Page 18

Spring 2009 Synergy 18

Jonathan Cross

Cairo, Egypt


Veni Vedi Vici - More or Less Our DukeEngage adventure has now concluded. Or at least this stage has. During our time in Cairo we didn’t just teach a language, but social skills and the confidence to articulate ideas and communicate effectively. This, we hope, will allow our new Somali friends to acquire higher education and jobs, thereby improving their basic needs and conditions. Furthermore, they are constantly coping with the reality of their past trauma, and it is our hope that their experiences with young people from outside their immediate realm will give them hope that there are indeed others who care about them and who are committed to improving their lives. Transforming micro motions into macro impacts. That’s my DukeEngage – in its ideal form. Aside from these general musings, I don’t feel that my thoughts have had proper time to gestate - at least not enough for me to construct a coherent reflection of the chaotic reality

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