Dublinked Planning Thematic Workshop

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Idea: Establish Open Data Network/Town Hall to generate ideas from all the players in the open data eco-system Ideas are needs driven. Dublinked/Local Authority role is not to come up with the big ideas ourselves but rather as facilitator of this eco-system nework that includes data owners, subject experts, development community and data users to public, and let the market decide where the interest lies. Could run two parallel models: - Structured Economic Development Forum to bring business thinking to build a sustainable economic model for open data and support system for SMEs. -Creative Network to harness design thinking and network existing initatives such as Universal Design challenges, Open data challenges, Hack the City etc. Bring psychology of gaming into user experience of public apps (‘dopamine surge’, ‘get them addicted’). Build partnerships with agencies like Inventorium, Science Gallery, Trinity etc. Data Needed Let user stats indicate where user interest lies

Idea Role of the developer community in making data consumable Feedback loops to middle tier/wider developer community for help in achieving standards and developing web interfaces, APIs and tools for contextualising, visualising, and analysing through Dublinked to make data understandable to public and businesses. Data Needed Data Standards -correct granularity-open standards -updated frequently Data authorisations in place Data focussed on one concept (split multiple sets into their constituent parts)

Idea: Capture public interest by making data accessible to widest group possible Focus on data which impacts on the public good. Need national policy to ensure public retain owners over data when commercial services are privatised. Could run visualisation competition e.g. Big App 3 (NYC) just launched making 700 datasets and corresponding APIs available for reuse. Data Needed Participation, Crime, Access, Environment, Population, Waste Collection, Unemployment Cross tabulating public and private data

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