1976-01, Dulcimer Players News Vol. 2 No. 1

Page 1


7st t' 'PLUCKED .HAMI'IEREll }

Bobbie Wayne




. ",llsi~

ne ••e addrea • •11 corz-. .pondenoe to I THE DULOIXER PUYDB Hh'8 0/0 PHW..IP .MA.8C8. GttOR RFD 2. BOX 1)2 BANGOR. XlDlE 04401


(a.'7) '.a.-3~5G (AT""/14 1-7 p.~)




eollplete back U.ue. are avanable bea1nnina with VolUM! 1, Hueber 5 (Julr-Auguet 1915) up to. and includina this ourrent i.aue. Th.y .~ aval1able tor 75¢ .ach (plu. l~ paataS') while they laat:: Artlole ~printe .~ available trom thoM h.ue. which a~ now out ot prlnt . EAch reprint 18 25¢ (plua 25~ per order tor poatas-) and tho" aval1able are aa tollowe' DI'N Reprint 11. "Franine; the Dulclmer" Vol. 1 No. I DPN Reprint 12 "Tho" Veraatile 'Extre' Fret.' Vol. 1. No.1 Dl'N Reprint " "Dulcimer Playing Techn1qua.IBeat1ng" Vol. 1. No.2 DPN Reprlnt,. liThe Vereatne Mholydlan Hod.· Vol. 1. No. 2 Dl'tf Reprlnt 15 "Bulld1nS Your own DulolmerlSourae. tor Klt." Vol. 1. No.2 DPN Reprint 16 "Dulclmers in the S!altbaonlan Collectlon" Vol. I, No. ,. DPN Reprint 17 "n81inS the Dulclmer" Yolo 1 No." Dl'N Reprint 18 "x,r St1la ot l>ulo1.mer PlaYing' (Ro1l1 Tannen) Yolo I , No.4 Dl'N Reprint 19 "Old Root. 4: Nev Root." (Roger MlohoUon) Yolo 1. No.4 DI'N Reprint 110 "Plucked Dulc1lller Dl8oograpb,. 4: Source." (2 pIlS-.) DfIl Reprint III -Plucked Dulcaer Blbl1ographJ' 4: Souroe. (4 paS-.) DPN Reprint 11.2 "HallllD.er l>ulc~r Blbll08raph,J 4: Dl.oograph;y w/ aouree.

What you read in the D.'P.N. oOlDe •• in the .ain, tro. ;you the reader and we do very Iluch enJo1 oorre.pondina vlth one and all about dulcl. . ra. It' a what make a the D.P.N. YOUR information .agazine!! We anaver all 11811 on a aame day a. reoleved ba.i. aa a u.ual po1101. We al.o a.sume (unleaa told otherwl", or for peraonal mall) that it 1. ok to publlah any part ot any material sent into ua at the D.P.Ii. LOW TO HEAR FROM YOU! The opin10na and artlo1ea contained 1n D.P.N. do not nece.aar11r retlect our personal opinion, nor that ot the Ed1tor.. We reel that there 1. roOIll to print everyonea ne",. and leave it to the reader to determine what ls ot u.e to hlm or her. Ot couree, we veloome any oorrectlcn. or comments on our content . We alao welcome Idea., artiCle s, eto. trom any reader who 1II1g,bt llke to contrlbute them. We w1ll get them aU printed 10 ttme. Photos alvay. velco.e _1.0 •

LOOUNG FOR ~ DUl.CIMKR BUILDER or YOUR AaZAff Drop u. a line and we'd be glad to send :fOU the n-me. ot auy dul01mer builders we kno'" ot in your area.







FUlL pAlJE 1 / 2 pJ,JJE 20 PHOl'OS .li:X!l'RA 1 / 4 PAG&: 10 BLACK 4: WHITE CAMERA READY COPY PlEABE 1 / 8 PAGE 5 (about bueine.., card slze) We w111 be hapP1 to prepare an ad tor you (F~) i t you will Juat eend alons the intoI"llatlon whioh 10U would l1ke to in'llude. Dlacounta ot 10" are available on year11 insertiona. Your aupport ls apprec1ated!






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Thi. l .. ue or tM D.P.H. f.at.ure _ a cov.r phot.o of our eongwrit1nY artist fri.nd Bobbie V.ma . Bobbie is currently working aa a Uaduat. paint.ing et.udent. at. Marlland In.titute ot Art . The D. P .H . i_ p1 . . . . d loo have had Bobbi. _ubalt. u_ two ot her songs ( .. e "Song troll. a Porch" in t.hi. 1 ••u. and "W... ahday St.w" in vol. , I , 15) "'it.h enot.he r co.ing up in our next i_sue . In t.he fleld or "corded mu_ic:: , 'lie know of one or Bobbie ' _ IIOng_ , "80140 Pirat." , "'hich ia recorded bl IeYi n Rot.h on h1_ FolkVays altN. , "bvln Rot.h 51nge de Playa DulclJD8r (FA 2367) . In thIs photo t.aken by Bobbi. ' II fri.nd bren. _h. is playing a Field Dulai. . r (David 1tald) at. Brant Lak. , H.... York . Bobbi. can currant.ly be cont. ... cted by mall at. 2118 Forest Ridge Rd. , Tl.onlUlD, MD 2lQ9}. · _•• My .. He <I: I maka both Appalachian&: Hammered dulctmera . and haye

Juat. about reached the point ot eeIf-sutficlency . All lnst.rument.. are bullt. rroa aoratch, and lDoat are .ada to order. We I . . made 35 110 tar . I'. enclo.lng a photograph (td not.e: nIce color one of beautitul dulcimer)· and .. ahort ah•• t. to Slve you an Id•• of our product •.• Ben~a.ln St.one tacally DulCimers, RD 11. Box ~7, Montroa., PA 18601 (TI1) 78-,j84 . (WrIt.. for brochure::) •••- 1'111 contlnuing work on my book on dulcimer constructlon and U .• coming along pret.ty W8n. I "'auld Ilk_ more input froID ot.har build.er_; plCt.Ur-8 of aarvlng, inlay. aloe. a& well



const.ruct.ion Id•••••• fhe D.P .N. oont.lnu•• t.o be ona of t.he rew pUbllcat.l ona 1 read froll cover to cover, several tlm8. . ba p up t.he good work." Rodger Harrh, 9607 9t.rat.ford. Okl ahoma City, OK 731 20 (755-0062). - . . . N.ighbora: I •• Den1e Dulcl_rSe.d, and my t","llng ahow '11111 be on the road 'Sain come F.bruary. My direction is any direction that th.re are dulcimers and related information . If yo u are interested in the oral exch.ng. of information Ilbout the dulCimer, il •• a. vrite aoon, and ~rhap • • y directlon viII include your town . Denl. Dulcl .. rse.d" Murphx. P.O . Box 7473, Carmel, CA 9 3921 . . . . . . Ran Into a n.w eourc. of dulclmer atrinsa recently. A "Formul. String." brand 1. aold by OHS COrD • • P.O . Box 136. Batt 1. Creek. HI 49015. It any one tri•• the .. atrinsa pl .... let ua lena'" the reault. eo we can paaa it on ••• Editor . . . . . . . _ _ ••• - . Dellr Phll - "ell, .... 'ra finally g.tt.ing aroW'\d to writ inS you. letter • ... reall{ do appreciate the atl.a-like job of COIIIIIIW'\ication' coordinatIon that. IOU re doing for folk inatl"\l.aflnte • •• Right now we're going t.o t.ry to concent.rate on hourglass, t.ardrop, and "orphlc endeaYor E> " .ha~d dulcl_r. and p.alterle. . ... 'ye got a f.w !Rore 1nvention' atlll on the bIlck burn.r. Rob Calavan jult left yeaterday .fter a 3 day at.y . I eav hi. on the ro.d with his ~clt and dulcimer caea and fIgured at. firat. "a dulcImer?" and .. cond. 1at.er no. probllbll a ahot.gun" . Juat geea to ahow you ••• " !.2n1 and LAur. Pizzo, Orphic End•• vor Inst.rument. Vorltehop, Box 70A , Whltefi.ld , N.H. 03598 . •• l£dlt.or'. not.el The D.P . N. alao anjoyed a nlc. long vlait from Rob Calavan. He la a Cal1!ornian and praeant1y do1ne; aome .xtanded travaling around t.he count.ry in aearch of d6.1clcner lore . ) ............ . . - - Phil - Note ne ... addre .. . I've moved the ahop t.o 9 North Main at. . , Aehland, N.... Hampehire 03217 . Replaceable hay rake t.eeth make good dulcImer notera . They be !Dade of .ah . The local hard"'," atore h81 the. for lot' e.ch. Proprietor, Vintage Fret Shop . . . . . . Ie ... in Roth 1e und.r way album ... hich "'i11 be rel . . . . d aoon (feb. or March, he hopea) and he go1ng to aleo be working on a thlr4 albua which prolal .. a to be prett.y .xciting . More det.aila on the_ albua. '11111 be forthcoming as we get. t.he news trom bvln who ie real buay now . kevin cont.1nue. to welcome corre.pondence trom dulailD8r people and h l . n.w addre •• Is Unlon ... ll1. , PA 19375


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Settled jn -f'a/' W)nte/."'..


GuJtat& Mend 12..40 BrยงqanRd.

StocJ<bndoe J MichiqanJ


(51~) S57'&3Z1

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Ilear Ph1llip, 1 Willi ple.sed t.o Set. t.he COP1 of t.he D.P.N. and really de11ght.ed. and surprised. t.o .ee t.h. review of -r record. It.a been revlewed. in Eaat./We.t. Journal but. ha. been kinda non-ex1at.ant. for Bing Out.: t.o wholl aven t.he French cORpSn1 .ent. & revlew cOP1. Thank you for t.he i.eue - aepec1al11 bacau.e it. prod.a .e t.o writ.e t.o 10U , eo!lt8t.hing t.hat 'e bean on IDJ !lind for qu1t.e • whUe, But. having eeen a copy of t.he newalet.t.er. 1'111 real11 lIOre excited about. the work you're doing putt.ing dulcimer playera 1n t.ouch with one another . I've been playing Juet ov.r 10 yeara now and a. gl.d t.h.t people at.rting out nov have ao much more materi.l and h.lp a vailable t.o the. th.n a.y did I vhen I at.rted . Starting out. on a t.hree-atring a: than moving on to a four and then five atring, I've be.n on • t.rack I rarely .ee in oth.r dulcimer player. theM daya. That i., using t.he qua11t.l.a of t.he inat.rument t.o t.he fulleat .dvant.age po8aible in order to make vhat.ver complicat.d arrene:ement i . daaired - for me, ita t.hru uae and und.rat.anding of t.he drone •• I'va bean vorlt1ng on get.t.lng the idea ot thla atyl. doYn in vorda for a book I've be.n Hworking on" sinC. t.he record t.ext. w.a publieh.d ln 197}. In t.he t.ime lIinoa I've played t.he S at.rln~ and 1t.a really opened me up. lot. abo ut. dulc1111er playing. If you'd like, 1 d be int..re.ted 1n Set.ting 801118 of 1111 idea. about playtng and auch on to you for D.P.N. (&:d . "Ya a wa would.") l' ve been trying to get the book in order and hopefull,. another record. w11l go along with it. •••• " Mary }o'alth Rhoada

16. 50 Ill. c / o Breny (post.pald) R1dge FanDs,entre Valley, PA lBO}4 Mary not.ee 1n h.r recent letter that., "aa t.hey are import..d, it's Just 1mpoaa1bl. to get th.1II che aper:"

NOTJi: 1 Mary Rh8ada' album 1s ava1labU from her for


A NE'If BOOK FOR DULClXER BUILDE:R5 (aee D.P.N. 8ook118t) by Dean I1llball ls now avallable . Ita entltled "Conatructing the Mountain Dulc1mer" and 1. hardbound work pub1 1ah.d by Dav1d Mclay Co ., Inc . Th1s co.prehenelve workbook on the conatruct.ion of the dulcimar 111 meant for beginner. a. well aa for .k11led woodWorker.. It include. l1.t.s and d1.cuselon of all tool. and mater1al. needed (including aupply aourcea) , a dulc1mer pattern, ex'p loded •••• mbly drawing, and a layout of the dulcimer int.erior. Alae included are handy inetruct.10n. for making .ome homemade tool. - tbose tool. th..t are hard. t.o find or are expenelve t.o but. Through di.Sl"Ilm., photoa, and inat.ruct.iona, every phase ot dulcimer const.ructlon 1. cov.red from preparat10n ot the wood to t.uning & playing. Dean K1mball a.auraa ua that anyone w1th t.his book and a reaaonable Aalount ot pat.1ence can conat.ruct a very credltabl. 1n.trument., in t.he trad1t10nal hourglass or eilllplitled de.1gn8, or 1n a complat.ely or1g1nal d.a1gn. In a recent lett.er to the D.P.N., Dean wrlt •• 1 Dear Ph1l1

Thanka very much for your letter and enthusi .. at.1c re:apon.e tc the book. I hope many othars m1ght fael t.he .ame '11&1. I would be the laat one to olaim that my mathode a re the only one. or even the best for bu11ding dulc1J118ra, but they do work and have been developed I n t.eaching about ISO student.a .t Ant10ch Coll.ge to bu1ld dulc1mera. My .e80ciate, Ru.t.1 Neff, aleo contributed to the methoda •• Dea.n X1mball 2420 S.R. }43 Yellow Springa, Ohl0 o\S}87

. . . . . RoF!r Nlchqlaen wrltea: "It.a nlce t.o knov that. D.P.N. read.ra llke my art.1ele •. I ' d be glad to answ.r queetiona trolD re.dera but t.o avoid bankruptcy a reply p&.ld envelope, or whatever oJvou hay. e1Jallar ovar t.here • i l l woul d be uee r ul. Rog.r. addreae 111 }4 V1ctor!a Court . Xingabridge Ave., London £Osland. The D.P.N. 1e ext.re:lllely grstetul to Roger for hi. informative and germatne contr1butiona to the D.P.N . during 1975. 'fie look forward to h.aring IIIOre fro. our -Sngllah Dulc1.er playing fr1end 1n fut.ure la.ue •• Some rev1ev. on dulcimer booke, an interv1ew, and a tabl.ture for 'G raena 1 eeve. " w11l be cOllllng up from Roger in th. next 1.aue . . . . . . @

W.' ..

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..... H•• enyon. out there been able to get hold or a ~horl.I Gardner Ha_er dulci •• r alt.u.. 1.te11'11' See •• folk. ar. report.lng ~•• t.roubl. contacUng hl.a b, I&&n . My inqulrl •••• e. to 9' through but. no an.w. r co ••• back. Anybod, know of .nother sourc. for t.hl. albu.lll1 .....

_ ... "On. It..111 that. might. be • good lde. to run in D.P.N. would be eollle full.h. drawing. of fret .pao1ng. . Th.y could be plac.d around the pag•• to .av • • pac. Et.c. 51.ply draw t.he. a • • lin. wlth rret .pao •••arted and Jolning llne. mark.d . I oould fix up eo.e ••• could other.. Ma,be 10U .hould put out. requeat for th... A note for people 11ke Da.le Jann.J in the le.t. D.P.N . r.que.tlng fret .e.aure.ent., 'au can copy fret .pacing from guit.r. and banjo. and Juet le.ve out the fret. 10U don't want. U•• a dlvlder lf po •• lble t.o cop1 t.ha aX6ct .p.cing.,- Ed MY.r •• Chula Vl.ta Jr. Hlgh , .15 Flft.h Av • • , Chula Viat. , CA 92010 . . . . . . - - - It. i. g,...t. t.o he.r .bout our brot.h.r. and .1.t..r• •aking th.lr ax•• , and I'll oac1 to Ma t.hAt we co.e t.o whitU. on t.he. wUh all eor\. at par.uaalon • • 1 cert.inll appreciate t.he .ddre •••• JOu .. nt. tor .uppller. of wood . Tho •• of u. w1t.h low flnance. (not owning a band ••w .nd Join.r) do have to .cra.bl. for .whn • • Alae int.erening t.o hear of t.h. dHterent flag. waving for dlft.rent. •• t..rl.111 u •• d ln our axell . In reading throuth ttJ violln .aking book. on. t.hlng above all ot.her. 18 clear about. • lut.hier who love. h1., or h.r, wood , lov •• hl. work .nd love. t.hat rellOnant. .ound bet.w ••n hl. a •• and a pl.y.r; t.hat th., can tate al.a.t. an1 .at.rial and adJuat thelr work to .ake an .x. wlt.h • beautlru} • pl.aalng acund . ~ be.t. wi.h •• t.o t.he innovat.ore, wlt.hout. t.he. wa'd onlJ hava 5tein.r.' In.t. •• d at Amat.l.', St.radlv.rl.', Quarlerie' and t.he count.le •• ot.har lut.hl.r. through t.l •• who w.re willing t.o tate thelr own .tep. t.ow.rd. the •••• nc. of perfact.ion betwe.n humankind and th.ir .u.lc •••• ~lth auch love , Eddie Da~ , Great. Lak•• Dulc lm.r. , ~018 J.ffer.on St. ., 81.. CI.ir Shore •• MI082 •• Mu.lc t.o t.he Peopl . . . . .. . ..... Fred MontaFUe (16 Pat.rlot. Road, tewk.bury, Ma •• . 01876) 1. ofrering .. Bo.t.on l-'olk SOciet.1 ...berahlt' or a D. P . N•• ub.crlpt.lon wlth each of the dulciaer. (Mountaln or Halllll:.red) h. . .ll. . ~ot.t Ant.•• &: Da.v. N.tf out. at Boulder Junct.ion Inc. 1}4.} Cl.v.land Ave.,lontown, Ohl0 44685 h.ve .lao be.n givlng A D.P.N ••ub.crlpt.lon with ••ch dulclmer .014 . Man, thank. Are aleo .xt..nd.d to t.hoee aan, folka who h.v. been kind .nough to pa •• along lnformat.lon about t.h. D.P.N. to t.hair frl.nde. who have in t.urn becollle our fri.nd • • thankll aillo t.o all 10U "tolkle- ehopll who c.rt')' the D.P .N. on your reg .t.and or bullat.ln board . . . . . . A BIG THANKB IIhould .1110 lO out to Caprltauru. Dulcim.r., P.O . Box 153, .alton, C•• , for lnoludlng a D.P . N. lIub.cript.lon blank (Whlch v •• well reci.v.d) in th.lr lat.e.t. c.t.aloE .upplement .all1ng . . . . . . •••••

pr. •• nt folk conc.rt. h.re ln Alexandr1. on • t.w10 • .ant.hl1 ba.l • • wll) t.at.ure Mark and C.ro~ Bl.lr who are .ubacriber. ~rk build. dulclmera andaro1 glv •• la.acn. on how to play It. . Together on the 24 th, th.y wlll present. an .venlng at lIualc plu. t..ll .omethlng ot t.h. hl.to ry of t.he dulc1mer , how one 111 aad. , and how t.o play It.. Th. Adaiealon wll1 be , 2 . 00 .nd 11. wl1l be h.ld at. the L,c.um, :5 . 'liaahlngton and Princ. 51.., Al ••andria, V• • • •• Pl .... not. I we are .lw." lnt.ere.ted ln hearing tro. perJ'onn.r. who mlght 11k. t.o pertora here 1n Al.xandrla ••• SlncerelJ , idw.rd Mac InYO.h , KacInt.ollh Product.lona , 816 ~u •• n St . 12, Alaxandri • • Va. 22314 . . . . . . ~e

On JanuarI-£~h we t.c Jour magazine.

..... 1 am looking tor information on lute-a~p!d du1cim.r. (J . J . Nil •• ' atyle) . snd waa wond.rlng lf you know or anyone who who bUIld. dulcimer. ln thia 8hApti. Perhapa you could con.ult. the D.P .N. r.ader. in a fut.ur. i •• ue aa 1 hav.n't. •••n an, .. nt.lon of t.h •• ,.t. •• • Barb Gerlott , 1135 Eaat. Johnson, Madlaon, Wl.c . 5}70}. - - -


..... Th. D.P.N , Edit.or was fortunate .nough t.o have be.n able to at.t..nd. hUr JQhnaon Concert t.aturing Rlck .. Lorraine J,.e. not Ions ago . No Ions windy r.vlew her.. but. t.he .1.pl• • t.at.e.ent t.h.t t.h••• talk. put on t.he v.ry beat kind of oonc.rt. , and give their .ualc with lov. , .hould autflc. to let. you know that t.h. opportunit, to part.icipate ,~ t.he aud1enc. at on. at th.ir conc.rta .hould not. ov.rlooked . Pet.r Johnaon puta on the v.ry be.t. .orta of t.raditiona1 .uaio conc.rta and lnforaat.ion on upeom1ns .v.nt.. can be had bJ wrlt.ing ror the newaUttAr at L1ving Folk Conc.rta, 0/ 0 Pet..r JOMaon, 65 M\ . Auburn St., C...brldg., Ma ... 021 . . . . . .

RajKrd ...

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~a.d'r. N• .".


. . . . . Mev Haauaer Dul,ollD11r Record. - Sail Rlnetu. haa lnformed the D.r.N. that' ••• Ntr.pe~o14 ha. coaplatad record1ng the reault ahoul4 t. .....1labl. by x.aa fro. SQllne Recorda, 212 Shavne. Aw" Vinot.atar. VA 22601 . What."'a h.a .... triad t.o 40 1e not &611:• • duleimer tutor, but explore 80" of the dUterent u ... and range. or .xpre.don po . . lbla with the ba. . . re4 dulcl_r. But .oatlJ we hope tol1n "111 find the dulc1.aer . . cheerful to I t.tAln to a. 11. la tor IU to pIal . " .....


.....UIron Lo-.!!..rr (4 Carlile Mot Be4tord. , Man 017}o ) hu turned ua on to t he ourrent Laf&Jatta RadIo Catalog 1n whloh they have 80.' n ••t lIttle and.1'" 0.'"1.''' t.ape unit. whloh operata contlnuoully tor 20 to 12 alnut& tape .. e;aent... Oreat tor reoordlna tuna. 10U want to "lIOr1u. the cat.alog la obtainable troa Laf.y&tta Radloj 111 Jerico Turnpike; 8,0"'1.,


L.I., N.Y. 11791 . . . . . .

..... " ••• 1 have t.en tntere.ted 10 both hammered & Appalach ian dulcime r. to r the la.t year or .a and hay. built one Appalachi an }-atr1n8 and two hA. .ered .tJl., one quite unaucoe.atul one built at Pine rail. which would not tune up high anouab (not enough t riot ion betw.en wood & the ateel autoharp trpe pin.) . )(J .eoond ettort i. a ••all one with 16 cour ... or 2 atringa each, hardwood .ide raila; .oundboard , back a ra a imple 118 M wall panelling tumed ovar with tha wrong aide .howing. )(J ' -atr1n8 mountain dulcimar wa. al.o built with panell ing and both or thaae ara aucceaaful inatnllllanta . The probl •• In thia area 1. to find proper wood. , aapecia.llJ hard , t hin wood tor aoundboard. . Thanka fo r your tlna pUb1 1oation . Ponaold Fawqatt. )01 Montgomary Ava., RlvaMiaw, N. B., Canada . . . . . . ..... Lorraine Le. and Irena 6ala\an w11l be co-teaching a olaa. call ad MHow can JOu kaep tro. Singing- at the Bo.ton (Maaa . ) Centa r for Adult Educatlon. Lorraine aara , "Ita a cIa •• to r folk. with or without an, mu.ioal training . " Contaot Lorraine tor into at I 2}4 El10t Bt. , South Natiok , Ma •• 01160 (653-8290) . rra na e', dulcima r teaohin ••••• tor the W1nter w11l also be hald ahe h •• both artamoon evening aoh.dula) at both the Cambridge Center tor Adult Educatlon, a. wall a. the Boaton Cant.r . Contaot Lorraine to r turther intormatlon . You tana ot the great mUlio that Rlok & Lorralne Lee present oan oatoh them the 1st Saturday 1n January at the 'fryworka Corre.hou .. in Naw Bedtord, Ma .. ; or at tha FUlly Roo_ in Sharon , Ma . . . the tirat Saturda, in February . Tha .. talk. hava a lot ot flna walo in the.! : OIl Je • • 1I0re good nawa 1& that bJ th1e tlaa Rlck & Lorraine', brand naw album ahould be availabla . Ita called - L1ving 19 the Tree." (Folk LegacJ PB55 ) and can be obtained fro. Folk LegacJ Record., c/o sand,. & Caroline Paton , Sharon . Conn. 06069 . . . . . .








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. . CHARLES' EDUARD DUDLEY Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

HlMM[RED DULCIMERS I ......... _ . _It .,.......


Iklk"Mt - . n f ol~ ...... _~&


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'tw.. At. 'ZSIIO



IXJLC Il<ERS Appalach1an , Haamered OLD TDCE

Photograplu of pre-1940 d\1lcl .. r player. 6:: 1.n.tol"Sat.ion on du].ci .. r. .ade prior to 1940


Fretless- Fretted

• Folk instrument. other handmade wooden Robert. Dixon - 224 E. . t E11II at. . E••t Roohester, N.Y . 14445

Rodd, Moore c / o Bl~ Ridge In.UtuU rerru. College. rerrua, VA 20068


f\.w. jE~~A€YS t:~'.



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___ -Durl.ng the pan t.wo J'nu.1")' Int.' rl. perlodl o I' •• l.d groUPI ot 2 0 do~.n nud.nt.. 1B . . k1ng t.h.lr own d\llc1.ae r', and t.hoU6h 1 • I~ t.hat 10" ot t.he lnlt.ruaent. • • nd.d up .1 pltantar. or crlck.t. bat.. , 1 1111:. to t.hink 1'111 doing aJ part. t.o encourage t.h. renala"nc. ot t.he d\llc1.aer in ~'l"lc. . And. ainc' do n.ar11 all t.h. work wlt.h Ju.t. cop ing aaw and tn. , t.h. . . . t.udentl are glt.t.ing 10.' good 11 . .onl 1n old-t.lme cra!t.I."'.hlp .nd a cralh cour .. in apprecl.t.lon ot t.hl lndultrial Revolution.Willi'.,J, Schult.z , Deot. , or Engli.h, KU'k ingUIII Coll'ge , N.w Concord , OK .'762 . . . . . .


..... Incldent.ly , t.he 0101106 datal to r each D . P ,N . luue t.n on t.he lOt.h In ot.h'r word. , t.h. clo.ing dat.. (day w. . . 11 to t.he pr1nter.) tor t.h. next. hlu, (Mar-Apr 1975 ) 11 t.h. 10th or r.bNll")' . The D.P .N. 11 ott on a l.te KoUda, .'C,UCD tor t.h. tlrlt. two veek. In Janual")' 10 pl .... be pat.ient. It our co rre.pondence nID' • wee blt. behind tor a veek or 10 , Allo not.. t.h.t. t.lme and apace tor thi' l'lu. wal na'he'd condder.b1y (and lUll .1g.ht. not. be out. on t.1ae dUI to Xaa.) .nd we could not. include Intoraat.ion tro. H. E . Mat.henI, Peul Gltt rd , The St.one F'mily , Ken Hamblin , Uncle Bob Bryan . and Din DotT t.hat. WI a 101ut.'11 .ant.ld t.o glt Into thi' i "u' - nlxt. i.IUI tor lure ••• we'll get. all t.he newl causht. up. ' . ' Peac. & Harmony , Phil . . . . .

ot t.he . .nt.h prior t.o publlo'Uon .



Gat.h.rlng tor 1ntormal lIIulic .'king Frid.y evening ~. IntormaUon Jlay be obtained trolll t.he CeUi4h . 'olk Worklhop, Colllgtl ot Fin. & AppUed Art., Sgut.h. . .t.m Klu. Unl •• rllt.I, N. Dart.. .uth o Ma •• •••• -C.ildh, pronounc.d X&y-1ee , 1 • • Scot.. Gi'lio word. mean1ng t.o party or .gather for t.hl purpo .. ot .aking aU'io . Th. ldea 11 to break down t.h. . .n .. of p8rtot"/tl'r/.udl.nc'i to .vap lOng• • 1d ••• 'nd t..chniqu•• in an Intormal ataolpherei where .tud.nta , taculty and vlait.orl can .hare t.hlir lIIut.ual Int.hu.l& .. tor lIIu.lc &1. a regular . . etln~ place on t.h. 8 .M.U. ClllpU' . . . . . . ••••• Luthler, Dr. George Or\hel, 1, currently t..aching a ongoing dulcl.. r building cour .. at. Harrl.burg Area Communlt.1 Oolleg. . You tolk. in t.h. area who 1II1eht. be int..re,tad can C1nd out. more by oonU.ct.lng the Harrl.burg Area Coaaunlt.y College , Communlty Reaource. tnlt., Harrlebu.rg. PA; or Dr . Orthey hl ...l t .t. 4}2 S . 4th 8t. ., Newport. PA 17074 . .- _

•• A. RiVlEVs BY BOB GODFRIE.D (}451 Gnll Plac. AI}2, Bronx. If.Y. 1046,)

-Hank Levin s .rtlcl. on dU1ct..r c:onst.l"UcUon in .rean Rltchi.'s book hopl' Is the be.t 1'.e .. en 80 Cal" and 1 agree with hla down the l1ne except. Cor t.vo point • • Flr.t.; the bendin& lron uling oh.rcoal br1qu.t • • hOuld not. be used indoor. dUI to a lethal ga. glven ott . Second; t.he baok ot t.he dulc l=er should be bl"$ced tor 'tl"Uctural .t.rength and rl61dlty 10 order t.o bet.t.er reflect t.h. 'oundwave. from the toV . AND NOW A PLEAs I sa now worklng on a hurd.y-gurdf. . None ot t.he plan. Iv••• en glve d.t.al1. tor t.he rocklng brldg. tor the 'trolllplU.- .t.r1ng . Any advice here woul d be apprecl.t..d .••..•• " Bob Qodtrled ....... ~lcl"r

o..r l'hn •


• •• 1 •• .,. r'y ent.hu.. d about. K1.b&11l n.w book on the MolmUin Dulo1alr. It 'e t.h. t..t. book I '" Men on bulldin&. One . . nelou.ly 10Sic.l idla I h'" u .. d 11 t.he lock~ ot the back brace, \Uld.r the beok lintna. . There are other great Id•••• plu. eo .. tip. on bu.1ld1oS .arlou. Jlg. and claaplng d'yloe .. Many thank. to Mr. llabell tor a totally •• tl.Cylng book. I a. now involved in a 'hop at. )0, •• 6t.h 3t ., N.Y., N. Y. with t.wo tri.nd. ot lIin•• Jenny Crocke r and DlMl. Donahue. .r.nn1 h a H. D. lDaar .nd i • • good f rlend ot Dorothy ca rter, who play, a -Chine.e Dulclmer- on t.he st.,..et . She 1. an .xt ....ordln.r' pla,.r and wa. wrlt.t'n up in th••• w Yorker recently. WI are tent.aUTly o~lIlng It -tKi IClflAN MOlJt M • WUl 1.1. you know acre .bout. 11. later . Con~t.. on t.he Flrst. Annlnrlll"J l .. ue. CharI •• nth St.. Dulc1lllr eo.pan, 120 E. 11th Street N.I . C. 1000,




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The Mountain Dulcimer Section THE DULCI MORE Dear D. P.N . Wit.hin the pan calendar , . a r . , r8mllr 6. I. that.'. Jarr 16 1ra " 0..,14 10 ru . • Ethel., wUe • Dan thata .a t be.,. .-de (6) or IIOre ore.rt. abow., Our on. and. Ottly cre,rt. 1. bulld1ng '" .alling 4ulct..er. . w. ba .... bullt and ao14 over 100 \.otal 1n toh8 paat. l.ar, W. began t.M IIdulolmer thing- around 0) ,.ara .SO . Binca that tiel' ..,a ha.,. . . an pu'o110 kno wladg. &: tntareat. inore . . . bt101u1 d •• crlptlon . , year. ago we apent. .. great. •• ount. o f' 1.1. . look1ns ao_ cur10us aoul streight 1n t.he . , . . .nc! apell D_U_L-C _I-M-S-R " ar1 alovl1 tor thalli, Even than vUh all t.he ha.nd geaturea , rSolal a.pre .alona . ate • ..,. could 00" up w1th the pe ople at.l11 "ant. a.a, ahak1ng t~lr h• • d e, W1th al l the probl••• of 00"unlo_tloR we .tll1 ItQld our dulcl. . ra well . Ow- flrat. ahow we took three crud. aodel_ (we took 18 orda ra . ) V. have conat.ant.l, looked tor w.., . to 1aprow. Ju.t. rlOInt11 we biTe d1.co .... red .. tin! th.. t wlll aanut.ot ~ to our need ... l / S" l ... in .. tld wood th.. t i. bendabl. with either 1 / 2S" Yen'.r ot Walnut., OAk, or Mapl e la.ina t.d to a eolld popl"r backing . fhi. 11 bl t ..r the be.t. aat.rlal w. ha ..... ver round~ fhl. wood 11 rurnllhed either Mcenter !latched M or 'upll "mat.oMd gr.. in" . fh. tiM!. wl1l rum l 'h theN I n .he.t. trlm.ed 6: .quared in 8 M bl 35 M .he. fhl. enable a ua to .atch gr.. in in a co. pl'U dulclaer; alao red u cinS w.at. t o a .,.ry .iniaua . ~reonalll I blUe.,. thla .aterlal .urpaNa even t.he "-alld M wood conlt.ruct.lon, equaling the .... even in ton• • Since WI have sonl to cona!.arabll eNort &: IXpin" to .aintain the triction pig t.unins, hi,.. 11 a Up wo rth repeatins' VI ha .... tound t.he 1t./ 14 lbon1 vlolin pIIg' t.o be excln'nt. . A very 116ht a ppllcaUon or dun .crapld troll a oube ot vlolin bow ro'ln can be appll.d light.11 t.o aach bearinS 'urtaci to reduci .11ppaga t.o aI_oat nll . Applr 'par1n81r . It one c hoo . . . t.o 60 t.he rout.e ot theo trlcUon pag tun1ng p1.na bel"'l la anot.her polnt.'rJ Allgn t.hl piS bole. all nl"r a. po .. ible wit.h the cent.er ot t he tl"'lt. board. fhll po.it.10nlng doe. eo.-t.hing? Wlt.h the tAn.lon on t.he! .trins' t.h ia alao help. t.o reduoe .11 ppage. Al l Itfort. Ixhau.t.ad, t.Ml"'I 11 at.111 no .ubaUt.ut.1 t.o et.plr ~ 12. t.un. t.he dulc1. . r ~ praot.1olng . That.'a a l wa1' our tinal adv1cI t.o .. cu.t.omer . Wa h a ve alao begUn handling all 4 innruct.10n a.nd .ong boo)u pubUahed bJ McSpaddan "Co . too v• • ,.. one of t.ha r.v dulc1mer m..kar. in our are. vho have tor a.l. hard ahall ca"11 tor dulclmera . W. 81110 have produced an inat.ruction t.apa ca • •• t.t.. with a 20 min. prosr. . at tuning&: pla,1ng:1ncludld ia an . .pIa . uppl l of dulc1.. r 6: guitar aualc . Va glve thla trea at charge with aach dul cimer wa se ll . alao llpara.t'lr tor ' 3 . 50 aach •• • Lan lIusa8r at a orart. abow we had t.h. pl....ure or .. ating Md plaring dulctaer wlth a loung lad1 froa 1f .. ,h.,.l1l1 vho p1&r' prof. . . 10nall, - Ll!:!!l Wal1a&n . She haa a Jlthro Aabur61 du}.cl.ar .iOlad , nuabel"'ld 6: dated . HI i. a relative or Jaan R1tchla.· and 1a IlInticned 6: pictured 1n h'r MftGt DULC I MER 8001 * , The Aabur61 4~o1.e r va. " r, dellcat.e vlth a great toni , 3.tring, frlct.ion pag. rathlr th1n bodied. a.nd & Jar t.o pI ..,. A Up for dulcl . . r lIake r aJ It in bu11ding Jour 4ulclller IOU chao .. to .lot tha fret boa rd in oraer to parman.nUr poalt.1on the nut. br1dge , fa t.Ma mu.gl1 but do not. glUi thea in.. Thia vll1 enabla ,ou to ab.itt the nut or brldge IUght.l, to aithar aide . 'fhia 1. "'rr helpful It latar ,our dulc1. . r fret. or fretboII,rd l"'I"cte allghtl1 to huaold1t., ohlage. and dawlop • • buz:r.. fM" B\lU.' I hav. found are at tt.el taapora.ry on1, . It t.bI atring that buu... can be ablfted Illghtll t.he; bun 1. gonl . 'fhll w111 not HI .. warpad tretboII,rd or bull fret Job but v111 on11 co.pannte .Ughtl, . Itl halpful . Try It..

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Handcrafted Appalachian Dulcimers CHESTNUT.

Artistic ••


r..le.t .. 40 Yrs. Woodc:raftjng



phone (703) 362·2028

~ !1





hh~ Hlndc ..fted Mualcliinalrumenla




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KE YS Of C - r. & F rnR Dll.CIHr~ WITH THE -(,-1/2" rR(T












[t14"l'n Qalns

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1(1 ruNC 1111(1 THE LVOJAH



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HA,.. It~tzc.

Nc.o "f 'U AJ'I)t.lST THl JJ100LE srtlNr. .OW IT TOO Ii:'1ll IIAJ1!.«'l':JZC : A. "r.pe4.l.tJze. 6u.b. qa.iA 0.. Vtt b"6 6.tA.U1g , cu. i lt I.A. l>u..t th.u t..V-!t , ~(lP AT S(iL , die. l.t#t Jticlt u 5 .(D"u 4f)OVf. thl. "tic. ~

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lit Aec v, Se. rn AS YOU U tE Jr, 8'1

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lorE, Beg1nn1ng on toM next. page .~ 110" or Ell•• n Ra1na' not•• on hilr con1.rlbuUona or t.he paat. raw page. . 1 t.hlnk 1Qu l ll Unci t.he. or int.erea\. . You will aalo tlnd • photograph ot En.an looatad _1 .. • where 1n thi_ l . . ua.

id .

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III F'yettewf1lt St rHt, '410 btelgh. II: 27601 October 29. 1975 HI Phil "-t '9.'n - still. st"..tn' " • plcktn' .tId • slngln' d'*'I here .nd 10~lng eYery

of It.


Robert 8ry.n of Uncle 8ob 's Du l ci mer s (he', wri tten you I believe) had an eKhlblt of his work ill the Pllelgh F.ll Crifts Futh.l recently .nd I phyed .t his booth sever.l hours both d.ys Ind I'IId • thoroughly enjoy.blt H. - crowds Ind crowds. I twld put I notlflutton In the MWSPiper hffe fn the -Wtwlt ' s HlpPtnfng- secHon I few d.ys before the Cnfts FutfVll .bout the Oulcf_r Course It PfC Stite .nd we hid lots of Inquiries Ind Inte~st. The cl.ss Is filled until next seaester .nd Interest Is continuing. The people f~ Here, Inc. would be delfghted to sre what's twlppenll'lg to sc.e of thefr du1clller ktls! .. , •.• 1 have. new Uirdr1l9-ShlpH 5 string dulcimer (blueqrus tunlng-GG G C G) Bob ary.n Nde M , USII'l9 the ·uPKh lly for dulcl.,.. - very thin wllnut pl~ (f". Green Rher DulciMers In [lkhorn Ctty, Kentucky). They sent _ • sa"",le soitme Igo, lnet sfnce 1 hne a preference for the .~pe.rlnce of walnut, J took It to hi. Ind ISlted him whit he thought about ullng It . He ordered enough for se~era' Ind made me one with I regular .wood (walnut) wd: and sides, with the plywood on the flce ..• I 'III ~ery IlIIPressed. The wood Is strong of course. e~en though ~ery thin (.bout 1/16-) and the tone fs - to ~ .Ind and ear - definItely superior - .s they clll~ It would be - to solid ~ - spruce, walnut . . . ple. The only difference In construction bet~n this new dulcleer .nd the one I h.d (thit he'd ..de I few -anths pre~lously) WlS In this top. Very cle.r tones Ind eKce"ent response both bus Ind treble tones. Too, the 6-1/2 fret Is Inco!"JlOnted, .nd 11though H's uklng lie Iwhtle to get used to It. I feel H's worth the troublt, U H Idds to the uPlbtl1tles of the fnstrument .. . lt NY be -lltherlled· ~ , but It's still. dulcimer - you cerulnly c.n't .Ist.ke It for Inythlng else! ~lIt

the extra fret - I hoi~e I little to Idd to the subject - .1though you've co~ered H very .... 11 - I WlS delighted to discover thlt I tin play the chords In the .... jor keys of C, FAG with the flng~ positions the S1me In tilch Itey .. •you just IIOve your fingers up . the fretbO.rd. For eXlmple, tty the Sub-dClll1nanU - first, the F, then the 8, then the C you'll Quickly see whit I "In. Going d,*", you note 1n each key that the chords Ire grouped In the Sillt '-"flte Irel - no going fro. one 10Cition to .noUler - )'Ou suy lround the C. SIMe for the F's ud G's . I .. de up the enclosed chin to tllustnte this - hope you'll find H of Interest. let me know, oU . .. .. . I'n been dol"9 I lot of work on the -Ecc1esh sHcll Modes· lltely lnet have tried twlrd to get Into the feel of the songs fr"Olt 10n9 19o. t ran Into. song cilled, -It WlS I lo~er .nd hh hlse- Ind got Interested In It. WIS written fn the Key of C. but stirted Ind ended on G (th.t threw _ for Iwntle). I '~e heard thh played In AftIlhn Mode, but It didn ' t s~ to suit the ~. - since this song .ppe.rs to be • plrody or burlesque of the · sweetly sentimental· 10~e songs of t~t d.y - we ha~e them tOday, too. After e.lllfning the song's structure and finding where It's tones and semi-tones fell, I came to the con-' c1uslOfl thh should be In the lydhn HoeIe - which suHs the cMrlCter of the song. Thlt led .. to studying the chlrlcter of the Lyd1ln Hode IICIre closely. so here Is whit I ce_ up with finally. let .. know whit you think of this uterl." will you? It .. kf's sense to lit, .nd It III fell Into piece, but perthlps you see It differently, and there Isn't euctly. pltthorl of Inforwd people when It CDrlltS to the 1IOd,,! I've left the tlbl.ture for-It WlS I lover .nd his l.sse Without .ny playing fnstructlons _ I pley It IIOstly with I noter .nd pick, for It Is fut .nd lilting, but It cen Iho be done effectively with ffnger ",d pfcklng. Although tl'le old !lOdes were the .ncestors of oor .adern keys - sttll I think the songs wrHten I'IundrNS of yelrs 19o - In I putlculu mode - sound best when played In thlt MOde. Sometimes they lose their ·feel· or "mood " when translated fnteiil modern key . Will send you I tape sa-etl., In the not too dtstlnt futUre - thts Is lbout III the dulcf ..r news Ind Info I hIVe It the ..ent • enjoy wtltfng to you .nd too, enjoy hearlrtg fn. you ,nd ,...dfng your publfc.tlOfl - ft's getting better III the tl • . Thinks for publtsMng the Biterlll I sent previously - ~ery gr.tlfylng to .. to see ~ hlrd work In print!

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••••••••• B, Rot.rt Rodrlque s


80. . word. of .xplanatlon are 10 ord.r . Wh.n I reTtew.d the firlt two alw-.. (and I hope 1..0 40 the .... wl\tln hll "'001'4 oo. . a out.). I .. nUoRed t.hat.. except. tor one obaoure reoord. of Irllh 101k1onSa wlth 4ulct.r bl Judl Ma,han . th.re w•• to . , knoVl.dS- no other •• Jor dulo~:r "cordlnga outalde the U.s., and apeolfieaUl f1"01i aro\Uld the Brlt1ah Illea the.eelvea. I th.n a.14 that 10" tuture artlole would d.al wlth a llat ot ~-eallad .inor dule1..dr reoording., that la, reoordingl whloh t.ature on. or two or ~ dulci.ller cut. per albwl. I a. qu1t. hapP1 to . ., 'that I a. fulfilllng ay prollile at th1l t1ae. Flrn and torellOat. it abou1d t. mentlonad that 1D0at ot the. albulla 1ndeed. are ratld, at lea.t by lOur. truell'a point ot vl.w, tro. ggod to .xe.llint aa example. ot both tradltional a. Will a. raylyall.t folkaual0 fro ll tIM Brlt.lah Iale.; to co ... nt .ore on the. a. 10dlyldual record. la t.10nd the aoope ot thl. artl01e, Should AIllone wl.h to know 1I0re about the. albull. th.y oontaot . . I Rot.rt Rodrlquez., ,647 Broadway . N.Y., N.I. 100'1, (212) 286.92 •• &.oond. and .quall, lmportant, t.hl. 11 not a detlnltlve nor a tinal 11et ot .uob recordingl; undoubtedly th.re ar. 10. . recorda 1 ha". negl.oted to . . ntlon, either t.oauM I do not own th•• or 40 not know of t.helr exl.t.ence; Ilia, e.,.n ha.,. l.tt out. one I 1I,.lf own, but. ln general thla 11 Juat. a IOrt of guld. to thOM dulclmer bufta 1ntereltad in • .,.Iit on. dulclmar out on • good record.. Where poillbil I have 11.t.d reoord t.ltle . performerl. lat.l. nWlt.r, Ind 1n • .,.rIll 0."1 the apaolnc 4\110 1l1li1' oUtl on reoorda I oonllder .ore than .lpeolallT good or u .. tuJ. . Whlre I havi not I11ted anr Mler info It. 11 t.oau .. of pre .. nt. laoll ot knoWle4ge. o,e acre oouant 11 t.hat. tor purpa.aa ot t.hla lllt. I ba.,.. negl.otad 4ulclmar reoordingl 1n wbloh aleotrl0 or a.pllned dulou..r 11 u .. 4 al l n the oa .. of 10llll modern group I auoh a. Falrport. Con..,.ntlon. 8taele,. Span, Pentangla, 'IradarHorn. the J .D.B. Band. et.o; I have .l~ negleoted dulol. . r ~cord.lngl in whlch aoouatio dulol .. r 11 u .. d Whln tho .. record1ng. 40 not full, lhow the 4ul eizaer in full aot.lon; al ln t.~ ca .. of t.he a.to~ . . ntiona4 sroupa whare nUll8rouI ot.her lnlt.ru.entl 11terally drown out or IoIIOther the dulot.ar'a plaring. Vltb tblt .. paint.1 in mlnd let u. g.t. to tbe "aakl . • 'fia Hart and Ka4dl Prlor, "'01ll;:lOn61 at Old England I Valla: 2· outal Earl Rlo~rd. Coplhabo .. F.~, Brout.an town I .. Mald Delp 1n 10..,.. "8umcar 80lltlce OUt.11 C-.n.a lJ CanalT, SerYing Glrl I Hollday, • BrlnS in Good Ala. All t.hrel recordl are on thll Charl.aa lat.l and are eXlaplll ot t.ra41t.lonal u .. of t.he 4\1101_r fc;rr ballad aocoapa.n1ment.. I Martln Cart.he" Bh•• rwatar" cutl I lord llan4all and Shepard'l La_nt. ~ tbe ~6alua lat.l; 111111ar u .. of dulol. . r tor ballad aoeoapanl. . nt. • Frankl. Aralt.rong. "10..,.11 on t.he Vater" out. I I Two Siltara Toplc lat.l 12-'1'-216 . • "'Ur .. Chrla Coe. "Open the Door and Veloo_ 1n" outll 1.&47 Dlalllond and Llttla 81r Hush. lAader-Traner 120n. J.ea1n the duloll11ar uN4 tor at.rlot old ballad aeeOllpanll1ent. co. .on 1n Brltl_h tolk lIIull0. • Da..,. and TonI Arthur, "Harken 1..0 Wltoh.1 Tuna·, out. 1 Cruel Hothar. JAadlr-'1'ra11_r 201' ; ballad acoo.panl_nt aga1n. • London Or1tl01 Group, (Ilx albumna) CUt._1 Sweet Thamal Flow 5oft.lJ. Marr, Progrell t.o London, Vatarloo r.t.erlu, Ya Marinlr All, Aa W. ware A_ lanlng , reline hogUc. Dulcl .. r used in a .!x.d group of inatruatenta. All reoordl in thl1 group are on the Argo Folk Serle_ lat.l , Argo ZDA 80-86. Ro~r "lohol~n


e Ewan MoCall .. PeM1 Slager, "Lone; Har.,.lt". Barlaa of 10 albulll ot 8rlt.lah ballada and t.bltlr AaIIrlo&o (and ot.halr) nrl&otl. Argo ZD.A 66- 75. Rlcord 11: Minorle, Two Sl_tera .er.lon. Reoord 12: Love' I R1ddl. I VlIelr Expounded. VarUon ot Dev11 'I Nine Qualtlona. Rleord BrooatlaU H111. Rlaeord 141 Old Bangua, .,.rl1on ot Blr LionlU. Rlcord lSI Bonnl.. Banlll ot E1'4rlo. "rllon ot Bankl ot t.he Vergl0. Reoord 161 Earl Brand .. 10M CMllll Youth . Record 1101 Sweet V1111e and Falr Ann.J. "'rl1on ot Lad1 Margaret. • So .. 4\11c1llar OUt.1 to t. found on MoCall albullal "Anur Hu. . • • Argo IS}; "b01"OUI MUM" Argo #84; ·Want.on Mu .. ·, Argo 185; two reoorda ot Sbaklaparlan Broadllde, Paper stage, Argo' 98 .. 99. There are "veral 1I0re exa.pl.a on ona o r two otblr XcCall .. Baager RaCOrd.1 al Vlll. • "llanklty" - lrlab aUlloal group u'1n& t.radlt.lonal inat.rument, tor t.hI lIOat. part and 401.n.s Irllb t.r&d1t1onal lIIullc. Threl albulla. 10" u .. ot dulolcar on all tbraa, Po11dor lat.l . e Ra, Fllher. ·Bonnla Blrdle·. 80. . dulo1aer u .. 4 br gua.t pertor.er Martin earthy on UU. ~n6 Bonnll Blrdle , 1.1 well . . otberl . Toplc 238.



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• Roy Harrl • • nd Martln Carthy , ·Cha.plona of Folly·, one dulo~ r out 1. a .. r.lon of Troo~r • the Mald. Topl0 256 . • 1'U7l'E I Ttw follo w1ng tour locat.lon. are helptul ill purona.lng hard to f1nd BrlUeh lal •• recordlng.' J • F a. c ord 5&1 •• , 4501 Rialng Hll1 Road, Alt.adena, CA Tho . . . Ste rn, Box 1 228 , Whl~ PlaiA., M.Y. Oaan Wallace, Box Moanc, Conn . And,'. Front. Hall, AD 1 . Wormer Roa d, Voorh•••vl11e, N.Y .


- .,..r'D-

rau MUtUn BIDdenft.d Folk JutrDIlIDII .",lu Uu hlllim 1.lIm. h hllm 'nll.,11I .Il. II h lrht luL f.t"hhtJ 1m. I I",





-_.- _.._.-


c..... __ f1I M~ • __ . ........ ...... -_.

.... ....... . . . •• I." _ ORTHFY INSTRUMI:.VfS .re Indmd\.lllily (rom .... r.:f,Uy 1C~tcd _cods or


the filtCliI quaht)' !'dull ... In In\trumc:nll ..... i1h IniJlvl,j1l11 i"!llOn.hlR..... EklcnslVc lime ,ntI efforl hllvt: bo.-rn put Inll,l drl,,1ed sludy or the hiliury Iml IrwdlhO., or th.:c lfI~trUmc:nIs. Th. ~l.I&Iy h.u aho ulduJaJ CllImlNIllOn of lbe lc..:hnlOIl -.cls whICh k.'\I 10 the succc. or Ihe ok! mUI ...... cnfumcn N(w InnoUllOn hu bocn ~,Jd«l 10 lhe: inlqr"led \X)n~'tph of Ihe put 10 produce un5llrpual!d qUJhl),'" 11'11•.111101\111 work· ~Mhip and :IOund. The mf"lmanshlp o( Ihcte instruments i. (ully IUln"lced. tll~IJn~t

DR. GEORGE F. ORTHE'Y 4Jl Sovlll Fowllrl SUMI Ntwpo.-t. Pa.. t107.


ALLAJI HARRIS - Dulol. . r eratt ... n fro. t ••t.port, Kaln_, wlll be exhlbltlne- hh "'ork It. the Burl1n!t.on ~~ll Craft. and Soulpture Sho"'. All du1el . . r player. and lntoreated person. are lnvlted t.o at.op by t.he booth and play eo_ tune a.


.,IIf. ,,..


For more lnto cont.aet.1 Anan Ha r r l a , Cla r k Street. Eaatport. , Malne 04631

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SONG FROM A PORCH ==I.,.,•• ; J )

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luat.r on t..blat.""' line rerer. to fret nuaber on that. nr1n8.




Face. halt re . . . bered are haWlt,1ng . . tonight.. The atorl•• people to14 me, the on•• who •• 14 they'd wr1t., I gull •• I au.t have loved the •• 00" 1 had to let. them go.

Thank a tor loaning" your blanket friend; this IIco.11ght ch111 . . . ao.


The 111181. "'111 be . , matt"' ... thla poroh w111 be 1111 bed, "hUe the gentle lIOns you're e1nglng H pll10wlng 111 h. .,d. You •• y I should be el •• pin§. but you know I'd rat~r .tay, There'. ne .. r time to lIa" I'll .1.11 lOU·, but lOU know that &n,rwa,.


1 .isht hava known you better; wa could hava talpd be tore • But who to lay l t wordl can help lOU know a per.on mo",.


When the world l1e. dJing, and the Ity growl gray and .tlll,


think about. lOur lWU'lJ tace and I'll nev.r teel the ch1l1.


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l Bending Irons B1 Sob Oodtrled


dodging t.he tll!Llll.. trolD. the propane torch roarina out 1ron, 1 dec1ded to go electr1c . The pr1ce: e on the .tore bought Job. ('50 and up) ",ere out ot .,. reach eo I proceeded to bu11d .1111 own tor around ,6. Atter Urlng

at the end or . ,


Th_ heating unit 1e


oharooal barbecue 11ghter or tire .tarter tbat

can. be bought oheapl1 nov at thla 1.11D111 ot the Jear . You have to aqu•• r.e the loop flatter 1n a vl •• eo that 11. can t1t into the p1pe . whleh In . , ca •• w.a a toot long plece ot 2i- aluminum thiok walled electrIcal condult . It 18 uaually 80ld in 10 toot lengths eo it ••y be 1II0re practical to 1.17 to .crounse acme or bu.1 1t. froID an electrical contractor. Copper plpe 1 • .. good alternative, but more expens1ve, The dU·. . ter 18 not critical but

or a t1ghter bendlng radiua or .. narrow pipe versus a larger eurtace area or • w1der pipe lIIuat be conald_red tor TOur partloular ne.da. l1. 18 t.hen mounUd on a plyvood baae w1th .ufner clamp. or p1pe .trap or threaded rod t.nt. int.o a "u" ahape and bolt.ed t.hrough countereunk hole. in the bottom . The l:l&_ can then be clamped to t.he edge or your bench . ThU part10ular heating elelD8nt reacMe a temperature or 1000 degree. F 1n 8 m1nutes, so caut10n 1s adv1 .. d here. To monltor the "emperature I hooked an oven thermometer over the open end and Wlpl\166ed the heating ele . . nt after:» lD.inuUe when it reached 500· E I the proper temperature tor bending wood. Arter a wh1le the p1pe coole ott and hae to be re-heaUd . Groundlng the pipe, I meaeured a le.kage ot about 40 volte, eo a ground w1re would be a good 1dea _ comment. and eues-etlona ere welcolI:e.

the tactor.


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The D.P. N. Booklist "I'll

The lolloV1n8 book. and publ'lcatlona 'lfb.lle and ..~ available fro. ua at. the-ii":7:;X: aue or the .. publioationa pert1nent. t.o the de tray the publ ioation coat. or the D.P.N PACIIlIG COSTS FOR 1 BOOI OR 5C¥ FOR 2 OR

WTKi DULCIMER BOO,I " 2 .95) and -DULCIMER lE0ft'- ' •• ,95) b7 Jean Ritohle.

t.vo 01 . . . 108 by J. a n Ritchle ahoul4 be .. part ot .""r1 .. rioue pla,.ra colleotlon. Lot. ot reterence., lIonge, playlng tip •• hi.torT. eto.

~ ..

OIP1.A'LDfO LEAD DULCIM&R" by Dr. Rlchard WllUe .

Great book


helping the


or intermediate pla,er to a.a111 gat into the 1Il0re advanced and intere.·U ng at11•• or ohording and mIIlod1 play1ng cOllbinat1ona, Very clear and deta11ed explanations ~ .~ .aoh. -PLAY T~ DU1.ClMER BY EAR " orHER EASY WAYS" b1 ~n ,. Bu HaQ1:aohron.


""en prepared 26 paa8 booklet I. crammed with good lntormation. Manr Up. and suggestions are oontained here along with an. eaat to to110w approach to p1aring tbeorr. Exctlllent .. ction on tuninga too!: 'l.....5Q. ea.h. "DtlLCIHER PlJ.nRS 81a,pi;" by Phillip MallOn. Contain a ohol'"ding. tuning, atrua.1ng, picking, and much, much 1II0re Into, A supplement book is a1110 included Whloh contain. the 1110'1. complete dulclmer reterenc' aaterial in print. Extanaiva 8ibliographr • Di.cograpnr. (HEW PRICE).



"FOUR AND TWENTY" br Lynn MoSpaddan • DorothJ' French .

Containa much plaring lnroraation, plus great IIOnga and ballada tor lIOuntatn dulcimar in both ~ tablature and regular .udcal not.ation. .~ eaoh .


'7ToT"du~~,:" ~'ncb • Mc8padden. Conta ina 30 trad1tional • with t.uninga and chord. chart a •• ~ each.

Toam, • Jaan Slemona, Contain a " and autoharp. .~ aach.



"III SARCH CF THE WILD DULCI~" br Robert Fo~ • AJ.btrt d lo .. chl. Th1& ia a nlcalr dona and wall 111uat.ratad book covering .uch tntarretlng into on ao_ ot t.he aore conta.porarr p1a1ing at1la, (traditional too) that the .. tellowe hAve run into around the world, aaoh.


"TUHIIIG AND PLAY%lIG THE API'AUOHIAli DULCIMER" b1 A.W. Jarrrera. J.. aupar 11t.tla book b1 a aupar duloaar parson. Exca llant lntrodu,otion to ohorda, tuning', countar-.. lod1 • hAnon1 p1a,ing, noting, and atM.llD.ing. .!.&2 aa . "THE J.l'PALACHLUI MOUNTAIN Dut.ClMER BOOI" br Paul. Pyla. A 5"at handbook on p1a1ing in the traditional atl'Ullllbing at,la - Iota at ",a1l1 good pointara and Iota ot tunaa and tipa • •~ each .


Hioa book to get atart:.a4 ·THE BEI1l' put.CDCER _THOD YET" by Albtrt on. Contatna l~ .anga an4 Iota ot aaa, tnatructiona on chording, ,truulng, ploll:1ng, and noting. The IIOng oollection (_lcd, lina tablature • •uaic) alona 1& worth the prica. eacb.


Richard. t~ }6 tunea

)leal Hall.an • Ba1l1 Koldan • fhl. 1. tuninga, plarina et,la a o and avea 110_ a record inoluded in the book at aU tor.. Great! eacb .


"acESUCH FOR DULODIER" (."OO) and ·WBICD nn.rn CI( TJS DULOIJCR" <1'.50) br ftos-r lf1chollOn.. fbf .. 1._0 book. at t.ablatu.l"I' pIa,Ilii IJi.1.ntot.lon. oontain turtee rroa Rosara two albua. dona in hie sreat. tingerp1ok1n6 at1le. Sons:a and tune. ~ tro. tra.ditlonal, or1Sinal, -.nd J:l1ubethi-a.. 'two "l'J' wo:rt.hwhUe book': .. auat tor inu,...4iata or a4ianc.d pl.,-r ••


·MOODS ~ 'I'HI ~nea· Virgil • •o~a.n HUSb" (Mal Sa,) . f\minS., 55110nsa and tuna., ohoa; .......,. pla,lna at71a . . . . tbQ4. ~aoI"1bad, ga4e;ah, and ~Ol'l atr.ot.. Ma.D.l azctlllent photo. at .auntain toUt an.4 eGeln.a., . ~. .


Cont1Duo4 Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com


-HOW TO PLAI TKi DUJ.CIM'R- bl Margaret. Wint.er.. Ht.toI"J. care . and. pla,ln8 .t.l1 •• tor llOuntain dulc1. . r. 28 &on&. wIth dulc1iler accoapan1llent. •••l.....!i2.. -TKJ: MOU)lTADI DULCIMER- (How to Maka It 4 na, It) bl Howard Mit.cball. Thl. book oont.atn. a.,.rytb1ng froa pert1nent. lnforaaat.1on on bullding lOW" ovrl Innru.ent. t.o .0l1li8: of t.he IIOre progre.a1,.. pla,lng n,1e. which extend the lIu.loal po8l1bll1tle. of t.he dulol. . r. I •• ch .


RIDGE BILLY- bl 101. Lan.kl. An excel l ent. oh1ldren ' • book Which d\1lo1_r lore . and auoh folklore of t.he Mount.ain I'Wople. Mater1al for t.hi. book wa • •alnll gathered 10 the .rea around Allba Count.l ••• C. Lot. Len.U 1. an Newblrl Award wlnner and t.he book 1& publ1.bed bJ Yearling Book. - de.1e;ned e.paclan, t.o entertain and anl1g.ht.en 10una peopla. 11..alS. (200 pap;tt. wlt.h .anl wondarful UluatrtLt.1on.). raat.~.

bJ J.an Rlt.chla. The t •• cinat.lng tlr.ttull1 and the acne. t.hel .ang. OYer e.ch .

40 IIOng.


. . .- - -


11'1'0 BUILD A DULCI)(£R bl Paul Pl1.. A te.t "111ng bookJ.et whlch 1 . . . .11 but. c,.....a wlth interutlng bulldin& info bl Paul !'Jl. of 'tenn...... t~

tlMAIING Ali Al'PAlACHLUI DULClHiR- bl Jam Banel. Thla book on dulclaar con.t.ruction trom ~nsland 1. w.ll t.hought. of .' lL52 aach. -C(lrC9'tRUCTDG THE MOIJlfITAnr DUJ,.C~tI bJ l:laan 11.'bI11. Th1. 1& a bardbo\md book whlch contaln. all the lntor.&tlon the a . . r~ woodworkar wIll n.ad to create a flnI.had lIOunt.a1o dulclaar 1n any of .... rsl .hape •• Alao tIp. on .a",1og .. bl buildlng 110" of lOur cwn t.001& for l.he Job . ~ each. HJJOCEISD DULClMiR BOOIS


bJ Howard. KIt.chell. tho" who would t la...S:2. each.



Th1& book contaln • • hUptul to build tbUr own H.D • .11&0

~~~~ bl J'hll M"on. Th1. 16 pap _ ",.~1n;;;.,e;."&l t.unlng. and explain. .. set. .tartad . IIlclw1aa . l.....!i2. .ach

recordad -aund

, Nor'l

eo.pnad b,. the Dulct. . r Pla,..r. X.w •• book on both the print.d word and dulc1. . r the world. around. 7~ .ach •

'0 .

•~!~o.,1ng for that. 18 not on thh Ust1 If lOU en 1.0 a aourca tor obtaln1ng 11. be bapp,. 1.0 t.um 10U onto sources for ~h&t 10U .1ght. not. be able 1.0 locat.a in of l.be dealar. who ad .... rtI .. in ~)w D.P..N. bell' an,1 raa4.r locat.a an,. aannar ot dulc1.er t.h1.n6.:


-U .. thll l.aJ.ants lOU po ..... ror the wood. would be nran. .11 .nent If no b1rd san~ lJu1, tbe blat.. Aut.hor Unknown

(Froa t.he co .... r ot t.h8 RIa.brand Co. Catalos lawton . lo.a 50208)

® Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com






Ifaal Hellean.


*r11. ahoulc1 t. 61 .... 0 to StAy! "1.1 who took. Greyhound aU the "'ay rro. "cae.tar. Ma ••• t.o the Olr-ptc "nninaula 1n the .tau or W••h1n~on Ju.at tor t.he t ••t.hal - WOW 7,000 aila, Oft the bu. to be part or 10M yel.t 4rone. Wall lata . . . t.hlre wa,.. work_hop. bJ Mil! Rw3Is who 1* Juat lno~d- • 'bla on t~ dulcl . . r; in "he D-A-D tunlng hit pIa,.. 1n D. . . . . . . . and 0 ~1 •• He playact old lriah alra that would . . It • heart. ot nona, JU8t ~.ut.trul.l 81 BIl(§h 81 More, Flown or Edlnbouroug,h, and aore and 1I0re. Bo~l. Carroll gave • workahop and a •••11 concert. Oft ••turd.,. nl&ht. Al~rt d Ouch! and Bob Foro. gave. raw "ork.hop. and playad their lnoredible at11a at atanding up t ••t atnll&lllng. Matt-ar or tact. aoon ."170n8 there v •• playlng atMdlng up. tMre v •• alao a lact.ure on toM Patha@iOrua thlory or dhlna ha~n1 and wh,y the 4ulober Jua" naturall,. "k!a JOur brain r •• l happy . an. day an hour vaa .. t apart tor .ach IIOde and . . . ryon.. tta'!..d up Into the ke;rt.ona and got real IUgh. Iaagin. 15 dulc1aera playing 1n the Lyd1an ~d. 'tos-tber. E.. ~ the Locr1an aod. vaa .xplored though eoat ot the tolka Juat d1d'nt dlg that c.rtain eode too much. There vaa a . . all cona-rt on aaturdal nlght vh10h vaa plaaaant and un-ego 11ke. The rood .. ned vaa the baat 1 'ye e .. r had a t a gathering. It. dollar bought e co.pleu .. al ot health tood prepared wrr tina tnel. . d. 'It'll proUt. IIOU . . val coaplaUl, ab.. nt. trolll thtl f.aUval vhioh helped to create a hlgh Tlbrat.lon vhloh par.eat.ad. t.he a1r and. every_ on•• baing. The~ v.re no tingerplckers. Everyon• • t.rummed t.he 4ulclmer. Too bad Keyin v.a 'nt t.hllre. the r ••t.l.al reall,. n ••d.4 aom. gentle ttngerpleDra. Naxt ,Par"" hope to ~ve t.he gat.her1ng in Colorado, but. 1ta aUll all up In t.he a1r a10145 vlth t.hII 100 or 80 roUta vho at.tended the' gat.hItr1ng •


oaar Phil, •••• 1 have a1.e> included on. ot the lIost beautiful old.-ta.l tun•• 1 knov on t.he d.ulot.arl JUHij APN. It. verT a1a1l&r to Blaok .Jack DaVY (H. D.l.N. Vol. I, No 6) in that 1t 1a beat pla~d in a rever .. atxo1Td1a.n !nat-ead.. or the aw.ndard. That 1a ll-A-J£ tnat.ad or ll-E_A 01' DD-A_D, hovever TOU oan 1,1.." the .tandard i t JOu JUllt rever .. the 1I1d\Ue anel ba .. atring nUllbera ot the tablature . U.. JOur ind..x Unger tor aU the baaa Botaa; the 118104J 11n. Ivltohel froa thlt thumb t.o t.he 111441. flnger • lot ao I ha". aarpd vhioh rlnger to uea on the Urat Itr1ng (a) unelar the not.al • • •14d.1. ringer & te tbuab.

JUNE APPLE :z.uLC.i"""

TAaUTujIle • .- :



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1 gua .. tb1a h tba .... one that '-Tin pla,a: .John Prhlan.d t..ught 1t to ae, Martha Hlokaan taught 1t to h1a,1 think Saa Jon.a taught it to bar, and he l.amed 1t tro. a.n lal. .10 aa.. r1an ahoeaaur ao_vhere 1n the Bronx.


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lbUl1pl I haft t..n tollov1n6 tt. pro' and con. ot the plywood. 4u].ol_r tor tbl palt ta" laeuta &nd, not UDlq~lJ. I can ... _r1\ 1D 'both &1411 •• Granted, thlll 1n.x~n.l .. J.{.}atru.nt . . ana ~.~r popul&rlt.1. Nl.4 or the ot-blir hand, tho .. Who tout. .oouatio 1'1'Op"rt.1•• - boa. . . nlld po1nt. Cert a inl7 t"~ aN ....rt1n6 &r&d•• or a0\ll14board.a. tro. ·400rekln- up '" 811"1' Spru~. but. tbe larun ba. not toM ts.. nor ~7 tor tbl aXll"r!. _nt.aU.on naCM.aal'J to UnA t.he1r pl'rllOll&l. choiDe. What t.hl. world nead. ia • soo4 ~und1n6, lnaxp8ne1" 4\1lc1allr! It. would to_ • • •1raol. in oW" pN ..nt. acono.,! But. , what it .a could ..... on_bll ••t1atl our •• ra wit.h thl

1nlxpenll.. _atarlal1 ••• nabla. with a bit or re-arl'lln61nS' 'fbi top h tobl 11n51l aoat. aport,ant raotor 1.11 the production or tobl lOund.. To pro" t.Ma taot., aa . . ,..z., • Span11b lut.bilr , o,.atad • po~l'1n &U1tar, tlU..cl w1\h. Ipruce top (Which 1. "14 t.o haft bad IxoelUnt t.one) . 'rhl re ION • it 1. t.o t.he top we ~ul4 dlrect our .nerat.a.

Manr of t-M ktu ottared. 1n t-ha lo. . r p rtotl Nnaea .xlb1t ol..... r .nbocla of oonat-ruo~lon. and. t~ oholce of t~ ' ... al.at and. -aa" eutMntlo" or Juat ' ••• le.t.' 1. lett. t.o t.he !moW1e45e of' t.be 'buJ'er • . But. aDT klt. wUl lut1'lo' tor our pW"pOM. E.... rr hillber Terel 1n t.he U.S. oerr1'a ..1. 1 •••1. onl 417 -aftvood. at tM oonn1ter t ..l 1T . tb1 • ••T be of pine, apruoe , f1r, red.wooel. or on. of t.be . . n . r t ..111... (Mr. Tho••• • haMlf t.bIt probable t.t. . r at t. . . Nt. Du.lol. . r, lpoll. at UlinS redwood. - whl0l):·o . . . from the .. a to the . . . t". ) The wood 'hould be ohoMn for 1t. atr.1Sht lin•• (grain) 10 that It wlll not break re&d111 w~n out to & 1/ 8" thlckn.... You mlght e.k tM 1ardaan tor h'lp (Ind .a,be l.am 'ome"h1nel. You w111 nl.d a pllQtJ .- br}6 by 3/ .". Thll 1. tM .quinJ..nt of on. board foot. ao thl .athe ... tlo1 ot tbe OOlt 11 ....1. Tbi 0011. .... 1'1•• fro. plac' to Place , 'but. pneralll IP'a.t..tna, t.be oaat. of t.be wood ahoulel be "ro\l:l4 1~ t.o 1.25. t'h1a will 1 . .111 ..... two. OJ' oarefullJ out with a banda.w. aan tour pllcea - two p1.oal for Iloh top. low. b1 .. ak1n6 a frl.nel, or .."..t-t.alklnS a oabtn.\ abop, IoU oan .... 11, out t.he board ino\ t.hI requlred. 1/8" aIab., Replace t.M t.op auppileel wit.h thl kH, with JOur t.op, pu.\\l.n8 thl . . . . ot the 2 pllce. un~r tbt fret.board, ~el JOu wlll ha...... d.ulot..ar Whlob will br1nS 10U hour. ot pl'.'ure, oO~'d with Indl••• hafP1 t'.ltng. of .ooo.pll.haent-. and a SOOd pr1aer for lOur next dulo1aer whloh JOu .1gbt want to build fro • • oratoh). And ••• JOur .ar. wlll tbank JOu!

• •

• Brokan St.rlnp a Ir ¥OU brnk I It.rl,. Ind It.'1 not. t.he ror I ne .. .. t. ,..t. , chano.l I re , you ean repair it. JOureaH. Ir it. breab l bOve t.he nut.(1n t.h. plgbOlI) ,r"lna t.he .t.rlng ('rOIl the dulel .. r. Illd wi th t.be help or I ~ir or plan, ti • • .JmIIII mot. In it."pllc, it, I' cood .. new • It It. breab below t.lwI BRIOOE, t.be a __ thine I pplln . unl... it. 11 t.he loop 1t.Mlr.It 1t. IS t.ha loop, drill I hole in a acrap or wood, IMart. • ra .. inchal or coatbanpr. atJd bend it. to u. ahape below . 11th I vice-v1ptl<aaoured with . naU )bold.1oc the loroll aDd, 1 ...... lbout. wn inch 1,.:1 I hI.lr au.. ..bell J'OU pJll the t.aJ.l. and t.~ the booIi: .. . bown. It ri.l..l be obrloua what happenl when rou t.UM1 the crank. leap \aMloa MCUua llId rerar to the unbroken looptl ror I ppaarIOllOl. Good I . new, Mow 1'. DOt Jiftl thet all .trlnp can be rapaJ.recl- but. JVU ha .. to dadda that. . All It. taba h eo.. tt.- It oo.t. JVU DOt-biOI to t.r'J ! !"Dr t.he t/a... r«l Dulc1Mr owner t.hh 11 I wat., but. to t.he . ' Mr .r ......, .... , •• t .....t- think i t . , ... ~



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B1 Rotiar )Hcholaon -

In recent. , •• ,.a .any at.r&ngtl dulo1Jlera ha.,. appeared with. yarletr or ax\.,.. .. ring. and fret.e, whlch re1 . . . t.he qUlt.tiOR or how tar 8uoh Innn.enta 8\.111 rall w1t.hln the dulc1ller deUnlt.1on and the tact t.hat ao. . plople conalde,. the atandar4 dulcimar to he". 11.it.• d potent.ial. In pall\. \.1l1l4I8 .wry co.blnatlon or at ringed inatrument hall r;.en tr1ad. and the only on•• "a know t.od&1 are tho .. whleb pro"'d musicalll aucc•••tut . My ovn fetll1nea, t.haretore. with certain a.ceptlona, ..... that the bl.al0 dulcl"r ha. r roftd it."It In "hie .ay on,. many !'In.ratlona and that i t 1a now plrhapa IDO" laportant to danlop the area or pla ylng technlq~ •• H•• 1.nlo •• 1d tbat 1 would l1ke to introduce tM I ow.aplnet' 1n the .CCO.~ pltnltng phot.oe"'ph (whIch WltOrt.unaUIJ be1ng blaok " ..hiu doe. not do U. Justice). t.ha 18 not the hybrld a lIIa, flr.t appear, aa al tho\l6h the aha". 1. that ot a .pinat or clavlchord. the 'worll:.' are tho .. of a no"l dulol-


Oulapinat Mil:. 1 (not 111uatratad) waa . .dator John "ar.. 1n 1910 bl lore-nil: Bond ln London (the on11 apecl&1lat. dulcl. . r .aker ln England, about. who. ln a tuture artl01a). It haa a da.p reotangular bodl . two dlatonl0 tlngerboarda (o ne belng an octave lower than the other), • ahrolllatlc tln5llrboard, gult a r machlne ~ada plua elghtaen a,apathetl0 atrine. and waa concleved tor John'a ta1evlalon aerle. 'JCualc Roo.'. Oulapln.t n . 2 (t.M on11 ot.her to have bean . . del'll•• bu.11t tor . . b, ~renll: Bond in 191' but ha . . . . . rel dltterent teature. . Iu .hanowar bodl contaln. Juat two dlat.onlo t1n!"rboarda - ona tor the Ionlan and one tor the Mollan IIOd. to reduee tuning - bthind " hloh 11e. t"el" ayapathat10 atringa tunad to the nou. ot t.he Ural. tine:erboard and vlbrattna "ah t.he. In W'!.1aon, aU ot which are atu.clwd to harpalchord wren pina tumad bJ . . ana or a VIctorIan olook kel aounud ln the folding lid. On the eound.board can bee &enn cllablng ro . . . painted on to the wood. barore the vamlah, ln the t,..dlt1on of tlna old kalboard lnatru.nt •• Both the .. Pulaplneta are vlauaUl and auraUl verr plaaalng but retain the aound. and dellcaol or the duloimer. Aa ,at I have on11 u .. d alna at. ho . . but. laUr t.hh ,aar hope to record on It to pIa, eo. . adapt_ at.lona or Seventaanth Centurl lut.e and harp au.le .


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AN OLD DULCIMER HAS SURFACED 1'01" tho •• ot 10U who are 1nto old du1ot.r. and tbll1r .0.1" •• ret anotbllr on. baa .W'taa.d. ..~ 1Il Ro_. o.orSla the~ h a .a-rear old 1n.tl'Ualent built. bJ 8 . . Ru ... ll ot Karlon, Vlra1nla. I tOWld It coll.oUnS du.t 1n the 8itrl")' CalHa- Mudo Llbrar1 two rear. aso! and .... ntua1l1 puroha .. d 11. tro. the ooll.ge. I took 11. to the Martha -1"1"1 Itu"\a to 1.1"1 &r&d d1.00 ... r 110_ ot It. baok6round; the ..... 1n.t~nt appear. 1.n 110 . . lat. )0'. - .ar11 plotu~.. At t.hat 1.1_ a.rl"1 Coll.~ had a .trona 8Q\mta1n oran. t.radlt1on and the Ru ... ll dulo~r wa. uNd to aoooapan, the Bar17 Ballad 81ns-ra {untortunat.11 no lonsar 1n .xi.t.noe). It balonlftd to the lat,a All~ Varden, a plano t.achar at. Barrl, and oraanl&er ot tba .1ns&r.. Sb& purcha.d It d1reot.11 troa Xt'. Ru."11 .xpre.&l1 tor the purpo . . at ballad aocoape.aiMnt. It. ..... t.hat. thll~ h .... alv.,. baen people 1nterested in t.he dulo~r and It. • • u.lc. Incld.nt.l,., the Ballad. S1nsar. va ... pertoral'GS about t.ha t.1IIe t.h. aoholarll taxta w.re anno\l'\o1ng tbll n.ar-axt.1nct,lon at t.he Mount.ain DuJ.ol"r. TM 1n.t~nt. (M. photo belov) h ,.nOv poplar vlth a valnut. aoroll The tone quallt1 1. verI bright and aharp - a cont.ra.t. to IIINll nawer lnat ..


e.peOlall~'~t~h~O!i"~~U~·1'~n~·i;ao~r?t';O:O~d~~:1r~~~l~i~!!·~·;,.~o;r![t~hlll~·;'~"~~; a

ataple y.rl.t.I; the 1net1'"Ullltnt 1 t.un. at .ome point... .cala handle ruaent..,.t the taU avld.nead bJ It'a Kr. Ru... n t.b& lett V-hoI..


and pl.OII Eat.on 'a

... :~~·!~I~" ~;;:1~~~~~"'.

1n J.an ahape ..... t.o ba

va.tem . Bob Plank and nov buUd dulol . . r. on the Ru •• ll patt.arn. I pIa, one .,..It, and acat ot our ordera apeoU, t.he Ru."ll 8Odal. For an,one tnt.ere.tad in .. aing t.M orlSln.l 1nat~nt, 1ta on p"r"IIIl!ln.nt d1&play at . t.M kartha Blrry Mu ..ua Juat north ot Ro .. on Hlghway 27. It 10u ' re 1n town, look . . up too - dulol_r pi OUr. a~ rlght. .o.roa in t.he. part •• Do~


101' N. 5th A.... APl'_O Ro .. , aA )0161 2}2-20}2

Ru ... U duJ.ot..r with Ganava J~t\. on. ot the a.lTJ' Balla4 Btnsara.

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wt AJt[ I"ItOUO TO 0fJtR Tlft: RNEST. MOST tmO£NT MAll ORDER SIltVlct for nIl~IOtII of

Ilu Irw.


n.y 1M TrUilllul bIricu hUulI

""ei lilt"".

All rM>nb~IiOU" _ _" ,. ~SJ (W7IRQ/w O6Ir ,",,-,64,... aulo,w lilti.... OWI' _,,,,*-!WI rKonf. MIl .fo_ of boob ..., ...,..zme. Or _II /tH • ~ _pI.o of CHlr N_ &.un IfNI 'loON of 1pK1IIIl ..."rat ,,, ~ of DULCIMER PIA fER NEWS Folk...,.. AIl$l JEAN RlTCH IE1 TIM Appo.l...w.,_I)odd..., · ~ioMI.-I music Sim_ DtPtll TKtSlMMONS FAMlLY, 51_ C_". ~ . Solo and ~ dukiIner

54 99

S4 99 Folk L.tp;y PSI2e THE MOUNTA1N DULClMDl·HQW TO MAKI IT .. "-A Y rr . w 50,. book $5 49 ~ lOAlltM IIOC[J. NlCHOlSON :TIrw CenHo 50wwI all_ ~ Bouuful inst.....-. . Imp6eo.05 Y.yt'l'OI OOIOZ OUlOMER'()u) TIME .. TlIAOITtONAl MUSIC • RMph l.ft Smith w ¥1KlIb 54 .99 FoIkwlf' fG»71 "AUl CLAYTQN: o..td.... 5oftct.tId SoIoI - 11 ""' cuu 54 99 Fmnl Hall FHaOI .,U SP£.Nct: TIM ~ OoakInw. · with ~ All Stu Stri.... ~nd 14.99 lnclrr lO34 ROCOl NICHOlSON: No-.clrI For DukJ_ • Buu.iful • _ vocII. · l,"porI $5.75 Chantlr Du MondI LOX 1~ JEAN-LOUP BALY: L'[plowllt Dn Vottft (European dukinwtHrnpott S6,7S Audkom .. ILA ANDERSON· FiM dulcimer pt.~ Ind tll\ItI' from CoIorMo S5 49 Sol 99 PKific Catude 1026 JEAN RITCHIE AT HOME - RM new l'KGf'd'I!&I • with booklet . Coo.mty 73f, THE Russo. FAMIL V: OW n- DWciIlWf Sounds Fro. TIw Mountalnl 14-'0 Puamw. THE HAMMtRID .. PlUCKD> OOLOMtRS . RM _ I lids by W"", Vup.u. 14.99 ROI.tnd 4054 JAY ItOUND It nu[N05: n. K a - " Ou~.u.-. .. 54 99 Rowwt 5M JAY ItOUND WIlli T11I WD..LlAMS r AMIlY: eotu..... 5eoc:lr.ador 8luti 54 99 ArlO ZDA 1I:tI.a. STtWART: 11M Soond Of The I'M.Imy • F~I - lmporl S6 U Frum H.aD Ftil05 FfNNJCSAUSTAJtS: s..t.rd.yNIPIAtn. .......... • AnlJoKOnd aINm 14 99 Topic 140 IOSCASTtE UEAKOOWN • Soutt.m ErcJ.iel! COUIItI')' M_~ cIuk. 11ft _ IS 75 folkw;I)"I FA 1367 JCtvtN.OTH SlNCS. PlAYS nu: OUlOMD: · AIw . . . . and 14 99 U'linaFolk LFR l00MAItCARETMACAKTlfl/II.. FAMILY · T~ -.sWlth dv.Jcimet" IS f9





The Dukl_ Book by ~jln R,leftit · T........ iIIId piIIy,,,. . wllh irutrucllDNl book rOll. Tw.... y Sontt IOf til. Mounlaln DuldIMT by lynn McSpilddm Duld..... PMl.... by .Inn RUd!1e • Cown hiMOf)', Iftanufilcture, mrIit1~, pbylna, ric In S.Afdr. 01 n. WUd Dulcimer by Robnt Fora and Albert d'o.c.he I'IUf. 01 COUI'W. The Dulcimer ..... Y'" 81tN. (14.95) and Dukl .......... Y'" N.w. (SO 7Sj


Writ.. Of C'om. " ..it OUr

"Off .t


......' hclrirt& 6 ' - - ' "

:7Or! tn

.u.u..., ~ ... ~.u-.

JEAN 'S DULCIMER SHOP P.O. Box I, Hwy. 32 Co.by, Tlnn. 37722 Specializing In the traditional Instruments, crafts, lore, of the Southern Appalachians. For a stringed or wind Instrument, kit, book, record album, folk toy, or accessory-If we don't have It, we'll try to get It for you, Catalogue on request.

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"" "" "." SUS



John D. Tignor ROUTE 7

FRANKFORT. KY. 40601 PHllNE 502·223-2692 ~5S.00




Mcunfaitl Dulcimer $t.'!lO, "Courli"'j' (eo..l.Ic) /.\+n. n"Ie,mer $5.Z5, f1ammend Ouldmer $3.15. All ppd. Md"'j crther.s-/he. b.st. Scatt e.. ~s, Z3lo

Li""DI" St., l19rlville,

Ol,io 4 <1632..

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e.e::;::::::e. .p fJ

The D.P,N. "111 add ne" n . . . to thl. 11&t. •• t.~1 are brought t.o our att.ent.lon . fh1. t.•• ahara l1at.tng 1. 4••180&4 to ~lp t.ho .. Who are ".king in.t.rucUon in Mountain dulolmer flay1ng. Booke. record • • l~ .ate tor excellent. .. It-t.each1ng ald. too:. A ohack with &Ill n.arb,. Polk 9001.t.1 (t.My are in allion ."1'1 clt.y) or collat- ahould tUJ'D up .. taw d\llos..r

plopl. 1n ,our ..... who would be willinS a.n4 lntarelrt.acs. to a.ap tune. and


It. •• ~ worth .. t.r,!!

2~ ElIot. St ., Sout.h NaUok , Ma ... 01160 (6'5-8290) Bobble Wayne, 2118 Fore.t Ridge Road, Tlmonlu., Maryland 21093

Lorra1ne Lee,

Holly Tannan. }} Laytord Road. London, England

Maddie MaoNe1l, P.O. Box 151. Front. Royal, V1rginla 226}O 111 ••n Raina, " , raJ.tt..villa St. . 1410, Rale1gh, •• e . 27601 Ralph Lea Sm1t.h. 11)2 21et. St., V.ah1ngton . D.C. 20009

end ___ Houae Folklore Canur, Box 1057 . BretUeboro, Vermont. 05}Ol Toa Hobson , S .F . Cal1romla - phone 626-8097 ltat.e Chrht. , 402~ C.T.H . "Jot, Rt.. 2 , Cron Plaln., Who, 53528 lat.hy R.ddlok. '9 H1ghland Ave, #3. Ca.brldge, Ma.e, 02139 na Anderaen, 1799 9, Turkey Creek Road, Morr1son, Colorado 8~65 S\.on ~pauld1ng, 566 Cheatnut St •• san Fr.nolaoo, CA 941" (982-}846) Barbara Truex . 24 8~oh. llle Rd., Ridgefield. Conn. 06877 (4}8-0266) John Appl.qulat. ""oo48n Mu.lo·, 25 •• An.pa.u, Sent.. Barbara, CA 93101 Mancl Pl\l,llUllltr, 72 Loou.t st.., Burlln~on, Ma ... 0180, (272-3390) Carol Blair. 1704 Trenton Dr., Alexandrla. VA 22}08 (765-8}94) levin Rot.h, Unionvl1le, PA, 19'75 (79)-1498) KAthle Clark, 792' Balnbrld68 Road. Alexandrla, Vlrg1n1a 22)08 Marl Lou Mal, 2665 Sun .. t Tra11, Ri.,.rwooda, Ill. 60015 MAr, Faith Rhoad., Bre.." Ridge Far.. •• Genter Vall." PA. 180)4 (282-1822) Lori Cole holds a dulclD11r cl ••• at. McCabe. Gu1t.ar Shop in Banta K1:lDlca, CA


... Why don't IOU M.m. & oolUlllr\ or speolal ll1a\Jll! every once 1n a wh11. and lnvite people to ..nd in thelr rune and all . (V. do ewry l"\JII! _ Ed,) For example, I round how to pIa, Shadl Gro.,. 1n an Ionlan tuning with ohorda ( .. e musio sheet t.loW). Tb.1a aay not ahait'll up the world, 'out. tM" "1 be people olrt. there who bate t.o retune ae .uch aa I 40. MlboW, I bat averlone. got. 11t.He gea 11n t.hat ataaMd so.. t.hat. would !ntereat otMrs\ e.peclal11 lonera 11ke me 1n • du].cl.ar baclt'Varda area (ae tar aa I laIow •. , ,..~, Ned l.&ndla )64 Braddock Rd. Nt. Airy, Md 21771



I don't have any .. n .. or tlae othar t.han . , watch, 80 torget. t.hat. I put the worda 1n to glve IOU SOIDII .. nae or what. I •• doing . Good luck on tranalat.ion , Aa tor plcklng - I tlngerplck 11. but. paaa on trtlns t.o ahow IOU how I 40 It. - 1 had a hard eno\.l6h t.1III8 wrlt.1ng it. down (ezht.entlal orl.lll). Tunlng la Ionlan (1 uae G-G-C ).


TAaurr"t5 .)' : - NCD U"'"Di,-

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ahowe 11ft to r1ght. Lee who pUt on a fantaetl0 The Ion. dulolmer photo on Montaf5U! . dulcl . . r bu.lld.r dr.play at the &l.teddtod.

(8222 So . Park b •• , Taoo .. . WUh1ngt.on 96408) 11 • lIOundboard .a'tArl&1 (C\lt • p"p&"d ln . . t •• or •• for broohure and ....pl. plI0 •• •• 1 ahould &1110 . . n.tUl the Editor of th" 0u.114 ot ~rlcan J.uth~ at. the aboYI ad~ . . tor lDro on Jo1n1ng the Ou1ld. into for 1n.t.nutent boUdlr. and lOYlr. . . . . . . Hou .. ot Ku.loal Trad1tion. t.o )05 8. Va.b. e¥'~~~~~~~I,~\:::.,t.;·~~:. VA 25411 . vritl', "OUr nlV lUI bl" 1 1 yerr 1. that the day. aren ' t. lon!'r . 80 .\lob work - ao 401nS U:" -

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isaUita r ••t.\lN a .rtlo1 ••

~.11n8 with tho. ~t.~d to 1n 0.0rr"1 ABU,· whioh ~S1n. on the next Tlbet.an Nualo , Dan~ " Oralia Bot.toll photo J Ursy.n


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~ ~OU~18.


Thh 11 a "l7 _ketchy acoount. and I 4on't. olal. to be aoap,..henl'cS be glad tor f\l.r'ther ao . . . nt. on an, polnt. . . . nt.loned or aaltUd). The h ..... ,..d dulolaer 11 pl.,.d 1n lDoat. part. ot Aala. in pelrt.. ot


Far E ••t. 1t. 1& on. ot the -oat.


In If'&n and

uMd tnat.na.lnt.a.

·.l_where 1t 1_ lIO&tl1 • aurlo.1t1 or .. aurTlyal ot pel.t. au&loal famion., a. in auoh ot £urope. There 1& ""11 atlf1,h1ng: that. couleS. be oal1e4 audo apeolr1oalll tor t.bI du.lol.r. the art. a\1&lo ot t.he Orlant. 11 generall1 . . 10410, and the d\llo1 . . r pIa,. - .... 8010 inat.ru.ent. or in an an . . .bl. • • 10&111 the . . . . aualc •• would be plaJ.eS. on other 1n.t.~nt • • • apIJ oraa.. at.1ng and daoo""1n6 t.he "104, 1n U.a own part.lcular we, . Vbila t.he t,1s:-a ot aual0 pl.,..d on t.he dulol. . r in Iran. India or China do not b ... web in oo~n. t.he nat.ure ot t.he lnat.r"Ullllnt. It. .. It _na tor eo .. 11ken•••• in the kind ot om ... ntat.lon or t.he . . lod,. . 'FUling in' lons blfld not•• w1th rAp1d ,..plUt1on at the .... p1tch • • 1ther by bouno1n6 tblo h .... r on t.bII a'tr!.n6., or by rap1d "ltAmat10n ot the two b .... r •• 1 ... cOUlOn de'f'l~, no doubt bec.u .. the "aonance tro. othlir .tr1116. tend. to drown out . . . ingl. not. qulte t ••t l t lt Un't " pa ..tad. For the ••ate ,...aon • melod,. line ln IIlow or un• .,.n not. v ..lue. 1. ott..n pl ..,..d 1n a 4.corat..4 tON In r ••t .1ghth or .1xta.nt.h not. ••• or iIO_U • • trlpl.t cont1gurat.1on, ShinS • . 0 " • .,.n now. MUDdl•• wlth droDe acco.pan~nt (on. hand on the _lod" the ot.bIor on the dron.) a,.. .lao qult. co..an . 'I'bIo b ..... ,..d 4ulct.r. at t.he h . t known. to .. can bit dhld.d int.o 2 •• in group. , wlth 41tta,..nt In.t.r'UII&nt. ft . . . . 8lid dlt1.,..nt. hl.t.orla. at It.. UN. 'I'M"." .ant.W • • whlcb are pla,ad tro. Indla, thro\l6h Iran and o,"r lnt.o 'l'u.r"y And ~aoa. (You . . , "c.ll that Zerbe t.ha G"ak pUre4 t.he aant.ou.rl . He la.m..d to play rro • • 'l'u.rk.) Than t.he" . " t.he l.!J!S.. 2hJA!. ot Cbina ..nd otblor parta or the Far E. .t., lnClud,1n6 T1bat. whlch 111 t.M a"a I know about . Sant.ur. and J!Pfliohr. 41thr eo_wh ..t. 1n con.trucUon. The X!.Oflljch1o. 11" .o.t European an ~rlcan lnlltnuaant., ha, tha t.untng and h1t.ch pina on t.ha t.op at the .oundbo~. Vhtl_ t.he ~antur u.uelly ha. t.he • • t. t.he .1d•• Tbl. rougb dl'f'1.10n 1 ....... out t.he chAnfllj' at So'f'lat. Cent.r.l A.la, but t.bIon I don't know .uch .bout. t.he. and won't. retar t.o the. t'urtbllr.

darl," rro. the G,.._1t Vealtarloo • t.bII word whlch we know lt . .y bit IWr.lan. wlt.b the .ppropr1.t.a .. &n1n8 ot 'a .!t:~:·. Mo.t. 11"ly It.' • •0.t.h!.n6 ot 'both. Exactl, whan peopla tha atr1ng. ot t.he paalt..!'f wlth ha. . r. rathar t.han pluck the . t~r. or plactra 1 • •t111 unclaar. a. 1. the dat • •t whlch t.he p,.. .. nt. &l.o.t. unl,"r••l ton at the haaIta"d dUlc1mar w1t.h two eat.. at brldge. and thra . . . . . n.bl. . .1.. at .tr1ns. (l.tt and rlght hand .1d. at tb. treble brldge •• rlght ot t.he ba . . brldge.) wa • •dopWld . Th. h.mmer du101_r 111 tir.t. "pre .. nte4 1n V•• t..rn European art 1n the a.rly 15th oantW'J. but It 1. not ola.r whether lt wa. In.-nt..d in Europa or In the • H.ar or Kiddl. Ea.t. At any rata 1t .pread raplcUJ thrcU4!h Europa and t.bIo Ar.b oount.rla., though lt 1. now llttla pl.,..d ln the 1.1 .. 10 world axoapt 1n Iran It .. lt .

~ •• lbly thl. 1. baoau .. at tba n.tura at Arablc art lu.l0 _ t.ha .agt.ur w•• l5anara.lly .pe&klnS u .. d 10 tblo art .uaio ot tha oourt.. and tM olUa. ratblor than in popular .u.l0. The.rt .u.10 or tM Ar.b oountr1a. 1& I&Od.1. Un11k. t.he l1.81tad nuabar ot Wa.tarn 804&> • • whlch oan .ll be 4&>rl ... d tro• ...1ngl• • cal. or .. 1. ot lntaM ..l. (the wh1ta k.,. on tha plano. or the lret. on • .ount..ln dUlo1aer) the .o4a. ot Arablo .uaic nuabltr ...... r.l hundre4. an4 UN • wld..... rl.t' ot 41.tlarent .cal••• wlth tbreaquarter ton. lnterY.} ••• wall •• the ~. .111.r ton•• and ... lton... (An Arabl0 ao4a - !1!9!1. - 1& alao dltt."nt1atad lro. other., •• wlth the Indlan I:!:8.!., by t.ha u_ ot part1cular Jot. Mal. and type. 01 .. ladl0 .. quane •• ) ~bl0 .u.lc sanarall, con.1&t. ot an 1.8pro"'1 .. Uon (hall.) 1tI W\IIIIa.ured rhyttt.. o:rt.n rollowed bJ • oo.poNd plao. or p1.oa. 1tI tJxad rhJt.hI and. .oda.



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VhUe tbl tag.y 1e baNd on one part1cu.lar .ode or a!S.!a. 1n 'fW'"7 ad tbl lear Eaet TlrtuoeU.7 1n pertonaing a tag ell hae co.. t.o include :obi abUlt7 t.o aoduJ..at.e trol the t..lc aode into ot.her wo4ee. otten "'r'! IU'tellt in .c.te inteM'al' and charact.er. "rhl. 1. lO_tlUna whloh the ..ntur 11 hardl7 oapable ct. wlt.h It.a t111ed intarTa).e and larlP nuat-r ot .t.ringe, wh1ch prewnt. rap1d retuning. The princ1pal _104110 in.tnwant. toda7 are tho .. 11" t.he untrett.ed lute, and the long-necked lute with IOTeable tret.., which enable rapld coduJ..at10n ct t.hle kind. So the 1. now rare11 pla,.d in t.he .. parte ot t.he I.l . . lc world, t.hough 11. that. 11. wa, onoe conalderabl7 lore co . .on. a. record wh1ah Include. a t.ag.la pla,.d on the aant.ur (t.he 1net.r\1Mnt apparentl1 hal ao.. ~ind ot . chro...Uc t\1ft1.ng) h t.he "cond record. ot 'furklllh lualc in the Barenrelt'rU&5CO -Nualcal Antholo61 ot t.he Orlent- (BMlO L 2020). In Iran, on t.he other hand, While the afaz. or un.eaaured laproTl,atl0D, correeponding to the tagall, 1_ again an llportant pert. ot art auelc, tbe .adulation, froa one .od. tc anot.h.r are qu1t.e 11l1t.ed, and the aantyr ha. 1»co. . one of t.be ,a1n cla.elcal. inetl"'Ul&nt.. Eacb pertoraanoe u ... part. ot a or 'arrenga.nt.' ot aodal and .. 10dl0 "e:-ente, and whUe tbe . . .a, ot t.han one 'cale the1 do not norm.lly ha.,. lOre t.ban one or two extra notA. in the oot.a.... which 1. wlth1n the a&ntl,lJ"'a capabU1t1e •• I:Ua Zonh'a reoent. book Clanlc!ll. "ralan Mya1e 1. a good introductlon t.o daf1,gab pertol'llance and gl",a a de.crlpt.lon ot t.be .tandard "ralan a&nt\U'. fbi inet.ru.ent. baa 72 atring. in oour., or grcupa ot tour at the .... pltch _ nine coW' .. a ot treble atringa •••de ot .teel, and nine ot bI, • •tring •••41. ot br.... Zonl. gl"" the t.unlng a. tollow,'














b' a'

, ~"






... au:

.' b a

1 0

BA ..

Aa can be ".n, t.he tun!.ng inTol . . _ 001. • .,.. ael'O.1II the t~ble bridge_ (Wll1n soat E\U"Opean and rar t: ••tarn. d.\llol.. ra, Whloh b .... rUtha) wlth the ba . . atring. anot.her oot • .,. bela.... that; the tonal l'anse 18 Juat. over t.ru.e oot.."... In praotioe t.be atringe ••, be tuned III quarter ton. or . . . ltona .harp or nat fro. the p1tobee ~l.,.n. depending on the 4 ••t!!j&b being plAJed, Slnce~ . . pit.ohe. (III I . t and .-; t-) are dupll0.tad. and alnce t.be three oct.a.,.. n•• d not. be t.uned 81.11arl1 _ the br14e;ea are .o .....bl•• allowing tor 4ltt.rent. ton•• on elther aida ot the treble br1dge. oazetuJ. tunlng &110". tor ao . . degree ot .adulat1on. The lI&n.t ur 11 plaJad w1th t.wo woodlln ha __ ra (Zonia ••J. aulbeM"J or "alnut.), an4 ItOdam plaJar. ao_t1. . . u" III aort. 00.,.r1ng ot 1110_ kind on the h ..... r.. There .... NY.raJ. 15004 recording. ot hralan .uele avanable in t.he W•• t. two are IER_ 7151. ot t.he ...ntur 1110101.1. Manoochehr Sadegh1 (produced by the In.t1tute ot Ethnoaue1colo61. UCLA) and acORA OCR 57 . wh1ch 1. ot the . .all en .. able. 1nc1ud1ng Tolce and e::2"\I,r, IKU" tnlcaJ. ot .edem lu.lcal prectlce. Each g1.,.e two extended per ormanoe. ot two da.tgab.


~~;~:~~lot .:a.halr. t.o t.he north ot Indla. allO u .. ,


ot.her lnet.rw.ent., "r.1an than Indlan prelude bal dwindled t.o • tew brlet .t.and.rd_ ...ro ... and ltOet. ot t.he pertormance con.l.t.. ot a lOng or Hq\lllnce of lOng • • coolllpa.n led bJ the .nllmble. and .11 w1t.hin a '1n6l'~ ' The ".halrl Teralon ot t.he '.ntyr 1e so . . whAt. larger thin tbe "ralanj 11. h., a hund ... d 'tring' (apparentl7 13 .t•• l t.nor cour .... and 12 bra .. ba . . ) and 11. ha • • d.eper a,oundbox . It. re~nt Nonaauoh record ot laehalr1 luelo (H 72058) include. two .bort Sooti.n. bla, pertoraance •• on. with 1010 ('l'be note. to t.hll record augg.a.t t.h.t t.bI> bra . . .tring oour ... •• '1,pathetio .tring • •nd aren't aotUAl11 pl.Tld on - I', not


; ~'~~'L;':~h'!l;O~',~), ,be

co. . . the a!l)tur ot Indian 01a .. 10al 't real17 an Ind1an ola .. loal dulcl.r t1P' '.7 ponlb11 • !&J\tlf .nt.ered Indlan ola.l1a-.). t.broUfSb tlw e ort. ot one luala!an ot though a oouple at ot.her. ba.,. ta.a. it t.he bllha1rl aant.¥[ enlars-d r:t. 14 bra •• oour ... 116 .trtng•• ). Continued Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

'1M K.... red Dulcs..-r in A.la' oont,1nUl41 Whlla Indian au.le, like t.hat. or It. Iela.10 world, u" • • via ....1"1.1.7 or _d•• (I:!£!.!.) and aoal•• , • ol ••• le&l perfor.anca nonlAl1, at.J. in 10be

.... raga tro. beelnnlng t.o and, so t.he probl•• or cop1n8 wit.h .o4ul.aUon The . . in difficult.y in pl-,ing IncUan 01 . . . 1oa1 aualo on

doe. not. ar1".

.antyr _ •• wit.h so.. othar reoant.l1 adopt.ad Inat.ru.ent.a _uch •• t.he a tbat. t.he gl1d•• betw•• n not.•• 80 chare.c\.arlnlc ot IndUn yooal and Inatrumental au.I0 are quite iapo.albla on t.he .antur. "a. ":'~~~.,.'~'~':. 1& vary muoh at.l11 an Inet rument. .. arohing tor a a"11., t.~

clarinet -

'8 •• 1"17 reoorda (a . l5 . H.XV(lncUa) ECL.P 2}46) hi. at,l. n J')' 010" t.o that or ~ and !llll •• played by au_101an. euoh a. All Akbar bhn and Ra.1 Shankar, but. 1n IIOre reoant. l1ve pertonaanc•• (I ha .. n't. h.ard an7 or hi. laUr reoo"b) be . . . . . to be .ablaying. at11a 110" 1n accord yU.h t.M nat.ure ot t.M .antU[ It. .. lt. II

THi: lAXOCKIM The na. ,angch1n - and 1\._ Korean .quiv.l.nt l!(!M\Ia - _ane 'torelgn zlt.bar' and already .~et. t.h.t the h .... red dulo18ar 1 • • ta1rly rac.nt. lnt.roduotion t.o China a.nd Eaet. ula, It. probably c . . troll Europa, and probably In t.he .arly 18t.h c.ntW7 . t.holl(5h it. .ay h ... baen so.. vhat. .arll.r. lCo~a ..... t.o haw t.he .arll•• t. record ot It. (In Ioraa.n it. ha. an aU.m.t.. na. . . . . nlng 'turopea.n vlre t.ith.r') a.nd in Kore. it va. rapldly t.a"an int.o t.ha court orcheatra., vhe~ It. .1mply doubl.d t.ha part. ot t.he Korean zither. or tlddl.... However It. ..... to have ba.n 11ttle u.ed out._lde the oourt orch•• trea. A publlcatlon ot the National Acada., ot Art. at Beoul (Survey ot Korean Art •• Tradltlon.l Mu.lo.) gl". a a.oriptlon ot tlw In.tru.ant, and quotA. tbe tollovina tuning l


• nat.




• nat' d nat'

c' b nat.

d nat'

• n .. 0

b nat nat nat

s A a

• n.t

F E n.t


nat nat flat.


.... au:

tiltre the~ are nrth. aoro .. t.he t.rebl. brl~•• vhUe the baa. atringa ara an oct.. . . balov. Apparent.ly tbl. 1netrument 1. played vlth on. ~r only - in t.b& rlght hand - though other Ea.t A.lan player. all use botb haDda •• tar a. I know, Other ,angoh1n. . . . . senerally to to110w thl. "ind ot tuning - ooo.alon.lly t.he ba . . It ..1t 1& a !1t1.h rathitr tban an 001. ... below - and thi. 1. _1110 tbe moat u.u&l bade t.uning tor Europaan d\llo18ara , (Tba China .. a.nd thit Perelan. have both .xpart.nt.d In reo&nt ye.r. wlth ohroaaUc in&t.ru:.ant.a ana1060ua to t.he .ad.m Hungarl&n 01aba10D). So. ,an!Ohm. have lndivldual -avaabl. brldga a, ha.,. a a1ngl. flxed brlde- tor all t.be t.reb1. at.r1ng. and another tor tbe ba... lWra 1& a Chln." tuning (troll v.n Aaln'. Chln... Nude) I


.'.'.' .'.' .'.' • c·



b flat


.... IIU


• r

• •t •





Ea.t A&ian auel0 1. gan.rally not. laproyl .. d, and u . . . a reat.rlct.d u.~lly 4arly.bla trom a a1n&la aoala) whloh oa.n bII aoc01lO4ated on tbe d\llot.er without n.ad tor ratunlna. In addltion lIOun4 ot tbe 4uloi"r 1& the kin4 or tlabrll tayourad The China .. accentuatA 11. by ualnl5 "rJ l1&bt w1th tln. "'1,.. - ., own reotol'7-lI&4a Chin._ 00 "'1,.. tor all atrlnsa .zoept. tor the two two heayler oo"red .-tr1.ns. In.tea4 ot Ch1n& ..

raftS- ot .a6e. (pent.tonl0 or haptat.onl0. but.

Continued Please do not reprint or redistribute without permission. Contact dpn@dpnews.com

'Th. H....,red Dulot.r in J.da' oont.1nu.dl

la apparent.l1 otun u .. d aa a lead lnatnAllllnt. l aplWh1n n Ant.holoQ' record (AII'1' .\000) incluUa a a1n6le track

10 a ....11 .n... bla. tor aolo I&J1sob1n. but. t.hoIre are no do",bt. China_ reool"dinaa I ha_n &oro •• ; the ,antch1n h a "rl eoa.on In.tru.ant. tna Chin... occ •• lonall1 lmovn (1J\ Engll.b too) a. a 'butt..rfll harp', and d.l1t.r.t.e11 'bulld the bodl ao aa to ,.. ... ble a butternl . . ,.. obTlou.ll. Fro. Io,..a and Chlna t.h. Ian~ehln preauaabll ap,..ad t.o othar taat A.lan Gountrl... Franol. Plggott a tb! Mu.19 an4 Mu.loal InatfU!!nt. ot i!R!n (2nd .dlt.lon, 1909) "nt.lona it among Japan. . . .u.loal In.tru.ent., but 1t. . . . . . to na .. been a re.rltl. and I ha.,. not .. an It de.orlbe4 1n . . re recent aoUNe.. thz'oaa tra.ek. on LaJo. VarQ'a.' regent alt..a. ot ":~T~~.i~::~.U_l0 (Qual1ton LPX 1801.\) _how that lt 1& u .. d t04a1 1.0 Mone; are tor aolo Iapschln (or lochen) , on. h tor volce and the


~'lllo!l.. !l- ,..terred t.o It. Chine .. na. 1n tlbet. too. thoU6h an ru.ent n.. ~ 'aanl-at.rlns-d {lute}' , 1_ ao_1.1.a - there 10 tM alghth oentW"J but I don't. th1.ok t.h.l can ha.,. bean dulol_r.. I&P&chln wu ... U, u .. d ln a _all U'Oup or .1n~r. and In.t.nu.entallat.. f,AnEohln, lO~-Moked lute , nuta and tlddle) vhlch aceo.panled a ooupla ot dancer. in a tavourlt • • ntertalnment at the l,haa. arl.tocraoJ aarl1&r In thla centur1 . th1 _ _1,1.10 (wlt.hout the dance) 1. _tl11 pertormed a.ong the Tlbetan re~e. In Indla and elHwhe,.., but the ,a"'''chln 1. aore otten u .. d now in tbll folkdanoe aone;_ , t.aught. In retugee .chool., wh1ch ha.,. been arranged tor t.he "'M en ...ble. tlt.her klnd at .1,1.10 can alao be played .010 ranS9hln (or on an, ot the other 1n.trumant. on It11 ovn) . 1he OCORA ,..cord (OCR 62) lnelua._ .. rat.bar badll played ,anScb1n solo partoraance at oue at the .. dance aong. , The l!nfSeh1n also appear. 1n a couple at en ...ble plece_ on t.ha .... ,..cord. rhe tlbetan. 10 Indla . . . U, 1,1" Chine .. ,anp:ch1n. thou,gb I ' f t . . . n at. leaat one at tlb1>tan .all. i 1t. had tourt.een cour ... ot "tr1og_ - .. _n t.reble, eeven ba . . - with conneot.ed brld~a (He photograph). I don't. mow how thla Inat.ru.ant vaa t.uned. One tun1ng I ",cord.d had titth. aero .. the t,..ble bridge, and tirth. aj!aln dovn the ba._ nrlng., t.houah not all at the atrlng" vare in taot. t.uned or played (th1a wa. a Chin... dulolmer vlt.h eight. treble and e1ght. bass .t.rlng.)I

• net.' d'

a nat


b nat.


.1d41e e B nat

e nat.


, .. au:


Other playera oertalnly uee a wlder oOlllpau t.han th1a. but. I don't. ha.. d.tal1_ ot thelr tunlng . -


The tolloW1og note_ ot 1ntere_t an4 lntorsat.lon have alao been "'cle .. d tro. Mr. Samuel 10 tba cour .. or prepar1.og t.hl. artlcle, , .. ,. The enolo .. d nota. on A_lan dl11cl_('a, and the two phot.o~ph. ot Tibet.an. pla,1ng dU1cl. . r_, are in re.pon .. t.o lOur appeal tor lntortaatlon and phot.o. on ha __ red dulc1Mre . .• , NgawMg Dhekpa la the d1rector ot t.he Mualc Dance •• nd Dra.a 6oClet1 at. Dhara••ala (the retus-. headquarter. In Indla'; he'" playlng an In.t.ru.a,;nt whloh 1. elt.her Cn1ne •• -mad. or a 010" oopy at a Ch1ne .. one 1n the photograph, Urgyan ChOdon. alae ot Dba"""la, 1. tunlng the tlbetan-••de lnat.ru.ant I "DUon 10 t.he art1el.. S10ce JOu can ... that h .... red dulc1Mr. are play.d in qulte a tew J._lan count.rle • • so. . at lOur read.r • • 1gbt be lnUre.tad 10 hearing about. the. and perhap. 1n lUt.en~ t.o so_ at the .u.lc . The beat at t.he "r.lan pla,..,._ 10 partlcular are ,..alll lap,..a_l"', Contlnu.d

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On llOurc•• laport.r. ot ot.bar. alao. tolk repertolre On t.he eptt. t.M. tro. local bu.1ld.r ••••


And a lat..r corre.pond.nee I ••••• I'. qult.. lIurprlNd t.o h.ar t.hat. t.here are ao ••nl people •• " .1 og and pl.,1ng h .... red dulcllD8r. oftr t.h.re; I dl4n't. know t.h. In.t.ruaent. • wu t.hat. popular! ThoU6h I'. glad t.hat. It. 1.! Slnc. wrlt.1ng t.he artlcl. I'.,. bien dolng ao .. IIOre ~ad1ng. and Ilia l.onla' .yldenca tor aarl, dulo~ra in l'er.la now look. rather thin. "' preaent. world-ahatt.ring conolu.lon 111 that the ba. . red dulc~r (in It. aodarn tora., w!t.h t.wo Nt.. ot brldg.) a!l. h.", bI.n invent..d ln Europe and be.n t.ann over bl the Arab •• or ~ have bun inventell by tha Arab. and bI.n t.ken over ln Europe! In .1ther ca .. probabll in the 14th or lSth o.nt.ury. Then lt went. t.o t.h. Far ' ••t., .1t.her trom Europe or tro. t.he Araba. A. lOU wl1l reall~. I'. not. convinc.1l b7 tbat 667 B.C. dulcl. . r. The rell.r , on photo. I'", H.n. 1.n't very ol.ar - he .1ght. bI hlt.t.lng t.he .t.ring. wlt.h hacaaera, and 'then agaln ha . 1~t. not., anll ln an, ca .. what. happen.d tor t.h. next. 20 c.nturlea17 (Edltor a not.e t Studying t.he COPI ot a plcture I have at the 667 B.C . dulclaer, I Would eay t.hat lt 18 probabl, belng played bl plucking Wlt.h pl.ct.ra, and not hammered wlth hammer.. Paul GHford hae point.d t.h l. Out. t.o me alao, and it. doe ••••• a rat.her thin t.hread to hang t.h. theory of a Pardan orlgln for t.he dulcllD8r.) About. aource. tor t.h. reoord. I ment.lon.dj IOU oan get MAnooche hr 8Ildeghl'a record, "Sounda of t.be SIlnt.our"; t.wo Per.lan .oode 1n claaalcal dut.gah. t (lER TISl) fro. Mre. MarUm C.rpenter. Dept.. of Mualc. Unh'erdt.l of Cautomla , 405 Hllgard Ave •• Loll Angele., CA 90024 . The AntholoBJ' record, Am 4000. "The Nu.l0 ot Chloa Vol. 1 .hould bI obtalnable froa MtholoBJ' Record. anll Ta~ Corporat.1on~ Box Radl0 Clty 5t.at.lon. N.Y .• N.Y. 10019. The record b..halr Tradlt.lonal Songa .nd Dance." (Hon••uch H-72058) abouldn't. bI .uch ot a prohl•• a. Hon.auch record • • re falr11 w14all 418t.rlbut.dj l t IOU ha.,. probl •• e IOU could uk El.kt.ra/A.aI1u.! Hon.auch Recorda, 15 Colu.bu.a Clrcl., N.Y., H.Y . 1002,. Of th.... onll t.he hr.lan record. 1a all at t.he du].cl,"r, t.he ot.her t.wo have one or \.Wo t.racke onll on each. Hon••uoh have alao brought. out a reoord ot Per.lan .uUc with an .nsellbl • • tall.r t.o t.hat on the OCORA record I mention.d (OCR 57) and wlt.h .0" ot the .... pertonDeraj I'. falrll .ure t.heN'a a ..nt.ur on it, but I bIInn't. heard the record . The nWlt.r le H-7206O , and t.he t.it.la " A ftra1an Herltage" . It. w111 probabll bI .a.lar t.o get t.han t.he OCORA record . (There are quit.. a t.v record. ot ftralan lIu.lc around, but. .. .,.ral ot t.ha. are ot doubtful qualit.,..) A. tor the othera, tro. European and Indlan 8Ource., I'. a(ca ld I don't. know of a US dl.t.rlbut.or, though I' • • ure t.here are eo... I' .. ordered record. in t.he p&.t. tro. X1nut.•• an at Cubrldge, Ma .... but. the, .... to have atopped handllns .t.hnio .uel0. Th., were prett, inefflo1.nt. anYW"I.


Nal'E s The D.P.N. elnceNly thank. Mr. Salll.uel tor .. ndlog along t.hl. w.alth ot intoraatlon on t.he dulcl"r. DtTERi:8TIHQ!!

Beet wlah.a, Geoffre, B. SaIll.U81 Dlpt . at Anthropolo81 Unlftr.itl at Otago P.O. Box 56 Dun.dln, H.w Zaaland


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) n B1 Cnolfll Mont.l!Iio"r'J' THE ORIGDlAL DULClMiR Pl.AYERS CLUB, INC. fE KlCHIGAlI' . . t. on Sept. 21 at the stern '8 Bulld1ng 1n Ann Arbor. Th1. was a dal1ghtt'ul pl&~ to hold s aesting with all t.he tnterellting blatcriosl 1natn.uDent.a to stud, 1n the •

colleotlon .a .ell .a the faacinatlng collectlon brought by ... bars and The stem's bulldlng 115 on North Campus and 18 wen worth & trip t.o y1e.., the varied ancient and rare itema. S.autltul. harpsichord., Ticl., born., and African. Eanern t.YPI inatrument.. Wa~n 8t •• le, Curat.or tor the collectlon and . . . b8r of the ODPC was klnd to &rr&nge the 1I•• tlng tor •

",leitor ••


the club. :people showed up troll as tar aV8' Ohio and northern M1oh1gan. There were, a. &lw&,_, ne. lDeab8ra tull ot que.tiona and oo ... nte on bulld1n6 and play1na. and old-timer. who would eagerl1 ahare their oumulaUve knowl.~ or the subject. 80 .. ot the old-t,l. . ra weren't ao old, though. A ooatortable and frlendly feel10g 1a generated b1 the Prealdent (re-eleoted for a nell' tera) Oene Cox and faal11. Fourteen pla,.ra ahared thelr aual0 vl'th ua ranglng fro. 10 year old St.eve Walker to oraapa Rea.a Who vaa 87 on Octobl>r 5. There were about 35 hammer dulcl.ere preHnt. plua ao. . rare luropean lnatrumenta brought to Mll . The I'&reat HD waa a. 150 ,ear old (I tend to exaggerate) lnatrument from Hungarl. It waa bl>autltul luah dark 'W004 wlth a :r.ll110n etrlnsa. The rareat player there waa the :r.lther pla,e r. Bob St1kmaln trom Toledo, and Steve Walkera' Oramp&, who played in tradltlonal tOnD aome beautlful old tWlea . TWlea present.ed were tradltional eonga and JlglI, reele, walt.zaa and other tiddle-aroWld type t.Wlee. The fOMlal program .aw Jal Round a. the opener with a Canad1an tune and "ColUJllbus St.ookade Blues". Sl1.a Brale" Jlm Here.ld and Oraapa Reama .re tre .. n40u8oll popular membera who se efforta are greeted with muoh enthusalaslll bl the old-t lmer.. 'iarren Steele made h 111 debut performaneft wlth "Jun. Apple" and a 5-part Irlah Jig, "Golden R1ng" , and"M&aon'a Apron " on a 'Paul. Gltford Dulcimer' which he purchased t.hl. Spring. Th1s bo~ haa been do1og hla Maeworll:. Paul GU'tord rendered "Over the Wave a" , 'Leat.her 5r1tchea " and anot.her Canadlan t.une. Patty Looman played in her own chal"!lllng and l::aaut.1tully unlque atyle, "Ind 1an Love call". 5111 'iebllter, Bob Hubbaoh. and B111 Whlte played , but Wlfortunatell I had a cough1ng epell trom t.11II over11 hot rooll and mlased some of 1.1111 performer.. 5111 Spenoe ehaJ"9d .... 1. fo r t.he olub 1n hll ellShtll d1tferent. meanner of pH,ying, due to the re qulrement s of the danca groupa he playa for. He played "Tobin'. ravor1te","5'oIallowta11 Jig", "Young Jane", CIlpr1 Walt:r.", three Canad1an Reel. "St. Adele'a Gospel". and "You HarrlBd Hy D&ughtar but. you Dlem't ReallY"! ~ ~ ~ B111 Spence was here w1th Andy and good-baby Hannsh for an ARX glg. Gene Coxa' mot.her, ~. Cox, waa reapona1ble along wlth her huaband and a tell' othera tor foundlng thla organl2.at10n and .upportlng 1t through the yeara. Mrs. Cox ve11ded aome tast hammere and played a fam1l1ar hlmn . Gene diaplayed an outetanding yar1et.y ot hammere whloh he baa colleoted, inoluding one set wh1 ch baa r1ght and lett orlentat10ne tor pla,ing . That. 1a the llluetrated one wlth loop. Atter the 1II0re formal part at the program the members "and speo1al gusat trom the Ea.t B111 Spence Jammed about 2000 note. a mlnut. 1I1to the alr. Lote of exoitement and enthuS1aam for all performer. ot all degreea or vlruoslty. There wlll be a mid-January meeting on January 17th in Eaat Lanaing. Hlch1gan at the M1chlgan Un10n Gold Room, Un1vers1ty ot M1ch. The Spr1ng meeting w1ll be 111 May near Bri~port, M1ch. and the Fall meetlng will Und the ODPC near cadlllac. Duea are ' 2 . 00 and are uud tor malling coete of not1cea. The Prea1dent, Gene Cox, hila h1a addren at Box 136, Byron Center, MI493l5 .

lIT out ("f'.O'f'\~d_W'V

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• By De .. 1d. Ta Ilor . Oftl ctlf'T RIBlPfIlfG H.D. EDttClt





Wit.h the br1dge properl1 placed, t.hI! pl&l.r haa onl1 t.o tuna the at.rins. \.0 plt.ch on on. ald. or t.he br!4at' . On the other dda thl at-rinS.

aut.o.atleall, e:1 . . t.he fltt.h not.•• abo.,. . The . . . .1nS a1apl1C1tl of t.h1. tuninS . howe"r, h • atal •• ding one. Haa.erecl dUlo~r .apra. a. all 'oIorker& wU.h at.r1nsa, lIOon 41&00"'re4 tha" 1n ordar t.o &oh1." Uw hl8h pitchea tbl at.rins • •un ~ ahorter. ThII aen, d1fterent. length. ot at.r1ntsa . . te nace ...r, a s l ant-inS brld~ -. and hire 1& the Nb~ So a1nuUll .un t.he brlcl~. be placed that on. a11ght da .. lat.10D can t.hrow the antlre .. to or pitchea out or lina. The co.pllcation can beat be 51"11 bl an illustration.

a,.;~t ~L",",J




2. ~ J



Since t.he,.. ..,.. . . . . r.l an51 •• lnyc} . . d 1n t.hi. pl.~_nt. ot the brIdge and since h&nd.-. .cta 1n.t.~nt.. could .&rJ 1n -0" one ot t.he .. angle., placinS t.he br1dse '01 t.he old-t,l. . rs w... inde.d • t ...t. . When .. n ot t.h. anglee had bean conque~d .. nd t.he In.''l"UIIent. t.unad, t.he ••ktlr could "1'1 well be aw .. rded an .d ...noed degree in plane gao.t.ry . The doulbe - brldged dulcllMr 1 . . . . ort. of "."Ie;a.aUon ot an of t.he haauM:~d ."r1ns In.t.M,IIMnt.. found •• It.. progenitor • • The a1n61e-brlds-d princlple • • ~ all carrled over , and t.o t.he .. ha. bUn addad a cOllpllcat.lon of a1lDpAt.haUc vlbration . The chlef faat.ure of t.he inatrument. t.han la an arrt.nge_nt. of two brlq.1 t.o peAll\. t.he \.unlng It.r1nge an oct...,. apart.. 'IIhUa one Nt. Of .t.rinSI pa •• over t.he brldge and t.hrough a hola in a "cond brldge. t.hIt ot.her .. t. of at.rinsa do Ju.t t.hIt ~ .. ,... . W1t.h t.he u .. of t.he .. t.wo br1dS-. t.he pIa,.,. now hea, in addlt.lon t.o t.he t.wo acah. , a naw




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one, an octave below the tirst acale. By ulling oplninga in t.he bridge a t.he st.ringa are allowed t.o IIwing tree tor the length ot the box after pallll_ ing OWir one bridge; and, alnce both bridge. have opanine:lII, a larger nUII~r at IItringa may be ueed. As lIIany ae thirty-dx d1fterent pitchea can be gotten trom a box only three and a halt teet by one and a third teat. When -the instrwaent ill in frellh tW'le, the octava strings swing 1n sympa- t.netic vibration, and t.he soW'ld ill one W'llike any other to bet heard . , The ehapee ot the haULDl4!lred dulcimera vary widely. True to the nature of folk instruments, the aize and IIhape ot tbB box waa determined by the individual maker. It he thought a. he looked at t.ne 88asoned woods before him, "I want a dulcymore what. can be heard all t.he way to Alpine," he would cut his wood lengthe big and etrong. It he 'lowed, "Kine's gonta be aweat lIke the wind rullhin' in the pine. Juat before a strom," he wou1d place the atrings close together and make the bridge high and narrow. In avery caaa the !l.aker would be his own creator, cOlllpletely unmindful ot the centuria. ot work in the aaae realm.

Although there are many shapea, two predominate I (1) the lIylllJll8tric trapezoid with non-parallel enda; (2) a long reotangular box .

Many time a the bridge II tor the se d1ft.rent ahapad box. s are oma_nted or lIade in ditterent IIlylea. The holes through whioh the IItrings pan in t he double-bridged dulcimer may be decorated by drawinge. In the case ot a alngle-bridged dulcilD8r t.he lIupporta for t.he bridge may have the appearance ot BlDall cheeemen.

The number ot stringa used for each pitch varie.. In all ca ... there are at. least two IItring., ullually one .tr1ng doubled back to make two. In some lnlltrument.s t.here are a. lIany all four lit ring. , or two .et. ot string III for each pitch For hammerll the lIalter turned t o the cttne patch, 110 useful in pioneer daYlI, To long strip e ot flexible cane he would tasten a amall 'IIooden knob which had been covered with raw hide or telt. Holding one in each hand and with the bounce made po •• ible by the cane, the player could execute several notea per second. Today the inatl"UDlenta lIay be found in deoreasing quant.ity (Editor' a ~ note I "The quantit.y 18 again incre eing rapidly".) Since their t\Ulction ball been forgotten, they are usually dlacovared in the attica ot Southern homes or perhapa in antique ehope where, in many easee, they have not baen recognized. The coverall word z1ther i8 incorrect.ly used by the dealer to delloriba the hammered dulcimer. In some caee. they are found in beaut1tul hardwood caeea. Uaually the hammerll are lost and the stringa ruatad beyond repair. Sy us~ the old string arran~ment .a a guide. the in.truments may bEt restrung with piano wire No. 13 whioh may be Mcured trolD any piano store. Strange to lIay, all .trlnga are or t.he same wire. The low and hIgh pitches come orr surprisingly well 1! the pitch range 18 care tully con81dered. The tuner naedll to lit art with the loweat lit ring in the neighborhood ot C, eit.ber middle C or an octave below. depending upon the aize ot the inatrument. By experimentation the pitch range csn be rO\Uld.

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'It. .... 111 be 1n t.he neighborhood glven in t.he l11uatratlon above , aa the In-


t.ruments wore usually oonsidered C inst.rument, when made .

As a Bource of hallllD8ra . the coreet eta, may replace the cane patch. A amal1 hole bored 1n one end or the atavea permits the attachment. or wedded blocks .... hlch have been covered with [elt .

Too lonB ha a the old Bound 8lumbered w1thin the .yaterioue aound hoI •• o! t.he few boxes scatt.ered over t.he South . Aa 1n t.he caH or the Appalac-

hlan Mount.aln dulcimer , 11. 18 my ambit10n 1.0 .e. this instrument. again 1"'8co~lzed . Mra. L. L. McDowell, former president or the Tenne •••• Folklore Soclet.y. and her 80 n, Bnly Jack, have done much in acquainting aud1ences with this torgott.en eound. Thanks to the L1brary or Congrea. , anlone may

hear thie unuau&l and intectious aound b~ 11stening to Record AAFS-418 froe Al bum IX of the Library of Congrels • monu.ental oontribution to the preearvation of our folk mUSic . This one record contatn • • uch fine folk tW'le. 8a "Devi l 'a Dream",. "~ 8.n c ~' a Fsne," , "Ha8te to the Wadding". "Off She Goes", Irish waaherwomtln ,and Pig Town Fling" . All are played in true t.rtldition and ... 1th a verve that ... 111 make the liatener rush upstairs to ea8· H one of the .. II tre.nge boxes perchanc_ may st111 bO in the at-tic • •• END ••


The DPN ia grateful to it. contributing ha.mer dulcimer editor, Dave Taylor for arranging to brlng thi8 and other atricle. to our pOge8 . Dave may be contacted at 1115 Canton Drive 12 , 5o... lin8 Green, Kentuck1 _2101.



A nev , no n- co~~ e rcia l f ol k c lub to beg in ~e et i ng here weekly. Ou r orientation: t r adi tiona l (touc hs t ones : J, an Ric hi e , A. L. Lloyd , Ewan r.acColI, Peggy Seeger, Sa r ah r~ k em ; howeve r Robi n Robe rt s , Paul Clayton ) . fe r so ns i nto ball adry, du l cime r, and co nce rtina r a rti cu larly ( though not exc l us i vely ) invited . For l ~~ e d l ate informati on contAct Clar k I!r ans on, ~901 ,/. 7 t h St. loA An ~eles . Ca . 9000 5





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. Dulcfmer

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