~ ea_ UJXlrl I Slen In whicb be found. blind or the vee talk dlne1na anJ. I1na1nc. Without. 'IIOrd. they beckoned hia to tollow the8 lDeI loon Ulf')' ~ t.o • • • U t.iU. A door .uddenly opened, and we talk and Mrehant. anter.-! I 'plc-lout cavern. 'lit-tin v",n thrlc. the nullber or l1ttle toll vho had been outlide, nd the Te-indeT ot the n1&ht. va, 'pent In t"aatinc. dlndnc. I1nging and in the play-inc or VQndroul ll.laical l!\.1t~nt-f. "-'1'4l t~ . . . y the .t.oryt.eU.. ra, vere the Mrp, the pipe, the (1den. and tl':e julc1ller. The .erd'lllnt loon t.ll into I deep .lwIber frc. aU trA! .. ine he b.d drunk, lDeI, UpoD vilkine ell"" tr~ ~xt. .ernine, be- foulld hiJudr l,.inc on tile crall ouUUe the tn1 entranee w~icb tIOW' he could not TbinUnc be had IUC~ to a dre.... be retl1roed til UI vilhi'e onlJ' to f1nd to hh etavin aDd de.pdr tt.-t no ~ in the town knt'w hla or of M.. at all. In t.urn, he could not recosniu an)'o~ or al\7 Jvdl1l'1&. Upon 1'Ilrther investiptlon, be discovered to bis <lrUd and horror tMt WMt. he had thouaht to be one n1aht lpent under thllt hlll had actually been eight)' )'ears ot real tilDe elapleJ 1n the world outdde. HII relatives and trienda had aU srown old an.1 died and he had beeo.. _reI), a loc:.l legend, one ot tbole untortuna1A -art.ala who oh.en let lnareod by t.~ _l1c1ou,1 vee folll and let. entnpped into aperdinc a ai&ht. 11'1 tlOll!'1.r _rr1aenU, onl)' to discover aacb t.1ae baa ehp.ed durinc that t . . at. ~ tale itself' 18 not. unique. Tbtre are nu.eroul talea eDd legends rro. aU culture. ao:! count.rie. in wh1eb the "n1cht in Elf-hill" tt.r.e 11 uled . . t.he c@nt.ral plot. V ... t 11 in1Arestina: about. this ltory 11 t.be reference to the duld._r. ShoulJ one look . 1"Ito the pagel of t.nd1tional tales and foli legendl froll around the ,",orld, OM can find nu.er'OU' _nt1onin(1 of dulcu.era or dulc1..er- l1ke inltru.entl. Tale. in w~.ich the dulct..er 11 _ntloned eIIn be fou.nd tro-. tt.e Celt.ic West or Ireland to the wild torb1ddinc hUll ot IIort.hveat W1a, rro. t.he IIOU.nta1ns of E. . tern lentucq to t.t. v1nd-....ept Iteppel pt ~ntnl Alia aD;i the vUe land. to t.he e.at . DulclMra have been uled to detend apin.t. t~ evil. aw 10reeri.1 of the nether- world anj the 11)' trickl of the Devil hUia.lr . ThIt,. have bun Uled to w1n bride. tor hero1c loverl and eratvbUe luitorl. They have been Uled to vin aalical conte.t.1 in Iplend1d Oriental COW't.I of .rwl and t.v. been played by profeillond bardl and alnJItrell, rosu1lh blaclLla1ttt. and condetmeei h1&h. )'.en In order to . .ve t.helr neckl trca the t.ns-.n ' l sibbet. . The Devil, it leeu, doel not Uke the dulct.er aach - ndther iLl aound nor, in inltancel, 1tt ve-ry feel. Perhape it ' . because vheneYer he leelli to have encount.ered . . rtall w~ can p1.l,. it, t,e alwayl wllbel he had ltay.d in bIod that. day. 80 lay the .toryt..llerl in a tale f'roa I . . tern Kent.ucQ. The good folk dovn ttat. way belie. . when God created tile world, t. al~ Old Scntd, t.he Devil t,1asel1', to crecte VNlt were ~ al "aaW-r" or "tall.- da,l _ day. durin« vh1ch he could laare umlary or tOOUIn. .:Irtall w 10 _.uo ltup1d or 1l1.aJriled v18he.. ODe da, • eerta1n .:M.Intain _n carelelllJ boe.lt.ed t. .... t he would beco-e the belt. .uddan in all of Lecher County 11 he had to seU hll very loul to do it. A PItt ot HlCke , II flalh of light.ning, a crack of t.hurder .nd the DevU ltood betore hill, Too late did t.he fellow realize he had been tricked on an a.her day. Well, he liad to go ahead w1th hll bargain, but thinking quickly he luggelLed to Old Scratch a ~slcal contelt. • t.M .:JUnta in _n ' . clulc1.ller ap1n.et t.he Devil'l N,Hl• . Vhoever won, wjMN' take aU . 'liell, U~, played t.une. aU day and. all night. rinallJ, the ..untain un laUShed and .. Id toe WI ee-rtaln be could play the o..U ' 1 fiddle bet.ter than Old Scratch, and he Illl6elt.ed t.hey trade in.at.r'U8entl tor .while . You 'ee, v'.en t~ cunninc old tellow _de 1'.11 Jule1.ller, 1n III fit of w~..iJa he put dIver Itrinsl on the in.at.ruanl. Th. inltant. the Devil put his hand to the IItringl to phy, he pve out. with. 111riek of pain and a howl of aft£U1sh you could have heard t.en countie. a_yo Too late he redhed he'd been tricked by t.be .::JUnta1n and he had to tlMt. a talty ret.reat. Silver," aU IPod .t.ujentl of t.t.e lIupernatural Ilnov, 11 deadly to all forc@1 of Hell and t.he I»t.t.erworM. Any aadcal in.at.ru.ent. Itrunc with lilver Itringl 11 al potent II .pell asainat ~nic torees . . can be found anywhere. There 18 a var1ant. tale tro. North Carolina telling how the Devil ~ to fetch II .ount.ain WOMan'l loulone night. She fW'raulld~d ht. to ltay awhile and lhe played .0 aveetly and enticingly on her ~de dulcllw:r t.hat. Old 8c:rat.ch did not realh.e how late it val ,.tt.inc . Before he Ir.nev it, unr1ae ca_ and he had to beat a halty ret.rut. down belOV'o





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DuI~1mers sre pretty @POd yeapons again8t Yit~hes a8 yell. I ~self colle~ted a tale along the Arkansas - Missouri border in Yhi~h a travelling medi~ine show operator on~e trapped an entire coven of yitches in a mountain ~abin by playing a silver- stringed dulcimer and. allowing his cronies to set fire to the place, ~onsumiT18 them all in a grand conflagration that could be seen t",o countiee a1olU.y . There is a tale from the fisher folk of Brittany in yhich a priest played a dulcimer- like instrument in order to flush out a local magi~ian, titus p.lbl1~izing hiIJ identity to the local pop.tlace yho in righteous ,"ath hanged him. from the nearest fir tree. The r e is an Irish story in vhi~h a wily tinker en~ountered a fier~e8ome hag and forced her to listen to his dulcimer all night until the deadly rays of the rising sun call6ht her . In Persia, a tale is told how the mighty hero Xarajan once destr oyed an e ntire c i ty of yitch-demons by playing his santur and forcing thei r evil spells back up:m their own ",ickod and hideous heads. If the dulcimer bas proved effective as a counterpois~ to the diabolical arts of the supernatural world, then it has proved equally prominent in IIlStters of the heart and soul . The very word dulcimer has been and s t1ll is synonymous with love and courtship in various rural tarts of America. Other places around the world have also given their share of tales and love stories . There i 8 a legend from Vietnam yhich tell s hoW' the emperor of Ansa (the ancient name Cor what i s today the northern pert of Vietnam) had only one child , a lovely daughter who YSS perfect in all matters save one . She never smiled, and this d i scouraged all potential suitorS . When she was eighteen, things got kind of desperate. Daddy Emperor iuued a decree offering her hand in marriage and throwing in his kingdom to boot to anyone who could make he r &IIIile . Of' course, f ailure to do so meant the would-be suitor ' s head would adorn a spike above the pelace gate. Nov it happened that the r e yss a ysndering minstrel travelling the country whose instrument of skill and proficiency yss the Viet~se butterfly harp, so named because its very touch and sound are quite delicate and light . Although a small instrument, it is a distant eastern cousin of the Persian santur and the Hungarian cymbalom, thus making it a member in good standing of the bl:l.mDered dulcimer family. Well, our hero showed up at the royal court and, to paraphrase an old British ballad, he not only charmed the heart of the lady but got her to smile in great pr-ofUsion because he played the butterfly ha rp 50 sweetly. O!I.ddy nnperor was so pleased that he instantly order-ed a royal wedding and the two vere marr-ied . The minstrel soon became emperor of Anam - not bad for j ust one audition. Another Vietnamese legend from the TOnkin, or central r egion of the country. is even more interesting. There once yss a hunter ybo , while out in the f or est one afternoon , came upon a fox about路 to be devoured by a rather nasty eagle. In the Orient foxil!'s aN! especially favored animals. After all, he or she might be somebody ' s mother o r even a disguised being from another world or realm. After the huntil!'r dispatched the eagle, he discovered that he had hit the celestial jackpot. The fox was nothing less than s spirit- being in disguise _ a being ' from the eighth circle of the blessed celestial realm. The fox, of course , was most grateful and told the b_lldered hunter he could have any one yish in the world grsnted to him. The hunter, it seems, wanted to be the best ha rpi st in the world snd he wished only to give pleasure and joy through hi s music to all ",bo would listen. And so , overnight the hunter became the finest butterfly harpist in the entire realm and word of his virtuosity spread to the very ears of the emperor himself . Calling the hunter--turnedIIILIsician before hilll, the emperor cOlllDanded hill to give a royal performance . So sweetly and heavenly did he play that the emperor was Chsr!lled beyond. vor-ds. His daughter inlltantly fell in love wit h the musician and , before you know it , another royal weddill3 va s held and the musician became the emperor ' s son- in- law . He did not gain the kingdom because this emperor had a son to succeed him. But the bunter d i d become chief of all the court musicians and in time his son became the same and in direct line on down through the many generations to COUIe . Other tales tram other lands tell bow dulcimer- l ike instruments helped erst- wh ile suitora win var ious lovers , wives and sweethearts. The Oghuz of Central Asis, a Turkishrelated f olk, sing and tell many epic poems snd ballads. Their greatest minstrel wa s a man named Dede Korkut, chief court musician to Bayindir Khan, greatest of the Oghez over lords and hereditary ruler of the twenty- four tribes of the Oghuz nation. In the famous epic that bear-s his name, it is told how he taught his son to play upon the kop.lz , a dulcimer -like instrument vith a lar ge bell, s small neck snd three st ri ngs - somewhat r-elated to the modern Turkish saz . His aon, having mastered the instrul!Ient to perfection, set out on his t r svels and eventually wooed the daughter of the khan of Bodhara. This yss no easy task since the mighty ruler had threatened that any man who even looked st his daughter with anything more than a casual glance Yould be roasted alive. So sweetly and cunningly did the young man play upon h i s koPJz that he not only won the young gi rl' s heart , but he also completely and positively overwhelmed her father's crusty old spi rit and he named the young man to succeed him when he died . Another happy ending. Just as the mode r n mountain dul~imer has served for the accompaniment of ballads , the koPJz was the chief i nstrument of the Oghuz people. It vas used ss the accompaniment for the singing of long and involved heroic epic poetry and histori cal ballads in the same manner as the Gambian kera is used by the professionally- tra ined bards who have been the tribal historiana since time isIaemorial.



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r:;,. ~

There are a rN t..le. 1n which the cbll.e.t.e r, 1n one t'orw o r II.l'I)ther, hel.pecl ..ve • Ure in jeopU''<I:y of uUnctlon. The.re ia • tale rrc. tlInpry u. vhich • Q'PII.1 ~ ­ -.n 1 • •bout to be t.need. ~ t~ ,1bbet.. He •• u • 1... . 1. requut. f"ro. bia execut.J.onr.r . , t.hat. he be allove:l to p~ one lut. tune OIl hh tat.her'. c1abula. He plI.,.. a. he ... Mn,. pla,..s before aad bit JUctg.I and captors, ('nt.ranced. by t.M elfu- like ..."a1c, tree hia . He later be~1 chier court. -.uiclan to tans Mat.hi.1 or tlIfI&IU7. Veraiool o£ t.hla tale crop up 1n 'tUrkel. Ptrl1"" Serbia an.:! Br1tannl with ,aU"lI.r relulu. The duld..er ia a tar- t.r.velled inau-u.ent., bot.h in hct. .nd fancy . It. ...... to t.ve c10ne everyth1n& but. u.e un1cornl, .nJ even t.hh area ia open to Ie-. clhp,lt.e. So, take heart., ye clulciller player. . That inst..rua~nt. hans1na upon th,y vall Ju.t a1&ht co.e 1n Mncly .a.eday. It. _1&!lt. help ward orr the evil-eye or • v1t.ch ' . hex or elae v1n • bride or lover or .veethe«rt. to .M-re th7 ~ .n4 hMrt.h in t.hy clecl1n1ne YU r l, or el.e i t a1&ht. help lave t.h1 neck 1r trouble .bould arhe rro. the ainiona or t.he looal conIt..bulary. It. ai&ht even help you cat.ch • 4rason or unleorn. I f the papl of Ilobe.l IOU Ut.ent.ure, lerPM aDd. II1Ul are an.J e.u..ple, t.l'W!re 1a . . eb hope lOr t.he PA'ent aDd. t\lt..ure. Or, *.0 lUll 1t. aU up, "~re· • • Wl1corn 1n your d.ultt-r ca'e-"

qo Iue 1\rdgt:.

'Dulcimer'S hop







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2705 W Meadow Chesapeake . VA 23321

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The DUIÂŁlME:R PrAYERS NEWS is a special publication for special folks who happen to love the dulcimer. I wish I knew each of yttI perlIOnally, since dulcimers and people together create beautiful things. Because IIIflny .tles separate DPrI' readers, I thO"Jght an informal survey would acquaint dulcimer players, builders and enthusiasts 'With each other. I know surveys have notoriously 10'11' retu.rn rates , but a ince the DPtI' is ;yQUr III&ga,;ine, this survey 'Will provide us all 'With mor e than a COIIpl1ation of statistl ca . Eventually the DPrI' subscriber list w111 be broken dovn into states and countries to fac1litate a syste"" of gettin g du..l.ciJDer t.eacherll and IItudenta together along vith aulc1.lller buUders an:!. rolits visn1D8 to purchase ins trumen ts . So, please take a fev moments out of your busy day to ~plete the au.rvey. These pages 'Will stare at you gently and s U ently, encouraging you to shar e yoursel!' with the DPrI'.


ADDRESS'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ ____ MAlJf IIfi'E'REST ~

)It. Dulc1mer'---_________,Haamered Dulcimer ______________



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Do you sIng while pLaY1n& the dulc1mer'P'__________________ Do you use a noter DOst ot the tillle'P____________ How long have you played the dulc1mer'__________________________ Do you cbord?_____________________

Many dulcilll(!r players have become intereated in playing claaslcal IllUsic , Renaill8&nce lIIJalc' and older music other than traditional Anglo-Alllerlcan follt IlUsic. Othen bave beCOllle intereated in playing various typea ot contemporary illUdc - singer- songwriter IDllterlal, etc . Yet others have become interested in new types and _thode ot play, auch as bolding the instrument like a guitar, holding it at anqle on the lap, etc . To ase1at U8 in chooalD8' and developing mate.rilll tor the DPN, we vould like to knov your intereeta. Have you ever built a dulcimer!

From acratch ________________ Froa:. a k1t,_______________

Have YO'J. tried any ot tbe tune:!l in DPrI'!,_________________________________________ It so , which one8 vere tavorites?'_ ______________________ _ ___ Are there any particular tune8 you ' d like to see in fUtu.re DPR' s!'___________

Is the tablature used 1n the DPR clear to


I t not, ho'., could the tablature be Changed?,________________________

How uny strings are on your dulc1lDer1,______________________ __

Does your dulcimer have double melody str1.ngs"_________________ _ _ __ _ 'ihat tuning{s) do yo'J typically use? _________________________________________ Whst p:-oblems, i f any.did yO'J encounter while beginning to play the 1nstrument?______


Do you. 8ing while playing tbe dulc1mer?'________________________________________

What types of hammers do you typically use? (leather padded , felt padded, something str ange, etc . ) ___________________________________________________________________



cour sea are on your dulcimer?

TTeble ____________


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Treble _____________________ Ba.,.____________________

How many strings per cour se?

What keyes) do you usually play in 9'..___________________________________________ Iiov long have yO'J played the haame r ed dulcilDer?'___________________________________

Have you ever built a halllllered dul.cimer? From scratch ____________________________ From a kit _________________________ What are some of your favorite hamme r ed dulcimer tunes?

Have yUJ ever tried any of the H.D. tunes i n t.he DPN1, ____________________________ Comn~nts

abOJt the tunes,__________________________________________________________

'. rhat problems, i f any, did you encounter when beginning to play the instr ument?'_ _____

If ,you build dulcimers, do you sell YOiJr work? How many have you _de?

Mt .


How were you introduced to the

____________~red Dul.clmer _ ___________ ___________________________________________


Do you belong to a dulcime r organization?'_____________

If so, what is the name and address of the o r ganizatio:l?,__________________________ How did YO'J lear:! of the DULCIMER PIA'LERS NEWS1'__________________________________

.What are some articles you ' d like to see in future DPN' s1 _ _______________________

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------We plan an open forum for questions and anawers abo.Jt building and playing dulcimers , history, Bources , etc. IF you have questions or topics you ' d like to see discussed , he re' s your chance to ask them. If you kno. of folk festivalB (large or s1Dllll) whe r e dulci!ller people gather, tell us about

them. (Date&' an:! people to contact YO'Jld be IDOst helpful.) We are interested in collecting histor ical informatio!l and infol'llllltion on the whereabouts of old instru'1Ients . We ' ll kee p this material. in II r eference file for the use ot all our subscribers . We need the help of dulciuer enthusiasts in thh project. I):) you know the location of any dulciDera lII&de , say, before World War II? 00 yOJ knov of any dulcimer collections? Do you kno-orf of any photographs of persons plAyine; the dulcimer that pre - date World War II? Do you knOW' of sny references to the instrument, in print or lDBnuscri p'.; prior to, say , 19)0? If so, please tell us.

Do you teach dulcimer?

Mt . Dulcimer_______________Hal1lllered Oollc1mer.______

Individual lenons?,_____________________

Group Iessons1_______________________

If 110 , lQol.y we send YO.J information about the DPN for your students? (Builders , for your customers or anyone for anything except papering the wall). No . of sub. blanks desired ________________________ Quite often rolks vill write r equesting Millell of dulcimer players , teachers or builders in a particular s rea. If S<XlleO:'le requests such information for your a rea , 1DSy ve provide thi8 person with YOJr and address?______________________________________ ._________________ ~me

Your telepho:'le number1.__________________Tel. No. J(_____)L-____________________________ We ' re trying to bu1ld a pictUre file of dulc1.:eel' folks and the dulci1Del's c r eated by builders . Please :!O:'l 't be modest . Send a black and white p~oto (3x5 i, belt) alo:l& with thi s survey . Instrument builders, please encl ose a br ochure about your instrulllents if you ' d ille . ..••••


@We ' d be interested 1n your COIIIlIents about dulcimers and/or the DULCIMER PIA'lERS NEWS • .... . . Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

events caLeoVaR The 17th Annual Arkansas Folk Festive l will be the usual tun, traditional rude, craft shows and dogvoods in blOO11l. This

April 20- 22 . 27- 29 May 29-30


year the 2nd Annual Southern Region Mountain and Hammered DulView, Arkansss

cimer Contest and Workshop Yil1 be the hi@;hl1ght of the festival. Jay Round. Jean SimK:Ins. Lilah Gillette and Harvey Prinz .,,111 be judges and wor kshop leader s. The dulcimer contests and vorkshops will be held AprU 27- 29. Bonnie Carol will conduct 8n

intensive workshop on the mounta~n dulcimer at the Ozark Folk Center May 29- 30 . There will be ten hoUrs of ins tru ction d~ rlng the two days. Contact : Ozark Folk Center, Mt. View, Arkansss 72560 (501) 269- 3851. The Great Black Swairlp Dulcimer Festival will be held at the Lima Camp.il of the Ohio State University and. Lim,t Technical College . COncerts and workshops vill fe sture Jay Round, Maddie MacNeil , The Du.lcilaer Alliance. De na. Lor i and. cat.hy Vibber tll, The Nicholas ruily, Percy Danfor th and 'l1le J ohnny Appleseed Dulcilaer Players. Admission for t he sll day event is $2. Contact: Micbee1 Wildermuth, Lima Techni cal College, 4300 Campus Drive, Lima, Ohi o 45604 (4l9) 221- 5131 .

Lima. Ohio

The 6th Annual Souther n Appalachian Dulcilaer Festival will feature dulcilaer playing aDd s ingin& under the trees, scheduled dulcimer performances, free du lcimer instruction, and picn1king on the grounds . Ad.m1sa1on 1s $1 for adults , 50¢ for students. Contact : Charles EllIs, Route I , Box 473 . Helena, Ala"batlll

Birmingham. Alabama

35OBO May 19- 20



(205) 968-0478.

Dulcimer Days is held in histori c Roacoe Village and features contests, Jam sessions, displays and booths f or luth1ers and dulcilaer book/reCOrd shops. Many pI!IIrt1cipants wear 19th century coatwmea, making the event both colortul and tune~. Contact: Roscoe Villal5e Foundation, 381 Hill Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812.


May 25- 27

The 7th Annual Old Time fiddlers Convention will be held at Fringer s Farm in Lithia, Vi rginia, 15 miles north o f Roanoke , Vir gInia . There will be contests with $3265 in cash awards . The 1DOUntain and hammered dulcimerS will be represented in the contests. Contact: Botetourt Jaycees, P. O. Box 157. Daleville, Virginia 24083 (703 ) 362- 3069 for contestant in!ormation .

Roanoke , Virginia

June 1-3 September 14_16

ThIs Is the rirst year for the Walnut Valley June Jambor ee, sn expansion of the Walnut Valley flat-PiCking Championship in September . The National Mountain DIllc1mer Contest will be hel.(! during t he June event , which also feature s perfOnllSnceS and workshops by The Red Clay Ramblers , Gamble Rogers, Guy caravan, Wry Straw (John McCutcbeon. Ri ch Kirby a.nd Tom Bledsoe) and others. The National Ha.a!lered Dulc1mer Contest will be heM in Sept.ember along wIth performances by Bryan Bowers , Mary Faith Rhoads and The Dobbs Brothers, Malcolm 0a1gl1sh and Grey Larsen, cathy Bartoll , Ed Trickett and ot.hers . Contact: Walnut Valley Asaociation, Bax 245 , Winfield, Kanass 67156 (316) 221- 3250 .

Wi nfield . ÂĽBnaaa

Mid dletown , Virginia

Histor ic Belle Grove Eatate I n Virginia ' s Shenandoah Valley is the setting for a dulcime r gatherIng featuring workshops , IIIllsic sbering, an open stage snd sn evening performance. Free prlmative eamping in t.he field next to the house will be available ror f olks " ho attend the gatherin& and participant. a r e InvIted to stay until Sunday for Informa l playing and singing. Midd let.ovn, 10 miles west of Washington, D.C. , i s a good stop alona the lfIly to Cosby , Tennessee for f olks travelling from the North to attend the Dulcimer Convention heM the following weekend. Coat. is $5 fo r the entire day, .$3 for the evening concert only . Contact. : Maddie Ma cNeil , C/O OOLClMER PlAYERS NEWS , P.O. Box 157, Front Royal, Virginia 22630 (703) 667- 3704.

~ C ONTINUED@ Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com


At the Folk Lite Center or the s.oUe •• a rev a1l.e. rro. BIIoII;y Mountain Ibtiooal Park. Jean and Lee Scb1JH nc 10rlte du.lc1aer playeu to ca_p and Ihlre lOng. and .tyle. in work.ahop! and concert. . There is an open stage to pen.1t _ny rou.1 to play au.ic , There il typically a variety ot auaie, fro- traditional to original, on the -auntain and ~red. dulcimer., guitara and other inltru_nt.s. Worklhope in 1978 included Renaiasance auaic, utah au.ic, tin,gerplckin& atylea, oonteaporary and progre .. ive . . dc atylea and building dulc1_u. to na.e a tev. Contact.: Folk Lite Center ot t.he s.okiel, P. O. Box 8, Colby, Tenne.aee


3T722 JUDe 18-22 Boon~ J

North Oarol1r

Milleuri or Ji:An!UlI

(615) 487-5543 .

The 2nd Appalachian Mountain Dulclaer Work.ahop vill be heW on t.he ca..pu' of Appalachian State Univerdty in Boone. For tho.e int.ereated in credit, 1 le\IIII!lter hour 1& ottered . In addit.ion ~ ballc in.truction on tunlns and playinc the du.lclaer 10 t.he t.raditional . . Jor .ode, IIIOre advanced techniquea and tunel in ot.her .odes will be explore4 . Field tripe to local .hop! and crafUien ' . tx.e. and wor klhop. v111 be arransed. Inatructou for LM work.ahop inc.lude Madeline MacNeil and Ralph Lee $wit.h. Contact.: Or. Wi111u Spencer, Mudc Depart.ent, Appalachian State Unlverait.y, Boone, North CrlroUna 28608 (1ot.) 262-3020. The Prairie IAllc1ller Club haa a tw day feltival in June vit.h ha_re4 and ..untaln dule1ller avent., a ~ lins on Simday. picnici and perto~ncea , Even though ve don't have intorMUon on t.hia event. (aalUtina it v1ll be held. thta yu.r), you. can contact. KarYey Pi'1n1, 9540 WaJ.a,er, Overland Park, Jtan.aaa 66212. In 1978 Lhe teat.inl held on June 9th and 10th at Lake J.~, Mi •• ouri.


The RabbiL Junction Dulcimer Feltival vi11 feature wor klhopi durin& the clay siven by anyone vho volunteerl, lharins ot .ong., tall tales, hot lickl and. dulet.er piecel around a cawpfire on SIlt.urday niS;ht . There v111 allO be two to tour concerta siven by ten or tvelve dulciwe r player. fl'<* all ove r the country. Pr-o.1.ed appeanncel 80 tar include David SChnau!er and 8cNlnie Carol, Maddie MacNeil and Mark Belaon. '!'he Itte ia 8 acrel, 15 .11el t!'Oll the Continental Divide, vith C&lIIpiD8 nearby. ConUct: BoMie Crlrol, Wallatreet., Salina Star Route, Boulder, Colorado 80302 (303) 442-392'-.

July 12_15

Boulder, Colorado





The Third and Hopet'Ul.ly lint. Lnt Northealtern Cranberry &.ere4




Loyllyil1r , Kentycky

Mid- Aueu:st.

Dulc1ller a.thering v1ll have the .awe ablorbing activit.ie. al at t.he Firat and Second, with nav tOI'll8t.. for the work.hope and conceru . The ..... ntain dulct.er ia allO featured. 'ntil ian ' t a teat1val. It'. what the participantl vant to _ke it. Contact. : Bob Wey , RD I, Breed HollOW' Road, Horlehead., Hev York 14845. InformaLion il Iketchy nov about thil intereatiD8 featival aponlored by the very act.ive Louilville Oulct.er Society. ror infor_Uon, contact.: The leou1&v111. ~lc1ller Soclety, Bet.t.y St.ued.le, Secretary, 20B Alb Avenue, ~e Valley, kentucky 400'j6. 'lhere vl11 be ~re 1ntolWltion in the SU-r 1919 OPlf. The ltind.red Gat.bering 11 held each year near t.he ho.e of iu aponlor. The first. sat.hering orpnbed by Robv't Force and Albert d 'OueM. There were the u.ual vorklhopl on .oo.el and III1s1c. On Sunday, there va. an hour devoted to each of the leven lIOdea and every clu.lciJDer at the reltival lite val tuned to Phrygian or Ionian or vbat.ever for that hour. Then people all over the around. ja~ in groups fro. tva to t.hirty until it val Mixolydian or v'" tever tlaae. Thia vent on ror aeven houri, changing the -ade and .nod hourly. For 1ntorMtion, contact: Albert. d'Ollche, Box 55. Royal City, WaahiDCton 99351. There v111 be ~re infol'll8t1on in the sw.er 1979 OPlf.


SoIIevhere In the West

Bonn!. carol helped _ with 1ofor.at.1on for this lection on eventl. reat.1vab and pt.herin&1 are covered in the dulc1aer article lhe wrote tor nm GUITAR'S rRIEKD, A GUmE TO MUSICAL DtS'I'RlM!:!n'S AlID SUPPLIES , Zach baue of the DFW v1ll hive a calemar or eventl wit.h a lection elaboratifl& on vhat'. hlppening. Pleue keep u. intoned 10 plent.y ot t.t.. or dulcbler eveota or eventl vhere the dulc1_r 1& bportant . Sketchy 1otOI'll8t.1on with t.he nelle, addrell and telephone nu.ber ot IOIIeOne to contact 1& better thin no intor.. tion at all. ~\ Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

selle gr:l.ove naLc[rneR gat:ber:l.Jng

'nte hhtory of Belle Grove

b entwined with t.he hbtory of t.he ShenaJltkW,h Valley of Virginia, whlch datel fl"Oll the Valley ' l aet.t.le-ent. in t.he firlt. blllr of the 18t.h eent.IlZ'Y. Belle Grove bone of ten hiltorie propert.iel owned and aaintflined by t.he lIat.ionlil Truat f'or Hi.torle Pre.ervat.ion in the United State.. Belle Crove b t.he lite of I DULCIMER GATHEROO on June 9th co- sponsored by the DULCIMER PrAYERS NE'offl .

June 9. 1979 (PIlrtlclpant.s are invited to atay tor info:wt.l .,de play1.na, ga.ea and c:o:Iverut1on on June 10th). TlMZ: Capprox.) 10 A.M. - 10 P. M.· ACTlVrl'IES: WorUhop". Open Stage , Evening hrfor.anee. COST: $5 for entire day, $3 for juat. the even1n8 perto~ee. I.ODGIItG: Free prt.at.1Te ~pina; in f!eld next to the boule and vounda. Many ~t.ela and e&a.Pgl'OUDda within 15 ailes . (We ' ll help YO\I t1.nd. 10d81n&). • IiAAT IF ll' RAIRST '!'ben! 11 .~ce in the boole and the barn tor work,bops and OODCe:rt.. IfICI ACTIVl1'IES :m THE ARtA. : Shenandoah ltat10nal PIlrkjSk;Jllne Drive, Way.ide Theat.re (. profellional. Actor ' . Equity oo.pany), MowItain Heritage Folk ruU ....l aUt! weekend. (Trlday-Sund4y) at. Harper'. Fe rry, Weal. Virlinia approU-t.el,y 40 alln aVf.Y. rooD: There v1ll. be a booth with drinkl and foo1 on t.he 8l'OWUlI . There are aeveral .bady treea and IOIDe tables jUlt r1e:ht for picnici. AlIYTHIIIJ B.LS£' N14d.letovn h on the way tor .alt. f'olkl t.ravel.l.ina; rrc. the ftnrth to attend the Dulc18er Convention at eo,by, Tennellee t.he followina; _kend..


Although this event 11 Jointly sponlored by Belle Grove and the DULCIMER PLAYERS ra:wS , all proceeda will 10 to Belle Grove t o r their _n,y CCiIIIIIunity lervice projecta. rolkl w1lhina to reciat,er, volunteer to conduct a work lhop, or otfer help in the orsanization of the sathering, pIe. .e cont.ct Maddie MacHell, P. O. Be. 157, Tront Royal, V1rl1nia 22630 (703) 667-3701+.

Belle Grove, Inc. P . O. Box 137 Middletown, VA 22645


Aou1e 11


an. "... (1 6 kmllOUth 01 MIdd1eIown.

VI . oro US

(703) 869-=8 FtonI .......... II : T.... EXJIl1. lhen SIaM 627 weSI lwn kIIJ1I'I on U S 11 (1Ivough~) 10 BeIe Glove

rro. Sa.le1 Fepy,' Diary . . . Hay 23. l662 : " ..• IIY wife and I (went) to t.he Plppet play in Covent Garden, which I MW the other day, and 1ncleed it 11 very pleasant . HeN!, a.:)D& the t'1ddlera, I first .awa dulcimer played on with .tick8 knocking ot the .~ring •• and i, very pretty." Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

rnas[caL "tone oC "the harnrner<en nalc[rner< - r<[ck .J=ogeL There 11 an inter,IUns addition to the ccapound tone of • note struck 1'11'1 the due to the het tbet. there are two tone. per ltorina . one cn eLther dde ot the br1d«e. !he r . . .on tel' 1.llh ad4ition 1. that. the br1d8e doe. not cc-pletel.y refleeL the va"_ of the .tr1n& .. the fued aDd of the It.riac doe. . Therefore , energy 11 t.ran.terrec1 acroll the br14&e to excite Yeaky tne t.one of the other portioo or the llorinc. There vill be 1. . . energy traalfer acroll I Yery t1~ bridge I'll' vhen .ore I'Ir the Urine 1a 10 conUet vith the brldge cap. ThIll. vide br14&. cap I'Ir a aharp ancl.e I'If the .trine at. the br14sa wIll lel.en thl' eftect. For uuple, pace the bridge at 2/3 the length of the Itr1na In that the toone 1'11'1 the lett lide 1. • rUth interval above the tone 1'11'1 the r1&ht. When Itrlk1na; the note 1'11'1 the rllht, t.he tone I'In t.he lert, a tifth higher, alao .oonda Wlakly, which 11 an octave lowe:- t.han the third. order partal I'If the note .truck . When .tr1k1118 the tone en the left, the tone on the riaM 11 an octe.ve lower tn.n the fourth of the note It.ruck. Therefore, in both calel the extra tone 1a not IllIIOI18 the lower upper ~rt1.a.la of the note Itruck, dthouah it 1a conlonant with it. rul effect lival a unique co.p0un4 tone to the . . . .red du.l.c1ller. S1.U.a.r efrect. are oblerved vhen the br11lge 11 pl.a.ced at other lnt.ern.u (.. 1/4, 1/2 or 3/'4). So far we have merred to Yibrationa: of the Itrlnp done . Vibratil18 1t:r11181 do not dmctly eo.unicatA U)' . .nllble portion of t.heir IIOtlon to the air, but the IIOtion of the atrins 11 ~icated to tbe air b, the vibrat1.ns body of etI 1nat~nt . Bach ' put1al tone of the &trine, however. 11 not eqUllUy _ll ~n1ceted to the e1r by the 1natru.ent vith prechely the 1 _ degree of 1ntendty .. the 1ntendt.y t.hey pone.. on t.he l!.Tina it.aelf . The It.rinsl of the ~ dulc1aer aaitat.a the br1dae Oftr which t.hey are It.retched. The br1d&e lte.ndl near a fin lupport. which acu .1 a photo for t.he p of t.he 1lIItru.ent, and the .upport a1«l tHnllll1t.1 vibrationa to the back . '!'be edct dhtance betweeD th1l internal brace aDd t.he bridle 11 but detena1ned by Ult.ening to t.he quality or the tone of the ip:1iY1dual inltl"UMnt.. An approprute atructun of the lnatrullent and. 'IfOO'1 of the lIOat perfect el.a.&ticLty are probe.bly the IIOIt wportant COndlt.101ll for regular 'fibratlona of the atrinla. nua allowa tor a pw-e flow of tone tl-ca the .tr1nga to the inltn.ent to the air without any roualme... 000cl 1nI~nt.l con.equent17 allov for a IlUch IIOre powerfUl IIOt1on of the .trlf1&a and the whole intenl1ty of their tone can be ~n1cet.ed to the air without dia1nutlon. where. . the friction cau.ed by arQ' illlperfection 1n the eluticity of the wood dutroy. ~rt of the IIOtion. M&n7 of the .dvantagn of old. in.tNllenta "y, however, depend upon their l8e and eapeciaUy their Ions UI., both of which act f.vorably Of\ the e.Laaticity of the YOOd. An enclOled . . . of air 11lle that inaide the halllllered dulc1l11er hal cer tain proper tonel or reaonancu which . y po.. 1bly be evoked by bJ,.owing acro.. the openinga. Another . . thoj 11 to place the ear againlt the back of the inltnaent and. playa .cale on a piano . ao.!: tOMa will be found. to penetrate the elr with IlIOn force than othere OIIi"l to t.he re.onance of the iMtru.ent. The conaequence of th1l re.onance 11 that tho.. tonea of atrins. which lie Dear the proper t.onea of the inat.ru.ent are eapedl.lly p~nt.. The wl1cel quallt1 of tone or the tw..Iered dulcJaer 11 durable and t'Illl becaUIe the _tal atrins' are under IMIch ten'ion, are attached to a atrons fraae ADd pa .. OYer heavy bridee. that cannot. be ahaken veryalch . Thererore, theyaive out their y1bnUoni d.ov~ to the air ADd lOIlndiJII boa.rd but their vibratioM cont.i.nue for a relat1ve~ lons tt... In ecapar1lon. inatruMnt.1 .ucb •• the violin or pitar wit.h .tringa of Ie . . . . . (.a.et.t.el ecaparable . . . ), r.lteDed vitb Uaht aupport., j*"inI OYer l1&bt. brid«ea lupport.ed by a very .ablle aound.1n& board, aDd tor the y10lln the part thI .trl.nsl touch 11 ll1&htlJ' elaltic .. when t.he .ort. fin&er ltops a .t.rine, their vibrationa rap14ly d1lappear and t.he tone 11 .bort and without. rins. but. .ora powert\l.l and penetratin«. On _ny t..Iered dulct.er. there 11 no daapine _chanlla to co.pletely atop the eontinuance of lOIlnd .rter each note 11 atruc:lr.. Therefore, the lOund . y be d.lIcor<i&nt for certain co.binatlonl of not.. (oonlecutive tonea in. acale for exuple). Thi. eonl\ll1on can otten be reIIOyed by play1n& in the h1aher octavea which are uluallJ relat.b.. ly poor in upper part.au (the deeper octave. are u'\lAll,y ricb) or by .levin« d.own the te.p) to I.llow the 1nd.1Y1dua.l tone. IIOrtt tt.e to d1a1nbh in int.enaity or by daplJ playif1& lorter. Por other eoabinations ot notel , t.he contimlanc:. of IOU.nd ay be concordant (u w1t.h toM' of. cbord) . ~red dulc~r

~ ONT I NUED Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com


(1) Si-.ple tone', Uke t.ho.e of t.uni.ng fork. (where onl¥ the priDe 11 heard .ince t.hey hive DO upper part.ial tone.) have a very soft. quaUt.y but. lack JlO'Ier. The LoDe' of flut.e. approach .blple tone •• (2) Nulleal tone. where t.he fu.t. aix part.iall a r e aud1ble wit.h t.he .eventh and h1&her inaud,ible a.re con.idered t.he .oat ha.lw)niou' and ...Ileal. The t.emea projuced by the piano, open o r gan pipe. and t.he sorter tonea of t.he nu-n voice are exaaple" (3) When only t.he uneven nWllbereel partial! are pre'ent. (u in atr1n&' atr uck in their ald,dle and clarinet.). t.he Lone 111 hollow . and when a large numbe r ot upper partials an heard , na.al. (4) When t.he prime tone predominates, t.he quaUt.y 1a rich, .nd when t.he pr1lle is not .ufficiently .tronger than the upper partials , the qu.lity ot t.one is poor . Strine;. nruck with piano ta-era live tones of a richer qua.llt.y t.Mn when .tr uck by a hIlrd t . - r o r plucked by t.he f1n&er. (5) When part.ial tone. higher t.han aix a.re very diat.lnet., the tone h cut.ting and penet.ret1D& and. acaet. • • rouch (as in the b ra .. instf'Ull(!:nt.) . The r enon 11 the di..onance. the uppe r partials tor. wit.h one anothe r. When t.he force 1a WHit, t.he hiaher upper part.ial. a r e u.eful in living character and expre.sion to t.he mus i c (tor example, the vioUn and rnu.an voice).

3000 1'ools

Woodworking and Musical I nstrument Making Book. , Finishing Products


Tools of the highest quality Catalog


... ..........

Woodcraft supply Corporation Dept. DP 313 Montvale ~venue Woburn , Massachusetts 01801


_u_ . __


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!boe "stuuliL 2:>.lo....u Er <Wood


208 Ash Avenue

Pew« Valley . Ken tucky 40056 502·241 -444)

J10t e"Paptr! ...I'" ~~. ot

Two o r ig1nal dulc1aera by BETTY STUEDIE. PrLnt.ed on beige paper 111 brown 1nlt.

S Kote. a S Envelopes. $1 . SO Write I Bett, Stuedle 206 Allh Ave .

Pewee Valley ,


COVER Sprina: 1979 OPH: Dana Vibbert.s, Worthington, Ohio . Dana DOt on.l.y play. the dulcimer beautit\l~, he hal II COlIpell1nc voice. Vidtora to Ohio featival. have . good chance ot hear i na Dana ling and. play the dulciller . Photogr apt! courteay o f Ro.coe Village Foundstion .

-~'i'.tY..The au-er 1979 01'1 will have Ilrt.icle. on .treet. .u.ic, phy.ic. of .aund, protile. on O&lu:, Virl11lia dulciaer builders, article. on people and .u.ic, tune" ~re about fe.t.1Y1lu, and lIIuch .ora .


Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com



15 mil" north of RNr'O", VI. '-81 foit 45 or 481 or Rt. 11 . then Stili Rt. 606 to 640 GATES OPEN 24 HAS, CAlLY • FREE CAMPING & PARKING • BIG STAGE & LARGE SPECTATOR TENT . HOT FOOD . PROFESSIONAL SOUND

$3265 8~. .


act TJfM BaodJ Blue Gr. . Fiddle Old Time Fiddle Claw Hammer Banjo SIu"9I'_ Banjo GYiur Mandolin . . Fiddle



CMH AWARDS 240 - 140 "




S 45 -

30 · 25


80 20







001>. F.,...1e Vealls! M'''VoullSt Duklmer

$ 40 ·

2 • • 20



H.mmef" Du !elmer Flalfoot/Clog S 25 . ROSETTES TO A LL WINNERS Fiddla Player 15 vrs. & Younger

Best <>v..11 Performer






DAY ADMISSIONS ADVANCE 3 DAYS $12 AI GaltJ DaVIS15 Children Under 10 Free




DR All Hop-In Food Storn - Ro.noke V.IIty, Omlthln!lburll. 8lKksbur;, Rldford , P.... i.burg, Rich Creek, BOOIlft Mill

SeoUl Thrill Store - Troutville

Drug !It AlcoholllWl will be enforced


TICKETS OR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Write or phorw _ 8OTETOURTJAYCEES P. O. Box 157 Ollevllll, Virginia 24083 Bob Pln.-son, TlckelS 703 992 4066 Cl'Iarlie Cox, Contestants 703 3623069 ARTS & CRAFTS WelCOME (wilh .....Ina! .r«lgements!

Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

$3 JUst I OR I QN liJ.1 \\\\\\\\\ Ute Center of the SlUnt" Rt.lD 7es Lv ILl




f\l.l.MAK[,RS :PlAYERS f LoVr~ s +OR

-;;LlNE I"

CosS~ ,TE



o.f- tHE DlAlCIME:R

"".1 E"SS E E






oTM£!\. I l>ST/(1I ME "'T'>,




"Bt-tICOI uk / 'PLA~IUt.. Tn ~u IQ~£S S


PE'C.II\ 1.12 €' b


W 0

Po.t< '>t1 0


}\OltllJTllliI.l ,~ )JA"'MIi:Il.1)UlCI~(;"I<.S

un For tick.u Md further (615) 481·5543 or wrhl:







Jerry Rockwell F,,,, H"nJa..jud JSrrinr. 'DULCIMERS Du ..cu~.. 1,,'TaueTlOH 0.. Au.. t..n.u

}) B I1'~" STaDT BU"UI"OTON , VT ~I

.tllt ...


Fil l River Mountain Oulct.ers Box 126

Hoyt, Kans . 66«0

Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

PhOne :


eJeSlLS, I YnlJ Cro55 ho.ve to.ken. ELUSDlE

"fr. Dorothy /'In,!

8. & l' 0

Chr1at1an Lyre , 1831

Henry Lyle . 1824

Key of C Tune C C C

(00 SOL SOL)

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and 7 • • t.and. for 8 .yllAlblea to.l.l.owed by 7 .ylable.. The D .tand, for double _ t.he pattun reP"t.. !'hla ten. )'OIl that 4llY let of .l,rrle. vith thb _t.er v1ll Nt. t.he


'une. 2.

Man..,. t.roubu aDd dht.r. . . _ . 'M.ll but drift _ to t.hT bra.\.; Lit. with tr1ala bard . . , pre •• _ .

Heaven will br1ns ..



God ' a own hand ahall guide t.hee t.here. Soon ahall c:l01e t.hy eart.hl¥ ahalon SwirL ahal~ paiS thy pllgrlm daya; Hope aoon change to glad trulUon, ,.alth to aight and prayer to rabe.


Ob, • t,b not 1n grief t.o har, _ While th¥ leve 11 lett. to IDe Db , • tve.re not in joy to cha.r:al me Were that Joy una1xed wit.h thee .


Hlut.e tben on t'roIa grace: to "lory. An! ' d b7 raUh and vlng ' d b7 punt' · Heaven'a eternal da,.. before t.hee ,

fOe • . , aoul, tb7 tull ••.l:n.t1on; Ii,.. o'u I1n and tear and care. J01 to rind 1.Q eftr')' .c..tioa


'!'hla hl-wt arranged tor t.he aount.ai.n dlllc1aer by

Sc.et.h1nc still to do or bur . Think what Spirit c!vel.lI 'Within t.hee What • Fatber ' • •aile 11 thine WMt. • Saviour died to yin thee ! 0Ill.d of Heav' n, .hould ' ,t. t.hou repine'

Dorothy Msy

7J2l<I ca.nt.erbury Prairie Village , Jean. . a 66208


(615) 487·5543

ltananltt Sehittin9

Our specia lty is .cunt,in and h...e red dul ci.ers lind everyth l ng for th ell:

finished i nSlf'UJlents and Idts


by seve r. I .. kel's, builders ' pl.ns and supplies. instnw::tion and son, books, record .1bu8s. and Icc.lSorles. We also carry in stock or an order other strinled instn-ents, as veil as recorders, h8..-onicas, and si.Jlar

vind instru.ents, TUDITIONAL RfCOfWS, our label,

presents ret-ordiniS by: Sparky Rucker Janette Carter Jeu , Lee Schillln, Folk Festival of the At ,YOUI' record stor6, or write dI"K< letail (atalol, 60t, Refundable With Order.




l-STAI\G DULCIMER, lUNING A-A-D" by Jerry Roct.well Second Edition, Revised And Expanded $1.50 Plus POStale, Oirect

Or, Obtain Fro. Your Locll toUsie Store.

De21er Inquiries Invited .

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M -1--3EJrwroriichords: _1_ " _ 1_

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Made. by Du/c.ime.r Pla),e.r.s for re.llow Dulc.iMe.r Playu 5 (Y)t. Dv.kimers Hammered

Du\c,rners M~

~I:='O "'-'

i3anj as

Ht...F\.t., Inc.. "DPN


2.9 5.c... Mal"


('),M....poii" r1N

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55 '1-1 '\-

- TIIDILCI 11810PPIHandcrafted Musical Instruments By McSpadden RECORDS FOLK CRAFTS BOOKS Drawer E - Highway 9 North MOUNTAIN VIEW, ARKANSAS 72560 Phone 501路269路8639


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en t:Rfcket:t::

00 fnteRvfew b:y MADELIKE MACKEIL

Keet.1nc Ed Trickett f," t.be firlt t1ae, I wanted to la:y over and over bolt I&Icb I enjoy hi. aulic. I dld say tt.t, at le.. t a few w..e., but we .pent _ny enjo:yable _ _ nt.. tdHIII of singing , of the hIllmered dulcaer and of folit &ldc in general. Meeting Ed Tri ckett. for t.he firlt time, I wanted to Jay over and over hoW -.ach I enjoy hil mudc. I did .. y t.hat. at leut. a few timel, but. we l pent IDIlny enjoyable Il10.. ntl talking or a1ngina. of the haaDered dulc1l!ler and of folk IllUdc in general . Ed and hie v1fe Penny .oved to iCenaingt.c)O, Maryland, clole to Waahington, D. C. , in AI/&u.t, efter having lived 10 ColUlecticut., CaUrornu, Colorado and Ohio . Much of that tt..e apent in hh acadeaic .tudiea persuing h1l doctorlte 10 psychology . He 11 cu.r~nt.ly teachins at the Univerdty of Maryland in College Farll althoue;h hh back&round 11 in cl1nical psyc:hDlogy . One of hil interelta at Maryland 11 putting toget.her a .ub .peculty in develo~ and evaluating the varioul Und. of ~n lerviee prograaI vit.hin a ~nity; aeeins vh8.t of .em ee ~nitiel _ed and deciding i f prov-lded eerrieel are nelpf\ll. Theae include aervicel for del1nquentl, .. ntal health procMlIII and .cbool intervention prograaa. Ed ' . family lived in IIeltern Maryland and Weat. Virginia for _ny yearl. Hil grandfather \nil a c:ombination eoe.l miner and union organi%er, and for awhile _I a leg1llator in Mar:yIand. '!'here vere no real folk IllUsic trad1t.ion. in h1l raBln:y . althoue;h t.he WOllen ware .uaical. Hil grandmother and hil aunt vere clal.ically- trained planiata. The r..il:y IDOved to Walhington, D. C. .oon after the Deprel.ion in t.ypical fashion: one perton wou14 earn enough IIIOM:y ItOrking for the government to lend for another person in the r.a1l¥ .nd. 10 for th. AI a :youngster, Ed IAn& well and therefore ~ee1ved a .cholarship to one of the private Ichoola in Walhington t.o dng in the C:llC"ir. By the age of six he val act.ivel¥ partidpating in clmrcb &llic, and t.his haa been t.he .o.t. endurinl; innuenoe upoll. bt.. &lsieal.l.J'. For leveral :y"r' he practieed 10 _ 12 houu a week. which is a lot of pract.ice for. 6 , 7 , 8 )'eIlr 014 Child. One list.ening to Ed ' i &llic can ' t. help but. hear t.he • Church har.oniea. At. t.he age of thirteen, Ed went to Sw.er camp in New Mexico . That :year, 1956 or 57, Howie Mitchell cute out .. a counselor. He was playing the .ount&in dulcimer, t.he autoharp and WIll linainc nice old 10ncl. Ed. meanwhile, wal pla:y1n& an Arthur Godfrey ukelele . It bad a Ut.tle box on the strings and one could push a button snd pla:y a cho.:!. a. 10", al t.he instrWllent w.. in tune. What tiowie ",al doi", vas IDOre exc1tins. Ed lOt. to Ir.now Howie and apent. IllUch time Iht.ening to him and. paying IllUdc with ht... Howie tauaht Ed to pI.ay the guitar. On t.he wa:y to caap frca Wa.hington, the bus wou14 ltop at. Warren tunel State i\ark in loutbern Mic:h1gan or DOrthern Indiana for the lecond night. on the road . One)'lN.l', Ibrie invited George Arut.rona t.o co.e out and pay hh ba&P1pes. There vere &rMt nnd dune. bebind the caapine arM and in front vas Lake Michipn . "I'll never forget w&k1ne; up abou.t. .Ix in tbe .oraine and hearina Georse Araat.rons pl.al' the bagpipel. He va. valkine around those nnd dunel and the bagpipea did a good Job of waking people up:" Ed SOt. to Itnow George and t.hrough ht.. Bob and EveI:yn ~rs . He s pent a rair uount. of i t . at the Beera ' ChiClliO tx.e, and V1ll becoadng involved in quite a network of &llic . He w. . r.lcinated with the people he met . The:y ",ere int.ereat.ing and involved and it. va. exciting to lee tbis in other. snd experience t.h i s within hilllseif. At this point in our converlation, one of Ed ' s 1II1II11 dauahters , mor e intere.t.ed in a ,leu 01 vater than Ileep, vande red. t.hrough t.he l1vinc I'00III . After her wilhea were fulfilled . Ed told ., that it. 11 difficult at beat to anlver que.tions about aettina involved in &llic. "It'. rat.her like a queation on II graduate .chool applicat.ion: Why do :you vsnt to studJ' p':ycholosY' I don ' t. Itnov. Ever:yt.hif16 I ..:y h .ore than that. . " I acreed. The subject ia oaaplex and wide- spread. Ed Nut heard a ~red dulc_r at the 1966 Fox Hollow "eat.lval . Hunell Flu hArty va. ple:ying the in.t.rUMnt. and Howie Mitchell aDd Ed bot.h IIlW it at. the . . . t.t.e. lIeitber 01 tne. had .een luch an inat.ru.ent before and the-y ~re fascinated. Rull looked a. t.hough he was hav1nc a ,rand time pl.a:yins it. Kowie ,01. very excited and ltarted drawins diagrlllls of the dulciJler . Kowie built i nitrulllllntl, to he went lloaMl and in two or t.hree weeki he ' d figured out how t.o 1118ke one of those thinsl . !d's vite Penny arranged vit.h Howie to make tu. one for hh Birt.hda:y. Ed, meanwhile, va. looking for a briaht.er and .are distinct , melodic inat.rument. wit.h whi ch ~ branch out. in his music. The dulc~r val jUlt right. The MitChell- built. instrument he r eceived that. April il number 5 in Howie ' l book HOW 1'0 MAKI AND PIAl' THE RAMMERED DULClMEJI - After a puhion. It ' . a 4th interval dulcimer rather than the IIOre ~ 5th interval. "It ' l • ..awhat. l1a1t1f16 In ranee of notes and ke:ys, but the tone 11 lovel,y, clear and preche. 'ftIere are tltO It.rlng. per COUI'Ie and I vouldn't. want. .ore .t.ringl . I ' lI.ore int.ereat.ed in the clarity of .ound ratber t.han t.he YOluce. I feel ilie an Edsel in t.he ~red dulc_r 'WOrld. I ' . the only peraon I know who pIa:y. a 4t.b interval instl'UDent.. It ' . a rarit., . "






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The .ound hole. on Ed' dulcbler.re very ornat.e and very wUque. At. first. &lance, UJel appear toO be cleconte4 with intricately N.l1grled wood. Upon cl.08e In.pectlon .00

.t'Wr • fev que.t1ocu, one dheovere t.hl.t tne duign 11

.pr.y- ~1nted paper do1l.1e • . Ed 1'1011' own. other haaDere4 dule_c. _ t.he lDOat recent 15th interv.l Sam Rlu.et.ta iDatrume.nt.. ltorM.n ltennedy round an old ~red dulcu.er for hia in • bun in Vlre:1nia. ~ lound bole. 11l that In.tru.ent are .lao very unique. The)' vue created. by alee. I.nd.7 Wallace .pent alc:h tt.. ruing up toM duldaer '0 tMt. it b now playable . The tun1nc pins are .11 cl1fterent. .hapel .ncI dzes, reprelentlfll whatever nail. vue hand.)'. The English folks1n&er CUrt Hallam, now l1v1na In Connecticut, created an oblona. tunny .hapeel VTench which .dapt.. to lobe dlfrerent tuning pin.. Bd never play. that dulct..er in public tor the tone 1In't, too SOOd. But it ' . Intere.t1n& to own and it' . eert.alnll 014 - ,bout IJo-~ years. • Ed bes.n pl.aJlnc the ~red dulct..er in the late 1960" .nd. doesn't r~r exactl,. how he approached t.he inlt.~nt. He Unt triad to find _lodia. and, .!nee he w.. left. to hi. own devic. . , adapted what ha "". playin& on the Buttar to t.he dulci_r. Hil bade approach to aU .udc anyway 11 to hear what. a aoll8 or .elod,y (2;n be in h1l ~ ad and t.hen try to do it . PIIul Chr1ltopino, who vtlrked behind. t.he Chad Mit.chell 'J'rio, (2;_ over one day aDd "". doina: a kind of d.ruIa1na: and t.rilli on t.he dulc_r. That ""II a naY idea t.o t.ry. Id thought. it would be lntere.t.1nB to .ee what people ....110 play druaa c10 wit.h t.he hal_red du.leUier. Alth0u.8h 1ID1t. ployen loolr. at. the dulct.er .. a lead inItru.ent, Ed approachel it AI an accc:.parl¥1ns inltrl.lllent . I alked ht. i f he fWa .inging with the dulct..:r dUrtcult.. "It ~ naturally to lie . I rtnd that it' I Ir.nov .... hat I ' . do1n8 vith ~ handl, th1l frees ~ voice to do what it. van~. I t.hink t.he dulc1ller 10el nicely with the voice . I also love the banjo and dulc __ r t.oaether. The aound 11 lilr.e .... hite liBht - aympatico and ltark . ~ "nIe first tiM I heard Ed, in concert. or on an albUII, "". vith Gordon Bok end Ann JU.yo Muir. What a vondertul experience! I a.ked Ed how the three of thea _to and began playinc IIllic Lopt.ber. "I llet. Annie at TrinH, College in Hertt'ord, Connecticut in 1961. I _ . involved v1t.t, the feWore socbt;" and a~ and her hulba.nd vere alao _lIberl. She besan 1ins:1ng all theae terrific 80na8, and I quite taken by t~ . It leelDl the longl vere .... ritten by Gordon Bok, and later , .. and I began co..unicating by tape. In 1969, Gordon atopped by. We l1ked and relpected MCtt other ' . allic, and wnted to .ee the ponlbllitiea or pIa,i", .c:.e allie t.oe .. ttwr. Four yearl aSO. t.be Utree or UI Icheduled I~ perfo~neel. It is .0 intense vcrk.Ine relat.ionlhip. We lpend three or tour veekll tos;ather a year playina ~lie. Ot.her Lhan t.hat, wa YOrk lone: diltance, vith tapel and biB phone billa , When ve Bet tOBether, we lIOrk 8-10 houri a day ." Tor e lens t t . It.;t haa telt that the -olt uo:oItl"16 thlnB. in rollr. llUalC ara not t'ooJId in the pert'o~nce arana but. vit.ll follr.. who p1a, an inlt~nt t'or itl own dU. "I set IIOre ot a kick out of plapns 'I/ith people who JUlt play tor tun. A ditter-ent kind of energy 11 tranJilllt.t.ej to lie, an aneri)' Cl08er t.o the aource or folk eu.ic. The GOLDEN PIN:) 11 I 1001 eX~lJIple. That Ilbum, recorde;! lutaen yearl lBO, capt.ured a Sood tiM. It. captured what llUalC b auPpol'!'d to be - run." "I adaire people V'ho are IIOre tec..Wcall,y protic1ant t.t.n I on the he-.red dulcimer, but I don't. aapire. We ' re JUIt. ditferant. There ' l plenty of roaII in allie for all pointl ot' view. I feel we haven ' t Itretched the ~red dulcl.er II t'ar 81 It. can be It.retched. I vant to tind out. vhat other dulcilll!r people are thinking - not bolt to pla,. IIDr e notel pe r ncond but bolt to enhance the quality of IOUnd and to explore other ""YI ot playina· I'd like t.o ahare tapel V'ith t'olkl ""ntinc to expand dulc1ller Itylel . " »1 hal t.ve albuaa on t.be 'olk Lepcl label , GENTLY DOWlf TH! S'J'RE.o\M 0' TlMi and THE TELLD'G 'rAXES ME fDCE . Wit.h Cordon Bok ano:I Ann Mayo Muir, he hal recorded TtI!JfIMi TOWARD nm MORlIl1I:J and, THE WAYS OF MAN (Io:)n to be re1euea). Zd can be contacted at 10519 I:Vell Avanue , ItendtliLon. Ma r yland 2fJ19'j.




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,ase _tlt&$iB Handcrafted Folk lastrumeats appalukill hicilllll 1111111111 hicilllll 'uillrill ,tl.

II 'Ilrilt aoai, '"hbar! 1111. D117. Tho


(117) ISI路IIII



"All Hand er.tt.;I"--from Hardwoods

--"CoOrne Seel


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" ' - ' 751-7261







D (!


('10~) 3~'l 路1.0'l8

BOX 894,

\l. 2>庐

VA. 24153

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A PIlfBlOCK OOIl: TD4P'IAt'I: TOT aU those fona who vant to .....e three or 80 IIOre ~r dulc1Jaera after they' ve -.de their first, but don ' t vant to 8P through the labor or _rlr.ing all the pin padUans and drill, hoping t .. t the drill won ' t dance across the top o f the pinblock. One thing that helps in the drilling pro~ss is a drill press . You don ' t Deed a f'llDcy drill pre .. , ODe tbat rill scramble eggs, wind rlah1n& line and ;touble as a $400 _11 fan. For about $25 you can ge t II. goo1 presa into which you OlIn fit your halnj drill. Ho\fever, you can drill me hand. or by us1n8 a drill pre .. , depending on the control you teel you na.ve . Get sOOle hardwood 3/4" thick with the 15&_ surface ar•• aa the pinDloelt. Mark it vhere you \lant the holea to go arnt then drill. CUt four feet to IIIOIlnt on the aides of the teaplate. Mount t~ with acrewe anr:l glue, clamp the tflllplate onto the pinbloclr. and drill. You will be as accurate 118 is your ~plate. You oa.n 1II/lke ,. tfllllpl&te for the otber aide or you can reverse the feet OD )'OW' tirst t.e.plate arut use it for the other plnbloclr. (it you d.14n ' t glue the feet on). A telliplate speeds the work process and gives )'0\1 t1ae to concentrate on other I18pee t.a o f the lnatrwnent . I drill out ten pai,.. of plnblocks at a t1ae, and believe lie i t helpa . Eddie DuB 3101.8 Jefferson St. ChiI' Shores, HI

A .... c;.u: b T •• 011; .......


Ft..IIIT 70p

T£....... OI TE

! ~~~

\ - ".. -- ...






J l

(OI'\NW~T I I'I .. 'II.l oibfrII.

S."".I..U 0 ",

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Ii : ..

A'MJ.It(.14"'" S"';SOA.C'D




S.fITHE~N ''''/H..l tcH/IfN

§outlp'rn Appalacqian ilIulciutl'r ]11'!i ti u a 1



SUND1\Y, MAY 6. 1'17 'J 1:00 t. ' :00 P.M . I"DIAIi SPR'HH

seHOIl ~,

BIN"41"'H 11M, RLA8AI"'IA,


ON tAH.48.q WIJ.J. ~r RO/ID (e4tJNT( lloltO ~,..,)


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"AlP ;t fD., TO OAK 1141J14TAIN STArE PIIR. If



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F£ItTtJjltES: DtJLC.I"'l~ 'MYltw6 !fltD u"DeR THE TUES, Stof(DIILED (NJ.C,M€1t ,r"".A /"I"N t.E5 .IN ~ IlIr, D4//.. C.II'fC~ l'tIfjl( CAS' SAU S 8P' r /llS.. FI(CE DilLe ,'" t it IAl STR~tnCr'f, DII1CI,""f~

A~(O(O$ .,1'10 l.I'HT lf lX.'C'lt,.




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Designed and Qu i lted by: Sally Ceorqe. Louisville, Ky .

• Made of Cine calico pr ints • Each bag indIvidually designed AppllexiM,..te and quilt.eel More than adequately padd~d ..., ~A$u..R.e#l1ellt: Braided fabric shoulder st.rap of Drawst.ring t.ie DULCIMeR • Pocket. (or picks




,..,~ tJlltlfLCS CUIS RoUTE. II I 8.)( ".'13 HELEN"t -'VL J5t1, (J P/I. : 6,g QU-O"f73



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St.andard SIze , ) 4x7x2 t.o )6x8x2~ . . S19.25 S... aller than ))x7x2 . ... . . . ........ S16.25 Hiniat.ure, smaller t.han 2)x6x2 . . .. S12.00 Large r than standard size. add $2 . 00

Price includes postage and insurance Prefer Cashie r' s Check or Money Or der


To order write; Sa 11 y George 7500 Moredale Road Loui s ville. Ky. 4022

++.+ •• ++I.++ ••• + ••• +.+.++.t •• +++++++ ••• •• + •• +.++++ •••• ttt.t+tt+.t ••

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r ... . . There is geOClll!tr y in the hUll:lml ng of the str ings . There I, MUsic in the spacing of the spherell ... " Pytha80ra ll (580- 500 B. C. )

" • .• AI i t I, above, 80 it 1. below .. . "

Ano n .

This polter is adapted troll Rober t

Fludd', "The Histor y Of the Macrocosm" (1617). Based on the Pythagor ian principles of teaching lIIU8 1cal inte r val.a . this Monochor d was used by Fludd to l lluatra te the

T. 11. ACT A T V S. I. L I 8. ilL h i _ - . . . ........ OI . . r.... "apoo ......... ceJo.

H""' ........ -

....... ~ ........ lliIo..o4ioi.o ( ...., f· ·R", .....J... _

........ """"'..... ~

w __ "'''''''''''''

m¥ltlcal construction and manipulation of the universe . We see the hand of Apollo emanating ~ the heavens to turn the strine: (the One or PrilM. Cause)



else I s generated .

Reading !'roil the bottQIII left ot the str ing ve have Te r ra (Earth) , AqU8 (Water ), Acr (AU) and Ionis (Fire). Then the seven kno-.m planets : the Moon Mercur:l • ( ~ ) . Vema. the lIun (i:t: ).

(a ),

( f ).

Mara ( d' ) , Jupiter ( 'If- ). and Saturn ( t\, ). The next three boxea

are the devine celestial regions, ending with heaven. ~te. are vrltten on the r~ht 81de of the atr ing, starting with G, ~ itb an octave a' at tbe sun and endine; witb the supercele.tial octave, heaven (gg ) . Mote that on the Mtmochord. the blah notes are at the top end (gg, or heaven), and the lev note. _tart at the bottom.


fro. his work on the seven- string harp and his knovledge of _the-

_tics, Pythagoras expounded the theory that the seven planet. vere in the same proportion to each other as the seven notes of the then- knovn "ulical scale. The planets, be sai d , revolve in perfect c ircles upon invisible spher es . The harmony e~ltted by the inter val and spaci ne; of these planets produces s concordant sound, tbus "The M~sic of the Spberes".

_ FIU<lII, IlIri" "," " Cosm l HI'·or ..... 1619.-

Each sphere exert. a gartlcular inf luence upon the t empe r of all livine; beings on the esrth. (loony f > Mercur ial ¥ > Veneral ~ > Sunny ~ , Ms. r t1al ~ . Jovial '2f- • and Saturnine ""' .) Pythagorus a180 used this Monochord to sci entifically fiz the seven a r eek modes (a lIIO:1e is a OOGbination of tones and semi- tones) . Named after ra ces in Asia Minor, they we r e. and st1ll are, calle:1 Mixolydian (0)* . Aeoli an (A) , Locr ian (B), Ionian (e), Dorian (D), Phrygian (E) and Lydian (Fl. As one could dedUce, the lIIOdes were related to certain spherel . Marl, which val tho'.lght. to cause var and fU r y, ws ruled by the Phrygian lIO.:ie , ~hlle Jupiter, from ~hlch the vord "Jovial" arose, vas consider ed to be heal1ne;, and ruled the Lydian lIIOde. One can see the astrological implications wbich extend to all the planets governing the different mo~es. ~ ~ The arches of consonance on the sides of the Monochord a r e a result of Pythagoru' experi menta with. vibr ating Itr1.ng.

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the octave r CG to G) . in double propor tion) This occurred when the string was divided in half. is the observed, or material octave.


Diapente Material1s: the fifth. Occurred when the string was divided in the ratio of 2 to 3 (D is s fifth of G.) fourth . string w s divided in the ratio of 3 to 4 (C i. a fourth Once past the sun we have the same relationship!! , but no ... they are"Formalis" ... 'Jpiritual or speculative realities.

Diap(son Forlllo8.lis: octave of the sun to heaven (0 to gg). Proportio dupa) From the sun to put Jupiter ( '1f- ). Dlatesaaron Formal1s: DlaPfson cu= diapente : Proportio tripa}

the fourth .

From the stars to heaven (d to ss)

octave fifth of earth to the stars (d)

the superce1e stlal octave from earth r to heaven quadrupa)


Bringing our discussion up to the present time, we =ight even entertain the possibility that the pentachord used in the climax of the InOvie CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE l"HIRD KIND, which, on the dulcimer, WI al follows (DD-A-D) : First




Illi6ht be thought of as a cosmic method of interstellar COIIIJIunication, rather than Just a random series of =ulical intervals. Let us conclude with a quote from Division Viol by Christopher S1=plon, 1659: "the universe, whose creation, as begun and finished in seve!l days, is thought to be figured long since by Orpheus on his seven- Stringed lyre. Vithin the circumference of this great universe be seven bodies in continual InOtion, producing still nev and various figures, acco~ina to their har.onies •.• And these , . .• by passing into such and such concords, trans=it into the ea r an influence of sound, which doth not o!lly stri ke the sense but even affect the very soul, stirring it up to a devout conte=pIation of the divine PRINCIPlE from whence all hal1llOny proceeds ."





~ 6 . 50



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"--un, P.J . , "Tha It.adcal Theory and 1'h11011lh7 of Robert. "Fludd", Journal of t.he Warburg and Court.aul.d Inlt.ituter, 1967, pp . 189--227 . Barton, Todd, "Ana1OC1a: Nudca Mundana and Mudca ItUalana", Pro Nudes. Magadne, January_February 1976. pp. 7-19 . Fludd. Robert., Ut.rluIQu.e eo-! Hilt.oria, F'nnU'ort. (1619). Me~r-81er,

Kat.hi, The Nude of the Spherel and The r.noe of Death.

Princeton Un.h"eraity

Pre ... (1970).

Murchie, Guy, Nude of the Spheres, 81...,.00, C . • The Division Viol,

Vol . rand U, Dover PUbUc:at.ioM, 1961.

Loodnn, 1659.

Stanley, T .• Hhtory of Philol0phy.

London (1687), I'lI.rt. IX, Pyttw.gor....

J. Heu..n


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1'ROUBAOOUR Dorothy Cart.e.r ~ WAILlD, VAILlBE Doroth7 Carter ~ ANIIIlCAJI IWI(!RED WLCDIDt 01'1&1,.1 Dule1aer Players Club or M1e~ BA!flSH M.lSJ"OR1'UK! 1411100111 DIllclhh and G!"I!7 lArsen ~ _ THI FIRST CII AlmJaI "-.leola Da1&lbh .ad. Grey Llr.en-~ GREEK ROCn' JKW) ()q Ct.nwan aDd rrle~ ~ MORE PATH RDT Doua Icbr and Friend. ~ MCmQI!R'S FAVORITI KDOrS

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'1'HI tWMD DULCIMER ~t. JUker JLjQ TRAf'EZOm SuI Rinel.\.& ana 'lnlpazo1ci aa-r Dulc*r Band '!'HI KA*IRID OOIl:DO;R AUIIlIt Jay Aoun4 aDd J"rierdl ~ COLL1CBU8 8'I"OCV.DE BUllS Jay Rounc1 and t.he 'I'] 1Ia•• FUITy 0 . . TINE FlUDD


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Jly RowJ:l

IWICIR DUlCIMER UlnIUB Jay Round, c.th1 sarLoa THI fWoMIRID DULClMER Bl11 Spence and Fenn1&'. All-St..u • SA'1'URllo\! JIGHI' Df THI I'ROvr.:IS 8111 Spence and Fennia'. -atau ~ 'rHI fWI(ERIl) DULCIMER STRIaS AClAm B111 Spence and Fennia ' . All- Star. ~ ALEX UDVARY PR!S!N'1'S '1'HI ClMBALCM Alex Uclvary ~ PRAlRII WILI)FtoWERS Harvey Prin!. and Lilah Gll.att ~ DULCIMOttt

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IDf '1'0 8UIIJ) A JWH:RBD DULCIMER Pb1lllp Mascm .!l.!l2 THE !wtmrID DULCIMER DrS'I'RUC'I'IOil lOOk f'hUllp M..on ~ .IDI '1'0 MAD AlID PLAt 'fBI IWIOIIID DUlClKER Howie MitebtU ~




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(an inat.ruct.lon/t.u.nel book) Pet.er P1ckow ~

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Mid.al, 'I'c. Mcer-Ih ~

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