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Chapel Scholar Students Deepen Their Faith in Community


Emerging from the pandemic, the Chapel Scholars program is as vibrant as ever with sixty-four students participating this year. Chapel Scholars form an interdenominational community of Christian students connected to the Chapel. Together, they ask and seek answers to life’s deepest questions. Through study, service, counsel, and worship, Chapel Scholars build community across traditions and are formed together in faith.

Above: Chapel Scholars pose for a photo after the service in which they were commissioned on October 16, 2022. Below left: Scholars gather for a meal at the home of Chapel Assistant Dean Bruce Puckett. Below right: Scholars get to know each other through group games during a meeting in the fall.

Chapel Scholars by Class

• 12 First-Year Students

• 23 Sophomores

• 8 Juniors

• 10 Graduating Seniors

• 11 Graduate Students