1978-04, Dulcimer Players News Vol. 4 No. 4

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P.O. BOX 157 FROIn' ROYAL, VA 22630

".,.., (703) 635-7963 Editorl: PhiWp Muon. Madel1rut MIlcJleU

.......•.......... , ....•...•.......................................•...•........... SU BACK PJ\GF.S FOR LlBTIIGS AKD AVA IlABn.ITY



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Eacb i ..ue ot the ~cUel' Playerl WeWI il oonalq .lied out dur1n& the rirlt week of the .onth for whicb tbat blue ' l terw besw. '!be .nuluipt.. copy, aDd adl'ertil1.nc; deadl.1ne for eaeb 1.IIue ralla 00 the l.t or the .oatb prior to itl publication. For ~ple. the dead.l1ne for the Spri.nc 1978 i .. ue 11 Mucb lilt. aDd It v1.ll be .. 1led April In. The rour quart.erl¥ I . .uel are let up .. follawl: WDn'!II ISSUE Januar;y. February. March SPRmo IS8UE April. May • June 8l.MIER IBSUI July, Augult &. Septe~r FALL ISSUE October. JIoveliber &. Dec:ellber

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I ' . tJ'Pine: thb on a falr 17 typical Virginia late August day • •• bot. and humid . Sebool began today in Warren Count y am the a t reets are at-r angely quiet . Chane:e. everywhe r e .

Happy AutU:IIID !

CbanBea aze r eflected in the Pall, 1978 DHf. You aigbt. notice t.hat thl. t.aaue 11 36 lutead '1'bere 11 • rea.on - and iV. not. to give )'OU. Ie .. tor your bard-earned .one1 . '!'be postal hUe in *1 hit u. vit.h a raise rro. 14¢ to 2<¥ to .11 eaeh 1a1JUe. Vben the DAf 11 collated, .tulped . labeled and. .tapled the vei ght 11 so ciolfi to 2 ounce. that • .-tray but.t er fly ru t q on • copy can PI.h i t to the t'l.tel'u.l -.rk wbere the _Utn8 co.t 1a 4<¥ rather than 2Q¢ . That hurt. . 80w &nd then ind.irldual copiea are nturned to u. for .ore poltas;e. You ean 1ag1ne t.ile lump in the throat 11 &ft entire 1 ..ue had to be re.tupe4 . (That hal happened. twice betore , but at the old. postal rate). At..ome f'u.ture tt.e _ hope to return to the '-0 pasu \,I'ina lighter , opaque paper - but lighter, opaque paper co.t. IIO r e thAn the bearl.er piper we now ule . Before vrit1ng \1' an irate letter , not.ice how the book U.t bile been ~ed down aDd the glor lou. color paper cover OD thil hlue ! Spelldna of the book and r ecord lilt, the poltage COlt. haa been r ahed. HardJ.¥ a IDOnth arter _iling coata role ro r t.he book and recor d r ate , they role !I!!!! In ell'ly July . Si 6h.

ot 40 SJIl6e"

Collat1n6, addreuin&, .t.aa,ping, fold1.ng and Itap11n& t.he DPIf' I 2,000 plus cople. 11 t.1IIe conlUll1.rlg VClr k - eapec.1al.J.y for one peraon. Sc;.et1lle. the entire job takea ten da,.1 o r ~. The 8uDmer, 1978 blUe val CQlapleted dW"ing one trlendlblpo.tilled veekend. ! There Val e ve n tiM for play1ns: .-lc, r1d.1n& the reddeot horae and. 601nc out for Chinele food . ou.r grat.et'ul thllnU BP to leitb, Mar,., Barb and Lh Youna &tid Gary Weattall. for their -.rveloul help. It ' l been ..ld -..ny tillel that the DN 11 your ...p:tina . Kov true. It's d.et1n1teq a labor of love for us all . We try to repe.:r tolks who contrIbute to our -ca:t1De in lpeCial. _ys. The lpeC1al va,.1 are ...u, but va t r y. AI the DN grova:, ve ' d. like to belin J8)'inf;: for articlel and tablature lublll1 .. lonl. The ptyment will be .are a token than OClIIpenlltlon t o r wor k vall done. B.1t. thl. II .. future plan. Th1a luue ve ' d like to thank SOllIe foU, eapeciallJ' tor their help and IU,ppOrt. : Jteltb and Ma r y YOW'lg, IUt Connaway, Bonnie Carol, David. Schnauter , Rick Fre1al.tb , David. Young , Lor raine Lee, Mark Cierebl ej , Bob aDd, Plat. Moaic:h, Gary M1ll.er , 1eY1n Rotb , CarrIe ero.pton, Bob and. louiae We,. and Jeao and Lee Schi ll ing . 'nlelr touch _ along with those of other gentle fofu - can be tound. throughout tbb blUe . The DN &d4rUI 11 the . . . tor nov - P. O. Box 1,7, hont Ro)-&l, V1rg1n1a telephone nUliber 11 cU.rfereDt.: (703) 63F7963. Mlk.e beaut1.!'u.l a:aslc !

226)0 .

'JJJzuie t /fkI Maddie Made1l

Phil MUon

om Editor.

You vou!4n ' t leave )'OW' dulct.er behind , 10 vby len. )'OW' DUlCIKER PtAYBRS OWS lancu11h.1.na in t.he 1I1'OIl& _UbOJ:: or in the _11 lack he.dine back to Front Ro)ralf f IXE, TV ruml, PSYCIfJLOGY roOAY and ot~ r _gnlnel -..t Ir.now Y!!elr.s in advance abotit. a nev add r ela. You. can tell UI one da,. befor e the OPW gael I n the . . 11 if you ~ t, but pleale tell UI. In order to have 3rd ela .. -.11 torwarded you IllUlt lpeeltic&l.ly note 10 on the card )'011 till out at the local Folt Office when )"0\1 let thell know vhere to forvard. yoW" lit. el.all ... 11. The Of'! 11 _lled 3rd clan . It It COIIeI back to ua, we INlt pay the postage &pIn, and vo r le luck, we don' t know vhere to lend )'OUr DAf. We have a 1l1li11 collection 01' lonely, unelat.ed DPIII on a lhelt. Pe.rbapa the owners tb.1nk the OPlf went. out of bUliM.a or that we lack ao.e r elponaiblllty . !lot true ! Don ' t torget UI when your addr ul changel, and )"OUr DPI vill tol..l.ov you to your nell' tx.e .

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feedhach . . . . 11 •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• . . ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• 11 ••••••

Dear Ph1.l and Maddie: Here'. ~thilla inat.n.ent. _brl -1 be interelted 1n: a aouree or soocl. 1lCed. hLrd;wood. 'nih wood, ~.tl1 -hopl\Y. can be found. 1n t.he boe.t yant . &.aU._ the boat )'1U'd owner t.. trub boarda U'Ound tor re.piirl - but even better than t.hat is tbe oee. . lona.l old boat )IOU can buJ' Tel'7 c.heap. 1' .. llyecl OIl aDd. &roWJd boat.a all of' ..,. l1.te. ~ t.hll " . . . natu;rU aow-ee tor • . I bou&ht an old dry-rotted boat and. UH i t tor lUllber. '!'be p-ic... ....... axtre.el.7 leN around ben u DO ODe aeeu to vant too tool vitb vood. ~. 4u.let.er caD be .ade hoa an old JO' Ou-h Cn.fi. I'ft tou.ad ttat. ..n7 or t.he boatl ove.r 30 ,.ar. 014 us.4 Hondun.. which I llb belt. o~ all the _hop.n1el. A problea one eneouot.uI 11 avolcU.aa: t.be .erev bole. (bole. tor CQDDect1.nc planU to Itr1D&era) . So. tor baeD, a!de_ aM tope: the t~ 1a ~u.... FOd beca\l&fl tbere are fewer .~ bole. to be aw1decl. Belt.. tt:lOuCb. ~ be t.he ~114 wall. trca the cahill and the larp atr1nce.ra (bNCU) UDder t.he top clecll. . The plaAU 011 t.he aide. or t.be bo,"" V'OUl4 be beat tor tret boaJocb •• t.c. becaue you. an &"f014 ~ or the bole.. II one clo..n't a1Dd uaine plJvood.. the bc».t )'&I'd alght. h..... ac.e ~1ne p-ade _hopQl. whic:h baa • IOlid. eore. A frw varninp: 0rIl.)' at.ri p • tw.t vMn it b beyond repair. WlQ' de.tore;, a COOcl boat tbIIt c:&D be fixed. 1qJ't Doubl.e cheek all. boarcl.tI for _t.a.l. ec.rew., aaih, atUlb, etc. '!'be;, c:&D nWa JOW' _eb1.ou7 ..,ben a1l.llnc. MIlke sure t.benI b no 4r:r ret. on t.be woocl J"OU are \U1ttc. Dry rott..ed. wood. rlll pneraU:r be l1&htu in eolor aQd ftQ 10ft to tbe UlUeh. I f iUQ"OOI in .,. arM __ ate an old boIlt, I kDow Where & a..ber of t~ are .... 1J.able. r.d rr- to coatact. ••




Crtt&t.1n Mualeal Worklhop LaUt'ruIt IDat.n.ente 602 State Box 48 No ..v1lle, Ul.1.noh 61'~

DIal' Maddie : What. & 4eli&btfuJ. aurprb. it vaa to aee our plct.u.re 1.a the: ~r, 1978 i ..~ of tbe DI'II. aut then w've ex.. to upect. Dice thinp rn. t.be: ON. W. feel .. i f flftall7 hit. the b1c U.,: .,., tbat tbe whole world tDowe ue .. the hont Porch DulcJ..ar Bam., Q ' f t 4eel4ed to et.nc. our na.::--lii W&iit"to &'1014 beinc oon1"uaed vlth t.he Front. Porch StriDs kDd • • P'O'lP t.b&t b. . ...-era.l recor<b to it.a credit. ().u- new __ b tbe Mill Bun Dulc1M:r Iud. v. hope; to aee JOU IUIcl other DPI folia at ODe of our appe&J'&DCtle in tbe Iortbe:n:I


Vira:1nia area.


CoJ'reet pboto creclita are ~rt&nt to ua. Ve'" lOr,.,. u.t. A.ni.t¥ Spence wei not. pftra en4lt for lIboto of Bill Spe_ ill t.he a-e:r~ 1978 1"\M of the DN'. Speak1", of c:red1t. bopeh.ll7 FO'l're aware b:r DOW tbat Klebel Lep..rf b relpouible tor tbe t_a:inaU,... de· li&btt'lll clra...tnp acatteNlcl t.h:rou&hout .. ch iaaue.

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Dear Mad4ie aDd Phil: I've been in Germany tvice aince I l..a.t wrote t.O)"Ol.l . The aer.an tolk reviY&.l b Juat beginning, h'OIl vhat I can gat.her. It baa been influenced _1nl,y by the lrbh group! that. have gone over, and by American mu.ic: Doc Wat aon and Steve Stilla aeellled to be tavoritea . I heard o:)re ainging in Engl1ah than in German. I'olbinging with guitar. wall a large part ot the Hitler yout h IIIOVelllent, ao dnce the war people have been reluctant to play Ger_n tollr. aODBa tor tear they vill be conaidered Nub . They are atarting to real1te nov tbat it 11 all r1ght to play tolk. aonga, encouraeed I think by the Iriah and EDgllah &l1iciana who have aWli; over there and vante4 to hear aOllle Ger-..n aonga in excbange. 'I'bere are acae srou.pa ua1ng dulcimera, but genenilJ' onl¥ one or two tunea to vary the tone colora in a aet or on a record. I got the u.prenion that IDUliclana wbo vere ._hera ot "!fOrking tollr. banda voul.d. take up the dulcimer .. a aecood. inatl'Ulllent, and. not fUlly explore ita PJtent1&litiea. It an arrangement didn ' t COllIe easily, they ' d &0 back and try it on guitar , with vhich they vere o:)re tamil.1ar. 1 didn't hear a"Y accomplished 8010 du.lcu.er playera. But, on the other hand, 38 people ahoved up tor the dulcimer workshop at the Osnabruck PeaUval, including ac-e _kera, ao the t'Uture could be tul.l. ot aurpriaea. 1 WIla thinking the other day that 1 CQUld let IIIYselt get depruaed about the tact that there are ao tfIY dulc1eer playera per capita in Britain . Theo 1 thought ot the other aide ot it: that there 11 the PJnibility ot my getting to know every dulcimer playera in the country peraonally. And the dulclMr will expand, cr.n 't help but upand, III people reaUte that the inatrument 11 not necenuily lWted or boring . The trap to avoid 11 that ot getting into argumenta, taking aidea: "The dulcimer ia boring!" "No, it ian't!" "Yea, it ia:" Etc. etc. I ulted myaelf, inat.ead, what. _kea the dulcimer aometlmes boring' Several thiDBa can contribute: playing alightly out ot tune, playiDB everyth1DB in one key, playing ao that the dronea drovn out the melod,y. Theae preble.. can be aolved in varioua waya: carrying two dulct.8ra, .. JeM Ritchie doea, in dIrterent tuninga aDd vith dIrterent voicea; replacing wooden pega with good _chine head a to taci11tate tuning; learning to play in Iota ot keya (I reCOlaent IQ' octave tuning tor thla. I cr.n play in D, E IIIinor, G, A _Jar, A aloor and B moor without touching a peg); developlna picking and atrwrming at.yles that hrln& out the melody. Iaatly - i t you are pertormiDB - 1nterapersing var10ua dirterent atylea t.o give people a aenae of the breadth ot the inatru=ent.. Holl,y Tannen 10 Ben Royd ~race Kolyvell Green Halitax, Weat Yorkahire England

Dear Mad4ie: S1nce I've been aewing longer than I've been playing the dulcimer, I tound Kath1e Clark' a article about _kins a quilted dulcbler baa very into~tive . I've.ute aeveral baga myaelt and would like to add a couple ot all68eationa . F1rat ot all, i t the quilte4 cotton baa an interloc.ld.ng "Ylon backing (11te in a bathrobe), pan 1t up and look tor aOllle that 18 cotton on both aidea. It may coat a lit.tle o:)re but your bag then haa a aelt-lining and the atr1DB enda won ' t get. eauaht indde 11ke they do with t.he looae "Ylon. For an i~naive drawatr1ng, uae a wide (about. 3/8") .hoeat.ring 35" - 36" long. Jean Salth lC610 Thrift Road Clinton, Maryland


Dear Fbil and Maddie: It you haven't he~ tbe Prairie rAllcllller Club FeaUval in Minouri vaa another roull1ng auccen. Len and Su Mac!'.achron ot Here, Inc. in Minneapol1 •• M1nne aota vere our lDQat dl.tant cueata. The COl'lcert in the grove (unaaplltied) vaa vell received b:y about 200 people . Bu.t t.he beat part. vaa the eapecially good ahade-tree picking. Dorothy May 7324 canterhury Prairie Village, Kanaas 66206

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Den DPB: With all the interelt in the tee.hnical aspee.t. of duldaerl late17. I thought I'd add .y bit. Here 11 a graph I Ule to detendne the upper llIdt of f'requency for lteel Itri.nsl. It il baud. partly rrc.. telt-inc leveral. Itringl aDd JIll.Tt17 on the buie. Itr ine: rlbraUca equaUoa . 'lbe f1cure 11 ft.lid. ror both plain IJId VOWId It.rinsl and the belt.,. to lhow how to use I t 11 by eu..ple. I Itrine: .y 1.n.atn.entl with two plain Itri.ll8•• 011 inebe. In dta.ter and a vowd str1ll8 .018 inc.bel in U._t.er with a core .011 inc:bel in diaaet.e.r . Ny .tri..as lengtb 11 27.5 inebel. )lotte. that, for plain Itrin&I, the . d _ _ frequency 11 D:lt. depeo:!ent on t.he diaaeter. onl)' the le.rrgtb. 80 I e.an tune IV plain Itrillsl al b18h . . sbout 385 qe.le.s per HCOo:! (about G) and . .felJ to about 310 q/He. (about B nat). A wound .tring act. l.1ke a pla.1n Itring tt..t 11 l.oo&er by a factor of the ratio of the total. d.ta.eter OYer the core dta.eter. In other word •• ...atlP17 tbe lengtb by tot.a.l dta.eter dlrided. b,y core d1.a8eter. 'or _ tbil 11 (27.5) x (.018/.011) • -5 lacbel. 1'b11 I c:all t.he eo.pe.naated length . 80 I c:an tune IV ba. . atrins .. hi&h u about B flat. and ...r~ a. b.i«b a. about , sharp. Aet~ JOU will ba able to tune wound .tringl about s balf to &1...t a t'Ull toDe h1&ber depeo:!1ns on tbe v1ndlne _te.rl&1 and the v1Ddtna t.eehn1que. Tbe ....fe" llIdt i. ba.ed on wbllt 11 <:&l.l.ed the "yield .trenst,b" of the _ter1&l. Th1l 11 the great.eat It. rell t.hat the Iteel can take without pe~nt defo~t1on. JPor thole that. are interelted in luch thingl, I lave calculat.ed tbat the ult_te Itrerrgth of 800d quality IllUslc win 11 about 325,000 p;lwdl pe.r Iquare im~b witb a yield Itrengtb of Ippron-te17 200,000 pound. per .quare ineb. or courle all the abon 11 true for DeW. unrult.y stringl t.hat do not have any kinU or .harp bend". Por at.llt any cond.itio~ using the " sa1'e" lWt 11 pretty oo~ervat1ve and I l~tt.U cheat a little. Hope tb1l In1'olWltion helps. John .....

11908 BQawater Road. Ge.1the.nbur&. Muyland


Contlll~d ....

Gourd Music Presents: The Monochord Poster ••• c •••• ~ . u ~ . Based on Pytheqoriiln principills the -anochord dra·oting by R. Pludd (1619) was used to illustrilte the .ystical construction & .anlpuliltion of the universe. Each poster co~s with iln easy to understand 3 pilge explilnation • •• A mul ti-colored hilnd done A1.r-brush 18 just S4.00 (that incl. shipping) • •• An Ink on parchlllent is S2 . 0D (thilt incl. shipping). Send check or IIOney order to : Gourd ItUs1c

831 Brookside WilY Pelton, CA . 95018 Deiller Inquiries Invited. (Poster is 11" x 22")

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I play • three-Itrinpd dulet.er and about two yearl &&0 IU'ranpd "Drink to _ onl¥ with thine e:re." tor -s dulc1aer. W1thin the p . . t aix .:mtha I hllve been uper1aenting with • tour eq,ual.-dht&nce str1ne du.let.er and dJ.ICOvered thllt. Howie NitcheU's &rrlLnge.ent. of "Drink to _ only witb ttdne eye.- tor the rOW' atringed dw.c:aer 18 beaut,1.tul. Both a.rranse.nta are printed. here. Howie'. arl'1Lll8e.ent cen auo be round in hia roll tePC7 book TH! MOlIlIrADf Il\JU:IM!R: Hov 'to Make ADd Play I t - (After .. ralbion). Hovie probably nee4II DO introduction . I t1nd hi. playing, a1n81tlg and. gent.I.e ..,."... joy. MadellDe MacReU



kEY OF D lTU/\e OoSol Sol)

Madeline M.o.cNe,'

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REVlZW OF THE BIRGHAMPI'OIf, NEW YORK HAMO:REO WIClMER GATHERIlfG by Mitzie Collins "The Seeond and Kopet'Ul..l.7 ftot L. . t Northeastern Cranberr y Hu.er Dulcimer Gathering" _ I aU that I hoped it would. be, and a little IIOre . I oouldn ' t _ke it to the "Firlt and. Kope~ ...••. Dulcimer ... " and I think I v. . the firlt .Person to dgn up tor thia year ' l satheriDS because I vas 10 detendned not to atu it . ~ Frida¥ to Sunday, July 21lt to July 23rd, about leventy-live or 10 folll. gathered at the buil.d.ins: and grounds o f t he Unitarian Unive r salilt Church in BiDShampton , lfev York, and tal.ked. about, playe4 on, and. liltened to both haamered and a:lUntain dulcimerl. Delpite the one kind or dulc imer named in the title, the activitiel were almoat equally divided between the two k1nda of dulciDerl, and that aeemed to be jUlt right for the people vho vere there. The a"-'sphere ot "The Second and ••• Not . • • Gatherins" val very relaxed and I enjoyed that fact. very Blch. I have never been to one of the bi8 dulcimer contutl . but I can ' t believe they wuld be . . en,jo)'8.b1e as "The .• . Cranberry Ha..ered •• • " becaule of perrol"lllel'l harlns: to ap.1Mt each other . The lharil!ft or 1nf'or.atlon. teeh.niquel, tune. and the apprecut on of each other'l 1k1ll.a vere the focus 10 B1ngham,pt.on .


The orp.n1zerl of tbe ~kend vere Bob \ley of Koreeheadl, !'lev York; John Kleske or Bin&haapton, I'Iev York; Ben Stone or Montrole, Pennsylvania and Barbara Grhwo1d ot Cor n1.na. New York. During the days. vuioul worltehopa were Icheduled with each one headed by • " . . . Becond ••. Northeutern • . " attencler vho bad aome lpecial expertiae in that a.rea . '!'he plan of the workBhops val well thought out. There were bepnn1n& and advanced wo r kihops on both .ountain and haaaered dulcimer playing and. buUdins:. The advanced ~red dulcimer workshop brought forth an interelting group dileullion or jUlt wbat an "advanced" player wal. Madeline MacNeU'1 !e«derehip ot the bepnning klUQt.Un dulcimer wor kahop wal very clear and downright inapirational to a number of beginn1n& players attend.1ng . 1'be openin& worbhop on tuning wal especially interestins: to De, 11.1 I bad never leen the electronic tuning device, ably' ~natrated by Doug Ecker of Boaton, in practical use . I think a nUlllber ot others be.idel _ wiU take i t up DOW' . The worklhop on "Other ""'lic for the He.alDered. Dul.cimer", which I led, wal brightened by the presenee ot lUck Itrujorlky ot Ithaca , Hew York . He could play an ablOlutely ...zing variety ot -.:aile, f1'OII Mozart to Rollini; until you bear the WILLIAM 'I'BLL OVERTURE on the humered dulcialer, you've neve r reilly heard it: The workahop on IDOd.al. tuning probably served to conJ'Uae .. mch .. to enlighten , and it oecured to me that it waa not poalible to present a wor kshop on thil subject aimed at both beginning and IDOre advanced playerl at the lallle time . Ma r lt GUlton, ot Bi ngh!uQpton , wal quite PN'p8.red.. to lead the worklhop on "History and Relativel ot the KaaDered. Oulcwr ". He had really done hi. b:IIaevork and. even had a.bIeographed handOUtl ready.

For _. one ot the greatelt thin&1 about the entire weekend waa gettine: to play IIY ~ red dulcu.r without having to explain. even once, what it wal or bow it wal played . I think all UI dulcialer playerl baw gotten tired ot -kine: the kind of explanatory rl!:a r kl we mi t _ke betore perforaing . It was wonderful not to have to oy anyt.hine:, but jUlt to play. The bigeat prob1e. witb "The •• . Hopet'l1lly Mot •. . Cranberry • .. " was that the length or t.he concerti on Friday and Saturday ni8ht was way, way too long. They lAlted. about tour houri each, and the audiences began gettina glaaay- eyed . In each concert there we.re allO wl1ciani who realJ,y verell't ready to pertonD in that tonal a I1tuation. Each night really needed a fira organize.r w1th a leMe of how to keep a concert IIlOvilla .

A.ll tbil aood mudc took place on one. of the lticldest and bettelt weekends ot the au-er . The dance Icheduled tor Saturday night d1.dn't really get started until about 1 :30 A.M. and the fell hardy souls that ltayed vere treated to an iaPl'OlllPtu two-dulc1aler, piano and &alOrted other inatn.lllllent.a band and Toa Bohrer ot Rochester ably call1nc the tirst rev dance • . Perhap. it wal the heat, but there wal alcb leu jUDing than I had expected at a sat berin& of thb Und . There were al.lO .ore beginning players and buUdera than I bad expected.. FI»' thea the" ••. Annual Cranberry .. . . " must have been a very lpecial event, .becaule in jUlt one ahort weekend they picked. up hints, 1deal and aolutiona of ~n problellla that -n.r of UI , in relative holation, have Itruggled. with for years byourlelvel. By the Yay , at " "nle • • • Hope~ .•• Annual. •. " we all tried. ve r y hard to stay in tune witb each other . On J'r1d.ay , it waa pretty good. On Saturday. the tuning detinitely deteriorated because ot fat i gue and huaidity. And on SUnday • • • • • well . . . . . . .

Continued .....

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tlext yetlr ' s " . .. Third Annual •.. Not te..t • . . Haamer .. . . "v1.l.l be held on the la.t weekend. ot July (July 27-29. 1979) ~tead at the third weekend a. was this year ' . . !V1dently this year ' . gatner1n& conflicted with the schedule. at .ome at the players that the organ1:r;era had lxlope¢ would be able to attend, and. e ver)'Qne 18 hoping that next year ' s t.t.e nil be better. H you are wonderina whether to plan on go1n& to 81ngha11pton for "The Th1rd. and. Hopet\l.ll,y lfot te.t I'forthea.tern Cranberry Rumer Dulc1Jaer Gathering" (by the way, Cranberry is in the title becauae CTanberry 18 the name of a regular coftee house held acnthly at the Universalist Unitarian Church; just thought you ' d Ifllnt to knov) I ' d say ye., plan on it. The price, $4 . 00, vas lIlini.cule for all the entertainment. workshops and just plain good timel gotten trOlll it. So, thank you, "Cranberry G6thering Annual Second last Hopetul.ly" and all, because it vas really great . See you next year. Mitzie Collins 197 Melrole Street Rochester, lIew York


PAINT CR!:BK FOUWJRB SOCIETY - Rochenel" J Michige.n Our charter tells our Itory , particularly, "to gather folk interested in the lore

at lIIudc

and musical instruments •. . to enhance ainging and playing abilities by performing with

others betore an audience in folk and bluegrass Ityles ... to avail our knowledge, abilities, and lUlls to all ages and groups for education and entertaifUllent." We .eet on the first Saturday of every !IOnth in the members hoIDel that can accoaodate us all. Our IIIeI!Ibership bas blolSOCIIed. to 60 .trona: and our meetinas typical.ly tind 30 to 45 people participating in a loIOrkahop, song theme groups and jam sesalons. We veleaae the advantage have outdoor picnic .tringing, dancing and The Chri.tmas season complete vith carol sing-

of the SwzIer IIOnth. to meetings where singing, feats of stren,th abound. finds • Christmas party a - longs and cookery.

In the purluit of another of our purpoaes laid down in our charter, "to pertorm betore an audience in .tringed. instrlllllent stylea", ve aha produce a quarterly coffeehouse in the Oa.ltland Center at Oa.kland University. The TIN WHISTJZ coffeehouse featurea Paint Creek Folllore Society ltelDbers presentins the different s1n&1ng and playing atyles OOIIIIIOn to our performing members.

OUr annual membership dues are modeat - $5 . 00 - and are d.1reet.ed in part at supporting our IDOnthly newsletter, KEBPIIf ' TABS . It providea s written record of the activities of our society in addition to beill8 a proclamation of event.s both loea.l, atate and nationvide of interest to our memberl. It you are intereated. in !DOre information about the folklore society, contact Glen Morningltar , 290 Woodside Court, Apartment 168. Rochester, Michigan 4&:63 .

On June 14 - 17, 1978, t.he Ourk Folk Center in Mountain View. Arkansas sponaored an instructional woruhop for !IOuntain dulc1.uler. Leaden vere Bonnie Carol and David Schnaufer of Boulder , Colorado. Fifteen participants had a vide ranse of age and experience.

Thrust of the workshop va. unde r atanding your instrument and itl possibilities . Ita success lay in oft eri ng both a aoUd foundation and an unhindered outlook for playing any style at musical material. The tolk center'l alshtant progr... director pronounced the verkshop "near per fect". Participants agreed . Bonnie and. David have been invited. back for another lItlrk.hop next Bpr i.ng. Gerald and Sharon Chisholm Mountain View, Arkansaa

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Honut.4r, a reviever'l vork 11 never done. Just when one: tbinka that a wll· de ..r ftd rl.t in 1n order, along co.e not. one, but. three very nlce dulc1Mr a..U:I.- .

camwmo Ricll and Lorralna Ln



hont Hall (nIH-OIl!)

CX*'nA8T8 11 Jut vbat tba tit.le M)": a ItriJd.n& contran ltI. atJlea and _tar1.al.. Sidl one teature • .,.tl,y tradit10Dll _t.e.rW tallen rrc. the Anllo-AM.r1can tolk tra41t1ona, while aide two 1a ~po.ad ot contnpol'ary 1OD6' written not on.l¥ by Ricll and LoM"llM, but. alto b)' Kat.. Wolte Ind Jett Deit.et.an ..:10& otherl. Lorrl1na'. dulct..e r playtna 18 a. ulual flawl .. a and beautltul., e.pac:ially on luch piecel .. "Cinc:innati Hornpipe " and "Lady OInIn' l Oeliaht.", while in concert with Rick ' i banjo and. electric plano luch lelect i onl a. ~ee l'Illbe." (a verl10n ot the Ch1l4 ballad. "Wite ot Ulher ' l WIll lO ) Ind "'1'tI.ao Lin" reall1 c:ctorth with beauty and gnce. Short.ned ~ 56 ver ... to a _ra 12, "Taa L1.n" I'II!verthd." It i l l retainl the e ..enee of the creat claade aupernatural anOC)U.Dter betveell z.q Marprat. and. the .lt1D oourt with all itl Muntlna uandeur Iti l l IY1de.nt. tbe inltr..enta.l pi.cel are craDd to he&r and DO .we .0 than Oil IUeh aa ·star or t.he Count7 Down- and. ·Oatbl.ri", w1l1cb are part. or a larlar the s1Dc1nc by botb Lorra1De aad aick on .1de tvo 11 al brlaM and up-to-date a. are the UranpMnt. on .16a ODe equa..ll,y trad1.t1o-.1. Other .u1c:iana Oil thia ann. inelude V1nnie Vinltoll on Pt4al still, Connie !lJae 011 record. r, Jac:ll .... on second guitar. GIorle Willon on baa. and Bill. Spenctl on ~r dulc:1ar. Jut. what rHll)' c:o.el out llb tbW'lder 11 Lorraine Lee pl.eyinc the dulc:1ae.r and i t 11 I IbtlU deliaht to hear her . Ob, )'II! fhree cheerll to Rick tor hll N.nJo aolo on "Little Birdie". It'. quitl a grand effort.



THI DUICIKER PlAYERS ARtISTS: Roeer IUcbollon, at.r.n Soblll, LU Sobell. tA8IL: 'l'rl..nu.tlant1c (LDA.5Ql)


Cae and. Holl)' Tallllen

11' Hell &Del LorraiDe'. Front fIll.l record 11 a study in c:oatn.t, tben 10 too 1.1 Uw du.l~r pla)'UI anthology record Jult. rd.ued in "'lam. III ad41tion t.o the dulclaer pla)-e.u, -.1de1antl are Cbr1.l eo. OIl t..-r dulet.e.r, Steve Norriton on 'f'OClIl..I and guitar, Marth S~ on relooatol' guitar aDd. JAb Walton CIa burdy.~ and '"lice. Roger licbollon., vboll A8erioan tour vU.l be thb hU, .tated. upon ~pletion ot AX!) 'rRADl'rIOIfS FOR DULClMIR that he did DOt Nlien hi would _lle a~ I\lrther record.. Than~ he ~rt1all¥ brou hi. pr-o.ile, tor thi. 11 a honey ot a dt.c. The contn.tl on this r ecord au ItriUna : aU the way trOll Stet&n BobeU'1 4ulcitler arranae.. nt. with Steve Mer r illon on voc.l ot Bob Dylan'l "Love Minul Zero" t.o Holly Tannen ' l laply luper ren41Uon ot the ChUd ballad , "Lord 'fhoM.1 and Fair Ellender", learned tI'OII Jean Ritchie. Holll'l verdon ot the 101\1 11 heiChtened b)' ber llov" and va,." h&unt1n8 UN ot voi~ t.l;:bniql,l.e and 1;11 Martin es..I»OQ '. relOMtor lUitar bebind Hol.Q". dulct..ar. The U~ .. and de.perat.1on ot tha ba.llad and itl tale cc.e. tbrou,gb all tbtl .:IN rlrl4l¥ vitb the .l.o¥ ,.t buorable a~ch tawrd. t.he .batt.er1nc tr1ple -.u"da.r and .uic1de Yb.1c:h givel t.h1a ballad. a beightened MMI ot 10" aDd. t'\ltU1t)'. The al.b... ezplortll -D7 otber traditiona .. , tor iutance, Petar ca.'1 ren· ditioDi ot tvo r:te.1.b t\ltll:. and Cbr1l Cae'. weal 'ftr11or!. ot a r~.b IOna vboae J.Trlcl are ,...1.adf'Ill ot tbe 'llcbt17 bauely, ,.t tol.le.rab4r Ipie,- IlhabetbaD IOna' tbat. vere ~ .... ral centuri.. &CO. there are plent)' ot tune. al.ao on t.b1a tina di.c, all the way h'<la Ro&er I1cbolloo. ' . rendition ot ·Or•• n.lee... • and "Lillibullro" to Lir. Sobell ' l .prite4r verdonll ot "Sailor ' . BoMlt·, ""'n11an tbe Fiddler" and "111.," Reel" , vbU.. Holl¥ 'l'a.nne n lhows Just. vby IIhe 11 a tin. dulcimer player vith her verllon. ot "Mike Ticllell' l hvorlt." and .ven JOel tar afield to thl bland of Majorca to r a Spanilh pipe tune entitled "Cop. . de la Montaane". 'l'hl. 1a reall1 a v1de· ranglna record, with _ny .tyle. and .odea o t playinc t.hl dulet.e.r. Reeh, be.))adl and. .ven exotic dance tunl' all _ll.e tb1l r ecord a .all. 10 ....er7 dulet.er butf'. record library. When all 11 .. 14 and. done, thia albua adds a MY Ind. .,st poaiU..... 4.Uendon to tbl cont.1n\ald 1Uec:fl1l and increa.ecl popll.ar1ty ot the duleiau ill t.bI (0U. vorld and beJ'QDil.


Contin"ed _

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S"1'BAWBIIlRl PA.IR AR1'1ST: Madeline MaeJeU IABBL: 'rroube.dour (TR-7) '!HI OOU:DCIR PIAlIRS record certa1nl,y lbon that the Appal.acb1a.a clW.et.r 1a quite &1.1", &riel _11 11l Britain, but le.t. &Q,JOne on tbis dde of t.be Atlantic tb1nk i t is in decline, one need 0t1l1' ilaten to Madel..1De Ml.clIeU'. nev al.bua to mow for certain t.hat. dulc1-n1a in tbia oountl7 ... realJOR tor beq. A long t1..e reddent. of V1rg1.n1a·. Sbena.ndoab VaJ.l.ey. Maddie 18 & sinsel' of t.Mldlt.1ooal. aOnal, ~ser or 1H)1l88 of bel' own aDd & tiDe dulcI..er pla,er in bel' own rlaht. She haa an infinite l.oYe of -.laic and the dulcble:r and it all co.ea out 00 tbb record. This 1a a rel&Jt.1.ns, easy. laid-back type of' record. There is DO show or preteo" or _1ahtlneu he re, Just lotI of soocl *Isle and ~ tine dul.ciMr ~. '!'h1. album 1a traditional. in post.ure and. .arl3' tor Ute ~.t part. are rro. the Analo-"-rlc:an trad.1tlon . Ballad._, re1.1&1o\11 aoll61 II.Dd. 10...., aonaa all a1x aDd blend to .ate thi_ a n!cord worth bearing not onee but over and. over ~in. Ttlla albl. lncludu Yerdon. ot "The Slaters" and l The 8at1'led Knight- ("Rollin' a-RolliD" &Dd "Blow Avay the Morn1ng Dew" ). both clauic bClll.&d. rn:. the Cb.Ud collection . "Baple Gift.... "'loiter Caro1-... "Vill.ow Sons". "Purry Day C:arol". plu. l.ota ot other .au Ud. a delichttu.l and varied t.reat tor dhcern1ng Ult.en1.ag . The overvhebdng _lnata:r ot thla record la not onl7 Maddie' duJ.c.t.er Play1118 but her YOC:&l renditionl .. veil. ~t aU ot the IOD8S on thla record are lerioua or gTa, tor inltance, her verdon ot "BenJ!Ulln ~r" with i t . POk:lns: tun at t.a1l.or. and t.heir al..ledged lack ot prove .. in military COIIbat. B1'RAWBIRRY PAIR la good lII.Ialc with love and joy throvn in tor SOOd _laure. I let a friend li.ten to i t and her c:c-ent va,. "Gee. it' a like a joy of perfect. lIIea.ure and twice al nice a. au-r." I think her ~ent lay. it aU .



There ~ bave it. Three new dlllcbler recorda fre.h troa )'OUr local trieD4l)' neighborhood record (..'C*pa.ny. It'. HCOrd. like the.e tbat turn budget cone;c1ou. perlon. into 8leepvalker l and even nerVOUl wrecka tryil18 to fiBure out juat how to at1'ord the. a.ll.. Th&nkI to Front HaU, '!'ranaatlantic and. Troubadow' tor g1rlng u.s ,uCh l.oyable n-adacbe. over vb1ch to vorry.


foR sale by ITl<DL :.

haiiPs "

IRISh hCll<P 101:5, UlUcmm, TlOI<IImmbnan ,,0Ihc!< bagptpes. whIstles" FIagcolcU<s. nddlcs, llne old



l'\Ull:S G: cotlCCI<ll11as 1bo<. IRIStolOO51C, huJ«ly guJ<dys. mandolms, boo·

zrulus I< CJtlrJU1S as usro by 1hc finest;~ m the bnUsh ISles. l1annnc."Ko cd du\CImCKS. books. l<CCDI«Is. " many tthqt msurumcntS foR 111US1CS <if OIl r=rCUIllJ]<cs.



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td<Plone : 101, ,,,,· 5569


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~ollr ad





dulcimer folks (fntl~be . . more) lCil ~vIMERS,





J:) SEND 0'



BOX 894. SALEM,VA.l41S3


Cosby, Tenn. 37722 F'onIshod duIcime<s and lOIs by several makers in stock. Other Instruments, too. The _ oeIoction of _ . rac:onI albums, and accessories on rnoI.M"IIaIn and hanvnered dulcimers available anywhere. We dstribute to other deaaeB.

too. Catalog: 3SC. refundable wIth order.

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We gather into the .1lence, the green-n... of the bill. The treel reaonate with e!ulct.ra that were late17 tree. ~ t1..re ot wood and ItJWd pur1t1el the heart.

All the lengtb of Henn.ll.ov FaUs Oranty flowI, purltiel, corxlenUI feel1na int.o lIOns AzId the vap:.r-note rile l . Motes tngi.le, temer aDd Itron& .. the laurel bUlh Dulet.er tooel r1n8 in her bell-lhaped corolla. Ce.rrie Cro.pton

1500 1/2 SialpUna Street RaIelah, !'I.C.


Lob Hornbostel (River Rictge, lA o Jerry Rockwell (Bw-llnaton. Vt.)

photo. by Bonnie


The SecoDCl Annual eolby. Tennellee Dulcimer

Feltival attracted ....11 but terrifically inte r utina: and entertaining crowd th1l year. Oulc:1manlacs from many partl ot the count.ry came to the gathering set in the beautiful BDokey Mountains at the J'olkllfe Cente r of the s.ok1u . Wor kshopa were abJ¼ led by Iuch dulc1.,r rolkl &15 Loil Hornbostel, Hank Arbaugh, Dick Tracy, Bonnie Carol , David Schtlauter and others. '!'he w1ld BIIln of the teltival, Bill -Uu.rd" Wallace ot Walhington, D. C . • led a YOrklhop in the seIde:. Ulled IBC dqlcl..e r tu.n.1ng of vh1eh he 11 quite an expert. Durifl8 the nelling' when all of the YOrklbopa were stID IP1.nn.1.n& throu&h people ' l aiMa, ceae the chance to show one ' , akill on the open au- lta&e unacoo.~n1ed by alCrophocel aDd. . .pliticatlon. The June 9th through Uth ptber1.nc would. never have occ:ureo:l without the unit1n8 YOrk aDd IUpport or Jean and Lee 8c.h1Wns IDCl our lpec.1al thanU &0 to t~. We enCOl.l.rqe dulet.er tofu to PoIt tM' ruU.. l on their 1t1ner&l"1 for 1979. It lbould IXIt be allied .

Dane! YOW'll (Annandale, Va . )

Rick Pret...th Darld YOWlI Annand.e.le. Virginia

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PITCH BOX,. STERLING MUSIC CO. 505 So. Harrison Rd . Sterling, Va. 22170 A PftECISION TUNING AID • • • • •


PITCH BOX Is lhe ans_ 10 a need long expressed by prolessional musi· cians , teachers. and players of many stringed folk Instruments which require constant aUenUon 10 maintain crisp clear tones. PITCH BOX is portable. and il"s long·lasling banery power supply will lei you tune up anywhere. anytime. PITCH BOX has Ihe heart 01 a modern eleclronic organ. It generates eight lull octaves of quartz crystal controlled reference lones fo permit you 10 tune any equal tempered instrumenf quickly. easily. and confidently to the correct frequency. ptTCH BOX shuns expensive frills found in some electro.1k; luning aids, and leaves the comparison of instrument and reference tone to your ear. If a visual indicalion 01 great accuracy is required. a precise zero beal display can be obtained with the optional Sieriing Music Tuning Microphone. 1 Year Limited Warranty PITCH BOX


~ ~ . OO

flus!?' ()O ~;" ",Pf>'"P1'





Odober /978' (,orict!"s am'fJrodttct)

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We are ....Una an et'f'ort t.o cut down on the lix ~Iel Ulual1.y Uled t or the D.P ••• book and record. l.iIU1181 in order to be able to add .ore content ill the line ot . . lic and articlel. £ach reader i l ulually lent a copy ot our Blue Ridle Du.lct.er Shop catalogue which lilta thele Dateriall in detail 10 on theae pagel we will jUlt 11at. t.he titlel, authorl, and pricel tor tbe .. dulc1.mer IIIlterials. Tbole vhhlns .cre detaill about tbele item. are urged to write Ind requelt our complete current cat.alogue or aai to be put on the Ult tor f'Ilture c.talosl (a nev one r l l l be COllins out lhortly). Thele dulct..Dta ."terlals are ."de available througb t.he D. P . ". in an ettort to be • lervice and relource tor you the reader. The proceed. tro. theae 10 to belp 4eh., tbe COlt. Calwa,. rhine) ot pJbUlhing t.he D. P. If. "'U book.a and record. liated on thele pagel IIBY be ordered trom : THE OutCIKElI PlAYERS HEWS P. O. BOX 157

PLEASE be .ure to add a hit. ot poltage to aU orderl. THANJ(S :


AJtRAlQ:D FOR TlI! DULCDC!R" Mark &. Carol Blair.



Jean Rit.chie.



""deUne HacNell Malon.





(Oak Re cord Edition ~)

~ $~

Dr. Richard Wllkie.

LJnn McSpadden



&. Dorot.hy hench.

"BRETHREN WI HAVE MET" McSpadden &. French.


"MERRILY STRlI4: tIXJN'l'AIIf DULCIMER 1011 CHIlDREN" ""r, Catherine McSpadden. "PlAY THE DULCIMER BY 'EAR &. O'I'HIR EASY WAYS" Len &. Su Maclacbron.



"JfOK!SUCH FOR DULCIMER" Roger Nicholson. $l:2Q "MUSICKS D!LrTE ON DULCIMER" Roger Nicholson.


"l«lUJrrAIR DULCDmR PlAYING TECHNIQUES : ... STUDENT WORJIllOOK" Eileen Rain •• "IN SEARCH OF TIll VIUl DULCIMER" Bob Fo rce &''''1 d ' Ouche.


"THE "'PP... LACHIAI IOJtf'l'... Ilf DULCDIER BOOK" Paul P:fle . ~ "roUE AIm PLATDtG TIll APP... LACHLtJf DULCIMER" ... . '01. Jefhe,. .

"MooDs or THE DULCIMER" Virill

$3 . 00

&. Nor.an lll.ghea. $~

"'l'H! ... pnlACHIAJ DULCIMER BOOK" Michael Murphy.



"AIf ELIZAB!'l'HAJI' SOMGBOOK" torr.ine Lee.



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KeTin Roth.


Albert GuIle,

"THE MOONTAIIf DUlCDmR (Kov to Make &. Play tt) Kode Mitchell . *~ (BOOK .. RECORD S1'1' $8.95) ·SDIfONB FAMILY SOHGBOOIt" Toa.y ,. Jean SilIDonl. "OOLCDIIR SOMiBOOK"

N.. l Kellman . ~

"THIl RICHARD "AlINA DUlCIMIR BOOK" Ked &. Sally Kell.man. ~




Rua:, carol, Fcrce, d 'O. . cbe . fllbbert • •~

"LD'J IS LIJ(E A KXnn'Allf DULCIMER" Neal &. Sall,y HeilJDan . ~ (Conta1n. neord) "THE CRIPPLE CREEK OULCDIER BOOK" Bu.d &. Donna FIOrd. . .~ "TWELVE TRADI'l'IOHAL 'lUNES FOR DUlCIMER"

Jerry Roclntell .

NOW ONLY $1.50

"CHORDAL EXPLORATIONS (rer "tn . Dulc1aer)" Jerry Rockvell. Nov only ". l'AlfCInJL HISTORY OP TIm DUI.ClM!R" V.I . eJghe.. "'l'HE DULCnmR 'l'UlfI]I; 11001(" Randy Chrhtopber Rain.



$!.:.QQ .~


"COIfSTRUCTDlG THE MOUNTAIN DULCIMER" Dean Ximbal;l. ~ (Harc1b.c k) "'1'0 BUIW A DULCIMER" hul Pyle.




"lfOTES ON DULClM!R MAXIIIG" Rodger Harrh . '5 .00



A MOUlfrAIIf DULCIMER" Villiall M. Schllitt. $1.75 (10 page plant)





DULCDIER" Phillip MallOn.


DULCIMER llfS'l'RUC'TION BOOJ(" Phillip Mucn .~

"THE HAJoIoIERED IJUU:IMlR: fa' TO MAKE & PLAy" Hov1e M1tchell. *~ \BOOK &. RECOl!D a:IOO $8 . 95) "lWIIER rotCIMER CCIQIDDnJI" r-ro. Mugwuap8 Magazine. f,g.OO

"D, P. ! . HAIfoIER


REJlRlln'S" Dulct..er Playeu Revl. ~

MOUlf'rAIlI DULCIMER S'l'RIlIGS (Jean Sch1ll1n,;) . . . . 3-S'IJlIlfG SET (2 plain .013" lteel & 1 bronze wound .022")

$2.00 let

DOUBLI!:-MllODY " - S'l'R1lIO SET (3 plain .01.3" & 1 .022" bronze vound) $2.50 let BOOr.: &. RECORO LIST CONTIlfUID . - .

@J Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com



"OULCDmR , OID TIM! ARD TRADITIONAL MUSIC" Ralph Lee Smi th .. M. L. Hollowell. ~.95 v !book "DULCIMER , MORE OUI TIM! .. TRAD IT IONAL MUSIC" Ralph Lee Bllith .

$Q . 95 v /book

' STRA\IBJlUIY FAIR" Madeline Mac:.Nell Malon . $6 . 95 _/booklet "OID TRADITIONS" Jean SehlU1ns ·


"PORCHES OF THE POOR" Jean .. Lee Schilling. "RJWD: MITCHELL" ( Folk~Les:.c:r)



"'mI RUSSELL FANny" Roaeoe. Roy, .. Bonnie Rul.ell. $~

"LIVIItG 1ft THE TREES" Rick &0 Lorralne Lee. ~

"STONE COUJrl'Y DULCIM!iI" The 51_onl hail)'. $~ ""'ARDEIHNG THROUGH THE RACK!I'lSACK" The S1lrDonl F&\II11y. $~ " WRRAINE JZi:"S DULCIMER ALBUM" Lorra1ne & Rick Lee . (available August) ~

"APPALACHIAN ECHOES" George & Mary Williamson .



"RED WDro" I . D. Sta..per, Letcher County, Ky •• dulciller player. ~ ·PACIJI'IC AD! DULCIMER PROJECT" Hel..l.man, Ca r ol, Force, d'Ouche. lfubbert. ~ "DULCIMER FAIR" Leo Itretzner &. J ay Leibovitz. ~ $~

"THE BEST OF MIMI" RICKARD FAIIINA" Tvo r ecord set. "!DNA RrrcHIE OF VIPER , KEN'I'UCK'{H (Folk-Legacy) ~





Jean Ritchie $~ Jean Ritchie $.L.:2§.




mode r n dance) $6.96 S. Kell,y &. R. t . Smit h

wi th


lad1e. o r the lake "

(Tad o f Dulcimer ) $5.98

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$6 .96




"'nIOOBADOUR" Dorotb7 caner.


"AMlRICAlf KAMCIR DULClNIR" Orlelnal Dulct.er Pbyen Club ot Mi chigan. ~


"&UISH MISFOR'l'I,JD" Nalcola Dllclilb &. Grey lArlen . ~ "GRIIIf ROCKY ROo\D"

0u.7 caravan

&. Friend.. ~

'"MCJtJ PATH RUT" Dou& Icur • Friend • •


"MO'TH!R·S FAVORITI K'DOfS· Charle. Mu.on • ltaren 8k!d:.ore. ~ . , . VIEI THAT SHAUS THE IARIn" John McCutcbeon.






DULCIMER" Played. by Cbet flirter • •~



Rluetta • Tba Tnpez.oid ~r Dulci_r

"ad. .•~

OOLCIMD ALB\JIt" Jay Round&. Friend • . •~

"COIaCBUB STOCKADE BWIS" Jay Round&. The Willia. . F. .i~. $1:..2§: "(1(1

'!IMZ PRIDD" Jay Round . •~

"THI IWImRID DULCDCZR" 8ill Spence&. 'erm1&'. All- Stu 8tr1nc Band.. ·SATl.lRDAY



Df THI PROYDK3S" 8111 $peAce &. 'eMic'. All-Sun. ~

"THI !WMIRZD DUlCIMD STUns AGADf· BW Spence .. 'enole'. All-Star ••





MOUn'Ant ~ HAMmU:D DUtCDIEII MUSIC (Ma N cutl in BOlt


"",,,1.. Max.on, ltaren S~re. ~ Betty s.1th . ~


Arunu. Sbiekl . $6.98 Bottle Kill. $6.98 Bottle Kill . $6.98 tIO'J'I: Due to tbe ~2i bite in po.taae ratu recent~ iaPOled on u. tbe poIItap tor boob aod record. (lnclud1nc pacAine) 11 6OtI: tor the tlnt book or record aod l~ tor dcb a4d.ltloaal book en- record .




P.O. BCD 157 11Klft' ROlAL, VA . 226)0



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Dear Pb.ll aDd. Ma4d1a: OIl tbe way ~ rro. t.he eosby duJ.cbler pt.herlr!c 1. . t. year, I aept bldy dravi..D6 tret.bouds. I had sat. in on "iek Ha~n ' s voruoop on pla,in6 t.be eru-o-t.ica~ rrett.eci du.le.t..r and wal rea~ intri8ued by the one he shoved. us that. had an 8 1/2 tret. whieh had been put in by ailtaU, be Idd. I talked. .,. husband into _kins ate a dule.t.r vith tvo ut.n reU - the ~n 61/2 and an 8 1/2 . Thought you'd liu t.o hear hov it. voru. I've round ~t very uaet'Ul . . . I can play tvo .odel in one tun.1ng. I st.ill atualble oyer the utn rr.t.1 occaaioD&J.l¥, aince: I learned to play on I st.oc1ard d1aton1cal.l¥ t"ret.ted du1d • .,. rbere Ire tvo ~nlJ used _jor tun1.n&1 (Ionian - nat.u,...l _jor and Mlxo~1an with the tlat.t.ed ?th tone) and two ~l,y Uled Ilinor tunlnr:s (Aeolian - natural .unor and Dor1an vitb a ra.1aed 6t.h tone). The dltterence: bet.wen b a n and Mixolyd1an 1a onl)' a _tt.er or one _ the 7th in the sc:al.e (Ti). In Mlxol)'d1an, tbe Ti is "pulled bIoek" (tlatted). The oalJ' d.1tterence between Aeolian aDd. Dorian is at t.he 6th note (Ia). In Dor 1an. the La is "pu.abed up" (ralaed. or sharpened). I noUc:ed when platul& .odal . . aie tbat t.heae notes vhic:b "l&Ite the d.1tterence" bet"een dc:b .ode ,",-I'll seldca uaed - ao.U.s 01111 once: 1D a song, but that one t t . nece: .. it.at.ed ret.un.in& rrc. one .ooe to the other . B7 Plttin&: in a 6 1/2 rret and an 8 1/2 fret, you ean pla)' two .00.. in ODe tuniD6, al sbovn by the t"olJ.ov1.na: c:hart:


SOl ,DO ,n 00 FA:





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I'. not. re~..u.ns that duJ.c:ber (olU "ith atand&rd diatonic: rrett1.nc ptb • aa" and PIt. 111 the utra treta. It. 1a a wort.hwhil.e HtuP. tbou,gb, "hieh loereaaea t.he Teraatillt.y or the du.lcbler.

Eileen Raina 333 Fayet.t.eville St.reet.


Raleigh. Kort.h carolina 27601 C/O CWA

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Old Tu.ne.

Key Of D

arr. Ned Hellman

TILne D-A-DD (00-.501-00-00)



Old tnM

a. time in Ar - kAA- 5A>

0fIC< u.-




In hiS


door and





tje CJl.-


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~ he Iii '.fA

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It ~u



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POP-IJ. -Io.r /lir,





fOOl - top I~d Ij~ <to





iho"!lh .h;s


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J'>:ll, +hat











o't :5mn io

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A traveler val rVlne; by that clay And .topped. to hear hia a~t1d.dllne: away the cabin va. atloat ancl hi_ teet WIre WIt But tbe old .an .till. didD't lee. to tret So tt. .t.ratller aaid. "1Jow the vay it. . . - to _. You ' d better .e.nd )'OW' root." ...id be But the old .an ..ld •• be played. ·1 CClUl4A't -end it nov, it'. a rainy clay."


the traveler repl.1.ed. "'nw.t'. all. quite true, But tb1.. I thiDk. 1. t.he tb.i.fts ror 70'1 t.o do; Get. tnul on a day tbat b tail' aDCl br1&bt, Then pat.ch the old root 't111 It'. and t1&ht." But the old IIIU1 kept. on a-pla)'in8 on his r eel, And tapped the ground vith hli lee.thery heel; "Get ahxlg". said be, "For JOU sive . . . pain;



M;r cabin never l.eaU vben It d.oesn't rain:" Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

00me Ht\TnYYJer Dulcnnef E-xercl5eS c-glll ty Md ho.mrner c.ontrol

r--> for


rr# £ {! ~ 1! e11 !: :11 ?: I It t111 F£ r 1Ert I! I Sf

MO..s.ic. FO",I£.

WiDI $6'6cJrIOAJ

&c/6oR.AU.. 4IJO TR"O;noN"L.

A£.l.\.uMJ w~

8'1' MlliL. -









BR.iT'\'i. . . .swa.


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Ht--rnrner DulCirner exercISes contmua:l


~r .



ph)' .

Work for acCW'aQ' aDd. ..oothne" bef o r e 'fOrk i ng f o r .peed .

Guikl of American

Luthiers .-..1_ o f Merle. . lIItbl.r• • • co.pt.,.t, •• tb. ot •• Luth,ar. . Tbe ... eo..... tlo. JIo OrH,. o rcaah... tlooo ........ lb.

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aM all h . . tr do •• Ied by tbe O . " . L. _ _ Hr. aao ... D .U."ted by . . . . . .

or _

"'11, t o p.rtl o lpate I ... tbl, !.port •• ,

_a-p rofi t ' 0 " -. no. Otlld ,1110 P"D• .-,1 . . o f 1~leal .rtlol •• Ie . . '1 • 11K puacbed to ~t k.a-••• al"r. . atat, o f , .... '.for.at l ... "abHcaUo..........."......,s 1a tM 01111", t t,., fl ... ' ' ' ' . , led tbat .~r abould double t. Ibe .... , t.o , ...... . ~ O. ' . L. , •• t . . . . tfort • •• d .. l.d u , " to Jo t. .... . To •• t. llt1l ........."lp .ad tbUR, r.c.t •• tb. four t . .u •• of t~ GALQ , Yol_ ... '1. &ad .11 IItT' Dat. 11 11'~


GROVER DULCIMER PEGS As good as .1I Grover products.

See your music deal er. or wr ite for informat ion and prices.

alia.,., ....

. . t " o pportu.", to 'lOt. ud .lllolbH at t ... I1t1. G . ... . L . eo.Mul_ 1a 1t1lU.ld, baau ud to U tb. lltT • • Alp DlrKtor" .1..IiII1, ..... $10 . (0 . ' . ) t o :



0...... 0 1... 00I1ld of '-rlc.aa

"-t"J .... "12 Sout" Part ..... . T.e... . . ' ...01

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Up Goesl"he B~I/oon by Barbara Truex and Chril White

Recently VI! vere 1001.106 throua:h our albwu and real1zed that our perlonal "dulchler disOOj:raphy" conlil1sted. .oatly of material rare~. i t ever, llantioned in dulcimer circles . Tbinkinc thh over, ve tIcured it vould _0 aenle to ,hare the whoa, 'IIby., and whereloru with the reSt. of DAf', readerl . Oddly enough, .oat. ot our favorite dulcllD1!!!r arudc is by llualc1ana who are not prialdly dulclmiata . Like • lot of people interested in the dulc1mer, Richard Farina provided our int.roduction,

closely tollOYed by Jean Ritchie.

Roger !flcholaon and Edad Martin are the other "regulars "

In our record bin . The re.t ean be roughly divided into albwn by I1nger- Iongvritera, eonteaaporary!tradit1ooal British sroups and jan lIlulicianl. Allons a1nger-aongvr1t.era who use the dulcimer are Jonl Mitchell (on the BWE albUll). Wendy WallWan, behaal raro. Michael Frank. am Bruce Cockburn. Gener&lly there'. onl:r one or tvo tune. on any liven albUil that uaea the dulcimer, but don ' t. let that det.er you . Hearing the dulcimer uled in the context or contemporlry "popular" mulic 11 ....ell wort.h the album price.

Our current favorite il Bruce Cockburn'l "Arrow. of Light" on hil CIRCLES IN THE STREAM double live album. We could praise t.he IlUdc of Mr . Cockburn for houra. Hi. dulcimer playing is extraordinary and the band' I perfo~nce on ball, elect.ric piano, _ri.tMa and percuasion equally brilliant . Richa.rc1 ThoIIIpaon, Sillen Richel or Fairport Convention, Till Hr.rt of' Steeleye Sl*n and Bert Janlch of Pentangle are all relatively vell- knovn members of Britain ' s Itrong, active contemporary/tradItional co.munity. AlIIolt. unknown 111 Gabriel Yacoub who plays guitar, banjo, dulc1eer and paalterion with Alan Stivell. Stivell i. rro. Brittany and il deeply commit.ted to Ii modern underltanding of Celtic culture. Anelent sol:l&s and inltruments COlIIbine with DOdern electronics, IIlJsieal Influences, politic. and pb1loaophy to _ke Stivell's albUlU truly unique. Uof'ortunately, his recorda are alwaYI difficult-to- find iIIjXlrtl. McCoy Tyner, Jan pianist, recently began to experiment with the dulciDler. Hia FOCAL POINT albUll containl "Mode tor Dulcimer", a COIIpodt1on vith dulcimer, piano, alto and soprano saxophones, Clute, balS, te.blas, drums and other percullion. Colin Walcott. il a t&lented .ulti- instrumental1st molt orten recorded on percussion or aitar. On Oreson's WINTER LIGRl' album he plays dulcimer in a faaelnatin& duet version of "witchie Tie- Toe" with Ralph Towner on piano. Unusual effects were achieved when Mr. Walcott .truck the Itring' with a stick rather than IItruadns thelll.. While chording , he alao held a shaker in his right hand al ~ll as the striker. DulcWats, like _ny groups _11 in nUllber, too orten tend to be a bit clllnnhh and over protective regarding the in.trument and. il.l music. Yin and yan& betveen preservation of tradition and c reative lIOVement bec~ unbalanced. Theae instances of dulct.era used outside of' the traditional .ell- accompaniment. nIche are IDOlt hl!artl!ning . Perha~ the Iph-it Rlcha:rd Fa.r ina 11 on the ritle. He ...... s alw)'1 one to take a chance. .. .. . pull the cord. and hope for the best . Either up Soel the balloon, or you fall through a trap door into the all1gator Pit".


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AUUt (!\abeT o f t.une', 1t known)


BWI (3)

Joni M1 tc:bell

f'OCAL FOIJrr (1) All Alb,..

Fairport Convention


BlSDR (1)

801.0\l0I'8 SKAL (1)

Alan St.iTell WIJIDY WAUlMAI (1) OIPSrf S1'JO'tDIIT (1)

Wudy W&.l.d.a.n


THE lOVZ HAS COT ME (1) Bachul '.ro


WIIn'IR LIGK'l' (1)

Rlc:bard and Linda Thoap.on (Ha. . red Dulct..lr allO)




Bruee Cockburn


A WAY (1)

CIRCUS Ilf THI STRZAM (1) ( .... tune OD both albuu)

Michael rnnkll

Appa1a.chian Dttlcimers ~ecI



K.lt~ ~

IW"""'- ibad , AnI'Ol'doIe,


VI",'IIIl. lrZOO!l

The curl,. .... p1. Chalttollon !lCdfl,j.

for pre.entation to wiMer 1n the It&t.ion&l j ount&1n IW.ci_r ContMt , Sept . 16. 1978 in iU.nt'1dd. 1taAMa.

Ali i

th 10l,l,D,lS: d.ulciMrs

are plaJlId by \be 1916



cont.Mt vinnen .

o i'r1M wiMial cr&tta-.nMip

o lull clear t.cDe o



o P1..D. t.uDer1J

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Here'. one or lIlY favorite SpTifl4l: SOne!!, another one vlth difterent ve:ralon., .... _led), d1f'f'erent. WOrdl, but I sot 1t !roe the 0la"(IU) BOOk or CAROLS . I aetually play this in C on lIlY plaltery. I play the pu.~tery . . -.!ch . . the dulc1..er. It. 11 10 clouly related to the dulclaer, ec.etblu the on.l.7 cUtterenee 11 that. the pu.lt.el'1 11 plucked . Sc.e tolu can probably pluck thi. tune on their dulca.era . I've V1"ltt.en it bere 1n G, thinUng that 1a probably. better tunilll tor .olt dulcl.- r l.

Dorothy Carter 45 Cherry Street CUlbr14se. Ma."cb.iletta 02139

















• I

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H. . . . , Dtlkl.....


BMIII & ••e....


Vll i f f



~It ~ N



rllU.to_ .. _

".0. _





lJordsJor ·To Ceha· ~ ·Furry Day Ca.rol' PUHRJ DAY CAROL


o '.. been N8blla ' bal.t the n1&bt And al.o.t. aU the da, __ . And now rtt.urned llcI.e .pin

Or1.ok to _ ocll.7 wit'll t.b1ne e)'e:l. And I ",til pl.e4p w1t.h aiDe; Or leave • U .. but. In t.be CI.I.P And I ' ll DOt. . . II. for wine. '!'be t.hiT.t "bat. f"loa. the aoul dot.h riM Doth ..II: • drink dlrl.ne;

We' f t 'llroucht. )"OU • brandt or


Wit.h hoanto, vtth • boanto With hol&nto , 11ne _rry,

With holanto, with. holanto With bolanto, 111\1 .rl')' .


_1gbt I of Jgn,'. nectar , up, [ would not. chance for t.hlne.


[ lent thee lat.• • rol1 "Telth, o we were up I I IIOOn II day To fat.ch the au-r tw:.e ••. Toe Su.er 11 • ~lna on The Winter 11 • 10M'" V1t.h holanto,


o ~t.

u aU .a.t .rf7 be And .tOC vitti ebeernaJ. ,w,olee... . For we .... III)Od oeo.. 1011 _

on. .....-on

»:It. 10 &Ich hol'lClW'1n& t.hee A, givtna it I hope that ber. It could not withered be; But thou t.hereon didat oI1l,y br"t.he, Azxl IeDt. it Mell: to _; Since Vben it &J"OWa , and _Ill, I lot. of 1t.n11' but. "bee :


to reJoice ....

V1t.h boll.nto, etc. R bel' u poor MIl,en all AM ~hU.I we do bec.1n-a '0 lift OW' lift' in r1&bte<N8oell Or elM VI die in dn-a. With bolanto. etc.


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je.rry Rockwell

or COUTle, there are _ny .:tre MnIIOnles or Pl.rtialA than I have described here. theoretically a string may be divided up into an infinitely large number of 'flgment" aiving an 1nt1nit:y or M.nk)nica. I have given the t1r.t node tTOII! the nut tor each partial. In.ome CUeI, touching at the other node. will producethe partial in question. Th1l 11 ~ euy especially tor the hisher paTt1.al.8. HAVE PATIENC! ~ ~ "Fiah" tor the exact. loeat.1on or the node.. I would love to hear rro. an:yone who ' . into the Ml"IIOnic lerle. and itt islpl1cat1ona in creative inlltrWDent building.

Jerry RockweU 33 Buell Street

Burlington , Vermont

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Ij)rd Old G&lq.



eoat.e.t. Au,prt 10 - 13. 19'18

B.luep"'" and 014- t.!.. ..ule. day and ni&bt, 11 I't.&td&rd rare .t. Oalu. ¥ben t.he Mooae Lodp p.n.. on their &naual. Old P1dd.ler ' . Contelt . nt.h 11 not. • fe.Un.} ot pa1d p!! r fozwer • • !be coate.tant.. ani the pufozwer . and coratltut.e aleh of the .ud1enee •• well. !be coote.t. be lllde bluegN" .... old-u.e baDcb, tolUJ.nc1n8. bluegra. . and old t.1ae ticJ4l..e, blue,"" &lid 014-t._ baAJo, &U1tar, -.ndol.ln. ckWro - and clw.c~. DIlle.J..er coate.tact. ~ at. 2 AN 1'r14a1 -'rn1nc. two t.Nr. earlier tban l . . t. 1ear. About 30 cl»1c1 M:" plQers CDlpetecl r&nc1ac 1D ace rro. 12 \.0 .bout. 70. style. ~ rro. t.be u.d.1Uonal DOt.u and. qu1ll to ooatf!llQJOftJ7 n..,.le. ot c:bard1.ac and f'in&er-pld::1..as • .\l.aJI ~

rro. Grantarilla,

We.t. V1r&1n1a, ... tiut- place rimer t.h1I 1e&r plarifl& Alan bIUI dndoped. • wU.que .t.11e of plaJins hll 5 -.trins dulc1M.r udq rapid chord --.nt. and. • fbU'nc It"'" with tm.b and. _tal flnpr pleka. "nad;bel'J')'



otbu tour vimIer. uMd "Galax .t.1le- clul.c1aer., larp it-11.l'11lC t.e&rdrop...baped. 1nI:tru!'be .trinca an tuned 10 un1~ D. U. -lod.J 11 played. on t.he fir.t two .trl.QI' with. vood.en -noter" and t.be .trl.Q1' ......t~ with tbe _ l l J*rt or the .,-n of • v1l4 turke1 willi fNthal' at"t.er the barb• •re JeIOlO.ecl. _nt. with double botto.l.

Jon ~t.t, 12 yell' old whiz rro. Sprt.nc:f'1e14 , Virgini. von 'ecool place with. c:lNa pe:rforanee of "Little Li,.. Jane". RlJ*l.oo Melton~ rro. Woodlawn, Virginia, took thlrd place wit.h a bluegra.a'1 re.nd.1Uon of ·Soldier . Joy" . AD,coe Bu. .ell, Oalu., Vlrg1n1a, von fourth place pla)'ina "'rbe Cirl I Len. BehlDd. Me-. Sharon SbeJ.b\lrne, • talent.ed t.ee.na.pr rro. Colon1al He1&bta, VUg1n1a, won nrth place wit.b • WrJ hl1. tUDe cal.J..ed "Mountain SQ-". Jte1t.h 10WlC

3815 Ie.Ddale ac.d AnMMAle,

l'ir&1n1a 22003

On a recent. '!VA fl1&bt rro. Den"r to Cbic:a.so, I noUeecl t.het the lntl1&bt _dc .eleet.ion. Inc:lucle foU .. de. ODe'ona li.t.ed. .... JNO Ritchie', "Black V.ten". 8ice. or COW'ae, bel' ~ ..... pell.ecl Rit.cbe1 and. the IUde ....o·t ..... llable 00 fl7 parUcular fl1&ht • . . • ice anyway .


In rfrunt.


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"Come See!



' ......... ZZICM

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And PIoy"

Dear Pb.1l and Maddie: EnclOled h a chord dart I _4. for the b .qual 4ht..ance Itr!n& 4ulciaer in the K1Jtol)'d1.en (do-4o- lol-4o) t.un1n&. In th1l case. the chordl are written in their relat.ionIhip to the ke;, of C _jor. I haven't tried t'igur1na out t.he chon" in any other tun.1zl&l yet, but th1l Mixolydian tunins Ie... quit.e verutUe . It aUO'OfI for lOIIe axcunionl into U;'I other t.han the tonic and it providel .:)re tlw.n JUlt the ulual tonic , lubado.1nant and 401dnant chorda . I hope th1l chart will be ot eo.: help to other pla;,erl intereateel in aCCOlSpaniaent. Ma", kNtka 1~3 ldlabrook tane Matawan, !few Jerse;, 077~7

C M.---------

dm-- dm 7 ern- em 7



~ Ii It I! I~I ~I ~ ~ I + _ aupent.ed (1- 3 - 5

_Jor 3rd plUI _Jor 3rd)

7 _ 401L1nant 7th (1-3- 5 - 7

M7 __ Jor 7th

(1- 3 - 5- 7

_7 - ainor 7th (1-) - 5-7

• - d1a1n1lhed. (1- 3


_Jor 3rd plul ainor 3rd plUI ainor 3rd.) _Jor)rd plUI alDor 3rd plUI _Jor )rd) ainor)rd plul _Jor 3rd. plul ainor )rd)

A II1nor )rd 11 three hall Itel» and a _Jor 3rd 11 tour hall Itel» or two whole ltel». IUlpended " .ean.s a 4th 11 added to the cbord, usuall1" "pacini the 3rd (1- 4- 5)·

(!d. Iote : Mara krun;a 11 a -.alc educat.ion _Jor at ~tb Collele . _nt 11 the cla .. ic guitar.)

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Hu _Jor 1nItru-

D P N Back Issues List '!he follOldns Uri. co.prlH' al..l the D.P." . bac k i . .ue. vbleb are .tW ..... table ,101:1& wit h . I btina of t.he f eat.ured . rtlc:).e. and tUM' of each luue. Ve are nuu:U.ns abort on .~ of lobe • • •0 :roo ' ll be tter pick up thou )'OIl are lDterelted ill •• ~ .. poadbl.. Oule1Jae r Plarer . Nev. a. ~ I .-uel !!! ~ each p?tp14.

~ aQQg8 Da~· . ~r DIllc~ r t\lDe' :

t he Oulc1.e.r·. Creen , and

n.ber ' ,

Hornpi pe .

VOUl(l I , 110. 1 (!loT- Dec 1975) Cove r Story: Rose r Ilchobon . Articlu: "The Unuplored Mode" by 1J91 He1.laan. wA ppal.acbian Dulct-T Tunilla Cbart" by Lorraine Lee, "!terln Roth Colu.'l" . "Soldier' . Joy" art l el.e • tune by Roser Ifichobon, "Bade 'l'lpi . tor ae,1nn1nc Du.ld_r by Holly Tannen , "Quick TUne Chart :ror Va.rioul TOIl!' St.r1D& OulciMr'" by "SVallowt.all J 1," ur . KeeJ. HeU-tl, Bonnie Carol DulciRr Shop photo. . " " _r ed IIote. " by David Taylor, "A.erieao Yolk Inltn.enta : The 1 ) by Charl u :rau1lmer Bryan, "*-red Du1c.I.: r Into" by 31..- CiH80l'J' .

Loed ,n

,,",le u.: "Chord," by Eileen Rain_, ble, " by Bob Rodriques. "8u.Wlna • Beoclins Iron" by Bob God.tr1ed, by Roser 11cbobon, "An Old DIllc*r Ha. Surfacecl" by Dou.c Mur ray. 'I\lnel: I I'\:)r c b" by Bobble WQDe. "'Shady Grov." tab .ent. by lied t&nd.1a . "JUne Nea l Keu.,q. r or au.tr Dulei.-r: "The *-red Du.lcl.er iD -'ala" picture/article fe.ture bJ Geot'f're,. B. ~d. *"-riean Foll. Inat~nta: '!'be . . . . red Dule1ller (Part 2) " by a..r lea hul.Juwr Bryan.


VOUICZ 2 , M>. 3 (S~r l~) Cover: Phll & Made line M. .on . Artic l . . : "Two Hnpr Style Pickint for Dulct.e~by ~t~ Reid . "An Inte rview with Howie Mitchell" bl levin Rot h , Calculating Fret Placement." by B, O, Lowe ry, '"Mor, on Fret Place_nt" by Jd Meyer ., "The Doublebeck" by lUck En&J.e r. "Aeol1aA Mode" by l11een Rain •. 'I'uDe.: "Soutbvind " art i cle. tab by Roc,r lIi cbolaon , "Red -Haired 807" tab by BoN"ie Holder, Plece 12" article & tab bl Rop r IIlcbolaon , "Itorobu. hka" tab bl 8~ Spaul.dina. 10r a . - r Dulciaer :·aa-r Dulciae:r a.... Strina;. " b7 flt.ul. GlN"ord. .......r DIllcJ...er Int'o * bl BI"J&ZI. Mlatord. , "*-red Iot.el· by Dadd Ta)-lor, "amtina; & 'faa1.o6 the "U'ft .....riean ttu.t.r Dulc!ae.r" bl RicMrcI Jt.llAn.


VOLll(! 2 , Ill . .. (Fall 1m) Cowl r : Kate & Dan w ke. Artic le.: "ct.rt for Tranapodll8 Mudc f or Duld_r' by Bill ac. .lt.t . *S1apl.e Shaped Dulciaer Plan. " !d M)tera , ·An Interrlev with Rat Melton" by Madel..1ne MacKell Ma.on. "More About Fret Place-ent" by Woody Pl.d~t.t.. "Fret Place_nt reedbacll" by St.:Io Spa\ll.d1tlc. "rrett1rlc the Dulcaer" by Glen Branhaa, ·TIlnlng· by Bonnie Carol. 'fUn. . : "AI.ain" tab by Roser 1I1cbolaon • • !'be Old Man & Tbe Old 1I000n" tab bl Su. i e ~ie ld, "The Wrl881e-Taggle Qypaie." tab by E11een Raina & Diane Noble. , ·Apple Seed." tab by Chuck Biehl, "DrovlY Magi e" & "Soldier' . Joy'" tab' by 51.00 8~\ll&Una .

3, NO. 1 (Winter 1917) Cove r: Eileen Rain •• Artic le. : "So.e Chro.atic Tbou&ht. Sweden" Ken Jt:ran , " The M1xo~ian Mode" Ellie n Raina, Electric Dulci.-r, "Un.atrun&: Aid f or t he 81ck rn.tru.Dt.· by R. C. Robw r. "More 011 Fret. · WoodJ' flt.dgett, "vhat 11 a Node " Bonni e Cuol, "Inurvl ew wit h Robert Mbe " bl MIMi, MIcJlell MIMlD, "1Iot.e1 rrc. t he Re cord Rack · by Bob Rodr i ques, " 3 Ealy Rulel f o r CbordiJIs" by Jtaitb Young . 'funel: S1l..q Bill, Scotland the Brave , ~DlI An Cbnu.1c , P1&ll.1ni; Bagp1pe •• Golden 8l1JiijUI, Three Jer ry Reell , O' Rourke ' . Reel , Planrty George Brabe.ton. Allo • long letter tro. Doug Ecke r on varlrUI aspect. of ""'-r Dul.d _ r _kina & pl.ayins. VOLUME


SSprins 1m) Cover: Ru nell 7luhartl. Article.: "How to Build I Soundboard ClJlap Robert Dixon , M cS ~dden Mountain Dulc1_r kit Review, "'Ha.rw;mica for Dulcae r PlaJ'v"." by Harr1a s-.rt, "1t1n& Henry" article aDd tab bl 1Ia~ 'l'anneD . Tune. : · Green.le....u Galli.rd· t.a'o by Roger R1 chol .o.o , " lop.-Jtared Mule" tab bl Lorraine ~"'Aadng Grace" tab by Ron Pe nix. Tor Hl.Jlaler Dulc1_r: "~r Oulc:aer mlto"." by H11l "'son, "J . E . Matbel)1 : An Zarl¥ "'-fIr Dulc:t.er Playv-" bl David. ~l.or, "*-er Dulc:t..er Info aDd 'I'uDe (Au.t.rian Meloeb') by Dol'Otto' Cartu .

VOUJ(£ 3 . NO. 2

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1'wo Feat IDle tinder Riftr It1t}. Mitde Coll.1.Dl aa-r DIIlet.er Collect.1oD, Jean RUe-ide COTe.r nor}', and -.n.Y. -.to' 1nto~the tid bit• • ce.tteNld t~t thi. 1"u8. !\mel: The Water 18 Wida, ...... r Weatber· Beat.n Sa11, Planny Irvin. RelOW'ea' tor bu~your own *-a.r Du1c.t.er.


White and Barbara Truex, IlDCl ....elI .ore into. Tllnel: Joellin s.ro, Sout.h Wind, Bla~ BloIaa.,

Article.: ·Root. IlDCl Branc.b.. • • A !teed for Standa.rd.lutioo· by Chr18 ~r Du1ciMr Record Rack" bl Bob Rodriquez 8onn1e Carol}, W1nIl nat Sn.ke. the Buley, Prattl v1ll be ..... PP1 Neet1n& in Glor}'l&nd.


1..n1'or-.atift latters . Tunes: Gentle Maldan, C'h1ld Growth, White Cockade. - -

voram 4 , NO. J (Sw.er 1978) Cover: John McCutchflon. Md_r Building Project for Children by Jt. a.lkin'. Wh7 18 a Modi' by DorotbJ May, Jt.J Coo~r, Dulct..r Pl.ayer by JOM McCutcMon, Nat.1nc a Q.1Jlt4d Duldaer 8&& by Kathie Clark, "Roou and Branc.be." • 'fun1ac and Rf.lated Mattera. An Interrlev with John HcCUtc~n. !.!!!!:!!: &.e.r i. i~n In, Cold 'roatl I'.orn, LoYelJ Joan ...... t.e to the Weddins·

Jar Round 11 a talented ~r dulciMr plarer f'l'OII Grandville) Michigan. In 1970 be IIV a ~red dulc1.. r tor the t1rlt tiM at a t'aallJ ptber1n8. Upon Meting Chet Parker ill 1971. Jay bep..n di.cover1.J:w the potential ot the iMtNMnt . At that tt... Chet Parker at 81 JUr' ot as. VII ltill ODe ot the be.t m-.Ad dulciar player. in the count1'7 and hia 1nt'luenea on J.y VII protound. Jay t.. three tine Ilbwu to bia credit: "Colu.bu.. Stockade Blu.... , "Jay Round and Friend... add "ODe on.. hieDel.". Ja,.'. talent 11 lpeC1.a.l. 80 11 hll pntlene •• . The co.... r ~tocrapb

ot Jal va. taken b7 Andy Spence at the P1.r1t (aDd bo~f'Illly not la.l.) Cranberry ......r DulcJae.r Gatherinc. JIl.Q- 1m in BinlhUP'oOn, J&ev York. The cover drav1nc va. beautltu.ll7 Ulcuted by Michel Lepr., a

lone t1.- friend ot tbe OHI.

IDITOR'S 11)'1'1: "- we Met dulet.er tolU arotmd. the eoWltry at t •• t1vala &nd. 1ntorM.l pther1nc., ve' .... beeD a'k1A& about picturu (and. article., DlturallJ') . We'd con.a1d.er it an bonor 1t you'd .end. us a black and vb.1t.e picture or t"O tor our tilea. You. aigbt vlll t1nd 7O'U' piC't1lrlt iD &D u:peo.1nc 1"\M. A 3 It , c.lMr blaek and vb.1te "Ora beat. Don't be 'b)". You don't baft to be r..oua • Jwt an eDthu.ia.t ot the ~reci ud/or -.ntaln dulct.er (buiLder or player). AlIOT'HER IDl'I'OR'S JOrI P'CII BUIUlERB : A DPB article 11 10 l.lle idee. .tale tor the WiDter or Spa-ins. 1979 i .. ue • &D article outllninc ~ ot the t'IlMJ. tru.t.ratiDI and. t.rn1111 re.w.t. or yow- tir.t al.~pt. at bulld1nc a dulc1aer. Doa't keep JOUr' expe.rienee. to 7O'U'• • elt. Share thMl with &ll ot u • . Send Ilona a pietura i t )'OU like . VHAt' S III S"fCI\I FOR '!'HI vnrt'ZR, 1979 ISSUE:

"Root. and BraDche." rill raturn vit h lot. ot sood into~t1on tor the belinn1n& a:Nntain dul.c.1ar pla)'flr . A .tor,r on JII&n and 1M: Seh1ll1n8: ot the Folll. Lif. Center or the a.olde. 11 iD the worD . We'd cert.a1D.Q' l.1ke to baft .eN for all ot you ~r dulc..t.er player. and. builder.. Illat.eU. of' hinl.iDe . bere'. &D out.r1&ht. reque.t for .torie. and. hI'o~t1OD.

Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com


j ~

DULCIMER PLAYERS NEWS DULCIMER PLAYERS NEWS, published by the Blue Ridge Dulcimer Shop, is a quarter~ publication of 40 pages providing a flov of information for dulcimer players, dulcimer makers and others who share


a special love for these instruments of "sweet song".

Each issue contains articles on both the mountain dulcimer and the hammered dulcimer and gives sources tor dulcimer related items such as books, records, kits and accessories. Playing styles, tunings, tips .. for beginners, instrument care and repair, interviews, info on upcoming festivals, gatherings, contests and other events plus MUCH MORE are included in the pages of the DULCIMER PLAYERS NEWS .



Madeline MacNeil Phillip Mason phone: (703) 635-7983

ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCE : Dulcimer Players News P.O . Box 157 Front Royal , VA 22630

Pleas e send me a one- year suhscription to the OOLCIMER PLAYERS NEilS . I enclose $6.00 for 4 quarterly issues. (Sample issue is $l. 5OpP)

~~-----------------------------ADDRE SS~


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P.O. BOX 157 f'1IOHT ROYAL, VA . 22630



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