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The Students and Volunteers Who Bring Worship to Life

Every Sunday just before 11:00 a.m. in the Chapel’s main sanctuary one of the organs begins to play, signaling the start of the worship service. After a greeting from a Chapel minister, the congregation stands as the ministers and choir process down the center aisle behind the cross and candles. It is a stirring image of the people of God rising before the throne of God, but what many people in the pews don’t see is the preparation by dozens of students and volunteers who fill the many roles in the service—both highly visible and behind-the-scenes.

This photo essay of one service on February 5, 2023, gives a glimpse into the dedication, attention, and joy that makes Chapel services possible.


9:45 a.m. Altar guild members Gary Bauer and Patsy Willimon set out the chalices and patens to prepare for a service that will include communion. The altar guild works behind the scenes to clean, prepare, and clear the communion vessels and linens.

9:54 am. Chapel Choir members pause for a moment during the pre-service rehearsal. The choir, comprising mostly students and volunteers, rehearses Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings in order be prepared to lead the congregation in song each week.